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I recall Duh Jerk & The Gym Teacher, father of the alleged Used Car Salesman used to threaten me. "You'd better dance or else". "You'd better do as I say or there will be serious consequences". & other threats.

Me? I recall retorting in a smart-alec response (yeah, I talked like that at times, but was almost always respectful). "You're already trying to kill me in the gym. What more are you gonna do to me"?

I could almost see the dark cloud forming over their heads. Almost...


How madmen make demands:

"Today is your last chance to dance or we'll kill you". - The Gym Teacher outside the School Shaped Like an "E for Evil" Cafeteria in the unlit hallway, during his 1st period class

You can ignore him, because he's crazy...Trust us...

  A page dedicated to addressing the insanity in my life...


  In Fall of 1976 When Duh Jerk was trying to recruit me into his gang by training me as to how I'd soon be treating his victims, yes, he calls them "My Victims", his victims, he lamented the then new Michigan's Governor's choice to defund the mental hospital at Michigan's own Ann Arbor. A place I heard on the news was shut down due to open corruption.

  "It's a shame the Governor closed down the Mental Hospital at Ann Arbor". - Duh Jerk Fall 1976

  He went on to describe that it was easy to get a dirty Judge to "commit" any of the gang's many victims there where the hospital openly & brazenly abused them, breaking many mentally. Solid child-molester gold if you run a sex blackmail & extortion ring through the area's Public Schools.

  Later, one day while he was threatening me when The Gym was hot & heavy he lamented that Ann Arbor was closed. In the past he'd just have committed any problem child to Ann Arbor using any number of local corrupt Judges & they'd torture them, man, woman, or child & break them as a matter of business. "Real hands off". He boasted. An alleged service they provided without words. "You're just lucky that they're investigating the Doctors from there right now or we'd just send you to one of them right now". He threatened me that the... cops wouldn't be investigating those Drs forever & when the coast was clear IF I was still alive I would one day come to know their tender mercies (felonious tortures). He chose not to say tender of mercy, but instead threatened to physically & mentally torture the 11-year-old me, the Author of this website.

  - Quotes from the life of David A. George Fall 1976

  THE SHORT VERSION... A MOTHER'S LOVE... Honor, honor, sigh... honor...

  I recall waking up in a Drs office wearing a straight jacket at about age 15 circa 1980. It was the beginning of the new school year, to me. Just yesterday a fellow student noted I'd put on weight lately. "You gettin fat boy". He told me.

  Now I was seriously doped up. The "Dr" asked me questions, the camera & a nurse watched as did 2 huge orderlies.

  I tried to answer as best I could but it was hopeless. The drugs & deprivation were too much.

  So he ordered the room be emptied.

  The Staff refused. "THat's against Hopspital Policy"! "You cant do that"!

  In the end, after a long debate he said that on his personal authority they had to leave.

  He slapped me semi-lucid & told me his mission. He said Duh Jerk, his literal owner had ordered him to torture & kill me & was going to outline how, now. He'd provoke me over & over off camera & then lean back until I hit him. Then once I beat him up I['d becaome a maximum security prisoner, then he could have his guards who work there smother me while resisting, like he'd been doing. With the films of me being violent there'd be few questions. But 1st he had to make a film for Duh Jerk'

s request (order). A film of me acknowledging who did this to me. Telling me to say that Duh Jerk had locked me up in that Hospital.  He tried over & over & eventually, I repeated his words in a confused stupor.

  Then he began questioning me. Then he'd lean forward out of the camera's view. Then once he'd leaned forward, he'd slap me & quickly lean back into view of the camera. Rinse, later repeat.

  I recall complaining about how film viewers would hear the slap noise & would never believe his version of the film evidence & he told me the sound was off on the camera. That way when people were shown an edited film, cut to seem like it began with a simple question & a slap off camera it would look like I was immediately violent after being asked a simple question. Game over!

  Me? Atheist me? I prayed to God for the strength to survive this & to not fall to their provocation.

