This is not a manifesto. It is a written plea for help.
"When you show up in court all crippled in a wheelchair who's going to believe that you lived through the gym"? - A bragging Child-Molester speaking about my eventual demise at the hands of the Child-Molesters, a Saginaw Gang in court only a few years prior to the writing of this website
"All we have to do is haul you into court in Bay City & call your plea for help a manifesto & no one will read it".
This is not a manifesto. It is a written plea for help.
RAPED and STALKED Pray for me. Please?
There's a reason this s the 1st part of my message. The gang brag my dirty cop destroyer WILL begin their letter/report declaring my site is NOT a plea for help but a madman's manifesto everyone can ignore.
My website is under constant attack & editing by the gang & rarely works on the first few tries. Don't give up & keep trying to make it work! Please?
Copy my website, share it with your local Police, call a Police Officer or 2, who knows? Maybe one of the wonded, dead or dying was someone in YOUR area? Tell a Federal Agent about my site, tell your family, tell your friends, tell everyone. Please? It's not for me, it's for the children the gang victimized, it's for the children the gang brag they are victimizing now, and it's for the children the gang brag my story will enable them to victimize in the future. It's all about business.
My website is all about opposing their business, their child-molesting & rape business for revenge, blackmail, self-gratification, & profit.
Where & when...
I was a teenager Circa winter of 1981 when the gang handed drugged, half-delirious, & sleep-deprived me an assault rifle & told me that since I was dreaming I should go inside the Police Station, then located in the dungeon of the Bay City Hall, & start shooting... cops. Dirty Cop never took his hand from his gun once I entered & reported my kidnapping/torture.
A picture of a Bay City... cOP pointing his gun at innocent people for profit. I'm guessing it's just a force of habit for them or something?
My Mother (Honor Honor Honor) ordered me to start escorting Serial Rapist home after school in Fall 1976. I begged her not to make me, it was pointless, & I was in the midst of The Gym & pinning me to one spot at a certain time outside could mean my death.
She threatened me into obedience.
While walking I noticed Serial Rapist would only walk on the grass far from my on the inland side away from the sidewalk. My senses were at full alert as he, & My Buddy & I walked home.
A car sped up & drove up on the grass & nearly hit My Buddy & I, luckily we dodged it.
The Guy I Suspect Society Will Call Serial Rapist said. "Wasn't it lucky I was walking on the grass"?
Call The Bay City Police & tell them you're proud of the way they handled my case & you want them to bring Bay City Justice to YOUR kid's schools!
Tell the Bay City F.B.I. you admire their investigative skills too !
The gang brag many of their victims die here or are pronounced dead by this corrupt place on behalf of the gang.
Plan your next stay there & tell'em you could care less what I say about them.
McLaren Bay Region: 989-894-3000
I'm sure that, with any luck, they'll provide to you the same service with a smile they gave me. Enjoy!
There I was... I have no idea where? In a room with 20-30 men, mostly bald & middle-aged sitting in folding chairs in some office or professional building or hall? There was a man speak, about what? Idano?
I looked around. Where was I? What was I doing here?
The guy behind me hit me & ordered me to clap.
So I clapped. We did it a few times while I tried to regain my sleep-deprived & drug delirious mind's ability to process what was going on.
The guy talked about love.
I thought. "Love? That's not so bad. What am I doing here? Where am I"?
The guy talked on & on... the only part that sticks out was he talked about love.
I thought. "Love? That's nice".
Then he talked about love, about loving children. About men having sex with children".
He snapped me lucid & I stood up outraged & said. "YOU'RE CHILD-MOLESTORS"??!?!!
The room tried to force me to sit & I pounded on everyone who came near. Fagboy & giant Jocks entered & tried to subdue me. I won. Threw some parting insults & left...
We attracted a massive crowd outside eventually & the gang called a lot of police to arrest me.
The police arrested me & I woke up in the loony bin of the hospital where they continued my sleep deprivation & drug torture under the guise of kindness. No sleep, drugs, & rapes all night long.
They spent all day for days provoking me to fights. They being staff & patients the gang bragged were their own members.
Thus I call them The Bunga Bunga Hospital.
Not the 1st time I was abducted against my will & take to the Bunga Bunga Hospital, & not the last time either.
Oh, they crossed their t's & dotted their i's well enough to fool any 100 mid-Michigan Police. That's okay, I'm not addressing them here anyway.
I'm addressing the wise & those with an investigative personality.
It was the big house on the Macgregor School Property. shortly after "The Gym". Fagboy had been gifted me by My Mother, I was doped out of my mind & he pushed me down the stairs into their torture labyrinth in the basement. Drugs & lots of child porn... like usual.
So I watched the property & asked around about it. Many of the school children told me they knew the place was a rapist den.
So I watched what children went inside there, especially those who went in with the children from my classroom. & asked them about their visit?
THEY TOLD ME WITHOUT FAIL THEY WERE ALL RAPED & TORTURED THERE. Even some of the loyal gang-bangers in my classroom told me they'd been raped & tortured there themselves.
When 1st told I scoffed at the very idea. Later when I was abducted there a gang banger teased me. He said sure I went in the back, even up to the basement door itself just inside the house. Right? When I said I had he teased me that was when the sap came out & I was knocked out & taken elsewhere & raped. That when I told the police I was raped there they'd open the door & it couldn't possibly be the room I described. For the record he was wrong. While I was abducted & taken there & have no idea where the subsequent rape occurred. Still later I was tortured in a basement by the gang dressed as zombies (they like zombie & vampire themes, did I mention they are "weird") where I killed a guy in a crude make-shift basement maze made of plywood. The Last Snitch teased me when we discussed my coming out of the building after the slaying. He challenged me to recall being ushered out. Noting I'd come to outside the house, not been rushed from the maze & to the school's back yard. That by doing it weird they protected the people & the property so it could be used by perverts to molest children for generations to come. A proud child-molester trick of ole.
Laugh Police. Laugh. I cant prove it but I'll bet that as you read this reader a bay City Police Officer is laughing somewhere. But it's an entirely moral laugh because it's not about any of this. Probably?
What will the Bay City Police & FBI tell you & your children if you're ever treated to "MacGregor School Love"?
I'll give you 3 guesses & the 1st 2 don't count!
Snitch Girl told me the teens tasked with stalking me there were ordered to only beat me up & break a few limbs, thus making me easy pickings in... wait for it... wait for it... easy pickings in "The Gym".
She later described a punishment session when it was found out they intended to kill me, thinking it would please the Bosses because they knew they wanted me dead. The horrors alagedly inflicted upon those children are not fit for public discussion.
The Uniformed Dirty Cop himself was there & helped to subdue me. When I was driven away it was by him & inside his marked Bay City Police Car.
Sooooooooo... there I was in some darkened hallway with 2 teenagers drugged dazed & not in my right mind. We walked down the narrow hall & they commented about the place being haunted. Evil ghosts & the walking dead & such? The candle one of the teens carried for lighting only made the scene more surreal & spooky.
Me? The dead don't scare me. Only the living & I said as much.
Then suddenly a carnival buzzer sounded & a man dressed like a zombie came at us from behind a fence built into the wall & tried to grab at us. The teens screamed only heightening the anxiety.
Me? Here & there in the past I've come across jeans where that 5th pocket is deeper than normal on most jeans, you know that lil pocket usually on the right front pocket? When I had such jeans I liked to carry a reserve knife, razor sharp there. Just in case (can you blame me reader?).
