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Thank God for... cOPS...

Finding Inspiration in Every Turn

This is my page where I address... cops. The... cOPS of America. Let me begin by thanking... you. Without the police & law enforcement excellence of the various... cOPS listed on my website, my website wouldn't be possible.


My Story


It's a typical "loser tale". The gang brags I'm one of many children they stalk into adulthood as a matter of business. "It's what we do". They brag that when they dispatch me, by casting me into a prison or asylum their crew will simply move onto the next guy on the list & so on.

"You should be proud" The Last Snitch told me. "You've already outlived all our other "Kids Anyone Can Hit". Well at least you've been free from being locked up prison longer than any of your other counterparts". He went on to describe the many, many children who grew up in the hellhole of violence just like I did, who all, & he emphasized all succumbed to being provoked & were all cast into asylums or into prisons where they were silently killed & that with the gang's many "films" of them authorities asked no questions. The unlucky few still serviced their prison hordes in America's incarceration institutions for a pittance & lived lives of pure horror as a focus for the gang's evil & as "recruiters even in them places. Where the gang's "films" inspired future victim members who are incarcerated to commit evil against them, only to be filmed commiting the evil & blackmailed themselves & having provided a blackmail film that will one day inspire those formerly innocent victims attackers just as they had attacked my fellow victims of the gang & myself.

  This is a story about a guy who was born into a Satanic Cult, about a guy who wouldn't "play ball" with them, who refused to join them, who refused their standing offers of power, wealth, & glory. I chose, yes, chose a life of horror as a Christian over a life of luxury, power, wealth, & acceptance as "one of the gang".

I'll sum it all up with a simple sentence, a concept that seems to both daze & confuse law-enforcement professionals I've discussed it with. Here goes.

"I'd rather be last with God than 1st with the Devil".



Meet Their Team

  "That doesn't prove a thing". The battle cry of both the Dirty & the Skeptic... cop.


Our Clients


  "That doesn't prove a thing". The battle cry of both the Dirty & the Skeptic... cop.


  After my case goes public, I feel the many investigative agencies I've written about should get rewards for... for bravery... yeah, that's the ticket, for bravery &... cop excellence. 1st a gold-plated 2" toilet with a moving lid & sounds of being used with their badge numbers engraved like a little badge on the toilet seat. 2nd, for bravery AND safety a bright yellow streak up their uniform's back & prominently up the center of their badges for all to see. So the people in mid-Michigan... can shout glory to their... cops, tROOPERS... or aGENTS. 

  Please don't send me any money you sentinels of... cop justice & knowers of all that is to know about me, without investigation because just you being out there doing the fine police work that made my website possible is reward enough for me sirs.


  YOU NEVER TALK GOOD ABOUT US... Uhhh... nope, sigh...

  I feel bad about talking badly about the various Police agencies And in the box below I'll write about all the good things Police &... cops (there is a difference between the 2 groups, see my Definitions page for the definitions of both) did for me. Listed in no particular order.


"The Circle"... how the gang gets things done...

  "The Circle" that they use to manipulate drugged & sometimes sleep deprived victims, where they practice & film confronting victims over & over, slowly refining their technique as the victim travels from work station to work station in the "The Circle".

  "The Circle" essentially is conducted in a large room or in a roughly circular hallway. 3-4 "workstations' are set up where a team of 4-8 children (yeah, I said formerly innocent little kids), teens, & adults man each station. They are all typically hard-core card-carrying gang members with a few new recruits (member/victims & unfortunate likely never to be law-abiding again victim/members. See: "Renfields" in my definitions) who have varying skill levels depending on how long ago they were recruited.

  The victim is engaged at each workstation by the workstation crew in what is usually a skit of some sort. Be it mundane or confrontational. Such as playing house, interacting with a new friend (See: "Inserts" on my definition page), seduction a VERY important workstation to the gang), & confrontation. The theory being that the gang wants to gauge how a victim reacts at each point. Pushing  victim towards the gang's goal. Being that they want to force them into public violence, find out what it takes for a little (formerly innocent) little child to seduce the adult. Falling back on their "Circle Film Footage" if their little kid seduction of an adult should fail. Violence being a key goal for the gang. They thrive in as "professional victims" so footage of a victim attacking them & theirs is worth more than gold (especially when the goal is to blackmail someone for life & take them for a lifetime of money). Racism is also a key goal (at least it is when they deal with me, the Author). The theory being that the... cops of America pretty much wont help someone they perceive to be a racist. The cop's public oath to protect them & the fact their taxes pay the... cop's salary meaning nothing to most of them. Thus, it is a supreme goal.

