This is not a manifesto. It is a written plea for help.
"When you show up in court all crippled in a wheelchair who's going to believe that you lived through the gym"? - A bragging Child-Molester speaking about my eventual demise at the hands of the Child-Molesters, a Saginaw Gang in court only a few years prior to the writing of this website
"All we have to do is haul you into court in Bay City & call your plea for help a manifesto & no one will read it".
This is not a manifesto. It is a written plea for help.
RAPED and STALKED Pray for me. Please?
There's a reason this s the 1st part of my message. The gang brag my dirty cop destroyer WILL begin their letter/report declaring my site is NOT a plea for help but a madman's manifesto everyone can ignore.
My website is under constant attack & editing by the gang & rarely works on the first few tries. Don't give up & keep trying to make it work! Please?
Copy my website, share it with your local Police, call a Police Officer or 2, who knows? Maybe one of the wonded, dead or dying was someone in YOUR area? Tell a Federal Agent about my site, tell your family, tell your friends, tell everyone. Please? It's not for me, it's for the children the gang victimized, it's for the children the gang brag they are victimizing now, and it's for the children the gang brag my story will enable them to victimize in the future. It's all about business.
My website is all about opposing their business, their child-molesting & rape business for revenge, blackmail, self-gratification, & profit.
Hey There... Yeah, hello there...
It seems like my other content pages are getting full & I'm only about 1/3rd through my story (when compared to my +1,500 page letter I sent to the FBI where someone dies every few pages where I never did touch the enormity of the dead, dying, & worse.
All About Me... It isn't fair. I've had enough & now I want my share. Can't you see? I wanna live? But they just take more than they give. What about... me?
Why me?
Why me?
Sum up my story in a short statement? It sucks to be me. It's always sucked to be me & there's a gang of weird perverts stalking me who brag it'll always suck to be me.
Describe my life? Okay. I wonder if it's just another simple tale of every day ordinary Americana.?Boring, mundane, maybe even tame?
Is my life as I've written it herein just so average that it explains why... cops & FBI have chosen to ignore it? I'm asking, not telling because I have nothing to compare it to?
Yet another page? More content? Writing tales that... cops threaten & attack me for retelling? Writing stories that Officers tell me is "evidence against me". Writing stories that a gang of madmen tell me reads as both their resume in the circles they travel in AND is a reason to justify attacking me? Often with many a... cop's help? Evidence that justifies many a cruelty inflicted upon me by... cops from all over... on their own time? Because they are offended?
If you're offended by my website know that I'm offended too if anyone cares? I'm irritated, miffed, not happy about the things on my website too. This is not a bragging tale nor is it written with glee. I prayed to God for wisdom & who I should turn to for help & so I wrote this web page & now YOU are reading this Reader.
I am not now nor was I ever a masochist. Pain hurts. Torture isn't fun & no amount of money could entice me to participate in it. In short... I hate pain.
"I hate pain AND wrote THIS?
Yeah, I wrote it. Even public swore that it's true to the best of my ability too.
Can I sigh a 2nd time? Will it do any good? Will any of my writing do anyone or myself any good? Why am I wasting my time? Because it's the right thing to do?
Why me?
Click on this & play the volume softly while reading this page.
Why me?
Click on this & play the volume softly while reading this page.
Misty water colored memories...
It was among my earliest memories. In my writings I should've brought this story up more because up & until age 2 it happened to me many times. Here goes...
The man My Mother (Honor honor honor) introduced to me as "My Cousin" liked to invite everyone around me into torturing me. He bragged it was each of my family members one at a time & then their friends. "One day they'll all be offended when you accuse them" he told me for lots of reasons explained in detail elsewhere.
But every now & again he'd talk them into forcing a pain session on me for gain, whatever that individual's gain was, & he'd say. "It's okay to be as mean as you want to him because he's only a baby & he wont remember it". If they balked or refused he'd go on to explain that, in his opinion, children's long term memories didn't begin to work until they were about aged 2. Thus anything they did to me was moral, a freebie if you will because I wouldn't remember it.
My opinion on the subject? He was wrong. I remembered. I remembered & I am not happy about it.
My religion preaches forgiveness. If I will not forgive those who trespass against me then God will not forgive me my trespasses.
Lets just say that my family (a quantity of 100%) made it challenging.
This was my life. This is Americana.
ME... What you see is what you get... & nothing else...