I reached into my 5th pocket & pulled out the lil knife & cut the mans throat in the 1st attack & slashed & stabbed at him until he quit moving which was in seconds.
The teenaged girl said matter of factly. You can turn on the lights. He's dead. He killed him. Or something to that effect. A voice asked what?
The girl repeated such & such was dead, I'd killed him.
The lights came on & I could see we were in a makeshift maze made with plywood walls. There was a set up next to me & one in front of me like those used in traveling carnival shows, spooky scene kinda stuff.
The girl took off in a full run & so did the boy who didn't round the corner as gracefully as she had. That allowed me to catch him & carve him up like a Christmas turkey while Jocks approached me from both side with the 4 Stars in back up.
Yeah, they subdued me & I wouldn't have known where I was except they dragged me out of there in the wee hours of the night handcuffed & I instantly recognized where I was... again
A more talkative snitch (a few over the years actually) told me it's a matter of business that they eventually get some cheap plywood now & again & make mazes here & there. Add in a carnival trick or 2 & inflict a PRACTICAL joke on victims sure to make Police shake their heads.
Some dude & a child dead? More fodder for the madmen.
The only other thing unusual is that usually Duh Jerk & the 4 Stars were quite giddy when I killed for them. They were besides themselves with rage this time. Duh Jerk sent a snitch to brag that the massive boxes & "stuff" in the basement there would make my story unbelievable when the police investigated & I was lucky the girl lived as she was the daughter of someone very important in the gang. He bragged that the whole thing would make the police everywhere on their side because they were only up to good old wholesome child-molesting fun. That since (in his mind) they had nothing but innocent intentions (as innocent as kidnapping child-raping recreational baby-killers get I'd suppose?) I would look like the bad guy here, not them & that the films would only prove what good buttbuddies we were to authorities. I never went to the police with this story.
Go figure.
"Torturing you is scary. You never know when you're going to go off".
"All we have to do is never give up on you. As long as we never quit messing with you the cops will never give you a chance".
My "opinion on the subject? "Uhhhhhh... yup".
Too scared to tell: In the beginning... First Blood... That 1st month or so...
The earliest of memories...
Frankly, I've been afraid to tell this tale, as though telling one more tale would send... cops rushing to my side to protect me. Sigh...
It was on or about summer of 1965. Strange only in that I was born July 19, 1965 & I'm telling this tale of it. This is all true & to the best of my ability.
I recall a day, my mind was... "foggy". Men carried me & presented a woman to me. "This is your Mother".
I told them she was not my Mother (Honor Honor HONOR).
They spent the next 5 minutes explaining that this woman was my Mother. "If not her then who is your Mother"?
I could not logically fight the argument against the woman & the men with her. In a short time I agreed. Okay, this is My Mother.
She took me around to her family & friends & introduced me to them all. She'd point out each & introduce them & ask if I knew them.
Truthfully I said I didn't know them nor had ever met them.
My Mother (I feel the need to add a few more honors here, HONOR! HONOR! HONOR!) slapped me about the face for each person. Not much really, about 20 or so slaps to the face for each acquaintance & family member. Cousins & friends of hers & such.
She too me to her parents. There she inquired if I knew her siblings?
As she pointed to each I said no. She slapped me up for the 1st few people there & then stopped the pain at her parents. She asked me if I knew them 1 at a time?
No I did not I told her.
She didn't hit me for them.
Her family & I chatted on & on about no subject in particular. Like always I have no memory of leaving back then. Anyplace. Almost never. Literally.
How do I explain the above? I cant. I'd guess but frankly reader, your guess is as good as mine.
Sooooooo.... back to home we went. Wherever that was. They went to great lengths to conceal the information from me.
Alone... a prisoner in my cell, oh they gave it a nice name, "The Crib". I sat alone, door closed, in a diaper with a baby bottle & a fire truck & except for a changing table that was almost never used except in violence, a lone dresser, & a window that showed a never-changing featureless sky there was no stimulation & nothing to do. At any moment the door could fling open at any time of day & pain would descend upon me in buckets & then end just as quickly as it'd begun.
Today, the summer of 1965 my door flung open & My Mother announced she had good news. She was lending me to a group of her friends for a few days so I had to get dressed. My clothes, pristine & unworn by myself looked great in my humble opinion.
They talked about the fun we'd be having & then... the memory abruptly ends. Typical of my life in summer 1965, not unusual at all.
I came to at a party. A drug & drinking party. Shoot'em up with needles party with booze & kissing. "I know... lets shoot up the baby". It sounded like great fun to the party-goers.
I wanted no part of it. "Drugs are wrong". The weird part? I'm glad you asked reader. I recall my thoughts then. "How did I come to the conclusion drugs are wrong? How do I even know how to talk? Who are all these people I've just met? I don't know a single one".
DISCLAIMER: It's okay to laugh at this point... cops reading this. It IS all you've been good for my entire life so... yuck it up with my blessings. Sigh...
They injected me with who knows what & filmed me acting silly & teetering around. Laying there at times, questioning me & laughing, always laughing.
It seemed like great fun. To them.
First blood? It started "innocently" at 1st. At one point the party-goers gave me orders like. "Go do this". "Go do that". "Go poke him". Eventually it turned into. "Go wreck this". "Go wreck that". "Poke him with this". "Poke him with that".
What were the results? Mostly no one wanted to impute guilt to "the baby". Of course whatsoever I did was innocent because I was so young. Some people were quite rough & was prodded into poking people with ink pens. Not too bad & I certainly left no scars. I refused to poke anyone with a knife when they handed it to me.
They then showed me that the knife was a fake acting knife. When the blunt tip was pressed against a target the blade retracted into the hilt. No one would get hurt.
So I fake stabbed people. Until they changed the knife & I stabbed a woman laying down in the back. Wow! Was she upset!
It'd been a real knife & well... accidents happen. After a violent session with her, her man, & the police who were unwilling to impute guilt to a walking & talking newborn with a wild tale I refused to play their stabbing game.
They were... angry with me.
Next we practiced stealing jewelry in a living room.
I protested stealing was wrong but they insisted we were only playing so I reluctantly agreed to participate in their... game (in a room of about ten or so adults aged 20-30). Steal... steal... pilfer... take...
Next they took me to a jewelry store & ordered me to steal jewelry while they distracted the employees.
I refused. I told them it was because I was a Christian & stealing is wrong. Sooooooo... they shot me up, intravenously with who knows what & we left. They, like all the people in my life were very careful to make sure I never saw the outside world.
Wow! Were they angry when no amount of pain or intimidation would make me obey their commands to steal.
Soooooooo they took me home to My Mother & told her I would not obey.
My Mother slapped me in the face in a lengthy interrogation session. Her orders were absolute. I would obey the every word of her friends without question or pain was coming in buckets.
At one point I recall one of "Her Friends" saying something like. "He's no use to us if his face is all bruised up".
One of the gals suggested makeup to cover my facial bruising for what would happen next.
Then we left. When I say "we left" I assume it because, like always, the memory abruptly ends there".
I wake up at their place. Stabby stab... Laughy laugh... Stab, laugh. "Lets drug the baby". You know... normal childhood memories.
