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The Most Sick Things...
Written in puke green for no reason but to be symbolic...

The Full Story... The most sick things... Yeah, they would...

  The Last Snitch told me. "You know, a lot of your cousins still keep asking the Bosses for permission to kill you". He boasted it'd be the perfect murder. A man killed by his extended family can expect little or no investigation into their attackers or death. Not a single investigator on earth would ever suspect a family of being so evil to a child turned adult nor apreciate the level of pure hate they are capable of focusing at their former victim... I err, family member.


Mathew 10:36

36 And a man's foes shall be they of his own household.

  "The cops will never believe a victim who they find with drugs & child porn starring them on them".

- Duh Jerk in Fall of 1976 when he was trying to recruit me into the gang.

It's how the scam works.

John 8:32: And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.

BETCHA BETCHA... Yeah, they would...   : (

  Soooooo... there I was at My Mother's Parent's Place during one of many "Grande Parties" when "My Cousin" summoned me to him. At times like that the house would be emptied by his command & as we spoke when anyone who passed by us they averted their gaze at us both, lest they should make eye contact while they briskly left the house for the back yard & it's plenteous seating.

  My Cousin told me he was basically flabbergasted with me. He'd been ordering "My Trio of Cousins" & "Pinch Hitters" (note: he NEVER used the term Pinch Hitters once ever when describing my professional guest Tormentors). 1st, I'll flashback to the typical day there. Here goes:


  My Mother (Honor honor honor) would summon The Trio & a sibling or 2 of mine plus a few of the many guests who'd show up who were about my age or even teens & put one of us in charge of a work detail who'd be given some task. Often lawn or garden care but could be many types of tasks. While sitting around drinking & playing cards or just chatting she might say. "Who will I put in charge? Hmmmmm... How about this time the strongest"? She'd size everyone up & the most physically strongest may be in charge for hours. Their duty was clear. Everyone worked, no breaks, & to dish out volumes of pain at any moment someone balks at work or triied escape. No exceptions (quite a few did indeed "go easy" on their friends though".

  Other times she might put the oldest in charge. Once in a while she'd put the most honest in charge. Oddly, despite my being punished 10-20X more than everyone else I was considered the most honest & would be put in charge. Strangely she might put in charge "The Toughest". When I protested she always announced thet I was not the toughest, but the weakest using the same sentence every time. "You're a Christian. And Christians are by definition weak". Thus by logical deduction you are the weakest". She usually assigned one of the Trio. After the 1st few times, after My Mother left 7 year old me told the work crews. "All right, get to work". Then I announce that I was in charge.

  Usually it was the Trio who balked. But I stood firm. I was the toughest so they could now get to work. OR ELSE!

I explained that I'd beat them up, all 3 teenagers at the same time, many times, their friends too (usually separately) so if they didn't want to be beaten, get to work. NOW!

  I'd like to think I was a fair boss, & played no favoritism. In fact, I teased the protesting work crews thusly whenever they claimed different.

  When anyone else was in charge we often used shovels & hoes, & shears, & all sorts of tools. It was a given that, soon, almost always, The Trio, a Pinch Hitter or 2, & Serial Rapist would coordinate an attack on me & try to stab me, cut me, bash me, "accidentally" shoot me (while pretending to do target practice). Serial Rapist was an always eager & often present person during these attempted murders & would work to provide a distraction often to facilitate my stabbing, impaling, slicing, clubbing, or whatever always potentially lethal mayhem they wanted to inflict upon me.

  I thwarted all the attacks (obviously, or I wouldn't be here" & dished out pain when deserved & was possible.

  You see, for me, & me alone anger of any sort was a serious, gauntlet causing punishment. I'm not saying acting on anger, just merely the act of being angry or showing anger in any way. Literally, in case you thought I'm exaggeration.

  I recall, it was usually Serial Rapist who'd say. "LOOK! DAVID'S ANGRY"! Though it could be My Mother's Brother or any of the "Regulars" at the Grande Parties".

  If it was alleged (or even IF true, I've been angry before) I was angry Gauntlet would begin immediately with 7-12 plus participants. Even my attackers, who literally just tried to stab me, bash me, impale me, slice me, might giddily sneak back into line & dole out their second wind when they'd regrouped their strength after having initially doled out 100's of blows, almost exclusively to my face.

  Other times My Mother (I'll throw in my honors here, Honor honor honor) would see the attack & say. "Why did such & such attack you"?

