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  Allow me (the Author of this website) to counter the gang here.

  Exactly how do you suppose a 7th grade dropout came up with all this PLUS a 1,500+ page document where someone dies every few pages & has their story remain true to what will be typical rape gang tactics, tricks, & PRACTICAL jokes which are by all accounts COMMON gang practices in the Police's own crime notes & statistics?


  Explain it?

  Picture me snapping my fingers at you. SNAP! SNAP! How do you explain it? I surely do know a whole bunch of crime techniques & most certainly have the advanced basics of the criminal blackmail & frame business down pat.

  So HOW do YOU explain it?


A JOB, A HOUSE, & A CAR... For your soul...

  There I was... many a time... in the Bomb Shelter Garages, in a Bay City Public School, & sometimes who knows where? We were in mid-torture. Filmed of course. Between bragging. "I can do anything I want to anyone as long as I film it. Because no one would ever believe I'd be stupid enough to film a rape".

  Maybe I was on my knee's gasping in front of a bucket of water. If I said it was half full would that be evidence I was an optimist AND a liar? How about if I said half empty? Eh, I digress.

  There I was, still covered in the blood spatter of the teenager the gang had just tortured alongside me & who's brains I'd just blown out with a revolver loaded with a single bullet. Duh Jerk or the 4 Stars would make me an offer. "Join us & we'll give you a car, a house, & a job". Money, a whore, you name it. The torture would end & I'd be wealthy.

  They offered me menial jobs, the jobs of a Lt., & even Officer position & the wealth & power that comes with it. A bunch of times.

  Guys identifying themselves as "The Bosses" offered me great wealth, power, & fantastic jobs if I would but join their gang.

  Me? I said no. Every... Single... Time...

  I never wanted their whores or their cash nor their jobs nor any of it's trappings or benefits thereof. I don't want their houses, their jobs, their friendship, their companionship, nothing & I have endured a lifetime of torture & horror to make that point.

  I am not now a masochist nor ever was. I do not like pain, I don't like their whores nor starring for a lifetime in their films.


  Then shall they deliver you up to be afflicted, and shall kill you: and ye shall be hated of all nations for my name's sake.


  "It is the accusations of our victims reflected back at them that is our true power".
  Translation: If you dare accuse the gang of something they twist your accusations & accuse you based on your own accusations.

  "Who are they calling pervert? Look at them [and all the films we've made them endure]". - Child Molesting 101 as taught to me by Duh Jerk in his taxpayer-funded office during business hours. - Fall of 1976.

  For the record:

  I hate no one. I may have slung around the word "hate" (as in, I hate them, I hate this, ect) in the past when I should've used the words "strongly dislike the acts of the individual".

  My bad.

  I've always been respectful to my attackers as a rule, even kind to those who attacked me, often minutes afterward. It's just my style. It's my religion.

  For the record, during times of sleep deprivation & intense drugging where my mind was reduced to a dream-like state & I was filmed I was not so nice. Frankly I've had bad dreams my entire life & was the killingest killer & general all-around mean guy whenever I thought I was dreaming most of my life & a gang of madmen found out early in my life & facilitated my horror upon the innocent people of America.


  THE CHURCH ON THE EDGE OF THE FORBIDDEN ZONE... Alt title: THE SCORE? Christianity: Zero Child-Molestors: One

  The truth shall set you free. Here's the truth, the whole truth, & the truth to the best of my ability. It's about a little church in Bay City. I used to go there. I never had stellar attendance. I was the quiet kid & almost no one called me by name & addressed me by my nickname instead. "The Good Kid".

  Me? If some tried to inflict me with that nickname today I'd point to the Bible & say.

  Matthew 19:17 King James Version (KJV):

17 And he said unto him, Why callest thou me good? there is none good but one, that is, God: but if thou wilt enter into life, keep the commandments.

  There is none good but God. But this is a true story of a child who answered to the name The Good Kid at the Church on the edge of the Forbidden Zone. Here goes...

  1st I thought I'd explain the name.  I used to live at 1269 Harrison St. in Bay City Michigan in 1970 when My Mother 1st allowed me to play outside unrestricted. She quickly set up a boundary of  a few blocks  that were my limits. Even a single footfall (literally) by myself & myself alone beyond meant instant & long lasting pain inflicted by her & everyone nearby at the time of the incident. The lines were from Harrison St., to 38th St. to Ingram St. Ingram being so I could travel daily to buy My Mother nearly the same thing every day. A pack of Pall Mall Gold & a single bottle of Pepsi Cola. I alone had to do this, My Mother told me long ago I had to go because The Guy I Think Society Will Call Serial Rapist would steal the money if he was tasked to get it & my other siblings were too young. If My Mother's Brother showed up, one of My Mother's boytoys, or a young gauntlet enthusiast caught her eye I'd have to go to the store again & get them cigarettes & a soda. If it was the former My Mother (Honor Honor Honor) nearly always made a point of telling me, rosey cheeks & all that I had to buy the gauntlet enthusiast a soda. "I want you to know it's with your child-support money".

  Usually I shrugged & I always obeys. If she pressed the subject of the Child-Support money I replied. "So what? I don't get none of it anyway".

  Rain, sleet, sun, blizzard, heat wave or shine I went almost every day & yeah, some of the bullies noted my regularity & I escaped many of them on my route. I went exclusively to a little store called Kramers South End Grocery on the corner of Ingram & 39th.

  Once My Cousin even asked me to notice that children & teens were beating me up & taking my money. He'd set it up & given My Mother orders to ruthlessly pound on me every time & ground me.

  I almost told him that they'd never gotten the money once from me, but I figured I'd best keep that information to myself. Through indirect questioning he told me that he'd caught some of the children lying about having beat me up & taken the money by asking them. "Okay. Show me the money". From his car. Disappointed he hadn't gotten to see the beat down because I'd run at the 1st sign of trouble. Indeed. I had an informal obstacle course that I lead pursuers down whenever possible. But that's a different story that I sent to the F.B.I.

  As time marched on a 7-11 store was opened nearby & since Kramers was closed 2 days a week My Mother began sending me to the 7-11, & expanded my limits to Broadway Street, Harrison St., & Cass Ave. but only so I could go daily to the store.

  I noted that the Church was on the edge of the Forbidden Zone & asked if I could go there. Why not? I was twice weekly going to 7-11 which was across the street. She agreed & I began to attend their AWANA Program.