They upped the ante with games where they insisted I'd really stabbed someone. Elaborate & macabre theater where they tried to convince me I'd murdered somone again & again. Some "skits" were more detailed then others & always ended with my humiliation, threats, or pain.
DISCLAIMER: It's okay to laugh at this point... cops reading this. It IS all you've been good for my entire life so... yuck it up with my blessings. Today is 4-5-21 when I wrote this... so yuck it up & "Thanks for nothing oh ye champions of justice". Sigh...
Me? Eventually even a baby catches on to humiliation & I began checking the blades I was tasked with stabbing with through my drug-induced haze. "This knife is dull". "This is a toy knife". I just wasn't falling for it & I wasn't as fun to play with anymore.
Their leader. I only call him that because he was the life of their party & seemed to be the most "in charge" was furious with me. So in a rage he handed me a straight razor & ordered me to attack unsuspecting victims.
I refused because I was tired of his fake blades.
He challenged me to check this blade.
I cut my finger on the razor sharp blade. Yeah... I cried. I cried like a baby.
The crowd never let any good opportunity to humiliate me go by.
Now I had to cut this. Cut that & in the end he said... cut their throat.
So I did.
I recall them drugging me stupid for the police. When the Police tried to question me the gang dismissed my slurred speech & inability to walk as just being a baby, it was silly to think I might walk, talk, or even be accountable for my actions because I was a baby.
The Police agreed.
I awoke & we went to the jewelry store. Actually we went back & forth between the activities & I bores me to switch the scene back & forth for the reader because I'm getting sick of writing about any of this subject.
At the jewelry store the plan was they'd distract the employees while a woman was holding me like a baby. She'd set me on the counter & my job was to steal as much jewelry as I could. Their plan had worked well in all their practice sessions.
Soooooo.... just as we'd practiced the gang set up & each kept the jewelry store employees busy & I was carried in a baby carrier & set on the counter by the woman. She gave me the order to steal & walked off to join the distractors.
Me? I grabbed what I was ordered & when confronted by an employee I freely admitted we'd stolen it in a premeditated & rehearsed plan (far from the actual words used).
My Mother's friends were quite upset. They violently distracted me & the woman injected me with who knows what & I cried out & fought her for the syringe after the fact.
The employees noticed this. She insisted it was her medicine & I'd taken it.
I called her a liar.
She used infallible logic against me. "Who are you gonna believe? Me or a baby"?
I recall the store employees, like everyone I met back then, being amazed I could walk or talk. Frankly everyone was amazed wherever I went, not that I
In the years to come I experienced a "sensation of sorts". It's difficult to describe & I feel I've never done it justice. Here goes.
I tried my best to fight the sleep effect I knew was coming from the drug when the employees had suggested they call the police. I recall thinking if I could just hold on... fight the drug... once the police arrive it'll be okay. Yes reader... I was that stupid. Sigh...
I flopped around. I flopped more... I fought the drug... I resisted sleep... fight! Resist... Cant walk... must resist...
The police arrived & My Mother's friends blamed everything on me. The Police... champions of justice... the guys I put my all into resisting the drug to meet... simply joined in with their accusing against me. Everything... was my fault. Everything. The gang's battery of lies worked... they worked... infallibly. Like they always would in the half century to come. Of course I was lying. What other logical conclusion could their be? Besides... who's going to trust a baby on drugs with a wild tale? Not them. Sigh...
Back home I awoke (of course... no "trip there", only the arrival). My Mother & her friends surrounded me with several teens. Some I'd seen before, some not.
My Mother's friends unleashed a long stream of lies & accusations against me & the group swore it was true.
Me? I interrogated them back during the slap & pounding fest that was the interrogation & demands for a confession of my guilt which I refused to admit to no matter what they did to me (and they were willing to do a lot, by a lot I mean inflict much pain... in shifts... literally). Slap! Slap! Slap! The teens went Pound! Pound! Pound! Mostly baby portioned body blows (strength-wise) that hurt greatly. The gang let loose with a long stream of lies & false accusations that I'd been the worst of the worst child imaginable. The most disobedient destructive lying cheating evil little brat imaginable.
Me? Eager to defend myself I interrogated back. "If I was that much of a brat why'd you keep me? They weren't babysitting me, merely asked for me & been given me. They could've returned me at any moment (I asked My Mother, she said she'd never left the house once). If I was such an evil brat why'd they keep me for weeks?
They stuttered & stammered through that. Next I took apart their ever-changing story lie by lie. Catching them changing it & even making them admit to lie after lie.
It mattered not to My Mother, it never did the entire time I knew her. Accusation equals guilt. She said it was likely they made it all up, but the fact they'd made it all up meant, by logical deduction I must've done something really bad that they don't want to admit... so I deserved the horrific punishments that were about to be inflicted on me despite their web of poorly rehearsed lies.
DISCLAIMER: Here's something I felt some... cops reading this might need.
My opinion? Whatever...
Soooooooo there they were with me, Baby David. Summer of 1965. Yeah, yeah, yeah, I know, you're asking. "But isn't your birthday July 19 1965"? Yeah. So?
Soooooooo there they were with me, Baby David. Summer of 1965 & My Mother (Honor Honor Honor) had "lent" me out to her junkie friends for a few weeks. It was a time of pure horror & it began with everybody shooting up intravenous drugs. Then someone said. "Lets shoot up the baby".
Some of My Mother's Junkie Friends discussed concern. Singularly that a baby-sized dosage would be tricky at best to administer.
It gets blurry at this point. They dope me silly & delight in filming me in doing all sorts of... silliness for lack of a better word. If you read the above you know I wouldn't obey their orders to steal nor to stab people... anymore.
So they took me to My Mother's & claimed it was all a joke. Yeah, such & such got stabbed, but that was MY fault as I'd swapped out their fake knife (A LIE). As for the jewelry store heist practice it was all just an elaborate play, & I was being a brat by not playing in my role in the imaginary heist.
My Mother was furious. Stabbings & refusal to pretend steal? She pounded on me long and hard & made her Junkie Gal Pal Friend say. "He's of no use to us if he's all bruised up". Then the gals noted it'd be okay to pound on me more as long as they covered up my face with make-up. "It'll make anything he says sound even more unbelievable". One added. Then we left. By "we left" I mean, like usual I woke up at someplace else surrounded by My Mother's Junkie Friends. They partied & insisted I poke party-goers with pens & their "fake knife".
Stab Stab Stab with the fake knife. Then someone got stabbed... again. I refused to play with their knife games. They threatened to take me home for a pounding but the gals noted I was already unacceptably bruised & if My Mother got a hold of me it'd be too much bruising to explain away if police got involved.
So we switched to a dull straight razor. I soon refused to play with it. Why? Because it was fake.
Soooooo they got another blade. Then invited me to check it out. Yeah, it cut my finger easily. Then the guy Junkie ordered me to cut some gal's throat who was just laying there.
So I did. Cut her throat with a straight razor. There was a lot of blood & the party came to an end.
The party freaked out. They injected me... it fades with Police demanding questions of me & me deliriously answering as best I could which the gang dismissed as me just being a baby.
What parts were real & what parts were a PRACTICAL joke? Baby David only knew that the never-ending stream of pain was real. Baby David also knew that the drugs were very real. The rest? Drugs pain & sleep deprivation combined with inexperience makes it all just a guess at best.
That's how I spent the summer of 1965 truthfully & to the best of my ability.
