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"The 1st thing you should know about us is that we're primarilly actors". 

- The very 1st thing Duh Jerk taught me when he tried to recruit me in Fall of 1976


HOW TO TAKE THEM DOWN 101... a light reading 1st...

  He was still high on the pure joy that comes from the recreational slaying of a child (yeah, tons of guys are doing it [by body weight] but "no one knows who's doing it, least of all the author of this website" they'll bet their careers on it, your children's lives too Reader, your kids too). So I asked Duh Jerk why he killed children recreationally? Seemed like a pretty scummy hobby by my estimation. He retorted he didn't like to kill children. "I get my kicks off tricking other people into killing children". Hours of fun...

  Soooo I asked the Munger Boy 5. Fagboy, Duh Weasel, Shortstuff, & the Mayor's Brat all declined & balked to answer. Giving me half answers & from time to time roaring laughter at the question. Of course they liked to kill children. I got a multitude of answers from them, never the same twice. I think it was because they were lying to themselves the whole while, not lying to me. Just a guess? Few had the absolute glee that Just Desserts had & he was singular-minded in his love & dedication to the perfection of recreational child-killing as presided over by his master Duh Jerk to whom we alone was 100% honest to a fault in my humble opinion.

  I asked Duh Jerk's Lt who denounced both Duh Jerk & I in the same sentence. Sure he killed people. Children. Lots of children. But it was just business. "Not in the scummy casual way you & Jerk kill people". He was a step above us both by his estimation.

  I asked some of the people who were Bosses & their answer was shocking for the most part. Sure I got the obligatory "I like it because I like it". But I also got the. "I do it because if I didn't...".... if they didn't it'd be perceived as weakness & the other bosses would kill them. Their own men would kill them if they thought for a moment they'd gone soft. So they killed children. Lots of them & recreationally. Not that they wanted to. They had to. It made it noble in their minds & i was surprised to hear. If I didn't do it someone else would". One even noting today's are far worse than his generation of recreational child-killers. The way he saw it was he was saving children's lives by killing them based on the fact that the next generation of his gang are going to be a pure kill fest on the children of America's public.

  I asked average foot soldiers & the answer that I heard little but shocked me the most was they knew they were in the wrong & hated every second of it. But they were blackmailed & it was the children or them. Line'em up & stack the bodies like cord wood. The Renfields had every intention of killing as many people as they were ordered to & had no guilt I could see. "I That's not on me it's all on them". Because the Refields were victims it made their every act guilt free. Why? Because the kids would die anyway & this way at least the Renfield goes free. "Otherwise they might hurt my family".

  I told them. "They're already going to hurt your family".

  "I know". By being loyal the Renfield could delay the violence against their family. Of course their children were all going to serve to the death in the gang's brothels. Their families would be milked financially until there was nothing to give. Their beautiful children would be sold for the gang's profit. They could expect death at the hands of the gang". But not just yet. Later.

  I spoke to others & they overwhelmingly spouted their religion. Yes, I said it. Duh Jerk's gang... religion. The way they overwhelmingly told me is this. "Child-molesting is the one thing that unites us". They also had some twisted religious notion that an hour of evil of any sort was countered by an hour of good or contrition. Cripple a child in a process lasting 4 hours? Make up for it by helping crippled children go to the Dr's for 4 hours. No extra or less credit if they help the actual child they crippled though. Weird, but I heard it a lot.

   I asked Dirty Cop & he told me an average copish answer. He was too blackmailed. He hated Duh Jerk & the gang. But they owned him now. They owned his family.  He told me that he figured obedience to the gang would protect his family.

  Me? I told him. "I know you've been doing their dirty deeds long enough to know their going to go after your family eventually". If only because they might know too much. Loyalty means you are easier to kill, it brings no privilege in the gang in the end "And I know you know it!

  Dirty Cop said. "I know". But he was stalling for time for them. Besides, he was a Christian. He was going straight to Heaven by meeting each hour of evil with 1 hour of working as a cop.

  I told him that society paid him to be a cop. He wasn't doing good deeds, he was our mercenary & not a good one. Then I asked him about the Bible & asked him if he'd helped them take a widow's house ever & he said he had. I quoted a verse to him. Mark 12: 40 "Which devour widows' houses, and for a pretense make long prayers: these shall receive greater damnation". His jaw nearly hit the floor & he was speechless.

  Enough psychological mumbo jumbo for now. Yeah, I talked to a lot of child serial-killers. They had a ;lot to say. For now, enjoy some free advice on how to take down these madmen.

  A brief explanation of... Why?



Go to this website below, watch it, then read this true life tale!



  Sooooo... there I was in the house on Center Street in Bay City Michigan a few blocks from the Bay County Law Enforcement Center (Bay City... cOPSHOP) & Bay County Building (City Capital) in mid-torture. I'd managed to wrestle a pistol from my kidnappers during an extended torture session in the white building shown IN THE VIDEO!

  Then I pistol whipped & beat & maimaed my way out of the room & ultimately took the guy Duh Jerk had claimed was their "Golden Child" of sorts hostage by putting the pistol to his head & using him as a human shield. The Golden Child was allegedly being groomed for greatness by the gang & was supposedly the child of extremely high-ranking members of the Satanic Church & Gang. The gang were unwilling to shoot at me for fear of hurting him. An extremely verboten act they'd brought up in conversation. By the time I made it to the front door I recall, now (not then, I recall now that at that time the following happened) that my memory reset on the way to the front door. I had no idea where I was nor why I had a pistol to some 18 year old guy's head. But I do recall that I had a sense of urgency like it was important that I keep this guy under my control.

  I was confronted by Bay City Michigan's own pistol-pointing dirty cop I've nicknamed Dirty Cop himself & a 13 year old teen boy at the front door. He demanded that I drop the gun!

  I refused. But only because I was in a confused state of mind.

  Dirty Cop turned to the teen & said. "Go & call the Police. Tell them there's a hostage situation & an armed standoff & an Officer needs assistence".

  Me? I had no idea who the... cop  was, who any of these people were, why I had a pistol, or how this could've escalated to an armed hostage standoff. Not a clue. So I flipped the pistol around in my hand & handed it to Dirty Cop & said. "Here you go". Then I protested innocence.

  He handcuffed me behind my back & took me downstairs while I complained about the few memories that'd begun flooding back into my mind about the kidnapping & lengthy torturing session I'd been enduring there during the loud music (always loud to obscure cries of torment or calls for help). Then Dirty Cop took me downstairs. There the gang were.

  At 1st I didn't recofnise them. But in under a minute the memories of Duh Jerk & the 4 STars flooded back into my mind. Easy, BECAUSE THEY WERE RIGHT THERE! Then l begged Dirty Cop to get me out of there but he talked on with them about business as usual ignoring me.

  Lastly the memories of Dirty Cop's involvement flood back into my mind sometime about the time they prepared a new syringe to drug me. I knew I'd been ad.

  Duh Jerk told me he liked to torture his victims there in lengthy torture sessions.A place where he could have lots of fun with gunplay (PRACTICAL jokes) & no one would call the cops. He played the music loud to make sure passers by heard nothing.

  Skip to the future. 8-24-22 & I just saw a Bay City Michigan Police interview on youtube about an armed standoff at that EXACT LOCATION?!?!?!?! A location I detailed in my +1,500 page letter to the FBI where someone gets hurt every few pages?

  What more proof do you need?

  The smoking gun. mic drop...


  What do I really really want? I want Police to understand where I'm coming from. Stop preaching to me about how your badge makes you a superhuman immune to drugs & understand that, maybe a few of the gang's victims & myself are NOT the superhuman's able to resist drugs & torture that your badge obviously makes YOU.

  Here's a film on what it's like to deal with someone who has no long term memory. Why did I bring it up? Because the gang's drug(s?) robs their victims of their long term memory & the gang is trained by generations of experience at manipulating them.

Watch. Learn Sirs.

Facts don't care about your feelings.


  What do I really really want? I want Police to understand where I'm coming from. Stop preaching to me about how your badge makes you a superhuman immune to drugs & understand that, maybe a few of the gang's victims & myself are NOT the superhuman's able to resist drugs & torture that your badge obviously makes YOU.

  Here's a film on what it's like to deal with someone who has no long term memory. Why did I bring it up? Because the gang's drug(s?) robs their victims of their long term memory & the gang is trained by generations of experience at manipulating them.

Watch. Learn Sirs.

  So I asked hi if their drugs usually calmed their victims & made them easier to handle?


Bay City Badge.jpg

  "We made a deal with the gang. In exchange for them not going wild on the town we give them a few victims now & then. So you're just going to have to buck up & get ready to take one for the team because if your case comes across my desk we're taking you down for them". - Uniformed Bay City... cop at his post & on duty & in front of a group of his peers.

Bay City Badge.jpg

Facts don't care about your feelings.

Bay City Badge.jpg
MI State Police.jpg

  Delicate del·i·cate /ˈdelÉ™kÉ™t/

  1. 2. easily broken or damaged; fragile.

    "delicate china"


  1. a delicate fabric or garment made of such fabric.

    "the delicates cycle of a washing machine"

  2. a fragile mindset unable to fathom the depths & more elaborate intricacies of their chosen profession or hobby, "the mid-Michigan... cOP'S mind was too delicate to fathom how child-molester gangs of the mid-Michigan area operated".

Saginaw Badge.gif

  Dave's takedown tips for law-enforcement...

  The "Secret Formula"... my "advice" on how to whupp the gang. I ask America's Law-Enforcement Professionals this question. Do I have to think of everything? Several Police have asked me "How do you want us to investigate this" so it appears so.  I am not pleased by this.

  So here's some tips, guidelines, advice on how to put the smackdown on the Child-Molestors for Law-Enforcement. I'll bet my life on them. Literally!

  No. I'm not trying to tell you how to do your jobs. I'm all alone here & I feel it's in my best interest to write advice that I hope will inspire Police of all sorts to come up with ideas based upon having read a fresh perspective (my perspective) of advice on how to take down the gang.


  Tip #1: QUIT LISTENING TO THEM! Stop trusting the gang and any of their Confidential Informants I don't care how "reliable" they may seem. I submit as proof that mid-Michigan police have been using this tactic for a half century and it has FAILED! Saginaw Michigan became the women's rape capital of the free world! It takes a special kind of stupid to trust a professional liar.


  Tip #2: QUIT LISTENING TO THEM AND THEIR GUYS! What? You thought that Saginaw Michigan became the Women's Rape Capital of America by accident? Really? You bought that? After this is all over come to me and we'll chat about Santa and the Easter bunny. Bring lots of tissue... I predict lots of tears at our meeting.


  Tip#3: QUIT LISTENING TO THEM! I know, I know. You're natural inclination as a... cop is to go straight to the Mid-Michigan... cops (same batch of... cops who made their area the capital) and say. Hey... I know what's the record but what do your C.I.s say about this"? C.I.s are Copspeak for "Confidential Informants" & (You know... the same batch of informants the "special" Mid-Michigan... cops trusted the whole while that they became the Rape Capital of America) from what I can tell is that once said individuals are on the payroll they only do so because the words they preach have been chiseled in stone on Truth Mountain by old monks with long beards. I suspect that in reality the only thing long isn't the beards of fictional monks but the long and tall tales those career Child-Molestors feed to both local and visiting... cops who are foolish enough to trust a single word that came out of their mouths.

  Listen to this one factoid and listen to it well. The gang preach to me that they have a single winning strategy and this is it. "They have no honor". That's it and that simple philosophy enables them to defeat virtually ALL... cops. Why? Because most... cops cannot fathom a gang without honor. I listened to... cops laughing across the country about the possibility that someone could live a life so void of honor.

  Guess what? They're out there and if you should fail to help me you're next! "We plan to kill whatever cop is in charge of your case. Even if it's one of our loyal dirty cops. Because we figure that people will walk up to them and tell them things we don't want anybody knowing".

  I'll say it simply. They don't get rich paying you off and living a live and let live attitude knowing that you know enough to put them away for life? Oh... they'll use you. For a time, then throw your life away once they figure that you "know too much". They get rich off of using you. They don't sleep soundly knowing you know stuff about them. They sleep soundly knowing that a bullet only cost one dollar and they have an entire stable of lives they can throw away to get rid of you. That's IF they don't decide to just do you sneaky.

  They get rich by tricking you into taking cash. Then making you pay it back for life. Once you retire they tell me that taking 1/2 of a dirty cop's pensions ain't much when you consider they're reflecting back on their life and know too much. Figure this fact too. Once they've got you doing dirty deeds for them they'll show up at your peers with their films of you and tell them the same story they said to recruit you. Game over.

  Think being Dirty will save you? Phhht! Do you think they sleep soundly knowing some no-named dirty... cop knows enough to throw them in prison for life?

  Think being a clean... cops might protect you? Phhht! They were burning people around them at will with the primitive fake photos of 1970s technology when I came to learn about it. With today's technology and the polished speeches made possible by decades of being in the biz since then what chance have you got if you should fail to free me?

  Other tips? Yeah... I got tons. Maybe I'll get to them. Maybe not. Besides... they all pale when compared to the importance of the 1st 3 tips anyway.


   Tip #4: YOUR BADGES DO NOT IMPRESS THEM: It's not that the gang's many many many victim/members don't like you. They love you and lots of them would be glad to testify against their cruel masters. The problem is that the gang have lots of dirty... cops and they like to do "shakedowns" of their own. They go from member to member and build a case against them. Sometimes with the gangs many damning films included and see who cracks. Who can they convince to turn state's evidence against them. Your Police Headquarters will not impress them either. Often, as bragged or boasted to me, they hold shakedowns INSIDE THE ACTUAL POLICE H.Q.! Other times I'm told they just grab some props from the local theaters (they are "primarily actors") and have a pretend copshop or even a fake F.B.I. H.Q. at irregular intervals.