  Yawn... I found the games boring, the kids to be brats, & their bible lessons to be weak & their mindless & endless bible verse memorizing to be tedious & boring. But I went, if only for the chance we'd get to sit upstairs on occasion & learn like the adults.

  I never made a single friend there. I'm not bitter, I accept my station in life. I was the quiet kid in the back who didn't talk much & fled every time a camera was drawn.

  They called me The Good Kid. Mothers asked me to watch their babies. I was entrusted with the small children & enjoyed talking philosophy & religion with the adults. Even I'll reluctantly admit that being called The Good Kid did come with a certain amount of privileges.

  Then in fall of 1976 The Gym happened. I was alarmed to say the least. I went straight to church & told them about my ongoing attempted murder.

  A few of the Elders said they'd talk to the school staff on my behalf.

  Soon... The Gym started to wind up & changed from just a dozen or so children trying to kill me with the gym Teacher's coaching & blessing to the entire class & an army of accomplices who were trying to make my death lo0k like a sports injury or just kids getting carried away.

  I went back to church & requested they go to the Bay City Police on my behalf.

  I also had a habit. When I begged for help I asked the people involved if they kept a diary & if they said yes I asked them to record all that I'd told them about my ongoing attempted murder... The Gym & many agreed. Many agreed.

  Snitch Girl came to me. She id the gang had followed me to the church &noticed I begged for help there. They were now sending gang members to spread gossip about me & told me it was their usual plan of attack. They always sent 20 members to rail on everyone they knew their victim interacted with as  a matter of business. Sadded that they'd send children to the AWANA to get me in trouble, to start fights, or even to beat me up. Preferably breaking a few bones to facilitate my demise in The Gym.

  Did they send a "gossip machine" to slander me?  Idano? All I know is when I got to church the Elders told me they'd received bad reports about me & that I was forbidden to attend AWANA.  Mothers shielded their children from me & people I'd only had pleasant conversations with now shunned me. Some even told me to leave the church... OR ELSE! I stuck to my story & convinced many people to go to the police on my behalf & many agreed to record it in their diaries too.

  The Gym was soon hot & heavy & the students & staff were openly engaged in my premeditated & rehearsed attempted-murder & by now I'd had a lot of close calls. So I turned to my church for aid yet again.

  When I got there new people attended. Men, 6' tall minimum & 250 lbs at the lightest, 7 in total were there to greet me. I ducked them & ran inside. Once there they formed lines in the narrow confines of the church & bodily wouldn't let me go here nor there. They were most interested in keeping me out of the basement & bodily forced me to sit in the back with the adults openly by forming lines shoulder to shoulder & telling me openly it was a fight if I so much as touched one of them. When I complained they complained I was too tough for any one or 2 men to deal with alone, so there were 7 of them. People of the church lifted eyebrows at this saying but soon told me, when I ducked guards so as to talk to people, that they'd heard I was very tough & the men were thus justified to have such force so as to protect themselves AND the congregation from me. The child they called "The Good Kid weeks ago. The kid who pointed out that the gossip crew the 1st week spun the tale that I was the school wimp & so of course what I was saying about the goings on in The Gym couldn't possibly be happening to me. "Last week you all agreed I was the biggest liar because I was such a wimp. Now it takes 7 men to defend against me"?

  I pointed out the men & that they were Devil-Worshipers & was surprised when the Elders told me they knew. That they'd had long discussions with the Devil-Worshipers & they'd said horrible things about me & they believed it all. So the men were there to stay.

  I was blown away by this. But 2 weeks ago I was the Good Kid. You're going to believe a bunch of Devil-worshipers over The good Kid?

  Yes... yes they were. "They gave us great gifts". A snowmobile. A boat, at reduced price, & other goodies when I asked in addition to little odds & ends gifts.  A big TV was named in the schwag. "I like them. They gave us great gifts". One said & the others nodded in approval.

  After a few weeks, & looking for any help from anywhere I noticed the teens the gang sent to beat me up in church there. The men bodily blocking me impeded them unwittingly, they made excellent human shields. Not my 1st human shields, and not my last either) & the Ushers always sent them to AWANA every time they tried to approach me. Why not the 7 men?

  An Usher told me they'd received orders not to impede the 7 men. They had no idea why & intended to obey. But they knew what the teens were up to & they had no orders to not stop them so they took steps to keep them away from me at AWANA (where my classmates bragged they inflicted horrors on the children & made friendships that would mark the prettiest children for rape now that they trusted them).

  When I noticed the Usher's actions I approached them & asked them for help & they declined. I told them I noticed they blocked the gang of teens from coming at me 

  In the coming weeks I figured it was just too dangerous to go to that church anymore. At least for a while.

  There's not much more to tell really. I have no intention of slandering anyone specific here so I'll just note the rest of the tale was sent in my 1,500 page letter to the F.B.I. where somebody dies every few pages in it.

  The Last Snitch bragged on the subject. Saying they'd recently gone to that church, prompted by my defense during their drugged fake trials (or whatever, possibly legal insanity it really was?). They'd asked everyone discreetly if they'd kept a diary or if anyone they knew did & seized them all. Then forced many to rewrite their diaries to exclude The Gym &armed many with a whole bunch of lies to ell any would-be investigators (as if their initial batch of lies wasn't enough?).

  Me? I ain't saying a single thing said by any Molester is true, that's a job the Bay City Law Enforcement Community has taken upon itself on their behalf.

  Me? With men bodily shunting me too & fro, devil-worshipers openly acting in the church, seething would-be attackers looking on me from a distance with clenched fists, a hostile church membership & the need to occasionally run out of the church at top speed to avoid angry Devil-Worshiping teens. I figured it was time to cut my loses & walk away from The Church on the Edge of the Forbidden Zone.

  Over the years I still went back now & again. I'll describe the visits as "Icy Cold".

  I never did make a single friend at The Church on the Edge of the Forbidden Zone & many times risked health & even life limb & my freedom to go there.

  In the end I just walked away. Sadly...                                                       Matthew 24:12 King James Version (KJV)

  This story is true to the best of my ability.                                        12 And because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold.


THE HOLY OF HOLIES... Never believe a word a Child-Molestor says... EVER!

