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  "There were bodies everywhere". I betcha betcha...


"We own the cops". A common child-molester saying in & around Bay City, Saginaw, & mid-Michigan

  I decided when I first tried reaching out to law-enforcement with my story that the best way that I could tell it & still Honor My Parents was to tell not only my story, but to tell their story as truthfully as possible & without exaggerations.

  I also realized that if I lied or exaggerated I'd go down in flames so I decided to tell my story as truthfully as I could to the best of my ability.

  After I felt my blade & that it was very dull   I thanked my captor for telling me that the blade was in fact very dull as since he warned me I'd change my fighting style. Then I told my Jock Guard. "A dull knife will kill you just as dead a sharp knife".

  In so many words he told me that was something he was willing to bet his life on.

  Me too.

  He lost that bet.

  06-30-22 I was recalling the latest PRACTICAL joke against me in the alleged factory during a scripted "work release", or so my captors sold dazed & drugged me. I recalled the last time I was there. They sold to me that it was a school. 2 Area Uniformed Police Officers had worked with the 2 "Handlers" & had demanded I hand over my weapons before entering "The School".

  I looked around & it was made to seem like a cafeteria scene with less than 100 or so teenage children sitting at long tables eating & several adults..

  I had no weapons to hand over to the uniformed Police. But on the stainless steel serving table  in front of the pair were an array of weapons. Pistols, at least one Mac-10 Sub-machine Gun Pistol,  & what looked like other assorted sub-machine guns. Even a grenade.

  It was then that my handlers walked me around the block, a room we never entered with halls on all 4 sides. It was a square hallway that formed a circle in the building with a large restaurant kitchen to one side. We rounded the 4 corners & we were back at the weapons table.

  It seems like, in hindsight, the gang kept provoking me to violence when my memory reset & kept leading me back to the arsenal on the table. Over & over...

  I wonder what the goal of that PRACTICAL joke was?

Sad but true...
  "Well, I have the guts to stand up to the gang". - Said no mid-Michigan... cop at any time, ever!


  Scapegoat scape·goat /ˈskāpˌɡōt/ noun

  1. 1.

    a person who is blamed for the wrongdoings, mistakes, or faults of others, especially for reasons of expediency.

  2. 2.

    (in the Bible) a goat sent into the wilderness after the Jewish chief priest had symbolically laid the sins of the people upon it (Lev. 16).

  3. (according to many gang members) a person who is selected as a focus for the gang's wrath & is framed extensively for profit, revenge, & to provide a possible "get out of jail free card" if gang Officers should be captured by Authorities . "I always keep the goods on someone worse than me & exchange it with Police whenever I get caught. No cop can resist it when I show them the films of a real scumbag. The cops always buy it that I just happen to be sitting on the evidence to take down our scapegoats".

"Because no one would do that". - Uniformed cOPS at their posts, many times.


Almost the story of my life. Literally! Literally AND recently!

Won't anyone please help me?


  The Game of Pom-Pom...

  Pom-Pom is played on a concrete field (parking lots being suitable) & was played by 3-30 players at Bay City's Witless School in the 70's.

  Everyone lines up on one side of the parking lot except one person who is "It".

  The person who is It yells. "Pom-Pom" to begin the round. Then everyone rushes past the person who is It to the safe zone on the other side of the lot.

  While the players are on the lot the person who is It can use any combat technique they wish to knock as many players as possible down. Once  a player is knocked off their feet prone they too are "It" & on the team of the "It" player.

  This repeats in an unlimited amount of rounds until one person is the last person not "It".

  Players who survive to the final round are the winners.

  If a new game of Pom-Pom is to be played then whoever was last to be taken down in the previous game (the winner) is "It" for the 2nd game.

  I saw a lot of bumps, bruises, scrapes, & people with casts & splints because of playing Pom-Pom.

  I liked Pom-Pom because my classmates were forbidden to play it by their child-porn masters.

  You see reader, they were insufferable cheats & not very pleasant to play with at all.

  Duh Jerk told us. "It's because I don't want my stock [child-porn stars] to get injured".


My retort?

"What part of weird & perverse cult confuses you officer"? - David A. George

"All I have to do is tell a zillion lies & the cops will say no one would lie so much & I can never be arrested". - How to recreationally rape & kill children as taught to me by Duh Jerk himself in Fall 1976

He liked to repeat that point often over the years.


Facts don't care about your feelings.

CUT IN HALF... TODAY YOU DIE... “MY FRIEND”... Made possible by the Bay City MI... cops & F.B.I...


I was in a drug haze, going through the motions... obediently. It was Fagboy and Shortstuff with an obligatory Jock army posing me in a beach vacation scene. We went from locale to locale where the gang posed with me as if we were friends, buttbuddies I'd suppose. We even went dockside, posed on a boat, they handed me props, drinks, told me. “Smile”, and then snapped photo after photo. Dirty Cop himself showed up for a few pics in his marked police car and in uniform and then left.

It was at the boat... on that boat where the gang patiently waited for me to become lucid.

“As long as we attack you weird we can do anything we want to you”. Was among the boasts I would soon hear.

I became lucid, the well-trained gang, who'd been engaging me in conversation noticed the very moment, and chucked me over the side of the speedboat, about 50 or so yards from shore.

Fagboy announced their intention to kill or maim me using the speedboat. You see, with all the films of me posing with them, with the drugs, and me actually being on drugs at the moment, he bragged they could maim or kill me, with impunity, as long as they acted like like concerned friends for the... cops, who were nearby and would be sure to show up later.

I had to ask why they waited until I was lucid, why not do it to me in a drugged stupor? Surely it'd be easier and safer. Right?

Nah... it had to look good, for the nearby... cops who'd be sure to come 1st having been “innocently” summoned to the area by their trickery (… cops? Tricked by Molestors? Did you hear that reader? It the sound of 100 Mid-Michigan... cops jaws hitting the floor at an “impossible scenario”. As if one of those elite protectors of the masses could be fooled by a single Molestor even once, let alone consistently). With me being on drugs, the dope actually there, the pics, and their contrite bearing, the... cops would never believe me in a million years and it'd be a great way to publicly disfigure me and enable them to set me up for worse again and again. The weirder the better.

I was still treading water, the boat between the shore and myself when Fagboy added that I probably wouldn't die. He'd done this before and his, their other victims all lived and were merely disfigured by the boat's propeller blades and were otherwise okay because they had police there to subdue them and an ambulance waiting just out of sight to tend to any wounds they'd gotten.

Soooo... they, they gunned the boat's engine and charged straight for me!

What'd I do? I dove under the murky water!

Once underwater I made sure to change direction from the last direction they saw me swimming... then I SURFACED. Picture me surfacing and sharply inhaling!

“THERE HE IS”! Yelled Shortstuff! Well, just about all of'em took a turn yelling it eventually as I dove, popped up at random points, and dove again & again as I gradually began to lose my breath.

Rinse... Lather... Repeat. I dove, changed direction, they yelled “THERE HE IS', charged, and I made my way to shore, eventually by swimming towards some reeds by first faking a direction, and then swimming into the thick reeds by swimming away from the gang, submerging, then changing direction from the last direction the gang saw me going last and swimming to the reeds.

