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Empty Page... my shortcomings...

  Let this page's title be symbolic of all of the great deeds mid-Michigan... cops have done for me. I wish I was shouting your praises Sirs, not writing this...

  The title is Empty Page for now... and it's title is symbolic of the empty promises, the often lying & very public oaths many a mid-Michigan... cop has made to serve & protect the many victims of the... gang & I. Written in Bay City... cop poopy brown for reasons of symbolism.


"You can do anything you want to a man if you own his family". - The Last Snitch

  Own own [ ōn ] adj. To control a thing, property, or person example: "Through blackmail, coercion, & adoration we own that family & by using them to tell stories to the cops for us we can do anything we want to our victims".

"I don't get my kicks out of killing people. I get my kicks out of tricking morons like you into killing people".


"I like to toy with my victims".

- Duh Jerk, many times

Bay City Badge.jpg
Bay City Badge.jpg
MI State Police.jpg
Saginaw Badge.gif

"You can do anything you want to a man if you own his family". - The Last Snitch bragging to me

Ephesians 6: 1-3


The... cops asked me, nay demanded of me. "If what you say was true then why do you obey your parents? If it was me I'd... then the roomfull of allegedly "Christian (I asked them)... cops" told me that because I obeyed my parents & tried my best to honour them it was proof I was a liar. I pointed out to them this...

1Children, obey your parents in the Lord: for this is

right. 2Honour thy father and mother; (which is the first commandment with promise;) 3That it may be well with thee, and thou mayest live long on the earth.

I tried my best to live my life by it, even when I was an atheist after "The Incident" where I lost my faith. It is with a sad heart that I offer up the explanation, not an excuse, an explanation for any shortcomings in this area that they made it as challenging as possible to obey them.

  The... cOPs asked me. "If what you say is true then why do you obey the staff at school". And things like. "If you were telling the truth then you wouldn't be nice to the staff at school. You'd act up or skip school". They explained that my respect of authority, my saluting of those in authority over me was all the proof they needed that I was lying they told me & their formerly skeptic peers, some of whom had been politely taking my Police Report of an ongoing attempted murder on myself seriously.

  My retort was the Bible verses that require obedience of elders & of authority.

  Hebrews 13:24 “Salute all them that have the rule over you, and all the saints. They of Italy salute you”.

  Heb 13:17 Obey them that have the rule over you. Your elders or bishops. For they watch for your souls. Give them deference on this account, and because they must give account to the Master of those committed to their trust.

  Colossians 3:20 KJV: Children, obey your parents in all things: for this is well pleasing unto the Lord.

  And even: 1 Peter 2:13-14 KJV states that we should submit ourselves to every ordinance of man for the Lord's sake...

  Every... cop in those rooms (this happened more than once) called me a liar based on this. When I polled the rooms by asking every single Officer there what their religion was 100% of them told me Christian. So I asked them if that was true how did they justify dismissing me based on my saying I was following Biblical Doctrine?

  They all answered & affirmed in lengthy conversations. "Yeah we're all Christians & that is in the Bible but no one does that". Proof positive I was lying.

  The MOST UNBELIVEABLE PART? I asked those laughing skeptics for advice in the situation before me AND THEY GAVE ME ADVICE BASED ON HEBREWS 13:24 & the rest!!!

  Honor honor [ˈänər] NOUN

  1. high respect; great esteem:

    "his portrait hangs in the place of honor"

  2. adherence to what is right or to a conventional standard of conduct:

    "I must as a matter of honor avoid any taint of dishonesty"

  3. something regarded as a rare opportunity and bringing pride and pleasure; a privilege:

    "the great poet of whom it is my honor to speak tonight"

Matthew 10:36

“And a man's foes shall be they of his own household.”

  Honour honour (verb)

  1. regard with great respect:

    "they honore their parents in all they did"


    hold in great respect

    hold in high esteem

    have a high regard for

  2. fulfill (an obligation) or keep (an agreement):

    "make sure the franchisees honor the terms of the contract"

"We own the cops". A common child-molester saying in & around Bay City, Saginaw, & mid-Michigan

"I am being stalked by madmen". - David A. George 11-7-23

  Word Definitions for mid-Michigan... cOPS...  