  Tricks to bolster/augment this are bragged as using the victim's own cable to stream in a fake news broadcast (particularly useful in stock market & investment swindles I'm told). This enables the child-pornographers (who have all the film equipment and sound stage gear already as a matter of business to make child-porn & child snuff films) to edit a faked news feed directly onto a victim's tv or computer (net cost: free, or nearly free as they already have the stuff & don't pay anyone anything).

  Victim/members and member/victims who would crack like an egg if they thought yours were a real investigation will not crack because they'll see you as just another routine shakedown.

  This of course means that if you don't give up on a witness... get them to trust you, trust that yours is a real investigation, then you'll open the floodgates against them.


   Tip #5 LISTEN TO THE GANG'S VICTIMS: The gang's victims have been through a lot. Kidnapped raped and lengthy torture sessions involving of a lot pain, torture, rape, sleep-deprivation, & humiliation. They've endured horrors that'd make most people give up and die, literally, as per the gang's many boasts. They are usually demonized, framed, they've been cast into jails, prisons, asylums, used & abused. And that's the lucky ones! The more mistreated victims who are still alive & have some semblance of sanity have been through a lot worse than all that. Pity them. But more than that pity the unborn children the gang brag are next! Listen to them, they've got stories of the perversion they've had to endure. Some just want it to stop, the rest want JUSTICE!

  They'll have some stories filled with madness and perversion that have been thrust upon them. Please be gentle & give them lots of breaks during questioning/interrogation (in my experience ALL rape investigations 1st destroy the victim as thoroughly and as often as mentally possible & I suspect even the kindest & most compassionate investigators will be unable to reign in their trained response to crush all rape victims fool enough to come before them & extinguish all hope. I suspect t)it gives most... cops a feeling of accomplishment to destroy the mentally weaker, in my experience thus far).


  TIP #6: STOP LISTENING TO THEIR VICTIMS (most of'em in any event): I know I ain't doing myself any favors here, but listen to my logic here. A lot of the gang's victims have been trough some serious lengthy drugged sleep-deprivation torture sessions. They've been tortured, mocked, and ridiculed not only by the gang but by the... cops too. They've endured mind-altering tortures, inserted fake friends, fake... cops, dirty... cops, dirty doctors. They've been beat up & put down, raped inside of rape shelters. You name it. A favorite ploy is to investigate what kinds of entertainment the given victims are into and provide a real genuine "look-alike celebrity". The gang have boasted to me they have access to a celebrity look-alike service. This being true (I personally have met a few, sorta close celebrity look-a likes, literally) many of their victims will have some insane sounding stories that begin like 'one of my favorite or most hated celebrities attacked me or worse on behalf of the gang' especially since most probably didn't receive the same warnings that I did in my youth & will accept look-a likes for the real thing.

  Let me say this bluntly, it is a Godsend to my enemies to even write TIP #6 & I know it, but their victims have had their perceptions of reality warped time & again. Drugs inflicted upon them were deliberately designed to slowly, slowly is the gang's fav, slowly burn out their victim's brains & destroy or inhibit all cognitive brain function. The gang are not nice people. Some victims have probably already passed the permanently impaired threshold. It's sad to to think but, barring a miracle cure from God or science the best you can do is make them comfortable. Others will be near the threshold. These can probably be redeemed and many of them will be glad to help investigators.

  I perceive that there is no part of Tip #6 that is not a detriment for me to write.


  TIP #7: BAY CITY'S SMALL SIZE AUTOMATICALLY PRECLUDES IT FROM ORGANIZED CRIME: Time and again the gang has bragged that the sentence BAY CITY'S SMALL SIZE AUTOMATICALLY PRECLUDES IT FROM ORGANIZED CRIME has brought the career dirty... cops of that area victory and here's how (I've seen it work, lots). You see, the average investigator or concerned citizen comes in and sit down & have a "reasonable discussion" with Saginaw Valley... cops. The 1st thing that usually comes up is the certainty of dirty... cops & organized crime. The area's dirty... cops are ALL trained to use to use this sentence on ALL comers. "There cant be any organized crime around here. The area's not a major city so it's impossible". Sounds innocent enough? Right? You see, the "primarily actor" trained... dirty... cops are trained, yes, trained to say this AND to stick to it no matter what. Your average investigator or concerned citizen is eager to move the conversation along so they generally are willing to conceded a point or 2 to facilitate a continuing conversation & thus get an investigation moving. DO NOT GIVE IN ON THEIR PRE-TRAINED POINT! Feel free to never conceded the point. Ever. Once conceded they have a slew of prepared statements and sayings all geared to make any interested parties grow frustrated & give up. They'll often act irrational, violent. Thus the gang saying. "No one is going to fight a cop over you". No one is going to stick it out, to tough it out. They'll next try their tried and true trick. What if... and lets play Devil's Advocate for a minute. The pre-trained primarily actors of the gang are skilled at this and have a zillion statements, bullyings, & threats all designed to keep the conversation at this point. They know that if you're frustrated and & not getting anywhere in the conversation then they're winning & I've personally never seen this trick fail, even against people whom I've pre-warned. No one seems to appreciate or accept the possibility that a gang of "primarily actors' would be smart enough or skilled enough to per-rehearse a word maze that infallibly deflects anyone who gets to curious. The rest all seem to think they're too smart to fall for a word trap of professional wordsmiths.

  More to come? Be sure to read: Dave's Tips to take down the gang for Civilians & would-be vigilantes


  TIP #8: THEY'RE COUNTING ON YOU BEING LAZY: Maybe I should've titled it "They're counting on you being overworked & in a rush to move on to the next assignment"? If any... cops were offended I say this... Where were YOU when I was writing this? Where was all YOUR fantastic advice? Where were YOU when I needed help? Where were YOU when the innocent children died? The gang knows you'll check your victim's stories. That's why they inflict their "bazillion lies' that always works against you. They know that their cover-ups plus a bazillion lies, add in a half-truth, mix it with a few "reliable (cough cough) informants" & your... cop training will tell you that their victim is someone to be ignored. To that end they adore falsifying official records. Things like altering School Yearbooks, School & even company or Government records. "We like to keep old copies of records laying around that way if we ever need to we just make up a new record & if the cops examine it scientifically it will be proven to be an authentic document from the time in question".

  You'll need to check, double check, & triple check a lot of things & confirm & double confirm everything any witness has to say to even have a slight chance against the gang. Witnesses will often be actors. Think? What's easier? Train Joe average victim to tell a story that will fool an alert well-trained experienced Police Investigator or just go to the Hall of Records & when... cops look up an address it sends them straight to a gang mouthpiece, a professional conman who's entire life is telling lies? This is merely a supplement to their acting classes, their witness tampering, threats, and intimidation.

  They brag they use fake names & when you check into a given victim's accusations the perps named by their victims will indeed be innocent & look you right in the eye & tell you that your victim you're trying to help is indeed crazy, a liar, or both. Not including the times they will have interacted with a delirious, sleep-deprived, or recovering from a lengthy sleep deprivation torture session victim personally & have a lot of "he or she is totally crazy & or a criminal stories" to tell investigators.

  My Advice? You'd better be in a position, mentally AND fiscally to check, double check, and triple check everything if you even think about messing with the gang.

  I'll leave you with 2 words that might not have been part of your crime investigation training. I base this conclusion not on insult but on the plethora of times I was trying to get police to investigate the gang on my behalf & they claimed they were watching me during the interview & had formed an opinion of me & in all actuality it was I who was watching them & forming an informed opinion of them the whole while too. I'm not being insulting, just enlightening. It is MY LIFE on the line here.


 organized or·gan·ized /ˈôrɡəˌnÄ«zd/ adjective 1. arranged in a systematic way, especially on a large scale:


      crime /krÄ«m/ noun 1. an action or omission that constitutes an offense that may be prosecuted by the state and is punishable by law: "shoplifting was a serious crime". "child-molesting & stalking are serious crimes but those who indulge in the activities are largely a moral & otherwise ethical crowd according to ALL... cops I've met".


  Now we will put the 2 words together to form a meaning that may have eluded the majority of... cops. In my experience thus far. Sadly...


     organized crime or·gan·ized crime noun 1. criminal activities that are planned and controlled by powerful groups and carried out on a large scale: "the new leaders are determined to tackle corruption and organized crime but not child-molesters because they are a sick but otherwise harmless & misunderstood class of otherwise law-abiding citizens, or so... cops tell me".


  TIP #9: THEY HAVE NO HONOR: I'll say it again. The gang brag they have a winning strategy against... cops and it always works. They have no honor. That's it. Oh, they like to pretend they have honor & many a... cop has publicly, at their post, in uniform & on-duty touted the honor of child-molesters. How the Molesters are an honorable & otherwise harmless group of deviants. Do not buy it when their dirty... cops say it, don't buy it. Don't you believe it. They are dirty lying double-crossing cheats. Thieves void of honor save against fools they can manipulate using the word "honor". You are in a lot of trouble (now, maybe years from now) if a child-molester has just said. "I give you my word of honor". Whatever you just did that made them say it, whatever they are up to, is definitely not something you want in your life.

  Worse? I've listened to... cop after... cop telling me that they cannot fathom a lifestyle absolutely void of honor. Think about it though Police readers. Once you've done 1/100th of the things outlined on my website, you've already lost all honor in your heart. Admitting it to one's self & embracing it is something all the gang's leaders do & it always works and they've always defeated every single... cop who might read this every single time.

  My tip. Let them play their 'we're honorable' and their 'I give you my word of honor' games. Don't believe them one bit. Do not trust them in ANY situation where honor applies, basic human dignity applies, where you assume an act is so low & perverse that no one would do such a thing. Because once they have you hooked, they add another thing you barely believe, then another, and another. You'll pound in the square pegs that are their victims for them based on "their word of honor' & just basic human kindness believing no one would be so perverse, lying, and void of honor. Then they let slip one more thing, they brag in capital cases it's during the 2nd trial. By then your reputation is on the line, they'll let slip this, that, and the other thing. Then, you'll pound in that peg on command, doing small misdeeds at 1st, then bigger, bigger, and in the end you'll be working for them full-time & they wont have to pay you a thing. They brag their plan always works, it's infallible, unerring, never-fail & has never failed them once & they have won against every... cop who ever dared to imagine to oppose them.

  Hey, I warned you.


  TIP#10: In my experience thus far (sad to admit THIS is MY America) I don't think there's single Police Officer in the country capable of this level of Law-Enforcement excellence. But hey, I had to give the advice, just in case there really was at least one honest Police Officer out there. Here goes.

  Obey the law. It really ticks them off & leaves them with little leverage. They are going to use every trick in the book to get you to break the law. Worse? On film they are going to use every trick in their book to get you to seem to break the law (camera angles filming half or less of the story).


  TIP #11: Absurdity. That's it. Acting absurd. The gang are perverse madmen living weird lifestyles & committing crimes that are themselves absurd in their nature. Maybe I'm biased but I see rape as the most stupid & absurd crime possible to begin with in my humble opinion. Why rape when so many people are willing to give it away? Child-molesting? From some of my earliest memories when I wanted to become sexually active I wanted real women. Not children. Having tasted the joys of mature dating how could anyone even want a child? I recognize the pervert's desires but the goals are an abomination to me & to many people I'd suppose. Soooo... using logic (Dorah the Explorah might be on TV Mid-Michigan... cops, I know I lost you at this point) if we have absurd perverse weirdos committing absurd crimes then they'd probably do it with other weird people and in a perverse, weird, & absurd way. Right? I read police statistics on rape (harder & harder to find, I suspect the rapist community has been silencing them a long time  now, but you... cops wont even check will you?), still following me? (snaps fingers at... cops) SNAP! SNAP! HEY! I'm talking to you! I read police statistics on rape & they said it's "common" for rapists to use PRACTICAL jokes on their victims to make... cops & juries ignore their victims.

  My tip? PRACTICAL jokes are now "common" in rapes in America. Absurd has become the new normal in rape cases. It's a matter of public record, not just my opinion. That being the case how can... cops still let the gang play the absurdity card as they do & get away with it? It's insane. My tip is that once people start coming to you with absurd, insane stalking stories that they just might be being stalked by a gang of insane perverse madmen. Some of you? Look up police stats on PRACTICAL jokes used by rapists, and then use wisdom. Others? Well if you're a Mid-Michigan... cop I'm sure if you read this far the back to back half-hours of Dorah are probably over by now. Go read one of her books. One with pictures, lots of pictures is my advice. Hey! I'm giving advice to read a book about a subject I know nothing about. Now I am just like a mid-Michigan... cop. Enjoy & don't say I never gave you anything.


  TIP #12: The gang are their own worst enemies: Just like the Indian gang of Thuggees of old in India Circa the 1830's the gang are primarily actors. They have lots of dirty... cops & even more pretty gals on their team who adore... cops. They'll send in people to act like your friend, or even your enemy to see how you react. Think you wont fall for one of their whores? Guess again. You see some chicks dig cops. They love them & will be thrilled to date your guys when the gang set them up. But in the end they'll just be a 1st gen victim hopelessly blackmailed. She'll love you long time but in the end she's already proven compromised, damaged goods. She'll betray you to the gang on command & apologize the whole time. They'll join your bowling league, work in your restaurant after they've created an opening by hook or crook. And they'll be in a position to ask you your dreams, goals & even update status reports to the gang & even suggest advice that'll seem great but will be just what the gang wants.

  The gang are "primarily actors". I warned you.


