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The Full Story

About very public kidnappings.

  Public pub·lic adjective

  1. 1. of or concerning the people as a whole.

    "public concern"

  2. 2. done, perceived, or existing in open view.

    "he wanted a public apology in the Wall Street Journal"


  1. ordinary people in general; the community.

    "the library is open to the public" or "he was kidnapped on the street in front of witnesses in public"

This page is dedicated to the very public, often in broad daylight kidnappings of myself by Duh Jerk, the 4 Stars, & their gang hosted by their army of Dirty... cOPS. "IN PUBLIC"!!!

Let me emphasize by repeating it, "public kidnappings".

Cop's reply? "How'd they kidnap you"?

The answer? No matter what I say they call it a pack of lies, well, between secretly admitting they KNOW it's true that is.


"We've all had sex with children. It's the one thing that binds us. It's the one thing that we've all done". - Duh Jerk lots of times to me.

Their Mission

As near as I can tell the gang are an organized religeon who's goals are primarily to buy & sell drugs, make child porn, control & provide child prostitution, & to blackmail "the masses" whom I'll define as formerly innocent tax-paying citizens.

Their Founding Vision

A ton of the gang have bragged to me this concept. "We're all child-molesters. We've all had sex with children. It's the one thing that we've all done".

While this singular truth is in fact literally a matter of public record regarding mid-Michigan Satanic religion the Police & the gang are still allowed to publicly gaslight on the subject. "What gang? There's no child-molester gang"?

I've often heard from... cOPS who knew the very Molesors I write about, knew they were in fact career child-porn manufacturers & publicly, in unifom & at their posts said to me in front of their peers (to  more effectively dismiss me & impress their uniformed & on duty peers) said. "I know those guys. They're nice guys. They wouldn't do something like that".

That's in-between them... cOPS boasting that they were all way to good at their jobs, & that mid-Michigan has no organized child-molesting gangs. PERIOD!

My rebuttal?

"Respectfully Officers, I humbly disagree with your assessment of your area's criminals".


  When I created this page, the day I created this page it was with the goal of writing about the bazillion everyday kidnappings committed on my person, often in broad daylight with a whole lot of witnesses.  I felt I underrepresented the sheer enormity of my public FILMED kidnappings so I endeavored to create a page to address the subject. I hope to write more, God willing, but do not relish rehashing the kidnappings & writing the tales, re-opening the old wounds for public viewing.

  Today is 6-5-23 & it's months later & there is little writing on this page thus far. Frankly I've had a bazillion other tales I had to cover, things just too important to leave untold before my likely coming final showdown with the gang. I perceive that I get one last chance at this in the public arena & I've got to put all of my trump cards on the table while the gang gets to play all of their trump cards one at a time.

  They brag their plan is a bazillion lies, once told will obfuscate their crimes & render them impervious to prosecution because it'll create a cloud of "reasonable doubt" that many... cops seem to think they are bound by like a jury is (they are in fact not bound by the same code of reasonable doubt as a jury may be instructed to be).

  It contrasts with my plan which is a simple one. The truth shall set you free.

  We shall see?

"Now you have to make a porno with these little girls or die". - Duh Jerk surrounded by the 4 Stars, as army of Jocks, Dirty Cop himself, & about 5 8-11 year old girls in a posh curtained bedroom film set while standing in The Defunct Hospital.

"Now you have to make a porno with these little girls or we'll torture you & keep you awake until you go insane". - Duh Jerk spoke this to me (the Author of this website) surrounded by the 4 Stars, as army of Jocks, Dirty Cop himself, & about 5 8-11 year old girls in a posh curtained bedroom film set while standing in The Defunct Hospital just after I told him. "Go ahead". When he'd threatened to kill me if I wouldn't make the child-porn. Oddly enough the 4 Stars repeated the sentence for weeks to come as they worked in shifts with their army of... cops & Jocks to keep me awake & while beating me between electric shocks.

"Exactly what part of weird & perverse are you having trouble understanding"? - Me, explaining the gang's weird & perverse nature to... cops who challenged the very notion


Violating the laws of english right in front of them? Not the 1st laws mid-Michigan... cOPS turn their eyes from. I can only hope to make it the last for some dirty... cops out there.

