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  WHAT'S IT LIKE TO BE STALKED FOR LIFE WITH ONLY THE ANNAPOLIS...cOPS TO PROTECT YOU?Daooer Deleware Police ain't any better... Welcome to my diary page...Not written by choice, but inflicted upon me...

“I can do anything I want to anyone as long as I film it”. 

"Duh Jerk"

My Life:


  I was at the only open public library and chose to wash some clothes in the sink. I stepped out to dry them outside. In minutes the library was overcome by fumes & quietly locked up and abandoned 'due to fumes" was posted on the door and gave a time 4PM.

  No harm no foul right?

  A gal walked up to the front, opened the slot to return books, i was downwind. I got a lungful of chems at 12 feet. Smelled like glue. the next 2 breaths were wiffs. Nasty...

  In 15 minutes I coughed a half hour, sick to my stomach, bloated, and in hours I'm on my 5th 2-Liter of soda. Mild weakness, mild ummmm... mild ummm... trouble concentrating, i know there's a better word, cant think of it.

  So I'm sorta trapped here. Sorta..

   Just another day...

  6-7-2018 This week in rape.

  As a rule, lately, I quadruple bagged my computers in my bag. Waterproofing. I woke up, stretched rectum, 2 bags gone, my best computer wrecked, of course it was it's 1 year birthday to the day (they were obviously making a usual point... again).. Are computers only designed to last a few months? The usual, socks AND underwear gone en-mass... like usual.

  I recall my porn films as of late. Unusual, sloppy drugging. Cheesy, cheap (of course), and impersonal. I wonder if anyone died?

  I'll miss my computer. I dedicate it's death AND the lives of the innocent who nearly perished in a hail of pistol shots & grenades to the Annapolis... cops. Ya'all can thanking your manifesto-accusing dirty... copy Walter-Hernandez (misspelled on purpose) . Wish me luck if I should ever find myself in a position where I try to get an honest or honorable answer out of the dirty one.

  That's my week. How was yours oh dirty ones of Annapolis? Not that I expect an honest or honorable answer out of one of you.

  You know what oh corrupt ones? 1 day, I'm gonna inspire some of YOUR co-workers on YOU. They'll read the Manifest Destiny, they'll realize you stand armed behind them, their lives in your hand.And in that day a few will wise-up. They'll picture the dead kids, thy're own kids without them, and look on you and your "pals" narrowly. I shall have no joy in that day. Sadness only.

  6-8-18 Addendum...

  Continuing the list of rapist mayhem, computer wrecked, back-up computer no longer charges, for some reason they virus-infest my tablet (rendering it useless until reboot), for some reason they run my tablet til empty when they do it (mystifying), charger cables wrecked (weird people), and... wait for it... sunglasses stolen... again. Now my floor leaks, my computers have all suffered from 'lidituss' (they brag they open & close my computer lids 10's of thousands of times to cause connectivity issues, just to be mean,and to give drugged children a task to keep them busy during an ongoing rape). Same thing for my front door.

   A rapist posed a question to me. "Ever wonder why so many bugs get into your place? We do that. We leave your front door open the whole time we're raping you".

  I suspect that as an Annapolis... cOP you feel the need to adjust your blinders here. As a service to the fine Officers of the illustrious Annapolis P.D. I shall now make elevator music so their blinder-adjusting time is more pleasurable. No need to thank me Annapolis Law-Enforcers & please don't send me any money. Just knowing you're out there working hard for my rape gang, oops, I mean working hard against my rape gang is reward enough for me. GULP! Here goes...

  Dumm dumm do wha? Dumm dum iz u... pee pee no do... Do wha?!

  In an "unrelated' (cough! cough!) note the Annapolis MD P.D. were all over me a few days ago. A minority & the scrawniest  unhealthiest-looking (in my humble opinion) female...  cop. They detained me for a brutal hour or so without merit.

  It's ONLY trivia to note the gang arranges for my apprehension/questioning quarterly my ENTIRE LIFE for many bragged reasons (I have NO criminal record myself... yet). Listed below in no particular order...


  1): To intimidate me.

  2): To record my location so as to validate my whereabouts for past/future frame-ups.

  3): To introduce their latest Dirty.... cops to me for later recognition purposes

  4); To pin me to a single spot so they can drive-by any number of frame-artists both professional & amature for the gang's own  purposes. Be it for later recognition, frame-ups, or as a prelude to recruiting new innocent victims. "See that guy the... cops pulled over? You can feel good about screwing him over for us & we totally wont film it. Why else would the... cops pull him over?

  5): Waste good... cops time, pinning them to 1 spot so the gang know neither they nor the other... cops tasked with patrolling that neighborhood will accidentally wander up on'em (easily provable if so with police radio traffic)

  6): To make me out to be a liar: The dirty... cop says. "Nuh uh. I never pulled him over. See the obligatory halo over my badge"?

  7): It invalidates any crime I claim happened near there (I don't see how but I didn't make his list, just repeating it as told  to me).

  8): Gives dirty... cops an "out". "He's ONLY accusing me because I 'innocently (cough! cough!) investigated him ".

  9): Overall reputation degradation, it's just 'what they do', I'm on the list, so they do it. Cops fall for #9 unfailingly.

  10): Lets dirty... cops say. "Of course I pulled him over, the gang's victim, I mean the guy's a bad seed. Why else would I pull him over"?

  11): To impress upon the gang's leaders that they are actually working. "See? We got that moron good... cop to pull him over. Phase one of the good... cop's frame-job complete. 'Innocent interaction'.  The morons should be loyal phase-3 soon".

You might ask:

Why are the dates all jumbled up?


It's to be symbolic about all the chaos & ruined lives the gang leaves in it's wake.

“However beautiful the strategy,
you should occasionally
look at the results.”

Winston Churchill


  I'm just in way too much pain without sunglasses. Got to be strong, show no pain.

  Full scale retreat...





  Sabotage Report: Maybe it is... maybe it ain't sabotage. But I went to the Home page of my website: & not all of the buttons work... again. I wouldn't mind but the gang bragged it was a sabotage goal. Mix up my website, make it look sloppy, make sure buttons don't work, and change a few words around. All to make... well, even a mid-Michigan... cop could figure out the why.

  Sooooo here I am. Stalked by madmen, starring in their porn, child-porn, & snuff films for reasons of profit & revenge. It's not as glamorous as mid-Michigan... cops tell me I make it sound.

  I'm in a lot of pain... as if... cops cared. Last... cops I chatted with all told me they thought my agony was a good thing, well-deserved "if half of what I said was true".

  I was thinking of insulting the gang. Just letting them know the only reason I'm not today is boredom & a lack of creativity on the subject.  I wanted it to be creative. Know that I have a few ideas though. I suppose I'll start with your dirty... cops. Eh, why not?



  I really should put my sunglasses on. 

  Surgical torture hurts.






  Yeah. Whatever...


  Woke up today bathed, my clothes, which admittedly were getting ripe (from sitting on my can after the last rape) were cleaned, my computer was still on from the night before & resting against my front door (bad idea, it sweats) & I'll tell you in a round-about way about the other stuff.

  The gang brags that it's the little things that make them immune to prosecution. It's not all screaming rape & maddening sleep deprivation for their "get-out-of-jail-free-cards" (the cards no... cop can resist, least of all anyone named Hernandesz-Walther). Sometimes it's the fine-touches & if or if they are not observed, BOTH are proof a victim can be ignored (or so they brag). The little things, like squeezing out half the toothpaste, deodorant, stealing their money, prize possessions, achievements, pictures, memorabilia, putting holes in clothes, shoes, & stealing some to create a victim guest room. A room full of belongings that can be used to frame a victim & to prove they live or lived anywhere the gang chooses. A "pro-tip" for anyone who wants to know how lifestyle stalking works.

  One of the weirder claims they've bragged over the decades is they steal puzzle pieces, lighters, & even pop all of a given victims bubble wrap. Take a single puzzle piece & simply empty the things of life they encounter by half & even poison/drug liquids & leftovers.

  Lifestyle stalkers are not nice people.

  At the last rape they wrecked my computer. Pretty rude but I've come to realize they wont last me very long in life because of them.

  I also keep bubble wrap around usually. Why? It's not a bad idea in general & they brag that since children of all ages are involved in the kidnapping & thefts (surely only to be mean, they ain't making much off me) that they like to hand off bubble wrap to the kids. Last time I found it on the head of my bed all popped. I regret mentioning it for 2 reasons. 1) They brag that even to repeat it insured their victim's dismissal by police because (using a... cop favorite saying) "no one would do that to someone" & 2) It reveals when a kidnapping or investigative robbery has occurred & I'd like to know sooner than later.

  A few days ago, walking through a park, & I found a very nice very expensive lighter. 1st thing I thought was of course the gang would wreck it if they discovered it. I woke up today, looked in my bag, expensive lighter wrecked.

  I think that when this all comes out I just might keep that bubble wrap bag... maybe... and call it "The Annapolice Police Walther-Hernandez Bubblewrap Baggie of Justice" and see what I can get for it at auction. But probably not.

  What else got wrecked, stolen, emptied, sullied, or who knows what? Eh, who knows? Figuring it out over time is half the fun. Right?

  No need to thank me for telling about it oh ye Molestors & their Dirty... cop pets. I was happy to warn people about you.

  I wonder if anyone died? Thanx Annapolis PD. Thanx for less than nothing!

  7-14-2018 Addendum: Add'em dumb? Thinking of my target audience.

  It's only trivia to note that the nationally recognized mass-shooting that recently took place in Annapolis Maryland also used grenades. But hey, they were probably a different type huh?

  Let me fill in the blank for you Annapolis... cOPS. "That doesn't prove a thing".

  No need to thank me Annapolis PD & please don't send me any money. The fine police work that has made my story possible is reward enough for me. GULP!

  "So all I have to do is not get involved & you'll keep killing child-molesters"? - Bay City... cop explaining why after much personal deliberation he'd decided not to help me.

  "I asked them. They told me that you were one of them & you were just whining about the punishment you had coming to you. I ain't getting involved in the gang's internal punishments". "I know it's true. They showed me the films of them & you so don't try to lie to me". - Bay City... cop

  "We search your house & find child-porn starring you you're going to jail". - Bay City... cop

  "You hurt another child & I'll frame you myself"! - Bay City... cop to an 11 year old me.

  "Because no one would do that to someone". - Bay City... cop

  "When they showed me their films of you I told them I'd be glad to help them rape you. You must be the biggest scumbag in the world". - Michigan State... cop

MATH... Made simple in case an Annapolis... cop reads this...

  "It's easier to apologize after the fact than to investigate beforehand". - Probable Annapolis... cOP saying

  "I always steal at least one puzzle piece whenever I walk past a puzzle". - Martin "Duh Jerk" Oak Circe Fall 1976 in his tax-payer funded office during business hours. He explained he felt it was a compulsion, he always did it, even in social settings & sometimes went to great lengths to get the pieces based on how much he felt they were liked or would be missed. He claimed the reason centered around the power "to foil other people's accomplishments". Go figure huh?

  "That's rude". I replied. "I personally know that there's not a single puzzle in the entire school that doesn't have at least 1 puzzle piece missing". I'd checked. Literally.

  With a huge grin he replied. "I know".

  Later, in the Bunga-Bunga Garages Duh Jerk out of the blue said something. Being I was doped up & tied butt-up waiting between rapes I wasn't going anywhere so I listened.

  He told me he'd given up his compulsion to steal puzzle pieces because of the... wait for it... because of "The Gym". He'd told me about his compulsion & I'd told the police. So he gave it up. He described it as the most challenging  thing he'd ever given up. That it took all his willpower & years but now he was over it & could walk past a puzzle without stealing a piece. He wanted me to know.

  Personally? I was not impressed by him or by what he had to say.


  Lots of pain...

  Woke up today with that "fresh out of the bucket" feeling of deep down dampness in my lungs. Why? I cant say.

  I notice my breathing is labored after the last kidnapping. That and no water-down ammonia sensation. Have they switched drugs in their slow-over-time assault on my lungs? Eh, probably. Now it's probably an undetectable poison.

  My rear bottom molar is in a lot of pain & can no longer bear the touch of cold water. Just yesterday this wasn't a problem.

  I notice they still like to pour ammonia on my laundry. Rude, but effective in making... cops laugh so hey, why not? The Wisconsin guys liked to do it up like the Bay City Boys did, pouring liberal amounts of ammonia, literally soaking my clothes in ammonia. The Annapolis team seems a little more tame but more throughout. They just put in a couple drops but they put what amounts to a couple drops all over my clothes. Not all, just most. I'm sure it makes complete sense in their perversion-deranged minds. It IS a business after all. They always win & this is how the pros do it.

  My sunglasses, stolen. It's been a few days without them & I'm in constant pain. In "cOPSPEAK" it translates to the word: "Liar".

  Lots of other pain from their procedures & tortures. Even as I write this I suspect that somewhere, an Annapolis... cOP is laughing. Good for them. I don't envy them. I just wish they'd get my stalkers off my back.


  Just typed up WHY DO YOU WANT A SEX CHANGE??? They would...

   I am NOT in my happy place.


  Sooooooo.... I was just following up on some old Gym tales, filling in the gaps of them & the Bunga-Bunga Garages & it occurred to me... what's the gang planning. The recent rapes...  the mass-shooting in Annapolis that "coincidentally" (cough cough)  went down just like I claimed the gang tried to get me to do in exactly the same way I said they tried to get me to do the mass-shooting.

  So I shall apply logic to the subject based on my past dealings with the gang & tempered by their past actions against me & based on the boasting/whining of member/victims & victim/members.

   I shall look at the clues. We were in that school with the uneven floors (inclines going up in the hall) where they walked me down the hallway & had the teens holding back the elementary school children.. I suspect that the gang loves loves loves their legal paperwork & pinning a person to a given point on film. So I'll bet I was not only filmed there, in what I suspect may have been an elementary school, but I'll bet you 10 to 1 they called the... cops on me too (I'd like to see the footage of who went into & out of those rooms that day myself). No doubt there is a Police record of the call. Who made it? Who told them to make it?

   The recent rapes... yeah, pretty rude & the gang has pulled out all the stops this time. I suspect they screwed up. I sense... in what I'll call "My Expert Opinion" that way too many people know about the 1st attempted mass-shooting. The gang has gone into full cover-up mode & now... well now... who knows? That's all I got.

  If you are a good Police Shark I submit that in my humble opinion that there is blood in the water. That suicides hunting accidents & recent car wrecks will show some patterns once you look closer into them. Who got the property? Where does the money trail lead? It's all just a guess. I'm just a guy, with no law-enforcement training whatsoever.  But I do know the mind of a killer. I've met a few.


  7-30-2018 Addendum:

  I've agonized over amending my plan. You see I've written in a format that is less than kind to some of the law-enforcement agencies I've had the misfortune to deal with. I think I've insulted them enough & I'm planning on (but not promising) returning to my old ways. To being respectful in the face of everything they've inflicted on me. I've catered long enough to the "if-you-were-telling-the truth-you'd-insult-us-more-crowd". I feel I made my point & at times it was kinda fun poking the guys who time & again handed the Child-Molesters (or Swarm or Child-Molestors or whatever you'd like to call them) victory.

  I was however still planning on finishing the Family Feud parody if only because I have a lot of unwritten material I think was kinda funny & I'd hate for the Doity... cOPS of Annapolis (ain't accusing them all of being Doity... I've only met a few who really tried hard to send me "we're totally corrupt vibe") to miss out on the fun.

  7-30-2018 DOUBLE ADDENDUM: I know you're reading this.

  Sooooo... I thought I'd address "the gang" here. You know you guys ain't doing a very good job of pretending to be my buttbuddies. Oh sure, you got tons & tons of footage & I'll bet there's virtually not a single prosecutor dirty or clean anywhere who could resist destroying me with that film archive to back'em up.

  But... here I will use logic. Frankly you're not very good buttbuddies. I can honestly point at your every filmed pay-off & every faked gifting & say I never got a thing from them & you know what? It'll be true.

  I submit that it's a poor show on your part.

  Gimmie $6,003. Now.

  I will not do anything for it. I will not lessen my public attack upon you in the least. I wont pose nor do anything whatsoever for you nor give in in even the slightest way whatsoever. And don't waste my time giving it to me during a kidnapping. We all know your give 7 take during kidnappings. You give & then you take.

  All it is is an opportunity to improve your position. Imagine going into court & I have to admit yes, they gave me that money. I estimate your case to be 10 fold better against me.

  No checks... & non-sequential unmarked small bills. Don't be cheap. I ain't signing for anything either.

  Wow... I AM easily amused. Go figure huh?


  I'd say I like to mess with the minds of Molestors but that would not be entirely accurate. Frankly, I wish I never had to deal with another self-righteous child-molesting baby-killing recreational serial-killing Molestor ever again. We are locked in battle which is as much a killing war back & forth at times as a battle of words & of hearts & minds & I have to play along myself.

  What can I say? In lieu of adequate police protection (coughs in the direction (but not on or at)  Annapolis police) I have to do what I must to survive out here. I wish I didn't have days where the writing of 7-30-18 seemed like a good plan to keep my stalkers off-balance. Hey! Could you infallible super champions of justice who might be reading this, Police I'm respectfully addressing here (I swore off the mocking so it's about the respect now, deal with it) would you guys consider saving me? I would very much like to live alive & free in America & see justice for not only myself but for a multitude of uncounted victims of the gang whom I've had the misfortune to interact with.

  Please Sirs? It's for the children who died. It's for the children they brag are being killed slowly in their brothels & clubhouses. It's for the unborn children the gang brag are next once you've given them the impunity to operate above the law by dispatching me for them. Please Sirs? Please?

  8-2-2018 Addendum Add'em dumb?

  I gotta admit, I'm amused by my 7-30-18 entry where I addressed my stalkers. They know I don't want their money. How many times do I have to turn it down? Duh Jerk, My Cousin, even The Bosses have offered me  some serious cash at times. Last million Duh Jerk offered me I tried to torch if you gang-bangers recall?

  I never wanted your money, your drugs, your whores, nor your friendship. Your gang has nothing whatsoever I want.

  It was amusing (to me) to point out how poor of Buttbuddies" you guys really are. In the past I've mocked your guys with great plans, amended ideas that would've brought you assured victory. Why? I guess it's because I'm contrary? Always was.

   I wonder what "that day" might be like? The day we're all brought before some judge, charged with who knows what or maybe not & I get to listen to the gang spout what? False friendship? What's it like you Godless perverts to stand in a court & swear Buttbuddy love? "Yeah that guy was my employee/employer/friend/lover/whatever & we either are now or were once". Oh yeah... that's right. Duh Jerk told me your Plan A: & it's. "So & so is our friend & they're crazy & their on drugs. What poor so & so said what? Well I'll go right over there & see what I can do to him... err... I mean what I can do for for him". Always works huh? Well I pray a lot so we'll see.

  8-4-2018 The smell of Annapolis... cop love?

  Rewarded today with the wafting odor of the sweet smell of excrement. I'd suppose if you were a mid-Michigan... cop or an  Annapolis MD... cop with the initials Hernandez-Walther you'd smile knowing it's my lifestyle choice fulfilled, a sweet odoriferous bonus of my lifestyle, an odor that serves to attract others who may be my compatible mates, or as one of my serial-raping stalkers, a self-professed recreational child-killer once said... "it's the smell of love".


  I dedicate today's odor that I am "treated" to by the fine work of the Annapolis PD to the Doity One herself. When I think of today's odor I'll think of you & your police department  & how it represents what you & yours stand for. I suspect it's symbolic of ALL of your police work & today's odor would NOT be possible BUT for YOUR fine work in law-enforcement you Annapolis law-enforcement champions you.

  Man... being respectful is hard. But rewarding. Thanx guys... thanks for... ummm... well, you haven't actually done anything but harass me. Hmmmm... thanx?


  Just wrote DAVE ASKS... cOPS.

  I wonder if there's a single... cop in the country capable of answering the question I posed in it?

  By "capable" I don't mean mentally & physically able to answer the questions. I'll bet there's tons of them. By body weight. When I use the word "capable" I mean the courage (in the face of lawsuits, peer pressure, fear of messing up "their case", & a general desire to not rock the boat ingrained in all police) or the intestinal fortitude to answer the questions.

  Yeah I wonder. But not much.

  8-20-2018 The smell of Annapolis Police Love: Smells... dirty to me?

  In the wee hours of morning sometime before dawn on Governor Ritchie Highway in Arnold an uniformed Annapolis Police Officer rolled up on me in his dark Marked Police Vehicle & disgorged & walked up on me on the highway. He of course approached wearing his C.M.S.S.o.S., they all do. The rest tend to flex their cheek muscles... sorta like when a person is trying hard not to smile?

  Early 30s with dark hair. He had nothing I wanted.

  The calm before the storm?

annapolis badge.png

  I wonder what ever came of the dead?

  Who's next?

  Laugh... cop. Laugh.



  8-25-18 Addendum...

  They stole my pain-killers. For about 2 years they've stolen half, then half, then half then half then half then half then half then half then half then half then half & so on... I guess it was about time they finished them off.

  At 1st I thought it was my imagination, but no. Someone readjusted the straps on my backpack. Being I sleep with it it's no easy task. Whoever it was was very small, probably a child.

  Little things stolen, like usual. Not out of greed but cruelty. Until I inventory my possessions I wont know what all was taken or worse, if anything was left by them. They're always bragging they plan to leave drugs & child-porn starring myself & like to keep them hidden near me as a matter of business. Just in case.

  Me? I don't drink, don't smoke, don't do drugs, don't sell drugs, I obey the law. It's far from a glamorous life but it's what I got. Not that saying those things is likely to impress a single Police Officer anywhere.


  8-29-2018 All alone... and in pain...

