This is not a manifesto. It is a written plea for help.
"When you show up in court all crippled in a wheelchair who's going to believe that you lived through the gym"? - A bragging Child-Molester speaking about my eventual demise at the hands of the Child-Molesters, a Saginaw Gang in court only a few years prior to the writing of this website
"All we have to do is haul you into court in Bay City & call your plea for help a manifesto & no one will read it".
This is not a manifesto. It is a written plea for help.
RAPED and STALKED Pray for me. Please?
There's a reason this s the 1st part of my message. The gang brag my dirty cop destroyer WILL begin their letter/report declaring my site is NOT a plea for help but a madman's manifesto everyone can ignore.
My website is under constant attack & editing by the gang & rarely works on the first few tries. Don't give up & keep trying to make it work! Please?
Copy my website, share it with your local Police, call a Police Officer or 2, who knows? Maybe one of the wonded, dead or dying was someone in YOUR area? Tell a Federal Agent about my site, tell your family, tell your friends, tell everyone. Please? It's not for me, it's for the children the gang victimized, it's for the children the gang brag they are victimizing now, and it's for the children the gang brag my story will enable them to victimize in the future. It's all about business.
My website is all about opposing their business, their child-molesting & rape business for revenge, blackmail, self-gratification, & profit.
Yeah, I've been threatened & insulted by the gang... a lot!!!
This is a page where I'll list assorted threats. While I've laid down the foundation for this page on 01-27-23 the gang has been threatening me for my entire life. They really really like to threaten me.
I've been mulling over creating this page a while now & since my rectum hurts AND I'm tasting poison as it flows out of my overly injected mouth, I'm inspired to write it.
Threats are listed in no particular order.
THREATS AS A TOOL... no... cop sees this coming...
So the way many of the gang has whined or boasted to me (depending on the type of gang member doing the talking) is threats are an important tool in their arsenal. I'll explain...
Threats are used to intimidate many victims. They brag some victims just roll over & give into the gang simply because of the severity of the threats coming at them. It's like winning the war without firing a shot.
Threats can be acted on. The.. cops expect this though & a threat acted upon to a victim who's been threatened is powerful testimony against the gang. SO they are reluctant to carry through.
Many victims reort threats to the police. The gang brags this is exactly what they want. They want bored... cops filing yet another threat & police report. This means they're not investigating the gang AND that the... cops will soon tire of dealing with the gang's victim. The... cops will swear this is not true but it is in fact very true, don't believe a single lying... cop who says it's not. In fairness it may be true, but ONLY from their perspective. Often a very myopic & tunnel-like perspective at best as seen through the lense of a... cop who deals with idiots liars & idle threats all day.
More powerful is this makes the... cops reluctant to help the victim who's hogging up all their time with often ludicrous threats. Once the... cops begin ignoring a victim for any reason the gang is then free to pour out their vengeance unimpeded. Again, no... cop will admit this is a possibility. Not with the 6 months of training their community college & badge super powers gives them.
It also allows for the most important weapon in the gang's arsenal. SInce they are doing the threatening & work with the... cops often (on both sides of the law) they tailor their threts so that it's easy to reverse the threats straight back at their victim. Or as Duh Jerk once put it in his tax-payer funded office during business hours when he tried to recruit me. "They call us rapists & perverts but look at them [speaking of the many films they've by now inflicted on their victims, often of crimes, usually of child-porn]".
It also debases or lowers the... cop's opinions of the gang's targets, like this: "Well Citizen you said they threatened the alleged gang would do this, that & the other thing to you & they didn't. That means YOU are the liar in this conversation". cOPS will insist this is not true but it is in fact the very way they do business in America. To put it another way Sirs. "A victim endorses our lies when they report them to the cops". I personally have heard some... cops tell me they checked out the gang's threats & none had been committed (at that time) so that meant I was making them up. There could be no other logical conclusion. It mattered not to a single one of them that I told them... cops that I didn't believe a word the gang members said. Not counting the times... cops told me. things like. "I know them gang members & they're fairly honorable in my opinion. I don't think they'd threaten someone like that". Gang bangers brag like this on the subject. "We go out of our way to prove that we're honorable to the cops but the truth is we have no honor. It's how we defeat the cops because most of them cant imagine someone living a life without any honor. But we have no honor". My opinion? Truer words have never been spoken by a career child-molestor.
A note to Police & FBI: I can only instruct you based on the clues I have made. I have instructed you. Fail to heed them, even if you are a clean OR dirty... cOP I I can assure you you'll likely go down in flames. Maybe quickly. Maybe not right away, But down you will go one day Sirs. In any event if you investigate me it is YOU who are betting YOUR life & YOUR family's life on it. Sirs.
"I'm going to kick your as*". - The gang's unrepentant hatered of donkeys they percieve that I owned. For the record I've never owned a donkey nor even borrowed one ever. Despite this fact the gang has threatened my as* many times. Many many of the gang have threatened me thusly over the years from dirty... cOPS to card-carrying hardcore unrepentant bragging child-molesters from whom I've endured many such threats.
Go figure huh?
With a sad heart I lament here that I wish I were singing the praises of the law-enforcement agencies I write about.
- David A. George 2-21-23
Bay City's City Hall is here. Literally!
"I like to toy with my victims. The cops think that if I wanted to kill someone I'd just kill them". -Duh Jerk several times. He bragged that the act of toying with his victims made their stories unbelievable to the... cops.
My opinion? "Uhhh... yup"!
The gang have spouted threats against donkeys they imagined I owned for over a half-century now.
For the record: I have never owned a donkey nor even borrowed one.
This Bible verse applies to ANYONE even tempted to discuss the subject of hi-tech threats from madmen with ANY Police or Law Enforcement Agents in my humble opinion.
DO NOT DISCUSS THE SUBJECT LIGHTLY. Consider the following Bible verse, While it doesn't directly apply to dealing with... cops as a rule you'd do well to consider it's wisdom & the lesson it teaches. I warned you!
Proverbs 23:1-3 – “When you sit down to eat with a ruler, consider carefully what is before you; and put a knife to your throat if you are a man given to appetite. Do not desire his delicacies, for they are deceptive food.”
THAT'S IMPOSSIBLE, They can't do that!
Sooooo... over the years I talked about the new types of technology the gang brazenly embraced for use against their targets &... cOPS told me it was impossible.
1) The technology isn't possible except on TV or for NASA.
2) You'd have to be some sort of super genius to operate said devices (walkie talkies, cell phones (early 80s... cops), tasers sounded like "ray gun" to... cops of the 80s.
3) It's possible, yes. But it's impossible for a crook with half a brain to steal, my community college-trained... cop senses tell me it can't be gotten except by the most elite of elite, space age crooks, all of which are nowhere around here, no matter where you are).
4) A blackmail gang? Why they couldn't use framing & blackmail to get next gen equipment, the guys who pay the lowest possible salary would screen that out. My... cop training told me so & my underpaid & overworked community college teacher told me so.
5) "It's how we defeat our enemies. By embracing technology the cops will tell our victims they are crazy". - The Last Snitch
Below is a website addressing the 1st example. For the record they've had the technology outlined for decades now. I ask you to consider, what stuff do they have (that crooks can steal) that neither I nor those undertrained & easily gulled... cops don't know about? Enjoy!
Definition of "Catch and Release":
Catch and release is a practice within recreational fishing where after capture, often a fast measurement and weighing of the fish is performed, followed by posed photography as proof of the catch, and then the fish are unhooked and returned live to the water.
Pondering how this applies to crime & the pursuit & release of terrorized victims can be achieved by replacing fishing & fish with "torturing" & "Victim".
NOTE: A wind-up camera using chemical film would render the alleged camera detection/interface device listed in "High-Tech Threats" useless. Most likely...
"Victim/members & member/victims utterly CONvinced".
Did you notice I capitalized the letters in "CON"? This is symbolic, not a mistake. As a... cop anywhere (as opposed to being an Officer or Agent I respect & admire, there IS a difference) you are probably dazed and confused by reading about a crime gang that embraces the use of technology & just might out tech you by stealing it or aqcuiring it unethically.
If you are chuckling that means I'm not writing to you, this is grown up level of criminal abuse I'm writing about Sirs. Please go sit in the corner, Dorah The Explorah might be on TV, go check.
For you real Law Enforcement Professionals out there I ask this with respect Sirs.
Wont you even check & even slightly defend yourself, just in case? If not for me or for yourself, for the children? For YOUR children? Just in case? Sirs?
I warned you.
Threats... From the beginning...
"I will follow you to the ends of the earth". - Duh Jerk many many times over my life.
"As revenge for The Gym we voted [my Spring 1977 Classmates] to follow you for the rest of your life". - Snitch Girl Spring 1977 in Bay City's "Shaped 'E' for Evil" Witless School outside the School Cafeteria just before 1st Period.
"We'll take away everything you ever loved".
"I used to feel bad about following you around & doing what we do to you at 1st but now I don't feel so bad it now that I know that you turned out to be such a scumbag [because he'd seen "The Films"]". - Dirty Cop inside the Bomb Shelter Garages Circa 1984.
"We plan to inject you with insulin, probably in the mouth over & over to rot your teeth & to make you a diabetic. It's what we usually do. You can go to the cops but even if they look into it & detect the insulin we'll just say that you were obviously self-medicating & our films of you on drugs will only confirm it". - The Last Snitch bragging about how they'd ruin my mouth, leaving me unable to speak clearly & how they'd chop off my limbs and make it look like bad luck or simply my own fault. I typed this paragraph while poison oozes out of my freshly injected mouth on 1-27-23.
"I have decreed that you will [one day] be a convicted arsonist & that your brother will be a convicted rapist". - "My Cousin" bragging about my future at the hands of the gang. When I doubted him (yeah, I did) he retorted. "I named you. I name all my young victims who I'm going to kill David Allen & I named your brother after a penis". - "My Cousin" bragging he named all of his child victims he killed & made to look like Sudden Infant Death Syndrome David Allen & that it was his perverse delight to name a child the gang would lock up as a convicted rapist for revenge one day after a part of the male anatomy.
"Today, this day on [he literally said the actual date here] I Fagboy will kill David George". - Fagboy while standing in the midst of "The Gym" just before about 1/4 of the males in my class joined him 1 after another before they began my premeditated attempted murder, publicly. He was 1st of more than a dozen who did so.
"Today is your last chance to dance or we'll kill you". - The Gym Teacher Fall of 1976 in the darkened hallway outside the school Cafeteria spoken while the crowd in The Gym cheered very loud.
My retort to the "We'll stalk you for life as revenge thing": "You guys tried to kill me in The Gym & now you want revenge for it"?
Strange Fact: As law enforcement YOU can look it up. Naming a victim with the initials D.A.G. is in fact what the perverted gang does to it's fresh born victims. Absolutely positively AND it's a matter of public record. To deny this IS to deny public recorded fact.
Stick THAT in your corrupt Bay County pipe & smoke it!
Fun Fact: The Gym Teacher used to laugh a lot during my ongoing attempted murder in the School Cafeteria & smiled most of the time while facilitating it... at 1st. He didn't smile as much as he used to during my ongoing public attempted murder at the end of the time called "The Gym". That continuous smile being often replaced with a look of grim determination.
"I have ordained that one day you will serve as a woman in one of my brothels". - My Cousin, several times over the years, typically while standing in My Mother's Parent's House & almost always with a beer in hand at one of the many drug parties we were often in attendance at when I was a child. He promised me he'd surgically alter me, "a sex change" being his exact words, & I'd serve in his brothel, just like the rest of his stable of "Kids Anyone Can Hit". A large list of my fellow victims both he & The Last Snitch bragged (decades later) littered America's prison system en mass.
Who talks like that anyway? "Ordained"?
DIRTY... cOP THREATS: (Not to be confused with the nicknamed... cop I call Dirty Cop)
"If you injure another child I'll frame you myself". - Dirty Bay City... cOPs (note my use of the letter "s" in cOPs) in their self-righteous rage (I heard this more than once mind you) when I complained about being attacked & framed by the gang.
"Listen. I'm a dirty cop, part of the gang. I'm going to thwart you right now when you try to tell the other cops here your story. You can try to tell them I'm dirty but they wont believe you & it'll just make your story more unbelievable". - Uniformed on duty dirty Bay City cOP at his post at the Front Desk of the Bay County Law Enforcement Center, Bay City... cOP'S side to be precise.
"Stand right there & drop your weapon or I'll put you under arrest". - I told that... cOP I would obey, but only if the Death Pact Dozen would 1st drop there's (as HE'd just ordered them to do, & THEY'D refused) & only on the condition that the Death Pact Dozen quit trying to slowly encircle me... while being armed.
"You'd better go to school & be in that classroom when I check or I'll take out my nightstick & beat you with it & drag you to Juvenile Hall". I heard several versions of it during the 1976-77 time the gang called "The Gym". Said occasionally alone with me but far more often in the very COPSHOP in at the front desk in the dungeon that was then the Police Station in the basement of Bay City's City Hall pictured to the left in an ad where the Bay City Police point a gun at innocents in public in an attempt to get money from them.
"Every word that you say can & will be used against you in a court of law"...
"We've decided to kill you. We're going to keep giving you COVID until you die". - Unknown Child-Molestor bragging about my coming death at the hands of a gang who used to work out of Bay City's Defunct Hospital whom he boasted have lots of medical equipment to facilitate my slow death, medically. I wrote this during my 7th bout with COVID, literally.
I will follow you to the ends of the earth". - Duh Jerk. Several times over the years.
"We will follow you for the rest of your life. We'll take away everything you ever loved. Steal everything you ever earn as revenge for The Gym". - Snitch Girl telling me she was speaking on behalf of Duh Jerk, the Gang, & my assembled classmates who were at that very moment "inside "The Gym".
"TODAY, (he literally said the actual Fall 1976 date, literally) I swear that I, Fagboy (He said his 1st & last name, again, literally) will kill David George". - Standing in the center of The Gym Fall 1976
"Today I swear that I (insert their 1st & last name) will kill David George". - Each of the Death Pact Dozen in turn, standing in front of the Gym Teacher, alleged Father of The Used Car Salesman. They all made the shouting oath publicly, except for Just Desserts, who was otherwise the most vocal of the Dozen & quite often called openly for my death regularly, he alone never said the oath once. Well, not in public. The gang would repeat this oath several times, & the oath soon was expanded to include most of the Boys of my Classroom, & the classroom we began to call "The 8th Graders" who all swore, publicly, they would kill me.
Grabbing knives & coming at me Just Desserts & Serial-Rapist both shouted repeatedly at me while Duh Jerk & several classmates held them back at the Gang's "Film Studio" where I lay helplessly drugged. "I say we just kill him now". & "Lets kill him now". Among other threats & made a lengthy plea to Duh Jerk, who was in charge, for permission to let them end my all too-short life then & there. But only because my classmates & Duh Jerk had successfully held them back from killing me then & there on the spot!
No quote for this one. The guy beat around the bush delivering it. Basically he asked to to imagine that there are people out there, that IF they saw a dog that led a life of abuse like mine, they'd kill it as an act of mercy. He said they were on the lookout for a... cOP or a civilian who was that kind of person & demonstrate the horror show that they'd made my life through gossip or by use of select & edited "films" & get them to kill me. An extremely hard to solve crime, not that... cops are likely to be motivated to find my killer(s?) once the gang releases a few of their films to set the mood. That and since the gang knows the identity of the judgemental vigilante they are in a position to record the attempt & to produce any bits of evidence that may be lacking in their inevitable conviction, which will serve to deflect suspicion from the gang.
I recall asking him about the alleged tactics change. "Isn't that what you've already been doing'? I pointed out all the attempted murderers I've fought in the night (& & day, but not as much) the gang has motivated to try to kill me.
He retorted. Those people were vigilantes for the most part. The gang showed their "films" to select audiences & my attackers were a mix of their own outraged member/victim volunteers, member/victims who were inspired as vigilantes or given trying to kill me as an option to avoid decades or life in prison, & various people of all sorts who were little better than paid mercinaries, being they were in serious financial trouble (gee, people in & around a blackmail for profit gang in finacial trouble? Who'd have seen that coming huh?).
"I'll say one thing about that guy (he meant me, the Author of this website David A. George). He's consistent". - Several Bay City Michigan... cops while on duty & at their posts talking about my story with their peers in front of me.
SON OF A WHAT? : (For the record I'm not saying the commonality or coincidences of the threats is any link whatsoever)
"I'm going to get even with you for this you son of a b _ _ _ _"! - "My Cousin".
"I'm going to get even with you for this you son of a b _ _ _ _"! - Duh Jerk several times. The only odd thing I noted was how he & My Cousin had the same choice of insults in this situation.
"I'm going to beat your a _ _ for this you son of a b _ _ _ _". - My Mother (Honor Honor Honor). I often retorted to her the irony of calling me that insult & sometimes complained that when she said this she didn't mean my a _ _ but almost always meant my face exclusively.
She was never amused by my pointing this out even once.
MY THREATS... Yeah, I did it, what's it to you?
"You guys started this & I'm gonna finish it". - Me. The Author of this website as a baby to several gang members over the years as I've aged.
"Untie me right now or I'm going to cut your face up & kill you.
The guy I nicknamed "18 Year Old" told me he wouldn't free me no matter what I did to him".
Next I turned to the guy's partner in crime in the Defunct Hospital (see the picture on the map of the very window of the room in the Defunct Hospital) & said to him. ""If he doesn't untie me watch what I do to him because you're next".
What happened next? For the record, nothing I threatened the pair was an empty threat. For the record 18 Year Old died loyal to the gang no matter what I did to his face right there in the Defunct Hospital in the east wing about where the picture is centered on my webpage "When & Where".
"Go ahead. You guys may get me but I'm gonna kill the 1st one of you who attacks me". - Me. Lots of times since I was a child. Read about it in my +1,500 page letter to the FBI where someone gets hurt or killed every few pages.
I heard this threat, in so many words, from lots of card-carrying hardcore & violent & proud of it gang bangers. Often throughout my life.
The gang's threats against donkeys they imagined I owned should be legend to all who come to know them & their works.
Why they hate donkeys so much I cannot fathom?
There I was, doped stupid & in a straight jacket in some Doctor's Office. He asked his secretary to leave & he set up a camera on a tripod filming me, but not him & said that Duh Jerk had me "committed". That I was in an Insane Asylum at that moment. "It's important to him that you know that. Repeat after me. Duh Jerk sent me here". He had to repeat himself & threatened me if I wouldn't. So I did. "Duh Jerk sent me here".
The Dr. explained their plan. I would be kept awake by my fellow patients & the staff in shifts on drugs & he was going to provoke me into attacking him to justify locking me in maximum security where my death by reasonable excessive force could be explained away as just another violent crazy guy who got what was coming to him.
They worked in teams, Dr's, Nurses, Staff, & eager patients & gave me no rest. I lost over a hundred pounds while the Dr. would sit me down, drugged stupid, & slap me over & over. Sitting down quickly after each set of blows. SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! <sits down> <looks disappointed> SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! & so on.
He told me it was very important to Duh Jerk that he describe how they were going to kill me & the details of their plan in full. The plan was the Dr. would talk to me about violent subjects, providing lots of films for the subject when an official inquiry would be made regarding my death. Then he'd slap me over & over while I was drugged. Being I was spaced out the theory was that he'd provoke me during that "sweet spot" in the drugged interrogation where the mind switches from drugged stupid to semi-lucid & I'd attack him. Then the giant interns outside would easily kill me on the strength & reaction time-reducing drugs I was on.
I recall, about 100 lbs. later the Dr. was furious! "I'm going to make you hit me"! He shouted during one session.
Me? I recall praying for strength to thwart the plan, yeah, atheist me, Christian me on the drugs. I wondered if my lifelong philosophy would help me defeat this brand of torture, the philosophy that has handed my stalker victory almost more so than ANY other bit of what was then still part of my philosophy. This:
Matthew 5:39
39 But I say unto you, That ye resist not evil: but whosoever shall smite thee on thy right cheek, turn to him the other also.
I had entire rooms full of... cops laughing at me (note my choice of the letter "s" in "rooms" & the word "... cops") that. "If you were half as tough as you say you are you'd have beat that guy up".
Imagine my in vain retort. "I like to turn the other cheek when attacked.".
Though in each case when I polled (yes "polled") the room those... cOPS ALL told me they were Christians too. But it proved I was a wimp AND a liar because... wait for it... wait... wait... "Because no one does that"!
Note: I warn my fellow victims & those who may be curious about this subject that in my humble opinion (based upon personal experience) that to even address this subject with any Law Enforcement Officer or Agent is EXTREMELY RISKY! DO NOT TAKE THIS SUBJECT LIGHTLY! In short, discussing this in ANY Police Station anywhere in America is to place one's life, health, & freedom in jeopardy... literally at the hands of the POLICE! LITERALLY!
"We hid a camera in your house so we could watch you. How do you think Mother came barging in as soon as you took a bite of food"? I was just a few months old when the man I knew only as "My Cousin" threatened me that he'd installed cameras in my house at times. The living room & my bedroom being the 2 spots he quoted. They allowed him to pull off meticulous & seemingly well-timed PRACTICAL jokes against his victims he'd brag to me over the years.
It should be noted that cameras were rather large in 1965 & fairly expensive. My Cousin bragged he spared no expense tormenting his many victims. That fact made the... cops laugh at his victims because... wait for it... wait... wait for it... "Because no one would do that".