I'm a white male, 56 years old as of June 2022 when I typed this. I don't drink, I don't smoke, & I don't do drugs... willingly. In a way, I do lots of drugs. Serious mind-altering invasive drugs that a gang of madmen tell me they've inflicted upon me for over half a century & often in overdose amounts. A few times I heard them say thing like. "You got lucky. We overdosed you & you nearly died".
They should've said it like this. "You got lucky. We overdosed you & you nearly died... again".
In the past for most of my life I enjoyed pen & paper role playing games.
I began playing role playing games when I was at a mentally low point in my life after I turned 13. The gang had railed hard on my my whole life & the recent torture sessions were particularly brutal. I'd recently lost my faith & no one would help me. Indeed. Any & all available services allegedly normally available to help someone with my story either would not help me or actively worked to hinder me & even attack me.
So I looked into health books for advice & saw many styles of advice. But a repeating theme in many was Doctors used role playing scenarios to help victims work through the stress of their lives & ordeals. The gang teased me often that if I dared "seek professional help" that they'd simply compromise them & it'd be my undoing. Easy peasy.
Being at an all-time low I jumped into the games. It turned out to be mentally challenging & a lot of fun. The gang brags that edited bits of conversation where, during the games it was my job to play the game's villains, how I talked was a godsend to a gang who secretly film their victims talking & edit the conversation to influence others with their films.
I haven't played the games in quite some time but I occasionally write content for them just for fun on occasion. Every now & again I like to read the content in it's short story form & reminisce.
I like science art & philosophy. I like honest & intellectual debate. I like biking though thanks to their illegal endoscope surgeries on my shoulders & knees I'm on the lookout for a recombinant bike to resume my biking hobby & never had. I've kept an eye out for a cheap one for many years now & haven't even seen a decent sale let alone a cheap one for sale. But it would be fun to ride again.
I like surfing the web. Computer programming, in theory. Even video game design, in theory. I say in theory because I currently have no computer. I adore playing shooter video games. Sadly... and this IS a real thing in my life. I quit playing open battle games for the most part & limit myself to only team games. Why? Because the gang has been inclined to sleep deprive me, drug me, put a gun in my hands, & tell me to kill given numbers of people ranging from hardcore card-carrying gang members (presumably for reasons of punishment, hazing, or to demonstrate their bravery to the gang with another PRACTICAL joke), the formerly innocent & recently compromised, & the plain old innocents that recreational serial-killers just love killing for fun & profit. I hope that it's possible I'm creating mental barriers (for lack of a better description) to prevent a mass-shooting which seems to be their annual themes as of late. Actually, as I write this on 6-24-22 I note the last attempt was a while back. GULP! Of course to complain about such things is only to prove one's guilt or complicity. "What other logical explanation could there be? Right"?
I'm into art, drawing & drafting but currently have few examples of my own art. My artwork gets regularly stolen. The gang brags I sell it... & they have the films to prove it. Besides, possession of such artwork proves that anyone possessing the artwork & I are great buttbuddies I'm told. "What other logical explanation could their be"
I'm not into charity work much but am helpful & make it a point to be the hardest worker wheresoever I may be & at whatsoever task I may be doing my entire life. Outworking everyone around me. Sadly, I don't recommend it. In my opinion if you want to live a life of coworkers backstabbing & thwarting & bad mouthing you, then just out work everyone around you everyplace you go. It worked well for me.
I try to be decent, I try to be kind, I try to keep it ethical, & in my opinion I try my best to be meek. You know, so I might inherit the earth one day? Unfortunately for me there's a lot of guys out there who attack the meek. If you're meek & willing to defend yourself then there's tons of guys out there who cant wait to attack you from what I can tell. There are even an entire class of people (bullies, the wise know I'm right) who specialize in identifying the meek and attacking them. More than I care to think I've heard those bullies told, in the past tense by other people after having met me & after them having inflicted upon me whatsoever amused them in enough quantity to eventually irritate me. "I told you one of these days you'd mess with the wrong guy". Not a one is a fond memory. Though I did have a fondness once for telling the stories as cautionary tales so others around me might leave me alone. They tell me that guys who talk about their fights are just scared inside & I fit that description whenever I talked about battle in the past. Nowadays I think of it as "saving my life because I gotta get these stories out there to avoid my would-be pending destruction by the gang in the courts of America".
