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  Why do I mix up the dates & my message?

  It's deliberate & meant to be symbolic of the life-shattering experiences inflicted upon me by a gang of self-indulgent & self-entitled recreational serial-killing baby rapers & their stable of dirty & clean but otherwise clueless... cops that they regularly use against their victims.

  Symbolism. Got that?

  Deliberate de·lib·er·ate adjective /dəˈlib(ə)rət/

  1. done consciously and intentionally.

    "a deliberate attempt to provoke conflict"

  verb /diˈlibəˌrāt/

  1. engage in long and careful consideration.

    "she deliberated over the menu"

Bay City Badge.jpg



Go to this website below, watch it, then read this true life tale!

  Sooooo... there I was in the house on Center Street in Bay City Michigan a few blocks from the Bay County Law Enforcement Center (Bay City... cOPSHOP) & Bay County Building (City Capital) in mid-torture. I'd managed to wrestle a pistol from my kidnappers during an extended torture session in the white building shown IN THE VIDEO!

  Then I pistol whipped & beat & maimed my way out of the room & ultimately took the guy Duh Jerk had claimed was their "Golden Child" of sorts hostage by putting the pistol to his head & using him as a human shield. The Golden Child was allegedly being groomed for greatness by the gang & was supposedly the child of extremely high-ranking members of the Satanic Church & Gang. The gang were unwilling to shoot at me for fear of hurting him. An extremely verboten act they'd brought up in conversation. By the time I made it to the front door I recall, now (not then, I recall now that at that time the following happened) that my memory reset on the way to the front door. I had no idea where I was nor why I had a pistol to some 18 year old guy's head. But I do recall that I had a sense of urgency like it was important that I keep this guy under my control.

  I was confronted by Bay City Michigan's own pistol-pointing dirty cop I've nicknamed Dirty Cop himself & a 13 year old teen boy at the front door. He demanded that I drop the gun!

  I refused. But only because I was in a confused state of mind.

  Dirty Cop turned to the teen & said. "Go & call the Police. Tell them there's a hostage situation & an armed standoff & an Officer needs assistance".

  Me? I had no idea who the... cop  was, who any of these people were, why I had a pistol, or how this could've escalated to an armed hostage standoff. Not a clue. So I flipped the pistol around in my hand & handed it to Dirty Cop & said. "Here you go". Then I protested innocence.

  He handcuffed me behind my back & took me downstairs while I complained about the few memories that'd begun flooding back into my mind about the kidnapping & lengthy torturing session I'd been enduring there during the loud music (always loud to obscure cries of torment or calls for help). Then Dirty Cop took me downstairs. There the gang were.

  At 1st I didn't recognize them. But in under a minute the memories of Duh Jerk & the 4 Stars flooded back into my mind. Easy, BECAUSE THEY WERE RIGHT THERE! Then l begged Dirty Cop to get me out of there but he talked on with them about business as usual ignoring me.

  Lastly the memories of Dirty Cop's involvement flood back into my mind sometime about the time they prepared a new syringe to drug me. I knew I'd been had.

  Duh Jerk told me he liked to torture his victims there in lengthy torture sessions. A place where he could have lots of fun with gunplay (PRACTICAL jokes) & no one would call the cops. He played the music loud to make sure passers by heard nothing. He claimed he "owned" ["controlled"] all the houses around there & no one would call the Police whom he didn't want to no matter what happened.

  Lots of gang members have confided in me that the gang "owns" ["controls"] the houses within a block of the library because the gang likes to do many bad things, deeds, & make "skits" there unimpeded. If anyone calls a cop it'll be one of our dirty cops".

  Skip to the future. 8-24-22 & I just saw a Bay City Michigan Police interview on Youtube about an armed standoff a block or so away?!?!?!?! Right by the Masonic Temple that the gang brags they control & or attend? At one of the locations I detailed in my +1,500 page letter to the FBI where someone gets hurt every few pages?

  What more proof do you need?

  The smoking gun. mic drop...


  "All we have to do is tell the cops that we're sorry. We just got a little carried away because the guy's [their victims ie: many, many innocent people] such a scumbag".

It's how the gang's scam works. Their every apology & every act is pure... sure, THEY are the kidnapping torturing child-porn raping agressors but they're only doing it because their victim is such a scumbag. "You want proof? Ask his ___(insert family member or authority figure title name here)___".

  It always works too as long as the gang can keep investigator's eyes on their victims & not on them.

  It's how the scam works.

beat feet.png

  The camera never lies. Or so tell me.

  Oddly, it is impossible for a child-molester to be accused of using the above camera illegally. In several assaults by uniformed on duty police at their posts they've informed me child-molesters do NOT embrace nor use technology. They are ALL stereotypical basement dwelling harmless idiots incapable of violence who are 30 years behind the... cops in technology & unerringly love children & would never hurt one nor do anything unethical like stalk one into adulthood. It just doesn't happen. Not in their America.

  Secretly many... coward... cops took me to the side & told me they knew I was being victimized. The gang was simply too powerful. They were too scared to help me. Most told me they'd destroy me for the gang free of charge if my case should come across their desk (they said they were too scared to oppose the gang).


  THEY SAY THE TRUTH SHALL SET YOU FREE... Right now it looks like God & the truth are my only hope.

   1st, the truth. Pedophiles like the gang I claim are stalking me are politically powerful & rich. Watch the below videos.

  Soooo.... my stalkers, who are into medical perversion & delight in using all sorts of medical devices as torture implements came to me about the time of my last entry & says they plan to kill me, just get rid of me. The plan was to give me COVID over & over until I died. I just did a long time with COVID. Weak & near death for the last month.

  I've already claimed, the gang claimed to have inserted listening devices, bugs into my ears, hearing what I hear & able to track me continuously & inflict much pain. They began my COVID nightmare by shocking me awake every minute or 2 for 5 hours for days. I was allowed sleep but not to enter R.E.M. sleep, the gang's "Standard Attack form". "Plan: A". The song "This is how we do it can play while describing this. It's cheap & effective.

  Well, I'm fairly R.E.M.-sleep deprived now, just strong enough to walk to a computer... finally.

  I can feel the dulling maddening effects of R.E.M. deprived sleep. The gang brag it kills. It is the gang's standard attack form. The thing ALL their victims have in common. All. A quantity of 100%.

  Why R.E.M. sleep deprivation?

  THIS... is what they've done to me since I was a few weeks old. It hurts, it's horrible, it's injurious & infallible at demonizing victims who can safely be paraded in front of police who will never believe the demented victim before them or their accuusations:

  I began this week sodomized & they injected who knows what into my left shoulder, there was a lump. The needle tracts, particularly in my right arm are growing longer, they've been working on a 2nd row for quite some time.

  Well... I was lucky to survive... still probably in the midst of yet another COVID attack.

  You know what reader? I had thought to describe the horror I went through. The pain of COVID, the sleep deprivation attacks, the ongoing rapes, the ongoing soft noise campaign in my yard for years now. No hair clippers last more than a few uses, no razors last, anything to do with grooming is destroyed, poured out, stolen. It's horrible.

  I hear I'm just another name on the list to the gang now. Filled to the brim with madmen & with my family eager to back up any accusations against me for them they stalk me with impunity.

  "You can do anything you want to a man if you own his family".


  Monday: 5-24-2021

  On or about Friday the 21st, 2021 I was abducted again. Drugged, my "handler" escorted me about a "compound" or estate grounds of sorts claiming it was a Hospital & that we'd soon be having sex with the patients there. I was taken into a room with 4 hospital beds & 7 other people. My "gal", a 20ish year old woman with red hair (one of my last girlfriends had red hair & I note that since dating her they like using redheads more often) was in the bed covered by a sheet. She invited me to have sex with her covered by the sheet.

  So I did. It troubles me to think on the way their "sheet sex scam" often works (though it might not be the case this time) & works by inviting me to have sex with a desirable woman who twists her torso under a sheet & hides the "individual" who I'm really having sex with from me. Once sexually engaged the films can show me having willing sex with any man, woman, child, beast, or appliance & it's worked infrequently against me. I think they usually just try their luck & see if "it'll work this time".

  Afterwards a large crowd filed out. While I'd had sex in front of the 7 others they were a dozen or more who may have been watching or participating. Members of the crowd approached me, likely on film & thanked me for putting together the whole affair. As though I was the host & their leader. 

  AUTHOR NOTE: Being a rich man's get out of jail free card isn't fun, I didn't want to be there, I didn't want to have the soles of my feet beat on afterward.

  Sleep deprivation attacks. Yeah, in the yard at precisely 3 AM this very morning. Unusual only because they like 2:30 as a rule. They woke me up, chatted, & the head molestor gave orders to his children & left.


  This week in Rape Gang Review:

  I was sodomized most nights last week. Being I'm lucky to recall 1 in 20 (or so it's reported by bragging gang bangers) it means it's likely part of a larger ongoing rape frame operation. EXCEPT when they boast they want me to remember.

  The way it works is they drug the victim stupid & rape them for life... on film. Then, once the final good guy honest Police Officer report condemns their victim to a life void of possible police help (being the victim is legally classified as a lying liar & cannot get help from police in modern day rapist-friendly America). Once the... cops 

  Soooooo.... the way it works is the gang are drugging me in some way to induce a lot of gas being expelled from me. Then they get me to lay on all 4's on a bed, fart the nite away, & sodomize me, on film, in a way so perverse that up & until now NO victim came oppose their accusations.

  Duh Jerk told me personally while recruiting me their scripted response to any accusation. It went like this. "Pervert? Who are they calling pervert? Look at them"! He liked to laugh & while sitting in his tax-payer funded office trying to recruit me into the gang he told me as much. The gang's many films render them immune to prosecution. :No one would think I would be so stupid as to film a rape". And his favorite saying he boasted many, many times over the decades. "I can do anything I want to anyone as long as I film it".

  Soooooo... how has my week went? I passed the time trumpeting the Child-Molestor's glory tune. How was your week oh ye loyal Reader?


  The sleep deprivation attacks are beginning to take their toll. I'm increasingly losing my cognitive functions. Becoming addled & increasingly unable to understand spoken conversation. It's not fun.

  From people in my yard keeping me awake to the gang's audio implants which have awoken me on several occasions.

  They awoke me hourly... again.

  Logically, their gang WOULD NOT DO THIS unless they had their ducks in a row. That means a few guys in jail, ready to flood the punishment section of the jail to keep me awake. That & a few "friendly to the child-molesting cause guards" which are much more common than most people(and... cops) think.

  Sadly, it also means they have several of their numbers already in the local loony bin. A paid off orderly (who are all paid way, way too much to to help organized crime, not even if motivated by "the films".

  My stalker, Mr. Dork Baldo (an insulting nickname) told me that I could only expect death if I should find myself in his child-molester friendly Kent General Hospital.

  Soooo.... as I soon will likely begin another battle for my freedom with me mind, once again addled by lack of R.E.M. sleep I find myself only able to pray to God for help. A thing I did in almost every story in this website. Frankly I pray a lot. It seems to be my only hope. I hope. Hope... hope... hope... It's all I got. The gang boast my crippling foot bone breaking attacks, the recent multiple COVID inflictions (caught it over & over for over a month) were inflicted on my person because I've been soul-winning again. Ever since I was a baby whenever I chose to go soul-winning the gang has angrily lashed out at me with all the tricks available in their arsenal of lies & bag of technological devices (technology? Not a single... cop anywhere buys that one, and they are & have been unfailingly violent when the possibility is suggested in my personal experience).

  I went to church & have been tithing & soul-winning as of late, as best I can with the bone breaking & disease infliction. STDs & such. The rapes, the sleep deprivation, the R.E.M. sleep deprivation attacks (different than purely sleep deprivation attacks, it requires 1/2 a brain to learn enough to know the difference). I am resolved to become the best Christian I can be. While I am mentally able. For now the church I go to seems content to watch me waste away into a delirious fool... again. I've had many R.E.M. sleep deprivation attacks in my life & the gang has no shortage of films of me interactions with them, Police, & Mental Health Professionals who invariably have continued the attacks as best they could once I was under their grasp.

  Blessed be the name of the Lord.

  To God be the glory for getting me this far, physically AND mentally. I prayed my entire life for strength in dealing with it, & most of my life I prayed with faith for wisdom in dealing with the gang & their bi-annual (or so) attacks on me both on film & with a host of professionals & even my family, all on film. As though I, who am camera shy, would want my picture taken.

  Homosexual rapes, always perverse, child-porn, always weird & always filmed. WHERE ARE THE POLICE?

  Where are they?



  Sooooooo... at approximately 9AM while traveling west on West Division near or at the intersection with Queen Ss. the black truck driving child-molesting stalker I'll give the humiliating nickname (don't blame me, blame the US Military's Survival in a P.O.W. Camp books which give the advice to give your captors humiliating nicknames) Truck Driving Child-Molestor in-city Shuttle Driver yelled at me while driving east towards said intersection. He yelled to me, mere blocks from the local police department, he yelled to me, as I walked along, minding my own beeswax, not hurting anyone. He... yelled to me from his rustbucket poorly painted black pickup truck with big wheels (not monster truck, which would be cool, just big cheap wheels, like a dork wannabee might have). He yelled. "You're sleepwalking". An unusual thing to yell to someone for no reason. But he yelled it, between visits to my place where he drops off the children who are tasked with waking me up hourly & bi-hourly for the last few months.

  Soooooo... I pondered what he said. Why not? Sleepwalking? Hmmmmm. I know that, according to my research, that long-term R.E.M. sleep-deprived victims (the gang's standard attack form) that the mind enters a state where the victim seems awake but their brainwave patterns indicate they are  asleep & or dreaming. Have I now entered that state?

  I tried talking to a woman yesterday about an important subject. I found my usual speaking skills to be seriously degraded. In short... I'm losing it. Losing my ability to carry a rational coherent conversation.

  What does this mean? Well it cant be good. Especially when I consider the gang's past atrocities & boasts/whines (depending on which molestor you're talking to) of the gang.

  What bugs me the most (and they boast to whine about it IS proof of intention & I've checked the data in court, it IS) is Fagboy's & Captain Aryan's plans to keep trying to get me to kill large groups of people with assault weapons & explosives. With their many films of the Twilight 2000 games I ran they boast it'll be an easy sell to... cops.

  Dork Baldo was bragging they just plan to kill me (last seen at Silver Lake Park). "We plan to inflict you with COVID over & over until you die. I did a month solid inflicted with COVID. It likely took no less than 3 & maybe as many as 4 variants of COVID to keep me infected that long (not hard to do, the gang is into "medical stuff" & thrives on "medical torture". Every... cop in America knows & is 100% certain madmen use medical devices to torture their victims. It's a matter of public record. It absolutely positively IS happening & they know it. But to state publicly that one is a victim of a criminal organized crime gang & that their madmen are in fact tormenting you thusly IMMEDIATELY invites public destruction by the police of America. By destruction I mean a victim is demonized & left defenseless of police protection. The... cops will no longer help them because they can be dismissed.

  I am entering a percentage of the U.S. population even now. To complain about a gang attack while being delirious (likely from R.E.M. sleep-deprivation being inflicted upon me) is to invite Police ridicule at best. No... cop in America will investigate the claims of the delirious. It's simply not done.

  Who dies? Will they drug me & convince me to commit another robbery? Mass murder? Frame me for even more things?

  See: IN THE POLICE STATION... on the Dirty Deeds page for an example of past R.E.M. Sleep-Deprived antics actually INSIDE various police stations.

  On the religious front, my quest for religion that is, I resolved a while ago to go soul-winning. I feel it's my to reach the souls of the lost & the damned & do my best to get them to accept Jesus as their personal savior & take as many people as possible to Heaven with me before... "the end" (which may be sooner than I'd like). I feel it's "the decent thing to do". Besides, I'm a poor man in this world & the thought of some Heavenly reward for the next life is really really appealing to me.

  Soooo..... last Friday they beat on my feet & sodomized me & made it impossible, due to pain, to go soul-winning in the organized church Soul-Winning weekend event. Fair enough. I did manage to spend time handing out Gospel Tracts during the week like I often do. Not glamorous but I have high hopes that handing out Gospel Tracts to the lost will result in some  turning from their sins & accepting Jesus as their personal saviors & net me some reward in Heaven. As far as riches go... it seems like a safe bet & may be my only hope of ever being rich (but, God have all the praise, we'll see).

  I 1st do praying that God strengthen me & open the hearts & minds of the people receiving the tracts, pray for God's protection & strength (the latter prayer being more important than ever lately) & I walk around handing out Gospel Tracts to everyone I meet & on every car window I find standing still. I pray after handing out the tracts too... & often pray during. Pray, pray, pray, I do a lot of it.

  This Friday the gang suspended my sleep-deprivation assault on Friday night, so I took the rare opportunity to sleep in. Truth be told I might've gone soul-winning, maybe not, the pain is intense. My subsequent rape/torture/sodomy on Saturday really hurt my feet badly. I found myself unable to walk to church.

  Well, that was my week. Pain... pain... pain... and lots of prayer.


  Well... the ongoing campaign against my rectum, feet, & sleep goes on unabated. Changed only by the gang having ramped up the intensity of their frequent assault.

  I'm in lots of pain in my feet from recent attacks.

 It's ONLY trivia to add, that unless a... cop was a complete & addled moron they would admit that busting the bones of rape victims is "common" in America. Some of you should look up the word common & do some research. It's almost as easy as just issuing blanket dismissals on wounded victims & when you're old you'll sleep nicer not hearing the screams of the children in your dreams like so many of your peers have confided in me they suffer from.

  Common com·mon/ˈkämən/

  1. 1.

    occurring, found, or done often; prevalent.

    "salt and pepper are the two most common seasonings"


  1. 1.

    a piece of open land for public use, especially in a village or town.

    "we spent the morning tramping over the common looking for flowers"

  2. 2.

    (in the Christian Church) a form of service used for each of a group of occasions.


  Sooooooo.... I'm still being stalked & regularly sodomized. Thursday was... unusual. I was sitting in my wooded home & wondering. "What if the noise campaign against me is just nature? What if"? We all have doubts, right? Then one of the noise making "team's" cell phone rang mere yards from my place.

  Sooooooo.... Last night I had a hunch the gang planned to sodomize me again. While the noise-making "team" is active most nights it was active full force. Near as I can tell they've got children supervised by a lone adult armed with animal noise makers. They tend to hang out to the south about 20 yards away in my pond. Travelling slowly, likely wearing waders, but not necessarily. I had a hunch that since I wasn't sodomized on Friday or Saturday (likely usual, they like to switch frequently) Sunday night would be their night.

  Soooooooo... in the midst of a sleep-deprivation attack I decided to stay up all night. I could hear them. Teen children & an adult male. It wasn't fun. They stalk me. Stalkers... stalking me...

  stalk·er/ˈstôkər/ noun

  1. 1.

    a person who harasses or persecutes someone with unwanted and obsessive attention.

    Example: "Tracy claimed to be the victim of a stalker".


  Recap: I stayed up all night despite my ongoing stalking by madmen. Most likely a lateral move at best.

  The night was uneventful, except I took it upon myself to address the crowd. I could hear one of them run off immediately. They got in a parked car & took off while leaving their partners in crime to up the noise.

  Actually, the noise itself isn't so loud. I'd bet 100 to 1 odds the neighbors aren't even aware of it. Except for the soft fireworks.

  I woke up this morning. Proceeded to go about my day, then noticed 2 Durex Condoms in my front yard. It may explain the sighs of exasperation I heard. Someone was disappointed.

  I'll likely whine tomorrow about tonight's sodomy. Living in America where a gang of madmen who are williing to spend whatever it takes to keep one of many "Get Out Of Jail Free Cards" down isn't fun. In fact it's horrible.

  I pray for them often & know who many of them are. The catch? Read on.

  "It is the accusations of our victims reflected back at them that is our true power" - The Last Snitch

  What the above means is, ANY accusations made by a victim are reflected back at them. If their victim dare accuses the gang of anything, their "go to move" is to make up a bunch of lies (or half truths or even truths (hey, if my fellow victims are anything like me THEY aren't perfect either. That's when they don't just throw them into some prison or whackado place. I hear they like to change it up.

  "We cant destroy all of our victims the same way. So we like to change it up".

  This is where their many many many many threats come into play. Once repeated both Dirty AND Skeptic... cops both chuckle & say. "But you said they threatened you this way, or that way. And now here you are going down in an entirely different way. That's proof enough for me". The gang boast the technique applied is... "infallible. Until now.

  Well, that's how my weekend went.

  Raped, tortured, & sodomized.
  They broke a new bone or 2, one in each foot. A team of about 7 were in my yard last night. Motorcycles, trucks, cars, they all delivered my rapists.
  Welcome to my America...


  How's it going today? Read the above entry & say. "Ditto".

  First, a tale from my childhood. Here goes:


  Soooooooo... there I was about 4 to 6 years old. My Mother (HONOR! HONOR! HONOR!) was in the habit of taking me from place to place. We went from home to home, visiting people once for an hour or so & then off to the next in about a month.

  The places & people seemed mundane at best. Lower middle class homes mostly. The places had a few things in common. They all had children who were Godless brats & had a lot of toys... in comparison to myself.

  The other thing they had in common was at each house they had an animal noise maker of sorts. The most popular being frog noise thingy's & duck noise makers. Oddly, Elk & Deer noise makers were popular too. Each family we went to had one.

  It was at one of the 1st homes the children asked me if I knew why playing with them irritated their parents?

  No, no I did not know I said.

  They claimed it was because they were in a torture & rape gang. Members in good standing (whoops... I just lost the sum of mid-Michigan law enforcement, oh well, no accounting for taste, discussing true grown-up level organized crime hurts their delicate sensibilities in my experience, delicate flowers they all are). "Having the animal noise makers is mandatory (Author Note: 50 years ago, they may have upgraded in tech since then)". They, they being many children, said the gang used them to torture their victims. Noise makers to inflict sleep deprivation on said victims. "That's why it drives our parents nuts.". The parents had used the devices for months on end by this stage of middle age life. They were sick of listening to the gizmos. They boasted the... cops would never believe a victim thusly tortured. It's they prelude to their final court frame job. Delivering them to court or a looney bin heavily sleep deprived & thus ill-suited to defend themselves & ripe for accusation. "Look, the guy/gal is crazy. The sleep deprivation accusation is just a lie/dodge/hallucination/ect...". Whatever the gang imagine police, courts, & innocent would-be good samaritans will believe (and they are experts at sounding them out & confirming the samaritan's suspicions. Asking leading questions. "What do you think is wrong with our victim"? And then proving it on the spot from a pre-prepared list of accusations.

or·gan·ized crime noun

  1. criminal activities that are planned and controlled by powerful groups and carried out on a large scale. "The gang had a number of pre-prepared films & documents at the ready & used the one they thought would confirm their accusations based on doubts or opinions expressed by Good Cops & Samaritans. "We asked the cops & the Dr.s what they thought might be the reason why our victim was crazy & then we whiped out the documents & films that proved it".

  Yesterday, I was awakened by a loud crash at about 6AM. Sounded like a large drum in my opinion. Strangely, but increasingly common as of late, I only heard the noise in my right ear.

  You know oh ye Skeptic... cops. You know implants only cost a few hundred bucks, more or less. It's how 21st century madmen & their gang's torment victims. It's cheap & the tech isn't even cutting edge. It's decades old tech, cheap, & sure top make... cops ignore a victim foolish enough to report their use.

  My question to Police? My statement? "Do you think that is the unbelievable part of my story? Really? Does a few-hundred dollar gizmo tip the scales of my story to unbelievable? Really? You bought that? Talk about 'cheap AND effective. Huh"? My story is about a modern day rape gang who've chosen to embrace simple, modern day decades old technology on the cheap side.

  My story is rather mundane as far as the tech accusations go. The gang regularly implant victims with listening devices & trackers. They brag they ARE human traffickers after all. This is the tech their gang embraces.

  In fact, it's perfectly legal to implant victims. Oh, they'll say kidnapping is illegal but with their badges & the fact double digit amounts of the population are thusly tagged (do your own research... cops, get a job!) with trackers my claim moves from the unbelievable to the "big whoop" category.

  Big wupp? Yeah, big whoop. But it's a start...

  Author Note: I have been & am now in the midst of a sleep deprivation attack by the gang. Again.

  Why? Do madmen need a reason? They brag I'm on their list & this is just what they do. When they finish with me they'll move on to the next victim on the list. It's what they do.


  I am to be deprived, methodically & deliberately by a criminal gang of my mental faculties in a deliberate & premeditated attack designed to render me unable to protect myself (or others, the MOST important part, I am NOT alone, I have many fellow victims) in "the court of cop opinion". - David A. George 6-17-21




"You can do anything you want to a man if you own his family".


  You see reader... it's not my whining the gang counts on to impress the... cops. It's their films that they use to accuse me that counts. Trust me. Thus has said a ton of... skeptic, lazy, & dirty... cops to me. "I've seen the films & you're not fooling anyone".

  "All we have to do is make you look like the biggest pervert around & the cops will never give you a chance".

  Wont anyone save me?



  The gang were at my place, in the woods, last night. I could hear them. It's almost always 100% of the nights now with exceptions rare, about every 2 weeks I get a night or 2 off. More or less.

  I stayed up until about 3:30AM & went to bed. About 4 or 5 AM fireworks erupted around me in all directions, all about 20 or so yards away from at least 4-6 locations in a coordinated fireworks display.

  Yeah, they beat on my feet. Better than the "who knows what they injected into me" of the last few weeks.

  I'm in lots of pain & can barely walk.

  I can hear Skeptic Cops now. "You don't seem to be limping to me. Liar".

  My reply? What it always is. "It's called 'gritting the pain'. It's what real men do. I can see why you'd be confused Sir".

  ESCALATION: The gang's concept that if a victim escalates (fighting back, going to police, publishing a website of their atrocities publicly, ect:) then they escalate as a matter of business (and it IS a business). Stepping up attacks both in frequency & in ferocity.

  "We do it because it's exactly what the cops want to hear". Eventually the... cops get tired of a single victim's calls & come late when called or not at all. Then the gang feels free to begin it's real horror show on their now defenseless victim. Who was likely isolated from their formerly loyal family & friends based on the accusations of a ton of sent professional gossipers & their many films.

  Child Molester 101. Nothing special, just business as usual.

  "You can do anything you want to a man if you own his family". - The Vice Principle

  The "snitch" (as he 1st presented himself to me) has used this boast on me many a time.

  Me? My opinion on the subject? If all you have is mid-Michigan or Dover Deleware... cOPS to back you up... YUP!


  "I don't like the way you talk about our local child-molesting community".-several mid-Michigan... cops in uniform and at their posts decades apart

"Because no one would do that". - The story of my life as retold to me by... cops who do not know me.


  I woke up Thursday morning & noted I was covered in a plethora (dozens) of short black hairs. Were I to guess it was animal hairs, a guess. Sodomized by who knows what man, woman, child, beast, or appliance.

  My stalking goes on unabated. 24/7 sunup to sundown.



  I stayed up all night last night to avoid the frequent rape/torture gangs. If I could barely walk before from their torture now... I can barely walk.  The cumulative effects of their vein blocking assaults is medically taking it's toll. Their threat I should become a quadruple amputee seems assured.

  Yeah... I prayed. I prayed a lot. I prayed in secret... I prayed & I sent letters & e-mails to... cops all over the world.

  It sucks to be me...

  Happy birthday to me...

  Happy birthday to me...

  and it sucks to be me...


  2 Days ago I woke with tremendous dental pain. My mouth afire. The cumulative effect of last years dental scrapings has finally paid off for the gang in pain... pain for me... and glory for them & all in front of the Living God who watched it all despite my many many prayers in secret to him.


  I plan to write about some of my P.T.S.D. today. You know, the things that caused it. For whatever reason I plan to write it on the inappropriate page of "Who do you think you're fooling"? Cause I ain't trying to fool anyone & the only fool in the tales written on 8-13-21 is me.



  The gang came back 2 nights after my last entry. They again scraped the my teeth, violently, beneath the gums leaving me in agony.

  Fagboy told me they came back because I hadn't written about a "gum scraping" in my online Blog &  for their purposes, because of some TV show that'd become available on a site I wont defame by mentioning, tied into the situation & would make my story all the more unbelievable. Huh, go figure? Why? Because IF you've read the story of the ongoing horrors of my life then, if you're an Idiot... cOP or Dirty Prosecutor then THAT is the unbelievable part. Right?

  I'd suppose Fagboy & his partners in crime figured it like this. "The cops [who we mock incessantly when they ain't around, even OUR loyal dirty cops] are going to totally believe David George (oddly, they always call me by 1st & last name when talking about me). But this teeth scaping will totally throw the cops off our scent".

  In the end Fagboy boasted something like. "We do this kind of stuff all the time & it works".

  Other than a few minor thefts (the usual, soiled underwear & over the counter acetaminophen (they take half, then half, then half, then half, & so on whenever HE'S involved) & food & spare change (yeah, they ARE that petty it's same old same old. Guys in the yard, making noises sure to be too soft to be heard by my distant neighbors (a sure indicator that the gang doesn't own them all, yet, but I'd bet more than one neighbor's been whining about being framed & another about being stalked, just a guess). Being the gang lights off the majority of their soft fireworks (Note: I said majority, not entirety) at the corner of Old White Oak Road & Old White Oak Road (it bends more than 90 degrees but does not change names) it can be certain the family(s) near there are either compromised or entirely "owned". Then again it is probable that the gang only hang out there or just rent a place (where the former tenants just might have interesting tales, maybe, just might, who knows? just a guess?).

  Me? When I grow up I wanna be a mid-Michigan or Dove DE... cop because I don't wanna work hard.


  More rapes... more torture... more pain... more horrors...

  Pain pain pain...




  Yeah, ow...


  Lately,  when I plan to write in this blog, diary, whatever, I tell myself it's time to begin by giving myself this inspirational speech. "Time to ruin my life again".


  Okay, down to the beeswax of it all. On or about last Thursday I had the good fortune (it was neither good nor fortunate though) to be kidnapped, drugged, & have sex with "some woman. She was probably about 30 years old or so, but drugs & makeup can do much to make such guesses inaccurate on the best of days. A brunette, shoulder length mostly straight hair. Not thin but far from fat or even full-figured. Height? I never saw her standing. Only laying down.

  Sooooooo... I recall the camera being there. I even mentioned it with my "Handler" who confirmed it was indeed being filmed.