  Weeks passed...

  They wouldn't feed me. They kept me awake. The Staff took turns with inmates keeping me awake. They drove me to the edge of madness & tried to push me off the cliff. It wasn't fun...

  I recall resting. You see Reader, I could outrun the Staff & Inmates. Then run & hide. It prompted them to completely reorganize the Hospital (that area in any event) so I had a hard time hiding. I stole catnaps here & there.

  I recall this one time, the Staff awakened me. "You can call the Police & tell them he didn't escape. He's hiding under the Nurse's Station". It's where I had the nap that probably literally saved my life. Medically speaking. I'd hidden there. It worked.

  I woke up at home like nothing had happened. Some kid told me I'd been gone a month. That the Staff of Bay City's Largest School had threatened everyone through the grapevine to not talk to me or be beaten up.

  I didn' belive him & blew him off on the way to the bathroom.

  To me, just yesterday some kid had told me "Boy you gettin fat". When I looked into the mirror a skelatal boy greeted me mere pounds from death. I'd noticed my pants were loose when I was rushed to schoool, but... The horror...

  At home I confronted My Mother. How could she let that happen to me?

  She refused, like the rest of my family, to discuss the subject with me. Violently! Honor, honor, honor...

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This happened several times in my life...

"I can prove you are lying"! The mid-Michigan... cop told his uniformed & on duty peers at their posts.

Me? My attitude was like. "This, I gotta see". Why? Because I knew I was telling the truth.

"Because if you were telling the truth about what you're saying you would never be as nice or as respectful as you are to your parents (or to school officials, or whoever..., it applies to many people) & that's proof you're lying"!

"My religion requires me to honor my parents".

"My religion requires me to obey my parents".

"My religion requires me to respect those with authority over me".

Nope those many many many... cops told me. "If you were telling the truth you'd insult them more".

"If you were telling the truth you'd be insulting them"

If you were telling the truth you'd be insulting us more for calling you a liar". I heard a lot of versions of that one. It's actually the reason I invented the insult"... cop." Call me what you will Officers, but you wont call me a liar based on my failure to insult... cops. "...Cops being any paid officer of the law who disagrees with me without a fair investigation, which I KNOW I would win.


Quotes from public kidnappings:

"You want proof he's lying? Ask his Mother"!

- Duh Jerk

My Mother very quickly came around the corner, several times over the years (Honor honor honor)

(The sentence works equally well with sibling, uncle, or ask these ambulance workers or this cop) Other times he, or Fagboy suggested they call the person in question for confirmation.

  For the record: I have never willingly visited a psychologist nor councilor in a professional capacity in my entire life. Anyone who says they treated me willingly at my request is a liar & criminal.


  Think about it.

  I've had many a... cop tell their peers right in front of me that they could prove I was lying. If I submitted to them respectfully it was proof i was lying. By logic their police experience told them that if I were telling the truth then in these situations I'd be acting up, absolutely make a scene, maybe even get violent with the police. It's only logical.

  I asked those... cops what they would do if I did begin to rant, if I made a scene, & if I acted violent towards them would they believe me & consider my case?

  Without fail ALL (all being a quantity of 100%) told me that if I acted belligerent, made a scene, or took to violence on the... cops they'd whip out their nightsticks & beat me down enmass. "But if you were telling the truth you'd make a scene or get violent with us".

  To quote a famous book. "That's some catch that Catch 22".

THE PAIN... THE PAIN... Madmen & the plan to get rid of Dave for profit & revenge...

  1st thing 1st. Did I pray to God during all I'm about to tell you Reader? Yes! A lot! Frankly I was never clever enough nor strong enough to have survived the ordeal or just about any other without prayer. To God be the glory, if there is any glory to be had.

  Sooooo... there I was, I woke up in my mid-Michigan room on Bay City's Michigan Street. PAIN!!!!!



  My shoulders & my knees were on fire! Pain...

  How did this pain happen I pondered?

  Then, I remembered...