I've been in a lot of fights & have even developed several fighting styles of my own as I had many occasions both to ponder the subject & to use what I'd pondered. In a way I've spoken fondly of fighting in the past, a character flaw. But from the easiest on easy to win fight to the knock down drag'em out lucky to survive battles I'm forced to admit that at that time I hated every confrontation equally. For me combat is a bit scary & frankly I've been in enough fights to know that you should never underestimate your opponents. Treat each one with grim respect, avoid combat if at all possible, & always, much to the glee of my stalkers I've pushed til it hurt serious injury & even the lives of some of the worst of my attackers.
I wish everyone well from friend, family, to the guys who've tried to kill me over & over & even my worst enemies. I pray for them blessing them often. Praying that each will change their ways & get their heart's right with God, get Jesus into their hearts & get saved. I have no desire for revenge. Another character flaw. Once the battle is over, it's over.
I stand ready to forgive everyone no matter what they did to me. I have to. My religion says God will judge me using my own ethics. The way I forgive others is the way I can be expected to be forgiven by him in the day we meet.
I'm not perfect & the gang has films that can prove everything I claim is a lie no matter what I claim. Or so I'm told.
Sadly I'm not much of a family man. I've discussed the subject like this when family has confronted me in the past. "If we took every bad thing I ever did to you (any family member ie: all) [for even the worst ones] & inflicted that on me over an hour it might be uncomfortable for me, but I'd live. But if they took everything you ever did to me & inflicted it on YOU over 1 hour YOU would be dead". A few I teased wouldn't live 5 minutes through such an ordeal. I never had a single family member dispute that fact. Not to my face in any event. I stand ready to forgive them all & have treated them with nothing but kindness & respect despite this fact that these sayings are indeed true. I hold no grudges & have no desire to prosecute or even to expose any of them. Though many of the gang work tirelessly to make it expedient for me to expose my past harsh treatment from the gang by both family & non-family members for reasons of survival.
I'm a straight heterosexual male. Always have been. I experimented with being gay as a child. Even searched many gay websites & tried to turn myself gay (it'd surely make my homosexual gang rapes more enjoyable) watching it's art. I could be gay, but for one fact. In order to be gay at some point you must actually do it. That's the moment I balk. It's sickening. Abhorrent. I'm straight & apologetically so.
I'm not too kinky. I was always amazed that I never liked role-playing & sex combined. It seems logical. I like role playing games so logically I'd like role playing during sex. Right? I guess sex is exciting enough already to me without need to spice it up. Besides I tried it a few times & the entire time I thought to myself. "I could be having sex right now but we're playing this stupid role playing sex game". I never liked dress up for sex & have NEVER willingly done so, I have no desire to dress up for the fun time activity in the dark & told my gals when they asked me what they should wear to bed that getting their clothes off was my goal, not dressing them so they'd look sexy but have even more clothes on. Seems... counterproductive in my mind?
If freed from the gang's tyranny I'd like to salvage what's left of my mind, body, & health & try to live what's left of the American Dream. Go soul-winning. I promised myself that one day after I'd been freed I'd go to a park & watch the little kids play on the equipment for a short time & let flow any tears I might have just one time. As of late that is starting to look more & more like a vain fantasy.
I have no secrets, I'm an open book. It IS a stupid way to be, don't do it if you are reading this.
"Killing 1 person is a tragedy & the cops will investigate it because it is a tragedy. Killing 100 people is a statistic & the cops will laugh".
- Duh Jerk bragging how we, yes WE would be getting away with murder, once I took my rightful place beside him.
"It's how the scam works".
"If you join me right now I'll give you a house, a car, & a job".
"I know you're tempted because we keep you poor".
What about the children?
It is with reluctance & loathing that I have written my story. If I had my way I'd have never written it down at all. 48 years of not writing it down being all the proof I need to say that is true.
-David A. George 3-4-23
"The Circle"... how the gang gets things done...
"The Circle" that they use to manipulate drugged & sometimes sleep deprived victims, where they practice & film confronting victims over & over, slowly refining their technique as the victim travels from work station to work station in the "The Circle".
"The Circle" essentially is conducted in a large room or in a roughly circular hallway. 3-4 "workstations' are set up where a team of 4-8 children (yeah, I said formerly innocent little kids), teens, & adults man each station. They are all typically hard-core card-carrying gang members with a few new recruits (member/victims & unfortunate likely never to be law-abiding again victim/members. See: "Renfields" in my definitions) who have varying skill levels depending on how long ago they were recruited.
