This is not a manifesto. It is a written plea for help.
"When you show up in court all crippled in a wheelchair who's going to believe that you lived through the gym"? - A bragging Child-Molester speaking about my eventual demise at the hands of the Child-Molesters, a Saginaw Gang in court only a few years prior to the writing of this website
"All we have to do is haul you into court in Bay City & call your plea for help a manifesto & no one will read it".
This is not a manifesto. It is a written plea for help.
RAPED and STALKED Pray for me. Please?
There's a reason this s the 1st part of my message. The gang brag my dirty cop destroyer WILL begin their letter/report declaring my site is NOT a plea for help but a madman's manifesto everyone can ignore.
My website is under constant attack & editing by the gang & rarely works on the first few tries. Don't give up & keep trying to make it work! Please?
Copy my website, share it with your local Police, call a Police Officer or 2, who knows? Maybe one of the wonded, dead or dying was someone in YOUR area? Tell a Federal Agent about my site, tell your family, tell your friends, tell everyone. Please? It's not for me, it's for the children the gang victimized, it's for the children the gang brag they are victimizing now, and it's for the children the gang brag my story will enable them to victimize in the future. It's all about business.
My website is all about opposing their business, their child-molesting & rape business for revenge, blackmail, self-gratification, & profit.
The Full Story
The truth,
the whole truth,
and nothing but the truth.
My Diary...A stalking story...
My life & times in America. The truth, only the truth, & written as best as I can.
Yes Reader... I am SICKENED that the... cOPS of America have allowed THIS to reach 3 webpages in length. Grumble grumble.
The truth,
the whole truth,
and nothing but the truth.
My right cheek & jaw are numb. 01-17-23 How do the Delmar Police fit into all of this?
To expose the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth of my life & the people who, by their own choice, have chosen to share their lives with me.
I mean it... how do the Delmar Delaware Police fit into this? Always, & I mean ALWAYS the gang calls the... cops on me whenever I enter a new area, often even if I'm travelling & simply stop at a place they call the Police & make false accusations.
How can it be I've been in Delmar months & yet not a single... cop has accosted me, falsely accused me, or detained me for no good reason. WHat gives?
A spookier thought is, what IF they already have accosted me, framed me, even "accused me" & I just don't know it because some dirty... cop did it to me while I was in a drugged state, or, a very popular senario, is they do their frame up, the dirty... cop questions me, records the event for posterity, then cuff me & the gang uses the Date Rape Drug on me, erasing my memory of said event. COuld it be a PRACTICAL joke that they chose not to in Delmar? Maybe they did, maybe they didn't? I can only guess & yes, the Police tell me that I have to guess. It's mandatory for me during their threatening & interrogation scenes that inevitably spawn from any attempt by myself to seek justice at any time. My point? I have to lay all of my cards on the table, speculate, guess, & fill in gaps & come to conclusions or else & my stalkers get to play their trump cards one at a time.
Many of my stalkers bragged that by calling the... cops on me often it makes a permanent record of my visit to the area, empowering the gang to frame me for crimes there. That & to... well, I ain't repeating it again. Read my website for their bazillions of boasts & whines on the subject.
My "vision is to somehow get Police & government agencies to investigate my claims & dispense justice after a fair investigation.
Then it's my earnest hope to salvage what I can of my health, hopefully before the gang ultimately completely ruin it for reasons of revenge & profit & try my best to live the American Dream free & in the USA, land that I love.
"We've decided to kill you. We're just going to keep giving you COVID over & over until you die". - A recent "snitch" during what has lately become a standard gang debriefing & boasting session where he bragged about the gang's arsenal of medical equipment, much of which came from Bay City's "Defunct Hospital" & the virus itself from the host of patients at Bunga Bunga Hospital in Bay City where I was kidnapped, raped, & tortured by the gang with the help of the staff.
Coincidentally in "Copspeak" it translates to. "Nuh uh. No Satanic Stalker would do that. I met those guys, they're nice guys. In fact they told me YOU were the bad guy here. Why else would they stalk you huh"? - Translated from mid-Michigan "Copspeak, the language all mid-Michigan... cops use to destroy their enemies, I err, I mean while investigating alleged rape & kidnapping complaints.
Oddly enough... there are the people I pray for. Go figure huh?
01-04-23 ADDENDUM:
Jus a personal note to doubting... cOPS & to the Police I hope will one day rescue me from my stalkers (I still have hope, I CAN still hope, cant I ?).
Too many times have I heard madmen tell me the phrase. "I own you". Then follow it up with a logical explaination as to why I should obey them. Be it for love, or to avoid my slow destruction both legally (by being cast "into the legal system by their frame job") or to avoid my slow physical destruction via their poisons & clandestine surgeries (tunneling around inside my body with an endoscope, something no madman would EVER do).
Please investigate my claims. Please don't just lump all the available evidence into a pile & tell me my fate is for an amateur jury of my peers to decide. Give me half a chance at least please? A fair investigation is all I ask Sirs.
The "injections" have caused my entire right cheek to be numb today, making it hard to talk without slurring. Though I "feel" alert it's all I can do to keep my eyelids from fluttering. Kina like those times they drugged me during the rapes, then injected me with uppers & loosed me doped up on society, sleep deprived but otherwise alert.
Typically, when the uppers fade I'll be sleepy, even falling asleep wherever I may be at times. Proof I'm a "druggie" that should be ignored I'm told & the gang brags the act provides for a sea of witnesses against me.
Otherwise my stalking with all the bells & whistles of a standard long-term stalking the gang boasts is typical of their "get out of jail free card victims" goes unabated. High-tech, with multiple participants, & from multiple directions.
"Did you ever notice"?
"Did you ever notice"? The Last Snitch asked me.
As an adult I've biked a lot & owned many bicycles. Until I was in my 40's I thought bicycles were only designed to last a few months, a year tops. I also thought that the brakes & gear shift levers & cables were only designed for months of use at best.
It wasn't until The Last Snitch mocked me that during a standard drugged debrief Duh Jerk enquired how I liked it that he'd ordered my brake lines cut on my cars & my bikes dozens of times & the death-defying near life-ending experiences the order had brought over the decades. He was shocked to find out that, under their truth drug, I'd told him I thought that's how the products were designed. That it was just a normal thing.
The Last Snitch boasted that part of why he was talking to me that day was to set the record straight. "Brake lines are designed to last for years. What's the longest yours ever lasted? Months"?
I complained I once had brakes last 2 years on bike I owned once. Once.
He shocked me when he described the bike in detail. It'd been a very old 27" bike frame with a unique bend below the seat. He described it well. "Where's it now"? He mocked.
It too had fallen victim to their chop blocks.
Ever notice how a bike never lasts you more than a year"?
Yes I did I told him. 4-6 months was typical but virtually none ever lasted a full year before being relegated to a pile of spare parts. Except that one bike had been the adult exception in my life.
"We like to break the frames of your bikes after we wreck the gears shifters & the brakes one at a time. 1st we brake the frames & then one of our guys spot welds the frame together so that it will fail on the road as you drive it".
He described literally dozens & dozens of literal attempted murders upon myself through intentional mechanical tampering with my cars & bikes.
Today is 1-23-23 & my bike tire was popped, my tire kicked so it
"With a sad heart I lament here that I wish I were singing the praises of the law-enforcement agencies I write about".
- David A. George 2-21-23
"As long as we never give up on you the cops will never believe that someone would do something like that to somone".
"The more stuff that we do to you is only proof to the cops that they should ignore you".
The right side of my face is numb & the injection sites, between my teeth & the bi-weekly tooth scrapings forcibly below the gumline (and the pain it causes to all of my teeth & gums) is healing. - David A. George 3-15-23
Bay City's City Hall is in THIS picture here.
For those who may be playing the Drinking Game I do not endorse that I proposed on in my Diary Page "My Diary: Modern Stalking" a few months ago I offer this information:
Pee Pee or Buh Buh? Today is Pee Pee.
Drink accordingly.
- David A. George 3-22-23
I'm in a lot of pain, physically & emotionally today & it's robbed me of my strength to work (the physical side) & my will to write today (the mental anguish).
You see... Officers, I'm just not inclined on any & every given day to write about a gang of thieving lying cheating recreational child serial-killing baby rapists. Nor do I feel like reminiscing or rehashing said tales that on any given day have the power to imprison me... yeah, imprison me for life.
Go figure huh?
Bodycount bod·y count noun: bodycount
a list or total of casualties.
Triva: When someone writes a website like mine & says they plan to write a story called: "The Biggest Body Count" you know it's going to be bad.
This goes out to the gang:
"If I don't get avenged by God in this life, I will be avenged by God in the next life. Change your ways, accept Christ as your personal savior".
"Or else"!
"I warned you".
Exactly what did YOU think an angry & vengeful God was going to do to you IF you stand before his Judgment Seat & no one else has paid for YOUR sins?
01-12-23 Disgusted with my Stalkers...
Okay, 0130 comes around & my Stalkers, 3 minimum come waltzing up to my place in the manicured wood. For lots of years they liked "owl noises". A loud hoot, followed by 3 rapid short hoots. Some delivered with great quality, others, well, not very good quality, not realistic & some just "phoned it in". Their obviously human voice" unable to fool any but the most uninterested witnesses who may be in the periphery. Usually they deliver the sounds sorta softly, lest they create a large pool of witnesses for me. Or so I guess? Just a guess mind you.
Actually, just one guy hooted, at 1st.
Me? I've bored of them long ago (no fear, just bored) so I mocked back at his poor quality owl interpretation by making newborn baby sounds. My sounds have been called spot on by people, so I know I delivered them some quality sounds.
What'd I get in return for my quality? 3 of them began hooting. 2 poorly. So I complained to them. I told them, between my own mocking of them, that they'd better step up their game, deliver better quality or I'd tell their Boss on them. Noting I've gotten lots of gang bangers in trouble in the past for their poor performance stalking me. Literally.
So what'd they do? Fear filled their voices & they choked. Straining to mock back at me. So I told them they'd better step up & do better and that I was going to report their fear & the fear in their voices to their Bosses. A dozen or so fear-filled poor quality hoots later & they gave up. So I told them I'd tell on them to their Bosses.
Here I shall address their Bosses:
I know you read my website. I also know many of the Bosses valued my honest opinions about their guys in the past. There's an unwritten contract between stalkers & their victims. You see, I go to the... cOPS & tell them you've been menacing me & stalking me & they assume that I live under a spirit of fear (which is forbidden in my religion). Your end of the social contract is the scary scary.
Me? I lived up to my end. Why are you sending cowards? Poor actors? Hey, maybe it's all "part of the show"? If so, my bad. If not? I ask you to replay the audio to last night's stalking at 0130 hours (no coaching there, it was exactly 1:30 AM) & hear the fear in YOUR guys voices. Then ask yourselves this. Think of allllllllll the killings involved in my stalking over my life. Okay? Now picture those guys from last night sitting across from YOU at a trial. Picture, as YOU replay the fear in their voices them controlling the testimony that just might amount to a small but one of many nails in your coffin. Your coffin being symbolic for your freedom for the rest of your life. Hey! Maybe you do trust them with your life? Hmmm?
I actually didn't want to write anything today. I thought about not writing, after all, it's not in my interest to help you cull the weak & subpar from your stalking professionals. But, I did promise them I would report them & report the subpar weak stalkers to their bosses.
Get your heart right with God & change your ways before guys like the now nicknamed "0130 Crew" send you to prison & the Big Bosses figure that they AND you... "Know too much" & act accordingly just like they have with so many of your former peers who all died screaming. "BUT I'M LOYAL"!
I'll be praying for you... and them (the part that should really scare you)...
More face injections. More rapes. Living the "Molestor lifestyle".
The poisons (or whatever it is they've injected time & again bi-weekly for months now) have seemingly paralyzed a small portion of my face below the right corner of my mouth, swollen it a little on both sides of my mouth, & made speech difficult. It's even changed the taste of my mouth (frequently because of the poisony taste of the injected poisons, but the "taste" in my mouth IS altered). Now I frequently make a "smacking noise" when I start to talk after pauses in speech (not all the time, but more than I like to make such sounds). It's a perfect revenge & to "shut me up" one of them bragged. "We don't like it when you go soul-winning". And. "He don't like it when you go soul-winning because he's [Duh Jerk] afraid you'll make some friends".
I told the "alleged Snitch" to tell Duh Jerk he needn't worry because I've never made a single friend through soul-winning, only enemies.
He retorted it was because they followed me. "Say you speak to someone for a long time. We go to them & tell them a bunch of lies about you". "When you go to church we hang out in front of your church & if we see one of them going in we go up to them & tell them your church is filled with bad people who are crazy".
My opinion on the subject? I'm not now nor was I ever a mid-Michigan... cOP so I'm inclined to not believe just about anything a card-carrying child-molestor tells me in an unsolicited conversation. I'd suppose it's how I differ from mid-Michigan... cOPS & their pool of allegedly "Reliable Informants".
They raped my bottom, they broke my foot... again. My bike tires popped, my brakes messed with. I've yet to inventory my property so I'm not sure what's likely been stolen or what else may have been sabotaged (personal grooming supplies are the #1, last time they stole my scissors that came with my tweezer kit, they ARE druggies after all & them small scissors are handy in drug preparation). I guess I'll check my hair clippers, my deodorant /anti-perspirant (several are in fact stolen lately, when, I cant say accurately), socks & underwear. They almost exclusively go after my soiled underwear & briefs as a rule (Author Comment: "EWWWW"!). Same old, same old.
On a positive note the soul-winning goes well. I've reached a lot of people & am optimistic about quite a few for whom I've prayed for. With a busted up bike & a freshly broken foot the radius of my soul-winning, the imaginary circle one could draw of how far I could travel to spread the Gospel just got a whole lot smaller.
The truth shall set you free? Sure... I'll bite. Here's the truth.
My stalking goes on as strong as ever. For about 2 months at the restaurant across the street, at night, anywhere from midnight to about 2:30, for minutes at a time spread out over hours, they ran a power saw. Note, they didn't cut anything, just ran the saw. Eh, it's their property so who cares right? I thought nothing of it.
Lately for a week now, at night, during them same hours, they run around the woods around my place with that same saw. They cut nothing (thus far), just run what is likely a portable electric saw 20 or so yards mostly south of me & at the nearby motel in it's back yard a few times. Note, they cut nothing, (thus far), just run the saw. It's not a very loud saw, it cant be a very powerful one.
Lately, for the last few weeks I heard a car alarm going off at all hours, intermittently during the night. In fact, the sum of everyone nearby hears it & the local... cOPS refuse to deal with it. Fair enough.
I noticed it began at 1st far away, barely perceptible. Then over days, making a line towards my place, the alarm got closer every night. Then I noticed parks on the private drive to my south in the spot where they run the saw from time to time. At times at the diner (only very late at night & for a short time). Then I noticed that it goes where I go. It sounds whenever I leave a place (not 100% of the time, but often).
My underwear are wet.
Soooo... last Saturday I came down with COVID symptoms walking to Salisbury MD. I managed to walk back to Delaware, but it was both exhausting & painful. I hurt for days after the walk. As it was with all my COVID encounters, too not leave me guessing, the gang began a sleep deprivation attack that very night. It lasted a few days.
Noon has become the "official" wake-up time for me. The gang awaken me at noon every day if I try to sleep past noon. They always choose a time, changing it from time to time.
Last night soft hooting out of the hotel to the west... again. About 10-15 minutes late at night from the windows. My guess is it was sprinkling & the child-molester, made of sugar (and all things mid-Michigan cOPS imagine are sweet, or so I'm told by them), decided to hoot where it was dry.
The gang wouldn't do that unless they "owned" the staff & most or all of the hotel occupants (or intended to own, same thing actually). They just wouldn't. Just a guess based on decades or molester whines & boasts (depending on if you're listening to a victim/member or a member/victim).
Enough making fun of mid-Michigan... cOPS for now. It's like shooting fish in a barrel. No sport & certainly not a subject worthy of bragging about (yeah, they are filled with cowards, the corrupt, & the savagely incompetent be it overly skeptics, idiots, or the clueless who strain at statistics).
I take no enjoyment in mocking any... cOPS, idiots, corrupt, cowards, or the overly skeptic. With a sad heart I lament here that I wish I were singing the praises of the law-enforcement agencies I write about.
Just another loser writing about his life, wasting his time against government corruption & evil men. Yeah, I pray a lot. I have faith that could move mountains. Don't ask for a demonstration though, tempting God just to try & show off is a big no no. Verbotten. It's sin.
Soooooo... I'm recovering from COVID. It's painful. Last night about midnight the gang sent their messenger to hoot & holler a short distance from my window. They alternated for a few minutes, changed location & began again & again. Even hooting from the hotel to my west's southernmost side & back again based on if it was sprinkling.
Eh, I figured they'd step it up & do the hooting & hollering if I mentioned it the night before. Predictable. Predictable to the point of being gullible actually. It'll amuse me to use that fact against them "when the day comes". Giggle giggle.
Soooo... I figured they'd change up my wake-up time if I complained again, again, typical. They didn't disappoint. Wakeup time was 11 AM (I've been sleeping in because I've been deathly ill) & by fireworks to the south about 20-30 yards... again. They were much louder than usual BTW & went on for about 20-25 minutes 1 at a time every 5-10 seconds. In about 20 minutes after that I finally sat up, in about the time it takes to light a wick the last firework sounded to mark the occasion. My curtains were drawn, nothing to indicate I'd sat up to the outside world, I sat up & then... BANG!
The Last Snitch boasted on the subject as did many before him. "As long as we use kids the cops will say that it's just kid's stuff. Your entire story about being stalked is just coincidence".
My opinion?
PS: You Police &... cOPS (there IS a difference) should read up on my latest webpage, "Your relationship with the gang" where I provide insight into avoiding what the gang says they plan to be a very profitable relationship between them & you, and NOT to your advantage nor betterment.
I've seen Duh Jerk adress his pet... cOPS as "Bitch".
"Listen Bitch. You take a few of our guys out and help them beat some guys up. They know where to go". - Duh Jerk to the uniformed & on duty Dirty Cop himself. It's YOUR future title too Police, if YOU should fail to save me. You'll be betting YOUR life on it. I warned you.
It's actually kind of scary. I'm in Delmar DE &... no cops. So far. So I'll use the respectful term of "Police" when discussing them.
This is the longest I've ever gone in my entire life where upon entering a new community for any length of time that they didn't accost me, stand me on the roadside for an hour or so, or kidnap me so the gang could showcase their latest new dirty... cops.
What gives? Usually within hours, literally upon entering a new community the local... cops are all over me. Certainly within days always. It's been months & I can speak no evil of the Delmar Police? It's weird.
I can speak "some" evil, I'm being stalked by madmen & they & the rest of America's Law Enforcers either stand by or help, but to have them not being mean to me? No investigations, no threats? Not pulled over even once? What gives? It's kind of scary.
Am I "technically in jail"? Have they conducted many an accost, pull over, legal stop, & investigation on me & I just don't know it because they never happened or because the gang's dirty... cops & the gang's drugs have robbed not only my belongings, but literally my memories of said incidents? I'm not accusing & am not even implying it whatsoever. It's just a big question mark in my life theat I'm not sure how to accept?
How does one react to not knowing who the local dirty... cops are? Are they doing much evil behind my back or not at all? Unfortunately I have to wonder because my freedom is on the chopping block here & the way I see it is I get one last chance against the gang. If I fail to address the possibilities I'm dead.
In my +1,500 page letter to the FBI where someone dies every few pages I reported that the gang bragged that from time to time they've "put me in jail". Not legally, or even bodily but tried & convicted me. Then hauled me to the jail in one of their frequent kidnappings & filmed me in jail or in court. Or even in prison. Both low AND high security prisons.
I asked a gang member about it & he told me that they like to do that so their victim cannot defend themselves. The fact that they never went to jail bodily makes their story seem absurd to would-be investigators (because surely they'd want to jail their victim, right?) so they handle it like they handle all aspects of their victims. Weird & perversely.
So I kind of wonder? Where do I stand legally? Of course the... cops (not necessarily local Police whom I'm talking about respectfully, they never did anything to me, that I know of) ARE investigating me. The gang brag that if caught their army of... cops & Private Investigators ALWAYS say they just started an investigation. I've been confronted thusly my entire life, so by applying logical deduction I'd be a fool to say I'm not being investigated at any given time. Besides, the gang brag that tax-payers can afford it. And they wouldn't want any of the... cops they influence investigating anyone like, ummm, I err, investigating anyone like the gang.
It is sort'a scary. Just what ARE the Delmar Police doing? Where do they fit into this?
It's been a busy weekend. Sunday I woke up feeling sorta fine. At least I wasn't diseased (that I know of). As the day wore on & I moved my right wrist it became apparent that they'd done "something" to it in the assault the night before. It hurt more & more, presumably as their drugs wore off. Just a guess. Did they break my wrist? Was it one of those silicone injections... again? Maybe none of the above? My wrist was fine when I went to bed Saturday. By fine I mean, not in pain in the spot it is now in pain.
I woke up, at their witching hour of 5:30 AM, no small mystery there. I'd describe my pain as my entire cardiovascular system hurt. Bad. By cardiovascular system I mean heart & lungs. I could barely stay awake. Mouth injections, both sides. Again...
Let me reveal something about myself & my relation to the gang I haven't revealed before. It's kind'a silly in a serious madmen kind'a way. One could call it "a plan". It's about those dozens of pens stolen from me as of late (not counting the hundreds literally stolen from me over a lifetime. You see I only use 1 pen at a time. Lately it's been a church pen. Nice pen. As a rule I keep a busy list of "to do" items for the gang. I make sure I have a plethora of pens & pencils for them to steal. I usually keep a couple of bubble wrap sheets plainly visible here & there. Why? To give them something "to do". Now I've gone & written it publicly. It really doesn't cost much. A dollar once or twice a year maybe. Actually I'm up to several dollars in mechanical pencils this year. It gives the gang something "to do" & they feel so proud of themselves. Yeah, I would. Giggle giggle.
"The more stuff that we do to you is only proof to the cops that they should ignore you".
"As long as we never give up on you the cops will never believe that someone would do something like that to someone".
For the record, yeah, they stole dozens of pens from me lately a few at a time. Truth is I didn't pay for a single one of them particular dozens. As I walk around (I do a lot of walking) I find pens. Some months more than others. I deliberately gave the gang a "to do list" of things. Net cost for me? Zero. They've stolen hundreds from me, maybe thousands, literally & I did this much of my life. Giggle giggle.
I awoke about 5:30 AM with that new medicine taste permeating my mouth, injections top & bottom, both sides of my mouth, filled to gushing, & the obligatory headache this new poison causes. Both my cheeks are numb & the slurring because of what seems like permanent damage the poisonings are causing to my right lower mouth is happening more & more often in public. My rectum hurts.
Sooooo I thought I'd reach over & get me a pair of over the counter Tylenols out of my backpack. As I reached into my bag I recalled "the rule". Anything that you don't use much will soon be on the bottom of the bag & require it to be sifted through & fished out. Ask anyone who carries a backpack or any lady who carries a big purse about that rule.
Where was I? Sooooo I thought I'd reach over & get me a pair of over the counter Tylenols out of my backpack. I reached into my bag prepared to sift through it's depths, being it's been a long time since I last took a Tylenol, but we cant ignore my last inventory check when I noted the bottle was filled to overfilled because I poured the contents of another halved & halved again bottle into it.
What happened? Sooooo I thought I'd reach over & get me a pair of over the counter Tylenols out of my backpack & there it was, on the top of the contents of the bag I sift through daily. It'd been halved. The religious pen & the weighty Red Pen inlaid with 6 hearts are no where to be found, they "could" turn up? I've yet to conduct a full inventory of my belongings yet.
It occurred to me that my daily ritual of using Axe Body Spray hasn't gone on for over a month. Then it occurred to me, it's because the can is missing & has been missing so I haven't been including it in my daily refreshing ritual most guys do (pray, use deodorant, aftershave, wash a lil, get going ritual). The Last Snitch communicated to me his hatred of any of "his victims" who use any Axe products. "Because I don't like them smelling good" & "I don't want them meeting members of the opposite sex because they smell nice".
A few days ago I came out of the library to find my bike's new lights busted & the tire popped. I just got a new tire pump so I tried to pump it up. In all directions around me a dozen or so children & adults made dog barking sounds as I tried in vain to pump the bike tire with the new never used air pump. The air pump was broken. The tire unrecoverable.
Fireworks sound every time I get up or if I move from a static position when at home, Usually from the woods about 20 yards south at the end of the private drive there or from the southeast corner of the nearby hotel.
For those who may be playing the Drinking Game I do not endorse that I proposed on in my Diary Page 2 "My Diary Modern Stalking" I offer this information:
Pee Pee or Buh Buh? Today is Pee Pee. Drink accordingly.
The face injections go on unabated.
I reached for one of my new bottles of hand sanitizer on my nightstand. I noted it's contents were at 1/2. Big surprise huh? I haven't inventoried my meager belongings as of late so I'd suppose everything's been halved. Like my Tylenol. Halved & halved again just this week. There's just a few pills rattling around the bottom of the formerly overly full jar (in last weeks inventory report online on this website).
The fireworks when I sit up or move from a static position are going strong (like sitting up straight after an extended reading session). A lone soft firework from the nearby hotel on it's north corner. The only change is the addition to it recently is the addition of the sound of them taking a hammer to what sounds like a sheet of metal which has been sounding off as well. A thing they did in Dover for a few months alternating with fireworks.
The latest abduction facts? Sure. Duh Jerk wanted me to see 3 films he'd made in succession between the time I broke-up with TMOMC & met My New Wife approximately. Good lighting & well edited in my opinion. They showed me torturing 3 people to death. 1 in each film. Each separated in time by a few months or so?
I thought I'd write about them. After all, they say that the truth shall set me free. For the record I do plan to write about it, it's just that they were several of the murders I complained about in my writings that I just plain old forgot about. Not that I forgot about them mind you, it's just that as I sit down to write my story & think about the next of the many lives my life has been forced to touch those 3 just didn't occur to me.
The only fact I feel like sharing at this time as I try to marshal my strength to be strong enough to write it, being that I'm writing with numbed cheeks & mouth & general torture pains, is that Duh Jerk bragged to me about the time of the films that they were his peace de resistance in his framing of myself. In fact those films were the first films he made & made them just after I'd come up with my plan in the front room of the Bay County Law Enforcement Center where about a dozen uniformed & on duty Bay City... cOPS & Staff were all laughing at my latest Police Report. That plan being that I'd try to wait 20-25 years, and if I somehow lived that long my hope was that most of those... cOPS would be retired, fired, or just plain old gone. Maybe other evidence would show up, maybe one of the gang would screw up legally & I'd be in a position to pounce with my claims.
I'd suppose you'll have to wait for the story of the end of 3 innocent lives until I am strong enough. Have the intestinal fortitude. The hutzpah to write about them.
For the record until then. "I'm sorry".
"I'll be praying for you". - David A. George
Even my enemies...
Ephesians 2:8-9
8 For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God:
9 Not of works, lest any man should boast.
Still being stalked...
My rectum hurts...
I heard them in my yard last night...
It still, as it always has, sucks to be me...
I pray a lot...
Even for my stalking rapists & their dirty police...
Rectum very swollen, I'd suppose going #2 will be a painful experience.
More face injections, high & to the right as opposed to both sides & in the middle lately.
I'd like to thank all the... cops who made my ongoing stalking & rapes possible & hope that in the future you enjoy the films of the events just as your peers told me that they did before you.
Yeah, I pray a lot.
Time to write on my new webpage "The Most Sick Things". I really should make a page dedication. Shouldn't I?
Woke up with rectum very swollen, very much swollen, worse than normal. Another lung treatment... again... Who knows what drugs & or poisons they're using on my body... and the bodies of my fellow victims who the gang's members just love love love to brag about.
Stalkers very softly in the yard last night, have been quite regularly in the past few weeks.
They stole all the Tylenol in my carrying bag & my cough and decongestant pills (duh). I had other sinus decongestat pills in my bag, they took most of them. I've yet to inventory my stuff yet. So who knows what else was taken or "planted".
When I poked my head out, to go into public, again, a fireworks display sounded off in a spectacular show of pyrotechnics on the south end of the motel adjacent to my woods within moments of my exiting my place & going out into the outside world. Again...
I'd like to thank the Bay City... cOPS, Michigan State... cOPs & the Bay City fbi for making my website possible. Without whom's excellence in criminal investigation my website would not be possible. Please, don't send me any money guys. Just knowing you're out there bringing Bay City Justice to the world is thanks enough for me.
The COVID fever just broke & the pain of the dental scraping (just below the gumline) & the painful injections throughout my mouth has been subsiding. Pain all over my body, poisoning, broken bones, & assorted madness. My left wrist's bone snapped again. It hurt & it's pain & swelling has reduced. It was likely a small bone, kind'a on the left side of my left wrist. The result of another wrist lock hold or another blunt insterment & hammer I can't say? Between the attacks, the torture, the thefts, & the noise campaigns designed as sleep deprivation attacks Febuary 2023 was a very rough month for me. Yeah, I pray a lot.
I reached for a pencil in my backpack. The number was zero. Where I had dozens of pens before I think the number was 5. I got my new bike working again (foolish to state, the gang just love love loves to sabotage them as reprisal for mentioning the subject, as a mid-Michigan... cop you find the subject of a stalker being petty to be a laughable one at best, at worst "something you deserve, based on the "films" the gang regularly shows your ilk). Not only was the tire popped, but someone had loosened the valve stem to the tire. Plus "someone" (hey, I cant blame "them" for everything, can I?) had literally fully loosened the left front bolt on my front tire. Did they do this deliberately or was it when they loosened the valve stem to the innertube? Who knows?
I woke up several mornings obviously having been sodomized. Same old same old actually. Again, as a mid-Michigan... cOP dozens of you have told me. "You deserve everything they are doing to you. I've seen the films".
Whine, whine, whine.
Watch & pray.
What is acetone poisoning?
Acetone poisoning occurs when there’s more acetone in your body than your liver can break down.
Acetone is a clear liquid that smells like nail polish remover. When exposed to the air, it quickly evaporates and remains highly flammable. Acetone is dangerous to use around an open flame. Hundreds of commonly used household products contain acetone, including furniture polish, rubbing alcohol, and nail polish.
What are the symptoms of acetone poisoning?
Acetone poisoning is rare. Your body is capable of breaking down large amounts of acetone naturally. For overexposure to occur, you must produce, inhale, or ingest very large amounts within a short period of time.
Mild acetone poisoning symptoms include:
slurred speech
lack of coordination
a sweet taste in the mouth
Severe symptoms are very rare and include:
deep stupor
Acetone poisoning can be life-threatening.
Soooo, about midnight there I was, in bed, when a potentially lethal (in my opinion) wave of Acetone (smells like nail polish) hit me. To leave no doubt as to who or what was responsible the gang let out a single whoop to my east on the road. The acetone bomb just outside my window to the south west, under the tarp. Fortunately, in the second I opened the window the wind picked up & blew strongly in from the north. I was refreshed when I opened the window while the gang circled & whooped softly. It took about 20 minutes for the bomb to dissipate & ended suddenly, not gradually.
Why? Would I be dead now if I'd been sleeping? If so it was an attempted murder.
I woke up very lethargic, like I'd ran a marathon. The slurred speech? Hard to tell from my recent complaints of slurred speech from their poison attack on my mouth. I note reduced coordination.
1st why? Well, I can only figure that I wrote my tale I called "The Most Important Thing" where I outlined the gang's "The Circle" that they use to manipulate drugged & sometimes sleep deprived victims, where they practice & film confronting victims over & over, slowly refining their technique as the victim travels from work station to work station in the "The Circle".
Victims are also tested by "The "Circle" at times. In theory the gang gauges a victim's response to certain social situations & practice it over & over, refining it every minute or so because their drug(s?) have robbed their victim of their long-term memory. They forget everything that happened 15-30 seconds ago. So the gang confronts them every minute or so with their murderous "Skit" (look up the word skit in my definitions pages) that is "The Circle". Changing the words & adding & subtracting props until their skit is refined to it's always, damning outcome.
Later the gang either uses their edited films of their successful work station of "The Circle's Skit" or confront their victim with the situation that the "primarily actors" of the gang have practiced & refined to perfection. The end goal being another victim/member who's ultimate disposition & place in the gang is up to the whims of the head torturer.
Last night was a serious Coordinated R.E.M. Sleep Deprivation Attack upon myself. They used all the bells & whistles hourly to awaken me, doing their best to prevent me from entering a state of R.E.M. Sleep.
How? What did they use? Did you read the above? All the bells & whistles. List virtually every single R.E.M. Sleep Deprivation Attack type I've listed to date & they did just about all of them. To leave me with no doubt they also sounded soft fireworks whenever I sat up, even if I was already sitting in place but sounded off their fireworks whenever I chose to move from a stationary position, such as stretching during an extended reading session.
It used to be easy to find my fellow victim's stories online & on Youtube before Chinese Censorship came. Now it is impossible to find them. They too, an entire community if you will of my fellow victims, all had the same story of stalking techniques as do I. All.
I went to sleep amidst the ongoing R.E.M. Sleep Deprivation Attack (my "fancy" way of describing, medically, the fact that the gang just keeps me awake from time to time & wakes me up bi-hourly to prevent me from entering a state of R.E.M. Sleep to degrade my mental faculties, for reasons of revenge, & just because "it's what we do" & "when we finish with you [by casting me into prison or an asylum to do away with me] we'll just go to the next guy on the list & do it to them") playing loud music in an attempt to get some sleep & found it at approximately 2:30 AM.
For the record I do not relish playing loud music.
At 4:30 AM I awoke to 3 injections having been put into my mouth. One right & left in the top front far corners & one center front as low as one could go. My mouth was filled with a new, previously not experienced by me medicine taste. I had a headache that, unlike all other headaches I've ever had was from my forehead down to my chin, covering my face.
I sat up for a while playing video games & slept until 2:30 PM.
PS: I've gone through a dry spell of finding pens & pencils as of late (not unusual at all) & on my way to write in this folder of evidence against me, I err, I mean in my written plea for help here I found a sweet red gel pen inlaid with no less than 6 hearts. Kind of weighty for a pen. Very nice.
I was inventorying my stuff, a ritual I'd suppose? What's gone? What's been halved? How many pens & pencils missing & did they get around to popping the bubble wrap I leave for them to easily find?
Well, I realized just now I forgot to check the bubble wrap for bubble integrity, but it was there when I checked. I checked my Tylenol, overfilled actually since months ago I put the remains of an older halved & halved & halved bottle into the new bottle I bought. They took several anti-perspirant that were unused. I had like 3-5 of them given to me.
My entire life, let me say it again to emphasize, my whole life I've never had "battery privileges"? Explain myself? Sure. My entire life, from my youth upwards whenever I owned a flashlight or a toy or any appliance needing batteries, a generator, any hotplate too, the gang has depleted it's batteries or destroyed the generator or hotplate, usually as soon as I walk away from the items. I have several flashlights that were given to me as Christmas gifts. While I accepted them humbly & gratefully inside I wondered how long they'd last? 3 months, approximately. Maybe 5 months for the big flashlight I found, batteries intact, when I lived in Georgetown DE for a short time.
I used to think it was unusual, as a kid & even pondered who might do such a thing?
"My Cousin" confronted me with his own theory as to why by batteries had been depleted my entire life as did many alleged "snitches" sent to debrief me (thus sharing tidbits of info to try to gain the trust of people like my fellow victims & myself). My Cousin's theory was that he did it intentionally. "I search your belongings all the time". It's a matter of good business he bragged. To know where your victim's hide their "stash" or what unusual hobbies or even kinks they may be into. "One of these days we're going to figure out where you bury the bodies [of all the people he said I routinely confessed to killing on their drugs & even their truth drugs] & then we'll have you". I should explain he, & even Duh Jerk & The 4 Stars have all told me that they knew I was a recreational serial-killer on my own time, interrogations on their truth drugs told them as much, but that it was infuriating (infuriating to them they claimed to me) that I was able to thwart their best interrogators & still not give up the spots I buried the people I was recreationally killing (Note: far from the exact words used).
I wrote about the red pen because I know they take it as a personal challenge to steal them. They seem so proud of themselves when they brag about that kind of stuff to me. I also couldn't find my religious pen that is the pen I've been using exclusively. It's what I do, use a single pen & just keep track of the thefts as they happen. In truth I may have simply misplaced both pens because when I got dressed my pocket contents flew onto my bedding, maybe they just landed there? I'll have to check. I'll confess later if I find them.
I'm back up to nearly a dozen pens & pencils in my pencil pocket of my bag, again...
Last week I awoke, teeth scraped below the gumline several times that week, and each time there were a bunch of injections all around my left front top incisor. The tooth, while intact & otherwise cavity free until now is now dead. It feels weird & chewing gum & food sticks to it like other teeth destroyed in their tortures by force (busting a tooth) or by their drug(s?).
My underwear are as wet as they can be without soaking through. A little dryer than the last few days, but not much dryer attesting to the sodomy I've recently experienced. I thought about taking a picture & dedicating it to the Agents of the FBI (sole guaranteers of kidnapping protection) but my boxers are black & fairly new & taking a quality picture of them & the stain would be a hassle I just don't want to endure. So I'll just re-use an older picture & dedicate it anew to the fine agents of the Bay City FBI without who's investigative excellence my website would not be possible. No need to thank me guys & please don't send me any money. Just knowing you're out there bring the law enforcement excellence that has made my website possible is reward enough for me.
"See how my rape bile-stain is shaped like a heart? Now that's love. I dedicate this stained picture to the fine Agents & Staff of the Bay City FBI. Thanks for all your hard work guys"?
"Respect"! 'mic drop'
Pain... pain... pain...
Strange how the human mind works huh? We strive, we plan, we hope, & we do. When I wrote my +1,500 page letter to the FBI where someone gets hurt or dies every few pages I usually sat down, prayed to God for wisdom in writing, & then wrote whatever atrocity came to mind truthfully & to the best of my ability. They say that the truth shall set you free.
From time to time in the off hours when I wasn't writing, straining with every ounce of my intestinal fortitude to write that letter, call it internal strength, call it hutzpah, call it whatever you want I pondered the subjects I might write next? Truth is I figured that this bible verse applied:
Matthew 10:20-33
19 But when they deliver you up, take no thought how or what ye shall speak: for it shall be given you in that same hour what ye shall speak. 20 For it is not ye that speak, but the Spirit of your Father which speaketh in you.
As I sat down I figured that after praying it was God who'd inspire the next chapter of my life to be written. So that's when I made the ultimate decision on what I'd write that day. That letter took over a year of 5-7 days a week 6-8 hours a day. Sometimes more & rarely less & at the end of that time I realized with horror I was merely at the halfway point in writing about the bodycount, the horror, the destroyed lives, & the wasted human potential that was the story of my life & the lives of the people around me whether they knew me or not.
My point? The tale I plan to call "The Biggest Bodycount" never came to the moment of inspiration to write when I chose to write "my written plea for help" (as noted as the 1st thing at the top of every page of this website). Am I blaming God? No. God forbid that I do that. My claim is the story never came to inspiration to write that specific tale whenever I chose to write. Simply put, it didn't come to mind at those times when I chose to write. I had a lot of stuff floating through my mind & a whole lot of concerns going going on at the time as well. Imagine looking down the barrel of a shotgun loaded with 100's of potential life sentences & decades on death row & then add in the horror that the gang has made my life both past & present tense at the time of those writings & you might understand?