  I came too in the Hall across the Street from the alleged Devil-Worshipper Enclave, the block where Bay City's own Mass-Murderer Johnathan List allegedly lived safely in Bay City (For trivia's sake only My Cousin boasted HE was good friends with the man & helped him escape justice) facing the front door. I could tell it was night looking through the then open door. I was strapped, butt up & pants around my ankles between 2 of the gang's sex restraint tables (of which they brag they have plenty). 1 arm & leg strapped to each with me in the kneeling position.

  An Endoscope was inserted into my rectum & I was awakened by "The Doctor" cutting into my right knee via a snaked coil that is the endoscope. It hurt!

  Duh Jerk explained the rest of my life to me. They were allegedly going to cut out the soft connective tissue in my knees & shoulders & partially cripple me. Plus the Doctor would add serrations to the muscles meaning my muscles could ben torn very easy, such as by a muscular person twisting on them, crippling me for life.

  The Last Snitch said the crippling would likely come as an attack by some expendable person, but may come from a 4 Star as part of a sex film. Sure, they might go to jail for a time, but I'd be a cripple for life. With today's laws regarding how one must pay reparations to someone they've crippled it'd be a pittance, especially compared to what they've made off targeting me & my fellow victims. Plus the act of crippling me would cement our buttbuddy friendship in front of the... cops who'd see my accusations against them or their expendable assailant as just the accusations of a jilted lover. Case closed before the book is even opened!

  Of course Duh Jerk told me I could avoid it by joining the gang. Becoming his lover. "We'll give you a house, a car, & a job". All I had to do to avoid being crippled was to join them. I just had to make them a few films so they knew they could trust me 1st.

  I refused. Always do.

  At one point Duh Jerk taunted me by asking my why I was trapped between 2 tables & not just on one? The whole while my knee being hacked into.'

  I told him I had no idea why?

  He said it was because it'd make my story unbelievable to... cops. A necessary element for all his attacks. He walked under me & swung my testacles & penis like a pendulum to emphasize his point while saying. "Weeeeeeeee".

  He tried to reason with me saying things like. "This is your last chance to join us". Then he lamented that if I wouldn't join him, at least he could enjoy my screams.

  I refused.

  "Make it hurt Doc". He said.

  The Doctor roughly cut all the more into my knee. It hurt... BAD!

  Me? I refused to scream. "I wont give you the satisfaction of screaming" I said through the pain.

  His smile dropped & he looked like he immediately lost interest. He instructed the Doctor to cut up my other knee & shoulders & make sure I was returned home & to call him when it was done. Then he left me to face the tender mercies of his inquisitor.


  I woke up in pain, barely able to move. I figured the gang were waiting for me to go to the local... cOPSHOP or Bunga Bunga Hospital. So I waited 3 days & went to the Bay County Law Enforcement Center when I could walk. Why'd I wait 3 days? I just didn't know what else to do. I told no one about my experience. No one.

  At the front desk I rec ognised the... cop I'll describe as "My Kidnapper". A guy I've nicknamed "Front Desk Cop". I tried my best to file a police report & he told me to go to the Bunga Bunga Hospital.

  Me? I retreated home just glad to make it that far.

  In the morning I called a cab & went to the Bunga Bunga Hospital.

  At the Bunga Bunga Hospital the Dirty Doctor made up a lie, saying I'd taped a knife to my thigh & THAT meant I was crazy. He had me committed there on the spot.

  In short... he lied. I was committed for 1 week for "observation".

  I went without incident to their booby hatch, their psyche ward, or, you could call it my former prison when you consider my +1,5000 page letter to the FBI where someone dies or is hurt every few pages.

  Accusation time. Here, now. For the next 3 days the staff & patients conspired to awaken me hourly.

  At 1st I thought to complain but then it occurred to me, that with how often I've been R.E.M. Sleep Deprived I could do a week standing on my head without R.E.M. Sleep. So I said nothing.