  The gal claimed to be my girlfriend. Giddy she & I had sex. Not just sex, but very motivated sex on my part. On Child-Molestor film of course. Of course...

  Me? For a few days I planned on the usual whine, the gang-banger's gals are lazy & just lay there. For sex objects meant to tempt & seduce as a rule they are a lazy lot in the sack. Disappointing on their best days. I can see why MOST of their men turn gay. You know, the usual (very true) insults I level at the gang & it's assortment of lazy useless in the sack uninspired performance need a guy on drugs kinda lame hos insults.

  Then, it occurred to me. The gal seemed as enthusiastic as me (on film, on some drug(s?) that I don't know what they are), but she did in fact just lay there, giddy & eager to receive the loving I provided the gal who professed to be "my girlfriend" while I was on some drug(s?).

  I suspect it is, was possible she wasn't a card carrying gang banging lazy rapist ho but quite possibly my fellow victim!

  I recall many discussions with gang members over the years about the subject & they all went like this.

  I asked why they had me have sex with a fellow victim. It just didn't make sense to me. "I thought you guys hated me"? So why arrange a sexcapade?

  "Because when this all comes out we want you on the defensive admitting that you had sex with that woman".

  Such conversations are often followed by horror stories, true or not, about the women after the camera quit rolling. Horrific & brutal attacks usually ending in death with lots of "samples" to give every... cop the clues that will make them a quiver with excitement & sure to destroy me without the investigation I just might, maybe be able to elicit otherwise. "You ain't fooling nobody. We got the samples back from the lab". I'd suppose it bolsters the stories dirty... cops like those who will liter any case against me who'll insist in private with their fellow officers. "Don't let that guy fool you. I've seen "the films". He's guilty". Guilty of what? Why guilty of whatsoever the gang thinks they can sell easily gulled... cops. Just in case my case doesn't come before a solid career dirty jury bent on my destruction.

  The Last Snitch bragged on the subject. "Who cares cares how unfair your 1st trial is. All that matters is that you're in orange for the 2nd & that we can call you convicted in court". A condition every single... cop in my life was eager to facilitate. Be they an idiot, overly skeptic, dirty, or whatever.

  So tell me oh wise ones. Tell me what should be the last word in today's entry? No? Of course... not a single... cop to help me or to give advice. So I'll choose a last word.


  Oh yeah... going on about 9-7-21. I went to bed for about 3 hours. Woke up bathed the night before & having been assaulted, my left foot speared or lanced again. Likely breaking or re-breaking the center bone of my left foot. Very painful, I found it challenging to walk at best fighting the pain (without drugs by the way). 

  When you doubting... cops actually check the rape data on rapists breaking feet & hobbling their victims (as revenge & to make them easier targets I'm told) you'll find that according to the police's own data such acts are listed as common in America.

  Yeah, I pray a lot. In secret like is commanded in the bible. "Avenge me of my adversary Lord". If I don't get avenged in this life oh ye rapists (who brag they read my website at the factory level to avoid detection) you wont like my being avenged by the Lord in the next life.

  Me? I'd rather you repent. Change your ways & join me as a brother, fellow son of God, heir to the royal kingdom of Heaven & all. Being avenged is a consolation prize. I'd rather you changed your ways & avoid the horrors of eternal torment in The Lake of Fire.

  What happened to the woman I've mentioned? Idano? Was she one of them? A fellow victim? What became of her? I cant say.

  Why me?


  The story I've been working on was deleted from my website.. Go figure huh?

  Rape... rape... rape...

  Pain... pain... pain...


  I got some E-Mails from the fine people at Google & Steam. In the E--Mails they said that someone was using my Google account at the Maryland University. Being I haven't left Delaware since I came here in 2018 it couldn't be me.

  Steam E-Mailed me & said someone logged into my Steam Game Account in The District of Columbia.

  I am reminded of the latest threats I've received from the gang. "We're going to make it look like you live in another city". To facilitate making me out to be a liar for the beginning of the final phase of their legal attack to dispose of me by casting me for life into the legal system at taxpayer expense for revenge. What revenge? Well it's over 40 years later & Fagboy & Duh Jerk both like to bring up it's for revenge for... wait for it... wait... Revenge for"The Gym" & the horrors my not dying in their orchestrated public attempted murder inflicted upon them & those they loved.

  Rub 2 fingers together & say. "This is the world's smallest violin playing just for you".

  "It must be hard to cope with the memories of the horrors inflicted upon you guys related to "The Gym". Buck up, I find that praying to God helps & I suspect a little time alone on your knees with God will make your lives a little better. Jesus saves. Even you. I promise".

  "Remember how you explained it to me (and everyone else). Lets not forget who the real victims are here".



  My brain fog has become like a large cloud over me. The sleep deprivation attacks are relentless. My awakening at 2 AM assured as is my hourly wakening.

  Today, in honor of my deleted (deleted by whom I don't know, but not by me) tale & the tale I worked on this week I have chosen a Youtube website. Imagine the lives of 10 young men forever altered when a madman drugged me & had his team of Jocks shove me into a room with them & picture each one by one. Laugh... cop. Laugh



  The sleep-deprivation attacks are getting worse. Now I'm awakened hourly or less. The brain fog of R.E.M. sleep deprivation is setting in & beginning to affect my faculties. I'm slowly turning into a dullard, either for fun, profit, the final leg of what the gang brag will be the rest of my life. Cast into prison or an asylum as a madman that anyone can verify by just asking me. "The guy is crazy, just talk to him yourself".

  Of course there's probably a dirty... cop somewhere practicing what he'll say to his peers right now. "Because no one would do that". And the popular. "I can prove it. Just watch these films of him being crazy & ask his ___(name or title of loyal child-molesting family member)____ & they'll tell you themselves".

  I have endeavored to honor my family & fulfill my biblical duties as best I could in life. My excuse that they did all they could to make the execution of those duties "challenging" sickens me & there is no excuse for my shortcomings. Period.

  My duties?

  To Honour My Mother & Father: Ephesians 6:2 I'm expected to honour them, not oppose them.

  A brother is born for adversity: Proverbs 17: 17 I'm expected to be there in times of adversity & not whine about their complicity in what has been my ongoing stalking & the bewildering number of assaults kidnappings & rapes on my person either facilitated by them or they just watched them unfold. Gleefully. 

  Children obey your parents: Ephesians 6: 1-13 Yeah, they didn't call me "The Good Kid" for no reason in my early youth. I tried.

  I tried my best to obey unquestioningly at school: Hebrews 13: 24 Even when "The Gym" was hot & heavy since I was forced to attend Bay City's "E for Evil School" I never failed to salute those at the school in authority over me... much to their delight.

  Someone's family would never do that: My Bible says: Mathew 10:36 a man's foes shall be they of his own household My family have always followed this Biblical constant wholeheartedly much to the glee of their masters, my stalkers whom they support in word & deed wholeheartedly.

  There are no criminal families: My research shows over 1 million people in the USA are involved in organized crime. Do you suppose every single one of them treat ALL their kin 100% ethicly? All of them? Really? All?

  Why me? Just lucky I guess? I did a whole lot a praying in life. Tons & tons.

  The gang's latest plan? It is self-evident. They've been coming by, at night & rebreaking the bones of my feet one or 2 a week. I suspect parts of my feet now look like hamburger mixed with bone fragments, particularly the left foot when viewed by using any X-ray.

  Pain. Pain. Pain...: Lots of pain: Maybe in your pea-Vigilante... cop brain I deserve what's happening to me? Fair enough. But I submit for your approval that I've been hearing that ever since I was a few weeks old. If you figure I deserve "it" then do me one favor Sirs. Point to a time in my life's tale & say. "We would've helped you until that moment, but not since THAT moment". Then point to my tale & say the lives of ALL the innocents who died & the lives of ALL the innocents the gang brag taking me down will empower them to kill just became not worth it after this moment in your life. This one, right here, this specific moment in your record. Point to it please?

  What do you mean by "Empower the gang to commit crimes? It makes no sense: Here's the logic as bragged by them. IF a given... cop or... cops take me down they cannot possibly do it AND verify my story AND the gang's involvement in my life. It cant be done. Sooooo IF some... cop admits on a stand in court that there is no gang in my life then the gang is empowered to do ANYTHING they want to that... cop. "What do you mean the gang that troubled David A. George is troubling you? You must be crazy because you swore on the stand on a stack of bibles that the gang didn't exist". To this end the gang boast. "[During my trial] We'll involve ourselves in the cop's investigations. Film ourselves with them at every point". Then, when I'm buried in prison or an asylum you cannot accuse them. "That cop must have gone crazy based on the David George case they just handled. Poor cop, we'll help them". The end. YOUR END!

 It sucks to be me. And if you attack me it'll suck to be you too.


  It's Wednesday 9-29-21 & I'm in the midst of a gang-stalking gang-raping child-porn snuff film sleep deprivation attack. Same old same old. "Yawn".

  "All we have to do is never give up on you. As long as we never quit messing with you the cops will never give you a chance".

  My "opinion on the subject? "Uhhhhhh... yup. So far so good for the gang".

  The brain fog of sleep deprivation, mixed with the vital R.E.M. Sleep Deprivation is slowing my mental processes. Makes it hard to think. The frequent gang-rapes don't help. Nor does the pain of torture nor knowing that I've starred in more than enough child-porn lately to send any 100 good men to prison for life. That being said what hope is there for... "lowly me"?

  Who? Where? I'm not entirely sure. Sure, the people I've outlined earlier near my place are  likely involved, to what degree? Idano? I did say "likely" & not "absolutely assuredly".

  Rape. Pain. Horror. It's been ongoing since my 1st few weeks of life & you'd know that if you read my website.

  Is there any way to stop it? Is there any way I can be saved? Maybe even delivered from the vast cloud of dirty... cops & their corrupt prosecutors the gang promises will dispatch me once I'm clearly mad from sleep deprivation & writhing in agony from their tortures?

  Sigh. Whatever...


  Just couldn't bear another gang-rape night so I stayed up all nite & didn't go home. You know... it means "liar" when translated into mid-Michigan... "cOPSPEAK". cOPSPEAK being the secret lingo most rape investigation Police Officers use in America nowadays.

  I can hear... cops saying. "No we don't call everyone who comes to us liars".

  Can they hear me asking? "Soooo.... Exactly how is it that rapist enjoy, statistically speaking, literally, enjoy a +99.9% of success in their crimes in the face of the world's most well-trained, sophisticated, & equipped Police Agencies of all time? Specifically"?

  I can hear... cops all over groaning. "I don't know (the go to answer of people who don't answer to... you (by "you" I mean any law-abiding taxpayers reading this, ask them, any... cop, anywhere, that's the answer YOU'LL get, I promise womise)".

  Soooooo.... I'm in a lot of pain. I wonder? I guess, not my choice of words, guess what is the pain in my feet? Is it just the broken bones inflicted on me? Or is it the injections of modern med tech as boasted by the latest gang mouthpieces inflicted upon me? Or did they simply inject those "undetectable" lil silicone balls into the bones of my feet like The Last Snitch said they would? Idano? All I know is I'm in a lot of pain here.

  I saw Duh Jerk. He looked... "weird". Younger than I last saw him but the corner of his eyes had a very pulled back look to them. I've seen pictures of fresh plastic surgery & his eyes looked much like that. Was it yet more of the plastic surgery his guys brag about he engages in or was it another one of those plastic surgery doubles he's always bragging he keeps around to thwart the... cops? Idano? I really don't care... much.

  Yeah... I've lost. Big wupp. But I intend to never give up. To go down swinging. In my opinion it is better to be last with God than to be 1st with the Devil. Which incidentally is probably my Christian scorecard. Can you say. "Everlasting contempt"? Yeah, it sucks to be me. Soo what? If I can I'd like to do some more soul-winning. Maybe use these last few days of freedom & mobility to do some good? God willing.

  Pray for me?


  So, here I is, sleep deprived yet again. They stalk me nightly, sodomize me bi-weekly as a minimum, often daily. Pounding on the bottoms of my feet, I'm in a lot of pain.

  The gang brag I'm not alone. They stalk many victims as a matter of business. "What do you think we do with all the money we make from child-porn"? "You cant invest it, you cant buy stuff. So we party with it for the most part use the rest to attack our enemies".

  Being the gang's "enemy" since I was a few weeks old hasn't been fun.

  Regrets? Nah. They offered me a chance to join them. Several times actually. They tempted me with money & sex & the gang's ability to attack anyone they want with virtual legal impunity. I turned them down time & again. Still do.

  Despite what the gang's many films will show the weak-minded, easily gulled, & simple I never wanted to be one of them. Ever. I don't want their drugs, their whores, or their stuff. Never did.

  They tell me I have a standing offer. "If you join us we'll give you a house, a car, & a job". Told to me during an actual lengthy torture session. Offered to me during torture.

  Me? I turned them down flat. The temptation to join them has always been zero for me. I know them, I know what they are & I know what they do to children. I could never be a part of that.

  When I pray I pray thus to God. "I'd rather be last with God than 1st with the devil". A saying true to this day.



  Rape rape rape... stalk stalk stalk... Pain pain pain...

  I've been reading child molesting stories online again. Mostly because an unbelievable number of... cops dismissed me based on my lack of knowledge of child-molesters & what makes them tick. "If you were telling the truth about them you'd research them better & know more about them". Eh, fair enough.

  My answer was. "But I find their lifestyle detestable & don't want it poisoning my mind". Translation: I find their chosen lifestyle offensive & didn't want any part of it, even reading about it. Did you hear that? A mid-Michigan... cop just rolled over in his grave somewhere.

  What conclusion has my research come to? That clearly the vast majority of the online child-molesting erotica & instructions are about the casual child-molester. Guys & gals who give into the lifestyle on a whim or fail to stop the tempting of a sexually confused child trying to seduce them.

  I only ever found a few stories written by hardcore motivated child-molesters. I noticed a single common factor in their stories. Control. They used their sexual control over children to indoctrinate & absorb weak-minded formerly innocent victims who's major failing was they were simply lonely. I also noticed another thing in common. In all the hundreds of tales I read I noticed he or her dated this child & that teen. But never once did I read a single tale of a committed relationship that endured the test of time. Never once did I read about a single relationship with more than lust. Never did they hint at caring for their young conquests before or after the (almost inevitable) break-up. They are a shallow folk. Interested only in self-gratification for the most part & cast aside their young victims.


  Yeah... Whatever...


  It's been a tortured week. Literaly.

  The pain in my mouth has left me barely able to chew solid food without intense pain. Particularly in the insisors on the left & right top oblique sides of my mouth. It hurts... badly.

  I'm making child-porn either every other night or every night for the l;ast few months & it's common for me to wake sodomized, my undergarments soiled by dripping fluids from my expanded rectum.

  Child snuff films, killing in alleys, or just executing people in mock PRACTICAL jokes. The gang spares not though they will beg & pleade for leniency when confronted in strength or with evidence. Rules for me, not for thee. They are the ultimate hypocrites, destroyers, thieves. Like the Devil, their self-professed god they come only to lie, to steal, & to kill.

  As the saying goes... it sucks to be me, and the gang brag that it always will.



  I've been raped several Thursdays in a row. I made sure that didn't happen last night. Mostly because of the torture. I just cant take the pain.

  "You've got to sleep sometime". The gang brags.



  Raped several times a week as a rule. The ongoing R.E.M. Sleep Deprivation campaign has been going on for quite a while now & is more constant these last few weeks. I am kept in a continuous state of deprivation & am being provoked daily. Simply put... the gang are in mid-provoke. This is to facilitate the beginning of the end for me legally speaking. The gang's victim is endlessly provoked & sleep deprived & with any luck the victim slips up, when the victim's rapist does the umpteenth provoking they react in a way that either seems unlawful or is indeed unlawful (because America's Prosecutors & "The Gang, made of of career Child-Molestors expect the gang's victims to treat their stalkers with 100% ethics & zero legal lapses, a standard the gang is & never been held to by any law-enforcers I've ever met, literally). Particularly on film. I'm told the gang shoot their provocations from several angles with a wide variety of cover stories to explain why the victim is being filmed (stories mid-Michigan... cops buy every single time in my experience, even from self-professed admitted card-carrying members of the gang whom most... cops will say do not exist and since they do exist (in the presence of self-admitted gang bangers) they wouldn't do such a thing, it's unethical!).

  I usually dodge a hit & run driver annually, it's about that time by my internal clock. The Last Snitch boasted on his use of R.E.M. sleep-deprivation in hit & runs. ""A good part of the time our sleep deprived victim just wanders out into traffic & gets hit by a car on their own". He laughed while bragging a goodly portion of the gang's victims are thus self-terminating. Virtually totally legal for of homicide too, there's not a court in the land that'll convict anyone for such a thing whether death of the victim is the goal or not.

  Of course there's not a... cop anywhere that wont say such a story is impossible. 1: the... cops are all just way too good at their jobs for this to happen & 2: It's unethical! No Child-Molestor would sink so low.

  I digress. The moral of the story is this as I type with seriously degraded typing skills because of sleep-deprivation attacks: That it sucks to be me & that the gang boast that it always will.



  They went all out on yesterday's gang rape. Even with a PRACTICAL joke involving 20+ people. Mostly men & women aged 18-25.

  I'm sure the PRACTICAL joke got them films worth, well, a picture IS worth a thousand words. So I'd suppose a good in-between rape film, a "skit" where a drugged & delirious obviously sleep-deprived (they probably WONT bring that part up) talks about some radical subject or seemingly responds to stimuli in an insane way for cameras filming only half the story. Then again The Last Snitch said sometimes it's just enough for the gang to have their victims whine about the subject to be a useful PRACTICAL joke event for them.

  During the "skit" they convinced drugged & delirious me (this website's author) the earth was about to be hit by a comet. They got me to discuss the subject too. I notice now, not then, now that once I'd begun semi-coherent dialog they, the gang, my raping stalkers, they brought in the small group of children aged 8-10 for me to interact with too (duh, they ARE child-pornographers first & foremost) in a town-like setting in front of a restaurant. The memory breaks up at that point, I'm not sure what happened next but I'll bet there's a slight, tiny possibility (mid-Michigan... cops prepare to cringe) that I suspect that they might have done something... unethical? Other than the rapes, torture (yeah, I'm calling sleep deprivation assault torture here, sue me) & kidnappings I know MANY of you infallible... cops rage with terrible fury at the slight possibility a victim might mention that their stalking rapists might do something... unethical,.. Thousand Oaks Mass-Shooting (Cough! Cough!).

  I'll bet the films gained were more than enough to destroy any 10 good men, let alone my humble personage.

  skit /skit/ noun

  1. a short comedy sketch or piece of humorous writing, especially a parody.

    "a skit on daytime magazine programs" "it is common for rapist to use skits to discredit their victims in America" also see word: "common"



  The ongoing sleep deprivation assault on me aren't fun nor is my sodomizing every other day or since my last entry.

  I note that I attempted simple math a few entries above & came to an answer of 15%(I ain't looking it up so deal with it). It later occurred to me the answer was wrong. Eh, one of the perks of R.E.M. sleep deprivation & an insane amount of drugs inflicted upon me bodily). There were 5 people in the building, 3 staff also. 8 total. 3 had broken feet not counting myself.

  It's only trivia to note that of those others I saw with broken feet from the day I wrote about it I haven't seen any of the 3, who I was seeing in passing regularly until then. I feared as much. Sigh...

  Soooo... I'll recap the last few Tuesday mornings. 2 weeks ago I woke up. My memory of the previous day's encounter (yes, DAY'S ENCOUNTER, they kidnapped me the entire day to make films). They spent the entire Monday (but who knows what the little true time indicator will show in the corner of said films) talking about the film & cost to profit analysis of child-porn. Yup, chat chat chat, about money, AND child-porn. I even recall a point in the conversation where we (my "Handler's" & I, note "handlers" is capitalized indicting a profession or title, not a hobby) where they addressed myself, ME,the author of this website, me, they addressed myself as being involved in the child-porn, cash AND logistics. Me. Me in the child porn. Me in the child-porn & making money. Yup, me in the child-porn with them & making money, and talking with them about it, on film, alllllllllllllll day. Me, me... sigh...

  Soooooo... the last week was really rapey rapey, hoot & soft holler in my back yard.

  The local... cops were all over me last month... twice (that I know of). You know how... cop minds work. "Accusation equals guilt" and the popular "You'll get a chance to explain everything you've said to me to a jury" looms bright in my future.

  Actually, as I sit here I had planned to write more about last Tuesday, but I'm drawing a blank as I sit here. R.E.M. Deprivation works. Not that anyone cares or cared.

  "It's proof you are a liar because no one would do that".-says the Skeptic... cop.

  Sigh... :(


  Put my milk in the fridge, just got a drink, a sudden wave of tiredness has come over me... foggy, hard to think...

  Last Tuesday... Yeah, I awoke, looked over & my shoes were neatly by the door. Not that unusual mind you Reader. But the laces were untied & neatly placed. Read about the subject on the page "How the scam works".

  Woke up to the hooting & hollaring. Again... My foot & rectum obviously assaulted. I found it very difficult to walk (more so than usual, my gang-inflicted wounds being considered.

  Actually I've known for quite some time that I'd be flopping over from sleep deprivation unless the gang drugged me at my bi-daily rape sessions to keep me awake.

  Lately, the last few years, they seem to use VR Helmets to keep me busy during the quiet moments between rapes & PRACTICAL joke skits.

  The VR flicks were usually flying related for years. Some set to a medieval fantasy setting, others to modern day flight. Without any controller I'm strictly a watcher in the ongoing VR trip. Lately it's been a 2nd rate city building VR game. Eh, not as attractive as their Star Wars Sniper game they used for a while (the bleak city of Tatooine really doesn't offer much visual stimulation & while I sorta like Sniper Games just watching them is boring, likely the reason they quit using them on me).

  More weird injections about the legs. My foot is a misshapen lump centered around what is likely the hamburger-like remains of their continuous assaults on my foot with hammer & pick.

  Go figure huh?


  Stayed out all night to avoid the rape gangs.... again. It's not as glamorous as it sounds.

  The week in recap? My place was vandalized. They trashed a wall, went after a ceiling (when it gets wet I'll report on ceiling & floor damage).

  Eh, what was stolen? What was "added" to create the perfect frame job? Who knows? I'll consult my mid-Michigan to civilian victim translation guide for how the situation translates from "Copspeak" (the secret language all rape instigators speak) to English. Hmmm... the translation reads. "Liar"! It always does in America.

  Lotsa rapes, pain from torture. Stalking. The voice of God gizmo & all the fun tHAT ENTAILS FOR THIS WEEKS INCREASE IN sleep deprivation attacks (yeah, I bumped the caps button, I'm in no mood to retype so deal with it anyone reading this). 

  It seems like I had some important clue to mention. I'm sleep deprived & drawing a blank here. Sooooo.... no life or freedom saving clues for me today. It sucks to be me huh?



  Time to ruin my life. In years past as I wrote this website I imagined it might save my life (and what remains of my health) but now call writing here "ruining my life".



  Damned if I do... & damned if I don't.

  "Usually when I kill children for Duh Jerk I...

  A sentence I can use too many times with different sentences behind it.

  Laugh... cop. Laugh. It IS all you've been good for in my life.

  Man, do I wish I was wrong.


  Written during a sleep deprivation assault 11-18-21

  "All we have to do is never give up on you. As long as we never quit messing with you the cops will never give you a chance".

  My "opinion on the subject? "Uhhhhhh... yup".


  9-8-21 commentary:

  The Last Snitch teased me it would be my truthful discussion of sex in open court that would be a powerful recruiting tool for the gang. There's more than 1 reason they mess with me. It's a plethora of reasons.

  Sex? Sure... I'll bite. Sex with the whores of the gang? Sex with a pack of lazy good for nothing self-entitled selfish would-be fake lovers of the gang? For the most part my defence will be "it wasn't very memorable". Not memorable at all. I suspect that is mostly because of the drug(s?) but I'll bet a big part is the lazy uninspiring just lay there & get him to do all the work sex that made all their men gay in the 1st place that plays a large part too.

  Here I shall use words to describe them, in the sack, in my humble & honest unbiased opinion.

  use·less /ˈyo͞osləs/ adjective

  1. not fulfilling or not expected to achieve the intended purpose or desired outcome.

    "a piece of useless knowledge"

  "When you show up in court all crippled in a wheelchair who's going to believe that you lived through the gym"? - A bragging Child-Molester speaking about my eventual demise at the hands of the Child-Molestors, a Saginaw Gang in court only a few years prior to the writing of this website.

  pa·thet·ic /pəˈTHedik/ adjective

  1. 1.

    arousing pity, especially through vulnerability or sadness.

    "she was so pathetic that I pitied any man who might try to put up with her poor quality of love-making"

  2. miserably inadequate; of very low standard.


  More rectal-expanding experiences. It's not as amusing as most rape investigating mid-Michigan... cops tell me they perceive that it is.

  I got a few pictures of the after effects of my rectal expansion. The homo-rapist "smell of love" lingers in the air near me. A reward of my chosen perverse lifestyle... cops tell me. "Don't try to lie to me, I've seen the films".

  Pain pain pain, rape, torture, snuff films, kids dying left & right & stacked in a madman's backyard like cordwood. Good times for... cops to talk about (in my experience).

  I grow weary of the constant whining sound around me.

  whine /(h)wīn/ noun

  1. a long, high-pitched complaining cry.

    "the dog gave a small whine"


  2. give or make a long, high-pitched complaining cry or sound.

    "the dog whined and scratched at the back door"

  3. "David grew weary of the whine emanating from one end, accompanied by a stench from his other end, in the presence of... cops on the other".


  It's been over a week since my last rape. My underwear are dry, free from the drippy drip of intestinal bile that I've grown so accustomed to as of late.


  Rape: The new definition is: “The penetration, no matter how slight, of the vagina or anus with any body part or object, or oral penetration by a sex organ of another person, without the consent of the victim.”

  Sodomy sod·om·y noun

  1. sexual intercourse involving anal or oral copulation.

    Similar: anal intercourse, anal sex, bugger

According to Google:

  Sleep, especially REM sleep, is important for normal brain development. Animal experiments have shown that REM sleep deprivation during early development leads to permanent deviations in behavior, to alterations in neurotransmitter responses, and to reduced brain volumes.

  use·less /ˈyo͞osləs/ adjective

  1. not fulfilling or not expected to achieve the intended purpose or desired outcome. "They just lay there when the camera rolls. Not memorable at all. Useless in the sack, better to go without than to ponder how fast you should shower after being in the same room with her".


  POSSIBLE TITLES: Child-Molestor 101 OR Just another random violent encounter? You tell me reader?

  It's been an action-packed boring week.

  Last week... there I was over by Dover DE's Fire Dept. sleeping in my bed, chilling. A young man came up, knocked on my window at about 6:30AM or so & walked away waking me up, apparently for no reason. Being that the previous nights he made weird noises all night long he was already on my short list. So I asked the noise polluter. "Why'd you wake me up"?

  He refused to answer. Instead he chose the threaten my life over & over. At least 9+ times. Yelling threats against me at the top of his lungs in front of 40 or so witnesses. He kept telling me he'd kill me over & over. "YOU'RE DEAD"! I'd take it personally but he soon included others in his yelling & threatened everyone who talked to him.

  Me? I've had so many threats in life I was numb to it all, bored actually. I figured there were decent odds the guy who made strange noises all night was "one of them". But I digress. It has to be statistically possible that every once in a while a violent nut I meet isn't one of "them". Right?

  Eventually the man yelled his last death threat against me, challenging me to battle.

  Me? He bored me. Buuuuut, he did block my way. So I walked up on him, stood about 2 feet away, & we had a brief staredown.

  The man shouted some more at me & then shouted his last words at me & got out of my way. "YOU ARE DISMISSED"! Then he got out of my way.

  Me? The only thing I thought was strange was my newest webpage, the very page I've been working on is in fact titled. "You are dismissed". Eh, coincidence. Right? What else could it be?

  So I wandered off leaving the man screaming threats behind me. But the truth is I'm not sure who he yelled what at specifically after that point as the man degenerated into threats of death for all comers behind me. I walked less than 20 yards away, give or take. sat down & ate a bit with my back to the scene that sounded like a lot of back & forth shouting between the man & several others.

  I was amazed, but not too amazed at how quickly, oh so very quickly the uniformed Police arrived enmass. Uniformed Police chatted with the yelling man & the people he'd been threatening. Or so it seemed as I tried my best to ignore them all & am proud to say that I largely succeeded.

  Soooooooo.... the Police, dressed in black told the man he had to leave & they were escorting him out.

  My story would end there but the man with 1 cop in front & 2 behind walked past me, then stopped directly in front of me. There he yelled in the face of an Officer who promptly told the man he was under arrest. The man protested he'd broken no laws & the Police insisted yelling inches from the Police Officer's face was a law violation, but they weren't arresting him just yet, but using the opportunity to cuff him & hold him until they identified him.

  The entire s cene unfolded in front of me, a foot or 2 away.

  Recap? Sure. Made strange noises in the dark all night long? Quitting only when I sat up? Eh...

  Waking me for no reason? Eh....

  Threatening me with death over & over? Eh...

  The Police just happen to show up in record time? Coincidence... "Everyone knows that in America there's ALWAYS a cop around when you need one (a popular saying... no place whatsoever)".

  I got 2 nights off from the noises thereafter. Woo hoo!

  Several days this week I was awakened every half hour but more likely every 2 hours like clockwork... like usual.

  I'm probably a fool to bring it up. Remember this. "It's the accusations of our victims reflected back at them that is our true power". What this means is that IF the gang is involved it is lies created & likely prerehersed (complete with THEIR witnesses & lying testimony) that are used to counter the accusations of their victims. Since the gang controls the time & place of their attacks it should come as no surprise to Police that they maneuver member/victims & victim/members into position to do their dirty deeds for the gang. It's not special & they tell me I'm not unique. I'm just on the list. The gang is possibly working on several projects in that spot. Attacking me with yet another Ludacris skit to "provoke me" like they so often try is just what they do to all of their victims. Remember, they brag I'm their recruiter. What this means is that imagine the others, quite possibly my fellow victims who engaged the man's threats verbally. The gang would later "innocently" arrange for that man to encounter them 1 at a time in situations where the threatening man would seem most vulnerable. Prompting the foolish, gullible, & easily angered to do "something stupid" to the man who threatened to kill them but who, if attacked, would likely be able to prove on film during that scripted encounter that he was just an innocent victim walking by. The scenario is Child-Molestor 101.