  I'd state any perceived reason, the answer usually being that they had no motive that I knew (the truth shall set me free they say).

  She immediately announced. "They wouldn't just try to stab you for no reason unless you did something really bad to them 1st. Everybody line up, we're all going to hit David". The gauntlet would begin.


  My Cousin had his own theories on why people I never met tried to stab me or simply kill me, some weeks daily, & in usually & often coordinated rehearsed & premeditated attacks. "I order them to attack you". He claimed to have put a bounty on me of $5,000 (at 1st, later changed to $10,000, or so HE claimed, a self-professed professional liar for profit). & the teens & their parents, with the "Regulars" & their Officers all wanted the money.

  The part that flabbergasted him was how had I lived so long? So he asked me? He noted that most of his victims were dead in the 1st week, or in a few months. How'd I last for years he asked?

  Me? I was required by my family to answer his every question so I did. "They always try to stab me every time we work together". Thus I was alert because there was no surprise, it was inevitable an attempted murder would happen virtually every time they were near & had a tool of any sort handy.

  At one point My Cousin bragged on the logistics of my ongoing attempted murder for revenge & "to shut me up", but mostly for revenge. He was saying I'd die from a single stab.

  Me? I retorted that I knew many people got stabbed many times & lived. It was statistically unlikely I'd die from a single stab (yeah, I talked like that at age 7).

  He retorted. He asked me to note that on days when they tried to kill me if I noticed that the Party Store just down the street from My Mother's Parent's Place (The place of the Grande Parties) that an Ambulance parked there?

  I told him I noticed the Ambulance there from time to time but hadn't made any such connection.

  He told me that the Ambulance was his guys. He asked me to recall that many of the "Pinch Hitters" were local Ambulance Drivers?

  I agreed, so what?

  He told me that he filmed them torturing me at length many times & that the Trio's job was to engage them in drugged talk about any illegal or unethical things they were involved in. Now, in no small part thanks to me, they were all blackmailed enough that he could send them all to prison for life on a whim. "It also gives them a great incentive to make sure that if you get stabbed only once that you die in the Ambulance. Didn't you ever notice that when we send you to the store when Kramers is closed (a nearby Party Store) that we never send you to that Party Store (at or near the 2800 block on Bay City's S. Euclid St.). but send you to the store on Euclid & Salzburg (A Party Store where I would later be kidnapped, dragged to, & gang raped BY Duh Jerk, the Michigan State... cOPS, & The Dork)"? "It's because they are friends of mine & I don't want to involve you with them".

  It's only trivia to add in the thousands of times I was sent to the store by the gang (yes, thousands) only 1 time did I go to that Party Store. My Cousin said he'd filled the store with people he wanted to be able to identify me for a frame job & he had to send me there once so I couldn't say they never sent me there.

  But I answered My Cousin on the attempted murders. I told him it all sounded fishy to me, wouldn't the Trio go to jail? Would he be willing to risk his favorites in open court?

  He said he wasn't scared & yes, they would go to jail. But likely only 1 who'd admit guilt to the... cops who'd be a local gang hero for killing me. With his control of the schools he could fill a court with teachers & Principals who'd assure the Judge & Jury what a good boy, full of potential he was & how I was the biggest scumbag around, not worthy to have such a wonderchild punished over. So he, whoever he was, would look at little or no time in jail.

  Advance time...

  Tick tick tick...

  It's only trivia to add that, I went by the aforementioned Party Store after my attempted murders quite a few times, as many as 10 or less, after the attempts & told no one. Every single time I checked but once there was an Ambulance parked in that party store's parking lot. For the record. I accuse no one of anything & say the only things that may be true are the parts where I say it happened. Not a bit more.

  My Cousin summoned me to him & he was furious with me, having emptied the house in a rage. He demanded to know all that I knew about the pool of Regulars & Guests who'd been betting on me attempted murder? NOW!

  Me? I told him this was the 1st I heard of it.

  He, just like a good Bay City... cOP might called me a liar. "You guys are as thick as thieves". He noted we'd been playing together a lot that summer, as opposed to past years where, when not engaged in The Ordeal in the Back Hall or on a assigned work detail I avoided them like the plague. Thus, of course, in his mind (again, just like a mid-Michigan... cOP) I was in on it. What other logical conclusion could there be?

  Me? I told him yes, we indeed hung out a lot lately, same for my hanging with Serial Rapist too. But ONLY because he'd ordered My Mother to make me play with the Trio, Serial Rapist, & their Guests (for film opportunities he'd bragged to me), but I only played with them when ordered (I hung out with Serial Rapist for decades because of her, literally).