Did they come close to hitting me? Yeah... yes they did and at least once I surfaced the absolute moment after the boat and it's propeller blade had passed overhead.


Yeah, whatever...


Addendum... Add'em dumb... I Am addressing Mid-Michigan... cops here too. Ain't I???


Sooo... picture the above tale... Drugged, smelling of dirty river water, no idea where I was, I managed to hitchhike home thanx to a helpful stranger. Eh, I slept much of the trip.

I got home, my Bay City Michigan Michigan Street home. 1st things 1st, I chose to bathe.

When I walked inside My Roommate, rather rudely (his style, not unusual at all) demanded to know where I'd been, and why I reeked of such nasty river water?

I told him a few non-committal answers to both. I'd been “out”, and had chosen to go swimming... in a river... at night...

Then I took a bath.

Ho hum... Yawn...

Now, lets re-tell the tale. But this time, (it happened a few times) I've come home either spattered in blood or just plain old dripping blood and gore with every step.

My roommate seemed mortified and demanded to know what had happened.

I told him I'd been cleaning a deer and been splattered with blood. Either by myself accidentally or as a bad joke by someone else. The other times I told him I'd been cleaning a deer and someone had thrown blood on me. I even went through the conversation with My New Wife and her Kids before too. I don't know about you my loyal reader, but it's something I've never gotten used to and the last time was just as horrible as the 1st time.

In any event I bathed immediately at those times and sometimes they cleaned up the gore, and sometimes I cleaned it up.

The Child-Molestors made it a point to steal the bloody clothes every single time while I slept off the drugs. How? Idano... when we chatted about the subject I had other parts of the story on my mind.

Yeah... go figure...


ALL I WANT IS SOME HELP... But not from you guys... GET A JOB!!!


Ever notice in my writing (the author's writing) I never ask Mid-Michigan... cops for help directly? Well, not like I should probably?

Man, I'm tired of asking those... “cops” for help and frankly I've all but given up on them... as I advise many victims in many Mid-Michigan communities to do as well. Mass-firings, mass new-hires, intense screening by impartial and qualified interviewers might solve the area's problems. But I doubt it. The corruption probably runs too deep in my humble opinion.

Most certainly they'll never clean up the police in the area unless they clean out or at the very least expose the Child-Molestor controlled Public Schools and their army for what they are 1st. I wish the area good luck, advise them to pray, a lot, and point out that area law-enforcement and citizen-run protective services have never publicly delivered to safety a single victim from the frame and blackmail machine that is the Child-Molestors. I ask doubters, and the area law-enforcement this. “Have you exposed the head Child-Molestors in your community? Still clinging to the “Child-Molestors ain't here, it's other places”? Have you delivered even a single victim from blackmailing frame-artists who use child-porn & rape to frame victims? Once? Hey... maybe you did (I SUSPECT many a hull law-enforcement agency has delivered a token victim once or twice to prove they can, in theory, if they really really wanted to, probably)? But I'll bet it didn't make even the papers “if” it did happen. I'll also bet you cant do it again”.

Not one victim delivered? There's tons of them. I'll bet they litter the area's prisons and they've been horribly demonized by the gang. But, their initial testimony WILL line up with mine and it WILL be that a powerful gang of child-molesting frame-artist blackmailers is operating in the area with impunity. That and ALL of their stories will have one thing, one unusual not typical blackmailly thing in common and this is it. That ALL of them will report that they've been attacked with sleep deprivation torture. EVERY... SINGLE... ONE... OF... THEM...

Take that to the bank and cash it Mid-Michigan... cops. I ain't asking you guys for squat anymore. GET A JOB!

  A CHILD DIES... Uniformed Michigan State Troopers guard & oversee the entire thing...

  Soooooo there I was. "My Cousin" slapped me awake. I was in a building room with no windows. There were tables & chairs all around & the middle was cleared out. I was obviously drugged & on who knows what? Men & teen & pre-teen boys stood around in the center clearing & My Cousin announced his intentions for me.

  He'd arranged to borrow me from My Mother & arranged a pit fight & I was going to fight the boys, beat kill or get injured or die. My choice.

  Me? I told him I had no intention of fighting in his sick arena & went straight to that (SPITOOEY!) Uniformed... cOP.

  The... cOP informed me he was in on it. There to provide security in case other... cops came. He'd arrest everyone & be the officer in charge of the investigation if things went bad. My choices were fight or be beat to a pulp. Likely both as he described his long career in such events having seen many many children beat bloodied & even killed now & then. But I need not worry... death was pretty rare. Permanent injury was quite common though. Especially when little kids like me fought the towering teens we were expected to fight if we survived the initial rounds.

  A few fights took place. Nothing too bad. Just beaten & bloodied kids. Maybe injured for life? Maybe not? I didn't get a chance to conduct medical exams.

  My turn came & I refused to fight & yeah, I tried to get past that... cop but it wasn't happening.  He was too big, too fit, & just too alert.
  "My Cousin" suggested everyone in the room should corral me into the center with hurls & even blows. Slowly they worked me to the center where the child tasked while fighting me got in many a free lick.

  Once in the middle they backed off & I refused to fight & I blocked instead.

  "My Cousin became enraged at the boos & complaints of the betting spectators who wanted a more action-packed match. Or so they complained.

  So My Cousin suggested they all form a tighter circle & hit me until I fought. Eventually... I fought. Long story short? I won.

  Sooooo they brought in this giant teen (compared to me). He held his arms in front of him &tried to occasionally... rarely punch back as the fight went on. Just letting me hit him & punching back ineffectively by raining down punches on me with a stupid glazed never-changing look on his face. Like he was drugged.

  Me? I was scared. So I went for his throat! Punching it over & over. I was amazed by his stamina, his ability to take punches to the throat & suspected he'd drop long before he ultimately dropped.

  His throat swelled up & he died while we stood there... watching.

  A child died slowly...

  My Cousin said he was a killer. He'd killed several other children for him before. He was loyal. But he'd turned a bit kill-happy as of late. So My Cousin drugged him & arranged for us to fight.

  "I thought you'd take him out for me but I didn't think you would kill him".

  A child died slowly & no one would care. My Cousin bragged his films would see to that. The kid was a monster, a recreational child-killer for fun & profit. He said he was a Brazilian Boxer. He held his arms up & rained punches down on his foes & then liked to beat them to death once they fell. He was loyal. In "Molestorspeak" that means "he knew too much".

  His death would be listed as a car wreck & his family would be shown the films of me killing him to motivate them to hate me for life.

  A child died slowly...

   The fighting & the betting didn't stop because of that kid's death. It went on. It's better described in my 1,500 page letter to the FBI where someone dies every few pages.

  A child died... slowly...

MODERN TECHNOLOGY... Welcome to 21st century crime...

  Soooo the way it's explained to me is I carry an advanced RFID tracking chip. Not unusual, in the past as a child from time to time the gang impressed upon me that they'd planted trackers or bugs on me. My Cousin was fond of describing my "alone moments" to me. You know, when you're home alone.