  If I said this happened to me dozens of times I would be rounding down. Is this just life in America? Is it just random Americana? Same old same old? Stuff like this must happen to everyone all the time. Right? I'm asking & not saying outright because I have nothing to compare it to?


  Soooooooo... The gang brag they like to hack into my accounts. Making me seem to visit various websites, seem to have various internet friends. "We hack our way into our victim's accounts".

  I woke up and a website I hadn't visited was in front of me when I turned my browser on (I'd been researching stories of child-perversion, the... cops tell me I'm supposed to be an expert on the subject & my lack of any knowledge on the subject in the past has been a reason for dismissing me). "Tinseltown Holdiay Spectacular comes to Oaks". The site named for an Oak promises a "brand-new outdoor experience".

  I suppose I should research the site? Shouldn't I? Man, I am all researched out. I'm tired of the weirdness. Reading about the perversion.  Oaks PA?

  Well... that's my week. Go figure huh?

"We own the cops"!
  Common Child-Molestor saying.

  Yeah, the dates are all mixed up. It's by design, lest anyone think it was by accident. It's called symbolism. It's symbolic of the madness inflicted on me by a gang & their corrupt & not-corrupt but ever willing to help enablers.

  Symbolism sym·bol·ism /ˈsimbəˌlizəm/ noun

  1. the use of symbols to represent ideas or qualities.

    "he has always believed in the importance of symbolism in garden art"

    • symbolic meaning attributed to natural objects or facts.

      "the old-fashioned symbolism of flowers"

    • an artistic and poetic movement or style using symbolic images and indirect suggestion to express mystical ideas, emotions, and states of mind. It originated in late 19th century France and Belgium, with important figures including Mallarmé, Maeterlinck, Verlaine, Rimbaud, and Redon.

      noun: Symbolism

    • something done intentionally by the author of this website to convey his displeasure through symbolism at the mind-bending soul-sucking madness inflicted upon him by a gang of self-entitled self-righteous madmen, their blackmailed hordes, & their easily manipulated (OFTEN) would-be vigilantes who make up the strong right arm of what the gang inflict upon their victims.


  "It's just a coincidence"! - Anytime a victim can prove what they say to mid-Michigan rape investigation... cops.

  "It's proof they are lying". - Anytime an alleged victim is wrong (no matter how minor) when dealing with mid-Michigan... cops.

  "They were just wrong". - Anytime 1 to more than a dozen gang members change their story at any time. It was all just an innocent mistake.

  "You hurt one of them". - Reason enough to be ignored by mid-Michigan... cops.

  "Yeah they attacked you, but they had a good reason". - Standard procedure in & around Bay & Saginaw Counties in mid-Michigan I'm told.

ACCUSING RETARDS: Not fun 1 bit...

  "We cant wait for you to accuse our Retard (The Shouter back in the day, written elsewhere).

  The gang brag there's more than one reason they use the rank of Retard against their victims. It renders a victim's story unbelievable against a career or lifestyle conman that is a dedicated Retard for the gang.

  Duh Jerk bragged it created an uphill battle for Police & the gang's victims that they had to overcome because it made their story unbelievable. "It's their [the victim's] word against a thousand people who will all testify that our Retard is really disabled. Some of them will be in our gang & some of them wont be. They'll be the innocent people the Retard has interacted with  in life who'll swear up & down that our Retard is too stupid to be involved". - Duh Jerk on the courtroom payoff of using career comment Retards against his victims.

  It gets worse concerning the rank of Retard (an actual literal rank in the gang, literally) in that some of the card-carrying Retards are actually the disabled & very much challenged people of America. They likely were picked on & recruited into the gang in their youth & they just might be Officers & give orders, but the gang has found the Retard may be simple & unable to lead, but who cares as long as they can regurgitate given orders from their Bosses on command? Thus they provide insulation from possible prosecution for the gang's Bosses when relaying their orders to attack a victim or to conduct typical gang business. "So what you're saying is this life long Retard who 1,000 people will testify is a nice guy gave the orders? What kind of idiots do you think the... cops & people of this honorable jury are Defendant scum, I mean citizen"?

  For the record I don't have to prove anything because I'm NOT accusing either Shouter of anything on this website.


  I got irritated one night just before I left town at the Shouter's continuous all night "Call 911" shouts. They took shifts, usually every other night (very consistently too I might add) and while I can sleep through just about anything when I put my mind to it others around me weren't so fortunate & I felt bad for them (it's called empathy, some of you... cops should learn the skill). So I shot back at The Shouter calmly, but loud enough to be heard well. "Shhhh. There's no one making noise but chomos".

  The Shouter shut up & never again did a single 911 shout out (which he often regularly did up to 10 hours at a time very loudly, regularly, often, a lot, not sometimes, often) nor any late night shouting again whatsoever that I'm aware of.

  It was the next nite that large teams of new shouters disbursed among the crowd of the dorm began to each call out. "Call 911" all night long for a few nights in shifts.

  According to the Urban Dictionary:


  Chomo child molester "Hey, check out that creepy old man. Hes a total chomo.".

  "See that gal? She's a convicted child-molester. In prison they call'em chomos".

  The gang member said their card-carrying member shouted out to 911 all night so as to keep gang victims awake & calling 911 lended a cover that the chomo Retard was in fact law-abiding, otherwise they wouldn't call on the name of police so often".


  ESCALATION: The gang's concept that if a victim escalates (fighting back, going to police, publishing a website of their atrocities publicly, ect:) then they escalate as a matter of business (and it IS a business). Stepping up attacks both in frequency & in ferocity. Bragging that the attacks will become increasingly weird & perverse so as to sell the narrative that the victim is suffering from a weird & or perverse mental episode.

  It's how the scam works...


My inner elbow courtesy of the gang & their "injections". It's July 25th 2022 & I'm in a lot of pain...


I couldn't get my camera resolution to do the damage justice in my opinion, so this picture is the best I could do.

"You are our Recruiter".

beat feet.png

  Ow... Wont anyone stop them? Please?



  Than God I'm still alive & free in America.

  The gang has sent their minions & endlessly provoked me my entire life. They tell me it isn't because I'm special or anything. It's because it's what they do. My name is on the list so they come after me. They brag that once they convince good... cops to write "ignore this guy" into my permanent record that's when the real torture begins. Again, not because I'm special, but because my name is on the list. It's what the gang does. It's business as usual. Mundane.

  The gang gloat that once they've dispatched me, with the unwitting help of a few otherwise "Good Police" then they'll just move on to the next person on the list.

  "What do you think we do with all that money [child-porn & blackmail funds]? You cant invest it. You cant buy stuff with it. Well, only so much. After we pay expenses we use our money to party & to buy drugs & the rest we use to mess with our enemies".

  "We have guys where all they do is mess with who's next on the list & then move on to the next name because it's what they like to do".

  So that's it. I've been blackballed by the family business/religion since birth (before my birth if you believe "My Cousin") & the business/religion has put me on a list they are all too glad to fund lifestyle provokers, madmen who just love mischief to cover their inadequacies, to menace those who know too much or who just ticked off a Chapter Leader enough that they put their name on a list. Or so I've been told. Over & over. For about a half-century now more or less.

  Oddly enough, the Police are here right now. It's probably just a coincidence one of the gang's "boys" is standing & staring at me in a room of 3.

  I recall asking The Last Snitch. "Why"? Why me?

  He explained that with all the murders I've been involved in, plus, sigh... "The Gym" of course the gang followed me around. It's their fervent hope that I be provoked into something publicly that they can use as leverage with their films to dispatch me legally in the courts. Like they do to nearly all of their victims. Then, they can move on to the next victim on the list.

  I recall asking him (and others in the gang) how long does the average person last on their list before they are provoked & dispatched?

  He told me. "About 6 months". Was the high end.

  "Once our gossips go around to their family & friends with our doctored child-porn pictures starring them they usually lose everything. Their family, their friends, their job. Everyone turns against them. Most people commit suicide & the rest usually don't last more than 6 months before we start to provoke them into doing stuff we can use against them on film". I asked him what's a long time for a name on the list & he replied. "About a year". That few people can handle a life of having everything stolen & every person they ever loved turned against them.

  It's only trivia to add in his next speculation. He speculated how it might be possible that I'd lasted as long as I had. I'd been on their short list since birth. He yelled at me with a tone of righteous indignation. "You think this is normal! You think this is what life is! People attack you & you just let it slide! People try to kill you & you don't even report it & just act like nothing happened & go about your business all calmly"! And he hated me for it.

  I made the same rebuttal to him that I've made to the... cops, Police, & to God. "What can I do about it"?

  Changing the subject to God I pray thusly. "What can I do about it? Vengeance is claimed as the property of the Lord's & he will repay".

  The Bible also says to pray for your enemies & to bless them that spitefully use you.

  So, what can I do?

  I ask... cops & otherwise good but skeptic law-enforcers this. What can I do? What?

  Again I ask... cops & otherwise good but skeptic law-enforcers this. What can I do? What advice will you give me? Oh, every one of you will brag you are fonts of good advice & unafraid of trial lawyers but up & until now, once I asked your mighty & your weak for advice they told me they feared giving me advice might "help you get away with it". The rest told me. "I'm afraid I'll get sued if I give you any advice".



  Just checking in. Yeah, still being stalked. Still being endlessly provoked. It's not as glamorous as mid-Michigan... cops tell me it sounds.

  "It is the accusation of our enemies reflected back at them that is our true power". What that means is that the gang have their predetermined lies & accusations based on the many practiced & rehearsed "skits" they inflict upon their victims. The gang needs not practice much for a given individual victim because each member is already well-versed in what accusations they are to make based on tried & tested incriminating films & criminal social situations which are designed to seem to become increasingly bizzare to law-enforcement. It's a nebulous web of lies all founded on a single lie. "Such & such is crazy & our friend & on drugs. It always works because everyone knows to say that".



  I've caught no less than 3 types of STDs as of late. My itchy body testifies to the fact. It's been years since I last dated but my recent symptoms which my research indicates takes weeks or months to manifest after infection testify to that undeniable fact. Scratch! Scratch! SCRATCH!

  The gang has bragged to me that  before they cast me away into prison or an asylum in the end that they'd infest my body with a number of diseases to sully my reputation. Some which are thought of as "unclean" by common folk. It's their calling card.

  I woke up this weekend & my rectum hurt. Clearly I was experiencing the well known sensation of being sodomized. My rectum experience serious swelling. Usually the swelling lasts a few days & once that subsides my  recently expanded rectum begins to drip bile wheresoever I sit. Today I started to drip a trail of bile wherever I sit. The back of my pants wet again. I no doubt was abducted across the street from the Dover Delaware Fire Department while I slept. How I was abducted? Who raped me? With what? Man? Woman? Child? Beast? Or appliance? I cant say. But I'll bet it was filmed.

 It's allll how the scam works... said no mid-Michigan... cOP ever.

  Whatever... Yeah, I said it... Whatever...

  Tuesday 2-22-22

  I was sodomized after I went to sleep in my dorm room Friday & Saturday nights. How they accomplished this I do not know? The swelling of my rectum & the pain inflicted upon it testified of it.

  Since then I've been awakened every hour & a half life clockwork & not allowed much sleep.

  Our designated shouter, listed above shouts long & hard into the night hours. Often standing next to my bed I'm told.

  Recently he's been trading shifts, days where a man yells nearly, but not quite at the top of his lungs about every hour & a half. Only stopping when others come by during their hour & a half shift to be heard.

  On Saturday morning I awoke at about 5Am & went to the bathroom. The gay men who, lived in the dorm were all assembled & in a festive mood. High-fiving & in a good, congratulatory mood. Several of them openly reeked of the homosexual "smell of love that The Last Snitch bragged about to me. That smell being the strong odor of excrement. It wasn't pleasant to be near them so I walked off. The group of about 10 men, most of whom I'd never seen before or since all had a self-congratulatory time for about 5-10 minutes & left the darkened dorm room.

  It's been a week or so of R.E.M. sleep deprivation by now, my typing speed is noticeably affected.

  The gang brag they use an installed rotary drug dispenser, commonly available medical technology, to phone in hypnotic drugs on me & then lead me, seemingly willingly to the gang rape. Using either the installed ear speakers (internal hearing aids) or the Voice of God device they lead me about & command me on film, thus it looks like I'm not only complaint & agreeable, but thanks to the conversation I'm told to say & actions I'm ordered to perform I seem totally willing... on film.

  Or so I'm told. Me? My opinion? Idano? Does my opinion even matter if the... cops wont even give me half a chance? Who's going to give a sleep deprived man likely on drugs or suffering from withdrawal symptoms a slight chance anyway? I mean it. Who?

  It's alllllllll how the scam works.

  Addendum: Their plan to legally, medically chop off my leg or legs s & make me a whiny wheelchair bound victim goes as planned & is soon to begin. Or so I'm told.

  I just saw one of the guys I suspect just might be a fellow Child-Molester victim hopping around on 1 leg yesterday & was inspired to add this actual child-molester quote. "We cant do anything like chop off your legs until you complain about it to someone because our true power is reflecting back the accusations of our victims so the cops will ignore them". To tell you the truth it's the reason I haven't brought it up since I wrote it in detail in my +1,500 page letter to the FBI where someone dies every few pages.

  Fun trivia fact? Even as I typed the above paragraph "The shouter" I detailed in the dorm story stood beside me, chuckling for about 20 seconds just now. That's all. Just a mocking chuckle. For the record I accuse the man of nothing other than speaking exactly as another alleged career Retard acted in my presence allegedly for Duh Jerk. Nothing more.


  Since I moved to a new community I've stayed in a tent. Someone poked many holes inside my tent on the floor. It shouldn't have been a problem as I used a double tarp on the floor AND one under the tent. All were pierced through leaving me sleepless & waking to a wet world in the early morning heavy rain, my belongings soaked from the bottom up, again.

  You never get used to a life of vandalism of the sum of your possessions, you only know to expect it.

  Eh, The Lord giveth, and the Lord taketh away. Big wupp huh? Kinda pathetic actually in my opinion. Revenge for my rejecting the gang and for living through their child-killing machine they called... they called... wait for it... wait... wait for it, revenger for living through "The Gym".

  "You guys tried to kill me & now you want revenge for it"? I'm talking about very, very weird people here.



  Woke up today & my foot, left foot didn't hurt. Unusual only in that the gang busted a near heel bone, a continuation of the side to side scrolling back line of bone breaking they've been doing to be, slowly, for years now.

  It's hurt for a few days since it got attacked Friday.

  Today, initially it didn't hurt. I pray so that's maybe a good sign, right?

  A known gang tactic is to inflict injury on victims & then use local anesthesia & or pain killers on a victim. The theory being their victim doesn't initially know they've been injured & go about their day. Then as their day progresses the drugs wear off & they become aware of the injury. "The cops will never believe a victim who says they got hurt by the gang but didn't notice it until hours later".

  My left foot, in the last few hours, has begun to hurt more, & more. Ow.

  I woke up & several tent poles were wrecked to me tent I was sleeping in. In the past I wondered how that might be?

  The Last Snitch said it was due to complications in my kidnapping. They got the dosages wrong, waited too long, ect, & then I resisted. This necessitated a gang of Jocks jumping on my tent & subduing me. Usually by injection he bragged. "Didn't you notice all the hypodermic needle holes in your tent"?

  Pain, rectal pain, broken bones, drugs. They said it was because I've been soul-winning (on my own, not official church functions) and being devil-worshipers they hate soul-winning Christians & I've had to be punished. Over & over as my church attendance will show as they broke bones in my feet, reducing my attendance.


  Sitting her with my chest & back covered with some red splotchy STD of some sort. It's no great mystery that since I'm raped at least bi-weekly that I regularly come down with STDs & skin infections. Scabies & Chlamydia being the most common. This is a new one, almost like someone smeared on my chest with finger paints by the look of it. Yes, it does itch.

  Is it my proof? No the... cops tell me. It's proof I'm a liar. Everything is once you deal with the... cops of America in charge of enforcing rape laws.

  I just ended my 7th, yes SEVENTH bout with COVID. It wasn't fun. Especially when you consider my stalker bragging they had Doctors working for them & thus access to every new variant of COVID by extension. "We're just going to keep giving you COVID until you die". Murder 1 & there's not a jury in the world that'll convict them he bragged.

  Remember the ancient proverb. "It sucks to be me".

  I'll always remember one of the last things The Last Snitch threatened me with. He told me to consider if what the gang was doing to me was happening to a dog? Some people would be inclined to shoot the dog to put it out of it's misery. "You know there are some people, cops, who would just shot you to put you out of your misery". He claimed the gang ideally would like a... cop vigilante or dogooder of sorts to step up & take me down for them. "A real good cop". I'd describe it as hoping a self-righteous self-aggrandizing... cop would step up, judge my life unworthy of continuing based on how great his life is, then dispatch me for the gang for what he percieves is my own good because. "It's the humane thing to do".

  As if I didn't have enough whack-a-dos to deal with. Sheesh!


  Alive & free... if you could call it that, in America. Sadly, I watch as my country disintegrates around me & fear I may never know justice against those who've wronged me in this life... ever.

  The moral of the story? No matter what I try, it appears that it sucks to be me.

  To those who've wronged me I say this. If I don't know justice in this life, you don't want to face me when justice is dealt in the next life. Not when we both stand before God. I'm not perfect, but my sins are forgiven & if your's are not then it'll suck to be you... forever!

  I derive no joy from writing anything to do with the gang stalking me. Rehashing their past crimes, even the jokes I wrote about them bring me no satisfaction. It's just something I did hoping beyond all hope that Prayer AND writing the site would somehow free me from the tyranny of my stalkers.



  Quite a week. I bumped into the often violent sometimes friendly guy from Dover I called "Works With Cops" whom I met outside of Safeway in Dover several times. He violently provoked me & the... cops showed up to rescue him from any reprisal. He was generally polite & said he moved to Georgetown for rehab. Even tried to introduce me to his "alleged" MS-13 friend. What a guy huh?

  I was in the periphery of an assault yesterday. I recorded it & everything. But I didn't watch it. Eh, I was live streaming & would rather chat with 1 or zero guests than watch a street fight unfold anyway. Earlier I was at a Georgetown car collision. 2, maybe 3 cars. I heard a loud bang, then a quick softer bang. Gang related? If so it was to pin me to a location & time. Like my Bridge Card. The gang tells me they have a copy of it (magnet reader/writers being so cheap & all) & regularly spend my money for several reasons. 1 to deplete my cash & 2 to pin me down to crime scenes. That's because every... cop knows the only thing more fun than committing major crimes is recklessly using electronic devices that'd pin you to the location & time in a way even the most rookie... cop could follow. "We like to leave a trail of clues. One clue leads to another. The cops just eat that stuff up". Out of the mouth of babes huh? THOUGH THE GUY WHO TOLD ME THAT BRAGGED IT WAS CHILDREN HE FEASTED ON WITH CHILD-PORN & kept them in line with reprisals & threats like. "See what we do to David A. George? You screw up  get talkative & we'll do that to you... or your kids too"!

  Rape, rape, rape. Itch, itch, itch, pain, pain, pain, it'd be fun but for the... cop threats interspaced in the midst. "I don't believe you. But I believe you committed the bad parts & now that we know what kind of a person you are we're going to be watching you".

  Go figure huh?


  The Wix Website Editor is working poorly this morning. While I'd planned to write a lengthy tale about my life I don't think that's an option.

  I like to call it (Did I use the word "like"? Sigh...), the act of writing on my website is called. "Ruining my life".

  I see no benefit to writing this website.     Rehashing the stories of old are only a detriment to my soul, not a therapeutic act. Even insulting them, they or the other deserving individual is not enjoyable. I get no enjoyment nor empowerment from the act of insulting anyone which I'm only doing because of the US Military Manual: Survival in a P.O.W. Camp which suggests that one insult their captors using cruel nicknames.

  The other reason I hurl any insults is because of the... cop's orders. Yeah, I said demands that if I were telling the truth then by logical deduction I would be insulting & not my usual respectful self (to everyone involved, both fellow victim AND attackers) when attempting to file a Police Report (Which ONLY can lead to my being attacked with a lengthy Police Interrogation & threatening session in my experience thus far.



  Pain, pain pain...



  I thought I'd "Ruin my life" early today. You know, writing a document with seemingly no redeemable social value, a waste of time, rehash old memories that only cause me internal grief, misery, & create no end of enemies whenever I've chose to tell my story.

  Soooooo today I thought I'd be respectful, why not?

  To The LORD I give thanks for all my answered prayers. Thank you LORD. By grace am I saved through faith. Not of any works that I have done.

I am at a loss to address you here. Thanx Daddy.

  To My Mother & My Father I wish you well & give you both Honour. I pray for your salvation & blessings often.

  To honor you both & what you've been to me I decided to be as truthful as possible & without exaggeration.

  To my siblings I wish you health, wealth, and happiness. I pray for your salvation & that the Lord bless you.

  To Duh Jerk & the Munger Boy 5 who became the 4 Stars in time I say this. I wish you well. I pray for your salvation & blessing often.

  To mid-Michigan Law-Enforcement I wish you well too & pray for you often.

  To the "Children of The Gym" I wish you well & pray for your salvation & genuinely hope that I will meet some or all of you one day in Heaven.

  To the families of the innocent who've fallen, who may be looking up at me typing tormented in Hell itself by the worst demons imaginable I say I'm sorry. I pray for you. I hope you find the justice that I suspect most of you crave.

  To honor you all & to facilitate justice I decided to be as truthful as possible & without exaggeration.

  Last of all I, I was going to write about me. What do I say? How do I sum it all up?



  Just checking in today. It's been a few weeks rape free. The rapes come & go mostly come. Complaining about your stalkers is proof a victim must be ignored. Not complaining about them is proof a victim is to be ignored. It's cOP Logic 101.

  I still get child-molester action. Their ongoing provocations are still going strong, almost daily.

  I recall a social situation where I slept in a dorm situation. A "snitch" who, like usual, came to me & swore he was there with good news based on the goodness of his tiny little heart. Simple human gooddiddlyoodness. He asked me to consider the guy who'd kept everyone awake?  

  Me? I considered him & the situation behind me.

The memories were and are today foggy at best.  Very hard to recall. The night time shouting dorm dweller really didn't keep me awake as a rule. I can sleep like a log sometimes. The guy had infrequently delayed my sleeping though. I also recall the other dorm-dwellers constant complaints that the yelling man kept them awake & awoke them all night at infrequent times. Some complained they simply couldn't sleep.

  In time, likely due to sleep deprivation, is my guess, tempers flared. Dorm dwellers began to confront the man. 1st they tried to reason with him. That failed. They tried to reason with the staff. They pointed out that the yelling man violated the rules of the common sleeping area. That he should go if only for the piece of mind of the other dorm residents. That failed. The staff refused to enforce the rule.

  Me? I'll admit the guy irritated me. Nothing more. When I thought about complaining his having kept me from going to sleep 1 time didn't warrant me complaining. His hourly yelling sessions during non-sleeping hours were a rules violation, but I figured that it was none of my business since he really didn't bug me much.

  As the days went on the man was confronted more & more assertively. He'd apologize or scream threats over & over. He sold & gave away drugs during the day. Though I smoked pot myself back then I refused his offers of free pot & great deals on the same. The other dorm room dwellers bought his wares & smoked his profits when offered for free.

  Days turned into weeks & some of my roommates tempers got the best of them. They yelled at the man & were soon ejected as troublemakers. Some came nearly to blows. They were ejected as troublemakers.

  The politics of the room seemed split & the man had enemies, up & until confronted, then friends popped up & everyone who opposed the shouting madman was ejected.

  Me? I left.

  That was when the smiling "snitch", a man come to help me out of the goodness of his heart (basic gang tactic 101, not special, mundane & ordinary practice). He asked me to consider the situation.

  So I did. Big wupp. The guy kept me from sleeping one time. So what?

  The smiling "snitch" asked me to consider the last month. What did I remember of it?

  I thought about it. Not much.

  He bragged that Duh Jerk & the 4 Stars had taken great pains to recruit everyone where I was buying my food (just 4 or 5 people) & made sure I was drugged all day every day. The people who slept near me were tasked with making sure I didn't sleep during the day (to augment the drugs I was on, just in case I should seek sleep). They were there as my handlers. To report on my status, what I was doing & such. They were there as blockers. The job of a blocker is to watch their victim for any friendly interaction & then approach the would be friend & gossip about their victim. If the target didn't believe the handler the others would approach them with the same accusation.

  When I said I didn't buy it he teased me. "You didn't make a single friend did you"?

  He said they doped me up really well some days. Those days I attended gang rapes... on film.

  Then he bragged about how they'd kept me awake with the shouting man.

  "Ever notice how he always had drugs"? He said they knew I smoked pot & he was there to be my supplier & so they could give me their rape drugs through him. The only problem was I wouldn't deal with him so that necessitated recruiting the food servers.

  "Ever notice how he always had people who'd protect him"? Yeah, I noticed that. It seemed to defy logic. Even people who expressed hatred of the man (especially people who expressed hatred of the man) there were several members, the ringleaders of sorts, who often talked & inspired violence against the man, often, came to his defense as soon as anyone physically confronted the man. Then the staff ejected the attackers. He said they were Jock Guards for the handlers. There to protect the otherwise ranking shouting man & to cheerfully pound my drugged butt into the ground if he, or any of them could provoke me.

  When I said the men didn't scare me he countered with. "They should have". He claimed the strength reducing drugs they kept me on would've made beating me to a pulp a filmed pleasure to watch & easy to do, thus proving that "The Gym" couldn't possibly have happened IF those wimps beat me into a fine righteously vigilante inspired paste.

  Soooo... he asked me. "Ever notice how when he shouted he used the name of God & cried 'Lordy Lordy"?

 Yeah, I'd noticed. He said that was so he could appeal to Christians as a Christian man. Again... just like "The Shouter" (the guy shouting in my present day life) does almost daily when he isn't making the demonic grunts between claiming to be a Christian victim of sorts whenever confronted (and between the many formerly innocent victims The present day "Shouter" has gotten thrust out of my place in my presence).

  He ended his conversation with. "We cant wait for you to accuse our Retard in court because the guy's been doing that kind of stuff his entire life". The man was a pro, literally & he took down many a formerly innocent victim for the gang with his lifestyle scam that made him above the law, & able to openly violate just about any law he wanted & retreat behind the "it's not his fault" defense that is the reason why the gang's "Retards" act that way in the 1st place.

  Why bring ALL that up? Because I'm living that same... exact... situation... again. Now. I've nicknamed the present day man, "The Shouter".



  Me? I'm in a lot of pain, the gang's drugs have caused me a lot of discomfort & my rectum is recovering. My underwear is dry, for once, unlike the last few weeks where my expanded rectum dripped bile after the swelling of my last sodomizing went down.

  Soooooo... last nite was... weird, weird & "perverse".

  How so? Like this.

  Soooooooooooo... there I was, sleeping last nite in the dorm surrounded by what used to be 30 or so contented sleepers, my "roommates" of sorts in the single dorm-styled room. It seems a man, early 40's was making insane noises. You know, the kind you make if you make a duckface & run your horizontal finger across your lips fast up & down intermingled with very loud gibberish & laughing. It's my guess that he made no one laugh there in the darkness, mere feet from me (typical).

  No one could sleep, the guy was quite loud. It went on about 5-10 minutes. Many of my fellow roommates expressed displeasure at the man's "public episode".

  Me? Since sleep was interrupted I simply stood standing facing him & accessed my phone. When I did so the lights came on, volunteer staff came back, stood beside me, woke the man, & demanded the man with his pants around his ankles explain himself?

  He chose to forgo explaining himself & instead began to insult me & refused, at 1st, to discuss anything but me in insults (typical, again).

  The man went straight to claiming Christianity as a defense (TYPICAL) for his demonic sounds & loud gibberish. The volunteer staff told The Babbler to quiet down & go back to sleep.

  The man swore he hadn't made any noise. he was a Christian & everyone else was lying, even the staff. He spent about a minute or 2 only addressing his displeasure at me because I was looking at him & he refused to engage the staff in their questions. Only demanding to speak about his displeasure that I was looking at him.

  Eventually the staf were able to get the man with his pants around his ankles to talk about something other than me looking at him.

  Me? After a non-confrontational calmly worded single question about his cussing at me, I too laid down.

  I chose to use my Phone for a few minutes, knowing what was likely about to happen.

  As soon as the lights went out the man dropped his pants to his ankles, again & rolled over. In about 2 minutes he was gibbering again, but not quite as loud but even more mirthful.

  The homosexual in charge, a volunteer staff flipped on the lights & told the angry threatening man with the superior Christian motives to pack his stuff & leave.

  AT that point the man threw homosexual slurs around the room directed at the staff.

  The homosexual in charge countered saying the man was hardly a Christian knight, the Night Babbler had made many advances on the young homosexual & he explained them in great sexual anatomical detail over the next minute or 2.

  Over the next half hour the man made a spectacle of packing as... violently as he could (I'd suppose? I only use the word violently because I just woke up & am not sure what word to use).

  In the end the Babbler threw his hat down next to my bed & bent over showing me his recently clothed behind in a lengthy pose, then left.

  I have no idea who the guy was & don't care enough about the subject to check.

  "It is the accusations of our victims reflected back at them that is out true power". Translated what this means is that if a victim accuses them, the gang, of anything, then it's likely they already have prepared counter accusations preplanned & rehearsed that they use. But as a rule they only use them IF their victim accuses them.

  The Shouter, like usual when it is not his shift, was as quiet as a church mouse (typical).

  Me? Awoken every hour & a half isn't as fun as I apparently make it sound.

  Innocent perverse Blabbering or gang PRACTICAL joke?



  Itch, itch, itch.

  Rape rape, rape...

  Pain! Pain! Pain!

  I seem to have a lingering congested chest condition from the repeated times I recently caught (was given, same thing) COVID.

  It's just a guess, but while I itch & cough I'll bet that out there somewhere a child is being raped & a mid-Michigan... cop is laughing.

  Disclaimer: The mid-Michigan... cop isn't laughing at the child in agony... probably? They sure did laugh a lot when I was a child in their... copshop & they had authority over me.



  My recent abductions have had my kidnappers talking Star Trek (a series I enjoy watching from time to time, nothing more) during their moments of filmed mundane interactions with me. They seem to be always careful to manipulate the conversations to Star Trek & then interact with me, though I recall little of the specific conversation content, only that we talked Trek over & over & over. It's what the gang does as a matter of business against their victims. They research the hobbies of their victims & then engage them in the hobby through mundane & seemingly innocent filmed conversations & in their endless & many filmed skits that they inflict on their victims (ie: Me, the often filmed author of this website).