  He went onto explain that he discovered that the Trio & the Regulars had set up a betting pool. He claimed that they bet using a literal spreadsheet what time I would be attacked in half hour increments & if It would be successful that day & thus would be the day I would die. He droned on about his mass-torture session he'd conducted that'd began innocently at 1st with the Regulars & their Guests. They bet when I'd be attacked & if that day would be the day it'd be successful & thus I would die. He claimed (a self-professed professional liar for profit) that the betting got to be more & more & there were arguments, leading to them making a spreadsheet to keep track of the betting. Well, being crooks the Trio & Regulars saw the potential for profit here so they decided to rig the game & even to extend my life in time because they were making a lot of money, a lot of money. A lot. He accused me of being involved.

  I denied it.

  He insisted I was involved.

  In the end I just used "The Good Kid card". He knew that they didn't call me The Good Kid for no reason, My Mother wasn't there so he knew calling me a liar was a silly point & I let my rep speak for me. I was a Christian & would have no part of such an arrangement. Besides, the end goal was in fact my literal death. Who'd be so foolish?

  I only met the Leader of the Trio twice more. Once at My Mother's Parent's Place during the final "Grande Party" & again during my Mother's Youngest Sister's Wedding after the climactic ending of "The Gym" where many of my family publicly facilitated my stalker's attacks & even joined in themselves in attacking me openly, publicly, in a room filled with hundreds of people where I was forced to stand in the middle of the wedding to fend off my family's mass attacks that came by the dozens and from every angle. But THAT Wedding tale & the war I survived is a different story.

  I asked The Leader of the "Trio of Cousin's" how he thought he might get away with betting on my death so?

  He told me he figured he'd do it for just a while, make a fortune, then admit he'd disobeyed orders thusly, publicly (with hundreds of participants & even more witnesses) by just admitting it later. He'd just admit to the Bosses what he got away with & since he'd been stashing in hiding "their cut" of the profits they'd congratulate him because they like that sort of crafty duplicitousness (far from his exact words), but ONLY if one can "get away with it". But now that he'd been caught the Bosses had siezed all his money & punished him severely. So of course... now the Trio hated me worse than ever * wanted revenge on me all the more!

  I've talked to a lot of... cops who told me they were Christians & not a one believes the following Bible Verse is even possible, let alone true. No matter who tells it.

Mathew 10:36

36 And a man's foes shall be they of his own household.


"We own the cops". A common child-molester saying in & around Bay City, Saginaw, & mid-Michigan

Luke 20:45 - 47

45Then in the audience of all the people he said unto his disciples, 46Beware of the scribes, which desire to walk in long robes, and love greetings in the markets, and the highest seats in the synagogues, and the chief rooms at feasts; 47Which devour widows' houses, and for a shew make long prayers: the same shall receive greater damnation.


I'm not sure what "The Greater Damnation is but I'll bet a lot of you Dirty... cOPS are going to find out. Change your ways & get your heart right with God right now before it's too late!

I warned you.

John 8:32: And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.


I never could get these E-Mail boxes to work. So don't waste your time.

My E-mail is as of 12-17-23

Let’s Work Together

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"I like to keep my victims well-informed. No one will believe a well-informed victim when they say that they didn't do it".


  Soooo... there I was strapped to a desk like in a high school. Duh Jerk told me it was because it makes my story unbelievable. SO it's how he picks on his many child victims that way, it makes... cops laugh.

  He noted my hand was in a box strapped to the table. He told me inside it was a hungry rat he'd just released that was now going to eat my hand over the next few days, slowly.

  Me? I looked around & kept alert for any weaknesses or chances for escape while he stood there smiling. Watching...

  After a few minutes as I drifted in & out because of the drugs I yawned while looking around.

  Shortstuff. Ever the cruel guy noted I didn't look as terrified as their regular victims.

  Duh Jerk invited me to feel the rat gnawing on my flesh & asked me how I liked it?

  Me? I told him I felt nothing. But if I did I'd have to let it eat, there wasn't much I could do to stop it. Then I'd try to get it to come forward in the box where I'd crush it with my bare hand.

  He said it was trained to not let me grasp it.

  I shrugged. I guess we'll see?

  After a few more minutes Duh Jerk called it off & ordered me drugged anew & taken to the coming gangrape. "Make sure you let him stand up after you drug him. It'll make his story more unbelievable". He did stuff like that a lot.