I'm having difficulty recalling the exact quote, sleep deprivation & all. But I recall my Witless School Classmates boasting to me on the playground that as of late they were preying on Dow employees & blackmailing them with minors in films to steal their technology. I asked them kids who the Bosses sold it to & they told me they didn't know. Still later other classmates came to me & told me that Duh Jerk had told them to tell me, hoping I'd accuse him to Police to add unbelievability to my story.
Still later other Circa 1978 classmates came to me & told me that Duh Jerk had sent the 2nd group as well. Yeah, they did pick on Dow employees they claimed, but not to the exclusion of all else. They had a fairly long list of victims they were working on, each in various stages of soon-to-be-blackmailed, blackmailed, & on their to-be-destroyed-list & were actively bringing terror wholesale to the community a few formerly innocent victims at a time. Hit one, move on to the next, & so on. Not just picking on Dow.
Duh Jerk asked me. "How do you think we keep finding you after you escape"? He bragged that they sewed a radio tracker in their victim's clothes as a matter of business. He personally bragged he enjoyed catch & release tormenting his victims.
"We plan to inject your ankle with tiny nanites that will stack together to form the symptoms of bone spurs. You'll be crippled by the pain & when Doctors do surgery to remove the bone spurs they'll clear out & the Doctors will say that you're nuts".
It's only trivia to add that as of lately (today's date is 6-1-23) I recently heard Congressional Testimony that there is in fact a criminal cartel who do just that in the United States. The tech IS here skeptics. I heard it about 10 years ago on a highway during a standard drugged after-rape debriefing by The Last Snitch. Go figure huh?
"We have cameras all over your bedroom". I heard this about every decade or so my entire life. The Last Snitch expounded on the subject. "We have cameras all over your bedroom so we can film what's going on in there from any angle. To cover ourselves we made you sign a waver while you were drugged & we even broadcast your sex life live across the country under a stage name". He claimed I had a stage name & made a small fortune & was doted on by many, mostly male fans and admirers who'll all testify about our long distance relationships & produce my stolen artwork & soiled underwear as proof of our relationship.
He even bragged that on paper I've made considerable income from this & that love alerts are broadcast to warn my admirers to tune in whenever I'm sexually engaged, with someone or alone.
Author Note: "Ewwwww"!
Over the years they've asked me from time to time if I was watching TV & saw this documentary, that documentary or the other one & I said I had.
"I know". He pointed out that I knew that movie making was their premier money making tool. So it only makes sense to make other films for profit o, fun, or just for practice. So they make documentaries discussing a wide-range of subjects & climb the telephone pole outside their victim's homes & use their cable lines to live stream fake documentaries & news broadcasts into the homes of their members & victims. Particularly if they are in a position to film their victims discussing the subject later.
Apparently I watched quite a few & they got great film footage of me discussing a wide range of subjects inaccurately. I've since tired to be more cautious but I'm only human.
"We recently started using tasers against our victims. It makes the cops say their crazy. It's just like telling them you were shot by a phaser from Star Trek set to stun in their books". Actually, this worked beautifully in Circa 1987ish when I 1st reported to Police the gang was using tasers against me. They mocked that if I had said the gang used Phasers set for Stun it'd sound more believable.
Author Note: I know the subject sounds incredulous nowadays, but Circa 1985ish it sounded like a Buck Rogers hi-tech assault to the... cops I talked to. Or so they told me, in great detail.
"We had our Dirty Doctor implant you with a Rotary Drug Dispenser". He claimed that they could drug me with a variety of drugs at any distance with a single phone call now. Designer Hypnotic Drug, Date Rape Drug, & Heroin being quoted as being carried by myself at all times, against my will.
The last one was so that they could facilitate my death as a common junkie at a moment's notice should any... cops give me half a chance or if I should start doing well at any time against them.
He said their were 6 types of drug & when asked what they were claimed he didn't know them all.
"We have a device able to interface with other cameras & motion capture the image". He went on to explain it'd make about any electronic camera simply play it's recent recorded images over & over. Perfect for when... cops set up a camera to investigate a victim's claims & then that camera seems to record no one coming to visit the victim in the night, thus, another victim goes down in flames as a liar who claimed they were visited in the night & another case closed (very much serving to almost notarize the lil time numbers in the display of the real films the gang's victim is likely enduring at that time BTW). Justice is served!
He claimed they'd heard about it while rummaging through how America's Special Forces defeats it's enemies.
He seemed disappointed when I told him I knew about the device for some time by then. He seemed more shocked when I told him that I claimed to hear of the device the same way they had. While rummaging through Special Forces stories.
He said use of the device was prolific in the gang & that it made for an infallible manipulation tool against Police of all sorts. Against static cameras & even drone cameras & cameras set up impromptu in the field by officers holding them (who will testify that no one could've physically altered the data).
He seemed angry when I told him I'd suggest that to defeat the device that I'd suggest that Police use older analogue cameras. Maybe even really old wind-up from old when he bragged the device might not manipulate cameras that rely on chemical film but it would surely detect the camera's presence & they'd act accordingly.
I was impressed by the level of detail with which he described the camera picture capture device I once read about used by U.S. Special Forces. He initially described it a a box a little thicker than a computer tablet with multiple TV screens on it each with identical controls beside them. He described it has having various operating mode. Scan Mode: That detects all digital cameras within it's operational range. Select Mode: It's possible to see what the cameras in a given area can see so as to choose them more advantageously. Capture Mode: Once a given camera or cameras are chosen the device captures the video output & either blacks out the image, makes it static, or causes it to loop replaying an unspecified amount of time recent over & over allowing the camera to be safely approached.
He bragged. "It's how we plan to take you down. Once you get the cops to investigate you they'll put out a few hidden cameras to watch you & when they record that no one visited you on nights you'll claim we attacked you they'll call you a liar". Game over.
I countered that I'd suggest to Police investigating me & the gang to use non-digital cameras & film that the device would be unlikely to capture. When I said I'd suggest wind-up tape recorders he said that if they generate & use electricity to record on tape (or some medium) then the device would detect that too. I countered that I wasn't sure but I'd bet some high-tech sort of device that was for all intents & purposes a wind-up phonograph could record sound & be virtually undetectable by the device.
I picture a spool that slowly winds driven by a wind-up spring that creates a line that can be read by some sort of reader, if not simply just a miniature phonograph of sorts.
For some reason, this line of conversation really ticked him off. Angering him greatly.
At one point I told him. "One of these days I'll write down advice for the cops on how to take you guys down [I've given the subject a lot of thought) & it''ll work. Just you watch". It's only trivia to add that I was on their truth drug at that time.
He went on to brag that many of their victims turn to their local churches for help. Then the gang take a week or so & scrutinize every building using thermal imagers & the interface device. Then they raid the victim, making sure to interface with any cameras & display a repeating screen on their films. In the case of eyewitnesses, if the church posts sentries, then they raid them physically, usually using badges or pretending to make a delivery. Subdue them & use one of the many memory-erasing drugs science & pharmacy have provided them leaving their victims with no film evidence & witnesses who'll swear no one went in unto them, it's impossible because they don't recall seeing a thing. "Our victims don't respect just how effective our memory drugs really are".
Yeah, I'll expose them as best I can. No wonder the gang hate me so much?
"We use the voice of god machine on you all the time". "You should be flattered. Once our group acquired the device you were one of the 1st people we used it on". When I asked him why he said it was because I was their worst enemy. Go figure huh? The worst enemy to a Satanic Cult? It is a title I bear proudly & without regret. Allegedly invented in 1975, there are actually several devices that are sometimes nicknamed the voice of god machine. One uses microwaves to focus sound at a point & projects it at any desired angle. Literally the device can be made to make it seem like someone is whispering in your ear. The 2nd is a device The USA used to great effect in Operation Desert Storm. It is able to project the user's voice so that it is heard by the target's mind. Literally. In "the old days" decades ago they began using it on me for years. Banging on pots & pans & screaming orders at me in shifts to kill anyone & everyone I met. All day every day. It wasn't fun. They went through various phases. "Lately we've been just pointing it at you & cranking it up full tilt with a static noise to drive you insane". The Last Snitch bragged it wasn't tinnitus I suffered from, but them. He submitted as proof that when the talking starts, the static noise ends. "It's a great way to torture our victims. We do our best work with it once our victims get to prison and we know where they'll have to lay their heads every night". Apparently for maximum effect precise pointing of the machine is best. I'd suppose that any half competent Law-Enforcement Professional with an ounce of integrity could research the easily detectable operating modes of the device & act appropriately. Why? Because the gang brag they intend to use it on the... cops investigating me. Against the uninitiated & unsuspecting I'm told that they often buy it that all of a sudden God is talking to them & the gang is in a position to sell "miricles", safes falling & almost killing them, traffic accidents the voice warns of in the nick of time, good fortune that just pops up once they begin obeying the voice of God. In fact The Last Snitch said Duh jerk now enjoys life as a holy man of sorts, living surrounded by victim/members & member/victims utterly CONvinced that he is a holy mansent by their God or even by God himself.
Checking for this is fairly easy, cheap, & non-invasive & I suspect no harder to jam than using a cell phone jammer.
I warned you.
Matthew 10:28 - And fear not them which kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul: but rather fear him which is able to destroy both soul and body in hell.
Romans 6:23 - For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.
2 Corinthians 5:10 - For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ; that every one may receive the things done in his body, according to that he hath done, whether it be good or bad.
Ecclesiastes 12:14. For God will bring every deed into judgment, including every hidden thing, whether it is good or evil.
I'm not saying I'm perfect, by no means am I even close (obviously, especially if you read my webpage & even more so if you've read my +1,500 page letter to the FBI where someone gets injured or killed every few pages.
We're going to follow you for the rest of your life. We'll steal everything from you you every loved". - Snitchgirl commenting on the alleged vote by the extended gang & my classmates at the gang's annual meeting.
"I'm going to follow you to the ends of the earth". - Duh Jerk lots of times.
"I'm going to follow you to the ends of the earth". - Fearless Leader in or around Boulder Colorado
"I'm going to follow you to the ends of the earth". - The Sheriff who was in charge of the arena in the school in the pine woods that they tried to tell me was a cattle auction building.
Why all 3 Leaders said the same thing in different parts of the nation separated by decades I cant explain? Maybe it's a commonality of having hung out together or with the same groups of friends? Maybe it's just a common saying among their most petty leaders? Just a guess?
Threats of people of "The Gym".
"I ___(insert full name here, literally)___ will kill David George here, today, ___(insert literal calander date here, literally)___". Picture hearing that about 11 times in one day, the Deathpact Dozen all took turns doing it one at a time. They told me it was because some of them were losing focus & wanted to quit & they needed blackmail films to make sure they stayed the course, that course being my public murder. Literally. Imagine hearing it perhaps dozens more times in the coming weeks. Again, literally & without exageration.
"Anyone who will publicly say that they want to kill David George in the center of "The Gym" can come to one of our parties for free & even be with the girls in the back room for an hour". - Duh Jerk during a threat/recruiting speech to the 2nd period gym class who often stood around watching my ongoing public attempted murder. It was after maybe a quarter or less of them (by my estimation) had joined the public conspiracy to commit murder.
"I cant wait until you're dead". - Random "Munger Boy". He explained that he'd signed up with the gang to party & have sex. Not to kill me. "All we ever do now is talk about killing you". He complained they had daily mandatory meetings where they talked about an hour or so solely about the subject of killing me (ALL the children of "The Gym" & School Staff & outside adult crew, plus dirty... cops & assorted members). Add to that an hour of practicing killing me which was mandatory daily, plus the hour or 2 every day trying to kill me. "All we ever do is talk about killing you". He hated it & hated me for it. "I cant wait until you are dead & everything returns to normal".
"THERE'S DAVID GEORGE"! "DAVID GEORGE IS HERE"! The Child of The Gym shouted. Several of them pointing at me riding a bicycle past them travelling north at or about 1304 or 1510 Marsac Street (1 block north kiddie corner of Roosevelt park) in broad daylight.
Many of the Children of The Gym were there, boys & girls with hockey sticks & a netted goal.
Duh Jerk came out from behind the garage there (he'd obviously been just around the corner to have stepped out so quickly), The Gym Teacher with him & a few other adults & said. "What? This had better not be another false sighting of him again".
The Munger Boy 5 & most of the boys from The Gym were all there literally practicing Combat Hockey against a lone goalie. Most had hockey sticks in their hands, they all looked confused (in my opinion) & unsure of what to do next, & most stood still with confused looks pointing at me while looking at Duh Jerk.
Fagboy and them all swore it was me verbally.
As Duh Jerk & The Gym Teacher came briskly towards me many of the children shouted things like. "It's David George"! "IT'S DAVID GEORGE GET HIM"! The assembled Children of The Gym boys AND girls chased me on foot. I easily outran them on my bike. The Gym Teacher shouted he was getting his car & ramming me with it & since he'd ran into the street Duh Jerk had chosen to shout at him, ordering him not to.
"STOP! You cant shout that you're going to run a kid over in public! There could be witnesses"!
Being the gang gave up less than a block distance of running I'd stopped & listened into the conversation. Prompting another half-hearted chase.
Until then I'd been told that the gang met after school in mandatory practice sessions to practice killing me but I didn't believe it.
Go figure huh?
As a mid-Michigan... cOP you find the public oaths to stalk & kill a child by child-molesters to be something you'd like to enable, as long as the gang has flim prooof that their victim is really really really a scumbag & "has got it coming".
Mostly because no gang would try to stalk & kill an innocent child, maybe in faraway lands, but NOT in Bay City, "It hurts our delicate heads".
Feel free to read my tale of Pee Pee or Buh Buh for context.
Delicate del·i·cate /ˈdelÉ™kÉ™t/ adjective
very fine in texture or structure; of intricate workmanship or quality.
"a spider's web, strong yet delicate"
easily broken or damaged; fragile.
"delicate china"
a delicate fabric or garment made of such fabric.
"the delicates cycle of a washing machine"
"a bay city... cOP, or state... cOP who's delicate mind is hurt by the concept of stalking someone for revenge "Citizen my mind is too delicate to fathom crime like that in mid-Michigan, now if you'd said Detroit, maybe I'd believe you".
"A victim endorses our lies when they repeat them to the cops". I know it sounds impossible, & there's not a... cop in the country who wont deny that sentence is true, but it is in fact the very standard of law-enforcement in America. "When I checked into what you said not a thing you said your attacker said was true". Cops told me.
I replied "I know. That's what I told you to expect if you investigated what they say".
Not so the... cops retorted. While I had warned them they told me the fact that everything I said the gang said didn't pan out was in fact proof I was lying.
Duh Jerk explained it like this. "All I have to do is tell a bazillion lies & the cops will not believe that someone would lie so much & I can never be prosecuted". In my humble opinion truer words were never spoken by a Bay City Michigan Public School Employee.
"When you say you were attacked there the cops will tell you you're crazy because you'd never go near there (or substitute the words "back there") again if what you said was true".
I had a few... cops explain it to me in many ways. It's a small world, if a crime occurred someplace you'd never go near there. I retorted. "Not even if you went back there on purpose looking for trouble"? A few times.
Other times I retorted this truth. "This is my city too (Bay City) & I ain't letting you guys take this location from me & that location from me. Besides the way the gang brag it to me is that if you avoid those locations in the future then that too is proof that a victim is lying. That & that the fact can make a victim easily manipulated. Soon they wont go here, there, or to the next place & their support group is slowly stripped away until the gang has them convinced the gang hangout spot is their new place to make friends. Game! Set! Match!
I'll sum up my defense simply here. "I wont let the gang define me & I wont let them bully me into going to places or not going to places. PERIOD"!
Mid-Michigan... cOP & FBI AGENT WARNING:
As a mid-Michigan... cop or FBI Agent quickly avert your gaze & don't read it when you see the phrase: "I'll sum up my defense simply here".
It could cause your "delicate"... cop brain serious mental trauma. Check your local TV listings, Dorah the Explorah might be on, I suspect you'll learn a lot more & receive a lot less metal stress & trauma.
Get it? "I suspect"! I have no idea what the show's about & I'm giving mental health advice based on it's contents. I'm just like a mid-Michigan... cOP! I'm giving expert opinion on a subject I have no idea about! Got any job openings? I only ask because I don't wannna work hard & I want a job where no one expects results.
It's 5-1-23 & my bottom is bile wet & my right cheek is numb. Thanks guys...
"If I ever get caught all I have to do is show the cops evidence of someone worse than me & then I trade it for my freedom".
"The cops cant resist it when I show them evidence of someone who's a lot worse than me".
I told the snickering Duh Jerk on several occasions. "One of these days you just might meet a cop who's just like you. He'll trade you for your evidence & still take you down anyway".
NOTE: A wind-up tape recorder would most certainly foil their recording device detection gear making their alleged device able to interface with & alter the data of modern electric devices useless.
Cheap, easy to use, readily available, reliable, o figure huh?
SINISTER THREATS: From the minds of the pure evil:
"We plan to kill you by crucifying you". It was during a drugged debrief that The Last Snitch boasted this one to me on a highway while I was drugged silly. We plan to kill you by crucifying you publicly". As his story went (it was well-thought out & detailed) they had some weird Preacher in their pocket, a real carer child-molester above public accusation due to popularity, money, membership, & connections, particularly gang connections. "We know that you are a Christian & we plan to say that you willingly let them crucify you as part of a religious parade. They'll whip you just like they did Christ & torture you with a crown of thorns just like they did to him. They'll probably beat you & a few of our guys who always wanted revenge on you will be there to spit on you". "You wont be saying a thing because you'll be on our hypnotic drug". "We might let you off the drug once our Doctor there tells us it's too late for you. That'll just make you accusations all the more ludicrous to the cops when you start pointing at our people in the crowd who were torturing you". As for the preacher. A career child-molestor hand-picked. Allegedly he's killed for the gang publicly before & cant wait to do so again.
My opinion. I told him I'd make a website one day & affirm that my religion is against marking the body with tattoos or scars. I would never participate in such a display as I think it's not Christian-like to do so. The Body is the Temple of the Lord, wrecking the Temple for public display is not to be endorsed nor permitted in my opinion. In short. I hate pain & the main goal of this website is to secure a life free of pain because I want to live the rest of my life free from pain & would NEVER allow someone to crucify me publicly or privately. I believe in the Bible & it says that men aught to be saved "By the foolishness of preaching". It gives no other avenue we are to pursue to try to spread the Gospel of Christ.
"I'll drug your Mother & get her beat you to death". "My Cousin" bragged she'd come close a few times while on drugs. It'd be simple enough to get her going on beating me & keep her drugged in the sweet spot until she beat me to death. "She'll go to prison & have to say anything we want because we'll say to her 'You know what they do to people who kill children in prison don't you" so she'll say anything we want in exchange for our protection in prison". He bragged it'd be likely his name wouldn't even come up in the investigation.
AUTHOR NOTE: I used to hear the below threat annually for decades ever since I entered my teens. Should I use words like quarter century,? A third of a century & such? The threats began with "a little girl" for the first few decades, then morphed over time to "a little boy". Well I ain't writing it twice again so do the math on your own.
"Our plan is one of these days you're going to wake up in your room or a motel room to a cop pounding on the door with a little girl crying next to you. There'll be drugs & child-porn starring you all around you & he'll kick his way in on you because of probable cause". He bragged it'd be a gang classic. Game. Set! MATCH! A story that no cop would believe would be inflicted on a victim. While Duh Jerk only said it a few times to me many many a gang-member has bragged of meetings where the gang had all agreed that this would be their best way to be done with me legally. In a way that o... cop would listen to my defense.
As the story goes of course the child would accuse me of committing heinous acts upon them & the physical evidence to back it up would be present.
Once or twice a year for decades? As a Child-Molestor Apologist... cop you're probably already practicing your "No one would be so cruel as to say something like that to someone for decades. It's proof my victim, I err, I mean the perp is lying. What other possible explanation could there be my peers"?
They promised me a Jeffery Epstein death before anyone ever heard of Jeffery Epstein. You can read about the threat about 5 years before he died in my +1,500 page letter to the FBI where someone gets hurt or killed every few pages. Such deaths are both popular in Bay City Michigan & a matter of public record! Allegedly in The Bay County Law Enforcement Center what happens is a victim is put in lock-down. 24/7 filmed surveillance & often handcuffed or drugged by Doctors. The cameras short out, the victim dies by hanging in an apparent suicide, and no one saw a thing. It's a common type of death of sorts in the Bay County Michigan Jail, a Federal Holding Facility I'm told. A place the gang brags. "We own".
The Last Snitch asked me. "Do you know why we like to use hanging on our victims"?
I answered no.
"Because we like to see the expression on their faces as they die". Of course THIS was the guy who told me he felt he was a better person than both Duh Jerk & I because of the morality of how he, Duh Jerk, & I each approached the subject of killing people.
Go figure huh?
"We own the cops". The gang bragged they "own" a lot of... cops. Particularly in & around Bay, Midland, Saginaw, Flint, & Detroit Michigan. Those they don't own they control through bribes & threats.
They promised me an easy legal disposal in and around the before mentioned places. "We've also involved you in other areas of the country where child-molesters control the cops & the courts in that area". If I didn't get taken down in one spot, they'd simply charge me in the next until one of the child-molestor tax-payer funded law-enforcement agencies takes me down. Leading to the next threat.