  I just wrote SKITS!!! Living the dream, San Andreas Style style!!!

on my webpage: How The Scam Works 2 & am in no mood to carry through with my promise to live stream GTA at the moment. Or to do anything BTW. Maybe I'll feel better if I eat something?



  Last week in rape. Sodomized several times. On 3 separate occasions, the occasion of each sodomy they either injured or broke bones anew in my left foot about every other day. 1st, the front of the foot just before where the toes meet dead center. 2nd center rear heel. 3rd the far center left of said foot.

  All of the above gave me the very painful sensation of walking on a foot that could be described as made into hamburger.

  I picture some... cop saying. "Oh yeah, then why ain't you limping pain boy"?

  A fair question Sir. My retort? "Because I believe manly men should grit the pain for one. Second I've been convinced by medical research (my own amateur research BTW) that limping on any limb can lead to a host of problems by throwing one's body out of whack. My point being if you limp on a foot, then you swing your pelvis a new way, then you balance the load of your body weight on your back differently than normal putting stress on bunches of tiny stabilizer muscles not normally stressed & so on. This alters how the other foot balances & it's complex (and increasingly hamburger consistency) bones & muscles balance differently as well. In theory this can lead to a host of complications. Not always, but sometimes lead to a host of complications. Besides, I hate attention & talking about my stalkers throughout my day isn't how I want to spend my day when people ask why are you limping? Stalker? What stalker? Have you called called the... cops?



  I ain't typing a log entry today, so I'll let the below tale I typed on How The Scam Work's 2 page be today's entry.

  Pain... pain... pain...



  IT'S HOW THE SCAM WORKS. They attack. You respond. Based on your response they escalate. But they don't just escalate in a way you might suspect, their attack is both weird & perverse so it should come as no surprise that their escalation is both weird & perverse.

  You respond, they respond... weirdly & perversely.

  They attack again. Why? It's not you, it's them. It's their nature. It's what the gang does. If they didn't attack you they'd simply move on to the next formerly innocent victim on their list. Framing them & escalating their weird & perverse attacks on the next target. It's just business to them. Same old same old. Mundane business as usual.

  Once you're on the list you're on it for life. Their escalations & attacks persist. As a victim you'll be forced to respond.

  Think the... cops will help you? Not when the gang unfurls it's ultimate & infallible weapon against ALL of it's victims.

  Fake friendship. Either with a few, some, many, or the sum of the gang. Duh Jerk explained their tactic to me in his tax-payer funded office during business hours when he tried to recruit me. "Such & such is crazy. Their our friend & their on drugs. It always works because everyone knows to say that". How do you counter that?

  Recap: The gang will tell the... cops they are or were your friend. It debases their victims. "Officer you can feel good about destroying our victim because you know they are a real scumbag if they are one of us". It works, it works well. Until now I've seen it work infallibly. Worse Reader? Screw up & don't help me & maybe you, or your kids are next. Maybe not? Maybe it'll be kids you never met before. Does that possibility make you feel better Reader?

  It's 5-8-22 & I'm in a lot of pain from last few night's attacks.

  Response. Escalation...

  It's how the scam works.



  That tooth they split really hurts today. So do those recently broken bones.



  All is quiet for the last few days. The pain in my rectum is subsiding, the swelling went down yesterday. It relaxes the muscles & during flatulence I passed a few teaspoons of gay rapist brain matter (that's the insult I'm assigning what came out of my rectum) while in public. A bonus of the 

gang's many rapes I'd suppose or the penalties of my chosen sexual lifestyle I'd guess is what most... cops would say.

  I wonder what life without rapes & mass murderers is like? Not that I have anything to compare it to?



  I woke up about 4 hours later than normal. Rectum swelled greatly. It points to a larger than average gang rape. I have fleeting recollections of mundane interactions with young adults, likely filmed. Always filmed.

  I've got to do laundry, my pants are soaked with dripping fluids from my frequent sodomizings

  I lost... I lost & it sucks to be me. I ain't giving up though. I pray a lot.



  My rectum just plain old feels... "weird" after my recent sodomizing.Very much "violated" against my will & without my permission.

  If I had to guess (and the... cops tell me, often, during their lengthy interrogations inspired solely by my coming to them seeking help, OR ELSE!), it's the gang stepping up it's withering attacks on my body based on my live streaming about them. A thing they've always threatened if I should seek help against them & their stable of dirty... cops & their easily gulled but otherwise skeptic & or idiot... cops or from the general public (the singular goal of my live streaming BTW).

  The chomo's are on the hunt and raging.



  Last night while I slept, alone in the woods, they went into the wallet I had in my pocket, while I was sleeping & took the last of my dollar bills. Leaving me with exactly $! in assorted change. Since I found a penny my total is $1.01. Duh Jerk has expressed to me in the past his thrill at taking what he knows to be the last few dollars from one of his victims.

  Halved my fluids, broke open my liquid soap & poured it into my bag, my front door zipper bears the wounds of "death by 10,000 zips". A fav tactic of Duh Jerk's I'm told. Since they attack victims with primarily children of whom most are allegedly on drugs they have lots of bratty kids literally on & or addicted to drugs with tons of energy & nothing else to do. So reportedly they order silly attacks on victims. Allegedly saying commands like. "Go work his zippers back & forth until we get back, in perhaps 4-8 hours".

  I had some pepper & crushed red pepper, they were more than halved. My Acetaminophen was dumped out & I'm searching for the top between writing this. In the past when this happened the pills got a weird "perfumey" taste to them no matter what container they were spilled into.

  I haven't inventoried & tested the sum of my possessions yet (a dwindling number) to see what may have been sabotaged or stolen (sabotage being more common).

  "We like to attack our victims using weird & perverse attacks. That way when the cops come to accuse us we say 'of course we didn't do that &  you can ignore his accusations because all he does it talk about weird & perverse stuff".

  There's usually socks (1 sock at a time, not pairs & almost exclusively soiled are the only one's taken). 

  They also emptied one of my lighters, kinda typical. Emptying everything in a petty quest for revenge. Imagine me shaking my head & going. "Tisk tisk tisk. Petty... oh so petty guys".

  I also went to sleep with a zit on my right cheek that while bigger than average was beginning healing. When I awoke it was scraped of & clearly a minor wound about 1/4 of an inch or so. My face is so scarred from zits of the past I'm not concerned. But it does represent a wound inflicted on me by the gang. They really, really like using face slaps & punches (mostly by wimps) to the face as punishments (for perceived transgressions, revenge, fun, or whatever their given reason may be, be it for just "same old same old, it's what they do reason enough kinda thing"). It may even be possible that in a drugged stupor the wound was self-inflicted? I'm forced to acknowledge the possibility it was just an accident while I was drugged by them or myself. Who knows? That's the beauty of their plan. A victim has to lay all their cards on the table & the gang can counter their every accusation with well-practiced lies. In short, I have to lay all my cards on the table, they get to play their trump cards one at a time.

  I may've been taken late, I think the drugs are wearing off leaving me drowsy. They say as a rule of thumb they like to use uppers on victims when they drop'em off at home (or the police station), that way they aren't initially acting drugged, sleepy, or all doped up.

  Even worse? When I used "the facilities" my rectum didn't feel recently sodomized? Was it all little girl or animal porn I starred in? Maybe I just made a business end run in a snuff film? Was someone hurt? Who died? Is it a child you know Reader reading this? If it's just some kid who died who may have cured cancer some day that you never met does that make you feel better... cops? Having interviewed many mid-Michigan... cops in the past & assuming most... cops are "just like them" I suspect you really don't care. Just a guess based on experience & countless interviews of actual police.

  Oh yeah, they bathed me too.. How? Using what? Who knows. I probably should put that in more



  I just couldn't bring myself to go home in the woods last night to face another rape gang so I slept elsewhere. Not as glamorous nor fun as the... cops tell me I make it sound.


  5-31-22 Weird & perverse...

  Sooooo... the way it worked on the face numbing is this. I was interrupted when I was typing & never got to it in detail, like I am now. The way I figure it is I'm likely doomed no matter what, barring a miracle from God. So why not embrace the truth? Rumor has it the truth will set you free. Seeing as I have no better plan why not? It's a story about a madman & his gang who embrace medical technology. In cOPSPEAK (the "Official" language... cops use to interact with their victims, I mean the language the fine Officers use when discussing a victim's police report) it's been alleged to me time & again that there are no criminals that embrace cutting edge technology. None. Not a one. Maybe spies on TV or James Bond villains but not any rapists & certainly not a single rape gang. Ignore the fact that I come from the rapingest place in America (from time to time, sometimes other areas edge out the Saginaw Valley for the title). Nothing to see here. No serial rapists there. Nope,

  They said in the days of old all roads lead to Rome. In Bay City, Saginaw, & Midland Michigan the... cops all agree that all accusations of a rape gang lead to nothing but lies. Just ignore their championship rapist titles & their vision of a rape gang free area works. Trust them.

  So, it was the morning my face went numb. My tooth hurt, badly after the rapes. They messed with it... again. But my jaw felt... 'penetrated". Like someone had stuck something into my jaw from inside my mouth. So I felt around & to my dismay I felt, just under my jaw, a small item just under the skin. I estimate that it was very small. About 5 mm long at most & probably no more than 2 mm wide & felt cylindrical & liquid filled, not solid entirely.

  Being that something was new inside my face I pressed on it. It popped with little effort & both felt like & sounded like a small plastic item & made a very plastic sounding pop noise. "POP"!

  Immediately the contents rushed out numbing my cheek as it went at the speed my heart pumped blood, fanning out. It's been numb ever since.

  "We can do anything we want to do to you as long as we do it weird or perversely". Truer words were never spoken.

  If I had to guess (and during their INTERROGATIONS police tell me I must or my alleged "interview" will end) this attack was because I've begun live streaming & speaking the news in regular podcasts. The Last Snitch told me they intended to destroy my jaw using medial attacks (written in detail in my +1,500 page letter to the FBI where someone dies every few pages, often children).

  What was the attack? Is the damage temporary or permanent? Shall I receive even more such attacks? How many of my fellow victims, cast along the wayside on one of those roads that lead to Rome will have the same story as I? A tale of the same attack by a gang of madmen who embrace medical technology?

  The truth shall set you free? Even me? We shall see?


  Woke up with a bloody eye. Not as fun nor glamorous as I make it sound. I didn't hit myself nor did anyone hit me... that I know of. In the past it's been an indicator of a gang attack, I was assaulted during my kidnappings & may have resisted or punching me was just fun for them (I'm told it's proof I'm a big-ole-wimp. "If what you say about "The Gym" was true then we couldn't have films of us beating you up". Proof positive to any and ALL mid-Michigan... cops, or so they tell me).

  I accuse no one of anything here. For all I know... I caused the injury myself. I mean, it was bound to happen once? Right?

  Where are all these... cops who tell me they are all way too good at their jobs for any of my accusations to be true? Cant you... cops stop the gang? Even once?


  Sitting here typing with my stalker's guys next to me. Typical, as each assaults me they all claim they are the innocent victims the whole while. It's called "gaslighting". Look it up. Lately it's all been people of color. My stalker's bragged it's so that, if they can provoke me, the "innocent victims" can claim racism. Hurling racist insults at me & then claiming racism for no reason nor provocation on my part.

  Who is it? I've covered it in my notes before. I'm not empowering their testimony, their "counter assaults" & sure to be lies against me by accusing anyone. It happens so regularly that the concept that it's random acts of violence is laughable (since the attacks follow me across the nation, & even the world as I travel).

  Today was a typical frame up. 2 men demanded to know what I did in the bathroom while neither had any reason to be in there & apparently had no desire to go therein after I'd left. They then made their argument about my bathroom visit.

  My stalkers told me that these types of attacks are designed to be as perverse as possible. The theory being any provocation involves bathroom talk & potty time speak at best.

  A weird & perverse start to my day. How's yours going Reader?


  The poisoning campaign to shut my mouth, because I've taken to live streaming on the web to ask for help goes on as planned & unimpeded by any... cops.

  About 2 am I was entertained by the voices of a group children chatting not 20 yards from my home. Being that I live alone & in the woods in the dark on a highway far from the nearest homes it is an unusual social setting at best to be chatting in.

  I woke up, my rectum hurts, the pain in my mouth "mysteriously" chose the night time to spread down to my neck, my lips are on fire, & there's a solid lump on my jaw "2"x 2" x 1" that was feeling better and diminishing in size. It chose last night to become harder & for the pain to spread.

  "Coincidence". Said the Skeptic... cop. When I say anything, present any evidence it's all coincidence, conjecture, or straight up lies. "They must be". says the Dirty... cop. "What other possible explanation could there be"? Sadly, it's spoken while the Idiot... cop nods in approval.


  About 4:05 AM I heard multiple individuals hooting & hollaring in the distance yards from my place to the south in the woods such as the gang are want to do.

  About an hour later it began anew. People came at me from every direction making their poor animal noises. I could hear sticks braking as the sounds of many people tromping through the woods coming to me, they made their way to me in the dark.

  The memory ends there. 

  Fast forward 2 or 3 hours. My mouth was on fire. The pain worse than ever. The swelling worse than ever.


  5-27-22 Numbness subsiding...

  I really should bring it up more, it's the number of times I awake after the kidnapping to numbness of limb. Injected & pierced all over my limbs. In my legs it's usually just below the knee but lately could be anywhere on my legs. Particularly about the femoral artery. On my arms it's a circle at the top of the biceps & triceps. Particularly the wrists which it often switches up with. Both lower & upper wrists.

  The gang brag it's a long term crippling designed to make it seem like my body has simply failed from some "condition" that one of their dirty doctors will swear I've succumbed to. The secret surgerys (tunneling & cutting through my body with a medical endoscope for fun at parties) on my shoulders & knees, the cuts into my heart & who knows what other damage they've directly inflicted but I'm not aware of... yet. Such as when "My Cousin" bragged it was he who inflicted me with Graves Disease with a poison which he liked to inflict on his victims whom he intended to provoke to violence (when you read up on Graves Disease one of it's symptoms IS in fact being more easily provoked to violence). He bragged that with his constant provocations, the right blend of drugs, & the disease to help stress the victim it made his more difficult to provoke victims fail when they were endlessly provoked (did you hear that? The sound of a cell door slamming on another formerly innocent victim, if you are a mid-Michigan... cop I'm sure you can live with "just one more innocent victim going down", these things happen, right? Especially when YOU are around as a victim's primary or only defense).

  "It's all designed so that when we tie you up & make you stand for a week or 2 your body will just give up & collapse". He promised me my legs would give out & the strain on my shoulders & wrists will make my limbs useless. "You think the cops wont help you [against us] now? Just you wait until you're in an adult nursing home & begging for help [from us]".

  "We use ultra-fine needles or those needles like the doctors use on Star Trek". The Last Snitch bragged to me. So did the guy injecting me in a skyscraper office building when he showed me the reusable syringe type that left no visible wounds that he'd hooked up to with a pressurized industrial drum filled with who knows what chemicals? When I asked him he told me he used to use small vials that held his drug but got tired of constantly fiddling with them & acquiring new ones. So he switched to a more industrial-like medical drum to hold a whole lot of his chemicals he used to inflict upon many of his victims.

  Help? Please?


  2 nites ago the gang injected my mouth... again. More injections than ever. As I type this I can still taste the last of whatever was the medicine or poison that they used on my mouth. I've been spitting it out for 2 days. I had some serious swelling yesterday which has largely subsided. If the poison acts the same as last time then I should have massive swelling in a few days.



  They broke the bones across my left heel 1/3rd at a time, the last the other nite on the front 1/3rd of my left heel. It's quite painful & with each broken bone the imaginary circle that is how far I can walk or even travel grows smaller & smaller. I had some drip drip drippy bile-infused underwear to testify to the ferocity of my sodomy session.

  They've really thinned out my hair in their frequent electrolysis sessions.

  Only in America...


  They really filled up that wound in my face, it's draining slowly. I've been sucking on that dead socket sensation out of what were the intact teeth of my lower right jaw. You know... it's called "lying" in & about mid-Michigan & Delaware.

  At least my underwear are drier now, I put on clean ones & it's a rare pleasure to sit in dry underwear as of late as for weeks whenever I chose to sleep at my place I was sure to be sodomized. Hmmm... let me look that up in my cOPSPEAK to English dictionary here.... Uhhh... it all translates to the word liar. Everything does once you've been accused in mid-Michigan.

  I'd suppose there's nothing I can say or do to end my suffering. To end the ongoing campaign of rapes that leave my rectum a penis holder for all the perverts for 10 counties wheresoever I may be resting my head. There is no escape, not in my America.

  In pain... I'd suppose that if I were the masochist they'll make me out to be I'd be in my glory as I type. Gotta go.



  I just went to a communal cookout... now less than a half hour after eating I feel... stoned. High as a kite. Addled.

  For the record... I do not smoke, I do not drink alcohol, & I do not use drugs... willingly... sigh...

  I am however doped stupid on who knows what drug or drugs regularly ever since I was a baby. Very serious high dosage amounts of drugs for weeks & months on end administered by self-professed recreational baby raping & child-killing madmen who tell me they themselves are high as kites. I notice that, despite what... cops tell me that as a rule they just reach for a syringe, fill it with who knows what? Then use the TLAR dosing system (That Looks About Right Dosage System, also known as winging it via drug use experience).

  I've actually had... cops complain to me... cops... complained to ME, that my story couldn't be true as the drugs in question would require professional pharmacist level of expertise to use, administer, & properly dose. Since I said they used the TLAR System my story is unbelievable.

  "But my entire story is about a gang who just "wing it" administering drugs & in times past they got the doses wrong & a bunch of misfortunes befell them, many innocents ( who were in the wrong place at the wrong time), many formerly innocents, & myself".

  Many times I have been regaled by the tale that begins with. "We overdosed you & we had to take you to the Hospital (Bay Medical Center, formerly Mercy Hospital in my youth). You should like those guys. They saved your life a bunch of times when they covered for us".

  They woke me up yesterday at 2"30 AM wooping in my yard. Part of an ongoing "wake Dave up now & then program". Most mornings I hear them as they prepare to leave at sunrise wooping it up in general.

  Most days lately I return home & withing seconds of entering my place the gang sets off fireworks to the south of me... just like they did in Dover for years. It announce I've arrived & likely empowers  the gang to accuse me to the locals. "Want to know who's been letting off those fireworks? Every time that guy goes home wait & listen & he lets off fireworks. What other logical explanation could there be"?

  As a mid-Michigan or Delaware... cop you probably feel a lot of rage at reading what I've got to say. Please don't hurt me or send... cops to kill me... again? Why not feast on your righteous indignation on some really bad people instead of me this time? Please? I can suggest a few people for you. As a mid-Michigan... cop you probably haven't a clue who I mean but I'm hoping the Delaware Police are made of smarter stuff? A guy can dream cant he?



  The week in review...

  My gums are healing after the latest below the gum-line teeth scraping. My recent weekly gel poison injection has left me with the same Novacane-like taste & the swollen right lower gums & cheek which (if recent history is any guide) will lead to increasing swelling of my face & gums. The "dead socket" feeling pervades my right lower back teeth at the injection site (point of the swelling) & caused a continuous pain to develop in the last few days on the lower right side of my teeth centered below the gum-line.

  Rectal swelling has sealed my rectum, I can tell it'll likely be a dripping mess as the swelling subsides, likely timed to deliver my rectum a foul-smelling dripping mess timed for my coming birthday tomorrow (happy birthday to me huh?). Drip drip. Wiff wiff. I'm sure that if any... cops should get involved the stench is proof against me... everything is.

  More filmed mundane interactions with my kidnappers abound in my life, I'm starring in a lot of porn. Not by choice mind you.

  Pain, foul-odors, wrecked this, vandalized body parts, sex with man, woman, child, beast, & appliances all films for Georgetown... cop's amusement.

  A new rash (VD), scabies, and another tick (the morning after I complained above there was one on my "secret parts" & it developed a nasty rash too. Not that that or anything I complain about anywhere whatsoever is even the tiniest amount of proof for me.

  They stole my back-up sunglasses... again. I wonder if a single store carousel could contain them all like The Last Snitch boasted they have collected of the sunglasses stolen from me?

  They've been attacking my hand sanitizers lately. halved, halved again & again & again with each attack. I'd suppose it takes a s"special kind of pervert" to go after a sex crime victim's hand sanitizer. If any... cop would or could understand the implications of depriving a victim of said product after exposing them to people like... "them". To any... cops who might be reading this know that as I wander YOUR stores where YOUR kids & family shop addled by lack of proper sterilizing products during a pandemic I, & the gang just might be the special someone's to bring you & YOUR loved ones that special disease or sickness. Food for thought oh ye less than useful... cops. Hug YOUR kids & think of me. I'm probably frequenting THEIR schools when I'm shooting all that child-porn I'm complaining about, the places THEY shop, & spreading who knows what all the while? But hey, maybe not right? What are the odds? I'd suppose the odds are something that YOU are prepared to live with? Huh?

  Remember the... cop motto: Destroy the victim. That'll shut'em up!


  Itch... Itch... Itch...

  Drip... Drip... Drip...

  Pain... Pain... Pain...

  Happy birthday... toooooooooo... meeeee...



  Last nite's attack was particularly brutal. My rectum hurts & the vein blockage attacks were invasive around my legs. They did promise me I'd be a paraplegic or a quadriplegic when I faced them one day in court after all.

  When I woke up my eyes hurt... bad! They watered a lot & I was extremely light sensitive. Worse than ever before in my life in fact. I could do nothing but sit alone in the dark.

  In hours the light sensitivity passed & has been reduced to manageable levels of light sensitivity.

  It's only trivia to add that the gang brag they like to drug me with thyroid affecting drugs (they imagine that my thyroid condition, Graves Disease that I suffer from lends them some immunity here) & that part of my tortures is they dose me with thyroid enhancing drugs one day to pep me up, then they switch to the opposite drugs of the same type to slow me down. Even uppers one day, downers the next & so on. The theory being that I'm a drug-abuser if I should somehow ever prove I was so dosed (I am not, it's forbidden in my religion, it's called "sorcery", look it up). My eyes still hurt though as I type here in the shadows.

  I'm also dripping with sweat. A symptom or side-effect or just because it's hot? Maybe both?

  Why ain't I a pill popper? I'll sum it up with a short tale below.


  The year was Circa 1972ish. I had just come from class in Bay City's Whitless School where a classmate had been ejected from class for acting nuts. As recess unfolded around me it looked like, to me, in my opinion my classmates were acting strange, weird, & nuts. They'd split up into groups & several of them were afflicting the mostly younger students of our school & in big groups bullying the older students quite meanly.

  One of my classmates approached me. Strange only in that them talking to me or being perceived as playing with me could lead to them being beat up or forced to endure starring in a violent revenge porn (or so they'd whined to me). Still, they sometimes did talk to me & a few even braved playing with me now & then (otherwise no one would've been punished, get it?). A classmate approached me & basically asked me. "Do you know why everyone in our class has been acting so strange lately"?

  No. I did not know & had not expended even a moment of thought on the subject. They were a fairly strange lot to begin with in my opinion but I did agree they'd been acting stranger than normal lately.

  My classmates bragged/whined that they'd been given access to an unlimited amount of any pills they wanted lately as a reward (for what twisted evil weird or perverse deed or deeds I know not). They were all high as kites & formed up into groups of like-minded high children (about age 7 then) & were running the school & causing mayhem.

  So? What's that got to do with me? I asked. Frankly, they didn't interest me much & I was afraid that if I asked them any questions they'd answer them & lets face it, I didn't believe a word that came out of any of their mouths, so why even bother asking them anything whatsoever?

  They just wanted me to know (by "wanted me to know" I mean "volunteered the information unsolicited & out of the blue"). Then my classmates offered me a chance at some pills by telling me they could get any kind of pills I want. Anything & in a large quantity. Several bottles were offered. All I had to do was ask & they'd go inside the building & fetch them from their unlimited supply in the School.

  I pondered the situation. Even at age 7 in the past I'd met & dealt with many "trustees of modern chemistry" by that age. Pill poppers included & in my opinion they were either nuts or by judging known pill poppers I'd met of many ages I figured they were all nuts or one day would be. All of them. It was simply a matter of time. Not a maybe they went crazy from pill use but a when.

  I declined the offer for free drugs no matter how nicely they offered. Even when they suggested I take a quantity & just sell it for the money. Big money.

  After they left another classmate approached me (unsolicited) & said to ignore the drug offering classmates. Duh Jerk had sent them to me to find out what "my drug of choice " was & was disappointed the answer was: B: None of the above. Their last offer to simply give me a bunch of expensive pills was just so they could frame me as a drug dealer. Nothing more. The main plan was to addict me to a drug of choice. The only problem was they weren't sure what that was? 

  As for the pills, yeah my classmates were all high as kites but the entire scene was a giant organized recruiting scene. The theory was my classmates bullied fellow students & the staff watched to see who'd react. 1st they'd gotten rid of the vigilantes (fellow students who'd had the guts to stand up to the bullies) kicked out. I knew for a fact several children, mostly older than my class, had been sent home that day. The plan was the child-molesting staff would watch their young gang bangers bully their peers & they'd see how the other students reacted (often pre-chosen victims who allegedly fit a psychological profile, divorced parents, parents who were inattentive, didn't trust their children's accusations when it came to school violence either from students OR staff) & then note later how their parent's reacted & then carefully select their next victims after the results of what was essentially a big recruitment test of sorts. Each victim's reactions to the individually crafted & usually violent scenario inflicted upon them (another descriptions would be "PRACTICAL jokes", to see who may be weak & thus easily influenced or recruited) would be noted & what was a textbook response would be applied to them & or their parents both at that time & later during what was the next phase of their recruiting & blackmailing business. It's how it's done.

  My fellow classmate said Duh Jerk said I was a liability, being unrecruited & in the same class as the young porn-stars & learning my drug of choice to manipulate me was just business as usual. Framing me when I refused their drugs by offering me free drugs was just "business as usual" for the gang. In the opinion of my classmate it wasn't even personal. It was just what they did as a rule, nothing more. The theory being that once I went down for drugs they could do anything they wanted to me because I'd be framed as just another trouble making kid.

  Me? I'd already long ago by age 7 that due to my then vast amount of personal experience in dealing with insane or soon to be insane pill poppers in my life that I'd never become one of them & I never did.

  I took an unprescribed Vikadin once for medicinal reasons. It worked perfectly & the debilitating back spasms that'd all but crippled me for weeks ended that nite.


  July 25th in the Year of Our Lord 2022

  Grabbed my pants from yesterday. The crotch was still wet from bile drippings, a product of my latest sodomy. The underwear were a wet mess too.

  The scabs from my injections in my inner elbows finally dropped off last nite. The pain from my latest torture sessions is still going strong & makes even walking a challenge. I've put on weight, likely from inactivity due to torture.

  Pain... pain... pain...

  They ripped my shoes, a little here, a little there. Like usual. Always front to back as a rule. Not that a bunch of ripped up shoes proves anything to... cops (neither that nor being attacked by a dozen or more people INSIDE the Police Station either,, believe me, I know, even if they all purger themselves at that time too).

  The lump where they've been injecting into my mouth has returned with it's associated mediciney taste. I'd suppose that, like before, my mouth will likely swell up, again, on the right side. Numbness from their frequent injections is a concern. The mundane interactions, often with adults but sometimes with children leaves me wondering who may have been hurt? Who died?

  My rectum hurts & my pants & underwear smell badly.

  Why me I ask? Not that I expect an answer from anyone.

  If you are a mid-Michigan... cOP it's likely you've "seen the films". I've heard it time & again from uniformed & on duty... cOPS. "You're getting what you deserve. I've seen the films".

  Why me? Why? I try to be a decent guy. I don't cause trouble. I've been a pacifist & never wanted to hurt anyone except in self-defense or to protect someone else.

  Why me? Why?




  ... cOPS in my front yard when I went home. Why? Idano? Then it occurred to me I'd went home later than usual to my place where the... cops were hanging out. About 10:20 PM or so & they were hanging out in the Hardees Parking lot on the Maryland/Delaware border in Delmar DE. An unmarked car had it's bright lights on & illuminated the way to my front door. I avoided the scene by walking away. Later I went back in about a half hour or so & they were all standing around idle chatting as before. So I went to the nearby Wawa & got something to drink & noted my soda had been pierced in my bag, so I emptied it to survey the damage at a defunct business on that corner. In minutes the... cops had left & one rolled up on me from behind, possible ONLY if he'd been forewarned I was there. He told me to leave & I did without incident.

  The scene occurred to me in the context of my continuous abductions & I'll apply what I've learned of the logistics as both experienced by me & told to me by bragging or whining gangbangers (depending on if you're talking to a member/victim or victim/member). Note: I'm not saying they were part of an abduction team, or that what they were doing was anything but innocent (my website has enough accusing of people without throwing wild speculation & accusations around) only that I'm being abducted nightly as of lately & I'll discuss known & professed techniques I've come to learn.

  Firstly. The gang watch a victim, learn their patterns. Easier than ever in this day of tracking cell phones & planting miniscule bugs. Let alone when a gang is tasked to bodily follow a given special victim (one of their infamous "get out of jail free cards" that... cops fall for every time I'm told) & record their every move, adding a shield of gossip, innuendo, violence, & occasional "gang inserts" into their lives. "Soon we know where they're going to be at any given time better than they do".

  Secondly the gang's Bosses are very "hands off" in their command style. When conducting a kidnapping I'm told the various elements of the team are all set up much earlier so the Bosses can be far away at the time of the crime to give them insulation. The team are given 2 sets of orders. 1st is the command to do the deed, in this case a kidnapping & rape. 2nd is the escape plan. Duh Jerk summed up the crime technique when applied. That the gang is trained to rigidly adhere to the plan as laid out to the letter. If even a single element goes wrong or not according to plan "We go with the escape plan. There is no improvisation". He boasted it added an extra degree of unbelievability to their plans. The... cops will say surely if a single element of the crime doesn't go perfectly they'd just improvise. The victim must be wrong, crazy, or a liar. It's only logical. "We're patient & if we don't gett'em this time we'll get them next time".

  Recap: The elements are put into place, people assigned places, tasks, their... cop Escort/Protection is put in place, & the crime takes place with their dirty... cops ready & in position to become the lead officers on any investigation by being ready to arrest everybody they catch as detailed in "The Escape Plan".