  Me? While staggering I could feel the strength leaving my body and could tell I had only seconds before I collapsed. So I checked the box & it was empty.

  Duh Jerk lamented that most of his victims let their imagination get the best of them here & actually felt they were being eaten alive. It was those victims he picked on in lengthy torture sessions that ended with them screaming in agony & telling cops later while strapped to a hospital bed that the gang had let rats eat their body... slowly. Only to have the laughing... cops reveal their uninjured body parts. Game. Set. Match!

  Let me use a many a uniformed on duty & at their posts... cop quote here. "Because no one would do that".


  Freedom free·dom [ˈfrÄ“dÉ™m] NOUN

  1. the power or right to act, speak, or think as one wants without hindrance or restraint:

    "we do have some freedom of choice" · "he talks of revoking some of the freedoms"

    • absence of subjection to foreign domination or despotic government:

      "he was a champion of Irish freedom"

    • the state of not being imprisoned or enslaved:

      "the shark thrashed its way to freedom"

    • the state of being physically unrestricted and able to move easily:

      "the shorts have a side split for freedom of movement"

    • "David just wanted to be free one more time so he prayed to The LORD to make it happen"


  Sooooo... there I was, having been intercepted by another sent gang mouthpiece. Usually I call'em "Snitches" or "Sent Snitches". They all have a variation of the same thing. Many want to be my friend & they are motivated by a mutual hatred of Duh Jerk. All they need is for me to go to the... cOPS right now & they'll send in the info to take down Duh Jerk & we'll both have revenge. Many tell me they were motivated by money. They are part of a blackmail gang & have decided to go into business for themselves. (I gave some of them some fairly sinister advice in my humble opinion & figure the gang just might not have heard the last on that subject). But when I call'em a Mouthpiece it means they have come to me to either brag or threaten me as part of the ongoing blackmailing of myself. As a mid-Michigan... cop the 2nd definition likely mystifies you. I say. Too bad, go get a job you can understand.

  Soooo... there I was, just myself & some sent mouthpiece. He had a lot to say He started with my last kidnapping & how it'd helped me. "We never would have helped you if we'd known". He eventually said. Why? Read on...

  Soooooo.... there I was. You may have read about me admitting to avoiding police manhunts. This story begins with a terrified me running for all I'm worth. Why? Just yesterday Duh Jerk & The 4 Stars had drugged me after having kept me awake for who knows how long & convinced me to kill several people. On film. All about 18 years old or so. They'd teased me mercilessly. Telling me this was our final meeting. They'd framed me in a flawless & perfect frame job that would soon legitimize their every snuff film starring me. It was game over for me & the evidence was such that no cop, or no one would ever give my story the time of day & they could get revenge for the... wait for it... wait... wait... Revenge for The Gym!

  When I'd considered their evidence, I thought. "Good plan". They had me & I knew it. I told them I wouldn't give in nor surrender.

  They laughed & mocked me.

  Duh Jerk said their film needed more flavor. So they were going to work in shifts to keep me awake another week & hand me over to the... cOPS all sleep=deprived all the more & delirious.

  Me? I recall the types of prayers I used to pray back then. Well, the usual, to be avenged. I often prayed that God free me. I figured I was doomed no matter what but if I could escape maybe I could taste freedom one more time. That's it & I prayed that many times in many of their PRACTICAL jokes & frame jobs. God let me escape so I can taste freedom one more time. Please? I was ready to go to prison for life, I just wanted to taste freedom one last time, To those who are not likely doomed by madmen in life you probably don't appreciate the situation. Just to be free one more time. If only for a few minutes.

  Well, what happened. I got free. How? By busting up a room full of 18-year-olds fresh out of high school. As I fled, I recall thinking I just knew most of them were dead or dying.

  There were these 2 Dirty... cops involved in my torture. They showed up as I fled & they likely coordinated the manhunt that happened.

  How'd that manhunt go? They won. I lost.

  The way the pair talked I figured they'd kill me as revenge for the deaths back where I escaped from. That set the mood for our drive, me cuffed in the back.

  Bay County Law Enforcement Center (allegedly a Federal Holding Facility too) except for as you entered from the jail side to the right there were no cells, only a large sink & well set up cleaning station (yeah, dedicated to cleaning messes with all sorts of cleaning supplies gizmos & such) & the... cops stood around the Jail Intake talking about what to do with me. I really should've paid better attention, but my mind was 100% on escape.