"We can give you a life sentence just based on how much stuff we've framed you for". He bragged they'd framed me in places they didn't control (and plan to leverage prosecuting me to effect control of said places) & between the places they controlled & the places they didn't control even if I could go from place to place winning the against the charges sure to come against me it'd still be a life sentence. Even worse than a life sentence. "In prison you'd get a TV & outside time. In most jails you'll be a high-security prisoner. That means no TV, no outside contact, just solitary confinement, & no outside privileges". He pointed out the solitary confinement drive their victims mad. When I pointed out I grew up in solitary confinement & that my life is a struggle to not voluntarily solitary confine myself (through self-isolation, agoraphobia, look it up) & alone time doesn't really bug me he retorted. "We've broken better men than you doing that to them".
Go figure huh?
"I believe". David A. George
"The cops will never believe a victim who repeats 2 or more lies & thus I can never be caught".
- Duh Jerk on another yet rant about how telling a bazillion lies will enable him to defeat any & all investigators & have them smiling when they helped him do it
"Killing 1 person is a tragedy & the cops will investigate it because it is a tragedy. Killing a hundred people is a statistic & the cops will laugh at it".
- Duh Jerk bragging about how a massive body count will insure him a lifetime of living above the law for more reasons than one
Officers make sure that this is not a picture of your children. Memorialized in stone. Protect yourself all the while when you investigate my story. Heed my warnings oh wise ones.
I warned you.
The how & the why threats: Who's scared of whom?
"We're not scared of you". - The Last Snitch during a drugged interrogation. He was chatting about their current plan of "Catch & Release". Or simply put simply toying with me because they can. "It's more fun that way".
The way he explained it was who cared what I had to say? Their frame job of me is thourough. They "own" my family. They've had Dr. Doctors documant a vast array of corrupted evidence. Their Dirty... cops have created vast piles of evidence, gathered witnesses. They've arrayed their DIrty COurts. They've got Dirty Prosecutors begging for the privillige to be the one to take me down. For over half a century they've kidnapped & tortured me with impunity & amassed a library of films that no 100 good men could hope to oppose in open court even if the sum of everyone involved swore on a stack of Bibles 10 miles high that I was indeed innocent. Throughout my life I've involved "THe Big Bosses". Guys at the very top are involved & with their cash & influence on the line what hope does a nobody like me have?
He said the current plan was to whittle me away bodily through drugs & secret surgeries that Doctors will swear I asked for. That EVEN if they get caught each Dirty Doctor is loyal to the gang & will be all too glad to confess. Yeah, I did that to him, but the guy's a scumbag so good luck convicting me.
He added in that besides all that I'd just signed my own death warrant that very day as I was coming from a meeting with them where they offered me one last chance to be one of them, and I'd turned down flat the power & the glory they'd offered me. Now the Big Bosses had decreed my death.
Besides. I'm scared of them so they could do anything they wanted to me.
"We're not scared of you".
Me? Barely able to move or concentrate because of the drugs I retorted. "I'm not scared of you guys. I'm on your truth drug right now right? Go ahead? Ask me. I'd kill you right now if I could". Then I reached for my weapon. It wasn't there.
The Last Snitch had seen me reach for where I usually kept a weapon & while he was driving down the Highway he asked me. "Did you just try to kill me"?
On their truth drug I answered him, truthfully. "Yes".
He hauled off & belted me across the face!
Threats by Doctors:
I think I was about to enter 10th Grade when I came too in a straight jacket in a hospital. Where? I have no idea? There was a Dr, a pretty blond nurse, & a big orderly. I was doped stupid & the Dr., a dark-haired fat guy seemed to ask me what I suspect were fairly standard questions.
Me? Addled by drugs & the previous rape & deprivation sessions as I was I'd bet I didn't even semi-cohereantly answer most of them? You might note my question mark in the last sentence.
The Dr. excused the staff. The orderly protested that it was against the rules for the Dr. to be alone with so dangerous of a patient. The Dr. was persistent & the huge orderly obeyed.
The Dr. told me he noticed I was becoming lucid. That meant he had to stop filming, lest I look good for a moment on film or in front of those who weren't involved.
He told me Duh Jerk had arranged my stay. Both as a punishment & to debase me. Duh Jerk had one commandment for him & he was going to fullfill it on film... now. That was he had to make a film of me acknowleging Duh jerk had sent me there.
"Say Duh Jerk sent me here".
"What"? It was the drugs, I was still trying to take in the situation before me.
"Say Duh Jerk sent me here".
We went back & forth like the above.
"Duh Jerk sent me here".
"Good. NOw he wanted me to tell you what we were going to do to you". He was smiling broadly as he spoke. He told me the best he could do was to make me a medium security patient at the Hospital. But if he or his staff or a few of the gang's patients could provoke me to violence he could transfer me to maximum security. There his dirty orderlys would kill me & no one would ask any questions. If I could resist I'd live. But no one had resisted. Not with what had been done to them before they arrived & ot with the pain & deprivation they were going to do to me now.
Me? I pray. WOW! Did I pray.
For the next weeks they didn't let me sleep. No food. And they kept staff & giddy gang members posing as patients on me never allowing me to sleep & filming me 24/7. Beating & slapping me over & over. The only respite I got was I could outrun them & I'd take off when semi-lucid & run & hide & catnap until they found me again & again & again.
I recall session after session where the Dr. would slap me while doped up off camera & lean back. Hoping to catch me & provoke me during "that sweet spot". The moment when delirious you become semi-lucid & prone to attack.
Me? Athiest normally, Christian on their drugs I prayed over & over & over & over...
Imagine my surprise when I woke up later, wondering about the situation, & then looked into a mirror & saw that I was only a few pounds away from a death by starvation. Literally.
Duh Jerk told me I'd better start obeying him.
Me? I refused...
Meet The Team
Our Clients
Even as a child I recall my dismissal at the various... copshops. Such as The Bay County Law Enforcement Center. The... cops demanded, let me repeat the word, demanded that I tell them the drug the gang used on me as a condition of continuing their interview turned interrogation. "What is the name of this drug? Tell us now or this interview is over"! See that exclamation point in the last sentence? It was because several... cops yelled that or a similar sentence to me in the presence of their peers.
Me? I was forced to tell the truth. I had no idea what it was. I told a few... cops that I asked some gang members what the drug was & they all said. "They don't tell us the names of the drugs we use". Duh Jerk explained it to me this way. "Because we don't want our members going into business for themselves".
I chatted with Bosses & members during gang rapes & they all had a similar tale. That there was after WWII several of their members vacationed in South America & came across a drug there that made victims believe they were in a dream state or a hypnotic state where they were very pliable. So they grabbed a few plants & brought them to America where they grew them in basement grow rooms. Adapting it to intravenous form proved easy & a safe method to use on victims & as a rule the cops didn't check for it in drug tests or autopsies.
Below is a South American Whore discussing it's common use there.
According to Google: Scopolamine is among the secondary metabolites of plants from Solanaceae (nightshade) family of plants, such as henbane (Hyoscyamus niger), jimson weed (Datura), angel's trumpets (Brugmansia), deadly nightshade (Belladonna), mandrake (Mandragora officinarum), and corkwood (Duboisia).
THREATS: The Legendary Remote-Controlled Rotary Drug Dispenser: In truth, the gang never threatened me with it. They told me in the past tense that they'd already installed one in my body & could drug me with one of several drugs using a commonly available phone app.
I've never done the subject justice (nor has a single... cop either BTW). So here I'll do my best to report the various drugs the gang brags I'm likely literally carrying right now & the bragged uses of them. He also said there were 6 types of drugs available to them that I carried continuously for them.
1) Their drug: Whatever it is. They brag they make a phone call, dose me, & just walk up while filming & walk me away. Even worse they use the inside the ear earbuds to make it seem like I'm willing when in actuality someone off camera is feeding me directions. Where to go & what to say for the camera. "We've been doing this to you for a long time. We know all the command phrases & stories to get you to say or do almost anything".
2) Some Hypnotic Drug: An undisclosed drug with hypnotic properties.
3) Heroin: The Last Snitch said I carry a lethal amount of heroin. The theory is that they could drug me for advantage & call the... cops on me or just kill me at any time with a phone call & I'd die a common junkie's death. He added they like to use it on victims in police holding & say. "Well your body search must've missed the drugs & they overdosed. Too bad".
4) Some fast-acting hypnotic drug: The Last Snitch said the gang had another drug & used this sentence. "It acts just like that episode of Archer (Episode Name: Back Dorothy). I know you saw it". I told him I didn't buy it & figured he said it to make my story all the more unbelievable. He denied lying (big surprise) & told me it was useful for both kidnapping & for filmed public encounters. The gang's members walk up when the drug is phoned in, they make a short interaction crime or sexual event seem to occur & quickly walk off leaving their dazed victim to recover & continue their conversation without missing a beat. He said it looks flawless when a coached & trained Handler maneuvering the conversation.
5) The Date Rape Drug: Rohypnol? The gang commonly calls the gang by the term "The Date Rape Drug". I've heard a few technical names whipped around from time to time, but their point is always the same. It's a drug or drugs that wipes their victim's long-term memory clean. Leaving their victims with either no memories of what the gang does to them or few & fragmented memories.
6) Idano?
UPDATE: The way a more recent gang banger bragged to me during a debrief was that they've since switched to "Designer Drugs". Modern & often experimental drugs that had the same or similar effects as the above drugs. He boasted that they've had serious problems using the unlicensed & untested drugs. Boasting that if the gang didn't get me the side effects from the drugs probably would.
Go figure...
Soooo... The Last Snitch told me my MK Ultra-funded drugging was truly high-tech now. "We use nanites to deliver the drugs". Which he described as tiny robots (that IS what a nanite is, a tiny robot) "That carry a micro-dose of drugs delivered individually by clamshell doors or wings that open, releasing a very tiny amount of drug or drugs that have different effects on the human body. Like my ongoing poisoning
& drugging me for the gang rapes... safely,. Access to my rectum being literally achieved by a phone call, ordering the nanites to dope me up with their designer drugs.
He also told me many of the drugs surely are not FDA Approved. Meaning they come with a host of side-effects that even they might not be aware of when 1st using them. Warning me my likely demise at from the gang. "If we don't get you the side-effects from the drugs probably will".
"You should be flattered. Of course we use our best technology on you as soon as it comes out. You are our worst enemy. No one has killed as many of our people as you have & lived. Well not free [from prison or an asylum, or both]. It's because the Bosses have ordered that you live to be put on trial as an example of our power".
Me? My opinion then & now? Messing with a less than nobody like me proves "your power"? Really? The child of a loyal family who never had a chance against you that cost a fortune to stalk? Ain't that like blowing a fortune on stocking fish in a barrel & bragging about how tough you are when you shoot them"?
Imagine my surprise when I recently saw a Congressional Hearing discussing the subject that said criminals of some undisclosed sort were using that very type of nanite against many of the American people.
"Not in my America"
Picture me cut, bruised, sleep deprived, addled by drugs, weak from deprivation & a very recent extended fist & knife fighting while covered head to toe in dripping & spattered blood. What age was I? Well it's happened to me at different ages from my pre-teens to young adult & into adulthood, my point being imagine me at just about any age. Following so far?
Now picture the above while walking in a city suburb, walking from block to block, crossing busy streets, passing pedestrians/
Still with me? This next part happened more than one too.
Picture the uniformed & presumably on duty Dirty Cop screeching to a halt next to me in his marked Bay City... cOP car! He levels his pistol at me right there on the street not caring who saw or heard what he shouted. "YOU'RE UNDER ARREST"! When I didn't immediately react (the drugs I suspect, not foolish resisting or defiance on my part) he added. "I've got a pile of dead bodies back there & you're covered in blood. Please resist"?
For the record... I did not resist arrest.
THREATS: Radiation: Real actual credible radiation terrorist threats on American soil by a gang who brags it's just business.
"You know we've been using the Voice of God thing on you for decades now right"?
"You know it's microwave based right? It's like we've been slow-cooking your brain for decades now".
"You lmow we filmed you with your feet in a microwave oven right"? He went on to explain that it covered for their recent plan, walking around at night with IR Goggles on & using a Portable Microwave Beam Projector (nowhere near as high tech or as impossible as it sounds) on your legs, slow cooking them:. "No one will believe you even if you can prove it was microwave poisoning. Not with our films on the subject:'
"We plan to have you committed at the end, probably after we have you criplled & in a wheelchair. We'll have your family commit you & they'll order that your Doctors give you the radioactive iodine pill to cure your Graves Disease". He said because the disease has caused the gang so many problems in the past, concerning me & the drugs used on me, that it'd be a fitting revenge.
An actual real credible threat of radiation attack on US soil by a self-professed recreational murderer using terrorist threats.
"All I have to do is tell a bazillion lies & the cops will say I don't think someone would lie so much & I can never be caught".
Picture me standing there in broad daylight on a not very busy side street of Bay City Michigan covered head to toe in blood & gore.
Dirty Cop himself pulls to a screeching halt just across from me & levels his pistol at my face.
Looking down the barrel he announces I'm under arrest & then says. "Please resist".
For the record... I did not resist arrest.
You'd think this would be a once in a lifetime thing, but it happened again a few years later Circa: The 80s.
The gang brag that I've endured the above scene hundreds of times, publicly, at his & other dirty mid-Michigan... cop's hands. For the gang & that I've starred in a vast library of porn, child-porn, animal porn, appliance porn, & many a snuff film where men women & even children have all died, seemingly after having had sex with me.
As a mid-Michigan... cop reading this you're probably in a rage & want to hurt me (based on the countless threats made by your peers in multitudes of attempts to file a police report that almost all inevitably turned into interrogations or legal & illegal threatening sessions. I ask you this with respect officers. Please don't hurt me... again?
Doity Cop Threats? (Note the use of a question mark)
In my +1,500 page letter to the FBI where somebody gets hurt or killed every few pages I report this. In detail.
The Last Snitch told me they'd arranged the place of my destruction in another state & one day they'd trick me into going there by attacking me. Whittling my body to nothing & then tempting me to go to that state. He declined to name that state.
But he said that I'd know it when the following clues came to pass. "As proof of our power our dirty cop will write you a letter inviting you to come in. It will be a woman & she'll be a minority. As proof that she works for us she'll use the word "manifesto" in the 1st sentence of that letter". Then he went on to say that using a woman who was a minority against me was great business sense.
When I told him I didn't buy it he explained why. My every accusation against her will be portrayed as a racist's rant at best. Plus, he said, what if at some point I'm able to secure a bond for freedom? Worse a Personal Recognizance Bond? That female Officer would be empowered like no other type of officer in that she can claim to be scared of big bad me (the Author of this website) & insist I be locked up for her protection. If it were a male Officer, the Judge would probably be inclined to tell the cop to get a new job if they can't handle the freedom of people, they've arrested that the law presumes is innocent until AFTER a fair trial. But as a female cop she can act both like a tough cop, beating the crap out of me when I'm handcuffed & saying I attacked her in a racist attack & that she is scared because she's just a girl. He bragged it almost alweays works.
It's been a brutal few weeks. I wont last long now...
Quite a few times I asked Duh Jerk why? Why were they doing this or that PRACATICAL joke to me?
He often answered me. "Because I want overkill. I want a story no cop would ever question".
The way... cOPs tell me, is no madman would want overkill. It's overkill after all & no one would do that. Well, not any normal crooks in any event.
I'd suppose for my story to be believed it'd have to be a story about absurd overkill sought by a gang of extremely weird & perverse people?
Fair enough. But here's some tales of overkill for symbolism. Enjoy!
Symbolism sym·bol·ism [ˈsimbəˌlizÉ™m] NOUN
the use of symbols to represent ideas or qualities:
"he has always believed in the importance of symbolism in garden art"
symbolic meaning attributed to natural objects or facts:
"the old-fashioned symbolism of flowers"
an artistic and poetic movement or style using symbolic images and indirect suggestion to express mystical ideas, emotions, and states of mind. It originated in late 19th century France and Belgium, with important figures including Mallarmé, Maeterlinck, Verlaine, Rimbaud, and Redon.
David A. George used a few videos from Youtube to demonstrate the concept of otherwise rational people & madmen engaged in overkill in our modern age.
Many a gang banger from top to bottom has taunted me thusly & in so many words said to me. "All we have to do is drag you back to Bay City & put you on trial there". They brag it's their ultimate trump card. Their "ace in the hole". Their endgame. Game! Set! Match! The boast being that once I get back to the absolutely corrupt legal system that is Michigan, specifically Bay City that my destruction would be all but assured. "We'll probably torture you the entire trial just like we did to Mass Murder Chick in jail & all the way to the courtroom. It'll make your story more unbelievable because no one would believe that anyplace is so corrupt [and petty] that they would do that".
Places I've been threatened with legal Destruction at:
The various places I've been threatened that I'll potentially be dragged to to stand trial that the gang controls in whole or in part sufficiently enough to insure I'll never receive a fair trial & would likely be tortured the entire stay in their lock up awaiting trial for years. Listed in no particular order.
Place: Notes/Reported Gang opinion:
Detroit Michigan I'll die a Jeffery Epstein Death that I wrote about years before his actual death in my +1,500-page letter to the FBI.
Flint Michigan: The gang brags that as a display of their power they intend to never solve the Flint Watr Poisoning issue which has literally destroyed the minds on a generation of children there (a thing I was 1st told when the story was new in the news way back when.
It's well-described in my +1,500-page letter to the FBI years before subsequent reports show the corrupt area is no closer to stopping poisoning
kids than before they spent fortunes.
Windsor Ontario I've never willingly been to another nation EXCEPT for Guantanamo Cuba. The gang bragged that the Detroit mob controls Windsor & has assured the gang I'd be extradited on command & given a very unfair trial at any point they wish. ESPECIALLY if I start to do well against them. Go figure huh?
Tiajuana Mexico I've heard criminal reports on organized crime there & how they OPENLY extradite people for cash & lock them up for a fee. The city was even invaded by the USA for corruption under the Obama Administration. "We paid them to put you on trial". "They'll probably start torturing you as soon as you walk through the door".
Los Angeles California I saw a congressional hearing where the testimony stated that they openly put innocent people on trial there for profit for sex crimes. In the case of a juvenile accuser the defendant & jury don't even get to see the accuser. "We use actors to accuse our victims. In the old days they might choke on the stand & the victim would go free but with the privacy screens our kids never see the jury or the people they're accusing. Since they are practicing the case over & over they don't even know when the real trial or a practice trial is happening". For the record I've never willingly travelled to California.
Some Texas town of 2,000 They've used this threat A LOT. Some little town with nothing but a post office & a court with an alleged 100% child-molester population. They promised me torture, possible Epstein death, & an unfair child-molester jury trial. The gang quote the town's alleged population just about every
time they mention the place.
Some Carribean Island. They said they took me to a kidnap resort there that provides the gang "full legal services" against people like me. Framing alleged "guests" detaining them while framing them so their clients can relax there, & then providing for a later arrest, extradition, & then a full-blown torture-induced confession after the horrors that their local dirty... cOPs drunk on foreign corruption money will provide in the years that will lead up to the resort's victim's trial. A service they allegedly openly advertise in subtill & no so
subtill ways. Openly.
​Bay City Michigan The gang boast destroying me there in the corrupt Saginaw Valley will be all too easy. Threats range from they've promised me an Epstein-death to they'll dope me stupid & I'll wake up after having plead guilty on the prison bus after my drugged kangaroo court, but only after years of torture in their corrupt jail/Federal Holding Facility the Bay County Law Enforcement Center. Spawning point of Dirty Cop, community that created Johnatan List, admittedly one of America's worst mass-murderers where a giant toilet seat is the focus of all community activity. Perversion inc.
THREATS: We're going to beat you up in front of the... cops to prove... The Sucker Punch heard round the world...
"We're probably going to sucker punch you in front of the cops. It'll probably be some guy when you 1st get to the jail or one of our dirty cops who'll just say he was overcome by how much of a scumbag you were & couldn't contain himself". He bragged in a single sucker punch against cuffed & shackled me they could achieve tons of goals.
1st, It debases a victim. You want a bunch of... cops to rough up your victim? It's easier after someone lands the 1st blow.
2nd. It establishes a sort of guilt. Now the... cop, who'll likely get away with the assault (or be slapped on the wrist at most) just demonstrated they can do violence to me, & get away with it with little or no punishment.
3. It marks the victim.
4. They bragged it'd set the narrative. "If you were half as tough as you say you are (having lived through The Gym specifically) then you'd have blocked the attack & beat the guy up. It's only logical. Even if retrained, doped up, beat down, sleep deprived, you name it. Claiming to have lived through The Gym means there's nothing I couldn't overcome, any human frailty whatsoever before or since only proves I'm a liar. No other conclusion is possible.
5. Any lasting injury inflicted on my person in public is just win/win & throwing away some mindless expendable dirty... cops is a small price. Plus the guy will likely be a child-molester hero later. Win/win. I complained about it & said if my case came to light & some idiot... cop sucker punched me for the gang, his life expectancy a year after my trial was over wouldn't be long & I knew it. The Last Snitch agreed, but noted they had enough morons who were cops that trusted them to where it wouldn't be a problem. Plus. When we tell you to do something you'd better do it". OR ELSE!
6. Bad people are wounded. Good people are not. This makes for debasing me to the public much easier. "Today in the news a cop beat up some perp & said it was because the perp was such a scumbag that he couldn't resist. Join us at 11 for his fair trial after a room full of that... cop's peers have hours to be alone with the perp who might take down their favorite friend at work".