The victim is engaged at each workstation by the workstation crew in what is usually a skit of some sort. Be it mundane or confrontational. Such as playing house, interacting with a new friend (See: "Inserts" on my definition page), seduction a VERY important workstation to the gang), & confrontation. The theory being that the gang wants to gauge how a victim reacts at each point. Pushing victim towards the gang's goal. Being that they want to force them into public violence, find out what it takes for a little (formerly innocent) little child to seduce the adult. Falling back on their "Circle Film Footage" if their little kid seduction of an adult should fail. Violence being a key goal for the gang. They thrive in as "professional victims" so footage of a victim attacking them & theirs is worth more than gold (especially when the goal is to blackmail someone for life & take them for a lifetime of money). Racism is also a key goal (at least it is when they deal with me, the Author). The theory being that the... cops of America pretty much wont help someone they perceive to be a racist. The cop's public oath to protect them & the fact their taxes pay the... cop's salary meaning nothing to most of them. Thus, it is a supreme goal.
Victims are also tested by "The "Circle" at times. In theory the gang gauges a victim's response to certain social situations & practice it over & over, refining it every minute or so because their drug(s?) have robbed their victim of their long-term memory. They forget everything that happened 15-30 seconds ago. So the gang confronts them every minute or so with their murderous "Skit" (look up the word skit in my definitions pages) that is "The Circle". Changing the words & adding & subtracting props until their skit is refined to it's always, damning outcome.
Later the gang either uses their edited films of their successful work station of "The Circle's Skit" or confront their victim with the situation that the "primarily actors" of the gang have practiced & refined to perfection. The end goal being another victim/member who's ultimate disposition & place in the gang is up to the whims of the head torturer.
The Circle is my nickname for their murderous skit. If they have a name for it & it's participants I am not privy to it at this time 3-4-23
The Circle debases both the victim & the victimizers (such as newly recruited victim/members) alike. Once a recruit participates in The Circle the gang Bosses inform them that their films footage of them torturing victims for hours means they own them for life.
Many a Uniformed on duty... cop asked me this in the presence of his peers. "Just how easily manipulated do you think we are"?
Even from my youth I answered it carefully.
"It doesn't matter how easily I think you are to manipulate. What matters how easy the gang thinks you are to manipulate. And they tell me that they think you are pretty easy to manipulate".
A statement of fact based on the gang's ability to provide... cops with believable scenarios & a coordinated campaign of lies & inuendo against their victims that is bulletproof (until now) against all Police I've encountered to date.
Why us?
When Duh Jerk set up his own guys to be killed I asked him?
"Why'd you do that to your own loyal guy"?
It seemed counterproductive to me.
He bragged.
"I like to control the witnesses on both sides of the courtroom".
I asked him how he could do that to the family of his loyal members? It seemed stupid to me?
"I like to control how the family will react in court".
Controlling the courtroom, it's politics, & even the theater of the courtroom by staging practice trials using time-honored techniques that have worked thus far for the gang for generations just made for good business. He did brag there'd be a few truly innocent victims & their families against me in court. All the better as a training aid for the gang to follow should they stray from the script.
MY BUTTBUDDY... Yeah, they would...
1st a definition of the word I created: Buttbuddy:
Buttbuddy [ bət/ˈbədē ] Anyone who pretends to be a friend and or employer of their rape
victim. example: "We raped him good and told the cops we were buttbuddies so now they're
prosecuting our victim! Ha"! 8
Sooooo... picture me standing in a room at about age 8, skeletally thin & surrounded by a giddy crowd of 5- & 6-year-olds. They are having a catered party. The services table is well stocked & as the children individually quit playing with me they go over to the table to get food, candy, or drugs of choice. Adults stand around the room just off camera & they are all playing with me. A uniformed and allegedly on duty Michigan State Trooper stands ready to arrest me if the gang gets a good film & to deflect any outside investigation.
"Playing with me"? If you could call being beat up by a room full of little kids 30 or so, more or less playing then yeah, playing. Little kids I could lift with 1 arm beat me up mercilessly. while the smiling madman I then knew only as "My Cousin" smiled & directed the action.
Every now & then I might get in a good lick. My Cousin stopped the action & the adults tended the child's wounds. Then they redoubled the attacks on me.
Often they stopped the fight or held me down if I became agitated of started doing well because the times of my next dosing approached. In that case they held me down until my memory reset & I had no memory of what had just happened. Then we all acted like pals or chums, or friends. Then they escalated the conversation to violence in many ways & beat me up again. and again... and again... and again... and again...
Later I woke up without a single bruise or cut though was shocked to see myself in the mirror, being that to me, just yesterday, I was not skeletally thin. But the emaciated little boy greeted me in the mirror.