  Don't say I never gave you anything guys.


Also found in: ThesaurusMedicalFinancialAcronymsEncyclopediaWikipedia.


  (măd′măn′, -mən)n.

1. A man who is mentally deranged.

2. A man who behaves in a violently destructive way: a madman who stabbed several people on a bus.

3. A man who behaves in an energetic, uncontrolled way: a madman on the drums; is a madman when driving during rush-hour traffic.

American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


 (ˈmædmən)n, pl -men

a man who is insane, esp one who behaves violently; lunatic

Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014


 (ˈmædˌmæn, -mən)

n., pl. -men (-ˌmɛn, -mən)

a person who is or appears to be insane.


usage: See -man.

NO ONE CAN... Thus, he teased me for years... And a lot of pain was involved...

  I think I was a toddler or even just a baby when he 1st teased me about the subject. Evey now & then My Mother's Brother would watch a sci-fi show with me. A weird reoccurring theme of many 60's sci-fi was mental powers in science fiction. The stars of sci-fi would have their minds read, minds probed, minds attacked by the power of the mind from villains. Another theme was psychomorphs, villains able to cause people to feel emotions they were able to project on them through the power of their minds. Silly huh? But that was 60's entertainment & I was just glad to be released from my cell to do anything.

  Me? Even as a baby & later as a toddler I suggested ways one might resist such things merely as talking points in casual conversation, nothing more. These often turned into lengthy tease sessions that always ended with it might be possible to resist these things, but surely I never could.

​ My Mother's Brother liked to tease me during some shows. An example might be while watching the episode of Star Trek called "The Cage" where the hero could resist the villains, but only if he rigidly controlled his thoughts, chiefly anger. My Mother's Bother delighted in long tease-fests where he'd found out I felt I could do as the hero did, control my thoughts for a time. Just like he did. Just be angry & then invulnerable to the villain's influences, if only for a short time.

  He teased me I couldn't for years every time we watched that re-run. He teased me every time we watched a horror flick. "No one can control their thoughts". Least of all me.

  When I practiced the anger angle i found keeping my mental state in an always on angry state of mind to be distasteful, so I just focused on controlling the contents of my thought gleaned from the skills I'd learned from practicing hate only like the movie suggested.

  After years of this teasing, I resolved to practice the skill. Not just in case the situation happened, but to prove to me that I could train myself the skill of controlling my thoughts. Basically, to see if I could do it, nothing more. Call it curiosity.

  One day My Mother's Brother was discussing the subject with me in the Ling Room at one of the Grande Partys. When I casually mentioned my limited success in the subject in the presence of The Regulars & my family that I had limited success they mercilessly exposed me for my alleged lies, conducted a very lengthy torture sessions, slapping me & asking if I was still in control? Was I controlling my every thought now that I was being slapped around by the party goers & their friends the child-pain enthusiasts that regularly came?

  I admitted I was not in complete control of the contents of my thoughts at that time, the situation causing me to lose control with every blow, with every word salad & provocation that led to the next slap fest. I protested, in vain, I'd only recently begun even trying the thought control technique & only had a hour or less of practice, I had no guidance on the subject & could find no literature on the subject to help me. Frankly, my plan then & now was to try a few minutes at a time over years, comfortably. It'd never occurred to me to try to rapidly develop the skill. I had intended to approach it casually just to see if I could do it?

  Even My Cousin & his army joined in for a while. It was very painful.

  Then the session of pain happened again. Just as brutal or worse. SMACK! ARE YOU IN CONTROL NOW? SMACK! HOW ABOUT NOW? SMACK!

  So, I came up with a plan to end the pain. Admit i was wrong & tell every child-pain enthusiast that I'd abandoned trying to learn the skill.