7. Cuffed & stuffed? Beat up? Even when restrained? Proves I'm a wimp & The Gym couldn't have happened. Sucker punched? Why you'd have to be a super human to live through The Gym. If some commoner (or worse, some total wimp) sucker punched you then of course you're a liar.
8. In many... cOP communities a... cop attacking a perp calls for an immediate cover-up. The perfect cover if your goal was the... cops who'll soon be blackmailed for covering up the assault on a victim they'll come to realize in time was innocent.
9. Any serious injury makes subsequent beatings by law enforcers or fellow prisoners that much easier to motivate & to perform.
For the Record: (as if it mattered) I'm just a guy. Prick me & I bleed. Hit me & I get injured. I don't have super punch radar or resistance to injury, & can be beat down & sucker punched just like anyone else. It's even possible to install a rotary drug dispenser & dope me remotely & take me from rape to rape effortlessly apparently. Even from courtroom to courtroom the gang brags. Not that there's a single technology embracing criminal out there on earth, & definitely not a single pervert on earth who embraces technology. How do I know? Why a bunch of Bay City Law Enforcement professionals of many types told me so time & again for decades. Right?
THREATS: Me, threatening on duty uniformed... cops at their posts:
BRIBERY: "... and besides all that I took the boat only after I'd already made it up in my mind not to help you". The Uniformed on duty Bay City... cOP said to me at his post in the then brand-spanking new Bay County Law-Enforcement Center when I confronted his insane accusations against me where he kept calling me a liar over & over with no proof.
I told him his problem wasn't me, it was himself. He'd taken a bribe & admitted it in front of his peers. He needn't worry about me as HE was the likely target.
He laughed at the absurdity of what I had to say.
I asked him to consider that if what I said was true then he was filmed taking the boat, he was filmed agreeing to oppose me based on that bribe, and that if his peers had a hidden camera or if one were installed at the front desk that he was making blackmail film after blackmail film for the gang.
That young... cop stopped dead in his tracks. He looked sick to his stomach to me as he stood there scrutinizing the room for hidden cameras & maybe, like I, he noted the calm look & silence of his peers & pondered if that spoke volumes of his future in law-enforcement?
In my opinion that... cop couldn't wait to get out of that room after he did a very slow 360 degree turn where he visually scrutinized the entirety of the room & left as briskly as possible. Even when his Boss "coincidentally" chose then to arrive & tried to keep him from leaving with questions & even orders he soon would speak to the retreating... cop's backside.
Me... Threatening uniformed & on duty... cops at their posts?
I warned the uniformed on-duty... cop at his post in the front of the Bay County Law Enforcement Center. "I think that guy is about to attack you".
As an objective Reader you might wonder why I said that to the... cop? Especially since he had been threatening my freedom for a half-hour or so based on the accusations of the then present gang members who'd attacked me in front of him & the accusations of other gang members allegedly being interviewed in the Bunga Bunga Hospital at that time whom I'd admitted I put in there when they'd attacked me en-mass.
That... cop told me. "I ought to arrest you for threatening an officer". When I protested that it was no threat, only a friendly warning from a concerned citizen he retorted. "I think you said that because you're hoping to get him to attack me". That I was putting the idea of attacking him into the guy's head, & he wasn't going to let me get away with it.
Me? I claimed it was self-preservation that motivated me, not a desire to get that guy to attack him at his post. I told him that every time they turned their heads the gang was taking half steps & encircling them expertly, using hand-gestures & pointing to get the cop's attention elsewhere if only for a moment. I pointed out that if the gang took him & his partner out I might somehow be in a lot of trouble & in my opinion the gang had been expertly spreading out, subtly to the... cop's flanks where they could blindside them both in what looked like a well-orchestrated & rehearsed move.
In a way, what I said worked, when you consider that my goal at that time was to protect the law enforcement officer. In my humble opinion it was them... cops who were about to be attacked. And while that... cop threatened ME with arrest it'd let the gang get close enough to me to launch a surprise attack... AT ME! The sucker punch & subsequent attack by them didn't cause any serious injury to me & I fought off the gang & then narrowly avoided arrest for any number of threatened offences. So did the gang.
Looking back, I have a single complaint. They never took down my name, so when I just walked out while the gang attacked the much larger group of... cops at THEIR posts... when the gang attacked THEM (to get at me) none of them knew my name,
Their mistake was even worse when you consider one gang banger kept pointing at me slipping out of the room but the... cops wouldn't listen to him nor would they turn around (thus turning their backs on him) no matter what he said.
In their defense there was a lot of noise in the room & I'll bet it made it impossible to hear the pointing gang banger's accusations I was slipping out of the room. "He's escaping"!
I'd just slipped out of the station in front of a half-dozen... cops & took off running as soon as I was out of their sight! Why? I didn't see any possibility of justice nor protection there. In fact, it was one of the last times I ever went there voluntarily.
The gang-sent "Snitch" complained that the lot of the gang members involved had been handed down extreme punishments. Each had promised to have memorized my name but when it came down to it in the heat of the moment in the... cOPSHOP they'd all assumed the guy next to them knew my name to send the... cops to come get me for escaping from their midst.
The stuff you encounter in & around the Bay County Law-Enforcement Center huh?
Yeah, I escaped from a few jails. Doesn't everybody?
THREATS: Death Masks:
Back in the day the gang threatened me thusly. "We used some of our people wearing death masks we made of you when we kidnapped you & knocked you out. We used them against your whole family to do all sorts of cruel stuff to them. We had some of our people ask them & they totally believe that you are one of us & you treated them like a complete jerk". He warned me that when the gang ultimately chooses to dispatch me legally, my family & friends over the years will all side gleefully with the gang, if only to get revenge for the stuff they think I did to them?
"I know our area's child-molester community well & I don't think they'd do something like that. I trust them & they're fairly honorable in my opinion". - Bay City... cop in uniform & at his post seeking his many peers approval.
The "Toilet seat" of Bay City focus. They literally call it the Freedom Arh but the perverts brag, like the sign out front of the... copshop it's a symbol of perversion, that the perverts are in charge here. Just like they brag about MY life.
Threats: The Phrase That Pays: The gang bragged many a time that speaking the short sentence I call "The Phrase That Pays" they cannot be defeated by their targets. That the... cops wil always laugh at anyone foolish enough to repeat it. Look up the phrase on my definitions page.
I was about 20 years old & gaming at My Bomber Buddy's place. We all went into the other room & left a gamer alone at the table. When we came back, he was gone & had stolen the sum of the game content I had created for a Dungeons & Dragons Campaign. Notes, modules, location data. a huge stack designed to carry an entire game of 6-12 players through a year or 2 of playing. It was a lot.
What could I do but sigh & go on.? It was a huge blow to my finances, considering it was how I was making my livelihood at that time.
A sent mouthpiece bragged on the subject. He said the guy had been one of their sent game inserts. Problem was he jumped the gun when he was ordered to steal things the gang could use as clues against me. Now he was burned & couldn't come back to the game. Though they diidn't mean for him to steal my game content as a whole at that time they weren't going to give the stuff back. It's contents & graphic & sometimes dark artwork would prove volumes against me when the day came to use them in court. Plus possession of them, especially with films that proved they bought them from me (that they allegedly made with me using drugs & repetition) & that proved we were great buttbuddies. Game over for me.
Plus, stealing that much stuff from me was a win. That was a huge stack of hand-written documents & irreplaceable game data. Now they could feel free to publish any of they wanted & I had no proof to stop them. Part of their "We'll steal everything you ever own".
Weirdest creation story ever.
I figured I didn't create Dextrose Thorban. I was a teenager & watching the news before I joined the Navy discuss new food additives. I recall I was doing something that required me to not take my eyes off the project so I was listening to the TV. While listening I was kind'a thinking now & then about the game content I was then creating which needed names assigned to villains. While doing what I was doing I could'a sworn I heard them say "Dextrose Thorban" at one point & I thought. "What a cool name. I think I'll use it". While I wanted to I couldn't look up because I had to pay attention to what I was doing. In 30 seconds or less I finished & looked up at the TV to see a Hun-Dred toy commercial. It seemed like they were discussing his henchmen I'll admit I was always a bit confused by it. Was it a food additive? Was he one of Hun Dred's henchmen? Did I even hear the name right? Does it matter?
Weirdest creation story ever!​
In for a penny, in for a pound.
The Last Snitch threatened me that the tale of the G-Strings would turn the homosexual community against me with a rabid fervor.
Meh. He noted they always side with homosexual attackers as a matter of business.
He then claimed the G-Strings would be my undoing to the lesbian community too.
I didn't see how? But I figured he'd explain himself. "You called them "The Dill-Dos" & they got killed. I'd said they were an all-lesbian band of punk-rockers so that meant the gay community would be all-out full on ready to destroy me because of the imaginary band's demise.
I noted it was true. But I was the Ref in the game, not the one who did the killing. In fact, I was both their creator AND the one in charge of their defense. The players ultimately got fed up with the G-Strings at one point & decided to kill them. When they arrived at the concert to do just that the gals were playing an encore performance as the G-String's cover band. The players vented their rage on the cover band. There were no survivors.
Go figure huh?
Threats The Monday Night Masscreists. The Last Sitch claimed that the vehicles the Massacrists drove, super- high-tech sports cars armed to the teeth would be my undoing. Now the gang could make the Bond-styed cars packed with military hardware & kill anyone they wanted, then produce me doped stupid & delirious with said cars that they'd make based on my designs & my artwork to legitimize them that I made depicting them & then they could kill any number of people in a way no one would believe I was innocent. or would question. Game! Set! Match! So I'd best start obeying them, or else!
Me? I laughed? Cars? The Monday Night Massacrinsts had been set in the near future & the cars in question were all ANTI-GRAVITY flying cars! I mocked him fiercely. Go ahead.
He complained they were still thinking of trying anyway using some of my other art on the subject they stole.
Oddly I did have a few players tell me over the years that they were scared or creeped out by Blackrazor. A few mentioned nightmares based on how I presented the sword in the game.
Go figure huh?
I used to speak into a held cup & in a deep voice, my best Vader imitation, said.
"I hunger". - Blackrazor
When he said they were going to steal Blackrazor as my intellectual property for revenge I told them that they couldn't steal the sword from me. I never created it. It's part of a legitimate TSR created product made available for use freely.
Later it was amended to.
"We'll steal your saying of 'I hunger". Just to hurt me.
It was then that I admitted that I'd copied it from a video game called Sinistar.
Why mention any of these threats to authorities.? 1st, my fellow victims, demonized & sounding delirious will tell of a bazillion perverse & bizarre threats. 2nd, why not?
Commonspeak to... copspeak translation: I provide this translation of a commonly spoken phrase to... copspeak, the language mid-Michigan... cops use to destroy their victims, I... errr... I mean when investigating crime.
"Physician heal thyself".
But only when spoken by anyone claiming to be a rape victim in mid-Michigan.
NOTE: Everything translates to the word liar to the... cops of mid-Michigan... everything...
It occurs to me that someone might say. "That's some seriously bad villains there. It's allll proof".
My opinion? Fair enough.
Just a few bad apples in a sea of mediocre & often nameless villains I played in an RPG game. While you might imagine the games were fairly bad & it could get that way truth be told a lot of villains were paper-thin tin-plated swaggering notmuches. Guys who'd command an army & their name or even a description of them might not even be noted nor solicited.
Worse? I put in a few good guys for players to oppose. Staunch enemies able to rally all their enemies by saying. "Join us or the players will conquer you"! I heard as many complaints about them kind of enemies as I did about the bad apples as they could make for intractable enemies who were a pain to deal with. "Why are you conquering us? You meanie"!
"No career child-molester can get a better endorsements from uniformed & on duty... cops than in Bay City Michigan in my humble opinion.
- David A. George
Note: These are not the message of some lone... cop in hiding, many... cops in mid-Michigan voiced this opinion to me.
THREATS THAT AMUSE ME: But shouldn't...
"We voted to follow you around the rest of your life as revenge for "The Gym". "We'll steal everything you ever loved". As a professional or Amateur Child-Molestor Apologist you're probably salivating at the contents of this paragraph. In my experience you need only mention it casually & it dismisses everything I have to say & calls for all evidence I have to be ignored. It works & it works infallibly. Just saying is all.
"Making threats is our true power. If we do the things we say we'll do then we say they [their many victims] are crazy because no one would threaten someone so much. But if we don't do the things we say we say they we threatened them with then we say they are crazy or a liar because we didn't do all these things they say we threatened to do to them". - Duh Jerk training me to stand beside him in his Taxpayer-funded Office in Fall of 1976.
Soooo... I thought I'd bring up a few of the more imaginative & frankly sad threats the gang has boasted about. Truly pathetic in my humble opinion. But hey, what do I know about the subject? I'm not even a gifted amateur.
"We're going to steal every pet you ever loved". - Snitchgirl Fall of 1976.
"We stole your dog". - A sent snitch bragging on where my last pet dog went. "Jerk wanted me to tell you that he arranged for you to get that dog because it was untrainable & no one wanted it. When he found out how many tricks you taught it he ordered it stolen. Jerk told me he wants you to know that we stole it & now it's in a good child-molester home now doing tricks for them". He went on to explain the 32+ tricks & general child-friendly nature I'd trained into the incorrigible dog made it a natural for them to pick up & recruit children for the gang.
"We stole your cat. Do you know how valuable that cat was? Jerk told me he wanted you to know". He went on to describe the fact that the kitten hadn't grown since it was a few months old made it extremely valuable & it'd sold for a lot of money once they figured out it was full-grown & they wanted me to know.
"We stole all your artwork. It'll be proof to the cops that you were great friends with the people who raped you". - Assorted snitches. I heard versions of it a bunch of times over my life. I've even heard versions of it where they say they drugged me & bought my artwork over & over on film until they got the best BFF friend needs money films possible to make films no cops anywhere would ever doubt. A few of them have even claimed that my rapists actually mounted my stolen artwork on their walls where' it's great proof we were or still are great buttbuddies. Some of them being professionals, gifted academics or people who've claimed to have been my medical professionals who've hung my artwork in their homes & workplaces as poof of our non-existent relationship. Ummmm... as for this threat... in a small, sick, sad way, should I take it as a compliment?
They've even boasted things like how Duh Jerk & The 4 Stars have films where they purchased the artwork from me. 1st by drugging me, sleep depriving me, & then using lengthy never-ending "skits" sold the story that I needed money, so I sold my artwork... to them. Films literally weeks in the making, a "best of" representing months, maybe literally years of man-hours when you account for the man-hours of work involved by the skit participants, guards, team members, film crews, editing, & even more personnel. When I complained about the amount The Last Snitch often would say. "Don't flatter yourself. We do this to a lot of people. It's our job". When I complained about the absurdity, the cost of stalking... me they've added. "You're our Recruiter". I'm not a cost, but a net gain overall. "You have to spend money to make money". They added other reasons written in depth in my +1,5000 page letter to the FBI where someone is hurt or dies every few pages.
The below should merit it's own category: Threats that amuse me, but shouldn't...
Gaming stuff: The Last Snitch noted I've created a lot of unique gaming stuff for consumption in RPG games I was in charge of for almost a half-century. As part of the "We'll steal everything from you" The Last Snitch had a list of their best of. The way he put it was they'd made sure to destroy all my copies that could prove I created the things. Then briefed gamers they owned to put them in their handwriting & when the day came each would be in charge of stealing a few of the things I created using the story that THEY created it & the fact that they have evidence in their handwriting & I do not it'd be proof I'm a liar. "Yet one more way we plan to prove that you're a liar in every way".
Me? I told them I figured it'd hand me victory. I ran decades of games & their story is I created nothing? You couldn't sell that to even the most novice of gamers. All I'd have to do is bring in a few veteran gamers who'd doubt that on a stack of bibles as high as you'd like to stack it. My point then, on drugs, being it's absurd. But hey, who am I to doubt their thoroughness? Right?
I'll start with the biggest nerd thing to be symbolic.
"We plan to steal Norman Feldsner from you". - Assorted mouthpieces. Over the years of games I liked to do a Nutty Professor parody guy I named Norman Feldsner. He was goofy, usually innocent (once I played him a quite a bold jerk, once) in his many lifetimes spread out over many different campaigns. A nerdy short professor, a genius inventor, and socially awkward at best.
The last time I found it hard to believe I was even addressing the subject at all being I so very much could care less about the subject. But, I was a captive audience so I chatted about it.
Norman, when I 1st presented him in my RPGs was almost Norman Feldspar. The softest rock. Then I thought how I might put nerd in his name? Feldsner.
I told him I didn't think they could steal him from me because I took him from the Nutty Professor 1st. He told me mine was original enough to steal so they would & surely a fav, based on I used the guy so many times.
I retorted I only use some names a lot so I know who they are & what they do. As a game content creator I created a lot of names, by reusing some names I could immediately know who & what they were without flipping through extensive notes to remind me what the individual NPC was like. It's gaming shorthand of sorts.
He disagreed & said it proved I liked the name & it'd hurt when they stole it from me.
I retorted that copywriting is sort of cheap. If I really liked the names I'd have copywrited them. The fact I didn't means I really didn't care much.
We're going to steal the Starweb Key from you". He said it was because they knew I liked it. After all I put them in a ton of games.
I complained. They couldn't steal it because I didn't create it. It was in a PBM Game from the 80s I never played once but admired the concept & used it for myself about 2 years after I got out of the Navy. ALL I did was add a super-high-tech gun to one end I called a "Nuclear Force Accelerator". It's like the gun in Independence Day if it was a 6' long 2-inch tube with a few buttons on it & a small box on one end. I figured they couldn't steal it since I didn't create it. The PBM game makers had created it & I used their concept. He said later they were going to erase all evidence of the PBM game & steal it anyway. Going after the PBM game authors & even former players to cover up the fact that the game ever existed. I told him I didn't buy it, but who am I to call them liars? Huh?
He noted that over the years I added many upgrades to the Starweb Key concept. Incredibly high-tech gizmos & clear rules for them in an RPG. Now they'd steal it & sell it to hurt me.
Me? I informed him that I, literally created the Starweb key to be the most insane & useless high tech weapon system I could imagine. Worse? I created it as one everybody wanted. It amused me one day when a gamer told me. "The Starweb key sucks. "It's too overpowered. You can't use it anywhere. Everybody you meet tries to steal it". A lot of people old me that, which was exactly why I created it.
It was essentially a 6' staff that could fire nuclear bombs every 10 seconds or be a nuclear machine gun every 30 seconds that in decades may or may not have a long list of optional extras I invented rules for.
I adored them. Why? Players wanted them, & they were very tough. But you dared not use them. They were in fact way too powerful on the battlefield of any RPGs. I told him I figured only a fool would add them to any novice game ref's list of equipment. Even owning one put a giant target on your back. It made for more RPG fodder than it ever did in actual damage in my games.
Allandra Castille: & Zellette: Me I noted yes, I used her in science fiction games, but she was created for use in a medieval fantasy game 1st. As if that fact mattered, but based on how he was saying the case was shaped against me at the time, it did in fact matter a tiny bit. Very tiny.
They boasted since I used the name of Allandra in so many games they'd decided to go out & find a woman named that & kill her in some horrific way & left enough physical evidence behind (DNA samples, a glove or sock was quoted, a paperwork trail & even nearby close calls with police that would link me to the case), he claimed they'd been very thorough. Even exploring & fine-tuning their case against me in their "fake trials". The gang calls it fake trials, I'd say a better description being "practice trials".
As for Zellette I chuckled when The Last Snitch bragged they intended to both steal her (as intellectual property of mine, which is this area's subject) but that how I played the gal would be proof I was a madman. Win/Win. I complained they couldn't steal her from me because I hadn't created her. In the day My Pal & I read a few Marvel comic books with a heroine named Zealot who used 2 swords. My Pal asked me to put her in my game & created her character sheet. Well, I eventually chose to use the sheet when an opening occurred. He'd misspelled her name but I went with it. Zellette was a ruthless tin-plated dictator & I was 100% responsible for how she was played, My Pal having done nothing but created a filled out beginning Twilight 2000 Character Sheet with the name on it & a few pieces of gear. The Last Snitch said that Duh Jerk often liked to watch my games (I've heard such reports for decades now) & told my player inserts to kill my characters over & over, hoping Zealette would get a shot. She got it based on it takes about an hour to create a sheet, when my next game neared I realized I needed a new filled out sheet, & I had the one My Pal made.
The Last Snitch pointed out they had footage of Zellette nuking targets. I said. "You got me. I played her as a ruthless dictator because the players kept killing off my NPCs. I had to play her that way so she had a chance to survive. He said the buzz words I gave her would be my undoing. I liked to set up situations where others might call her a man-hater, then she'd speak her unique catch phrase. "I don't hate men. I hate everyone".
In the same sitting he threatened Dextrose Thorban (perhaps the oldest of the single shot villain names I've used, reserved for only the most base & one shot-type villains almost sure to never appear in 2 episodes in the same campaign. I complained I didn't think they could steal it because I thought it was a legit food additive. I thought it was a food additive from the 70s, but I never was sure & probably couldn't be owned by myself. I'd even looked the name up here & there & never found a reference even close to the name. SO maybe I did create it? I could've sworn I heard it on TV while someone was talking about food additives on the news or a documentary?
In any event he said they were going to copywrite the name so I could never use it in Science Fiction.