  Lately the designated "snitch" told me they'd implanted a RFID Tracker. Now it's easy to follow me around & wait for those perfect kidnapping moments for "love". Before you... cops get all weird on me I invite you to check the stats that claim as much as 25% of ALL Americans are so chipped. Most not knowing it nor how the situation came to be.

  Even better the bragging Molester said was the bug was implanted & gives the dirty... cop involved a greater story to use against me & he alleged it even made fo evidence to link me to a crime, thus empowering his dirty... cop story.

  Last year, at night I've been awakened by & had "this" happen to me.  Just laying on my bed & an LED light (LED is a guess on my part) just tuns on behind my right eye. Nearly blinding & lasting a minute or 2.

  Before... cops get all weird know that the gang crave "outrageous story elements" as a matte of business. I called them here "PRACTICAL jokes" which when you check OFFICIAL Police Rape Statistics is a common identifier in rapes now.

  A few years ago The Last Snitch told me they'd installed radio headphones in my ears in a permanent  installation. Now they could hear everything I hear & transmit any sounds they wanted. "But we probably wont use it until we lock you up in jail". Keeping me awake, the ranting madman who hears voices in his head, no need to check his story (or worse some dirty Doctor says they checked & I'm a liar, so there's no need to check again).

  Worse he claims the housing was designed to "bond with flesh". Certain metals or plastics can bond with flesh meaning they'd have to be cut out in a major surgery. "You'll never find a surgeon to do it". All the good ones know about the gang & that they'd target anyone foolish enough to remove one of their trackers. He claimed a security feature was they sounded off at full power in they touch air. That no Dr. who ever tried to remove one was ready for a 130db (decibels, 130 is deafeningly loud). Thus the sound drove them away from surgical removal attempts for more than long enough to permanently deafen the victim & then to allow the device time to self-destruct causing internal physical damage in general mixed with lithium poisoning to add to the complications of a botched surgery.

  Bragging they had power badges & just swoop in & seize anything removed that was their property. Leaving me in court with an "my word vs power badges who chuckle or deny situation". All just standard business for them, nothing special on their part. This is just how 21st century "Get out of jail free cards" are handled. It's just how repeat rape victims are handled by the gang. It's just business. It was at the installed headphone that he told me they intended to install an advanced RIFF behind my eye to see what I see.

  He teased me, how did I suppose they kidnapped me so often?

  I answered I figured it was via straight up kidnapping & via dirty... cop arrests.

  The Last Snitch said yes, they did all that but now they had installed in my bowels a radio-transmitter drug dispenser. He described it as a rotary device that even worked via cell phone. My next kidnapping was just a phone call away. Typical drug selection being a hypnotic drug. The theory being they walk up & lead me to my rape/frame-job & I go & return obediently, all on film, & in such a way no jury could nor would ever convict them. So based on all that no... cop could nor would even attempt to try and save me. Ever. Not with failure being inevitable.

  Ask yourself oh ye skeptic reading this. are all the things I outlined possible? Are they cheap enough for a gang I've described as "cheap" to do? Would you have to be a rocket scientist or could any slob do these things with little or no technical help? The answer is yes.

  Tying it all together he said they said my next rape/frames are a phone call away. Just dial any of up to 5 drugs & it's dosage, wait for it to take effect, then use the headphones to order me to go here, go there, do this, do that, kill him, do unspeakable acts to her. In disgust he informed me they had a vast library of films to take me down now & intend to release it based on what they think investigating Police are looking for.

  If true I'm a walking danger to myself & everyone & anyone around me at best.

  Thinking of destroying me to remove the threat from society oh ye Lazy... Vigilante... cop? I'm just an inconsequential cog at best in the crime machine. A piece designed to be destroyed once it's usefulness wears out. You act against me & you act for them. How? Because to destroy me you've got to dismiss me, & everything I've got to say. "We plan to intimately involve ourselves in your case. We'll take pictures with the cops investigating. Link their reputations to ours". Then he boasted. "Usually they have us figured out by the 2nd trial, and there will be a second trial in a death penalty case like yours. But by then it wont matter. Their reputations will be intertwined with ours". This is their "never fail plan" and it always works on any... cop fool enough to even slightly side with them, even for a moment against a juicy vigilante target like myself.

  He said they'll likely drug me & walk me through the court process all doped up. Answering questions with a glazed look. "You'll probably come too on the Prison Bus. That's to make your story more unbelievable". Then the gloves come off & the accusation made by my fellow victim Mass Murder Chick of a "sonic assault" she poorly worded before her execution happens to me too in prison & no one will give the ranting madman "with voices in his head" the time of day.

  "A victim endorses our lies when they repeat them". So I'll ask oh ye skeptics. Do I have to endorse everything they say? Do I? All of it? Really? Are you that naive? Are you that woefully behind in how 21st century crime works now or is it just that you intend to give a free pass your entire career to any gang where high-tech is even mentioned?

  My opinion of the subject? Idano? Here's the clues. It is not my job to sort through the gang's web of lies. It never was. Besides, I am not now nor was I ever a mid-Michigan... cop. Thus I don't believe half the stuff that comes out of a child-molester's mouth. Nor am I inclined to believe a single word of anyone a mid-Michigan... cop calls "a reliable informant".

  Soooo you want to take the gang down? Maybe even free me? Free my fellow victims too? Your plan better deal with everything mentioned.

  Me? I recommend the use of a room that is a Faraday Cage to stop radio transmission. When you get into court or the Interrogation Room have a guy who's a communications & electronics expert monitoring & considering RF signals & what they may be from & what their likely purpose is. It's not hard & surely not as expensive as you may imagine. Simple actually.

  Well, I just wrote the simple tale inflicted upon me that is a dirt... Prosecutor's dream. A Skeptic... cops ultimate fantasy, the few paragraphs that when read are enough to destroy any 100 just men, let alone Less Than Nobody me.

  This is how organized crime with a badge works in the 21st century. Deal with it.

ALL YOU DO IS KILL... My childhood...

  Americana? Is my story just another mundane tale of everyday life in common same ole same ole America? Is that why I cant get the... cop's help? Is it because guys like me are society's acceptable loss? Is what many mid-Michigan... cops told me, that I'm just one of the few guys "we let the gang have" & in exchange... cops like them get to have easy lives & their families get to live in relative security walking the same streets I found to be a kidnapping & murderous kind of place? I'm asking, not claiming nor accusing & only because I have nothing to compare it to? A vain question if only because there isn't a... cop I've met in the entire world with the guts, courage, audacity, or will to fight crime sufficient enough to help me, even if that help was only free advice. I know you... cops "self-righteous-o-meters" are beeping wildly here but I'm saddened to point out that I wouldn't say it publicly unless I thought it was true.

  So I ask this oh ye wise & or courageous among my readers (I hope there's at least a few of them somewhere on some Police Force somewhere? It IS possible, isn't it?)? Give me advice please Sirs? Allow me to pose my question at the end Sirs.

  Soooooo... there I was, at My Mother's Parent's place where My Cousin routinely ordered everyone out of the house where he could taunt & debrief me based on his latest criminal scenario he'd inflicted on me for revenge & profit. He was busy calling me a killer, a murderer, in the old days he called me a "Mass-Murderer". After that PBS Special on TV he liked to call me a "Serial-Killer".