  I asked Duh Jerk why they didn't improvise? Why not have 2 plans & an escape plans?

  He answered back that they liked to use children to commit their crime (who are usually the ones commiting the deeds or involved in the periphery & not otherwise seen) because they look at little or no time in imprisonment for even the most heinous crimes. Children & "the average crook" really can't be trusted to deal with complex & evolving plans. Thus it's best to keep it simple.

  My Advice to Police: Knowing the above to be true my advice to Police is that you walk into any investigation or sting knowing that as you talk to a given gang member that it is likely they've been equipped with 2 plans. Plan: A & their Escape Plan.

  Simply put if an Officer can get elements of a given plan to switch prematurely to an escape plan it may be possible to gain advantage in any investigation.


  Dover Sleep deprivation Assault: Day 5: The... cOPS don't care Wednesday...

  Awakened every hour or 2 isn't very glamorous. It's making it harder to think... I'm becoming... "addled". Let me use my Wix Copspeak to English Translator here. "LIAR"! Everything a victim says translates to the word liar whenever a mid-Michigan... cOP says so. Everything.

  Sooooo... I'd suppose I should come up with some inspiring saying here. An "I'll never give up no matter what moment (it's true, I won't give up)". Maybe an inspire "why won't someone help me moment"? Eh, while I sat down at the computer just now, my mind addled by R.E.M. Sleep Deprivation & thought I'd write something.... I just don't feel inspired as I sit here with scabies literally coursing through my body & eating me from the inside while looking down at the STD infection that's covered my hands & wrists.

  I'm looking up at the picture on the left where they inflicted deeper needle tracts in my arms & bruised me publicly with their "injections" which I whine about but the... gang brags to me only proves that I like them. Likely because of their whores & their drugs. "Everyone likes us. Everyone wants to be one of us".

  My opinion? The gang offered me a chance to join. I turned them down. They offered me wealth, IF I'd just play ball. I refused. "We'll give you a house, a car, & a job if you join us right now". I turned them down. They offered me their whores; indeed, I'd be permanently assigned one & was told "you can hit anyone you want who's not one of us", by joining them the gang would cover up my every misdeed just like they do for their officers was offered & I said no. They told me join us or we'll torture you until you go insane & I chose possible madness as preferable to standing beside them & practicing their brand of mandatory "unquestioned obedience" (whatever that is). They offered me my life when My Cousin said their plan was to inflict my life with so much evil that nearly all the victims the gang thus inflicts are reputed to kill themselves within 6 months (a number repeated fairly regularly by many source's actually).

  My summary? The recap? In as few words as possible? I'd rather be last with God than 1st with the Devil. I ain't giving up & the gang has nothing I want. Period.

  'Drop mic''


  Guys walking around my yard last night smoking pot. A poor brand if I recall it correctly from my pot-smoking days. Cheap! Typical of the child-molestor gang really. Always 2nd rate, always cheap, always 2nd best. Always.

  As I recall it walking through my day I'm assaulted by the exact odor in public as I go from place to place. Coincidence? Maybe? But I don't like coincidences. Nah, I'm being stalked by a gang of madmen for reasons of profit & revenge & I've come to reconcile the notion. It's just fact.

  Well they halved my deodorants again. I haven't checked the new one I just got yesterday yet nor inventoried my Tylenol bottle's meager contents yet. The only strange thing is that they always head straight for my aftershave as a gospel rule to them. Always. Yet, in the last month they haven't touched it. Strange, but we are talking about a weird bunch of fellows here. The type of people who'd set the world's record for public failed attempted murders on a child & then choose to stalk them in a rape & porn film-filled cycle of revenge & profit. Eh, but such is my life.

  I find that if you're only defense is. "As God is my witness". Then you're likely in a lot of trouble no matter where you are. But especially in mid-Michigan, Delaware, or Maryland (where I'm currently living now).

  I advise anyone reading this to pray to God & seek him to get your heart right with God to avoid Hell. But I caution you that when you pray not to ask for double the blessing God gave to David A. George, I don't think you'd like it. And don't pray for 100 times the blessing he's given me. I don't think you'd like that either since it may imply you'll endure 1/100th of what I have (not a fun prospect in my opinion) & I implore you not to even limit yourself to begging God for 1,000 times the blessing of Dave. I'll bet that blessing would still involve more fighting & rape then any 10 good men would be comfortable enduring in my humble opinion.

  The moral of the story?

  It sucks to be me & it always has & a gang of madmen brag that it always will. I pray a lot & my story is what a lot of prayer has done for me.



  "We intend to do what we do to you & thumb our noses at the cops the whole while". Was one of the last things The Last Snitch boasted to me.

  Their latest bone-breaking on the center of my right foot has left me in crippling pain. Surely I cant take much more physically.

  Pain... pain... pain...


  What's it like to be stalked & raped... often?

  I woke today, took a short walk, then wiped the excrement off my rape swollen rectum, then wiped off my penis & scrotum &LITERALLY FOUND A GREATER AMOUNT OF CRAP ON THEM THAN MY SWOLEN AND ABUSED RECTUM!


  Saturday 9-3-22 update

  They were outside my yard again last night. honking & angrily revving their car engine & speeding away. If I had to guess by the intensity of that & the whooping they were angry, or frustrated. Just a guess. Went to sleep about dawn, woke up about noon (strange only in that IN THEORY, IT WAS ABOUT 6 HOURS OF THEORETICLY UNINTERRUPTED SLEEP. Unusual for "them" as of late. I was what I'll describe as "unusually alert & awake". Which faded soon enough.

  They stole my raincoat. Frankly I was surprised they let me keep it as long as they had. It was a really nice one. I had people just walk up to me throughout my day when wearing it & say. "What a nice coat". Of course... now I have no coat... again...

  I haven't bathed in weeks, nearly a month now. The gang has taken that responsibility from me & they bathe me, regularly now. Like usual at times.

  I still haven't checked my new anti-perspirant yet to see if it was halved. I can hardly wait to see (he said sarcastically).

  I just got some Axe Body Spray. It's in a can specially built so that it's hard to accidentally spray it, like if you kept it in your bag or something. I can only wonder how long that'll last. I've used it TWICE thus far! 2 times! We'll see if I get number 3 before I'm complaining about it being emptied?


  Hand in much pain, They must've rapped on my feet again, they both hurt. The weirdest thing? I just went in the bathroom to see about wiping my rectum. Force of habit. It was clean. Then I wiped my penis & scrotum & got me some poo.

  Whine, whine, whine. I grow weary of it all. I'm signing off.

  Why me?


  Just checking in.

  Last night was kinda quite. The only incident was when I laid down while reading last nite. When I got up (for the #1 reason people get up) a male human made a soft dog-sounding "woop" sound coming from the north north west of my place, probably in the parking lot. Like usual, no matter where I live. No matter what state I go to. With my windows closed & the fact that I live in the woods alone means that...

  I just wrote on my webpage "How the scam works 2" & titled the work "Never give up on a victim" .



  What are they injecting into my face?

  9-12-22 What are they injecting into my face?

  A few times a week lately (read my diary) I've been complaining of their medicine-tasting poison that they've been injecting into my face bi-weekly (at least). Always into the lower right jaw. It numbs the area & creates a bulge that when pressed bleeds out poison (a faintly tastes of Novocain) that numbs my mouth & cheek for a few hours. I ask this. "What is their endgame goal"?

  Now... with a single injection into my upper jaw they've numbed my upper right jaw & even numbed the cheek, and it's spreading. About an inch or less a day. Now it's fist-sized. Numb.

  I know that there's nothing the gang is doing to me that the... "cops" don't already know the gang does. It's a matter of public record no matter how much Child-Molestor-friendly... cops & judges gaslight about the subject. It's fact. Public record.

  All "that" being said...

  I ask law-enforcement this...

  "What are they injecting into my face"?


  I arrived home & in, what I estimate would be the amount of time occupants of the nearby hotel would need to surround my block on foot, the time it took me to walk up to my place from the road slowly, the characteristic "wooping" sounds came in rapid fashion at me from all 4 points of the compass. Likely 1 person in each compass direction, then several all wooping it up at the motel. It lasted about 1 minute. While they weren't wooping (dog-like noise) at the top of their lungs they were quite loud & continuous.

  I woke up, & the back of my mouth, specifically the flesh's behind my teeth in the back, not the teeth, the flesh hurt. Badly. Again... I don't think it was from injections.

  But I ask again... what have they been injecting into my face?

  9-16-22 Another savage rape session. Gang: Score 1 Police: Zero (as usual, sigh...)

  Sooooo... I got home last nite. Lotsa wooping, generally a single woop every 1/2 hour or so. Strange only in that they were farther away. Their location (by my estimation) are not on the street in the various compass directions around me but mostly to the east south east at a distance that would put them in the back yards of the homes there. Their usual spot of east north east, on the street is still used often & I suspect that it is likely because that point is the furthest point from human contact available around me on the street. They also delight using the Hardees parking lot & their grassy field. I don't think the gang would use said homes, even though it was cold & they always woop it up whenever the weather 1st turns cold enough to make people close their windows.

  It goes without saying that the gang uses their soft fireworks one at a time. Pretty much at that sweet spot to the east north east & the Hardees & the motel parking lot.

  I woke up with the wounds in the flesh behind my teeth very much worse. I can only guess that eating will be a very painful experience for me, worse than it was yesterday.

  I am reminded of The Last Snitch when he was trying to act like my friend during a standard debriefing (like usual). He asked me if I had wounds occur to the flesh of the back of my mouth behind the back teeth? When I told him I had he claimed it was from being rubbed raw by one of their devices designed to force the mouth open & keep it open during their films. Like all their other gadgets & gizmos their inclusion in my life by film only serves to prove my willingness to be involved in said films because I am a pervert... just like them. The... cop says. "What other logical conclusion could there be"?

  Also... today I solved a sort of mystery that has befuddled me over the decades. Sometimes when I reached for a shirt, underwear, or my cap I noticed either light or prominent white sweat stains of a sort. I pondered what they may be? I sniffed them & they had no discernable odor. The pattern was obviously one of sweat. I was otherwise clean. So what was it? I asked a few Doctors if it could be the salt from sweat stains & they said no. I enquired of a specialist if it could be some sort of sweat stain medical condition & they told me there was no such condition they knew of.

  Fortunately the stains washed right out & were not permanent.

  Why'd I bring the above up? Today I'm covered in some of the worst of such stains. I pondered them & I recalled that recently when I applied anti-scabie medicine & forgot to wash in a timely manner the medicine stained my clothes with the exact same white blotch stain patterns.

  Then it occurred to me, since I have scabies & they have receded, because the gang has applied anti-scabie medicine to me (I sure am itching a lot less than yesterday) as a matter of business to prevent their rapists from catching scabies! This is my life...

  I checked my rectum, penis & around the base of my scrotum in particular & they were all covered  in excrement. My rectum was swollen & sensitive from the night's sodomy.

  This is life in America. My America. Just a common tale of life in modern America...

  1 Corinthians 10:13  There hath no temptation taken you but such as is common to man: but God is faithful, who will not suffer you to be tempted above that ye are able; but will with the temptation also make a way to escape, that ye may be able to bear it.


  It was while I was after getting dressed that I pondered what I might write today. I reached for my manly scent anti-perspirant/deodorant & found it's contents to be in the screw-up dispenser like I expected but the very top of the product was way down low in the applicator. Like usual...

  I pondered how it might get there... often. I don't know why? It's already been halved & halved again by the gang, that usually renders it some immunity ("some") to tampering as a rule. But this time it was receded into the applicator like a turtle's head into it's shell. Why was that? Hmmmmm...

  I figure... I guess... I suspect it was that it's contents were inspected the night before by the gang for halving & they decided not to halve it again & screwed it back down into it's applicator a lil too far... again.

  This is my life America. My life...

  The rectum swollen, pain from the freshly beaten feet, you know... "the usual"...

  Saturday night the gang was a whooping it up. Firecracker often. Sunday horns hourly. I suspect... cops would say 'so what? you live on a busy street". Fair enough, but when I live a mile away from my nearest neighbor the horns are still constant. When I'm in the country with no one else around it

's still constant. Always a different vehicle from beep to beep. By the sound of the individual horns they'll sound again that night or in the coming days. Usually big rigs exclusively but as of late it's been car horns too. Monday morning I slept until 5PM. My front yard had many people I never met before as I left home. Middle-aged men & women chatting who had no reason to be there, I live in the woods, there's no homes by me, nothing to attract them to park where they had. The local... cops were parked across the street.

  I am reminded of the gang bragging that... I am their money. They've invested a lot in me & say something happens like... I have an overdose from a mundane kidnapping/rape session/ child-porn/homo rape session/snuff film/whatever then it's in their interest to see me to a hospital to protect their investment. To that end it'd explained why when I woke up in the past many strangers were lurking about & the Police & or an Ambulance was near. It was because they don't just walk up on their victim. They are... wait for it... "organized". The Police are there to protect the gang by being the 1st on the scene to become the lead... cop in any investigation. Their Ambulance is there lest anyone walk up & call another & they have to deal with it. Besides, a random Ambulance crew might not know the drug their victim has overdosed on, their Ambulance crews will know.

  Pain pain pain... What are they injecting into my face? If I massage my right lower mid-jaw I can taste the poison spreading, it increases the numbing that the injections are causing. It's very difficult to speak without slurring words. A reward for my live-streaming & begging the world for help against them to shut me up for good? So I ask again... What are they injecting into my face?

  It's how the scam works.


  Lotsa pain.

  Cop quote I heard during my 1st fame up as a baby, note, not as a toddler, as a BABY. "If you wouldn't do these things then they wouldn't hurt you". It goes without saying (and thus a concept completely unfathomable to virtually all mid-Michigan... cops) that I was 100% innocent of every single accusation that the child-molesters who had me under their authority at the in-home film studio were then accusing my baby self of. Thus, according to the uniformed & on duty Michigan State... cOP I deserved every bit of pain the gang had just illegally hit me with en mass.

  HEY! Why not throw in a 2nd cOP quote just for fun? Said at a different time. "I don't think they'd treat somebody like how you say they are treating you". Thus, I could be dismissed because my accusations offended the limits of what crimes he could imagine. Even though he told me, and his peers, in public & at his post, that he KNEW the people involved were all card-carrying child-molesters & in a gang.

  Okay okay, now why I wrote in. I woke up just before dawn. Kind of sat around a minute or 2 & wondered if the daily sounding of a single firecracker at down would sound as it is almost always their daily routine as they follow me from state to state. A single soft firecracker sounded in minutes 10-20 yards to the east of me, likely in the woods I live in. POP!

  Stalked by madmen for reasons of profit & revenge. It's not as glamorous as... cops seem to think.

  Pain... lots of pain...



  My rectum, swollen from sodomy. Non-consensual if that matters to any... cop who might deign to read this.

  The latest PRACTICAL joke theme was "Reality Show" in broad daylight. What they did was try to convince me, on film, was that I was part of a reality show where one must endure silly or humiliating challenges to avoid elimination so as to proceed to a win, presumably for some reward. I faintly recall being invited to challenges, though at this time I don't recall what they were for the most part.

  Me? As I recall it I just stood & watched while the elderly & young "contestants" endured a filmed humiliation while my "Handlers" tried to goad me into participating, lest I be eliminated & lose out on "the prize" (whatever that allegedly was"). I don't recall participating, just standing there & watching while others went all out to complete the "challenges" but that doesn't mean they didn't get tons of film of my (drugged) gleeful participation (just a guess?).

  I recall them driving us from challenge to challenge in the daylight in a long white van, with comfortable seating positioned in a circular pattern around the van's interior.

  Some old ladies were doing all the talking for the most part & they always kept a giant jock near me who looked like he could've starred in Deliverance or The Hills Have Eyes if he'd chosen. The ladies were fairly ugly in my opinion. I like the older ladies so I'm not just saying that to be insulting. Obviously formerly fat gals who know wore wrinkled skin that wiggled as a reminder of their previous weight. It wasn't pretty.

  As we drove through town it was apparent that they had a Handler who had a large pet cat of some sort, declawed I think. I think they wanted me to fight it or at least to panic in it's presence (Just guesses, how would I know their intentions?). I recall when we were driving through town they took us to a neighborhood where they obviously had some tamed deer & the cat was playing with them, pawing at them.

  I'm not sure if they'd consider the day a success or failure. If a success it's likely because they got the footage they craved & the proof they need to prove I'm some glory hound who sees film as the way to get the fame or attention they'll claim I crave. If it was a failure I'd suppose it'd be a failure based on my lack of participation or enthusiasm. I've never aspired to be in any reality shows, they bore me. I've never tried out for one & really have no desire to be in one if for only 1 reason... I'm camera shy. I hate being filmed. I've always disliked pictures if only for one reason. It's kinda like a graven image of sorts. God doesn't like'em, neither do I... much. I recall being grossed out as a young adult when an unnamed family member said they'd just look at a picture of me to remember me. I was disgusted because of the horrors I'd endured...

  "Not in my America" Says the Skeptic... cop & then with the same breath adds. "I wonder how recreational serial-killers get away with their hobby"?

  They probably got at least some action out of me because my foot hurt bad, my legs cramped as if I'd been walking or running a lot.

  This is a tale of my America. True to the best of my ability.


  Just touching base.

  Yeah, the fireworks at dawn thing happened again. From 3 directions. Southwest, southeast, & of course the sweet spot to the northeast that is the furthest point from human contact. All timed to within a wick-burning of each other.

  Pain... lots of pain.

  What are they injecting into my face?


  Does everyone have madmen stalking them or is it just me?


  Soooooo... I was hungry & thought I'd ho eat on the patio, but a cold wind hit me & so I decided to eat inside at a desk by the front door of where I am. I sat down to enjoy some canned ham & peanut butter sandwiches & it hit me, the thing the Last Snitch described as "The Homosexual Smell of Love" hit me... I was assaulted by my own slight smell of excrement. A cloud that everyone around me can enjoy courtesy of the rapists who stalk me. A smell enjoyed by men, women, and even remaining aloft & entertaining the nostrils of all of the children passing by in the public place I was eating in.

  I wonder? I it proper etiquette that everyone who passed me by should send a thank-you letter to Duh Jerk, the Bay City... cOPS, & the Shaped E for Evil School for the bouquet they've provided?

  The only other thing to note is the hourly & bi-hourly horn blasts stopped over the weekend. I only heard a single horn on Wednesday & another this morning about 8AM.

  My stalkers came & got me Saturday morning this time. I woke up in the early morning, then awoke near noon & it was apparent I'd been sodomized. Explaining why the leaking is beginning today as the swelling goes down.

  Yeah, I pray a lot.



  The NEW tactic.

  Soooooo... what they do is follow me around & do a single "Woop" whenever I leave a building. I suppose it's nice to be loved.

  What else is new? I just removed the last 3 of my pens in my pen/pencil/marker bag & put them into another bag. Last year it was full with dozens of pens, mechanical pencils, markers, & gel pens & such. The gang whittles them away a few at a time during & inbetween their halving my anti-perspirants & after shaves.

  ALLLLLLLLLL of this means "liar" in cOPSPEAK. It always does...

  3-7-22 It's how the scam works:

  I'm very heavily sleep & R.E.M. sleep deprived as of today & it shows in my typing speed, language writing skills, & speech skills. Reflexes have been altered, I'm just tired.

  Why have they turned up the heat on the burner as of late? If I had to guess, &... cops tell & threaten me that I indeed have to guess, or else(!), it is because recently I've invaded social media & have been trying to encourage strangers across the world to chat with me. In short, I've been reaching to & they've always threatened me whenever I tried.

  I suspect that in part it's due to their concept of "escalation" outlined on my webpage "How the scam works". If a victim reaches out that's when they escalate their attacks to the next logical level. This may or may not include sleep deprivation attacks but often does.

  Then a sleep deprived & delirious victim seems to be a ranting fool at best escalating their accusations for attention, revenge, or whatever lie about the victim the gang is trying to sell to the particular Police Officer or... cop.

  Me? On Friday my expanded rectum from the last rape left me emitting a foul stench of the Last Snitches "Homosexual Smell of Love". In short I reeked a cloud of excrement.

  A homosexual whom I suspect is "one of them" (Note: I used the word suspect & and not the word accuse) Later spent a great amount of time, noting the foul odor, but never naming me. "I'm gay but I don't take it up the b**t". His point being he was superior to others he suspected of being homosexuals based on he wasn't the recipient of anal sex.

  Now that I've brought it up the gangs' next logical move (predictable move) is typically to escalate to the next level. Usually violence. It's an accusation of undrugged violence with myself as the aggressor, on film, that the gang brags is their dream film. The film that would cement my guilt in the minds of any and all... cops, jury's,  & Prosecutors.

  It's been a long time since I had a complete night of sleep & months since my sleep wasn't interrupted hourly or soo after a few hours.

  I ask the Reader have you ever just wanted a single night of sleep? Was it worth as much as gold to you? Have you ever killed to get it? If you answered yes to all of them then I am not alone. If not it's likely that you cant appreciate the horror that the delirium of sleep deprivation inflicts on a victim.

  Worse? A bit of wisdom for the wise who just might read this? Worse is that the gang brag that after they finish with me they wont stop. As a matter of business they move onto the next victim on their list.

  Think locking me up will help? The gang wouldn't attack me thusly unless they had all their ducks in a row. This would include corrupted jail guards at any facility I'd be likely to be sent to, Prisoners at said facilities, & medical staff & patients at any medical facility.

  "All we have to do is show a guard a few of our films of you & hand them some money & they'll bang on your cell door every hour or so for us. All it takes is waking you up every hour to prevent you from entering R.E.M. sleep". Then a delirious victim is handed over to authorities in a way no... cop would even consider helping them. Game! Set! Match!

  It's how the scam works.


  At a certain point asleep becomes more precious than gold. My stalkers who take turns chanting "911". & "Call 911". Allegedly in their sleep worked overtime last night & had me up either every hour & a half or every few minutes. As though they imagine that anyone would believe a room laced with talkers in their sleep would begin to chant the same thing in their sleep. While I'd suspect is is possible, I find the concept statistically unlikely.

  Oops, I used a "Cop's Worship Word". Statistically. Cops just love to quote statistics during investigations. But woe to the victim who tries to do the same thing.

  I warned the dorm room I sleep in about the rape gang last nite. The 911 chanters were the 1st ones out the door this morning.

  In my experience the gang is one of reprisal. You tit & they tat back. Making sure to tat back as the reasonable victims. Any rape accusers are obviously liars seeking attention or people calling them names. If I were a betting man it'd be that I'll be ejected from the dorm based on any answer I'm later demanded to give if forced to explain myself.

  For the record, I accused no one, "officially".

  My mouth has that "dead socket" taste permeating it like it is wont to do sine the attacks on my teeth below the gumline.

  Today I think I'll write about the time I took over a village in Michigan & call it, Assorted Killings...


  Last night's gang rape was brutal. I woke very much in pain. My belongings, sabotaged, my sunglasses, stolen again. I've yet to inventory my other stuff but I'll bet they went "half & half" through my things. It's where they pour out about half of... everything. Soaps, deodorants, Tylenols, & anything with contents of sorts.

  I'm very much suffering from harsh R.E.M. Sleep Deprivation. In my experience what this condition indicates to... cops is that the concerns or complaints of said victim are to be ignored.

  Worse still is I am still very much infested with COVID this last week. It's likely I'm a 1-man "Typhoid Mary" spreading disease throughout the local rapist community & their clients. I'll bet a well done "contact trace" would show a spreading plague of horror descending slowly based on contact with... me. I picture, in my mind's eye a map with arrows spreading unfettered to the lives of families everywhere in the area.

  Being that this is my 5th time with COVID (Remember My Stalker told me they work out of a school & a hospital & can get COVID Samples. "We're going to keep giving you COVID every time a new strain comes out until one kills you".) I can tell you Reader that I'll bet this strain will maim & it just might even kill.

  In my experience Police are usually very concerned about the health & mental well-being of your average rapist. I'll bet this part sounds like a tragedy.

  Usually my personal belongings are shifted through, searched, and they like to take my cash. Amounts ranging from about 1/3rd to all.

  One day while Duh Jerk was going through my belongings in a buffet room after hours who knows where, I recall him taking my last dollar.

  His Lt. looked shocked. "You'd steal a man's last dollar"?

  Jerk nodded & said. "He should never profit by what we do to him". Never give a sucker an even break.

  Tue, April 05, 2022

  Yeah, I moved. It was a lateral move at best. I slept nearly a week solid, getting up only to eat, putter around for a few hours, then go right back to sleep. My gang-rape that 1st Thursday was brutal & rectal expanding. So was the next one. I suspect it was timed on a Thursday night so that the rectal swelling would subside just in time for me to go to my new church. Thus, everyone around me got to enjoy the gang's "homosexual smell of love". The wafting smell of excrement that settles around me in a cloud so everyone around me can enjoy a whiff of Devil-Worshiping love.

  The poisoning campaign goes well for them I'd suppose. Just as they've bragged for 50 years now (and recorded for posterity in my +1,5000 page letter to the FBI where someone dies every few pages). I had another "lung treatment". In the past it was accomplished by pouring a greatly diluted water/ammonia mixture forcefully down my lungs, letting it fester until I'm near death, then elevating me upside down & draining the mix. Usually I'd spit the ammonia mix for the next week or 2. The Last Snitch bragged they've since began using an undetectable drug.

  I retorted. "No drug is undetectable. What you mean is you use a drug that the cops wont normally detect for".

  Soooo, the plan, as bragged, is to inflict my legs with their poisons until I can no longer feel, then inflict a wound, infect it (they have Dr.s working for them), and then begin chopping off my limbs in a way no... cop would ever question, even though they brag many, many a... cop knows what the gang does to it's victims exactly. Virtually not a one having the guts to obey their personal oaths to protect society, other victims of the gang, or myself from the gang.

  Whine, whine, whine. The worst thing about you dirty... cops, you overly-skeptic... cops, you idiot... cops, and you coward... cops (I suspect there's some overlap here & that there just might be a few good Police out there? Or is it just proof I'm insane?) is that I'm in a position where I'm writing about stuff that sound like whining, that I'm rehashing the past when I should be looking towards the future. The worst thing about YOU is that I have to type out this website, that I have to deal with a gang of madmen, that for all intents & purposes I, I, I'm tired of writing about YOU dirty overly-skeptic idiot cowards when what I should be writing about is the triumphs of the few good Police & law-enforcement out there.

  I do a lot of praying to The LORD.


  I've been streaming live online lately. How successful? Weeks with zero views. Though a time or 2 had a single viewer.

  I am reminded of when The Last Snitch bragged that with the gang's powerful badges, government financing (which makes what they do essentially free), & internet savvy techs & technology, gadgets, gizmos, & gear they don't just shadow ban me, they ban me from internet interaction of any sort. He said, by name, quoting the madman self-professed liar for profit, the companies named Google & even slurred an otherwise unnamed employee at the otherwise fine company of Wix, the fine company who host this website.

  He boasted that since Google controls 95% of the internet I'm effectively 95% banned from the internet. Not counting any high-tech (and mundane tech too) devices that enable them to make me think I'm online, begging for help 4 hours a day for half a decade but in actuality I contact no one, He noted as proof the dismal rate of return e-mails from law-enforcement I've solicited for help all over the USA & the globe.

  I had Covid when I arrived in this new city 3 weeks ago. Loaded with sleep deprivation & weak as a kitten. I was forced to abandon nearly all I possessed due to a lack of being able to move that much weight. After a week I felt better for a few days, then came down with Covid fort the 6th time. Then that cleared & I came down with  laryngitis-like affliction that lasted a week. The whole while I had to sleep nearly all the days away due to the massive sleep deprivation that was apparently much worse (cumulatively speaking) than I'd thought. It only feels like I've been free of the sleep deprivation attack for 2 days. Yesterday & today & today is the 1st day I felt... "not sick".

  Still, my mission in life is to go soul-winning & I'm proud to say that with several of my waking hours I did just that, even today. Thanx God!

  If God will take pity on me with the time & health I have remaining I'd like to reach out even  more to the lost community's around me.

  I'm a sinner, saved by grace. Nothing more. I'm in a lot of pain. Update on the dental pain from those scraping attacks is all of my teeth are tingling, likely in full on rot from below the gums & up just as I was promised would happen just before the gang lowered the final boom on me & legally disposed of me in courts or asylums,

  Do I blame the Covid on the gang who told me? "We're going to keep giving you Covid until you die".

  When I doubted the "snitch" he told me to recall that the gang has a lot of Drs in it's employ & they treat Covid every day. It being simple for their Dirty Drs to just have a Covid patient couch into a petri dish & then spread their brand of love en-mass. Probably not just me, but to an unseen cloud of their many victims. Just a guess, not any accusations.

  I'm no fool, the effects of such sleep deprivation & life-threatening diseases can be good on my mind, soul, or spirit.

  I pray a lot. All of the Glory goes to God. I am not nor was I ever clever nor strong enough to have survived the gang without his power & help. Me? Apparently I'm just along for the ride. He's in control.

  Note to any Police watching me: Consider the E.M. environment around me. Who's sending me what messages? What electronic devices gather information on me & those around me. Am I bugged like the gang profess? Can you detect "The Voice of God" device? It's operating wavelengths are public information & published online (but increasingly difficult to find) if they use either of the 2 published versions & the gang has bragged they have both. Who are the people picking me up & taking me to the rape scenes? Are they staged nearby or is it children doing the pickups or both? Follow them. What are their parent's up to? It's likely they live with fake ID's, can you use that to advantage? Leverage this into influencing their guys? I'm not now nor was I ever into being filmed nude, semi-nude, nor during sex. Anyone with any such films is not my friend nor employer & obviously never was anything more than a loyal buttbuddy (see: Definitions).

  Remember, I'm not being approached... To be continued.


  The Police read me the Riot Act yesterday & threatened me with "an investigation". At least, in my opinion, the words "threatened me" apply. I didn't care much for their language nor tone. A cold, monotone, blank expressions, surely you're nuts, condescending kinda vibe in my opinion.

  I moved on, ow. By carrying my luggage I realized that I didn't realize how much that lengthy stint of continuous COVID affected me physically. While I'm clear of COVID (to my knowledge, sigh) the after effects linger. I likely lost muscle mass. I'm not up to 100% by any means.