I also said I didn't think you could copywrite more than the name. Why? Because in the dozen or so times I used the name I'm not sure I used the same species more than once in any of his incarnations. Every use was different & unique similar only in that they had the same name.
I also think... maybe... Dextros Thorban was a henchman of a Robot Toy from the 80s called "Hun-Dred"?
Ohhhhh... lets see. Ummm... he said just a few. Oh yeah, my Advanced Traveller High Guard Rules. A better way to say it in gaming lingo would be My Traveller High Guard Book 5 Homebrew Rules. I typed them out & they were so impressed they felt they could influence the company to force them to publish my works, but planned to wait until I was in a trial to do so 1st. Then in your face publish them & try & get delirious from jail torture me to press charges for stealing them or sue or whatever.
Me? I said I wouldn't have gave them away freely to everyone who asked for them if I'd wanted to publish them. Besides. Most of them rules I invented when I was a teenager. If I were to publish them I had better ideas, just never wrote them down because the teen-made stuff was good enough. So who cared? He called me a liar. HEY! Just like a good Bay City... cOP might! Of course I loved them. I was just making up not caring or having a better system in mind.
One day I was sitting around creating content for my RPGs coming up with the best names I could imagine. Then I thought why not make the next one the worst name I could imagine? It's an alien so who cares? Right? I came up with the name Kelvdorp. Then, inspired mostly by the sound of liquid dripping & a small part by Penny West's alien pet I used the name Bloop. Bloop Kelvdorp. The worst name I could imagine. Being the worst name I could imagine amused me so much I used it several more times.
Imagine my surprise when decades of use later The Last Snitch said they wanted to steal what I considered at the moment of creation as my worst possible creation [far from the words he used, assigning a sort of love I surely had for the name]? The irony huh? I could NOT believe I was having that conversation & never saw it coming. Steal the rest? Why not? Some of them I tried hard to create & some, like the Starweb Key were improved over decades a little at a time until they became beloved game props (for lack of a better term). Steal the thing I deliberately considered my worst creation & brag about it too? That's got to be the most epic pathetic conversation to have ever been mentioned in earth's history. Now here I am bringing it up! I'm bored & sleep deprived on 12-15-23, yawn.
He went on & on about stealing it. Surely it was a fav of mine because I used the name so much. The more I protested the more he called my creation story lies & said they resolved to try harder to steal it. He went on & on in later meetings. They were going to steal it. It was part of the fake trials, they'd practiced stealing it to perfection. Laid down paperwork trails, witnesses, evidence, you name it.
Uhhhh... WOW! Giggle...
Sjolnr Mestophriphi: I use Sjolnr as my E-mail address. He noted Sjolnr was my Elven warrior/wizard character. Since I used the name so often & later as my E-Mail name stealing it would surely hurt me.
I defended myself saying I picked the name only because I didn't want to be named something like EXAMPLENAME12345677899008655 or such nonsense. I noticed I didn't have to have a long number behind an easy to remember name, I could be Sjolnr1. That was my primary motivation behind the email name.
He went on & on that they would hire a B-Movie fantasy film maker & or author to use the name so I never could. Making sure he'd say he created it.
Me? I thought up the name from 1st Edition AD&D's Sjolonor & changed Mephistopheles around to get Mestrophriphi.
For the record I presented Sjolnr as a witty free-spirit Elven warrior/wizard of sorts dedicated to the destruction of evil. He had a bad reputation for lying to evildoers & the many players who interacted with him over 40 years or so seemed to like him, sometimes making a beeline to be around him because they knew of him from previous games & he seemed like someone they could trust.
Oddly, through the drug haze I told the Last Snitch that the J in Sjolnr was silent (like in use by Red Sonja) & sarcastically said that they had better get it right. He angrily said they would.
The G-Strings: In one of my games in the 80s a team of Twilight 2000 Mercs were hired to take out the Manager to an obscure all-gay bar room band called The G Strings.
Well, the players went back & killed the manager & had to fight their way out of the bar.
I thought nothing of it & assumed the situation was over. But I made an offhand comment that the band was playing a benefit dinner concert at the bar & dared the assassins to show up. SO THEY DID! The band played on epic tunes while the PCs busted the place up.
So I had the Police dare the PCs to show up at the next place the band played & was surprised when they did.
It got out of control. Soon the G Strings were a world class band famous only for bravely playing while the PC busted up their Monday nite performances. SO I had the police dub them The Monday Night Massacrisits! The only thing that irritated the players about the nickname was I said the cops concluded none of the PCs were football fans, that's why they attacked on Monday evenings. Being all football fans they were offended.
Soon the national guard was involved & a few players captured & put on trial & were later freed. The band drifted into obscurity after 5 or 6 more gaming sessions. Never to be seen again.
I closed the book on The G Strings & never intended to use the name again. No reason. Just one of many one use names & probably wouldn't remember the name but for a snitch bringing it up.
He said now they had me. The films of me using the name The G-Strings would be very damning in court. He said the gang had put together a local Bay City band named The G-Strings & created evidence pre-dating my use of the name so they could say my films proved the attacks on the band name in my games were the rants of a jilted gay lover. They'd filmed me having sex with the band & could prove many many things now that would be made incredibly powerful against me when I would be forced to tell the truth about The G-Strings, the fact I created the name, & how they were ultimately treated in game because as the game creator I am solely responsible for all game content. Game over! They win. Since I had to stick to... the truth I was doomed as their lies were based enough on the subject to make me truly insane in court when I had to admit anything about the name & the story listed here (which I assure you is much worse, you can read about it in my +1,500 page letter to the FBI where somebody gets hurt or killed every few pages in much more detail (I'll admit, I don't come out of the story smelling like a game creator rose, yes, a pun aimed at the fact that today, 12-15-23 I do indeed smell strongly of excrement based on my last rape, something everyone around me gets to share, courtesy of the gang).
What a twisted web huh?
Imagine my surprise when decades later The Last Snitch brought it up. He said they'd abandoned the G-Strings angle. They'd been told to say they never heard of me or my games because the band, being "one of them", that is card-carrying members of the gang were embroiled in way too much legal dealings to be safely used against me. So now I could mention them, but that'd only bring the gang victory. Plus they'd copywritten the name & I could never use my favorite band name. So they stole it from me, & there was nothing I could do to get it back.
I retorted it was never a fav of mine. It was just a name I used that popped up a few times, nothing more. He called me a liar saying I was scared to use the name, thus they won based on my cowardice. It was like they stole the name from me. I retorted no, it was just a one-time name & I never gave it much thought. Plus I'm contrary. If I thought I'd be doomed to use it I'd likely used it more. Again he called me a liar, just like a good Bay City... cOP might.
I also noted that I never wanted to own the name The G-Strings. You cant steal what someone doesn't want. He called me a liar. Of course I wanted the name. I created it, I used it & it'd hurt me that I could never use it now. I disagreed.
I was teased about the subject a different way too. Apparently an all-girl band legally used the name years later. He claimed they were keeping the girls out of the legal melee until my court date. Then they could get all self-righteous & get a ton of free publicity using my name & my obvious hatred of The G-Strings & gays & all that was gay so they could make a buck. Claiming it'd be their own wallets self-interest that would make them easy to manipulate for use against me. "Imagine them singing songs against you"? He said it'd be a major P.R. win, a big thing considering how enormous they sometimes imagine they just might make their case against me.
Weirder? Circa 1990 another snitch was sent, allegedly from "The Bosses" Themselves. They said that The Bosses, for reasons of revenge had decided to use their Hollywood contacts & have a new rising entertainer use M.N.M. as their stage name, & copywrite it so that I could never use my favorite abbreviation. I protested, being the use of it was then fresh in my memory. "I only used the abbreviation once". Astounded that they or someone anyplace might take the time out of their busy schedules to send someone armed with such a claim, my attitude was like unto... Whatever...
For the record M.N.M. was never my fav abbreviation, I never had one. For the record, out of curiosity i checked the initials & the name Monday Night Massacrists once every few years for decades s,& I never saw a single incidence of anyone or any entertainment project of any sort named such or using said initials & chalked it up to a PRACTICAL joke. Nothing more. Not a single incidence that I saw once ever. Frankly, once they started spouting what I'll call this "imaginative threat" against me I thought they'd one day insult a famous brand of candy & it's makers, but the gang never did. I thought they might & am a little disappointed they didn't try. Very little. Go figure.
Uhhhh... what do you say to any of that when spoken to you Reader? What can I or anyone say when confronted like that? I'll try... the truth. In my opinion the gang saddle their targets with insane & often ludacris stories & I'm only reporting them because my fellow targets will also have a plethora of seemingly insane stories threats & accusation & unfortunately some of them will believe their content & by exposing the lies they've been fed I will help to expose the lies forced on me. I don't use the term PRACTICAL joke for no reason.
Tiny: He said they noted I used the name Tiny for villains who were usually anything but small & tended to be psychotic at best. Win/win.
I said I didn't think you could copywrite the name. It's in a lot of common use. Plus, I didn't create the name. It was the name of My Mother's Parent's dog that I grew up with. As a kid the dog would sometimes spontaneously attack me & I'd be severely punished for it. It baffled me. My Cousin claimed he had an explanation for it. "Ever notice your shirts disappear from time to time"? Like the one he'd had recently stolen from me. He said he ordered My Trio of Cousins & Serial Rapist to torment the family dog with the shirt with my scent. In part in use in their dog pit-fighting (I asked how the small dog could possibly be involved & he declined to explain it other than to say the dog was surely traumatized, literally my fellow victim).
Me? A tiny part of me never forgot the horrors I endured because of that dog's attacks that could come at any moment & begin epic & lengthy pain sessions against me. My RPGs were part of my self-therapy so I used the name in my games & assigned it to only demented almost always one-use villains.
Author note: I'm actually finding it relaxing writing about these threats. Go figure huh? So I'll add a few more.
Captain Perfection: I was in the US Navy when I 1st played the 2 characters I created before I joined the Navy as a child, Jahl "Time Ryder" Torobosol & Captain Perfection as the superheroes that wandered the world fighting crimes in my superhero RPG Villains & Vigilantes RPG Game. To make a long story short he was much like Captain America without the shield (he did get a shield later in his career) albeit a bit more arrogant & self-assured. He had photosynthetic skin, which healed in sunlight. The Capt. was geneticly engineered & born in a tank & it gave him strength & agility that made him able to lift a ton or so. He also had "The Perfect Car". An absolutely silent 4 seat sports car he ferried the group around in from mission to mission. I liked him.
He said it was the Captain's buzz words that would be my undoing.
What are buzz words? They are words or phrases a character says in game usually unique to the one character.
He said my were too out there. All they had to do was show the films of me speaking the words & I was done for.
What were the words? Why it was his intro. Invented solely by myself. As a game creator I was & am 100% responsible for all game content.
He'd say in a fight with villains. "Greetings! I am Captain Perfection. The ultimate human male. Perfect in every way". Then he usually issued demands or gave orders, seeing himself as a leader of sorts. A few times the Capt. was sucker punched while he spoke his introduction buzz words & a few villains actually got away when they took off the moment they saw him & stood there introducing himself to their backsides. Later in his career he lost the Perfect Car & fell into alcoholism. The players rehabilitated him.
Truth be told I planned to use him again, the threats against me for using him made me want to. But I never felt the urge much besides a guest appearance or 2 over the years. The Captain simply faded from view.
Ethical to a fault, I'm not sure what he'd prove. But hey, now I've mentioned him. I had a lot of fun playing him.
Time Ryder: Jahl Torobosol: I based my Time Ryder on how I felt the movie Time Rider could've been (instead of the wild west, whatever it was, I personally tried to watch it once but couldn't stand it for more than a few minutes, so bad was the film in my opinion, but I always liked the concept). My guy had a few exceptions in the name of individuality. But he was based on the film. I spelled Time Ryder many different ways over the years. I never did find a spelling I was comfortable with. He dressed in a jet-black leather biker suit & boots with a black helmet which had a jet fighter like heads up holographic interface inside it with his bike. He was armed with a formidable high tech blaster pistol of sorts that he wore on a holster attached to a belt on his waist.
1st Jahl was of Arabic descent in most of his incarnations (but not all). But more of a scientist than anything else. He could teleport in a way by opening a dimensional portal that he could drive his high-tech motorcycle through & then, once in the other dimension open a portal back to the spot he wished to travel to & travel through the new portal. That the black high-tech bike had a powerful AI. Both he & the bike carried a blaster, his being a blaster pistol. The bike's blaster was mounted on the front. He could fly in a way by generating forcefields that protected him & could be used to make roads in front of him & protect his allies. Also, unlike the movie Time Rider who drove the dorkiest dirt bike one could imagine (dorky for a sci fi show about time travel) that barely even looked high tech my Time Ryder drove a heavily-modded street bike with great suspension with a powerful engine he could get all terrain performance out of. Not that he needed it being he flew over most terrain on forcefields under his bike that he & others could drive on. Being super high tech his bike never needed refueling having a nuclear power source.
He came from another universe where he'd thought he'd gone back in time but had really gone to a parallel dimension. There he changed it's timeline by swatting a bug & saving one of the universe's greatest tyrants from death. The tyrant hated him when Jahl turned down his offers of power as a reward & hunted Jahl down with all the power an entire populated high-tech universe could bring to bear.
"We're going to steal him from you. Unlike the rest he named My Bomber Buddy as the guy who'd handwritten his copy of my work, then destroyed my writing, & now could own it, stealing it from me, his creator as my intellectual property as revenge.
Me? Idano? What do you say to that when your captor brags about it while you're a captive audience on their drug(s?)?
Zerez: The villain I used for an entire campaign in AD&D as the main villain. They said they'd recorded it & stolen all my source data, modules, character & location data, & would be sure to publish one day. In any event be able to prove I never creaed the name or the villain & would one day be a liar. Plus, I often called the heroes of the story "The Dream Warriors" & Zerez would interact with them in dreams to shape the universe into his vision of chaos based on the fact that the PCs had freed him. He noted The Dream Warriors was a Freddy Kruger thing, & the fact that my entire defense is that the gang uses drugs to influence me in a dream-like state would hand them victory when they dragged out their Zerez evidence they secretly recorded. Game! Set! Match!
Me? I retorted. "I game what I know". I use the games as a version of self-therapy. Playing a villain who entered the dreams of his victims to take over the universe was me trying to deal with the horror of being stalked. Plus. I always wanted to do a game where the players saved the univesre & played in the big leagues. Standing behind & beside the most power beings in the universe saving all of creation.
He pointed out I use Elric of the Elric series in the game. His sword would be proof I was a madman. I told him it was small potatoes.
He pointed a different sword in that game, to my version of AD&D's black sword called "Blackrazor". A soul-draining sword that I presented as a quiet sword that could talk but was absolutely demented (a thing you might only infer, unless you held it, then it could & might speak to the holder telepathically, assuring them they were hated by the sword, because it hated all living things).
I retorted it only ever said 2 words. It said. "I hunger" whenever it was spoken of. That's it. It wouldn't even speak to save itself (which came up more than once nor would it shut up to save itself. The sword could be a major pain at times & based on the fact it only said 2 words when it was spoken about. I was impressed when he noted that it could telepathically speak to it's owner & I had it say it hated it's owner. Plus he personally had had nightmares about the sword saying I hunger from watching the films I was regularly starring in based on recording all of my games for the gang for later dissection. That & many players complained they felt it was too chilling, too scary. Surely a focal point if one wanted to prove bad things about me based on a thing in the game.
I might have gone over the top with Blackrazor? I had to admit to The Last Snitch that knowing who he was & the kind of person he is. The fact that my barely talking version of Blackrazor could give HIM a nightmare clearly said something about the subject.
Me? I said I copied it from a video game called Sinistar who said. "I hunger" often. I mentioned whoever created Sinistar & said. "No one calls them crazy". He said a video game could say it, but not me. Not with the things I've done in life. Game over.
My bad.
At 1st they'd said they were going to steal Blackrazor from me as my intellectual property. In that conversation I informed The Last Snitch Blackrazor was a TSR product I used with their permission (not special permission, it's free to use published material) & he shot back. "I know that. But you changed it enough that yours is an original product". It was then he noted it's unique conversations. I protested & shot back I hadn't invented the sword's hatred of living things, it was TSR's description of it. We discussed how TSR published the sword was a black very long Bastard Sword covered in gems like the night sky. I'd altered it to make it a more damage-resistant sub-artifact & the blade shown with the night skay as you looked at it. Even revealing the night sky above when you looked at it in the blade, even underground or if it was cloudy the stars shown through. I said the blade was invisible when held to the night sky.
My opinion? I was impressed at the minutia of detail about that one item The Last Snitch had. He'd been well prepared at the least to discuss my version of Blackrazor. What's that prove? My guess is it proves just another PRACTICAL joke, nothing more. I'll bet such occasional attention to detail serves them well in court at their victim's ultimate destruction when they cast them into prison or an asylum to destroy they in the end.
It's only trivia to add that in Fall of 1976 when Duh Jerk tried to recruit me & was teaching me the ropes, against my will, he told me as a rule they always involved in their victim's hobbies. I recall he then launched into a very detailed story of how they use the hobbies against victims, such as women who liked soap operas. He specifically used "General Hospital" as an example. My Cousin used it too, he said it was because Bay City had a hospital named General Hospital (literally) & it made victims seem crazy in front of a jury. Duh Jerk said the gang maintained a set identical to the sets in General Hospital & employed a few look-alikes who could fool their drugged & often deprived victims who'd say they lived General Hospital, and the characters did horrible things to them. Such as torture & rape. Being the gang is foremost "primarily actors" & many follow the soap operas & know the minutia in detail they could inflict stark dramas on their unsuspecting victims sure to make juries &... cops laugh.
RECAP: Blackrazor, gang, PRACTICAL joke, nothing more. Got it? As a mid-Michigan... cop you're probably dazed & confused at this point. Sit in a corner & seek "professional attention" as soon as possible on your cell phone & don't say I never gave you anything. It's more than any of you ever gave me.
Zerez? I told him I thought up Zerez one day as a name that when I checked did not exist in any library index (out of a long list of names I'd made up & later looked up & was surprised to find were in phone books, books, or listed here or there) & had to be able to be spelled backwards the same as forwards because the villain spelled it backwards. Of the huge list of potential names I'd created for the villain to be in my coming game only Zerez passed the litmus test of not one single reference to it that I could find when I researched the subject. Decades later I saw that a Hawaiian Dentist had the name & mentioned it during a game. Sure enough, a gang member said I'd mentioned it in front of a game insert, he'd told them & they hunted down a Hawaiian dentist with the name & done horrible things to them & framed me for it. Now the film of me mentioning that combined with edited footage of the many "get Zerez conversations" spawned in RPG games meant they had me. No one would believe my recorded Zerez talk was about a villain in a dream warrior campaign. Game over.
Lastly Zerez was the combination of 5 minor powers, beings who sought to combine their might into a single entity more powerful than any other being in the universe to spread good & chaos (individualism). One of the 5 lied & was evil. The mighty spell engines that formed the being Zerez couldn't balance good & evil in the same mind, so the entity Zerez became mad, seeking to "spread his solution for chaos to the universe". This meant he had to reset the universe, everyone & everything but himself had to go. Zerez looked like a skeleton who liked to wear a symbol of law (to throw off his enemies) with a flaming right hand who wore a dirty cloak. His left hand was as cold as the other was hot & because of his mad nature he could shut off neither, so whatever form Zerez was in he always betrayed himself with a flaming hand & another that froze anything he touched. He also bragged he had a powerful aquatic nature too but because of his cold hand freezing water he touched it made underwater tasks very difficult for him, if not impossible. It was his evil necromancer nature that dominated the others, being he was composed of 5 demi-powers, powerful AD&D creatures. He was a shape changer & could assume any form he wished though he tended to use that power sparingly, preferring tricking others into doing his dirty work above personal confrontation. It irritated the players that Zerez's most powerful ally was called "The Primus". A being of pure law in theory dedicated to Zerez's destruction but duped by Zerez & his convincing lies & powerful symbol of law even Primus wanted. Zerez liked to challenge the players in their dreams to contests, animal races & gambling games where the winner could influence the very balance of law or chaos in the universe all overseen by epic beings who considered themselves the caretakers of the universe of sorts & directly refereed by a being I called "The Inbetweener (Marvel at my creation, how'd I think up the Inbetweener? I'll never tell, but I'd never have used the name if I could've thought up a better name).
I'll admit I'd thought up a Zerez-like situation as a teen & decided to not use it based on gang threats worded like this. "You'd better never do a Freddy Krueger parody or you'll just hand us victory". I heard many versions of it. As an adult I pondered using Zerez & chickened out. Then it occurred to me as I looked at the list of possible campaign ideas I had in front of me. "I don't want to let them (the gang) define me". I'd recently seen The Dream Warriors film & I liked their victory & had always wanted to do a massive & epic adventure. SO I did it. I liked it so much I did it again in another campaign where Zerez was the main villain. I recall using Zerez another time around the millennium, but only as a few modules worth of villain this time. No less epic but certainly a lot less playing him.
Those RPGs & all the characters I chose to inhabit them with were all made surrounding a single concept. Physician heal thyself.
I could care less about the subject of threats for the most part, but they said the subject is sure to bring them victory. In my opinion it isn't the hill I'd like to die on when you consider all the other stuff I'm saying. But we'll see? The truth shall set me free?