  Soooooooo... there I was. Minding my own beeswax when gun-pointing Dirty Cop himself does a felony arrest on me at gunpoint. Where? In Bay City but at the time of this writing I cant recall. Tagged & bagged I have fleeting recollections of being drugged by Duh Jerk & the team in the back on his marked squad car

  Who knows what happened.? Hours? Days? Weeks pass? It's hard to tell because of the drugs. You get injected & wake up a month later with minutes of memories of pure horror as your only recompense for the time they've stolen from you.

  Sooooo they drag me cuffed from the squad car. We were essentially in a big field field not far from a busy 2-lane road with occasional trees blocking the view of traffic between 2 tow-story cement(?) buildings. There were a couple of cars parked there which traveled up the single lane dirt driveway which the Jocks, Duh Jerk, Fagboy, Shortstuff, & Duh Weasel came in along with the marked Bac City Police patrol car of Dirty Cop himself. They being a team of half a dozen 18 year old Jocks & Duh Jerk & the 4 Stars. I am amazed when Duh Jerk dismisses Dirty Cop. "You don't want to see what's inside there".

  I take stock of the situation. We're in a lightly wooded area with low houses in the distance. The gang force me into the building on the left of the road building Duh Jerk informs me today is the day of my death. This was their killing ground. We went through an office with computers (more of a rarity back then in the 80s as opposed to nowadays) & down a hall. Through another door to a long hall lined with skeletons & skulls. In fact thick with them so that it was not possible to see the walls of the hallway. These wee in fact the gang's many, many victims.

  I'd heard about this building 1st from the children in my grade school class. The killing ground where the gang disposed of their victims & mounted their remains like trophies. Duh Jerk explained it petty much as they had. The gang kills people for fun, often. Then they bring the bodies here to be mounted as trophies. He showed me the "killing room". A 3-walled room with a 4th glass wall empty. They kept large insects (likely roaches of some sort, larger than a man's thumb & more shaped like trilobites than roaches) there that they said picked the bodies clean, leaving only the bones. Duh Jerk & his stars claimed the 4 or 5 guys there mounted the bodies in their ever-expanding underground halls they were digging where the remains of their many victims of Bay City & Saginaw County victims lay. Expanding the halls only as they became too choked to travel because of the increasing number of mounted skeletons.

  Duh Jerk went on to describe it as did the others after before & after him. The gang has many enemies. Working with the Doctors of the Bunga Bunga Hospital & local Funeral Parlors as victims grow old & feeble. Likely from being slowly whittled away in surgical attacks like I am their death eventually draws near. The Bunga Bunga Hospital drugs victims to make them seem ever more feeble, then sickly, & then after tear-filled moments choreographed to perfection (through repetition) the subject is drugged with a drug that puts them in a near-death state. The funeral is held, the subject seemingly buried but frankly who checks the casket at the end? Sometimes they just wait for the family to leave & lift the body out of the casket. Then the victim wakes up in the killing room. Thee they will die an agonizing death & their remains are picked clean to remove any evidence & then mounted as a trophy. He claimed the people bringing in the victim are not permitted to watch the murder for a variety of reason, formost being they would have deniability as to the exact murder of their delivered victim. But Duh Jerk said they could trust that their victim died horribly & later visit their remains as often as desired. When we chatted he said it was why he'd dismissed Dirty Cop. He didn't know about the contents of the building & he felt it was best he not know.

  Duh Jerk promised me then & there that he intended to set up a chair & there visit my remeains in the hallway & even to have discussions with what was left of me as a trophy because of... wait for it... wait... wait... wait for it... because of "The Gym".

  They mocked me & laughed when they said that now it was my turn to die slowly in their execution chamber. Laughing Jerk and the Stars bid me a final sarcastic goodbye. Smiling and waving. "See you later! Oh! I guess we will not be seeing you later! HA! HA"! Being among the many taunts. Then they left.

  Me? I watched for any chance to escape.

  It gets fuzzy... but I slipped a cuff. The fight was on against myself & the 5 Jocks & I positioned myself & the fight so that the only door which only opened inwards was to my back. There were no weapons. Nothing that could be used as an improvised weapon. Everything was bolted down securely. Everything.  Even the chairs, the table, the aquariums that housed a bazillion bugs, & the computer (bolted to the table with a thick bar & a wire mesh screen coving it save for the keyboard which was merely bolted to the table), everything was firmly bolted down. Firmly. Bolted down. Immovable.

  Describe the knock down dragg'em out fight? Okay. We fought. We fought & we fought. I won. It wasn't easy.

  Me? I recalled the US Military Survival in a P.O.W. Camp says to escape as soon as possible has the best chances of success. Disappointed that there was nothing I could take as an improvised weapon I left. As I retraced my path one of the Jocks woke & started yelling!

  Me? I ran to the guard room & yelled something like. "The guy's escaping! Go back there & HELP THEM"! The team of Jocks guarding the door to the outside  ran past me & down the hall & I figured I had to act fast to escape.

  2 guards were in the entrance & they demanded to know what was going on. I told them that 'the guy escaped' & beat up or killed almost everyone. When I walked to the door one barked. "You cant leave! It's not allowed"! I could hear the many Jocks yelling behind me to stop me garbled by the hallway's echo's and the fact there were many of them yelling. Between the echoes & the distance involved I'm not entirely sure what they yelled, but I have my guesses?

  Me? I told him I'd just seen so much death that I was going to be sick & I had to get some fresh air or I was going to throw up & he'd have to clean it up.

  He said. "If you get sick you're going to clean it up"! Authoritatively.

  I walked outside. Other than less cars than before it was the same. I figured if I ran out of there it could be a signal to any sniper to shoot me. So I walked away calmly & briskly as long as I dared & then ran for it. I was in the neighborhood of the local mall in Bay City off Center St. Very near where the Meijers store was on North Pine Road in the suburban neighborhood.

  I eluded what seemed to me like an intense Marked Car Bay City Police manhunt. I guess it only because of the sheer number of marked Police Cars in the area rushing too & fro with their sirens on at high speed with Uniformed Bay City Police inside them who were obviously looking for someone or something.

  Me? I approached a local business not far from the local Bunga Bunga Hospital & convinced them that I was just some guy who was on his way to the Hospital to get a set of handcuffs removed & asked them to be good Samaritans & spare me the large expense the Bunga Bunga Hospital would surely inflict on me if I had to go there to get the cuffs removed. Then after a hearty thanks during which I noticed the... cops seemed to give up their manhunt I went home.

