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What I request from Christians...

  What I request from Christians? Idano? No Christian in my entire life has ever given me sound advice. Their advice ranging from "Get out of our church & never come back". To the most popular of them all. "Go to the Police".

  Several Christians asked me a question when I asked them for advice. "Have you tried going to the Police"?

  My humble reply? "Yeah, I went to the Police".

  In lieu of good advice on what question to ask you I'll make my 2 requests to you. The 3rd thing is more of an elective, a wish list request. You'll note that at no point have I asked for any money. I do not crave power & while I pray to be avenged of my adversaries listed herein, I only do so because I want them TO LEAVE ME ALONE! I'd much rather that every single person listed on my website or in my +1,5000 page letter to the FBI where someone gets hurt or killed every few pages that's still alive would change their ways, get their hearts right with God, & go on to live happy & productive lives. Most if not all of them are likely on their way to an eternity in Hell & the Lake of Fire after being judged by an angry God for what they did to me, publicly. I'll bet most of them went on to do these things to other innocents & need to be stopped before they can hurt even more children. It's not just for me, it's for the dead & the maimed. It's not just for me but for the formerly innocent children whom I predict now live lives that are not innocent. It's not just for me it's for the children the gang brags that taking me down publicly will enable them to do the same things to without fear of legal reprisal. It's for the children Reader.

  What I want from Christians is as follows:

  1: Please pray for me.

  2: Please give me good advice. I'm not sure what good advice is but I can tell you what bad advice is so please don't give it to me. That being respectfully. "Go to the Police". Simply put any & every Officer or Agent I ever met who could be nicknamed "Front Desk Officer" has unfailingly failed me & a whole bunch of innocents that I've written about. My point is this. That any plan that begins with anyone saying 'march up to the cop at the front desk & tell them your problems because they shall certainly solve them all. I saw it on TV' has failed me miserably. It's never worked & probably never will. Please pray to God for wisdom before giving me any advice.

  3: They'll probably delete my site quickly so if you could please copy it & share it with a few people. Family, friends, prayer chains, law-enforcement of all types? Please?

  Thank you, Sirs.




  My Email Address as of 10-8-23 is The other sites listed haven't been used by me for years.



Publish my story & share it with as amny people as you possibly can as soon as possible! Why?


As long as only a few people know about me & my story the gang think of it as good business to just pick off & recruit a few people at a time. By a few people I mean YOU Reader! They run a blackmail/extortion gang & you'll find yourself "on their list".


Get my message to as many people as you can so taking you & a few of your friends down wont leave the gang tempted to just recruit YOU next & keep the scam going. Once they put YOPU on the list you're on it & they love the idea of recruiting YOU & making YOU help them take your friends & family down.

I warned you!

James 1:2-4 - My brethren, count it all joy when ye fall into divers temptations; 

My Story

It's actually in that Bible you carry Christians & with sadness I report it's true.


Matthew 10:36

“And a man's foes shall be they of his own household.”

Matthew 15:4

“For God commanded, saying, Honour thy father and mother: and, He that curseth father or mother, let him die the death.”

  I was born into a loyal Devil-worshipping family. I learned to talk when I was a few weeks old & decided to become a Christian. After that time my family & the Bay City, Kawkawlin,  & Monitor Township Michigan Devil-Worshipping community poured out it's fury on me to persuade me to adopt their religion & sex preferences. I refused.

  Later the gang decided to kill me using a tradition, a command that allows their mid-Michigan School Controlling gang to order the deaths of children & leave the gang's leaders immune to prosecution. They call it "The Gym".

  They tried to kill me in 'The Gym' when I was 11. Through prayer & no amount of secret help I survived "The Gym' & the Gang has sworn a lifetime of revenge against me as revenge for their failure to kill me when I was 11 years old in "The Gym".

  Now almost a half-century later they've never stopped & are more fanatical about revenge & framing me than ever before. So, I wrote my website to seek help.

  I like to go soul-winning, writing, watching movies, & creative writing & reccomend you should try to meet me when I'm not suffering from a gang torture session, in the aftermath of yet another gang rape, or addled by their drugs & sleep deprivation. I'd like to think I'm an easy-going guy. A Christian. Otherwise imperfect & friendly.

  That sums up my life.


2 Corinthians 11:14

14 And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light.

Bay City Badge.jpg

How deep does the rabbit hole go???

Between my websites & my +1,5000 page letter to the FBI where someone gets hurt or killed every few pages I'm about a third of the way thru the bad stories & the estimated body count (ever kill so many people that you are forced to use the word "estimated"?).

In the beginning I decided that I'd get the bad stuff out there 1st. The worst of the worst so there would be no surprizes later. You might wonder why I keep writing about "I pushed until it hurt to avoid hurting people". That I endured every debasing humiliation I could endure so as to NOT hurt children wherever I could. I took confrontation after confrontation on & off their drugs for My Lord. I turned the other cheek time & again, took the pain & horror. I even was a slave & obeyed my master as required by my Bible & was mocked for it both by allegedly self-professed Christian... cops & even people of my own religion who'd told me "I saw the films so don't lie to me".

  Blessed be the name of The Lord. To God be the glory if there is any to be had. It was only by prayer & a sinner obeying what he could of God's commandments combined with grace & God's power that got me through all this. I was never strong enough or clever enough to have survived on my own without him. Amen.


Publish my story & share it with as amny people as you possibly can as soon as possible! Why?


As long as only a few people know about me & my story the gang think of it as good business to just pick off & recruit a few people at a time. By a few people I mean YOU Reader! They run a blackmail/extortion gang & you'll find yourself "on their list".


Get my message to as many people as you can so taking you & a few of your friends down wont leave the gang tempted to just recruit YOU next & keep the scam going. Once they put YOPU on the list you're on it & they love the idea of recruiting YOU & making YOU help them take your friends & family down.

I warned you!


  it occurs to me Christians might ask me what it is want? Having never had a single Christian friend in my entire life, & certainly no Christian to turn to for any advice but "go to the cops", and "get out of my church" I really have no idea what to ask for?

  What is it I would ask for if I could? Is there a service I should ask for, maybe I'm not aware of it or poorly worded the request based on not wording the request properly?

  I read my Bible & see the passages where guys like me are doomed. We're not dedicated enough, don't word the request properly, pray poorly, maybe I'd... I just don't know what to say? Today is 6-10-24 & I'm at a loss for words. There is nothing left in the gas tank, my entire existence is failure.

  I wont give up.

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