  They lost interest once I was agreeing with them & chose to pursue other, more enjoyable ways to inflict lengthy pain sessions on me.

  Once they'd abandoned the subject, I thought about it? It still piqued my curiosity, was it possible to control one's thoughts for a given length of time without just picking a single image or emotion & not varying from it? After all, everyone around me said no one could & here I'm claiming I had limited success back then, as a kid. but being I had no intention of going through the previous levels of pain again when I'd publicly pondered the subject in public (for advice purposes mostly, not for boasting) I figured I'd best shut my mouth about the subject for 1. 2, I figured that what they'd inflicted on me was kind of like training of a sort, rather painful training? It was, wasn't it? 3. I figured the skill of controlling one's thoughts would likely take much practice. I was just a kid & sitting around meditating & learning the skill of controlling one's thoughts sounded boring to me when it occurred to me it might take hundreds of hours of practice or even years, frankly, I wasn't interested in the subject enough to justify that kind of commitment.

  For the record, after the small amount of practice I had limited success by my own judgement. By fixing on a single thought or emotion I could control my thoughts for a short time. A thing that could get me punished for being a liar at my place because no one anywhere could control their thoughts. I pondered if it was just because no one tried?

  Then it occurred to me that during my weeklong solitary confinements I was regularly doing back then as a consequence of being framed continuously & grounded for, since I was alone in my room with nothing to do & no one to talk to, free from distractions, that the next times I was grounded to my bed I'd practice the skill. Being I had a lot of time on my hands then. Not exclusively mind you. I did other things in the bed. Envisioned piloting aircraft in great detail as I knew all of the controls, racing, exploring strange new worlds, just about anything the mind could imagine I'd suppose? Describe it? Go read the cartoon Calvin& Hobbes. While it wasn't exactly like that, I found it parallels it quite nicely as a description.

 How'd that work out for me? I soon had many occasions to practice & In time I found the amount of time I could pre-determine what I'd think about & then only think about those things grew longer & longer. But, since I was just a kid & it was a boring subject my desire to pursue it became less & less after I'd gained the ability to do so whenever I wanted to. I never tested how long I could do so at this point, no reason. I quit training less & less after my initial successes. Why? The subject was getting pretty boring to me because I was just a kid & I'd developed the skill sufficient to satiate my curiosity as to if it would be possible to control one's thoughts. Big wupp.

  I even mentioned this in my +1,500-page letter to the FBI where someone gets hurt or killed every few pages. But I'm fairly sure this write up is superior in detail to the previous write-up.

  Incredibly I've brought the subject up in casual conversation over the years, casually. In my opinion just about everyone said that such a skill is impossible. No one can control their thoughts & certainly not for more than a few seconds.

  I can. In my opinion the ability to control the contents of one's thoughts without slipping up for any length of time & a dollar might still get you a cup of coffee in some places. Also, in my opinion I could think of no legal practical use for such a skill.

  Ahhhh... the strange things kids with too much time on their hands might do with their day? Nothing more.


THE 3D FAILURE... at 1st... God bless...

Sooooo... picture me sitting in my cell when I was a few months old. Oh, they had a nice name for it, my crib, but it had bars & I was forbidden to leave it for any reason. I was also forbidden to make even a single sound whatsoever or face instant & long pain sessions. The crib was about the size of an arena where I could pace back & forth & covered by a white sheet & I was covered in a white disposable diaper despite being housebroken long ago (by my measure of time then). With me I had a very thick & extremely durable baby bottle & a small toy firetruck. Both of which made excellent weapons that most guests freely pounded on me with when they visited. Not all, most, some only once for many blows. Some as often as I saw them. If anyone said they were a friend of my parent's siblings they soon dished out epic waves of pain on me almost unfailingly. My Cousin had his own theory on the subject. "I order them to do it". Having claimed to have sent most of my parent's siblings' friends, being his people they were easy to motivate into hurting me with a few false accusations to give them a certain self-righteousness when they did it.