  An obligatory "snitch" was sent tp me later. He said no one had ever escaped the killing room, no one had ever lived to tell it's secret & the Bosses were impressed. He said that in the history of the killing rooms like that that the gang used only a handful of victims had ever escaped once they were delivered to the room. The gang were thrown for a loop, not sure what to do with me next, but rest assured they'd think of something soon enough? The many Jocks were all going to pay for letting me escape to tell of their "Holy of Holies". Much death & horror. There's was a sacred duty & they failed. He said I'd gotten lucky at the end & even asked why I'd chosen to walk out & not run? There were snipers outside with orders to shoot anyone escaping or even if someone there were to run for any reason whatsoever, such was the security at their killing site. "They have orders to shoot anyone who comes running out of that building". "They had orders to shoot anyone who came out of that building without being cleared to leave". The snipers had admitted they were complacent in their jobs & thought nothing of when I walked out. They too were going to pay for their failure.

  My knowing where the Holy of Holies was meaningless. They were going to buy it all (all the housing in the area) & re-dig another entrance far away. Of course, to add to the miles of tunnels already there that they planned to one day fill.  I could likely soon expect another kidnapping where they'll question me to find out who all I told about this.

  Me? I told'em I'd told no one. When he said he didn't buy it I said when are you guys going to start trusting me? There's only one professional lying cheating baby-killing rapist in the conversation & it wasn't me.

  Let me reality check the above. It was the obligatory snitch who said miles of tunnels. Me? I said I didn't buy it one bit. I probably saw maybe 20 yards of skeleton tunnels at best. He clarified & said the skeleton tunnels were only 100 or 200 yards tops (in the 80s). "We just started them" . He said defensively. He said when he said miles he meant the gang's many tunnels dug under Bay City to facilitate crime, smuggling, rape, & recreational murder. A thing I'd heard as a child from my classmates. Though my former classmates told me that they were the old mine tunnels that ran under Bay City from way back when Bay City was a prosperous mining town. They added back then that the... cops would never believe anyone who dared repeat any of it based on how well law-enforcement had put motion sensors there while bragging that the gang had totally compromised them all & could freely travel the mines undetected.

  Decades later The Last Snitch congratulated me. In the history of their gang extremely few victims have ever escaped from their killing room. This act had thrown their Bosses for a loop. It's part of why they tried to recruit me one last time (for the record I'd refused... again).

  He said the tunnels were an important pat of the gang's operations. Facilitating escape & control. "The Cops don't know it but we've already dug into a lot of their homes". That it was common to arrange a great deal to entice... cops into moving into homes they've already built their access into. The same for their many enemies. He yelled at me over the many child-molesters he claimed I was responsible for hurting or killing & the massive list of those who he felt were hurt or died in punishments surrounding me. "I cant stand the casual way you & Jerk kill". He promised me death when all that Duh Jerk possessed fell to him because he was his partner in crime heir, once Duh Jerk passed on or retired.

  "Right now we're waiting for a vigilante cop to step forward. One always does. They'll be disgusted with the number of dead & approach us. We'll tell them we'll end the killing & the violence if they take you (the author) down".

  Me? I said. "You wont end the violence. I know that". "Will you end the violence"?

  He said. "Oh God no". But added moron... cops are groomed to trust the gang.  "They trust us".

  What's my opinion? My opinion is that I never believed a word that came out of any of their mouths & I recommend that Police & concerned citizens do so likewise. The End in this tale? It was the likely end of a lot of innocent people who probably had a short but precious time left on this earth. About a gang who institutionalized killing them for sport in the end. About a place where the souls of men flowed like water cascading into Hell. 

  Alone against an army with only mid-Michigan... cops to defend you? I wouldn't recommend it.


  One day I may re-write the tale of The Church on the Edge of the Forbidden Zone. But not today as of 12-7-18

  It just hurts too much.



  Have you killed a lot of people, both innocent AND guilty & want the... cops of America to save you from a life of murder & rape gangs?

  Well, I'm here to tell you, having lost for an entire lifetime before the Lord's enemies (AKA: My Stalkers) despite a lifetime of asking God, Jesus, The Holy Spirit, Police, Sheriffs, State... cops, F.B.I., America's Intel Agencies AND it's allies, friends, passer's by, and just about anyone else you can imagine for help. I even asked my rapists & kidnappers for help, trying to reason with them during the very act of rape & torture for aid.

  I failed. But I wasn't alone. I'll do the math.

  Jerk + The 4 Stars + Their Gang x Their god = Win Written in winner puke green.

  Police & law enforcement agencies city, county, state, national, plus international forces, NATO, God & his Heavenly Host - Me = Lose Written in loser puke yellow  :(

  Moral of the story written on 7-23-21:

  It sucks to be me... it always has, & the gang brag it always will.

 Blessed be the name of the Lord! I'd rather be last with God than 1st with the Devil.

  Yeah, I'm the Loser... But I ain't giving up!


I'm sorry if...

  Dear Sirs in Law-Enforcement. I'm sorry if I seemingly offended you in writing this. My main problem was that you & your excellent writing skills & awesome legal advice just wasn't available to me while these events unfolded nor were you or your peers around when I needed help writing about these things.

  Yeah, I've snapped at... cops in written form when maybe I should've sucked it up & continued using my "try to keep it 100% respectful & just state the facts honestly plan" that has utterly failed me when dealing with America's law-enforcement professionals up & until now.

  I've grown a tad... frustrated. Anxious even Sirs. You see, I'd like the attacks against me to end. As a minimum I dream of being in a legal position where if Police should walk into me being abused & filmed by my stalkers that even though I may be totally addled by drugs & deprivation that the Police would not simply leave me to the gang's mercies. In short that you wouldn't just listen to them when they say. "Officer you haven't stumbled into a kidnapping. This victim, I mean this is my friend & you can ignore him because he's crazy & on drugs (I'm addled by neither except by the gang).

  I'm sorry if I offended school employees, hard-working people, & innocents who's only crime may be that they work in a place my stalkers chose to interact with me at.

  I'm sorry for those who died. Could I have done things differently? Yeah, but if you're offended I'll note that you were not around to help me nor give me advice Sirs & Ma'ms.