  I've been mulling over whether to mention this one for months now. I 1st noticed while walking home in an intense rainstorm. The water slammed the pavement in front of me & bounced back up into my face under the umbrella. It was then I noticed my eyebrows are no longer sufficient for keeping water out of my eyes. So I examined the damage & compared the defoliation during my (then) latest kidnapping against my licence photo. My eyebrows got seriously deforested or trimmed. I was afraid to mention it, in case they'd only trimmed my eyebrows I didn't want to inspire any deforestation ideas. But it's bad now. I've now lost the outside of both halves of my eyebrows. They said it would be the precursor to the surgical destruction of my elbows & my end to being in polite society ("When you're poor & we do what we do to your elbows you wont be able to effectively clean yourself. You'll be surprised at how quickly you'll stink & no one will want you around".

  I dedicate my eyebrow destruction to the Annapolis Police & will call their continued destruction The Annapolis Police Eyebrow Desolation Zone.

  Thanks for less than NOTHING Annapolis Police. And I've sent enough E-mails begging for help from the Maryland State Police to say thanks for less than NOTHING too Maryland State Corrupt... I mean Police.

  Thanx for less than nothing.


  Sooooo... I'd like to revisit the past on a long-shot. Eh, I'm probably doomed no matter what I write so who cares right?

  Last year I chose to go to Annapolis MD to get a sailboat that was bait & switched on me & they "lured" me to the community.

  What I never discussed was... "the how I got there".


  Soooo... there I was, all sleep-deprived & leaving Wisconsin. Kinda fuzzy, lack of sleep isn't fun. So I decided I'd seemingly leave on a spur of the moment & lay a fake trail. As I hitchhiked I told everyone I was going to Omaha, south of Wisconsin.

   I was quickly picked up by a couple with a pretty teen model & they put us in the back seat.

  As we neared Omaha I insisted they drop me off & hid in a field all nite. In the morning I told people I was going to Cleveland Ohio.

  It was sloooooooow going for days. Eventually after a week of tiny rides a man approached & told me he'd buy my ticket to Cleveland. Quite far still, I accepted & to everyone I'd met I told them I fully intended to live in Cleveland Ohio.

  I found a place, 1 block north of Walmart, the easternmost one I'd suppose in an exposed but empty field & spent 2 nites there, pondering my next move when I choose to go to the nearby Baptist Church.

  Then I made it a kidnapping & gang rape later to Annapolis. Woops... translates to "liar" in "copspeak". How do I know? Everything does once you start listening to the child-molesting rapist  apologists. Everything....

  Why tell all that?

  Just a what if? A what? Huh? But, but, but... moment.

  Here I told lots o people I intended to stay in Cleveland... then a mass-shooting happens?

  Coincidence? Probably? I cant be involved in every mass-shooting can I? Actually I'd like to think I'll never be involved in another mass-shooting.

  Picture this scenario. I tell people I'm going to Cleveland... the gang tell everyone involved hey! We'll set up a mass-shooting, the guy's on the way & you gotta pay upfront (I hear they like to be as hands off as possible, paying well in advance, just saying). Only problem? Sunday rolls around & Dave goes bye bye. Problem? Only one. They're still committed for a mass-shooting to take place there, in Cleveland, for whatever reason the buyer imagined was worth paying for.

  It takes time (like in Annapolis's recent mass-shooting?) to find, identify, indoctrinate, train, & set-up nearly infallible a mass-shooter. There could'a been complications, maybe they planned on dragging sorry me back there, maybe not. Maybe they just eventually got that local in the right frame of mind & popped him off.

  BANG! BANG! Shoot'em up! A lot of innocent people are dead.

  I ain't endorsing any part of Sept. 02, 2018's entry.

   Just food for thought. If you're a Police Officer & find yourself laughing uncontrollably send the Child-Molesters of the Bay City/Saginaw Michigan a message via the Bay City/Saginaw Police & tell'em you laughed & laughed & laughed at the very possibility. I'm sure they'd like to hear from you. Woops, sorry, only a police Officer with guts would do that. I'm sure no Police Officer tasked with reading my website could possibly muster up the courage to wave at the molesters of the Child-Molestor Triangle, let alone...


  I fled the rape-infested Doity Cop patrolled city of Annapolis. Your anti-rape task force is HORRIBLE! And your Officer Henandez-Walther I shall give a rating as I would a Bay City Officer. You W-H are "Less than useless". I'll pray for you. I suspect you need it.

  Now I've landed in a new community where my raping recreational serial-killing stalkers & I will probably be bringing our unique interactions to. Yeah, I'll pray that God get me out of this. Been praying nearly half a century.




  Reported my arrival, belatedly, to the local Police on the 28th. This morning I woke up & 1st thing I thought was my rectum hurts.

  My sunglasses, my needful sunglasses were broken & now I have no underwear. I had 30 pairs about this time last year.

  I went outside at my normal time... there was a marked Police car with a local cop inside, a local "cop of convenience" sitting right there, just sitting there across the street. Doing nothing but sitting in the shade collecting cash on the taxpayer's dime.

  A few Molestors, professional liars & self-styled lifestyle rapist told me. "We have a chapter in every city with a military base in it".



  Thought I might resume my research into child-molester stories. I downloaded some to read later.  Like I did a few years ago.

  I just couldn't bring myself to read them, I fear God & so I just deleted them. I'm the Great Researcher huh?

  In all the child molesting stories I ever read (too many for a guy who likes older women) I never found one even remotely similar to my own story.

  What makes my story different?

  My story has thousands of easy to find witnesses & almost as many co-conspirators. I'd bet even an honest 1st year Police Cadet could solve my case & save me in a short time let alone a dedicated team of professionals with lots of backup & layers protection & support.

  I was gonna write more about a few of their crueler & deliberate times they got me to kill my torturers publicly. You know, drugs, deprivation, no food, no sleep, pain, horror, rapes, all the things that make a victim say kill. "My death would be acceptable God if I could but take one of them with me. Just one more God". Have YOU ever prayed that prayer? I have. Too many times.


  10-11-2018  "And the truth shall set you free".

  Animal noises... poorly made...

  1st, I'll begin with a minor childhood tale. As a small child & pre-teen My Mother delighted on occasionally taking me to the homes of people I'd never met. Usually, just a single home. Sometimes, 2 or 3. We'd go there, play with a few always present usually bullying children. Yawn.

  One of my classmates teased me about it, I think I was in the 4th grade then ? "Your Mother is taking you to those places to pimp you out".

  Of course I called them a liar.

  They retorted. "Okay. What did you do when you got there? When did you leave? Do you remember any of it"?

  No. I recalled only being offered a beverage once we got to the final home. Then I woke up at my home.

  While we were there the children showed me toys & bragged on subjects both benign & weird. One toy, though different at each home as a rule, was basically the same. I ask the reader if they recall if their kid sister or her friends ever had a toy dolly that cried when set upright? Well if they did, & it was made before the age of electronics we now live in, it probably contained a simple voder that was operated by a gravity-powered diaphragm. Fancy words for... you sat the baby up, & it either cried or said. "Ma Ma".

  I told you that so I could you this....

  The children often showed me one of their parent's "toys". It looked like a thick baton & it had a diaphragm inside that, when tipped allowed the diaphragm to travel down, compressing the air inside against the traveling diaphragm & made a noise. Always a different animal. Cats, cows, you name it, I saw a lot of types of them.

  My classmates told me individual gang members were expected to keep the devices (what they're called, Idano, I could look it up online in a minute or 2 but frankly I really don't care what they're called) & they used them to torment & even torture their enemies. They even explained that of course each house had a different sounding one. They liked to change it up, lest the police come to suspect a person with a given type of one of being a child-molester.

  I dare say I've seen so many of the devices you could almost, almost call me an expert on noticing their unique sound & it's characteristics. Which I'll get into later in detail.

  I told you that so I could tell you this...

  The gang brag it's their cruelness & absurdity retold that insure their victim's destruction. Many of them warned me never to repeat any of it. Most of them being officers of the gang. Problem is, my fellow victims are going to have some pretty strange stories & they might not have the benefit of my observations to make sense of what they've been through. So I have to tell the stories too.

  So set your wayback machines to about 10 PM last night (10-10-2018) & strap in because it's gonna be a bumpy ride.

  I got home. Wooded, secluded. I went in the front door, shut it, sat down, & in seconds the blades of a very damaged or poorly maintained drone powered up mere 6-8' away & flew over my heavily wooded place & took off. Weird...

  I have 2 theories about the drone (I don't know WHY my opinion or guesses matter here but the Police I've talked to all want my opinion in these situations, as if it mattered one bit). 1: It'd been sitting there all the time & I hadn't noticed it despite walking right up to it. 2: The drone was there to monitor me & coordinate whatever mischief they were up to & in the low-hanging branches of my heavily-wooded yard they crashed the drone. No longer silent & quite out of whack now the otherwise skilled drone pilot (I'm using the term "skilled" loosely here), who's skill was  probably handicapped by a cheap drone flew the drone off.

  Then the Big Cat Baton sounded. By big cat I mean bigger than a house cat.

  It amused me to make my voice deep (I can do funny & sinister voices, go figure) & say in a menacing way a single word. "GROWL"!

  In seconds the Big Cat repeated. Same as last time. In fact exactly the same as last time. At the end of the call, both times, the probably cheaply made (it's the child-molesters, think CHEAP! CHEAP! CHEAP!) device slowed at the end of the voice as the diaphragm neared the bottom of the baton as the cheap devices so often do.

  Seconds pass... tick tick tick... A man makes an otherwise pretty good canine growl. Well, not the end where it faded out into a man's voice.

  Like the day before that on Oct 09 when I heard men's voices in the woods & the cat call a single time, this time the cat call sounded the twice.

  Well... there ya go. The grande adventure of last night.

  If any of you Police are secretly following me I submit now's the time for paying attention & arresting perverts. Surely they've got rapey rapey or crowd-killing fun plans for me, or both. You want to make the big arrest, get the big big promotion? Now's the time to look into who's messing with me with a little recon of your own. Follow them home with a drone of your own. Jam their drone, see where it leads you. Ask around at a drone repair place. Who whacked up their drone last night & it was now loud, but flyable & wanted it repaired?

  In the future keep an eye out for drones near me. You know you can invest in drones specialized at capturing other drones now? Right?

  Animal noises, poorly made. This is how perversion works guys. This is how it's done. These are weird perverse people & this is how weird perverse people act. Weirdly & perversely.



  The smell of excrement hangs in the air around me. The parting gift after the anal swelling goes down after the rape.

  Who died? Who else was raped?

  Isaiah 53 King James Version (KJV)

  53 Who hath believed our report?  

  11-8-18 Addendum: Add'em dumb?

  Soooooo... I keep writing about a gang where Martin "Duh Jerk" Oak, a prominent member, keeps trying to get me to preform a mass-shooting as a way of getting revenge on me & covering up a zillion crimes & "The Gym". Now I hear about a mass-shooting at Thousand Oaks in California.

  My family told me (take it with a grain of salt) that the family split in two upon migrating to America. 1/2 went to Michigan, the rest went to California to work for the gang chapter there.

  Coincidence? Probably... it's a big "what if"? I probably ain't doing myself any favors mentioning it. Still... is the suspect dead? Killed by a heroic Officer who charged right into danger (against a now disarmed foe with blanks once he'd reloaded?)? Is the guy in a cell whining about torture? Will he be carted out all calm, eyes fixed forward & say only the word guilty when prompted?

  Yeah... I wrote my concerns, publicly. It was just a hunch, a guess. The gang brag they do this for profit.

 Yeah... I wrote about it. Damned if I do... & damned if I don't.

  11-8-18 Addendum Addendum...

  Just read up on the Thousand Oaks Shooter. Let me make a timeline.

  1) I wrote about an attempt to get me to use guns and kill random people that the gang tried to get me to do while living in Annapolis.

  2) Weeks later there was a serial-killer mass shooting IN ANNAPOLIS. He allegedly used guns & grenades.

  3) The Thousand Oaks mass shooter allegedly used guns & opened with grenades. I'll note the possibility the gang was involved, maybe in Oak himself, his confederates, or just one of his former crew giving him a "tip of the hat" dedication.

  You'll note I kept the number below 4 in case any Mid-Michigan Police read this.



  So how'd they do it? Eventually the young woman quit screaming & it was my turn. They set me down, invited me to watch, as a man injected who knows what into my feet & ankles at various points. It couldn't have been much as the liquid in the syringe seemed to barely deplete & was a whitish to clear liquid when it beaded up on the end of the syringe.

  Now the soles of my feet seem to be either temporarily or now permanently numb.

  I dedicate today's tale to whosoever's job it is to speedily answer e-mails at the Dover police. I invite said individual to imagine a young woman screaming at the top of her lungs, pausing only to take a breath. This torture imagining goes out to you.... whoever your mystery self is?

  Below are some definitions YOUR boss may want to acquaint themselves with which I offer as a free service to the greater Dover Community.

  No need to thank me & please don't send me any money. Just knowing you guys are out there protecting that young woman who was screaming in unremitting agony is reward enough for me. GULP!

slow /slō/ adjective

  1. 1.

    moving or operating, or designed to do so, only at a low speed; not quick or fast.

    "a time when diesel cars were slow and noisy"

    synonyms:unhurried, leisurely, steady, sedate, slow-moving, downtempo, plodding, dawdling, sluggish, sluggardly, lead-footed, poky

    "their slow walk home"​

  2. (of a clock or watch) showing a time earlier than the correct time.

    "the clock was five minutes slow"


  1. 1.

    at a slow pace; slowly.

    "the train went slower and slower"


  1. 1.

    reduce one's speed or the speed of a vehicle or process.

    "the train slowed to a halt"

    synonyms:reduce speed, go slower, decelerate, brake

    "the traffic forced him to slow down"

in·com·pe·tent /inˈkämpədənt/ adjective

  1. 1.

    not having or showing the necessary skills to do something successfully.

    "a forgetful and utterly incompetent assistant"

    synonyms:inept, unskillful, unskilled, inexpert, amateurish, unprofessional, bungling, blundering, clumsy, inadequate, substandard, inferior, ineffective, deficient, inefficient, ineffectual, wanting, lacking, leaving much to be desired; More​


  1. 1.

    an incompetent person.

Definitions of faineance


the trait of being idle out of a reluctance to work

  Synonyms: idleness

  Type of: indolencelaziness inactivity resulting from a dislike of work


  Soooo here I am... sitiing in the same place at King's Highway & Dupont at 2233 on an otherwise fine but wet night. The "questionable" people I got the "bad vibe" from, our assaulters with a deadly weapon are back. They sat 2 seats down from me. Eh...

  Just sitting here, minding my own business. Sipping a coffee.

  I went to the bathroom, when i came back the people between us left & have replaced my small black coffee with  medium coffee with latte(?) with cream & who knows what else in it?

  Stuff like this has happened before in my life. Drink the drink, wake up a few days or weeks later & have a snickering gang "snitch" come tell me about all the fun they had with me.

  In my youth I requested that police check the cups for drugs when I noticed. They either declined or promised me imprisonment based on anything they might find therein. So I wont be requesting any cops look into it. You know the cop motto anyway. "Punish the victim, that'll shut'em up".

  The pain in my feet is all but crippling. I'll bet it's all undetectable so whining to police will only get me imprisonment at best. Oh yeah... they wrecked my hair clippers too. Seized my razors (they often do). Stealing my Axe Antiperspirants was pretty low, but in the back of my mind I knew they would. They left me with my Degree & Old Spice Antiperspirants though. I half guessed that too. Half figured.

  I intend to opppose you child-molesters to the end... which may be soon I'd suppose. I pray a lot.

  But my life is just okeey dokeey... I gots me the Dover Police to protect me.



  The words of The Last Snitch come back to mock me as of late. He was whining about how easy it is to get most of their victims to go to the police & thus facilitate their saying. "It is reflecting the accusations of our victims back at them that is our true power". To translate this for the simple it means their Plan A: their plan from chapter 1 page one is to get victims to go to the police, then reflect their accusations against them. Keeping them eternally on the defensive as being called liars.

  Why was that a problem for them? Because he said they set up their dirty cops, witnesses, attackers, & such, preform their deeds, then wait for their victims to go to the cops. Police are baffled by the strategy (well, Mid-Michigan Police are utterly baffled by it). "Only problem is you don't go to the cops. We try to kill you & you just deal with it & keep walking". He said it was very frustrating.... thus they intended to slowly destroy my body with applied kidnapped medical procedures, backed up by real Dr's according to many of the gang. "We always cripple are enemies at the end". Just before their ultimate demise in court & prison or a looney bin.

  Why bring that up? Here's why...

  I should'a brought up last month's attempted armed robbery... but didn't. Is it attempted armed robbery? The guy demanded money then I walked away... then paused. He then went around the building, came at me from the other direction & stood there & produced a pump shotgun & invited me to look at it. Is that attempted armed robbery or just a guy showing his gun in the dark on a dimly lit street at night? Idano... don't really care... much. It don't matter now, I was fool enough to mention it here, publicly. Now I must pay. Right? Remember the Michigan Police motto: "Destroy the victim. That'll shut'em up"!

  Truth be told I was just checking in. Letting the molestors know I ain't backing down & that one day if I ever get a police officer with half a brain to begin his investigation at "The Gym" that I'm taking down a bazillion Child-Molestors. Not for joy nor revenge. But because it's the right thing to do. Not to destroy lives, but to free lives from the tyranny of you & your gang.

  07-01-19 In lots of pain... Thank you oh benevolent Dover DE PD..

  Soooo... my last website, Serial Killer Catcher Website at has been unceremoniously deleted without warning nor explanation, but I'll bet however it was accomplished makes me look bad, just a guess. I hope I'm wrong, kinda batting 100 here, surely it'll go to my head if I keep being right so much.

  Just before it's erasing I wrote about the guy I suspected was working for the gang, how he claimed he found the body of Dennis (it was in an online site & everything (I wouldn't bet money on it, but hey PRACTICAL jokes & all). But in it I said I figured the guy who found the body was displaying all the attributes of being in the gang. Just a hunch.

  Well just a few days ago, a guy sat in at my D&D game, a Mr Mcsomething or other (real name forthcoming (or just another PRACTICAL joke?). All he did was watch. He allegedly died in a drug overdose. Hey! Just like Dennis allegedly died off in unconfirmed reports by what I'd call unbelievable sources (at best)

  2 bodies in as many months in similar ways? Sounds like the Thousand Oaks timeline all over again (probably why the gang is using PRACTICAL jokes to discredit me?) I'll bet if you're a cop reading this you'll laugh & laugh & laugh.

  Soooo... I was thinking about which slaying I'd write about next. I'm making no promises but I'm thinking the 4 teens found dead in Bay County when I was about 8. Seems I killed 4 kids & a "Boss" said he'd killed 4 more & dumped the bodies late bite on a gravel road to cover the deaths up, so no slit throats for me to claim involvement. All I'll say is I'll bet police forensic evidence on the bodies is tremendously better nowadays (hint hint). Duh Jerk's LT also told me years before the actual murder how the young man accused of the slayings would die in a Texas garage by hanging one day soon. Then corrected himself & said it'd be in a shed.

  Don't wanna ruin the story for mid-Michigan... cops, 4 Children dead? Another framed for murder & likely a story that'll totally corroborate mine own? More than enough to make any dozen Michigan State... cops or Thousand Oaks slaying... cops laugh laugh laugh I'll bet.

  No need to thank me guys, & please, don't send me any money. Just knowing you... cops are out there making websites like mine possible is reward enough for me. GULP!






  Why??? Why me???

  10-Lucky 13-2018 Reeling from "The Incident"...

  Sooooo... there I was... walking home last nite about 9PMish. A local Police Officer chose to pull me over. He flashed his lights & put the spotlight on me.

  So stopped.

  He yelled something? Who can say what?

  He kept yelling it.

  Eventually I understood one of the sentences. He wanted me to come to him.

  So I walked up to him.

  He was quite bossy, very anger-filled in my opinion. He told me to stop & stand before his spotlight. He had a canine in the car. Spoken like a threat?

  A short man squat appeared from behind the shadows of the spotlight. He demanded answers in a violent tone. Not satisfied with them he called me a crook who probably "just ain't been caught yet" several times when he balked in disbelief when I said I had no criminal record.

  I asked him if I was being legally detained. "Can I go"?

  No he replied. I was being legally detained.

  "Why? For what reason" I asked.

  "You're walking in dark clothes & carrying a bag & for a preponderance of reasons". The preponderance he refused to elaborate on & demanded my ID during a slew of insults.

   Eventually the name-calling ended, the dog still violently barking he retreated to his car with my ID in hand.

  As he entered his car I told him I thought his demeanor was combative but I intended to comply with him.

  Then we waited...

  And we waited...

  And we waited...

  Lights flashing...


  Spotlight on law-abiding no criminal record me....




  Dog barking...


  Eventually he walked out of his car & told me a sentence most of the Dirty Police Officers in my life used against me. "Our computers are running slow today". He handed my ID back.

  I left. I quickly his as soon as I was out of sight.

  I saw him in minutes, spotlight on canvasing the area I could've last been in seconds ago. Driving back & forth. As though his badge gave him the right to molest or harass me in any way.

  While I have no intention of accusing the officer who was himself carrying a weight either nearly equal to my own or greater AND dressed in black who was at best a hypocrite for pulling ME over for being dressed in dark colors. I only note that more talkative gang bangers have told me in the past that when pulled over by a dirty Police Officer the "delay in the computers" that detained me was actually based on the amount of time it took the gang's crew to drive by & get a good look at me, to identify me for the gang's next frame-job.

  Well... since in EVERY community since I fled Bay City the Police stop me & log in my location for the gang (or coincidence... those happen too, but I wouldn't bet on it).

  The last few have been women & minorities. Probably so any accusations I make can be deflected as racism. What other reason could I possibly have?

  And the truth shall set you free...

  11-5-18 ALERT! ALERT! ALERT!

  Latest kidnapping? They took me to a home of some sort, wandered me around drugged, presumably to film me interacting with my kidnappers or even innocent bystanders?