My Parents had a laser sharp Bay City... cop-like ability to zero in on the truth ^& experessed it in a phrase I heard from them... cops also. "Do you know how I know you're lying? do you know how many people are telling me you're beingt a brat"? It's a numbers game the gang are masters at playing. Some people & organizations being very easilly gulled by the concept.

So I just sat there.

Sit... sit... sit... actually, that's only hhalf right. Mostly because I sat there & I prayed, prayed, preayed... a lot! By the time I was 3 prayer was probably the number 1 thing I did with my day. Just saying.

The door might burst open, I'd be falsely accused. A lengthy pain session woul begin. Eventually it'd end. The door would slam!

I drop the firetruck & it lands on the floor. The crowd assembled at our home leap into action & everyone takes turns pounding on me long & hard. Eventually the pain end & the door slams!

Sit... Sit... sit...

I even remember My Cousin saying he filmed my activty in the crib. It was how he facilitated blackmail films, even against toddlers & youths. Endless punishments for imaginary crimes he endlessly framed his young victims for. Her said he was disappointed on me. It seems all I did was sit there all day staring ahead. All his other victms played with the single toy he provided providing him with films that they were obsessed with the subject matter the toy provided. Important for the narrative he intended to sell later in their lives. He whined his footage of me & that firetruck was pathetic. I barely ever picked it up let alone play with it,& played with the baby bottle. He interrogated me what was happening. In 1965 camera were very bulky & large & closed circuit ones cost a lot of money then.

I told him I hated the firetruck, I wanted a race car & treated it as such. The Baby bottle? I played with it like it was a rocket.

He was not amused.

Sit... sit... sit... pray... pray... pray...

I'd heard in passing that some people had a 3D imagination. Able to picture just about anything in full 3D to entertain themselves & to provide for a mental safespace for problem solving. When I heard about that I tried to do it.

How'd the 3D thing work out? I failed. Couldn't. Nope.

So I resolved to pray more, lots more. Not with vain repetitions, but I did bring the subject up often. 'Oh God if I could have a 3D imagination so I could have something to do in the crib"?

Sit... sit... sit... pray... pray... pray... practice... practice... practice...

How'd that work out? Dismal failure.

I ket trying, practicing after the ordeal of the crib ended. Nowhere near as much as i had in the crib, but I did try.

I think I was 7 years old when I had my 1st 3D success. A school textbook suggested we try to imagine swirling autumn leaves on a pond & it was then & there in Bay City's Witless School (of all places) where I had my 1st true 3D experience.

How'd that work out for me? I couldn't duplicate the results often nor for any length of time. But i could do it now & then. A lifetime of prayer & practice had paid off! Thanx God!


I still prayed & practiced the technique for years. I got better. Thanx God!

In time over the years the 3D imagination matured until in my 40s it came to be the basically almost movie quality it can be nowadays. Again... thank God!

It's almost addicting. I can generate images in 3D, change angles, edit sounds, change any aspect on a whim, instant replay, & even alter content & sounds. In Zen moments when all is quiet it can be very relaxing to use.

To God be the glory & I thank him.


For the record I don't think I said M'kay once, instead "Yeah". & "Yeah, riiiiiight".


 Why is this story on this webpage? Idano? I had to pick a page & it didn't seem like a weirdsim? Like it belonged on any page. So I put it on this webpage.

PRACTICAL interrogation... Gone wrong???? Scary scary...

  I was initially afraid to tell this tale, but figured why not? The truth, the whole truth, & nothing but the truth. Right? Here goes:

   Sooooo.... I was slapped awake by the smiling madman Duh Jerk in what looked like a well-lit high-tech lab of some sort with computers & assorted lab equipment here & there, sparsely, not a whole lot. An unusal TV display of some sort was in front of me. It displayed an unremarkable image of a single swirling grey gas cloud & I was strapped to a chair by professionally made straps & several Jocks & what looked like techs in white lab coats were around there with assorted dumpy, but otherwise well-dressed middle-aged men standing around. I was clearly the center of attention.