My point? I plan to write the tale I plan to call "The Biggest Body Count" as soon as the inspiration hits me & when my internal jar of now spent hutzpah is filled enough to write that tale of unimaginable true horror. Write it when I feel the inspiration. Not that anyone but my enemies & those that hate me though I never did them any evil are likely to read it any time soon mind you.
My point? Coming soon, God willing, I plan to write the true life tale I endured, that was inflicted upon me by madmen for recreation, profit, & revenge & I'll call it "The Biggest Body Count". Watch for it.
I try to not use drugs, except medicinally like over the counter Tylenol if needed. A $1 bottle could last me a year or 2 easy. Even longer IF the contents weren't routinely stolen.
You see, they hurt my ankle. Badly, it's all I can do to walk. It was getting better. I bought a new bottle lately & poured the meager contents of the last bottle into the new one. I had 2 Tylenol last night, it made my walk home more pleasent.
I woke up in intense pain today, like they'd walked me far last night. I checked my fluid levels & even my deodorant sticks. You see I get given a new Deoderant about every week or every other week or so for years now. In theory that'd mean, even if I caked the stuff on with a spakel knife I should have dozens of sticks, but I do not. They are weekly or bi-weekly halved & quartered as soon as I use them, stolen outright often IF I do not.
I have a gel hand sanitizer I've kept in my bag for years now, for some reason they never touched it & I wondered how long it'd take until it too was halved & quartered.
This week the gel hand sanitizer was halved & then quartered. So was my, well, just about everything. I haven't checked my rectum, medically yet. Inspecting my rectum isn't the happy go fun lucky you time that most... cops seem to make the task out to be.
I've been live streaming & begging for my life. Sometimes acting crazy, hey why not? When... cops told me they were dismissing me based on I seemed too sane & logically IF anyone went through what I claim then they'd be crazy.
If you are a... cop reading this & planning to dismiss me because you think I'm crazy AND too nice of a guy I submit this for your approval. "Isn't it all the crazy people who are doing all the killing"?
The bihourly wake-ups continue & I'm well into a lengthy (thus far) R.E.M. Sleep Deprivation attack. It's getting harder to concentrate & my pants & underwear are soaked in the juices from my recently expanded rectum.
Remember kiddies, being hauled into a... copshop delirious from sleep deprivation only proves a victim is insane & to be ignored. Not that a gang that ALWAYS uses sleep deprivation as a prelude to a legal attack (it's well documented in public data) is in fact doing so again.
Cops retort? "How stupid do you think we are"? After all they tell me between threats to my freedom, health, & my life that their personal struggles to get the 2"x 3" piece of tin on their chest renders them immune to the type of crowd manipulation that I am indirectly telling them is fact if even 1% of my ridiculous (thus, no need to investigate) claims were true.
Well... Officers, I guess the jokes on me. Well, the jokes on me an an untold number of the formerly innocent, the injured, the dying, & the dead. So youck it up in good health... cops.
Laugh cOP, laugh. Because the joke's on me.
Addled by an onging R.E.M. Sleep deprivation assault.
R.E.M. Sleep Deprivation. Not as glamorous as the... cOPS say I make it sound.
PS: I suppose I should find some new meme or clever sign to add to my website? Right? As if a new cleverly worded meme would somehow inspire law enforcement to suddenly choose to give me half a chance.
Whatever... Yeah, I said it, whatever...
The way the... cOPS explain it to me is like this...
"The camera never lies".
Pain... pain... pain...
"We don't just rape their bodies. We rape their minds".
- Common Gang saying
I'm sitting in soaked pants & underwear, leaving dripping slimey trails as I sit anywhere.
I found those 2 pens I wrote about earlier sitting very neat as a button on my bed side by side days after I wrote about them. The religious pen, almost new looked very beat up & though I'd barely written with it it konked out & was empty of ink after writing only 2 sentences. The red pen, which I found, has written a sentence or 2 worth of red & since I found it, if it konks out quickly that proves nothing.
Today I awoke & found my new religious pen/highlighter I gotten to replace the other pen was taken apart & wrecked, it's ruined remains floating around in my bag.
They broke out one of my teeth, it's gone, & it hurts. I'd suppose it's remains will make for compelling evidence if it ever turns up in a courtroom. Just like the other physical samples of bodily fluids & hairs & skin & whatever that the gang frequently brags that they harvest from me, particularly when I'm 1st abducted I'm told. That being the point when those samples wont show any of the 50-100 drugs that most forensics teams search for (the long-winded & thorough way of saying "undetectable").
My rectum hurts, my mouth hurts on both sides & front. 2 from injection sites & one from what the pain tells me is injection sites & the busted tooth.
My teeth hurt. Teeth, a quantity of all Sirs.
I've yet to inventory my stuff yet. It may or may not have the contents of this, that, & the other thing halved, quartered, or just plain old stolen. It's all part of the happy go lucky fun time concept forced on me by the investigative skills of mid-Michigan's Saginaw Valley Police Sheriffs, & FBI.
Let me explain your ultimate fate guys, this is for both you... cops & your counterparts in organized crime.
Romans 12:19
19 Dearly beloved, avenge not yourselves, but rather give place unto wrath: for it is written, Vengeance is mine; I will repay, saith the Lord.
4-24-23 The madness continues:
Wake up times were about midnight last night, 4AM, & 8Am or so. Strange only in that my usual R.E.M. Sleep Deprivation wake-up calls are at 3AM, & not 4Am as a rule.
They, 3 guys, were hooting it up making animal noises last night. Of course, it's a tradition that when the temperature dips low for the 1st time in days & that neighbors are probably keeping their windows closed at night that the gang boasts, brags that they like to make their hooting noises & such. The theory being neighbors will testify later that they didn't hear a thing. The theory is that the... cops investigate & say. "The locals say they heard nothing". And it all falls on deaf ears, even when the victim retorts. "What part of they hooted & hallared softly don't you understand Officer"?
Soooo... my rectum is swollen, badly (as opposed to "goodly" swollen I'd suppose?). As a Professional Rapist Apologist... cOP I'd suppose you'll be practicing your speech in a mirror. "That's the consequences of the sexual lifestyle that you partake of".
For the record... I do not participate willingly in any sodomy. No sex. If someone is walking up on my home at night they are not my friend or buttbuddy, I have & have had no willing sexual partners for years now. I've never willingly been filmed nude, semi-nude, nor during sex even once in my life. Any such things are all without my consent.
Well, it finally happened. They halved my aftershave after a year of not halving it. Even as I type I'm about to check my Tylenol bottle. Drumroll please....
TADA! The answer to is it halved... again is?
Eh, I got a quarter bottle now. Big surprise huh?
What is proper conduct here? I AM in a lot of pain & would like to have some Tylenol, just in case. To get... cops to believe me do I buy a new bottle of pills now or do I wait until they are reduced further by theft? Also, what IF my stalker's have genuine aches & pains, maybe even inflicted by ME!? If so what is Rape... cOP investigating ethics here? Is it my duty to keep my pill bottle full, just for them? I mean, it IS likely the subject of ACTUAL CHILDREN IN PAIN I'm discussing here. In fact, I wonder if I don't fill it, will actual children, my stalker's "troops of preference" turn to harder drugs?
I'll even add in Snitchgirl's words here. "It's how we beat the cops". She explained. "The cops think that if we work for organized crime we'd be rich but they keep us poor. It's how we beat the cops". It's how they beat everyone in fact. You see, the gang leaders don't want victim/members well-off financially. They want them poor & eager to help them do mean things "to a scumbag who's got it coming". Duh Jerk bragged on the subject to me. "We demonize our victims to ease their sensibilities". Or a better way to word it in my opinion to put it in context. "We demonize our victims [in film & gossip] to ease their sensibilities [victim/members & member/victims of the gang, yeah, both types]".
Also, I went to use my clippers & they'd been turned on & the power drained from them. Also I have 2 old cellphones, 1 broken (by them) & one with a worn battery both out of place.
Recall I said I have over a dozen pens in my bag. All stolen. All. Save the religious one &, there's a story behind this pen. Several bags of mechanical pencils (about 3 or 4) & 4 batches of pens I bought ago (plus the dozens I found too) I bought yet another package of colored ink pens. Yeah, in the last 2 years they've disappeared one here, one there. This time they left me with just the green pen. I thought about checking to see IF it still wrote as the ink looked very low in the pen I barely ever used. I decided to not check it. Meh.
Some socks were stolen, soiled underwear like usual (huge surprise there huh?).
I almost forgot. You see Reader as a hobby I like to write short stories, scenarios for pen & paper RPGs. The gang has bragged over the years that they copy them, read them extensively & even have members use the scenarios I create, Why? Such is their quest to "To make you out to be a liar in every way". That and their promise made in Spring of 1977 by an alleged gang common member vote at an annual meeting. "We're going to follow you your entire life. We'll steal everything you ever loved. Wreck everything". They even bragged steal my pets, ruin my friendships & all in a quest for revenge mixed with profit in a elaborate rich man's "Get Out OF Jail Free Card". Allegedly some rich guy will pay them a fortune (or a gang Officer will get busted) & the gang allegedly will tell the arresting... cops. "You let me go & I'll give you the goods on taking down a real scumbag". By real they mean me, the author of this website.
They swapped out my new battery for an old worn down battery on my new phone. It "suddenly" barely holds a charge. It didn't happen gradually like usually. Just, bang, a lot of stuff stolen or sabotaged, and the phone too. Is proper rape gang etiquette for me to be thankful? After all, last new phone Duh Jerk hurled it to the ground when he failed to break it physically & cracked the screen to provoke me to assaulting him... on film recently. As a Bay City... cOP "Professional Rapist Gang Apologist" you're probably not even reading this entire sentence without using the cut and paste command with all this "good evidence" that I'm writing FOR you. Hey, don't ever say I never gave you anything. I'm fool enough to publicly try the "and the truth shall set you free defense". You're probably thinking. "Silly Rabbit".
What else is stolen? What else is wrecked? They usually 1st steal the protective casing on my headphones & then trash them 1 ear at a time. While I have friends who's headphones have lasted years or even decades mine last days or weeks usually & if they last longer it's only if 1 side doesn't work no matter how expensive nor durable a protective case I store them in. Now that I think about it? Where are those cases? Meh?
Oh yeah, the gaming notes. Yeah, they go through them & handle them quite rough. Ripping this, shredding the edges. Not often do I report they stole this or that in my gaming notes. They've told me. "We like your gaming hobby. It's all the proof we need to prove to the cops that you're crazy". Silly voices, weird sci-fi or fantasy stories, yup, as if my story without it all wasn't enough to condemn any 100 honest men without it all. Right?
During COVID Lockdown I did a lot of writing (There wasn't much else to do) & I came up with a set of driving rules that could be adapted for an RPG called Twilight 2000. 10 pages of noted. Some pages went missing, more dice taken (I only have a few left now, I've carried dice with me everywhere I went for decades now, in fact I might be able to say most of my life, literally now). I'm now the proud owner of a single set of dollar store dice (a bunch of dice for a single dollar, cheap on cheap to "real gamers") & a few faded old dice that lack the luster for anyone to steal I'd suppose?
This week in rape review: My "Official Report" the petty theivery & gang rapes are not as glamorous as... cops tell me I make it sound.
Putpocket pick·pock·et /ˈpikˌpäkət/ noun
a person who facilitates a crime by placing things in people's pockets.
place items (like drugs, weapons, or other illegal contraband) into the pockets of (someone).
"she was part of a blackmail & framing gang from Bay City headquartered in Detroit where she skillfully putpocketed tourists victims for the gang, implanting damning evidence on them without their knowlege nor consent & then calling the cOPS on them"
As a rule I keep a busy list of "to do" items for the gang. I make sure I have a plethora of pens & pencils for them to steal. I usually keep a couple of bubble wrap sheets plainly visible here & there. Why? To give the gang "something to do". Now I've gone & written it publicly. It really doesn't cost much. A dollar once or twice a year for the pens & I found most of the bubble wrap or would've thrown it away otherwise. Actually I'm up to several dollars in mechanical pencils in the last year or so. I do it because it gives the gang "something to do" & they feel so proud of themselves when they brag to me about stealing the items. Yeah, I would. Giggle giggle.
They are sooo petty.
NUH NUH or BUH BUH... The Bay City Poilice...
Soooo... there I was, minding my own beeswax when a few of my fellow classmates who I could not yet nickname "The Children of The Gym" (because it hadn't happened yet) were telling me about the ins & outs of the child-raping & kidnapping bisiness they were involved in.
They bragged that whenever they needed money all they had to do was to trick a child into going to the gang clubhouse. Before going there they'd show up nearby & showcase their soon to be victim. There a price would be negotiated & adult gang members would line up rapist clients & a price would be negotiated based on the age & physical attractiveness of their intended target.
Then the adults would coordinate alibis & make sure the authority figures in charge of their intended victims were given reasons why their victim could not be contacted for the amount of time the rape was going to take place. Usually a few hours but often a day or 2, especially if it was a weekend or a holiday. Then they'd take the victim to the gang clubhouse where they would be drugged. Usually as innocently as possible but by force if the victim declines the gang's offer of drugs or refreshments.
Then the victim would be raped & usually returned home in a drugged stuppor with little information to accuse the gang or anyone as to what happened to them.
It's usually a catch & realease system they bragged.
Sometimes, the gang might like a given victim or they had money or influence. That meant they were made to endure blackmail films & the process of blackmail would begin there.
I recall asking if they got more money based on a temporary abduction vs a long-term recruiting. Surely the gang made lots of money on the long-term recruiting of a victim vs no profit on catch & release temporary for pleasure victims.
The children told me there was no difference & when I asked they told me they had no control over if a victim was treated as a 1-time victim or a long-term recruiting of a new victim/member. The children made no more or less either way.
When I discussed that surely the police would arrest them they liked to say things like. "We own the cops". Mind you we were discussing the Bay City police & the local gang chapter of the Michigan State Police BTW.
Then they shared "tricks" with me that their dirty... cops used to protect them.
One trick was that they put pressure on alleged rape victims of the gang at the Police Station (then in the dungeons of Bay City's City Hall, literally) & they'd act like when children even mentioned rape or basic anatomy they'd swoon & feign fainting. Then use threats to make their victims use less anatomicly correct terms when describing their rape because it made it easier for their dirty lawyers to beat any rape cases where a victim is constantly changing anatomy names & using weird or debatable definitions for body parts, anatomy, & sex acts committed against them. It's Dirty... cOP 101.
I think I was about 7-8 years old when the group of them approached me on the playground of Bay City's Witless School & discussed the technique with me. Basicly I told them I'd researched the subject (yeah, I talked like that at age 7) & was aware of the technique & it baffled me that the technique could even work in an enlightened America?
They boasted it was all about creating reasonable doubt in a jury's mind & that it worked. Something my research agreed with I told them.
They also bragged they had occasional orgies in class & I was not invited. Thus a teacher would be ordered to give me drugged candy or order me to drink a beverage when I declined to drink or eat what they presented & I'd be shuffled off to who knows where in a drugged stuppor while the classroom conducted their filmed acts. Is this lone paragraph true or not? For the record: Idano? My Diary: Modrern Stalking I proposed a drinking game based on if there was more excriment on or around my penis & scrotum or around my rectum area & that depending on the Reader's choice they'd drink accordingly. It was meant to be symbolic so I could write this story. Well, it's months later & now I'm telling the story. So it's not just about a drinking game that I don't endorse anyway.
Soooo why bring it up? Here's why:
Picture me walking into the shadowy dungeons of Bay City's City Hall. A place I would, in time, nearly be serously injured or even killed (by Dirty Cop himself BTW!) was about 7 or 8 years old. I came in to report a sexual assault.
As I began to describe it to the group of about 8 Uniformed & on duty Bay City... cOPS at their posts 2 of them began to swoon. One feigned almost fainting & several of the... cOPS shouted orders & angry insults at me based on my "potty mouth"!
So I asked them what they meant & they descibed it to me, in great detail. Word like penis & rectum were causing them great mental distress. In fact, what kind of scumbag kid was I, did I like to see the decent... cOPS almost faint? Was I some sicko come to...
Not done yet, to be continued & spell checked
The Biggest Body Count.
Coming soon?
Grumble Grumble...
Written on 4-24-23
"Have you ever walked into a room & decided to kill everyone in that room?
I have". The worst part? A few times I tried. Even worse? Is it "even worse" if you report that you've succeeded in our goal-oriented society?
A dedication to the... cops tasked with defending me... :(
"Bay City cops rule"!
"We own the cops"! - Bragged lots of times to me inside & around Bay City Public Schools
"What did they do to my face"? - David A. George while marshalling his strength to write the tale "The Biggest Bodycount" on 4-15-23
"Yeah, I'm boned". - David A. George 4-27-23
"Why do I have to explain this to anyone"?
- David A. George 4-27-23
Vigilante Judges & Jury Experts
"We don't just rape their bodies. We rape their minds".
- Truer words were never spoken in Bay City Michigan...
"You're not fooling anyone with your lies. The camera never lies"!
"If all it takes to motivate you is a pretty picture & a few words from a guy with a degree & a badge then a Bay City... cOP & a Bay City Public School Employee will be by soon to show you some pictures & talk about how great an investigator you are".
"Bay City... cops rule"!
The meme most likely to blow... cop's minds!!!
"My name is David A. George & I support this message"!
/ -David A. George 4-27-23
"My mind has been blown"!
"He hurt my head"!
"Mind blown. Imput non-sequitur. Error! Must compute! Bay City Police need... input! Help! Squark"!
"Just because we're the per capita women's rape capital of America, literally from time to time does NOT prove there's a gang of perverts around here"!
"Don't investigate the man behinnd the curtain, I mean local organized crime. Keep your focus on who WE tell you"!
What is a stalker? Most people's versions:
Stalker stalk·er noun
a person who harasses or persecutes someone with unwanted and obsessive attention.
"David claimed he was the victim of a stalker"
a person who hunts game stealthily.
"a keen fisherman and deer stalker
Mid-Michigan Law Enforcement Version of "Stalker":
Note: As told to me by them in countless interrogations
Stalker stalk·er noun adjective
bringing or worthy of honor.
"this is the only honorable course"
used as a title indicating eminence or distinction, given especially to judges and certain high officials.
"the Honorable Richard Morris Esquire, chief justice of the supreme court of our state"
Someone who follows a person around who's at best misguided [the target being followed is probably misguided too, based on their rejection of someone so completely dedicated to following them] but probably a basically nice person, especially if films involving sex are involved"
I'm impressed at the short amount time between the MASSIVE injections in my left front top incisor I recently reported, the subsequent MASIVE swelling, & how after the latest inject the tooth, cavity free & not even discolored began to wiggle in it's socket, likely to be gone in mere hours or days. For now it is, like the other teeth they've attacked on me, very painful. The pain onsetting only today actually.
The Last Snitch bragged to me during his standard drugged after-the-gang-rape-debriefing that their plan was to painfully use drugs to destroy my teeth & my mouth. He said things like. "You're just too eloquent". & "Good luck trying to concentrate in court after what we do to your mouth". His main complaint being that, even though I was addled by both their drugs AND their R.E.M. Sleep Deprivation Sessions during their live fire practice "Mock Trials" (literally in the actual courtrooms I'm actually likely to face them in BTW) I was able to tear their case apart &showed a winning strategy that they felt uncomfortable facing in even the most corrupt & of courtrooms. So they decided, both for profit & even revenge & to level the playing field, anatomically. "With what we do to your hair & to your mouth you'll look like a circus freak in the courtroom". "No one will take you seriously in court after we do what we do to you". Plus, who's going to show sympathy for the demonized circus freak anyway? His opinion, not mine.
Help? Please help?
More face injections, both corners of the mouth. Last week it was either teeth scapings (all) just below the gumline or injections into said areas, one at a time. My gums are only now starting to not hurt when touched, but replaced today by the swelling & numbness of the inside corners of my cheeks on the inside & the associated facial numbness that typically spreads with time 9medically that means I'm saying the pattern gets bigger, fanning out across my cheeks & jaw & then over days fading, 1st in the center of the injection sites & spreading out about the same speed as the initial numbness.
It occurred to me that I should address gang boasting on the subject as frankly, I'm not sure what their end goal is other than to facilitate my ultimate demise. Be it that I end my life in a prison, one of their asylums, or both like they brag... often.
1) The most common boast being that I'll lose my teeth in a way not easily differentiated by natural processes. Due to my own lacking in dental hygiene or an alleged (entirely fabricated or worse, inflicted by the gang) disease.
"We noticed you use your teeth a lot when fighting & you've bitten off a lot of our gang members fingers & body parts [a long list of anatomically distasteful body parts actually]. Think of it as revenge for all the fingers & noses that you've bitten off of our gang members".
2) That the drug(s?) would soften my jaw & turn it into an easily shattered brittle target. "Then we'll just have one of our members sucker punch you in the jaw one day & your jaw will explode. The Doctors will have no choice but to amputate your jaw".
They promised I'd look like a mutant circus freak for court, particularly in my mugshot. A picture facilitated by their electrolysis treatments to my hair & the fact that the plan for my ultimate dispatching, whatever that is, is for them to thin me up, fatten me up (incredibly, he said it'd be to make me a fat pervert slob for court "We'll make sure there's no jail uniform big enough to fit you. You'll be wearing a moo moo to court".
3) The gang are professional liars, so the answer "none of the above" is probably the most logical in my opinion.
My opinion? Whatever...
I should'a wrote this yesterday, but I didn't
I woke up, pain as though thoroughly beaten. It isn't fun. New face injections. My clothes soaked in anti-scabies medicine.
My shoe was torn through on one side... again. It's remains dangle to give the appearance in public as though I have shoes & not a shoe & a loose bit of leather wrapped around a foot. The other had a knife tip cut on the top near the toes running down. Whatever did that was very sharp unlike the brute force that'd wrecked the other shoe. I have no money. I seconds ago used my new anti-perspirant/deodorant & noted it's contents which are raised by turning a dial were at the top of the contained. It fell out & the stick I'd used maybe 5 times was at about 1/4, again. I've yet to check the meager contents of my Tylenol nor the salt or pepper shakers near them in my bag yet. But If I were a betting man...
Yeah, clearly my shoes are all scuffed up. This is a consequence of the extreme terrain I walked through the 1st few months at my place. If you've followed my website diary then you know I whined about how absolutely weed & thorn-choked the woods there were. Access to my place was via a narrow thorn-choked tunnel that tore up my clothes & scuffed my shoes, but left them otherwise intact. I was just accessing them days ago for strenth & durability & I judged them to be otherwise intact, waterproof, & in great working order. Actually, since the gang usually does these "modifications" to my shoes in the 1st few weeks of owning them it's been decades since I've known life with dry feet. Particularly during the worst storms. Coming from Mid-Michigan like I claim this means I had a lot of cold wet wrinkly foot days in my life. Not to mention the odors the gang make possible as a side effect. Read my tale. "My Cousin Brags:".
See how scuffed up those shoes are? That's a few months of walking through what became "The Manicured Woods" in the space of 2 days when I wrote about the subject. It's only possible when a victim says things like. I was using my narrow tunnel to get to my place & then I noticed that the paths the gang made to & from my place & the road were much more accessible. In 2 days so were the sum of the woods around me. Literally.
Do I regret opposing the gang from a few weeks old until this day?
No. I do not regret it one bit. Given the chance I'd do it again without regret.
They tell me the offer is still good. "If you join us we'll give you a house, a car, & a job".
They mock me that they keep me poor. Steal my possessions. Drug my food when I'm gone & drive me from work if only through sleep deprivation, me being unable to work when I'm only getting an hour of sleep a night. Or less...
They rape me with men, women, little boys, little girls, beasts, & appliances & film almost every bit to secure my humiliation.
They boast giggling that because they can sell the narrative that it is they who are the real victims here that they can do anything they want to me & expect little or no punishment.
They tell me things like. "You can do anything you want to a man if you own his family".
You want the truth? Here it is.
I'd rather be last with God, than 1st with the Devil". - David A. Geroge 5-23-23
I announced my intention to write my tale of "The Biggest Bodycount" on my live podcast on Omlet Arcade earlier. I even tlked about the proluge & epilogue.
It's 1441 Hours & when I sat at the computer my head swooned, I became light headed, it became difficult to concentrate. It took me 4 tries to enter my password (unusual BTW). Suddenly, I don't feel well. For lack of a better description... I feel drugged (you'll note I said for lack of a better description & not that I've absolutely positively been drugged by person or persons unknown).
Frankly, it's scary to even contimplate writing it. It's downright terrifying to imagine not writing it.
Wow! I just went from feeling depressed but fairly well to not feeling well at all & in a light daze.
I'd suppose it's probably not in my best interest to write about the events of the day of "The Biggest Body Count" when & until my head clears.
My bad. I guess I just wasn't up to the challenge. :(
Uhhh... yeah, almost forgot to write about my 0430ish stalker who came up to my well-manicured wooded place so close I could smell his cheap aftershave. Then he proceeded to drop trou, I could smell his crotchrot, literally, it was a very strong odor, literally. Between his grunts I fathomed he was likely whacking off.
Thanx Delmar DE & MD... cOPS. Thanks for nothing. Hey, you guys get a better rating than the other... cops in my life. While you are not helping me at least you're not a percieved detriment. Otherwise you'd earn my "Less than useless rating" like so many other... cops in palces I've lived. My point being. HOORAY! HOORAY FOR ME! DELMAR POLICE ARE USELESS!
Grumble grumble...
I thought I'd give writing a try.
Yay! Oh boy, oh joy, I get to write about a subject a bazillion cops are going to call ma a liar on, AND one that a ton of kidnapping child-molesting recreational child-killing & torturing psychos are sure to read BEFORE they haul my sorry assets to court.
Did I say yay?
... yay...
I awoke quite late today, about noon. Soon a group of about 6-8 18 year old men all came to my place, formed a line just yards from my place & began making whistles & the chirps & animal noises I've grown accustomed to in the nite. After about a minute I looked out at them & they left silently in a what looked like a well-choreographed display. One threw his drink cup into the spot where the gang likes to sit & throw their litter at night.
Now I'm in a library, writing about it. About annually the gang have similar displays. From what I understand is they are there to pick me up & take me to my next gang rape. I being drugged by a cellphone call via the radio drug dispenser that I carry that NO criminal could ever get, let alone abuse victims thusly using commonly available 21st century technology. I'll bet the tallest was about 5'2", typical.
I'm sitting here, the "smell of homosexual love" wafting through my nose & the noses of all who pass by. My pants are soggy, my cheeks numb, my feet hurt, the ribs they shattered that poke out sharply hurt as I laid on them again. It's not a stabbing-like pain it IS a stabbing I occasionally endure. Since I'm whining my light sensitivity has been acting up, it hurts. The thick needler tracks their years of drugging me hurt today & caused me numbness as of late ( and boy oh joy to you Chomo... cOP Apologists those scars ARE in fact proof AGAINST me, lucky you huh?).
Wah! WAH! WAH!
Whine... whine... whine...
Yeah, I pray a lot to be avenged.
Luke 18:7-9
7 And shall not God avenge his own elect, which cry day and night unto him, though he bear long with them?
8 I tell you that he will avenge them speedily. Nevertheless when the Son of man cometh, shall he find faith on the earth?
9 And he spake this parable unto certain which trusted in themselves that they were righteous, and despised others:
"We own the cops". A common child-molester saying in & around Bay City, Saginaw, & mid-Michigan
This day's diary entry is written in a color I'm symbolically calling "Bay City cOP Crotchrot Yellow".
"No need to thank me guys & please don't send me any money. Just knowing you're out there bringing the kind of Police Investigative excellence to the country that made my website possible is reward enough for me".
They had me out & about, doing a lot of walking, going too & fro, "mundane interactions". What that means is the gang craves filmed interactions with their films stars, crew, career rapists, & even with people not in the gang to facilitate a pool of filmed & unfilmed encounters to further their narratives that we're all great buttbuddies, that my fellow victims & I must be liars, crazy, or crazy AND lying to escape our just punishment from the heinous films we obviously delight to star in (what other logical conclusion could there be? Right?).
It's all cemented, glues, held together by a single well-practiced lie I shall explain briefly as did Duh Jerk to me in Fall of 1976 when, in his tax-payer funded office during business hours he chose to explain it to me. Pay attention.
"Such & such is our friend & is crazy & on drugs. It always works because everyone knows to say that".
For those who might be playing the drinking game I proposed but do not endorse I add this.
Nuh Nuh or Buh Buh? Today is Nuh Nuh. Drink accordingly.
This Drinking Game is NOT sponsored by the mid-Michigan State Police nor the Delmar Maryland or Delaware Police, but is IS made possible by their excellence in Police work.
Multiple face injections, my bottom sore, leaking. I've been getting headaches "after the fact". Why? I cant say, I'm not a Dr. but I recall past teasing where the gang mocked that it was likely due to withdrawal symptoms from their drug after multiple kidnappings.
I've included a picture of my soiled & wet from the drippings pants after a short walk to the side. Enjoy!
Grumble grumble...
I think today is day 5 of the ongoing R.E.M. Sleep Deprivation attack (I meant to write about it earlier in the week, I kept forgetting when I was near a computer, it is in fact a symptom of R.E.M. Sleep Deprivation BTW). I am awakened hourly or bi-hourly usually at 3"15 AM & again at 5:30 AM, 7:30ish, & 9:30ish. Usually if I sleep past 9AM I have good adds of waking having been sodomized. I woke about 10 AM or so and lay in bed a while, when I sat up about a half hour later an obligatory firework did sound at or near the Child-Molestor Hotel to my immeadiate west. Again, like usual. Sometimes the firework sound is delayed by the amount of time it'd take someone to put a coat on, grab their keys & a lighter & walk to the back of the building if I had to gues. But this time the delay was a second or 2. Since my curtains are drawn & I'm not making noise there's no external means by which someone could know I have in fact sat up in my opinion.
Rectum: swollen. The contents of my bag stirred about. At least 1 charger & the cord ruined, I've yet to inventory my stuff yet.
Face injection. Face right center upper lip high & to the inside.
Last night a male made a moaning noise about 6 feet from my window. I suspected a rape was about to happen. Thanks for less than nothing... cOPS & Agents of America.
I just finished a fight tale at the bottom of my RECAP page. You rabid cop... apologists should read it. I suspect it's awesome evidence against... against me. You expect me to believe???
Sooooo... there was Fagboy & Duh Weasel standing outside what I thought was my place in "The Manicured Woods". How they came to be about 15 feet from my front door or how I came to be standing out in front of my place (which I didn't see as my back was to it) are both a mystery to me at the time of this wring. I write it now as the drug-hazed memory has likely congealed to it's best state of clarity & entirety.
TRANSLATION: Bad men, drugs, in the woods.
While I pondered how best to kill the smiling duo Fagboy leaned his head down & spoke into a cellphone in his breast pocket. "All right take him down boys". Fade to back...
I recall fighting the injection of who knows what into my mouth while on the ground, Fagboy saying. "Hold him & help me do this".
Why were they there? Idano? It's likely they are entering some phase of what they see as my eminent demise. Likely to include casting me into prison, an asylum, or both based on a lifetime of framing.
Why did I wait a few days to report this? Because I find that many of the drug-hazed memories tend to congeal over several days. If I report on a tattered memory... cops are quick to pounce on me, claiming it is proof the whole thing is fabricated. Worse? When you return to the station days later & say something like. "Good news Officer. I remembered more of that memory & am prepared to add it to the criminal investigation".
I woke up spitting the usual taste of their poison & have since been spitting it as it's flowed out of wherever it was injected. Both corners of my mouth in the back & high & to the center of my right lip.
The affected areas hurt badly, the pain subsiding somewhat over the last few hours.
Nuh Nuh or Buh Buh? Today is Nuh Nuh. Drink accordingly.
"I only repeated the tale of "The Manicured Woods' so I could note the sheer amount of man-hours involved in clearing out that wooded section. I personally know that Duh Jerk likes to hold rather large "Team Building Exercises" where he likes to use 1 or 2 or more classrooms of children to do acts that might be tedious & require a lot of man-hours to perform so as to make his victim's stories more unbelievable. The Last Snitch explained it like this. "We have a lot of kids & they are on drugs. These ain't the best kids around if you know what I mean. Every now & then we just think up busy work assignments to keep them busy & give them something to do to keep them out of trouble. Think about it. They're all on drugs so it makes sense to keep their minds occupied so we don't have to constantly babysit them".
If You are a mid-Michigan... cop you are likely in a daze at having learned an advanced & highly sophisticated crime technique (cough cough.... advanced crime technique my #$^&%^*$%^&*) when handling drugged bratty molested children who are career child-molestors in training to be adult professional child-molestors, an impossibility for you to fathom if countless interrogations by mid-Michigan... cops are any indicator of the subject.. My non-professional medical advice is to sit down in a corner, breathe deeply, seek medical attention if needed.
Don't ever say I never gave you anything. It's more than any of... you ever gave me.
The poison face injection site has turned from circle to doughnut shaped with the most intense pain in the center having spread out about 3" in all directions on my right cheek. The jowls, corners of my mouth have reduced swelling & I'm not straining to prevent slurring at this time.
Where's a Caring capable & able Police Officer when you need one?
Provocation prov·o·ca·tion [ˌprävəˈkāSHən] NOUN
action or speech that makes someone annoyed or angry, especially deliberately:
"you should remain calm and not respond to provocation" · "he burst into tears at the slightest provocation" . "the child-molester standard plan was one of constant provocation of their victims to facilitate their narrative that it is they who are the foremost victims in their relationship with their victim"
goading, prodding, incitement, rousing, stirring, stimulation
action or speech held to be likely to prompt physical retaliation:
"the assault had taken place under provocation so the gang could have another film showing that their victim was the aggressor & that they were just the innocent buttbuddy victims in their interactions with the gang's victims"
SIMILAR: goading, prodding, incitement, rousing, stirring
testing to elicit a particular response or reflex:
"twenty patients had a high increase of serum gastrin after provocation with secretin" . "the mid-Michigan FBI... aGENT said he didn't feel that any pedophile in America could nor would conduct a campaign of provocation against a victim as a matter of business to facilitate a library of films that would show that they are their victim's buttbuddies & the true victims of their interactions which may include both the willing & accidental transmission of sexually transmitted diseases"
I reek of excrement & my rectum hurts.
My R.E.M. Sleep Deprivation Assault is still going strong. I'm always awakened in the 1st hour of sleep (usually about an 1/2 hour) & then at 2 hour intervals or less. Sex assaults occur in the morning hours typically lately & are usually several times a week, if not every day. Nites occasionally.
Lately extensive rape sessions are announced by soft moans, usually about 6-12 feet from my window in the 1st minute of my having turned off the lights & laid down. I guess they just want me to know?
This very morning's was a large & well-organized PRACTICAL joke of sorts. If I had to guess, I'd guess (based on few clues) that it was an organize event with about 100 or less young men. Likely college freshmen-aged men, a few girls about the same age. It may have happened at one of those dedicated places, like a defunct school someplace, it may have taken place in a college dorm or even an unused wing.
They presented the scene kind of like a filmed job interview. I was presented with various sexual perversions & asked which I'd prefer pursuing a film career in? Pure blackmail & frame job gold I'd suspect. Then they took me from homosexual perversions type to type & tried to include me, if only as a non-participating centerpiece. The memory breaks up all during the events.
RECAP? Sure. I'm anything if not accommodating. PRACTICAL joke (as a... cop reading this have YOU figured out why I capitalize the word PRCATICAL yet? It'll be on the test in court... I promise). Sex rooms. Gay perversions. Me as a centerpiece, invited to participate. Lengthy conversations on film about pursuing "my film career" & such. Got it?
They went through my bag, bust up my ear bud for my good ear (unplugged ear). They loosened the tops on a new mustard bottle I'd just gotten in my bag & on a pepper bottle that I keep spare pairs of sunglasses inside (I didn't check their status, nor any "fluid levels" except the mustard (which spilled out a little but was otherwise intact, new) wrapped in napkins to afford them protection from being hit. The full bottle being airtight & providing an excellent cushion for sunglasses as it is resistant to impacts because of it's very nature with the napkins providing insulation. I'd suppose I should check my Tylenol. As a rule they don't tamper with it when there's only a few pills rattling around the bottom of the bottle. But they have been known to slather them in perfume.
I was woke 3 times last night, then the morning gang rapes that occurred probably after dawn. Face injections... again.
Today is 6-7-23. I can hardly wait to examine my privates in the light. Is it my daily responsibility to report Buh Buh or Nuh Nuh? What is the proper ethics here?
Disclaimer: the picture is not from today in case a salivating rabid Child-molesor... cOP Apologist is paying attention.
NOTE: I'm not saying that these are the specific types of injectors used to poison me, only that the gang brag that it is the basic "type" that they use. A needle free jet injector. It provides for a clean injection without pesky needle tracks to confirm their victims claims.
The gang has always maintained that this type of injector's use makes... cops laugh & a jury shake their heads in disaproval because they are outlandishly high-tech, slightly (very slightly) harder to come by, & just sound too futuristic for criminals to use. "Our dirty cops know we use them so whenever a victim claims we use it on one of our victims they know how to respond. Usually by mocking them". Go figure huh?
Fun Fact: When was the jet injector invented?
According to Google Jet injectors may be powered by compressed gas or springs. The devices were invented in the 1960s and were used successfully in mass vaccination efforts to prevent smallpox and other diseases. In the past, the devices were often used to vaccinate members of the armed forces
Back when I lived in Wisconsin in my diary I noted that my kidnapper bragged he routinely injected his chemicals, drugs, & poisons using a gun which he showed me that looked much like the needle gun pictured to the left (NOTE my choice of words here, "much like" & not "exactly like". The main difference is his was connected by a rather sturdy-looking black hose to a drum that my guess is looked like it was labeled for medical use that he kept in his Wausau Wisconsin Skyscraper building (frankly, there ain't too many buildings in downtown Wausau that this could be BTW).
"Send YOUR kids to a Bay City Public School. We mean it, trust us. It's the law".
"Not in my America"!
"Our orders were to not kill him". -
Circa 1972 In Sears at the top of the escalator, Saginaw's Fashion Square Mall
"I know those guys. They're nice guys".
"I'm an excellent judge of character".
Sooooo... there I was, live streaming some Free Fire Garena online on Omelet Arcade where I plug this website & beg for my life. You know, an average day in America... for me. Sigh... Well, I had some gas. A lil silent but deadly shot out silent but deadly as did a little surprise, just a little squirt. Not much. So since I usually carry extra underwear & socks (poncho, work gloves, & such, I like to be prepared) I figured I'd go into the bathroom & change. I washed myself after the last kidnapping & was sorry I hadn't checked to see if I should report Nuh Nuh or Buh Buh. I accidentally wore the same underwear again & today & when I checked them, despite adding in the "little surprise" that came with the fart I'm forced to report on the findings of the contents of my underwear by stating it in the line below.
Nuh Nuh. Drink appropriately.
In my defense I thought the excrement's smell was from my recently expanded rectum, not the contents of my underwear.
Uhhh... still being woken up bi-hourly & enduring morning kidnap sessions. Sleep deprivation, it addles you in more ways than you might think. Not that this & everything else in my story isn't proof... proof the... cops tell me.
6-15-23 ADDENDUM.
I just finished updating my "Threats" page. I don't know if it's indigestion (explaining some of the above diary entry) but now I have a nervous queasy uneasy feeling. Add in my stalkers, the sleep deprivation ( I still owe the "sleep debt mind you, not that... cops anywhere care & not that my past tortures may have compounded my mind's need for sleep more so than others (just a guess, I have nothing to compare it to sirs). Writing the high tech threats in my life is particularly insettling to me. I'm not a complete idiot, the gang brag that the mere act of repeating their embracing technology is sufficient evidence to virtually ALL... cops to ignore a victim & I do in fact know I'm taking a huge risk here.