  A young woman screamed for all she was worth he entire time & they got me to do the mundane, & interact with the tour & it's peoples. Scream... scream... scream... at the top of her lungs... pausing only to breathe & then scream again...

  Satisfied with my interactions, when I because more lucid, but wholly still drugged they set me down & we talked about the Hiroshima Bombing (1945) in detail. Then they invited me to plan such a bombing & got me to talk about bombs at length. Lotsa bomb talk.

  Hey! I'm kinda knowledgeable about bombs, convention, nuclear, chemical & biological & we chatted on & on about bombing. The memory starts to break up, & fades with me talking bombs. How to use'em, where to put'em. You know, regular American chat (I have nothing else to compare it to).

  Upon my arrival, at that kidnapping & since the soles of my feet hurt badly. Now they seem permanently numbed by whatsoever they did to me, as promised by The last Snitch.

  2 weeks ago I was pulled over by another Uniformed Dover Police Officer in a marked car on New Burton & he, just like the last Short & Stout Police officer insisted that I carry a flashlight as I walk at night.

  My opinion? Since my arrival last month I have not seen a single person walking around at night carrying a flashlight of any sort no matter who they were or where they were.

  Duh Jerk's opinion on the subject? He taught it to me when he was trying to recruit me during the 1st stages of my ongoing attempted murder while sitting in his tax-payer funded office during work hours. "Say we don't like someone? We'll have one of our cops pull them over & insist that they carry a flashlight when they walk at night"?

  His opinion made no sense to me. Wouldn't they actually be safer?

  Not so he assured me. The gang liked to recruit victims & members & convince them to kill their (demonized) victims for them. They'd gotten the wrong target too many times in the past so the technique marks the target at night for easy removal.

  The kidnappings, the bomb talk, their failure to answer my E-mails where I told them IN WRITING I'd prepared an impartial list of those I'd slain & the torture of myself & some young woman has lead me to reassess the Dover police.

   Here I shall judge the Dover police fairly. It pains me to downgrade the Dover police. Before I gave them a useless rating. Not helpful to me, nor any other torture victims I know, but not a nuisance. I now officially downgrade the Dover police to "Less than useless". The same rating I give the Bay City Police, Sheriff, F.B.I. & Michigan State Police.  You Dover police are not useless. Useless implies a zero, no harm, no help. You are not useless in my opinion. You are less than useless. My lowest rating.

  I leave the Rated Less than Useless Dover Police with this question. Whatever happened to that bomb I made for the gang?

  "It is the accusations of our victims reflected back at them that is our true power". - The Last Snitch


  MORE Dover Police stopped me again? You Police all remember that cop rule chizzled in stone somewhere don't ya? More Police involvement means a given person is a scumbag to be ignored, not a victim.

  How can one argue with a rule set in stone?

  I guess as usual... it sucks to be me. And the gang brag it always will.

  12-4-18 Soles of my feet still "Dover numb".

  Thought I'd try again to save my life today. While it's still worth saving.

  Had a good day actually. Got threatened by the gang's latest recruit (yeah... I see this guy & his pal coming. I've lived through this particular scripted confrontation scenario at least a few dozen times & it's always the same. They think I don't notice. I'm guessing they know the Police wont buy it, particularly the "dirty cop" who worked the Division/Queen Street area at 9:30 AM who would've been tasked with destroying me & or freeing their conspirators).

  Same old, same old. Been there done that. Hey Molestors, I know you read this. Think up a new confrontation script will ya?


re·pet·i·tive /rəˈpedədiv/ adjective

  1. containing or characterized by repetition, especially when unnecessary or tiresome.

    "a repetitive task"

  2. Day 1: Assault.  Day 2: Innocently sitting by authority figures, making one's self to be as harmless & innocent as possible.  Day 3: Innocently meeting in public while local police stand far off  Day 4: Threats/antagonize.

  Same old same old. Playbook one: page one: paragraph one: The gang brag to me the police fall for it every time. It's all about escalation & them being the victim.

  Go figure.


  Soooooo... here I am sitting with my freshly broken wrist thinking about how to put the latest kidnappings into words. At 1st I thought the pain might be just me thinking too much but when I went to church & they started shaking my hand... ow...

  Soooooo... they took me to some toy store. Rather spacious, it was either far up north & had snow or it had fake snow in a large display. Dozens of children, 8-10 by my estimation.  A few adults. Usually I'll say that child-molesters look like normal fine upstanding citizens but not these men & women. They had shifty eyes & seemed most interested in my interacting with the toys while the kids looked on. I cant recall much more than that & them walking me around & filming me near the toy store.

  This has been a Dover Rapist Community report by me, Less Than Nobody. You Dover Citizens remember to vote for the Police force who chose to not help me. Well, more importantly, not to help the good people of Dover & Delaware when someone with MY story came around... they just ignored it.

  Dover Police to victims of their community. "Hey! It's easier to apologize afterwards than to investigate before hand. I feel your pain. Well, not actually 'feel' it but I'm sure the horror of what was done to you will fade from memory when my next promotion comes around. When a guy comes around and reports that much murder death & rape in his life I feel really comfortable ignoring it & you should thank me, if you ever get out of the hospital".


  Just working on Making fun of them: Social Commentary.

  You want proof I'm crazy? I actually think that my websites might actually inspire police to investigate my story & save what can be salvaged of my subpar life.



  Handed out Gospel Tracts yesterday. The weather is rainy, I'm not sure if I'll have much opportunity today?


  Handed out gospel tracts, I do it every day lately. With a few exceptions.

  I'm writing this now at King's Highway & Dupont Highway. Just had an assault with a deadly weapon go off mere feet from me, it's 23:11 right now.

  Sooooo... I'll look up 1st the odds of being near an assault in life. As the reader you wont know it, but you'll be waiting while I look up the data online. Please stand by.

  There were roughly 770,000 assaults last year reported on the website I looked at. 320 million people in America. The odds are less than 1/10th of 1% annually & in a 100 year lifespan only 1% of Americans should be involved thus. Lets say that up to 10 people on average get to view it (total guess on my part) so only 1 in 10 people will be gifted with viewing or participating in either end of an assault with a deadly weapon.

  Okay... now that I've studied the statistical absurdity that I would even possibly view such a crime, I will now address it.

  Hey, maybe it was an "innocent" assault with a deadly weapon? Right (Hey, I grew up in Bay City Michigan & have only the guidance of the local police & their copspeak on crime to go on here) I mean these things happen. Right?

  Or more likely.... the people I kinda got the "bad vibe" off when I met them earlier, were alllllll part of a scripted event. That'd mean the Police Officer who showed up (on camera most likely) was dirty as can be, the local ambulance drivers who just "happened" to be in the area were "dirty". And for me to mention any of this is to invoke the child-molester's boast against myself (Mid-Michigan Police avert your eyes here) "It's the accusations of our victims reflected back at them that are our true power". I advised Mid-Michigan Police to avert their eyes because in my experience they are not trained nor emotionally equipped to handle "that" level of criminal sophistication from a gang that describes themselves as "primarily actors".

  Damned if I do & damned if I don't. It's not as glamorous as Police tell me.

  Feet in lots of pain & numbness since the last assault. They stole my Axe antiperspirant (several) & sabotaged 3 of 4 flashlights I own in said attack. Dover numb. It ain't fun.

  I pray a lot. Why not?

  Lots of prayer.


  Bringing in the new year with lots more pain than last year.

  Thanks for less than nothing Police of America.

  1-10-19 Addendum

  I just visited this website after I finished writing the above as is my custom. None of the website's links work. None that I tried worked. None.

  So I visited my old site... Victims of bay City & Boulder at: & none of it's links worked whatsoever & it's ongoing "Long Scipts Running" problem has reached a level of making the site non-functional. The font type of the bold face at the start of each page is changed too. This happened in the past on occasion & the problem seemed to right itself after a time.

  All I know is all the links used to work & worked well & now they don't. I'd suppose repair is possible but will be time-consuming at best & may require trouble-shooting at length on my part.

  I suspect sabotage. Cant I? With this level of criminal involvement in my life, cant I suspect it at least oh ye brave & infallible Police of America?


  1-10-19  Addendum Addendum

  Despite troubleshooting & adding new buttons & such my website at has no link buttons that will work whatsoever. Being I can prove that I am skilled in the use of the Wix technology & in the past my links worked well one can deduce that any problems are wholly those of the Wix company.

  With any luck it is a temporary glitch, we'll see.

  Hey! When you're reporting your recreational serial-killing stalkers doncha just love it when your website doesn't function as it should?

  We'll see.

  Til then oh police of America blame me... it's your go to answer isn't it?


  Kidnapped with impunity over & over & over. The latest tactic is to break the small bones in the bottom of my feet every few kidnappings. I suspect I wont be able to take much more.

  Describe one? Sure. As if one more tale of madness inflicted on me by madmen would convince a US cop anywhere to even give me the time of day, let alone help me. Right?

  Sooooooo they put me in a tent & surrounded it with... people? I'm not sure through the drug-induced haze. But it was a number of people who yelled & beat against the tent's exterior. Obviously not too hard, it was a tent after all. They beat, and they yelled.

  Me? Through the drugs I pondered what to do? They weren't coming in, so I stayed put.

  Then they fed the leg of a toddler through the slot next to the door. The yelling continued.

  Me? I figured they hoped I'd commit violence against the child. I wasn't falling for it.

  Sooo... in my drugged mind I decided to grab the leg & ponder what to do.? There was a gentle tug of war, So I grabbed the kid's shoe & took it off && released the leg. It gets fuzzy after that. I cant recall the conversation but suspect they were... disappointed?

  If I had to guess I'd guess they wanted more violence. Anything where they could walk away as the vigilante heroes of the staged event. Or much more likely just a PRACTICAL joke. Or a dry run for a possible or even probable scenario they plan to inflict upon me to facilitate my eventual demise. The absolute necessity being that I go down as a scoundrel's scoundrel & they as the vigilante heroes who are above reproach (a scenario every mid-Michigan... cop I ever met seemed all too glad to facilitate for whatever their personal reasons, be they dirty, cowards afraid to oppose the gang, or skeptics who'd "seen the films").

  Sooooo... I'm in lots of pain. I'm pretty sure I've spotted the gang inserts, the recruited. I know, I know. The concept of a recruiting gang of blackmailers hurts the heads of mid-Michigan... cops. That's okay, I'm not addressing them. Otherwise I'd use more words with less than 5 letters.

  I've been meaning to address one of the gang's most recent recruits. I suspect he is a fellow victim, that'd mean little now if "he's one of them". He might not even recall the drugged time we spent together where the gang tried to get us to have sex. So I'll call him. Mr. V.

  The other inserts are amusing to watch. Personally I like to watch them, even being nice. Why not? If I out them the gang will just replace them & they'll be harder to spot.

  Until later, I'll leave the reader with a definition that seems to elude all the... cops I ever met. While there are  criminals engaged in the definition all over the world, America included no one knows who any of them are, least of all me, the author. Enjoy!

  Recruiter re·cruit·er  /rəˈkro͞odər/ noun

  1. a person whose job is to enlist or enroll people as employees, in the armed forces, or as members of an organization.

    "a recruiter will kidnap you & torture you for the gang for power & so they can take your money for the rest of your life"


  7-22-2019 Pondering in an unforgiving place...

  Sooooo... I thought I'd get a little "symbolic" in my writing today. My font is Hunter's Orange, the Paragraph is too big & skewed well off the the left side & is in Bold Print.

  Lots'a pain from my recent attacks... tortures. Oh, I'm sure they pretended to pay for all of them, the gang always wins & they know what works. Of course to any... cops who may be reading this what it means is they always beat you & you always lose.

  IU'm not here today to point to incompetent nor dirty... cops. Nor their misguided & semingly easily gulled good Police Officer counterparts. Just checking in. Pondering the world.

  I spent 2-4 hours a day 6-7 days a week sending e-mails begging for help for years before some... cop from Schofield Wisconsin whom  never met before he took my summer away allegedly over an e-mail (or was that too, a PRACTICAL joke?) & not as much after but surely a lot of time. I've e-mailed all over the world & gotten virtualy no answers from cops nor businesses nor people in internet passing nor chat rooms I posted on. Virtualy no answers. Duh Jerk's Lt. bragged the gang would stalk me physicly & break into internet lines & physicaly block me from begging for help online. DOes the record (if any?) of my online interactions reflect this? Is my message, my plea for hekp reaching anyone or are they intercepting some, most, or all of my messaging attempts?

  It'd explain a lot.

  Why haven't the Dover Police answered me these 5 e-mails? Why haven't the sum of the Deleware government sent me answers? I sent virtualy all, every single government agency on their official government e-mail list a message & not a one chose to reply to multiple querries? No one? I travcled up & down the east coast of India using Google Maps & begged Police station after police station for help & not a one replied? None? I begged New Zealand, cruised Austrailia & even begged Britain's Scottland yard for recognition for over a decade now & not a one answer once? None?

  Alone, outynumbered, stalked by madmen. It's not as glamorous as Mid-Michigan... cops try to tell me I make it sound. Not at all glamorous kneeling beside the dunking bucket gasping for air knowing your stalker is about to fake pay you some cash & aparently there isn't a cop nor jury in the world that wont buy it we're Buttbuddies?

  Try try again. Again not as glamorous as it sounds.

  Hello? Is anyone hearing this? Can anyone read this? Anyone?


  7-25-19 More & more...

  Last nite? They were in the yard, not doing the animal noises purely made, must've drugged me, took me to what they said was a strip club. It wasn't like any I''d been in. A door inside lead to a hidden room with no stage surrounded on 3 sides by restaurant booths. Parties of all sorts dressed strangely inhabited the booths . The room was accessed by a hidden door. If it was a strip club it was like none I'd ever seen. Me? I left as quickly as I came noting the men in the corner booth embracing as the only couple displaying affection. No smoke. I figured there'd be smoke.

  I left. They seemed ticked off. Then the memory ends & I woke up at home my feet all the more injured.

  Pain... pain has always been my constant companion. A gift of a self-righteous gang of zealots who believe they are the kidnapping torturing mass-murdering white knights in the room whenever were together. Hey, the majority of Cops "in the know" concur with the gang? Go figure huh?



  Soooooo... there I was... at home. Duh Jerk & an army of teens already surrounded me & I was doped fairly stupid in front of my place while his loyal youths searched my place... he seemed most distressed about my connecting him to the  recent Thousand Oaks Massacre... or so he said. Again, the guy 12-18 years my senior looked barely a day over 39. Be it from make-up, or that plastic surgery he's bragged on for decades I cant say.

  They stole lots of lil tidbits. Evidence they tell me. 1st, a saying sure to confuse any 100... cops & I suspect all mid-Michigan... cops & F.B.I.

  "Steal 2 socks and all you have is a pair of socks, minus the depreciated value. Steal 1 sock & you have powerful evidence that no prosecutor or cop will pass up". - Duh Jerk's Lt. during a Bragging/Debrief Session

  Soooo... there I was... later, doped out of my mind... I was shocked into reality by the men, women, & teens saying. "That guy just ripped you off"! While they all pointed (pointing is their oldest motivator trick in the book, pretty basic Molestor 101 (thus it utterly confuses mid-Michigan... cops)) to a fit male wearing suspenders & driving a wagon drawn by horses.

  I gave chase... I suspect that with my broken feet the "run  go gett'em sessions" are going to bust me up, but lets not cause nose bleeds to "delicate" officers with a lil too much advanced Crime 101.

  We came to a house with some weird translucent curtain out front (yeah, I said it, weird) over the door manned on either side by a teen boy & girl who pointed inside the house where the man ran. I gave chase.

  Inside were 3 people, a man, woman & a shorter male or teen. There was a spear or spear-like object by the door & I said. "So you want to rip me off"? I then proceeded to stab them 1 after another. The memory abrubtly ends.

  When does the hurting stop?



For once in your Law Enforcement life... Please????


  Duh Jerk has come to Dover! That means men women & children are going to die (strictly for fun, not any ration reason nor for a good cause) & the Dover Police seemed convinced (by their inaction) that he's a heap good guy & only here for fun fun fun!

   Judging by all the pee-pee talk I had at his place & she sheer number of toddlers around me I think it's safe to say I starred in some serious kiddie porn. Tsk tsk tsk Duh Jerk. You told me you'd swore off the kiddie porn & gone into the safer but less lucrative child porn. Oh well, no accounting for taste when dealing with... you.

  Can you feel it in the air? Children screaming & begging for mercy with their dying breath while a madman stands laughing & filming the entire scene knowing that it's those very films that will keep him free from the possibility of accusation? Dirty... cops making money (chump change, I already know once Duh Jerk "owns" a cop he don't pay anything but token amounts, or so many dirty... cops whined to me).

  The ongoing deforestaion of my head kicked into higher gear. Quite hiigher, almost 3/4 of an inch off the front & a high "demonic-looking" double arch Duh Jerk's Lt. said was sure to impress juries I was the bad guy in the conversation.

  That's my week... kill kill kill, sex with toddlers & women, injections & dirty... cops. Everything a smiling madman would love I'd suppose. I suppose if I'm not too doped up I'd like to pre-request Duh Jerk let me dedicate the next child slain (Duh Jerk HAS let me do dedications in the past, he thinks it's funny, the... cops too!) to the fine Dover Police without whom my website would not be possible. Hey guys, the next dying child is for YOU!


   I'd suppose I'm scheduled for more Duh Jerk action over the coming days...



  I'm mid... ummm... mid-kidnapping spree. They just wont give up. I'm violated, often nightly & they'll follow me anywhere, everywhere. "As long as we never give up on you & keep kidnapping you the cops will never give you a chance". Truer words were never spoken.

  Who dies tonight?

  What will I have sex with?

  What will be the ultimate cost to society? The more it costs you, the tax-payer reading this the more the gang are amused.

  I figured I'd do some writing... more laughing material I'd suppose. I'm thinking a new page. "In the beginning"...

  As though writing anything else would or could convince the police to help me, or the many people likely to have their lives altered forever soon enough...

  Why me?


  Just lucky I guess?


  Yeah, whatever...


  I see the handwriting on the wall...

  My odds of living to old age, in decent health,  & alive & free in America seem to diminish with each passing day. The destruction machine that is the child-molesting community nips at my heels with impunity, dogging me from the very beginning to the bloody end. Ever the "real" victims of my tale, never having to face justice for their crimes due to their host of films & piles of cash , dead bodies, & lives they are willing to throw away, often for nothing more than sport.

  My point?

  It sucks to be me & the gang brag it always will.

  My point?

  I pray a lot.

  The Bible says the truth shall set you free.

  My point?

  Say you're a cop or Prosecutor, you've got the goods on me & are ready to pounce....

  Cant you just take the time to investigate a little more? Do you have to jump the gun as a default setting? Cant you be a little more throughout? Check a little more? Maybe even entertain things I have to say just so you'll be able to sleep nites in 30 years easier?

  My point?

  It's not for me, it's for the children... the kids the gang brag they destroyed. The kids the gang brag they are destroying even now, & the kids you leap of proprietorial faith will enable them to destroy with impunity in the future once you've made them above the law by permanently assigning them the impunity that comes with the designation of ... Victim..



  My legs feel like lead weights. Bad actually, yesterday I planned to sit home alone & rest.

  Soooo... how they caught me? I know not?


  They say as revenge, to facilitate my destruction both mentaly & physicly, to send me to their prison hordes after a trial in a molestor controlled courtroom or crippled in a fair court to arrive at prison with the sounds of laughter from a good jury who laughed & laughed at the tales of "The Gym" because it'd clearly be unbelievbeable that a cripple such as myself could've survived such an ordeal.

  But they say it's mostly revenge. Revenge for the humiliation Duh Jerk & The Munger Boy 5 suffered in The Gym. Revenge for the horrors inflicted on the Children of The gym & their families both as revenge for their ineptatude & for what the bosses did to their families to insure the children would never ever EVER talk about it to police.

  Revenge because it's what they do. It's all they do.. Sure they party & do some of the things normal people do, it's only human. But their parties are a control thing. Victims are invited, victims at various stages of forceful recruitment attend & the regulars are well-trained how to treat them at every stage. Indeed, my story is one of them stages. A continuous party 6-9 months a year 3-5 days a week. People attend, and often it's the filmed public  torture of a child that's the main even. Sex with children & rape sex making up much of the rest of it.

  Why not? It's all about revenge. How better to portray themselves as the victims.  "Yeah we did all that to him but we're the real victims here. Do you want to see the films"?

  Sooooo... their revenge made them do more injections. Legs mostly. I'd suppose I'm not long for the walking world at this rate. They took me walking & walking & walking & walking... why not when your last sessions caused much damage to my feet?

  They took me to a defunct amusement park & much of the walking seemed to be up & down it's rail tracks & slides, long ago covered with & filled with leaves & such.

  They also tried to walk me past pitbulls & get them to innocently attack me. Quite probably confirming their involvement in the several pitbulls I've encountered lately where they came at me only to have owners try to keep them off me. "Innocently".

  They also tried to act like we were in a crowded mental hospital. There they tried to provoke me into fighting. Over & over. Innocently". Of course... provocations where the gang would be the victims.

  Who knows? Maybe I'm legally locked up in a jail, prison or loony bin even as I write this sitting in a Dover Delaware Cafe circa 11:47 PM.?

  They've done worse.


  With a sense of dread I note my time grows short & soon I'll have to go home

  They've been kidnapping & raping me regularly as of late. The vein blocking injection program nears completion. The bragged result is leaving me a limbless victim for the gang's prison hordes for reasons of revenge.

  Who know what children die tonight? What STDs' will flow, families altered. Currently I'm inflicted by scabies & who knows what other STDs?

  The Electrolysis deforestation of my head goes on as scheduled. The word is they intend to deform me, the more it prove I'm someone to ignore to police & any jury the gang brag.

  What will all the above enable the gang to leverage in blackmail & control (their "real objective")? A whole lot according to them. Many lives altered. Lives destroyed.