My Cousin boasted on the subject later. "How'd you like being beat up by all those little kids"?
I told him I didn't like it. Then I asked him why he did that to me & how? Being that I should've easily defended myself against that tiny crowd (in my opinion).
My Cousin said it was a film to cover his assets. That now I could go to the cops with a story like I fought this guy & that guy & all he had to do was show his films of 5- & 6-years old kids beating me up & the cops would laugh at me. He dared me to go to the cops to report this beatdown. He said he'd kept me longer than usual & thinned me up. Scrawny me had made great effeminate child-porn films for them & my beatdown would sound silly to cops, especially since he'd kept me on ice until my wounds had healed. "No cop's going to believe a victim whose wounds are already healed".
I never went to the cops with this tale. Frankly, I wasn't that dumb. Trust mid-Michigan... cops when "this" was my story? No way! The score? Child-Molesters 1,000, Dave 0.
I was going to tell similar tales during a time I called "That 1st week" in my +1,500-page letter to the FBI where someone gets hurt or killed every few pages & in that story someone got hurt or killed every few pages. The gang simply asked my Parents to have me & then did stories much like the above to me. Alternating between acting like my friends, my buttbuddies, & beating me up, only to have me forgive them on the spot after about 15 seconds when their drugs reset my memory & I had no recollection of what had just happened to me.
It's how the scam works mid-Michigan Police.
And the 2024 Buttbuddy Award goes to...
Disclaimer: No need to thank me guys ^ please don't send me any money. Just knowing your fine investigative work in crimes against children that made my website possible is reward enough for me. GULP!
WE CAN PROVE YOU'RE A RACIST... for some people, being a racist is a joke, not a lifestyle choice... cops...
Sooooo... there I was in my 20s talking with some sent gang mouthpiece. A snitch who gave up soon enough when he could no longer contain his undying hatred of me. It's happened quite a few times actually. The alleged self-professed "Snitch" or gang blackmailer for good shows up, tells me he wants to blackmail the Bosses or Duh Jerk or whoever, & tries to get me to talk or to go to the... cops where they'll act in my best interests. Some wanted to be my friend. A big deal if you think about it concerning how the gang follows me, their "Recruiter".
This one turned to hatred soon. The conversation went from him helping me to better destroying me based on tips gleaned from our conversation. Dangerous for me? Probably. But not when you consider my childhood plan I've adhered to where I talked with gang members to facilitate as interrogative conversation that I knew Investigators would one day want, even demand when I one day plead the 5th on'em.
For the record I've only stayed with the plan because I could never think of a better plan. To God be the glory for the plan, I prayed for strength & the plan is what I came up with.
Okay, so now this guy is calling me names. Bragging the gang can destroy me anytime they want by proving I'm the unforgivable sin in modern America. A racist!
Me? I pondered the evidence as he touted it. He asked me to recall High School when for a month solid my "Insert" gang teachers drugged me & kept me awake, dressed me in a Nadzi Waffen SS Uniform, & made me repeat Nadzi Doctrine for a month solid. Several of them claimed that they put command phrases into my mind & when spoken I on the spot Heil mine Fuhrer & shout Nadzi Philosophy.
He challenged me to recall my Twilight 2000 Game where, as the content creator I'd made several enemies Nadzis & spoke on their behalf. "We stole your Nadzi artwork". Vehicles, WWII, experimental, & even absurd sci-fi war machines & weapons. I retorted. "It was my job to play the bad guy in the games. Some of those players played in my game for years so I couldn't use the same enemies over & over". I found as an RPG content creator sometimes a poorly defined enemy made players reluctant to target the enemy. A game-ending proposition in a Mercenary-Based Twilight 2000 game. So among other enemies I put in the Nadzis. Not out of love but because they are so evil, that there's never any questions like. "Should we be fighting these guys"?
I put in the commies, I put in a wide variety of semi-sane & raving mad tin-plated dictators for players to oppose. It was my job.
"You put nothing but bad guys in a lot of times. It's proof you like evil". He, they've boasted it handed the gang victory.
I had player bring it up & asked me why?
I told them I put in a bunch of evil leaders who ruled over good people. When you conquered those nations or attacked those targets the citizens cheered at you. If I put in nothing but good guys with no problems why would they need you? In a game of military conquest if I put in only good guys when you conquered them they'd hate you, The story would ale=ways be why are you conquering us you big meanie?!?! What's fun about that?
The gang mouthpieces have pointed out I nuked targets, it's proof I was a madman. The players of my games had all been influenced by the gang to agree.