"You are our Recruiter".
THE MOST DELETED TALE... Why does this scare them so?
By far the most deleted tale by website sabotage is this tale. The circa 1983 arson fire the gang alleged happened at Bay City's Pulaski Hall. Chosen because, well, Duh Jerk just likes to rent halls & use spacious spots like them & garages & is cheap, thus he & the 4 stars like to use school rooms (for free I'd suppose, I doubt they paid for the use of the buildings for their criminal activities).
I'll write a short version here...
I woke up with about a dozen other victims in the building set ablaze for arson by the gang with my fellow victims all sitting at tables in the main hall. The doors were locked with thick chains.
Soooo... my fellow victims & I busted out through a wall just before the building was engulfed in flames. They shot a few guys to contain us from outside the building with pistols.
Dirty Cop himself showed up & tried to arrest us, everyone ran but the guy he pointed the gun at, me.
He held me at gunpoint while we listened to the screams & pleading to God of my fellow victims who I could've saved had I not wasted my time inulting Dirty Cop & thinking only of myself. I have a small consolation that I can blame it on the drug(s?) I was on.
They took me back days later & lit large controlled fires on the back of a flatbed & filmed me watching it as an insurance policy. Being that I'd survived & had a dozen fellow victims they needed films to demonize in case we actually got a Good Police Officer to give us the time of day.
Maybe I'll re-write it soon enough? Maybe not? It was written in detail in my 1,500+ page letter to the FBI where someone dies every few pages.
Soooooooo... there I was, several times as of late since my move to Dover, wandering the local schools (Author note: note my use of 2 letter "s" in schools)... naked. Duh Jerk bragged it makes victims easier to control. Besides, if THE... cops show up what... cop's going to give the nekid guy on drugs half a chance? I know, I know, you.... cops CANT be manipulated thusly. It's impossible. Right?
Wandering the schools. Nekid, with MY history of violence... Dover Delaware... me, nekid,
I suddenly don't feel as eager to write about the incidents as I did when I sat down to the computer, you want to read it? Look them up on my web page "My Life".
Maybe it was all just wholesome & innocent child porn (I don't buy it, but... cops tell me over the years the child-pornographers are a fairly wholesome bunch)? Maybe someone got hurt? Worse? Maybe it was someone you don't know reader? Maybe results were explained away as another traffic accident? If it was some kid you didn't know do you feel better oh ye wise ever-laughing... cops who took an oath to protect them... AND me?
Soooooooo... about 2 years ago there I was, walking north west along White Oak Rd. in broad daylight. For no reason I can recall I looked over my shoulder to see a white mini-van having come from the south & crossing to the left coming straight at me! The mini-van was driven by a middle-aged man, portly with dark hair with the most sinister smile imaginable. When I say came at me I mean came at me, the driver coming straight on bodily at me.
So I dodged! Easier only because he didn't come straight on at me but with the starboard side of his mini-van. The mini-van smashed into the guard rail on the side of the road head on!
Me? I figured the gang were involved & thought to run. But then I thought to myself things like this cant always be the gang. Why, just last a few years prior I'd witnessed a 3 car pile-up at the intersections of Lake View Drive & Grand Avenue. No one seemed to be seriously hurt BTW.
I looked inside his mini-van & saw the airbag had deployed & he was knocked out. While I pondered my next move (do I fetch help or try to render first aid) the man began to stir. So I tried to bring him around by saying things like. Are you okay"?
The man seemed groggy at 1st but within 20-30 seconds or so seemed to regain his faculties. He immediately put on his CMSSoS (look in the definitions for a description) & glared at me contently, like the cat that caught the canary. While he looked at me while a marked Dover DE... cop car pulled up & a black uniformed officer (of course, thus my accusations are racist, what other possible explanation could there be?) he was tall, maybe 6'6"+ & very muscular to the point of nearly being deformed. He being bald & little more than a walking chest & legs out of all proportion to the rest of his body in such a way as to be almost deformed. Another car, a station wagon filled with teenaged girls & young women pulled up next to me & it's the girls disgorged from the car & formed a line between the center road & an ambulance that pulled up with the uniformed... cop behind them all. The man in the car wreck took off on foot south as briskly as he could.
An ambulance in less than a 2 minutes? I figured it was the gang & when Duh Jerk himself came out of the station wagon behind the wall of teenaged models smiling he confirmed it. A wrecker pulled up towing a red car with extensive damage to the front end. Much more than the itty bitty damage the white mini-van took.
Me? I looked at the situation before me & decided to make a plan. That's the last thing I remember.
Are you a... cop reading this? This is how it's done by the gang. Weirdly so... cops laugh. It's murder 101. How to get away with anything. Do it weird. It works. I endorse this.
Sooooooooo... as time passed I pondered the situation & it's logistics. It's unlikely the gang would've done what they did if they didn't control the scene. Wholly or in part. So it occurred to me to look around for clues. Ask around. Did anyone see anything? Who helped the alleged accident victim, if any? The gang HQ would no doubt have certain characteristics. It's have an abundance of young men & children. They'd be involved in community work to make themselves above suspicion & to soften any conviction's blow in court. They'd have lots of cars in & out all hours of the day & the area's whores would frequent there. Either as a dating pool or professionally or both.
It occurred to me the gang likely had a headquarters of sorts nearby. They needed something to make... cops dismiss me AND to injure me publicly in a way no... cop would question.
The 1st house I went to was a hit. They claimed to have helped the people in the wreck. While talking to the lady in charge I asked he questions about the accident. She was evasive about describing the person or persons involved in the wreck though she'd just chatted friendly for 20 minutes. When I asked the color of the car she stood up straight, turned around, and terminated the conversation.
Take a look on the southwest side leading up to the bridge at the map pics. It's the remains of a head-on collision on the southwest guard rail. It's also very scratched up with blackness of some sort. Very much so. Likely to conceal the true color of the pain of the vehicle that really made the indentation.
Mass-murder? Right there. I'll bet an investigator could pick at the bones of the case & get some interesting info. Uncovering the skeletons of the participants & such. Who knows?
Welcome to my America reader. It's not as glamorous as you might think & it's certainly not as glamorous as... cops tell me I make it sound.
I plan to add a more establishing shots, but not anytime soon.
In no way am I accusing anyone of anything whatsoever with these pictures. These are merely location establishing pictures, nothing more.
It's only trivia to add that during my next kidnapping the gang made sure to wreck the sunglasses in the picture.
Write to:
1624 Columbus Avenue Bay City, MI 48708
Tell'em you'd love for the staff to have unlimited access to YOUR kids. Go on, the Bay City... cops say it's safe.
"Now all the films & pictures I have of you not wearing sunglasses will make you out to be a liar in court later". - Duh Jerk many times over the years
He always did have a Bay City... "coplike" attitude when it came to criminal evidence & crime theory which can be summed up with 1 sentence.
"The camera never lies, when it has a bunch of lies backing it up".
I was walking past the offices on the 1st floor when a fit teen, Caucasian, black hair attacked me during that time when you travel from classroom to classroom during normal school hours. The fight was on! We exchanged a few blows, maybe 20-30 when he broke my sunglasses & signaled he wanted to give up.
Me? Generally when a foe surrenders I let them go. He insulted me & walked away after declaring his cowardly self the victor. It goes without saying that the gang's gossip machine went around the school telling everyone I'd been beat up by the new kid. I countered with the fact that I didn't have a single boo boo one me as proof I'd won the fight. IF you could call any fight a win?