  He told me it irritated him that I didn't allow guilt to let him manipulate me. "All my other victims"... Ponder those words oh ye wise reader, "all my other victims". He bragged, and complained that all of his other victims whom he'd tricked into killing people all felt horrible guilt at the death of a fellow human being. Most of them became nodding yes men willing to do anything he ordered in exchange for [the privilege of] not killing anyone else. They served him in many ways, doing his dirty deeds whenever he ordered for the rest of their lives. He laughed at the morons whom he'd tricked into believing they had murdered someone. Particularly by sending his loyal guys to mess with victims & then tricking the victim into drugging their attacker. Only for him to lace the drug with a chemical that would simulate death.

  He bragged the tried suicide. If they succeeded or not mattered little. If they succeeded another enemy was gone. If they failed then it represented a debasing of his victim. You see reader it's unstable acts like that (and other inflicted by the gang in PRACTICAL jokes & blackmail scenarios) that make the... cops shake their heads when a victim accuses their blackmailing madman attacker.

  Then he whined about how I endured all of that, how I'd endured the "Ordeal in the Back Hall" & asked me how I thought I'd survived when others had failed?

  Me? I told him I thought it was because I was a Christian.

  He retorted. "A lot of my victims are Christians. So that isn't it". Then he asked for another answer. Asked, demanded, same thing.

  So I inventoried my mind for what he & his gang had inflicted on me, then I thought about how what he said might be true IF it was in fact true? "It's probably because I have faith in God that he'll help me & they didn't"?

  Me? I sensed he was leading up to some point he was trying to make. I'd told him that murder is wrong, hurting people is wrong, & killing or hurting people except in self-defense is wrong. When confronted I told him HE was the murderer. Respectfully (like always). IF he didn't mess with me then no one would have died. The intent to commit murder was all on him. I may have been the vehicle his murderous intent used, but any guilt was all on him, He was the murderer, not I.

  WOW! Was he angry. My answer did not seem to make him happier. "You're a killer! ALL you do is kill! I've made sure of that"! He argued.

  I denied it.

  He smiled broadly. He told me he owned all the children of my neighborhood Circa 1973. "By my command all you do is kill all day. The openly games you & the kids in your neighborhood play with you are soldier & war & cops & robbers & cowboys & Indians". He boasted {on several occasions] that all my toys were guns & war toys. He sent kids to my house to play war games, we threw spears & knives at each other & DODGED THEM. At school I played the brutal tackle game Pom-Pom. "You know I named Pom-Pom right"? When I balked at this he  told me he named it Pom-Pom because it sounded like a wussy game & it would go far in court one day proving horrible wussy things about my favorite school sport because I'd have to admit I'd played the wussy-sounding game Pom-Pom & it meant he & his framing child-porn stars  would be free to make up any lie they wanted about the true nature of the Pom-Pom game.

  I recall my weak counter to his argument. "Sometimes we play tag & we play hide & seek". So he wasn't entirely right.

  He smiled more. I didn't play tag or hide & seek. I was playing "Seek & Destroy"... even in my off time.

  Sooooooo here's my question to anyone reading this civilian, Law-Enforcement Professional, or... cop. Having read the sum of my story, what advice do you have for me? I mean it. I'd like an answer, IF you're as brave as you claim. Failing that, what advice do you have for me based on my story watered down by the gangs' accusations of what they want you to think is what & who I am?

  I ask you Officers? What kind of a person could come up with my story UNLESS it was inflicted on them? What kind of person would dare to make such public accusations unless they were both true AND exaggeration-free? Is it the 7th grade dropout that I am? How does a 7th Grade dropout come up with a tale like mine? How? Do you imagine I'm just that imaginative or creative? How about if (when) the Child-Molestors show you their many films of a delirious me? IF I were half the delirious deluded monster they will claim I am how could I even begin to write a story like I have? Ho could I be telling the tale for over half a century fearlessly & have it remain the same story?

  I ask the wise among my readers this (mid-Michigan... cops, you are dismissed Sirs, go watch cartoons please Sirs & skip the rest of this website page please?)? I know that when you, the wise, read up on this subject, my life's story, you WILL come across true tales of groups of people eagerly inflicting the exact thing I claim to be having inflicted on me. THE EXACT SAME STORY! True life stories about madmen who sleep deprive & drug victims with powerful badges & sweet government jobs who live otherwise above the law & use them to inflict horrors on their victims & any community unfortunate enough to have them in it.

  I ask you before you cast me away for life into an asylum or prison to investigate me. Give me half a chance please Sirs? If you imagine I'm guilty or getting away with something then don't you want to get the co-conspirators that you imagine helped me? Or worse? Will your desire to destroy someone involved, me, lead you to possibly give immunity to the people who inflicted all of this on not only me, but an entire nation immunity from prosecution in exchange for their false testimony?

  I remember talking to The Last Snitch. He promised me they'd get revenge when I was fool enough to keep telling my story to... cops. That one day a vigilante would step forward, horrified at the carnage, would agree to destroy me for the gang to end the killing. He promised me a truism about the subject. "One always steps forward".

  So I asked. "Will you guys stop the killing"? Would they end the murders of the innocent & the formerly innocent?

  "Oh God no". he told me. "The cops trust us. We go out of our way to seem honorable to them & they believe us". The killing would go on, even worse because once the... cops sign onto the subject of "There is no gang" & "the gang wouldn't do that" then the gang was free to inflict any horrors they wanted in front of said... cops & they dare do nothing to stop them, lest all of their other cases (particularly those the gang will feed to trusting... cops), their life's work, be overturned.

  I retorted what I suspect most... cops retort. I didn't think it'd work.

  He said that most people, even... cops will tell any lie or go to any lengths to make sure that their life's work is not destroyed. He boasted that it's his job. It's what he does.

  He shut me up. "All you do is kill"!

  What do you say to that?

  In short, it's all about how the scam works.

  Author Commentary:

  Man, the above tale is a lot longer than I wanted it to begin with. The problem is I'm just so frustrated that this situation is still a part of my life. I'm subject to weekly rapes, weekly (as of late) assaults, continuous thefts & vandalism. I might have to hurt or even kill someone at any given moment. The next time it could be me, I'm only human. Yeah, the same is true for everyone but I'm sick of the body count & wouldn't mind if if the... cops reduced it, a little?

  Yeah, I've got my faith to help me.

  But I'm tired of reeking of the "homosexual small of love" after my frequent rapes. I'm tired of all the child porn. I want it all to end, so yeah, I'm a little frustrated Officers.


  Soooooooo... there I was, fresh from my escape from the self-professed "Munger Police Station". A 1 room alleged... copshop where I'd been held for about 3 days or so. I'd escaped the unmarked white single-story building surrounded by flat land & very short but mature crops as far as the eye could see.

  A marked Michigan State Police car had pulled up & a uniformed Michigan State Police Officer had arrested me at gunpoint for escaping the jail.

  Heading back to the place where you'd just killed someone is never something you get used to.

  We pulled up to the building, I was handcuffed, behind my back & in the rear seat.