The gang's plan as explained to me is to tell a bazillion lies to "create reasonable doubt" & a case no prosecutor would or even could prosecute.
My plan is in sharp contrast & it can be summed up in the bible verse below. While the verse is talking about how Jesus died for your sins & the knowlege that is true will set you free, my plan is to tell the truth. The whole truth, and to the best of my ability without exaggeration. Here's that verse, my plan:
John 8:32 And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.
The injection pain was worse than usual this morning. Like last Tuesday (was it Tuesday?) the pain from the injections in the corners of the back of my mouth into the jaw circled around the front & met in the middle. Until now the pain was either one side or the other or both sides with a gap in the center of my jaw.
I'll retell a few tales in my life. 1st was during the time the gang called "The Gym".
I took my lunch in the 8th grade wing of the school the gang bragged was "shaped "E for evil" when they bragged things like. "Who is Macgregor? No one knows. We just needed a guy who's name started with the letter "M" so we could tell everyone they were crazy when they heard that we named it for the letter "E for Evil".
They went on to brag no one idolized Mr. Macgregor, no one cared about him & if the school had been named after him no one received instruction into anything to do with his life whatsoever. They submitted this as proof, the M wasn't for education, it was the E for evil. Go figure huh?
Welllllllll, during the time of "The Gym" I found it expedient to take my lunch in the 8th grade wing of the school. At that time it was permitted & the fact that 6th & 7th graders were forbidden to malinger in the 8th Grade Hall because class was ongoing made it an excellent place for a defensible position of sorts. Being that I could be attacked at any moment & forbidden to leave the school grounds. Taking lunch outside in the playground was extremely dangerous for me. The room, the 1st on the left as you entered the western most hallway that ran north to south made a great defensible position for me. With only 1 exit/entrance I was still frequently attacked there, but I could see them coming.
One of the teachers had set up a puzzle & they invited the school to solve it. I thought nothing of it. Children, mostly 8th graders came & went & tried their luck at solving the complex & large puzzle as a school project.
Curiously, Duh Jerk had already confessed to me about his "urge" to collect a single puzzle piece from every puzzle he encountered to thwart everyone around him. I was curious, so I counted the pieces (a whole lot of'em) & found there was one missing. Incredibly, it amused me to go around the school & literally, literally count the pieces of every single puzzle box in the school. EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEM WAS MISSING A SINGLE PIECE! All of'em. All. A quantity of 100%.
During "The Gym" I confronted Duh Jerk with the news & he confirmed he'd stolen them all. He couldn't help himself. No, not a school, not at puzzle parties, not even passing puzzles in preschool. His compulsion made him take a single piece. He had to.
I counseled him "Seek help". Not just for his puzzle fetish & what that represented but for his child-murdering ways.
He told me he liked both hobbies.
As The Gym developed and an us vs him mentality began to be fanatically adhered to by the gang, my classmates, the... cops, & even my family they all began acting... weird. But in ways that made sense. You see, the 8th grade teachers knew the gang was trying to kill me, so they shoved trouble makers out of the unused science room (what it was unofficially know as BTW). It amounted to Fagboy & the rest of the Munger Boy 5 & my classmates being sent packing... at 1st.
Soon I noticed the puzzle fans of the 7th & 8th grades changed from 1 or 2 occasional kids who assembled a few pieces to a permanent group who ignored me otherwise. That was fine with me.
Imagine my surprise when my Classmates began to tell me that the kids were the gang's spies. There to watch me, especially concerning the soon to be sabotaged phone in the room.
Their other task was to solve the puzzle quickly, so that other kids wouldn't come in & to bully the other kids by reporting them to the Munger Boy 5 (whom everyone called "The Munger Boys" both the 5 AND the classrooms of The Gym reportedly from the Munger area). They said their other task was to accuse me of stealing the puzzle piece so the 8th grade teachers would collectively kick me out of their wing (which didn't happen, though they did in fact accuse me & it turned into a sizeable debate/what-punishment-should-we mete-out-session that netted me no punishment).
In a day or 2 after the puzzle was gone, the 8th grade staff & students were all scared off from the room, & it was replaced by the Munger Boy 5 who allegedly tried their best to engage me in mundane conversations while spying & between infrequent but regular attacks en masse on me with increasingly larger gangs of students both from my school, from afar, & supplemented with occasional adults as time passed... "on film". Secret cameras were allegedly hidden all over the room, or so my classmates warned me.
Oddly enough the puzzle thing happened again. At the time of this writing I forget where it was, only recalling it'd happened (i cant remember every single clue with crystal clarity folks). I recall the public puzzle, me sitting there between infrequent gang assaults'. And then the sudden wave of interest by an elderly guy in said puzzle. He showed up whenever I did & left as soon as I left & diligently solved that puzzle. For trivia's sake I'll add I there was a single puzzle piece missing & I was accused of stealing it by the staff. I thought nothing of it until a snitch was later sent to brag. I was an adult then.
It happened again, this time a beautiful teenaged girl a year or 2 older than I was sent to solve the puzzle. I figured she was in the gang but figured what could I do about it? It was a free country back then. Right?
Sure enough a snitch bragged she'd been sent there. She, like the rest were there to solve the puzzle as quickly as possible. He added she was also sent to seduce me but had failed & was horribly punished for her failure (quite evil, crippling, perverse, & sadistic if true).
Sadly, I'd rejected her only because I was shy, if she'd applied herself slightly more she would've succeeded I told the snitch.
He bragged now she'd make a great witness against me & they told her that the utterly perverse things they'd done to her as a punishment were to be used as a template of sorts, an example or script of what she would now be fanatically motivated to accuse me of doing to... sadly... to her....
He boasted that her story would be particularly frightening because of the horrors they'd committed on her. Based on the film of her police report they'd seen which was enough to condemn any 10 righteous men, let alone framed to infinitum lil ole me.
I only bring it up because, as I sit in the library writing this tale. about 2 days after the puzzle appeared next to where I frequently sit, an almost stereotypical kindly old man started coming when I come & leaving when I leave & diligently solving the puzzle. Just like the other guy I described as having sat next to me in public & solving then said puzzle.
I accuse no one of anything here. A madman can send all the lying snitches he wants to sell his bazillion lies & the best I can do is say to cops. "Here's the clues, sort'em out boys". It's all just musing. Nothing more.
Busy nite.
Of course the soft "Woop" noises sounded as I went to bed last nite. A Friday nite & all.
I awoke & mulled over writing the night's events. Then the Bible verse that inspired me to write my website kept going through my head. "The truth shall set you free".
The truth? Even when you're reporting a weird & perverse story inflicted upon you by weird & perverse madmen who are to date undefeatable. Meaning that if you are in law enforcement & reading this, the gang is undefeated before your law enforcement excellence & equipment.
The truth? Sure. Actually part of what convinced me to write was a few things. That area of permanant numbness on my right cheek doubled in size last night.
I awoke next to my sandals. No mystery, I went to bed beside them. I've kept them beside my bed unstrapped & wore them like flip flops at night for comfort & versatility reasons.
Why write about it? When I checked them sandals one of them, just the one was buckled up completely.
I also noted that I had a whole bunch of quartered & 1/8th'd deodorants lying around in earlier entries. They are all gone.
Last night they had me out & about, discussing my "porn career". It's been the subject of their conversation very much as of late. I'd suppose their lawyers advising their case probably said they'd best verify on film more about my willing participation in said films & discuss money more. Just to add more nails in the overkill that is likely the legal case they likely soon plan to bring against me I'd guess.
Soooooo... the new star of the films? Sure. As if I wasn't screwed already. They brought in a girl who looked remarkably like the gal I nicknamed "My New Wife". Very much. Had her hair done in the black wavy way she wore when we 1st met, same length just below the bottom of the shoulders. The voice wasn't close though & she looked about 30 years old by my estimation, pretty. Maybe even prettier than My New Wife but with a light frosting of freckles. I don't think it was an accident that the gal kind'a sort'a was a dead ringer for My New Wife. My New Wife had a very girly high pitched voice. The pretender had a more masculine but effeminate voice.
See my entry for: "I need a surgical double now" on my Obsessed Madmen page BEFORE you pass judgement on myself & my fellow victims who may number as the sands of the sea.
Law enforcement seem to be unable to appreciate The Last Snitch's level of commitment to me. "Do you know how many murders you're involved in? We've invested a lot of money in you".
Every once in a while I'd forget to wear my crash helmet when I left home. It has a battery powered light on the back & when I'd return home it would be on.
Yesterday I forgot my helmet when I left again.
When I returned home It was gone.
I figured I should check my inventory. The usual stuff. !st thing I noticed this morning was my cap was covered in white sweat stains from another scabies medicine/rinse fail. I had trouble finding my other cap cap & when I did the 1st thing I noticed the cap's bill had been bent into a hard crescent shape. The Last Snitch bragged Duh Jerk orders that because it's a public sign of slavery to the gang. Since I am not nor was ever a mid-Michigan... cOP I don't believe every thing that comes out of a Molestor's mouth. But I know this, they occasionally do bend my caps.
Weird perverts who treat their victims weird & perversely? I know some Child-Molestor Apologist... cops or Prosecutors out there are probably drooling profusely from just reading this.
I went ta bed about midnite or so. I awoke about 4 AM
Awoke might not best choice of wording. at 4AMish I became lucid while watching a TicTock video on my phone. The film was abouit 4 minutes into the 8 minute video.
Became lucid? Face injections. I'd suppose some gang banger & his obligatory Dirty... cOP escort had a great time last nite.
I couldn't get back to sleep.
The only other weird thing? By my best guess I'd bet I put on 20 LBS this week. I have had no change to my diet to account for such a gain.
I was alert then, now I'm dog tired. Exhausted.
It happens so often it's a cliche in my all too short life. Typical. Just what happens in life.
Soooo... there I was, coming home after a long walk (they sabotaged my ride again) carrying a heavy burden. There was a mid-sized truck with a cargo carrier parked at the path to my yard... again, like so often happens for a lot of years n ow, whether I live in a populated area of in the middle of nowhere. As I walk up I note the single male sitting in his truck across the way (cameraman?) doing nothing but intensely watching me.
As I walk up the vehicle pulls away. The man across the street watching me simultaneously gets out & makes himself suddenly busy.
Easy to explain where I live right now. A bi-weekly & even daily occurrence when I lived in the middle of nowhere.
The way the gang has bragged it to me over the years of my life is that sometimes, they are there to provoke me. Typical. The guy across the street there to film their glory for my coming destruction.
Others brag it's all about the stalking process. The people involved are called "Blockers" They watch my home & note anyone coming there & it is their duty to identify them & to feed them relevant gossip (the gang's most powerful weapon that... cops laugh at the power of). Turning away those who might befriend me or watch over me like a good neighbor. Categorizing visitors for the gang for later. I am "Their Recruiter" they brag.
Other times it's just a random person who probably chose to park there, saw me coming & left. Nothing more. Suspicious when it happens constantly in the middle of nowhere, but who am I to say?
They brag it's often those guys duty to search my stuff daily or weekly. It's why even when I hide a new deodorant stick or salt shaker it's halved & quartered soon without fail. Just about everything in life that can be bottled, stored, or measured actually.
I'd suppose I should add this to "How the Scam Works". Man I'm sick of writing this website.
More mouth injection. A red letter day. I figured the numbness would lead to facial drooping & today is the 1st day that I noticed an uneven droop to my cheek, lips, mouth on the numb right side of my mouth.
They usually inject each back corner of my mouth & then assorted teeth that have broken off. They seem to also do both sides of my top front 2 teeth.
I am a Christian & I am offended Sirs.
Matthew 18:6 But whoso shall offend one of these little ones which believe in me, it were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and that he were drowned in the depth of the sea.
The poison injections into my face have been having body tingling & numbing side-effects for some time. I dreaded to write about them lest I should encourage my stalkers. Is the poison actually "Insulin" like my stalker suggested it would be? injected into my mouth in pools (for lack of a better word, "reservoirs"?) that leak for days sometimes? Tingling in my hands & legs, numbness extending for days after some of the shots.
In the last week or 2 my right cheek has gone numb, I fear it is permanently so.
The sleep deprivation continues. The fireworks sound one at a time every time I sit up straight all day whenever I'm at home. In all fairness they do skip the fireworks for a day or 2 now & then. Even the sleep deprivation has occasional gaps where I'm allowed to rest.
It's difficult to talk & I'm pushing my marionette skills ("throwing your voice" kind'a stuff) to speak without slurring & am less successful in avoiding the slurring as time progresses.
Last night was a huge day for me. Truly huge. Why? It was the 2nd time I ever used an entire bottle of hand sanitizer up by myself. You see Reader, for the last few years (except the last few months) I was given a bottle of hand sanitizer & an anti-perspirant stick about every week or 2 for years. It occurred to me that even if I were to apply sanitizer by the 1/4 cup & apply anti-perspirant by the 1/8th inch by slicing it with a knife off the stick I would probably have quite a few of each. Instead I have about 4 or 5 of each, they are all reduced to about 1/8-1/16th of their original contents. My Tylenol too. Except for the small bottle ran through the mud. I was just cleaning out my winterized clothes while spring cleaning. The stuff I just boxed up was stuffy from the winter storage. But the clothes I'd double-bagged for freshness were all soaked with ammonia... again. Ruined.
They even emptied out my breath mints too AND halved my Tic Tacs I'd recently bought. My flashlights, I had a whole bunch of'em are stolen, the spare batteries pilfered. My underwear supply took a big hit, soiled only of course. My socks were especially affected. Soiled only as well, the clean ones were left alone, just like the underwear. Actually, the lost underwear might date back to the last time I reported them stolen, that means it's likely been months since any of them were stolen, that I noticed. I don't want to falsely accuse anyone & all.
Yeah, I know I'm forgetting stuff, the R.E.M. Sleep Deprivation degrades my performance, ability to recall stuff when I'm writing this webpage.
Sigh... what else? Idano. Frankly, I'm tired of writing evidence against me. As if the... cOPS or any... cops were ever or will ever be inclined to help me.
I think I'll write the biggest Body Count, or at least try try again. Why don't they want me to write that story?
Mundane interactions, jaw injections, both sides, in the positions at 3 & 9 o'clock deep into the gums.
Number of... cops who came to my aid: 0.00
My right jaw & cheek are the most numb they've ever been.
The backside of my pants & my entire crotch are soaked with bile drippings. Soaked.
Body tingling all over from their "poisons".
I pray a lot.
Legs still numb from the knees down. It isn't fading, I worry it my be permanent.
I found a tube of anti-scabies medicine outside my front door this weekend. It's too small for a complete body coverage & is likely their way of bragging "yeah, we infected you with scabies, now cure it so our brothel rapists quit catching it" or some sort of "in your face message" I'd guess? They've been using the cream it on me regularly during their rapes. In FACT ON WEEKS THAT THEY DON'T RINSE IT OFF WELL my clothes become stained with the cream in wavy patterns. My cap too.
This is in fact what happens to life's losers.
I had such dreams once.
Yeah, I pray a lot.
Numbness seems permanent.
Today my heart is racing as I write this. Why? I'm not entirely 100% sure.
I'm just not up to writing today, I just don't have the chutzpah content available.
Sooooooo... I'm just going to say that the ROUTINE druggings are bi-daily, or so. The rapes go on unabated. Thefts, yeah, pouring out this, taking this that n the other lil thing.
Yada, yada, yada...
I went to Dover DE on the 30th. When I arrived I saw 2 guys I'll call "Gang Regulars", men I've known are serving the gang there waiting for Bus #303 in the shadow of the local... pOLICE station (figuratively speaking, it IS in fact next door though). I'd discussed the subject & their involvement before with them.
I conducted my business & about 8 hours later boarded the same bus. Imagine my surprise when I noticed the pair sitting there in the open air bus depot all comfortable in the shadow of local law enforcement's building (symbolism, gotta love it).
One came over & said hi to me & offered me drugs & claimed I'd been there the day before & used drugs with them. I declined his invitation & denied taking any drugs with him.
If I had to guess... (& the... cOPS all insist that I have to... OR ELSE!) I'd guess one of 3 senarios occured.
1) The pair's sitting there at Bus #303's bench twice & not using said bus was pure coincidence. Both encounters. Just 2 guys involved in my case up to their necks just chillin in a legal & public place near the local Copshop. Nothing more.
2) The pair were tasked with reporting my movements with their unknown accomplices for reasons certain to no=t be in my best interest.
Remember: The gang ARE the victims in all encounters to authorities. My accusing one or more of them only empowers their counter-accusations in the minds of most law-enforcement professionals (statement based on gang brags & my own personal experience with law enforcement accusations against myself to date).
3) The pair are part of an organized sex ring, possible human trafficking ring or who knows what. Tasked with assessing new arrivals, drugging fools who accept their drugs, ascertaining their future victim's "drug of choice" (a valuable tool in manipulating & accusing victims I assure you Reader). That means while I may have been an objective it'd be loosely so, I showed up & they recognized me when I left.
Which is it? Idano? #4) None of the above? My life and freedom are on the line & I have to put all my cards on the table. The gang gets to play their cards one at a time.
I'd write that I'm sitting a pool of my own anal drippings but I was so grossed out when I got up I wiped off my chair.
Saturday morning was rough. I woke with serious jaw pain from the many injections into my jaw, top & bottom, front & back that lasts to today (Monday). Other symptoms are sore throat & lethargy. Mild disorientation. Rectal pain.
I'd write about the taste of the poison, in theory being a new flavor present in my life for lack of a better description. But the mouth injections are so constant, that the poison has become a permanent taste in my mouth, the default taste setting if you will, & for lack of a better term, the norm. It has a side effect of making the flesh of my mouth tender & altering how my mouth tastes at all times now.
I recall the Munger Boy 5 standing around me often while I was tied up as a child. Each one giddily calling me a "Loser"! Over & over. They'd won & their then recent rape of me was proof.
I figured I'd just tell the... cops the truth, and the truth would set me free.
A poem of sorts:
I recall defending myself saying I am no loser.
I plan to resist til the end.
I'm just like that.
Yeah, I have faith that could move mountains.
Life is full of winners & losers.
Silly me.
Mundane interactions galore.
Lots of laughing. Seeing as last nite was my birthday I'll bet the mundane interactions with my buttbuddies is pure stalker gold.
Center right cheek on the inside. 1st time they injected directly into the cheek so. My right face is burning & the injection site is sore.
The truth shall set me free?
I've mustered my chutzpah (not enough to try "The Biggest Bodycount" again, but real quantifiable chutzpah that I'm going to spend writing this entry) to write this diary entry.
Here goes:
About 3 weeks ago they implanted something metallic & hard into my right ear. Lower right corner, not very big just inside the ear canal. With the swelling from the implant (whatever it is) I could feel something very hard & sort'a sharp actually. To touch it was extremely painful for weeks.
Apparently I've been implanted with a sound receiver of some sort... again. You see about 3-4 months ago they removed them from both ears when I became aware of them. Now at least one side is back. The device seems smaller than the last one.
If I had to judge it it's sound quality is much better than the last one it is intended to replace.
I have to sddress the obvious. What if I'm wrong? You see Reader it's just a guess. For all I know they did who knows what & the strange sounds are that Voice of God Machine that is commercially available but that no criminal would ever use. It's unethical & the many buttons on the device make it sound like sci-fi, not true crime tales.
For all I know the gang just put someting pointy in my ear & the sound thing merely coincides with their new Voice of God device which has a higher sound quality than their old & outdated one they told me they stole. New likely because their old one was getting old & well-worn due to frequent use. Rmember this factoid well oh ye skeptics & (spitooey!) Porfessional Child-Molester Apologist... cOPS, the gang brag I'm not their only victim. Just one of many. Many good & formerly law-abiding people whom they've convinced... cops like YOU to imprison based on thier unbelieveable stories, secret "films" shown privately to you or someone you trust, & the testimony of those many "Reliable Informant's like the one's so many Bay City & Saginaw Michigan... cops swear by.
Well... that's my life.
Can the truth set one free? Even me?
The bi-daily face (mouth actually) injections have "changed flavor" of sorts. In the last 3 weeks the poison seeping out tastes the same as before, a lil diluted perhaps. But there's no wide spread numbness associated with the injections as before. Still, the area of a different kind of numb (for lack of a better description) was the gumline around the front of my lower jaw. I still have difficulty avoiding slurring, putting all of my ventriloquist skills to talking.
Slurred speech? Drugs? Sex? I predict there are a rabid pack of child-molestor apologists & dirty... cOPS out there salivating uncontrollably if they are reading this.
Know this you self-righteous child-molestor apologists & dirty... cOPS out there. If I don't get avenged of you by the LORD in this life you wont like how I'll be avenged of you in the next life. Why take that risk? Change your ways. Repent! Become the good citizen servant that you only pretend to be now. Forever is waiting & God has a great reward he'd just love to giver you, I know it.
Luke 18:7-9
7 And shall not God avenge his own elect, which cry day and night unto him, though he bear long with them?
8 I tell you that he will avenge them speedily. Nevertheless when the Son of man cometh, shall he find faith on the earth?
9 And he spake this parable unto certain which trusted in themselves that they were righteous, and despised others:
My stalking goes The gang seems to be able to kidnap me with impunity. How? Idano? The many ways they brag they kidnap me are listed piecemeal throughout my website.
I have never willingly engaged in sexual relations with anyone under age. Ever. I have never consented to being filmed nude, semi-nude, nor in any sexual position at any time in my entire life ever. I'm camera shy. Always was.
They were bragging one of the drugs they use on me is... one I'm reluctant to admit. Why? Because contrary to what... cops will claim, a victim endorses the lies of their madmen stalkers. "I checked out what you said your stalker said & it didn't pan out".
My rebuttable? "What part of they brag they tell a zillion lies to waste cops time & to make their victim's stories sound unbelievable don't you understand Officer"?
The drug? The Last Snitch bragged it was the drug used in an episode of Archer. He was TALKING ABOUT DESIGNER DRUGS THE GANG USES ON IT'S VICTIMS. UNDETECTABLE (not UNDETECTABLE, JUST NOT ON THE LIST OF DRUGS A FORENSICS TEAM WILL LOOK FOR WHEN CONDUCTING A ROUTINE TEST IS ALL). He claimed they can drug me on there fly, in a public place. DO whatever, even make a minute long film & return me to my life not knowing anything has happened. He claimed it was a powerful tool in their arsenal. Drug a victim, make a short interaction or even a filmed "quickie", then pull their pants up, put their wallet back, & let them resume their life unawares of what has just happened. Victims may have even interacted with their attackers before or after the even, ot even during!
WHy didn't I mention it before? Fear. Plus, am I duty bound to mention every statement made by a self-professed liar for profit? I mean it any of you Officers of the law who might read this. Is it my duty to mention every single thing? In the past many... cops dismissed me based on my not having investigated clues FOR THE... COPS & omitted them from my story. "You should've checked".
For the record. I am not a trained investigator. I am not talented at dealing with law enforcement (obviously, my life is a living testimony to failure to get even basic protection from any police whatsoever. IVE HAD KIDNAPPING ATTEMPTS IN FRONT OF... COPS, BEEN ASSAULTED MANY TIMES, BY GANGS IN THE PRESENCE OF... COPS & NOT A SINGLE PERSON EVER DID EVEN 1 SECOND IN JAIL BASED ON ANYTHING THEY EVER DID TO ME FOR THE ENTIRE SUM OF MY LIFE).
The stalking goes on as strong as ever. Sigh...
Last night I went to bed before midnight. When I did the gang made soft wooping noises not far from my place. 40 feet or less. It's their signature, announcing I'm about to be raped tonight. About 12:45 AM I woke up, injections in the jaws in the corners of my mouth & my bottom lip, just inside.
They halved a bunch of stuff again. A precise inventory hasn't been made by me. But this time they went around halving the contents of the things of life around my home. It's only strange in that in the past they usually stopped at quartering or 1/8ing the contents of most things they empty. Now they just keep doing it over & over, even to petty amounts of containers of the things of life. Odds & ends, foodstuffs, & such.
About 2 weeks ago I came home after having bought a 2 pack of bug spray. My place reeked strongly of the deet bug spray & the 2nd can was gone. The can I carry on me was halved as well later. I meant to write about it, I forgot. Blame it on the sleep deprivation.
My rectum hurts.
They stole my duct tape... again.
So do you mid-Michigan vigilante... cOPS feel better? Noble? Heroic? THIS is what you live for?
Double ow...
I woke at about 0530, mouth injections. lower jaw, front & back of both sides. So I played a video game a while & went back to sleep.
Woke up about noon high as a kite. Face & jaw injections. same as before & front lip. I could feel my pulse in my lip & whatever that drug was it made my face numb & made my heart race at a level of beats I've never known before.
Double ow...
Addendum: I quit drugs years ago. Religion reasons. But I do more drugs & at insane dosages than your most... uhhh... I was gonna get flowery, point is, they put me on a lot of drugs & it's done more than addled me at the times of said druggings.
Why wont Police that they boasted on is near.
save me? Why?
This sucks...
Their constant injections have numbed much of my body. I fear the worst. I'd suppose that the coming life as a quadriplegic nears as a consequence.
' The gang are relentless. They are without mercy though they have solicited from me many times from the least of them to the greatest.
I do in fact pray a lot. I have a lot of faith.
I fear for my stalkers. If they don't get lucky enough to settle their accounts with me in this life then I fear that their end shall be one of eternal punishment in the worst that Hell & the Lake of Fire can dish out after we settle accounts in front of God.
In neither scenario am I the winner. It just sucks to see so many people I prayed for go down in flames. Eternal flames.
I pray for them all often.
I hear that they pray for me too. Though I suspect the contents of our prayers are much different.
I shall resist the gang to the end. It's what I am.
Today I will just ponder the world. What's it like NOT being stalked by madmen?
I mean it? My earliest memories are those of the self-righteous gang & it's ever-changing but always the same madmen inflicting evil in my life. What's it like to not deal with these madmen as I do? Do they control society so much that main is just the way it is? The facts of life? This IS the norm? My story can be ignore because it's a dime a dozen boring on mundane tale of typical Americana? Is that it?
Just wondering aloud is all.
"In my earliest memories I remember the man known only to me as "My Cousin" walking around My Mother's Parent's place in the presence of her extended family & the "Grande Party Regulars" circling the house while shouting at the top of his lungs over & over. "TEACH HIM NOTHING! I WANT HIM TO LEARN NOTHING"! - "My Cousin"
He meant me, teach me nothing. I am David A. George & it was in Summer of 1965.
They had me traipsing around nude at a public buffet or cafeteria of some sort a few days ago. Twice! I was able to cove my front barely.
You should'a seen the self-righteous accuser accusing me in the buffet. Pointing at the nearby camera he told me I was being filmed, he was calling the cops & I'd be arrested.
Me? I busted my way out through a formidable screened window. The memory ends abruptly there.
Somewhere about right here.
What it is? Idano?
When does the hurting stop?
Hey, a triple header news kinda day.
Remember that tooth I complained that they'd drilled out & put a new filling in? It just busted. Frankly I was surprised it took so long. Quite painful so, I'd suppose the gang are in their glory. Yes you child-molestors, you can stalk a baby into adulthood & make their lives a painful one. Your mothers must be so proud?
Daily stalking, nightly face injections changing from the bi-daily to the always daily.
Remember that ear thing? Written above? Well the pain has subsided enough that I can finally touch the inserted lump without searing pain.
Wow that tooth busted in half & the half remaining is quite tiny, it'll probably pop out or bust off very soon.
RECAP: I'm making the gay porn (my guess), probably staring in the child-porn, making snuff films (just a guess, has my alleged "snuff film career" abated, remained the same, or increased? Hard to tell & there seems to be no way to inspire... cops or Police to investigate the subject, I am in fact at least mildly curious about the subject?).
The above is a lot of guessing mostly? I'm not entirely sure about the tooth & certainly not 100% sure what they inserted into my ear?
My rectum hurts. I am sure about that.
They left another Rhino Hard-on supplement on the path leading to my place. I sat it next to my bike. When I awoke the tire had been sabotaged.
Drug-abusing child-molestors stalking rapists for revenge & profit who cant get it up?
It's just like the gang bragged as recorded in my +1,5000 page letter to the FBI where someone gets hurt or killed every few pages. Taking my teeth, wrecking my skeleton (in it's entirety) piecemeal as revenge.
I recall bringing this fact up to a ton of the whining & threatening participants of "The Gym" when they took turns threatening me. "You guys tried to kill me in The Gym & now you want revenge for it"?
Two teeth in as many months? I figure mid_Michigan... cops might say. "You got a spare". Not as many as I used to have.
Quite a day when Molestors are in your life? Man, I can still recall... cop after... cop in mid-Michigan telling me how great & otherwise ethical their area child-molesters were. Even the... cops who told me they knew my stalkers were in organized crime. "I know those guys. They're nice guys".
Daily mouth injections? Go figure huh?
Came home last nite to find my place ransacked. Virtually no 2 items that were once stacked together or formerly next to each other were in the same spot. They were very thorough. Odd, they took no money but did fling my engine parts about It's difficult to inventory what's gone & frankly I haven't checked any fluid levels yet.
I had a rather large watermelon & they smashed it open on my bed & left the doors open.
When I got home my place was swarming with the most daddy long leg spiders I ever saw in one spot. Chocking spots in places. Weirdly, for trivia's sake, they were also the biggest ones I ever saw. Literally. Bodies the size of a swollen pill. It's only trivia to add I heard the poison of a daddy long legs spider is ounce for ounce among the most deadly in the spider world.
It's only trivia to note that I've been waking up religiously at 6:45AM almost every day, those days with a sore rectum.
This morning I awoke at 5AM & the obligatory 2 Hispanic males showed up at 6AM. One short, the other taller. Thin to average build, dark complected for Hispanics. Dressed in denim & ball caps with backpacks chatting calmly in my remote wooded front yard looking like they planned to make themselves comfortable. Casually as if it were business as usual.
I sent them away politely.
How do I judge the situation? Frankly I can only guess? Random chance? My actual rapists calmly approaching me? A gang staged encounter by a gang that brags it's "primarily actors"? All part of the frame job? A filmed event, I'll live through the edited & soon to be completed film later & seem to fill some narrative or agenda when that film hits the cutting room floor? Was it just the gang playing the "Race Card" again? Another burning log on the fire of my life when one considers that the gang goes out of their way to portray most if not all of their targets as racists. Racism being today's "unforgivable sin"., or so many... cops tell me. Who can say?
Primarily pri·ma·ri·ly
adverb: primarily
for the most part; mainly.
"around 80 percent of personal computers are used primarily for word processing"
8-20-23 Sunday
I awoke to more mouth injections. Particularly high dosages, I was in pain in my mouth & had a headache from them. Both sides, an inch from the back on the bottom of my jaw. It's side effect is limb numbness & face numbness & paralysis.
When I came out of my place in the woods I heard a man yell with glee from the nearby hotel. "WOOP! WOOP! HE'S COMING"! I'd "suppose" it "could'a" been just a coincidence?
Yeah, during the day & nite at times whenever I sit up, or even if I am sitting with the windows closed & simply sit straight, a lone firecracker sounds. Usually within the amount of time it'd take for someone to light the wick as soon as I sit straight. It's usually not a loud one & they quit doing it for a few days now & again.
This happened, as did everything listed in this website in the America I swore an oath of loyalty to in a Pledge of Allegiance so often. Unfortunately, there is no such oath for the government towards us-ward.
Actor ac·tor noun plural noun: actors
a person whose profession is acting on the stage, in movies, or on television.
"fans now recognize James more as an actor than as a singer"
a person who behaves in a way that is not genuine.
"in war one must be a good actor"
a participant in an action or process.
"employers are key actors within industrial relations"
I awoke in the middle of the nite... or I should say I became semi-lucid in the middle of the nite. There were about a dozen plus boys, about aged 10-13 by my estimation standing around in my 1 roomed home & about 4 adult males. Maybe more.
They were waiting, standing idle & quietly looking towards me in the dim light. The only available light coming from some dim source from outside. I just googled it & it was during a waxing crescent phase of the moon & I live in the woods, so it wasn't much light.
How they came to be there or what their goal in them being there was I do not know?
I woke up, dazed. I tried to play some Star Wars Battlefront II. A rather intense First Person Shooter game to collect my thoughts. I could not muster the concentration needed to play the game. So I quit after about 2 fruitless minutes. They'd injected me in the gumline at 4 points, top & bottom at oblique angles with I know not what. But my teeth ache from it.
The numb zone in my left jaw has expanded to be doubled in size & is now chiefly the numb zone in my cheek. Being the numbness is primarily in my cheek when considering it's overall size.
It's only trivia to add I checked my newest antiperspirant stick. It was about 1/16th it's original full & unused contents & they'd taken all my Tylenol but a few pills & soiled the ones they left behind in the bottom of my bag. I didn't really inventory my other stuff yet.
Yeah, I pray a lot.
Face injections. Sleep deprivation really got me lately so I tried sleeping in though I'd been awakened hourly last night at about 11AM
I awoke about 1PM, 2 mouth injections.
In an I kept forgetting to write it thingy, I usually don't even mention the stuff, they stole my flashlights recently. Some cheap I bought at the dollar store, others not so cheap. They didn't steal the flashlights they'd sabotaged though. They took 2 really expensive flashlights (I figured their time in my inventory was limited). One was just a really nice powerful flashlight. I'd suppose that if you spent all night roaming the woods around my place taking a flashlight like that was useful, or just a preventive measure to keep me from seeing far in the dark.
The other flashlight was a little smaller but made of some alloy, very solid, & had a variety of modes, was rechargeable, & had an ability to charge phones & even more stuff. I found it at laying on the ground at the corner of Bridgeville & 113 in Georgetown DE.
I guess I'll miss those flashlights. But not much, the one thing a life of horror inflicted on me from the gang has given me is that I don't get too attached to anyone or anything. Is it proper etiquette to thank my stalkers for that character building trait? For the record, I'm not going to thank the gang for anything they've done to me.
My rectum hurts.
Jaw, along the gumline, hurts, the jawbone itself. Yeah, injections again.
I pray a lot, though I do not expect to be heard for my much prayer, but pray because God commands it.
The way I figure it, is my enemies are looking at some serious trouble from God. Change your ways now, or else gang.Bosses, Officers, Lt.s, members & you sad pathetic victim/member Renfields alike. Repent now, get your heart right with God while you still can.
I warned you.
9-3-23 Sunday
It's 08:21 AM and I'm in a restaurant across the street from my place & I'm high as a kite right now. On which drug? How did I come to be high? I have no idea?
Likely injected in halves into my lower jaw from inside my mouth. It's been years of pain now. Hasn't it? It began a few months before I started recording it on my website & I fled Georgetown DE because of it.
It's hard to concentrate. Difficult to even walk.
Why me?
9-3-23 addendum
I just lost track of time, sat through church time zoning out. Another bonus of the drugs. I'm still high for evening church.
Some churchgoers checked up on me & I was caught off-guard so I told the truth why I wasn't at church, I lost track of time.
Was it a half answer? A lie of omission? Because I left out the drugs inflicted on me against my will? It felt like it.
Pain, pain, pain. Some days you just want the hurt to stop & it HAS gotten worse today as compared to yesterday.
The words that churchgoers yelled at my backside at the Church on the Edge of the Forbidden Zone still ring in my ears. "Let them child-molesters have at you"! And. "Hitler can come to our church! But not you"!
The world is falling apart all around me. My world was never assembled sufficiently to say it's falling apart.
Yeah, I pray, and I have a lot of faith.
Someone kicked my bike tire, busting a spoke & making it wobble now. Typical, not he back matches the front but with a little more wobble.
I just fixed the tire. It's flat in minutes of driving time.
Typical. So typical it's cliché in my life.
Likely popped while I was writing my tale at the bottom of my "In the Beginning" page.
Last nite was particularly brutal. I woke up still drugged & hobbled away. Pain, drugs, injections, swelling, lots of anal dripping to share with passerby's.
I wonder who my rapist buttbuddies are? You know? The guys who, in the unlikely event they are caught, will swear we are great buttbudies. That they are or were my friends & or employers. The guys & gals who've practiced to perfection the saying that Duh Jerk bragged to me during the midst of "The Gym", my then ongoing very public attempted murder that infallible brings them victory. "Such & such is crazy & on drugs & is our friend. It always works because everyone knows to say that". It's their go to story. Their forever plan. Infallible. "You want proof the guy is a scumbag? He hangs out with us"! It's all the proof any mid-Michigan... cOP I ever met needed. Or so many of them bragged to me, often, with giddy self-righteousness.
My own 9-11 went on this morning. Ow...
The damage report?
They drugged me... repeatedly
They sodomized me... repeatedly
They poisoned me... repeatedly
They wrecked my bike tire.... again
They wrecked my brakes... again
They stole 3 chargers & the cords with them.
They wrecked 3 of my remaining chargers
They sabotaged or stole my other charger cables.
They wrecked my hair clippers... again
They quartered my deodorant (yeah, I had a hidden one)
I blame them for my soiled underwear
They sprayed out most of my new body spray
They've slurred my speech & numbed my cheek, maybe permanently
That's all off the top of my sleep-deprived & drug-addled brain.
They brag Fagboy's calling sign (in copspeak that means M.O.) is scrambling the icons of his victim's phones. Moving them around
Sleep deprivation? How? I ain't rewriting it, read my diary how they do it
Do I have any regrets? No. Sorry I never joined their gang when I had the chance (standing offers withstanding)? No. Sorry I never joined their religion in exchange for being left alone? No & never!
I'd rather be last with God than 1st with the Devil". - David A. George
More injections, higher dose than normal, my hands & feet were numb when I awoke. My door lock was removed & cast on the floor. I spit their poison out often while I walked going about my day.
09-15-23 Addendum...
It's about 10 hours after I wrote the above entry. The pain from the injections has in a way left. It spread out now shaped like a doughnut circling the earlier area & hurts about as much, but now it's bigger. Like usual...
Different? Yeah, bigger doses this time.
I wont give up.
Ow... Torture... Ow... Covid...
Woke up with no Covid symptoms of congestion & runny nose (but weakness & headache reign). At 1st I thought maybe this was sign I was on the mend? Then it occurred to me, that for me, Covid, this IS the 8th time I've caught it now (had it inflicted on me might be a better choice of words), that Covid gets better over a day or so, then gets worse a day or so, then better, then worse, and so on for 2 weeks. How do I explain the lack of congestion & runny nose. Easy. 1st, a tale.
There I was, many a time at the gang rape. Men formed a line, each eager to sodomize me. Others stood at my head & tried their best to engage me in conversation. Some wanted love, others were in the gang and wanted to gloat or bragged they were there to draw out a damning conversation. Be it romantic in narrative or absolutely illegal conversation. Kill him, kill them, bomb, this, destroy8 that, rob them, murder the other guy. Days on end.
Sometimes, while Duh Jerk engaged me in conversation I'd ask him. "Why are you doing this to me"?
"As revenge for The Gym". Was a popular answer. But so was this. "I want to be able to prove to the cops that you are absolutely fascinated by the rape fantasy". The logic being that he was my buttbuddy & this was my fantasy he made reality as both my friend & employer. Thus no cop would ever listen to my complaints of gang rape & he could forever put "The Gym" behind him & all for the cost of using me as the focus of his evil enterprise. He, they also boasted I was a valuable "recruiter". Virtually everyone who had sex with me would be potentially blackmailed by the experience. Win/WIn.