The next day Duh Jerk stopped me in front of his office about the same time during my class to class walking. He told me he was bringing my attacker out of hiding & not to attack either him nor my former attacker & he pointed at the very fit team of teens all punching their fists & wearing brand-spanking new purple Central High School Football Jerseys & looking at me like they wanted to fight.
I recall asking why Duh Jerk had such a large group of teens protecting him. HEY! I wont say his threatening exchange. Once you break him or another pack of jerks ask them... cops. But I'll bet wise Police & Law Enforcement Officers could guess.
He told me the guy had been inspired to attack me to wreck my sunglasses & bragged he'd done so. But when Duh Jerk showed up in my class to film me without sunglasses an hour or so later I was wearing my sunglasses (I'd seen him AND the camera there & then). He explained that the kid was looking at serious punishment for lying about wrecking my sunglasses & asked if he had wrecked them?
Me? I pondered lying. I actually did. But meh, not my style. So I told the truth & that the teen from afar had broken my sunglasses. But as of late I'd been carrying 2 pairs of sunglasses because of attacks where either by accident or on purpose the frequent attackers attacked my sunglasses & the recent thefts of my sunglasses (yeah, those parts were dumb to add in).
He thanked me for telling him I now carried 2 pairs of sunglasses, he'd be sure to act accordingly.
He paid the teen he called an Enforcer right there in front of me & bragged. "I put a $50 bounty on your sunglasses"! Keep in mind Reader that minimum wage at this point was like $1.25 an hour. $50 was good money.
The teen thanked me mockingly. "I figured you'd lie".
Duh jERK expressed disappointment at my not attacking him.
I said something like. "With all those guys standing there? I'm not that stupid".
He told me he assembled so large a group because he knew large groups didn't scare me & that he figured so large a group, a sports team from afar, had decent odds of beating me up. He said besides all that he invited me to look in the classroom just left of the main offices & said the school Football Team was in there & had been briefed to beat up Duh Jerk's attacker. If I'd attacked he'd have done away with me & pretended to try & save my life & shed a few tears for the... cops. No one would be prosecuted, especially after a few choice films of me were released later & he went to court to plead for his Honor Roll Students who just got carried away defending kindly school staff against the School Scumbag.
What was my normal comeback back then to whatsoever they did to me? The... cOPS tell me it's proof against me.
"Whatever"... And I walked away.
Me? I walked by that classroom. An entire team of fit teens in smart new purple Central High School Football Jerseys stood inside at the door huddled about 5-7' in a semi-circle bending over & looking out the door with stressed & fearful looks on their faces as peering as far as one could while standing such a distance from the door.
It's only trivia to add in that the next day I woke up & my sunglasses were gone. I asked Serial Rapist where they were & he told me he'd stolen for the money... again.
I proposed to him that we should make a deal where I buy sunglasses & he turn them in for the cash.
Serial Rapist declined on the grounds of integrity.
Picture me as a teen, walking out into the sunlit world grimacing in pain while a madman laughed & a future convicted serial rapists fiddled with whatever it was he'd bought with the ill-gotten gain.
HEY! If you're some... cOP who doubts my story tell ya what? Prove it by sending the fine people at Bay City Central High a letter & telling THEM you plan to give them & there's unfettered access to YOUR kids! Put YOUR... cOP money where your mouth is (symbolic to say, as it's 11-15-22 & in my diary I'm writing about attacks ON my mouth, symbolic, huh?) Write to 1624 Columbus Avenue Bay City, MI 48708 & tell'em you implicitly trust them. Know that I've actually challenged many of your fellow... cOPS thusly & in the fine traditions of coward & or hypocrite you can follow in their footsteps by NOT accepting my challenge. You coward.
My final word to you... cOPS?
Write to:
1624 Columbus Avenue Bay City, MI 48708
Tell'em you'd love for the staff to have unlimited access to YOUR kids because the Michigan State... cOPS say they couldn't be as bad as I make some of them out to be. Trust them.
My Buddy's family moved here right after "The Gym" concluded in Summer of 1977...
Sooooooo... My Buddy & I hung out a lot in middle school & high school. If I said he saved my life a dozen times during "The Gym" I'd be a liar if I didn't say I was rounding down. Literally.
Sooooooo... after they moved, this kid, another self-professed "Snitch' come to me to warn me out of the (cough! cough!) goodness of his heart talked to me alone one day. He said that Duh Jerk had recruited My Buddy & his family & decided to move him to a Molester Enclave. A neighborhood where most or all of the homes are child-molesters or child-molester friendly. He submitted as proof that an infamous mass-murderer lived in the home behind My Budy's new rental home. The plan was to move him to a place where watching me was easy & it'd be done by hard-core gang regulars that the gang knew they could trust. Members in good standing & all.
Duh Jerk bragged to me that his gang owned a controlling share of the homes at the bridges of Bay City. This he bragged was so that with a single phone call he could cut the city in half by having people who lived there whom he "owned" set up official-looking road out signs. Cutting the city in half at key points in Police Chases or for advantage during their many skits, PRACTICAL jokes.
Child-Molestors bragged it let them say things like. "So you say the city was cut in half for this reason or that reason? You're a liar. The event never happened. Surely if it did happen the people who lived there would have seen something".
Me? I make no accusations & with sadness I report that in all probability I'd bet the only thing true about a conversation with any of those gang members is that it was true that they said those things, not that anything they said is even remotely true.
Oddly enough, I researched the address online & Bay City's most infamous [Publicly known that is} serial-killer once lived at 1808 S. Wenona St just like that alleged "Snitch' told me oh so long ago.
Go figure huh?
Trivia: I recall playing on that block where My Buddy lived. They tell me it was "the Satanic Enclave" where Bay City's most famous mass-murderer lived. My Cousin used to brag that he was involved in Mr. List's escape from justice & his relocation into another Satanic Enclave that'd care for him & watch him.
It happened here!!!
It went down at this address because I drove my bike past assembled Children of The Gym while they practiced mixing combat techniques against a goalie with real Hockey Sticks in front of a netted goal.
Below is not the scene of the crime, IT'S THE SCENE OF MANY CRIMES! Go figure huh?
THIS is the spot where a whole lot of my story went down. Here, at my old place nestled in the corner of an alleged gang "Enclave". An enclave being an entire neighborhood populated by many, sometimes mostly, or as bragged almost exclusively members & victim/members of the gang. It allows for them to do heinous deeds in public & provides for a witness base of pre-blackmailed witnesses who'll all act in the gang's interest & testify in any manner that they are told.
YOU EXPECT US TO BELIEVE??? Actually, uhhh, yeah...
Where to begin this poorly placed RECAP (because I don't think I've written down before, thus it's not a RECAP by definition, but I might've)? Hmmmm...
Circa Spring/Summer of 1974 when a Uniformed on Duty Bay City... cOP pulled up to my place, then at 1269 Harrison Street located in "Bay City's South End" & asked if any of the children present knew David George & where he was?
I informed the officer that was me.
He looked at me oddly, as if he were appraising me & said. "I thought you'd be bigger". He went on to explain he was there about a complaint. It seems a man accused me of beating him up a few days ago.