  LUCKY TIP #13: The most important one. Several Bay City... cops took me to the side in the course of their investigations & told me they check up on me with their molester contacts & they knew what I was saying was the truth. But... Earlier in their career they were tricked into mortgages by the gang and they could lose their homes they've worked for for years & maybe even their families if the gang somehow got them an Investigation Suspension based on possible (framed or even real) criminal involvement or the fact that the gang can easily throw lives away assaulting them & forcing them to shoot someone where they control all the witnesses. I've heard it whined a lot. Even a few dirty... cops told me during the quiet moments between rapes & my next dose that their recruiting began with a great mortgage & the gang leveraged it to control them & their family.

  My takedown tip is this. Let no one on your child-molesting team be even 1 penny in debt to anyone. Even 1 cent of debt should immediately disqualify them from your team on the spot.


  Dirty Cop trick quotes include...


  1) "My "sources" tell me he's (the victim) the guilty one here".

  2) "My C.I. (Confidential Informant) told me he's (the victim) one of them (the gang)".

  3) "They (the gang) showed me the films. He's (any given gang victim) the criminal here".

  4) "My "reliable" sources told me he's (any given gang victim) one of them & just trying to get out of a punsishment".

  5) "The gang showed me all sorts of pictures of them with him (the gang's victims) in romantic situations. I don't know what kind of sick sh... stuff you're into but I don't want to get involved".

  Use your imagination here... the gang will.

Bay City Badge.jpg

  While talking about kidnapping me The Last Snitch complained. "Normally when you fight you fight to wound. But on our drug you fight to kill". He was talking about the many who died in a conversation where he'd soon say to me. "You are a blight on the child-molesting community".

Bay City Badge.jpg

  For the record the Bay City... cops tell me they hate anyone & everyone any child-molester officer sees as a blight on the child-molesting community. Not that they are organized enough to have a community or even exists. Mostly because they are all way to good at their jobs in the rapingest place in America... The Saginaw Valley (it only has the title some years... not every year).

<<---   TIP #7 ADDENDUM:

  They like to do a "round table" on victims & especially those who would help them.

  Since the Dirty Cops outnumber the victim & their help they gather in a circle & bully & dominate the conversation. Drawing the Police report to always unfruitful points in the conversation & or dwelling on their pre-trained points "But when I was playing Devil's Advocate you said...".

   Here's how the dirty ones reveal themselves. Just ask a victim (anyone YOU perceive is one of the gang's many victims) . They get to play Devil's Advocate all they want, the victim is denied & ANY points in said conversation are sticking points, evidence against the accused EVEN when the words Devil's Advocate were used (I'll bet THAT part is edited out of their "films" too.

  "It is the accusations of our victims reflected back at them that is our true power".
  Translation: If you dare accuse the gang of something they twist your accusations & accuse you based on your own accusations.

"Who are they calling pervert? Look at them [and all the films we've made them endure]"! - Child Molesting 101 as taught to me by the then laughing Duh Jerk in his taxpayer-funded office during business hours.


  What do I really really want? I want Police to understand where I'm coming from. Stop preaching to me about how your badge makes you a superhuman immune to drugs & understand that, maybe a few of the gang's victims & myself are NOT the superhuman's able to resist drugs & torture that your badge obviously makes YOU.

  Here's a film on what it's like to deal with someone who has no long term memory. Why did I bring it up? Because the gang's drug(s?) robs their victims of their long term memory & the gang is trained by generations of experience at manipulating them.

Watch. Learn Sirs.


  What do I really really want? I want Police to understand where I'm coming from. Stop preaching to me about how your badge makes you a superhuman immune to drugs & understand that, maybe a few of the gang's victims & myself are NOT the superhuman's able to resist drugs & torture that your badge obviously makes YOU.

  Here's a film on what it's like to deal with someone who has no long term memory. Why did I bring it up? Because the gang's drug(s?) robs their victims of their long term memory & the gang is trained by generations of experience at manipulating them.

Watch. Learn Sirs.

  Badge Flash [baj] [flaSH] verb: The act of flashing a badge that is superior in government hierarchy to silence or influence a law-enforcement investigation whether for legal or illegal reasons such as to facilitate a cover-up.

  example: "All we had to do was badge flash the local yokel cop & we made him hand over all his notes, witnesses, & evidence & made it illegal for him to discuss the case against out victim. Ha'! 8

  Tip #14 They "outbadge" you: Today is 1-30-20 & I'm in a lot of pain. So I thought I'd waste my time. Normally this would & should be in the civilian section because in my experience there is no... cop to date who would believe that even the possibility this could be true. But here goes.

  The gang brag they have law enforcement officers with the very best legitimate badges money & corruption can buy. One flash of said badge empowers these dirty Agents to shut down your every investigation, forces you to walk away & never ever even discuss the subject again. Not that any cop anywhere would want to though. Being happy to giddily walk away in the knowledge that Agents with very powerful badges who can claim "National Security" as a whim are investigating the really bad guy (ie: me, the author of this website).

  I'm NOT endorsing this tip, just repeating the facts as told to me by admitted professional liars & making conclusions based on the clues. & giving advice based on that. Take from it what you will.

  But lets entertain the concept for a moment. They outbadge you. Their badges are better than yours. They outrank even your best when they flash a badge. Not in YOUR America huh?

  When I note the style of torture used against me & researched it throughout my life I noted that various intelligence agencies across America have been torturing U.S. Citizens exactly like they did to me when I wrote about what I called "Interview Style Torture" (only due to lack of a better term to describe it). These agencies have the power to flash a badge & wipe out any & all lesser investigation on the spot. Even having the ability to threaten officers to never even mention the subject again or face a devastatingly long imprisonment. Not that 99.99999999999%+ probably wont just walk away from any investigation involving me giddy as a schoolgirl knowing that I'm the real bad guy here. Why else would Agents with powerful badges be investigating me & coming to them? It's only logical.

  It's only so bad in & of itself but here's the deal oh ye Skeptic... cop reading this. They brag I'm not the real target. I'm toast. YOU oh skeptic... cop are the real target & them being able to silence you & walk you away all giddy just might be the leverage they use to take YOU down.

  The way I figure it is once the gang's dirty Agents flash their badge your days are probably numbered as a law-abiding... cop & could soon be over. But maybe not? Imagine how much damage 1 or 2 badge flashers could do to YOUR career in only a day or 2 if they were corrupt & you were "next on their list". They brag they take down goody two shoes like you as a matter of business An afterthought that's only occasionally difficult. Boasting to me it is your arrogance that it could never happen to you is nearly always your downfall. Yeah, I know. Not you. Never you. Somehow that 2" X 3" piece of tin on your chest renders you immune.

  But ponder this. If true their badges are probably just as shiny or more so than yours, yours is probably tin & there's in almost certainly silver or some even more expensive metal. If they have the power to silence you then maybe they have a plan to leverage that silence into advantage against you & yours. If true it's not like you're going to be able to discuss the situation with anyone they cant influence or don't want you to talk to.

  My advice? Secure your position BEFORE investigating me. Secure your job & your authority. Make it impossible for someone with a powerful badge to just walk up & shut you up & shut your investigation down. My guess is that this is 1,000 times easier at the beginning of an investigation than after some powerful Agent badge flashes YOU & either leverages their way into or takes over the investigation YOU built. Hey I warned you.

  Duh Jerk personally boasted to me that in the aftermath of whatever way they take down your investigation. By hook or crook. That at the end they have a big information sharing meeting with their new recruits (ie: YOU) & they discuss how the cops figured them out, contacts, intel, sources, everything. It's likely you will not go down alone. Your co-workers, reliable informants will go 1st. Then your family & friends.

  You wont serve the gang alone. You will be expected to hand over your kids one day. friends, any wealthy relatives. Beautiful people of note or who titillate them. Oh that's right. You'd never do that. Right? Duh Jerk bragged they had a never-fail formula where they corrupt new... cop recruits 1 little step at a time. "Soon even the best of them are as bad as us". All they need is some focus. Some "scumbag" to keep the... cop's attention focused off the gang until it's too late.

  Ever look into the eyes of a... cop freshly recruited by the gang? That look of horror combined with surprise that the newly  recruited... cop just got for the 1st time? I have. I've looked at the expression on the face of a newly recruited formerly honest... cop at the very moment he knew he was recruited. You'll see it too if they recruit you in front of a mirror.

  Once again I'll say this tip probably shouldn't be in this section. There's not a... cop out there I've ever met who takes even the possibility of corruption seriously at the beginning of their investigation.

  I warned you.

MI State Police.jpg
Bay City Badge.jpg

"What part of professional liar confuses you Officer"?

I've told many a... cop who just told me things like.

"I don't think someone would lie like that. I've met them & the gang seem fairly honorable to me".

  "Torturing you is scary. You never know when you're going to go off".


  Tip #15 The Gadgets & Gizmos are more than you can handle: Soooo... the way they describe it to me is they have "Power Badges" & can walk right up to you & yours & with the flash of a badge can dismiss you, make you hand over all your evidence, & make you never be able to discuss the case again... ever...

  Their plan is that you'll never ponder the implications of this gag you will wear for life (a gag you'll probably giddily wear... at 1st). I am their Recruiter. Once you can no longer discuss me or them for life they are free to do a lot of mischief in your life. Tons actually. Think about it. When they show up with their power badges & ask leading questions of your family, friends, & peers how's that going to look in Phase-2 when they actually frame you? Huh? Got a plan for that? How will you extricate yourself from their grip if you cant talk about me... or them? Huh? Sure you'll go right to your boss. But wont you sound just like a guy trying to squirm out of whatever their leading questions pointed to? Huh? You'd best secure your position with the Powers That Be ahead of time because once you begin to investigate me it's too late to start asking for help. They always win & it's for a reason. Because their plan is never fail & they brag they can boast about it openly & you'll never prepare yourself. Think about it. Ever hear about a... cop getting out of the situations I'm warning against? Ever? How'd I, a 7th grade drop-out come up with this or anything listed here? Huh? Am I that brilliant or is someone telling me these things? THINK!

  As touching the gadgets & gizmos. They brag all they have to do is use cutting edge & Top Secret technology against you. Thus if they ever get caught they can waltz right in with their power badges & seize every scrap of evidence against them. Leaving YOU (not me, YOU oh ye doubting... cop) with an insane story with nothing to back it up. An us vs them testimony they will surely walk away from laughing.

  My advice? Secure your position & authority. Make sure you have the authority to not only seize their stuff (more ambitious Officers might go for their holy grail "The Voice of God Machine" and yes, it DOES exist) like listening devices & clandestine gadgets of who knows what sort and to keep it from them & in your evidence rooms.

  They brag this is only half the battle as they'll recruit your evidence room workers, bribe them, or just get their hands dirty & steal the stuff themselves. Not much you can do there but beef up Evidence Room security & double check who you let work in there.

  I keep hearing them brag that some of their high-tech high-end gizmos can literally be command detonated to self-destruct via radio. You know that putting such gadgets in a Faraday Cage to protect them is fairly cheap & very easy to do?

  Recap? Sure. Some of you Police cant handle the truth. Maybe you can hold your liquor but the gang brags none of you can handle their gadgets or gizmos & certainly not for long if you get any. Prepare yourself. Gird your loins oh ye honest Police. Secure your authority & evidence to come before your investigation. I warned you.


  Tip #16 They have an Escape Plan: As it's been bragged to me the gang have a plan & an escape plan every time they do everything. I once asked Duh Jerk when they tried to recruit me in Fall 1976 Why they only had one escape plan. He said the gang favors simplicity. Their average member isn't too bright & most of them are on drugs so 2 plans is about all that can be reliably had under normal circumstances.

  Duh Jerk also told me several times. "A plan has to go 100%. Otherwise we go with the escape plan. There is no improvising". He told me it results in a lot of failed plans, but it gives unparalleled safety for everyone involved.

  I say use the above to your advantage. Separate known or suspected gang members either physically or by being clever. Think outside the box. Then convince said gang members that the plan has gone awry & that they're expected to use the escape plan. That alone should cause many interesting problems for the gang & could make a great one time leverage against the gang.

  For entertainment purposes only I personally suggest you using a former conman to contact isolated gang members who'll scream. "The cops are on to us! Everyone is about to go down & it's every man for himself"!

  Hey, bit of advice for entertainment purposes only? A conman shows up. "I'm with the Bosses. We think YOU were the one who talked to the cops. Either we'll go to the Crematorium right now or you and I can sit down & discuss the clues & figure out who really snitched". I bet it wouldn't work every time, but I'll bet it'd work sometimes. Particularly any freshly recruited "Middle Management" types. A perfect role for a former conman who personally hates child-molesters.

  Always protect your slick talking conmen & send them far away to be used another day in a few years.


  What do I really really want? I want Police to understand where I'm coming from. Stop preaching to me about how your badge makes you a superhuman immune to drugs & understand that, maybe a few of the gang's victims & myself are NOT the superhuman's able to resist drugs & torture that your badge obviously makes YOU.

  Here's a film on what it's like to deal with someone who has no long term memory. Why did I bring it up? Because the gang's drug(s?) robs their victims of their long term memory & the gang is trained by generations of experience at manipulating them.

Watch. Learn Sirs.


The above website link sums up the state of denial ALL mid-Michigan... ciops I ever met profess to live in. Sadly... ENJOY!

I warned you.


  ESCALATION: The gang's concept that if a victim escalates (fighting back, going to police, publishing a website of their atrocities publicly, ect:) then they escalate as a matter of business (and it IS a business). Stepping up attacks both in frequency & in ferocity.

  Why is it here next to the civillian advice &not the Police advice? Because no... cop I ever met believes in the possibility a gang might use the concept of "escalation" when dealing with it's  many victims. Note my use of the word "many". I am not alone, many innocent & (on film) demonized victims are living lives of horror because of the gang.



  What do I really really want? I want Police to understand where I'm coming from. Stop preaching to me about how your badge makes you a superhuman immune to drugs & understand that, maybe a few of the gang's victims & myself are NOT the superhuman's able to resist drugs & torture that your badge obviously makes YOU.