  They stood around for a moment talking about what to do to me as the only real jail guard was talking to the group of arresting officers in the main entrance. Soooooo... I looked around the room that looked ALMOST EXACTLY like the Bay County Law Enforcement Center's & the room full of... cops stood around chatting....

  Me? It occurred to me the cell door was open. So, I walked inside & closed it & marveled it was still unlocked once closed. Earlier I'd decided 1st of all to touch nothing with my fingers, lest I leave fingerprints & decided to stay with that plan. 2nd to watch for any moment of weakness so I might Military Handbook on Survival in a P.O.W. Camp it gave the advice to escape as early as possible while you are still the fittest you are ever likely to be. Considering what was then my calorie intake (massive, I ate as much as a large family daily back then,... & knew any extended stay in any jail anywhere would leave me a skeleton at the mercy of the gang's waiting prison hordes). Then I watched. I was motivated to watch. Like my life depended on it.

  All the... cops save the 2 left the room. It seems to me the pair talked about what to do with me but I'm not 100% sure of the entire conversation. One faced me & the other, the smaller younger blond faced away. The parts I could make out were a continuation of their plan to kill me.

  Listening in was difficult at 1st, the 3 fellow inmates in cells tried chatting with me. I made it known I didn't want to talk & they hurled threats against me of great violence for my insolence at not wanting to talk to them (far from their exact words).  All the more reason to leave in my opinion.

  The pair talked openly about creative plans to kill me, picking up where they'd left off earlier.

  I countered their plan after a while. It was stupid to try & attack me because now my fellow prisoners had heard their conspiracy to kill me. I told them if they quit now, it was likely no jury would prosecute them.

  The pair decided to kill me for killing their friends anyway, now they planned openly there & then to kill my fellow prisoners too. "Lets make it look like a jail riot. We'll yank them out of their cells one at a time & just beat them to death & say we couldn't get to the alarm button to call for help". Was their current plan.

  The inmates, still angry at me hurled more threats of violence at me for ignoring them.

  I told them they just heard the... cops talking about killing them openly, they'd do well to shut up & listen. I told them... cops camera had recorded everything & lip readers would be their undoing in court no matter how this played out.

  In my opinion this only upped their sense of urgency. The dark-haired older... cop suggested he was sure he could gtet5 into the film storage device for the cameras & ruin the tapes & that they should plan to the side where we couldn't hear them.

  It occurred to me they'd taken no vital data. Asked me nothing in fact. I figured it was because the pair knew exactly who I was.

  The prisoners shouted more threats at me, the biggest & closest to me ordered them to shut up & listen or he'd beat them up. They were quite & listened.

  The back of one was to me, the other had an exposed back & stood completely obscuring me to the dark haired... cop. It occurred to me that now was the time to leave, that... cop could move at any moment & I'd lose my window of being able to sneak up on him from behind. I softly opened the door & decided to approach the blond... cop from behind making sure to keep him between the other.... cop & myself.

  So, I walked out of the cell. Killing the one was easy. His partner in crime stood there with a shocked look on his face & watched me do it! The 2nd put up more of a struggle. Oddly, they'd brought up, while discussing what to do with me because I'd killed several of their friends, that the room was soundproof if the doors were closed. I don't think they told me that fact to comfort me by the way.

  I shushed the other cells & decided to make a break for it. But how, covered in blood?

  So, I cleaned up as best I could, & decided to try my luck at leaving... I remember wiping down every place I touched or left fingerprints. There weren't many places. Something I'd done on purpose there & in the Marked Police Car. But escape with a bloody shirt & past a room filled with... cops? Not likely.

  So, I did a few anti-manhunt tactics I use, I put on the cleanest shirt I could find but it was covered with blood on the left side. The side I noticed would be exposed to the room filled with... cops I had to leave through. So, I turned the plain shirt inside out, put it on, & walked out briskly, past the... cOPS & left.

  I made it about half a block or so when the big gang van & their cars pulled up & disgorged The 4 Stars & their army in broad daylight in the downtown!

  We fought & weakened & deprived me? I lost. Sort of...

  As a crowd gathered to watch the fight I yelled. "THIS IS A KIDNAPPING"!

  The 4 Stars & their crew of Jocks all said their usual, they were... cops & this was the arrest of a very bad person. Crazy too. So ignore him.