  I asked My Pastor, at 1st Baptist to pray for me. Nothing else. So of course he allegedly called the Police (remember, sending fake... cops to me is Plan A: of the gang & those 2 short & scrawny Officers did not impress me. It pains me to admit that yes, I have to address the possibility for my own protection & if only because of the sheer number of fake... cops I've dealt with in life) on me & banned me from the property & with engaging in any religious services. My story has that effect. Keep in mind that he may have been influence by... cops who are not on my side, nor the side of the law by any means.

  Threatened an investigation? Gee, isn't that what I've been trying to inspire for over a half-century?

  They didn't impress upon me much confidence in their ability to conduct any investigation into what I've got to say. Sorry, nothing personal Officers. Hey it is "possible"? Right?

  I pray someone make a phone call to that one Officer, that one person who is inclined to investigate my claims, give me at least half a chance, & have the resources to do it.

  Other than that my day is going okay, we'll see. I pray to God that I get to keep soul-winning, which was my goal when I came to this community. Nothing more.

  I'm not perfect & never claimed to be. According to my religion I'm a sinner saved by grace. Nothing more. I do a lot of praying & I suspect a lot of my fellow victims of the gang do a lot of praying too.

  The gang has bragged many a time that they intend to kidnap me at the end, when they intend to finally deal with me & cast me away into prison or asylums or both. If true I'd suppose that if the Police didn't protect me it's likely I'll be totally screwed & have yet another horror story which will be the only thing I'll have to counter their many new films against me or to explain why I'm holding the smoking gun.

  I pray that the Lord deliver me. Help me God. You're my only hope. I was never strong enough nor clever enough to have lasted so long in the face of decades of the gang's provocation campaign nor to oppose their many films. It was surely God who did it all. To God be the Glory for anything that may be positive here. Not me. I prayed & He gave me the power to endure, He gave me the wisdom & strength to survive their many sinister plots. To God be the Glory, not me. I'm just some guy who prayed & had faith that somehow let him survive & be free in America to this date.

  Thanks God! Amen. 

  4-5-22 in pain... but not giving up!

  Rectal swelling from my latest tri-weekly & likely filmed rapes has had me spreading the homosexual "smell of love" so lauded by The Last Snitch. In short I reek of continuous & regular puffs of excrement & it soils my clothes & frankly anything I touch. I've heard it described by people who were not fans of the odor as, "the smell of ass".

  It's likely I'm being used by the gang to spread VD that they've thwarted me being able to get cured as of late. An increase in their supply of fellow victims, soon to be victim/members, & card-carrying gang bangers who probably wont put me on their list of favorite people once they figure out they caught their itch from me.


  Yeah, I said it, whatever...


  Soooooo... the local... cops are gunning for me. It may be possible that they've contacted mid-Michigan... cops & they got the advice of the mid-Michigan... cop motto. "Destroy the victim. That'll shut'em up"!

  I met up with some rushing... cops earlier today. Dressed in white they bought large amounts of bottled water & supplies in a serious hurry. Odd only in that one of the... cops could easily be my stunt double (for lack of a better term)!

  For entertainment purposes only I'll examine the encounter as if it was a dirty... cop encounter and after a "snitch" has informed me of the gang's operation against me. Just for fun. "Of course that cop was one of us. I know you've  getting reports of people telling you they saw you here & there. All we had to do was put a raincoat & backpack on him & he could pass as you easy, especially at night. We sent him to mess with you because it'd make any accusations you make against him sound like a disgruntled suspect". Go figure huh?

  For the record the above paragraph was for entertainment purposes only. Probably.

  It is no small surprise to me that likely dirty... cops would involve themselves in my life. A few days ago the gang busted one of my teeth in half giving me much pain. When I pondered the subject I checked my grooming supplies (the gang is often sure to tamper with them, a sort of calling card & "intimidate the victim" kind of thing that amazes & dazes most... cops) & they all been halved again. Usually antiperspirants are cut in half, any body sprays are nearly emptied or just stolen (they seem to have a special place in their hearts for canned body sprays), shampoos & after shaves are poured out by half or more typically.  Any over the counter pain relievers or prescription drugs are usually halved as well. With drugs the halving continues until the bottle has been reduced to 4-8 pills. This time was strange only in that they usually quit halving liquids when the contents reach 1/4 & rarely 1/8th. During recent kidnappings I note they went to 1/16th, 1/32nd, & just a little more on my after shave.

  Remember, the gang bragged that they'd destroy my teeth in a very painful way, timed in a way so as to make my coming court dates (for whatsoever they choose to frame me for, small-time or epic level crimes) a painful experience. "Good luck concentrating in court after what we do to your mouth". He promised me an epic level of pain all over my body, made fragile by their ongoing surgical attacks against me.

  Gang members have bragged to me that when they know a victim is short on cash they act thusly. An ungroomed or poorly groomed victim makes for a poor witness against the gang. Plus with their attacks on their victims most are in pain & taking their pain relief medication is just good fun & put pressure & stress on a given victim.

  I'll bet that as a mid-Michigan or local... cop you are dazed & confused by anything I have to say. Truly grown-up level criminals who embrace tech gadgets are a concept that hurts your delicate sensibilities. You probably want revenge against... me for all the pain & trauma I've caused you. Dude... chill out man. Relax. You want revenge? Why not take down a pack of child-molesters? Just for fun?

  "We can afford to lose a thousand times. You can only afford to lose once"- Common Illumanity saying favored by Fagboy

  It's how the scam works.

"We own the cops"!
  Common Child-Molestor saying.

  "It's how the scam works".-Said no mid-Michigan... cop ever.




  Even more pain...

  Sooooooo... Tuesday night, Wednesday morning I woke up to pain, well, even more pain. While the pain from my poisoning was subsiding I awoke to it at an even fuller intensity. They'd obviously injected poison into that right front corner incisor. It hurt. As time went on it burned.

  The Last Snitch promised me he'd destroy my jawbone & necessitate removing my jaw. Even mocking me that I'd have a long dangling tongue hanging down my throat, a manufactured circus freak as a display of their power freak against a less than nobody like me (near as I can tell the gang sets the "we'll get revenge for life bar' really really low, being that they declare actual pride at getting away with tormenting & following a less than nobody & never was like me & brag they plan to boast about it to look cool in front of all the little child-molesters).

  Even more pain... Spreading burning pain... Ow...

  I dedicate this day's entry to the Georgetown Delaware Police without whom my story would not be possible.


  6-8-22 Pain... Spreading pain...

  Had another "session". You know, buttbuddy parties. My fake friends & false employers. The guys who've said to every... cOP they met with impunity. "You can ignore him because he's one of us". As a mid-Michigan... cOP you fall for it with impunity. Your... cOP brothers on the mid-Michigan Force told me stuff like. "You can tell a jury what you told me". Yeah, thanx for nothing... cops of America.

  Did I say "nothing"? My bad. By saying nothing it implies that overall the... cops of America were neither detriment nor boon to me. Nothing could be further from the truth. If I were to lump the sum of law-enforcement into one category (they've do it to me all the time, lumping me with this group, that group, them, or those but are offended when I return the favor, not that the favor gives me any pleasure mind you) you have not been nothing, but it was good... cops who beat me down for their dirty... cop brother in Detroit (or so that dirty... cop boasted). It was good... cops who came to "The Gym" & told me time & again that my ongoing attempted murder had ended for sure this time because they'd negotiated with the school staff for my safety... again, so there was no need to prosecute anyone.

  After each "session I awaken with a greater numbness (in total area. I can only wonder what the long term-effects will be, but I can tell what the short-term effects are. Numbness on the right cheek, having since spread with pain up to the orbital socket. Who knows what they did to me?

  When does the horror end? When does the hurting stop?

  I do a lot of praying to be delivered, to be avenged of my enemies.


  Last night I declined to go home, I slept elsewhere. Coincidentally one of the giant chemical blisters they inflicted on me popped & I spit blood for about 8 hours. In fact I'm still spitting blood from the wounds they inflicted on me for profit fun & revenge.

  I was challenged to another fight 2 days ago. Same M.O. as usual. A guy smaller than I & over yet another "sexual situation" that the gang craves to trip me up with oh so often. I'd never seen him before & haven't seen him since. Typical.

  I was as polite & non-confrontational as possible. If you're a... cop reading this I suspect you're thinking. "That's what they all say". Or something like unto it? If so don't feel ashamed. It's not because you are lacking & I'm not being insulting. You are typical of your profession, I mean nothing more.

  It's a certainty for many months that I absolutely positively will be drugged kidnapped & raped on  a Friday or Saturday. Today is Friday at 11:47 AM.

  The gang has obviously stepped up the ferocity of their reprisals against me. Likely based on my recent begging for help in the public arena by live streaming on several services.

  I tire of typing here today, it is a serious waste of time thus far.

  So I'll end with a single word to sum up my opinion.


  8-5-22 Child-Molestors Rule! Unfortunately...

  Itch itch itch...

  Pain... pain... pain...

  It sucks to be me...

  05 July 2022 Weird & Perverse... like bAY cITY... cops like it??

  Last night the gang showed up in force at my place about 8 PM. Being that I live alone in the woods it's safe to say that they surrounded me, en mass, then a large group of them let off about $10,000 in assorted fireworks. I'd suppose it was quite spectacular by the sounds & flashes.

  Me? I didn't watch the show personally. I was "in the zone" playing a video game before, during & after & calmly played that.

  My guess? It was a typical show of force meant to intimidate me (yawn) or to impress any... cops watching. Usually I suspect they'd have a bunch of kids do it (thus any attempts by myself to engage them are just insane acts of child-hating slime... on film, probably racist too) but the only voices I heard sounded like the mumbling of Caucasian adult men, likely in their 30's or older by my estimate. Just a  bunch guess's on the author's part mind you.

  Hey, the blister from their injection popped last night at about 2:30 AM & the swelling wasn't so bad  this time (likely due to the drainage of medicine I reported from previous venting holes) & today I'm spitting out that not quite Novocaine taste again.

  Soiled underwear, expanded rectum, minor thefts. They dumped out my "emergency soap". 1st half then 3/4's, like usual. They seem content with stealing a few bucks at a time as a rule. They didn't spill out my Tylenol bottle. They don't always do it but it is a regular thing. Half spilled, then half of that, then half & so on until it's gone in a few weeks. Like my soap.

  The strange vandalism? I reached for my men's deodorant being it too had been halved a few times & there was a little left. The 1st thing I noted was  the deodorant stick was too small for the container. I applied it & investigated. Earlier I'd gotten some Fresh Scent antiperspirant & alternated it with other products. They'd taken my manly scent's stick & replaced it with the smaller Fresh Scent stick. By weight I suspect it was halved as well, but didn't investigate & wouldn't bet money on the subject.

  Yet another weird & perverse week, sponsored by The Georgetown Police & The FBI. Thanks guys! And here I didn't get you guys anything. My bad.

  Is this "typical Americana"? Is this just how life is in America? Is this normal? I'm asking as I have nothing to compare it to?



  The rape week in review...

  They savaged my rectum & the drippy drippy times lay ahead & the odors of The Last Snitch's "Homosexual Smell of Love" will soon be a permeating stench everyone downwind of me will soon enjoy. Translation: I'll reek of excrement & no thanks to you mid-Michigan... nor Delaware... cops.

  They busted my wrist quite cruelly, it hurts!

  They haven't injected their "medicine" into my mouth this week. I wonder if it's an omission or if it's because the damage has been done & whatever are the medical consequences of what they've been injecting into the lower right side of my jar are concluded for whatever their end goals are?

  Yeah, I prayed a lot lately AND God is my witness.

  It occurs to me that I'd be having less homosexual sex AND be starring in less child-porn if I'd given into God's enemies early in life. So, uhhhh, hey God, what's up with that?

  Why bother even trying huh? I still ain't giving up & here's why. Because I'd rather be last with God than 1st with the Devil.

  I did some live streaming, daily actually. I'd like to note that during short bursts I addressed my stalkers as of late. It was at these times that my stream skipped & none of what I said about the gang, or their murderous & kidnapping ways made the airways or onto the web. At 1st I dismissed it as random chance or just bad luck. But the number of times it's happened & the fact that it happens exclusively when I'm discussing the gang, or their tactics has approached a statistically absurd level. By which I mean it can't be happening only when I'm discussing the gang so often UNLESS there is outside tampering.

  Also, I'll note that during episodes where I've had lengthy talks about the gang & what they've done to me that those hours long live streams have been systematically cut to mere minutes when I go to save them to the servers after the successful conclusion of an hours long recording session & ONLY occurs when I have lengthy discussions about the gang.


  8-10-22 Dazing... cops with scientific deduction.

  Scientific fact: It is impossible to get rid of scabies IF your rapists refuse to get rid of their's too.

  I was cured of my scabies... for a few days.

  I suspect that as a mid-Michigan... cop OR a Dover Law-Enforcement professional the above concept both dazes & confuses you. "What? You caught another STD Citizen? Well, IF you'd give up your immoral lifestyle you wouldn't catch STDs & Covid so often. That & it's clearly NOT proof that you're undergoing a lengthy sexual assault-based stalking for reasons of revenge & profit. It couldn't be, what other logical explanation could there be"?

  Pain, pain, pain...

  Itch, itch, itch...

  I have just enough medicine leftover to try to rid myself of scabies... again.



An actual picture of scabies on human skin

Wanna hug me Officers?



  My foot hurts... badly.

  My underwear are drying from their earlier drenching. It's not pretty.


  I dodged the rape gangs by staying out & not going home last nite (It's been rape rape rape every Thursday nite lately). Big wupp as it's been rapey on me every Friday I'm fool enough to rest my head.

  I wonder what tonight's session will bring?

  Will I star in more homosexual porn?

  Will I star in child-porn?

  The gang brag I'm a top snuff film star, particularly with children. You know, sex with children with whom I'm soon filmed killing... all on film.

  Who dies tonight? What drugs will they inject my body with? Vandalizing my body to enable them to deliver me as a helpless cripple both to one of their dirty courtrooms & later to the corrupt prison of their choice where their lifetime of making films of me should enable them to put my fellow prisoners in "the mood" to dispatch me, slowly, & on film for their ultimate revenge for my having both lived through "The Gym" & it's follow-up humiliation when I rejected them, their money, their drugs, & their whores, their offers of rank in the gang, for peace & acceptance with my family who have always been their loyal servants. Especially when the subject of inflicting pain & r humiliation upon me is raised. An entirely gleeful subject for them all, I assure you doubting Thomass' of law-enforcement.

  Yeah, yeah, yeah, you... cOPS can prove I'm lying. "Ive seen the films of you being respectful to them".

  I've asked them... cOPS. "Are you a Christian Officer"?

  "Yes"> Almost all of them answer in the affirmative.

  My religion requires me to honour my Parents. My Religion requires me that "a brother is born for adversity". Not for accusation, not to commit revenge upon my siblings. My religion required me, as a child, to submit to those who had authority over me. To salute them who spitefully used me, to pray for them... and to bless them.

  No matter who retorted to me, good... cop, bad... cops, even clergy here or there they all answered that the same no matter how good or poor a Christian they claimed to be. They told me of course I was lying. They had proof, proof via logical deduction. Here it is. "No  one does that". Since no one in all the world obeys THOSE BIBLE VERSES EVERYTHING I SAY CAN BE DISMISSED.

  The gang, both small & great have mocked me greatly on the subject.

  Yeah... I prayed. How'd that work out for me?

  Pain... pain... pain...

  Itch... itch... itch...

  Thanks for less than nothing oh ye infallible & never wrong... cOPS of America. I might've amounted to something but you unfailingly came to the gang's aid at every occasion.


  Yeah, I said that. Whatever...

Child Grave.jpg

Who dies tonight?

Who dies tonight?

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MI State Police.jpg
Saginaw Badge.gif


  They broke my right foot... again 2 nites ago. Center rear arch. LAST NITE THEY CAME BACK, broke another bone center arch front. They hurt. They also did another medication/poison injection in my lower right jaw. Further back than the other times. The taste of medicine is a faint one this time when compared to the other injections.

  I've been broadcasting a live stream on Twitch lately.

Just search for keywords: Politics Science & Religion.  News fair & balanced.

  I had been feeling better until this week, I had planned a 10 mile walk for today to challenge myself. Such a long walk would be foolish at best after what the gang has done to me.

  The footbone breaking coincides with my acquiring a large amount of gospel tracts which I intended to hand out the next day. When I awoke my foot had been broken.

  I was searching for a new church. Ow...

  As if my stalker's would allow me to have unfettered interaction with any Christians... ever.

  I've gone to church my whole life on & off. I've never made a friend in a church... ever. I thought maybe it was because I wasn't really a Christian? That maybe the world would love it's own? So I tried making friends in a questionable church. In my case... the world did NOT love it's own.

  I'm in a lot of pain, the "injections" also cause my right ear to become infected & block it up giving me an echo-kind of sound for a couple of days.

  They broke a bone in my right hand. Right hand, & at the base of the 1st finger where the finger bones meet the wrist. A clean break?

  I wasn't sure where it was broken, aside from the clicking of the bone floating about but became acutely aware of it's location when the visiting 83 year old Pastor using a walker at Faith Baptist in Delmar Delaware gave me a firm handshake & at that moment I knew exactly where the bone was broken.

  I watched a video on Youtube about Christian Victory in life against the Devil. I got so angry I had to stop watching it at the 3/4 point. Why? Because to me it seems that Christian Victory is all but impossible once targeted by agents of the Devil himself. Once his unholy one's attack, it's game over.

  Soooo... yesterday & today I went soul-winning. Less so today as I'm in a lot of pain when walking, & even when resting BTW.

  Whine whine whine... complain complain complain... pain pain pain... Pray pray pray...

  I still refuse to give up. I'm coming for you perverts. I will bring about the worst punishment you can imagine. I'll expose you. Publicly. You will no longer enjoy being able to gaslight your victims, you will no longer be able to operate openly. People will walk by & see you for what you are.

  I promise.

  8-19-22 Update:

  Soooo... it's 3:33 PM & I'm typing hours after the above entry made on this day. Thought I'd do some... guessing.

  You see, during the particularly rapey & torturey times the gang often task people to follow me through my day, for whatever reason. Particularly if & when I've been begging for help lately. They tell me it gives them a hands off perspective. It lets them watch me & head off my making friends or getting any help. Plus it's just good training & spycraft or victimcraft they tell me.

  Soooo... these teenagers have been in the Library Computer Area & seem to be keeping an eye on me with regular viewing. They also have that unruly ungodly brat kind of vibe that I grew up with. A subtle thing that when... cops claim to notice is legal evidence & when I choose to note it is just evidence against me at best.

  Well, my best guess of the gang of unruly teens who were casually walking over & keeping an eye on me is they could quite possibly be such kids. They were distubing the peace, walking over & keeping an eye on me, & just got kicked out for their bad behavior.

  After all, I've been being attacked lately more often than not. Most nights. Literally. So why not be a lil suspicious? Right?

  How do the gang CATCH ME? Idano? Read my website & ponder my +1,500 page note to the FBI where someone dies every few pages for my best guess & the clues as presented to me by experience, & gang brags & whines. I call them all... "the clues" & I don't call them "definitive evidence & absolutely positively how the gang kidnap me" despite what many... cops will claim".

  Frankly... unlike mid-Michigan... cops I don't believe a single word that comes out of a child-molester's mouth. I never did, & also unlike them... cops, I never will.

  Eh, just a guess that would not be possible if not for the fine investigative work of the people I'm going to dedicate today's entry to.

  The Agents & Staff of the Bay City F.B.I.

  No need to thank me guys, & please don't send me any money. Just knowing you guys are out there bringing to the area the kind of law-enforcement excellence that made my website possible is reward enough for me.




beat feet.png

  I started soul-winning for God & for the many "lost souls" out there who need the information to avoid eternity of torment in The Lake of Fire.

  During a more recent drugged interrogation the debriefed ("interrogator" acting like he's merely having an informative & otherwise non-hostile discussion with me) the guy told me they hated me going soul-winning (reaching out to the lost souls of America via religious literature & speech) because "We don't want you making any new friends".

  I explained that they had nothing to worry about, I've never made a friend once while soul-winning.

  He took credit for that by claiming they'd intercepted every single person they thought might be getting friendly to me & turned them away with tale of lying disguised as gossip

  Me? I figured I just rubbed people wrong & didn't need the gang to help me making people not want to be my friend

  He disagreed

  Ahhhhhhhhh the stuff professional liars say during drugged interrogation/debriefings huh?



  Rectum all slimly & has that fresh from the gang rape kind of swollen rubbery feel.

  They injected that "medication/poison(?) into my right lower jaw again. This time about where they normally do it mid jaw. Not like last time where it was in the back.

  It's not even the weekend yet. Does it matter? They are raping me every single night lately for a long while now. Nights where I'm not raped are the exception now.



  Last night there were a large gang of children & teens wooping it up until about 4AM not far from the entrance to my wooded home. I'm surprised no one called the... cops on them. Maybe they did?

  I woke up about 9ish AM & my rectum hurts. I got dressed & walked about 1/2 hour. Then noted the dripping wetness of my fresh bile-soaked shorts & snapped a picture thinking to download it buuuuuut the gang has been fierce with my charger cords as of late, my backup phone broken too. I couldn't charge my previously broken by them phone to upload the pic of yet another bile-soaked pair of shorts or pants .

  Such is my life. A life of never-ending perversion. All on film.

  Every... single... night...



  They halved my Tylenol again. By that I mean 1/8th'd it. Being this is the 4th or more time. Typical actually, I take a few pills & they steal 90% or more or so. The advice of The Last Snitch was good advice. "Why do you even buy bottles of 500 Tylenol? The more you buy the more we steal". He advised me to buy the pills & in less quantity. Truer words were never spoken by a recreational serial killer who told me he's better than Duh Jerk & me because when HE kills children. "It's just business".

  Usually I buy them in bottles of 40 pills but I got a deal for 100 Tylenol for $1.25. I almost bought 2 but The Last Snitch's words rang in my ears. "Why do you even buy bottles of 500 Tylenol? The more you buy the more we steal".

  It's a shame really. Usually when someone tells me they have aches & pains I'll give out the pills freely. The bottles of 500 made it easy.

  Even though I personally am in a lot of pain I like to use Tylenol sparingly because of the possible side-effects. Even as I write this I'm in a lot of pain & haven't taken any in days since I tried walking to a nearby city (a painful experience with my recent torturous wounds).

  I have a small trickle at the bottom of the bottle of pills, lots of pain, & my cash is so short I'm deciding as I type this between buying clothes detergent or trying to buy a new bottle of Tylenol... presumably for the gang to steal.

  Usually when they inflict a wound on me, beatings, & lately footbone breaks & injections into the right side of my jaw they also take half of my Tylenol too. Actually half of any medicine. "Some of our guys cant read so well so they take half of whatever they find when they search your stuff hoping to get high". I always wonder if that was the reason why they suggested I not buy many pills. Are the clueless in the gang overdosing on my pills? Maybe they take my pills & the placebo effect makes them imagine they are high & it cuts into the gang's profits? Being that they wont be buying drugs based on the Tylenol stolen from me? Just wondering is all.

  Pain... pain... pain...

  And a gang without the decency to let me have a smidgen of relief.


  9-9-22 Special Message to the gang.

  Foot still in pain from that beating torture. 

  It's not uncommon (note my choice of words here, "uncommon") for me to wake up & in seconds hear someone, usually a child or teen say. "He's awake".  "He's awake". "He's awake now". Or. "He's up". Softly, barely audible by the time the sound reaches my ears.

  Often it's said after I've awakened, but when I usually hear it it's just after I've sat up from bed, day or night (when it does happen), and it's what professional stalkers do to their victims to signal their team.

  Today, this morning I woke at about 10AM, sat up, pulled back the drapes, & in seconds a young man, (about 18-25 I'd guess by the voice) who was just out of sight in my wooded hidey hole yelled at the top of his lungs to the west. "HE'S UP"!

  It's only trivia to add in that I woke up just before dawn to take care of the #1 business guys get up at night for (hint hint). So I sat up & did some light reading for 15 or so minutes when, as is their custom many days, they sounded firecrackers to the northwest of me, likely in the nearby parking lot. Strange only in that there was 2 of them & they were very loud. Not the soft pops they usually use so as to make noise (or so I'm told) but so that nearby people probably wont hear the noise because weather conditions have them shutting their windows & often running noisy heaters or air conditioners.

  It occurs to me that I'd probably gainfully employed at the moment but for the injury to my foot that limits the amount of time I can stand & the distance I can walk. 

  Yeah, I pray a lot. Even when I was an innocent boy. I'm a child at heart & I'll share a bible verse with my stalkers who I know read this website.

  Matthew 18:6 6 But whoso shall offend one of these little ones which believe in me, it were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and that he were drowned in the depth of the sea.

  I pray to be avenged of your gang nearly every day or night, I also pray for your blessing. You see I believe the bible & that we fight not against flesh & blood but against spirits & corruption in high places. You gang members are my lost brothers in Christ & I pray for blessings on you often. I wish you'd just go away but I realize that's probably not happening. You victimize everyone you can at all times. It is your style. It's what you do.

  I pray to be avenged of you. I'll admit it seems less & less likely that you'll see even a single minute of God's vengeance in this lifetime (Despite what I've felt in God's will in my heart that God will avenge me of you & your gang in this lifetime). Fair enough. But know this, if my being avenged should escape you in this lifetime, that it will not escape you & everyone you hold dear in the next unless you change your ways & repent!

  Isaiah 55:6-7 6 Seek ye the Lord while he may be found, call ye upon him while he is near: 7 Let the wicked forsake his way, and the unrighteous man his thoughts: and let him return unto the Lord, and he will have mercy upon him; and to our God, for he will abundantly pardon.

  Me? I suppose I'll pray some more & try my best to suppress a limp & walk home.

  What are they injecting into my face? Often...


  There's a big numb spot on the right side of my face now. At times I have to fight to not slur my words.

  Moving on...

  I kinda wondered about my deodorants & their state at times & think I may have figured them out? You see there's many a time when I reach for my deodorant & it's been halved, quartered, eighted, & so on but sometimes when the deodorant stick (I tend to use sticks, easy to apply & lasts long, plus the gang doesn't inhale them & quickly burn them up), when the deodorant stick is very near the end of it's useful life when I reached for it I noticed it's contents were crumpled up. Like white gooey lumps of deodorant. Sometimes I throw it away, sometimes I just mash it down & reform it into it's original shape like a potter's clay (my life is kinda gross, but this is far from the grossest things the gang has made me endure).

  A few times I wondered... why? Why was my deodorant stick crumpled up & laying in chunks in the top of my plastic applicator? It didn't make sense? I mean what kind of weird & perverse person does that?

  Then it occurred to me today when I noticed it'd happened again. I'll bet it's because they pop out my deodorant stick to see what length to cut off & when they do it plops out & is probably hard to put back in & thus crumbles when put back in by a weird & perverse weirdo pervert who cares little. Not that I want them to take the time to handle my deodorant to make it a more pleasing shape.

  My hand's broken in 2 places, it makes loud clicks when it rebreaks. On my recently broken feet I could never make the walk to the miles away Hospital. I'm broke, at the end of my laundry. Someone busted the cap to my new detergent bottle. Like someone very strong put the cap on too tight & tore the very top off the top of the cap itself. Who knows what they may have done to it? They poured ammonia on my bagged laundry (not dripping wet like usual, but wet with ammonia) & stole all of the soiled underwear that were not tighty whiteys. The clothes on my back (torn as they are) are the last of my semi-clean laundry. I'm on the lookout for a container to do laundry in like a bucket or something, maybe an odd job to get the cash to do laundry? Nothing yet. Again...

  I gotta try to be positive... well, blessed be the name of the LORD. The LORD giveth & the LORD taketh away. I pray a lot. Lately I've told God in prayer I'm putting my trust in him.

  Well... that's my life America. And to all you... cops who intend to let my life slide into prison for whatever is your reason, you coward cops, & to you would-be Vigilante... cops who just loved to tell me how I'm getting what I deserve this bible verse is for you. Enjoy!

  Matthew 25:40

  And the King shall answer and say unto them, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me.


  More pain than usual... crippling pain...

  Last night they went nuts in every direction around me. Woops, fireworks. It's nice to be wanted.

  I haven't inventoried my stuff yet, so we'll see what's what?



  At one point I said I was carted off to one of their "no one ever leaves underground cities". You know, the ones buried a mile or so deep that as a taxpayer YOU subsidize for the Satanic Community. Literally! It IS a matter of public record. Look it up.

  Soooo... I thought I'd best describe them "holograms" better before some... cop someplace dies of laughing at me (not that it's not very likely to happen anyway with "this" as my story.

  Holograms. Yup they had'em. I'd describe them as a round cellphone with a plastic sheet or small window that popped out  around the cell-phone on 3 sides to the left, top, & right tripling it's potential screen display size. Onto this, with the screen combined with a projected image displayed on the glass to the sides of the phone the screen size was tripled. Not actually a hologram, but maybe it was? I used the word hologram because I was at a loss for another word to describe the devices.

  Soooooo... there we were, in the Italian restaurant in the underground city. The buildings were tightly spaced & the roads narrow & void of vehicles. Nothing but foot traffic. I did see an occasional vehicle I suspect were electric (a guess), compact, & usually 3-wheeled. There were people going too and fro, it wasn't crowded but there was a community of people seemingly going about their days. Some were slaves & were obviously being mistreated. The conversations I overheard from the dark people addressing the white-clad were all about sex, threats, or punishment. "Do this or I'll have you whipped". "Do that promptly or I'll kill you like I did "them"". They discussed sex & sex acts & intended for the slaves to perform them. The slaves wore white clothes which were different than the well-dressed dark tones the majority wore. It is difficult to recall conversations because at the time I wasn't trying to listen in on other people's conversations (that's just me undragged too for the record). Most were in passing as we walked through the town or as they passed us while we stood here or there.

  We sat in the Italian place, & my Handlers suggested I order & I did, one of my favs, spaghetti & meatballs. I recall complaining that while I order it occasionally in life I've always been disappointed my entire life by what I saw as poor quality spaghetti in every restaurant encounter I ever had (but I keep trying now & then & have a 100% disappointment rate).

  My handlers plied me with chat, they set up a camera on a tripod & quizzed me & made mundane chat for the camera.

  I recall them paying. A window was on a stand, they flipped out the phone & lit it up. The window on the stand had a similar projection & the 2 devices allegedly interacted & payment was made. Satisfied, we left. For the record the meal seemed to me to be of no particularly great nor poor quality. My 100% is still intact (sadly, cant the gang get anything right?).