  Here's a film on what it's like to deal with someone who has no long term memory. Why did I bring it up? Because the gang's drug(s?) robs their victims of their long term memory & the gang is trained by generations of experience at manipulating them.

Watch. Learn Sirs.


  Child-Molester Apologist: noun: Title: A job title of an employee who facilitates child-molesting activities primarily through apologizing for said molesting & or covering up such molestations by using their job position to deflect child-molestation accusations.

  1) The title applies to both professional Child-Molester Apologists (paid by the molesting community), semi-professionals, & amateurs (unpaid Apologists who are usually motivated by things other than cash or sexual favors such as 'for the good of the community' & 'a molestation accusation might hurt church attendance, or the popular 'we're afraid of the gang so we just let them have a few victims in exchange for them leaving us alone").

  example: "the... cop was a child-molester apologist who covered up child-rapes & stalkings but not for the money or sexual favors because he thought taking the gang down might hurt the reputation of his mostly tourist-based local economy, but when you consider his ultimate motives, he had no motivation except money as prosecuting molesters might affect the local economy & he was too gutless to accept a possible drop in pay just for obeying his oath & making his community a better place for future generations".


  What do I really really want? I want Police to understand where I'm coming from. Stop preaching to me about how your badge makes you a superhuman immune to drugs & understand that, maybe a few of the gang's victims & myself are NOT the superhuman's able to resist drugs & torture that your badge obviously makes YOU.

  Here's a film on what it's like to deal with someone who has no long term memory. Why did I bring it up? Because the gang's drug(s?) robs their victims of their long term memory & the gang is trained by generations of experience at manipulating them.

Watch. Learn Sirs.

Facts don't care about your feelings.


  What do I really really want? I want Police to understand where I'm coming from. Stop preaching to me about how your badge makes you a superhuman immune to drugs & understand that, maybe a few of the gang's victims & myself are NOT the superhuman's able to resist drugs & torture that your badge obviously makes YOU.

  Here's a film on what it's like to deal with someone who has no long term memory. Why did I bring it up? Because the gang's drug(s?) robs their victims of their long term memory & the gang is trained by generations of experience at manipulating them.

Watch. Learn Sirs.



  Dave's Tips to take down the gang for Civilians & would-be vigilantes...

  Thinking about taking down the gang? Better have a good plan. First... a story. It was told to me in a moving car by a bragging Molestor.

  He told me about the record rapes in Saginaw Michigan. How the gang had made it the Women's Rape Capital of America. He said the way they figured it was that the bosses figured there's be a public outrage of sorts. So they'd better get out in front of it. And what better way to get in front of it than to organise the anti-rape meeting themselves? He said they arranged a hall (of sorts) to hold the meeting in that was too small. Poorly advertised the meeting deliberately. Then they ordered their people & mostly a lot of their victims to attend & show up early so there was little space available for anyone to sit. The gang were ordered to disperse among the crowd & to control the narrative, to listen for those with genuine beefs & serious accusation who were identified, categorized & labeled later. When the meeting started some people stood in the hall so they had their dirty... cop disperse them, even though they cried it was illegal to disperse them. "The first thing we did was have the crowd applaud the Police Chief". He went on to brag of course he was "theirs". "But you cant insult a guy you just applauded as a hero". This left concerned citizens disarmed when they thought to mention replacing key members of the... cops. The gang were trained when to applaud, and when to boo when someone made a good point. They controlled the narrative by making sure they asked the questions & were the ones to pick who got to ask them. The gang had dispersed people into the crowd to control the narrative by being the ones primarily called upon to speak. Only their dirty reporters attended, the rest were told to leave or dealt with later. People tried feebly to organize but the gang, in proud gang tradition, "primarily actors" cried the loudest & they got inside the would-be groups, wrecked their every plan, & made a list of the most vocal and capable among them to be dealt with later as only a gang of framing rapists can. He said the gang's follow-up was both swift & brutal & even shuddered at the possibility that major shifts in property & assets of those present could point directly to who later became a victim of the gang who chose to use the entire incident as a recruiting/harvesting event.

  How are you, the concerned citizen, or would be vigilante going to deal with that? Any plan you have had best counter these kind of gang attacks.

  My advice? Coming soon. I've had a lot of time to think about the gang, inventing is my hobby, & we'll see.

  We shall see...


  DAVE TAKEDOWN TIP#1: Wow... the gang sure do brag a lot about burning down people's houses who get in their way. "It's a great way to take down huge families because everybody gets put up in a local hotel for the night and since we own the people who own the hotel we just pick the entire family off 2 at a time". Victims also tend to find themselves disarmed (all weapons lost in a fire & dirty... cops have frozen their accounts) & often out of cash. "We find out their sizes & go to the local thrift stores & buy up all the clothes that are their size". Victims are often left with nothing & looking ridiculous. An important fact if one's primary attack is toi destroy a victim's reputation first.

  My tip? Disperse your assets. Make them fireproof. Make them available if you lose your house and you businesses. Get fire insurance. Lots and lots of fire insurance. It may be unethical to even note, so I'll say it purely for entertainment purposes to dramatize my point. Since it's almost certain the gang are going to burn your house down & probably your business get as much insurance as you can. 5-6 policies (is that legal? Obey the law). You may as well make money off them. Don't trust banks or other institutions with the full some of your cash because the gang can rig investigations & seize your property, cash, & other assets so you'd best have a back up plan or 2 for finances just in case you lose everything in an investigation for 2 years.


  DAVE TAKEDOWN TIP #2: THEY'RE PROBABLY GOING AFTER YOUR FAMILY!!! Accept it. Plan for it. It's almost a certainty it WILL happen. If you cant protect your family from a small well-armed unit attacking you then hide them, far away in a location you've never been to enirely void of paperwork trails & never ever ever call them directly on a cell phone no matter what I warned you don't whine to me later I told you so.


  DAVE'S TAKEDOWN TIP#3: More of a warning really. They are going to use kids to attack you and yours. Children WILL ATTACK YOU! If you don't have the guts to stand up to this back off now & save us all some time. Go to a Bay City Public School & tell the adult staff you'll gladly hand over all your stuff & your kids.

  Keep this fact in mind. The gang brag to me that they don't like cowards and they see people who join them based on fear or being easily manipulated as being weak and thus someone they don't like nor trust. Give in too easy & you will man their prison enforce brigades, your kids will work in their brothels, and they will divide your stuff in front of you one day & kill you for sport in the end I told you so don't whine to me later you were warned they have no honor.

  Plan on fighting? Really? Whatcha gonna do when kids get hurt? Back off? Try to reason with the 10 year old with a taser (relax, it'll probably be 12 of'em with tasers & they wont be talking)? Maybe 5 year-olds? Huh? If the gang find out you wont stand up to children then they will only use children against you.

  Some victims have no concept of dealing with or opposing someone with no honor. Who sees the lives of children as pawns they can use to make any and all legal attempts to take them down look bad. Truthfully? In today's politically correct society I'm not certain it's even possible to oppose anyone who's willing to throw children at victims to kidnap rape & later torture them.

  My tip? Inform your fellow vigilantes. Make skits & training exercises where mock child attack with tasers or even pistols occur. If you don't have the guts just have them but without any conflict. Stop the exercise when the child pulls the taser out & tell your trainee to consider what they would do in that situation. Explain that if they should hesitate that innocent looking "child" will later rape & torture them and be paid in candy or new clothes as compensation. Ask them to consider that they will in all probability lose most or all of their possessions either now or eventually. Tell them that this is business as usual for the gang & ask them to ponder what the gang will do to their children, to their grandchildren. You'd better have all the answers to Tip #3 before you even think about messing with the well-established gangs of mid-Michigan or Boulder.


  DAVE'S TAKEDOWN TIP#4: The Camera NEVER lies: EVER! The camera is the Child-Molestors & their non-gang banging child-molester weapon & they have generations of using it as a tool in their blackmailing/child-porn endeavors with impunity. Using the word impunity means that they've never lost. Ever. Not once. Oh, they've lost a few minor battles, a cop skirmish or 2. They've whined that much to me. But with the camera they never lose the war. You see when they detect defeat is near everyone pleads guilty, & tired overworked & overwhelmed... cops are all too glad to accept the testimony of their Confidential Informants who are backed up with films & all too glad to take down all the punks the gang is willing to throw at them who they'll never miss. Assuming the... cops manage to get any more than a token amount of gang officers & the camera makes it all possible. I said all this just so you know what you're up against.

  The gang brag it's fake photos, photo-shopped, forged pictures of YOU that will let them destroy any attempts at honest people to take them down.

  I know what you're thinking. "They can detect fake photos so I'm not worried. Especially if they get in front of a cop or we go to court". 

  Well you'd better care. They brag they wont share child-porn pics of you or their victims publicly. It's illegal & their con-men showing the pics could go to jail. So they'll use fake photos of you and your victims to spread around town. To yours & their's family, friends, neighbors, co-workers, & churches. Those pictures are entirely valid for destroying you in ALL child-molester controlled courts. ALL OF'EM! When 20 gossips show up at your vigilante team's place, show their pics, and spin their tales they've practiced for generations what will be your plan? Huh? You'll notice this advice is in the citizen's advice section & not the... cop's advice one. That's because when it gets personal most... cops are inclined to adopt the Saginaw Michigan Child-Molestor Investigation Position (bend over, grab ankles, obey the bad people) & you'd best plan for it & not be surprised by it's inevitability.

  To that end the gang have a ton of per-rehearsed skits, plays, and scenarios they like to set up to entrap victims (by victims I mean YOU reader) & when filmed from certain angles makes you and your team look as guilty as sin. Your people will be provoked. Sometimes openly, other times by runners. Other times by their attackers who just fled the scene & they'd love nothing more than you attacking their seemingly "innocent' guys just trying to have a good time.

  Dirty... cops, Impartial Mediator... cops ("I threw the evidence in a big pile & they were convicted by a jury of their peers so I have no guilt" kinda... cops"), Lazy... cops, and Skeptic... cops will all quote to you the same sentence without fail here. "The camera never lies".

  During my "fake trials" (scary possibility here.... they were real trials & the gang did in fact try & convict me & even imprisoned me leaving me with a story very well documents by films) they debriefed me about any plans I had to take them down. One of them they are aware of is that I'd recommend that vigilantes & possible victims film themselves, from more than one angle continuously if possible & quick upload the films to Youtube or some other social media.

  They told me they regularly applied cell-phone jammers as a matter of business already. That their plethora of dirty... cops would just legally, or even illegally seize any films that make them look bad & just deal with the fallout on their otherwise expendable throwaway dirty... cops later. Easier in communities where they control how... cops will be punished.

  My tip? Film everything. Act like the gang are filming everything you & yours do. Make your films as hard as possible to destroy as quickly as possible. You were warned.

  As touching any films you might get? I'll say it again. Make as many copies of them as possible. ESPECIALLY any good films which may arise. Uploading them to social media is one answer but remember this factoid well. The primary vehicle for the distribution of child-porn in America IS the computer. The gang is primarily run from schools. They've got literally generations of picking the best & the brightest computer techs & influenced them while they were young as a rule. These people are highly capable & will work tirelessly to crash your social media, destroy your businesses, & ruin any copies. Let alone their dirty... cops who will work overtime in Police Evidence Rooms to destroy any evidence they deem as hurtful to them & theirs.

  Besides that I'm lead to believe the internet is about to go into full censorship mode. Maybe even pro-child-molester? In any event it may very soon become a place you can not upload to to spread your message. Dispersing your films and making as many copies as possible & getting them out there to the public is still a valid point even in the face of unrestricted & complete censorship or varying degrees thereof.

 0 The camera can be your best friend & if you do it right, it can be the weapon that takes the gang down. May God have mercy on anyone who seeks to oppose the gang and does not have all the answers to my take down tip #4.

   Make as many copies of films as possible, then make them as public as possible as quickly as you can so no dirty... cop or courtroom is in a position to censor you and yours.


  DAVE'S TAKEDOWN TIP#5: At no time... trust ANY... cops!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! A simple tip. Hard to mess up. If you are in a situation where members of your community feel the need to take matters into their own hands & either supplement or do the... cops jobs for them then anyone wearing a badge is not someone you want to trust and here's why. The gang banger told me that their Dirty... cop in charge of Saginaw Michigan was all too glad to approach would-be vigilantes & concerned citizens, take down their names, categorize them, make suggestions, & then sabotage their meeting & coordinate the gang's backlash against them & their people at times and places convenient for the gang.

  When they slurred him I said if it was true, he'd gone to bat for the gang & looked up all their license plate numbers & records & such on behalf of the gang then there is a paperwork trail that will implicate him, her, or the guilty party. Nuff said!

  I apologize to whoever that may be and ask them to consider that I'm only repeating what I'm told by a self-professed professional liar & if they are honest their reputation can take a few hits from such people or they can get out of the law-enforcement biz if they cant handle a few well-aimed insults by dishonorable child-molesters.

  Simply put. If you feel the need to organize... they your area's police are probably already compromised & they are NOT people you want to trust. Not with your security. Not with a list of your members, their routes, none of it.

  Don't let a single... cop in on any of your planning meetings. Relegate them to obscure defensive positions at best. If they are offended remember this. The louder they yell the more likely they are the compromised person in the conversation. Feel free to use cops but have backup plans for if and when they betray you and yours. If you're clever enough & gutsy enough seemingly set yourself up, and watch them reveal themselves by betraying you. Explain to any good... cops that they have failed in the war against child-molesting. Why would you want to have a failure in any position of authority helping you? Ask them to hang out. IF they're honest then they can still be useful. Just never trust them & always have a backup plan for them betraying you and yours.

  War is hell.