Me? I sensed a frame job & with my Mother (Honor Honor Honor) was mere feet away from us in the driveway sitting in the living room on the couch watching TV. I've been in enough fights & had the... cops called on me enough times to know that a large percentage of attackers call the police on their would-be victims as revenge for the humiliation of being beaten up by someone they imagined they'd easily defeat. Fearing a lengthy grounding/gauntlet/extended pain session where "accusation equals guilt" (a term My Mother always vehemently denied was the case for the record, even threateningly so, painfully so actually, sigh...) I decided to approach the situation with guile as "The Good Kid" doesn't lie, he is at all times 100% ethical to the best of his ability. I asked the officer how big the guy was & he said about 6'1" or 6'2" tall. Then I asked the... cop to consider my unimpressive 9 year old frame (I was never tall for my age nor particularly over muscled) & what he thought were the odds that I could actually beat the guy up?
Just as I hoped the officer took that statement as a denial that I had "beaten him up" & told me he figured that I did something to the guy to prompt the accusation, but he couldn't figure out what that was & promptly left much to my relief.
I dismissed the entire situation for a few days until the man I knew only as "My Cousin" (when my family, their friends, & even my own classmates discussed the man in the 3rd person they ALL (all, a quantity of 100%, lest you The Reader think I meant 99.9999% or less) called him "Your Cousin" when discussing him with me in the 3rd person, most even giddily remarking that they knew I had no idea what the man's name was & that fact meant a never-ending stream of gauntlets & punishments for my obvious lies when I claimed that I had no idea what his name was), My Cousin asked me about the man I'd fought & asked me why the man attacked me?
Me? I was surprised he knew about it (yes, I was THAT stupid) & recall feeling very uncomfortable talking about it because My Mother (I'll add a few more Honor honor honors here) was in the next room. He told me he had his own theory as to why the man attacked me. "Because I ordered him to do it". He even bragged that he told the man to report my assault to the police so he could use it later in his blackmail scheme against the man.
My Cousin claimed the man was a new victim/member who'd recently been blackmailed & recruited by the gang & he'd screwed up some assignment really bad. So as a punishment he had to beat up some little kid. Me.
My Cousin claimed he'd filmed it from multiple angles & designed the conversation & flow of events to bits that'd make for easy editing later to make both parties seem guilty or even sell a "lover's spat" since the guy had had sex with me, on film.
Now the guy got his clock cleaned, made for a great film to use against him & myself, & could hold his failure to beat me up against him, making him do even worse things in a justified manner based on the man's being beat up by a little kid. Win/win/win.
My Cousin bragged he just wanted me to know. Laughing he told me he intended to send the guy to seduce My Mother, even bankrolling the attempt. Then the films against all of us would be pure blackmail gold.
What could I do but listen? Only a few times, usually when he was drunk he told me that the goal of these chat sessions was to provoke me into attacking him, on film, & I'm not saying he said that this particular time.
Me? I pondered My Cousin's words. I made it a habit to not believe a word he said & I give that advice to any & all Officers who may read this that in my opinion virtually every word that came out of his mouth, if I had to assign the word true to it, I'd say that it was true that he said those things, nothing more. I am not now nor was I ever a mid-Michigan... cop or FBI agent so I am not impressed by nor inclined to believe every word that comes out of a child-molester's mouth & even less so when any mid-Michigan law enforcement agent or... cop uses the term "Reliable Informant".
I pondered the fight. What's more to say? I was alone, I forget where (I cant remember every single little clue) & felt almost cornered when the guy attacked out of the blue after a short rant. I'll admit I was a little scared. Scared normally equals run for it but this time it meant, I'm afraid that this guy is going to keep coming back, I had to deal with this guy now & in a way where he wouldn't come back later. So I wupped the tar out of him! I recall at the end when I made him surrender & quit beating him up on the condition that he never trouble me again. About 6'1" or 6'2" & an average physique, late 20s, early 30s average build with brown hair. He was sitting on the ground when he agreed to leave me alone for life. I asked the man why he attacked me (I thought it was a reasonable question)?
He described My Cousin perfectly & said that the man had blackmailed him & ordered him to beat me up as a punishment. He claimed he'd been given a list of punishments that were all horrible & when he was showed a picture of me he figured he could easily beat me up. He defensively claimed he'd have only beaten me up & tried not to break bones or do permanent damage.
I recall asking the man how many fights he'd been in in his life?
He said 1, then corrected himself & said 2. Once in high school & another time as a baby. He'd LOST the baby fight & won the other in High School. He said fighting was never a problem in his life before because he was always big for his age & others left him alone.
I told him 1 or 2 fights merited a slow hour for me some days.
The guy nodded & had a look like that explained things.
Epilogue: I waited until I got home & warned My Mother (honor honor honor) that the man who tried to beat me up days ago (and I had told no one, not her, no one, remember, at my place, Accusation Equaled Guilt, but only for me).
As a professional Child-Molestor... cOP Apologist or enabler you're likely salivating at my foolishly retelling this tale. I'll retort you & what I guess will be your opinion (I can only guess) with a single word listed below.
It's the little brick house on the corner.
1269 Harrison Street & we lived there from summer 1971 - Summer 1978 When the gang bragged to me that Duh Jerk ORDERED that the local Housing Authority that he allegedly "owned" move us to our next home, a place where I'd only recently had a massive attempted murder/frame job attempt on my person.
1214 Webster Street. A place with many unusual connections to myself & other Enclave Dwellers who lived there just waiting for Police to investigate.
... cOPS ... cOPS [käps] (Noun) Insult used to describe any obviously addled or slow law enforcement officer, trooper, or agent who claims corruption is not the reason for their gross mismanagement of a criminal case. The 3 dots are to signify a pause, giving the addled... cops time to regain their composure & focus.
Infallible in·fal·li·ble
infallible (adjective)
incapable of making mistakes or being wrong:
"doctors are not infallible"
never failing; always effective:
"infallible cures"
(in the Roman Catholic Church) credited with papal infallibility:
"for an encyclical to be infallible the Pope must speak ex cathedra"
2. In mid-Michigan the very notion of a child-killer telling a bazillion lies to thwart later investigators or boasting to the target of your ongoing attempted murder are infallible ways to prove the target is in fact a liar
Consult mid-Michigan... cops or fBI for proof of infallibility of both concepts.
Bay City PD: 501 3rd Street Bay, Michigan, 48708
Bay City Gang Chapter of the Michigan State...
​cops: 405 North Euclid Avenue Bay, Michigan, 48706
Bay City FBI: 115 First Street
Bay, Michigan, 48708 ENJOY!​
Start a story at the end? Who would do that?
I would. - David A. George
Want to know what else happened? Read my story I sent to the FBI
"The 1st thing you should know about us is that we're primarilly actors".
- The very 1st thing Duh Jerk taught me when he tried to recruit me in Fall of 1976
THE CHURCH ON THE EDGE OF THE FORBIDDEN ZONE... Very very public happenings went on here...