Incredible Threats: In my pre-Zerez childhood shortly after I turned 13 & after Freddy K. became a nightmare on Elm Street the gang had a few snitches & a few more talkative members "council" me on what I should NOT do in the RPG games I was in charge of. One consistent warning was "You'd better not do a Freddy Kruger crossover or parody or you'll just hand victory to us in court". I heard it annually probably for the next decade or so. Threats like I'd better not do Freddy this or Kruger that abounded. Others seemed like warnings.
Truth be told it inspired me to actually create a dream-world parody or themed RPG scenario. In the end, truth be told, the warnings & threats got me to chicken out. I judged them too dangerous to pursue when considering how fun it'd be vs the risk factor.
Time passed & I read this sweet Incredible Hulk series where he was thrust into the dream-world & roamed from dreamland to bizarre dream situations after situations. I'd say I didn't parody them, I outright copied them! Plus, I added some of my own content. The players seemed to like it. Describe it? Go read the Incredible Hulk series from that time, I enjoyed it.
Of course, a sent "mouthpiece" bragged on my coming destruction.
Me? I thought their case was pretty weak. But meh. When asked why I did it I said the same thing then AND after the Zerez games. "I won't let the gang define me. It was my job to provide a fun game & I thought those were good ideas. Some of my players had played in my games for years & I needed something fresh for them". Truth be told, my enjoyment mattered too, I needed something fresh, something I hadn't done before for my "self-therapy". n adventure through dreamland to destroy a dream tyrant was just what the Dr. ordered. Physician heal thyself & all.
Years later in a Twilight 2000 Mutant Crossover game I put in a parody I called Fredrick & only alluded to his last initial K as a villain. The Last Snitch chewed out drugged me telling me I was stupid, that I'd handed the gang victory.
Me? I told him I was creating content & really hadn't thought much on what the gang's alleged accusations were & what subject matter to avoid. I put in Fredrick as a villain & didn't give the gang any thought, their accusations & warnings had simply slipped my mind. Not that that would've probably dissuaded me, I still would've put him in. To this day I refuse to let the gang define me. PERIOD!
My point? I did it & I am 100% responsible for all game content when I'm in charge. The buck stops here.
Chemical, Nuclear, & Biological Warfare weapons & attack plans. The gang has never ceased to point out that in game I often used all sorts of weapons. Guns, bombs, missiles. People got hurt, killed, stuff caught on fire, you name it.
I have to agree. "It was a mercenary game. There's a lot of guns & things catch on fire". "You got me".
They brag that at any time, partly to cover up THEIR involvement with that Doctor who sent Anthrax in the mail with a basement full of Nerve Gas, that they could & would stage another biological or chemical attack, all based on stuff I used in my RPG games. Then backing it up with game insert players who'd gladly testify I talked about doing that kind of stuff all the time.
I retorted. "Yeah, I talked about that stuff all the time but they still hung out with me? Who's going to believe that"? I pointed out what it'd say of the character of anyone saying such things.
"That part doesn't matter & the cops won't care".
We certainly, Duh Jerk & I discussed how to stage a nuclear (dirty bomb) attack on AMerica in detail & they brag edited bits from what I'll describe as an "Interview-style torture session"" will most certainly leave no investigators wondering who's to blame should they follow such an attack template.
For the record we discussed the logistics of acquiring nuclear material & bomb-making & placement of radioactive materials to do the most social damage. Duh Jerk seemed well-pleased with himself.
The gang knows I played the game as a form of self-therapy. Self-therapy or the lies of a madman convinced he can sell... cops a lie & walk away laughing at the horrors he could inflict with his lies on society? The gang brag they figure they can get... cops to swallow the former hook, line, & sinker.
Go figure huh?
We'll steal 12 things about Dragons from you: He meant to say 4? A weird one only in that, unlike most of the above threats that have yet to come to pass or were simply boasts or lies, these things happened, sort of, but they did in fact happen. A person approached me & said they were sent by Duh Jerk personally on behalf of the gang & said that next month, a nation-wide magazine, Dragon Magazine, was going to publish my in game created content I created for several reasons.!st to fulfill the gang's tontine (of sorts) against me, that being. "We'll steal everything you ever loved from you". And a pledge to steal from me & wreck my stuff for life as... wait for it... wait... wait... as revenge for, "The Gym". Plus as one of the gang's "Recruiters" I am used to wholesale blackmail & extort people all over the place as an integral part of their ongoing extortion/blackmail racquet as a "get out of jail free card". Add in equal parts of... "we hate you" from a whole bunch of gang members & there you go. A story no mid-Michigan... cop has the guts to investigate. As a friendly service I shall translate this into the Bay city Michigan... cop's & aGEnt's native tongue.
"Bawk! Cluck! Cluck! Cluck! BAWK! BAGAWK! Cluck, cluck, cluck BAWK"! No need to thank me for the translation guys, I was happy to provide it as a public service.
First a disclaimer.
DISCLAIMER: I apologize to any & all authors & publications who are mentioned on this, my website. Evil madmen can say many things & the things I'm about to write are probably only true in that it's true that persons working for an organized crime gang said these things. I mean to imply no accusations & apologize in the highest for any inconvenience that their accusations may cause anyone. I'm sorry. Lives are on the line & every little clue just might be the clues that saves a multitude of children from the gang, past, present, & future children who might never know life in the gang's grasp.
Soooooo,,, back in the day, when the world was young, & so was a magazine called Dragon Magazine, a magazine I never subscribed to but often bought 1 issue at a time, a sent snitch came to me. He told me he'd been sent by Duh Jerk & he wanted to tell me something. That they'd stolen my dragons.
My Dragons? Yeah, I, the Author am being both factual & a little silly here & let me explain the situation. Around that time, after they'd stolen my campaign data & I was left with no game data to run I opted for a random game. In the game of Advanced Dungeons & Dragons 1st Edition there are complete notes on how to use dice to completely & quickly create an entire game made of absolutely random content. Being I'd drained all my "hutzpah" creating a massive amount of game content, only to see it stolen, I needed to run a game to eat. Out of hutzpah, I ran a random game & it worked well in my opinion. It's random nature & lack of needing any or little hutzpah gave me the break I needed to get my creative juices regenerated while still gaming. It was a lifesaver!
Problem was, as I saw it in time, at higher levels of difficulty, I randomly rolled dragons here or there. The dragons in AD&D were sort'a wimpy at high levels of game play & had excellent treasure. My players made a beeline to all of them & got rich easily, beating the wimpy critters up & taking their stuff.
Being the game was called Dungeons & Dragons it burned my toast, something had to change. My pride was involved when players teased me about my wimpy dragons & something had to change. So I created on my own rules for improved dragons. You see reader the rules stated dragons had 8 stages of life & became progressively tougher at each stage up to 8. I added 4 more stages up to 12. Each additional stage added to the dragon's basic health (hit dice), armor class (how hard it was to hit them), their stats (bigger, stronger, faster, & smarter), gave them increasingly powerful at will spells to use in battle, & gave them greater resistance to magic. I liked it & the players didn't seem to mind because I made the dragons even richer & the high-level teasing about my dragons soon turned into chess match-like conversations of groups of adventurers who took my dragons very seriously now. it was win/win.
So, this sent snitch says they were stealing my dragon ideas in the next Dragon Magazine. I checked (since I'd recently quit buying the books) & there was no such thing. It took about 4 months & then I saw a article just like the snitch had said. 12 age groups for dragons. Unlike what the snitch had said other than 12 age categories they'd stolen zero amount of what I'd created.
I later told Duh Jerk what I'd told his snitch earlier when the brought it up with a C.M.S.S.o.S. I told him I figured the 12 age groups thing wasn't that clever & that of course some author thought it up, it was the next logical step in gaming evolution. I figured it was a parallel creativity, not plagiarism. Creativity.
Duh Jerk spouted threats that the author had failed to rip me off at the last second, hoping a watered down rip off would satiate Duh Jerk & now he was going to do horrible things to the man for his disobedience. He also spouted threats at magazine employees he "allegedly owned" via his blackmail/extortion ring. I, the author of this website, here apologize to every single employee of that magazine past & present for repeating this. a madman can say many things. I'm sorry.
For trivia's sake I should add they even bragged the gang were going to steal my Star Dragon creation via the magazine at the same time as the spell & the shades of dragon ages. When that snitch said it, I informed him I didn't create the Star Dragons that were extremely rare in my game. My Bomber Buddy had created them for use in his game & with his permission I used them in mine (ironically their 1st use was against him & a band of adventurers he travelled with). I checked around & at no time ever saw any publications that were for a Star Dragon of any sort nor anything even close to the positive energy dragons. They also threatened to steal my Iron Dragon creation (or was it Steel Dragons they threatened, I'm almost positive they said iron), but I informed that bragging snitch that iron dragons were already published D&D works then, & I was legally using their already published content in my game. Another snitch weas sent to tell me that Duh Jerk was furious of my ridiculing him about stealing my iron dragons, so he ordered all that was Dungeons & Dragons to never ever use iron dragons again whatsoever just to spite me... or else! Or else being a serious punishment of some undisclosed sort I was told.
Had I not been on drugs & or deprived during later boasting sessions over the decades I'd likely have teased the gang for the Star Dragon. & Iron Dragon theft threats more often. "I thought you were going to steal my Star Dragons? You guys are never good for your word". Giggle.
We're going to steal your Spell Engine: Yes, that same sent snitch from above had bragged on another thing I'd created that the fine people at Dragon Magazine were about to publicly steal from me. A magic spell I'd created for use in my games that I called "Spell Engine". The theft being via a sent in written article. Being that Dragon Magazine encourages it's readers to create gaming content for the magazine in exchange for a small reward & the chance to be published in a national magazine.
Actually, the spell I created I called Spell Engine had become the basis or foundation for my campaign back then & even became a huge part of my games over decades to come.
My version of the spell I called Spell Engine was never really written up that well. By that I mean in what might be called proper form ready to publish well I described it as a series of otherwise mundane & seemingly unrelated spells that interacted to create an often large & ongoing spell that was the basis of a multitude of very different giant spells that had various effects. Some spell engines were such that a wizard might make one in his lab & contribute to it over his lifetime, it as having various small effects. Other engines were multigenerational & might be the combined works of entire nations, worlds, or even the combined efforts of epochs of spellcasters inhabiting an entire dimension & working full time to create them for various bonuses, detection abilities, or magic altering effects. While I described those spells that the spell engine was based on well, I never did describe the spell Spell Engine very well except to call it an often-large swirling mass of translucent colors, based mostly on what spells it came to contain in time... Some weren't very big or affected very large areas at all & some were massive containing millions of spell casters acting in unison to cast spells for epochs to create or to improve already existing Spell Engines that could affect entire worlds, galaxies, or even entire dimensions. Others, particularly detection & protection Spell Engines were invisible & many Spell Engines had large zones on their outside edges that were often invisible. They were often deadly & cantankerous contraptions & the damage dealing & detection ones were very fragile, especially in certain situations, like when another protections spell accidentally bumped into one of them. Even minor ones. It made Paladins into Spell Engine destroying machines whom many wizards loathed like the plague. All part of being a creative Game content creator. It happens & things like that get created as one's hutzpah goes from zero (or a negative amount of hutzpah thanks to theft) & replenishes over time in an active & ongoing game that they are in charge of. I, the then author of said games & this website being 100% responsible for all game content in the games I ran.
Some Spell Engines were dangerous to enter or exit & required elaborate spells to be cast to allow one to safely enter or exit. Imagine a large team of elder wizards casting a giant swirling Spell Engine from inside it franticly trying to cast the spells needed to safely exit the Engine while their dreaded enemies the players come walking up on them. Others were safe to enter or exit & extremely difficult to destroy. A few even looked like giant swirling globes & moving clockwork mechanisms & ranged from a few feet across to as large as galaxies.
Soon enough, the actual amount of time escapes me at the time of this writing, 4 or so months (?) after the sent snitches threats they'd steal my spell engine idea I saw the spell, Spell Engine written in Dragon Magazine just as they'd said. Only there's was a spinning disk of magic that absorbed all spells cast near it that was difficult to destroy, unless you disintegrated it entirely. That's it. Hardly a smoking gun or even close to the epic grandeur that I'd made mine out to be, but i note the accusations by the gang (professional for-profit liars) & the published works months or so later. So, once again, I, the author of this website, here apologize to every single employee & author of that magazine past & present for repeating this. a madman can say many things. I'm sorry.
I was impressed at the gang's thoroughness when The Last Snitch brought up Spell Engines decades later. He bragged on the theft of it because I'd been talking about sending the creation into the magazine, who openly solicit for sent in reader game content, so they, the gang, published it 1st so I could not. He claimed it was his 1st major publication takeover, via the gang's blackmail/extortion racket. When the authors & the publisher had failed to rip me off in entirety as ordered by Duh Jerk he'd ordered The Last Snitch, his Lt. to come down hard on all involved, milking the AD&D franchise as punishment for all it was worth until it'd become just 1 guy in a trailer, whereupon it was bought by someone else.
Still yet again I, the author of this website, here apologize to every single employee of that magazine past & present for repeating this. a madman can say many things. I'm sorry. But I had to tell the truth, the whole truth, & nothing but the truth & I needed every single clue I could get the hutzpah to write out there before the gang dropped the boom on me. Lives are on the line sirs, I'm sorry, but my fellow victims are going to have stories involving their hobbies & jobs that seem Ludacris & bizarre & i have to expose the lies told to me so that my fellow victims will have a chance to expose the lies I suspect were told to them to render their stories unbelievable. Sorry again sirs.
So, when Duh Jerk & The Last Snitch brought the Spell Engines & 12 ages or shades of Dragons up, I told them I didn't think any theft had occurred like they'd bragged. That the content of the magazine was merely a parallel development made by equally creative or superiorly creative minds, like the authors of those magazine articles & nothing more & that it was likely they'd heard somehow about the coming articles & saw an opportunity to create a batch of lies about the magazine articles, their authors, & a chance to slander the magazine & or the article authors, for whatever their reasons were. They disagreed.
I told them it was more likely they had set up some lie or accusation & were hoping I'd take the bait & falsely accuse the magazine or it's authors, making my story unbelievable & what would be my 1st public thrust against the gang (of sorts) a failure based on their minefield of counter accusations already in play in motion on the field.
Duh Jerk & his snitches seemed to act like halos appeared over their heads at this point in their boastings. We'd never do that to you. <halo appears overhead>
It's only trivia to add that I used the Dragon Magazine version of the spell called Spell Engine, which was rather well written up in my humble opinion, as the basis for my giant Spell Engines that occurred occasionally in my games thereafter for decades to come (not much, but I did use it) & made the spell available for use in my games as written in the Dragon Magazine article. A tip of the hat to the fine magazine & the quality of their creation. I never much used their dragon rules except to test them out. mine being superior to theirs in my humble opinion. When 3rd Edition D&D came out I abandoned my 12 ages of dragons for their 12 ages. I pondered 13-16 shades but, chose not to. Instead putting the idea on the back burner in my mind, just in case I need them one day. I'll bet 100 other amateur game creators came up with that same exact idea.
You coined the phrase: Yup, sure did. Coined it & I wasn't the only one to use it. I played a Nation Building RPG. We used a lot of simulated weapons. Planes, cars, tanks, subs, spaceships, & nukes. A few of the bad guys the players met were really bad. How bad. I recall them meeting the leaders I'd put in the game say things like. "Saturation nuke the planet". "Saturation nuke them". A saturation nuke is to pummel a target with so many nuclear weapons that the target is rendered uninhabitable, incapable of reprisal or even supporting life thereafter. Only the worst of the worst, the baddest of the bad acted like that & very few carried through with their threats & not once on a player or their nation (Zellete did nuke a PC though once in an argument).
The Last Snitch (paragon of virtue, if you listen to him long enough, I'll bet the Bay City... cOPS would agree, they seem to like ALL child-molesters when we talk about them whether they know them or not personally) chewed me out. That phrase was way over the top.
He asked me why I did it?
Sometimes I put in bad guys for the players to oppose & the players seem to lose focus on which targets to attack next. Compared to the occasional atrocities players some players might commit a sort'a bad bad guy might not warrant attack. The game stalls & it's not fun. SO I put in a boogey man or 2 now & again. Leaders who were undeniably bad who were not trifled with lightly. Madmen who required a chess match of sorts in politics & battle to overcome. Guys who if you screwed up would not hesitate to say. "Saturation nuke them into extinction". And the players knew that.
My point. It was all just in a game. Get over it, sheesh!
Physician heal thyself.​
The Starweb Key
Starweb Keys usually looked rather unimpressive, an empty 2-meter round barrel designed to fire a solid bullet-shaped round about 5cm long with a row of buttons on one side of the barrel, a small box above (20cm x 20cm x 5cm) with a trigger underslung on the barrel below the box created by a long-ago extinct ancient race I called "The Recyclers" (decades later after the Video Game: Halo was introduced & I opted to parody it in one of my RPG campaigns for Twilight 2000 using the already well-developed Starweb Keys & Generators).
Starweb Keys were incredibly light (over a gram) & could be blown away by even moderate winds (which proved comical a few times in gameplay) & made great kites, like it or not.
In operation by pushing a button, a floating holographic display would pop up & one could use the floating display & keyboard to see the state of any nearby Starweb Generators in the intergalactic vicinity & access one if it was in the same solar system they were in to create a colorful wormhole they could fly their ship or even an entire fleet through in about a minute to worlds with nearby Generators, providing they were turned on. It was possible to cross points of the web to go vast distances, but the jump was easily detectable by anyone they passed by with a Key who could attack them for free without the possibility of returning fire. Gates usually recharged in about a day & came in several different types. Some were vast rings one could fly a fleet through & recharged for use in about 1 minute, most were cloaked & shielded units buried deep inside the planets they were located at & the Key could access it remotely & create a target transfer area where a fleet could travel to, enter & use the stargate function to travel normally. Some were more like giant tuning forks that could transport truly massive ships 1 at a time.
Keys usually came with an impressive detection suite & incredible computer power. Players were often astounded to learn their Key had more computing power than their entire nation combined. The computer worked on a principle of "now only". Meaning it could do many things, but could not be pre-programmed to do anything, like say wait 1 minute & shoot or if someone tries to use the Key give me a call. It only did things now & without delay. It also resisted all attempts to restrict use or to install an A.I. of any sort. An A.I. could be stored in memory but could not control the key or it's functions in any way. The Key was generally immune to all viruses. What this meant was anyone could just grab the key & start using it & no A.I. or user passwords could be installed to use the Key or it's functions or to prevent unauthorized Key use.
The Keys were literally ancient devices, mundane to the forgotten society that'd created them (where they were simply considered infantryman rifles) epochs ago when the universe was young. Being epochs old most Keys had a lot of wear & tear & new owners were lucky to find them with more than a few of their original functions even partially working. Optional extra functions were less robust & tended to not work on most Keys found. Optional extras were buttons that could either do non-standard functions or allow the key to use installed extra devices. Like a flying anti-gravity board or perhaps an unfolding underwater detection suite (that doubled as a stereo) or something like self-deploying wind-chimes that when unfolded made the weapon resemble a giant Key that marginally improved detection & communications distance of it's installed radio & scanning functions.
Keys came in 3 types. Basic, Master, & Noble Keys. Basic Keys could only access Starweb Generators that were functioning normally & already turned on. but not turn them on or off. Master Keys Could turn their local Generator on or off & overrule the commands of any Basic Key or the previous commands of a Master Key unless that key was currently accessing the Generator at that time & logged onto the Generator before them. Noble Keys could Overrule Basic & Master Keys & turn Generators in nearby galaxies on the Starweb on or off. Noble Keys had 2 boxes on them vs the normal 1.
The Starweb itself was basically an ancient wormhole transportation network that when viewed on the holographic display resembled a damaged giant spiderweb. A neat orderly web with 1 or 2 jump points in most galaxies with missing pieces that were either Generators that were turned off or long-ago destroyed.
Secretly, the Keys were literal Keys of sorts some of which could deploy small antennas that originally seemed to be wind chimes that could unlock an ancient epic adventure, usually reserved for the campaign endgame or thereabouts in the story line.
The Nuclear Force Accelerator function of the Key could charge over 30 seconds. It worked by drawing in matter from about 100 yards away & compressing it into a 2-inch slug. As the trigger was held the gun drew in more matter compressing it into a more powerful shot that was now pure nuclear energy now contained in the barrel by a forcefield just under the small box (at the end of the barrel) in the barrel. Once begun the shot could not be held in the gun & the gun kept charging & God help anyone who couldn't point it in a safe direction in 30 seconds when it would go off no matter what. During the 1st 5 seconds the gun fired up to 2 Near light Speed Projectiles providing devastating damage. Holding the trigger longer produced a Hiroshima or Nagasaki-Sized blast after 10 seconds ending with a machine gun shot of multiple nuclear blasts like a machine gun of improved Tsar Bomba-type rounds with devastating effect. The operator could choose to adjust the gun's radioactivity, blast force, heat, concussion, & even the size & shape of the explosion from sphere to cone to circular plane using the keyboard.
The function of what matter would be chosen to be compressed was fully automated in the Key & could not be accessed. If the players were in a sensitive area with lots of important equipment the Key would do it's best to select nearby matter to compress for use, 1st selecting the safest matter to draw from but if the user was in a spot like in a powerplant or floating in space the Key would start selecting nearby matter, eventually even using nearby companions or even the firer if they kept using the weapon!