  DAVE'S TAKEDOWN TIP#6: Operating in around or near schools: The places the gang consider their "home turf". They are places where the laws of America allow & even encourage child-molesters of all sorts, both amateur & professional to operate with impunity. But first a word I coined for you to ponder & may God have pity on the would-be vigilante who does not ponder it and all of it's implications. It's how they always win... summed up in a hyphenated word.


   school-privilege: anyone hiding behind the title of working in a school to facilitate their involvement in organized crime.


  U like teachers? Good. So do I. Trust them? If you are thinking about

cleaning out your area's schools of it's child-molesting gangs then

just about all of them teachers you are respecting are either involved,

a clueless idiot, blackmailed, or just plain old scared to help anyone

against the gang.

  At no time trust any teacher. Past or present. It's just too dangerous.

That being said I recommend that you value their input. But take it

with a grain of salt as of the four groups of teachers I've outlined

they are a coward or clueless idiot at best. Not the kind of people you

want at your back. Let alone you're thinking of going against the gang's

unassailable fortress & they never lose. Well, not yet.

  Got kids there? There's a reason there are no cameras in the

classrooms but in the halls. It's to facilitate crimes against children

& to hinder anyone who might try to stop them. Period!

  Want to protect kids in the building? Them dirty... cops with the

metal detectors are only there to stop your kids from defending

themselves & to stop you from helping them. At the least delaying

any attempt at aiding any children or teachers friendly to your cause.

  My Tip? A rapid response vehicle.... maybe a drone to fly up to

windows where kids press panic buttons you give them. Maybe a

truck with a ladder for higher up windows. Any time a cell phone

jammer is detected (you'll know when) is a time of extreme danger

for your team. Flares they could shoot out a window?

  I'll get to this in detail later. This is just "food for thought" meant

to inspire ideas from the smart people, like anyone reading this.


  DAVE'S TAKEDOWN TIP#7: So you want to change the face of Law-enforcement in your community? This is advice for those who are tired of the endless... cop rape gang apologists, who are tired of the drug dealers, who recognize that their local... cops have become corrupt. So you'd like to boot out the dirty... cops huh? I applaud the effort but warn you about a bunch of Molester boasts on the subject. They welcome & truly like the idea of changing all the... cops in your area. Why? Because they know that their people will cry the loudest at your meetings. They know that few people will make the connection from dirty... cop to dirty politician & they will be the one's who ultimately replace any corrupt Police you find. It might seem to go in the face of logic, but they see their dirty... cops as expendable. They'll get there's if you get them fired but the gang could care less about them. They will make excellent lives they can throw away committing revenge after revenge for the gang in great wrath because they know that their reduced status in the gang means they are forever 3rd rate molesters who's children will serve in brothels & as fodder at their fights for generations to come (or the gang will soon explain it to them).

  My warning? Look at communities that have failed to change things by changing the police or where things were made worse. Examine how they failed & look for anyplace (is there a single success anywhere in America since the 70s & Sheriff Pusser?).

  My tip? Find out what works by seeking out successes & twice as important find out where groups, like maybe even the Saginaw group & find out where they failed. Warning. If anyone failed before the gang then they are not someone you want to have know who you are and what you're planning. Remember this fact & remember it well. The child-molesting community is well-organized & paranoid in the extreme. And why not? Most of them are a single testimony from life in prison at best & they know it.

  Here is Molester math. Dirty... cop, Dirty judge, dirty court, dirty politician. As long as they have just one of the above operating with legal impunity then you might fight them but are unlikely to ever win. Sad, but true.


  DAVE'S TAKEDOWN TIP#8: They are high-tech. Don't listen to the Idiot & Dirty... cops of Mid-Michigan. Child-porn makes a lot of cash & the gang are indeed high tech & you'd best embrace technology too. They tell me a cell phone jammer is a standard tool during a team assault on people like... YOU reader. On honest citizens like you. More to come later.


  DAVE'S TAKEDOWN TIP#9: Obey the law. It really ticks them off & leaves them with little leverage. They are going to use every trick in the book to get you to break the law. Worse? On film they are going to use every trick in their book to get you to seem to break the law (camera angles filming half or less of the story).

  Good luck out there and catch a molester for mommy!


  DAVE'S TAKEDOWN TIP#10: "There's no such thing as a local Child-Molester Community. Yup! Them... cops WILL try that. Talk a few minutes with ANY Mid-Michigan... cop & they'll try to tell you there's no child-molesting organized crime. Never was, never will be. Mostly because they are all way way way too good at their jobs. Any one who claims to have dealings with any child-molesters are crazy, mistaken, wrong, or just liars. All child-molesters are novice opportunists. Period! Sure there's a few bad apples but them child-molesters just aren't smart enough to organize. Try pointing out that there's a fortune to be made in child-porn & child-prostitution & they'll say that happens in far away places... but not around here (no matter where you are). Simply put there's no way the organized crime figures of their area would be so lowly as to do either. They know who they are (and wont tell YOU who they are) & they would never do that.

  My advice? Any... cop who starts selling you this story is either a clueless idiot or absolutely positively on the payroll of local organized crime. There's not much you can do but make a list & check it twice. Never trust that... cop. More ambitious vigilantes might figure out who their boss is and never trust that... cop either. Don't be rude & never accuse someone without evidence. But my advice is never go anyplace alone with them... cops & turn on your transmitting chest camera every single time they even come near you.


  DAVES TAKEDOWN TIP#11: More of a warning than any actual advice. Like me, at 1st, you might imagine the gang would be pretty unpopular? No one likes child-molestors. No one. I've even listened to the rants of card-carrying gang-bangers in the gang telling me they personally hated child-molesters of all sorts. It's a hard concept to wrap your head around at 1st for most people & is not in the... cops section for a reason. They seem to be utterly convinced on the moral integrity of the average child-molester & see the gang as okay but misguided people at best. You they see as a threat at best. Period!

  It's actually a scam they use & here's how. Lets say they know a given otherwise loyal 1st or 2nd Generation gangbanger hates them & their chosen profession. Lots of them tell me they serve out of fear or "for the drugs". But they personally despise molestors. Well the gang will suggest their expendable recruit join YOUR group. Befriend you. Even date you. They'll seem like great people & will not have any "tell" that they might be a spy or willing to betray you because they are genuinely on your side. Basically. Then one day... the gang reads them the riot act. Betray you & yours or face vengeance & those pre-broken people will reluctantly turn on you & yours. I assure you they'll apologize the entire time they're helping to torture you. Not that any apology is likely to help you from then on. Indeed. Many people are forgiving, see their "new friend" as a fellow victim, and keep them in their life where the gang will continue to use them.

  My advice is this. From day 1 when you go public announce that anyone who's made a new friend, or is dating that new "perfect mate" just might have fallen for a gang-insert. This is not counting the fact that the gang considers themselves "primarily actors" & their many members are skilled at acting just like the kind of person or persons you're looking for. How will they know? They'll ask you or those around you.

  There's a reason this tip is NOT in the... cops advice section. Every single one of them I ever met have told me that basic child-molester honor & human good diddlyoodness mean no one would do that. Besides. See that 2" x 3" piece of tin they wear? It renders them impervious to being manipulated by any gang.

  I pity the person who goes against the gang who doesn't have all the answers to Takedown Tip#11.


  DAVES TAKEDOWN TIP#12: But you said they were child-molesters. Giggle giggle. Yes... the... cops both good, bad, ugly, & in between are going to tease you thusly & it will absolutely positively work I promise you so don't whine to me when it does I warned you get over it accept it. As soon as you say the words child-molester the... cops are hard-wired to immediately think of them as only wimpy penitent child-molesters. Period. The gang brag they diversify. Why not? Come for the child-porn. Stay for the drugs & join them because of the blackmail. See that? I just said they were Child-molesting child-porn manufacturing drug-dealing blackmailers. I just lost every single mid-Michigan... cop in a single paragraph. Let alone the gang's other crimes. Simply put. In MY experience... The... cops of America cannot wrap their heads around the possibility that a child-molester would nor could successfully do any other crime. Let alone at levels of proficiency that all but openly manipulates them as I allege.

  There's a reason this tip is NOT in the... cop's section. Why waste my time? I saw a few flaming meteors as of late at night & I'd suppose my time could be better spent looking up for more of them as entertainment than trying to waste time typing in order to convince... cops of any part of Tip  #12.

  At the time of this writing I have no counter to this infallible tactic & suggest you have to take the legal hits & keep going and don't give up.


  DAVE'S TAKEDOWN TIP #13: Lucky takedown tip #13, it's simple... for the gang. All they do is call the... cops on you all the time. It's that easy and I promise that it'll work & has never failed in all the history of vigilantism. The gang brag they keep 2 sets of... cops on speed dial. First the Dirty... cops you'll come to know and love as time goes by. I know you're ready for them. But they keep easily manipulated otherwise good... cops on speed dial too. A mix of would-be vigilantes who think they are the best thing since sliced bread and ain't so bad, easily gulled morons, & a large well-fed flock of what I call "Impartial Mediator... cops. The last being... cops who see justice as simple as lumping all the available evidence into a pile & throwing it in front of a jury. Duh Jerk called them "My bread and butter". Those type of... cops will gladly destroy you & look you in the eye & say justice was done when the Prison Bus comes to drag you to prison. "I feel no guilt. You were convicted by a jury of your peers".

  The... cops are used to opposing the child-molesters in their area. The... cops I've met tell me they have the child-molesting community all figured out and I'll bet they'll say that it's you & yours that they don't know about. They aren't used to you & will treat you with suspicion & the zillion phone calls & reports they will soon be deluged with will only confirm to them that YOU are the one's they should destroy for the good of the community. Not the child-molesters.

  I suspect nothing but limited information sharing, friendly conversation, & not losing your temper when confronted are the only ways to counter this threat. Not much in the way of advice, but at the time of this writing I'm tired. Yawn.


  DAVE'S TAKEDOWN TIP #14: They are their own worst enemy. Yup. That's it. The gang think nothing of destroying a few of their own to gain advantage. Bragged tactics include joining your would-be vigilante group & trying to rise in rank as high as possible. Sow confusion at meetings by offering endless debate & countering every good proposal. Not including that they tried to get me & other students to form a vigilante group (literally) during the time of "The Gym" & Duh Jerk bragged to me later. "I'd have let you win for a while". "Then one of your guys [a guy he bragged he'd insert] would've stabbed someone & we could've taken down your entire group and been done with you (by "you" he meant me, the author of this website)".  They tried to do this in a few other situations in my life. Inserts into my life just outright attacked the innocent or nearly innocent. Often based on my crazy avoid the mercury talk (in "copspeak" it means "liar". Everything does) in which I suspect the gang imagined I would gladly attack a given group of people based on any number of films they had & my crazy talk, be it drugged, sleep-deprived, or recovering from both or either. And... lets face it. I went a little verbally crazy & I know it. Way too far for my own good. The only good part is they tell me I've outlived all my "kid anyone can hit" counterparts in the gang as a free person. If you can call who & what I am "living". Eh, I'm tired at the time of this writing. Yawn.

  The ONLY advice I can give is to carefully screen your team. I'd suggest liberal use of lie-detectors but read my page called The Child-Molestor Manifest Destiny & take the advice with a grain of salt.

  Security, particularly at your 1st vigilante meeting is crucial. You've got to identify people tasked with ruining your meeting(s) quickly & have your meetings in a place where you have the legal authority to eject them & the ability to do so without agitating any crowd you may have gathered.

  Training, teaching people on your patrolling teams how to react when a trusted member of the team suddenly breaks the law so they are not sucked into a legal whirlwind of destruction that will only justify harsher reaction from the few... cops who wont be out to destroy you is all I can think of. Mock drills where a team member is tasked with openly breaking the law & legal advice on what to do in that situation may be handy here. It's a grim tip, Takedown Tip #14, but it could pay in spades in the end.

  Watch your leader. I mean it. Ponder their every move, word, action, and what THEY allow to go on at the meeting. What kind of people they choose to ask questions.  Just watch... at 1st. The gang brag to me that they just love to form vigilante meetings in given trouble areas. It lets them identify possible threats. It lets them know what people in the community know about them and who knows it. If you're a would-be vigilante, or concerned citizen & YOU see the Child-Molestor Triangle... cops are in on the meeting, or you see that it's dispersed into a mindless shouting match with endless debate it might be wise to cut your losses & form your own meeting. In any event just leave. If a group cant put on a single decent 1st meeting they are NOT the kind of group you want to have your back when the going gets tough.

  I'll emphasize the point a little more. The gang are their own worst enemy. They have no problem with setting up a number of their guys & casting them to the wolves (by wolves I mean you and law-enforcement). They are "primarily actors" and when opposed by you already plan to primarily act as their main weapon against you. In addition to all the other mean stuff you expect & will come to see as they become increasingly scared.


  DAVE'S TAKEDOWN TIP #15: Lets make a deal. Just like Tip #14, it's NOT in the... cop section for a reason. Today's law-enforcement in America have been trained from day one to approach justice "Monty Haul Style". Making deals with every perp wheresoever they go. What this means is that when the going gets rough, the gang make a deal. It goes something like this they tell me. "You let us go and we'll give you a "real scumbag". They mean me, the author. Or one of any number of people in the gang. Be they 1st Generation throwaways, or 2nd generation guys who've been compromised anyway (if not by you then by an investigation you know nothing of). Or "You let us go & we'll back off your kid's school". "You let us go and we'll give you the goods on how to take down an entire gang". Believe me, you wont take down anyone THEY don't want taken down or will miss in any event. Duh Jerk bragged the former one always works, particularly on... cops who greedily lust after the gang's films once they are shown them.

  Here's child-molester math. If they give you some of their guys in 1 school it's only because you were probably about to get several schools worth of molesters.

  If the gang are willing to give you 100 perverts you're probably on the verge of getting 1,000 & don't know it.