  I'd suppose it all begins when I go home many nights. The gang brag they're waiting, watching. I'm in a cycle. A window of time when they array their forces, gather up the obligatory witnesses from my family (just in case) & get their child-molesting hordes in position. Quick to drug me I'm left with little idea of how they logistically catch me from time to time. Yeah, there are clues.

  Speculating by a victim proves them a liar but failing to speculate seems to leave=... cops dazed & imagining how honorable child-molester & rapists are (if past conversations in copshops nationwide are an indicator).

  I wonder if there'll be a dedication this time? Will films of a dedication impress... cops?



  Here I sit, partial afflicted by STD (Sexually Transmitted Disease) writing this.

  Partially afflicted? Well in truth wholly afflicted. But let me explain myself. I'm in the midst of a "rape cycle". What this means is I can expect on ongoing campaign of continuous kidnaps & rapes. Still... Partially afflicted?

  Yeah, you see the gang bathe me often. Even in the past some months I had no need to bathe, the gang doing it for me. Part of their medical program is they know they've inflicted me with scabies.

  They know that they know that they know. Following me? Well what they do is slather me from the shins up with anti-scabies medication to protect my rapists from scabies. Thus I get to keep the scabies, but from the shins down. Later, when the "cycle" ends or diminishes the STDs are left to fester & manifest themselves.

  Who knows what else I'm afflicted with.

  As I sit here I gift everyone, I should say WE gift everyone with the smell of excrement (we being the gang & I)from the continued expansion of my rectum from the constant rapes. Be they from men, women, boys, girls, animals, or appliances.

  The gang stole all my underwear, & keep on taking them. Stole many pants, a plethora of single socks, monogrammed being the most popular (leaving me with a large collection of single socks).

  The ongoing vein blockage injections are numbing my body quite a bit, now including my torso & left me unable to feel my left testicle or leg this morning.

  They brag that during transport I'm headphoned & loud music pumped into my ears. To make me less likely to interact with the random noises or people's we might encounter during transport from rape site to rape site. As I sit here the pain from the ringing in my ears, yes pain, is growing.

  One of them told me. "In the old days you getting a new pair of shoes was reason enough for a rape. Now it's a new pair of headphones". It seems he explained the logic  behind the statement though at the time of this writing I forget what that was.

  My feet hurt, whatever they did to them was pretty ruthless & likely permanent & debilitating. 

  Well, that's my week. Welcome to my world reader. A world I'm sure many police are willing to punish me for even mentioning.



  Soooo... once again I was taking inventory, checking my other websites. The main thing? As usual they would not work on the 1st try & only worked after repeated attempted interfacing (I pushed buttons over & over & eventually the site worked).

  Since this is a common problem & the gang bragged to me they intended to sabotage my websites I call possible sabotage.

  Maybe it is...

  Maybe it ain't?

  Waiting on the Police to sort it out I now offer a word definition as a public service.

sab·o·tage /ˈsabəˌtäZH/

  1. deliberately destroy, damage, or obstruct (something), especially for political or military advantage.



    deliberately damage

















  1. the action of sabotaging something.



    deliberate damage



  Year & day of Our Lord August the Twenty Second Twenty Nineteen

  I have suspected the gang have been using my credit type cards & ATM to establish my location ever since I got a letter from my Bank telling me about my out of character transaction in Idaho. I'm not saying such a thing occurred, only that I received a letter saying it had occurred.

  Taking my money & making my location a thing verified indisputably for any 10 Lazy... cops or 20 Dirty ones. The gang brag the... cops will never check my side of the story no matter how much I whine

  Go figure?




  Went home last night. When I got there my place was absolutely vandalized & destroyed. Al 4 walllllllls had been violated. Multiple times with giant wounds. I found my sunglasses in the yard... why I cant say (of all the things to throw into the yard why them)? It was a total loss. Now I'm set up in a leaky coffin-sized tent in the woods, how long if at all wil that last I cant say?

  I'm not sure but the destruction happened after I'd written the motivations of my stalker, his top guys, & member/victims & victim/members helping him. Was that the reason why? Did I hit a nerve? Idano?

 A total loss.

  The moral of the story? It sucks to be me.


  Saw "The-Guy-Who_Works-For-The-Local-Police where I 1st saw him the other day in a Burger King. He obviously had given up on bathing a while now.  His reddish hair is in dreadlocks & he was in the company of a pretty woman about 10 years younger than him. 

  I accuse him of nothing but note it is a common plan of the gang to provoke victims over & over with the same & different people. It's also their "Plan A:" to attach a pretty gal to their expendable provoker. She's there to keep an eye on him, spy, & gossip on him literally... keeping him down too IF she was one of them. Can I prove any of it? Nope. Just a hunch based on decades of experience & life among the child-molesting community.

  My point? My point is it sucks to be in the gang & that IF the guy is one of them he'll find out soon enough what I mean when I say. "The only thing worse than being their enemy is being one of them"!

  Hey, I'm probably doomed no matter what. But it's a sad thing to watch a guy go down in flames before my eyes.

  I hope I'm wrong. Actualy I wish I was. I'm batting 1,000 here & it'd be about time that I was wrong once.

  For the record I hope I'm wrong...


  Just checking in.

  I'm on the mend from the gang's recent tortures.

  What more is there to say other than what's next? Who dies next? What will the cops do to me when I' surrounded by their drugs, films, & holding the smoking gun. I've looked into court cases where people had slightly similar stories to my own. Not a single one I could find ever won nor secured anything resembling freedom again.

  "You can do anything you want to a man if you own his family". Truer words were never spoken & they were spoken by a self-professed child mass-murderer during his conversation with me where he told me he thought he was better than I (and Duh Jerk whom he also insulted).


  8-29-19 Belated...

  Well... here I am, taking losing with a licking-my-wounds-&-try-again-attitude. Like usual. Sigh...

  Not much to say, the kidnapping are going on as strong & regular as ever. I woke up yesterday to a yipping dog, quite possibly a puppy of my “Handler” come to return me to my abode. Maybe not? I'm sure lots of tiny puppies wander the woods where I live, isolated from humanity.

  Scratch scratch scratch, covered in tiny hypodermic scabs. Much increased & likely permanent numbness from the gang's medical-type attacks. Ie: “the good guys in the conversation” (according to many, many uniformed mid-Michigan Law-enforcement who were on duty & at their posts).

  0017 on 8-29-19, I'm stalling, not wanting to go home, hoping beyond all hope I can live just one more night rape free.




  Not as glamorous as I make it sound.


  The Child... Alt Title: The Family Business...

  Well... here I am... feeling the need to write about some of the children I've met in life. Like this one Circa Summer 1975ish.

  Soooo I came too in broad daylight (I think it was cloudy?) the Parking lot of James Clement's Airport, kinda on the left between the buildings on a summer day. Dazed & seriously doped up at age 8 or 9 or so in the back seat of my Mother's Parent's car. My Mother's Father & his only son were there. So was the man I only knew as “My Cousin”. A cruel man who's name I didn't know & for which it was an extreme lengthy & painful punishment to admit not knowing the name of. My entire family apparently knew the man, so did several of my classmates who discussed my punishment situation in great detail when they all withheld his name from me.

  There was a pair of Uniformed Bay City... cops & a marked Bay City Police Car & an Ambulance with 2 uniformed crew & a teenage boy. Probably about 15 or so by my present day estimation?

  My Mother's Dad & her Bro, 2... cops, 2 ambulance workers, a teenage boy & myself. Got it? Allllllllll at the small airport.

  We were parked outside & next to my Grandfather's Airplane (that's what he called it) which was pointed at the runway. My Grandfather ordered me out of the backseat of the car & walked off with his son to talk to My Cousin & the... cops & ambulance crew.

  So I stood where ordered.

  Just stood there....

  They didn't call me The Good Kid for no reason... yup, I stood there...

  & stood there...

  There was an order from the teen boy. It's kinda fuzzy...

  We argued... I don't take orders from him... He wasn't on "My Mother's List" of people I should obey...

  He produced a knife & threatened to kill me...

  Me? The world was rippling. I figured I was dreaming...

  I recall thinking. “He threatened to kill me. I kill people who threaten me when I'm dreaming”. Yeah... simple as that... Yup... Simple...

  My Cousin saw, he ordered the teen to leave me alone...

  The teen refused. He was confident he could handle me & I didn't scare him...

  He lunged with the knife...

  It was simple to take it from him...

  I went straight for the kill with his knife as the men rushed at us...

  I aimed for the jugular... never hit it once...

  I aimed for the femoral artery (I'd had some success aiming there as of late)...

  I stabbed him several times...

  My Cousin made the Uniformed... cops put their pistols down & ordered me taken down in hand to hand...

  At my Grandfather's command to hand over the knife I told him I would, but the teen said he was taking from me & killing me with it, I wasn't giving it up while he was near me...



  Stab! I estimate that I hit about 50% of the time. I stabbed at him a lot so that means I stabbed the Teen... a lot...

  Swish the knife around at everyone near & give an ultimatum. I wont stop until the teen who's still chanting death threats while being stabbed is still attacking me...

  The Teen got sleepy..

  Everyone attacked me, I kept them all at bay with broad sweeps of the blade...

  Frustrated. At My Cousin's command they yanked the teen back...

  I handed the knife over as soon as the Teen was no longer a threat...

  The Uniformed on duty Bay City Police... cops told me I was under arrest...

  I protested... the teen had attacked me... & I was confident there were cameras there filming the entire thing (I'd toured the place several times before)...

  Threats threats threats... Everyone threatened me...

  The teen fell asleep... right there... next to the runway...

  My Cousin said I was not under arrest...

  The... cops obeyed him... and threatened me... I had better hope that Teen lives...

  The ambulance workers tended to the child furiously... and threatened me...

  Then My Cousin ordered everyone be given a drug to erase their memory...

  They locked me in the back of the patrol car... laughed at me as I fought sleep...

  The Ambulance workers said the boy had lost a lot of blood. He'd likely have brain damage if he lived. Then they repeatedly begged for permission to leave which My Cousin initially refused until he could get his story straight with the... cops who weren't given any drug(s?)...

  Still later My Cousin asked me what I remembered about the situation? So I told him, leaving nothing out.,,

  He said the teen had brain damage... Now he limped, was addled, & had nasty scars...

  He'd also made a fatal mistake. He told his family exactly how he'd been injured when asked.

  Now lots of people knew...

  My Cousin lamented where he felt he'd gone wrong...

  He said he'd been having trouble controlling me as of late... I'd injured lots of people, many of them my fellow children... some very badly...

  So he took the precaution of showing the teen films of me killing people... lots of people...

  The kid was tough he said, hand chosen to handle me if I proved to be a problem... He figured he could handle me as he'd handled the rapes & kidnappings of hundreds of children & was a seasoned & well-trained expert...

  My Cousin explained my alledged role there. Why I was there? Did I want to know? I usually told him what I told Duh Jerk & his Munger Boy 5 & all their sent & trained "Snitches". I didn't want to know what he had to say. Why bother since I didn't believe a word he said? Frankly, I'm not nor was I ever a mid-Michigan... cop so I don't trust Child-Molestors...

  He said I was "The Straight Man. Little did I know it but we were on a trip to Canada where we were smuggling child sex slaves. He asked me to recall that the rules at My Mother's Parents were devistatingly direct NO child was allowed to play with me whatsoever. The drugged child had played with me. Didn't I recall?

  Yeah, he had. The score? 1 half truth. Lots of kids tried. In my letters to the FBI I go on to say their punishment was severe if caught playing with me. That implies some tried. I said as much to him.

  So he'd ordered the child punished. It served a purpose as the films of him being punished for playing with me have the gang "deniability".

  He & a couple of other kids had been drugged & my Mother's Father & Brother were the gang's pilots. If caught with me the films would prove we were all troublemakers, the kids were under orders NOT to play with me & the gang could sum up our discovery at customs to brat kids will be brat kids. Promise my punishment & walk away Scott free every time.

  Only problem was they screwed up my dosage & the experienced combat vet, the Teen figured he could take me. So he whipped out the knife figuring that 99% of all children just give in at the sight of a towering teenager with a knife. Once I got the knife he was too proud to stop fighting & just numb enough from drugs to fight on & let me stab him over & over & over & over & over & over & over & over & over & over & over & over & over & over... ect. He'd pay for it with brain damage. My Cousin told me he limped now & slurred his words & told his family & friends what happened to him. So he was going to kill him in a while.

  Strange only in that My Cousin asked me what went wrong. He asked me to critique the situation...

  My Family rules were clear. Answer his every question no matter what. So I did...

  I said his mistake was he pulled out the knife & threatened me...

  A child... the life of a child... for the ever-laughing mid-Michigan... cops... Behold your handiwork... The culmination of your inability to take down a small city organized crime figure for whatever your combined reasons are. Be it for incompetence, laziness, overwork, underpay, or corruption. This is you. 


  5-16-19 13:34 PM Belated...

  Sitting in Burger King on Dupont Highway, Dover Deleware. A Police Officer just chased a man across the street heading south. Why? Idano? Should they call me as a witness? Nah... I never got a good look at the guy. The Officer's partner stood & radio'd in, presumably for all the back-up that soon arrived.

  Statistically... when you read my website... what're the odds? I make no accusations. I ask... what are the odds? Is there a mathematical formula available?

  Well, cool think is I was getting tired of my stalkers. I don't miss them.

  Bad thing? My website got taken down. I wont miss it... much.

  In a way I wont miss it at all. I do not enjoy writing my websites nor blogging. I see it purely as a tedious time-consuming chore I foolishly pinned my hopes of a long life on (well, that & lots of prayer which lead me to create said websites). If I never wrote about, talked about, nor met anyone from my rapey rape stalkey psycho crook background again I'd be happy. I am not enjoying it one bit. I don't like the writing. I don't like being slowly crippled for the amusement & revenge of madmen (revenge? THEY tried to kill me & now THEY want revenge?).

  Sooooooo... I write about who may or may not be my stalker's inserts. I write about Thousand Oak's Mass Shooting & how looking up my unaltered original data in my online diary “My Life” will clearly show a timeline of motive, opportunity, & M.O. (3 basics of police work that elude all mid-Michigan... cops, so don't tell'em, I suspect it'd only hurt their pretty heads. Send'em Badge wax, infinitely more likely they'll use that).

  Sooooo... to recap... crooks everywhere around me, dead bodies, cop chases, & me in the middle trying to tell cops about it all.

  HEY! It's like middle school all over again.


  5-27-19 Belated... again...

  Just finished a conversation with one of the guys in my stalker's employ last night.   Informative. Laptop outta power... gotta go.

Because no one would do that to someone - Lots of... cops


  Soooo the gang were at my place last nite. Animal noises poorly made. I notice they usualy like to do it up & until I react, turn on a light, look around, even shout back. Last nite I heard'em & had my headphones on. So I acted like I couldn't hear or didn't notice. So my animal noises poorly made stalker moved from location to location belting out nature's greatest hits as best they were able until their voice faded.

  Last nite I came too, barely semi-lucid in a school. I only call it that because my handlers engaged me in conversation (typical) & I answered. Then they left me alone. Presumabley to see what I'd do.

  I even walked into a classroom where the classroom of pre-teen children sat & stared at me silently (typical). I'm sure it was all a great film opportunity. Child-porn? Snuff film? Worse?



  Ever thwart 2 kidnapping attempts back to back? It's one of the perks being stalked for life by madmen for profit & revenge gives.

  Thanx for less than nothing... cops.


  Third time's the charm.

  They had me out & I spent at least some time in public walking around in my underwear. Pure gold if you're a blackmailing gang bent on profit & revenge. They probably got some great films.

  I'm in a lot of pain.



  Braggers in the gang told me they're under real pressure from the gang to cripple me & send me to their prison hordes with their films (or a simple frame-job).

  I'm in a lot of pain.

  Didn't you... cops take an oath to save me?

  "Bodies stacked like cordwood". A phrase I've used one too many times in my humble opinion. Both online & in my 1,5000 page letter to the FBI where someone dies every few pages.



  Battlecry of the Idiot... cOP, the Lazy.... cOP, & the Dirty... cOP.

  Go figure huh?

  "I've seen the films so don't try to lie to me"! I've heard this sentence a whole lot of times in my life coming from the mouth of many a self-righteous... cOP. Even those I told I was being kidnapped & framed on film & wanted it to stop prior to their investigation that I initiated with a complaint.

  Go figure huh?

  "Because no one would do that to someone".

  You can rest easy citizen reading this... because the.... cOPS from the rapingest pace in the free world will parrot this over & over to you on demand as many times as it takes to make you & your questions go away.

  I promise.

  Go figure huh?



  A get out of jail free card? All they have to do is frame me, or dope me up & make me repeat paying in their armed "skits" over & over until I'm doing them & set me loose on a crowd. Either way what hope is there for me if I'm standing in a room full of bodies drugs or child porn (likely starring myself) with the smoking gun when... cops arrive? Sounds like a liar trying to get out of punishment to them they tell me.













  Just writing free police advice on my Define Things page.

  Eh, it gnaws at me & I did promise the gang I would. & that the advice would work as well.

  He he he.


  Just touching base. I thought I'd write about the weirdness.

   It's not unusual for me to have personal effects go missing. Or for items like my umbrella or cell phone & such to be wrecked during a giving kidnapping. They happen often & the gang tell me it's both how they get their kicks & is an insurance policy. The... cops would never believe anyone could be so petty.

  Soooo the umbrella, broken in several places. and my wallet. ripped into pieces by someone of great strength I'd suppose. It sucks because I'd hidden my passwords in a lil hard to get corner of my wallet. Now, poof! Gone. The wallet is a loss. They usually take all my money. Just a few bucks or so, they ain't getting rich off me but they brag it's done just to be mean. & offers an insurance policy there too. It enables their dirty..... cops to say. "You mean to tell me those professionals ripped a few bucks off you? Sounds like a lie to me"? It works. It also works inversely & here's how. "So you had money in your wallet & they didn't take it? Sounds fishy to me"? I've been confronted by them both & often by known dirty... cops (but not always) & I'll endorse it. It works!


  Just taking inventory of the physical & mental pain inflicted on me by the gang.



  An update on the weirdness of the ongoing rape campaign against me.

  I thought I might not address the subject, I just needed time to think about it.

  Sooooooo a lil while ago I caught me some scabies. A bonus of being a rape victim  (by bonus I'm being sarcastic). So I went & got me some of the kill the scabies medicine. Well I had 2 half tubes from other times I caught scabies since I arrived in Dover DE. So I had 1 full tube & 2 half tubes. I was about to use my full tube days later when I noticed was now a half tube in the box. I suspected something was amiss. Figuring that my rapists surely did their "pour half out of everything & be a jerk thingy that... cops adore because no one would do that". Now I kinda wonder if they examined the contents of the tubes & just mixed them up. Irrelevant really as the scabies nearly went away. Soon I discovered the ithcies & noted 2 of the tubes were missing now & I have a half tube. Not much cash to replace it & certainly not in a mood to trust it's contents. If I had to guess (And I DO HAVE TO GUESS... cops tell me, under threat of expulsion by them, often violent threats). If I had to guess they used the medicine on me again, but didn't take care to cure me entirely with a complete application of the medicine... leaving me a 1-man epidemic for the honest citizens of Dover DE until I can get something going.

  How are they catching me? I've heard boasts of the gang ranging from they trained me to slip into a hypnotic state at some command phrase (and come out of it with a gentle tap on the back & the phrase "Are you alright or okay?). The latest whack, boast is the gang has placed an automatic drug dispenser in my body & can dial a phone & dope me to any level they choose & have several drugs to choose from. Combined with the fact they like to "bug" me with listening devices & trackers (and have proved it in the past). Their latest version of the story is I carry an inner ear radio transmitter/receiver. They hear everything I hear & have the doped out nobodies who work for next to nothing trying to earn their favor listening to it at least part time & they brag full time..

  The Last Snitch bragged they could kill me by dialing a dosage or deafen me by turning up the receiver & burning out my hearing. "It only takes 15 minutes". He bragged I'd never prove it. "We'll hear you talking about removing it". "The device burns up upon contact with the air". And IF that wasn't insane boasting enough. He bragged they have powerful Agents, badges in the government to cover for them. If they think for a second the device was removed they can swoop in with their badges, declare a national emergency with their badges, & seize everything & end any investigation.

  I ain't saying any of it is true except this. Sitting alone I hear occasional beeps when there is no reason for it. I also occasionally hear them waking me up with various noises. Whether this is the surgical implant installed by madmen or just some inner ear hearing aid I have no idea. Haven't heard it for a week or 2 as of this date.

  Again... I ain't saying any of what they say true.. Below are some child-molestor quotes you... cops can feel free to use against me. As if you wouldn't. Right? No honor among thieves nor rape investigators. Right?

  Surgical? Temporary? Who can say? No matter what state I am picked up in I know this singular truth, it sucks to be me, & the gang brags it always will. You... cops feel free to ignore this paragraph. I'll bet you've got 10 or 12 preconceived notions that'll burn me no matter what state I'm in when confronted (not investigated... confronted, even though it is I who trying to start the police investigation).

  "A victim endorses our lies when they repeat them. As a... cop you have been hard-wired by your training to accept this as fact. Indisputable fact that no victim had better violate. Because no one would lie like that to a rape victim. Right?

  The other quote? Eh... I've lost interest in it. I'll say a quote from me to you... cops seeking to be called Police Officers by myself. "GET A JOB"!


  11-10-19 Pain...

  Soooooo... the other night the guy who works for the local police showed up at where I was hanging out.

  RECAP: The guy who's challenged me to fights several times, usually in view of the Dover... cops who were "innocently" (cough! cough!) right there. Not to mention the times they came roaring to a stop next to me & demanded his location of me, as though I knew. We'll see later what their "game" is?

  Following? Sooooo he said he was hungry. Don't look so good, lost a lot of weight. I don't think they're treating him very well? So since my religion commands us to feed our enemies I did just that & bought him some food. He hung out long enough for a photo op & left after being ejected.