Well, lets say the above happened during all seasons. Spring summer fall & winter. Following me? Now lets say thw above happened during "Allergy Season"? Still following me?
Soooo... picture the above in all it's glory (spitooey!). I'm tied to a table, some guys are nice as they rape me. Others take turns & 2-4 men beat me or use electric shocks on me while I'm sodomized. Allegedly to enhance the rape experience as when beat my sphincter muscles contracted giving them an enhanced sensation of pleasure. A few tip me & a few desperately try to romance me, bending over & using every romantic trick their homosexual mind can imagine. Following?
SO what's different during allergy season? Usually it's hot & my nose is dripping like a fire hose from allergies. There's a huge puddle of snot under my face. My face is covered in snot. Flies fly around enjoying the free meal & residing on my every unengaged orifice.
As before, sometimes, while Duh Jerk engaged me in conversation I'd ask him. "Why are you doing this to me"?
"As revenge for The Gym". Was a popular answer. But so was this. "I want to be able to prove to the cops that you are absolutely fascinated by the rape fantasy". The logic being that he was my buttbuddy & this was my fantasy he made reality as both my friend & employer. Thus no cop would ever listen to my complaints of gang rape & he could forever put "The Gym" behind him & all for the cost of using me as the focus of his evil enterprise. He, they also boasted I was a valuable "recruiter". Virtually everyone who had sex with me would be potentially blackmailed by the experience. Win/WIn.
I retorted. "My fantasy is to cover my face with snot & flies for days on end"?
Duh Jerk replied. "Yes". Smiling from ear to ear.
Later gang members told me the gang had a huge meeting on the subject of.... me. Duh Jerk allegedly made the theme. "What are we doing wrong in our blackmail"? A meeting about how to really sell their campaign against me to the law.
I was told it all began with a kid speaking up. "I'll tell you what's wrong. All we do is torture & humiliate the guy". When we show the cops our films everyone's going to believe him because all we do is torture & humiliate him. Case in point, the pain & bondage. But he also noted the week long snot parties. What about when I was sick? Puking, going into convulsions? Overdosing? And all while tied up? Who'd doubt me when I complained once they saw the films?
A few snitches told me they were amending their tactics. Now they'd use decongestants when they tortured me to avoid the snot puddles. Plus they planned to do some porn where it was pleasant for the police to view. All themed to I never get to completion. Saltpeter would be added in & they'd say the reason I never got off was because I was impotent.
"Calling someone impotent is a great insult in court". I've had bragged to me.
Well, the above all makes sense when assembled out of bits. I'd suppose my nose will be running like a faucet in a few hours as the drugs they have me on (present tense) begin to wear off?
This tale dedicated to the Officers of the Bay City fBI. Thanx guys! Without fine... copwork like yours my website would not be possible.
More face injections stole my charger & the cable. Now I can only charge 1 type of appliance.
My rectum hurts...
Went to bed after 1AM, awoke after many interruptions about 5PM. The gang pulled out all the stops to wake me up. Even sending local health workers to me at about 1PM & intercepting me as I left my wooded home complete with the dog they were using to bark incessantly to my northeast. Likely my "sexual partner"? Just a guess.
I tried to play a driving video game. No good, I was too drugged to drive. The mouth injections were particularly brutal in dosage & I'm in pain. My rectum feels squishy & I'm freely dripping bile & reek of excrement, or The Last Snitch's "Smell of love". So, I left after praying, like I always do. I forgot my sunglasses.
Remember, it's my buttbudys acting as though they were my friends or employers that is, was, & will likely always be their plan.
"Such & such is our friend & they are crazy & on drugs. It always works because everyone knows to say that".
Obligatory & quite regular 4AM wake-up followed by a short noise session. Soft noise for a few minutes. It quit & in about the time it'd take for someone to walk around my place & to the road north northeast of my place they lit a soft firecracker.
Regular wake-ups continue unabated.
I brought up in church that my stalkers have been redoubling their assaults on me. Publicly I asked only for prayer.
The obligatory 4am wake-up was met by an awake me. I preached the gospel to the soft noisemaker some few feet from my place who kept making noise for about 10 minutes, left, & lit a soft firecracker on the road to the north of my place at about the same time as usual.
Yeah, I got someone to tell me they'd pray for me. I'm not alone. It's God, an undisclosed number of prayer warriors, & me now.
I woke up about 7AM, drugged again in the mouth. Both sides of by jaw on the inside & fell back asleep.
I woke up 1t 1:30PM when the uninvited came... again. I'd been injected again, jaw, both sides. Plus I was as high as a kit. I'm writing at 7PM & the "high" has finally started to wear off.
Guess? Sure, why not? The gang doped me silly & hoped I'd complain to the "innocent" uninvited & they could call the... cops & dispatch me based on whatever their plan currently is (I hear they like to change it up, a lot of people are involved & they are a paranoid lot). Every... cop you'll ever meet in life say they'd be sympathetic to a victim who's been drugged against their will. Go ahead, ask'em. Don't believe a word of it, if a victim is drugged then THE VICTIM is the suspect, not anyone they allege did it to them against their will. The gang call it "Debasing a victim". Lowering the victim's reputation in the... cop's eyes until they write that final damning report that ends with the phrase. Don't help this lying liar druggie anymore.
It was all I could do not to stagger & slur & probably succeeded, at neither...
The gang has double dosed me a few times. I think this is the 1st time I reported it.
What do I want from the Police? I wish you guys would get involved so I could figure out what poison they are using on me so I can get advice on how to salvage what's left of my life & save my freedom?
You want proof I'm crazy? That I could've imagined being free of the gang once you read everything that the gang did to me & filmed since age 2, let alone now when I'm age 58.
I'm not giving up.
Why do I sometimes make the only entry for the given day "..."? It's to indicate a particularly horrible session pain & rape session with the gang. Usually, not always, it indicates that what happened the day before happened again... so why bother re-writing it?
My last entry on or about 10-4-23 was particularly brutal as far as their sessions go, as the wet chairs I sit in could testify to. You could say I'm leaving my mark on the world? Gee, I hope none of the local... cop's kids sit there? Call it "molestor love".
Now the brutal part:
I woke up feeling otherwise fine. As I began my day my right elbow began to hurt, BADLY. The pain grew more intense as the day went on & leveled out to just above absolutely crippling. There's minor swelling.
The Last Snitch bragged to me that night in the car going past the Dunkin Doughnuts on I-75 that they were a religion with a sort of karma. That as long as they tell you what they are going to do to you then the evil doesn't count. That they are a religion that, for lack of a better term (HE had trouble describing it, not me), practiced a sort of psychic vampirism. That the more evil they inflicted on their victims the more their god blessed them. So of course they spread great evil wherever & whenever they could. Framing victims so they could claim to be vigilantes. "You've got to stop acting crazy. We all know you're a good guy so you ain't scaring anyone. All you're doing is giving us more ammo to use against you [in their films]". Then he added in the conversation how they planned to sabotage my knees & shoulders. Later, my jaw by poisoning me. "They'll have to amputate your jaw". Then they'd ruin my elbows. Unable to flex my elbow I'd be penniless & unable to care for my bodily needs. "Then you'll have to enter an adult nursing home". Mostly because I couldn't wipe myself clean. They'd make sure it was one of theirs or simply recruit the staff of one later because it's what they do & I'm their focus, their "Recruiter". Then they could torture me at their leisure & the cops would laugh at me. "You think the cops won't listen to you now wait until you're in an adult nursing home".
He said my knees & shoulders wouldn't be immediately crippled. That they were sabotaged surgically so that all they ever had to do was twist on them for a few minutes & I'd be crippled for years.
"Once you're in the adult nursing home we'll have one of our dirty doctors prescribe physical therapy to treat your condition. Physical therapy will only serve to keep you crippled after what we do to you. We own your family & we'll get it court-ordered & the physical therapists will say you're just being a big baby when you try to resist the therapy". He went on & on. I'd be a crippled side-show looking freak with my tongue flapping in the breeze in court. "When you show up all crippled & in a wheelchair in court who's going to believe that you lived through the gym"?
I just came in from soul-winning & prayed for wisdom in writing this.
Yes, I believe. And yes, I watch & pray.
The pain spread straight up to the shoulder & it hurts & the elbow joint is stiff.
They double dosed me again...
Yeah, it sucks to be me. Always has & the gang brag it always will.
I'm losing the ability to control my right elbow. I'd say my range of movement is half or so. Very painful.
I lost. But I won't give up.
In a nonrelated note? I was wondering this morning when I woke up with fresh mouth injections? I wonder who my current buttbuddies are? I wonder what their films look like? What I mean is I know they are expertly done. There's not a... cop I ever met who saw "The Films" who ever doubted the narrative the gang sold with the movies, so I wonder what they are like? What kind of person wakes up one day & decides to be a professional buttbuddy? I'll point out the word buttbuddy is my creation, not the gang's, so it's likely the gang calls such individuals by another title?
I pray for them often. I wonder if it did any good? I prayed tons for Duh Jerk & the Munger Boy 5 & The "Children of the Gym". I wonder whatever became of them? I get to see Shy Fawn, the shy Hispanic girl who often near me in class whenever we sat in alphabetical order. She seems to be quite mean at our every meeting & conversation. She seems to be extremely angry at men, or so she brags. I remember her telling me she hated me during "The Gym". How she would be glad when I died & how she actively facilitated my death. Literally. She told me the 2nd to the last time I saw her she met with the survivors of The Gym for regular meetings & after our recent conversation she was going to recommend that I be killed in an alleged up & coming vote by them.
My opinion on the subject? As a rule I never asked any of them much. When we discussed the subject, I've always maintained that I didn't believe a word that came out of their mouths. So why bother discussing any subject with them except out of boredom at best?
I know that Duh Jerk & the 4 Stars like to arrange meetings & confrontations between witnesses & their victims that are confined to 15 minutes or less. Then they inject one of the 2 groups with the Date rape drug leaving the victim or a large group of self-righteous perpetrators of a crime who have no memory of it to sort it out in court later.
I think for entertainment purposes only & totally unrelated to the above I'm going to post my song to the right.
The stuff you ponder wearing soaked underwear huh?
10-13-23 Friday the 13th
... again... without end.
I woke up this morning... dosed... again.
About 2:45PM I laid down for a nap. After several attempts at waking me, keeping me awake, I managed to get to sleep about 3PM. At 4PM I woke to my alarm, and found I'd been double dosed.
So I left. As I crossed the threshold of my front door a quite loud firework sounded at the Southwest corner of the nearby hotel BOOM! I checked my watch & the time was almost exactly 4:15PM. It's 4:37PM as I write this not far from where our President calls home.
It was all I could do to walk to church.
No evening service in church today.
Jesus saves.
Nuh Nuh. Drink appropriately.
I brought up my frustration with my stalkers & asked the local congregation to pray for me... again.
Cheek more & more numb than ever as the day progressed.
... without a nite's rest.
Buh Buh or Nuh Nuh? Today is Nuh Nuh. Drink appropriately.
The pain... the pain...
Wakeup times are approximately midnight, 2AM, 4AM, & 6AM. When they woke me at 6AM it was obvious I'd been injected top & bottom. Lately it's 2 injections in the back lower jaw, & 2 in the back of the top of the mouth. Lately they've been injecting the p[oioson into the recently destroyed teeth remains on the top of my mouth at left & right oblique angles too.
Limb numbness & headache are the side-effects of a recent injection of poison as is pain in all their surgical sites. Specifically the shoulders & knees. If I had to guess (and... cops always tell me I have to or their insane accusatory interrogations that spawn from my attempts to file a police report) it has some inflammatory properties. Causing existing wounds that are rubbed raw by every day use to become all the more inflamed.
The truth shall set me free...
I woke up at 6:30PM!
I went to bed about midnite. I awoke at about 2:30AM, my legs & mouth on fire from injections. I found it intolerable to do anything but sit up. The last few days as soon as I sit up they haven't been sounding fireworks or truck horns, they bang on metal. It sounded like a big tin can & less than 10 hits.
A few minutes later I checked my watch, it wasn't a few minutes, the sun had begun to come up though I felt only a few minutes haf passed. The pain was subsiding, some, to tolerable lebvels so I went back to sleep. I recal waking up a few times before noon, having checked the time when I did so. Then it was 6:30PM when I awoke. Tired & much more sore than I had been the day before or even at noon. As if I'd been beaten & had no energy from a hard day of work.
My right elbow hurts worse than ever & clicks when I bend it & hurts bad when I extend it straight.
I won't give up.
Blessed be the name of the Lord.
Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding.
They've started using a new drug on me during my nightly poisoning. I'm not sure what it's main purpose is but I know what it's end performance or side effects are.
The drug causes a spinning, almost stuttery quality as it fades & it fades in less than 30 seconds when they wake me up.
You may wonder? Wake me up? Yeah, The past 3 weeks they like to wake me up by softly humming a beeping noise softly in an absurd fashion. The last few days (it's almost every day now) the voice has been the voice of a child. As opposed to that of a man which is the norm
Much numbness & headache following the always daily injections...
The print color is symbolic of my mood...
Pain pain pain...
2 Timothy 3:12 - Yea, and all that will live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution.
John 15:18 - If the world hate you, ye know that it hated me before it hated you.
Matthew 5:44 - But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you;
1 Peter 4:12-14 - Beloved, think it not strange concerning the fiery trial which is to try you, as though some strange thing happened unto you:
1 Peter 3:17 - For it is better, if the will of God be so, that ye suffer for well doing, than for evil doing.
1 Peter 3:14 - But and if ye suffer for righteousness' sake, happy are ye: and be not afraid of their terror, neither be troubled;
1 Peter 3:16 - Having a good conscience; that, whereas they speak evil of you, as of evildoers, they may be ashamed that falsely accuse your good conversation in Christ.
Matthew 5:10 - Blessed are they which are persecuted for righteousness' sake: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
Luke 6:22 - Blessed are ye, when men shall hate you, and when they shall separate you from their company, and shall reproach you, and cast out your name as evil, for the Son of man's sake.
1 John 3:13 - Marvel not, my brethren, if the world hate you.
Romans 12:17-21 - Recompense to no man evil for evil. Provide things honest in the sight of all men.
2 Corinthians 4:8-12 - We are troubled on every side, yet not distressed; we are perplexed, but not in despair;
I was just a baby when they, the gang started inflicting pain & all it's fury on me because of my religion...
They have never given me rest... Though many of them have obtained it from me, Duh Jerk AND the 4 Stars included, they have never given me mercy... Though all 5 of them begged for it on their knees to me & I gave it to them...
I'll finish with a Bible verse for them, if they will not repent & get God to forgive their sins...
Revelation 14:11
“And the smoke of their torment ascendeth up for ever and ever: and they have no rest day nor night, who worship the beast and his image, and whosoever receiveth the mark of his name.”
For all of us, the gang & I... I say the following...
Mak'in it short.
Mouth injections, 3 nites in a row, much higher dosages, 4 sites, great pain.
I just fixed my bike tire. On a hunch I inspected the tire interior to explain why the tire exploded as it did when I filled it with air last. I found several sharp things installed inside the tire & removed them.
SO if you're one of the many infallible... cops in America who's way to good at his job... where were you Sirs? Where are you Sirs? Where will you be tonight? Sirs?
Fireworks sounding as I sit up at home with my windows closed, children massed in my bedchamber, pain, sabotage, thefts? Yeah.
"It is reflecting the accusations of our enemy back at them that is our true power". What that means is the gang attacks, the victim complains, then the gang accuses their victim based on their victim's accusations. This is made easier when your gang is the one doing deeds worthy of public accusation & if you've had generations of experience. It doesn't hurt to "own" the family of your alleged "Recruiter" to back you up in "The Court of Cop Opinion". It's a term that Duh Jerk taught me, I didn't invent it myself. Make no mistake Readers, it's the most powerful court in all the land wherever you may be. Duh Jerk taught me it was the most necessary element for their framing & blackmail operation. "We don't just throw our films at the cops. You've got to sell it". He bragged.
All that being said, I'll bite. Here I am, falling for their latest PRACTICAL joke & reporting it as truthfully as I can.
Soooooo... I recall last night. About 11PM a voice yelled out at the wooded entrance to my home just south of the nearby gas station at the entrance to my wooded home coming from someone likely standing on the street there. He yelled a curse at a homophobic individual & said he was going to get them. How do I know it was at 11PM? I checked.
A pair of motorcycles occasionally drove around then block across the street from my place. The 1st circled it slowly, parked in the nearby hotel parking lot, then left.
The 2nd was a much smaller motorcycle. It circled that block slowly, parked in the motel parking lot, then left.
The pair repeated it a few times. Slowly.
About 20 minutes pass. How do I know? I checked.
Fireworks sound at the entrance to my wooded home. A bunch of'em. Not very loud. But there were about 20-30 of them.
About 20 minutes pass. How do I know? I checked.
A small chainsaw sounded at the entrance to my wooded home. It does so occasionally but usually only when it's particularly hot or a cold night.
The chainsaw owner revved at the chainsaw for a few minutes ending it with walking to the nearby hotel parking lot where he likely ended it while standing on the street.
A pair of motorcycles occasionally drove around then block across the street from my place. The 1st circled it slowly, parked in the nearby hotel parking lot, then left.
The 2nd was a much smaller motorcycle. It circled that block slowly, parked in the motel parking lot, then left.
The pair repeated it a few times. Slowly. If I had to judge it, I'd say the small motorcycle driver revved his engine to imitate the chainsaw operator. The 2 engines sounded quite similar.
Soon the obligatory hand saw sounded from the nearby gas station. The engine never varies as a rule, that means the operator never cuts anything. Just revs the saw at it's highest speed for a time & then quits. While last nite it didn't move around it's not uncommon for the sound to come from any direction around my home.But usually only on the hottest or coldest nights.
I went to sleep about 4AMish. It was broad daylight when I awoke later to my home being pelted from every direction. It's a regular occurrence. Usually it's just one guy. Sometimes 2 guys. But more rarely it's obviously a large team. Eh, I went back to sleep? Was it boredom or drugs (drugs against my will BTW)? I cant say?
About 0940 the pelting resumed. I lay there for a while to guess who might be doing it & how many there were doing it. They quit once I sat up.
Truth is I quit setting my alarm for church. Why bother? The gang is more than glad to wake me u for church. Why? I could guess but I cant say?
So I'll try to guess what happened here. The gang waited for a hot night, conducted their weirdness when most potential witnesses would likely have their windows shut because of the heat (and running their noise-canceling air conditioners). The chainsaw is a small one (of course, think cheap) as is the saw. Not very loud. The motorcycles were there so as to add in deniability. Saws? Chainsaws? Why there's a nearby construction project? The noise? Motorcycles passing by. Nothing more. Fireworks? Well, yeah, coincidence. Being pelted? That's only because our victim is the scumbag & we just got carried away. It's all just a big coincidence. No need to investigate us officers. Keep all of your attention focused on David A. George & not us. Ignore the man behind the curtain. Need a new boat? Big screen TV? Mortgage problems? All just a guess Sirs. Not facts, just a guess. Nothing more.
Why last night? Idano? Maybe it was just the regularly scheduled weekend event? Who can say? Maybe it was because I've been writing about "The Biggest Bodycount" again. Gathering my chutzpah to write it. "You killed 29 people". My Cousin shouted. Later on a few of his guys said stuff like they hated me all the more because a lot more people than 29 died in the subsequent cover-up. One asked me. "Remember those guys you ran away from & you lost them (He meant the 2 guys in the Prologue to "The Biggest Bodycount)"? He claimed they were killed as an example to others that The Bosses were very serious about this coverup.
My point? If they control the narrative during a Police Investigation they win. If I can provoke a fair Investigation they lose & the gang knows it. Particularly if I can get those fine Investigating Officers to consider both my advice & my warnings.
The truth shall set you free. Even me.
Check out my story: Timelines... on How the scam works 2 page.
Front bottom lip, just below the lip, both sides about an inch apart. Plus another at the gumline, bottom jaw, right side. I was spitting poison.
It's an every night thing so far.
Woke up at 11:50. Strange only that my wake-up times are 7am, 9am, & noon usually (yeah, I was awakened at them times too).
I woke up at 11:50AM high as a kite & obviously sodomized... again.
It's 1:36Pm, my bike tire has been popped... again, my moth hurts, my rectum is in pain & feels "squishy". They stole my chargers & an extension cord. Sprayed out my man-deodorant. My shoulder hurts (was there a struggle? Who can say?
SO I woke up, got dressed, prayed, & went out soul-winning.
Sadly... it's become more like a "typical day" in my life... a typical day in America.
Went to bed after 5am, awoke 0830 & had been recently injected in the mouth, back, inside, both sides. Much limb numbness, all of'em.
I had to change my underwear. Different than saying I wanted to change my underwear.
They stole my chargers. I guess we're back to that once more?
People were at my place. Not my friends, I didn't invite them. In
fact I've never had a single guest or friend at my place once in almost a decade now. It's pretending to be friends, social workers, concerned acquaintances, & straight-up card-carrying butt buddies that the gang act as. For the record ANYONE & EVERYONE who walks up on my place is uninvited & absolutely positively NOT my friend. They are ALL uninvited & not welcome. PERIOD!
"Such & such is our friend & they're crazy & on drugs. It always works because everyone knows to say that".
Oops... I did have that one gal at my place. Pretending to be a displaced nice temporarily homeless girl who needed a place out of the cold. She was the gang insert who soon bragged she was part of a human trafficker family & boasted to me how she adored killing escapees by sniping them. I give 1 in a million what she said was true, but hey, even My Cousin said this when I called him a liar. "Sometimes I tell the truth by accident". I'll bet in mid-Michigan that'd qualify him to be a "Confidential Informant". Hey wait! He WAS an informant to the... cops in mid-Michigan. Go figure huh? Likely among their best of the best, most reliable, & most admired for truth? I wonder if they every gave him a medal?
They had me driving around a rather large RV & told me it was mine while I was on drugs. Unfortunately I was not a very good driver on their drugs. In fact, very a very poor driver. I recall driving through pedestrian-filled downtown who knows where, up on the side, near who knows who? Up curbs, probably over sidewalks? Who knows? It was thick traffic & no one was safe.
At one point I recall they told me that the 2 pretty girls were both my girlfriends & I'll bet they got lots of mundane interaction footage.
Towards the end, in a residential neighborhood they told me, while I was driving, we'd arrived at our destination where I'd meet an undisclosed family member (undisclosed by me, not them, I wont falsely accuse anyone nor wrongfully involve them). SO I jumped out of the RV, leaving it to collide with whatsoever it would.
Be safe out there America.
9-19-23 Addendum
I almost forgot... again. A few weeks ago they trashed my place, again. It really doesn't look any worse than the last time because I still haven't cleaned up the mess for the last time. SO what they basically did was rearrange the mess searching for or planting evidence of who knows what?
All that sleep deprivation really addles a person. Not... cops. They tell me that their super-badge powers renders THEM immune. So guys like me should buck up & take it, or are most certainly exaggerating the long-term consequences of sleep deprivation stalking. based on the fact that it wouldn't bug them... cops.
The face injections were particularly brutal. Now both of my cheeks are numb.
My rectum hurts bad.
Usually when they wreck my hair clippers & I buy new ones they wait a month or 2 to destroy them. The last 4 hair clippers I bought they busted in half at the seems & with a little prayer, ingenuity, & duct tape I was able to repair them & use them up to a dozen or more times. The new ones I just bought were wrecked. The front end torn off in the traditional spot (yes, they are wrecked enough that there's now an "official traditional spot" just behind the clippers themselves). They didn't even put the wrecked end back in my bag, I suspect that's so I have zero chance to repair them.
Ruined my razors, fouled my foodstuff in my bag & left me with no money. Of course they always head for my personal grooming items, especially if I'm low on cash because of my own cash usage or if they've made me cash poor by ripping me off.
You know what Reader? I used to believe in America. I joined the military & was ready to fight for my country. Sometimes I wonder why? Why? Why do I write this site? Not a single... cop in all the world has ever given me the time of day. All it is is evidence to destroy me, I suspect even if prosecutors & the public find 100% of my story to be true ain't I doomed no matter what anyway?
Yeah, I pray a lot & I have faith. Look for me. I'll be the broke guy in the films who's already grown out bushy breard & mustache contrast a mutant crazy guy look, especially with the electrolisis treatments having reduced my head to islands of hair with big random patches of hair to give the jury the "wow, a scumbag got his, convict because he looks carzy" kind'a look.
Pray... and have faith................................................................................
I woke about 7AM & went back to sleep. I then woke up at 8:30AM. Mouth injections, both sides in the back & center front top. Much limb numbness. Lethargy. I am still spitting up the poison 1t 8:27PM as I write this. The taste dominating the "flavor" of my mouth.
Watch & pray is my plan. It's the only plan that seems to get any results.
10-4-23 Addendum: The truth shall make you free.
3:30PM. 1st time they used "The Voice of God" gizmo to keep me from sleeping in the library study room.
I'd suppose that if you're a technology-embracing madman you don't like the idea of your target "catnapping" in the private library study room to thwart your ongoing & somewhat expensive sleep deprivation campaign.
Just for fun, lets gov Police & Agents advice on the subject, shall we? Let's say you're a good Officer & you've decided to give me that half a chance I keep writing about. I'll bet the gang is running scared right now for some reason? Just a guess? It may be related to me & a possible investigation I may have inspired; it might be they're investigating somewhere & something else? Maybe they just don't want nearby investigators to notice their involvement with me so they're turning on the V.O.G. Machine for very short intervals, which is all you need to jostle a sleeping victim. Calling them by name & telling them to wake up & all.
The Advice: Since they seem to make very short ussages of the V.O.G. machine you'd do well to invest in a speedy radio direction finder. ALso, download the likely frequencies of the various known operating modes of the V.O.G. Device. They are a matter of public record now. Literaly. Also use the radio direction gear on... well on me. What may be coming from me? What devices may be interacting with devices on or around me & my locations. Plus, make sure you get warrants to sieze any fancy, high-tech, or illegally used secret high-tech gear BEFORE your instigation or BEFORE you try seizing them. The gang brag that they just love to use their Government Power Badges in combination with gear labled Top Secret. Then once busted they can just waltz up to your investigation, take all or most of your evidnence against them, & leave you with a story sure to make Judges & Jurys laugh & to leave your boss qiuestioning why he ever put you in charge of an investigation. Hey, it's YOUR job that's on the line Officers, not mine.
Oh yeah, could you please come up with a few plans before you make you move? 1st, how to seize the gear. The gang brags it self-destructs with the push of a button. 2nd, how to divest me from any tech? The gang brags they can kill me with a phone call thanks to their rotary drug dispenser they installed inside of me. I was thinking radio jammer, maybe a rather large (and cheap if you do it right) Faraday cage for the interrogation rooms (to prevent them from listening in & managing their guy's stories with the V.O.G. Device like they brag works so infallibly) & or an EMP Device to zap anything high-tech on me or any of my fellow victims. Which you'd probably need a walk-in Faraday Cage to use safely, lest your own electronics get fried by accident.
If you're a skeptic... cop & can't fathom the possibility of a criminal embracing technology as a 21st century rapist then I recommend you bang on some jungle drums, shake some rattles & beads while waving your tin badge around (they brag their badge is more expensive than yours anyway), & chant low-tech grunts to assure yourself that there's no technology-embracing madmen out there. Make sure you say in the same sentence that you doubt me with to your peers; Gee, I wonder how America's dedicated recreational serial-killers are getting away with what they do in the face of us... cops being high-tech & well-trained?
Go figure huh?
Both elbows, the triceps & the bones hurt badly now.
They were pouring it on in the yard. Soft barks, soft firecrackers whenever I sat up while writing or gaming. Now burning pain & crippling stiffness of my elbows. The pain has of course spread to my shoulders which are on fire.
More mouth injections last nite.
It's an annual tradition to step up their attacks whenever it starts to get cold. They brag it's because people are then beginning to shut their windows & run the heaters more often, drowning out all my potential witnesses.
Buttbuddy, Buttbuddy. Wherever he goes, we go,
(Children sing en-mass:) Buttbuddy, Buttbuddy
Buttbuddy, Buttbuddy, Wherever he goes, we go.
(Children sing en-mass:) Buttbuddy, Buttbuddy
Buttbuddy and me, gonna rape him with kids,
Buttbuddy and me are best friends on film!
(Children sing en-mass:) Buttbuddy, Buttbuddy
Buttbuddy and me!-David A. George-My Buttbuddy
Buh Buh
Nuh Nuh?
Today is
Friday the 13th 2023 & I declare it a tie.
Drink appropriately.
10-22-23 Ow...
I got a few hours of sleep last nite. The only thing strange about the nite was, no face injections.
I haven't set my alarm to wake for church in the morning for a long time. Why bother? The gang sees to my wake-up call.
Sooooo... after church I went home for a nap but chose instead to relax in public nearby. They were out of my soda type so I went home to retrieve one there. On the way out the 18ish year-old fresh-faced trucker allegedly parked at the wooded entrance to my place walked into the woods & I encountered him at the very spot I so often write that the gang sounds fireworks at times & occasions like, when I 1st sit down, or when I 1st sit up, or particularly when I've been writing for a time & straighten up for any reason.
I made a defensive posture when the man approached me & would not acknowledge me & kept coming at me on the narrow trail flanked by walls of thorns (much like the whole area was before I called it "The Manicured Woods").
He claimed innocence & offered me free drugs as proof of it.
I declined his free drugs & in so many words told him I would not consent him near me, so he turned around & went back into the big rig.
I noticed he soon left truck & all.
I hung out about 2 hours & went home. People began pelting my home from multiple directions with debris. Alternating between every few seconds to a minute or 2 between shots which hit my walls almost exclusively. WHAP! WHAP! ... ... ...WHAP! ... wait a minute... WHAP! WAHP! WAHP! WHAP! WHAP! WHAP! WHAP!... & so on...
Eventually I put on some music that played loud & got an hour & a half of sleep.
I awoke to having been injected in the jaw in multiple spots. A headache that grew as time progressed & I'm in pain from the injections & the poison headache.
I felt inspired to write about how I'm a slave. Literally. Here goes:
I recall trying to escape from My Cousin in the alleged Funeral Home that had the same plans as the Church he allegedly owned. Fleeing torture I'd almost got away & very much busted up some child, perhaps for life (as a mid-Michigan... cop might read this I'll pause here so they can wipe the giddy tears from their eyes, the glee brought on by the tale of a child crippled for life that is always sure to amuse them).
... wipe your tears mid-Michigan... cOPS and aGENTS...
So they piled on me, beat me up & brought me back to the basement.
My Cousin was furious with me & demanded an explanation as to why I tried to escape?
I told him I was a slave & when the torture happened for pain's sake I felt no compulsion to stay, so I left, by force.
We discussed the Bible's opinion on the subject. "Slaves obey your masters".
I pointed out that was true & I did as he ordered always. But once pain or sex stuff happened all bets were off because the Bible does say to serve your masters, But not as men pleasers".
My Cousin looked like he had an idea. He ordered me to clean up his place & for camera teams to film it all...
He also ordered that I & everyone else be beaten if we hesitated at any time.
He later congratulated me on my work, insulting his own "kids". That I, as a slave cleaned his place & obeyed his orders better than his own paid guys had.
I pointed out that, unlike his guys, I was the only one not beaten that day.
That report did not endear his guys, about 2 dozen children, teens, & a few adults who he threatened all the more.'
You could retell the tale later with Duh Jerk. It happened the same, except the part where I was congratulated. Duh Jerk just piled on more work "Now that you're obeying" & seemed shocked & hurt when I tried to escape when he ordered me to perform sex acts for him & the camera.
Tired & sleep deprived I went to church this morning. Praise God.
Afterwards I tried playing Star Trek Online. There in the chat community I tried my best to champion for God, good, & that which is right with love. It's not only expected of me it's my hobby.
About 4 I was hit by all the sleep deprivation I've suffered as of late hard. I figured I needed a nap but knew the likely consequences if I tried.
At 4:40PM I went to sleep.
At 5:30PM I awoke. Obviously injected top & bottom. MY pants still wet but not as soaked as when I went to sleep. I was high on drugs. If I hadn't told a non-believer I'd be at church this evening while soul-winning earlier I wouldn't have moved from my bed.
SO I lifted myself from my bed & staggered to church as best I could.
' The sermon was on the tongue, How we should use it for good. Not evil.
At the end the guy who did the preaching, innocently brought up personal combat, poking eyes out for defense.
I was flung into a drug-hazed world of PTSD & just wandered away before I made a fool of myself. I tried to put on a brave face.
I was inspired to write my tale: The Eyes Have it"... true tales of evil... on my How the Scam Works 2 page.
Praise the Lord.
It occurs to me that I'm doomed & the only thing that could save me is a God.
Blessed be the name of the LORD!
Last night they were whooping it up worse than normal northeast of my place (the usual spot by the road) & lighting soft fireworks. Unusual in it was quite often & very soft whooping. In fact I suspect they whooped a lot more than I know if only because I usually ignore it quite well & figure it was a whole lot of whooping.
Go figure huh?
My right cheek is numb in an expanding sort of way today.
2 nites without injections. The numbness was beginning to subside. Now my underwear are wet & right cheek is numb... again.
I was checking out Bay City Michigan crime onYoutube & came across this video about a place a block or so away from where the guy assaulted me with a Mac 10 just before I left Bay City.
Go figure huh?
Soooo... to those paying attention you know I complain of the 4AM mandatory wake-up call. I stayed up late last nite & about 3:45AM the fireworks began. 1st at the entrance to The Manicured Woods & then in about the time it'd take for someone to walk to the nearby motel fireworks soon sounded. About 3 or 4 of'em spaced out in 5-minute intervals much like normal. 1st at the northwest corner of the motel & then at the southwest corner of the motel they feel very comfortable exploding unimpressive fireworks at day & night.
About 5:25PM I decided to leave & as I neared the path to The Manicured Woods a medium-sized 1ruck with a cab pulled up at almost exactly %:26PM. He got out & seemed like he was fumbling with something outside the truck in the street, I couldn't make out what it was. Then he took off west towards the highway & I lost sight of the truck. It seems like he quickly circled back & upon seeing me on the other side of the road he yelled something at me I couldn't make out & sped away & turned south at the stop sign.
If I had to guess... and it is just a guess, he was on fireworks duty & either saw me standing in the darkened woods or was warned I was there. I know the gang doesn't like their members to be seen (unless it's a scripted & likely rehearsed event) so he may have been yelling in anticipation at the anxiety of his coming punishment.
Oh yeah, they dosed me earlier than the above, yesterday too.
Guesses & a whatever. Ain't life grand?
Praise the Lord!
The latest 2 drugging's have been particularly brutal.
They really knocked themselves out doing fireworks by my place, this time due north & not the typical northeast direction. Loud & flashy.
My guesses? 1) The gang sent over some random victim/members hoping for confrontation films.
2) The gang has been doing fireworks there a lot. It may be that others have seen & figure that spot is just a great place to do it. Damn the fire hazard as it's right next to a gas station, alcohol pumps, trash, & in a field that is essentially just tinder.
I'm not sure what the story is, but my guess is that no matter what the reason is, it sucks to be me for daring to mention any of it.
The recent usually twice daily injections have been most brutal of all in the last few day. More than doubling the permanently numb regions & adding pain. Symptoms of a brutal dose are stomach ache & large cheek pain area that soon spreads out in a doughnut shape the next day.
Attention Gang! You'd better get your heart right with God. Why? Read the below.
It goes on...
I woke up this afternoon at the regular appointed wake-up time of 12:30 whenever I'm able to sleep in lately. Not counting the obligatory 4AM mandatory wake-up. My rectum hurts & I couldn't find my sunglasses. The doughnut-shaped numb replaced with the 2 lower jaw numbness's, both sides, back of the jaw. The pain made defecting painful. I'd suppose I'll be leaving a slimy trail of bile for the next few days, assuming I'm not sodomized between now & then.
I reached for my back-up sunglasses (yeah, those afflicted with light-sensitivity carry a back-up pair, or 2, despite the fact that to mid-Michigan... cops the entire subject just makes you all the more a liar) & the expensive pair of polarized glasses I usually carry had been swapped out for an alternate pair I own (RECAP: Mid-Michigan... cOPS, big big liar, got it?).
Recently I had about 3 or 4 bottles of hand sanitizer. All new. All emptied out. Plus the new anti-perspirants too.
I'll go to the RECAP page & write about a Red-Head I was forced to meet once.
Awakened at all the usual times. Some nasty wound inside my mouth a few days ago I should'a wrote about.
I didn't soul win today. Lately I like to at least a little most days.
I've been praying for a supply of gospel tracts of at least 100 plus bi-weekly. My prayers used to be answered. But not for several months now.
I'm not an idiot, I know that to... cops, even those who profess to be staunch Christians, to say you like soul-winning in any form is a detriment to freedom, not a boon. Not something you will be admired for, but scorned for.
Romans 11:28
“As concerning the gospel, they are enemies for your sakes: but as touching the election, they are beloved for the fathers' sakes.”
11-21-23 Thanksgiving Day
I went to bed about midnight, by my mandatory 2AM wakeup I'd already been dosed heavily in the mouth.
Yeah, they did that "every time you sit up or move after being stationary, we'll sound fireworks thing" too.
It was the gang's "Thanksgiving Day Present for me".
I'd like to thank the Police, Sheriffs, Troopers, & Agents of Bay City for all their fine law-enforcement work that made my website & the tales of other victims of the gang like myself possible. No need to thank me & please don't send me any money. Just knowing you're out their bringing mid-Michigan... cOP excellence is reward enough for me. GULP!
Thanksgiving Addendum:
2 nites ago I delayed going home, hung out just outside the path to The Manicured Woods.
What looked like 2 children, about 10 or 11 years old dressed bundled up in thick layers & ski masks walked by me as I began going home. Again... I've seen then walking by about midnight most nights for a while. The only difference this time was I walked about 10 yards behind them. They turned onto the path of the Manicured Woods that cold midnight evening & I lost sight of them in the darkness. They were Caucasian, I could make that out in the black oval ski masks.
I would awaken soon, dosed anew.
I accuse the pair of nothing, but am reminded of my conversation with Fagboy when he was 11 during the height of The Gym when he told me it was his job to inject the enemies older victims, now that targeting them for rape was no longer financially lucrative the gang was slowly poisoning them to death with poisons that would cause mutilating conditions that their Bay City... Dirty Drs would swear was a disease or poisoning by anything but the gang.
There would always be a local cop car there to arrest him if another cop came near & he was armed with the lie that he was a good kid, paid by an unknown person & he & later Duh Jerk bragged that when caught, it was Jerk's job to convince the... cops & Judges that his guy was a "Good Boy". Honor role material, who'd throw his promising young life away for the scumbag they had a otn of blackmail films of anyway?
Then again, just because I saw... gotta go.
Whatever... might be continued, maybe not?
I woke up at 6AM...
When I sat up I was greeted by the madman's henchman sitting to the east of me not far away.
He sounded a soft hoot on the side furthest from the hotel. His victory chant after what he'd done to my face I'd suppose.
The only useful thing I did after that was to pray.
11-26-23 Continued later after the above...
I'm sitting in a resteraunt having walked here in the rain. No big wupp. My plan here is to complain. Eh, why not? I am stepping into the gang's territory here. In fact, now that I think about it many a... cop has told me that as a condition of believeing me, IF I was telling the truth, the said I'd complain more. Lots of'em.