  If the gang are willing to give up a major gang or the molesters in an entire area then all you're doing is taking down their pals or their enemy gang & they'll gleefully recover soon & chuckle behind your back that you were about to take down the gang state-wide but gave up too soon like a mid-Michigan... cop.

  Don't fall for "Monty Haul Justice". It doesn't work. It will never work. I submit as proof the fact that crime has sharply risen in America since they started using it. Show no mercy & attack attack attack and stay the course. I assure you they will show you no mercy if they get the upper hand on you. You can and will win if you don't lose sight of the prize. An area free from child-molestors.


  DAVE'S TAKEDOWN TIP #16: The most important one. Several Bay City... Teachers & professionals took me to the side in the course of their ongoing gang-rape on my person & told me earlier in their career they were tricked into mortgages by the gang and they could lose their homes they've worked for for years & maybe even their families if the gang somehow got them an Investigation Suspension based on possible (framed or even real) criminal involvement or the fact that the gang can easily throw lives away assaulting them & forcing them to shoot someone or be seemingly involved in a child-molesting incident (all the easier with the gang's films of them) where they control all the witnesses. I've heard it whined a lot. A few told me during the quiet moments between rapes & my next dose that their recruiting began with a great mortgage & the gang leveraged it to control them & their family. Everyone likes the guy who got them a great mortgage. Right?

  My takedown tip is this. Let no one on your child-molesting team be even 1 penny in debt to anyone. Even 1 cent of debt should immediately disqualify them from your team on the spot. I suspect that you'll be so limited on manpower that this will be impossible. If so then make sure the officers of your vigilante group are not in any debt whatsoever. A single penny of debt should relegate them to a non-leadership role. It may be that you cant even afford that luxury. If so take my advice with a grain of salt. Try not to let people with mortgages get too high-ranking.

  Also warn your team that now that they've joined you that one of the gang's best recruiting tools is to give their enemies (like you & your team) seemingly great mortgages.

  Do NOT underestimate their ability to recruit people to whom they've tricked into mortgages. From Duh Jerk to even child boasters the gang has bragged they have dozens of great tricks to recruit people with mortgages, particularly if they are in debt to them. Chief being they show up at your team member's job with photo shopped pictures (real child-porn puts their guys in jail, faked stuff is a minor crime) & 20 people tell their boss , friends, & family what a scumbag their victim is.


  DAVE'S TAKEDOWN TIP #17: They're in it for life & you'd better be too. Once you've been targeted by the gang, for whatever reason, maybe you've become their enemy publicly, the targeted child of an otherwise loyal family, in the wrong place at the wrong time, or just next on their list you've been targeted for life. Period! The child-molesting community is huge & they all like to watch out for each other and once you're on their list you're on it for life they boast.

  One of their "I give you my word of honor tricks" is to tell victims they'll back off them & leave them alone. Don't buy it. Not one bit. They may back off for a time but if you relax or back off they're coming back into your life one day. Stronger than ever based on the fact they'll attack you at a time & place of their choosing.

  There's a reason #17 isn't in the... cop section & it's because... cops carry these little pieces of shiny tin 2"x3" they think will protect them for life. Even when they know that one day they'll no longer have it. All the... cops I've met have giggled at the mere possibility that any child-molester could or might be violent. If I had to guess it 's because all the molesters they personally meet are all penitent crybabies who dedicate all of their face-time with the... cops to impressing upon them how weak & non-violent they are as a whole to get lighter sentences.


  DAVE'S TAKEDOWN TIP #18: They out-tech you. Simple really, hard to mess up. Simply put the gang are higher tech than you & here's why according to the boasting & whining of many a card-carrying child-molester (depends on if you're talking to a member/victim or victim/member).

  The gang have a lot of cash made primarily by drug dealing, thievery, blackmail, & child-porn. They've got to spend it on something. Being the computer is now the premier vehicle for the distribution of child-porn (or so they brag) AND the gang are primarily run from a school they make it a goal to recruit the best & the brightest upcoming computer stars (for lack of a better term) when they're young & they provide for their security. As if this wasn't bad enough they boast the Child-Molester triangle gangs have preyed on the former Dow Corning (last S.C. Johnson Wax I was told, I ain't looking it up) who are engaged in cutting edge government research & thus have the best of the best spy gear & anti-spy gear available. Rumored even to be stuff not available on the market yet EVEN to our illustrious spy agencies.

  In short, they have made great arguments to me that they indeed out tech you. There's a reason this Tip is not in the... cop section. There is no... cop I've personally ever met that can deduce what I've outlined nor has been trained to deal with the possibility the bad guys out-tech them. Not a one. None of them has been trained to emotionally handle even the possibility. Period. But I suspect citizen vigilantes might be inclined to believe the gang are high-tech.

  Say I'm wrong, just for fun. I'm not endorsing #18, just telling you the clues & making deductions based on them to give any citizen group the maximum possible chance to succeed against the gang that I can. Nothing more. If I'm wrong on #18 no harm, no foul. In & of itself it presents no hazard to your group.

  But if #18 is right, then you'd better figure the gang is spying on you & yours. Look up spy gear today. It's insanely high-tech & small & clever. If they just use the off-the shelf stuff you're in a run for your money let alone if they have stuff that both puts the best you can get to shame & they have a blue-ribbon crew of the smartest & highly motivated molesters hand-picked from youth to man it & oppose you.

  The only advice I can think to give is to act like the gang is sitting right there in your most secret meetings listening to every word. All of your major plans have to pass the litmus test of the gang absolutely positively knows about it (whether they know or not). I had pondered just saying let them sit in on your meetings but hey, make'em earn it if they want to spy on you. My only other advice is obey the law, especially at 1st & tell all your new people to be on their best behavior. The gang is going to make crime opportunities seem to happen to tempt your guys & they are going to be in a position to record it all.


  DAVE'S TAKEDOWN TIP #19: The gang eat democracies for breakfast. While he was trying to recruit me during the beginning of "The Gym" "Duh Jerk" told me while sitting in his tax-payer office in the building shaped like an "E" for "Evil" during business hours that the gang has endured vigilantes before. "It's happened before & it'll happen again". He said they weren't scared & here's why. The gang has a lot of members & they can call on outside support & flood a given meeting making seating a premium (ie: send a lot of guys to whine, take up seats, and dominate the conversation). Virtually all would be vigilantes are tricked into democracies. Then the gang's superior numbers just swamp the democratically controlled effort, shoot down all good ideas, & make sure their guys are voted into leadership positions (ie: the gang love to be their own worst enemy... literally).

  Your only defense I can see is to make sure your group is NOT a democracy. Maybe a republic of sorts? You set up the rules, the guidelines, & make sure it's flexible but only to a degree. Maybe you're a good guy with cash & more than half a brain? A dictatorship with you soley in charge would be kinda benevolent to your community in my opinion. I'll say it again too for emphasis. By republic I mean you set up the group, giving the members very limited power to change things (give them some autonomy to spend & such maybe?). That way any group with superior numbers cant just waltz in & take over your group or render it ineffective by shooting down all your good ideas.

  I'd put this in the... cop section but due to how their command structure is organized & how they get their budget I cant think of any advice here. But I hope they might read this far & perhaps be inspired to come up with some protection other than their current plan of whining & turning belly up at child-molesters, lest they affect their budget.


  DAVE'S TAKEDOWN TIP #20: They are going to use con-men & intimidation on you & yours.... so why not a little payback? I came up with a plan & here it is, told only for "entertainment purposes" to inspire you to come up with a plan. I'd put it in the... cop section but they've told me it's too dishonorable to use against the gang. Here goes:

  I say if you have a confidence man, the gang calls them "slick talkers" available send them after a few of the members you'll come to know & have them barge on in very intimidating. "I'm here because the Bosses have had it with you". "You are sooooo going down right now perv! Give me one good reason why I shouldn't just take you to the crematorium right now"!?!?! Get the idea? I'll bet that even a decent con-man for good (or a bad boy who hates child-killers) could get double-digit percentages of them to crack using solely legal obscure innuendo if they are bold. Remember to protect your con-man's identity & I'll bet you can crack member after member. Remember the gang will quickly be on to them so you'll have to change up your plan. Be sure to include current events such as known arrests or raids. "The Bosses think YOU were the informant scum in that big raid that took down our gang at the school! Give me one good reason to not just call them right now & say it was you? Okay, now tell me about what you've been up to & we'll see if you're innocent". Once you have a film of them talking to you & yours, well... for me to suggest blackmail is illegal so I'm NOT suggesting it. But I will suggest you use your imagination here, your sense of honor. If mid-Michigan... cops think this is too dishonorable (the gang ARE going to use it on you & yours, I promise) then are they the litmus test of what is too far? You could share in their underwhelming success against the child-molesting community & just like mid-Michigan... cops stand & watch this tactic work fantastic against you & yours & never ever once consider ever returning the favor. Right? I wonder if the... cops of the Child-molester Triangle might give you some kinda reward? Award?

  My advice? Don't think like a mid-Michigan... cop. Think outside the box. Tip #20 in & of itself is probably the cheapest to implement tip of all my tips & might pay in spades.


  DAVE'S TAKEDOWN TIP #21: But you said they were Child-molesters. Giggle giggle.. Here's where the gang boast you'll lose ALL your ... cop support. Here. Paying attention.? I know you're not pre-trained into close-mindedness so there's hope you might actually receive my instruction & learn from it. Unlike mid-Michigan... cops who are all way too good at their jobs to accept any advice though they solicit it often during lulls in their endless pointless debates that begin as victims filing Police Reports & end as violent or semi-violent interrogations.

  First a singular statement. The gang not only molests children, but employs them to use against their many victims. It works, it's infallible, & he who doesn't pay continuous lip service to the fact that singular statement is wrong is a bad bad person, way worse than any child-molester in the... cop's eyes. Literally. Prepare for it. It's gonna happen.

  When the gang attack they'll start to use children to see how you & yours will react? Fail to act decisively & they'll ONLY use children against you to which the... cops will retort.  "But you said they were Child-molesters. Giggle giggle". That the mind of a child is pure niceness & goodlioodliness. Incapable of evil & certainly wouldn't attack you & yours. Your every attempt to protect yourself is lies or over-reactions of a would-be child-hating tyrant, nothing else is possible. Period! This tactic works & is infallible & you'd better captain your teams with real men & women with the guts to stand up to... children. Children attacking them.  There's a reason this isn't in the... cop section because they are all way too scared for their jobs to stand up to children with more than a token effort so the gang know not to use more than a token force of children to oppose them. It works against them, it works every time, it's infallible, & don't you believe the filth that comes out of a single... cop's mouth when even the toughest of tough combat vets among them spout bravado. They'll all fall like a house of cards & or whip out the kid gloves to such effect that they will be neutralized or at the least seriously compromised. So badly that you'd be a fool to trust in any of them... in my humble opinion. The... cops can afford to fail over & over. You cant afford to fail once, especially in the beginning of your vigilante actions.

  My advice? Other than lots of cameras which will be only slightly effective at best I'd guess I can think of no counter to this tactic other than to stand up against them. No matter how distasteful it is look at the big picture. You hope to save kids in the long run & if they defeat you today or on any given day there is no one else to help the gang's future child victims of tomorrow. SO suck it up & hang in there.

  No wonder the gang hate me?

  Why is some of the advice different for police & civilians you may be wondering? I suspect each side need different advice & has different needs.  Plus the main reason is that there are some truths that no police officer's mind can handle in my experience. Like even the possibility that a gang who brag they prey on a top-secret facility like the former Dow Corning in the Child-Molestor Triangle has gifted them with cutting edge surveillance & anti-surveillance equipment. In short there's not an agent or Police Officer out there who wont stomp their feet & throw a hissy fit when the possibility is even mentioned. Even Police from 3rd rate hick locations. Other concepts like the Child-Molestor lack of honor hurts the heads of Police I've met & they WILL want revenge for the pain such a continuing conversation will cause them,.

  And as for the Trust No Cops thing? There's not a cop out there I ever met who wont hand his gun over & turn their back on fellow cops with complete trust. Even when dealing with... cops from the rapingest rape rapey raping place in America or it's counterparts like Detroit which are infamous for their corruption. "He has a badge, he's accused you, that's good enough for me. End of subject. What you're still in the Police Building? Exit now & make room for the guy from the rapingest place around whom I trust oh scumbag they told me to ignore"!


Publish my story & share it with as amny people as you possibly can as soon as possible! Why?


As long as only a few people know about me & my story the gang think of it as good business to just pick off & recruit a few people at a time. By a few people I mean YOU Reader! They run a blackmail/extortion gang & you'll find yourself "on their list".


Get my message to as many people as you can so taking you & a few of your friends down wont leave the gang tempted to just recruit YOU next & keep the scam going. Once they put YOPU on the list you're on it & they love the idea of recruiting YOU & making YOU help them take your friends & family down.

I warned you!


  What do I really really want? I want Police to understand where I'm coming from. Stop preaching to me about how your badge makes you a superhuman immune to drugs & understand that, maybe a few of the gang's victims & myself are NOT the superhuman's able to resist drugs & torture that your badge obviously makes YOU.

  Here's a film on what it's like to deal with someone who has no long term memory. Why did I bring it up? Because the gang's drug(s?) robs their victims of their long term memory & the gang is trained by generations of experience at manipulating them.

Watch. Learn Sirs.

Facts don't care about your feelings.

How to save me... and my fellow victims...

  Having been teased as of late by either their high-tech "inside the ear headphones (like an installed hearing aid literally capable of  crippling levels of noise transmission. Literally. Or by their "Voice of God Machine" (yes, it does exist, since 1975, I ask skeptics this, how long did you think a gizmo invented in 1975 could be kept out of the hands of dedicated & fairly intelligent... criminals? Hmmm? I mean it. How long?