  The 18 year old Jocks....

  To be continued... If I'm so inclined.


Everyone heard... Everyone...

  "Kill David George & break his bones"! I listened to my 60+ 1976 classmates & staff chant it loudly for up to an hour at a time in the "Shaped E For Evil" School. I listened to it & so did the entire school who told me about it in Fall of 1976 during what everyone knew was my ongoing attempted murder in "The Gym".

  Still later they may change up their loud chants. Picture a uniformed on duty mid-Michigan... cop walking into The Gym as +120 children chant in unison shouting. "KILL DAVID GEORGE! KILL DAVID GEORGE!KILL DAVID GEORGE!KILL DAVID GEORGE!KILL DAVID GEORGE"! It was probably their most popular chant calling for my death by name as students & school staff screamed they would kill me while young me tried to do just that to me with improvised weapons.

  I was told that for my 60+ classmates the chanting was mandatory or face a beating. Later the chanting became mandatory for the next class of 8th Graders in The Gym who before had stood in quite amazement watching my ongoing Attempted Murder & now chanted at least part way or all of the way into their hour of coming gym class.

  In time it was a voluntary elective for the 8th Graders to openly chant for my death too. A few weeks later they joined in & helped. Shouting became mandatory for them too they bragged or whined as the case may be.

  I wrote about it in greater detail in my +1,550 page letter to the FBI where someone dies every few pages.



  Soooo... here I am... 6-8-22 & I lost. It sucks to be me. The gang boast it's always sucked to be me & they brag it will always suck to be me. In no small part because of the good... cops of America who'll likely be overworked, underpaid, & all too willing to destroy the mutant with what they've likely done to my face & with their electrolysis parties. In  the Bible it says the truth shall set you free. So I'm going to try the truth. Not that I imagine for a second that some... cop will say. "I wasn't going to help Mr. George but then I read that one Recap tale & just decided I'd help him".

  Soooooo... there I was... in "The Gym". The year was 1976 & I was standing alone in the school Cafeteria. They'd brought in a room full of students, most larger & older than I & some adults to fight me. I stood at the back of the room furthest from the doors. Duh Jerk told the room to begin chanting & they did so. All +60 of the strangers. "KILL DAVID GEORGE"! "KILL DAVID GEORGE"! Over & over for most of the hour to come.

  I stood there, my weapon in hand & they had their weapons in hand & at Duh Jerk's order they all huddled around him. The goal? The stated goal? To kill me.

  To kill me...


  I pondered the situation before me. My Parent's orders were quite clear & had no loopholes. I was not to hurt my classmates no matter what they did to me.

  I looked around the room & thought to myself as I looked at the room full of children & adults arrayed against me. "I don't know any of these guys" This, I felt no compulsion to not fight back. Still, I'm no barbarian & human life was precious to me. I thought that since these guys were green, new to The Gym I'd try my luck at blocking & dodging their attacks. If they seemed tough I'd reassess soon.

  Fast forward to the 1st break in combat a few minutes later. Duh Jerk called for a break so as to order his troop, give them better advice on how to kill me.

  I assessed their skills. There were a few close calls. So I decided I'd block, but if the opportunity to attack came with little risk I'd attack & injure the children. I made it up in my mind to kill no one if possible.

  It gnawed at my mind on occasion that they bragged that others not present watched the fight & were betting on my death. Today not IF I died, but when I'd die I was told.

  Fast forward a decade & a half or so...

  There I was in the middle of the arena... The betting around me was hot & heavy & men bet who lived & who died. Jerk & the 3/4 of the 4 Stars laughed at me & mocked that I'd soon die. My body ached & hunger gnawed at me & the torture I'd endured had shut down portions of my muscles. In short... I figured I probably wouldn't live if I kept trying to spare people's lives. While the crowd around me bet I amended my plan. I decided that I'd kill everyone who dared oppose me. They didn't all die. Some were maimed. At least one lived intact & we all stood around and watched that one man die... slowly.

  Both times... there was betting, lots of betting... & bodies everywhere. The 1st time it was the bodies of children.

  In my experience mid-Michigan... cops are hard-wired to laugh at the deaths or maiming of children (again, in my experience, literally BTW).

  Frankly, I found neither situation enjoyable.

  There was blood all over the floor. I sat there playing with the blue Porsche toy car & My Cousin leaned into the room over the blood & grabbed the knife & said to his partners in crime. "See how he kills without remorse"?

More Definitions:

The Gym: An assassination command or “buzz word” that enables high-ranking child-pornographers (who live their life a single witness's testimony away from a life sentence at any moment as “the price of doing business”) like the Molestors to silence those who might testify against them. Children are routinely killed thusly I'm told via the physical education system of Molestor controlled schools. Once the order is given in a certain tone with damming body language 'Take that child to The Gym and shut him up' The order has been given for the gang's children to kill a fellow child. Typically the target is then killed by their fellow students or ringers brought in from afar who will have files doctored to prove they've allays been at that particular school. Often a victim will be on drugs and slain under the guise of playing contact sports. Later the death will be explained away by the area's Dirty Coroners as a car accident or drug overdose.

The technique works on many levels I'm told. The children, often Molestor regulars will be filmed killing the victim to blackmail them for life (and provide the gang with a film that will motivate future vigilantes to eliminate the murderer for them if they should ever cross the gang) . Other times misguided vigilantes will have been convinced to kill a “scumbag who's got it coming” (I wouldn't bet on the “scumbag” part and they are probably merely a framed victim who's become dangerous or too unprofitable to continue exploiting). The killers will be blackmailed for life. Next, as it was explained to me, the gang show up at the murderer's parent's place (in the case of murderous minors). They are shown the film of the murder and it's explained to them that their child is a murderer. Then the gang leaves making sure their dirty cop is on duty at the front desk at that time. Then they show up a few days later and explain that they filmed the parents learning that their children are murderers and didn't go to the police. So now they are accomplices in a child murder (since I'm told very few families choose to go to the cops before this point). They brag they like to use sentences like. “You know what they do to child-killers in prison. Don't you”?

Often the child is simply the child of a loyal family who are so blackmailed/framed that they dare not oppose the Molestors, even if they are killing their child. “Either we kill your kid or we make those films of you at the torture/rape parties public. You'll go to prison for the rest of your life. You do know what they do to people who torture and rape children in prison don't you”? I hear it's the last sentence many a formerly law-abiding citizen has heard just before they helped set up their own child to die. “It's them or you”. It's win/win really. If they refuse they go to prison and you don't want to know what the gang brag they do to kids once they have removed all parental protections from them.

I also have heard that it's quite effective, incredibly low-risk (the Molestors run the school so they control what teachers might be around at the time of the killings, what students are present, and only do the killings for profit when their loyal dirty... cops are nearby to be “first on the scene”, see: cop of convenience), and represents brags that an annual or bi-annual child-killing in The Gym is a major source of income for the gang. Enabling them to blackmail up to 30-60 families at a time (all the parents of a single gym class).

Direct Child-Molestor quote. “Nobody lives through “The Gym” once the order is given”.

Author note: Yeah... I lived through The Gym. I had faith God would see me through it and I prayed a lot for the strength to live! That and I prayed for everyone involved too. Still do.