I said maybe so. But my job was to play the bad guy in the game & often I chose to leave the players with no doubt as to who that was, who they should attack next. Nukes? Chemical warfare? Biological warfare? Guerrilla warfare? Spy stuff? Yeah, I did iot all & played good guys & merciless madmen as the player's opponents.
I recall 1 or 2 who said they had the evidence of evidence on me. My artwork. You see Reader, from about age 7 or 8 or so I liked to add a Star of David to much of my artwork. That's when I wasn't making elaborate Star of David Artwork. I often surrounded the Star of David with 4 arrows forming a box pointing clockwise. I usually made the star itself of interwoven triangles. Tons & tons of artwork that the gang stole from me that they'll brag they bought, & can likely prove... on film. "we'll say you sold the artwork to us for drug money".
Fair enough & small potatoes compared to the other stuff I'm facing in my opinion. The score? The Gang 1,000. Dave: Zero. Keeping up with me?
"We got you". It seems that after another drugged "Say Kill for a month session". I often wrote kill for months thereafter, even when not being tortured. They bragged they had cut up the artwork, & now in places it looks like I have a Star of David & am writing kill kill kill!
I said there's not much I can do about altered artwork. I'll just have to explain the truth & ride out the accusations. "It'll prove you hate Jews". I'LL BE AN ANTI-SEMETIC & DOOMED!
They bragged on the non-kill artwork. Just the Star with the arrows around it that littered my artwork. "It'll prove you hate Jews.
"I said I don't hate Jews. For the record I never did. Though I played a few Nadzis who did in RPG games AS MY JOB.
"It proves you hate Jews".
I'm pretty sure putting in the Star of David in almost all of my artwork proves I like Jews". That's how I saw it. For the record by far I put in tons of Stars of David, often with the 4 arrows. I thought the symbol looked neat. Supporting the Jewish underdogs was just a bonus. We both disliked Nadzis. Right?
Well, we'll see. For the record I supported the Jews in word & deed. In internet chatrooms in the games I play I've sided time & again with the small state unashamed. And In know they record the internet so they can look it up themselves.
I've listened to them bragging about taking me to cross-burnings, Klan Meetings, Commie Meets, Assorted nutcases & weird political parties & religions where they seemingly got me to participate on drugs. Their Satanic religion included.
Remember the gang's chief lie is this. You want proof our victim is a scumbag? HE'S ONE OF US"!
Proof positive even in a room filled with madmen & the easily duped or gulled (works on mid-Michigan... cOPS unerringly).
I did it & I'm kind'a proud of it really. Starting at about age 7 or so I started emulating with the underdog State of Israel a little bit & used the Star of David on my artwork a lot until I was in my early 20s when I quit doing it for no reason but just didn't do it anymore. It'd been a kid thing & I forgot to do it as an adult. Nothing more.
I've seen the cross-burning footage. Dozens of guys standing around watching the giant cross burn. As luck would have it I alone wore no mask & the camera was well-angled to film my face.
For the record it gave me tiny but quantifiable amounts of pleasure to convince player to righteously attack those evil groups in game (only) that I've listed. Especially when you consider that many of their members & possibly their leaders plan to literally do their best to destroy my life, something they've always done to me & I suspect no short list of my fellow victims of the gang. So I, being in charge of various role-playing games acted as the leaders & members of said groups, verbally only, & in a strategy game tabletop setting ran lengthy games where I took great delight in setting those groups up by acting verbally like they would, espousing their own philosophy in sometimes lengthy rants, to be destroyed. All part of my self-therapy, physician heal thyself & all.
Duh Jerk & the gang brag the edited films of my role-playing them groups & their leaders has been great for influencing their members & new recruits who are destined to become 1sr Generation victim/members because, now THEY are on the list.
It's how the scam works. And now YOU know Reader. Don't fall for it.
REACAP THE ABOVE: Hey, why not? As if it'd do me any good. Right???
Soooooo... the gang from top to bottom brag that once they dig their "He's a racist" claws into a victim there's no escape. Your every denial or attempt to defend yourself just digs the hole deeper & deeper giving the gang more ammo. Game! Set! MATCH!
Hey, fair enough. I was always a contrary sort of guy. Even a contrary sort of kid & even once I was a contrary sort of baby. Tell me I'm damned if I do & I just might. So in the spirit of defiance of that little baby I once was I'll dig the hole that much deeper using the... wait for it... wait for it... using the truth! That an a cupful of a thing mid-Michigan... cops hate coming from their victims more than anything else. Logic & what we can deduce from it using deduction.