  Victims are also tested by "The "Circle" at times. In theory the gang gauges a victim's response to certain social situations & practice it over & over, refining it every minute or so because their drug(s?) have robbed their victim of their long-term memory. They forget everything that happened 15-30 seconds ago. So the gang confronts them every minute or so with their murderous "Skit" (look up the word skit in my definitions pages) that is "The Circle". Changing the words & adding & subtracting props until their skit is refined to it's always, damning outcome.

  Later the gang either uses their edited films of their successful work station of "The Circle's Skit" or confront their victim with the situation that the "primarily actors" of the gang have practiced & refined to perfection. The end goal being another victim/member who's ultimate disposition & place in the gang is up to the whims of the head torturer.

  The Circle is my nickname for their murderous skit. If they have a name for it & it's participants I am not privy to it at this time 3-4-23

  The Circle debases both the victim & the victimizers (such as newly recruited victim/members) alike. Once a recruit participates in The Circle the gang Bosses inform them that their films footage of them torturing victims for hours means they own them for life.

  HOODY TRIVIA: The gang stole the black hoody that tons of people died while I wore it (by body weight) after they held fake trials where I was drugged dopey & they conducted their trials over & over seeing how I might defend myself against them legally. When I mentioned the hoody & the sheer amount of dried blood & bodily fluid evidence potentially on it they stole the ripped hoody.

  How do I know they stole it? They sent someone to brag about having stolen the otherwise worthless (because of a giant tear up one side) it later.


  This box is unfortunately empty.

  NO... cop has ever done anything legally to my advantage. Check your own records.

  None of you has ever avenged me.

  Not a single penny of stolen belongings has ever been recovered by you on my behalf.

  I've been kidnapped raped robbed & tortured by madmen with big budjets my entire life & you all never did more than momentarilly incovienience them at best, sometimes setting their plans back by more than an hour or 2 at best. At best! At best...

  This sucks! I'm not insulting law enforcement whom in theory I both respect & admire, I'm insulting the situation before me.



  I had thought to put some pity "what have you done for me comments" about Police. You know, how they in general keep bad guys from going off the deep end, reign in the forces of evil & prevent anarchy. Well, not so much in my case, but the gang, dirty... cops, coward... cops., & even overly skeptic... cops have all convinced me that mine is not a standard criminal case. So hey yeah, I'll give the pity thank you & am grateful. Forgive me if I don't jump up & down & cheer, the pain from torture is a bit much today.

  If only I was cheering at the top of my lungs how great Police have treated me.



The Boulder PD...

  So, there I was, looking online, cruising for things, info I might use against my stalkers. You know, looking at perversion in public, the gang bragged they filmed me & it'll make great evidence when they decide to cast me into prison or an asylum & do away with me in the end. Why? Because the gang tells me I've starred in a lot of gay porn. The... cops tell me stuff like. "Oh yeah, where is this porn"? Me? Idano? So I had to look FOR it. If I'd found some, I would'a went to the... cops with it.

  Eventually, out of curiosity I went to the Bolder Corado Police website & while looking at their "Top 10 Most Wanted" there it was. A picture of me standing in a bank wearing that black pullover hoody that I never liked that I killed tons of people while wearing (by body weight).

  It was me, in the black hoody, standing in the bank. You see the gang had tortured me into delirium with drugs & sleep deprivation & while standing outside a bank with my masked torturers one of them said. "Since you're dreaming why not take this note & go inside & rob this bank"?

  So I did. Handed the note to the Teller & got a brown paper bag of money in return. What the note said, I cant say?

  Later Fearless Leader & even other snitches bragged the bank was gang-controlled, "owned", & that several of the patrons were card-carrying gang members there just in case I should become rational or semi-lucid & try to escape them. The nearby Ambulance & it's workers too.

  RECAP: Me, black pull over hoody, bank. Check?

  So I decided to write them a letter. In it I told the Bolder Police I was the man in the picture, one of their Top 10 Most Wanted & that they could look up my photo in Police records & come & get me. I resigned myself to likely decades in prison & decided to do what I loved for the next few days until the Police came & got me. Nothing crazy. Mellow in a melancholy sad way.

  The only problem, time passed & no... cops came to get me. I figured something might be wrong so I went to their website. The picture of myself robbing the Bank was no longer on their website.