Sooooo... here goes. If you read my +1,500 page letter to the FBI where someone gets hurt or killed every few pages you'd know about Duh Jerk's boast, that he swore an oath, a literal oath against me owning or having a useful umbrella, hat, or gloves. None of them has ever lasted me long. The majority of them being used only once. Maybe twice but a few times I HAD THEM FOR A FEW MONTHS.
Soooo... I wasn't going to complain about my recent formerly pristine umbrella. But after the kidnapping/PRACTICAL joke, at the 1st rain after that I couldn't help but assess my then new umbrella. Without use & while wrapped up in a protective bag it'd gone from pristine to filthy. Spotted with mud, oil, rust stains, & today when I better assessed it even chewing gum & who knows what else?
You wake up freshly bathed, the straps on my bag redone, uusually set for someone much smaller than I, my various things of life, food, leftovers, spices, grooming products all qurtered. In the past they halved them, but now it's straight to being 1/4'd as of late. My chargers wrecked my headphones wrecked 1 bit at a time in an almost ritual fashion listed elsewhere. My underwear stolen, socks with them. In the old days it was almost exclusively 1 sock at a time. But now it's whole pairs. My mirrors broken, my bikes vandalized without fail. My cars too. Brake lines cut is cliche I've endured my entire life. Usually when they wreck my tires they bust 1 at a time making my bike or car shimmy this way or that. As of lately they did the front tire one way, the back the other so the bike bounces up & down & from side to side. No brakes, those were the 1st thing to go. The lights, actually quite expensive once, vandalized.
It's allllll "proof"... cops & even my fellow Christians have told me. "Proof". Sigh...
Here's what my Bible says about it.
2 Timothy 3:12 - Yea, and all that will live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution.
John 15:18 - If the world hate you, ye know that it hated me before it hated you.
Matthew 5:44 - But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you;
1 Peter 4:12-14 - Beloved, think it not strange concerning the fiery trial which is to try you, as though some strange thing happened unto you:
1 Peter 3:17 - For it is better, if the will of God be so, that ye suffer for well doing, than for evil doing.
1 Peter 3:14 - But and if ye suffer for righteousness' sake, happy are ye: and be not afraid of their terror, neither be troubled;
1 Peter 3:16 - Having a good conscience; that, whereas they speak evil of you, as of evildoers, they may be ashamed that falsely accuse your good conversation in Christ.
Matthew 5:10 - Blessed are they which are persecuted for righteousness' sake: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
Luke 6:22 - Blessed are ye, when men shall hate you, and when they shall separate you from their company, and shall reproach you, and cast out your name as evil, for the Son of man's sake.
1 John 3:13 - Marvel not, my brethren, if the world hate you.
Romans 12:17-21 - Recompense to no man evil for evil. Provide things honest in the sight of all men.
2 Corinthians 4:8-12 - We are troubled on every side, yet not distressed; we are perplexed, but not in despair;
Misspellings not my fault. I'm in the midst of a sleep deprivation assault, & only care so much about the subject of whining.
But a big problem is Wix's spell checker is finicky at best, refuses to work, & I don't want to export the file, spell & grammar check it, & reimport it.
So whatever...
Mundane interactions... likely on film.
I wonder who my "buttbuddys" are? I'd say I wonder what they are like too but I KNOW what kind of person they are. People who's abuse others for their personal gratification & enrichment & then lie about it to cover their evil deeds. Likely prone to swear on the highest stack of holy books you could make that we were great buttbuddys & that my every interaction with them was one of consent likely inspired by my own personal perversion. Or some variation thereof based on the individual buttbuddy & their status as member/victims or as victim/members & if they like that sort of thing I'd suppose. The point being many a gang banger buttbuddy has told me they hated every bit of it, they hated the gang, but that they'd chosen to be Renfields long ago for whatever reason. Be it to protect themselves, their loved ones, or their finances or assettes from the gang.
I wonder what they are like? What were the people like who had a bedroom with trunks & cabinets in a hidden room last year? What kind of person does that? What did they have in that room? Who did they "entertain" before me in that room? Worse? Who did they entertain after me when they were further emboldened by their experiences with me?
I wonder what my buttbuddys are like? Who were the pretty gals in the RV who told me both of them were my girlfriends? Are they okay after I abandoned them in the RV at the top of that hill? They had me driving through heavy traffic in broad daylight in some downtown. Was anyone hurt? Did they lie to cover up the injuries or deaths of innocents in that downtown?
What about the big rig that pulled up at nite, in a minute a lone firework sounded. Then in about the time it'd take to walk there another firecracker sounded at the southeast corner of the nearby hotel. Then in about the time it'd take to walk another firework sounded to the northwest of my place. Just one, not that loud either. Then in about the time it'd take to walk the big rig, which left it's engine running took off. I accuse no one of anything here, but I wonder what that truck driver was like? I make no accusations here but was it one of my many buttbuddies? If so I can guess what sort of self-righteous self-indulgent person they are. I grew up surrounded by that type of people. Literally.
Maybe the fireworks were just a coincidence & it was just a lonely trucker. They heard a few fireworks, saw the trouble-maker or makers using them & left.
What are my buttbuddies like? I mean really like. I don't mean how do they act in public to fool others into thinking that they should be treated as anything other than the potentially murderous felons that they are of could've become during their drugged interactions with me. Who else are they doing this to? Just how many buttbuddys do they have? What's become of them? DO they check in on them from time to time & make their lives better? I'd bet not. Were their victims enriched by the interaction? I'd bet not. Are the former guests of their bedchambers & the people they trusted to let live near them in their community freely dead & writhing in agony in Hell? Who can say?
No matter who my buttbudies are I pray for them all. I doubt many of them return the favor. Just a guess?
Proverbs 7:27 Her house is the way to hell, going down to the chambers of death.
Luke 6:28 “Bless them that curse you, and pray for them which despitefully use you.”
I woke up & puttered around writing an enhanced version of my own Twilight 2000 rules I like to call Advanced Twilight 2000. I have hundreds of pages of notes. Yawn, something to do. Yeah, I pray to God often for wisdom in writing it & it is to him I give the glory, if any glory is to be had on the subject.
I got ready to leave, wiped my genitals, for those playing the drinking game I do not endorse today was Buh Buh by far.
It occurred to me the other day what the goal of trashing my place, throwing everything around & messing up everything may have been? While straightening up I came across mixed in with my belongings dozens of quartered anti-perspirant sticks. Sadly, they chose to not return any of their ill-gotten underwear or socks (I'm low on both, as if that wasn't a constant complaint of my website).
What kind of mind would do that kind of stuff?
My rectum hurts.
Asleep by 2AM...
Woke up about 15 minutes later already dosed...
Awoken at 4AM...
Awakened at 5AM...
Awakened at 6AM... dosed again, but brutally so this time. The injections in the back & at points oblique in the mouth under the gumline...
Side-effects of "brutal doses" include but are not limited to: numbness in the limbs, headache, a tightness of the jaw muscles, a sort of lockjaw, cheek numbing & loss of cheek motor control, slight drooling, slurring of speech, & nausea...
Rectum hurts. I'm going to have to squat to use the toilet for urination because my recent sodomizings have been so brutal that when I relax my bladder I cant help but let excrement out too, based on frequent diarrhea from my Grave's Disease. Or if you're a... Dirty cOP Child-Molestor Apologist you could say (and likely will). "It's the just reward for your perverted lifestyle. I know that because my victim, I mean our victim, I mean the local pervert community told me so".
In the rape scene their mundane conversation films after the sodomy go on like usual with daily or bi-daily intensity lately. They are really pouring the perversion on.
The last week or so they've changed their VR Headset settings. If you've followed along you'd know that during static operations or between PRACTICAL jokes or when they're setting up the next skits or sexual encounters the gang uses a VR headset to show movies to placate victims (I mean me, in case a Bay City... cop reads this & has no idea who I mean). The last week or 2 they've changed the films to a grid of about 30x30 squares where they project crude CGI pictures of a black wheelchair sort of seat they like to ride slowly in. It's an unwieldly & jittery electric wheelchair with a chair added on, sort'a tacky looking with a shiny-painted ankh they call a cross. In my opinion they act like it floats & can probably sell the illusion in bad lighting or to the very drugged. The way they claim is the grid shows them moving about the area with various such chairs. What it actually is is a cheesy poorly illustrated 2D CGI image of a rectangular grid on a white background. Think like a child-molestor or a tiny bird here. CHEAP! CHEAP! CHEAP!
My jaw hurts & my cheek is numb and the cheeks along my jaw slightly swollen.
I heard it screamed at me a lot in my all-too short life
as touching the subject of "The Children of the Gym"
& from many of the Adult Coconspirators: Not a one of them has ever made an apology. Not a real one. Though a just a few tried to apologize & told me they fully intended to destroy me one day in court, but they felt really bad about it & sought me for forgiveness.
I told them I won't forgive you for something you haven't done. The rest just chose to use our meeting to reaffirm their hatred of me. Some shouting.
I told every single one of them that I did not hate them. This did not improve their moods as far as I could tell.
What is a PRACTICAL joke? I've offered up no definition & in fact in my letters & tale I've defined it only with taunting without specificity stating that in my opinion that there's not a single mid-Michigan Law Enforcement professional alive that could figure out why I've chosen to capitalize the 1st word of PRACTICAL joke.
What a sad state of investigative excellence I'm likely dealing with.
Go figure huh?
They had me up every 1/2 hour last nite giving me less than 3 hours of sleep.
The last mundane interaction? Why not? They took me someplace in the dark, lots of people, a hundred or less all in a line & it moved at a slow walk steady pace. The 2 young men who were my handlers engaged me in who knows what conversation (I cant recall it) & kept me from wandering off or talking to fellow line-goers who seemed like a 25 year old & under adult crowd in my drug-addled recollection of it.
I wrote my Weirdism I called ...
In another entry I wrote I wondered where the Delmar Police were? Being that they, like Salisbury Police & the local State Police refused to answer my E-Mails. I wondered?
I can help but notice that the local... cops I just listed spend a lot of time in recent months with their flashing lights in the front yard of the Hotel I complain about. Indeed. Some weeks they are there, lights flashing, more nites when I get home than not. Literally & for all to see if anyone doubts me.
It occurred to me last nite as I pondered the latest... cop member who lately joined my church. It occurred to me it's likely the local law-enforcement agencies are already on a side & provide security for that side.
Just a guess. I accuse no one.
Sooooo... a few nites ago the gang whisked me away to who knows where? I sat with what I'll call a "somewhat familiar face" & played video games with them using a variety of consoles.
As I became less delirious the "somewhat familiar face" suggested I referee my role-playing game, the Advanced Twilight 2000 game (homebrew game rules in gaming vernacular) for fun. In hours I became more lucid. Likely got to that sweet point in being drugged where I can finally hold a semi-coherent conversation. In gang world that means film time. Specifically mundane interaction time. That's when a mix of buttbuddies or inserts or what I'll call "somewhat familiar faces" will interact with their victim in filmed & often scripted & prerehearsed conversations to further the gang's goals. Be they to prove friendship (buttbuddy status) or to provoke or frame victims all the more.
"The Somewhat Familiar Face" suggested that gaming with me was fun, but the time had come to end our friendship because they've become bored with my games".
I'll bet a lot of their victims have a hard time handling rejection on their drugs, especially from a somewhat familiar face.
Me? I took it in stride (frankly, I can handle rejection, always could). I told the face that was fine. Then I politely suggested we should stay friends & play the video games. The memory breaks up, I'm not sure where the conversation went next.
Why am I using the term "Somewhat Familiar Face"? It's because the face was the face of My Bomber Buddy. Looked younger, chubby cheeks & a rounder jaw. You see Reader in 21st Century Rape Gangs the gang likes to influence their victims on drugs with friendly faces. People they know. But they also add in people their Dirty... cops have hunted down for them. Keeping up?
How the scam works is the Dirty... cOP uses actual Police Face Recognition Technology & looks up people with similar facial features to the people in their victim's lives. Then, being that they have access to ALL of their vital information & statistics such as name, address, & criminal record a gang that prides itself in blackmail & extortion excellence sets it's sights on them based on their looks.
I woke up & of course my glove was gone (just the one, again) & my boots are covered, literally stained with road salt. Being I haven't willingly left town in months & the salt stains happened after an alleged encounter with a "Somewhat Familiar Face" from Michigan where salting is likely to have occurred on the roads, I wonder?
I struggled with myself pondering what kind of fool would add this information? Who'd be stupid enough to bring this conversation up? Then, after prayer, it occurred to me that the truth shall set me free. My fellow victims are going to have a lot of insane stories that begin with "The person I loved did this to me, or did that to me". It can also be used to provide legal relief for their Renfields. I'm not accusing anyone specifically as a Renfield here.
My fellow victims will have tons of seemingly insane stories & I'd better explain them now, before the gang's stable of Skeptics, Child-Molestor Apologists, & Dirty... cOPS explain it for me with a sentence like this. "Yeah, we live in the 21st century. But there's no technology embracing rape gangs out there". Some will add in this in the same breath. "Yeah, rapists have over a 99.999% success rate against us, true, I wonder how they achieve it? But I know it's not the way David A. George describes it".
It's how the scam works. Using easily available 21st Century technology from throwaway Dirty... cops. Net cost? Zero. Reader, you as a tax-payer funded it all I'm told.
The drugging & sodomy were most brutal. The effects of my dosing being like unto a veil hung over the front of my lower jaw & pulled tight, but not that tight, restricting mouth movement & speech, but not by a lot. Painful, but manageable.
Above, I'd meant to add in more stuff, but didn't, so I''l add it in now. You see Reader, the gang gets to play their trump cards 1 at a time. I have to put all my cards on the table. Not so every single... cop will swear vehemently, but it is in fact the very standard of law-enforcement in America.
Okay, I went on about the police fakes, doubles who very closely resemble their victim's family, former friends (emphasis on former when the gang's gossip machines & films are presented). Yeah, the gang brag they got access to a never-ending cheap supply of doubles.
But they also brag they use make-up. Read up on "Death Masks" and how I'll bet the gang fools many victims. Especially when they plant physical evidence harvested in their many kidnappings.
The Last Snitch was bragging the gang intended to steal my game notes, (in game lingo it translates to: Homebrew rules) made entirely by myself.
I can't help but notice I wrote about my gaming notes being in the hundreds of pages. Then a chubby-cheeked bomber buddy shows up? It occurs to me, maybe the guy who was skinny his whole life just got fat when the game I ran at his place dried up when I left Bay City? Who knows? That's the beauty of it for the gang. I can only guess.
I'll add in a story here, a conversation I had with "Doug" one day in The Defunct Hospital in Bay City. Enjoy.
Soooo... there I was. Duh Jerk had TMOMC leave. He said it was to pay her for her involvement against me &... "Doug". My surgical doppelganger.
Me? While he bragged on about the money, he was paying her I waited & told him I didn't believe a word of it. He'd kept her appearance to under 15 minutes AND she'd seen Doug? That would make her lifespan about 10 seconds after her initial testimony against me. The way I figured it was he was paying her nothing. She'd been ushered out of the room & drugged stupid & would remember nothing.
Duh Jerk had a nervous look (he's not as good a liar as he thinks, it's why he relies heavily on blackmail) & denied it.
Me? I told him to prove it by bringing her into the room. I didn't hear a car leave, she was still there, right? Bring her out. The way I figured it was he played her, used her against me, & then erased her memory via the date-rape drug & she wouldn't remember a thing. Then he could use her safely against me & have her yelling a self-righteous rant that my story couldn't be true.
He denied it all & kept trying to change the subject.
So, I decided to engage him, so I'd remember this later myself. But how? By appealing to his criminal brilliance by discussing Doug with him & gleaning any info possible from Doug.
To hear them talk Doug was found after a lengthy search. They had to have a guy who looked close to me, then framed him into multiple life sentences along with his parents whom he loved. Then they showed him "The Films" of me. Noting they were equally valid to destroy... him in court.
So, I asked Doug. What happened?
He told me he'd been a lonely guy & was tricked into sex with an underage girl. The gang had him & then they blackmailed him a lot more. He actually insulted me, part of why he was glad to destroy me was because the films of me were valid against him in court. The gang could do him for 100 death penalties too & he hated me for it. Especially considering what the gang did to his parents & made him watch.
Me? I told him the films of me are detectable as an imposter via computer. If a single imposter film were used against him or I it'd destroy their case. They'd free both of us.
Duh Jerk smiled all the more when he realized that the worst of the evidence against him, that'd made him stand & watch what the gang did to his family & even help them, was all hokum.
In the end he told me he no longer hated me. He realized we were fellow victims. But as for me? It was either destroy me or watch his family be destroyed along with him. SO, he was taking me down FOR THEM.
Me? I told him once he outlived his usefulness, he was toast. That it was likely his family knew too much & they were going to go down too.
Duh Jerk seemed to lose his smile here & ordered Doug drugged so he'd forget that part & he sheepishly submitted to the drugging which I slowed with a battery of questions to the "Dr". & Duh Jerk.
Me? I kept engaging the conversation & it breaks up. We probably chatted quite a while if I recall all that.
Fade to black...
Soooo... My Bomber Buddy? I've seen him annually or so ever since I left Bay City. The gang brag they intended to have My Pal steal my gaming notes & claim he created them. Not because they were valuable or even any good, but because it's part of their "Well steal everything you have thing" the Bay City Gang Chapter voted on in Spring of 1977 as revenge for failing to kill me in... "The Gym". The Last Snitch said that they decided to just kill my Pal & make My Bomber Buddy the primary intellectual thief. The reason being because My Pal, was gang's Cramer Rd. "Kid Anyone Can Hit". That he was what happens when they grow up & sell-out to the gang. They'll use them, but keep them poor & cripple them up so they never amount to anything because it's what they do to all the children bearing the religion's title. And it IS a religion, keep that in mind Reader. They do.
My bad, I brought up hundreds of pages of notes. You bring something up, they escalate, then hope you'll escalate.
Me? What's my opinion on what the gang's members say? I feel I have to repeat myself, if only because I never met a... cop capable of fathoming the point I will make with this paragraph. My point being that I am not now nor was I ever employed by mid-Michigan Law-Enforcement & thus I do not believe every word that comes out of a self-professed child-molestor's mouth. I never did. Especially whenever a mid-Michigan... cOP of any sort or agency uses the words "Reliable Informant".
Me? The way I see it, is after major portions of the gang are begging investigators for leniency in my case they'll sing toons about everything in my life using the truth.
What's my point? So I'm not worried.
Remember. The truth will set me free. The gang figures it's a bazillion lies that will set them free. We'll see huh?
Steal the Starweb key plans to "get revenge on me"? Puh-leazzzze. Get a life gang. God is watching & Judgement Day is coming soon, very soon. I warned you.
I'll pray for them all.
But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you;
For the record you might ask? "How sleep deprived are you when you wrote this stuff about mid-December of 2023"?
Me? I'd bet that if I could I could sleep 2, maybe 3 days straight if I could do so uninterrupted. At least 2 days. Just a guess.
An approximation.
So you know where I'm coming from Reader.
Go figure huh?
Today is 12-24-23
Truth be told, I, David A. George have not bathed in months. The gang takes care of that for me at my frequent rapes.
Whatever... Yeah, whatever...
I sat across from my place from about 8-9PM on the night of Christmas Eve. As soon as I got inside my place & took my shoes off 2 very loud fireworks sounded, one after another, at the northeast corner of the nearby hotel.
I haven't brought it up as much as I should've but, as a firm rule the fireworks won't begin until I take my shoes off. Literally. I've tested it by waiting hours or different amounts of time & when I take my shoes off, the fireworks sound.
I said a firm rule & at time, for weeks, they ignore the "rule". Why? Idano? If I had to guess it's because me stalking team members change often. It may be a shared duty? Maybe it's just how they do it. Am I worried? No. You see Reader it's the testimony of my many fellow victims that will free me. They'll have similar stories.
Soft hoots filled the yard when I went to sleep. I awoke.
Someone told me "The City" was complaining about me. How? It didn't occur to me to ask. But I'll guess. The Molestor's chief attack is to accuse their victims of what THEY are doing. I'd say guess from there.
You might wonder Reader? Buh Buh or Nuh Nuh? Christmas morning was Nuh Nuh. Drink accordingly. I hung out, low key, went soul-winning & reached hundreds with the Gospel. It's my style. I've been saving up tracts a few at a time for months for Christmas.
I woke up & wondered why I heard no fireworks. An occasional soft hoot, but very soft.
The Police were in my front yard when I left.
I had some tale I meant to write when I sat down to write. At the moment... I am drawing a blank. I could do "The Biggest Bodycount"? For the record I get no pleasure from writing anything on my website.
I gotta ask myself. Why am I writing this? They told me to fight. They told me to resist. The... cOPS told me they wouldn't help me if I didn't fight, if I didn't resist. I have without fail fought the gang tooth & nail.
I begged God. SAVE ME LORD!
I have 100% faith.
I tried.
They started using a new drug or device, I can only guess which? Who knows what the drug or drugs are? What the goal is? Well, the goal other than my eventual legal demise or poisoning or both?
I just note it, that's all. Maybe it's that mysterious "6th drug" in the 6-drug drug dispenser I allegedly carry around. One of them was bragging their latest drug or drugs were "designer drugs" & operated using micro doses. In his example he used LSD as an example. Saying the quantity of drug was that small. That no drug tests would detect the drug or drugs,.
He also added. "If we don't get you (speaking of casting me into prison or asylums) then the side-effects of the drugs will". Bragging that the drugs have horrible side-effects, sure to destroy my body. So the gang wins no matter what.
Yeah, I pray a lot.
Addendum: The only construction company mentioned by the Last Snitch, in Michigan, decades ago, were trimming trees in my yard 2 days ago. Standing with 2 full cutting crews & trucks for hours at the trail leading to the entrance to my home. A job that, in my laborer background opinion, should've taken mere minutes for a skilled crew to achieve. Their Foreman waved as I walked by & gave me the biggest the cat caught the mouse grin possible. I accuse them of nothing personally. The full accusation by the paid self-professed liar was written in my +1,500 page letter to the FBI where someone gets hurt or killed every few pages.
More hooting in the night, they stole my scarf. I haven't checked any fluid levels yet. I also meant to add they stole or removed part of my watchband.
Many Inkpens are gone & after about 6 months they've begun taking, one at a time, a colored pencil, one at a time. My 10-pack reduced to 6 or so last I checked.
Yeah, I pray a lot & if I don't settle accounts with the gang in this life, they are NOT going to like settling accounts with my God in the next life.
Betcha betcha!
I moved yesterday. I set up my house & the meager contents I'd moved, then I sat down. The animal noises began immediately.
Last nite, after I went to sleep they took some darkened field with about 20 young men. I could barely make them out, but could. About 1/4 of the crowd, maybe less had limbs missing. Legs. One guy had both his legs missing & another was missing his pelvis.
They seemed to engage me in mundane chat & they unmaimed young men mercilessly beat the maimed men. Especially the guy missing his pelvis whom they brutally beat down until he could barely move in the dim light.
They may have invited me to beat them. It may have been an introduction of sorts. The last snitch warned me of such that when they chop their victims up, maiming them they introduce them to their new nursing home companions whom will be incentivized to hate their new entry. Particularly by any cruelty they can inspire their victim to do on the soon to be maimed's coming room mates.
I said it'd be impossible to know which nursing home someone went to.
"Not with our Credit Report Machines". he bragged. Their victims will have horrible credit reports. "Sure they can sue our guys to correct it but that takes time & we'll just do it again so it really doesn't matter".
He added they'd also follow their victims around & as they went place to place looking for a spot to live they'd gossip about them with their gossip teams. No one would be renting to any of their victims except the places the gang wants them to go.
"You think the cops wont listen to you now? Wait until you're in an adult nursing home". Game over.
I woke up & when I sat up a lone firework sounded in the direction of the highway. Then, in about the time it'd take someone to walk the short distance to a car on the highway I heard a car door slam shut.
Yeah, I pray a lot.
I was wondering when they'd halve my pain-killers (over the counter stuff, I eschew drugs as a rule)?
In all fairness since I haven't checked the pills in weeks it could've been halved at any point between today & then.
"Sometimes we pour out half of your pain pills like Tylenol, but sometimes it's because some of our guys can't read & they'll take any pills you got trying to get their next high". - The Last Snitch
They've been making it a point to light off fireworks when I sit up after waking most days. Usually simultaneous explosions to the north & the south. Both likely just inside the woods at each site.
Most days lately they lit off fireworks timed at the very moment I left my home, exploding as I leave my home.
The Week in review:
The other day I told my Preacher I intended to leave soon, solely due to my stalker's attacks. No big deal. Right?
2 Days later my Landlord shows up & says I need to move on by the 1st. No big deal. Right?
Today I wake up, well, at the obligatory 4AM (as if I had to add that, it should be considered "a given" for the most part. But ultimately, I woke up at almost exactly noon. You see Reader, when I'm awakened by the gang it's usually a given victim/member or member/victim who does the waking & I'd suppose their orders come down to them in whole numbers. Or so I've been told... repeatedly. Though in fairness when you consider the time to the minute or the second itself it's usually the amount of time a procrastinator might take, say at noon, to put on their jacket, grab their keys, & walk or drive the always short distance to awaken me. But it's fairly exact as a rule. I don't even have to set my alarm anymore. It's a wake-up service the gang provides.
Well, as soon as I walked outside to take out the trash the fireworks sounded again & once more fell silent.
In fact, recently I was late to church & church members noted it was unusual. Me? I had to tell them my Stalkers were late in waking me up. Such is my life.
Sooooo... I was cleaning up, packing. Within a minute of starting there came a fireworks celebration at about 1:30PM that lasted until about 10 minutes from when I was done. Probably hundreds of dollars of fireworks. Fired mostly around the nearby hotel & occasionally from the entrance to The Manicured Woods on the street where just a few sounded. They also sounded a few to the north of my place (southeast of the hotel).
Well, I checked today. Are you playing the drinking game I do not endorse r Reader? If so today was "Nuh Nuh". Drink accordingly.
My underwear stain on the fresh underwear I put on were about 1/3rd as big as the pictures shown on my website after significant moving around in them. I actually thought about taking a picture of it. Then I figured... nah. If need be just look at my soiled underwear pictures besides the FBI symbols & imagine them about 1/3rd the size.
TIME TO LEAVE...Child-Molestor style...
Sooo, I felt inspired to report this, one of many short tales listed in my +1,500 page letter to the FBI where someone gets hurt or killed every few pages.
I was 13 when I figured, this was it. I was doomed. I could try to run away, but the was just not an option logistically speaking (which I outlined in detail in my letter to the FBI) based mostly on a medical condition that often requires me to eat substantial amounts of calories simply to survive, as much as an entire family myself. It changes from time to time. Popping up & leaving again for years at a time. I've asked medical experts about it who've all assured me that there is no such medical condition (they say the truth shall set me free). I had to come up with a plan. Well, since I couldn't come up with a decent plan, since my stalkers bragged that for me to land in the local Foster Care System they controlled would be my undoing,, I came up with a plan. I'd endure every horror the gang intended to inflict on me & move out when it was legal at age 17. I gave my then atheist self about 1 in 1,000 odds of living to adulthood.
I'd made comments to people I intended to leave home at age 17 & a guy claiming to be sent by Duh Jerk showed up, later confirmed by Duh Jerk when I later asked him about the subject. He said Duh Jerk had found out I intended to leave at home age 17. to escape the horrors of the gang (far from his exact words). SO he'd decided to arrange for my family to be evicted & as proof of his power the eviction would come on my 17th birthday.
Soon enough the Eviction Notice came & it was for the day AFTER my birthday.
Me? I'd planned to leave on my birthday but chose, just to mock, an extra day. SO I did.
Ultimately I did end up losing my childhood dog as it was not compatable with my lease where I moved to. Of course the sent Mouthpiece bragged the gang took the dog & the child-friendly otherwise well-trained dog that knew a multitude of trained tricks (that I'd taught it, fully housebroken being not one of them) was now "in a good child-molester home where they use it to play with children they recruit".
Duh Jerk told me it's what they do to all their victims. Their victim doesn't leave on their own, no, that empowers their story of a vicious stalking gang. So, the gang arranges to push them out, where they & there's are as much as possible the victims. Or in a way that disempowers the victim's testimony for when they try to say, yeah, I moved on for "this reason" & the gang can prove (usually on film & via planted evidence) that their victim is a liar who moved on for "not "this reason" but for "that reason". That reason being some reason that is likely damning to the victim & their testimony. It's how the scam works.
No fireworks sendoff today.
I'd ask them if I could... "I thought you guys cared"? ;P
Last nite's was particularly brutal.
I woke at %AM, not the normal 4AM. What's up with that? Fireworks sounded over the next few hours every time I sat up, even when I'd been static for a time & then straightened myself.
Soft short woop sounds greeted me with the particularly brutal multiple dosing's. Fireworks sounded mostly to the north at the business there or just inside the woods. They even did a few fireworks where they were on either side of me, the louder of the 2 always being at the business to the north of me.
Numbness, sodomy. my stuff searched through. Typical, if a little more brutal than normal lately.
My guess? On a Wednesday morning? They know I go to church. Since my SNAP benefits have been tampered with (I'm not sure why they're canceled ATM)? Brutal rapes? My guess is the gang wants me to reach out at church. Why? I, as their "Recruiter" can only guess. But my guess is not good for me or anyone I might reach out to.
Yeah, I pray a lot & trust God.
I shall now address the gang here. Time to get your heart's right with God now. While you still can. I warned you.
It's cold so I was reading in bed reading & editing my notes when I accidentally fell asleep at about noon. I woke up about 2PMish & had been dosed. Corner of my jaw, inside, both sides.
In the time it'd likely take a car parked at the nearby motel I lived next to I heard a lone car door slam. Then in about the time it'd take a person to walk around my place in the woods I heard a single firework. Then in about the amount of time it'd take someone to walk from that point to the point on the highway where I heard the car door slam I heard another car door slam.
Nuh Nuh or Buh Buh? Today is Buh Buh. Drink accordingly.
I woke up for the 3rd or 4th week in a row felling like I'd done a full body work-out. I thought it was weird the 1st few times. Like maybe I'd worked out too hard & the pain cropped up 2 days later. It's happened before. Strange, but it's happened.
When I woke up this time I recalled my recent abduction. My "Buttbuddies" (the people in my life who can pretend to be my friends, employers, or lovers on film but are in fact 100% my enemies, members of a criminal cartel kidnapping me for reasons of profit & revenge) had me working out in a gym. It was as nice as any other public work-out facility I'd suppose with weight machines & free weights here & there. Sort'a untidy as gyms go with weights off the racks here & there. They were convincing me to work out. Arm exercises during my lucid moments.
Sooooo... when I said I had to go to the bathroom (#2) "My Handler" (a person designated to handle victims, goading them into whatsoever the given& always damning sketch or skit is to provide for films for blackmail or framing) suggested I use the restroom to the side behind what he said was 1-way glass. Noting that as long as the lights were dimmer on the inside you couldn't see into the toilet. It was a room with 3 walls & a glass wall.
During the coming... "wipe phase" (guess what I mean mid-Michigan... cops) the lights came on full intensity as children, 8-10 years old, innocently playing bowling bowled at targets right in front of me. The memory breaks up while I'm forced (by the situation AND the debilitating effects of their drug(s?)). The memory breaks up but I'll bet whatever happened next was pure child-molestor gold.
As a mid-Michigan... cop you're probably in a rage at having read my story & your self-righteous-o-meter is clicking full tilt & you need to hurt somebody. All I ask is this, Sirs, please don't hurt me, again.
The only other unusual thing was they sounded fireworks as I left. Buuuuut... I done did forgot something so I'z a dun walked back inside. When I came out again, they sounded the fireworks again. From the north, likely just inside the Woodline or at the business to the north of where I stay.
It occurs to me that the gang must have a substantial fireworks budget concerning me. It was snowing when I left. They usually wont do it in the rain, but sometimes they sound their fireworks in the rain. The last 2 days have been hourly or many times an hour of fireworks.
I guess they do care?
A few socks, 1 from each pair stolen. Increasing my 1 sock inventory. FOr those curious, I have no girlfriend, I'm not going to places & leaving socks & underwear & a lone glove as I go. 2 pairs of gloves. By pairs I mean a single glove from each.
I sewed up my bag. In days there were multiple rips & cuts all over it, again. I haven't put anything more penetrating in them than my notebooks & clothes.
I actually have a weird lil story about the month's shenanigans:
I have this lil red notebook I bought in Wisconsin to put game notes in. Mostly for my Star Trek/Advanced Twilight 2000 note. You see Reader I filled almost every square centimeter of the book with notes. As time went on I rewrote them (unfortunately most of those notes were destroyed years later). Either refining the story they told or just copying them in hole or in part. It's a casual thing I do to relax when alone, being that I haven't run an RPG in years now. I noticed over the years a page torn out here & there. Next time I'd check the book more pages might be torn out & in mixed up order. Soooo... I straightened them. Then in months I'd find more pages torn out, the order even more mixed up. SO I straightened them up. For the last year all the pages got torn out. I straightened them up & found them always mixed up in nothing like their original order.
A few months ago I decided enough, no more straightening. It's not worth it. Not when I knoiw how the story will end.
A few days ago I meant to make a film & post it to my website to complain about the subject. As I flipped through the book I noticed... I noticed someone else had put almost all of the unnumbered pages back in order (not an easy task when you consider the pages are filled top to bottom & that I wrote them over time using different pens, & pencils. To put them in order you'd have had to read them & flip them around like a jigsaw puzzle, being I really didn't care a lot about up & down facing when I wrote the notes. So in my film I'm complaining... and almost no pages are mixed up!
I am reminded when a child-molestor was whining to me during a kidnapping during the quiet inbetween times. He told me he couldn't wait for me to go to jail because it was HIS job to go through my game notes & make copies of every page every few months for Duh Jerk to read.
Incredibly? Several gang members told me they knew Duh Jerk read all my game notes & took great interest in my games. I even had a few prove it when I questioned them about the ongoing evwents in the RPG games I ran. The Last Snitch being the most detailed. He told me his job was to watch my recorded games solely for damning conversations they could use to blackmail me or for anything they could twist to their advantage by editing the often damning RPG conversations to seem like something in real life that would be very sinister or might make me out to be insane, and a combination of the above.
I recall them gang members telling me Duh Jerk took great interest in my Zerez Campaign. & allegedly coached his inserts with advice.
The Last Snitch had a lot to say about Zellette, Shadow. Captain Perfection (He said he was in charge of watching my games when I was in the Navy & submitted how often I bumped into Duh Jerk or how many people in the Navy told me they'd met him where I was deployed). & "It".
The lil red book. It's not much to look at. People tell me I write small so the 50-80 pages of double-sided notes are kind'a like 4 or more notebooks written by someone using normal-sized print.
The Last Snitch brought up his irritation at having to copy my entire arsenal of notes. If true it'd have been a lot of copying & even more reading. Considering I've had stacks of notes routinely that filled my entire Navy Rucksack that I carried around town & even walking across it often. That's a lot of reading.
I should add this disclaimer. That I don't believe everything a child-molestor says. Why? 1st, I'm not now nor was I ever a mid-Michigan... cop. Thus, I don't believe nor endorse everything those nice guys say. (Actual... cop quote: "I know those guys. They're nice guys". And the popular. "I know them guys & I don't think they'd lie like that".)
Oh yeah, almost forgot. Sleep deprivation. It makes you skip stuff. They've been doing their gas attacks lately. It's likely they never stopped, only that the chest pains I developed from the gas attacks woke me up & drove me from my home. I've been meaning to whine for days but draw a blank sometimes after a lengthy (and thus far fruitless) whine session online.
What gas? In the past I wrote acetone. Fingernail polish remover & it's been strong enough to drive me from my home several times in the last few years.
The new chemical may be acetone, but it's a slightly duller scent. It may be another chemical that only smells much like acetone or acetone mixed with something else or an industrial product that slightly alters it's scent. Just a lil.
Remember smells like acetone could be "tastes like chicken:. By which I mean who knows what it is exactly?
I bathed for the 1st time in months this week Sunday. 1st time I needed to. I took a sponge bath today because I needed to. Go figure huh?
When you consider my story also consider that I come from a spot that's been literally the Rape Capital of AMerica of women per capita.
The Saginaw Valley.
"It's always a pleasure to reek of excriment for several days after the rape. Men, women, boys, girls, beasts, & appliances.
Thanx Bay CIty fBI!
Thanx Michigan State pOLICE!
Thanx Bay City... cOPS!
Thank you Delmar... cOPS...
Almost every single nite lately. That's a lot of sodomy.
The fireworks are more brazen lately. They sound every few minutes the whole day & nite now. Generally at 15 minute or less intervals. Main exceptions being when I sit up or pause what I'm doing. Then in the time it'd take for someone to immediately light a firework one is almost sure to go off. They almost always sound when I leave my place. Other times they sound as I'm preparing to leave.
Injections here & there. Quite painful. My rectum hurts.
They've been halving my gospel tracts lately. You know, religious pamphlets I hand out by choice. It's sort'a my thing. Well I like to squirrel them away until I've amassed a lot of'em & then do entire neighbor hoods. Why? Because I really believe in this Christian thing.
Well my 1st clue should'a been my bag I stuff the tracts into. I went to put my notebook inside & was surprised my notebook slid in easily. I prayed (cant hand out tracts without the power of God) & headed out to do an entire neighborhood. Then I reached into my bag, easily pulled out the zip lock I keep the tracts in, and there were merely a few. I handed those meager few out in a few minutes.
During a recent drugged interrogation/briefing they told me they hated me witnessing to people about God. When I asked why the answer was. "Because we're devil-worshippers and we hate God". Another answer was. "Because we don't want you making any friends". Then he challenged me to notice that, because I'm near-sighted, they follow me with impunity (easy when you destroy or steal all my glasses). "Say we notice you talking to someone for a long time [such as when I'm witnessing, or handing out gospel tracts]? We walk up to them after you're out of sight & talk bad about you. Haven't you ever noticed that no one who promises to go to church with you ever shows up"? "Sometimes we wait outside your church & if we see someone new or someone who you've been talking to try to go in we send people to walk up & talk bad about you & your church".
True? Idano. A kidnapping madman can say a lot of things.
I'm down to just a few socks & underwear again.
I'm writing this in a restaurant. I came here to buy some food (a cheap, high calorie side-dish). Here I discovered they took most of my money.
My opinion? Whatever...
Over the weekend I was sodomized, like usual. It's a given in my life.
I woke up in my place restrained on my hands & knees by metal restraints that cuff the hands & legs kneeling, butt up, & being sodomized by a approx.. 18-year-old Caucasian male with black hair on my bed. He showed me a long slender purple dildo & was sodomizing me with it while masturbating my penis with a hand into a plastic bag. He told me while he was sodomizing me. "The sooner you cum the sooner it will all be over".
I woke up & went to church. I didn't talk much...
The gang must have a serious fireworks budget? Just an observation.
The smell of excrement is strong today. My rectum hurt badly.
The "Homosexual smell of love is strong in this one today". A thing I'm sharing with everyone around me courtesy of mid-Michigan... cOPS & fBI. Sharing with men, women, and your fav, children. Thanx guys. I guess as far as YOU guys are c concerned... it smells like justice. Well, YOUR brand of justice in any event.
2AM wakeup has been common lately. Last nite the 4AM wakeup was brutal. I woke up dosed all about my mouth. My teeth hurt most of the day. Badly!
I've woke up with syringe marks under my scrotum, about 2" lower. Since last nite was the 3rd nite in a row, same spot, it hurts! Badly..