1st, let me note. Whenever I write about The Church on the Edge of the Forbidden Zone the gang are quick to delete the entry. From this I deduce that this is a soft underbelly for investigation by any authorities for the gang & likely based on the many public things that the gang inflicted on me... and on the then members of the fine South End Baptist Church
You might wonder how this fine church came to have this nickname? You see Reader until I was about 13 I lived at 1269 Harrison Street in Bay City. A place the gang complained was very open, a lot more open than they liked when trying to kill children, so it limited the scope of when & how often they attacked me there because it was highly visible (the reason it was chosen for my family & I by My Cousin, or so he told me). My Mother (Honor honor honor) limited me to a 2 block area around our home making it a severe punishment if I dared step even a single foot into "The Forbidden Zone" which was the rest of the world. This was largely due to the fact that our local party store, Kramers (422 Ingram Street) was 2 blocks away. The boundaries were set up when I complained 1 block wasn't enough at age 5 & pointed out that I walked daily tho the store to buy My Mother cigarettes & a Pepsi. If her brother or her friends or 1 or more of her many young would-be suitors showed up, well, I'd have to go buy them a Pepsi & a pack of cigarettes. I got virtually nothing for this service & provided it rain or shine in even the worst blizzards. Often returning home to tell her the store was closed due to bad weather. Every would be bully & unarmed robber preying on little kids knew painfully well that I would be regularly going to that store & I fought & ran & dodged many a bully of all ages who wanted my money or more. Singly, in groups. Then never got the money once & if any of my attackers complained about a single boo-boo I made on them they were rewarded with a gauntlet... ON ME! So I TOLD MY MOTHER SINCE I WAS WALKING TO THE STORE ALL THE TIME ANYWAY, why not make that my boundary? She eventually relented.
In time a new 7 11 store opened on 900 Cass street in Bay City. Why bring it up? Because Kramers was closed on Wednesdays & Sundays & during bad weather & 7-11 was not. So I soon walked there in the worst of blizzards * rainstorms.
Being a Christian & having visited the church on my own previously I asked My Mother to expand my boundaries of where I was allowed to walk based on the fact that I now visited 7-11 often. She agreed & so I began to attend the church which was on the edge of my new "forbidden zone".
So now you know.
10 Bats??? Only in America... Only in my America...
I decided to write about the church, but being contrary why start at the beginning? So I'll start the tale near the end with "10 Bats".
It was dark as I walked up to the church as was my custom then. You see Reader I'd been a Christian my entire life, even as a baby, but really never got to attend church much (written in detail in my +1,500 page letter to the FBI where someone dies or gets hurt every few pages). Then recently I'd undergone a transformation. I'd decided to go to church more & learn about God. My attendance was poor at best & I never made a single friend there. In fact, in my entire life I've never made a single Christian friend, but that is another story.
Sooooo... to RECAP, me, walking up to the church, in the dark. Since "The Gym" was going on full tilt hot back then in Fall of 1976 I noted it was strange that the church was dark & the streetlights had been rendered dark around the church. This put me on full alert. I noted the group of men leaning on the wall at the west front entrance. Unusual at least. Strange that 1 was smoking.
Since I approached the front from the west I decided to circle around & see if there were cars in the parking lot (to indicate if the church was even open) & chose the east front entrance to enter.
10 members of the church formed up, all male, & all adults aged 18- much older (hard to tell in the dark) & began to swing baseball bats while standing in place. When I asked what was up they told me that I was no longer welcome there. Since The Pastor had refused to kick me out the men of the church had banded together to force me out. By force!
I recall asking them if they were prepared to hit an 11-year-old with bats & asked why? They said it was the secret evidence against me. You see Reader the gang had boasted, & church Members had confirmed that they'd gone around using films on a select few members & lies on the rest selling some narrative that I was the biggest scumbag on earth. Or among them at least & that I was very tough. Thus the 10 fully grown men with bats was needed. One of them said. "We're not going to attack you. We're just out here swinging bats & if you walk up & get hit that's your problem"?
I asked them if it'd still be my problem if I just slithered past them? Would I still get hit?
I was invited to try. I thought about it but figured it was too foolhardy to even attempt. I could dodge them, hoping to get in but figured that could escalate very badly very quickly.
I told them guys that mere months ago they all addressed me as "The Good Kid" and they agreed. I asked again about what it was I'd done & they reminded me that, as a condition of learning the horrible things I'd done, and what a scumbag I really was, they's sworn to not tell me, & only me.
Duh Jerk & the gang bragged on the tactic of accusing Christians & swearing a congregation to secrecy, not telling the victim any of the alleged charges. That it left the churches all gossipy, & that the victim was left unable to defend themselves from accusations that only made them sound more guilty when they claimed to have no idea what the accusations were. Most told me. "I'm not telling you because you already know".
To which I often replied. "I have no idea what they accused me of". A statement met by the same huffs & snorts I got whenever any cops used the sentence. "You can quit lying now. I saw the films so you're not fooling anyone". They too had been sworn to secrecy against only me & said things like. "Oh, you know what's in them films". Like I did know. Though just a few... cops told me. "I'm not telling you the evidence against you because that might help you get out of it". They never did define the word "it" no matter how much I begged. Neither the... cops nor the Christians I'd turned to for instruction & later for help during the highpoint of "The Gym".
I tried reasoning with the men who stood firm. If I tried to enter I'd be beaten, WITH BATS!
So, unceremoniously, I just left.
I skipped church the next time it was open to give the situation a breather. An intense decision on my part when you consider I was facing death daily in "The Gym".
I chose to walk into church just a little late next time, to give the guys who might have bats time to put them down. I walked into the church amid a congregation of stares. While I figured attack was likely no one attacked me, but no one but the Deacons, Ushers, or Pastor would talk to me & they did so sparingly. Most told me to go away. One asked me to consider what I'd done to the church? When I asked him he too told me I knew, so he wasn't telling me.
Some members just told me to leave. I wasn't welcome there. Just go.
I asked some. "If I was half the scumbag they say I am isn't church the place I should be"?
Most took the opportunity to tell me no, or to just go away, being I was such a horrible scumbag.
I protested the charges must be pretty bad, I pointed to the Satanic Leader who presently & openly ran a small unit of 10+ men & teen Jocks, openly to harass me. The murderer who'd only recently said publicly, in the congregation, that he'd kill his wife again based on why he'd frivolously done it before. & the pedophile who'd recently been released form prison for pedophilia who'd become a member who openly cruised the children's section. often & they didn't kick any of them out.
A few said things like. "We like them. We don't like you".
So I asked them to consider that if they like "them" that the charges against me must be pretty bad by comparison? Right?
The congregation wholeheartedly agreed. I was a scumbag's scumbag at age 11 & they wanted nothing to do with the pure evil that I was actively involved in for career & for fun (I never could get them to commit on my possible motivation for my pureness of evil they said I was engaged in).
I complained about the morality of it & the complained right back about the Satanic Army that had been openly operating in the church. Usually about 8 active & very publicly showing force group, that' I'll write about again, soon to be deleted I'd suppose?
Still others, I complained about the morality of sending 10 guys with bats against a child who's only crime at church, until then, was that he attended the church & was called "The Good Kid". So why 10 guys with bats? It's immoral.
While the Deacons justified the act by saying it was because reports were that I was very tough & they needed at least 10 guys with bats to scare me another guy spoke up? "10 guys with bats? There were more than that. There were 10 guys with bats at the other front door & they even had more guys with bats at the other door in the back".
The Deacons who were now all standing around us with a goodly portion of the congregation witnessing all hung their heads in shame at this point. & the church went silent for a while.
"All against one child"? I asked. I tell the Reader this, wait until you see the pictures of me as a kid, I was not large nor impressively muscled at all back then.