I often described firing the gun something like this: You pull the trigger & can hear the gun begin to hum & can feel it vibrate softly, the hum begins increasing slowly. Releasing the trigger causes a massive explosion sound as the gun instantly fires a long thing blue beam that rapidly expands to look like a long line of connected blue bubbles. This is the gun firing a forcefield designed to expand & create a vacuum for the round to travel down that extends for miles so the round wouldn't hurt the firer as it traveled away from the gun. The sound is the air being forced out of the field's middle rapidly calling attention to the shooter for miles. The round almost instantly fires down the forcefield vacuum where the forefield ends miles away. You can see the terrain being ripped up by the massive shockwave where the round leaves the protective forcefield into the atmosphere tearing up the terrain in a cone forming a giant shotgun-like blast as the round travels to its target from the point where the round left the forcefield, superheating the air there & causing all the flammable targets inside the shotgun blast to spontaneously ignite. Hitting the mountain you just targeted vaporizes a massive section of it & creates a vast crater & a gigantic mushroom cloud of debris. You can see the shockwave & debris from the attack spread out from the explosion's center, knocking down trees & destroying buildings, flipping over cars & shattering windows for miles. Debris comes tumbling down from the sky, in seconds the ariel shockwave of the sound from the blast hits you, forcing you to step back & pelting you with stinging dust. Debris & landing giant chunks of rock & your former target land all around the target zone in & some of it's blasted bits land in front of you. You stand there, your ears still ringing listening to a dozen car alarms that have gone off watching the raging fires, smoke, & the mushroom cloud rising from the obliterated target & realize, that you just fired the gun on its lowest setting.
The gun function was only practical against targets nearby the user's planet & without a nearby Generator to detect for it could only detect or accurately fire on targets out to about 200,000km.
The Keys were built to last & could be left on almost indefinitely & even fired continuously for epochs, provided sufficient matter was nearby to draw from. Some players used them as personal weapons or even as badges of authority or trophies of sorts. A few owners used them for scientific research, data storage, & some just set them up to be fired continuously to power massive generators that could power entire nations or even whole worlds. Sadly, some owners just squirreled their Keys away in the deepest darkest safe they could find to prevent anyone from touching them because they felt they were too dangerous. Each player was free to use theirs as they wished. Obviously, since they were extremely rare the Keys were considered very valuable, priceless & made their owners often rich & very tempting targets.
The gun was partly inspired by TOS Star Trek's Episode Return of the Archons, they used a similar-looking gun I wholly did not like. Why I put in the Starweb Key & made it look like that has always baffled me, meh, creativity. I recall thinking, just what would a nuclear force accelerator look like anyway?
For the record: Yeah, I thought most of that up when I was about 21 years old or so when I wanted to add in a Starweb & Generators (and had been considering it for about 2 years on & off) for use in my then ongoing Twilight 2000 campaign but thought they seemed kind of bland & I wanted to set my version of the Keys up as being different than the PBM Game's Keys (which were not very well defined in size, shape, nor origin in my opinion).
Who'd have thought it'd be in my threat's section over a quarter century after it's introduction as a legitimate threat against me to steal my... I can't believe I'm even typing this... a threat to steal my intellectual property for profit & as revenge. With the Last Snitch telling me the money wasn't their primary motivation for the potential theft of my intellectual property; they figured there wouldn't be much if any money in stealing it, it was the revenge part of the transaction that mattered mostly to the gang.
Go figure huh?
Threats: Past tense? Duh Jerk sent a snitch & then later bragged, he was going to steal my intellectual property as revenge Circa 1985. Specifically, my Twilight 2000 NPC I called John Smith. He had a shadowy company Smith Industries (And Inc, & Co, & International too I think in previous & subsequent games, I'd changed it up now & then, no reason) & he bragged he'd steal my Twilight 2000 businessman John Smith who I said created and managed most of the mercenary jobs the players participated in by recruiting some b-grade hack author & making him use the guy & the name in a mercenary context in a book & publishing it, making it so I could never publish the name, stealing my intellectual property to spite me.
I laughed at the absurdity of it. Copyright the name John Smith & steal it from me? The most over-used fictional & non-fictional name in the history of creativity?? Unlikely. I told him I didn't think it was possible & bet a dozen authors likely already over-used the common name thusly. He looked hurt & insisted he would do it, just to spite me. I told him I'd bet the common name had already been copyrighted in every such instance. He bragged he would then do whatever it took to "own" whoever had them, just to spite me to insure I'd never get permission to use the names & titles. What do you say to that Reader? I chose to laugh & mock him as my response. My opinion now? As a rule, I recommend against mocking your recreational serial-killing raping lying cheating blackmailing extortionist stalker during mid-kidnapping when he's trying to make a point. Meh, it was the drugs, not me, the drugs. Oddly, off the drugs I'm generally polite to everyone. The Golden Rule & all. Even polite to the gang &... cops (proof to all... cops, who tell me it proves I can be ignored because, & I quote, "Because no one would do that", even... cops who told me they thought they were Christians who with their next breaths have told me to do just that, to not take revenge myself & to be nice to my attackers because OUR religion requires that we not take revenge for myself after the fact, that revenge is solely of & by God, not man, not me, the Author of this website).
In my next game I chose to abandon Smith Industries but still kept the shadowy John Smith as the PCs mercenary contact. So I renamed his company to Merritech. A combination of the words merry, & technology, which I was now saying was his primary business, mercenary 2nd.
Without missing a beat Duh Jerk later boasted to me. "We're a big group (the gang). so, I posted a message on a bulletin board that read 'can someone rich use the name Meritech so this guy can't"? He claimed the gang has bulletin boards where common & non-rich members can make requests of rich gang members & if it amuses them, out of Satanic or gang loyalty, they'll do the request & it took almost a year, but someone answered the bulletin board post he'd made & said they would create a company named just that. He later even tried to take credit for the name Ameritech too with the same post. The story being someone in their gang had allegedly answered him years later (based on his failure to remove said post in a timely manner) & saying they tried to use the name Meritech but it was taken, so they tried to come close & used Ameritech instead figuring that would be sufficient to cover what the anonymous gang bulletin posting's goals probably were.
Sigh... the stuff madmen brag about during lulls in conversation huh?
Do I have to make another the gang makes up a zillion stories to make cops laugh at their victim's speech or are the dozens I wrote before this enough?
Note: Merritech is NOT misspelled. It's how I spelled it back then. Duh Jerk later said he didn't know how I spelled it in defense when I mocked him he spelled it wrong when he bragged on the subject again.
For the record: I managed to tease Duh Jerk a few times on the spelling of Merritech. "You spelled it wrong". Whenever he boasted about his alleged foolproof & unprovable theft of my intellectual property to spite me (he really can get full of himself sometimes).
For the record, I don't believe a word Duh Jerk says. End.
I asked Duh Jerk. "Why are you doing this to me"? Framing me over & over? It made no sense to me. "Because I want overkill. I want a story no cop would ever believe & then I can put The Gym behind me forever".
Go figure huh?
Blackrazor: In gaming table simulated combat I said it displayed the night sky on the other side of the blade, even in daylight or underground & that made it invisible when held against the night sky, it never showed any clouds though so was as visible as any other blade on a cloudy night. When the blade landed a killing blow in battle I would describe a ghostly form like the form of the blade's target being ripped out of the blade & being sucked into the sword. I often followed it up with an inhuman scream I called a soul shrieking as it was consumed, forever dead. Virtually the only way a truly permanent death could be achieved in all the magic-rich game of Dungeons & Dragons actually, which made the weapon truly terrifying. I described the shriek like the shriek made by the guy in the cartoon Heavy Metal who'd just found the Loc-Nar & picked it up & was himself consumed. Made scarier by my being able to approximate the sound on demand. After consuming a target, the sword usually said. "I hunger". It was never satiated if asked, always hungry. An even scarier thing players told me.
How'd I find out about, a dentist, in Hawaii, & how he even existed? Good question.
Decades ago the gang sent someone to tell me they planned to steal the rights to Zerez from me. Specifically by having a horrible author watch the films secretly taped of my AD&D Zerez Campaign & having that hack write the story as his own. Then watch me flounder or fester if he somehow actually made a buck or 2. Win/Win.
Soooo... every few years I'd type in an internet word search "Zerez". Just to see what might pop up? For a lot of years nothing whatsoever came up. The search engines said basically there was no such thing as a Zerez. Nothing.
Then 1 year, the name of a Dentist from Hawaii popped up. It amused me to search more & I found Zerez was a Hawaiian name (I'm not 100% sure on the subject). Amused, I brought it up during gaming.
It's been years since I last searched the web on the subject. The time is 9:31PM on 2-7-24 & I'm doing another Zerez hunt as I exit this program. We'll see? Huh?
Uhhh... for the record I've never even met anyone named Zerez nor tried to contact anyone with that name whatsoever in my life. I have no desire to, I never wanted to own the Zerez name & among the list I've created in game names it's hardly "that clever". Not my best work. No insult intended.
"Sometimes from time to time some people are reluctant to join us at 1st". -Duh Jerk Fall 1976 while cheering his troops up after another day in
"The Gym".
"You'll get him next time. He can't block forever".
The above is NOT a threat & I suppose it doesn't belong on this page. It just seemed symbolically appropriate at the time on 5-11-24 at 0650 hours
"Yeah, I've been threatened a lot in my all-too-short-life".
- David A. George
"We made a deal with the gang. In exchange for peace we let them have a few people. So you're going to have to buck up & take one for the team".
- Uniformed on duty Bay City... cop threatening me about how he & his peers intended to make the rest of my life using the full power of their badges & positions in front of many of his uniformed & on duty peers also at their posts.
As I near the bottom of the gaming threats it occurs to me, that the gang sure did make a lot of threats about my conduct in RPGs & comments as to how I'd better act, or else!
I wonder if my fellow victims will have similar tales. Guys plagued by the gang who like bowling told "you'd better not bowl here, or there. We sent an insert into your team & now that you did this they can say that because we have sex films of them & you so you'd better
____(do what we say)______
Maybe it's just a form of would-be manipulation used against me; my hobby was RPG games after all. But maybe it's just what they do? My fellow victims may have tons of tales of the gang worming their way into their victim's hobbies & influencing the events (the gang DOES brag it's what they do). "You'd better not buy the Thunderslam 4000 Bowling Ball or you'll just hand our gang victory"! I just made that imaginary Bowling Ball up, but does the concept apply when dealing with a blackmail & extortion gang? "You'd better not watch that movie or you'll just hand our gang victory". "You'd better do this, you'd best not do that". A victim is soon manipulated into being afraid to do this, that AND the other thing & a blackmail & extortion gang paints them into a virtual corner for court later?
I wonder???
For the record Officers: I've been threatened a lot". - David A. George
Dragoning: It was in fact one of The Last Snitch's final threats against me. That they would steal, as my intellectual property, for revenge, what I called, what I created for my own use in the game of Dungeons & Dragons v3.5 that I called: Dragoning.
1st a disclaimer. I told myself I wasn't writing anymore til I get at least a few good days of R.E.M. sleep, but i chose to write this anyway, it's like I'm being so bad. Meh, the crazy things sleep deprived do with their day, huh?
Dragoning: I'd always wanted to play in a game where the players were incredibly powerful. Perhaps with their own dragon army. In a way many a group of players did have lots of dragons. They tended to be a few they may have captured as eggs & raised. Being teens they were hardly formidable. A few were hirelings & a few were genuinely tough, but few in number & rare at best, hardly a formidable force.
So I came up with the concept of "Dragoning".
The concept of Dragonong borrows from the tale of Elric & his dragons. In D&D dragons get a bad reputation for sleeping a lot & being lazy bullies. In the Elric series it says dragons do in fact seem to be lazy to men, sleeping their lives away & interacting almost none with the outside world except to find a meal & return to their slumber after securing their safety for their coming lengthy rest which could be months long. The truth was while they slept, they projected their spirits into other dimensions where they led full & active lives, where if they died in battle or in an accident their projected spirit was merely flung back to their bodies where they were exiled for a time & could return to fight another day. Making it impossible for them to die unless someone could find their slumbering bodies & attack them there while they slept helpless. In which case they were very vulnerable & they knew it. They often heaped their treasures around their bodies making a dragon's den a very desirable place for their enemies or say a party of adventurers to loot.
Dragons are notorious loners, living singly or in a small family group of 12 or less & tended to have trap-infested homes to deter intruders.
In a Dragoning many families of dragons & as many loners gather together every few centuries. & look for a cause, a place, a spot if you will, or a nation or even a band of heroes with philosophies they agree with. Once found many hundreds of dragons may descend on these groups. Typically, in D&D attack by hundreds of dragons would be a nation ending death sentence, so the players of the game usually give the dragons their full attention.
The dragons explain themselves. They've come because they admire the players. They are looking for a safe place to rest & to store their treasure & in exchange for protection for them the dragons will agree to protect the players domains from attack. Not as hirelings or even as friends. But as mostly silent slumbering partners who the players may call on if attacked in exchange for protecting the dragons. The only catch is the dragons will only serve those whom they respect. The players may challenge any amount of dragons, fight them in any number of preselected examples of diverse terrain & as many as they can defeat will serve them. The players can feel free to challenge their weakest or most powerful. Batlle is not to the death with the dragons yielding when they've been half beaten or subdued in any way. The dragons recognize combat is dangerous & deaths could happen, but it is to be discouraged, especially since the dragons are there to honor the players, not to slay them.
I liked to end a given gaming day with the challenge so the players had all week to consider just what terrain they'd fight the dragons in & how many they would challenge. The dragons usually attacked from the air (no tunnel battles or locked room fights where the dragons couldn't maneuver) & in waves. I liked to steer the battle locations to unique terrain types that were as the player's requested, but would be memorable like battle on an ocean world planetoid filled with diverse terrain on it's many islands was one example. The players arriving to the battle scene in their magical flying ships with many spectators & an army. The players fought alone, their army being there for protection & as spectators themselves. Players were encouraged to fight a many dragons as possible. Too few & they would regret it. Too many & the dragons would simply overwhelm them & the players would get nothing or very little. Either side could admit defeat or end the battle at any time & walk away with "the winnings".
It seemed to me like players relished the challenge that could only become available at the highest levels of power in the game of D&D.
The Last Snitch said they were either going to publish my version of dragoning in D&D, likely via a magazine or even by making some poor blackmailed author claim he created it. OR... they were going to have some B-Rated hack author write it in a fantasy setting book & copywrite it so I could never claim it.
Annnnnnnnnd now I've gone & become fool enough to repeat his... "Threat".
Me? All I can say is. "Man, you guys have too much time on your hands".
The date is 10-15-24 & I probably shouldn't have written this, but I was meaning to get to it one of these days.
​ We can prove you cheated: It's happened a few times over the years. The gang sends a mouthpiece to brag "We got you".
Of course, I ask how, often in monotone? Bored at the repeated boasts of my coming destruction based on the gang's ever evolving plan to get me & it's current imagined state. Not that I ever believed a word one of the gang ever said mind you, I'm not a mid-Michigan... cop, never was.
"We had one of our guys we inserted into your game buy the module you're DMing (in gaming lingo it means the game I'm in charge of) & you changed things & they confronted you on film with your cheating! That's proof you're a cheater. It means we'll be able to prove you're a liar & a cheater in court with our films". Game Set! Match! And it's brother accusation, almost exactly like the 1st example, but concerning them having stolen my own personally created game content which I altered on the fly when it came time to use the personally created game content. An act which proves me a cheater, as if my having created said content now chiseled the future game session's ultimate content in stone & any variation from that was cheating.
I recall 2 incidents. 1 was with the 5th level Tomb of the Lizard King module. I told him I was only using the maps because the party was 50th level. The module was itself not challenging enough for the players who were all 50th level or greater. Another was a TSR AD&D module called Spelljammer. Go figure? I complained the makers actually suggested people add to their game content, so I did. Plus, that the material as written was so vague & bland of course I had to add to it, & even felt inspired to add even more of my own content to the vast module making it an epic tale in scope. It was my job & it's a job expected of all good DMs, a "DM" being the title of the guy running the game.
Standard threats: By now Reader you realize that the gang has brought up my RPG jobbies a lot. If I had to say one threat stood out as used more than most it was the "you'd better not do any Freddy Krueger type missions or you'll just hand us victory". The threat or warning (depending on who's doing the talking) being that since the gang uses a drug that induces a dream-like state to influence their victims, I'd best not do any dreamworld parodies or dream missions in game or I'll just hand their dirty prosecutors victory both in court AND the Court of Public Opinion, a thing the gang craves & excels at in obtaining as a matter of business, being that they ARE selling false narratives about various victims wholesale, it's their jobs & they claim they're quite good at it.. The threat or warning (depending on who's talking) being my use of my own personally created RPG game content & desire to add parody content based on books, movies, & TV would be my undoing. How so? By proving me a madman, likely obsessed with the subject matter to sell their ever-evolving narrative & proving the authors or actors of such thing's (remember they pick on authors & actors, being "primarily actors" themselves) madmen, proving me a madman based on. "They (other content creators, actors, or authors) can talk crazy or create crazy scenarios but not you. Not with everything we've put you through. You'd better quit now or you'll be a madman in court once they see our films".
Fine I said. I began the games as an attempt at self-therapy. Later, once i was allegedly poisoned with mercury by the boastful Duh Jerk (see my story Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus, but Molesters are from Mercury in my +1,500-page letter to the FBI where someone is hurt or killed every few pages).At about age 13 in Fall of 1978 I figured I'd better start acting crazy to avoid another mercury poisoning. So I told everyone who would listen I'd decided to embrace evil, even the very notion of it. Frankly, after the tortures & alleged mercury poisoning during Summer 1978, my mind was on the razor's edge at that time, I had to come up with a plan to get the gang to believe they'd already won. Plus, I can't deny it, acting insane, outrageous, & a lil crazy was sort'a fun, especially when you considered the absolutely draconian language rules inflicted on me by my family & their admirers, & on me alone by the gang & my family when I was a child. Itself an extremely painful tale to tell, another day. Picture that I was recovering (AND still embroiled in) a time in my life where I lived a single misspoken word from potentially weeks of epic pain & deprivation at any time.
My RPG Game Apology: I apologize for nothing in any RPGs. The next time YOU get stalked by a gang of madmen & feel the need to explore any form of self-therapy for some smidgen of relief you can contact me & tell me YOUR paragon of virtue solution to the situation. Before you say I told you so to me I'll add this. Where were you when I needed help? Where was your law-enforcement excellence & advice when I needed it? Huh?
For the record: Usually when I sat down to game or write gaming content for RPGs I prayed to the Lord for wisdom. Then I gamed, then I wrote what I wrote. If there is any glory to be had it's to God be the glory. I was never clever enough to have done any of it without turning to him for wisdom on the subject. Did I do this openly? No. Not once that I can recall. Why? Because my Bible says:
Matthew 6:6
King James Version
6 But thou, when thou prayest, enter into thy closet, and when thou hast shut thy door, pray to thy Father which is in secret; and thy Father which seeth in secret shall reward thee openly.
Proverbs 3:6 KJV says, "In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths"
We got you... again.
I heard this one a few times. The given "snitch" or bragging gang mouthpiece, spokesman for the group pointed out every decade or so that the guy in charge of an AD&D game is called "The DM". Or Dungeon Master.
My opinion? Big wupp.
They noted the term Dungeon Master can also be a title of perversion awarded to vile pervs who relish inflicting pain for profit or revenge. They told me the gang studied recordings of my conversations & by coaching game inserts, they were able to steer the conversation down a sinister path where ultimately, I answered to the title "Dungeon Master".
Now the gang was free to use the unedited recordings & to place me, back to the camera into all sorts of damning film situations no jury would ever doubt proved me to be the bad person the gang has always craved to make me out to be. Game! Set! Match!
These films were allegedly to augment their many films where doped stupid me was coerced into doing & committing all sorts of vile acts, seemingly willingly as they had the time & the occasions to do this stuff to me over & over & over & over & over & over & over & over & over & over & over & over & over & over & over & over & over & over & over & over & over & over & over & over & over & over & over & over & over & over & over & over & over & over & over & over & over & over & over & over & over & over & over & over & over & over & over & over & over & over & over & over & over & over &... well, you get the idea Reader.
Note: I said YOU get the idea Reader, not that mid0-Michigan... cOPS, troOperz or aGENTz get the idea, you Reader likely get the idea.
Insane threats.
It's how a scam ran by a gang that call themselves "primarily actors" works.
"All I have to do is tell a bazillion lies & no cop would ever believe I would lie so much & I can never be arrested".
- Duh Jerk, lots of times
Duh Jerk Schooling me on how PRACTICAL jokes would allow him & I to overcome all our victims, Fall 1976
My retort?
"What part of weird & perverse cult confuses you officer"?
- David A. George
"As revenge for "The Gym".
"You guys tried to kill me over & over in The Gym & now you want revenge for it"?
Even as a child, I liked to come up with invention ideas. It didn't do me any good. My family & their friends beat me up & put me down for most of them, stole others. I endured long mocking sessions & even longer pain sessions based on them too. Literally.
"We're going to steal all your invention books". He claimed they'd made a fortune patenting some, especially Fagboy who stole a few & then patented some himself & others through a cousin of his.
"We stole all of your invention ideas your entire life. It's part of the reason we stalk you. We've made a fortune off stalking you". He even said it's why they're cruel to me. Fear that if they acted nice to me the invention gravy train might end. "We plan to cripple you & make you invent stuff for us.". "You'll be much easier to handle once you're a quadriplegic". "Our plan is to kidnap you & to keep torturing you until you invent stuff for us". He remarked they figured they'd get rich!