Yesterday I was given a new anti-perspirant. I checked & it's already halved.
I have a lil heater. When I last left it the tank was working, had propane in it.
I tried to lite it, the tank was empty. Of course. Same thing with my last tank written about a few years ago. my preacher gave it to me. Me? I'd never have bought it. I was just asking around for supplies to make a humble lil wood burning stove. Something to warm my hands that I could afford to fuel. Sigh...
To report anything is to invite attack & counter accusation by the gang on that subject. Why? Because both they & the dirty... cops they own cant afford to let their victims be telling the truth on any subject.
I'm down to just a few sock & underwear. A few pens & mechanical pencils none of which match. Typical.
I had a red-letter day the other day. A mechanical pencil ran out of lead. Having bought a package of spare leads I loaded a new one in rather than switching pencils.
Then it occurred to me. I've bought many extra packs of leads for pencils over my all-too-short-life. In that life I've only ever actually used a spare lead 2 or 3 times before they were stolen. All of'em. Then it occurred to me that in my entire life I've never loaded 2 leads from the same spare packs nor even owned a single mechanical pencil long enough to have been able to have used the spare lead & load a second lead from those spare lead packs.
I know the... cOPS reading this assume exaggeration but, never. Not once. Never have I ever... not once.
None the less, it was a red-letter day.
Go figure huh?
Author Note: This dedication does NOT go out to the entire F.B.I. whom I both admire & respect, but only to those, such as the mid-Michigan gang chapter, I mean mid-Michigan Agents & all the rest of their ilk who made my life's story the unexaggerated mess that I am reporting today.
To the rest of the F.B.I. whom I respect & admire I say Thank you for your service & I hope to clean up some trash with you soon.
Buh Buh or Nuh Nuh?
Today is Nuh Nuh.
Drink accordingly
Today's report (12-30-23)
of Buh Buh or Nuh Nuh is dedicated to the fine work of the mid-Michigan fBI, without who's investigative excellence my website would not be possible.
Take a bow guys, you've earned it!
Author Note: This dedication does NOT go out to the entire F.B.I. whom I both admire & respect, but only to those, such as the mid-Michigan gang chapter, I mean mid-Michigan Agents & all the rest of their ilk who made my life's story the unexaggerated mess that I am reporting today.
To the rest of the F.B.I. whom I respect & admire I say Thank you for your service & I hope to clean up some trash with you soon.
The date is 1-3-23 & the gang brags that it sucks to be me. They also brag that it always will.
Luke 18:7-9
7 And shall not God avenge his own elect, which cry day and night unto him, though he bear long with them?
8 I tell you that he will avenge them speedily. Nevertheless when the Son of man cometh, shall he find faith on the earth?
Yeah, I pray day & night.
Stole my phone chargers. Had me out on the town. Some city, lots of lights. They convinced me I was a gopher in an office in the big city. This time a middle-aged gal who acted like my boss, my "handler" had me doing this that & the other chore in office settings.
I awoke to lots of fireworks. I wonder if it's fireworks or are they using their high tech now commercially available voice of God device? I kind'a wonder?
Generally fireworks sound every 15 minutes with them walking around my wooded home. Walk around. lite a firework, walk, lite, & so on.
A lil after 4PM I noticed there was a lot of fireworks sounded. More than usual. Since I usually leave before 4 if I had to guess, &... cops tell me I have to (during the lulls in their interrogation/threatening sessions that begin as me trying to file a Police Report), the designated fireworks guy was getting irritated that I was around & he wasn't free to go back to the motel & watch HBO, do drugs, or whatever it is that my stalker's team does with their days between stalking me? They cant ALL sit in the car outside where I go.
I wonder how that works? Do the team members call? "DIDS"! Or yell "FIREWORKS LIGHTING GUY"! Then argue? "I said it 1st! No me! I did"!
These are real people stalking me. They really do watch my every move. Today, more so than normal my every pause in what I was doing at home was met by a lit firework. Unusual only in that normally they wond sound off for 15 minutes. Today they just went right onto the next firework when I switched doing things, reached for a pencil, sat up to ponder what to write next, reached for a something & so on.
I guess it's nice to know that people care?
Last nite was brutal. Fireworks, drugs, & sodomy. My "fluid levels" to my belongings halved (in all fairness some could've been halved earlier, I haven't checked every single day). My mouth still hurts from the double dosage. My shoulder hurts from whatever happened, likely struggling during the dosing. But hey, who knows? Who knows & who cares right?
I mentioned the stalking & perils of being stalked by the mid-Michigan gang & their... cop pets. No one cared. Not above asking if what was happening to me was because I was from another nation or was I an American?
He made me remember the 1st time, when I was just a month or 2 old when My Cousin told me he'd heard about a walking & talking baby in Israel & when he saw me had a teenaged runner abduct me from my family. I'm NOT saying it's true. Only that on occasion, a recreational serial-killer, beer can symbolically in hand, told me this. Occasionally.
Pain, lies, horror...
Pain... pain... pain..
2 Timothy 3:12 - Yea, and all that will live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution.
John 15:18 - If the world hate you, ye know that it hated me before it hated you.
Matthew 5:44 - But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you;
1 Peter 4:12-14 - Beloved, think it not strange concerning the fiery trial which is to try you, as though some strange thing happened unto you:
1 Peter 3:17 - For it is better, if the will of God be so, that ye suffer for well doing, than for evil doing.
1 Peter 3:14 - But and if ye suffer for righteousness' sake, happy are ye: and be not afraid of their terror, neither be troubled;
1 Peter 3:16 - Having a good conscience; that, whereas they speak evil of you, as of evildoers, they may be ashamed that falsely accuse your good conversation in Christ.
Matthew 5:10 - Blessed are they which are persecuted for righteousness' sake: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
Luke 6:22 - Blessed are ye, when men shall hate you, and when they shall separate you from their company, and shall reproach you, and cast out your name as evil, for the Son of man's sake.
1 John 3:13 - Marvel not, my brethren, if the world hate you.
Romans 12:17-21 - Recompense to no man evil for evil. Provide things honest in the sight of all men.
2 Corinthians 4:8-12 - We are troubled on every side, yet not distressed; we are perplexed, but not in despair;
Not as glamorous as... cops tell me I make it sound.
Last nite's drugging was brutal, worse than ever. I'm experiencing all sorts of side-effects & it was all I could do to walk to where I could use WiFi.
Weirdness? Sure. Someone gave me a pack of Yu-Gi-Oh Cards months ago. Me? I figured I'd give them away, what do I need them for. I've never played the game, don't intend to,& wont be collecting the cards. Not my style.
So, the cards got damp last nite so I inspected them. Someone had ripped out the foil inside that'd normally protect the cards & I'm not sure how many, if any, were removed.
My shoulders on fire, feeling like they had me walking all nite. It was quite a wake-up sounded by fireworks, of course.
That was my day, how about yours Reader?
A story brought to you by the madmen child-pornographers at Bay City Public Schools & their pets the Bay CIty Police & their protectors, the gang chapter of the Mid-Michigan State pOLICE. I dedicate today's log entry to you guys & the fine Police work that you provide (for a fee) that made it all possible.
Brutal... double dose again... ow...
I woke up just after 5PM. When I chose to sit up fireworks sounded. Lots. In the past I wrote it was likely a team was lighting them surrounding me. This time I suspect it was 2 guys, lighting lone fireworks & jogging a short distance to light the next & repeating.
What poison are they using on me?
"Not in OUR America"!
/ /
/ /
/ /
/ /
"Do you know how many people you've killed [for us]? Of course we stalk you". - The Last Snitch
Last nite's attack was particularly brutal. The wound inflicted under my testicles hurts. Bad.
I went to sleep about 2-2:30AM, at about 3 AM I woke drugged & in pain. The wound below my testicles was refreshened. The area I suspect is my prostate, an inside organ hurt, badly. The bottoms of my feet had been hit, or felt like it.
Pain... pain... pain...
My waking hours are surrounded by fireworks all day & all night. Intermixed with soft hoot noises & drunken woops. They sabotaged my shoes again. Stole my turkey baster.
Today I lifted something weighty. Not truly heavy, weighty. It felt like a literal armband, actual armband about 1"wide and around the very center of my bicep/tricep of my right arm was installed just below the skin & tearing. Literally! That being the exact location of the vein-blocking attacks I complained of for about 2 years there. Attacks made by perverse & weird madmen for their perverse revenge/profit scheme. Why? When I ask'em they tell me. "Because of 'The Gym".
2 nites ago was the 1st nite in a while that they didn't inject or pierce the tip of my tongue. Usually at 3 points on the tip.
I took inventory of the recent electrolysis treatments, my hair's a going bye bye.
Where are the... cops? Where are the Police? Where?
"Exactly what part of weird & perverse are you having trouble understanding"? - Me, explaining the gang's weird & perverse nature to... cops who challenged the very notion
Rectum seriously loosened, smelling excriment, pain... pain... pain...
They really injected a copious amount of poison this morning. Really filled my cheeks. Lots of pain, likely from & consistent with "resisting".
I took inventory of my pens & pencils, just for fun. Why not? I have a habit of writing or drawing at night to relax. Recently I had the habit of leaving a pencil & or pen beside my bed on the table. I quit it in a few days when day after day after day they were stolen 100% of the time. Hiding them does no good, my stuff is well searched & obviously very often if the hand sanitizer I just got is an indicator? From full to 1/32nd in a week of having hidden it in my bedding.
I checked my colored pencils. They are right in front of me now. As of today, I own a yellow lead pencil, a blue one, & a brown one. That's it. Then it occurred to me to write about it only because for virtually my entire life I have a habit whenever I decide to draw in color. I buy a new package of pens, pencils, or markers, then they steal them all, a few at a time.
I suppose I should draw something with them before the obligatory theft of them? But yellow, blue, & brown? Maybe a desert island? The blue would work for the water, the yellow for the sun, maybe a fish or 2? Brown for the island. Maybe shade it in with yellow & brown, get a sandy look? I wonder what it'd look like on Fagboy's wall? Perhaps beside my other stolen artwork?
Fireworks abound at my place, sounding whenever I pause or give rest. Whenever I step into the sunlight.
"That doesn't prove a thing". The battle cry of both the Dirty & the Skeptic... cop.
2-18-24 Addendum
Jaw hurts in both the corners of my mouth in the back. BADLY!
I have a request for Police.
Help me please Sirs. Help me please Sirs. Help me please Sirs. Help me please Sirs. Help me please Sirs. Help me please Sirs. Help me please Sirs. Help me please Sirs. Help me please Sirs. Help me please Sirs. Help me please Sirs. Help me please Sirs. Help me please Sirs. Help me please Sirs. Help me please Sirs. Help me please Sirs. Help me please Sirs. Help me please Sirs. Help me please Sirs. Help me please Sirs. Help me please Sirs. Help me please Sirs. Help me please Sirs. Help me please Sirs. Help me please Sirs. Help me please Sirs. Help me please Sirs. Help me please Sirs. Help me please Sirs. Help me please Sirs. Help me please Sirs. Help me please Sirs. Help me please Sirs. Help me please Sirs. Help me please Sirs. Help me please Sirs. Help me please Sirs. Help me please Sirs. Help me please Sirs. Help me please Sirs. Help me please Sirs. Help me please Sirs. Help me please Sirs. Help me please Sirs. Help me please Sirs. Help me please Sirs. Help me please Sirs. Help me please Sirs. Help me please Sirs. Help me please Sirs. Help me please Sirs. Help me please Sirs. Help me please Sirs. Help me please Sirs. Help me please Sirs. Help me please Sirs. Help me please Sirs. Help me please Sirs.
If umbrellas were living creatures, I'd be complaining that last nite's worst (another double dose nite) left my umbrella's entrails hanging out. They already wrecked it, it barely works. Bent all up on one side by them. Recently they poked the top spars through the canvas making little holes. I still used it. Then they gouged the holes quite large. I thought about getting a new one & I'd suppose that if I had the message today would be about them wrecking my new umbrella?
They took the cushions off my earphones & broke one side. The "mark" of how they do it. <y 3 week old 5" tall sanitizer bottle is just a trickle, I did use almost a teaspoon or 2 (if I round up).
Underwear, soiled underwear are flying off as fast as I can soil them.
The strange thing is, these guys are actually quite proud of themselves behind closed doors. "It's a show of our power".
My opinion? I've said it to their faces, small & even the Big Bosses. "You guys set the bar kind'a low huh"? When asked to explain myself I did, in great detail. That the gang is impressed by what they do to me? A less than nobody who's family they already own? "Ain't that like shooting fish in a barrel & bragging about it"?
It's alllll revenge for "The Gym". Allll revenge for that time they tried to recruit me & I rejected them. All revenge for their ongoing recruiting attempts that I've always rejected.
Go figure huh?
Febuary in review:
Sooooooo... for about 2 weeks straight in the month I had a car stop in front of me, 100 yards or so, every day. Usually at night. The gang has done this before. What they do is stop a car every day for weeks on end in front of a victim. The car, always a different one pulls away just before the walking victim gets to it. The theory is, as explained to me, the victim is intimidated & many became frustrated. Then, the gang lets them get close. Or maybe a frustrated victim simply stops the car & confronts a driver. The theory is the gang orders a new victim/member or a soon to be but otherwise innocent next-to-be-targeted to stop there. You owe me "X" amount of cash, right? As a favor just stop in that spot & come get me when I call you"? Then it's an innocent person being confronted who calls the confronter insane. I hear it's augmented with Team Member participants who the victim does not know, but soon will. The confrontation being powerful evidence the victim's accusations are baseless & proof they hate whatever gender, ethnic, or racial group the gang plans to say the victim is against unjustly.
The last 3 days of those 2 weeks were all marked Police cars on the highway.
Then I was pulled over by a local... cop. He threatened me with a ticket for walking down the wrong side of the highway & without a light. Is that a thing in Delaware?
My rectum hurts & they keep pouring out my crushed red pepper. Buying a huge container means I get more than if I buy a tiny bottle, but not much more at all. Like my sugar, it's lucky to last a month.
Why bring up sugar? Because I might use a quarter cup of sugar once, a few teaspoons to sweeten the rare cup of coffee I make (very rare) & that's about it. By my estimation a 10lbs bag of coffee should have lasted about a lifetime. Maybe I'd be on my second bag about now or so since I became an adult. The bags of sugar last no more than a month or 2 my entire life.
"That doesn't prove a thing". The battle cry of both the Dirty & the Skeptic... cop.
"Buh buh or Nuh Nuh?
Today is Buh Buh.
Drink accordingly.
Game inspired by a mid-Michigan... cOP interrogation (spawned from an attempt to seek aid from them)
Rectum feels "dough-like", pliable, expanded. Weirdly my skin feels soft, from my bathing, my jaw hurts from last nite's "doses".
Fireworks aplenty announced my rising from bed. Soft hoots mere yards from my place too.
What porn nightmare did I star in these last few days? Who died? Who dies next?
Last nite the worst dosing yet. I awoke 2AMish (a guess) in absolute pain about the injection sites in the corners & front of my lower jaw. My legs were so numb they hurt, badly! My hands numbed by whatever their poison is?
When I woke up, like so often happens the evet is greeted with fireworks. But only after a few minutes pause. A pause that's about as long as it takes for someone who lives about as far away as the hotel I lived next to, to get their coat & keys, warm up the car, drive to my place, & sound the fireworks. Same when I left. I stirred, you know, packing it up to go into the cold. Fireworks sounded on the spot when I rose. Then I ultimately left in a few minutes. Sometimes they use soft woops or hoot noises. Other times it's fireworks, & often it's car or even big rig horns. I live on the highway far from anyone. As I left my threshold a big rig sounded it's horn long & proud.
Being stalked isn't as glamorous as the... cops tell me I make it sound.
I asked the Last Snitch why they did that stuff? I guessed the answer already, but wanted to hear it years ago?
He told me it was to intimidate their enemies. A public display of power. Plus, their troops are usually just kids & on drugs. Serious drugs. It's best to give them something to do so they don't lose focus. It's part of a team-building practice. Anyone who/s involved in doing what I describe is done to me is hardened by the experience. There's no doubt their victim "has it coming". If only because of their interest in self-preservation, being they are now as guilty as sin & if their victims get a leg up on them, it's game over for their Bosses AND them too.
The moral of the story? It sucks to be me & the gang brag it always will, if they have any say in the matter.
Got pulled over by a... cop on the freeway about 2300 hours last nite who demanded, demanded my ID & acted like he ran it. I was wondering when the local... cOPS would act on behalf of the gang & record my position for them. I wonder what, if any, crime was going on in the area that the stop proves I frequent by virtue of its unspoken accusation? I accuse no one of anything here, just wondering outloud in print is all?
Think the... cops are innocent, do ya? Then IF you are a "good cop" then ponder THIS. How is it that non-law-breaking me gets pulled over annually of bi-annually no matter where I go. Usually, withing a day or 2 of arriving in an area for my entire life? Huh? Do I "just have THAT look? Is it just random chance as YOU'LL have to defend? Maybe the moon reflects off of me in a way that inspires police attention? How? After you've exhausted them as likely reasons, I have one possible reason that'd likely blow your... cop mind. Could it be that I'm being pulled over a whole lot, me, the guy with no criminal record, that I'm being pulled over a lot because of (... cop gasp!), because of corruption? I'll put in a website link to help... cops deal with hyperventilation below. Click on it as needed Sirs & don't say I never gave you anything.
Cheeks numbed... rectum loosened... Fireworks galore... like usual...
3-1-24 Addendum...
Front lips, top & bottom growing increasingly numb as the poison spreads... again... numbing mostly my right cheek.
I woke up this morning facing down & covered up with a blanket. South of my place, maybe 15 yards or so a male voice, about age 18ish or so said. ''He's up". Not very loud in about 5 seconds.
I pondered it. I was beginning to suspect that maybe the gang watched me for signs of movement & then made their statements on the subject. Or that maybe they were using that drug that causes a hypnotic episode for 1 minute nor 2? The Last Snitch bragged the gang use the spyware (very much publicly known to exist on ALL cellphones in America) to monitor their victim's vital statistics. Heart rate, breathing & such & thus knew if they were awake or sleeping & could even guess at their mental state. Be it anxiety or excited & modify their plan on the fly as needed.
When I complained about it & the cost both in logistics & money to The Last Snitch he shot back at me. 'Don't flatter yourself. We do this to all our victims. Well, the Kids Anyone Can Hit who are free anyways". He congratulated me. "You should be proud. You've already outlived all our other Kids Anyone Can Hit. Well, the ones that are still free [from asylums or prisons] in any event".
3-3-24 Written on day late.
I noticed those "Frost Stains" (white chemical stains that look like frost all around my hats) on my hat that accompanies the gang using Scabies Medicine on me during a rape & not rinsing my body well.
As a rule, poorly rinsed off scabies medicine & soaps are much more prone to stain my hat as opposed to staining my shirts. But I do wear dark colors a lot (easier to keep clean & the black symbolizes that I am indeed in mourning for all the dead slain, a much bigger number than I'm comfortable with).
Why bring it up? Because my fellow victims (a number no mid-Michan... cop could fathom as it's larger than 4, or so I'm told) will have similar tales. Many wont know it, but when shown pictures or if the subject is brought up I'm sure they'll have a similar story to mine.
Written in Bay City... cOP Diarrhea Brown for reasons that are entirely symbolic. Unlike the below that is written in Mid-Michiagn State... cOP Blue for reasins that they need not thank me for, hey, just knowing you guys are out there doing the Police excellence that has made my website possible is thanks enough for me.
PRACTICAL joke last nite? They took me to some building & told the the 50ish year old dumpy blond guy with an exaggerated comb over blopping around in front of him was the owner of the % Star Luxury Hotel. We played some video games for a while & they tried to exagreate a freindship over time, such as leaving & dressing different & coming back & saying a long time had passed. The PRACTICAL relationship went through all the filmed phased one might expect from beginning to end.
While 'they" said it was a luxury hotel my best guess is that it was a Hospital, judging by the furnishing & decorations. Probably a lounge area of sorts?
I woke up dosed & emotionally hung over. Who knows what they are injecting into my body via the mouth.
Lately I wake up on a Monday or so & it's obvious I've just done a bicep workout. Except for the time when I noted a full-body workout during the child-molester film event a few months ago.
I dedicate the live of any men, women, or... children who may have died to the Delmar MD & DE Police & fBI. They sure have been interacting with me a lot lately. By a lot I mean more than I like.
Weakness, chest hurts... badly, endless coughing, & numbness after the last 2 night's attack. Headache, mouth hurts. Pain... lots of pain...
Buh Buh or Nuh Nuh?
Today is 3-4-24.
The "test" result was...
Hey, it was bound to happen one day?
"We've all had sex with children. It's the one thing that unites us". - Duh Jerk spouting his child-molesting religion nonsense. He said it... a lot!
"I HATE YOU"! - Lots of the gang members over the last half-century for a variety of reasons... hate being the one thing that 'truly unites them in my opinion.
It's 0458 when, I'm in an alternate sleeping spot, that the obligatory gang car pulls up. In the length of time it takes to walk up & visually check my door & walk back to the car (parked in the defunct drug store parking lot or near it) I hear the same door close again, like clockwork every single time I rest here for months now.
They usually return about dawn, but not always.
I woke up at 16000ish hours yesterday, dosed on 1 side. The right side.
This afternoon's attack ultimately ended with injections into the tongue, 3 sides. It caused major swelling & headache & weakness as side-effects. Click on the link below. The fireworks are every few minutes all day, all night.
Odd note: I heard someone yell an expletive the other nite. It was quickly followed by the odor of a skunk. This has happened a few times lately. Giggle...
There is Power in the Blood - piano instrumental hymn with lyrics (
3-16-24 Addendum (add'em dumb, bAY cITY... cOPs might read this?)
On the way to write this, in front of the Food Lion, in broad daylight, I was nearly hit by a car.
Annual hit & run attacks make me wonder? The guy looked about 19 & as wholesome as Duh Jerk & Fagboy like them. I mean no insult against the driver nor make any accusations except to say if I wasn't paying attention & dodging, I wouldn't be writing this now, I'd likely be in a hospital.
Usually when I look around, I spot the obligatory Ambulance at times like this. Though I diligently looked I saw none. I regret not making a mental note to look for the army of Jocks in a tall van or the often sport's team of high schoolers who are right there just about every time. 1 or 2 of'em being most common.
Maybe I should've picked a direction & ran? Seen if I could spot the camera or the bus load of Jocks "Innocently" there, just out of sight? I am reminded of when several gang members complained to me over the years. You see Reader, IF that was a gang attack then their newly recruited dirty... cop would be on duty at the front desk. Their people would be at or near the copshop to spin their counter accusation.
"When normal people almost die in a hit & run, they call the police. But no! Not you! When normal people kill a few people on their way to a friend's house they go to the police! But no not you! You clean up in someone's backyard with a hose & you aren't even late"! He was complaining on behalf of the huge teams that were stationed at various copshops & around the neighborhood during my usually public attempted murders. A huge team can be involved allowing a very coordinated frame-job & to disappoint that many people, people like... "them" is an insult in itself.
I asked Duh Jerk
Tongue swollen.
Lucky to be alive.
Thank God.
Got home about 2130 hours last nite, the flu ravaging my body nearly broke, so I felt pretty good. I fell asleep feeling well for the 1st time in over a week & a bit overoptomistic about the coming day.
at about 2230 hours I awoke, dazed on their drug(s?), there were a full set of top & bottom mouth injections likely to the limits of medical endurance by myself & it's ascociated pain via side-effects. It took me several minutes to shift through the drugs enough to tell the time. I'd been sodomized thouroughly & as I sit here writing this at 1657 hours my well-stretched rectum hurts, but not as much as the numbness in my limbs.
You see I woke, today, the memory of that time robbed by the drugs, & eventually became lucid.
I came too about 0300 hours & was already double dosed.
About noon I somehow fell back to sleep, I awoke at 1430 hours freshly dosed again to the lkimits of human endurance.
Brutal druggings & rapes...
2 nites in a row, they scraped my teeth, just below the gumline... again... The gums, all, are sore & inflamed. It hurts! Badly!
I'm sitting in bile soaked pants, a huge wet spot about the rectum.
I recall waking to a child trying to restrain my head while he roughly poked at my mouth with a syringe. How I came to be so weak a child could overcome me & drug me against my will I do not know.
I woke up in agony. My legs & mouth on fire from whatever that child injected into me. My right cheek is sore & numb & I'm experiencing numbness & headache.
Nuh Nuh or Buh Buh? Buh Buh, but not by much.
Drink accordingly.
"We asked your friends (gang game inserts) if you had any unusual behavior that we could use against you"? They "allegedly" said. "He was wet when he got here"?
"We looked everywhere for the bloody clothes. What did you do with them"?
My reply? "...".
The bi-hourly injections for days now have also become a poisonous R.E.M. Sleep Deprivations assault as well. Continuous numbness & who knows what other drugs/poisons are coursing through my veins in addition to whatever they have been doing to my rectum regularly.
I woke up & my phone was off next to me & had a 01% charge. So I che ked my stuff. They seperated the sole of my right boot from the shoe part making it identical to how the other side was seprated mere days after I got the boots. They re cently put holes in the tips. Boots last other people years. They last me weeks of months. They tore both my new coats. Same spot on each, just under the right hip pocket. Wet jeans, missing underwear, almost out of socks. I forgot to check my hand sanitizer. A snmall bottle should last me years, none last long.
My rectum hurts.
I dedicate the tale of my rectum to the fine... cops of Delmar DE & MD. No need to thank me guys & please don't send me any money.
A red-letter day to be sure.
Last nite I walked up on my secluded wooded home I'm now nicknaming "Hump Junction" due to all the local pOLIcE-sponsored sodomy I'm getting there & a local... cOP sat in a marked car with the lights flashing. Being I live in a secluded spot there's no reason to sit in my front yard with the lights flashing. Of course as I near (and would be able to identify the perp) the lights were turned off & the... cop(s?) fled into the dark on the road.
I walked into my place, sat down, & the reason tha. cop was there became apparent. A lone bird call sounded about 5-10 times, loudly announcing the gang member's presence.
I woke soon with my lip numbed in front & my right cheek numbed by injections. It goes without saying that I was awakened (like every day lately) every 2 hours at the top of the hour. I am indeed in a R.E.M.-Sleep Deprivation Attack. Have been quite a while now, it's making it hard to concentrate even as I type this.
I awoke in 2 hours, back teeth on fire, front of my mouth inflamerd. I took 2 regular strength Tylenol & went to sleep.
In 2 hours I awoke to my entire mouth inflamed. The sum of my gums aflame & swollen. My back teeth in agoiny.
Great limb numbness.
Every 2 hours I was awakened, always at the top of the hour.
Today I'll write how the scam works 2, 2 COUNTS OF MURDER 1"...
Stole my anti-perspirant & sprayed out my deodorant can. More injection, more pain...
I note a sharp decline in fireworks lately. They are not every few minutes from all around me 24/7 now. Usually limited to when I move from a static position or when I sit up. Always when I arrive & when I leave.
More kidnappings, more sodomy, more filmed mundane interactions with my "Handlers".
Who know what they are injecting me with?
"Every time I write a webpage titled "The Gym" it is ALWAYS soon deleted along with all tales on that page". - David A George 3-26-24 lamenting another page deletion on this website
In hiding... sort'a.
Sick... as... a... dog...
20 You will be sorrowful, but your sorrow will turn into joy. 21 When a woman is giving birth, she has sorrow because her hour has come, but when she has delivered the baby, she no longer remembers the anguish, for joy that a human being has been born into the world. 22 So also you have sorrow now, but I will see you again, and your hearts will rejoice, and no one will take your joy from you. 23 In that day you will ask nothing of me.
After the eclipse:
The faint voices of men & children were in my yard at various angles and sounded faintly throughout the night. I figure being my stalkers are into astrology that a gang rape on eclipse nite was too good to pass up. So I stayed up. No sex for the assembled rape gang last nite.
As the nite dragged on I pretended to go to bed only to get up in a few minutes several times. I often heard poorly whispered expletives when I got up, like the rape gang had better things to do than sit there securing my rectum for who knows what (remember, this is speculation & guesswork on my part, based on I'm sodomized more nites than not as of l;ate).
The fireworks were still nightlong & regularly sounded whenever I did things like sat up, or even straightened my posture when sitting for a few hours.
The above translated into mid-Michigan cOPSPEAK? Why not? I do this as a service & base it on countless interviews with them.
The cOPspeaek translation is: "What? Huh? I wasn't paying attention. But I'm sure the perp, I mean alleged victim was wrong or is lying. Aren't they all"?
I'll leave a symbolic clue below as to how... eh, nah, not symbolic at all, maybe, sort'a. Yesterday was brutal.. There's a link below.. She is law-enforcement in this symbolism.
Nuh Nuh or Buh Buh? Buh Buh, drink appropriately.
The smell of excrement is strong around me today.
3 days without a poison injection. The numbness in my limbs was repairing itself.
I just woke up in an isolated Tutor Room after an hour nap (yeah, it's against the rules). My jaw inside injected, both sides. I awoke because the people who presumably just moved into the next Tutor Room (it was empty an hour ago) were arguing loudly & woke me up. Actually, it's a single male being loud, at who I don't know?
The gang thrives on public encounters. I'd suppose there were any number of ways they could've entered the locked (but hardly foolproof) room where I can't be seen in an otherwise empty library (I checked, there's no one outside this room, no one wo could be a witness).
3 Days. I've been sleeping in a spot that's likely difficult to compromise (far from impossible though).
Whew! Mostly being that no religious cult of madmen would be so dishonorable as to follow a child into adulthood both as a scapegoat (Get out of jail free card) & for revenge.
You can tell that since I'm not typing in words of 4 letters or less that I'm not trying to ask mid-Michigan... cops for help.
Numbness... spreading out into my limbs even as I type this from an obvious massive dose of their poison... What are they injecting me with?
I guess the gang missed me? They ARE on the clock after all. I'll bet their bosses were screaming at them to get results... OR ELSE!
Almost a weeks' worth or 10 days of no poison injections, whatever the time was between now & my last reported poisoning. No good thing lasts forever. the last 2 nites they've been dosing me even in my hidden spot. They've been powerful doses greatly expanding my limb numbness which was beginning to repair itself.
Well, frankly I'm surprised the gang let me have rest as long as they did. My guess? My guess is they needed a while to secure the homes around my hidey hole, so they need not fear witnesses. Just a guess, based on experience, nothing more.
I'm still quite sick. What can I do but limp along?
Psalm 91: 10 There shall no evil befall thee, neither shall any plague come nigh thy dwelling. 11 For he shall give his angels charge over thee, to keep thee in all thy ways.
"Sometimes from time to time some people are reluctant to join us at 1st". -Duh Jerk Fall 1976 while cheering his troops up after another day in
"The Gym".
"You'll get him next time. He can't block forever".
Maroon ma·roon [məˈro͞on] adjective maroon (adjective)
of a brownish-crimson color:
"ornate maroon and gold wallpaper"
maroon (noun) · maroons (plural noun)
a brownish-crimson color:
"the hat is available in either white or maroon" · "cold pinks, purples, and maroons"
a firework that makes a loud bang, used mainly as a signal or warning.
It means “what a moron” 'David A. George was a maroon to waste his time thinking any cop anywhere would ever give him the time of day if he tried to save his life by writing about... the truth, the whole truth, & nothing but the truth, what a maroon'
They stole all my medicine. Not cool dudes...
They stole minor items. charger cords, chargers, several pairs of sunglasses, my homebrew rules for the RPG Twilight 2000 (hundreds of pages of notes, most created during the Covid Lockdowns) & 20 pages of Starweb Key description plus who knows what else? The items being added to my virginity & my innocence if anyone's counting?
i't not much of a great loss. I really didn't intend to get back into Twilight 2000 (a mercenary game).
I suspect if I inventoried my stuff there's more things gone, but meh.
4-25-24 It's much later than when I wrote the above. The numbness in my cheeks & pain at their mouth injection sites are full tilt now. Over the last few hours, the numbness in my cheeks spread from the tooth line to cover both cheeks much worse than I might've only a week or 2 described as "Normal", or the usual amount of numbness.
I pray that the Lord avenge me of my adversaries. Not out of a need for revenge, but out of a desire to live, if possible & somehow salvage what's left of my health.
I pray for my stalkers often that God might open their eyes & see them all forgiven in his eyes & saved from the wrath of Hell to come should they not repent.
I know you guys read this. I'll be praying for you all, just like I did standing in the middle of The Gym in front of God, The Children of the Gym, Duh Jerk, & his Gym Teacher like you all saw.. May God have mercy on you all.
Well, I was reluctant to mention it... but since the gang obviously knows I'll mention that the hidey hole where I found a few nites of temporary rest from the gang's attacks was in fact the shed of the church I've been going to on the Delaware/Maryland border.
Why mention it? Well, it's no longer an effective hidey hole, the gang is obviously comfortable violating me there. Plus, I woke up to find the door ripped up. & the padlock missing or out of sight (I was wondering how the gang came in, I guess the direct approach through the door was simpler). The usual suspects were there when I woke up, typical of an assault on me. Innocent bystanders or gangland sentries? Idano? I accuse them of nothing, only note they are often spots I frequent, a classic sign of gang inserts (I've been doing this a long time now & have been burned a lot of times Readers).
I also note the people who were in the front yard of sorts were there during my previous assaults at the church as well.
Checking my rectum may be ineffective as it was a dodgy swollen mass yesterday, that being the case if it's that way again it doesn't prove much?
Below is an excerpt from my "Threats" webpage. Read it & take it's lesson with a grain of salt Sirs.
"We have a device able to interface with other cameras & motion capture the image". He went on to explain it'd make about any electronic camera simply play it's recent recorded images over & over. Perfect for when... cops set up a camera to investigate a victim's claims & then that camera seems to record no one coming to visit the victim in the night, thus, another victim goes down in flames as a liar who claimed they were visited in the night & another case closed (very much serving to almost notarize the lil time numbers in the display of the real films the gang's victim is likely enduring at that time BTW). Justice is served!
He claimed they'd heard about it while rummaging through how America's Special Forces defeats it's enemies.
He seemed disappointed when I told him I knew about the device for some time by then. He seemed more shocked when I told him that I claimed to hear of the device the same way they had. While rummaging through Special Forces stories.
He said use of the device was prolific in the gang & that it made for an infallible manipulation tool against Police of all sorts. Against static cameras & even drone cameras & cameras set up impromptu in the field by officers holding them (who will testify that no one could've physically altered the data).
He seemed angry when I told him I'd suggest that to defeat the device that I'd suggest that Police use older analogue cameras. Maybe even really old wind-up from old when he bragged the device might not manipulate cameras that rely on chemical film but it would surely detect the camera's presence & they'd act accordingly.
I was impressed by the level of detail with which he described the camera picture capture device I once read about used by U.S. Special Forces. He initially described it a a box a little thicker than a computer tablet with multiple TV screens on it each with identical controls beside them. He described it has having various operating mode. Scan Mode: That detects all digital cameras within it's operational range. Select Mode: It's possible to see what the cameras in a given area can see so as to choose them more advantageously. Capture Mode: Once a given camera or cameras are chosen the device captures the video output & either blacks out the image, makes it static, or causes it to loop replaying an unspecified amount of time recent over & over allowing the camera to be safely approached.
He bragged. "It's how we plan to take you down. Once you get the cops to investigate you they'll put out a few hidden cameras to watch you & when they record that no one visited you on nights you'll claim we attacked you they'll call you a liar". Game over.
I countered that I'd suggest to Police investigating me & the gang to use non-digital cameras & film that the device would be unlikely to capture. When I said I'd suggest wind-up tape recorders he said that if they generate & use electricity to record on tape (or some medium) then the device would detect that too. I countered that I wasn't sure but I'd bet some high-tech sort of device that was for all intents & purposes a wind-up phonograph could record sound & be virtually undetectable by the device.
I picture a spool that slowly winds driven by a wind-up spring that creates a line that can be read by some sort of reader, if not simply just a miniature phonograph of sorts.
For some reason, this line of conversation really ticked him off. Angering him greatly.
At one point I told him. "One of these days I'll write down advice for the cops on how to take you guys down [I've given the subject a lot of thought) & it''ll work. Just you watch". It's only trivia to add that I was on their truth drug at that time.
He went on to brag that many of their victims turn to their local churches for help. Then the gang take a week or so & scrutinize every building using thermal imagers & the interface device. Then they raid the victim, making sure to interface with any cameras & display a repeating screen on their films. In the case of eyewitnesses, if the church posts sentries, then they raid them physically, usually using badges or pretending to make a delivery. Subdue them & use one of the many memory-erasing drugs science & pharmacy have provided them leaving their victims with no film evidence & witnesses who'll swear no one went in unto them, it's impossible because they don't recall seeing a thing. "Our victims don't respect just how effective our memory drugs really are".
Yeah, I'll expose them as best I can. No wonder the gang hate me so much?
PS: The gang brag they are high-tech & you'd better have your thinking cap on when you consider the sum of their & my evidence Sirs.
Injections aplenty numbing me in the extremities & the genitals very badly.
Nuh Nuh or Buh Buh? Nuh Nuh by far was the winner with the base of my penis & scrotum smeared in a thick excrement.
When I woke up & walked out the watchers pulled up into my front yard, with a white van for effect.
How was your day Reader?
Today's entry is in Bat City... cop Diarrhea Brown for reasons of symbolism, a poopy kind'a thing, like me waking up.
My official entry goes as follows:
They stole all my phone chargers. Last month I had 5 of'em.
Woke up, obviously dosed after a few hours of sleep.
The last few days I've left huge puddles of dripping bile wheresoever I sat.
I remember when, several times actually, the gang offered me homes, vehicles, a job, rank, & power if I'd join them. I recall when they bragged things like. "Everyone likes us. Everyone wants to be one of us".
I recall Duh Jerk chuckling at the at the mere thought I wouldn't like being one of them. "Sometimes from time to time some people are reluctant to join us at 1st". He assured his troops I'd soon love being one of them, & that they'd love being friends with me. A sad fact really, a guy like... "him" thought I'd fit right in with them, that their lifestyle would be something I'd want, but I was just merely being shy about it? Perhaps the greatest piece of testimony against me I've ever written now that I think about it.
I really should mention that many of the kidnappings take place in broad daylight, especially lately. "It's perfectly safe. We just have someone distract you, usually a pretty girl & then we have a child inject you with a syringe [now they use tasers, simulates convulsions they swear their target is suffering from]. If any witnesses give us any trouble we always have a cop & an ambulance crew nearby who'll swear you have mental episodes like this all the time. & we always have at least one of your family members who will swear you have episodes like this all the time. If any cops get involved we just have them ask you 'is this your mother? is this your uncle? is this your sister'? & the cops will never believe you when you accuse us & agree that person is your family member. Meanwhile during that time the drugs take affect & you pass out & our ambulance crew carries you away to the next rape". He went on to add, that for security most of them will be immediately given the Date Rape Drug so they will have no memory of having abducted me & thus he wont have to pay them & they'll make for great witnesses in court later. Plus, since it's all filmed & added to their library of films he can use it against me, especially edited bits, plus the films are equally valid to influence all participants, blackmail, & extort them. Especially when they are shown the edited films later & read the riot act. "If we go down we're taking you with us [to prison] so you'd better testify against our victim". It never ceased to amaze me that the gang, who all act compassionate & like they have superior morals, delight in calling their targets "victims" often.