  First, you'll have to have the "will to win" & not be a victim of "Cop Badge Infected Sleeping Giant Syndrome" (see my "Definitions" page).

  What do I mean? Most... cops are convinced that their badges will protect them, no matter what may come. That & that the very, very few hours of training they've had on stalking gangs like I've described will somehow enable them to come at my case "by the book" & enjoy success. Simply put IF you are not thinking outside the box when starting your investigation & later when you've decided to commit after the avalanche of evidence becomes apparent you will not succeed.

  Simply put you are dealing with a gang of lifestyle weird perverts who have read your "by the book" investigative techniques texts 10 times more than you have. They've encountered tons of investigations & are prepared to hurl the mundane, textbook responses, the weird, & the often perverse at you & your investigation & if you haven't considered what I have to say, considered the technology that may be available to them & how they might use it, & come up with an out of the box original plan that will deceive them into thinking you are losing, are manipulated, or, heh, maybe you are a dirty or less than ethical... cop. If so your ability to act like the dirty... cop of their dreams will empower you to take the gang down, come out looking like a huge hero, & make you a leader in your field.

  Consider the tech.

  Save me. Save my fellow victims. We just might be bugged. YOU just might be bugged. Save us. Research the tech I've described & figure out how to use it against the gang & how to divest myself & my fellow victims of any trackers or bugs we may be carrying.

  Check yourself. Hide away your loved ones & not at your easy to predict family's homes nor where you've vacationed before. Get that fire insurance.

  Contact your superiors & peers. Make certain that they know gang members or even newly recruited former friends & loyal family may approach them with gossip, with pictures that have been altered, even films that show myself, my fellow victims, & maybe even YOU & your team members as the biggest weirdest & most perverse investigators around. Tell them to note that the gang's "Trademark" is to swear a victim to secrecy and THEN show them the damning fabricated evidence.

  Contact your superiors & peers & explain to them that almost certainly you might be framed with mundane, weird, or perverse crimes. Tell them to be ready & to not buy it.

  Contact YOUR superiors & tell them the gang, who are "primarily actors" will probably either frame you for a crime or force you into a violent Police arrest. Your alleged "victim" will have a ton (by body weight) of witnesses who'll swear YOU were the criminal & not the perp. Don't ask for a free pass, but tell them to expect it. Think of it as "Damage Control". Why? Because once you are so accused if they are not pre-warned you'll sound just like some guilty... cop trying to squirm out of his just punishment.

  Get fire insurance. The gang brag it's a standard attack technique to threaten arson. You'll have one less thing to worry about.

  If you're weak come in strong. Flashy, & with lots of loud toys (you only have to do it once, multitask, maybe guys attached to another investigation could make an hour or 2 detour & "lay it on thick".).

  If you're strong come in weak, beggarly even. "Could you throw me a bone? My Boss is on my case".

  Use YOUR imagination.

  Consider my advice. I'm NOT telling you how to do your job (as of 1-10-23, I'm giving you advice based on clues from my interactions based of gleaned data from a weird perverse gang of "primarily actor" self-professed professional liars. I myself have made almost no effort to sort out their lies from facts. Why? Because it's not my job, it never was, & frankly I'm not qualified & in the midst of a sleep deprivation & chemical attack AND likely on their drugs as I write this 1420 hours on 1-10-23.

  Don't give up.  You can win. I'm betting my life on you Sirs.

The take down... 5-10-22

  How do the gang kidnap me? Lately? Idano? They brag they've put in a radio-controlled rotary drug dispenser & can select from their hypnotic drug & heroin (so I can die a junkie's death any time it's convenient for them) have been quoted. The Last Snitch said it had 5 drugs to choose from. He bragged that since they listen into me whenever I go near a copshop (radio location chip responsible, did you know the US Govt. reported up to 25% of all Americans are so "chipped" & don't know it, fascinating subject) they can dope me stupid (and thus unbelievable) or can dope me with their hypnotic drug. Then conduct conversations with the... cops by listening in & ordering me to say whatsoever they will. They brag it's pretty infallible & that they've practiced it to perfection. Go figure huh?

  NOTE: All of the above is not only scientifically possible it's not even using amazing or super-restricted tech. Every bit of it is commonly available cheaply to anyone with a few bucks & an online connection. So at what point does it become impossible to believe? When considering the rest of my story is THIS the unbelievable part? Would you =walk up to me & say. "I was going to help you but when I read that you said a paid liar bragged to me they were using mundane off the shelf gadgets cheap commonly available online your story became unbelievable & I chose not to help you". Really? You'd say that?

  Why isn't the above in the Police Advice Section too? Because in my experience I've never met a single... cop in my life with the emotional maturity to fathom the possibility of a gang of madmen embracing technology, even when it's cheap & easily accessible.

  You might counter with this. "How does a 7th grade drop-out Like David A. George even know any of this kind of stuff? By what means can he even fathom to understand or write on such subjects? How is this possible"?

  In my opinion no... cop I ever met could ever meet the challenge of answering the above question except by dismissing it's author or by using their blanket dismissal saying "We'll investigate that". None. Thus it sadly is not in the Police Advice Section.



  What do I really really want? I want Police to understand where I'm coming from. Stop preaching to me about how your badge makes you a superhuman immune to drugs & understand that, maybe a few of the gang's victims & myself are NOT the superhuman's able to resist drugs & torture that your badge obviously makes YOU.

  Here's a film on what it's like to deal with someone who has no long term memory. Why did I bring it up? Because the gang's drug(s?) robs their victims of their long term memory & the gang is trained by generations of experience at manipulating them.

Watch. Learn Sirs.


So the way the mid-Michigan... cOPS explained it to me, several times, sometimes violently, literaly, was that yeah I might, maybe, maybe have been sleep deprivation tortured. BBut the way they figured it was the awesome power of their police training combined with their badge superpowers (far from their exact words) made the torture value seem silly, even comical to them. Only a lying wuss would give into such a thing & it's an obvious excuse for cowardace at best. Being that since they ALL figured they could endure such an event easy & come out infallibly smelling like a 100% ethical rose every time they expected that my fellow victims & myself should too. It's only logical.

  Besides, above all... "o one would do that to someone" Not now, not ever, anywghere. Ever! Human gooddiddlyoodliness would prevent such a thing & anyone who was comprimised thusly was just a coward who'd probably have given in if they'd threatened them with 1,000 lashes with a wet noodle.

  Food for thought on the link below for the wise:



  I said "The wise", I've accused many mid-Michigan... cOPS of many things, never of being wise though.

NOTE: If it happenes to you the mid-Michigan... cOPS will tell you too 'Yeah, but it's not torture".


  Initially I decided to not include Cop Tip #18 here. Frankly, in my humble opinion (based on experience) it's a waste of time to even mention the subject to any... cops.

  Obviously I changed my mind.


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  Sooooo... there was Duh Jerk & The 4 Stars at the new gang rape. The theme was revenge for the guy I'd just killed.

  Duh Jerk acted hurt. You see, he told me he'd seen the film of my telling my guard a lie, & then killing him.

  I said something like. "You guys are the lyingest liars around. So what? Who are you to call me out for lying"?

  He tried his best to seem hurt for the crowd. Yeah, they were liars, pros actually. But I had a great reputation for absolute truth up & until then. "We expected more from you".

  I told him I didn't buy his hurt schtick one bit. But figured it was part of the scam to call out his victims so as to make their opposing him all the harder.

  Besides, that guy said he was going to kill me.

  He explained that lots of their troops say they are going to kill me, but that I could trust them to protect me from them as they had up & until now.

  I explained to the self-professed lying liar & liar for fun & profit that I didn't trust him & his pledge to protect me one bit & that by kidnapping me all bets were off & anyone was fair game if they were my torturing kidnapper.

  CALLING YOUR VICTIMS OUT TO A HIGHER STANDARD OF HONOR THAN YOURSELF? It's how the scam works said no mid-Michigan... cop ever.


  Addendum? Wasn't that the time that Dirty Cop chewed me out because of the hard time he had covering up that particular death with his badge?

"If I ever get caught all I have to do is show the cops evidence of someone worse than me & then I trade it for my freedom".

"The cops cant resist it when I show them evidence of someone who's a lot worse than me".

Why is the above in the Civilian section & not the... cop section? It's because the... cops I've met have impressed upon me that they cannot be manipulated by a gang of madmen. I hope that civilians like yourself don't stare into a mirror for hours a day idolizing how infallible your training has made you like I suspect most of them do & will learn from my council.


  The short answer? Because once a dirty... cop pulls out his badge & the other... cops all see how shiny it is it's unlikely they'll do anything but believe every word they say, regardless of the evidence, & support them to the ends of the earth with every fiber of their being chanting. "There are no dirty cops around here (no matter where you are)"! So why even waste my time trying to convince any... cops anywhere what I'm saying about large-scale corruption in a little city called Bay City is even possible. A while ago I saw a few falling stars. I suspect my time is better served looking for another rather than trying to convince a mid-Michigan cop of... anything?

  My second point is that even if you should get that dirty... cop plaguing you & your children busted, it's unlikely they'll even see a single day in jail.


Mid-Michigan... Law Enforcment in "parody"

  Below I shall endeavor to explain mid-Michigan... cops is parody, a "safe space" for them of sorts where I hope to, through memes & pictures (lots of pictures) explain to them as simply as possible what cognitive dissonance is & how it applies to... "them".  I do this as a service to their community so guys... cops... no need to thank me or to send me any money. I was happy to point out your cognitive dissonance as a service to your community. You're welcome, Sirs.

  1st, a simple sentence or 2. They [the players the... cops absolutely positively knew were involved in organized crime, literally KNEW the gang were raping & sexually exploiting children for fun & profit] gang told me you're the real scumbag here". Thus, as the roomful of... cops explained to me, every evil the... cops committed against me or turned a blind eye to was moral, because I. we, my fellow victims of the gang & I, "we had it coming".

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  They are fairly honorable in my opinion & I trust them.  I don't think they'd lie like that".

  "So Officer let me get this straight. You know that they make child porn & sell drugs to kids. Do any of them have felony records? No? Well I have no record. You meant o tell me that you consider a gang of convicted felons who are making child-porn & selling drugs to kids are fairly honorable? Isn't it your job to convict them"?

  They tell me you're the scumbag here".

  Really? A Bunch of child-molesting drug dealing baby raping lying cheating guys in organized crime tell you I'm the bad guy & your response is to tell me how honorable they are"?

  ""I wouldn't say it like that". <spends the next hour jumping through giant hoops of mental gymnastics saying yes, it's exactly like that, but they won't say it because it's not true, but it is true>


"The Bay City Police told us to ignore you".

Bay City Badge.jpg

  "An "acceptable" number of children died, so back off"

Bay City Badge.jpg

  "You don't understand. A child-molester said he was guilty". - A... cop telling his peers that because my accuser was a card-carrying baby-raping child-porn making drug dealer that fact actually endorsed his accusations against me [made them credible against me, because I had no record], & that his fellow officers should ignore me, because HE trusted the feloniously employed accuser.


  "They told me that they pay you to let them slap you around so that you can buy drugs".

  "And you believed them"?

  "You're the one shooting the guns".

  "Against my will".

  They tell me that you're the scumbag here".

  "So you're telling me a bunch of guys who drug little kids & slap them and make them shoot guns for days on end without sleep are fairly honorable"?

  "I wouldn't say it like that". <spends next hour explaining WHY that is in fact true, but isn't, because no one is that deluded as to believe such a cognitive dissonant thing as that while embracing it AS fact>


  "The sheer number of times I heard this from mid-Michigan Law Enforcment is staggering. I'm going on public record to say this to mid-Michigan Law Enforcement of all sorts"

  With respect, Sirs. You, as a whole, combined, are NOT good judges of character, you are in fact, in my decades of experience, horrible at it. So bad that I can't even use words like basic, or remedial to describe your incompetence in this one subject. PERIOD! Not being mean, only facttual"

  - David A. George 9-15-24 Don't hate on me, learn from me.

"I'm an excellent judge of character". - Many many mid-Michigan... cops

Bay City Badge.jpg

  "They tell me they love children".

  "Their leaders are all a single testimony away from life in prison, What do you think they do to children who won't shut up or keep accusing them"?

  "I don't know? I never thought about it before"?

  "Well think about it now".

MI State Police.jpg

  "Consider the dead & dying children Officers".

- David A. George

I said this to... cops who complained about my sunglasses a lot. "So tell me Officer. Are you the kind of guy who would kick a man's cane away from him & call him a liar & a faker if he could walk out of the Police Station"?

The all told me. "No".

So why are you mocking me & my need for sunglasses Sir"?

THE GANG'S ADVICE ON HOW TO TAKE... GULP!!! The gang's advice on how to take... me down. Literally...

  Sooooo... there I was, take any number of non-Bay County Law-Enforcement Agencies & even in Bay County, there I was leaving the Copshop in shame at my rejection by yet another... cop. But a few of them told me why they'd chosen to reject me, some said it was in the face of their promise by known gang-members to not tell me why.

  "Do you know why I rejected you"? The Officers asked me independently of each other?

  "No". I respectfully answered. I had no idea why?

  Because they told me that if I rejected you that you'd leave quietly & respectfully & that would be proof that you were lying".

  "So if I threw a hissy fit you'd have believed me"?

  "No". They explained alleged victims who make a scene or throw a hissy fit in their Copshop are ejected... or prosecuted.

  "So when you think about it there's nothing I could've said or done to make you consider my accusations"?

  They usually went on to explain that no, I had my chance. But the fact that Dirty Cop (HIMSELF!) had predicted how I'd react was proof enough to them I was a liar. It's only logical. Case closed. You can leave now.

  I recall a few called me back in after the above & said they'd been told I would have that exact follow-up as a defense as listed above. It was even more proof in their eyes. Final nail in the coffin, case closed.

