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  "I'll say one thing about that guy (he meant me, the Author of this website David A. George). He's consistent". - Several Bay City Michigan... cops while on duty & at their posts talking about my story.

Your relationship with the gang.

  Here on this webpage I shall endeavor to explain YOUR coming relationship with the gang. Especially if you, for whatever reason, should decide to side against me. Be it as law enfocement or another misguided would-be vigilante.

  This is mostly guesswork based on decades of experience with the weird & perverse peoples of America. I went through a lot to learn this stuff, so pay attention & don't get recruited because the gang brag that YOU, law enforcement are the real targets. That they do this sort of stuff all the time & that they plan to use me to leverage themselves into your lives & professional careers so deeply that eventually even you won't be able to tell where you & the formerly law-aboding... cop that you once were & the scumbag they plan to turn you into 1 little shadowy white lie at a time into begins or ends.

  Think being a dirty cop will save you? Are you a dirty cop with at least half a brain? Then you know that if the gang get involved in even 1/100th the stuff I allege they get all murdery during the cover-up phase guaranteed to come. "We plan to kill whatever cop is in charge of your case. Even if it's one of our dirty cops because the way we figure it is a bunch of people will tell them things we don't want anyone knowing". "It'll be easy too. Our dirty cops trust us because we tell all of our victims that we plan to kill our dirty cop so they're used to hearing it".

  Got half a brain dirty cop? YOU tell me what the gang does when the coverup comes when the case is only 1/100th as filled with bodies like I allege? Huh? Next time take a real good hard look at your Boss. You're going to bet your life on... "them"? Really? You bought that? Hey, before you arrest me come to me & I'll sell you some undeveloped wetlands in Florida, cheap. Maybe a few pieces of The True Cross too? Huh?

  The gang & their army of dirty... cops have plans to be very nice to you & have an army of witnesses & clues they cant wait for you to go over, especially when you have any doubts. Their advice will always be the same. Never take your eyes off their victim (me, the Author of this website currently begging YOU, the Reader for help) & start anything stupid like even beginning to look into anything I've got to say.

  Disclaimer: I don't know anyone in the pictures of my websites & mean to imply nothing bad whatsoever about any of them & would like to thank each, who's only crime was they were photogenic & took a great pic I thought I'd use in what until now, has been a truly pathetic attempt to save my life & freedom.

"I like to keep my victims well-informed. No one will believe a well-informed victim when they say that they didn't do it".

  "I've met them & they seemed like a bunch of nice guys to me. Fairly honorable in my opinion". - Uniformed Bay City... cOP at his post explaining to his peers why I should be ignored based on his 1st impressions of a gang he knew were an organized child-porn ring. In his opinion the gang's sexual perversions were a separate issue, seeing as he kind of liked them.

  School Privilege: skoÍžol priv(É™)lij NOUN The act of working in a school, public or private as a cover for working in organized crime. example: "ever since I became a school councilor I'm armed with school privilege, now I'm an Untouchable to the cops, I cannot be prosecuted for any crime whatsoever as long as I commit them primarily against children".


What you might expect to hear:

  I've dealt with a lot of psychos over the years, known & interacted with a whole bunch of recreational serial-killers & self-professed (& think their better that the others) "When I kill it's just business" like Duh Jerk's #2 who told me he thought that made him a better type of slayer of ther masses than Duh Jerk or I. "When I kill it's just business. I don't kill casually like Jerk or you do".

  So while checking out the fine website made by 35 Common gaslighting phrases it occured to me, that as Police, Law Enforcemet Agents, religeous leaders, or just about anybody I might ask for help, that hese gaslighting tricks are what you're going to hear time & again when the gang & their army of dirty... cOPS tells you to not investigate them & to keep their eyes solely on me (the Author of this website).

  Here goes:





  What Is Gaslighting? According to

  Gaslighting is "a type of psychological abuse aimed at making victims seem or feel 'crazy,' creating a 'surreal' interpersonal environment," as defined by Paige L. Sweet of Harvard University in "The Sociology of Gaslighting." Gaslighting "should be understood as rooted in social inequalities, including gender, and executed in power-laden intimate relationships." 

  How does this apply to law enforcement? They'll gaslight you too. How could you believe David A. George? What kind of sicko are you? Do you want David A. George to "get away with it"? The word "it" is a nebulous term because I'm not sure what their given story or accusation will be... at 1st. It could range from the mundane & boring accusations to pure hardcore absolute evil backed up by many films & the testimony of a ton of former friends who now are "innocently" turned state's evidence & can feel free to accuse me of anything & have zero chance of legal repercussions.