I woke up & wondered if last nite was just a dream (the gang DOES use a drug that causes your mind to think it's in a dream-like state). My umbrella was stolen along with who knows what else? I was dosed, 4 points in oblique directions top & bottom of my mouth on the inside behind what remains of my teeth.
While I wondered I checked my cellphone & though I'd left it on all night it was 100% charged. Not a good sign. My rectum hurts & my mouse is busted all the more & I am left with fleeting memories of the nite before as the gang endlessly tempted me to do... "stuff". I wonder if anyone died?
Another nite of mundane Americana... right?
Nuh Nuh or Buh Buh? Buh Buh, but not by much. Drink appropriately.
About 1:30 AM the stench of a nearby cigar smoker permeated my home for a while. Yeah, they were likely standing around, waiting for me to go to sleep. That's when they come, you gotta sleep sometime.
What's it like to wake up with your genitalia, penis & scrotum smeared with almost as much excrement as your rectum? I's suppose that if you want to find out just put your trust in the Bay City Michigan or Delmar Delaware FBI &... cops & you can find out for yourself.
The poisoning goes on... injections, rapes & thefts.
I dedicate today's message to the fine... cop work of the mid-Michigan & Delaware fBI without whom's dedication to law enforcement excellence my website would not be possible. This one's for you... sirs. GULP!
"Huh? I wasn't paying attention"?
"Note to self: "Destroy the victim. That'll shut'em up"!
Disclaimer: Since the below is the saying I've given to the Michigan State... cOPS that'd make the fBI saying it merely parody. Probably?
The spreading numbness that seems to have permanently affected my lower limbs, as a result of my ongoing poisoning, seems to have, likely permanently spread to the palms of my hands the last few days.
Yeah, I pray a lot.
I remember during The Gym, & later during various gang rapes when the Munger Boy 5 & several of The Children of The Gym MIGHT POINT & shout at me. Sometimes in anger & other times while giggling.
When I say "smell gay" I'm sending out a dedication to Duh Jerk & The Last Snitch. Specifically referencing when TLS 1st used the term "The Homosexual Smell of Love" while describing... me...
David A. George 7-19-65 - 5-16-24
I acknowleged God nearly all my life without doubt.
I witnessed to every single one of The children of the Gym many times... The 4 Stars too...
I tried...
I really tried...
Blessed be the name of the LORD!
Yeah, I said it.
I dedicate my recent sodomizing & the subsequent theft of small, personal items (it's what psychopaths do BTW) to the Delmar DE Police. The newest Guardians of all that Enters My Rectum!
Thanx for nothing guys. Actually, since one of your guys publicly dissed me on a public roadside recently... I'm downgrading you to the same category as mid-Michigan... cops. "Less than useless". It isn't so bad, mid-Michigan... cops are comfortable with the rating.
Halved again & again...
They are very comfortable with menacing me at my new location.
"It's how we win against our enemies. Many of them turn to their church for help & when they do the cops & the people at their church don't appreciate how effective our drugs are at erasing memories. We might S.W.A.T. Team them & rush them, drug them, then leave & they'll swear to the cops that there was no kidnapping. We have all sorts of drugs. Inhalants, date rape drugs. maybe we'll send some kids to befriend their kids [of church members or cops tasked with watching their target] & then we just drug their snacks or drinks. Maybe their neighbors have Smart Meters. You know that them things record your every move right? Even the movements of people in their homes in an entire neighborhood & we have access to it all. Maybe the guards will go to the bathroom or call their wives at a specific time. That's when we'll strike & we only need a minute & we're in & out. Then the guards will swear they kept a good eye on our victim & no one will believe them".
He went on & on. Tiny drones, high-tech designer drugs, whore inserts tasked with befriending guards & police come to distract the guards only for a minute or 2. At one point he asked me if I ever saw The Matrix? "Ever see that scene with the lady in the red dress"? They love to orchestrate such distractions leaving their target's guards with a story that goes. "I never took my eyes off the guy we were watching once. If he says he got kidnapped or attacked he must be crazy". Failing all that it's then they turn to blackmail & lastly bribery (a last resort for a gang who's so cheap they squeak).
Less than useless rating?
Explain myself? Okay.
IF an agency was not against me, did nothing to me, but didn't help me whatsoever I'd rate them as useless, or even possibly fair by giving them the pity rating based on the fact they hold back anarchy by their mere existence.
But once members of said agency dis me, especially publicly, then they are no longer useless. they are now rated "Less Than Useless".
At 1:20 AM mere feet away from me as I rest in bed someone knocked over 2 trash containers with a loud clatter! Then they tried to quietly clean it up, a little.
It's 03:05 as I write this & they've been sneaking up, wheeling the trash cans too & fro seemingly trying to quietly clean up the mess. Darting in & out lest I see them. Since I don't have windows nor any external cues as to my movements are apparent in the windowless room I'm in it's odd, or perhaps not that odd that they flee when I try to observe them, like usual.
The Last Snitch, & even the latest ones have all said the gang goes to great lengths to follow me, & film my every waking moment seeking advantage. My belongings are routinely searched. When I asked about it they said it's to look for advantage. For things to turn in their victims for.
I can only imagine that the job of pursuing me & watching me is a boring one. I don't drink, don't smoke, don't do drugs, don't have worldly friends, don't entertain anymore, in short, I'm about as boring as they come I'd suppose?
I guess it's time for my next "dose". I'm told they hand-select pedophiles who also have the kink of being attracted to GILFs.
When I asked what a GILF was (side note: it's 03:17 & the guy is still wheeling that trash can around the parking lot, I can hear it's plastic wheels on the asphalt) he said my stalkers we chosen because they were attracted to me. He commented that to women in general & young women I'm considered quite ugly (my target group of sorts, being a straight heterosexual male) but "in the GILF community you're hot stuff".
It's the story of my life... a face even a mother couldn't love & an ass no queer can resist.
The above is written in maroon, symbolic of me, Autor of this most useless of websites.
James 1:2-4 - My brethren, count it all joy when ye fall into divers temptations;
10am seems to be my appointed wake-up time regardless of when I go to bed as late.
That recent teeth scraping at the roots was very damaging. I pray for healing. I pray the Lord avenge me of my enemies. Not out of vanity or glory, nor even some bloodlust for revenge. I just want them to leave me alone. I've tried to explain it to... cops like this. I just want it so that if any of my buttbuddies or my family presently have me in their custody, acting as though they were my freinds, buttbuddys, or caring family, that Police would know they are liars. Kidnappers. Murderers. They are not for me, but against me & I've never once willingly starred in any of their "films" that seem to impress the... cops so.
I wonder what my life would've been like if I never heard of the gang, My Cousin, or Duh Jerk? I wonder what my life would be like if I, if we, all 3 of us had never had to endure the attacks of a mad Devil & his fallen angels?
I ask why me? But the real question is... why us?
It's 0205 hours & 2 men walked up to my door, paused, commented I was awake & quickly left. If I had to guess (and... cops insist I do) it was time for my next dose. They've been mega dosing me. It's not fun. Lot'sa numbness, lethargy, & ankle pain just like they promised me in my +1,500 page letter to the FBI where someone gets hurt or killed every few pages.
My one failing in life is I underappreciated the enormity of the evil arrayed against me. It's grip on my life, it's grim determination to ride my dismembered corpse to victory in a case they brag will enable them to leverage themselves a lifetime of living above the law, once the... cops all sign onto an agreement that the gang doesn't exist.
Even I am shocked at the sheer enormity of public felonious behavior, Bodies everywherre, several police forces & agecies all having told me they absolutely positively knew I was innocent AND the gang were involved in organized crime. "I believe you that the gang has been attack. The opinions of multiple cowardly & corrupt agencies being yeah, the gang are bad guys, but they all know them, & they seemed nice to them, "fairly honorable" in their... copish opinions.
"So what you're saying is I couldn't be accusing a nicer bunch of guys in organized crime"?
"That's not how I'd word it but... - says the... cops.
My guess is the guys with my next dosage got sloppy, I hope the gang keeps using them. I need every advantage I can get.
Being an unperson... I thought I'd do today's message a little symbolic. Not that anyone outside the gang is likely to notice. Sigh...
After church I went & rested my eyes & fell asleep. I woke up after church, doble dosed, both cheeks. Serious limb numbness, injected in both jowls & obviously sodomized after church was over.
Unperson un·per·son [ˈənˌpərs(ə)n] noun unperson (noun) · unpersons (plural noun) · un-person (noun) · un-persons (plural noun)
a person whose name or existence is denied or ignored, especially because of a political or religious misdemeanor.
2 Corinthians 4:8-9 - We are troubled on every side, yet not distressed; we are perplexed, but not in despair;
1 Peter 5:10 - But the God of all grace, who hath called us unto his eternal glory by Christ Jesus, after that ye have suffered a while, make you perfect, stablish, strengthen, settle you.
Philippians 4:12-13 - I know both how to be abased, and I know how to abound: every where and in all things I am instructed both to be full and to be hungry, both to abound and to suffer need.
2 Corinthians 12:9 - And he said unto me, My grace is sufficient for thee: for my strength is made perfect in weakness. Most gladly therefore will I rather glory in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may rest upon me.
Proverbs 3:4-6 - So shalt thou find favour and good understanding in the sight of God and man.
James 1:2-4 - My brethren, count it all joy when ye fall into divers temptations;
Romans 8:28 - And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.
1 Peter 5:8 - Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour:
2 Chronicles 15:7 - Be ye strong therefore, and let not your hands be weak: for your work shall be rewarded.
Romans 12:2 - And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.
Revelation 21:4 - And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away.
Mouth injection sites particularly painful today.
I SHOULD'A BROUGHT IT UP, but forgot too. I usually carry 4 or more knives, can you blame me? I recently woke up, 2 stolen & 2 dulled badly & their lock blades no longer lock. They did my teeth again, I'm in agony.
That perpetual ear infection I wrote about the gang bragged they've kept anti-biotics from, my entire life, y guile & theft is throbbing in agony. IT HURTS!
Psalms 3:5-7
Psalms 3:5-7 King James Version (KJV) I laid me down and slept; I awaked; for the LORD sustained me. I will not be afraid of ten thousands of people, That have set themselves against me round about. Arise, O LORD; save me, O my God: For thou hast smitten all mine enemies upon the cheek bone; Thou hast broken the teeth of the ungodly.
Dosed... I walked a mile & checked the wet that was my underwear. I thought to take a picture, but what's the point?
It's not a glamorous as... cops tell me I make it sound.
Woke up this morning, several keys on my keyboard no longer function or function poorly. They worked just fine when I went to bed.
It's 0140 hours now, I just woke up at 0100 obviously dosed in the mouth, front, lower & upper jaw. It feels like it's been hours since I woke up but checking the time it was about 0130 hours. I suspect I'm on some drug or drugs that alter the perception of time as a side-effect. Just a guess?
Went ta bed about 1900, 2100 woke up, dosed, limbs burning, violated.
It's 0027 hours.
Refuse to be bullied? What stupid advice. I stood up to the gang. I refused to be bullied by their army & their army of dirty... cops & easily gulled would-be vigilantes.
Prayer? If prayer were water my stalkers would've drowned long ago...
I'll fight to the end... Which is likely both soon & sure to be humiliating..
Chop chop...
Snip snip...
Drip drip...
Cops, giving me advice...
Sometimes I pray this... God, if I become gay, would I have less homosexual sex?
I've never gotten an answer I could live with.
6-23-24 I watched gay porn & read pedo stories. I don't think I could do those things.
The... cops told me I'd know all about both groups if what I said was true. The more I know, the more I know neither lifestyle is for me.
The gang brag I will go down spiraling in flames as the worst of the worst of both if they have anything to say about it.
My opinion? "You guys are easily impressed? Getting revenge on me is like grabbing the low-hanging fruit when the tree is full of the good stuff & bragging about it".
It's 0449 hours & I'm right now a survivor of the home invasion, B&E of the storeroom of the church. Hard to tell how tall the guy was, but he wore either a big fake beard or a real one, thin, in his 40s, very scroungy-looking. Whoever he was he took off.
I'd worked out
& went to sleep shortly after 4am, so my stalker obviously didn't wait long to introduce my next dosage & ran into the nite when confronted.
Leaving me the choice of pursuing him or recording this & avoiding my taser attack by the lil kids, the obligatory dirty... cop out there, & being carried off by the waiting ambulance to the next rape scene.
This time, I chose to record it,
The gang love to mock. "You gotta sleep sometime".
My attempted murderer no doubt made an appearance in many films of cameras in the area. Stores, businesses, ect. Those FBI cameras no one talks about in most neighborhoods, & others.
I can tell, by the state of my mouth, that he injected me, likely dallied, then got caught after the fact.
Fact is... whoever he was he broke into the church. Just now.
Blessed be the name of the LORD.
Remember reader, the gang likely choreographed the encounter from beginning to end. PLAN A sort of stuff.
I wonder, what was the real goal? Wasn't it just a child in a fake beard? Some hopelessly blackmailed throwaway buttbuddy? What dirty... cop was on duty at the time? Which agency? Who'd have responded had I escalated?
My guess is, they want a public confrontation where I am. But why? Hmmmmmm...
No need to thank me, happy to do the public service. Don't say I never gave you anything. It's more than anything any of... you gave me.
STALKER stalk·er [ˈstôkər] noun stalker (noun) · stalkers (plural noun)
a person who harasses or persecutes someone with unwanted and obsessive attention:
"Tracy claimed she was the victim of a stalker" · "an anonymous stalker sent her hate mail"
a person who hunts game stealthily:
"a keen fisherman and deer stalker" · "a stalker of moose"
Mid-Michigan fBI Definition: Person worthy of honor, person who is an admirer, misguided at best who should be respected & awed, especially if drugs or sex are inflicted on the object of their attention "the Bay City... cop & agent both agreed how lucky David A. George was being stalked. All those free drugs, all that good child sex? Lucky you have a stalker who wants to do things like that to you, you lucky lucky person you".
Soooo... I pondered last nite & the lessons of the past & came up with a battery of... questions. Clues?
1) Which Delmar MD... cop would've been the on duty... cop who would've responded if called? Wont records show who that is?
2) Who was on duty at the Salisbury Hospital? The jail? Important when you consider I very easily could've found myself locked in either place?
3) Ambulance crew? Probably sitting a block away.
4) What were the goals of the B&E? Note they recently destroyed & stole my knives. This may be an indicator they hoped to escalate it to violence & left me poorly armed.
Yesterday I went to the nearby Micky Dees. Once I arrived at nite a 5 year old boy asked to sit on my lap & to play my computer. I told him he could sit next to me & play it.
In minutes a 10 year old girl shortly danced a can can dance (of all things) while pointed at me from about 12 feet away & lifted her dress exposing her underwear. while dancing
Me? I had no idea what to do? None. So I acted like I saw nothing. Easy when wearing sunglasses.
Were the gang involved? I refuse to speculate.
My opinion? "It is the accusations of our victims reflected back at them that is our true power". The gang's primary attack mode is to act weird & perversely, waiting to be accused & then making counter accusations based on the situation. Weird & always perverse counter accusations. Other times? Stuff happens, nothing more to say than that. Life goes on, & stuff happens.
How'd it go today? I woke up, limbs on fire from the recent drugging.
David George was born on 07/19/1965 and is 58 years old. Right now, David George lives in Bay City, MI. In the past, David has also been known as David S George, David Allen George and David A George. David's personal network of family, friends, associates & neighbors include George Brock, Karen George, Karen George, Lisa Hernandez and Kayleen George.
George Brock? Never heard of him. I wonder..... Hmmmm.... Karen? Never heard of her either. For the record that is.
As for the David S. George alias I once got a credit card & it had a misprint of my middle initial that has followed me, likely for life. A single typo, nothing more.
Author opinion? What is my life like on paper? The gang brags we are so intertwined that financially where I begin & they end cannot be told apart.
Me? For the record I was never friends with Duh Jerk nor his 4 Stars. Not once. I'd suppose it was the constant attacks BY THEM that poisoned the well.
My point being they can't handle rejection well.
It's 0248 hours, I can smell the aftershave of the guy sent to... literally drug, poison, & slowly kill me. I guess it's time coincides with the local bars closing? The aftershave? A fairly masculine scent I'd suppose? Probably a clue when considering the big bushy beard my stalker wore a few days ago? All just a guess? I'm in a lot of pain. Not that anyone cares...
Here's the link. See that house with the lil yellow car? US-13 - Google Maps their big ole german shepard attacked me on my way to church this morining. Didn't draw much blood (a single drop) but my wrist & the left side of my left hand hurts. Some dude came out & said. "He was only protecting his property" to me after the dog attacked me while I was walking down the highway, not at all on the property in any way (I've never even walked on the property before then).
RECAP: The dog attacked me, I didn't lose. The owner said the most pathetic weak apology. My religion requires forgiveness, so I gave it & walked away unceremoniously without long discussion.
I accuse no one of anything but will bring up this saying for entertainment purposes only. "It is the accusations of our victims reflected back at them that is our true power". Translate it into Mid-Michigan & Delaware... copspeak? Okay, just once. <bang jungle drums> "OGaaaaaaa! Boooogaaaa! Unga bunga unga bunga!!! He make powerful magic! HEYOOOOOOO!!! No make sense... imposcible! Noway UG!!!! HUH! You & doggie fite? You bad person UGGG! No other thing posskible! UGGG"!
How many men, women, children, beasts, & appliances do I have to fight anyway?
The glory be to God, if there is any glory to be had because I prayed, like usual, for God to protect me.
How's my drugging coming along in 1 word? Gangbusters! I figured *I really should define it as of late, being the end could be nigh, for me.
The drugging occurs lately when I get home. As soon as i sit down I can feel the poisons enter my veins. The numbness spreads & diminished slowly over the ne4xt hour. Each poisoning leaving me just a little bit more numb than the last. Like waves crashing into a shore & slowly wearing it down over time.
They say the truth shall set you free? I can only ask. Even me?
Are you a skeptic? Are you a career card-carrying Child-Molestor Apologist for the Child-molesting community as a whole? Are you just a concerned citizen full of rage & like a good mid-Michigan... cop the only target in your crosshairs you can see is me? I only ask you to ponder this. That would your ethics & reactions have stood up to your strict standards when the well-funded MK Ultra-like Gang came? Yes? No? Maybe so? Well, when an entire gang of perverse madmen stalks you for 1/100th the amount of time they stalked me why don't you drop me a message about your superior ethics & reactions to how they treated YOU? Or you could just lord it over me like a good Bay City... cop or fBI agent & tell me how much better you are than me & how you could endure twice as much abuse as I & come out of it smelling like a pure ethical rose.
I do pray a lot. We'll see? If I live I live, I'm not worried. If I die I but die. No great loss for the world.
To God be the glory, if there is any glory to be had in my tale of woe. Frankly I was never strong enough nor clever enough to have survived without his help.
Amen said the numbed guy marked for death by madmen for profit & revenge. Amen...
tHE TIME IS 0445 & I'm overcome by the smell of acetone, high on who knows what chemical. It just wafted in on the air.
Yeah, I'm subjected to regular inhalant attacks. The gang has bragged I don't know how many as, if I am overcome, they rush up, use the date rape drug on me to erase my memory, then cart me off to the next gang rape.
For the record I don't willingly huff anything, nor use any inhalants. I don't do drugs, don't drink, don't smoke. Haven't for about a decade now. I don't have any worldly friends, no drinking buddies, couldn't get drugs if I wanted them. I'll bet "the films" I regularly star in disagree, but what can I do about it other than complain to... cops via my posting public pleas for help?
I wanna lay down, but know the gang has their trigger finger on the button of my rotary drug dispenser (or whatever it is that drugs me) & am not looking forward to the pain & numbness that IU'll soon feel for at least an hour.
"The only reason you're high on drugs right now is because you like them".
- Bay City... cOP at his post telling me my story about being on drugs against my will couldn't be true, mostly because all people currently on drugs are liars.
The American Dream was never meant for a guy like me. Never possible for a guy like me, not with only mid-Michigan & Maryland... cops & agents to turn to for help.
The American Dream was never mine, all I've known is pain.
The America others know has only been a vain fantasy I never knew.
Pain... that's the America I know. That's the American vision for me.
Why me?
From my youth I tried being a nice guy, didn't cause trouble, stood for good when I could.
2 Timothy 3:12 - Yea, and all that will live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution.
Why me?
Soooooo.... I just got in my hidey hole minutes ago, as I walked up a local marked black & white Police Car pulled up into what one could call their surveillance position behind the bus stop. upon seeing me walking up (I'd doubled back to them, otherwise I'd just normally have gone back inside) one clearly said loudly, but not a full tilt yell. "Help"!
It is a statistical absurdity I've lived with my entire life. As I walk home, particularly if I take a 2nd look after my arrival, a local... cop maneuvers into a position where they can, if they wanted to, maintain surveillance on me.
By statistical absurdity I mean it happens weeks on & weeks off my entire life. Being I have no real criminal record I can only wonder why.
My Cousin, Duh Jerk, The Last Snitch, & other card-carrying gang bangers all told me about their theory on the subject. "We watch you all the time"
I pointed out that if discovered their continuous investigating me would surely prove something amiss? Right?
Not so they all bragged. Saying each was one of them & would be unlikely to know they were part of so long an investigation. With each... cop insisting they'd only just started their investigation on me recently.
I'58 years old now. A 58-year investigation? Not that any... cop out there would doubt the testimony of their investigating peers, particularly if they were blinded by the reflection of light because their badge was so shiny. Right? "See how shiny my badge is? The guy's a scumbag so of course we're investigating him. We only just started so I don't know why he's complaining". Reasons are said to include it's cheaper that way. The gang can pass the financial burden of 24-hour surveillance on me to taxpayers & have an ironclad free pass card. "We just started investigating the scumbag. I don't know what he's whining about"?
As their "Recruiter" surveilling near me allows the... cops to have an excuse as to why they are in force in the area. Providing security for the gang's ongoing blackmailing/recruiting scams, thievery, rapes, kidnappings, etc. & blaming their presence on the Recruiter. Win/win when you consider they want to sell to their bosses in law enforcement a load of lies, many concerning me, & justifies many expenses that will no doubt be filed in cabinets soon to become missing as soon as the blackmail/recruiting has come to fruition. Or so I'm told.
A 58-year investigation? Only in America.
I noted the statistical absurdity as a child & note it now. I'm not accusing... it could all be innocent & such. I'm saying it's a statistical absurdity. Nothing more.
Sooooo.... I got really tired & got home about 2030 hours & went to sleep in minutes.
At 2130 hours I woke up. In seconds I heard a guy say 2 words. "He's up".
Pain permeated my limbs... fire...
Almost midnight I woke again, the pain reduced as the poison had time to do it's damage.
Sooooo... what's the story of my "great buttbiddies" anyway? I'm tapped out right now. Where's all this big money I'm making from child-porn anyway? Or from selling drugs? Or perpetuating racism? Where's my wealth, as I see a dismal future here of want? Where's the fantastic friendship of my buttbudies?
As a dirty or skeptic... cop I'll bet you have an array of time-tested answers, all of which confirm your pet theories, but where is the lo0ve? Huh?
Zip, zilch, nada, tapped out, where's my buttbuddy love? Huh?
I'll tell you where it is. It's hate, it's the guys stalking me, the guys who ripped me off, the guys who tore up my boots, the guys who wrecked my hair clippers, stole my money, & raped me on film & likely pretended to pay me when they did it.
Blessed be the name of the Lord.
I'll never give up!
Blessed be the name of the Lord!
7-6-24 Addendum
Limbs on fire. Nuh Nuh or Buh Buh? the last 2 mornings ar Buh Buh. Drink accordingly.
You wouldn't believe the nasty puddle of bile drippings I'm sitting in as I type this.
Nuh Nuh or Buh Buh?
Buh Buh. 2 days in a row.
Drink accordingly.
Remember, I'm reporting 2 days,
so drink twice.
Woke about 0900 obviously dosed likely delirious. Numbness, weakness, pain. Coughed up the nastiest stuff like when I smoked.
I don't smoke, willingly.
My lungs do not feel well. Again...
It's 0123 hours & the strong smell of acetone (fingernail polish remover) just wafted in addling me as I finished up the tale We never would have helped you if we'd known... the recap. Not good.
Today's my Mother's Birthday. I wonder how she's doing?
I still remember when one of Duh Jerk's guys said he was sent by Duh Jerk to tell me that her bro would die on her birthday as a sign of their power.
Did he make his bed, & then they forced him to lie in it?
"Yeah, but trust us, THE Mid-Michigan Gang Chapter of the Michigan State Police, not David A. George. Our bonuses are coming soon & many of us have boat & mortgage payments to worry about, not the subject of who or whom is entering David A. George's rectum without consent".
- A statement of parody about the fine law enforcement excellence I have received at the hands of mid-Michigan's State... cops, nothing more.
7=16-24 Addendum
It's much later than my last entry today. At 1st I balked at writing this... but when I was playing Star Trek Online about 2 days ago a fellow gamer told me in chat, volunteered to me of his vivid dream of shooting the President in some detail over & over & tried to engage me in such a conversation.
It disturbed me, especially when you consider my story overall. That's all. I make no accusations. I figured if the gang was involved I suspected some computer hacking may be involved, to add them a level of protection. since they have all my passwords who knows what conversations may have occurred on my account over the years? Not that any... cop out there would believe that agents for a blackmailing/framing gang would or could be so dishonorable. It's unethical!
Chalk it up to one of many subjects I am loath to mention, for obvious reasons sure to escape mid-Michigan... cops, nothing more.
For the record I have been a Trump supporter from the beginning of his campaign.
Nasty. A leaky rectum is not conducive to making friends. Even worse today, I asked an acquaintance about going soul-winning & they politely turned me down, I suspect in part due to the smell of homosexual love that greets everyone in my presence inflicted on my last nite. They halved my new bottle of Tylenol, it's why I quit buying the 500 count bottles. I bought a 100 count on sale Normally I only buy the 40s or 25s, less stolen that way. They took some ink pens, mechanical pencils, & halved my deodorant. I haven't checked my new mustard which they halve & then quartered lately. I'll bet it's reduced, but not sure. Who knows what else they did? Who or what did I star in a porno with? Who was injured? Who may have died? The gang brags they used the body count as a get out of jail free for their many frame jobs. My point is who may be on their way to prison today even as I type? Sitting in a cell & praying to God & asking the same questions as I, why me? Why me oh Lord? Why me? I trusted the Delmar MD & DE... cops to defend me, I trusted the mid-Michigan... cops that you sent me Lord to defend me. Why me? Not that I suppose a single mid-Michigan... cop or Maryland... cop will lose a minute of sleep over the subject?
Asking why me is self-indulgent. So I'll ask them agencies. Why them? Why the innocent? How many innocents must I write about before you'll act? Why them? Why do they have to pay Sirs? Why?
I woke up to injection in the back corners of my mouth, both sides along with the limb numbness they inflict among other things. A great way to begin one's 59th Birthday huh? They quartered my new bottle of Tylenol, who knows what else they vandalized? Other than my rectum that is. There's nothing like rape to start the birthday in a molester kind'a way. Huh? I'll dedicate the morning & whatever may have happened to the Bay City fBI, thanx guys. Without your fine investigative excellence & professionalism my website wouldn't be possible. There's no need to thank me guys, I'm sure you'll be thanked enough by the Child-Molestors in YOUR area who brag that YOUR predictable investigative prowess will enable them to leverage a life free from even the possibility of being charged for any crimes related to their chosen lifestyle. A lifestyle I suspect more of your Agents support in word or deed than you realize or care to admit.
""I'll just put all the evidence in a big pile in front of a jury & you can explain it to them like you did to me. If they convict you that's on them & not me because you were convicted by a jury of your peers". - Not the Bay City... fBI...
Remember this, the gang's plan is & always was to provoke their targets to accuse them, then, accuse them back using lies based on the target's story. In mid-Michigan it's an infallible technique, I assure you reader
That's okay, I'm not addressing mid-Michigan law enforcement, if I was, I'd use smaller words & make all my letter "S's" into dollar $igns.
Proverbs 3:6: In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.
"Because the cops will never believe one of our victims who's dressed up in a weird costume over one of our guys in a suit".
It's why the gang inflicts cosplay on it's victims as a matter of business, said no mid-Michigan... cop at any time. Appearances are everything, especially when you run a for profit child-porn & rape extortion/blackmail gang.
"It has been a long time since I last recall even had a single dream" -David A. George a guy with a formerly rich dream life at one time.
7-29-24 Clues to dat:
I walked out the door at about 0959 hours being IO spontaneously woke up for church about then, having fell asleep when I rested my eyes earlier.
In the time it took to touch & open the door a semi truck-type airhorn did a short double honk noise. Very typical as the gang switch between animal noises, & what sounds like big rig semi-horns. I've seen the vehicle now & again & while large it's not typically a semi. I suspect, guess that it parks in the area & it's owner sodomized & doses me as convienient or more likely when their schedule tells them the time of my next assault/drugging nears. Also a guess is I am not the only target but part of a coordinated blackmail/framing operation where my attacker is just another cog in the machine, part of an overall larger plan in the area with multiple targets chosen convienient to wheresoever "Their Recruiter" rests their head. This is to provide for the attacks on me & to facilitate the "Get out of jail free" card the gang's officers crave.
To sum it all up I'll use the Last Snitches words for skeptics when I complained the gang might do all the above for a nobody like me? "Don't faletter yourself we do this all the time". He indicated that this is just ho9w the plan works & I was just a humble pawn, nothing more & you gospend money to make money. "Besides do you know how many people you've killed for us? Of course we stalk you".
Thus reports "The Guess" of a less than nobody based on the boastings of a gang of self-professed professional liars.
Luke 6:22 - Blessed are ye, when men shall hate you, and when they shall separate you from their company, and shall reproach you, and cast out your name as evil, for the Son of man's sake.
Pray, this could be you.
Scabies, still, again...
so you will not believe this entry Reader. It's 0254 now, I woke up about 0130, putted around online, then it started to rain.
You probably don't find that unbelievable? Well, the building I'm in has the roof about to be renovated, they're adding an aluminum roof on top of the old. It's about 50% done or more, but not over where I am. Not over where I place my computer.
When it rained the roof, which previously was fairly watertight in the worst of rains, leaked, but it leaked ONLY onto my computer. Had The LORD not woke me up I might've woke up to a soggy computer!
Now I pondered this. statistically speaking. It's statistically unlikely the roof failed on it's own at that time. It's statistically possible, but unlikely that the roof failed, only in the 1 spot, then. I, as a former roofer (I've done a few roofs) figure it is a statistical possibility that the roofers may have injured the one spot on the roof while inspecting it or whatever they may have been doing up there. But only over where my computer is? Now I ponder my story? statistical probabilities & such.
For the record, I moved my computer & electronics from the spot of the ceiling leak.
What am I saying. What's my point? My point is this. I'm saying the average... cop Reader will find it to be unbelievable, nothing more.
This is indicative of all Skeptic... cops & fed by heaping spoonfuls to them by dirty... cops when they can. That no matter what a given target says that it is most certainly a lie. That their every guess, hunch & (gasp!) point where they are genuinely mistaken or wrong is a lie,... that... you know what Reader? I bore of this subject. Enough whining, if it were possible to write 1 more thing & convince... cops to save me, or to investigate my claims that moment has passed, I accept my fate, but I have no intention of giving up... ever!
Thanx God!
Yeah, I said it... ow...
Soooooo... usually when I leave, I hide my fan. It gives them a degree of survivability. While fans, like boots last other people for years, I'm lucky to get weeks or months.
RECAP: Usually, I hide my fans when I leave so the gang wont so easily wreck them, presumably having to search my stuff, find them, then wreck them.
Soooo... today I didn't hide the fan when I left. So of course, the cord was all messed up & at the traditional spot. The base of the device where it's hardest to make amateur repairs. Who knows what may be missing or what else may have been done.
"The crueler we treat you & the more we mess with you is only more proof to the cops that you deserve everything we do to you".
- My Cousin talking with me about how to get... cops to nod and wink when you rape & eventually kill the children you are stalking & come out of it smelling like a hero. I think I was a month or 2 old the 1st time he bragged on the technique's effectiveness?
"Do you know how many people you've killed for us? Of course we stalk you".
Ummmm... I'm fixin to complain, but not sure if'n I should.
Google SketchUp. Okay, I made like 5 drawing that I posted in Google Sketchup, that I made free to use for anyone. Recently I noticed I had 2 drawingsd. ! a spaceship, & the other a space station that had about 20 likes making my 2 drawings some of the most well-liked drawings, free to use, Available. Not bad when you consider how few drawings I've made thus far.
I've found the program easy to use & it let me some neat looking drawings.
RECAP, I checked just a few days ago, I had 2 drawings, lots of likes.
A few days later I check, I have 3 likes.
It could be that Sketchup changed their data collection data this week, when I actually told people. It could be purges of data, it could be coincidence. It could be, who knows what?
But the likes are gone. Less likes means less downloads.
Why mention it? Disappointed.
On the PRACTICAL side of being stalked? The gang seemed most interested in filming me interacting with teens, hanging out, talking dungeons & Dragons & Pot & sex & cosplay of all things. A subject I've looked at, but never willingly participated in except as a kid on Halloween & 1 time as an adult when I dressed in a white mask with toy gun & sword & handed out candy.
The gang's many, many films of me participating in the hobby the "primarily actors" love, cosplay will disagree with my statement.
I recall asking the gang why the cosplay? "Because the cops will never believe a victim in a costume who on drugs over one of our guys in a suit".
Works every time on mid-Michigan... cops!
face... jaw... bubble of drugs... swellng... pain... headache... numbness... can't... focus... rectum...
all of my teeth hurt very badly, my mouth is in agony from whatever they did.
Whatever they did has caused a 3"x1" lump on top of my right jawbone, painful.. Usually the swelling goes away in a few hours, whatever they di has now lasted days.
There is no hope...
In broad daylight... I was able to squeeze out the poison they just injected * spit it out, it had a light "mediciney" taste. They are quite comfortable in approaching my downtown hidey-hole in broad daylight/ Why not? As soon as I started occasionally hiding here someone cut down the bushed that blocked the view from the house to the southwest where they were using fireworks until I recently complained about it. Sounding 1 off whenever I approached my door to leave. The fireworks being rather small & making a soft pop noise. Alternating, as usual, with truck horns also sounded when I open my door. They time it better some days than others. Being a few seconds off on occasion.
I JUST FINISHED A BOWL OF Maruchan Ramen Bowl Hot & Spicy Chicken Soup. All the spots where the gang caused trauma in their latest attack are a sea of burning pain, it hurts badly to try & chew anything solid.
I recall that day, when I was just a few months old & the man I knew only as "My Cousin" told me today was the day. I had time to think about it, he knew I'd asked around, checked out the Satanic Religion & knew what it was about, met it's members, & knew the perks, today was the day, I had to choose today, would I serve God or join them & worship the Devil.
do I regret telling him no? No, not one bit. Why? You might ask why when you read my message? Because I'd rather be last with God than 1st with the Devil.
The events of my life since have been less than glamorous in my opinion.
8-11-24 Addendum" Add'em Dumb, insult leveled at... myself, the real dum dum here, because I was stupid enough to waste my time writing this website... DUM! DUM! DUM!
It about 12 hours after my initial entry today, my jaw hurts worse at the injection site worse now than when I was injected, much worse. What did they do to my face?
Not that a Delmar... cop is likely to lose a single second of sleep pondering the subject?
High as a kite...
For the record I don't willingly do drugs...
Yeah, I pray a lot.
!st time the poison injections to my mouth were not done symmetrically. They did the back corner of my moth on the right side & the top left jaw at an oblique angle.
I began stirring about dawn, dawn being a fav attack time, also, when the local bars close being another fav attack time. I began stirring & lay quiet pondering the universe before me, calmly. Then as I began to stir, you know, the heart rate rises as you prepare to get up, not having moved, not having gotten up, prepared to rise, then, that moment, the sound of a guy, human at my front door barked imitating a big dog just outside my front door. Why? Signaling the all-clear? What do I know?
Also, my cellphone was on & the flashlight was on & under my bed when I awoke. Not a normal thing.
It's hours after I wrote the above, man, my jaw hurts very badly about the routine injection sites.
It 0000 hours, midnight & just turned 8-7-24. Often, about midnight or 0255 hours I hear a lone car door open. In about the time it'd take someone to walk up to my place from there & walk back to the car I hear another car door slam shut. It just happened again like it's happened for years now in my life no matter where I lived, an isolated country road far from anyone else or in the city. Either on the hour, as if someone had ordered it, or after the local bar closed & the time it'd take for someone who closed the bar to drive to my place at a comfortable speed.
Enjoy the symbolic website link below conveying my feelings of melancholy.
Though I'd slept long earlier I was overcome by tiredness at 1820, so I took a nap. At aboutb 2130 I awoke, the base om my remaining teeth in agony. I chacked mt Tylenol, hand sanitizer, & deodorants, +& went to the store, staggering as I went.
For the record I don't drink, smoke, or do drugs... of my own free will.
Mouth ablaze...
"As long as we do it all weird we can do anything we want to you".
Actual... cOP quotes in condensed version...
"Next time just let them do whatever they want to you & lay down like a dog & die & hope that out of the goodness of their heart that the guys who just tortured you & promised you death deign to allow you to live out of the goodness of their hearts". - Actual... cOP quotes I've heard in 1,000 or so words condensed into a simple sentence".
"We are all that AND a bag of chips. We're never wrong, well, not as a whole because we're all waaaayyy too good at our jobs". - Actual... cOP quotes I've heard in 1,000 or so words condensed into a simple sentence".
The attack likely came at dawn & I'm likely still high as a kite as I type this.
The injections were at oblique angles, top front of the jaw at the toothline., the ummmm, the tooth line. It's common for them to play loud music during the attack. To that end they often choose music favored by the target, or so I'm told, selected with great care.
During the attack they belted out, this time, the theme song to9 Rosario + Vampire.
IF I had to guess it's because their attacks, or so I'm told, & has been forced on me, their attacks are... hard to concentrate.... they use cosplay during attacks. It adds absurdity. I asked gangbangers why. "Because the cops will never believe one of our victims who dressed up in an absurd costume over one of our guys in a suit". "We play loud music our victims like into their ears so our victims are not distracted by any loud noises during our attacks and in case the cops show up so they wont hear it when the cops ask them if everything is all right"?
RECAP Checklist: Dawen, absurd attack, music to di9minish the effectiveness of at least 1 of the target's senses, drugs to dull the senses & facilitate the dawn attacks safety & ease for the attacker, slow poison, top of the jaw, goal? I can guess & probably be right, but why aren't... cops guessing for me right now?
Why? Profit & revenge. I'm just a number on a list & am told those responsible are afflicting many fellow victims, even as I type this their team is likely already doing the same or similar attack to yet another demonized victim nearby (I'm in a small town, it's likely they are not far away).
RECAP Again: Cops, get... a... job!
8-12-24 Addendum
It's 1030 hours & I am still reeling, nearly overcome by the smell of acetone (fingernail polish) that filled the room I'm in. What caused it? Idano. Fortunately, I was able to fight the dizziness & open a door, filling the room with fresh air.
8-12-24 Addendum: Again...
I tired at about 1420 hours & closed my eyes for a nap. At 1800 I woke, obviously "double dosed". Top of the jaw, oblique angles, both sides.
At about 1500 hours I could've went out & been given $100 or more in food, but now can't, and I'm critically short on money.
You might ask:
Why are the dates all jumbled up?
It's to be symbolic about all the chaos & ruined lives the gang leaves in it's wake.