Devil's Advocate: Let's just say that I was earth's greatest racist. Keeping up? Okay, who am I racist to & what is my motivation? Just asking? Is it by color? Creed? Am I racist against people who are left-handed? Maybe I hate people because they reflect a narrow portion of the electromagnetic spectrum differently than I? Do I hate X or Y chromosomes? Is it because of their weight or shape? Seriously, what's my motivation? So 2 of us know.
Me? I'm into equality & truth & justice. We're all children of God, brothers. I ain't better than anyone else & never felt I was.
I've even teased many a racist with my own unique blend of anti-racist humor. If you're a racist you just might hear it?
Actually, I thought up a ton of cool comebacks & wanted to go into a flowery teasing denial when I sat to write this. Instead I think I'll just keep it simple. I'm not a racist. Never was. Apparently, I play one in RPGs quite well & a gang that kidnapped me a lot & used mind-altering situations & drugs got me to talk a whole bunch of weirdness on the subject. That's between my own acting crazy to avoid another mercury treatment (see Men are from Mars, women are from Venus, but Molestors are from Mercury to understand) where I went way too far by my own admission. Is being stalked by a gang 1/100th the size & cruel disposition of the gang stalking me sufficient reason? If not, what is?
I'm not a racist, never was, cant be. My religion requires me to esteem everyone as better than I. Every witness I ever met my entire life will testify I didn't keep good eye contact because of low self worth. Yeah, a religion where everyone in the world is better than me. Imagine walking into a room filled with the people I write about only to realize. "I'm the biggest scumbag in the room. YAY"! Yeah... yay. Whatever... yay...
Racist smaschist...
Below is a diary entry. Or as I think of it "Ruining my life". "Evidence for the (dirty?) Prosecution"? Maybe calling it "good wholesome child-molestor fun" (since the gang use little kids a lot this way) will make you Child-Molestor Apologists feel better about what the gang does to little kids when you think to oppose me?
No need to thank me Dirty... cOPS, I felt glad to expose you guys.
It's how the scam works in the 21st Century.
Sooooo... a few nites ago the gang whisked me away to who knows where? I sat with what I'll call a "somewhat familiar face" & played video games with them using a variety of consoles.
As I became less delirious the "somewhat familiar face" suggested I referee my role-playing game, the Advanced Twilight 2000 game (homebrew game rules in gaming vernacular) for fun. In hours I became more lucid. Likely got to that sweet point in being drugged where I can finally hold a semi-coherent conversation. In gang world that means film time. Specifically mundane interaction time. That's when a mix of buttbuddies or inserts or what I'll call "somewhat familiar faces" will interact with their victim in filmed & often scripted & prerehearsed conversations to further the gang's goals. Be they to prove friendship (buttbuddy status) or to provoke or frame victims all the more.
"The Somewhat Familiar Face" suggested that gaming with me was fun, but the time had come to end our friendship because they've become bored with my games".
I'll bet a lot of their victims have a hard time handling rejection on their drugs, especially from a somewhat familiar face.
Me? I took it in stride (frankly, I can handle rejection, always could). I told the face that was fine. Then I politely suggested we should stay friends & play the video games. The memory breaks up, I'm not sure where the conversation went next.
Why am I using the term "Somewhat Familiar Face"? It's because the face was the face of My Bomber Buddy. Looked younger, chubby cheeks & a rounder jaw. You see Reader in 21st Century Rape Gangs the gang likes to influence their victims on drugs with friendly faces. People they know. But they also add in people their Dirty... cops have hunted down for them. Keeping up?
How the scam works is the Dirty... cOP uses actual Police Face Recognition Technology & looks up people with similar facial features to the people in their victim's lives. Then, being that they have access to ALL of their vital information & statistics such as name, address, & criminal record a gang that prides itself in blackmail & extortion excellence sets it's sights on them based on their looks.
I woke up & of course my glove was gone (just the one, again) & my boots are covered, literally stained with road salt. Being I haven't willingly left town in months & the salt stains happened after an alleged encounter with a "Somewhat Familiar Face" from Michigan where salting is likely to have occurred on the roads, I wonder?
I struggled with myself pondering what kind of fool would add this information? Who'd be stupid enough to bring this conversation up? Then, after prayer, it occurred to me that the truth shall set me free. My fellow victims are going to have a lot of insane stories that begin with "The person I loved did this to me, or did that to me". It can also be used to provide legal relief for their Renfields. I'm not accusing anyone specifically as a Renfield here.