The Laws of English I openly break & the insults I openly make on the specific advice of law enforcement Officers are all unique & symbolic, as opposed to the random schoolyard insults I've frequently endured from mid-Michigan's finest, at their posts, on duty, & in uniform. Between occasional threats of violence AND actual literal kidnappings.


3 FOR THE PRICE OF 1??? Or should I say 5??? More???

  Soooooo... you might ask, hard to do if you're a chuckling mid-Michigan... cOP or FBI... aGENT I'd suppose, but you might ask? "Describe some of these public kidnappings"?

  Well... Sirs. It's like this. They boast they kidnap me typically using dirty... cOPS or children with syringes or tasers then often immediately obtain samples, physical samples as soon as we are secreted out of view in the van they so often use. Blood & whatever body fluid, quickly inserting needles, taking the samples, then drugging me with what they've often told me is the date-rape drug to erase my memory of the incident.

  Yeah, Sirs. I begged the "general public", the witnesses for help & often simply advised them to run from the situation. Prompting the gang to have their dirty tell everyone to not leave & to take down their names & addresses. They tell me the dirty... cOPS also seize any films taken (a necessity in this age of everyone carrying cellphones". Cell Phone jammers are standard use & while counseling people to flee I tell them 'you want proof? your cell phone wont work! it's because they're using a cell phone jammer"! It breaks my heart to see the gang's future victims calmly standing there & giving their vital data to the gang. Especially when those dirty... cOPS deputize the child army around them to obtain the data (so they can move on more quickly". My retort being. "No cop deputizes kids! This is a kidnapping! RUN! Get out of here! If you have a car leave it because they'll just trace you by your license plate number"! Sadly, extremely few people ever heeded my warning.

  The dirty... cOPS or... aGENTS assured the public. "He always does this kind of stuff. He'll be okay once he gets his medicine".

  I recall only a few times, where after they doped me up Jerk & the 4 Stars paraded me handcuffed around the crowd assuring them I was all calm now that I'd gotten my medicine. "See? He's okay now. Ask him".

  Sadly, standing there in the midst of my kidnappers & their dirty... cOPS & aGENTS injected with who knows what drug(s?) I assured everyone on film... ON FILM that these were my friends & I was okay now".

  Picture if you will Duh Jerk & the 4 Stars grinning from ear to ear at this time. Their Dirty... cOP or aGENTS load me into the vehicle without struggle.

  Picture occasionally becoming lucid. I'm strapped to a table in the midst of a party where I'm the focus, the entertainment. My pants are around my ankles & whosoever will sodomizes me or performs whatsoever act they wish on me.

  At some of the parties Duh Jerk stands at my head & councils partygoers to be careful. "Keep your hands away from his face. He's a biter. He's bitten off a few fingers". Other times he advises them not to seek oral sex from me no matter how long they imagine they might beat me to make me comply. Noting I'd bitten off the members of several partiers who hadn't heeded his warning. Threatening that one day they'd take my teeth a few at a time as revenge & to facilitate many upcoming films where I could one day. "You can struggle all you want once we knock out all of your teeth but some guys like that sort of thing. They claim it makes it feel better".

  Parties where, the presumably "innocent" (I doubt innocence, but hey, it could happen, right?) put their fingers close to my head occur. I show no mercy, neither do they. More adults & kids are maimed for life & a chuckling madman apologizes saying I was "in character" & play acting, if they didn't like it they could fight the army of Jocks. Picture 9-fingered men dripping blood & shouting threats at me. Some attack & a few get in some good licks.

  At these party's some people ask if they may beat me & Duh Jerk says I like that sort of thing. When I protests & deny the statement he says. "He's in character. He likes the rape fantasy & he'll say that but it's okay". They beat me & have sex with me. Flipping me over & strapping me to the table so the women can have a shot at the fun.

  The restraining is accomplished often by a vest & restraints with fasteners. The gang uses chains strategically placed that are pulled through eyelets that improve their leverage allowing a team to pull me into position in a well-practiced & coordinated move. Into the room, onto the table, flipping me over, then even while releasing me so they can more easily cuff & shackle me.

  At other parties I'm told the loud music plays because the general public is invited to have their way with me. All of it's members are future blackmailed rapists who'll be an army willing to do anything to cover up the day they raped me. It's at these parties my 3+ tales take place.