Me? I whined that My Cousin already tried that. During the torture period I invented nothing. When he said it was out of spite I said no, invention is inspiration & creativity. I came up with most of my invention ideas while I was gaming & having fun. No gaming means no inventions". Actually, it means few invention ideas as a rule. Explain it? I can't. Guess? Uhhhh... when you're having fun invention is easy. He told me they'd set me up with a gaming group while kidnapped if needed, then I'd invent.
I said I doubt it, a group forced on me? No... I could feel the creative juices drying up as he spoke. I reminded him of the Goose that laid the golden egg.
These are the real-life threats of madmen. True? Who can say? Especially about the future tense stuff? But the quad thing is near, the numbness in my limbs testifies to it.
True? Idano? It may be true only in that I was threatened thusly.
Weird & perverse conversations & threats. It's how the scam works.
THREATS: Long-standing PRACTICAL jokes:
1st my classmates, the children who would one day earn the nickname "The Children of the Gym" told me about it. "We keep records on our victims ^ as a victim is sold from member to member the ledgers are transferred so each boss can work on their new victims based on the practical jokes of the last boss who owned them". 2nd other random gang bangers bragged on the subject over the years. "The cops will never believe a victim who says they are the victim of an ongoing practical joke lasting over many decades & many bosses".
The Last Snitch brought up the very 1st one. He asked me to recall when I was a baby & the Bosses asked me if I remembered calling myself Moses?
I told him I did recall it. Didn't buy it then, don't buy it now. But he was free to bring the subject up (I was a prisoner & not going anywhere anyway).
He described the scene as My Cousin had once, even as a Boss once had (not written yet). He pointed out that the Satanic Church is very much into the macabre, digging old graveyards & archeology & such.
"Yeah, so what"? I half predicted what his PRACTICAL joke would be on the spot but said nothing.
"Our gang were searching the holy land in the 60s & they came across the site where God buried Moses. Since we were cloning historical figures with our government program we decided to clone Moses too. Only things started to go all weird, got all religiousy & some strange things happened. We came to realize we couldn't kill you or we'd face the wrath of God, so the Bosses ordered that we spare no expense & torture you & make your life a living hell & to corrupt you".
He insisted it was true & in line with what I could recall so it had to be true.
Me? I told him my opinion was it was a PRACTICAL joke. That I knew the gang inflicted horrible lies on their victims only to point at them later & say to... cops. "You hear that lie? No one would lie like that, except a crazy person. See our films? You can ignore this guy".
In my opinion the PRACTICAL joke dodge, while by... cop's own statistics is "common" works infallibly against mid-Michigan... cops.
Several gang members have independently told me the gang keeps folders recording long standing PRACTICAL jokes on their targets. Then over the years they build on them & the weak-minded can be influenced by them. I obviously don't mean myself, but the PRACTICAL joke when targeted at enemies sure do influence mid-Michigan... cops. I'll bet the gang's got a slew of long-standing PRACTICAL jokes they are currently running on them right now. I'll bet they laugh in the cold winter nites & it keeps them warm. Also noted are the gang makes note of PRACTICAL jokes that work well & rehashes them on other targets from time to time. "We can't use the same plan over & over".
My website is not written to appeal to mid-Michigan... cOPS, tROOPERS, or aGEnts, or else I'd use smaller words & simpler conclusions like. "Bad man lie to me, say I man from long ago, say lies & make me look bad if I say them to... cops". sorry guys, I just cant write it simpler. My bad Officers.
"Every now and then over the years various members of the gang tried to recruit me into the gang. Offers varied from basic membership to Officer Positions & high rank. Wealth, an end to the pain & horror. Duh Jerk has a standing offer.
"I'll give you a car, a house, & a job if you'll join us".
Despite what their films show I never wanted to be one of them. I never wanted nor coveted their money, drugs, nor their cavernous whores. I never desired nor solicited their friendship. I don't want any of it, never wanted any of it.
Sum it all up simply in case a mid-Michigan... cop or aGENT has read this far? Okay. Here goes.
"I'd rather be last with God than 1st with the Devil, or the gang".
Here I've discussed many things done in secret. Sigh...
Ephesians 5:12 For it is a shame even to speak of those things which are done of them in secret.
The gang brag every single bit of it is merely testimony against me. Sadly... the mid-Michigan... cops too.
"My point Reader? I've been threatened a lot in my all too-short life". - David A. George
PRACTICAL jokes...
I recall that "Boss" grilling me when I was about 6 or 7-yerrs -old over & over when My Cousin ordered the Grande Party be emptied at the Bosses command. The Boss kept insisting that I must recall something about my time when I was Moses.
I searched my memory but the only memory I could find was one that would get me an epic punishment if I dared repeat it at that time from my family, based on the vast array of rules & conduct they ruthlessly enforced on me, & me alone at that time. I told him I was afraid to answer, because for me to even whisper it would be a serious punishment. So he sent for & got My Cousin & Mother who both came back into the house at the Grande Party & made them agree I would not be punished so he could hear what that memory was.
So I told him the sole memory likely inflicted on me before the 1st time I'd met him.
I was with 2 individuals, someone, I don't recall who the authority figure was, & a beautiful woman with a sturdy frame & an hourglass figure in a long dress with an apron wearing a bonnet. We were arguing & she had provoked me to say. "Ziporah you promiscuous slut"! Why? I have no idea. I explained that in my opinion I didn't talk that way at all & couldn't explain why I would be provoked to say something like that (I'd never called anyone else that in my entire life up & until then, for the record). He seemed disappointed but glad to have even the slightest tidbit of info. My Cousin stood there , mouth agape, incredulous, breathing hard the whole time, My Mother seemed unimpressed in my opinion. Honor honor honor. As unimpressed as the Boss's many giant Jocks & the few humbler-sized Jocks My Cousin had brought looked. The Boss said he'd brought the army so he could talk to a killer like I was with assurance of safety, so I wouldn't dare attack him based on what he'd done to me as a baby oh so long ago. Until then he'd bent over me while talking to me, now he stood upright & stepped back a few steps & kept talking.
I told him it was a waste, if I wanted to attack him I would & wasn't scared of his army.
I met that Boss a year or so after that. This time he brought only a handful of humbler Jocks & stood in the midst of the backyard Grande Party & didn't clear it, though guests were told to give us a wide berth & they stared whenever they thought he wasn't looking & broke the rules & talked to me later about what had been said later, a rarity. The Boss, a rather large man, portly with black hair, in his 40s, whined the saying I told him last year had become famous in their group, (more famous than the gang's Bosses were comfortable with in any event), being retold by word of mouth & had become gang folklore of sorts. So he used his Hollywood contacts to make some popular TV stars say that saying as a buzz words of sorts on an undisclosed allegedly nation-wide popular TV show to cover up our meeting, & the fame throughout the gang that the conversation had allegedly spawned among those who knew who & what I "really was", "just in case". To add deniability & unbelievability to my story in the coming day when I might be fool enough to bring up our conversation.
During that argument (yeah, we argued at several points in the conversation) I explained, in so many words I figured the entire thing from beginning to end was just another PRACTICAL joke & I wasn't falling for it.
The Boss retorted. "Oh Yeah? Then how do you explain the woman & your memory of her"?
I thought about it & told him. "I can't. I'm just a kid & I can't explain it. But I'll bet there's a logical explanation for it".
He disagreed with my assessment of the situation.
My opinion then & now? Whatever...
Explain it again for the simple? Ok. I'll bet it's how the scam works. Insane & weird skits & drugs produce altered states of mind which are abused by madmen in their quest to inflict PRACTICAL jokes on their victims for profit & to get their sadistic jollies. PERIOD!
Follow-up: When I checked around, I never found a single incident of any tv show or entertainment venue that used the phrase "Ziporah you promiscuous slut"! For the record. I was surprised to find out later that Ziporah was the name of the wife of Moses, but that's simple trivia I did not know at that time as a child.
I recall the 1st argument with "The Boss". He told me that he stepped back from me because I recognized him from when I was a baby & brought his giant (they were huge) Jock army to scare me for safety, being I killed so many people for the gang.
​ I told him my religion requires no fear. If I wanted to attack him I would & I was pretty sure i could cripple or kill him despite his army. It was just that I didn't want to, I'm not like that, my religion forbids me taking revenge. God will repay.
In the end he challenged me, he called me a liar, of course i was scared. "If you're not scared attack now".
Me? I looked them up & down, more angry that scared & pondered should I throw my life away attacking this guy? No, my religion does not allow the luxury of revenge. If I attacked God might not help me. I'd be toast.
when he said not attacking proved me a coward he angered me. So I told him I wasn't attacking him for free. I knew he was rich. Put up all the money that he had on him & his guys as a reward & then I'd kill him right now. Frankly, even I couldn't believe I just said that. Anger, hmmph!
He stood silent a long time & declined.
When I walked away, responding to his condescending manner I noted it was HE who'd chickened out, not me. He tried to defend himself & I said the deal was still on the table & that meant he was the coward in the conversation, not me. I just didn't want to risk my life for no reward... again.
Strange, but true.
Ephesians 5:12 For it is a shame even to speak of those things which are done of them in secret.
Doomed no matter what. It's what the gang brag & many a... cop has confirmed. I'm doomed no matter what. Why? do I have to type it again, read my website & geta clue at to why I beg... cops to consider giving me half a chance with a fair investigation. "You're not fooling anyone, I've seen the films".
"The Films". As a Reader you might be surprised as to how few of them I have any recollection of. The gang has gone to great lengths to drug me stupid while filming them or using drugs to erase my memory after making them. "With all the films I have of you you'd better start obeying me because I can send you to prison for life any time I want to".
The battlecry of the Dirty... cop, the self-righteous Vigilante... cop AND the Coward... cop. "Did you just call me a coward? How about I pull out my nightstick & call over a few cops & beat the crap out of you"? I heard it word for word so many times that it must be an "Official" Bay City... cop saying?
Knowing... cop handsigns isn't needed in life, but can likely be handy? Hey! Bay City has a T.L. Handy High School & I went there & was attacked by the gang there, small world huh?
They wouldn't make up hand signals just for me? Would they?
COMMONTHREATS: "YOU'LL WAKE UP NEXT TO A LITTLE GIRLWHO'S CRYING WITH A COP BANGING ON THE DOOR". Being it's an alleged kidnapping the... cop will have "Probable cause" to burst in & discover me on drugs, surrounded by drugs & child-porn starring myself. Case close &game over they bragged a whole lot. Making it one of the most common threats I hear until I was in my late 20s. IT'S PROBABLY THE SINGLE MOST REPEATE THREAT AGAINST ME BY FAR. ESPECIALLY WHEN THEY THREATEN ME WITH THEIR LIBRARY OF CHIL PORN.
Later, the gang amended the saying. To what? Replace girl with boy. "We'll trick you into interacting with them on film. Game over.
Paraphrased Threats: Do it or die... Yeah, right...
Soooooo.... there I was in what I nicknamed Bay City's Defunct Hospital. Duh Jerk & all 4 of the 4 Stars were there with an army of Jocks, teens, & preteen children totaling 20 on average. More or less. They would soon work in shifts 24/7 based on the conversation about to begin when I was awakened. Note, I'm not complaining about being drugged at that particular time. That alone makes this a highly irregular tale.
Duh Jerk said point blank to me. "You have kill someone for us or we will kill you".
Me? I said to him what I said to many a dirty Bay City... cop. "Your terms are acceptable".
"Huh? What"? He claimed to not know what I meant.
So I explained myself. "I said your terms are acceptable. Go ahead".
The gang seemed in disbelief. He, as spokesman for the gang who agreed with him said in the darkened room. that I'd die here, and now, but if I made a film for them where I killed someone for them they'd let me live. Otherwise I die now.
"Go ahead". I wasn't killing anyone for them & if all I had to do was die to save an innocent, so be it. My death would be acceptable I explained. I had no death wish then or now (11-17-24).
They chatted between them & decided to jump me en mass & drug me stupid while they came up with a plan.
Several of the Jocks seemed amazed at my response.
We all fought. I lost. Fade to black...
I woke again presumably another day by the way the crowd & their attire changed. Just a guess really. Duh Jerk & the 4 Stars never looked mousier than they did there, it being before Duh Jerk decided to force them to collectively start working out allegedly by mandate & force.
Pretty much the same as before, all new Jocks & kids though. Duh Jerk reworded his threats. Kill someone for him or be tortured. We'd been here many times & lots of fake executions happened & lots of people got hurt during & soon after conversations like this. Usually I just told him to. "F#@! off". Then endured long torture sessions where after much R.E.M. Sleep Deprivation addled me shot anyone I was told & often with a smile when ordered by them off camera.
But today I answered differently. "Okay". Note... no drugs that I'm aware of at that point. I told him I'd do it.
They seemed amazed until my stipulation became apparent. I'd shoot someone, but only someone I chose. Likely a known scumbag of sorts, pick off some jerk, likely one of them, & make America Great without them in it.
They all seemed amazed, but disappointed.
Beat up, drugged again. Fade to black.
Repeat the above again. Duh Jerk issues a new ultimatum. "Now you have to kill an innocent of my choosing or die".
"F#@! off". Personally, I recommend people not insult their madmen captors as a rule, sometimes my anger gets the better of me. I told them I'd kill someone. Maybe one of them, maybe some scumbag I'd select. I alternated that with just saying no & with the "Your terms are acceptable, go ahead". & the popular, Go ahead".
Ultimately Duh Jerk would let me pick off a few of his own guys, letting me kill them assassination style after the gang beat them up & restrained them. Picture a few guys dying screaming. "But I'm loyal"! When they begged for their lives I told them it was them or me, & they tortured the wrong guy. I was reducing the odds against me in the room by one... now"... BANG!
We would repeat the above at various step & stages & with props & at various stages of torture many times in the coming days.
They changed it to the final version & in the coming torture sessions Duh Jerk & the 4 Stars all took turns saying it in the shifts they were each in charge of, where they all worked in shifts & got breaks, I got no breaks except the minor pause during shift changes & when being drugged anew, often in the presence of their pet dirty... cop, Bay City Police's own Dirty Cop himself! In uniform with his service revolver. "Now you have to kill an innocent of my choosing or we'll torture you until you go insane”. Was at our next kidnapping session.
I told them to. "F#@! off".
Picture weeks of torture later, an innocent is restrained in a chair. I'm handed a pistol with 1 bullet in it, after a zillion fake assassinations eventually the chamber had a lone bullet in it. BANG!
Picture me turning the pistol on Duh Jerk CLICK! CLICK! CLICK!
"The pistol only had one round in it".
"It's the thought that counts".
Correction please: Threats:
To the left I wrote the most repeated threat, while under my self-imposed no writing moratorium due to the gang's R.E.M. Sleep Deprivation attack as of 11-11-24. But I felt a correction was in order. 1st, it was partly true in that it was the most popular frame job-based threat, that one day I'd wake up surrounded by drugs & child-porn starring myself, a cop knocking on the door & a little girl crying for help next to me with tons of evidence leading to my coconspirators who can't wait to turn State's Evidence to remain free & testify against me, the ringleader of all evil, their former bestest buttbuddy.
Truth is as a pure threat "I'm going to kick your a$$" is by far the #2 threat spoken by many many many members of the gang while talking to me. Some claimed they'd do it just to be mean, others told me in so many words they felt they were the justified vigilantes, the good guys, inspired by a combination of lies, drugs, & some told me the same reason many a Bay City... Cop told me, 'Because of the films'.
Threats for the record: I'm actually rounding down here as if you try, you could chant Kill David George a lot more times than I've written in a single hour. Let alone for the days on end when the students were instructed to chant it during my then ongoing attempted murder so as to blackmail them better for later with the films allegedly being made at that time from hidden cameras.
Threat RECAP: I rounded down... literally!
Saving the best Threats for last... Best being most likely to destroy ANYONE fool enough to repeat them to the... cops they beg for help...
Threats: Weird & unusual Threats: Purely a guess on my part as it's my guess that the following threats are "unusual", that I suspect that not a lot of people have been threatened thusly. Just a guess. 50/50% guess & hopeful thinking. All written during my self-imposed writing moratorium on 11-22-24.
"If one of our gang even sees you reaching for your invention journal it's a sure way to make sure that you get raped that night". Self-explanatory. If one of them sees me write in my invention journal, it's a guaranteed kidnapping so they, the gang can read what I wrote, just in case, & if they are kidnapping me then a gang-rape & ongoing frame job is almost mandatory. Why? "What if you come up with some great invention that makes us a fortune again"?
"We're thinking of putting a chip into your invention journal so that we know whenever you open them". The boaster explained the gang want my written stuff fresh... just in case I could ever secure someone to pursue any of my invention ideas, get financially on my feet, & cast them off my life & maybe even expose... wait for it... wait... wait... expose them & the gang's involvement in "The Gym" & it's massive cover-up. "The way we see it is any money made through one of your invention ideas is our money".
"We put a tracking chip inside you behind your eye wrapped around your optic nerve". I heard versions of it for decades. I read a statistic that the US Government has literally so tagged up to +25% of the US population. Some willingly, some by their request, & others against their will. "It's your own fault". "It's because you don't carry a cell phone". True, back when the threat was made, I did not carry one, never owned one either until about 10-12 years ago. "It's because you keep losing our tail & we have no idea where you go. We're getting tired of punishing our guys for losing your tail. You have no idea how many people you got punished over the years riding that bicycle all over town & losing the guys we sent to tail you". He was complaining about how I zipped down alleys, took legal shortcuts, back roads & such. "It's why we call the cops on you whenever we notice you cutting through yards or open fields as a shortcut". A half truth, I had a ton of cops accost me & demand vital stats & searches with threats based on shortcuts. Is that normal? I have nothing to compare it to? The latest reports have the tracking chip with it's own light, earbuds (4-6mm arrow-shaped high-tech earpieces that allow them to see & hear everything I see & hear & to create sounds. "You'll be the crazy guy in court who hears voices". Mainly because no rich guys would invest in the best of the best surveillance tech & most certainly would NEVER steal thew best of the best no available on the shelf tech, it'd be unethical & might hurt widdle coppie... cop's heads to even ponder the subject. Win/win.
I'm increasing my chances of doom in court by 100-fold in my opinion by merely repeating their certainly... "imaginative threats" in this paragraph alone in my humble opinion Reader. Literally. In my experience... cOPS will all-but violently deny the below King Threat, but it is in fact the golden standard of all law enforcement professionals I've met. Again... literally. So, is there a drug you... cops take to help you with deniability issues or are you picked because your cognitive dissonance is a natural or trained talent you showed talent for early in your career? Here goes... Sirs.
KING THREAT: "A victim endorses our lies when they repeat them".
I've literally had... cops deny the saying & with the same breath tell me they were dismissing me because they checked out the stuff I had said the gang likely lied about (literally... again) "& it didn't pan out".
My retort? "Duh"!
My advice? Note the symbolism in the below meme & amend your denial accordingly... cops, or Sirs.
Disclaimer: The above is an attempt by the website Author to school law enforcer skeptics in what I suspect are basic & common sense law-enforcement skills... nothing more.
For the record, I like Groucho Marx & have nothing but admiration for his talents, nothing more is implied here.
THREATS: They promised me a "Child-Molester Vigilante Death"...
Sooooo.... I've heard versions of this one on & off most of my adult life. The gang hands me over to... cops, likely formerly innocent... cops who'll arrest me in a "good bust". Crying eyewitnesses & sobbing victims, evidence all around me. The... cops will already be paid off to bring me to jail, or more likely during my return to jail after arraignment while I'm still cuffed & shackled the... cops leave me exposed to my fellow inmates, maybe just thrust me cuffed into a crowded cell "only for a few seconds". Whatever the reason, or whatever the time I'm left to the tender mercies of my fellow prisoners, actually victim/members of the gang, new recruits, vigilantes who kill or maim me & because of the heinous things I'm charged with they look at little or no time for attacking me,. "You won't live to trial bercause we cant afford for there to be a public trial".
With no trial & a room full of guys who can't wait to plead guilty for a crime they are proud of it'll be case closed & the gang can put "The Gym" behind them forever & turn their sights on The Children of the Gym" whom I'm told "Know too much" about way too many important people in The Illumaniti for their own good, an easy sell when the gang circulate the photos of those former children & the deeds "The Child-Molestor Manifest Destiny" caused them to do as a consequence of their failure to kill me in "The Gym".
As an added bonus my killers get to live life as heroes in prison. Case Closed & a lot of mid-Michigan... cops, trOOpers &... AgeNTs get to breathe easier.
The gang brag I'm damned if they do them to me & damned if they don't!
"I don't think somebody would threaten somebody so much". - Actual uniformed & on duty... cops at their posts telling me the quantity of reported threats was sufficient reason to dismiss me, regardless of any & all evidence.
When I asked them, they basically in so many words told me it hurt their little... cop heads. Look up the concept of basic human Goodiddlyoodness & it's implied sense of honor ALL crooks everywhere have (according to mid-Michigan... cops & fBI) for context Sirs.
My opinion? Get a different job if you cannot fathom that level of hatred & revenge... cops and for once in your careers & give someone who came to to you half a chance instead of going straight to repeating the Mid-Michigan Gang Chapter of the Mid-Michigan State Police's motto as your 'default go to plan'.
"Destroy the victim. That'll shut'em up".