  Me? I wondered what sort of... PRACTICAL joke was about to unfold. What could I do but wait?

  Soooo... Duh Jerk tells me I'm in a top-secret government lab.


  The machine I was strapped to was a government device that could read minds & display a picture based on the memories of the person strapped in. He complained it displayed a grainy picture of the seat's occupant's thoughts that was hard to make out, but an effective device. none the less & they had some questions for me & this would get the answers by projecting my thoughts onto the screen.

  M,kay... I protested that it was a waste of time, I'd tell them anything they wanted to know. I have no secrets, my life is an open book.

  Duh Jerk said they had to know & I'd lied before, they had to know 100% beyond a shadow of a doubt. Now I wasn't going to lie my way out of this 1. The Bosses were there & they'd see that he spoke the truth.


 The truth on what or why we were there & who or what anyone was lying about I pondered? Idano?

  M,kay... I braced myself for another PRACTICAL joke. Another session of "play along with the madman" I'd suppose, brought to me by the law enforcement excellence of the... Michigan State Police! I'm dedicating THIS tale to them in any event.

  They milled about & someone ordered them to start the machine.

  ME? I pondered the situation before me in an instant of time.  PRACTIAL joke, or real life situation? Well, since I was a captive audience strapped to a chair I wasn't going anywhere. All eyes were on me.

  In that moment of time, I replayed memories in life. Even in my youth I'd always hoped that one day science would invent a device that could read minds & project a picture based on our thoughts or memories. I'll bet a lot of people have thought about the subject I'd suppose? Just a guess? The applications & benefits to society could be staggering.

  Now a confession of sorts. I have a 3D imagination. Really. Anything I set out to imagine, I can imagine in full 3D & in blazing color. It even applies to things I hear around me or to things described to me. An example? Okay, just for fun. Let's say you, the Reader said I should imagine an elephant riding a unicycle across a tightrope carrying an umbrella between buildings in a city? Guess what? If I'm paying attention, it's likely I just saw the entire scene projected in blazing color & in 3D. It's not a bad thing, fills boring days, lets me tackle problems in 3D. Hasn't made me much money or any friends I'd suppose? I figure it must be pretty rare because in the past I listened to many people say such a thing is impossible. No human mind could do that? Possible or not I can't say & for the record I've never seen any polling data on the subject that said any percentages of people able to do so nor with what, if any clarity.

  Another example? Sure, in case you think it'd make me a super genius. Let's say I imagine a complex math problem? After I enter 4- or 5-digit equations as I do the math the numbers at the end fade away. I cant use it to do big math problems. But I can do objects in motion in 3D. Got it?

  It's trivia to add that I always wanted to have access to such a device, not longingly, but in a "wouldn't it be neat if we could way"?

  Me? I was mocking them when I told them this was cool. I always wanted to use such a device. Figuring it was some sort of PRACTICAL joke.

  All eyes were on the screen & the swirling grey cloud began to congeal.

  Me? I resolved that, if Duh Jerk was speaking the truth, that I could control the image by memories or by imagination, that with MY 3D imagination, this might be interesting? It'd be worth a shot? How often does one get an opportunity like this?

  At this time I forget what the screen 1st displayed. But it piqued my curiosity. I figured if I my thoughts could control the display, I'd humiliate Duh Jerk by imagining him in a humiliating scenario so as to provide a picture of him his Bosses might laugh at. I figured it was just another PRACTICAL joke but why not give it a try? So, I pictured him, in my mind's eye, in the most humiliation scenarios. for the sake of decency I won't reveal the few I recall at the time of this writing. After the initial picture congealed & I got some laughs I decided to try some other images to humiliate Duh Jerk even more. Rapidly, one after another & the scenes were displayed in 3D on the screen in front of us in a sharp picture with smokey edges that seemed to define the edges of what I was imagining in 3D & in motion displayed on the 2D display & in color.

  Duh Jerk was not amused & it prompted me to imagine him in all sorts of humiliation scenes rapid fire one after another even more. His peers & even the Jocks laughed at the images on the screen. I recall smiling myself.