  I thought to send another letter, to fight this, but my nerves were so frazzled by the wait & the horrors I'd only recently endured I just didn't have the strength in me. Something, that tiny corner of my reasoning, maybe it was the prayer? But I figured maybe I'd best not get involved with Bolder & what Duh jerk bragged as a legal system paid to destroy me, not just yet. The only thing I could wonder was why did they choose to remove my picture rather than prosecute me? They had me. Why didn't they return my letter? Didn't it merit some investigation of some sort? Why?

  They say that the truth shall set you free.

  We shall see.


  Addenum: You know what Reader? It was shortly after the above that the gang made me endure their many "fake trials"... again.

  Thanx for less than nothing Bowlderrr... cOPS.


"We own the cops". A common child-molester saying in & around Bay City, Saginaw, & mid-Michigan


Let this question be my testimony against anyone who doubts my story.

Ask any Law Enforcement Officer or Agent you might know this question, Reader.

"How does this guy David A. George know all this stuff"?


YOU JUST WANT TO LOOK GOOD... reason enough I'm told...

  Soooooo.................. I was talking to several rooms filled with... cops. They told me various comebacks to my attempts to file a lawful Police Report. One being this. That I could be dismissed, solely because my primary goal for coming to them for help was to make myself look good. It degenerated from there to different versions of they personally didn't like me or disagreed with how I survived here or there & in their opinion, rejecting me because my primary goal was so I could look good was justified.

  Huh? I defended myself. My primary goal was to end the horrors that my life has become. I'm tired of killing innocent people & I want that to end. I hate the act of rape; I don't like starring in sex films no matter who or what I'm having sex with. PERIOD! THAT is my primary goal.

  Not so the many... cops told me. Surely my story was good for some fame, fortune, or glory & they wanted no part in a scumbag like me getting any of it if THEY could prevent it.

  The... cops shot back at me with irrefutable logic. If what was happening to me happened to them then fame glory or fortune would be their primary motivation. Since that was true of them then my goal had to be that & it was not subject to debate. Case closed, the glory hound that I obviously was could leave now (truth & their public oaths be damned) & don't let the child-molesters hit you on the rear as you leave.

  Me? My opinion? I pitied them... cops & told them as much. "You would want to glory in my story if that happened to you"? I could only wonder. "What is your basic problem officer? Mommy drop you on your head too much or was it daddy didn't hug you when you got your Bay City Badge & you feel the need to project a desire for public affection onto others? What"? Of course I was never so disrespectful as to even slightly hint such a thing once. But, at the... cop's own insistence, I am outright mocking them thusly now, 9-16-24. "Seek professional help & try to get mommy to hug you... coppers".

   My final retort to anyone embracing this subject. "You're weird". He said with a swollen freshly raped rectum.


"That's just proof you're lying".





"That's just proof you're lying".





Bay City Badge.jpg

"That's just proof you're lying".






"That's just proof you're lying".






"That's just proof you're lying".





MI State Police.jpg

"That's just proof you're lying".





4 out of 4 mid-Michigan... cops agree

"Why would they do this to you"?

"They tell me it's revenge for "The Gym".


"Just watch the films & tell your peers in law enforcement what we tell you to tell them & don't ask any questions".

Define things: Popular Gang Lies:

  1) "Such & such is crazy & our friend & on drugs. It always works because everyone knows to say that". It's the gang lie. They say it about nearly all their victims. And why not? You'd have to be crazy or on drugs to be friends with people like... "them".

  2) "We can't make someone do something on drugs that they wouldn't normally do". Thus, when one accepts this lie as true the perversions, attacks, & evil the gang coaxes their victims into doing with their PRACTICAL jokes & skits on drugged targets (on film) is merely revealing the true inner demons of their target & their people & the... cops can feel good about destroying the scumbag. Ignore that the gang spends days, weeks, months, & even years coaxing targets to do these deeds & you can wrap the lie up in a neat little bow as evidence a courtroom might never see, but that the jury will ALL see in secret. Case closed. 

   I even had Duh Jerk quote it to me many times, I think it's because many victims begin to believe it as well. I shot back. "That's why it took you years of practice to get me to do it right (kill someone)"? He chuckled & agreed I was right, it's just a guilt tool for use on victims & to manipulate public opinion & to manipulate the all-important Court of Cop Opinion, A Phrase he taught me in Fall of 1976 when he was trying to recruit me.

  3) The Phrase That Pays. What is the Phrase? PHHHHHHT!!! I ain't telling. You wanna know? Go get a badge & a job & find out for yourself!

  4) "You can ignore him because he's on drugs". A useful sentence if you've just been caught in mid-kidnap & your drugged victim is begging the Police for help. It is in fact, like all of the above lies, infallible up & until now.

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