  Other than the Doctor refusing to exclude himself from my care based on the fact that's: 1: I refused him. 2: I refused him & told him it was because the gang had told me he was one of them & allegedly secretly pretended to treat me without my knowledge nor consent.

  He refused to give me another Doctor & threatened me with lock up & restraint in the security section if I refused his alleged treatment & drugs HE prescribed.

  The drug was allegedly Respridol. On me it addled me & gave me occasional panic attacks that I told no one about. For the record I'd never suffered from a panic attack in my life before or since. Still, I reasoned I'd best not say anything, lest my complaints switch me to a worse drug & okay even weirder or harsher treatment meathods.

  The only weird thing was the patiients. One I recognised as an effeminate guy who the gang had told me was "one of them" in the past. So I watched him. The other had been a local commercial voice over personality for the local Public Television Station ran out of Delta College. The gang had told me he was one of them several times over the years. It seems the guy had fallen on hard times, being diabetic he'd recently lost a leg just above the knee & was unable to use a prosthetic (one of the threats the gang made against him AND the lady who ran the Bar With No Name across the street from my place AND the Retirement home gal who lived next to my former 504 N. Van Beuren home in Bay CIty.

  After 3 days they quit waking me up & on day 4 I got me some much needced R.E.M. Sleep.

  I did my week. In my opinion the Doctor who refuse to exclude himself tried to trip me up over & over as best he could with word soup & accusations.

  I calmly & respectfully navigated his word mazes & in a week they had to free me.

  Weeks pass.

  I go to a meeting. At the Bunga Bunga Hospital Checkup they simply announce when I arrived. The Police are on their way here to arrest you".

  I asked why & they refused to say at 1st. Only noting I could fight me way out or wait. Just before the... cop arrives they tell me it's because of my refusal to take my medication.

  Me? Since I hadn't refused & was enduring occasional panic attacks I asked them. "By what means have you come to this conclusion"?

  They refused to answer.

  Me? They took me to a Hospital in the former Woman's Rape Capital of America. Not the place I wanted to be. After they IMMEADIATELY seized my sunglasses & were angry I proved I could wear them (I had a prescription before a Wiscon Jail stole it from me).

  The Week I was locked up there was filled with workshops & occasional provocations I dodged.

  The staff gaslit me & told me that if I signed up for Social Security as a crazy person they'd let me go.

  Me? I was in pain & I just wanted to go home. On who knows what drugs I reasoned that maybe, maybe I was crzy. Besides. I could sign up for Social Security & in the end when I would be forced to visit Doctors I'd just refuse it.

  In my opinion the Hospital Staff tried to trip me up several ways, written in my +1,500 page letter to the FBI where someone gets hurt or killed every few pages.

  At the week's end it was announce I go to a halfway house to transition back to a normal life. In my humble opinion I did not need any of this, but that is another story. The Police drove me to the place, a simple looking private home in the country in or about Saginaw Michigan.

  Me? They forced me to undergo a 1-week workshop/idano? It was a week in some country home where we lived in a house-like atmosphere & they allegedly made sure I took my medication. Workshops where we explored stupid subjects abounded & the Doctor's Partner informed me HE was now my primary caretaker based on my many accusations. For the record I told him too that I wanted nothing to do with him & he refused to recuse himself.

  The week passed without incident. The staff seemed polite. If their mission was to trip me up it was by boredom. At least they had cable TV & gave me paper to write & draw to pass the time.

  Weeks pass. I receive Social Security payment. Not only am I signed up, but the process of joining is over!

  For the record if any Doctors say they saw me for this then they are liars.

  So I hung out at Bay City for a month or so. Then I moved to the outskirts of Tawas Michigan to write my story. Not that it did me any good.

  What's my point? Respectfully, my point is this, that I submitted to the gang's & their coconspirators & their stable of easily gulled useful idiots every legal provocation & the attacks of every agency they could bring to bear upon me both respectfully & to the best of my ability. Sirs.

  The end...