  Me? I insisted it was a kidnapping. I shouted their names & begged people to write them down. Children were involve & no... cops deputize little kids to attack their quarry. This was a kidnapping & I called the 4 Stars out by name as loud as I could.

  They manhandled me into the van.

  For a moment the gang stood like they wanted to do damage control like usual. The crowd were busy writing down their names & The 4 Stars became visibly nervous. They panicked! "Lets get out of here"!

  The fight went on inside the van, especially when I shattered the drugs & syringe. They couldn't pin me, but the army in the giant van could keep me from leaving. I was fighting my way to get Fagboy who seemed concerned. They all seemed concerned. On walkie talkies they cried for their dirty... cops to come, they did not answer. "Call Jerk"! I heard. "I'm trying"! They couldn't reach him.

  We were stopped in traffic, pinned in 1 spot & I shouted this was a kidnapping & begged the witnesses to take down the plate # & call the police

  Some of the gang seemed concerned but Fagboy said to not worry. They had extra plates & would quick change them.

  A guy pulled 1 out & I shouted the numbers & begged the witnesses to write that number down too!

  Incredibly with only 1 plate left their guy had pulled it out in front of me & Fagboy yelled at him to not reveal it to me.

  Me? I told him I was going to shout the number out at the next stop while they hurriedly prepared another syringe. Wounds accumulating on both sides big time.

  The memory starts breaking up here.

  I recall Fagboy shouting at the top of his lungs. "HOW DID YOU GET OUT"!?!?! Over & over.

  I recall me... not answering... defiantly...

  Fight... black... fight... black... fight... fade to black...




  Back in the future...

  The mouthpiece told me I got lucky.

  Me? I didn't feel lucky, not then, not now either.

  The gang had been parked at the Police Station & wrapping up my destruction. Taking care of the final logistics when they saw me just walk out of the... cOPSHOP.

  The Mouthpiece said they were terrified. The only way I could've legally walked out would only be scenarios that were no good for them. And possibly very damaging to their freedom. So, unable to reach Duh Jerk who'd left my ultimate destruction in Fagboy's capable hands & left they panicked. Decided to recapture me but it took way too long. There were way too many people involved now. Too many people had seen their faces & heard their names. So they fled.

  Soon enough they learned of the deaths of the 2 officers & that I'd escaped in a van with an army of coconspirators.

  So they called the whole thing off... for now. The ultimate frame job? All compromised. They wanted revenge & figured the best way, the weirdest & most perverse would be... to let me go. To make my story unbelievable.

  How many people died? Idano?

  How many people were hurt? Idano. A lot.

  I thank God for the freedom.

  Precious freedom...

  Talking about my kidnapping the Mouthpiece said. "We never would have helped you if we'd known". The gang had rescued me from an intense police manhunt & didn't know until much later. If they'd have just left me there it was likely I would still be in the hole their lies & their films would've locked me into.

  My opinion? I am not now nor was I ever a mid-Michigan... cOP, trOOpER, or aGENT so I'm not inclined to believe every story that comes from a child-molestor. But I'm not a complete idiot. I know that there's no... cop out there who believes a single "I'm a victim of police corruption story out there". Well, if there is I've never met one. So, I know re-telling this means I'm taking a huge risk here.

  They say the truth shall set you free & I've tried to tell it to the best of my ability.


  Freedom free·dom [ˈfrÄ“dÉ™m] NOUN

  1. the power or right to act, speak, or think as one wants without hindrance or restraint:

    "we do have some freedom of choice" · "he talks of revoking some of the freedoms"

    • absence of subjection to foreign domination or despotic government:

      "he was a champion of Irish freedom"

    • the state of not being imprisoned or enslaved:

      "the shark thrashed its way to freedom"

    • the state of being physically unrestricted and able to move easily:

      "the shorts have a side split for freedom of movement"

    • "David just wanted to be free one more time so he prayed to The LORD to make it happen"


  The Last Snitch brought the tale up decades later. He said the Jail had been a gang jail safehouse made to look on the inside, just like the Bay County Law Enforcement Center, but front & back only. & a Boss who was in charge there saw the entire escape & made the Judgement call to let me go. He claimed it was why The 4 Stars were right there in position to recapture me.

  Me? My opinion? Idano? But this is what I do know. That I am not now nor was I ever a mid-Michigan... cop, trooper, or agent so I don't believe every word that comes out of a self-professed "liar for profit" & "professional child-molestor" says & even less so when any mid-Michigan Law Enforcement Employee calls any of them "A Reliable Informant".

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