  Like I said, usually Duh Jerk or the 4 Stars took turns standing at my head & supervising the rape. Duh Jerk said he attended. "Because I'm tired of how often he has escaped". Apparently, according to the self-professed professional liar, child rapist, & recreational baby-killer I'm more slippery than some of his other victims. His complaint, his words, not mine.

  This time, these times Jerk & The 4 Stars were nowhere to be seen. The music blared loud & I'll start with the tale of a huge Jock. I became lucid at a party strapped to a table being sodomized. Often, some of the party goers tried to talk to me, some even tipped me (for the record I never got to keep a penny of the cash). The loud music prevented all but the most dedicated from chatting.

  In the few moments where I got them to listen to me I begged to be freed while they often begged me to get out of character, they liked me & wanted to date me. EWWWWWW!!!

  But that huge Jock. I'd seen him before. Plenty of times. He was one of 2 watching over me. If you could call it that. I'd call it partying & looking around & enjoying the party a lot while simultaneously trying to watch me, some. He'd personally thwarted my escapes a few times at other locations. Being big & powerful I knew if he could get a grip on me, it was likely all over. Especially with the troops he had to back him up.

  Picture an admirer bending over the table & shouting into my ear who was begging me to drop my character, to date me. We needed to exchange data. He had a lot of money & could provide a comfortable life for me he said.

  I stuck to my guns & I asked him to free me?

  He said he'd been told I was in character & if he fell for letting me go he'd be ejected by... by me.

  I told him this was a kidnapping & asked him to free me. So he did just that, freeing a single hand, I undid the rest.

  Often, you'll see in my writings I'd carried a knife secretly for just such an emergency. The worst part? There were many times where that could've helped me escape but their drug(s?) robbed me of that recollection at that moment. This time I recalled it, checked for it, & pulled out my knife.

  Then I walked up behind my nemesis, the man who'd thwarted many an escape attempt by me, my kidnapper, & I unceremoniously slit his throat making sure to go deep on the side about the jugular vein!

  WOW! Did he look surprised! So did his partner in crime who watched the geyser of blood spray out of his throat! The man dropped in a few seconds.

  Someone cut the music. I told the room that this was in fact a kidnapping & that I was leaving & that I'd kill anyone who tried to stop me. The 2nd Jock, a man whom I knew had seen films of me killing people wanted no part of stopping me. He threatened me he'd call for help as soon as I left the room & they'd just catch me again. I informed the room that that was proof this was in fact a kidnapping. He looked exposed on the film I'd suppose (the camera being on a tripod right there) & I left.

  I recall walking out... fade to black...

  2 more? Just read the above story. These times I did in fact slit throats again. Once with a knife, another time I put a punch bowl in a thick tablecloth & broke it, then used the sharp edge to cut a Jock's throat. I recall walking out into the streets of a big city a snitch would later tell me was Detroit where the local Police arrested me for the gang before I got very far. When I asked why I didn't recall any of that he told me it was because the... cops arrested me & Jerk & The 4 Stars were there to quickly administer the date-rape drug & to assure witnesses I could be ignored. I was in fact an escaped mental patient.

  It's only trivia to add that one time I escaped in their leather restraint vest & asked witnesses to consider that no escaped mental patient fresh out of the hospital wear BDSM vests.

  Yeah, I recall fighting my way out of a few. Lots of injuries, mostly adults, sometimes teens & even little kids got hurt, badly! Did some live? Some die? Idano? I didn't get a chance to conduct any autopsies & am not qualified to do so if I tried.

  I dedicate this tale of injured, crippled, & dying teens & children to laughing mid-Michigan... cOPS & chuckling FBI. It's due to the fine law-investigation work of... cOPS &... aGENTS like you that my website is possible. Take a bow because... this IS you.

  Laugh... cOP. Laugh...