  A gaslighting example:

  "Yeah we got a dozen kids with baseball bats there to keep him away. He's lying because he's The School Wimp & everybody picks on him & he's so tough it takes 12 guys with bats to scare him". - Duh Jerk at a parent/teacher meeting to a uniformed on duty... cop sent to investigate The Gym. As long as a guy in a suit says it, mid-Michigan... cops believe it. Or so Duh Jerk liked to brag. This is the kind of gaslighting you'll be encountering to slip YOU (law enforcement0 into a state of cognitive dissonance.


  What is Cognitive Dissonance?

  Cognitive Dissonance cog·ni·tive dis·so·nance /ˈkäÉ¡nÉ™div ˈdisÉ™nÉ™ns/ noun PSYCHOLOGY

  1. the state of having inconsistent thoughts, beliefs, or attitudes, especially as relating to behavioral decisions and attitude change.



  In short Cognitive Dissonance is the ability to hold 2 very separate polarized views that are absolutely contradictory & accept both as fact. In the above example the kid's a wimp who it takes a dozen guys with bats to contain. When a guy wearing a suit says it, especially about a delirious guy rambling about his latest sleep deprivation kidnapping, & has a few films to back it up, cops, especially mid-Michigan... cOPS jump at his command & say "how high"?

  Other examples would be. "I'm into organized crime, but we're an honorable bunch of guys. When a victim complains about us it's only because they are lying. THEY are the real scumbags here. We're just the honest hard-working organized crime gang here caught up in a mess because our victim is the real bad guy here, not us.

  A final example would be myself, the Author of this website going to Police & complaining about all the "films" inflicted upon me & the frequent sleep deprivation torture sessions I've had to endure throughout my life at the hands of the gang only to have said... cops call me a liar based on the films they've seen showing me in compromising sexual positions & proving I was in fact delirious at the time or times in question, showing all the symptoms of sleep deprivation but quite obviously lying about it. What other logical explanation could there be? "You're just lucky they wouldn't give me the films or you'd be in jail right now". I've literally heard line that dozens of times. The Cognative Disonance being, yes I complained about the very things said... cops now say are their evidence against me. Period! End of discussion. "If what you were saying is true then they [the gang] would have to be manipulating me [with anonymous testimony & edited "films"]. How stupid do you think I am"? Yet other... cops all told me with no small pride. "See this badge? Do you know what I had to do to get this? There's no way I could be manipulated like you are suggesting".

  Truth was, I add merely for trivia's sake. I asked them... cops this L-Bomb. "How many hours of training have you had in dealing with recreational kidnapping & rape gangs"? To date the current record holder I've met was a Bay City... cop who in the 80's told me he had 4 hours of training. "A half day once in college". When I complained he said he felt it was even more, as he had an hour or so of homework he did too. I did have a cop or 2 add they felt the fact they'd read a book on the subject on their own time should count as training on the subject. When I enquired into the "books", how thick they were or detailed, their anemic answers were said with both inadequecy & shame in my opinion.

  As a mid-Michigan... cop you totally buy stories like the above from what I say are the... cop's perspective & I'd be a fool to even try & solicit... you for help. That's okay, I'm not asking Bay City... Cops or FBI for help, otherwise I'd use a lot of smaller words in my written plea for help.

  "The cop we're going to use to take you down will be a woman. She'll be a minority too so that she can ask the Judge to lock you up because she doesn't feel safe with you on the outside. It'll work too. As proof of our power & so that you know she's one of us she'll use the word "manifesto" in the 1st sentence of her letter to you". - The Last Snitch, several times.

dover badge.jpg

The Most Important Thing?

Why that's on my webpage titled How The Scam Works 2.

Look it up.


"We own the cops". A common child-molester saying in & around Bay City, Saginaw, & mid-Michigan

This page is under construction, I intend to change the pictues as soon as possible, but I'm running out of time, dizzy from my 7th bout with COVID & it's not happening today 2-15-23


"I'm sick of writing this website & I'm sick of warning people who think they are smarter than the blackmail pros".

- David A. George 9-6-24

"I gain no satisfaction from telling new gang victim/members 'I told you so".


"I like to keep my victims well-informed. No one will believe a well-informed victim when they say that they didn't do it".

School Privilege to hide behind




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