Duh Jerk would later boast to me that he'd ordered the streetlight & the lights around the church shot out by a child about my size with my hairstyle & color wearing my style of clothes hoping to frame me for it. Lamenting I'd wiggled out of the accusations by being out of town when they happened & in front of many witnesses. He also complained about my using the east front door to try to enter the church. "You usually use the other door to go into the church" he complained. He said he "owned" the guy who was in charge of which team would be selected to guard which door & had slipped one of his guys into the team guarding that door. The plan was for them to confront me & then for him to hype up his team & charge me, hoping they'd kill me for them. "Didn't you notice the Ambulance parked nearby"? He asked me.
I told him I did not notice any Ambulance for the record.
Duh Jerk complained that now way too many people knew about that particular plot to kill me so that's why he was both abandoning it & it's participants & why he was telling me. That & to make my story more unbelievable. Probably since no madman anywhere would ever boast of his evil deeds to their target nor would they tell a bazillion lies to thwart investigators. I know that both concepts are true because mid-Michigan... cops told me the 2 concepts were infallibly true.
It pains me to write this particular tale so now I'm leaving off writing.
There's a period of time at the very end of "The Gym" I've nicknamed "That 1st week" in my writings that happened in Spring 1977 after I'd lived through the horror that was... "The Gym". We soon got a new Gym Teacher & everything & they bragged the records had been altered to show The Gym
Teacher had never even worked at the school in fall to Spring 76-77. The week after the period of that time goes as follows.
Soooo... we had Gym class that day in Spring of 1977 at the very end of "The Gym" after it's official ending. Today we had a test. A physical test of strength & endurance. WE'D BE TESTING EVERY SINGLE MUSCLE GROUP VIA ASSORTED PHYSICAL EXCERSIZES. That's what Gym class is supposed to be about. Right? We had yet to be assigned a new Gym Teacher as I recall it & the smiling madman who bragged to me earlier that he really really enjoyed killing children was till in charge & my orders to obey & to submit to their authority were still in full effect. both from my parents & from Bay City... cops & tROOPERS via both legal & illegal threats.
I figured it was just another attempt by them to wear me out & attack me, which they'd done very often. Or to ridicule me on exercise form & any shortcomings I had, which they always did as ordered by the school staff for use in films against me. Or so they'd bragged, often.
So we did exercises. Me? I didn't try very hard, lest I wear myself out & be attacked enmass at any moment. Like usual. With at times the entire class suddenly lunging for me or some combination thereof, or assorted pinch hitters rushing me & so on. How'd I do? Meh?
A child I'd never seen before later approached me that day. He said I'd been drugged stupid by Duh Jerk & many of my classmates & tortured for the last 2 weeks with sleep deprivation, no food, & many different drugs. Being the gang struggled to find the perfect drugs I might be susceptible to for all occasions, both in public & in private places.
He told me I was skeletal. "Didn't you notice"?
No I did not I told him.
"It's because Duh Jerk ordered your Mother to rush you out the door this morning after you woke up". noting even the fact that I didn't have breakfast today would surely contribute to a poor performance in the physical test... on film.
He said a lot, that is written elsewhere. "Now that we have films of you as being skeletal & not very strong no cop will ever listen to your accusations about "The Gym". All we have to do is whip out our films of you at the exercise tests here & the cops will laugh. Especially since my classmates merely teased me that day, Painting a picture for the coming day when they'd all say that I was a jilted nerd accusing the good boys & girls of my class. Game! Set! Match!
After our conversation ended I walked cautiously as always to the bathroom & checked myself in the mirror. I was greeted by the face of a skeletal boy.
Go figure huh?
The Church on the Edge of the Forbidden Zone was Supersized!!!
Soooooo... it was Fall of 1976 & I walked into the congregation of the church & noted that the size of the congregation had doubled! I inventoried my mind for any reason why that might be. Such as a holiday or special even & could not imagine why?
Imagine my surprise when Snitchgirl later addressed the subject unsolicited the next day in the often-unlit hallway outside of the Cafeteria. "Those were our people. We sent them". She said they were a big group. Full of active duty members & a lot of victims whom they could order to fill the church. Fully expendable and already hopelessly blackmailed lives for the gang to throw away & to use to influence others.
Me? I was a skeptic. So the next time I went to church I discretely discussed the subject & was shocked to find out the congregation as a whole KNEW that the new visitors were in fact ALL card-carrying Devil-Worshippers. Most told me that since they already had the one full-time Devil Worshipper (who openly managed the team in charge of menacing & attacking me) that they didn't mind doubling the congregation thusly. Some saying they even accepted it as a challenge to convert them, being that they were now in a good Christian church.
I was dumbfounded! Amazed! Astounded at this! I warned them.
Fast forward a few weeks. Many in the congregation commented the church had nearly doubled their active members & had the scumbag that was I to thank for it. None of them thanked me for the record. many had joined & more of them had stated they planned to join the church soon.
Me? I warned them not to trust them.
Fast forward time to Spring of 1977 long after I'd been forced to leave the church for my own safety. Snitchgirl bragged to me that the gang had discretely added their members to the rolls of the congregation & now voted to control the church & they "owned" it, lock, stock, & barrel.
In time many people told me the original congregation, or what was left of it fled the church & formed another & that it's members hated me with a burning passion. Holding me responsible for the evils that took their beloved church down.
For the record I decided to go back to the church then & a few times over the years to see what'd become of that church. For the record I did not recognize a single person from before. Not one. Note that I'm not saying they were all gone, only that everyone I knew were not to be seen by me again.
My opinion of the subject? Since I am not now nor was I ever employed by mid-Michigan law enforcement I don't believe every word that comes out of a career child-molester's mouth & even less so when they provide a seemingly "reliable informant".
"I'll just put the evidence in a big pile in front of a jury & you can explain it to them just like you did to me. If they convict you that's on them & not on me"
-Actual Bay City... cop quote while on duty & at his post
School Privilege [sko͞ol] [ˈpriv(ə)lij] NOUN
any member of organized crime who uses their employment at a school, public or private, as a cover for crime. "ever since I got this job as a school councilor with my new school privilege the cops can no longer legally touch me. even if they find me holding the smoking gun as long as I have a child nearby willing to take the fall for my crimes"
THE SCHOOL SHAPED LIKE AN "E" FOR EVIL... Satanic fame & glory to be had for all...
Here it is, the place where in Fall of 1976 the Staff & what began as +60 of my fellow students began their mass attempted murder plot on me, publicly, openly. It would later inspire them to follow me for life for revenge & profit.
It always bewildered me, prompting me to ask them many times in the decades to come. "You tried to kill me in The Gym & now you want revenge for it"?
School Privilege [sko͞ol] [ˈpriv(ə)lij] NOUN
any member of organized crime who uses their employment at a school, public or private, as a cover for crime. "ever since I got this job as a school councilor with my new school privilege the cops can no longer legally touch me. even if they find me holding the smoking gun as long as I have a child nearby willing to take the fall for my crimes"
The Bay City... cOPSHOP. Perversion & murder is protected here!
"You can quit lying because you're not fooling anybody. I've seen the films".
Take a good long hard look at the front of the building. The gang brags it represents their power that the front is marked by a pentagram & that there's a perverse picture of a... cop taking a payoff from a little girl.
"It's a symbol of our power".
"It's a signpost that tells perverts who pass by that they'll be protected here".