 Humiliated, Duh Jerk announced we'd be getting to the bottom of things & begin the investigation by posing his questions & presumably proving himself to his Bosses?

  Me? I quickly shifted the scenes to whatever fancied me one after another. Star Wars space battles was one, in addition to humiliating Duh Jerk who was angry I ignored his questions & what he wanted to know & imagined whatsoever I wanted. The pictures didn't look grainy to me, the picture quality was sharp, with smokey edges based on the fringes of what I was imagining in 3D.

  Duh Jerk talked with his Jocks that they should begin to beat me to make me pay attention to his questions so that what he wanted to know would be displayed on the screen. What the questions were or even the subject thereof was, I have no recollection as I write this?

  But while he was giving specific instructions to the Jocks the Techs & the Dumpy well-dressed men were chatting... and seemed of all things... alarmed?!?!?

  The Dumpy men left briskly with their Jocks. Pointing at Duh Jerk like the Techs should give him a message from them. The Lab tech walked up & said he was pulling the plug. The session was ending... now!

  Duh Jerk's C.M.S.S.o..S. dropped like a ton of bricks seeing the Bosse's backsides briskly walking away. He asked why?

  The white lab coat wearing Tech said. Because the Bosses ordered it. He stood amazed looking at the display while he talked. "I've never seen anybody who can control that device like that guy can. We've killed people over fuzzier images that are displayed on that screen. He's the best person I ever saw at controlling that thing. Get him out of here now"! He said authoritatively. Noting that in a minute or 2 I could probably get just about anybody in the gang into trouble or even killed! The device was still on & unstrapping me would obviously take time because of the number of straps that held me.

  Me? I imagined some very traitorous scenarios rapidly back-to-back starring Duh Jerk & the people there before they shut the device off. The Techs seemed extremely alarmed & while Duh Jerk protested he wanted the interrogation with the device to continue they pointed out the Bosses already left the building in fear & their orders were final. "Get him out of here now:! The Techs said while pointing at me. As Duh Jerk protested they explained that people can get killed over the images the device could display. "We've killed people over grainy images half as sharp as that guy can do". "Has he ever been hooked up to the device before"? A Tech asked Duh Jerk as they explored how it might be possible I could control such a device so quickly & easily?

  "Not that I'm aware of".

  They expressed amazement. "I've never seen someone able to control that like he can. Get him out of here"! The Techs said the Bosses had ordered him to get me out... so get me out... now!

  Me? I was disappointed at the device being shut off. The possibilities of such a device? Let me joke laugh here Reader. Mwah! Ha! Ha! Ha!

  Duh Jerk ordered me drugged so I wouldn't remember any of it.

  Me? I resolved to stall,15+ minutes being my target so I might remember this.

  Question: But how do you stall a madman? 

  Answer: By talking about a subject they love above all else, themselves. So I tried my hand at talking to Duh Jerk about his criminal brilliance & such. The memory begins to break up. I must've stalled quite a long time, just a guess?

  Fade to black...

  The next snitch told me he'd been sent to interrogate me because Duh Jerk was badly injured by the gang after our last meeting mentioned that the gang takes the images that the device can display very very seriously. He demanded to know if I were a plant, someone who'd practiced on the device previously & was sent to destroy gang members by manipulating the display to make damning images? Cautioning me that they could tell if I was lying via an undisclosed lie detector device then in use. He noted even the minute or 2 of rapid-fire images I'd made caused Duh Jerk tremendous grief later & he had to defend himself in their court from very serious charges that were leveled against him as a consequence of what was displayed on that screen that day in the lab, so now Duh Jerk had been injured in a very lengthy inquisition of sorts & now he hated me all the more, because he could've died! That & the gang's trial & interrogation process is not a nice nor pleasant experience, even for him. described as a very painful experience always inflicted because no one can fool the grainy smokey display. So how could I? And how could I do it so well?