  I'm sorry if my family are offended & suspect they just not remember much. That's okay because the gang bragged that while drugged out of my mind & while standing beside the worst of my stalkers I inflicted similar deed upon them as a result of the gang's PRACTICAL & usually violent jokes, skits, & scenarios that they've practiced to perfection with generations of experience.

  If someone not involved is offended I'll say I'm sorry I offended you but the leaders you elected & the Police they hired just wouldn't help me one bit, ever. I prayed & a lot of how I reacted was after that.

  I'm sorry to God. If I were a better Christian who knows how differently things may have gone?

  Lastly... I'm just plain old sorry for everything world.

  Actual gang member quote. "Torturing you is scary. You never know when you're going to go off".

"I'd rather be last with God than 1st with the devil". - David A. George while praying to God.


THE END of me... As told to me by Shy Fawn...

  Soooo... there I was in some building a few years back, likely a mid-Michigan Public School Building by the looks of it. Just a guess

  Short & to the point is how our meeting went.

  Shy fawn, A self-professed man-hater who told me she hated me during The Gym where she told me she facilitated many men & boys to try & commit my murder, publicly, who cheered for my death by name for hours in The Gym (cumulative time nearly a day of her life or more, literally, and yes, I did check to see if she chanted & she did) told me while standing alone not far from me. 1st she explained that she was a spokesman for , The gang, Duh Jerk, & The "Children of The Gym" (It's what THEY call themselves, it's not my nickname for my former classmates/attempted murderers/kidnappers/torturers).

  Actually she went on to emphasize that she was a representative for The Children of The Gym & claimed that the surviving C.O.T.G. had just had a meeting where they voted to kill me. "We had a meeting & we all voted unanimously to kill you". Mostly because I was a recreational murdering scumbag & they all knew it, they'd seen my recent films. She went on to describe I would be chopped up in medical attacks & killed slowly, dying a crippled agonizing death as revenge for being such a scumbag AND for "The Gym".

  A better way to sum up everything she said would be. "We had a meeting & we all voted unanimously to kill you... slowly".

  My opinion? My opinion is that gang members have bragged to me many times that as a rule Duh Jerk likes to conduct his meetings & confrontations of his victims & his victim/members on the quick & then uses the date rape drug to erase the memories of participants as far back as is advantageous to him. A fancy way of saying it could be true, but not a single participant would have any memory of the meeting.

  I grew up with these people.

  Go figure huh?

  ESCALATION: The gang's concept that if a victim escalates (fighting back, going to police, publishing a website of their atrocities publicly, ect:) then they escalate as a matter of business (and it IS a business). Stepping up attacks both in frequency & in ferocity.

  "We do it because it's exactly what the cops want to hear". Eventually the... cops get tired of a single victim's calls & come late when called or not at all. Then the gang feels free to begin it's real horror show on their now defenseless victim.

  It's how the scam works. - D. A. George


  For the record I bear Duh Jerk, The Munger Boy 5, the Children of The Gym, & the various Law-Enforcement Agencies no malice & genuinely hope they live long lives & do well.

  Then why write my website? They, the collective "they" just won't leave me alone.

  I have not asked for leniency nor tried to make any deals. It's the truth I want. The truth & the whole truth. I'm not afraid of the truth, but I know a lot of people who are & whom, in my opinion, many of whose live would be better & they could just move on to enjoy happy & productive lives if the truth of my life's story would just come out into the light.

  Again... I'm not scared. But are they?

  Lets all step into the light together & see shall we?



Go to this website below, watch it, then read this true life tale!

  Sooooo... there I was in the house on Center Street in Bay City Michigan a few blocks from the Bay County Law Enforcement Center (Bay City... cOPSHOP) & Bay County Building (City Capital) in mid-torture. I'd managed to wrestle a pistol from my kidnappers during an extended torture session in the white building shown IN THE VIDEO!

  Then I pistol whipped & beat & maimed my way out of the room & ultimately took the guy Duh Jerk had claimed was their "Golden Child" of sorts hostage by putting the pistol to his head & using him as a human shield. The Golden Child was allegedly being groomed for greatness by the gang & was supposedly the child of extremely high-ranking members of the Satanic Church & Gang. The gang were unwilling to shoot at me for fear of hurting him. An extremely verboten act they'd brought up in conversation. By the time I made it to the front door I recall, now (not then, I recall now that at that time the following happened) that my memory reset on the way to the front door. I had no idea where I was nor why I had a pistol to some 18 year old guy's head. But I do recall that I had a sense of urgency like it was important that I keep this guy under my control.

  I was confronted by Bay City Michigan's own pistol-pointing dirty cop I've nicknamed Dirty Cop himself & a 13 year old teen boy at the front door. He demanded that I drop the gun!

  I refused. But only because I was in a confused state of mind.

  Dirty Cop turned to the teen & said. "Go & call the Police. Tell them there's a hostage situation & an armed standoff & an Officer needs assistance".

  Me? I had no idea who the... cop  was, who any of these people were, why I had a pistol, or how this could've escalated to an armed hostage standoff. Not a clue. So I flipped the pistol around in my hand & handed it to Dirty Cop & said. "Here you go". Then I protested innocence.

  He handcuffed me behind my back & took me downstairs while I complained about the few memories that'd begun flooding back into my mind about the kidnapping & lengthy torturing session I'd been enduring there during the loud music (always loud to obscure cries of torment or calls for help). Then Dirty Cop took me downstairs. There the gang were.

  At 1st I didn't recognize them. But in under a minute the memories of Duh Jerk & the 4 Stars flooded back into my mind. Easy, BECAUSE THEY WERE RIGHT THERE! Then l begged Dirty Cop to get me out of there but he talked on with them about business as usual ignoring me.

  Lastly the memories of Dirty Cop's involvement flood back into my mind sometime about the time they prepared a new syringe to drug me. I knew I'd been had.

  Duh Jerk told me he liked to torture his victims there in lengthy torture sessions. A place where he could have lots of fun with gunplay (PRACTICAL jokes) & no one would call the cops. He played the music loud to make sure passers by heard nothing. He claimed he "owned" ["controlled"] all the houses around there & no one would call the Police whom he didn't want to no matter what happened.

  Lots of gang members have confided in me that the gang "owns" ["controls"] the houses within a block of the library because the gang likes to do many bad things, deeds, & make "skits" there unimpeded. If anyone calls a cop it'll be one of our dirty cops".