Me... 9-17-16ish Child-Molestor Country...

Sooo... last nite, I did laundry. My weather app told me it'd be “cloudy”. At the conclusion of my laundry it was a downpour. It made the fact that I carried an uncomfortable amount of laundry even more miserable. Man, is a semi-accurate weather app too much to ask for or what?

My point? Eh, soooo... about 3 months ago, I inventoried my socks and underwear. While I forget the number of pairs of socks I recall the number of underwear. It was 19. 20 When I counted the pair I was wearing at the time.

I've had a dream, fantasy really. I wanted to own enough socks and underwear so as to have fresh one's daily for over a month. SO I figured I'd buy an 8-pack of underwear and a 6-pack of socks every month for a while.

While doing laundry the stacks of each didn't look much bigger than usual. So I counted them. Though I've bought an 8-pack of underwear every month for the last few last year (minus the summer of 2016 spent under Wausau's care) my inventory was 20, then I recalled I hadn't counted the one's I was wearing. My socks were low too. I bought a 6-pack of extra tall socks last week and when I did my laundry I had but a single pair of them & even less total socks than last month.

The gang brag... eh, they brag they “do stuff” with my underwear. Soiled underwear make for great evidence when left at crime scenes, given to perv admirers, or warehoused someplace in a “room” that enables the gang to prove we're great buttbuddies 'See? He left a lot of his clothes and stuff here officer. That's proof we're great buttbuddies and that I'm not his stalker' or so I've been told.

Whatever the reason is for stealing socks & underwear, idano, wouldn't believe the gang if they swore on a stack of bibles when they told me, and don't care, much. It does suck to know that the pervs are out there, and that whatever their reasons for doing anything are, that those reasons are sick and perverse and serve only to further their sick and perverse lifestyle.




OOPS... MY BAD... A change in tactics... Yet more “bad jokes”...


Sooo... I was thinking. Ya know, giving the Saginaw Michigan F.B.I. The symbolic silent treatment in the jokes page is kinda cool to me. Well, sorta. Giving the Schofield Wisconsin P.D. The same or similar treatment somehow diminishes the message I'm sending the SagCops o da F.B.I. (I respect and admire the F.B.I. as a whole, I'm only mocking their “Molestor Friendly” (or is “Molestor Oblivious” better? “Molestor-Employed”?) Saginaw Valley Gang Chapters, I mean Beaureu? Club? Gathering outpost?).

I hereby officially apologize to the Saginaw Valley F.B.I. For diminishing the symbolic value of the jokes I've assigned to them. It's like I'm diminishing their territory of jokes. My bad guys.

Sooo... now how do I symbolize my admiration for all the fine work the Schofield Wisconsin... cops have committed... I err, um, I mean preformed in my humble opinion? Then it occurred to me, that, to be symbolic, I'd make up the most mind-numbingly irritating song I could think up that, if sung in the same tone as the song I'm parodying, would be the most grating irritating song imaginable. Especially if my case should go public and some enterprising person was to sing the song and record it in the same style and using the same pitch as the original.

Schofield Wisconsin and Wausau Wisconsin pets listen & listen well. Imagine this song playing on your radios. Picture the song playing when you enter the room... for... the... rest... of... your... life. IF you should fail to free me. IF...

The song is not meant to reflect the views or beliefs of anyone and is strictly for entertainment purposes only. Kinda like a skydiver saying. I dedicate this skydive to you”. Before his jump. That means it in no way is meant to imply you are a skydiver. It's just a shout out, a tip of the hat acknowledging the fine police work you've committed against me, uhh... I mean preformed in your community. Probably.

It's called. “Child-Molester Cop” and is to be sung in the style of the song. “Basketball Jones”. No need to thank me guys and please don't send me any money. Just knowing you're out there doing to your community what you did to me is reward enough for me. GULP! Enjoy!

Picture a uniformed Bay City Michigan... cop singing this song lovingly to a uniformed Schofield Wisconsin... cop & a Wausau Wisconsin... cop while they gaze adoringly into his eyes. Giggle...

Child-Molester Cop, I am a Child-Molester Cop
I am a Child-Molester Cop, oh yeah
My partner's a Child-Molester too
Ever since I was a young Rookie, I be taking bribes
In fact I was the cheapest-bribe taker on all of the force

Then one day the Molesters gave me some cash
And I loved that payoff
I spent that cash in a single afternoon (it wasn't much)

That cash was like everything to me (it wasn't much)
I know the gang kills children (I didn't get paid much)
Maybe that's why I can't sleep at night
I need some help from my brother cops
I need someone to stand beside me
I need morons who will arrest anyone I want for free
A group of morons I can count on
Someone like the Wausau P.D. Who I wont pay a thing
Cause there ain't much cash to spit up
So Molesters give me cash (it wasn't much)
{Child-Molesters sing repeatedly...}
(Child-Molester Cop, oh yeah, chump change payoff)
(We own our Child-Molester Cop for chump change)
{While Chump master Child-Molester sings/speaks)
Yeah that little girl's so sweet
Just look at her


To be continued. MAN! Writing about this subject SUCKS!

see'mon Coach Booty, Red Blazer, sing along with me
That be bad, honky
I want everybody in the whole stadium to stand up and sing with us
Oh yeah, sing it out like you're proud
All right, everybody watchin' coast-to-coast, sing along with us
Bill Russell, sing along with us
Chick Hearn, sing along with us
Chris Schenkel, don't sing nothin'
Oh, it feels so good
Gimme the ball
I'll go one-on-one against the world, left-handed
I could stuff it from center court with my toes
I could jump on top of the backboard, take off a quarter, leave fifteen cents change I
could, I could dribble behind my back I got more moves than Ex-Lax I'm bad I could
dribble with my tongue Here I go down court, try to stop me You can't stop me 'cause I
got a Basketball Jones Here I come That's my hook shot with my eyebrow Yeah, I could
dunk it with my nose I'm, I'm bad as King Kong, gimme the ball I'm hot, I'm hot as...,
I'm hot as..., I'm hot as... uh Uh, uh, uh, uh
(Basketball Jones, I got a Basketball Jones, I got a Basketball Jones, Basketball Jones)
(Basketball Jones, I got a Basketball Jones, I got a Basketball Jones, Basketball Jones)
(Basketball Jones, I got a Basketball Jones, I got a Basketball Jones, Basketball Jones)
(Basketball Jones, I got a Basketball Jones, I got a Basketball Jones, Basketball Jones)

  buttbuddy [ bət/ˈbədē ] Anyone who pretends to be a friend and or employer of their rape victim. example: "We raped him good and told the cops we were buttbuddies so now they're prosecuting our victim! Ha"! 8

   IN THE THROAT... Another dead child, this one dedicated to the fine police work of the chief's of police in Bay County

  There I was, surrounded in the room in the back of the hall where my local Boy Scouts held their special meetings. A crowd surrounded me with orders to hit me whenever I came near to force a reluctant me to fight. This tale begins at the end. Well, the end of a child's life. I was about 8 or 9 at the time. My opponent towered over me & was about twice my body weight at least. He seemed to fight with an almost dancing style. His fists raised high covering his jaw while he made what I assumed were exaggerated moves hoping a little too & fro to hypnotize opponents into watching his cadence which he could exploit for advantage (in my then, humble opinion).