  Me? I went home & woke up with my foot likely broken, center mass. Kinda to the side where it's been broken before. They are breaking the bones of my foot one at a time in line. Methodically.

  This time I'm looking it up & it's approximately the #3 Metatarsal where it meets the Tarsometatarsal or Intermediate Cuniform or if you're a mid-Michigan... cop it's probably more likely called the Liar Liar Pants on Fire Joint. You know because ALLLLLLLLLLLLLLL people who claim to be stalked rape victims from the place that's the Women's Rape Capital of America (Saginaw Michigan) are ALLLLLLLLLLL liars. It's only logical. Just ask any mid-Michigan... cop. Of course word it like this. "So who's doing all these rapes you genius.cop you? Huh"?

  What else? Well I wrote about my wallet recently on this page right? Well I woke & the wallet was ripped up. Before at least the pocket you could insert bills was good & so was the ID pocket. No more. Every single pocket of any sort was torn asunder. Why? I cant say.

  When this all comes out & child-molesters & rapists are all copping a plea selling their bosses out on the cheap I think I'll sell the wallet on some site. I think I'll call it "The Walther-Hernandez/Chief Mailey Wallet of Justice". I predict it wont be a big seller. I've been wrong before though.

  It should come as no surprise that I also wrote about being on the very public Boulder Colorado's 10 Most Wanted List. I remember the Last Snitch bragging the gang had decided to completely cover it up. Outside... cop inquiries would be given a fake picture of the alleged bank robber making my accusations sound silly. I recall teasing him through the drug-induced delirium. People have a tendency to make copies of -pages like that for themselves & I'd bet more than one local had a fantastic picture of myself as boulder's 10 most wanted. He said it wouldn't matter. They'd probably be stupid enough to go to the boulder police who'd arrest the citizen & treat them to a Boulder recruiting just like they tried to do to me.

  It's only trivia to add that people claiming to be talking on behalf of the Boulder Colorado Chapter of the Child-Molestors contact me regularly & tell me they can put me in prison for natural life any time they want. For trivia's sake. Nothing more.

  Pain... it's not as glamorous as some... cops seem to act.

  11-10-19 Addendum:

  I cant help but notice all my evidence discussing the recent Annapolis MD Mass-Shooting & the "Thousand Oaks Massacre" & Duh Jerk's self-professed involvement has been purged from my computer. as well. Go figure.


  Latest rape? Sure. I'm still not sure how the gang catches me, or returns me to my home. But they had me in my yard (I live in the woods) & trussed up with some metal restraints. It a'lowed a pretty woman, about 18-21 of average build to hold me down & sodomize me with a strap on with impunity.

  Me? I complained the whole time for several minutes.

  Eventually, the mood ruined, the woman suggested I be drugged anew & the filming go on.

  The guy in charge said no. It was a bad idea to drug already drugged victims some more. I've been raped too much as of late & was obviously developing a tolerance to their drug. So he declared the entire thing a loss & that It end.

  Well, that's my week. How's yours reader?


  As of late I've been on a 2 day schedule of late. Stay up 2 days & make it a point not to go home but every other day. I'm on the day 2, it's alllllll about avoiding the rape. The goal? Just one more nite without rape. That's all.

  The gang has been raping me with impunity & regularly as of late. I wake up bones broken, body parts numbed, rectum stretched, scabies as of today my penis is burning, likely some new VD. An STD.  They wrecked my house, tortured me, stalked me, they've tortured me, lied, cheated, done horrific acts, it's likely I will be attacked this very nite.

  Hey if you're a police officer seeking info tonight is probably your night? Arrests? I doubt it. They'll probably use kids against me.

  The gang brag they've loaded me up with various bugs & radio trackers. How come you police don't follow me using them? Doesn't it prove anything?

  Remember this. If some... cop agency tells you they are investigating me don't buy the gang's number 1 lie for  second. It's a cover, a ruse, a description to throw... cops off the case & rob the will to investigate my claims from the otherwise valiant police officers who'd help me.

  Get your anti-drone gear in order & check my area for cameras & such. Transmitters.

  Help me? Please?


  11-15-19 addendum...

  Ignore the above. I'm just alone & desperate that maybe one of the bazilion Police Agencies I've contacted willlllllll somehow recue me. Protect me fron rape this very night. Is that so much to ask? A ife free from rape... tonight?

  I pray to the Lord. SAVE ME!

  I beg Law Enforcement. SAVE ME!

  I beg the many people not in law-enforcement I contacted. SAVE ME!

  I'm in pain from the gang's rapes.



  So I woke up the next morning after my last entry. My rectum swollen from a late night of sodomy, & my body all the more numbed by their injections.

  Yeah... I pray a ;lot. Always did. Even when I was an atheist.





  Pain... lots & lots of pain... All from the gang & not counting the "smell of homosexual love" I spread everywhere I go thanks to my recent abductions...




  Pain... lots more pain... New pain... probably life long...




  If you're a... cop reading this I suggest you call the... cops at the rapingest place in America (from time to time) The Women's Rape Capital of the free world (Saginaw & it's border city Bay City Michigan) & get them to give you a reassuring: "Because no one would do that to someone".  They will, it's frankly the thing they're best at in my humble opinion.

  Pain... PRACTICAL pain...

  What is "PRACTICAL pain"? I figured you... cops wouldn't know so this is what it is. "The worse we treat you is only proof to the... cops that you are a scumbag who should be ignored". If you're a... cop reading this I'm here to tell you the sentence is just as effective against a zero year old baby (by zero I mean an unspecified number of months not yet a year total) standing in the midst of their torturing gang as it is to a 50 year old who's endured a lifetime of pain.




  New pain...

  Lots of pain... old & new...


  I just went through days of horrible migraines. Teeth sensitivity to cold that bordered on epic pain. And I know a thing or 2 about pain. 1st... a tale of pain...

  I'd just entered US Navy Bootcamp & we all went to the dentist as a matter of course. We being the 100+ then in my Company of Recruits.

  The Black Woman, an Officer or civilian, I cant recall which? Was a Dental Technician. She announced that it was unusual to assign a teeth cleaning so early in Basic Training. But I would now undergo a Frontal Teeth Cleaning administered by her.

   Me? I thought nothing of it & had never even heard of the procedure before (I know, I know, I know "everything"... cops & Child-Molestors tell me so).

  Sooooooooooooooooo how'd it go? It was one of the most waking painful experiences of my young life & brought me to tears (not a slobbering idiot, but there were long, long tears). She even insulted me over & over to the other technician telling me how lucky I was she hadn't chosen to really make it hurt.

  What'd I do about it? At the end I wiped my tears away & left.

  It's only trivia to note my back cleaning was scheduled for the middle of what they call "Hell Week". You get 1 hour of sleep a day. Initially our Company Commanders got us all (+100 of us) cushy jobs for Hell Week. The last day he announced they' welched on his deal & now it couldn't be altered no matter what, he'd tried. You see the number 1 company gets the cushy jobs in Hell Week. We'd beat out the #1 company to become #1 that week much to the extreme anger of the powers that be. Why?

  Set your Wayback Machine to the 1st "official" day of Bootcamp, we'd been there weeks. Our Company Commanders told us we, my company were the dumbest recruits in the history of Bootcamp when they looked at our Averaged. IQ. Scores. We'd waited nearly a month to form a company & had endless delays so he pushed til it hurt not to let them dissolve our company. Thus... the Number 1 Company losing to the biggest bunch of dummies in Naval History was unacceptable! Even I watched the horrors other Company Commanders inflicted on their Company screaming. "YOU LET A BUNCH OF DUMMIES BEAT YOU?! YOU ARE GOING TO DO PUSH-UPS UNTIL YOU DIE"! Was a tame response. Literally, I'm quoting here. Literally. Only 6 or so of us would keep our cushy jobs. Me & 5 others who worked the Turnstiles Counters (Yup, that WAS a job). Just sit there & record the number of people who eat each meal & clean our little area 3 times a day.

  It was at the end of Hell Week I couldn't keep my eyes open. I had to smack myself in the face so hard to keep awake they threatened me with the crime of Destruction of Government Property..

  Sooooooooo I went to the Dental Cleaning, backs of the teeth. The male Dentist, an Officer & his female assistant were courteous & the proceedure was so pain free I asked him if I could sleep, seeing as I had a few days to go in Hell Week.

  He told me. "If you think you can knock yourself out". Or something to that effect.

  Me? I quickly fell asleep.

  The Dentist woke me at the end. Told me he'd given me an extra hour sleep, & even commented he'd never had a patient fall asleep during a cleaning before.

  I looked up & a teenaged boy & a girl were bent over the basement window & the boy was filming us. When I pointed they fled. I asked & the Dr. said he hadn't seen them.

   When I got back the Petty Officer in charge told me he knew I needed sleep. So he was sending me home early, being I was such a good worker to catch up on my sleep.

  Trivia? Why not? I slept. When I got back the guy from my company told me my job was his & now I had the worst job. HA! HA & there was nothing I could do about it.

  Me? I bluffed. I told him I was a US Navy Sentry on my official assigned post & if he didn't get out of my chair horrible things were about to go down.

  He bought it & my job was mine again. He was furious in what they called "Deep Sink". Especially when his pet Petty Officer tried to muscle me off the post & I got to stay.

  Why tell allllllll that. Because I know pain. Duh Jerk sent a guy to brag. He'd paid the female tech to make sure my cleaning hurt. BAD! He'd sent the teens to film me like they always did my entire life, looking for advantage. When they saw me sleeping during Hell Week they thought they had me but turning me in on film only made the powers that be note I must really be tired & that prompted them to give me the extra hours of sleep I thought I needed, which I didn't because it was them drugging me that made me so sleepy. So yeah, I know pain.

  Why'd I tell that? Because lets go back to 12-01-19 & the horrific pain I've been enduring. It occurred to me that I hadn't hurt so much since that dental cleaning. In horror I remember the many many many many many many many many many many threats by various gangbangers to scrape the roots of my teeth, rendering me a back mouth for my trial as a cripple in the coming days.

  It's only trivia to note the recent PRACTICAL joke was getting me to seemingly kill an entire room of men, women, & children. Good times if you're a card-carrying Child-Molestor. Good Times...

  Sooooooooooooo I checked the mirror. Twice. Yup, front dental cleaning. And it hurts! Down to the roots. Bad! All over.

  I guess my teasing... yeah I said it... MY TEASING may have gotten to them (or the roots slash end of my teeth as I know it is about to happen. A mouth full of agonizing pain sure to make any 10 juries & 100... cops ignore "Blackmouth").

  Teasing you ask? Yeah me teasing them. I've said time & again hey, look I didn't brush my teeth here. Yellow stains? I'm a major child-porn star who never sucks in his gut & has yellow stains on his teeth.

  They replied with lackluster responses, maybe I was just that kinda perv? Maybe it'll be proof to the... cops? Maybe you just regret never sucking in your gut in a film? Maybe this... maybe that...


  12-04-19 Please help me Police? Please?

  Feels like arcs of electricity dancing across the roots of my teeth. It's apparent I've been wounded... probably crippled.

  Just like the Last Snitch said. They felt I was too logical, too focused to fight in a fair courtroom. Even one that was entirely dirty.  So as a matter of business they'd cripple my mouth rendering it a cesspool of pain & disease for my coming court appearance. "Try concentrating in court after what we do to your mouth".


  More mass-shooter training. This time it was different. With a mounted weapon in a window. An automatic firing ping pong ball gun. Silly? Probably. I'll bet it makes... cops laugh & laugh. Plus I'll bet there's a lot less "friendly fire" incidents where victims of the gang injure of kill gang members with real weapons with blanks in them (which has happened a lot in the past).

  Some days it's every single night of the week they kidnap & rape me. Other than fleeting memories of the children gang armed with tasers zapping me & then quickly drugging me I have no idea how they are catching me.

  How's it probably go? An ambulance & a dirty... cop are there to oversee it, children do the dirty work while an adult like Duh Jerk (or the Dover representative of the gang) oversees it (based on some job that gives them the guise of helping people, for cover & legal impunity). There will be the friend insert, the fake girlfriend (or spitooey! The fake boyfriend with films or pictures to back it up on the spot) & a van-load of jocks to back them all up. Likely there will be a back-up officer in the police radio room to insure only compromised dirty... cops are called to back up any problems & during the time of the kidnapping the local police patrolling nearby will be tied up. Likely with a family dispute or argument scenario. Duh Jerk liked to boast these can tie up the police & are handy because no one goes to jail & everyone gets a warm fuzzy feeling when a conflict is resolved peaceably.

  Playbook Page 01. Paragraph 01. Sentence 01 on kidnapping technique.

  Feel free to scroll up to 12-01-19 & 12-04-19 & read about my recent crippling.


  Must be nice for the gang to simply read my website & learn about me? I have to lay all my trump cards on the table but they get to play their's one at a time.

  Sooooo... I'm checking in. Just sipping soda & enjoying the wafts of the smell of homosexual love the gang has inflicted on all who come near me. By "enjoy" I of course mean not enjoying. Like I suspect most passerby's think as well?

  Every now & then the gang regularly send inserts. Friends or acquaintances to engage me in silly or even damning conversation, particularly about violence to facilitate their ongoing frame-job against me. In times past I alternated between indulging them, talking crazy, acting sane, or just throwing the conversations for a wild loop based on how I was feeling. They tend to be "area specific". Children of The Gym told me this was to empower an area specific frame up. Get me talking crazy& include an area or region in the conversation & they legitimize one another. Making it so the... gang can more believably frame me to a specific dirty Prosecutor,... cop,... or area.

  The latest seem to be working in conjunction with an attempt to entangle me in the likely corrupt area of Austin Texas or it's environs. In my 1,5000+ page letter to the FBI where someone dies every few pages I go into detail about the gang's often threats that I'd been framed in some small child-molestor town where they run the entire show (cops, government, the works) & as a final safeguard or last ditch effort to be rid of me (or even the main destruction event?) the gang has framed me & the criminally run legal teams there will simply do away with me legally. Where in Texas? Idano? Buuuuuuuuuuuuut.... If I had to guess based on recent clues I'd guess near Austin?

  The gang has tried to get me to believe I was actually in Austin Texas during my kidnappings as of late, the young couple, another pair of inserts(s? sit next to me in public for hours on end, preach senseless violence & murder (kinda like last year's attempted girlfriend insert, but not quite as graphic nor as prolific as her (if a single thing she said was true).

  RECAP: Young couple, trying to engage me in Austin TX talk, violent chat, the gang trying the same in kidnappings.  Trying to engage me, successfully in Austin Texas-centered chat. Rectum stinks. Pain from my recent tortures.

    Feel free to scroll up to 12-01-19 & 12-04-19 & read about my recent crippling. I shall not care much for a black mouth full of agonizing pain.




  Mouth pain after the "tooth gouging torture session".  They doped me up & put a mirror in front of me, then had a pretty young woman coach me with a dental pick in hand or whatever that I should scrape my teeth.

  I obeyed... at 1st. But it hurt.

  So they got a bigger mirror.;.. the girl kept saying over & over something like. "Avoid your gums.Avoid your gums.Avoid your gums.Avoid your gums.Avoid your gums.Avoid your gums.Avoid your gums.Avoid your gums.Avoid your gums.Avoid your gums.Avoid your gums".

  How'd that work out? I obeyed... at 1st.

  The Head Pervo in charge got frustrated & said. "We have enough footage now". & stopped the event.

  The memory ends there abruptly.

  I came to later restrained in a chair while they held my head & scrapped my teeth with the interment very painfully.

  They say the truth shall set you free.


  The gang took me to some large lecture hall or classroom. By took I mean got me to attend the front row with a beautiful young woman a few days ago. I played with her bared clitoros right there for quite some time.(I assumed it was covered but never saw it once, so what would I know?).At one point they took me to an old cargo ship... again. Not very big, maybe 1 or 2 stories above the waterline. Convinced me... again (on drugs) that I was still in the Navy (a common theme for all ex-military I'm told, being specific service branch specific PRACTICAL joke).

  Last nite & even today several people, far from "reliable informants" told me they'd heard I was engaged in drugged behavior publicly. They cracked my tooth in half (strange only in that their bragger" said they'd re-packed the filling with filth meant to destroy it & re-stuffed the filling. Maybe they did do my left bottom molar, maybe they didn't do that & did something entirely different (You hear that? It's the sound of 100... cops gasping at the possibility a kidnapping rape gang might lie). That's twice on that boat as of late. They even got me to take a puff off what may have been a mary jane least once.

  I don't think they'd do this behavior unless their ducks were all in a row. Dirty... cop primed & ready. Dirty Prosecutor paid off & waiting. A jail guard or even a few fellow prisoners in the cell of wherever the local jail is that they plan to lock me up in pending a kangaroo trial.

  I've prayed a lot that God would save me in life & in my heart believe he fully intends to save me from the gang no matter how much I whine.

  Is anybody reading this? Pray for me. Please?


  Attention Buttbuddies & people reading this pretending to be my friend (mostly on film). Give me $5,006. I need it, you say you're my friends? Pass the hat & give me money. In exchange I agree to do nothing whatsoever. Not star in a film, kill or injure anyone, certainly not to make a friendship statement of any sort (you guys would just take the cash & drug me stupid anyway).

  I know you guys read this website. $5,006. Cash. Wrapped in a pretty bow is optional. I need it. You guys say you're my good pals. Be prompt, your reputation is on the line.

  Do this. EndOfSubject.


  What is your problem you cheap child-molesting rapist serial-killing cheapos (Did I say cheap twice? Cheap people probably wouldn't notice)? You guys claim to be all rich from your child porn & soooooo powerful? Too cheap to fund me YOUR star? Scared? Your reputation is on the line here. Maybe you're too scared to go make cash because of your involvement with me. Well buck it up, go out there & get a job you lazy gutless cowardly cheap child-molesting serial-killing baby-raping jerks & get me my money! $5,006. Chop! Chop! OR SHOULD I WRITE IT IN A SENTENCE USING WORDS WITH LESS THAN 5 LETTERS LIKE I WOULD IF I WAS ADDRESSING YOUR PETS THE MID-MICHIGAN LAW-ENFORCERS?

  Do this. EndOfSubject

  12-27-19 the real message (where I'm not addressing punks without cash)

  More & more child porn. Christmas Eve & the morning after Christmas.  They also gouged my teeth again. Yeah, it hurts.


  MORE VEIN BLOCKAGE ATTACKS... Rectum swelled by continuous sodomy. More child-porn? They hurt my feet which are fairly crippled up now.

  Why'd I demand money in the above entry's? Only because I wanted to be able to say the gang was cheap when asked & quite truthfully. I told them their reputation was on the line & now I'l say they are strictllllllllllllly penny-pinchers. Not very good butt buddies. I mean if they were trullllllllly my friends & reading my site they'd help their life long butt buddy. Right?

  You child-molestors are cheap. Last chance to redeem your reputation.


  Crippled from top, my ongoing hair deforestation using electrolysis to the bottom. The breaking of the bones of my feet. From my rectum, split open by every perv in a dozen states to my teeth which all hurt as of this month. All hurt. All.

  Yeah... I'm going to pray. To double down on God. Dear Lord have mercy on me a sinner. Please?


<<<<<------------- 12-27-19

  Child-Molestors & the gangs of Dover DE & Saginaw MI are strictly small time. Sure, they got the guts to stand up to me but when they BRAG big money, they really mean pennies. Strictly big talk, little "equipment".

  Prove me wrong cheapos!



  Well since child-molesters are only good for sub-rate d child-porn & not money I'd suppose they have some use to society. Listed below.

  1) Bullet stop

  2) Paperweight

  3)Test Dummy

  4) Child-beater (their fav)

  5) Test Cadaver

  6) Fertilizer

  7) Ship Ballast

  8) Cop Impressor (actually they are quite good at this)

  9) Baby-Killer (the high-ranking ones ALL have done this)


  Dental pain setting in. They changed the taste of my mouth... literally. Now my mouth just tastes different than before all the time. It's got a "dry socket" taste & feel. One side of my mouth has become perpetually dry & no amount of liquid intake can stop the dry feeling.

  They run me during my frequent abductions, they even had me out riding bikes with teenage girls. Making out on a couch. Starring in child-porn, interacting with my innocent looking rapists who's tears will no doubt tear at the heart strings of every Dover... cop & Delaware... cop for miles.

  There is no escape. No saying that will free me.  All I got is "Watch & Pray". That's it, the sum of my plan. Kinda a painful debilitating plan but it's my plan.



  1. sodomy



    1. sexual intercourse involving anal or oral copulation.


      anal intercourse · anal sex · buggery · pedication · intercourse per anum


  Q: What does a child-molestor have in common with a lil bird in a nest?

  A: They both look down on everyone else & chirp loud but it's all cheap talk.

  Me? Cant help but notice my buttbuddies who read this sent me no money. You guys are weird... AND CHEAP!

   Give me money or when this all comes you'll empower me to drag your entire gang through the mud. Which is in fact my ultimate goal. Tit for tat, you guys did it to me for over half a century, it's time for a lil payback. You guys call me random & made up names & I call you the turth.

  As if calling you guys a pack of baby-raping child-kiling serial rapist recreational seriaql-kiling weird perverts wasn't enough without adding in the obvious... brought it on YOURSELF insult of "you guys are cheap"!


  For the record the name-caling didn't make me feel better, it never does. But the way I figure it is my felllow victims need to hear stuff like that.

  Should I do 1 more? Eh, why not? CHEAP!


  E-mailed police all over America for hours yesterday. I GOT ZERO REPLIES!

  Spent 4 years E-mailing all over the world 2-4 hours a day 3-5 days a weeks til last year. Got what amounted to an average of 1 reply annually (literally) zero of which replied twice. Again literally.

  I E-mailed police, Federal Agencies. Help centers & even businesses totally unrelated to helping anyone whatsoever.

  The Last Snitch bragged the gang followed me electronically intercepting my every communication by E-mail.