3 FOR THE PRICE OF 1 Follow up... Yeah, they would...

  It was the alleged "snitch" who showed up for the standard debriefing after the gang-rape & killings. As a matter of business Duh Jerk likes to send people to act like their victim's friend. I should've repeated this a lot more but virtually EVERY "snitch" has the same exact story. They've come as my friend. They don't like Duh Jerk for unspecified reasons. They want me to go to the Police. They've got the goods on Duh Jerk, films, evidence, all they need is for me to go to the cops without them. Then they'll hand in the evidence & we'll both be done with Duh Jerk for good. Some are better than others & it's clear that some have such contempt for me, that keeping the facade of "pretending to be a friend in my time of need" is impossible for them & they launch threats. Sometimes I could see the van-load of Jocks sitting in the buttoned up van in 110 degree heat, sometimes I might take off in an unexpected direction & find the van sitting there, Duh Jerk or one of the 4 Stars with a camera in hand standing nearby talking to pretty teens girls, their human shield. Not a special tactic, just their mundane tactic. Business as usual. In the words of The Last Snitch. "Don't flatter yourself. We do that to all of our victims".

  Oh yeah, that particular snitch. Shorter than most if memory serves me at this time. He said the large Jock was an up and comer in the gang. I'd been present when he was congratulated with Officer title in the Bomb Shelter Garages (a place where he tipped the scales in preventing my escape more than once) to much ado by Duh Jerk & the 4 Stars. The gang had sworn revenge on me based on his upcoming Officer rank (apparently, it wasn't "official" juat yet). "We all loved him".

  I'd agree, he seemed quite popular.

  He said that the edited films showed me just walking up behind The Jock & cutting his throat for no reason. Then he informed me that, since the guy was an officer in the gang, destined for greatness in part because of his involvement with me, they'd made films of us in romantic situations that could prove I was just a jilted lover who killed him like they do for all the officers involved with my stalking as a matter of business. Then he lamented that the only reason I wasn't prosecuted was because of a few glitches. "Didn't you wonder why they were so quick to cut the music"? Of course it was stagged. They didn't think I had a knife though, but the scene was meant to be played out with me as a... uhhh... I'm not entirely sure. But apparently it didn't go to script well & they didn't own everyone there (part of the plan, a poll of witnesses all above it all ready to testify of my misfit behavior, obviously just another pervert on drugs doing insane mischief). The music was cut so that R.E.M. Sleep Deprived & drugged me could make a fool of myself & be heard clearly on the film. The other problem was the guy who'd threatened to recapture me & return me to the gang-rape in front of so many witnesses they didn't own. Now they'd have to edit the films in the evidence room over time, recruit everyone who saw & heard stuff that didn't fit their narrative about what happened, & he promised me they'd wait a long time until they sprung this on me so as to give people's minds a long time to blur what really happened.

  What do you say when some pipsqueak comes up & threatens you like this on the behalf of madmen? I mean it... cops. What do you say? The gang brag most people get angry here, are provoked to violence, & spend the last parts of their lives as convicted criminals based on what they do to the wimpy gang mouthpiece.



  YOU SUCK!!! It conveys my message so well...

  Short & to the point? Sure. In the past during cruel moments I've looked at Duh Jerk or the 4 Stars & said. "You suck"! Or. "You suck".

  The Last Snitch teased me. "You have to come up with a new insult". He said it wasn't enough to convince Police of my sencerity. "You suck has become a  joke in our gang". He bragged they made my life miserable hoping to illicit me saying the sentence as a group joke.

  "But it conveys my feelings of him so well". I retorted.

  He told me to come up with new insults for my own good.

  My new insults that I have reluctantly applied (on the advice of many, many on duty Police at their posts) are throughout my website. Enjoy!



  I wrote the above high as a kite & suffering from face injection pains on 7-14-23. The high as a kite part was against my will.


  For the record I bear Duh Jerk, The Munger Boy 5, the Children of The Gym, & the various Law-Enforcement Agencies no malice & genuinely hope they live long lives & do well.

  Then why write my website? They, the collective "they" just won't leave me alone.

  I have not asked for leniency nor tried to make any deals. It's the truth I want. The truth & the whole truth. I'm not afraid of the truth, but I know a lot of people who are & whom, in my opinion, many of whose live would be better & they could just move on to enjoy happy & productive lives if the truth of my life's story would just come out into the light.

  Again... I'm not scared. But are they?

  Lets all step into the light together & see shall we?

  Seven eleven, going once, going twice, it's a kidnapping!!!

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