 What did I do? What I'd been doing. I punched him in the throat whenever the chance presented itself while he stared blankly ahead & made clumsy, seemingly drugged (in my opinion) attacks unsuccessfully against me. THROAT! THROAT! THROAT! THROAT! THROAT! THROAT! THROAT! THROAT! THROAT! THROAT! (Actually, I hit him with lots of throat punches). THROAT! The towering teen went down. THUDD!

  The gang pushed me away at My Cousin's command & hovered over him. My Cousin announced there was nothing we could do for the child. He was going to die.

  Me? I didn't buy it. But when evidence began to mount that the teen was indeed dying I suggested a tracheotomy, cut his throat open to save him.

  My Cousin said no one in the room had any knives. "No weapons allowed". No weapons allowed in the room, lest an unwilling participant like myself somehow get one & escape. Strangely he told me he'd fetch one & let me cut the teen's throat if I wanted to.

  I told my cousin I didn't know exactly where to cut & that I knew a wrong cut would kill him for sure.

  So we watched him die... slowly... We all just stood around... and watched him die... slowly...

  They put his body on a table to the side facing up. As time went on, between the matches I walked over & checked on the teen. He'd grown pale & ice cold to the touch. The crowd angrily threatened me & interposed themselves when I neared him. Promising me revenge for killing their beloved champion & friend.

  My Cousin bragged holding the fight in the same building as the Boy Scouts Meetings made his victim's stories unbelievable to the... cops. But it made financial sense. He needed a building with room for a crowd that was easy to clean up, well lit & with good facilities & the building was all that plus a place that he knew no one would swing by to "accidentally" barge in. Win/win.

  "My Cousin later told me the kid had been getting too cocky & arrogance made him impossible to control. "I thought you'd take him out for me but I didn't think you would kill him". He claimed he just wanted me to take him down a peg.

  Later, a child who'd attended noted the fight was fixed. My opponent had been drugged. When I confronted My Cousin he confirmed he'd drugged the teen. That he was a champion who'd been killing indiscriminately & for fun & wouldn't obey orders on the subject. It was just getting too time consuming to cover up his every killing in matches. Besides, he added. Fixing fights by drugging participants was just how he did business. It was about the money, not about a fair fight. He also noted the teen was not a local citizen.

  I recall pondering the situation at My Mother's Parents. I thought to myself what would I tell Police? I pictured their cross-examination. It was then that I decided I wouldn't report this to the police. Not just yet.

  Well, there you go oh ye infallible Saginaw Valley Chief's of Police. A child died.

  Laugh... cop. Laugh. It IS all any... cop I ever met was good at after all.

  JUST AN OLE FASHIONED... CHILD BEATDOWN...Laugh... cop, laugh...

  This IS the "Recap Page". A place where I rehash the old memories of things I felt were needful to do to the men, women, beasts, and even... children in my life from time to time in my childhood. You know, normal childhood kind of stuff. If it isn't normal childhood in America how would I know as I have nothing to compare it to?

  I was myself a child & wrote about this in my +1,5000 page letter to the FBI where someone dies every few pages.

  Today as I sit here basking in poisons, my ever expanded rectum recovering, having endured my last night obligatory 1 & a half hour wake-up, I thought I'd write about what was on my mind. Privately I call it "ruining my life" as it provides me with no enjoyment nor nostalgia. Contrary to popular belief I do NOT want to be known for the acts on my website. The deeds were inflicted on me for reasons of profit & revenge & I take no glory nor satisfaction in anything here. I seek only the truth. Rumor has it the truth will set you free.

  I've chosen a song for this beatdown story, I was just inspired as I typed the above paragraph.

  Unlike my other songs I recommended I suggest that the reader play the song softly in the background while they read this tale. It's a story about a few madmen & their ever eager to help 10 foot tall & bulletproof guys on drugs.

  I'd like to write a Duh Jerk quote here he's said to me often while standing smiling over one of his dead or dying victim/members. "I don't care who gets hurt. It's how I beat the cops. They think that if I were a gang leader I'd care about it if my guys get hurt but I don't care who gets hurt". My Cousin had a similar saying. Once when I asked about that saying, how it was he & Duh Jerk used the same saying he told me that he was Jerk's Mentor. He'd taught him everything.

  Me? I used to internally kick myself whenever I asked one of them a question because, frankly, I never believed a word either of them had to say.


  Sooooooo... It was summer & I was about 7 or 8 years old when the gang of 12-20 teens & Jocks lead by some jerk told me that My Mother had drugged me & handed me over to them. Like usual they promised I'd have fun but it was agony only. Torment, endless pain, & continuously endless pain. "It's how I beat the cops. All I have to do is act so evil that no one would believe that someone could be so evil & then I can get away with anything". Act nice to a few victims, film a few acts of kindness & contrition on victims to show cops they care, yeah we did that bad stuff to our victim but they made up with us, it's just that pesky filmed pervert who's the trouble maker. You want proof? Look at these films.

  The story took place in a single story country home with the buildings very spread out & far away. Trees occasionally dotted the landscape here & there on all sides. A lone narrow 2 lane road that had virtually no traffic was the only feature that stands out. Inside the house was fully furnished much like if an old couple lived there, just a guess on my part, nothing more.

  Yeah, the new Jerk & his team slapped me endlessly. They laughed when I

fought back for weeks while they worked in shifts to keep me awake. They encouraged me to fight back. My blows were baby hits addled mentally & physically by the drug(s?) they had me on & were largely ineffective. They mocked me when they told me I was on drugs that made their victims weak. I staggered after even minor blows & I'll bet some... cop was practicing his speech somewhere that no one would do something like that to someone even as I type this now, even as you, the Reader are reading this now they are preparing their speech to assure all comers that what I say couldn't possibly be true. Just a guess?

  I think I handed out a few bloody noses, fat lips, & black eyes. Broken bones? A few. Once I marked someone, particularly the face their Leader Jerk dismissed them. They couldn't play anymore. I recall some of them begged to be able to keep "playing" with me. They threatened revenge at what I'd cost them. A month long drug & sex party funded by the Jerk. They were simply replaced with a fresh recruit, an endless supply of willing troops that the Jerk could call upon at a whim.

  When I asked the Jerk he told me that once his guys became marked, especially in the face they became too identifiable for him to comfortably use. So as a matter of business he booted them out if they had a boo boo on their face or wore a splint or a cast because they were no longer just a face in the crowd.

  Me? I advised the Jerk and his team to get their hearts right with God & not to do drugs.

  I recall telling the Jerk the same things. He mocked me all the more during the quiet times between beatdowns when they either adjusted drug dosage levels. Theirs or mine.




  Time passed... they felt I was "in the sweet spot" mentally from all the torture & deprivation. I drifted in & out of being lucid & openly, on film, treated them like we were lifelong friends between my occasional semi-lucid moments which were occurring much & much less. They told me they took me off of the drugs that addled me. That way I seemed more presentable for films. Like I wanted to be there.