  So I bought a bunch of phones, staggered over time. Called all over the world for help. Best I got was lots of ruined & ripped off phones, an empty wallet, & call=s that cut off mid-call whenever I seemed to be getting anywhere & replaced by people who were not the ones I chatted with seconds ago & they refused to switch operators.

  An electronic gulag? Hi-tech stalkers.

  The gang (or someone acting "coincidentally" in their interests) have even edited this & my other websites. Both in wording & in content. Deleting entire stories & subtly altering a word or 2 here & there (augmenting what are likely my own typos that are probably enough to doom any 10 good men).



  Last nite I returned home, relaxed a moment, & was greeted by the taunts of one of the gang. Same guy, same hooting & barking taunts as before. In the recent past I let them, actually hoping that others in the neighborhood would hear & I'd have some witnesses for court later. You never know, a cop or 2 just might hear them. Right?

  I decided that I'd been too passive as of late, so I taunted the man closer. Closer. Eh, called him a coward & he ran off. Typical.

  So I woke up. I've been sodomized nearly every single nite this week. All of'em. I recall starring in enough child-porn to insure a life sentence in just this very week alone. I called on police & rape shelters & protection services online for lots of hours & like usual not a single reply. No, not a one.

  By what means the gang kidnap me I know not.

  I recall a few months ago. A guy approached my wooded home & shouted loudly. "HEY! HEY! HEY"! Over & over. So I sat silent. Waiting. When it seemed like he was just about to walk in I sprang out. He was in his late 30s, short (of course). & had a taller man, a pretty boy about 20 years old with brown hair & a gal who's I could use the same words to describe.

  He feigned innocence & the trio walked off. The tall man stumbling on drugs, tripping & falling & incoherent. The gal manhandled him like so many of my handlers had in the past.

  Is what the latest snitch said true? Have I been implanted with a radio-controlled drug dispenser by my modern-age equipped stalking rape gang & they just dial a phone app & dose me with impunity? Then just send a handler to go get me while I stand obedient on their list of hypnotic drugs they've tested & know work on me for decades?

  To even ponder the above is to make... cops dismiss one my stalker bragged. Warning me out of disgust he said. Disgusted at the ease  by which I am kidnapped manhandled raped & framed over & over.

  "Rape gangs do not use modern medical technology available for decades now". I can almost hear some... cop smiling & mocking chanting it in the same tone they always will. I ain't saying iit's right, just repeating what I'm told.

  I called my stalker a coward last nite. Told him I didn't fear him, Christians don't scare easy. Then I told him I pitied him & that fact is true. Then I prayed for him & "them" & yeah, I asked the all-mighty God to Avenge me of my adversaries. Saying if He'd deliver me I give him my all.

And he spake a parable unto them to this end, that men ought always to pray, and not to faint; Saying, There was in a city a judge, which feared not God, neither regarded man: And there was a widow in that city; and she came unto him, saying, Avenge me of mine adversary. And he would not for a while: but afterward he said within himself, Though I fear not God, nor regard man; Yet because this widow troubleth me, I will avenge her, lest by her continual coming she weary me. And the Lord said, Hear what the unjust judge saith. And shall not God avenge his own elect, which cry day and night unto him, though he bear long with them? I tell you that he will avenge them speedily. Nevertheless when the Son of man cometh, shall he find faith on the earth?


  The below picture says it all.

beat feet.png


  It seems there is no escape from the electronic gulag the gang has imprisoned me 

  I leave the reader with a final picture. Picture the dead children of my tales here standing & watching you oh ye wise upon wise law enforcement officers reading this. Standing dressed as they were when they died pale & gray. Some of those children were good kids, great kids even I'm told. Future pillars of the community, leaders, providers, & some of them kids were Godless brats raised by evil people & dedicated as on a child of pure evil can be to evil & everything between I'm told. Picture them all grey... standing silent;ly, watching you, looking for an ounce of justice in your work.

beat feet.png


  Teeth hurt...likely not as bad as they will soon. Feet hurt. The deforestation of my head goes on unimpeded. I woke up with my deodorant halved, screwed to the top (what was left of it, & broken off it's base (the white stuff on the inside). They stole my 1st aid kit (it was a really nice one). Popped my front tire on my ride. They usually tear this that & the other thing (Duh Jerk brags it makes... cops laugh, as no molester would ever be so petty or mean). Who knows what other odds & ends are gone & I've yet to inventory my socks & underwear again but likely some socks are missing. My umbrellas are trashed. Though I've been in the area a year or so I have the remains to at least 5. All wrecked beyond repair. A raincoat missing & they stole all my money.

  Pain... lots of pain...

  So I sent out some e-mails begging for help. No reply except the obligatory ones (just one this time) that come back saying thee-mail couldn't be delivered to that particular sheriff.

  I posted to social media a plea for help, it is unacceptable by any search. I tried to post to site after site & the screens would not load. Failing at the "moment of truth".

  Yeah, I pray a lot. You gang bangers are going to get what's coming to you one day. If not in this life, then the next life. I suspect that God just might want

a servant who cannot be framed because of the insane amount of framing aimed at them in life. If that is so you gang members are in a lot of trouble.



  How can this have happened in 1976 in America?  I was willing to chalk it up to a gang vs a il kid, sure they bullied me with the... cops & they all wore suits & had degrees. Of course the... cops were gonna listen to them over me.

  How could this happen in 1985 in America? I was a law-abiding citizen. Sure I smoked a lil pot & talked tough to discourage attack but I assumed those things made it ten times more likely... cops would investigate you. Which was always my goal.

  How could this happen in America in the 90s? I thought getting married would provide me with witnesses & an environment that'd allow me to stand against the gang?

  how could this happen in the new millennium in America? I thought for sure publishing my story online would get one of us investigated & arrested. The gang or myself. How can it be neither?

  It's been over 50 years they've stalked me & they've taken to whittling away my body bit by bit & the only thing I can get is... cops who threaten me when I speak out.

  How can all this be?



  Woke up this morning with a tazer wound to my left forearm.

  The latest kidnappings? Sure!  Lots of rapist-to-me-interactions, teens as of late. Lots of sodomy. Stalkers a hootin & a hoolaring nightly for weeks.  I'd suppose they are bound & determined to make sure I have lots of witnesses  testifying about it?

  Lots & lots of pain from my recent tortures... likely filmed so the... cops just laugh & laugh. "Don't lie to me. I've seen the films".

  My country is going to hell in a handbasket & the souls of the masses pour into Hell like a waterfall & I waste my time whining on this good for nothing website.


  PS: I pray a lot for God to Avenge me. Mathew 18:6 And whoso shall receive one such little child in my name receiveth me. But whoso shall offend one of these little ones which believe in me, it were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and that he were drowned in the depth of the sea.

  I was just a baby when your gang started menacing me, stalking me, raping, robbing, & torturing me. I'm sure that our Lord has given your entire gang a ong-suffering time to repent & so I have I & none of you have.  It gives me no pleasure to see what God will do to you. Both in this life & certainly in the next life.


  More sodomy... more bruising on my left forearm & more vein-blocking attacks. Particularly to the groin & femoral artery, specifically the left side.

  PS: I pray a lot for God to Avenge me. Mathew 18:6 And whoso shall receive one such little child in my name receiveth me. But whoso shall offend one of these little ones which believe in me, it were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and that he were drowned in the depth of the sea.

  I was just a baby when your gang started menacing me, stalking me, raping, robbing, & torturing me. I'm sure that our Lord has given your entire gang a long-suffering time to repent & so I have I & none of you have.  It gives me no pleasure to see what God will do to you. Both in this life & certainly in the next life.


  They busted me up good last nite. Left foot... again. Sodomy nearly every night for weeks now. This time they busted the back of the heel just behind where the leg bone comes down on the foot on the bottom. Yeah... it hurts. Perhaps cripplingly so. I might be able to make it home tonite? But what about tomorrow? The next day? The next month?

  Yeah... I pray a lot. Always did except for those years I lived as an atheist, described better in my 1,500+ page letter to the FBI where someone dies every few pages.

  Kill one person & it's a tragedy. Kill 100 people & it's a statistic... cops will surely ignore.

  PS: I pray a lot for God to Avenge me. Mathew 18:6 And whoso shall receive one such little child in my name receiveth me. But whoso shall offend one of these little ones which believe in me, it were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and that he were drowned in the depth of the sea.

  I was just a baby when your gang started menacing me, stalking me, raping, robbing, & torturing me. I'm sure that our Lord has given your entire gang a ong-suffering time to repent & so I have I & none of you have.  It gives me no pleasure to see what God will do to you. Both in this life & certainly in the next life.


  0300 alongside the Memorial Highway Toll Booths I awoke to loud noises & the same "hootin & a hollarin" the gang likely inflicts on all their long-term victims (a subject certain to confuse any 100 mid-Michigan... cops sampled I'd suppose). What felt ;like a painful injection to the right gluteus maximus had been inflicted on me & in minutes I felt my skin crawling & grabbed me a fresh unattached tick that was crawling up my leg.

  The gang's friends inserts tried to get me to play another game with them, & didn't show up. Again. It amused me to go & see if they'd show up or what may come of it. Again. Amused. Me. To go. For my own amusement. No other reason. Just a hunch & I make no accusations. Gotta keep my 100% average of spotting their inserts (eventually, rarely on the 1st meeting, but clues usually build up as we interact, specifically due to body language & rules of conduct I know various "inserts" are expected to adhere to, works on prospective dates too, I spot them a mile away, fat, thin, ugly, & pretty, but I figure it's best to milk them for info & some drop subtil clues of this, that, & even the other thing from time to time).

  Well that was my nite & reporting any of it is enough to destroy any 100 good men I suspect, let alone me.

  Truth is I'm ever the optimist & my entire life suspected that the Police... Good Officers were following me & building up an intel picture of the goings on around me.

  Hey! If you are a Good Officer & tasked with following me I say try not to get overwhelmed. Protect yourself & once you're legally protected from the Agencies the gang brag will leap to their defense I bet it'd be fun & easy to mess with them. Act weak, act simple, the gang eat that stuff up! Your every conclusion is luck, your every encounter coincidence, your every inquiry being just you looking for someone else & you'll be on your way cause you don't want the gang, you want this other group for some fictional slight they will be amused to hear. Hey! Maybe they'll even put you on track to an old dead case if you're clever enough just to get you out of their hair? Be creative. Surely acting like you have a big mortgage on paper will put the gang more at ease. Be sneaky & obey the law.

  PS: Remember this fact too. Those long stories in the humor webpage (Making Fun Of Them) ain't to relax me (I get 0% relaxation or amusement from them, well... maybe 01% amusement but it's surely not the goal of the webpage) are an instructional tutorial. Guidelines of how the gang will likely act & react to you & their victims. But not only how their dirty... cops act but how their convinced & gulled cadre of otherwise great... cops will act & react to certain stimuli & conversation.


  More kidnappings, more films interacting with my captors. They also seem very interested in skits that involve court-type situations. It could be the end is near or even that I've literally been on trial, delirious, & don't even know it. "You'll come too on the prison bus".

  The words... I don't know apply here.


  I moved... you know... to avoid rapists.


  They seem to like to pound on the bottoms of my feet at my nearly nightly ongoing rapes. Rape rape rape... pound pound pound...

  I can barely walk... though since I don't like to make public displays of pain I'd suppose all I have to say is translated into the word "liar" in "copspeak".



  I'd suppose there is no amount of pleading, begging, nor likely reporting to police that will save me. It sucks to be me & the gang boast that it always will. I pray a lot.As of late I am convicted in my heart that I have not given God the glory he is due. Truth be told my survival (if you could call my pathetic life "surviving") is soley due to God. In virtually every single tale here I prayed to God for strength or wisdom to escape, to win, to flee, what to do, where to go. Lately my prayers are who to turn to, what to write, wisdom to go on, to tell my story which I believe is what God would want me to do.


  PS: I pray a lot for God to Avenge me. Mathew 18:6 And whoso shall receive one such little child in my name receiveth me. But whoso shall offend one of these little ones which believe in me, it were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and that he were drowned in the depth of the sea.

  'And He spake a parable unto them to this end, that men ought always to pray, and not to faint; 2. Saying, There was in a city a judge, which feared not God, neither regarded man: 3. And there was a widow in that city; and she came unto him, saying, Avenge me of mine adversary. 4. And he would not for a while: but afterward he said within himself, Though I fear not God, nor regard man; 5. Yet because this widow troubleth me, I will avenge her, lest by her continual coming she weary me. If the Unjust Judge avenged that widow how much more will The Lord avenge me, a christian child from my youth?

  I was just a baby when your gang started menacing me, stalking me, raping, robbing, & torturing me. I'm sure that our Lord has given your entire gang a long-suffering time to repent & so I have I & none of you have.  It gives me no pleasure to see what God will do to you. Both in this life & certainly in the next life.


  Here I sit, my wrist broken again in another attack. I'm in the midst of a sleep deprivation assault. Particularly as of late. They planted noise-makers about my yard & follow me around with children making animal hoots & dog barks 24-7.

  I woke up a few days ago with my wrist broken & the entire front of my body numb from at least a dozen or so injections of who knows what into every joint of my body. I fear the barrel & hypo treatments have hit a few times. While obviously seeking the nickname "the ripper" (written in lower case as an insult) they ripped the sole of my left shoe 1/2 separating it from the top.

  They ripped my wallet apart & stole my passwords. Smashed my tablet. Sodomized me several times a week every week. Stole virtually all my underwear... again. Stole pants, shirts.

  Oh yeah... & I likely killed a guy recently.

  How's your life going reader? I'd like to hear from you.


  I just wrote the story of stories that is the child-molester's biggest gift ever. It's not fun writing stuff that's very likely to destroy you. So reader, how was your day?

  What story? This one...

MODERN TECHNOLOGY... Welcome to 21st century crime...

  Soooo the way it's explained to me is I carry an advanced RIFF tracking chip. Not unusual, in the past as a child from time to time the gang impressed upon me that they'd planted trackers or bugs on me. My Cousin was fond of describing my "alone moments" to me. You know, when you're home alone.

  Lately the designated "snitch" told me they'd implanted a RIFF Tracker. Now it's easy to follow me around & wait for those perfect kidnapping moments for "love". Before you... cops get all weird on me I invite you to check the stats that claim as much as 25% of ALL Americans are so chipped. Most not knowing it nor how the situation came to be.

  Even better the bragging Molester said was the bug was implanted & gives the dirty... cop involved a greater story to use against me & he alleged it even made fo evidence to link me to a crime, thus empowering his dirty... cop story.

  Last year, at night I've been awakened by & had "this" happen to me.  Just laying on my bed & an LED light (LED is a guess on my part) just tuns on behind my right eye. Nearly blinding & lasting a minute or 2.

  Before... cops get all weird know that the gang crave "outrageous story elements" as a matte of business. I called them here "PRACTICAL jokes" which when you check OFFICIAL Police Rape Statistics is a common identifier in rapes now.

  A few years ago The Last Snitch told me they'd installed radio headphones in my ears in a permanent  installation. Now they could hear everything I hear & transmit any sounds they wanted. "But we probably wont use it until we lock you up in jail". Keeping me awake, the ranting madman who hears voices in his head, no need to check his story (or worse some dirty Doctor says they checked & I'm a liar, so thee's no need to check again).

  Worse he claims the housing was designed to "bond with flesh". Certain metals or plastics can bond with flesh meaning they'd have to be cut out in a major surgery. "You'll never find a surgeon to do it". All the good ones know about the gang & that they'd target anyone foolish enough to remove their trackers. He claimed a security feature was they sounded off at full power in they touch air. That no Dr. who ever tried to remove one was ready for a 130db (decibels, 130 is deafeningly loud).

  Bragging they had power badges & just swoop in & seize anything removed that was their property. Leaving me in court with an "my word vs  power badges who chuckle or deny situation". All just standard business for them, nothing special on my part. This is just how 21st century "Get out of jail free cards" are handled. It's just how repeat rape victims are handled by the gang. It's just business. It was at the installed headphone that he told me they intended to install an advanced RFID behind my eye to see what I see.

  He teased me, how did I suppose they kidnapped me so often?

  I answered I figured it was via straight up kidnapping & via dirty... cop arrests.

  The :Last Snitch said yes, they did all that but now they had installed in my bowels a radio-transmitter drug dispenser. He described it as a rotary device that even worked via cell phone. My next kidnapping was just a phone call away. Typical drug selection being a hypnotic drug. The theory being they walk up & lead me to my rape/frame-job & I go & return obediently.

  Ask yourself oh ye skeptic reading this. are all the things I outlined possible? Are they cheap enough for a gang I've described as "cheap" to do? Would you have to be a rocket scientist or could any slob do these things with little or no technical help? The answer is yes.

  Tying it all together he said they said my next rape/frames are a phone call away. Just dial any of up to 5 drugs & it's dosage, wait for it to take effect, then use the headphones to order me to go here, go there, do this, do that, kill him, do unspeakable acts to her. In disgust he informed me they had a vast library of films to take me down now & intend to release it based on what they think investigating Police are looking for.

  If true I'm a walking danger to myself & everyone & anyone around me at best.

  Thinking of destroying me to remove the threat from society oh ye Lazy... Vigilante... cop? I'm just an inconsequential cog at best in the crime machine. A piece designed to be destroyed once it's usefulness wears out. You act against me & you act for them. How? Because to destroy me you've got to dismiss me, & everything I've got to say. "We plan to intimately involve ourselves in your case. We'll take pictures with the cops investigating. Link their reputations to ours". Then he boasted. "Usually they have us figured out by the 2nd trial, and there will be a second trial in a death penalty case like yours. But by then it wont matter. Their reputations will be intertwined with ours". This is their "never fail plan" and it always works on any... cop fool enough to even slightly side with them, even for a moment against a juicy vigilante target like myself.

  He said they'll likely drug me & walk me through the court process all doped up. Answering questions with a glazed look. "You'll probably come too on the Prison Bus. That's to make your story more unbelievable". Then the gloves come off & the accusation made by my fellow victim Mass Murder Chick of a "sonic assault" she poorly worded before her execution happens to me too in prison & no one will give the ranting madman "with voices in his head" the time of day.

  "A victim endorses our lies when they repeat them". So I'll ask oh ye skeptics. Do I have to endorse everything they say? Do I? All of it? Really? Are you that naive? Are you that woefully behind in how 21st century crime works now or is it just that you intend to give a free pass your entire career to any gang where high-tech is even mentioned?

  My opinion of the subject? Idano? Here's the clues. It is not my job to sort through the gang's web of lies. It never was. Besides, I am not now nor was I ever a mid-Michigan... cop. Thus I don't believe half the stuff that comes out of a child-molester's mouth. Nor am I inclined to believe a single word of anyone a mid-Michigan... cop calls "a reliable informant".

  Soooo you want to take the gang down? Maybe even free me? Free my fellow victims too? Your plan better deal with everything mentioned.

  Me? I recommend the use of a room that is a Faraday Cage to stop radio transmission. When you get into court or the Interrogation Room have a guy who's a communications & electronics expert monitoring & considering RF signals & what they may be from & what their likely purpose is. It's not hard & surely not as expensive as you may imagine. Simple actually.

  Well, I just wrote the simple tale inflicted upon me that is a dirt... Prosecutor's dream. A Skeptic... cops ultimate fantasy, the few paragraphs that when read are enough to destroy any 100 just men, let alone Less Than Nobody me.

  This is how organized crime with a badge works in the 21st century. Deal with it.

  “And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.”

  Can the truth free even me? David A. George? We shall see.

  They refreshed the "wrist burn mark" Duh Jerk bragged they were identifying burns meant to publicly mark a person as a "slave for life" for the gang. I first got it like this...

  There I was, cuffed & shackled standing up to a desk with my arms extended in front of me. Duh Jerk & Fagboy, Shortstuff, & Duh Weasel & a few jocks were there in a clean, shcool-like interior in my mid-20s. Duh Jerk produced a brand, glowing hot. Shortstuff begged for permission to brand me but Duh Jerk told him he relished this moment a long time. It was a delicious moment & he wasn't giving it up. Then he proceeded to burn both my wrists with small burn marks that faded slightly over the decades (until now for the right wrist, which they also broke).

  They stole my wrist brace, & on the coming Friday 8-14, likely rapey boy date night they drove a car up & down my deserted road, revving the engine into the late hours over & over. Peeling out. Likely irritated at me being on watch.

  "It is the accusations of our victims reflected back at them that is our true power". - The Last Snitch bragging it is their provoking that empowers their counter lies against their victims. A tactic 100% effective against all mid-Michigan... cops. That's just fine because I'm not addressing them, otherwise I'd use smaller words.


  My right hand hurts. When I said my wrist had been broken by them I believe I was in error. The pain is  in the hand, below the pinky finger about mid-hand.

  They still continue the stalking. Distant hoots & woops from the direction of the woods furthest from possible witnesses. I think this is an indicator that they don't"own" the people  or the block to the south... yet. They either use the hidden speakers or send people nearby to make gentle hoots from the direction of the south from my place. Very close & so gentle they could never be heard over the sounds of the continuous heavy traffic nearby.

  I hear I starred on tv lately, beside "Mr. V", or so he said to me. Yet more "films" to convince... cops.

  Stolen this, that & the other thing. Trinkets mostly. I'd suppose to serve as a fetish or who knows what since I really don't have any underwear to steal. I still have a few pairs of socks. Clothes went bye bye. Like usual.

  I met a guy on the sidewalk on the way home. I wont slur him by saying his name. But, much like many of the gang he was a little gift happy (I took nothing) & insisted on bumping elbows & other such high-five nonsense. I did it, just like I did in previous films I'm told where I can be seen high-fiving & shaking hands & even joking with my rapists.

  The gang has teased me for a half-century that I should be more paranoid. That my basic friendliness to the world, being filmed with rapists & stalkers, & pedophiles & even being nice to my stalkers as commanded by my religion would be my undoing.

  My opinion? Blessed be the name of the LORD.