  As a rule I don't believe a single word any of them says. But I'll pay their games. Why not? I answered him it may be because I have a 3D imagination?

  A snitch was later sent, someone said The Bosses had sent them with a message for me. That they'd decreed after a vote, that I'd never sit in such a device ever again. I was just too dangerous. In my humble opinion that messenger acted as if that message was very important & it's content very serious in my life. If I had to say he was projecting an emotion while he said it I'd assign... pity.

  What are you supposed to say to that I ask you Reader?


  ADDENDUM: I offer no explanation, opinion, nor follow-up to the above true tale. Nor have I tried to come to any conclusions about it or if it was simply another PRACTICAL joke or not. End.

My Story

  Why me?


"I don't get my kicks out of killing people. I get my kicks out of tricking morons like you into killing people".

Odd that both groups are mentioned as agreeing above. Huh?


Dear Wix. Your spell checker sucks! - David A. George


  Circa Summer of 1974. Epilogue: I woke up in a station wagon I'd never seen before in the back seat surrounded by a station wagon loaded bodily with as many Jocks could fit into it, even the cargo section & they were all dressed in gang black. "My Cousin" had slapped me awake... SLAP! (he often told me he rather liked doing that). He would soon assign 2 of the Jocks to guard me. "It's your jobs to follow him & to kick his @$$ & drug him if the cops are onto us or when we tell you".

  "My Cousin" told me he was angry with me, again.

  The only strange thing I'll note is he & his team didn't look angry to me. In my opinion they looked terrified!

  Note: I'm in a daze writing this 5-15-23 so I'm not going to write this today. I cant explain why? I just felt well minutes ago.

  Uhhh... the date is 6-2-23, my cheek is numb from my latest drugging, I'm still recovering from that lengthy R.E.M. Sleep Deprivation Attack I endured... again. I thought I'd try a few minutes of writing this story & like last time I thought I'd put my worst foot forward. Yeah, worst. You see Sirs, my entire tale isn't about bragging & certainly isn't about... uhhhh... I just started getting the symptoms of being in a daze... hard to concentrate...

  I'm uhhh... I'll leave the above as written.. we'll see if I can go on?

  Ummmm... Soooooo there I was, My Cousin just slapped me awake. He looked worried. I never saw him worried before nor after that. Ever. He hushed everyone & ordered the station wagon loaded with almost as many people as one could stuff into one without stacking them like cordwood into the house. They all looked very worried.

  Once inside My Cousin issued orders to his guys unlike I'd ever seen him do before or after that day. He pointed to the houses surrounding My Mother's Parent's Place & said things like. "You! Go there & set up watch"! "You! Go there"! Pointing to pairs of teens & young men he said things like. "You go there & keep watch on this house. All of you report anything or anyone suspicious"! My Cousin had told me that he "owned" all the houses around My Mother's Parent's Place & maintained watches there for security. This was the 1st time I was present when he manned them & gave them orders.

  His men complained I should be killed for what I had done & when My Cousin told them to shut up they complained that they should all gang up on me & beat me up because I was too dangerous for them to beat up alone. My Cousin shushed them & when they complained he told them that any of them who wanted to was free to fight me one on one right now if they wanted. I squared off against a few adults, they backed down. What a way to start your day huh?

  How'd that square-off go? A few wanted to fight me. So I threatened them that IF I should win I'd kill them. About 4 of them hatched a plan. Fight me 1 at a time & surely the 2nd or 3rd would live to kill me. "He's just a little kid"! One complained.

  Their plan had only one flaw. No one wanted to go 1st.

  "If you're done get to where you're supposed to be". My Cousin angrily said (or words to that effect, I'm in a daze as I write this Reader).


  I uhhhhhh...

  Oh yeah, they, My Cousin said he had a few orders to give I couldn't hear so I had to go outside. NOW! He tasked 2 guys, an 18ish year old guy & a teen with watching me lest I escape or the Police try to arrest me. Their orders were clear. If I tried to escape or if... cops came walking up on us their mission was to drug me with a syringe they had. He announced that failure would be severely punished & sent us out into the crisp cool summer air. I protested that I'd never tried to escape him once in my life & obeyed his every order, guards were not needed. He disagreed.