"Glee? Fame? Fortune? No Sir. In fact, I'm sick of writing this website".

- David A. George 9-6-24

Just for the fun of it...


"The way we figure it is that by the 2nd trial the cops will have us all figured out by then but by then it'll be too late. Their reputations will already be linked to ours. We'll take pictures with them & involve ourselves in every part of their investigation. Their reputations will be on the line & then they dare not say anything bad about us. Then we can do anything we want to them because they've already signed off on the fact that our gang exists".

  Game over... cop, game over.


"It's not going to be this easy Officers".

- David A. George


  Sooooo... I had many a... cop. Often uniformed & at their post call me many names. I've been put down threatened, assaulted, shot at, hit, kidnapped, drugged, framed, lied about, you name it bu uniformed & on duty... cops. During the quite & sometimes during the not so quiet times I had many an occasion to engage them in conversation. You know, YOUR tax money at work Reader.

  "They showed me films of you at Klan rallies. You must be the biggest racist around. I'm not helping the biggest racist around so whatever the gang does to you I say more power to them". That on duty... cop's many uniformed peers at their post agreed with him.

  I told him, them, that in the beginning I'd warned them of the gang's many films (I was then, a child, this HAS been going on a long time now). I told them about the sex films, the racist films, the frame jobs, the drugging & how the gang wandered me through town delirious & got me to talk, interact, & even commit crimes based on the many skits & PRACTICAL jokes they'd forced my then drugged & deprived mind to endure. But, in the interest of fairness, let's play Devil's Advocate here. Assume for one moment I was the biggest racist (and or part of whatever is the worst of the worst political or social group that you, the Reader can imagine) ever. "What's that got to do with anything"? Say I was the biggest crook ever? What's that got to do with anything? Say I was the giant pervert ever that the gang brag they will allege? What's that got to do with the subject of NOT investigating my claims? "Do your sworn duty Officers. You know? The sworn duty YOU took a public oath to do"? Remember?

  In short with respect Sirs. "Get a job"!




  Crazy... Crazy AND a liar...

  The Last Snitch was bragging to me about their then recent "Fake Trials" as he called them. They'd explored many angles of prosecuting me with me, doped up & sleep deprived there for consultation. In his words. "So we could figure out how you'd try to defend yourself in court & tailor our case to take you down".

  "You're just too damn eloquent". He said. That's why he promised me they'd make me look like a mutant circus   freak for court. Promising me I'd be electrolysis with pock marks of baldness, only 2 front teeth left, on the top, no jaw, in a wheelchair, & a diabetic quadriplegic. He bragged they intended to cure my Graves' Disease. Cure being to use radiation to destroy my thyroid which is called a cure but is in fact trading Graves' disease for Hashimoto's disease. An unacceptable cost in my opinion. I won't do it. "We'll have your family commit you. Then once you're committed to an asylum, they'll just order the staff to give you the radioactive iodine (to burn out my thyroid gland & trade Graves' Disease for Hashimoto's Disease, a literal radiation attack threat here, in America.

  He went on to brag they figured the best approach to destroying me wasn't to just call me crazy. No. Because in his words that begged the question. "Sure, the guy's crazy, but what if someone is really messing with him? Maybe we should check? If only because he sure does seem to know a lot about that industry".

  He said the accusation would be Crazy AND a liar. "No need to investigate us Officer, the guy's crazy AND a liar. Just ask these assorted people in & around what is admittedly the most perverse area of America & don't ask too many questions. What? Are you a David A. George lover or something? You sicko"!


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"Local cops pointing guns at innocent people to get money from them. It must be a force of habit with them"?

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"Every word you say can & will be used against you in a court of law".

- David A. George

"It works both ways... Sirs".

- Also David A. George

"We do this kind of stuff against our victims all the time & it works".

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Did those 2 agencies "do" the above? No. That's not my point. Did agents working for those groups "interests" try to make this the story of my life? Yes!


For revenge & profit!

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I'm always looking for new and exciting opportunities. Let's connect.


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