8-21-24 After the attack...
It occurs to me to note that, it's been many months since I last had a full nite's sleep. The most being about 4 hours at a time. I am still in the midst of a lengthy sleep deprivation attack. Most times I wake up in nearly exactly 1 hour after going to sleep, all others after 4 hours & nearly always at the appointed witching hours as well. Those being dawn & about 0230ish, when the local bars close & factor in from there the time it'd take to get to my place & for me to recover from a short interaction & to recover from a mind-altering, likely hypnotic-type drug of some sort boasted to have a short duration.
Last nite I noted the local... cops sitting in front of my place... again. Directly in front, I should've known, right? Now about 0235 I woke, obviously dosed & with a needle tract mark in my left inner elbow as well, picture provided. It's not a compelling picture, it's the best I could do. "It's the best I could do" likely being the story my fellow victims have & the whines the local... cops will likely spout come time for their bonuses if my case goes public in a fair investigation.
I guess I should check my deodorants, my Tylenol (just got a new one... again "I don't know why you buy the bottles of 500 pills, the more you buy the more we steal them" so I no longer buy my Tylenol in bulk), & the gizmos, like having gone to sleep with an intact cell phone, & woke to yet another broken phone screen.
Written in puke green for reasons of symbolism.
Just scaping a thick coat of crusty goo off my back teeth... again & thinking of God, country, & the Child-Molestors in my life.
1) Thanks God
2) God save the Republic.
3) Go please watch over my stalkers. Bless them & change their hearts & get them into Heaven please?
Thank you God. All glory to you Lord.
As near as I can guess the below is the "Official" Gang Chapter of The Michigan State Police Motto. Enjoy!
"Destroy the victim, that'll shut'em up"!
Is it the same in Delmar? DE? MD?
It's 0255. Guess what time I woke up about a half hour ago?
The fresh injection gives me a headache & increasingly severe limb numbness, I won't last much longer at this rate. Rectum hurts. I reek of the Last Snitches "Homosexual Smell of Love".
Blessed be the name of the Lord.
"A NETWORK CHANGE WAS DETECTED". Is it a normal thing for your internet browser to just stop & that be the only message on the otherwise blank white screen? Is this normal?
I hate waking up covered in poorly rinsed scabies medicine too. I need a shower.
Another year of being stalked and raped by madmen, my life pissed away, while madmen laugh, and while dirty... cops reap.
There's a certain muscular numbing of sorts that comes from an inter-muscle injection. Wether it's because, as I've been told, the gel I'm injected with has yet to completely leave the injection site or because of swelling & trauma to the muscle by a liquid roughly;y pumped in, I can't say?
I woke up, my jaw muscles hard in each corner in the front, my rectum hurts, & though I went to bed relatively insect free in my room I am now covered in recent mosquito bites as of 0630 hours.
"We'll stalk you for the rest of your life as revenge for "The Gym"
0345 the drunk, very drunk rapist/kidnapper came by, making themselves known by the powerful stench of being drunk & being a peeping Tom. About 1/2 hour later i got to enjoy their presence again.
I complained recently the gang broke 3 of the 4 knives I like to carry. By "like" I mean "feel forced to carry", but I digress. Apparently, they stole my new umbrella & when I went to change my razor blade knife, a very expensive on by the way, the blade locking mechanism is now broken, there's no way to take out the old blade safely.
Lately I wake up a few times a week, my rectum swollen & sore. Today it hurt worse than usual as did the mouth injection sites. You should've seen the drippings I left a few days ago wherever I sat, nasty & I'll bet I reeked of the homosexual smell of love many of the gang like so much & that the Last Snitch was so proud of.
Today's entry in Delmar... cop Blue. I thank you for less than nothing. If you'd never "done" anything to me publicly (lumped as a whole) I'd give you the useful or useless rating, but for now enjoy my rating of. "Less than useless". It is without malice & great sadness that I assign them the same rating as Bay City Michigan... cops, trooPers, & aGENts among others.
Soooo... I stayed up all nite, went to bed about 0700. It's no mystery I awoke at 1100 hours. My rectum violated, injections, both sides. I'm high as a kite now. typing is ha;lting. hard to spell.
I haven't had a good nite's sleep in a long time, & it's been over a year that I had 2 nites in a row of uninterupted sleep.. The R.E.M. .sleeep deprivation sneaks up on you, addling ya until... uhhhhh... until I guesss you're addled.
Woke up, prayed, praised God. Hey, why not? Trying to befriend him IS the ultimate goal ain't it? I do plan to spend eternity there in his Kingdom after all. You can't tell but I just zoned out & spent a long time considering what workd... word I'd end this with. Here goes:
"We'll stalk you for the rest of your life as revenge for "The Gym".
I recall tidbits, bits & pieces of memories of being in the film studio with Fagboy presiding. He bragged he used airplanes to rapidly shuttle back & forth to render him immune to police scrutiny with an airtight alibi. Whether he meant him traveling or me, idano?
I woke up, my rectum hurt & the numbness spreading fast from my recent injections. I recalled last nite's film studio where little girls & teen boys rapidly set up the film set for what I assume was the next round of child-porn. Fagboy told me I would be shooting many films to simulate an ongoing porn star career over an undisclosed length of time.
My computer has been sabotaged, none of my high-end pc programs or games will work, in addition to halving the already meager contents of that new bottle of Tylenol. Again... I haven't checked any "fluid levels: yet nor inventoried my belongings for theft. Again...
Hey Reader... in the coming months if some... cop waltzed up to you & demanded what you did on the nite of 9-1-24, could you answer it in detail? I can't.
Go figure huh?
For the record, I prayed Duh Jerk & his 4 Stars, my family too. May the Lord bless them, keep them safe, & get them to Heaven, like usual.
Blessed be the name of the Lord who tells me to count it all joy when I fall into diverse temptations.
Woke up with that fresh from the dentist mouth injected feeling & taste in my mouth.
Some time, some place in America... Date? Who cares?
Sooooo... 2 nites ago, I was awakened, like always, every 4 hours. Doesed each time. Tripple dose nite!
So who knows how much time, during them 12 hours i slept, or was doiung what what?
Last nite? Uhhhhh... animal noises, oh yeah, they like to spend hours throwing stuff at my place. Generally 1 thing at a time, 1 every 30 seconds to A minute or so for a few hours.
Had me up regularly, of course. I woke up & noticed the chain was off my bike. They halved my deoderant the other nite. Petty, there's not much left. I didn't check the meaGER AMOUNT OF tylenol. I found it difficult to ride my bike without swerving. Drugs? R.E.M. deprivation? Both? Niether? Who knows?
My computer is still very much adfdfled, & so am I.I wish I could further my college training, but it's impossible to learn.... anything at the moment. Addled.
Blesssed be the name of the Lord.
Rectum particularly swollen, my sodomy very serious.
Trust the Lord.
I haven't bathed in months, the gang does it for me. Often laundry too. But not lately done the laundry.
I won't be saying thank you... ever...
The R.E.M. Sleep Deprivation has been brutal. Yesterday they woke me at least 10-20 times. 10 being in the 1st hour.
There have been brutal sodomy sessions, I suppose I was delinquent mentioning them. Part of the R.,E.M. deprivation. I go to type & draw a blank. In copspeak it means "liar". everything does.
Today in the daylight kidnapping, they favor dawn or after it. The rapes were interspaced with mundane interactions at a college-like setting. ROT actually where they, to put it in short, debriefed me on military matters. Asking me military things I might know & disusing their application. Particularly mentioning my previous invention attempts.
They halved the usual stuff. They ripped up my shoes in many a plae. How do I know? I just checked them for damage beforehand. Stole an unopened soda. Took underwear, That's just the stuff I noticed.
I'd suppose some big confrontation, likely in publi is coming.
The c key no longer works on my new keyboard. They've been sabotaging my keyboards 1 key a week or so now.
For a few days, overwhelmed by the deprivation & rapes, I kept forgetting to mention this. During that recent bad sodomy, which my rectum is still recovering from, width-wise, I kept forgetting to mention this.
At 1st I didn't notice. The end of my right shoelace was knotted. I thought it weas strange. But it brought to my attention the recent rips from the nite before (having just inspected my shoes before then), & then I noticed they'd stolen my right shoelace & swapped it out with a new one.
Was it damaged in the kidnapping? While tearing up my year-old boots (that look about 5 years old now) did they go too far? Replaced the lace? What gives? Who does that? Why?
My rectum hurts & it was all I could do to keep my bowels in public for a few days now.
Oh well, now I reported it publicly.
Addendum: Oh yeah, just a lil complaining. I was doing some spring cleaning & I came across an old deodorant that had been buried in the spring/summer stuff of life. Though I used it only a few times I noticed it'd been quartered over the summer, even though it'd been at the bottom of that pile & I 'd for about it.. The brand name? Lucky. I guess it wasn't my Lucky deodorant?
I've been posting links to my site online. I note that every single one has been deleted within the time it takes me to turn around & check them.
Double dose day, I woke at 0700ish dosed in the jaw front, top & bottom. Woke again at 1300ish, 2 doses, both corners of the mouth in the very back.
They've resumed the regular fireworks after a few months of absence (they do that now & again. Rain or shine, day or nite. Most popular directions being about 30 yards south, then about 30 yards west just across the road & about 10-20 yards north (that's northwest from my place) also just across the road. They pop off the fireworks hourly, when I arrive at my place (timing it when I touch the door, poorly on many days), and whenever I sit up or straighten myself up, usually when doing an extended reading or writing session Which works out to hourly or so. Interspaced with hurling debris at my place in lieu of fireworks & honking the horns of nearby or passing vehicles. They also started the rev the engine thing as they pass, big trucks too. Some vehicles may be circling my place as I suspect that having a vehicle rev its engine when I sit straight up after reading to stretch required a bit of positioning to make for effective timing. If I had to guess, I said guess, guess it's combined with & augments the fireworks campaign, changing it up in case police are near. The plan being that if I can get police to investigate the gang can note the level of police concern based on how they choose to investigate the people harassing me & how thorough they are. Just a guess?
They stole my deodorant, a fairly manly sent, & my bike helmet has disappeared.
Posted some stuff online, in a few minutes I checked & they were all erased.
Still recovering from the big attack over the weekend. Whatever it was it swelled up my right jaw badly, almost a week later and it's still painful to the touch & swollen.
9-30-24 ITS BEEN A WEEK OF SERIOUS SLEEP N REM SLEEP DEPRIVATION COMBINED WQITH A lot of pain from that right jaw injection.
The size, mostly internal has reduced significantly to about a quarter in size, very painful to the touch. touching it causes poison to seep out spreading numbness left across my face along the jawline for about an hour.
pain pain pain...
in copspeak it translates to liar liar liar. everything does.
the rem sleep derivational hit the sweet spot where it causes a continuous pain, a headahe shaped like a saddle on top of my head. It dont hurt much, maybe 1 in 10. just add it to the list I'd suppose?
I do in fact pray a lot. i also note the injection coincided with my recent soul-winning attempts. I go out & TRY MY best to win souls for Christ.
Traditionally the gang always comes down on me hard when I try soul-winning, even as a baby.
"We don't want you making any friends". They told me.
"I told them. "You don't have to worry about that, I've never made a single friend soul winning. Only enemies".
"That's because we follow you".
Yesterday was a QUADRUPLE DOSE DAY. I awoke every 4 hours, minimum, freshly dosed by injections to both corners of the lower jaw in the back. Faint memories of filmed mundane interactions, they are not giving up.
Today I managed to get much, but heavily interrupted likely R.E.M.-free sleep, being awakened almost exactly every 4 hours or less like the day before. The faint aroma of ammonia still, literally lingers in my nostrils, again... Fireworks sound as I make my 1st movements when rising though my windows are closed & there is no external stimuli that could give evidence of my rising. Note my choice of words, rising, not waking up. Say Ilay in bed for minutes after awakening, the fireworks sound when I 1st stir, when I 1st sit up.
Every 4 hours... this afternoon I was treated to the full-on child-molester "best of" session. PRACTICAL afternoon jokes included bringing some of my belongings with me (what's a mundane film interaction without the bag I normally carry anyway, it IS in fact why I carry it, because I want my looking for my bag to trip up their mundane interaction films & their content). The way the PRACTICAL jokes work is the gang work as a team to give me items, on film, then steal them or "innocently" move them. Then I (and reportedly my fellow victims as well) am provoked by them, trying to provoke me to violence all the while getting film after film to be later edited to prove any number of narratives on demand.
My medical anti-perspirant halved again. Though I've only used it a few times it's barely a nubbin now. Strangely, my bike was entirely disassembled. I note even the innertube valves are pointing differently now. My front tube was nearly deflated, slow leak or sloppy refill? Idano, time will tell. The front tire has a solid chunk taken out of it, exposing the cloth core & whoever put my bike back together didn't put the chain on correctly. By the roadside in heavy traffic, I had to fix it about 1630 hours or so. They didn't put the chain guard bolt back on, so it flops freely now, I turned on my formerly fully charged computer, I hadn't used it to find it at a reduced battery charge, someone was using my computer. 8%? That's probably enough for 10 minutes or so of snooping around on my computer.
Fireworks aplenty, the voices of children in my yard, Numbing injections around my genitalia, my rectum violated. Mundane films stacked with teens whom I interacted with. The gang had a full afternoon PRACTICAL joke.
When I woke up I tried to read my bible, maybe stand but I could do neither, the drugs.
Made an altar call at church today & left before the Lord's Supper was served. Why?
The altar call? I prayed, I'm sick of being stalked by madmen. I'm tired of the rapes, the drugs, the deprivations.
The Lord's Supper? I figured what if my heart isn't up to it? To eat & drink unworthily is to invite damnation & I'm not even 24 hours out of the gang rape & who knows what they tempted me into doing, on drugs, & on film. The supper itself comes with no blessing implied, only curses, so I opted out.
Last nite as I left I tried to air up my tire. It could only keep air for a single block's distance. Meaning someone made the leak worse or added another. I'm totally broke, so fixing it isn't on the radar. With what the gang did to my ankle, it's going to get very painful, unless God intervenes.
Child-porn, sodomy, drugs, murder, and multiple cop... forces who brag to me they are the authors. I wonder if anyione reads this I ask them, how's your week going Sirs?
The Lord giveth, and the Lord taketh away.
Blessed be the name of the Lord.
The gang really are quite brazen, showing up at the same times, 0430ish, 0730ish, 1630ish. I sit there & hear the caR DOOR SLAM ON THE NEARBY HIGHWAY, USUALLY MERE YARDS AWAY right on the highway west of my location. Then in the time it takes to walk I hear the fireworks or soft animal noises begin.
They stole nearly all my pens & pencils. I have about 5 or so total in an not erntirely exhaustive check of my inventory.
They recently stole my earbuds, haven't seen them in a while so that could've been stolen a while back. They are really intensifying their drugging's, this is usually done before certain types of "inserts" are introduced into my life. They can keep their whores, they are not wanted nor solicited. If I wanted an echo chamber, I'd visit a cliff or cave, not one of their quadruple retreaded lazy good for paperweight only whores.
I know they rea this, man, for guys who pride themselves on pleasure your gals are lousy at it at best, just saying.
Also, My clothes have been affected by their "don't rinse well during my force bathing scene". White stains are on my shirts & hat. Show some pride jerks. Shesh!
My backspace & space keys were wrecked all the more too.
To Go be the glory, you guys are going to answer for how you treated me & an angry God is going to have lots of questions. Change your ways now... I warned you.
Sodomized & double dosed every single day since I moved back to my off-highway home.
The sodomy of today is dedicated to the fine people of the Delmar PD without who's fine policework sites like my website might not be possible. Remember me boys when it comes time for your bonus evaluations.
That's the sound of my rectum. The back of my pants are soaked,
Thanx for less than nothing Delmar... cops...
I fell asleep about 0730ish, woke 0905ish obviously sodomize brutally. Fireworks to the north, 20 yards.
Quickly dressed, prayed, left. See this black pickup parked south on the highway, about 30 yards away where I hear the fireworks come from every day or every other day. Black, later model.
It's only trivia to note for months, on & off, a black truck has been honking at me as I arrive home, same exact spot, but on the highway. The frequency of the chance meetings is a statistical absurdity unless scripted, choreographed that I' be honked at by the same vehicle for months at that spot, & then after the sodomy, the R.E.M. deprivations, the vandalisms, the rapes, absurd that here's that truck, sitting there like a Man Friday clue. There, at THAT spot.
Meh, so I took own it's plate & V.I.N. numbers & figure I'd let... cops sort it all out later. I accuse no one of anything but honking a horn in public & parking in a bad neighborhood. I can prove it's bad, I live there.
Remember, the gang accuse the innocent, set up the innocent, and when they are guilty their go to response is to accuse the victim, reflecting their accusations back at them. Or turning them into outright lies when possible. "I was out of town, someone stole my truck, the sun was in my eyes & I parked there, he's been attacking me, don't look at us look at the guy we're accusing, I got films that can prove everything I'm saying officer, my what big cop muscles you have, o you work out, lets talk about your favorite hobby, not my buttbuddy or this case, he's been writing about being stalked AND raped, sounds crazy to me, you want a boat officer, cheap, my sister likes you officer, want a great mortgage rate, cops preferred, I borrowed the truck out, my accuser was my buttbuddy, I mean lover, I mean he's the bad guy here, stop looking at me look at my accuser"!
C96129 DE
Nuh Nuh or Buh Buh?
I forgot to date this... so it's a guess which day it was... blame "the drugs" I'm recovering from.
Buh Buh, drink accordingly.
Their 0430 attack was on que, I woke about 0451, men in my yard talking & soft fireworks & animal noises at the compass points every minute or 2 for hours. I couldn't find that "out of place pencil", I'll redouble looking for it.
They sounded for hours. When I stood up to leave, having got dressed in bed, the moment I stood up a truck horn sounded on the highway slowly pulling away in the direction of the no-tell motel in Delmar on the highway..
The pain was burning & the injections into the corners of my jaw resumed after a few weeks of being missing.. The voices of children & men around.
Just noticed I forgot to date the above entry, just recovering from 3 nites of being drugged & 3 days of sleep, where they woke me every hour or 2. It seems like it was a few days ago?
Swollen rectum, 3 nites of mundane interactions & fighting large groups of men & teens all dressed in black at times. Between, during semi-lucid times, the mundane filmed moments between PRACTICAL jokes where we played house & the team acted like they were my friends.....
They dropped me off at home & filled my yard with men & boys who awoke me with insane animal noises & electronic beeps. Making sure to awaken me often... like usual...
Uhhhh... hard to concentrate. For inexperienced Readers that translates into the word liar in "Copspeak". Everything does.
Ummmm... they did stuff... it's hard to put into words as it's hard to concentrate. I had planned to leave the area, I was lucky to walk to town, let alone leave. Oh yeah, the "stuff". My teeth all hurt at the gumline. What'd they do? Another scraping? Note my use of a question mark & not an exclamation mark. Ow...
I'm not sure but it seems like they tried to either convince me to answer to the name Barry Allen or dropped the name over & over for the last week. Why? Idano? I'm sure that it proves something or another to... cops & gives tons of ammo to all Child-Molestor Apologist... cOPS & their kin the Child-Molestor Enablers.
I woke, hungry & able to walk so I went to a Micky Dees & wrote this, likely in vain.
I managed to get some quality R.E.M. sleep last5 night, not enough but it certainly took the edge off the brain fog that the R.E.M. Sleep Deprivation can cause. Went to bed after midnite, slept to 0600ish, ate & went to bed til noonish, woke up dosed & to the obligatory woops.
The gang favors the compass points when making noise. That is North South, east & west, but not exclusively, alternating between the 2 at 45-degree angles often. Last nite at the end of the woops, hoots, soft fireworks at the 4 compass points around me what could've been their loudest yet occurred to my west, maybe 1/4-to 1/2 mile away with 2 very loud explosions marking the end of the sound assault. Surely half of the city heard them unless it was a sound only for me & using the technology I've outlined in the past up & until now.
I'm sure that no matter what caused the noise & how my bringing it up only proves bad things about... me, the Author of this website to most... cops.
At least I didn't have to listen to Barry Allen this & Barry Allen that PRACTICAL jokes.
See the truck with the green arrow? That's the make of truck that's been honking at me. The river even tried to start something publicly recently with me.
I snapped that picture minutes later than the other pics. Where? Hmmmmm.... Parke conveniently where I foolishly alleged that dog attacked me recently.
IO accuse no one of anything but parking in a bad neighborhood & I can prove it, I live there. Odds are it's someone different than the "Pizza Place Provoker", it's probably a popular truck model? Coincidence? Perhaps? I've seen stranger things than this likely mundane coincidence.. But I doubt it. I've been doing this a long time now & smell their setups a mile away now.
Me? I just want the gang to leave me alone. They are not my friends, I have not submitted to nor willingly performed sex in years. I have not consented to pose nude or semi-nude ever in my entire life & certainly not recently. Anyone approaching my place is not a friend, all people coming up to my place are stalkers & or kidnapping rapists, agents for or sent on behalf of the gang. Period!
If you're a Law Officer or Agent anyone coming up to my place is not my friend, employer, no one I know is authorized to approach me & never was, rugged loner & all that I am. Anyone coming to my place is a "person of interest", nothing more. In short, if you are an officer of the law & see someone coming to or from my place, they are ALL unauthorized, likely criminals, period! Please scrutinize them Officers for my safety. They are not my friends.
"Our true power is reflecting back the accusations of our victims on them".
"You accuse us we accuse you right back & using the same accusation you use on us".
- A winning Child-Molestor strategy I'm told, works infallibly in mid-Michigan.
"We try to involve as many innocent people as possible so they'll say that our victim must be nuts for accusing them". - Also infallible in mid-Michigan
LAST NITE, 00551 HOURS THE FIREWORKS SOUNDED OUT, OF COURSE FROM THE SAME SPOT AS THE pickup I photographed. They hounded me when I tried to sleep.
I woke 0850ish, fireworks soon fired out. Softly this time, not the spread like last nite.
I was obviously dosed, drugged.
it is with regret that I DECIDED TO NOT WRITE this website anymore until i can get some lengthy rem sleep.
Note: my writing or writing won't be because the gang have relaxed their ATTACKS, NAY, BECAUSE YTHEY STEPPED THEM, UP & i FEEL IT IS a disservice to my fellow victims (whom I seek to free via my writing) & myself to continue writing when so addled, the mistakes I've detected thus far mean it is irresponsible for me to write.
Well, that's my life, how's your's reader?
Oh yeah, at that Food Lion intersection, north of Food lio9n on the highway where they were confronting me in vehicles I wrote about earlier, there was a Harley biker who sat there, staring, at the ready for battle, unmoving as I walked up for over 100 yards, staring at me like the rest before him, left blinker still on (unlike the others before him, poor show dude) wearing what looked like a helmet & body armor who just sat & stared looking forward at the intersection, the "innocent provoking" the gang excel in. I told him "Good morning" as I walked past. He's part of the daily or almost daily ritual; all the rest leaving just as I walked up on them.
This is DaVE signing off. Pray for me. Please?
Last nite they were all over my yar, in force. So I yelled out I had their image.
A male man's voice, 20 yards east yelled "F*&^""! Then their team moved 20 yards south, I tolc them they I knew their new position.
A male man's voice, 20 yards east yelled "F*&^""! & repositioned 20 yard down the highway, & in the time it took to walk started fireworks, every 10-20 all nite.
Accidentally fell asleep 0700, woke dosed at 4pm, they stole my flashlight while I slept, I suppose when stalking a guy alone in the woods, steal his money & the rechargeable flashlight he needs. More buttons trashed on keyboard, pain...
Oct ten, 2024
A few keys no work, so I'll use X insteaX.
Come home after 4 Xay's away, first thing I noticeX was my place faintly reeks of acetone, you know, fingernail polish remover. They've been bombing my place with acetone so much, my place faintly permanantly reeks of it now.
I'm being bombe THAT much.
Spent much of last month sporting a "smoker's cough". Proof I'm a liar I' suppose? Everything is.
Xouble XoseX last nite. Burning in the extremities plus numbness.
Job 2:7 So went Satan forth from the presence of the Lord, and smote Job with sore boils from the sole of his foot unto his crown.
Woke up about 7am, XoseX. Lai awake, went to beX. Woke 600, laid in be pondering my latest ose, move, hearX the voice of a chilX mere yarXs away say. "He's up". There was no way I coulX be seen, no way for anyone to hear, no way for anyone to know that, save they coulX see me in a room without windows.
So tired...
Left home about 1500 hours. There was a car sitting in front of my place on the highway.
Me? I decided to just walk on. It's a free country, right?
inside the car they make animal noises. So, I grabbed my phone & approached. As soon as I grabbed the phone the car pulled away.
The gang brag they provoke, just to gauge reactions of targets for later manipulation.
Huh... Go figure?
Sodomized, my place pelted with debris, R.E.M. Sleep Deprivation headache. More buttons on keyboard do not work.
"Impossible. I know the gang & they told me they wouldn't act that way & I believe them. I know them well & they are fairly honorable in my opinion".
Every hour the wake me. Every 4 hours they dose me. Pelt my place every minute or 2 all nite long.
I woke up, high as a kite after 6 hours of much interrupted sleep, dazed, dosed, with a large group pelting my place with debris. Sustained fire, likely 8-12 people throwing stuff for a solid minute. I've yet to check my rectum or inventory the usual stuff... yet.
Pain at the dosing site, a rather rough injection likely roughly done. Not many fireworks, only when I sat up straight when reading or sitting up from sleeping.
WritteninBayCity...CopDiahreahBrownforreasonsofsymbolismsuretoeludeallmid-Michiganlawenforcementprofessionals. Sadly...
I'm still on a self-impose non-writing schedule because of the ongoing R.E.M. Sleep deprivation attacks.
The fireworks were plentiful today. They were otherwise normal, east & west 20-30 yards away, west being across the highway. Only difference is today they blew off multiple fireworks & louder than usual. Where as normally they use a single firework, popping them off no closer than every 20 minutes or so, this time it was multiple fireworks, 5-20 at least. Same spots, same time intervals. When I left home a veritable fireworks show took place as I left the house, maybe a hundred or so fireworks much farther due south of my place, 100 yards or s0.
I checked my inventory. They stole my ink pens, again, left me with 2 & just a few pencils.
I also note that I write short stories as a side hobby. Specifically, modules for Roleplaying Games like Twilight 2000 (1st Edition) & Star Trek. It's a side hobby, equal to puttering around the house by comparison. As a teen I was asked to note my writings were often ripped up & pieces, particularly from the paper's edges were ripped off 7 usually missing. Then they bragged it wasn't me, but from rough handling from the gang who rea my every work, searching for handwritten bits they can remove to form a message they can manipulate with their lies to sell a given narrative. uh jerk bragged he rea all my writings, taking great care to rea it all. Even if he doesn't have the time by having children photocopy every word i write. the rest he boasted was just rough handling by him 9or others, particularly bored children who are tasked with the tedious task of photocopying hundreds of pages (I'm a prolific writer). He said I brought it on myself, being I'm prone to rewriting sections of my notes or adding pages here & there, thus necessitating photocopying my old written content to keep thorough. "Plus you write your invention ideas in the margins sometimes". Thus the need to keep copying my stuff, being I'm being stalked by a control freak obsessed madman & his ever eager & fearful team, still holding a gruge & fears over their experience uring the time of "The Gym"
That's my week, I'm chomping at the bit to write some tales, "The Biggest Boycount", an others.
For the record: I derive zero enjoyment from writing this website.
About1330hoursItookanap.Setmyalarmfor1505.Wokeup,&in1minuteorsoIhearacardoorslam&inseconsIhear a womanscream&shoutwhatmighthavebeen...iano,butsheclearlywasnothappy.Fireworkseveryminuteorsoforawhileallaroundme,likeusualallcoming30yardsawaywestonthehighway.Ilivealoneinthewodds&there'snoreasonforanyonetostopinfrontofmyisolatedlocation.
Escalation... very loud.... they must have quite the annual fireworks budget.
The voices of children abounded...
I predict a massive frame job upon me is in the works.
0400 CAR doors opened up and shut loudly all around me. Lots of people decided to disgorge (or re-enter) a multitude of cars within about 30-40 yards of my wooded isolated place.
I woke up worse dosed than ever with lots of pain. Ow...
As of now young men are stalking me & making animal noises, following my every move intermixed with occasional soft fireworks. Lately they've been blowing some big money on loud fireworks, with an impressive budget & shows that last all nite, save for a few times when they took a day or 2 off in a row, like the 2 days BEFORE the election, only to start right back up as soon as their forces were not needed during the election, for whatever was their reason I'd guess (see how sleep-deprived me used the word guess to explain why they took off the 2 days BEFORE the election?).
Every now & then they just... take a day away from me". Poof, gone. Who knows what happened.? Frankly, I don't believe the mid-Michigan... cops when they tell me they are sure the gang acted ethically the whole time on such days.
They really poured on the fireworks as of late. Today, same spot noon 10-3, Intermittent to heavy fireworks turning to 2 guys shooting submachineguns. Likely 8 clip magazines. I say 2 because of how close the clips fired one after another.
2 nites ago I woke drugged after having to endure hours of drunk breath circling the yard. As a mid-Michigan... cop you probably have no idea why I chose that name.
Soooo.... Monday at a local bread line a black gal was all over me, spouting with all her being the CNN mantra on Trump Politics with all her might, very loudly & earnestly.
Me? I tried to humor her & not antagonize the gal with booze breath. No accusation. Though... at one point she brought up the Illuminati & I responded that it wouldn't surprise me to learn she belonged to the gang, criminal cartel. Especially since the last month's blockers didn't show up Monday.
On another note I've been enduring years of b what the gang calls "Blockers". When stalking a victim "on the list" the gang feels the need to control a victim's every contact. Blockers are provided to talk to & usually easily revealed by the rules they are to observe when engaging a target in conversation. Soooo... Monday nite I woke, drugged & already losing it to the drugs. Outside it sounded to me like some woman was in charge, joyously in charge of the m& young men who's voices I heard before I passed out. I wanted to write about it yesterday but Wix wouldn't work, so I wrote it today.
Gang members have bragged to me that traditionally the gang does not bear the burden of paying for the fireworks to stalk their targets. Ammo either. The costs are passed onto their new victim/members who pay when the gang show up & inform their new member, they are taking their ammo & fireworks.
The "firers" seemed to go back & forth between the spots where I enter/exit the woods & alternated their fire at them spots. Usually stopping the noise only to walk to the next site. Bang $5-1000 in fireworks or ammo, then move quietly & slowly to the next spot & resume.
Hey, it's just trivia to add in that the guy at church who stole my stuff out of the church property AND got everyone to call me a jerk too (go figure huh), years of gaming notes & artwork (blame COVID, we all had to do something during those boring years) sells guns AND fireworks.
Go figure huh?
There you go Reader, and now I've gone & been fool enough to publish the above... publicly.
All part of my strategy... the truth, the whole truth... & nothing but the truth.
Sooooo... I sat up to do some writing (my hobby, but I can't prove it as a massive number of years of writing & artwork were recently stolen from me at church (another story, and yeah, there were several "invention ideas" therein too, just a big coincidence) and the fireworks began continuously to the southeast of my location. Maybe a small city block away & lasted an hour continuously. Unusual only for their intensity, number of explosives & all. Some louder than others. About a half-hour to an hour later I left walking for the nearby major city (it's what you do when a stalker ruins your every bike & car piece by dangerous piece). The fireworks maintained direction & pace with me as I walked to the nearby Walmart area (that's a lot of fireworks, much more than normal). Just in front of me & to the right as I walked down the state borderline. Hay, doesn't that make this an interstate racketeering kind'a thing? Just asking.
Well, that's how my day went. Being stalked by madmen isn't as glamorous as the... cops tell me I make it sound. No, not at all.
Meh, whatever...
The Lord giveth and the Lord taketh away. Blessed be the name of the Lord.
A few days ago, I'm not sure what they did to me, I got serious "weird" sensations about my throat, the uvula to be specific. Now when lying on my back I wake hourly, unable to breath.
Add in the high tech stuff the gang proved they installed back there for court, & who knows what? Call me cyberDave? The R.E.M. Sleep Deprivation was savage & uncomfortable. My rectum hurting, whatever...
They woke me hourly, a huge 5:45 am wakeup with large loud fireworks getting progressively louder as they were set up to my west where they were as loud as any firework far from me. Not a powerful as the last few days. They still like to double honk on the semi-horn when I sit up or ready myself to leave. Near as I can tell the honking, obviously heard in my area was exclusively for me, as I heard no other honking save when I sat up straight or readied to leave.
No less than 6 cell-phones, assorted gear, art, 3 full notebooks of notes written during the COVID Lockdown (I had to do something with my day) assorted tools, odds & ends of life other stuff, Tun Guy & Con-Man chose well.
The Lord giveth & the Lord taketh away. Blessed be the name of the Lord.
Here I shall address the gang, I know you guys read my website.
1st, a tale.
I was in that white apartment house on Bay City Center Ave. in the basement within sight of Bay City's seat of Government Bay County Hall.
Duh Jerk & the 4stars were there with an assortment of Jocks slapping me during what for them, seemed like a fun time slapping me & hitting me between PRACTICAL jokes. I'd complain about the drugs, but I'd bet we were all on one drug or another. Me involuntarily.
In a moment of time I became semi-lucid & decided to resist, but how?
It's fuzzy, but that time I disabled the giant Jock by the door with a single blow each & took the pistol from the 2nd & shot him in the face right there. Then I turned my Gun on Duh Jerk! Almost point blank to the face.
He dropped to his knees & pleaded for his life. So did the 4 Stars when I leveled the gun at them.
I told each I'd spare their life in exchange for swearing to leave me alone for life. Each agreed on their knees. Frankly, I was sick of killing & glad to just walk away.
After my recapture I recall them taunting. Of course, their word meant nothing & I was a fool to spare them. The torture session was resumed by the guys many a uniformed & on duty Bay City... cop told me. "I know those guys, they're nice guys". And even said to their uniformed & on duty peers who were at their posts & to me. "I know the gang & they seem fairly honorable to me".
I told each of them, all 5 of them. "You owe me your life". Because they reneged on their promise. "You owe me for sparing your lives in The Gym. You know they did everything they could to try to get me to kill you there don't you"? This is not the only time we had that conversation. "You owe me your life". I even had the same conversation with many of "The Children of The Gym".
Why bring it up.? Recently my game campaign notes were stolen in the black hard plastic luggage I kept them in from the church where I had them at. All mostly written during the Pandemic.
I'm going to ask the gang who many Government Employees at their posts told me were fairly honorable in their opinion a question. Not for a favor, not out of any debt I have past or future because you owe me. And not just them 5 people, many in your gang "owe me". I'm going to ask once & in a pleasant way.
Please return the stolen goods.
So much for honor.... Never accuse a child-mlestor (occupation/hobby misspelled on purpose) or one of the... cops who love them of having honor.
Moving on. I sat up to leave, ya know, that ritual we all perform,. shoes on, jackets, the stuff we need to walk out into winter. As soon as I did they, "they", by "they" I mean someone obviously, who? Idano, "they let off the largest fireworks show of the last few years at the other end of the path that I use to leave the woods. As a local... cop you probably say "awww... coincidence". Yeah, coincidence. It's just a coincidence that, during the day about 3pm someone chose that spot to blow $1,000 in fireworks between the intermittent rain showers during the day in winer cold. "Coincidence citizen, do you have any ID"?
Thanksgiving 2024
It began early at about 0001 hours or so when I walked the wooded path to spend my 1st nite at my new place.
Matthew 10:23
But when they persecute you in this city, flee ye into another: for verily I say unto you, Ye shall not have gone over the cities of Israel, till the Son of man be come.
As I walked up to the roadside a child gave me a single hoot from a large field of reeds 10 yards away inside in the dark.
As I walked the path on 3 occasions I heard different children & men, each positioned along the path but deep enough in the woods that seeing the was not possible said the same thing softly. "He's coming".
A male young adult shamelessly made a hooting noise all nite, hooting about every minute or so until about 0400ish when I went to sleep, exhausted as I was.
I woke up sodomized, Quite nnasty as my rectum is quite swolen now. I didn't check the usual stuff for depletion, halving & quartering & such yet. but noted quickly when I wanted to pursue my writing hobby that all my pens & pencils were stolen save 2 & 3 respectively, a 4th being not in the usual spot leaves me with 2 & 4 & only a single big eraser. The hooting resumed in the rain.
I awoke dosed the worst yet with it's associated pain & numbness. I recently sprained my ankle & was on the mend, I woke up in much pain, like I'd walked on it for a long time, or struggled, who knows which?
The day is still young...
Yeah, my stalking goes on, full tilt, unabated.... Whatever...
Today was sort of a red-letter day. I was packing my stuff to leave a local coffee cafe when I stepped on my mechanical pencil. Unlike other pencils I have owned it had history of sorts. I found it a year or 2 ago in a local park. It was sort'a "girly". Purple had a lil glitter, 0.7mm lead. In life, playing games & all like I have, I've often kept a few "girly" items on me, "just in case" I should get into a game or even a conversation with an eligible woman. The theory behind it is I can make the gal comfortable by handing her a pencil she might like. Who knows? She mighty even ask for it? It's a potential icebreaker. Truth is when I bump into kids, many of whom are attracted to me playing video games or doing art in public, it tends to catch their eyes & they like it. They use it if the situation happens & in theory it spares my other more capable pencils (thus more expensive).. Well, I stepped on it.
It occurred to me that it's been a long long long time since I used up a pencil or pen, or even broke one myself , thus removing it from my inventory. But I buy as many as 20 pens & pencils a year. Right? The rest have been stolen my entire life. Hundreds & hundreds of pens & pencils, stolen.
It made me wax nostalgic about the 2 pencils in my life I wore out on my own. I remember them like they were yesterday. One in grade school, one in... middle school? They were both yellow #2 pencils & I wore them down until they would no longer fit into a pencil sharpener. The one I used a knife to whittle to a nub even further before they became the only 2 pencils I ever threw away that expired from old age.
I recently had a church ink pen, wrote 2 pages & it went dry.
The Last Snitch (among others) challenged me to consider children on drugs, brats high as a kite at the gang rape/film session. My stalkers, needing to focus the druggie kid's attention hand them my pens & say to write scribbles for the next 15 minutes to earn their next drugs. Their neighbor will photocopy my every page of every book for later as a record, just in case, that maybe, just maybe I wrote something in the margins. "It's your own fault because we know that you write your invention ideas down in the margins of some of your books". "We know that you sometimes write phone numbers down in the margins of your books". He boasted, saying they kept track of them all, lest the guy with a 5-digit number of attempted murders against him make a new friend or employer. "We don't want you making any friends".
"We run organized crime out of a school. It's just a coincidence that the mean things we do to make school kids lives miserable work against you too". He remarked about my writing hobby.
Is this just normal Americana nostalgia? Is this just how it is? I only ask because I have nothing to compare it to?
12-25-24 Christmas Day
2 days of brutal, worse than normal R.E.M. Sleep Deprivation. Waking me every hour or less. A team of 2 men surround me waking me, a 3rd mans the big rig & presumably the horn somewhere nearby from Mellisa Ct. to the primary location at or near Stage Rd. west of the highway.
Just like I said in an earlier entry, likely the gang are planning something big, a public confrontation of sorts, who knows? Maybe even "The big one"? Their final confrontation? If so they promise to do so by delivering a R.E.M. Sleep Deprived me, because no... cop would ever believe any child-molester would treat someone so dishonorably.