  Me? We walked outside & it was boring. Nothing to do. In the old days I might play on the tire swing but My Cousin noted I liked to play on it & was able to secure it from his bullies as of late so he'd ordered it removed to spite me. We wandered the backyard & they watched me like not like hawks, like buzzards.

  I quickly got bored & was offended at having guards. Why I had them & what was going on I had no clue.

  Bored? Yeah, so I asked the guards each. "Are you a smoker"?

  One at a time they said yes. I hatched a plan...

  I took off running making sure to let them get close! Then, when they ran out of steam I stood around the old rusty swing set in the neighboring yard to the north while the pair caught their breath. Then once their second wind came back to them, I took off & ran around the yard, losing them in the woods in the backyard My Cousin bragged he planted. Then I sat down in the backyard at one of the many picnic tables almost always there.

  Eventually it was a pair of guys who came out in about a half hour & shouted into My Mother's Parent's Place while pointing at me. "He's out here'!

  My Cousin was dumbfounded & yelled. "WHAT"!??! That kid must be long gone by now"! He looked surprised to see me & told me he'd sent out all his guys & all his people nearby to scour the countryside to catch me. "Where'd you go"? He demanded.

  He called me a liar (HEY! Just like a mid-Michigan... cop would, see how I compared the 2?).

  Ooops, outta time. To be continued? Maybe? God willing.

  The Biggest Body Count: A taste of things to come... things that were... things that are true to the best of my ability...

  Sooooo... there I was in some living room in a suburbs I knew not where covered in blood with a knife in hand & a pistol in my pocket leaning over a couch & looking out through the webbed (doiley-like, I'm having sleep deprivation brain-freeze at the moment, forgive me)) curtains to the outside world centering myself. Wondering what to do next. The world was rippling so I decided to do what I always did whenever I perceived I was dreaming. Just start killing everyone I meet. But how? Hmmmmmm...

  The Marked Police Car drove past sort'a slowly & warned people to evacuate now because of a nearby train wreck. A toxic cloud of gas was coming & would kill us now! Leave now he repeated on his car's P.A.

  Me? I recall thinking it was all a ruse. Just more proof I was dreaming & that I'd better step up my game. Problem was I'd just done a high intensity attack. What I mean by that is running full-tilt to & fro killing everyone I met on the otherwise sunny & clear day in the broad daylight. How'd I do. Stellar. I was tapped out though, catching my breath from the expenditure of energy.

  Sooooo... that cop car comes back soon & from the same direction as last time. All I caught of his message was. "Strike that! Some kid is going around & killing people"! He recommended people arm themselves & evacuate now.

  Almost on queue a long-barreled gun racked behind me. CLICK! CLICK! The guy told me to put my hands up. He took my pistol & I turned around slowly with my hands up & his gun in my face. He demanded to know what I was doing there? I was covered in blood so I was probably the kid the cops were looking for?

  Me? Through the drugs & deprivation I improvised a lie on the spot. I claimed I wasn't the one going around killing people. I was a victim. "You heard the cop. He said a kid is going around killing people. It's like some sort of baby mutant attack goat"!

  How'd that work out you may wonder?

  I was totally surprised when he bought the story hook line & sinker. He lowered his gun & bent over & looked out the window & asked where I thought the goat was?

  I'm sorry to say that was his last words as I had more knives in my pocket. With his back to me the elderly gentleman didn't have a chance as I put the blade to his throat...

  Just the tip of the iceberg. Why do I bother writing this at all? The date I'm writing this is 8-16-23, Read my Diary for what's going on in my life. I'm not thrilled to write about one of many people who met me for the 1st time ever on that fateful Circa 1974 summer day. Not thrilled at all.

  Grumble. Grumble...


I'm always looking for new and exciting opportunities. Let's connect.


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