My fellow victims will have tons of seemingly insane stories & I'd better explain them now, before the gang's stable of Skeptics, Child-Molestor Apologists, & Dirty... cOPS explain it for me with a sentence like this. "Yeah, we live in the 21st century. But there's no technology embracing rape gangs out there". Some will add in this in the same breath. "Yeah, rapists have over a 99.999% success rate against us, true, I wonder how they achieve it? But I know it's not the way David A. George describes it".
It's how the scam works. Using easily available 21st Century technology from throwaway Dirty... cops. Net cost? Zero. Reader, you as a tax-payer funded it all I'm told.
How deep does the rabbit hole go???
Between my websites & my +1,5000 page letter to the FBI where someone gets hurt or killed every few pages I'm about a third of the way thru the bad stories & the estimated body count (ever kill so many people that you are forced to use the word "estimated"?).
In the beginning I decided that I'd get the bad stuff out there 1st. The worst of the worst so there would be no surprizes later. You might wonder why I keep writing about "I pushed until it hurt to avoid hurting people". That I endured every debasing humiliation I could endure so as to NOT hurt children wherever I could. I took confrontation after confrontation on & off their drugs for My Lord. I turned the other cheek time & again, took the pain & horror. I even was a slave & obeyed my master as required by my Bible & was mocked for it both by allegedly self-professed Christian... cops & even people of my own religion who'd told me "I saw the films so don't lie to me".
Blessed be the name of The Lord. To God be the glory if there is any to be had. It was only by prayer & a sinner obey what he could of God's commandments combined with grace & God's power that got me through all this. I was never strong enough or clever enough to have survived on my own without him.
Mid-Michigan... cOPS have told me often that they are immune to any logic or deduction one can glean from the last paragraph.
Go figure huh?
Mid-Michigan... cOPS have told me often that they are immune to any logic or deduction one can glean from the last paragraph.
Go figure huh?
This is 2 very similar tales. Here goes:
I came too in a van surrounded by a ton of Jocks, Duh jERK, & the 4 Stars. They were all smiles & the 4 STars too great delight in hurling me out of the van with the help of their jOCKS. Then they sped away.
I looked around in the early morning hours & could see no one.
So I took stock of the situation before me. I'd just been drugged, gang-raped, PRACTICAL joked without end, sleep-deprived, beat down, insulted incessantly, THe gang got me to do horrible things & bragged that this was the end for me. They had me, all they needed was for me to slip up in front of the... cops & it'd be game over for me.
I figured I was seriously (medically speaking) addled by the experience as it was all I could do to stand in one spot.
Then I looked at the Bay COunty Law ENforcement Center & pondered it & those who lurk there, oops, I mean work there.
I pondered the other times the gang had dropped me off at that very spot. Usually Dirty Cop himself was in there & couldn't wait to intercept me as soon as I walked through the door.
In all fairness I should note the place didn't treat me all bad. A few... cops were fairly professional when they dismissed me.
In my opinion the building before me was a place of woe, horror, & a place to be dreaded even on one's best day.
Now, I stood before it having been dropped off in my currently addled state.
So I hatched a plan. I staggered home. Then I reported what happened to me after about 3 days of sleep when I judged myself to be in reasonable control of my faculties. Yeah, I failed. Go to my webpage "You are dismissed" & look up the dismissal type.
The 2nd story is pretty much like above.
On the way home I searched my pockets, looking for planted contraband with the intention to throw away anything I thought was suspicious.
The only other major difference being when I walked home the Uniformed Bay City... cOP Dirty Cop himself pulled me over in a marked Bay City Police cruiser.
Dirty Cop demanded my vital statistics & where I was going & why?
So I told him the truth. Home.
He plied me as best he could, using tricks that engage a victim & trying to wait on my memory to reset. "Are you okay? Do you need any help"?
Then, once he saw I was (barely) able to keep my wits about me he threatened me with arrest for being high. He remarked I was surely carrying drugs.
Me? I denied it. After a short, public interrogation I basicly said he couldn't prove anything. "Can I go now"?
DIsgusted he got back into his tax-payer subsidized crime vehicle, I mean marked law-enforcement cruiser & drove off.
So I went home.
Dropping a delirious victim off at the cOPSHOP? It's how the scam works & my fellow victims are going to complain about it too.
"I'm sick of writing this website".
- David A. George 9-6-24