  "It is the accusations of our victims reflected back at them that is our true power". - Lots of bragging gang members


  Woke up with wounds & pain like unto needles or syringes around the base of my penis/testicles at about 3, 6, & 9 o'clock. This is regular, about bi-weekly & often leaves me with difficulty achieving an erection. Boasting gang bangers say it's to film me failing at sex-acts for their films. Films to make jurys &... cops shake their heads & laugh at me. Fodder, as if the sum of their films & recruited hordes were not already beyond overkill.

  Sometimes (half the time lately) it's a syringe pain wound below my testicles aimed at my prostate. Presumably to collect new & always fresh samples for their ongoing frame job where it is likely said evidence will point to the most heinous of criminals imaginable.

  Me? I'm not scared nor worried. As long as Police give me half a chance & make at least a token effort to investigate my story (without mid-Michigan... cops) I'll win & I know it. I also suspect the gang knows it too. "All we have to do is drag you back to Bay City [Michigan] or to one of our courts we control (having framed me exclusively in said communities)". As long as they control the investigation I go down in flames.

  Pain is & always was my companion.


  Just a recap on what should be old news. Weird on weird. The gang's trademark. "All I have to do is act so weird the cops will say no one would act so weird & they can never bust me". A concept sure to daze & confuse any & all mid-Michigan... cops. I've seen it unerringly work.

  The gang has developed a fondness for using fake snow during their recent sessions. I suspect it's because one of them has a warehouse full of the stuff & there's nothing much to do with it.

  A bunch of weirdos doing weird & perverse stuff?

  "Our group has a habit where each Chapter picks one person & frames them above all others. We voted last night & it's you [the Author of this website]". - Snitchgirl Fall of 1976 just outside "The Gym".

  9-17-20  After the abduction...

  Soooooooooooo... they had me out yesterday, in some school, college-like setting they said was a military school barracks (in "copspeak it means I, not the gang, I the victim, I'm lying). Rectum hurts, more vein blockage attacks (a gradual process that when translated to mid-Michigan "Copspeak" translates to "liar liar pants on child-molesting fire, don't forget, they've "seen the films" & chant that I, the victim, I'm the scumbag in the conversation), more films with teens & 20 something's interacting with me in a multitude of mundane & sexual chat (Shall I hook up my copspeak translator here? Nah...).

  I heard them wupping dog yelps in the yard last night, quite close. Figured it was them running around my yard, probably drugged up. A pathetic state of being in my opinion. Who'd want to rape me? What or who am I that my company or my presence is sufficiently desirable that one might risk probation (accessory after the fact on tons of murder? we all know it's merely probation offence-grade for them, being they were a bunch of good people, only caught up in how much of a scumbag their victim is, oops, I mean me in the role of filmed scumbag, you... cops will feel great about it, just ignore all the slowly dying children past present & future of the gang & you'll feel great doing me hard, I promise).

  Whine whine whine... complain complain complain.

  So I was walking home about 3 years ago & prayed that the Lord deliver me from the gang. Then I prayed for a sign. I looked up & there was a meteor, a real shooting star overhead.

  Sooooo later I was walking home at night & I prayed to the Lord for confirmation. Then I looked up & there was a meteor streaking overhead.

  Soooo there I was months later. Unsure of myself & wanting confirmation the Lord would free me from the gang in this life. I told myself I wouldn't tempt the Lord anymore. Then in seconds I prayed again for confirmation. I regretted it but it was too late, I'd prayed it. I looked up to see another shooting star burning up above.

  Blessed be the name of the Lord.


  Monday night was the 1st night where the local temperature dropped low enough to where it was likely my neighbors would close their windows at night. Being forewarned by a weatherman I wondered if (if? not my best choice of words) the gang would resume their night time noise campaign against me? I wasn't disappointed... much.

  Even as I entered my home t6he moment I shut the door it began... poorly made bird noises. Not too loud dog barks that were obviously human emanating from the exact same spots as usual leading me to conclude it's likely the gang have several noisemakers spread over my yard. A few of the speakers are more "favorites" for whosoever is in charge of the noise. With human-dog barks & poorly made owl hoots all coming from the same speaker locations regardless of what the noise is.

  While talking with a more informative gang banger he told me the noise served several purposes not the least of which is to make Police shake their heads in disapproval while their cadre of dirty... cops & loyal child-molestor apologists (cops who imagine they are above it all but in the end have to cover-up for the gang, lest they admit the gang does in fact exist & thus provide a useful service to the gang but think they are the noble defenders of the community, not their victims who speak out, them) assure skeptics with their tried & true speech. "No one would do that to someone". And the popular. "Yes I am destroying the gang's victim but it's not for the gang (even though I'm sure they are grateful, cough cough) it's for the good of the community. Just ignore the fact that maybe your kids are next or, well, maybe you.... are... next".

  He said the real reason is it can force victims to wear headphones to sleep. This makes kidnappings, abductions, & assaults much easier & safer.

  Did you hear that reader? It's the distant echo of a child-molester apologist... cop practicing his next speech. "Ignore the child-molesters". "No child-molester would ever do that. It's unethical"! The sad fact is for every one of those... cops there's 10 dirty...;. cops practicing the same speech.

  In unrelated new For lack of a better description "the flavor" of my recent kidnappings has been different. Yeah I'm enduring abduction weekly, bi-weekly, and more & the child-porn is a flowing. What I mean is the quality of the memories is different. Crisper & yet very prone to fade. I suspect this is from a change in the drug or drugs used. Also the interactions are a little different too. Likely an indicator of a change of leadership in my ongoing frame up. They use a lot more teens than usual.

  I'll end with the quote of many a... cop to me. Some skeptic, some dirty,, & others ruthless self-serving madmen who practice "Igotcha Policism". Enjoy!

   "If we find pictures of you staring in child-porn you're going to jail".

  Some added, almost apologetically & certainly contritely.

  "You'll get a chance to tell a jury your story". In short, I complain about it, it's proof I'm lying (what other possible reason could there be? Right?) and the same story I'm spouting that couldn't get Police to help me will be my defense in court.

  I have the... cops of all of the USA to protect me. Lucky, lucky me.

  Lucky, lucky me...

  "As long as we never give up on you (attacking me, the author of this website) the police will never give you a chance".

  A common child-molester saying I heard from several different members. Prominently Snitch Girl, Duh Jerk, & The Last Snitch among them.



  The Police have never avenged me. Never protected me once. Feel free to check my record. No one has ever gone to jail or even been arrested to protect... me.

  Thus by logical deduction I must have the most perfect life ever in America. Right?

beat feet.png


Twice this week. I find walking... challenging. We'll call it "The Dover Walk of Shame".


  Sometimes when I pray I say: "Oh God who delivered me from the Crib & from The Gym"...


  The kidnappings & rapes go on every few days unabated. The noise campaign of soft hoots & yelps go on. Single barks & hoots about 1 a minute or 2 ever since it got cold enough that my neighbors likely keep their windows closed.

  Either at 6ish PM but more likely at 9 PM they continue to light soft fireworks for years now as I've moved from state to state. 

  I've attracted a much higher class of rapist handlers since I arrived in Dover DE. They have me walking around in mansions & in very expensive almost palatial homes when they're not wandering me nude around local kiddie schools shooting child porn. Always at every event filming mundane conversation & interactions.

  The vein blocking attacks come... I wake us numbed or worse, lately, a big bubble where the liquid injected into me has yet to filter into my body.

  Whine whine whine. Man... I am SO SICK OF WHINING!

  Despite what... cops may tell you I take no pleasure in writing this website nor complaining.



  I'm in the midst of a stepped-up sleep-deprivation attack. More literally a "dream-deprivation" attack. It began last Sunday.

  The gang brag the victim is stalked & awakened hourly or bi-hourly to prevent them from entering "R.E.M. Sleep" with the goal of reducing my cognitive skills & making me delirious for what is likely another coming frame-job or escalation to a demented & delirious lifestyle they've bragged I'd one day face before they finally do away with me. Either in court, looney bin, hospitalization, or combination thereof (see ).

  Why? Revenge. Just business. I am "their recruiter". I was born into the gang, the child of a loyal child-molesting family, raised to be their living frame target, a man so framed that it would be impossible for anyone to overcome it, but with God all things are possible.

      Matthew 19:26 King James Version

      26 But Jesus beheld them, and said unto them, With men this is   impossible; but with God all things are possible

  Why now? I can only guess? Here's why I suspect why.

  On Saturday, February 27, 2021, I became semi-lucid in an "E" shaped-room, minus the top bar of the "E". It had windows left & forward & had doors to the right at the ends of the hall. The top one guarded by a mass of partiers & the bottom one guarded by 4 rather large Jocks in black. The room had tables & chairs lining all 3 lines of the "E" & was populated by at least 30+ revelers (maybe more), mostly white & predominantly 18 but aged up to 50 or so in a few cases.

  The 1st thing I thought was I'd become semi-lucid & was a kidnap victim at one of their parties. Being in the left corner of the "E" I saw the Jocks & decided that wouldn't be my best escape route. So I went up the "E". There I saw a table ahead with about 8 manila folders neatly arranged at each seat. It amused me to investigate them. The folder contained 3 Dungeons & Dragons Character Sheets. It occurred to me that this was a filmed event, where the gang pose as my buttbuddies & engage themselves in a common hobby for police "We' are (or were) friends, you can ignore him because he's crazy & on drugs (and soon very likely to be R.E.M. Sleep-deprived delirious)". In my opinion... I had to get out of there... now!

  People watched me & the room partied around me (typical... makes for great "he's on drugs AND our friend footage) I walked into the middle bar of the "E" & noticed the drop ceiling above & a high dresser of drawers. So I decided that I could climb a decorative divider that separated tables & jump to the top of the dresser & climb up, & look into the drop ceiling.

  A 40ish-year-old black man noticed me & jumped up there himself to block me (in my opinion) shouting & drawing attention to himself & waving.

  So I took a few steps & walked up on him & violently shoved him off! He landed into the knife-edge of the table & slammed chairs about & complained or a broken leg & arm as I climbed up & leaped to the top of the dresser, pulled myself up & looked into the ceiling. Dark, not much to see.

  One of the young women tasked with watching me told her partner to go & get some Jocks.

  I could see there was another room & dropped down into that room & walked over to the window while gangbangers knocked on the door & tried to enter fruitlessly.

  I looked out the window, I was in about a 3-story building in a residential neighborhood. A large tree branch was there & I climbed out & down. The building looked 2 story, but they were tall floors. As I neared the ground 2 young me launched drones by hand by throwing them overhand, WWII fighter planes about 2-3 feet across with several box-type add-ons. One drone failed to launch & crashed, I dropped down & chased the man, delivering a few harmless glancing blows to the whiner (they are a bunch of crybabies & whiners whenever confronted without an army of Jocks, trained to be the victims in ALL confrontations, the... cops falling for it every time).

  Me? I was content he was off-balance, hurting him badly was never the goal. So I took off briskly. It was clear the building I just left only bordered a residential zone & it quickly turned into businesses, each about half a block from the curb & well spaced apart. I think 1 was a trucking company but how my drug-hazed mind came to that conclusion eludes me at the time of this writing.

  2 young men in a subcompact car pulled up & asked if I was all right? Did I want a ride? Typical. This is how the gang treats it's victims. Hoping their drugs may have reset their victim's long-term memory & they'll be confused as to where they are & eager for a Good Samaritan's help. I refused them.

  So I decided I needed to lose the gang. Behind the business' was some wood & I decided to skirt the woods to lose pursuit.

  Soon I came to a construction site. With an over-sized crane, big trucks, & a big bulldozer with a sealed cabin (did I mention big?) all seemed to be working in about 1 foot or so of water. With steep hills to one side, I decided to pull my pants up & cross the worksite. It was here I noticed I was wearing khakis & some cheap black basketball high tops I'd never seen before & a red long sleeve shirt.

  I'm sad to say the bulldozer backed up very quickly on me & nearly crushed me against a wall. The driver yelled at me but I have & had no idea what he said... but I can guess by his tone. I made it alive to the other side of the site,  & entered city. A business district?

  The gang was there. I recognized the guy in the subcompact who pulled up from Bay City Michigan. He's likely an ongoing buttbuddy in my life. He got out of his car & asking me if I was okay & need a ride walked back to his car.

  Me? I refused him & said something like. "Come here I have something I want to show you".

  He walked over.

  I one-handed choked him about 30 seconds before he got free & ran off. He didn't seem happy to me. I pondered chasing him but I just wanted to escape. So I kept going.

  A rather large man, 6' 6" or larger pointed to a nearby building & I entered it. I walked it & came upon what I assumed was a far eastern wedding ceremony at the time. At least a dozen or more dancers all dressed in shiny attire with brightly colored far eastern dance garb danced professionally well to well-played classy far-eastern music. If I had to guess I'd guess Siamese or Burmese though any knowledge I have of said cultures is very limited.

  I stood mesmerized. You see my loyal reader the drug(s?) reduce your cognitive powers. Simply put I was dazzled by too much input & just stared at the ceremony or dance recital with what seemed like dozens of others & likely many more that I couldn't see past the double doors. The memory ends there.

  Today when washing, let me put this indelicately, I was washing my rectum & my hemorrhoid is about twice as long as before. Feels weird, soft & lifeless. When I woke up the gang's R.E.M. Sleep-Deprivation attack had begun. It truly became apparent day 2 when I finally noticed the pattern of waking up hourly or bi-hourly.

  It's been over a week now. I have degraded mental functioning as of now. While I don't drink, smoke, or do drugs it has become noticeable. Forgetfulness has set in. Degraded functionality accompanied by a mental fog of sorts that I must now battle through to preform event the simplest of tasks.

  Soooo.... a few days ago I checked into a homeless shelter to get some sleep. It worked the 1st nite. I managed 6+ hours of wholesome sleep.

  Since then it's been mostly hourly or bi-hourly I am awakened.

  And here am I. David A. George. Just another guy on the list the gang brag. "We do this kind of stuff all the time". They boast I'm next on the list & after they deal with me they'll just move on & do the same thing to the next guy on the list. A never-ending revolving door of a lifetime of violence & horror I've had to endure.

  I've had it explained to me by more talkative gangbangers that after a very public escape & or re-arrest (by dirty or fake... cops) said treatment like what I'm enduring is fairly standard.

  I now pose the question I picture... cops might ask me. "What do you think happened after you have no memory of events"?

  Me? Idano? But I can guess. Speculate? What if my recapture was very public. Cell phones filming in a public space with me shouting in a verbal public arena that one simply cannot ignore happened if it ever comes to light? I'm told the degradation of mental faculties via R.E.M. Sleep Deprivation, usually combined with drugs, makes the following Police follow-up seem all the more ignorable by any Good Police Officer who may be involved in any investigation.

  Maybe there was more fighting? Who got hurt? How badly? Who witnessed it?

  Maybe I stood mesmerized & the gang simply lead me away by hand with an ease & grace for their films, soon to be followed up by a violent anal rape. Yet another "anal-expansion".

  Well... that's how my week is going.

  I'm otherwise in lots of pain from the incident & may endure lifelong crippling injury because of it. I may not be alone as I hear my escape into a public arena can often bring very serious punishments, usually physical & sexual in nature down on the gangbangers who screwed up & let me escape.

  Remember the gang's proclivity for PRACTICAL jokes Officers. This is just as likely to have been staged from beginning to end. Such is the gang's mentality.

  Addendum to the above. Written days after the above entry.

  Just a few days later I was gifted with some khaki pants... & they fit well! Lucky me huh?

  Health update:

  Last month over a 2 week period, one abduction at a time they drilled holes up & into my front canine teeth twice. Then I awoke with a professional (semi-professional?) tooth drilling. Someone had drilled a lower front canine & taken the time to repack the filling, a bit lower than before. The edges of the top of the tooth were rough, unpolished & tiny bits of tooth were spit out over days. The filling rests lower in my mouth than before.

  They also deliberately chipped about 10% off the back side of the right tooth next to the one described on the bottom. Promises fulfilled they brag. In "Copspeak" (cop language) it loosely translates to. "Huh? What? Of course the alleged victim is lying. What other conclusion could there be"?

  They like to pound on the soles of my feet after the rapes. Not so bad, they tell me it's a long-term cumulative effect they are going for. That every secret surgery & torture is designed to fail at once. Flip a switch & have their "implants" (which no madman would install, it's unethical!) & I'll be blind or deaf at their leisure & their many compromised dirty doctors will swear I just had bad luck. They brag they have or had a rotary drug dispenser with a selection of drugs. That they can dial a cell phone & drug me with any number of designer drugs. Hypnotic drugs & plain ole simple heroin being quoted so that with a phone call I can die a junkie's death the moment it is most advantageous for them or if I should start to do well against them. With their many films it's all an easy sell. Even without the films, who'd believe or even give the time of day to the world's most trusted men if they dared repeat such outrageous stories told to them by outrageous & perverse madman? That being true, except there be a miracle from God what hope do I have?

  A gang-banger told me to expect this. It's a common gang practice to unpack a tooth filling & drill out the sides so that the tooth will soon fail. Add to it the recent drilling attacks & attacks of the past designed to make... cops chuckle & he promised me an extremely painful jack-o-lantern smile for court. "Good luck concentrating in court later after what we do to your mouth". Simply put this is how it's done by the gang.

  Frankly, I'm tired of writing about a gang every... cop knows about & all the wise one's tell me they know I speak the truth about but THEY don't have the guts to help me.

  com·mon /ˈkämən/ Learn to pronounce

  1. occurring, found, or done often; prevalent.


  My stalking remains as it has been Some days are worse than others.

  In my heart I feel God has something planned for me with the gang. But so far until that day comes all I am is some rich guy's "get out of jail free card". Or so I'm told.

  To God be the glory, not by my own strength can I be delivered but only by him.



  Sooooooo here I am. I've gotten back into soul-winning. Church attendance, the good stuff. I've been thinking about the next life & feel that reaching out to other souls to get them to repent & accept Jesus as their personal savior so they too can avoid Hell is the right & morally decent thing to do.

  It's a scary thing. In my entire life I've never made a Christian friend once in church. But when I dared to repeat my story here in any form & at any point I've known only hatred & been ostracized.

  My last church, well they made special rules that only applied to me. I could not wander the church unattended, could not carry a bag into church, & I had to submit to inspections of my bag upon entering the church though none of them had ever seen me or knew me (that I know of).

  I'm reminded of The Church on the Edge of the Forbidden Zone in the time leading up to & during The Gym. A convicted pedophile sex offender started coming to church. Personally, I applaud repentance & forgiveness & like the preacher I only wished the best for him & all of us sinners who attended the church. I'll admit that it unnerved me that he freely roamed the basement, then the children's section of the church.

  I recall listening to several parents & church members expressing concerns privately. I support their concerns, be as wise as serpents, but as gentle as doves in my opinion.

  My opinion was I was just a child & it wasn't my place to judge the situation. So I simply watched. Not intently or even casually, but I did note events unfold.

  One day, by chance I happened upon the convicted sex offender in the hall at the men's room in the basement & by chance the Preacher walked into the hall. He told the man he didn't like the thought of a convicted child molester wandering the children's section as he was & suggested that he go to the basement no more.

  In his defense the man suggested he was only there that time to use the bathroom.

  The Preacher okay'd use of the facilities if the upstairs bathroom was full & left him free to roam.

  I never saw the man go into the basement again.

  About that time a man who self-identified as an active card-carrying devil-worshiper (openly) began attending in or about the summer of 1976. He said he had an interest in being a Christian but fully intended, at this time, to be a fully practicing & loyal church member of the local devil-worshiping church.

  The man sat alone mostly & in my opinion the church was at least nicer than luke-warm to the man who openly said he was an unrepentant devil-worshiper.

  Then... "The Gym" happened. The gang sent 7 large men who bodily tried to corral me to walk here, walk there, or to not be able to enter this or that place. Openly. They tried to make sure I could not interact with church members but I just climbed over seats & alternated between begging for help & defending myself.

  Some members said that they didn't believe I was being troubled by the local devil-worshiping church.

  I pointed to the 7 giant men, they youngest about 25 who openly shadowed me. The congregation told me, as a whole, they knew, THEY KNEW the men were devil-worshipers & had been told as much. I was impressed by how many said the situation didn't prove a thing. Some members asked me to leave. Some told me to leave. Some threatened me. Others sort of repeated base accusations against me.

  The way the gang accuses people is in secret. They swear people to secrecy whenever possible. Why? I'm told this is because they don't want a victim to be able to defend themselves. So secret unspecified accusations abounded against me. People called me the worst [11 year old] sinner imaginable. When I asked the nature of the accusations all they said was. "You know what they are". I hear it allows them to make up many lies, each gossiper being told the worst story that offends them & leaving police with a twisted tangle of stories if they should ever investigate.

  I recall defending myself. Pointing to the 7 giants as proof I was being troubled.

  They countered it was only because I was a scumbag. That a scumbag such as myself was not welcome at the Church on the Edge of the Forbidden Zone.

  Why? What did I do?

  Oh. You know.

  No. No I did not know. But by their reactions I could guess.

  I pointed out the convicted sex offender. A man who'd been convicted & been wandering the children's section for months & the church seemed to accept him? Why not me?

  They had some excuses most of which I agreed with as I too am all about forgiveness & repentance. My complaint was the man was convicted, and everyone calls me "The Good Kid", so if they believed these horrible accusations against me, whatever they were, why not a little christian forgiveness for me.

  No was the most popular answer. No forgiveness for a scumbag like [11 year old] me. The accusations were simply too vile (whatever they were).

  I pointed out the card-carrying unrepentant self-professed devil-worshiper & noted they treated the man nicer than me.

  There was much hemming & hawing. He was a nice guy, they had hopes to convert the man so they were being nice, but nice was not a thing I was going to accept. The accusations against me by open & bragging members of the local satanic church were too much, the accusations too vile.

  Fair enough I said. But why 7 giant Jocks? I was just an 11 year old boy.