  Skip to the future. 8-24-22 & I just saw a Bay City Michigan Police interview on Youtube about an armed standoff a block or so away?!?!?!?! Right by the Masonic Temple that the gang brags they control & or attend? At one of the locations I detailed in my +1,500 page letter to the FBI where someone gets hurt every few pages?

  What more proof do you need? "I like to torture my victims in the blocks around there [the Library on Center Ave. Circa: 1985]. Especially on the weekend, or on a Sunday after hours. Or on a holiday weekend because we own everyone who lives in the houses around there & everybody there knows to ignore it when people are running around there & playing with guns".

  The smoking gun. mic drop...

"We own the cops". A common child-molester saying in & around Bay City, Saginaw, & mid-Michigan

Bay City Hall Sign.jpg

  The above is an ACTUAL public bulletin board as it was hung in public to get money on the behalf of the Bay City Police. Pointing a gun at innocents to get money must be a force of habit or when they think of civilians is my guess?

  Now, does my saying corrupt Bay City... cops pointed guns at innocent lil me illegally sound a little more believable?

A list of the 10 best things Bay City Michigan... cOPS, sHerrifs, tROOPErs, & Bay City fBI have done for me. Written in no particular order.











  My request: Could you guys please quit hurting me & do some nice things for me so this list has a few more words in it? Please?

  "We intend to do what we do & thumb our noses at the cops the whole while". - The Last Snitch bragging about not only my ultimate fate at the hands of the gang, but the fates of any Good Cops unfortunate enough to be tasked with taking me down for the gang.

How to get to Heaven...It's easier than you think.

A short explanation of what I believe. Please read on & open your heart & your mind.

  Romans 3:23 KJV – For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God;
  Romans 3:10 KJV – As it is written, There is none righteous, no, not one:
  Romans 5:12 KJV – Wherefore, as by one man sin entered into the world, and death by sin; and so death passed upon all men, for that all have sinned:

  In 1John 1:5, the Bible tells us that God is light and there is NO darkness in him at all. God expects his creation to obey the laws He set in place. These laws began with the 10 Commandments we find in the book of Exodus. While I might consider myself ‘good’ compared to most people, How do I measure up against God’s law? The smallest lie makes me a liar. In James 2:10, the bible says, For whosoever shall keep the whole law, and yet offend in one point, he is guilty of all.

  Is sin really that much of a problem? If so, what hope can I possibly have?

  Romans 6:23 KJV – For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.

  Disobedience to God deserves consequences. God reveals His character and his laws in his creation around us. Our conscience has been implanted within our hearts. God gave us his WORD, the Bible. No good judge would let the guilty go free. Knowing these things we realize a righteous God would not allow a sinful man to go unpunished… God LOVES man whom he has made in his image so much that He has provided a way of ESCAPE from eternal consequences from our sins. He sent his only son to die in our place on the cross. Jesus Christ took all the weight of our sins so we can be saved through grace, NOT our works.

  After what I’ve done to disappoint God… How could send his Son to die in my place?

  Romans 5:8 KJV – But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.

  John 3:16 says, For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.    Dying on the cross, Jesus was mocked, spit upon, and cursed. IN Luke 23:34, The Bible tells us Jesus said Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do… With such forgiving love, Jesus died in our place. He knew every evil act, word, and thought we would all commit. What a powerful love! He loves us unconditionally even to the point of death when we are at our worst!

  So, how can I be Saved?

  Romans 10:9-10 KJV – That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.

  We can never be saved by just being a good person. Our works do NOT get us to heaven. Ephesians 2:8-9 state this very clearly… For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: Not of works, lest any man should boast. We can only be saved by confessing our sins and placing our faith in God’s son, Jesus Christ who died and paid for all of our sins on the cross. We must surrender our life to God and turn away from our old ways. We need to put God in charge of our lives. Both John the Baptist and Jesus himself began their preaching with the word, ‘Repent’. In Matthew 4:7 it says, From that time Jesus began to preach, and to say, Repent: for the kingdom of heaven is at hand. To repent means ‘change one’s mind’ or to turn — to go in another direction. The first step to repentance is to truly feel sorrow for the way we have chosen to live. 2 Corinthians 7:10 explains this to us… For godly sorrow worketh repentance to salvation not to be repented of: but the sorrow of the world worketh death. Worldly sorrow is more like the regret of a criminal who’s just been caught whereas Godly sorrow is the deep remorse or conviction that produces a change in direction. Have you ever felt convicted after doing something wrong? In the Bible, it tells us that the Holy Spirit is the one that convicts us of our sin in John 16:7-8.

  Did God accept me, did he hear me?

  Romans 10:13 KJV – For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.

  We are promised in the Word that “But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name:” ~ John 1:12 Yes, we were promised and God is NOT a liar. God does hear and accept ALL who come to put their faith in Him. There is no need to fear the sting of death anymore because Jesus BROKE the power of sin and death on the cross with his own blood that HE shed for US, all of US. The price for our sin has been paid in full and it is God’s promise to receive all who come to Him by placing their faith in Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. As a believer, you have a new life in Christ. Jesus did NOT remain in the grave. He rose from the dead after three days as Mark chapter 16 shows. In 2 Corinthians 5:17 KJV the Bible says, Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.

  Pray this & if you pray believing with a faithful heart I guarantee you will go to Heaven when you die & no man can take that away from you.

  I suggest that you pray a prayer like this one:

  "Dear God, I know I’m a sinner, and I ask for your forgiveness. I believe Jesus Christ is Your Son. I believe that He died for my sin and that you raised Him to life. I want to trust Him as my Savior and follow Him as Lord, from this day forward. Guide my life and help me to do your will. I pray this in the name of Jesus. Amen."

  I am SAVED by the Grace of Jesus Christ, what do I do now?

  Romans 10:17 KJV – So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.

  Your journey as a child of God has just begun! Get to know Him in daily prayer and by studying his Word, the Bible. You must also find fellowship with other believers in a Church that teaches and preaches the Bible. You should also now confess Jesus, your savior before men. Share about your new faith in Christ with your family, coworkers and others whom God has placed on your daily path. They deserve this Salvation as well.