  In the underground city with the lame installed projector with a blocky pixel rate they displayed several scenes. Predominately a beautiful mountain vista. In my opinion it was of lame quality with pixels several inches across. A cheaper movie camera could've projected a much higher quality scene in my humble opinion.

  They projected the "doomsday asteroid impact scene like I'd said & filmed me reacting to it in my probably re-drugged by the meal state. It gets fuzzy there & the memory ends.

  I wonder? It seems to me during a debriefing where they occasionally ask me if I have any questions I just might ask? Uhhhh... so what's up with that? You guys told me that no one gets into the underground city & leaves again no matter what? What gives?

  If such a conversation does take place I'd suppose I'll update my site, assuming I live & am free that long, God willing.

  Holograms? Puh-leaaaase. I could make the props myself with a few hundred bucks. Probably would look just as good as theirs's, maybe better. Assuming it was just all props.

  "All I have to do is make your story so outrageous that no cop will ever believe you". Said no mad-men at any time according to mid-Michigan... cops. Just ask'em. Or maybe better not, can you say... gaslight? How about the word 'corrupt?

  Corrupt cor·rupt /kəˈrəpt/ adjective

  1. 1.

    having or showing a willingness to act dishonestly in return for money or personal gain.

    "unscrupulous logging companies assisted by corrupt officials"

  2. 2.

    (of a text or a computer database or program) made unreliable by errors or alterations.

    "a progressively corrupt magnetic record is usable nonetheless"

  3. 1. cause to act dishonestly in return for money or personal gain. "there is a continuing fear of firms corrupting politicians in the search for contracts"

  4. 2.

    change or debase by making errors or unintentional alterations.

    "Epicurus's teachings have since been much corrupted"

  Gaslight gas·light /ˈɡaslīt/ noun

  1. a type of lamp in which an incandescent mantle is heated by a jet of burning gas.

    "an era of gaslights and horse-drawn carriages"


  1. manipulate (someone) by psychological means into questioning their own sanity.

    "in the first episode, Karen Valentine is being gaslighted by her husband"

  2. "the gang maintained their innocence to the police by gaslighting as usual by saying who would do that to a nobody like them which they say about all of their victims from the greatest to the least as a matter of business & repetition'"

  3. "They gaslighted & said. "Who would blow that much money on a nobody like them even though the gang does this sort of thing all the time & the real cost of the gaslighting PRACTICAL joke was nothing more than gas money & the cost of a spaghetti meal. The props were already there & the gang was already conducting a PRACTICAL joke session against multiple victims, so why not just do 1 more guy because... it's what they do to all of them, great or small"?


  Gaslighting. Said no mid-Michigan... cOP at any time ever!

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  There should be over a dozen of this picture on this page. Why do they keep being deleted?


  Yeah, I pray a lot & have talked to hundreds of... cops. I've written about my stalkers & been raped a bazillion times since.




  Woke up, got dressed, there are 3 paths leading to my place that I made, so that means there are 4 paths. Walked along the 3, at the end of each was a white translucent gallon jug, you know the type, really shiny at night in comparison to your average gallon milk jugs.

  Let me tell a back story about "Path #4". You see there was Path #0 when I moved to my wooded home. No path. It was as choked with some of the nastiest thorns & sharp branches as I ever saw. It was bad & I hacked my way into the woods using the path of least resistance.

  I thought I might make an alternate path, you know, for security reasons but imagined that that twisted bramble of impossible to traverse thorns & branches & woodland debris would keep anyone from coming near.

  Then, after a few days I noted (& reported on my website) that the gang were whooping it up all around me. I woke up covered in hundreds of thorn wounds criss crossing my body & in weeks the infection was gone & the wounds healed.

  Then it occurred to me that to walk around me at night whooping it up the gang would have to have cleared a path to do so. Makes sense huh? So I looked & the formerly impossibly choked direction was now the superior path, so I started using it.

  As the weeks went on they've all but completely cleared the entire area of thorns & debris. It's as pleasant a woods to walk through as any well-manicured park now. It's literally been cleared that much.

  Well, welcome to my life. This is Americana. God bless America.

  I suppose I'm "livin the dream".



  About an hour or 2 after getting home they began the group whooping session just northwest of my place in the parking lot. About 6 or so of'em, "WHOOP! WHOOP!"! "WHOOP"! It began with a louder than normal firework which are fairly soft as a rule usually.

  They wandered the woods around me that I'll nickname "The Manicured Woods" because their continuous night wanderings around me have manicured the once obscenely tangled mess of thorns & vines (the Woods original condition when I arrived) & made it very passable, lest they should stumble or be torn up wandering in the night. Plus they were doing a lot of injuries to me dragging me through that tangled mess to my often nightly rape sessions.

  I woke up, rectum covered in pooh, pee pee, covered not so much in pooh. My rectum sealed shut by serious swelling from sodomy I'm not submitting to in any way. I figured I'd stay up last night & about 5AM I fell asleep. I woke about 9 otherwise alert (typical).

  Well, that's my life America. Just another tale of real Americana, a boring & mundane story... cops tell me they are pretty comfortable ignoring (ever since I was that "walking & talking baby" that amazed them in summer of 1965.


Bay City Badge.jpg

"Don't tell me what to do".




"We don't answer to you".




"You seem to have who's the master & who's the scumbag that shuts up & goes away relationship all confused".




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Wed Jun 15.jpg
Dec 21.jpg
Bay City Hall Sign.jpg

"Sorry about the gun, pointing it at innocent people whenever I think of money is a force of habit".






  This picture was an impossible find. My missing dice look almost EXACTLY like  these dice (I did say almost). I always liked to roll 3 dice at a time but some players complained it was confusing to them to remeber the order I said each was (when the order mattered ingame). So I bought some red white & blue 20-sided dice. Then I declared "Just remeber I always go "red white & blue". It worked & gamers around me never complained again about which dice was which in the order when rolling them all at once.

  Now... they be allz goneified. Dey gone. Bye bye.

  A link for you... cops who failed to protect me, the dead children... nor my dice. Click on it & enjoy!

  10-13-22 Addendum


  Right cheek growing number with each bi-weekly injection. I mean, in addition to the torturous stuff I endure.

  Yeah, I pray a lot, have put my trust in God, & have talked to a bazillion Police Officers.


  12-15-22 Addendum

  WHAT ARE THEY INJECTING INTO MY FACE?!?!?!?!?!?!?!??!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!??!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!??!??!?!??!?!?!?!??!?!?!???!?!?!?!??!!?!?!?!?!??!!???!?!?!??!?!?!?!??!?!!??!?!?!?!?!?!?!??!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!??!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!??!??!?!??!?!?!?!??!?!?!???!?!?!?!??!!?!?!?!?!??!!???!?!?!??!?!?!?!??!?!!??!?!?!?!?!?!?!??!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!??!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!??!??!?!??!?!?!?!??!?!?!???!?!?!?!??!!?!?!?!?!??!!???!?!?!??!?!?!?!??!?!!??!?!?!?!?!?!?!??!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!??!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!??!??!?!??!?!?!?!??!?!?!???!?!?!?!??!!?!?!?!?!??!!???!?!?!??!?!?!?!??!?!!??!?!?!?!?!?!?!??!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!??!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!??!??!?!??!?!?!?!??!?!?!???!?!?!?!??!!?!?!?!?!??!!???!?!?!??!?!?!?!??!?!!??!?!?!?!?!?!?!??!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!??!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!??!??!?!??!?!?!?!??!?!?!???!?!?!?!??!!?!?!?!?!??!!???!?!?!??!?!?!?!??!?!!??!?!?!?!?!?!?!??!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!??!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!??!??!?!??!?!?!?!??!?!?!???!?!?!?!??!!?!?!?!?!??!!???!?!?!??!?!?!?!??!?!!??!?!?!?!?!?!?!??!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!??!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!??!??!?!??!?!?!?!??!?!?!???!?!?!?!??!!?!?!?!?!??!!???!?!?!??!?!?!?!??!?!!??!?!?!?!?!?!?!??!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!??!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!??!??!?!??!?!?!?!??!?!?!???!?!?!?!??!!?!?!?!?!??!!???!?!?!??!?!?!?!??!?!!??!?!?!?!?!?!?!??!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!??!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!??!??!?!??!?!?!?!??!?!?!???!?!?!?!??!!?!?!?!?!??!!???!?!?!??!?!?!?!??!?!!??!?!?!?!?!?!?!??!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!??!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!??!??!?!??!?!?!?!??!?!?!???!?!?!?!??!!?!?!?!?!??!!???!?!?!??!?!?!?!??!?!!?

  Is there any way to stop this?

  Help! Please help?



  What are they putting into my rectum? What are they injecting into my face?

  Help me! Please?


  Wow, I must be as high as a kite right now? It took me 3 tries to input the correct year in a web search, I thought I'd check out a sci fi movie & look up a current list. Actually, more than 3 tries, so, whoa.

  In vain I'll add that I don't drink, smoke, do drugs of any sort, recreationally or medicinally. Though I am inclined to take an over the counter extra-strength Tylenol from time to time to ease the pain from recent torture sessions.

  They were really a-woopin it up last nite about 0230 hours. Screaming in my yard from multiple angles. South & the obligatory north east. Fireworks too, as if I should even mention that, it's a default thing for nearly a decade now. Though in truth they do take a few days or even weeks off from the fireworks now & then.

  I woke up, obviously a fresh injection in my right cheek, top of the jaw inside. It's all numb & I got that fresh "getting the shot in your mouth sensation" going. Like when you go see your dentist?

  The screaming all started when one of their phones made that "just turned on sound" about 20 feet south of my window. My guess is it was a "yeah I messed up now I'll prove how tough I am while running away kind'a inspired kodak moment"? Just a guess?

  It's symptoms are numbness. Likely permanent. It's growing harder not to slur my words when I talk. Just like they promised to do to me that I wrote about in my +1,500 page letter to the FBI where someone gets killed every few pages.

  This is loser Dave signing off with a single question. What are they injecting into my face?

  "Making the child porn, making the gay child porn, starring in snuff films. It's not as glamorous as mid-Michigan... cops tell me I make it sound". - David A. George 10-20-22

  "You're lucky". - More than one uniformed & on duty mid-Michigan... cop said this to me when I complained about killing child-molesters & all the rapes. All that good sex AND picking off child molesters? They told me that not helping me sounded like a win/win bargain to them.


  I've only been sitting about a minute & there's a big wet spot where I'm sitting. Are you a... cop reading this? Maybe I'll be sitting where the people YOU care about sit next? Maybe I'll be sitting next where YOUR loved ones will be sitting? Maybe neither? Maybe if you try hard you can avoid me... just... like... your... peers. Feel better?

  Woop woop woop, pain pain pain. Life as normal I'd suppose?

  You know what's the ironic part oh e wise & infallible doubting... cops? I've done my best in life to cheer for America. To serve it. To make it my home by choice. I spoke up for the Police. I defended them whenever possible & when it seemed like I could escape the gang a few times I held off on killing the... Police guarding the area or "who was literally trying to get me FOR the gang either by mission of action or accidentally" & was recaptured by the gang over & over because of it. I pushed until it hurt & I put my life on the line rather than trading what could've been an innocent Officer's life for my freedom.

  I don't suppose any... cops who may have lived long & healthy lives will line up & thank me all at once.

  Yeah, I AM that stupid.


  Another injection, the numbness worse than ever. Light swelling, not much at all.

  I'll ask again... What are they injecting into my face?

  I wake up & there's a specific feeling, even a taste in my mouth that comes from an injection into my mouth. I've literally tasted it when I visited the dentists so I'm no stranger to the taste. It literally has a taste... to me.

  So what is it? A numbing agent made to make me slur as a punishment for broadcasting onto the web? Is it the cancer cells they bragged their doctors would secure, leaving me a disfigured wretch for when they cast me alive into the legal system to do away with me? Just another PRACTICAL joke? None of the above?

  Yeah, I pray a lot.

  10-26-22 ADDENDUM... Add'em dumb?

  I was inventorying my stuff... lately (the last year or 2) I've been doing it more often than before. They stole my dice.

  You see, I play pencil & paper on dice tabletop games. Less lately than before. For decades I carried the same set of dice. A 20-sided dice, two 10-sided dice, an 8, a 4-sider, & a small number of square dice. They were "my dice". ALl the serious gamers carry them. It was my job & they were the tools of my trade & I was ready virtually at all times. Why? Because I carried my dice, that simple set of dice everywhere I went. A few years ago I found some cheap dollar store dice & bought them. 2 sets of dice. Plus a few extra square dice here & there. Not many, not many at all. Just enough that I could have my set & hand over 2 sets to other gamers to use. It's just good business in my opinion.

  So, a few days ago I decided to check my dice while inventorying. A few pairs of gloves went missing & a glove from 2 pairs each (I'll dig around, maybe I still have the gloves?). The dice I carried for decades everywhere I went were gone. But they left the dollar store dice.

  I remember over the decades I'd always wondered why the gang didn't steal my dice so, I asked? They way it was explained to me was. "Duh Jerk likes your gaming hobby. He don't want to do anything to interfere with it because it's great evidence for us against you".

  This too IS Americana. Just another boring tale of life in these United States.



  Stole my coat... again. Anything to prevent warmth or personal grooming. They went after my can of Axe Body Spray, it was "suddenly" all but depleted. More face injections. High & to the right. This time, they did the same to my left side. I've been slurring words occasionally & my tone is decidedly more hollow sounding than before. I've been altered. They sodomized as bad as ever. Recall the last time I said it was worse than ever? Well this weekend I left some insane bile puddles wherever I chose to sit as a consequence of the rapes. My pants are so soaked that when waking the next day they are still wet.

  I still have a Friday addendum to add, but I doesn't feelz like'a doin' it's right nowz. So's I'z'a be do'in it later... maybe?



  Rectum swollen... & it's only Thursday morning. Thursday night, rape night usually. Thanks for less than nothing... cOPS of America.

  Will you Police & Law Enforcement Officers whom I claim to respect AND admire please investigate my claims? Please?



  Why is US Intelligence so interested in me?


  My missing dice were shaped like these, but did not look like this. I stil have the cheap ones. You see, normally a single dice sells for a dollar or so. But I still have 2 sets of cheap dollar store dice. ALLLLLL of the above dice for a single dollar.

  I asked both My Cousin & Duh Jerk (at different times) why they'd chosen to attack me with someone... again?
  Smiling they answered the same. They knew that I tried my best to be a pacifist. That was not conducive to the narrative they planned to sell Police.
"I want to prove that you're violent". By making me fight my entire life.
  I retort here 11-8-22. I still try my best to be a pacifist & endorse the lifestyle choice. Many people confuse the terms pacifist with coward. A coward wont fight because he's scared. A pacifist fights but only as a last resort or when no other apparent plan seems like it will work.
I ask any Reader of my site this. "If I said I wasn't violent would even a single reader believe me"?

  11-8-22 Election Day

  Face injections, Jaw, high & to the right.

  Soooooo... lem'me tell ya a few tales. I'll 1st tell one from da past, den da present. Got that? 1st I tell a tale from the past, then I compare it to the present. I explained it twice in case a Delaware or mid-Michigan... cOP reads this.


  I walked the homeless & poor community of Dover Delaware & noted in what I'll call an informal poll. That there were a ton of fellow victims among the poor of Dover that all had their feet broken... just... like... me... (If you are a Dover... cOP I reccomend you practice your dull vacant rebuttal look in a mirror to make it more convincing if law enforcement from other areas bring this factoid up).


  I made contact with the local poor & homeless community here, in Delmar Delaware & was surprised by the number of people who all have the same partial facial paralysis that's slowly being inflicted on me. A significant percentage. I'll bet that it's THEIR signature attack as the broken feet are the Dover's signature assault. Duh Jerk used to brag to me that his signature assault (the Bay City Rapist Assault Signature , when you think poo & corrupt... cOPS, think Bay City Michigan) was inflicting the need for adult diapers on his victims, particularly before court.


  I was walking by a home on Marsac Street between 33rd & 32nd Streets mid-block on the west side of the street in Bay City during the height of the time the gang inflicted on me & called "The Gym". Bebopping along.

  I was surprised to see the Munger Boy 5 & about 10 of my classmates (half male, half female) who'd been assigned film duty that day (child porn) in the driveway.  The girls & some boys I didn't know were all playing with the toys regularly in that yard. The Munger Boy 5 were all practicing combat with hockey sticks as improvised weapons with an equal number of my classmates just like they'd bragged/whined to me in the past (depending on which gang banger was bragging or complaining) & all in the narrow driveway & yard to the left (south) of the home. They seemed quite distressed to see me & yelled upon sighting me & all pointed at me. Duh Jerk poked his head around the corner along with a few (in my opinion) pervy-looking guys. They all, except for Duh Jerk ran & attacked me screaming threats.

  Soon, Duh Jerk bragged they'd just bought a new house & moved their film studio. "Because we don't want you knowing where our film studio is".

  Me? I told him I had no idea where their film studio was.

  He called me a liar over & over.

  Me? I told him I'd never wanted to know. Knowledge of the subject did NOT appeal to me.

  He still called me a liar & based it on what he knew was my desire to learn & to know things.

  I told him I had no desire to know things like that. Then I asked him. I always figured that their film studio would have lots of cars there. If anything the number of adults there surely warranted more than the single car I saw there. Why?

  He told me that a lot of vehicles parking there could draw Police attention. So as a hard rule they liked to park at the nearby homes to throw the Police off (note, while I, the Author say Police here, Duh Jerk said cops).

  Earlier he'd told me (during a recruiting training session in his tax-payer funded office) that the gang like to hang ornaments, Christmas lights, Halloween decorations & such. Hand out candy to kids, ect. Then he told me that they liked to operate in enclaves. A street where they own all the houses, usually on both sides of a block or so. Particularly around the schools where in some cases they "owned" every house around the school block, it enabled them to do dirty deeds without fear of casual witnesses living nearby. Plus victims sometimes asked them to contact Police & they'd be sure to call their dirty... cop they keep on speed dial.

  He said they kept their children outside & they menaced any victims of the gang they saw walking by. Win/win. Why? Because if a victim was fool enough to become embroiled in their well-practiced drama they'd flawlessly inflict upon their victim then they could take their victims down, usually making THEM seem violent against children. Like I said, win/win.

  I recall Duh Jerk told me at one point. "It cost us a lot of money but it was worth it just to know that now you don't know where our Film Studio is". Then he threatened me that I'd be punished based on the cost.

  I infuriated him when I said. "What're you gonna do to me? You're already trying to kill me". Alluding to the fact that the gang, him involved, were at that time  inflicting a practiced, rehearsed, choreographed attempted murder publicly on me  daily & a whole lot of children & adults knew it & a lot of people were involved (cops too, as if that knowledge matters aught).


  Lately, and it's my bad for walking past this place at predictable times, but lately every other time I walk past 711 E. East Street the gang do their dog-like "woop" sound made by teens & adults (the adults stay inside) who sit inside & out. The voices are recognizable, it's some of the very people who've been surrounding my place at night & making the noise.

  I recall The Last Snitch bragging that it's when a victim notes this to Police that it empowers the gang to move onto the next stage of their harassment. They attack, you counter, they escalate & tell the... cops it's surely an increasingly crazy accuser. What other logical explanation could there be? I hear that the... cops buy that every single time. "The guy is violent against children" becomes a narrative he bragged that it empowers them to say. He told me I'd better never accuse any of their guys thusly ever OR ELSE!

  It's only trivia to add that Halloween decorations were only on 1 side of the street & that the Halloween themes of that home 711 E. East Street of Delmar Delaware were elaborate & could be summed up as "A Recreational Serial-Killer Theme mixed with Pyromaniac Inclinations". They being dressed as killers, the guy in charge dressed as a movie recreational killer, & they liked to make the home seem to catch on fire often with a very capable smoke dispensor. They handed out candy to the kids. There are a large number of children's toys throughout the yard.


  Soooo... there I was, at one of the regular Grande Parties at My Mother's Parent's place. My Cousin summoned me to him & emptied the house like usual when he did, people made themselves "scarce".

  Since My Parent's made it a rule that I talk to him as long as he desired I stood ready for whatever it was he wanted to tell me.

  He asked me if I noticed that every time I walked past a certain house (it's location escapes me at the time of this writing) if I noticed that every time I went by there their viscous dog rushed out & menaced me, all but attacking me & nipping at me?

  I told him I had. But that lately the dog hadn't come at me every single time.

  He smiled & said that he knew that was true because he'd ordered the family to have their dog attack me whenever I came near. After a time he told them to only do it every other time, lest I convince a cop to investigate the animal & the family.

  I told him I hadn't even considered going to the cops, the dog had never bit me, only nipped at me, never drawing blood.

  He told me he knew this was true too. Why? Because the gang trains the animals to only nip their target who's been ordered to attack a person based on scent of clothing from their victim they'd stolen & trained the animal with.

  At this point I tended to shrug? Meh. So what? In comparison to all the other mean stuff he, his gang, & my family were inflicting on me it was small potatoes.

  He bragged it gave him lots of footage to use against his victims. He filmed them as they passed & if their victim defended themselves they portrayed them as the mean aggressor to the Police (who in my experience believe ALL tales if a film is involved, it's a visual aid that's infallible against them all, up & until this date). He bragged that the films also enabled them to portray me as a wimp AND him as the kind person, filming to help AND protect me. You see (Police pay attention) his film proved he cared about me AND that I was a wimp AND that he was filming me to help convince the Police to protect me, what other explanation could there be? Right? Plus, he said smiling. "If you were as tough as you claim to be you'd attack that dog".

  I'd often point out that if I fought everyone & everything he sent to attack me, fought every comer that I'd be dead already. Plus, I really didn't want to fight the dog. Like most violent situations in my life just because I suspect I could win doesn't mean I should fight. I'm just not like that (and for the record never was, at heart I'm a pacifist, always was, have I had bad moments since, yeah, can you blame me Reader?). He told me that as proof of his power the dog would attack me one more time, & then never again. I could go to the Police but the people will say they don't own a dog.

  It's only trivia to add that later he teased me if what he said was true?

  I told him it was. The dog had attacked one more time, then I never saw it again.

  He bragged he was there, then described the event in detail & challenged me that I could go to the... cops & they'd never believe me because the people would claim they owned no dog.

  I told him it never occurred to me to go to the Police over it. But IF I did I'd tell them to look in their yard & notice all the dog patties in the yard as proof they owned a dog.

  My Cousin seemed very irritated.

  Later, My Trio of Cousins told me they & their friends intended to hurt me very bad during "The Ordeal In The Back Hall" at My Mother's Parent's place. They claimed that My Cousin was the type who never left ANY clues undone. So they'd been ordered to go clean up that yard of dog poo. It was near dark & they'd done a poor job. My Cousin inspected the job & applied great punishments based on their failure. The "Regulars" at the Grande Parties were called in when their 2nd attempt failed & they'd ruthlessly tortured the trio & their friends by making them crawl facedown in the yard all night long getting every poo. It'd been horrible in their opinions, diarrhea & missed poo (due to weak flashlights) meant they'd been beaten all night long by druggies who had better things to do than be there.


  Every other time I walk by the neighbors of 701 E. East Street in Delmar De they have 3 vicsiuos dogs that come out & attack me, every other... time... I... pass... there.

  I accuse them of nothing, for all I know the dogs only hang out in the yard & they have no idea who even owns them? The last thing I want to do is to accuse anyone irresponsibly when there's so much rich accusing to go around. They do however watch the animals menace me & make no effort to restrain the animals.


  I picture Police of the future checking in on the places I mention in my writings oh so casually from time to time & keeping an eye on them & busting them good for any sinister thing they may be involved in.


  A boring trip down Memory Lane. Man, typing this took an hour of my day I'll never get back. Thanks for nothing Delmar... cops. Thanks for nothing.

  I grow weary of the subject of the gang whom I find both tedious & pathetic.


  Just a Recap on "the obvious" about my post from yesterday.

  I took a huge risk putting the addresses & recent events of the environs of E. East Street in Delmar Delaware of the last few months on a public forum.

  Why? Because it's the gang's feverent hope that their victims accuse them in the places they act against their victims at. They wouldn't confront me in a public area unless they had their ducks in a row. Lies & counter accusations all practiced & rehearsed to perfection & every one of them backed up by months of films carefully choreographed by experts in the field. Either local gang members of the local child-molesting community OR career professionals from the Bay City & Saginaw Michigan area or a combination of both.

  I've been told I'm used to recruit new members. New recruits (most of whom do not suspect they are in fact beginning the gang's recruiting process) are showed a few choice films showing me as the scumbag in the situation (I know it hurts... cOPS heads to use this sentence, go take an aspirin & let me say it, pre-obtained rehearsed & choreographed films & pictures meant to influence formerly innocent easily gulled teens & adults with a proven track record of success at influencing the weak-minded & easilly gulled) & in a giddy fashion begin (at 1st) to inflict various vigilante inspired attacks & acts upon myself. Using the words of an on duty... cop at the gang rape. "I've seen the films. You deserve everything we're doing to you".

  Little do those formerly innocent citizens &... cops suspect but it is they who were the real targets from the beginning & while the gang was filming me so they could have fresh films for the next round of victims they were secretly filming them & they are the new victims. Some they might like, some they'll use as "useful idiots" & cast into prison or an asylum as an example of their power where the gang's films of them & the atrocities they committed upon me & others will enable them to make their stays a horrific one where would-be vigilantes will tell them 'you can stop lying now, I've seen the films'). Others will fund the gang for life because of the many blackmail films they starred in & will continue to star in for the rest of their lives so the gang can have fresh blackmail films of them too. Those new recruits, civillians &... cops alike will drug their children for the gang & know exactly what it's like to hand them over to a guy like Fagboy or Duh Jerk & watch them drive away.

  Slurred sigh...


  Gang... ducks in a row... all part of their plan... accept it you law enforcement pros.


  RECAP of Thursday, all day I spent the day spitting their poison which gushed out from the holes below the gumline all over my mouth. They must've inject a lot of whatever it is they inject.

  How'd that work out?

  Well, it's Saturday & I awoke with my hands & feet numb like they've been since the gang began inflicting me thusly, the rings of numbness around my upper arms near the shoulder & the lower legs above the knee very numb. And now my mouth equally numb. Strange only in that I figured such a transition would be a gradual one. This numbness isn't to be confused with the facial paralysis they inflicted on my right cheek. No, it's a deep numb in the entire jaw now of equal intensity to the numbness they've spent years gradually inflicting on my limbs & nether regions.

  Rape rape rape... Pain pain pain...

  Here I will address America. Not as a brother or a lost son, but as an outsider. My every attempt to reach out for help has ended only in disappointment or pain. Your every institution either shut it's doors on me or worked tirelessly in opposition to me. I have trumpeted the glory of America my entire life. Shouted it. I can only ask myself. Why? As I look I see America disintegrating before my eyes. Torn apart brick by brick by those sworn to defend it.

  Why me? Why? I didn't want a part of America that wasn't mine. I only wanted a slice, a chance at a fair share.

  It just isn't fair.


  I just wiped up the puddle of rectal juices that are my leavings wheresoever I choose to sit (I only sat down a few minutes ago). HEY... Cops! Maybe I'll sit where YOUR loved ones intend to sit. The love juice leavings of who knows how many perverts on the bottoms of YOUR loved ones? Laugh... cop. Laugh.

  My handler was a beautiful blond this time. She convinced me to perform some sex act. I rocked her world. Her? Typical of the gang, she was horrible at best. You know what? I can and MUST tell the truth about the gang. IF a prosecutor asked me 'how was the sex the gang inflicted on you rated from one to ten'? I'd HAVE TO answer truthfully. 1 in 10. Lame. Pathetic. Wow! For a gang that brag you're all "about bringing pleasure" your women are quite possibly the worst lays on the planet. Had that gorgeous 20ish blond simply laid there & shut up I could've at least rated her a 2 in 10.

  I recall The Last Snitch bragging I was the gang's recruiter. That when I discussed the sex they imagined a throng of future loyal recruits would rush to them. Truth be told, for guys who claim to be bringing pleasure to children, plaesure to their rape victims & such, YOU ARE LAME! PATHETIC! If I said 2 in 10 I would BE A LIAR!


  Picture me snapping my fingers at the gang. SNAP! SNAP! SNAP! Were you born lousy lame & uninspired entertained by the most pathetic of sex acts or was it by practice that you became a pack of yawners. Go ahead. Put me on your truth drugs & ask. I'm telling the truth.

  I recall The Last Snitch defending himself. That they'd filmed me enjoying sex acts but the memories were robbed from me by their date rape drug.

  I retorted. "It must not have been very memorable then".

  My opinion?




  It's been a trying past 2 weeks. 2 weeks ago on Sunday I came down with Covid... again. That very night, just like the last few times I caught Covid the gang began a Sleep Deprivation Assault on me. Making loud noises every 30 seconds or so. Car door slams, yells, woops, fireworks, & assorted noises whenever I tried to seek rest.

  I went to church & asked for help & got me some. The Assualt died down in intensity but went on for 2 more days & ended. That very night I was the victim of one of their more ferocious vein injection attacks. You know, where like usual the gang uses their medical technology & resources to inflict minor wounds in my body designed to eventually overwhelm & kill me, in their favorite way... slowly.

  This Sunday the fever broke. It goes without saying Monday morning I awoke to find I'd been sodomized.

  The Last Snitch bragged to me. "We're going to keep giving you Covid until you die". Using their medical resources to reinfect me over & over. It's the 6th time I've had Covid now. Covid is no joke in it's ferocity against the human body... my human body.

  I shall bless the name of The Lord here & am told by my Bible to count it all joy when they, the Satanic Church attack me.

  As a baby, a toddler, and as a small child I recall asking My Cousin, self-professed leader of the family Satanic Church. "Why do you hate me so much"?

  Usually with a beer can in hand he answered me. "Because you're a Christian & I hate Christians". He despised me from since the time when I was a baby & while witnessing to him & his top guys I'd actually convinced a few of them to repent, change their ways, & to get their hearts right with God. "I feel like I lost a few of my best friends because of you".

Matthew 5: 10-12

  10Blessed are they which are persecuted for righteousness' sake: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. 

 11Blessed are ye, when men shall revile you, and persecute you, and shall say all manner of evil against you falsely, for my sake.