  The gang have an entire list which I've written in my +1,500 page letters to the FBI where someone gets hurt or dies every few pages.

  Why is this in the Citizen's Section & not the Police Section? Frankly because there's not a... cop out there that I've met that's not impressed by a prediction of how an "Alleged Victim" [Translates to "Lying Liar" in mid-Michigan "Copspeak"] will react.

  One day after having thwarted my attempt at filing a Police Report at Bay City's own Copshop Dirty Cop pulled me to the side & bragged on the technique. He told it just as Duh Jerk had told it to me in early Fall of 1976 when he tried to recruit me in his tax-payer funded school office during business hours. "We like to gauge how a victim will react & then we call the officers at where we know they'll go to report a crime & tell them how the victim would react & tell them that it's proof that they are a liar". In this case Dirty cops mocked me when he told me he just wanted me to know that was how he'd thwarted me this time while chuckling at me.

  Over the years the gang made a list & many of them shared it's contents with me one or 2 at a time. Some giddy & a few telling me to clean up my act.

  Below are listed a few of the idiosyncrasies of mine that the gang bragged has given them victory against me for an entire lifetime. Why isn't it in the Police Section? Because I never met a... cop in my life that didn't fall for them hook, line, & sinker. Not once.

  Listed in no particular order.




  How to destroy David A. George... or simply put, what to watch for because the gang knows I'm likely going to do it. It's me, my faults, on public display.


  1) He'll act respectful: Yup, it's been a huge downfall. Apparently there's some social barrier or fine line between treating law enforcement with respect & throwing a hissy fit & getting violent in the... copshop when filing a stalking report that eludes me. Clearly I could & still cant come up with a plan better than respectfully telling my story. Not entirely true at this point, I do now in fact mock Dirty, Overly Skeptic, & Corrupt Law Enforcement Professionals with the carefully thought out insult that I created. Calling them "... cops". Or by violating the laws of English right in front of them to emphasize my anger, yeah, I said it, it's 3-23-23 & I'm getting angry that I'm not being delivered from this gang.


  2) He'll come in while on drugs: Easy to predict when you're the guys who drugged me & there's a ton of dead bodies (by body weight) to hide & they know I'm about to enter the door (because the gang has guys in the parking lot, just in case to call ahead, suspecting that I just might go to the... cops to report the crimes inflicted upon me. Yup, I was on drugs. They were right & it was proof, ALLLLLLLLLLLLLL them... cops told me. Proof... yup, proof...


  3) He'll be wearing sunglasses: Frankly, since it IS my disability I'm amazed that in an enlightened America this works. It works & it worked well. "They called ahead & told us you'd be wearing sunglasses. That's proof you are lying"?

  I had to ask how that could possibly be a connection? It amazed me & still amazes me. Many... cops you'll hear yourself right here.

  "They told me that you're wearing sunglasses because you think you are so cool & hope to get famous/want sympathy/hope to get rich by suing the gang/think you are the coolest dude around/other take your pick.

  Respectfully I tried to argue the point. Here's just one. "Just for the sake of argument lets assume I intend to be the coolest dude around. What's that got to do with what I've got to say"?

  What it's got to do with it was they predicted I'd be wearing sunglasses when I came in & THAT was proof. Case close. Leave now!


  4) He wont be wearing sunglasses. Ask him about his sunglasses: Not wearing them is proof. How? "They told us you'd lie about wearing sunglasses for sympathy as soon as we suggested it. It's proof you'll agree to any story".


  5) He wont keep good eye contact: I never did keep good eye contact & yes it IS a bad habit. If I said I had no bad habits would even a single reader believe me?

  Explain myself? Sure. Lack of character? Low self-worth? Poor discipline? I cant say no to any of them.

  Blame others for my bad habits? Sure, why not? Don't everyone blame others for their shortcomings. I see blaming others for your own shortcomings as a weak copout (no pun intended). You see Reader. My entire life I could expect attack at any moment. This concept may be difficult for laymen to imagine & impossible for people who wear badges all day to fathom. But since I could expect attack at any moment I found it expedient to not focus my vision on anything or anyone. Letting my gaze wander, unfocused, & prepared to block in anticipation of battle at any & every moment. Infallible? No. Don't confuse the technique with what I called "Always On" & "Always Always On" which I wrote about in my 1,500+ page letter to the FBI where someone gets injured of dies every few pages.


  6) Make him take his sunglasses off: This works, it works well, & it works infallibly I assure you Reader. IF you are a... cOP know that this technique knows no failure when used against you & your ilk & has been 100% reliable. It also applies to injuries where I could barely walk but grit the pain & didn't limp into the... cOPSHOP or any number of injuries".

  The way it works is the gang councils... cOPS to insist that I take off my sunglasses. Then note the absence of wincing or pain. Then even suggesting that they ask me if I am in fact in pain & suggesting that it's proof. Proof I'll agree to any story to get pity, proof I'm lying, or proof I'm... whatever.

  "You took your sunglasses off & you didn't even wince. That's proof you're lying". I could leave now.

  "Do your eyes hurt [now that it's been 10 minutes without them]"? "Yes they do Officer". "They told us you'd say that. You'd be wincing more if you were telling the truth".

  My defense? I've been doing this my entire life. I in fact CAN GRIT THE PAIN LIKE A MAN. Cops all claim I'd put on theater & act hurt for them. Everyone does so if I don't play along with some theater of my own I can be dismissed as a liar. PERIOD!

  My defense? "I'm not putting on a show for your amusement Officers. I'm not going to act hurt if I can grit the pain. I'm not going to wince at the bright lights for you, I'm not going to limp for your amusement, I'm not going to swing my hurt arm & grimace every few seconds so you can feel better about me & my claims. Not if I can somehow grit the pain & not show weakness".

  "My defense again? "A lot of times it does hurt but it doesn't hurt to much. My light sensitivity pain level changes from time to time being worse some months & non-existent others. Sometimes hour to hour, sometimes month to month, & sometimes year to year & I can't explain it Sirs.

  "My defense still"? "I don't like to show weakness in front of cops". Showing weakness in a life & death situation can get you killed in my humble opinion. For the sake of argument lets say I've entered a period of time where I claim that exposure to sunlight can instantly blind me for up to 10-15 minutes. Before I go into a room with a bunch of armed men who, in the past, very often threaten my life, liberty, health, & freedom whenever I tried to report a crime I'll take off my sunglasses & acclimate my eyes to bright light, enduring the pain for however long it takes. Then I'll go into the... cOPSHOP & try my hand at filing a Police Report. A trick I learned when leaving a Bay City Public School that served me well over the years Officers. 1st going to a sunlit window when planning to leave the building & enduring up to 15 minutes of searing agony (depending on the severity I'm suffering from on any given day") on my worst light sensitive days & then attempting to leave the buildings. It saved my bacon more times than I can count.

  Even worse? Lets say I've entered a period of time where I'm suffering from no light sensitivity? I know the... cops expect some theater here when they insist I take off my sunglasses. I'm not stupid, I've been doing this my entire life by now, Sirs, Then they wait for me to wince in pain for their amusement or to justify what I'm saying. Frankly, I wont. It may be my life would be 10,000 times better if I had provided them skeptics the theater show they crave to justify myself? I still wont do it to prove anything to any of them. PERIOD! Currently, there is no law that I have to show pain to... cops on demand, that I'm aware of.


  2 be continued? Meh, you want more? Go read my + 1,500-page letter to the FBI.


  What do I really really want? I want Police to understand where I'm coming from. Stop preaching to me about how your badge makes you a superhuman immune to drugs & understand that, maybe a few of the gang's victims & myself are NOT the superhuman's able to resist drugs & torture that your badge obviously makes YOU.

  Here's a film on what it's like to deal with someone who has no long term memory. Why did I bring it up? Because the gang's drug(s?) robs their victims of their long term memory & the gang is trained by generations of experience at manipulating them.

Watch. Learn Sirs.

Hey... cops...

  You might dismiss me for any number of reasons Sirs but you WILL NOT be dismissing me next time based on me being too respectful.

  Who insults you guys more than I? Huh?

  I have insulted the addled... cops whom I've dealt with, not with random name-calling or false accusations like they've done to me in the past, but with new original AND symbolic insults I personally created just for them... reluctantly. I do not glory nor revel in doing so Sirs.

   Plus, my insults are all geared towards what I suspect YOU will all call yourselves once my case goes public no matter which side of the legal fence you are on Sirs. Like this. "We never saw what happened to David A. George coming. Is we idiots"? Being that the only other explanation for what your agencies let happen to me & my life is corruption. "Because of my training I know there is corruption all over America... but there is none here (no matter where you are)".

  About #6...

  The truth is I don't like to show weakness when I'm surrounded by my enemies, I told the... cops.

  The truth is I don't like to show weakness when I'm surrounded by... cops. Especially when they are an agency prone to do a lot of yelling mixed with legal & illegal threats to my health, safety, & future freedom to walk in polite society.

  Not so they inevitably retorted. Everyone loves the same batch of... cops that employed Dirty Cop himself (who just might be there at that very time BTW). Only crooks don't trust them, it's only logical.

  Mid-Michigan... cOP definitions:

  Deduction de·duc·tion [dəˈdÉ™kSHÉ™n] NOUN

  1. the action of publicly shunning a duck 'As a Bay City... cOP I'm very good at public deduction, I never liked ducks & avoid them whenever possible'

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Saginaw Badge.gif

  'Via simple deduction the mid-Michigan... cops were able to dismiss David A. George. We never liked ducks, thus David A. George can be ignored' It actually makes more sense than most of their arguements against me -David A. George 1-30-24 Rectum still hurts

THINGS THAT SHOULD BE IN THE... COP'S SECTION, BUT ARE NOT... Because no.... cop I ever met can deal with cult crimes...

  These are things I'm adding that, in my humble opinion, every... cop worth his salt would accept easily. If only via logic & deduction. 1st, I'll begin with something simple that no... cop in America will agree with. Well, none I've personally met.












  You want to look up the information I'm reporting on? Goos luck because there's a lot of censorship & suppression of those subjects going on worldwide now. Combine that with idiots who don't know what they're talking about or have a badge & their brain would crack if they were forced to read a single statistic. Censorship? Try typing in a web search titled this: "Rape gangs in America"You mean to tell me, despite many many gang rapes in America, that there's not a single rape gang in the USA? Really? I mean, the mid-Michigan... cops all agree, but really? You bought that? After my case goes public come to me & we'll talk about Santa & the Easter Bunny. Bring lots of tissues. I predict a lot of crying at our meeting. Try looking the subject up online Sirs.

  Next ask this: If there is at least one rape gang somewhere in America where is it? Should we, like a good mid-Michigan... cop or mid-Michigan fBI aGENT throw a dart at a map & figure that is as valid an investigative technique as good as any other? Or would there maybe, just maybe, possibly, just might be a rape gang in one of the most perverse areas of America from time to time? Huh? How about in a spot that is, at times, the rape capital of women in America per capita? That the sickest spot in America, where more women are raped per capita in the free world than any other spot, maybe that's the spot? Aren't crimes against women, sexual crimes against women the sickest & depraved acts possible? It is here, the spot called "The Saginaw Valley" where I come from & allege that a perverse gang of rapists follow me for reasons of profit & revenge hail from.

  You might answer back, yeah, but you ain't no woman. True. I identify as male & always have. I'm a heterosexual. Period. Unapologetically so. Always was. I thought about being gay. Tried watching gay porn to turn myself gay (it'd make my frequent rapes more enjoyable). But the horror of the homosexual lifestyle inflicted upon me, even mere hours ago as I write this sickens me. The gay community is, in mid-Michigan, particularly around the Saginaw Valley is sick in my opinion. Perverse. I don't like them. And it was THEY who did not like me 1st. It was the gay community of mid-Michigan who 1st attacked me. It was the trans community of mid-Michigan who 1st attacked me, as a baby, enmass. I begged their troops for mercy & they gave me no quarter. No rest & eagerly committed violence & rape upon me. I want it to stop. Please Sirs?

It's how a scam ran by a gang that call themselves "primarily actors" works.

"We don't just rape their bodies. We rape their minds".

- A bragging classmate Circa 1972

  This is my last best hope to end a lifetime of kidnapping, rape, torture, and murder.
  Proudly created with

  Don't like my grammar, spelling or writing talent? Where were you Grammar Police when I was stalked in school? Huh? Where were you when I wrote this?

  FOR THE RECORD: I prayed to God in nearly every story on my site for strength or wisdom. I could not have done it without God

  To God be the glory. It was all him, he is the only reason I survived at all.  It was by his choice that I have survived at all.

  Thanks God.



  They woke me every hour last night.



  Page courtesy of Bay City & Saginaw Police, and US Navy N.C.I.S.

  Feel free to call the... cops who made my website possible & tell them you'd like THEM to have unrestricted access to YOUR children & to come on by & bring THEIR type of justice to your community. They will, I promise.

  (410) 268-9000 Tell them you like their anti-rape task force. Ask them for a few pointers, some advice because you trust & admire their talent.

  (202) 433-3858 Tell them they have a corruption problem to investigate.

  989-894-8314 Tell them YOU want them to visit YOUR schools & bring Bay City Justice to YOUR city because YOU trust them with YOUR children.

  (989) 759-1229 Call them & tell them you'd be proud to have the... cops from the place with the highest rapes come & guard YOUR schoolkids. Tell them how proud you are of how they've handled my case & the cases of many of my fellow rape gang victims!

"The 1st thing that you should know about us is that we're primarily actors". - Duh Jerk while trying to recruit me in his taxpayer funded school during business hours in Fall 1976

<<<-----------Picture the children who died & pick a side. The worst... cops in America or another just another victim. Choose wisely.

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Ignore my other website addresses. I no longer have access to any of them for years as of 2-22-22

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