"Make no mistake. The gang has told me since I was a few weeks old that what they were doing to me was because of my religion"- David A. George

Blessed are ye, when men shall revile you, and persecute you, and shall say all manner of evil against you falsely, for my sake. Rejoice, and be exceeding glad: for great is your reward in heaven: for so persecuted they the prophets which were before you.

"We don't just rape their bodies. We rape their minds".

- Common Gang saying

"You know what? That David A. George sure does know a lot about high-end framing people & the blackmail business. Maybe there's something to what he's saying"? - Said no mid-Michigan... cOP ever at any time.

  Another way of saying it? "Logic? Deduction? I don't care how many facts you have or how much we can infer from deduction you'll never change my mind"!

Bay City Badge.jpg

LIVING ON A PRAYER... Even atheists pray...

  First... a song to lighten the mood. I'm a Christian & you'd think I'd recommend Christian songs, but I know I'm writing to a largely non-Christian audience. So, I recommend songs from the world. Otherwise, I'd recommend onward Christian Soldiers instead of this link. Play it softly in the background.

  Half way there, living on a prayer. If you've read my websites & read my +1,500 page letter to the FBI where someone gets hurt or killed every few pages then I'd like to note (like? not the best choice of words, but I digress) then you're about 1/3rd to 1/2 informed of the carnage. More or less, probably less.

  In my story is about a guy whom a gang would brag they made a Tribute Mass Slaying in honor of at "Thousand Oaks" & the gang he belongs to.

  1/3rtd to 1/2, why haven't you written the rest you might ask? Why these tales & not the others.

  I'll answer why here.

  1) I prayed & as I felt inspired to write, I wrote.

  2) I tried my best to put my worst foot forward. Making sure as best I could to tell the worst tales where I look particularly bad. Why? Not because of any self-loathing but because I don't want any surprises for later. I'm not saying the other 2/3rds of my life wasn't as bad or worse. I'm saying I tried my best to cover all my bases, the worst of the worst. Situations where, especially when edited, many a... cop at their post told me I looked really really bad in the "films" they saw.

  3) Some of the worst story's memories are pretty badly fragmented. I can only guess why but suspect it was because after the carnage & or humiliating event occurred the gang quickly used their drug(s?) on me to erase or degrade my memory. In short some are just so fragmented that to re-tell the tale invites disaster because I'd be very prone to leave parts out in the next telling (as IF I don't already do that) or confuse bits, one tale's bit's with another. You know, make's rooms filled with... cops laugh. You... cops know ALLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL about that. Right?

  4) Writing my story is taxing. It drains my soul in a way I've crudely described using the word hutzpah. When the hutzpah is there, I write. When it's not there there's not much I can do. It taxes me.

  5) The subject is distasteful & frankly I just don't want to write about it or even bring it to mind from hour to hour or day to day Sirs.

  6) With dread I note that the gang pours out their vengeance on me, then I go to the... cops and they pour out THEIR vengeance on me. Rinse lather repeat. Add in vigilante attacks & the attacks based on the always dependable rumor mills of AMerica, & it's a lot of pain.

  7) Pain...

  So the song halfway there, living on a prayer about sums it up Reader.

  Please pray for me?

Do you hate me for all the senseless violence? Then hate me for what I am & not what they will tell you I am. Remember this single fact haters.

"I don't go around kidnapping & torturing innocent people".

- David A. George

"Make no mistake. The gang has told me since I was a few weeks old that what they were doing to me was because of my religion"- David A. George

Blessed are ye, when men shall revile you, and persecute you, and shall say all manner of evil against you falsely, for my sake. [12] Rejoice, and be exceeding glad: for great is your reward in heaven: for so persecuted they the prophets which were before you.

  WHY ME??? Why me???

  First, I know everyone expects me to show remorse & they shall have it. I apologize to the families of everyone who died. To everyone who got hurt & their loved ones I say this. I'm sorry.

  Second, I'll ask this twice. What is my goal with this website? To tell the truth, the whole truth, & nothing but the truth. I have tried to make no deals. I have not asked for leniency. It's the truth I want to deliver. Let the chips fall where they may.

  The second time I'll say second. I ask the Readers & myself this. What is my goal here? Freedom? With THIS as my story? I'm no fool, I've read the tales of my fellow victims. Which of them have won? Why do I even bother exposing all this? Why?

  3RD? I really really tried hard to be nice to the gang. like in Romans 12:21 King James Version. Be not overcome of evil, but overcome evil with good. I submitted to authority; I tried my very best to be nice to all of them I could time & again. When they attacked, I turned the other cheek when I could, pushed til it hurt, tried my best to not hurt any of them, let attackers go 10 times more than I ever fought to any injury more than an attacker's pride. When they kidnapped me, I never submitted, but I tried my best to obey my Masters without disobeying God. When children attacked me I did everything I could to not hurt any of them, I took pain & humiliation, reasoned every angle I could think of whenever I had the chance. Why haven't I written about that? Because I'm so busy trying to write about all the bad stuff I just haven't gotten to the tales where I might look like a decent guy. I tried, I did everything the... cops told me to do, I begged church leaders for help, for advice & I followed it all to the letter & nothing I ever did worked. Now over a half century later, my daily attacks, my ongoing poisoning, the films I'm likely starring in, they remain unabated or all the more frequent now.

  My Cousin used to tell me. "I hate you". That's why he hated me so much. "I like to pick on the good children & you're probably the best kid I ever met". True? Another lie? Idano? It's what he said.

  When I sit down to write this webpage, to tell the story of my all-too-short-life I call it "ruining my life". Not writing my story. Not revealing the truth. I'm just ruining my life. Like always I'm damned if I do, & damned if I don't. All I have is a dwindling hope.

  Hope  hope [hōp] 


  1. a feeling of expectation and desire for a certain thing to happen:

    "he looked through her belongings in the hope of coming across some information" · "I had high hopes of making the Olympic team"


    a feeling of trust:

    "our private friendship, upon hope and affiance whereof, I presume to be your petitioner"


  1. want something to happen or be the case:

    "he's hoping for an offer of compensation" · "I hope that the kids are OK"

"The 1st thing you should know about us is that we're primarilly actors". 

- The very 1st thing Duh Jerk taught me when he tried to recruit me in Fall of 1976

How deep does the rabbit hole go???