  12Rejoice, and be exceeding glad: for great is your reward in heaven: for so persecuted they the prophets which were before you.

  This is all true to the best of my abilty. Amen.

  "We intend to do what we do & thumb our noses at the cops the whole while". - The Last Snitch bragging about not only my ultimate fate at the hands of the gang, but the fates of any Good Cops unfortunate enough to be tasked with taking me down for the gang.


  Cheeks hurt, specifically the corners of my mouth "the jowls" hurt badly from the gang's abuse. The red rash that normally covers my jaw has spread out to cover my center face. The injection injury sites themselves have healed to the point where the wounds themselves don't hurt, but the underlying injection areas hurt badly.

  The stalking goes on unabated. When I awaken & sit up fireworks sound. If I bend over reading or writing for any length of time & sit up straight the fireworks sound. Exclusively to the east or the west as a rule on the corners of my block. It probably indicates my stalkers inhabit the hotel apartment in my back yard in the room or rooms most to the north. Still, I often heard in the past the fireworks coming from the southern most room. Who knows what's going on & who's playing visitor & or room to room roulette?

  They still follow me everywhere I go. A woop sound or a firework sounding within 10 or less seconds wheresoever I may go as I leave the building. Usually not loud fireworks at all. Very soft. Almost imperceptible I'd suppose. Same for the woops.

  The 6:30 AM firework at dawn is a tradition. Has been a long time now.

  Rape rape rape...

  Pain pain... pain...

  I guess it's nice to know that someone cares???


  More child porn. A 5 or 6 year old blond girl in a family setting. You know, mundane interactions.


  Face injection, left side, numb, mouth has that "dead socket taste" & sensation to it.


  Begging... cops for help.




  I thought up a drinking game. I don't drink so I would never sponsor such a thing. But when I wake up I check myself & note 'is there more poo poo on my buh buh or my pee pee'? What a horrible perverse game it would be. The drinker would pick a side & drink whenever that side was reported by myself.

  But IF I was endorsing the game, today I would report pee pee.

  Slurred salty sigh...


  I woke up this morning & my sleeping blanket was covered in a liquid about 3-4 wide. While the non-staining liquid mess was large, about 3-4' across it didn't soak through to me, the guy underneath it all. I was minded to take it outside & hang it up to dry & it'd already mostly dried in the half hour between waking & when I left & hung it out to dry.

  Another fact? Sure. More face injections! Both jowls. The right one being very numbed by the experience & somewhat painful as opposed to the left side, it's just numb with numbness in a thin line along my jaw between.

  More fun facts? Did I say fun? Eh, just facts. I woke up this mornig, same old same old. Again, when I sat up, in a minute or so the fireworks sounded. BANG! West, abour 20 yards, the northernmost corner of the motel. I sat there, read for a few minutes & when I straightened up, in the time it'd take to light a fuse another, quieter firework of course sounded. POP!

  Yet more facts? Why not? I checked my underwear after a short walk & today's liquid stain was smaller than many of the rape stains. Still wetter than I'd like to see the stain looked like a a pair of beautiful "angel wings" in my underwear radiating from the inside to the outside about 4" across. 

  Yet more amazing facts (the only amazing thing to me is how... cops let my life come to this calamity with straight faces)? If you are playing that perverted drinking game I imagined on 11-18-22 but do not endorse (please don't play it, I said please) today I report "Pee Pee".


  Cheeks hurt, right cheek numb, still being stalked.

  It's a red-letter week. An unusual thing happened in my life. I broke the sunglasses I've been wearing for quite a while now. I did it. In my opinion it was a fatigue failure above the upper right lens. I inspected it & decided that, though I could probably have superglued it together I'd just throw it away.

  The gang have bragged to me since spring or 1977 that they've been stealing my sunglasses, or attacking me with the goal of destroying them & inspiring literal vigilantes to do it with films & cash. I've had them boast to my face. Hey! I'll even share a story of one in Bay City Michigan's unassailable child-molester fortress Bay City Central High, just to amuse myself. I wasn't going to write today but here goes: See the page When & Where to read it. "I put a bounty on your sunglasses!


  Yesterday after I wrote my website here as soon as I started walking, blood pumping, the wounds of the many injections in my mouth burst forth & I spit their injected poison AND puss into the night. Not a pleasent sensation. . Because the wind was the opposite direction I noticed the smell of semen wafting upon me about my head.

  This morning I awoke & my mouth had been invaded by a salty taste. Not semen. Salty. Rectum of course swollen tight by sodomy.

  Soooo... I went soul-winning like I do many mornings (I just don't write about the rest of my day much is all Reader). Walking door to door & car to car & house to house trying my best to reach lost souls. It's what I do & I've done it for years now.

  Sooo... heart started pumping, are you with me Reader? Then the familiar taste of their poison hit, the puss taste, & the very salty taste all poured out of the wounds. Poured, burst being a better description. My jaw hurts. My face hurts.

  So now I will make an uneducated guess as to what the situation is before me & ask a question. My guess... is they used saline. It's salty. Right?

  My question is this you Law Enforcement Champions of America who are paid to protect me & took a public oath to so. My question is 'What things suspended in saline are they injecting into my face Sirs'?


  Placed in a spot that is chronologically out of order to be metaphoric... not by accident. It's symbolic of my life.

  Soooooo... lately I've decided to have a go at trusting God. We'll see how that goes. What do I expect from God? I expect only that I will try to better myself, anything from God is just a gift. I'll try improving my heart.

  You see Reader, it isn't the gang that scares me. I'm not given to a spirit of fear. Never was. God scares me. WOrse? My sin, my descisions, the descisions of my heart that condemns me, not what the gang dowes to me scares me. I say scares me only because I cant think up a better word to describe the feeling.

  To Hell with the gang. Let him that is holy be holy still & him that is accursed be accursed still. I worry about eternity, not some gang who'll endure for but a moment in time & then be no more, lest they repent & turn to God.

  I'll speak the truth, I'll tell my story & not give up.

  This is the word of the God who I pray to:

1 Samuel 2:8 KJV

He raiseth up the poor out of the dust, And lifteth up the beggar from the dunghill, To set them among princes, And to make them inherit the throne of glory: For the pillars of the earth are the LORD's, And he hath set the world upon them.


HOW TO STALK PEOPLE: As taught to me by lying processionals

  I've had a few gang members who bragged to me that they were indeed card-carrying & proud members of the gang. A few... They like to brag & get so few chances otherwise I'd suppose. I had one say. "Did you ever notice that new ___(person)___ in your life"? The one who seemed nice, almost always sat nearby me, most of the time I was at the place in question, who occasionally interacted with me & was generally a personable individual, but not a friend?

  Yeah, I noticed them. Why? Because they often sat nearby me & interacted with me & seemed like a personable individual, I like to think I'm a nice guy (I try) & I'm nice to just about everyone, even recreational serial-killers, even quite a few who I knew were tasked with keeping tabs on me for the gang. While I'd bet I only spot a few they tell me there's usually a team or so tasked with watching me. Why I've asked (being humble AND a "self-professed less than nobody")? "With all the murders you've been involved in? It just makes good business sense".

  "That guy is one of us. He's hired to watch you & to provide a friend".

  I countered. "If so he's not doing a very good job of it. I don't see him as a friend we don't hang out or anything".

  He said. "You're right. He's there to provide you someone to interact with so that you don't feel like you have the need to reach out to other people & make new friends. Plus he's a Blocker".

  "I don't believe much a child-molester says but I had to ask. "What's a Blocker".

  He said it's an actual team position in the gang when stalking a victim. The way it works is the Blocker sits near the victim. Victims are usually blocked only for a few days or weeks weeks so it's a professional position. They are there to keep tabs on the victim. Sounding out their state of mind. Learning of any plans the victim may have against the gang. Keep in mind that, once the plan has matured to this level of being stalked (as a rule, I'm not talking about myself here, we're coving "the basics") the victim has lost nearly all or all of their friends & family. They are eager to make new contacts & this is the point the gang starts to use Blockers. I'm told many victims unwittingly welcome the Blockers into their lives. Often from loneliness & the desire to make friends & the gang is there to capitalize on this natural human tendency. The Blocker's other task is, that once inserted they can Block their quarry from making new friends & contacts & identify & report dangerous people who might help or befriend their victim.

  I told him, ("them" actually, lots of gangbangers said this in different words) I didn't buy it. Besides, it'd be one guy's word against mine.

  Not so he assured me. "Think about it. You just met a guy who's got some problems & then as soon as he leaves or goes to the bathroom our guy says 'the guy's a child-molester' or something just as bad like 'he's crazy don't listen to him'.

  I said it's still one person vs one.

  He told me I was right. But the concept works & it deflects most people. The rest? If someone keeps coming around their target then they bring in a team. A "Gossip Team". "No one's going to want to be friends with anybody who just had 20 people tell them that so & so's a scumbag".

  A "Gossip Team". Yeah, this is business as usual. They do this all the time & it's how a Child-Molestor attack matures. The gang ALWAYS assembles a team of gossips, strangely, it's usually new recruits (thus they may often feel downright awful) led by a small cadre of gang Regulars. Experienced gangland gossips who've practiced to perfection a well-spun web of lies sure to send most people packing away from their intended target. Plus as a bonus many of the good people so deflected often spread said gossip on their own, becoming unpaid agents for the gang (they love to snicker & mock at moments like this in the conversation as a rule, this IS the real them after all, not the whiner wimp mid-Michigan... cops will swear they know so well).

  Snitch Girl bragged/whined about Gossip Team duty to me just outside "The Gym" in Fall of 1976. "We gather yup a team of about 10-20 people, mostly people new to the gang to harden them (because once you've actively helped take down someone you know is innocent... slowly you have become a debased & usable assettte to the gang), & we drive from place to place saying stuff about our victims to"... Well, saying stuff to the people in their lives. You see Police half expect that you'd smack talk your victim & their loved ones. So the gang does & with an always new fresh batch of faces that they've made to practice a story about over & over.

  I told her I figured they were telling me this so they could counter with saying I imagined myself to be someone "special" & thus worthy of being stalked.

  They explained I was partly right. Their plan is ALWAYS to say that such & such is crazy AND our friend AND on drugs AND that you can AND should ignore them. Who better to trust than the person who sits near our lonely victim? Right?

  I knew from my past dealings with the gang they liked to get violent with people I recently befriended. Strang they picked & chose? Huh?

  Not strange at all I was assured. The plan always is to get violent with a target's new friends who are immune to the gossip machine. The Gossip Team is merely a cheap & effective way to do it AND to furnish investigations with a cloud of witnesses around their target who'll all swear the target is just as guilty as the gang says they are & just as crazy. "Useful Idiots". Guy's who'd never work for the gang but if 4 or 5 pretty girls & a few average joes said in 4 or 5 encounters & in a few average placed 'hey, avoid so & so, he's a child-molester & he's crazy & on drugs' almost everyone is going to avoid that person & many, imagining themselves to be good people will spread the word. "Usually we swear them to silence that way most will never get word back to our victim that 20 people just said they were the world's biggest scumbag". Every now & then word gets back to our target & they get in a fight with one of the team members has been bragged. All the better, the gang love it! Why? Because it's "proof" the victim is a violent person. Just the sort of thing you want to have happen in one of their frame jobs where they are going to try & sell the idea that yet another mundane person is one of... "them", a usually a child-molester, often "them" means any number of serous or even silly crimes "We cant use the same plan every time, so we have to change it up". 

  It's only trivia to add in Snitch Girl said. "Some of our victims cant mentally handle destroying somebody they know is innocent & they have a nervous breakdown. So we just drop them off at the crazy house (such as Bay City's Bay Medical Center, the main such hospital then in Bay City Michigan). Some of them get hooked on drugs there & we can use that against them & if they ever turn against us we can use their going to the Psyche Ward against them in court". See Reader, with the gang it's not about the win, they always look for the win/win whenever possible.

  Why bring that up on a cold Delmar Maryland Day? To say this. There's lots more to spotting these Gossip Team members than you'd think. Many will bear the wounds of the attacks from their victims (and are VERY motivated to bring down said victims for the gang who might not even remember doing the deed), some just like to do it for the free drugs provided to gossip team members. Others are the hardcore loyal members & this is their chosen lifestyle. They like it, & they are good at it. Some I spot easy. Others, not so easy. Some are ratted out, I bet most are good people just lied about. Isolating a victim.

  That's the beauty of the gang's plan. If I do this the gang say I'm a liar. If I do that the gang say I must be crazy.

  My point is that once... cops begin feeding at the trough of the gang's lies then there's literally nothing a victim can say or do that doesn't make them out to be insane, a liar, or both.

David A. George 12-3-22


  "How does this guy know all this stuff"? - The future quote of some very wise Investigator as of 12-17-22

  "When you show up in court all crippled in a wheelchair who's going to believe that you lived through the gym"? - A bragging Child-Molester speaking about my eventual demise at the hands of the Child-Molestors, a Saginaw Gang in court only a few years prior to the writing of this website.

"If possible I'd like to salvage what I can of my health & try my best to live the American Dream alive & free". Am I asking for too much Police of America? - David A. George 01-04-23


  THE NEWS: I'm taking a big risk by reporting events & here's why oh ye honorable yet inconvincible Skeptic... cOPs. It's what the Last Snitch bragged on. "Our true power is the accusations of our victims reflected back at them".

  How so?? They tell me their every move is premeditated. They've already prepared filmed skits & lined up their accusation ducks in a row & expect exactly what a truth-telling victim will accuse them of next & have their textbook Plan: A response ready to go.

  Soooo... the gang has backed off, a little on the nightly taunting. Experience has taught me that this does not signal a reprieve, but a coming change of tactics. Almost always that tactic is provoking the victim so as to get their very much desired response to whatsoever that provocation may be. Then they go to you otherwise honest yet inconvincible Skeptics & say things like. "We iz the victimz here boss. Take down the bad man for uz because we iz just harmless citizenz". They may even, "off the record" admit that they are indeed child-molesters (they have in the past on occasion) to cOPS & say things like. "We iz harmless yet child-loving child-molesters & that bad man is mean to uz. Will youz take him down legally so we child-molesters ain't being hurt by the bad man"? Are you a Skeptic doubting this tactic? I'll testify it's all but infallible against mid-Michigan... cOPS & it just might be against you too. It makes "The Films" more convincing I'm told.

  THE NEWS: Recently I decided to go sit in the restaurant across the street from my place. I was loudly taunted by a pick-up truck driver who came a lot closer to me than I liked while yelling taunts at me when I later left the establishment. Does everyone endure an attempted & violent traffic incidents annually or is it just me?

  I pondered on the subject, prayed for wisdom like usual, & it occurred to me that if the gang inhabits the motel next to me, of course they'd probably go for the businesses thereabouts too. Simply put the gang wouldn't taunt me publicly in a place unless they "owned it" or planned to own it.

  It's merely trivia to add that, while I haven't been in the dinner across the street (as of 12-3-22), that I know of, I note that in the last 2 weeks business there has died.

  I suspect gang involvement. Most likely patrons & employees there will have some weird & or perverse tales to tell when asked & the people involved represent a 1st Generation weakness to the gang that is easily exploitable to any investigating officer.

  Even more likely, (purely a guess, a hunch based on experience) it may be that they entirely own the place(s?) & have been safely doing their recruiting & drugged rape abductions there & my coming has put a damper on the ongoing party. So as a matter of business & pleasure, lest I become privvy to their direct plans, they figured it best to begin a Standard Provocation Operation against me, hoping for the best, seeing what they could get? Again, just a guess, nothing more.

  I have to put my cars on the table & the gang gets to play their trump cards one at a time. You see Reader it's like this. I'm damned if I don't make guesses & hunches based on clues & I'm damned if I don't.



  I thought about shooting another "soiled underwear picture" like I've shown here on my website in the past. Then it occurred to me that it was unlikely another wet with bile picture would send Police or Agents of the Law running out to investigate my claims. Besides, yet another visual reminder of the calamity my life is & always was isn't something I relish reliving... today. Sigh...

  Eh, so I'll probably pray, do a RECAP or 2, and try to live my life with what's left of my health & freedom.

  Freedom. Sigh...


  Last night, the human barking just northeast of my place on the road (not far at all, in the one of the few tangles left in the "Manicured Woods"... again. Actually the guy was quite good. At 1st I thought it just might be a dog even though it comes from their favorite hidey hole. But... the guy got sloppy & one could easily tell it was a human pretending to bark. It's pretty much an everyday thing & I wouldn't write about it except what happened at 12:11 AM this very morning. A loud, older & poorly tuned car stopped at that spot for about a minute. I figured it was to pick up or drop off someone. Since I didn't hear a car door open or close either their pickup went through an open window or the car was just giving orders. 12:11? Yeah, I checked the time.

  Snitches have boasted that the gang like to order their guys to turn their cellphones off so command and control, shift changes, & general task handling are all done via face to face communication or more likely using inside the ear radios (never to be found by any... cop, ever) or literally, in more important cases (like mine, literally tons of people dead (by body weight), thousands involved in my very public 1976 attempted murder which obviously still stings the gang to this day, or so they whine) or "The Voice Of God Machine". The latter allowing a truly uninterceptable command and control & makes for accusing victims of being madmen "who hear voices" even though the technology has been around since 1975 (do your own research).

  Indeed, the gang brag it's how I'm so easily kidnapped & paraded in public for their mundane film interactions. They brag I'm carrying a radio-operated drug dispenser & they can drug me with any number of drugs with a phone call. Then, in the past they used the inside the ear radios (like hearing aids but more expensive) to make me act howsoever they wanted in films. Lately they boast it's the "Voice of God" machine. Very detectable to any... cop with half a brain who wants to do minutes of research to know the very detectable operating modes the device uses that are easily detected.

  I was looking at the bottom of my store shelf Tylenol bottle & it occurred to me. When I left Bay City nearly 10 years ago I bought a bottle of 500 Tylenol & figured it'd provide a decade or so of releif. As I look back on my life & how sparingly I use Tylenol it occurred to me earlier that it would've endured to this day had the gang not stolen the contents of bottle after bottle of 500 every few months by halving it, then halving the remains, & so on until the bottle had 2-4 pills left. For about 5 years they "did something to the pills". After the 1st halving the pills tasted of perfume. Why? Idano? At 1st I figured it was because they also dumped the bottles out into the bottom of my backpack. But as I changed bads the perfume taste was the same. Go figure huh?

  Well, there you go. Enough speculation based on the boasts of professional liars to destroy 100 of the very best men, let alone lil ole me. Don't you Dirty... cops say I never give you anything.

  Me? I make it a point to not believe a word a child-molester says. My problem is that I have to cover all my bases, I have to give advice for every possible contingency because I perceive that the people I'm begging for help literally have a 0% win rate (to this date) vs the gang thus far, that means IF I want to live alive & free in America after the Police lock their sight on me I had better put all my trump cards on the table & the gang get to play theirs one at a time. It's not as glamorous as... cOPS tell me I make it sound.

  You know what? My point is founded in logic. In my experience to date... cops hate any victim trying to use logic in a rape or stalking case even though they solicit logical conclusions & advice often during the lulls in their interrogation/assault sessions that virtually always began as me coming in on my own & requesting a crime investigation.

  Go figure huh?

  I guess I'll write a Big Tech & Big Lies: It's how the scam works... on my How the scam works 2 page.


  More face injections. More sodomy.

  I bought a new pack of lead pencils. Sadly, I'd bought another pack of lead pencils since my last diary entry about my pencils being stolen & THOSE pencils were all stolen & now I've bought another pack. Plus I found a few lead pencils too. A neat translucent yellow almost glows in certain light pencil & a baby blue one. Blessed be the name of the Lord & I give him thanx.

  Pull the string on the... cOP'S back & it says. "Because it's unethical"!

  I found my beard trimmers busted in half... again. They just love to go for my personal grooming stuff. Why? They've given reasons, mainly because... cops will dismiss a victim who claims a gang of jerks who are rude & cruel in a bunch of big wayys would never be a pack of cruel & mean jerks in a bunch of little ways.

  Pull the string on the... cOP'S back & it says. "Because it's unethical"!

  Me? I keep my head down, obey the law, & have been doing a lot of soul-winning. Actually to withing the physical limits of how far I can walk due to the continuously broken foot attacks I've endured for years now.

  Pull the string on the... cOP'S back & it says. "Because it's unethical"!


  No fear. It's the requirement of my religion. It doesn't mean go out there & be stupid, rather it means not to give into the Devil's spirit of fear. I've tried my best to live by it my entire life. It means don't be afraid, don't let fear ruin your life, what it doesn't mean is run with scissors or go play in traffic. There's a difference between fear & stupidity.

  "No fear" & "the truth shall set you free" are today's theme so I thought I'd double down on both. Here goes...

  Today about 8AM a bit after I woke up I noticed the sounds in my right ear. You know, either the gang's "Voice of God Machine" they brag on or more likely that installed inside the ear speaker/microphone. Well, in my right ear ONLY there was a hot mic time for about the next hour.

  A hot mic is a transmitting microphone that's left on, either on purpose or by accident. I was treated to the sounds of what I'd describe as a kitchen with lots, but not an unusual amount of bangs of everyday life in a kitchen manned by 2 where at least 2 or 3 dogs were in the next room. Barking a lot but not continuously. By their barks I'd describe them as 2 medium dogs & a miniature dog of some sort. They seemed to get quite excited, giving warning type barks every few minutes for 1-2 minutes each time they barked. The 2 men chatted only for a while & then ceased. They spoke softly so I'm not sure what they spoke about & it lasted less than a minute. There's a subtill difference in the sound quality that comes from transmitting from a carpeted or an uncarpeted room. Also when transmitting from a large or small room. That's why I guessed kitchen though I didn't hear a single pot, pan, nor plate bang. Just bangs like they were moving solid things that were not too heavy.

  I could hear breathing, like the guy was breathing next to the mic. Heavy, but not perverse in nature. If I had to guess I'd guess it was an out of shape male, voice would indicate mid-20's to late 30's by my estimation. Just another out of shape child-molester?

  Well, there you go Reader. Me reporting on the high-technology-embracing gang that... cops will swear cannot exist anywhere though reports of such technology embracing gangs are out there. My guess is that... cops will swear that, yes, there ARE gangs out there like I describe. But there's no way that after 10's of thousands of batched PUBLIC attempted murders that the gang would stalk a child for life for revenge.

  Ask yourself this... cOPS. Pretend I'm snapping my fingers at you. SNAP! SNAP! HEY! How does a 7th grade drop-out know all this stuff? How'd this guy come to know so much about high end blackmail & surveilence technology & the inner working of sATANIC bLACKMAIL gANGS? Huh? HOW? How could this guy possibly know about ANY of this stuff UNLESS someone was telling him these things? Unless someone with "intimate knowledge" of these criminal organizations had been feeding him information, true or not. Remember. The suspect (the Author of this website) isn't endorsing any of this, he claims it's been inflicted upon him by madmen in an unsolicited fashion.


  I wake up, when I sit up there's a firework sounded from the direction of the hotel in about as much time as it'd take for someone to walk outside & light a short fireworks wick. The sound in usually very soft, not normally a big firework at all. At night someone or someone's often walk up close & softly say profanities. They hoot, softly as a rule. As of late they send someone to approach from the south who yells quite loudly in a poor owl-like rant scream. Though it may be any critter so emulated. Note, the loud stuff is a winter thing by the gang. As it's been bragged to me they like to do this when the weather gets cold enough that most potential witnesses will shut their windows & be unlikely to hear. That and... the thing... cOPS refuse to mentally accept, I'm allegedly their "Recruiter". They follow me around, burden... cOPS & civilians with lies & tales of me & see who nibbles. At the very least their lies are allegedly tailored to make it so no one around me will be in a mood to help "The Biggest Scumbag Around". Though I hear they like to tell a plethora of lies. The theory being it leaves... cOPS with a tangled mess of tales they'll lazily present to a jury & makes for the "reasonable doubt" that their campaign of lies facilitates.

  As touching the ongoing bi-weekly face injections. Yesterday I found myself unable to stop drooling... publicly. Slurring will soon be the norm I'd suppose & yesterday my lower jaw hurt on the left and right sides.



  More face injections. My rectum feels spongy, very violated. It occurred to me that I might consider making a "clean underwear picture. Why? Follow my unfortunate logic here. I figured I just might include yet another soaked to the brim soiled underwear picture taken within an hour of putting on my clothes once the rectal swelling goes down. Then I thought, & have considered adding a "soiled chair picture". You know, a picture of the dripping wet with bile & reeking of the homosexual "smell of love" The Last Snitch bragged on soon to come that will be wherever I choose to sit picture. God willing that I should live so long AND be uncrippled... By "uncrippled" I mean not crippled more than the gang as already medically inflicted on me.

  Then it occurred to me, a clean underwear picture would not be very compelling evidence on my behalf.  Maybe I should, but frankly I'm not that fond of publicly posting pictures of my unmentionables, which I am loath to mention, except because I feel the subject is expedient at this time.



  The rape week in review.

  They really poured on the attacks this Christmas. Quite rude in my opinion.  The 0315 wake up. The 0615 fireworks. Even doing their patented "fireworks when you move thing".  I live curtained, mostly because of the cold. But what the gang likes to do is sound fireworks when I sit up in the morning. Lets say I sit & read or write or whatever. If I've sat static, in a single position for a length of time then when I sit straight or adjust myself they sound their lone firecracker. Being I'm curtained, nothing visible to the outside, I can only wonder how the gang knows when I'm moving at all?

  Latest "snitch" boasts are that I'm being filmed inside & out by high-tech miniature cameras that are very capable. I'm not endorsing it, but I do wonder.

  They stole little odds & ends of life. I grow weary of repeating the inventory.

  Often the gang likes to sound my leaving my place. Usually on clear days. I suspect it's a "get into cover" command of sorts, but it IS just a guess.

  The fresh injection into the my right corner of my jaw feels just weird. What the goals of such are I'm not sure but suspect it empowers dirty... cops & child-molester enablers with great mocking stories.

  I'll leave with my comments on the gifts of security afforded me by America's law-enforcement professionals in the next paragraph. An honest assessment. Not that any of them I ever met had the emotional maturity to accept my opinion though they solicited it many times during the lulls in their sometimes felonious & usually very menacing interrogation sessions that always spawned from my daring to ask them for help.




  I wake up, lay in bed about 15 minutes, I sit up, soft fireworks go off to the south & to the southeast when I sit up... like usual.

  Though I live on a wooded block ("The Minicured Woods") alone & am completely not visible to the outside because I draw my curtains closed this goes on. The fireworks come from, by my estimation, just inside the woods. Well, today they did. Usually they come from either the north or south side of the nearby Hotel. From which I haven't heard fireworks from for a week or so. Usually when the fireworks sound if I rouse during the night the delay for the fireworks to sound is, by my estimation, about the amount of time it'd take someone to leave the nearby motel across the highway to the northwest & walk to the parking lot across the street & light a firework. That is when they don't simply light said fireworks in that hotel's parking lot or environs.

  DEAR POLICE: It's called... wait for it... wait for it... wait... it's called... "Being stalked". I shall include a definition for Skeptic... cOPS who may be new to the concept of a stalking.

  Stalker stalk·er [ˈstôkər] NOUN

  1. a person who harasses or persecutes someone with unwanted and obsessive attention:

    "Tracy claimed she was the victim of a stalker" · "an anonymous stalker sent her hate mail"

  2. A lifestyle "He chose to stalk people for a profession to facilitate his ongoing blackmail/recruiting op for his criminal gang/Satanic religion & to provide for a 'scapegoat' in case he got caught to offer up to Police by saying 'If you let me go I'll give you the evidence to take down a scumbag much worse than I"

  Stalked stalked [stäkt] ADJECTIVE

  1. (chiefly of a plant or animal structure) having a stalk or main stem:

    "stalked barnacles" · "a thick-stalked mushroom"

  2.  A person or animal that is being stalked whether it be for fun or profit



 "Because it's unethical"!





bay city cops.jpg

"There's no need to investigate his claims. Because no one would do that". - Actual word for word quote I heard several times over the years. Literaly!

  "All I have to do is make your story so unbelievable that no cop will ever give you the time of day & I can never be prosecuted".

  I had a bunch of... cOPS ask me this. "Why are they doing this to you"? I've even been asked. "Who are you that they are doing this to you"?

  They seemed like a reasonable questions to me in my humble opinion.

  Me" Being forced to answer based on the threats, boasts, & whines of a gang of self-professed professional liars said. "They tell me it's because of The Gym".

  Oddly, The Last Snitch had his own theory that stands out from the pack only in that it is uncorroborated as far as I can recall at the time of this writing. "You are our Scapegoat". He asked me to consider the Jewish religion & it's law of forgiveness via a "Scapegoat' & said that his & Duh Jerk's religion has the same concept. The gang pours out it's evil on the Scapegoat, which by tradition must be a Christian, & that person provides for them a focus for their congregation, & for a victim to exchange with easily gulled... cOPS by saying this infallible sentence when caught. "You let me go & I'll give you a scumbag a lot worse than me".


  My stalking goes on unabated & strong as ever. It was "unnerving" when I bent over at church to lock up my bike & the wind hit the wet spot that is around my rectum & chilled my behind. The glory of being born "Molestor" I'd suppose?

  I've been soul-winning regularly for a few years now, usually daily. I only add it because it occurred to me I don't add in the non-gang related events of my life.

  Which brings me to my live streaming. I cant help but notice that other live streamers on the internet stream for hours, days, even weeks without any interruptions to their streams.

  Me? rare upon rare is the day I can live stream for more than a half hour to 45 minutes. Then, no matter what service I use, the live streaming services (such as Omelet Arcade or Twitch just wont work for hours & certainly not during ANY peak hours. I ask investigators this respectfully. Is this normal? I mean, it seems like it couldn't possibly be normal. Could it?

  I accuse no one hear but point out that in my +1,500 page letter to the FBI where someone is hurt or dies every few pages that snitches have bragged to me that I'm stalked electronically whenever I choose to interact with the internet. That I'm jammed, virused up intentionally by the gang, & that even major servers such as Google have algorithms installed to silence me so no one sees my posts. My e-mails are edited & censored & often never delivered. Is this true? I only ask based on the fact that other live streamers online seem to have uninterrupted streams as a norm. While if I had a multi-hour long live stream lasting hours it would almost certainly NOT be the norm for me.

"How come when I create live stream content online my live streams almost never last an hour due to technical issues not related to myself? What's up with that"? - David A. George 1-9-23

John 8:32. “And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.”

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