  The reply was always they were too scared to confront me in any number less than 7 giant men. The men had said so, they were afraid of me, such was my penchant for violence & my ability to inflict it that it took that many guys to scare me.

  I recall bargaining. "If I was half the scumbag you say then church is the place you'd want me to be isn't it"?

  "Yes. But someone else's church".

  I recall a guy walking around, a member, he told me, openly, his goal was to assemble a sufficient amount of people that they could safely beat me up & drive me from the building. I think he recruited 2 men that I know of, but the rest seemed to balk at openly attacking an 11 year old boy in the church itself from the conversations I overheard while I begged members for help & defended myself as the case may be.

  I had several members tell me, independently, they'd be recruiting teenagers to drive me from church when I next attended church.

  I recall the last guy I begged for help. He was the largest church member (from what I could tell), he was a big & powerful man, & he strongly told me to leave.

  I refused. I felt that leaving at that time was dangerous.

  He called me a liar, told me he didn't believe my wild tale of The Gym.

  I countered. Why do you think those 7 guys are there?

  He told me, that like many church members he believed them & not me. It was 7 to 1.

  I retorted. But they are devil-worshipers & until now I've been called "The Good Kid".

  Not a valid defense & proof of nothing. 7 giant jocks stalking a child proves nothing, it never did in Bay City.

  I pointed out the man's size. "What are you, about 6'4", 6'5" & 250 LBS"?

  He said. "About that". He was a big strong man in the prime of his life, probably regarded as the toughest man at the church.

  The only reason I brought him up is because what it enabled me to say next (without exaggeration). "You know that If you were one of them you'd be the smallest one of them"?

  He turned & sized the 7 men up & agreed with me.

  The man started by saying someone should beat me up, force me from the building. "I don't think you are as tough as they [the team of 7] say".

  I told him that attacking me would be a mistake.

  He became enraged, several members of the church grabbed him as he lunged at me. "GET OUT OF HERE! RUN"! They shouted.

  Me? One of my deepest regrets in life is that I walked out calmly. It really is. I recall lamenting how much more believable my story would be if I said I ran out of church under threat of violence as I walked out. But my religion requires that we have no spirit of fear. So I walked out.

  Not being stupid I looked back over my shoulder & saw that the loyal church-goer had quit struggling and he & the men holding him back looked at me incredulously.

  One of my deepest regrets in life. Truly. There's only 2 or 3 listed in my 1,500+ page letter to the F.B.I. where someone dies every few seconds but they refuse to acknowledge to me. Let THAT sink in reader, I claim, they, the United States F.B.I. refuses to acknowledge my 1,500+ page letter where someone dies every few pages. Refuses. Will not discuss. The opposite of agreeing, refuses.

  This is typical of gang influence. Their many compromised police, champions of the child-molesting community often write fake reports saying they've interviewed me.

  That's not including the often edited incidents where they deliver me over & over to the custody of their Dirty... cops & conduct "official interviews in the police station itself, showing "the best of" films to the easily & not so easily gulled among police. It works.


  I've since been attacked in churches whenever I told my story in any part. Special rules, 2nd class membership & worse. So joining a church is a scary prospect for me. Telling my story invites chains of attacks. It's not a thing I enjoy telling. Usually I tell parts but leave the gang out. After all, my intention is & always was to provoke Police Investigation to save my life.



  Woke up with a nasty cut on my thigh. Today I felt like I was run many miles last night, makes sense if you've kidnapped me & broken most of the bones in my feet.

  My rectum was much expanded this morning & FELT VIOLATED. I put on some clean clothes & sat down. In a minute the dripping from my ever-expanding rectum was sufficient to leave a prominent slick trail through my thick pants, boxers, & both sides of a thick sweatshirt sufficient to leave a grotesque slick where I'd just sat. Welcome to my life.

  When I woke up I just layed there for a short time in the position I'd awoken in. Probably unusual but hey, sometimes I do that. A child's voice, likely pre-teen just outside said. "He's up". Were they talking about me? How'd they know?

  Pain & tired from a long run last night. My rectum expanded & who knows what films made? I hope no one innocent died.



  THEY SAY THE TRUTH SHALL SET YOU FREE... Right now it looks like God & the truth are my only hope.

  Soooo... my bragging rapist technology-embracing stalker came to me about the time of my last entry. He says the gang signed me up for a high-tech gang of mischief making rapist serial-killers they fou

  10-19-20 Once more unto the breach...

  An update... It was "Frame Dave Week last week" & many nights I was kidnapped & raped. How they abduct me is a mystery to me overall. Let me describe one of the "frame jobs".

  Sooooo... there I was. We were in the city, there was zero traffic that I can recall. I was standing & chatting with a group of about 8 or so young men all in their 20's & lower 30's. They seemed reasonably fit for the most part & were all about my height, some a little taller & some a little shorter.

  We were beneath a raised railroad & there was a field or parking lot across from a line of 2-story stores that formed a solid line along what was probably an alley. There were several booths, like magazine vendors & small independent newspaper dealers locked up & between them were stacks of boxes stacked about all equal in height to the booths. The area was entirely void of pedestrian traffic though it was broad daylight.

  I became semi-lucid & a 29-ish year old fittest of the bunch man noted I'd become lucid (in so many words).

  The gang sprung into action. They spread out hiding from my view except for the guy in charge. The shortest man (of course... duh! It's their style) I could describe as 5'-4" or so & having a black short haircut like he'd shaved his head last month or so in his 30's. I would describe him as having an eastern European look which I will insultingly describe as a dullard though he didn't look particularly stupid or "challenged" nor had down syndrome.

  The Dullard produced a pistol & put on a head mask while showing little emotion, unlike his partners in crime who wore gleeful smiles overall. Then the Dullard walked into the store on the end furthest from us with the pistol in hand.

  The guy in charge told me. "Why don't you go help him"? Then he proceeded to try & get me to go into the store & help the Dullard rob it.

  I refused.

  The memory ends there abruptly with the man still trying to convince me to help the Dullard commit the armed robbery & even used the words "Armed Robbery" while doing so

  They scraped the front of my teeth again below the gum line. I'm told this destroys the enamel & The Last Snitch said it was to render my mouth completely filled with black teeth & provide for a septic-poisoned very painful trial & would be timed so that my upcoming trial where I am to be framed & ultimately dealt with. He mocked me saying. "Good luck concentrating in court after what we do to your mouth". Soooo... my gums hurt very badly in the front... again.

  Later they took me out & convinced me I was actually a prisoner in jail. One of their many "skits" or PRACTICAL jokes the gang inflict on their victims to make their stories unbelievable (yeah.... THAT is the unbelievable part of my story) & kept me the entire day, as opposed to several hours like usual.

  During the PRACTICAL joke (I suspect if you are a mid-Michigan... cop you have no idea why I've symbolically capitalized the word PRACTICAL, and probably never will figure it out without help, I'm not insulting all Police whom I respect & admire, just the ineffective & easily gulled mid-Michigan... cops) they lead me around with prisoners in public dressed in orange jumpsuits. They convinced me to pick up trash on the roadside & the tall & fit men dressed as Sheriff's Deputies or Jail Guards stood around watching us. Some drove on battered grey conveyances that looked much like Segways but more like theater brooms that someone had recently sanded, poorly, going every which way when they did it (I checked). They seemed to raise up slightly when turned on & made a loud click as the motor engaged. They went to great lengths to make sure I couldn't ride one.

  I rode one of the grey thingamabobs. They weren't much faster than a fast walk. While I'm not sure if they used wheels or treads I suspect they could only operate on the smoothest roads or sidewalks.

  Sex, child-porn, killing, guns, kidnapping, armed robbery & torture. Is this standard Americana? Am I whining & this is just how it is? Is this how America is? Is it? I'm not sure, I have nothing to compare it to.


  My mail is being intercepted. I've signed up for many things &the mail just isn't getting to me. Not unusual at all. The gang brags they routinely intercept my mail. Usually via a compromised mail deliverer.

  I am reminded of Duh Jerk's attempt to recruit me into the gang. One time he was telling me about the different types of people he & I would be recruiting, by blackmail, into the gang. "Cops & preachers are the hardest & mailmen are the easiest".

  I knew why the 1st 2 would be hard, but I had to ask why mailmen are the easiest?

  "Because there isn't a 12-year career mailman in the country you cant walk up to & say 'I'll give you $12,000 for that envelope". He explained that they all pretty much just hand over the letter, on film. They all have mortgages & are looking at a sweet pension by the 12-year mark & can be blackmailed easiest of all the gang's victims.


  The sleep deprivation attacks continue.

  Being the stalked child of a child-molesting devil-worshiping gang isn't as glamorous as people say I make it sound.

  By the grace of God, I have survived this long. It was by prayer and with his wisdom & strength that I have made it this far.

  If I have one regret in all my writing it's that all along, at every step I prayed to God for wisdom & have failed to give him the credit he is due.

  If my tale has any glory it is of God alone, to God be the glory, I myself was never strong enough nor talented enough to have survived without his power even from the very beginning of my ordeal.

  Sometimes when I pray I pray "Lord God, who delivered me from the crib & from "The Gym" give me the wisdom & the strength to overcome my adversaries".

  The worst part? The gang brag I am not alone. That they even now plague an entire army of my fellow victims as bad & worse than they do to me. That it was "revenge for The Gym" from the very beginning.

  The Gym. A 100 day ongoing very public attempted murder against me.



  Sleep deprivation attacks are regular. An ongoing occurrence. Steady. Relentless. Ongoing. Pathetic. Brought to you by wicked & petty minds for reasons of revenge.

  I shall now apply logic to the subject.

   1) In my research my ongoing story of being stalked is not unique. It's not even special & borders on the mundane when one considers the frequency of such attacks on individuals nation-wide in the U.S.A.

  2) "Back in the day" my ongoing stalking & it's believeability factor to law-enforcement could be forgiven. Simply put even... cops attached to law-enforcement in this are of specialization could be forgiven for not knowing about the overall nature of a 21st century stalking & rape gangs that embrace & use the latest technology. I inquired of many professional... cops in the field & they told me their overall training on the subject was minutes, or hours.

  But with today's technology, the internet & information-sharing. My many "back room interviews" with Police who agreed to talk on condition of anonymity I feel comfortable saying this... "Police know this is going on". My ongoing stalking is a mundane only in that there is no portion of my story that many many... cops have not confirmed to me as "we hear that kind of stuff all the time". 

  Every one of those fine officers noted they heard every segment of my story often.

  of·ten   /ˈôf(t)ən,ˈäf(t)ən/

  Learn to pronounce adverb

  1. frequently; many times.

    "he often goes for long walks by himself"



    many times

    many a time

    on many/numerous occasions

    a lot

    in many cases/instances


    again and again

    time and again

    time and time again

    time after time

    over and over

    over and over again

    day in

    day out

    week in

    week out

    all the time









    as often as not









    • in many instances.

   3) Admittedly those fine officers also said they'd never heard of such a lengthy stalking as I allege nor heard it in a quantity like unto which I report.

  4) How does an 8th grade drop-out (like this website's author) think this stuff up oh ye wise officers reading this?

  5) Why am I reporting this over & over? After 55 years of telling the same story to large rooms filled with laughing... cops what is my goal? Do you police imagine that if I keep telling the story over & over perhaps someone will "fall for it" & I'll laughingly get my kicks from it?

  6) While I sit here, the pain from their use of endoscopes for fun & torture runs through my body. I read similar reports on confirmed cases & know that there ARE indeed people doing these things. It's not even that unusual, one could even define it as a mundane act based logically on the FACT that it happens daily.

  mun·dane /ˌmənˈdān/ Learn to pronounce adjective

  1. 1.

    lacking interest or excitement; dull. "seeking a way out of his mundane, humdrum existence"

   7) Logic: Applying logic one could disagree with me. Fair enough, I've never presented myself well to investigators. Apparently all victims are calm, crying wrecks,  or psychotically violent when reporting their allegations & I'm none of the above. I always presented my case logically & without opinion. Stuck to the facts & was respectful to the officers & even to the people inflicting my life with horror. ...Cops tell me this translates to"liar" as dramatized below.

  stalking victim /ˈlī(ə)r/ Learn to pronounce noun

  1. a person who tells lies. "the man was a notorious liar"

   8) Logically, the facts that these things ARE in fact going on, that ALL parts of my story are regularly reported as fact all over the U.S.A., the fact that I wont give up on my story, the FACT that rape gangs that embrace 21st century technology exist & currently enjoy +99.9% recorded success rates mean that no credible officer could reject any part of my story by itself in the presence of another knowledgeable seasoned professional in the same business.

  9) All of this is just FACTS presented by an 8th-grade drop-out (remember, I am alleging it was organized crime from the schools of rapingest place in country, a FACT all police are willing to overlook... until now) off the top of my head, my mind in a fog from an ongoing sleep deprivation attack. A mundane attack type recorded in a bazillion ongoing stalkings in the country.

  10) Here I sit in a "fog" of R.E.M. sleep deprivation. Every few years the gang does this. I'd say I'm used to it but I'll report that one never does get "used to it". I'll also report this. They boast I'm just one of many. My name is on their naughty list & what they are doing to me they'll simply start doing to the next innocent person on the list once they've tricked good Officers like the one's reading my website into dispatching me.

  Soooooooo... as long as I can "hold out", resist torture I'm saving someone else. I endure, some innocent family remains unmolested. I don't suppose they'll all line up & thank me anytime soon. In all probability the next family is someone the reader doesn't know. Maybe it's your cousin next, that best friend who moved away when you were a kid, maybe, just maybe, if some Police Office reading this doesn't save me, just maybe, the person reading this is next. Maybe it's YOUR kids who are next.

  Dispatch me for the gang & you take down one guy. A nobody, a beyond mundane victim who they whine gets lucky a lot (actually, it's lots & lots of prayer & faith that's saved me thus far, to God be the glory).

  Investigate my claims, take down a gang who publicly committed thousands of attempted murders in the south end of Bay City in Fall of 1976 (the act THEY whine the most about to me, frankly, I'd just as soon forget it) & you could rescue untold numbers of people from the gang's grip & free a multitude of victims they boast they plan to molest with impunity, based on you taking me down for them. "When we take you down we'll do it very publicly". The theory being that by making some of their future victims intimately aware of my case they can assign unbelievably to their story by saying. "She's only saying that because David George said that & she's obviously a liar". They brag it works & it works well on amateur juries (The U.S.'s current legal system is trial by an amateur jury of one's peers).

  11) I'm sick of writing about the subject, sick of discussing the subject, I'm sick of dealing with the continuous stream of frame attempts against me, I'm tired of... cops telling me I'm wrong, I'm lying, based on interviews with the gang by... cops who KNEW they were in a rape or child-molesting gang who sold, through a lifetime of films, that I, yes I, am indeed "one of them", the gang's #1 lie.

  "Such & such is our friend & is crazy & on drugs. It always works because everyone knows to say that".

  Is there a single knowledgeable non-corrupt officer in the country who can say they DO NOT KNOW the above sentence?

  My story, combined as a whole, logically interpreted & studied in the light of experience & record of crime cannot be ignored nor dismissed EXCEPT if one were corrupt. PERIOD!

  FOR THE RECORD: I got no enjoyment out of typing this. I expect no fame, glory, privilege, nor reward for my story. I have asked for no leniency, tried to make no special deals, I have not spared myself nor anyone else here on my website nor in my +1,500 page letters to the F.B.I. where someone dies every few pages. It is exaggeration free & truthful to the best of my ability.

  The truth is all I seek. Let the chips fall where they may, I do not fear the truth. But I tell the tale of a stalking molesting recreational gang of devil-worshiping liars who wake up some nights in cold sweats dreading the possible day that my case is discussed truthfully in court.


  I just wrote   Too scared to tell: In the beginning... First Blood... That 1st month or so... so I'm NOT in a good mood.

  Grumble grumble.

A few verses to ponder...

  1 And he spake a parable unto them to this end, that men ought always to pray, and not to faint; Saying, There was in a city a judge, which feared not God, neither regarded man: And there was a widow in that city; and she came unto him, saying, Avenge me of mine adversary. And he would not for a while: but afterward he said within himself, Though I fear not God, nor regard man; Yet because this widow troubleth me, I will avenge her, lest by her continual coming she weary me. And the Lord said, Hear what the unjust judge saith. And shall not God avenge his own elect, which cry day and night unto him, though he bear long with them? I tell you that he will avenge them speedily. Nevertheless when the Son of man cometh, shall he find faith on the earth?


  My ever-expanding rectum has been expanded regularly. New damage to my feet, my promised crippling for revenge goes as boasted, the pain in my feet & shoulders & knees almost intolerable. Soon I shall likely be the quadriplegic the Last Snitch boasted I'd become.

  Duh Jerk used to boast in private & through messengers (sent snitches, something mid-Michigan... cops assure me NO madman would ever do) that I'd spend my old age in adult diapers. The smell of excrement from my recent rapes is unpleasant for myself & those around me.

  Soul-winning.... I've been doing it lately. I find it fulfilling. Hey, if I'm not rich in this life, why not get some riches for the next life? Right?

  Yeah, I pray a lot. Pray the Lord avenge me of my adversaries day & night. I pray that the Lord bless them, get them to Heaven. 2 out of 3 ain't bad? I should be happy to know that my adversaries seem blessed upon blessed of God. I don't suppose they'll all line up & thank me for keeping me in their prayers anytime soon?

  The voices have changed in the yips, barks, & hoots inflicted upon me. A change of the guard? New equipment?

  Me? My opinion? My opinion is that it sucks to be me & that the gang brag that it always will.



  They have been breaking 1 bone in my feet a night for several nights now. Likely on film, like usual. Working their way from right foot to left at the center & going back. A lifetime of pain awaits & like usual it only proves (especially if filmed) that I am to be ignored. Do anything you want to a drugged victim & fake a payment of cash or drugs at the end of the film for a jury.

  "The cops know exactly who we are & why we film ourselves seeming paying our victims cash. The films are not to fool the cops. They're to fool a jury".

  There is no hope... except in God.

  They tell me it's in part because they are devil-worshipers & my "soul-winning" activity is something they hate.

  There's only so many unbroken bones left in my feet. I don't suppose it can go on much longer.

  I also notice, among the area's poor & homeless people who are likely my fellow victims. Their feet all busted up at a young age, limping as they go. In "copspeak" it translates to: "Huh what"? Of course the alleged victim is lying. What other logical conclusion could there be?



  The crippling hobbling is all but complete. I can barely walk. Gritting the pain is harder & harder. Yeah... I prayed, a lot. I called the... cops. I visited the shelters, talked to reporters. Nothing worked. I lost.

  I wonder? Did they exclusively break the bones of my feet or did they do that "We'll inject silicone into the soles of your feet" thing they promised or a combination thereof? The Last Snitch boasted it was all but "undetectable" & would certainly cripple me AND leave me unfit for any disability because... Doctors will just say I'm faking it.

  Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you: For every one that asketh receiveth; and he that seeketh findeth; and to him that knocketh it shall be opened. Or what man is there of you, whom if his son ask bread, will he give him a stone? 10 Or if he ask a fish, will he give him a serpent? 11 If ye then, being evil, know how to give good gifts unto your children, how much more shall your Father which is in heaven give good things to them that ask him?

Jeremiah 9:25

Behold, the days come, saith the LORD, that I will punish all [them which are] circumcised with the uncircumcised;

  And every one that heareth these sayings of mine, and doeth them not, shall be likened unto a foolish man, which built his house upon the sand: 27 And the rain descended, and the floods came, and the winds blew, and beat upon that house; and it fell: and great was the fall of it.

  Ya know what? Just a few years ago I imagined there was time to do the things I'd always wanted to do. Go here, go there, learn this, maybe even do the other thing? I've lost. I'm a loser. Loss is all I've ever know.

  The Bible says to have faith. To wait on the Lord.

  Been a long wait.

  Why oh why did I even bother try?

  It sucks to be me. It always did & the gang brag it always will.



  Pain... Pain... Pain...

  Since I... I lost. I thought I'd be me. I like to laugh & frankly I'm disappointed with the law-enforcement services of certain... communities.

  Since I'm likely doomed no matter what (except if God should open a Good Police Officer's heart or 2 to my plight) I thought I'd tease some of the subpar & likely mostly or entirely corrupt... cop agencies in my life to make ME feel better. Being that I've undergone my rapes as of late & been awakened every day at 4:55 AM (by whom or for what reason I can only guess, but my guess is it's not to be nice) & the hooting & barking campaign goes on unabated (but with low volume, don't want to disturb my as yet "unrecruited neighbors, I'm their "recruiter" remember?) I'd like to add to my making fun of them page. Making fun of... cops (do NOT confuse my... cops insult with the word Police which indicates respect when I choose to write Police, also note my use of capital letter, it's symbolism).

  For a while now I've pondered a game show, based on Jeopardy hosted by... cops & for... cops called... brace yourself... "Because no one would do that".

  PS: Lots of pain. I feel the pain in the scratched up below the gum lines of my mouth & intensely in my feet.

  Oops... let me answer for... cops. "BECAUSE NO ONE WOULD DO THAT"!

  So you... cops & dirty prosecutors & slime bag rape shelter workers (I ain't insulting them all, but the good one's with experience know their field is highly "compromised" by organized rape gangs & rape sympathizers & even rapist enthusiasts who are ALL above the law because of their job).

  Woops... I gotta say it again. "Because no one would do that".


  Pain... Pain... Pain...




  Got awakened every hour or 2 last night by sound tone. High pitched tones, in the right ear, that last for about 4 seconds & repeat over & over until I get up.

  The beginning of another R.E.M. sleep deprivation attack? If you are a skeptic... cop reading this  how do you think madmen who embrace modern tech work in the 21st century. It's a matter of fact AND public record that well-connected people & their owned.... cop assets are doing this across America. I'm lead to believe, by research into the subject, (something NO mid-Michigan... cop would ever do nor embrace) not special nor unique.

  Go figure huh?





John 8:32. “And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.”

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