Between my websites & my +1,5000 page letter to the FBI where someone gets hurt or killed every few pages I'm about a third of the way thru the bad stories & the estimated body count (ever kill so many people that you are forced to use the word "estimated"?).

In the beginning I decided that I'd get the bad stuff out there 1st. The worst of the worst so there would be no surprizes later. You might wonder why I keep writing about "I pushed until it hurt to avoid hurting people". That I endured every debasing humiliation I could endure so as to NOT hurt children wherever I could. I took confrontation after confrontation on & off their drugs for My Lord. I turned the other cheek time & again, took the pain & horror. I even was a slave & obeyed my master as required by my Bible & was mocked for it both by allegedly self-professed Christian... cops & even people of my own religion who'd told me "I saw the films so don't lie to me".

  Blessed be the name of The Lord. To God be the glory if there is any to be had. It was only by prayer & a sinner obeying what he could of God's commandments combined with grace & God's power that got me through all this. I was never strong enough or clever enough to have survived on my own without him.

"Make no mistake. The gang has told me since I was a few weeks old that what they were doing to me was because of my religion"- David A. George

Blessed are ye, when men shall revile you, and persecute you, and shall say all manner of evil against you falsely, for my sake. [12] Rejoice, and be exceeding glad: for great is your reward in heaven: for so persecuted they the prophets which were before you.


Publish my story & share it with as many people as you possibly can as soon as possible! Why?


As long as only a few people know about me & my story the gang think of it as good business to just pick off & recruit a few people at a time. By a few people I mean YOU Reader! They run a blackmail/extortion gang & you'll find yourself "on their list".


Get my message to as many people as you can so taking you & a few of your friends down won't leave the gang tempted to just recruit YOU next & keep the scam going. Once they put YOU on the list, you're on it & they love the idea of recruiting YOU & making YOU help them take your friends & family down.

I warned you!

I asked Duh Jerk. "Why are you doing this to me"? Framing me over & over? It made no sense to me.

Why not just send cops his 'best of films' & be done with me? It made sense to me.

"Because I want overkill. I want a story no cop would ever believe & then I can put The Gym behind me forever".

Go figure huh?

  What is to become of me? Why me? Why? I'll leave the dirty, the clean, the overly skeptic, & the law-abiding a single word message to sum up my opinion. Not to be clever, not to leave people hanging, not to show disrespect.



MY FUTURE... ACCORDING TO THE... GANG... With... cops blessings....

  The gang have bragged of the metaphysical of their "religion" to tell victims of the gang's next attacks, plans, & even ultimate fate so as to avoid what is their religion's version of "karma". Surely a hypocritical view of the universe at best & certainly doesn't take into account The Golden Rule. "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you". Nor the greatest commandment> To love The Lord with all your heart & with all your soul & all your mind. One day the entire gang will explain to an angry & judgmental God exactly why they chose to do to me what they did. Same for me... I wasn't perfect. But I tried, I spared everyone I could, pushed til it hurt, spared everyone possible even when my own life hung in the balance even when those people may have been literally recovering their breath from having chanted at the top of their lungs. "KILL DAVID GEORGE"! But that's the past.

  The future... of me... according to the gang. Several scenarios have been presented. Cast off into prison as an arsonist was My Cousin's favorite. He later amended it to serving in his brothel as a woman, presumable til death. Duh Jerk is reported to have declared his intention to abandon tradition & the rules of their religion, which was that I go down as an arsonist according to My Cousin's decree & allegedly declared that I must now go down as a child sex offender as revenge for "The Gym".

  The Last Snitch promised me death IF Duh Jerk should die & hand HIM the reins of power. He promised me death. How? If he told me, I don't recall at the time of this writing. He said their plan now was to chop me up. Poison me with a long-term poison that's inflict diabetes & poor me, resistant to meds to prevent it (as a consequence of the poison) could look forward to becoming a quadriplegic. He promised me a return to the level of violence the gang served me as a child where I knew nothing but pain continually at times. The gang "toying with me" the whole while good... cops help them unwittingly & dirty... cops oversee the whole thing, with their ability to remotely drug me & coach me via their technology I'm told under their hypnotic drugs I'll swear I'm surrounded by my bestest buttbudies & my stalkers are my friends, publicly. "Then no cop will ever listen to you". He promised they'd break me. "We torture people all day every day. It's what we do". And the gang has a bazillion members & victim/members who hate me beyond all hate willing to step up for their slice of perceived revenge.

  "We'll drug you with hypnotic drugs. You'll plead guilty at a trial to any charges we want & you'll probably become lucid on the Prison Bus because that's where we like to arrange for our drugs to wear off".

  Me? What you see is what you get. I'll pray to The God who delivered me safely from "The Gang" & the ordeal they called. "The Gym".  Perfect? Me? Not even close. Here & in the +1,5000-page letter to the fBI where someone gets hurt or killed every few pages, I've only managed to hit the halfway point in the carnage. The halfway part of the small stuff I did that makes me look even worse. I never got to it... yet. Mostly because I was so busy praying for wisdom & writing what I felt led to write next I never got to the little stuff, plenteous as it was. that makes me look even worse.

  The future? For me who can say what it is? I pray the Lord deliver me from the gang.

  Blessed be the name of The Lord.


  This is my America? I joined the military to preserve & defend this? I support this government? I tried my best to be nice to these people I'm writing about? THESE are the people prayed for, the people I prayed for over & over? These are the people I tried my best to warn of the hellfire to come? These are the true tales of the people society trusted to defend & raise me?

  This is the world my God provided for me? Why did I bother to even try?

  Is it my imagination, or is this life? Mundane? Ordinary? Same old same old? Is this just another simple everyday tale of average Americana?

  Is it all about to begin anew as soon as I go home in an hour?

  Watch & pray, it's all I got. Pray that you never get blessed like me Reader, when you pray don't ask for double my blessing, nor times ten, I suspect you won't like it. I don't think you'd like 1,000 times my blessing from God. I have faith, I pray, & this is what's become of a lifetime of prayer & faith that could move mountains.

   I'll sum it all up in a single word. My life... written in green to symbolize the authors of my life. A story about the men & women God gave complete authority over me? The people I could never shake off, the people who stuck to me, stalking me in a perverse quest for revenge that could never be placated??? The people whom no amount of evidence nor being caught even in mid-kidnap could remove from my life? My life? In a single word? Here goes:



John 8:32. “And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.”

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