  I recall them injecting me with who knows what? Usually they just asked me to roll up a sleeve & I submitted. Other times they piled on me & drugged me by force when I refused. They bragged usually they just waited for my memory to reset after I refused & then filmed me in a few minutes accepting the doses of whatever drug they were using.

  Then they turned to PRACTICAL jokes for fun. The ultimate goal was to trick me into violence... on film. Did it work? Of course it did, this is just a Recap Story.

  Every once in a while I became semi-lucid & ran off.

  Every once in a while I became semi-lucid & my 1st response was to run to freedom. In minutes marked Police Cars & Ambulances came looking for me & I usually wasn't hard to find with a long sting of teens & Jocks running behind me in tow in the open fields surrounding the country house with only an occasional tree for cover. The Police usually arrested me & returned me to the house. Usually, it was easy to arrest me. My memory had reset because of the drug(s?) & I had no idea where I was or why I was being chased? I also had no explanation to give the nice... cops as to why these nice men & boys were chasing me. I had no idea why they were accusing me of vile things & submitted to arrest to go to the Police Station to "sort this out". So I was arrested without incident.

  The Jerk told me he craved films of me resisting arrest. Then he would own me.

  Me? I recall praying to God for strength. I figured, like usual, that I was going to die, I saw no way I might escape & live AND be free in America. I prayed that I not give that Jerk the films that he craved. Not this time.

  I got quite far a few times. But they caught me every time & dragged me back to the torment.

  Yeah, I involved people. Particularly on a highway & at homes far from the place I was tortured at. But no one believes the 7 year old kid over the... cops & the ambulance drivers. No one. I recall some of the people who'd agreed to help me escape only minutes ago talking about me in the 3rd person with the... cops. who told them I was arrested for good reasons & should be ignored. They stood side by side with my captors laughing at the absurdity of my story & listened to the cop's assurances that they should just ignore everything the civilians had seen.

  The PRACTICAL jokes morphed over time from straight up mundane films of me casually interacting with my kidnappers & slap sessions to social situations where I was subjected to attack! They would mundanely interact with me, on film, and then attack! Yeah, I fought & they usually piled on me & waited for my memory to reset & began again. The PRACTUICAL joke would subtilty morph slightly as they practiced it over & over to get the films that they craved.

  Did people get hurt? Yeah, mostly kids. Are any of you... cops reading this? Picture me snapping my fingers at you. SNAP! SNAP! Children? Hurt? Laugh... cop. Laugh...

  Over time the joke morphed into we began outside the home. Then they encouraged me to enter & piled on me, slapped me up, & repeated hoping to get me to resist the uniformed... cops who quickly showed up. It was all filmed to look like they were just a few friends innocently enjoying each other's company... on film, & mean ole me showed up. Then resisted arrest! Or so they bragged it'd soon look on film.

  Yeah, I prayed during the semi-lucid moments.

  I recall running away time & again. But I was getting more exhausted. I couldn't run as fast or as far. Weeks of no sleep & no food had taken it's toll on me. But I never gave up. I resisted with every lucid moment. In fact it's for this reason that over the years the gang has mocked me that I'm fun to play with. "You always fight. It's expected".

  Standing outside the home I was encouraged to go inside. I recall it was as I walked up to the building I became more semi-lucid than normal. I recalled the ordeal before me & knew that an army awaited me inside. I knew that... cops galore & rescue workers waited nearby & they would convince anyone & everyone that I was to be ignored when I asked for help. Indeed, some might even help... THEM! I thought about what I might do? Run? Rush in & fight? Again? Sure, I was wounding guys occasionally but they were just replaced with an endless horde of even more eager & fresh tormentors.

  I thought I might go in the back? Try to reduce the numbers in a desperate bid for freedom? Then it occurred to me that I'd tried that too & they had positioned a guy with a bat in the back to counter me. Just in case I started to do too well.

  So I figured I'd go after the bat guy. A 16-18 year old jock easily twice my body weight.

  To confuse the troops inside I ran around the building a few times then snuck in the back door. As I suspected the Jock was watching the window for me in the direction I'd feinted & not the door. I snuck up behind the otherwise wholesome-looking teen & easily snatched the bat from him & swung for his head in one smooth stoke! WHACK! Then I kept hitting him. WHACK! WHACK! WHACK! Over & over for a looooooooong time.

  Then I went inside to confront the horde. I commited some damage, but not as much as I would've chosen to.

  The gang threatened me. The ambulance crew came in moments & remarked it was lucky they were so close of the teen would never have survived.

  The session went on... and on... and on...

  Later... "My Cousin" bragged about how he'd showed his friend films of what they did to me & he'd begged & even paid for the privilege of "playing with me". He smiled as he said he'd trained the man at length just how to torture me so I'd kill anyone so HE could kill anyone he wanted in a way that he could never be prosecuted for. "You killed a lot of people for him. Don't you remember"?

  Yes I did.

  He brought up the teen with the bat. My Cousin said that despite my best efforts I hadn't killed a single one of his friend's guys. But the guy with the bat had been scarred for life. Being scarred about the face means death in the gang. So they planned to kill him, his family would be told why he'd been killed, & I would have an entire family of madmen & women just like the child I'd scarred who would hate me.

  Years later during the last times that I saw My Cousin he told me that Duh Jerk was the leader jerk in question & he used the description of the child who's head I'd beat with the bat as a reference when I told him I wasn't sure of which child he'd meant I'd hurt in that particular conversation. It had been Duh Jerk's  1st act as the rank of a leader in the gang. That Jerk wanted to make his 1st act as a new leader to be as big as possible so he could come onto the gang scene large & in charge with a glorious 1st act that the gang would all respect. Thus the gang (My Cousin) had spared no expense in handing me a very costly PRACTICAL joke. Which was worth it in their opinion when you considered all of the people I killed for them on the side assuring them even the possibility of  facing justice for the injured, the dead, & the dying.

  Every once in a while I asked My Cousin why he did this or that to me?

  "Because I hate you".

      NOTE: Next is a tale the gang deletes off my website over & over. Writing

it while under R.E.M. Deprivation Attack is not fun. Nor is writing it the

3rd or 4th time.

ASSORTED KILLINGS...Put a kid on drugs, wind'em up, & watch the murderous fun time!!!

  Soooooooo there I was, in what seemed like a modest home. The adults seemed like they were kind & actually interested in interacting with me. Then things went sour. A woman screamed! A violent situation occurred! I fought & the adults whom I sought to protect jumped me from behind. Pinning me to the floor the 4--6 men & women beat me!

  They then told me they'd wait for my drugs to reset my then 7 or 8 year old mind & intended to let me go & do it all over again!

  It was always the same. Kind & mundane interaction, then a violent scene where I'd be subdued violently!




  Then we started using guns to play.


  Then they jump me & pin my down until my memory resets.

  They like to subtilty vary the scenario each time. Looking to film the perfect frame job film of a dangerous & violent me.



  Time passes, lots of time passes & I'm given no food nor water & drift into a semi-lucid madness. Grrrrrrrrrrrr!




  The guns were mostly sporting rifles, 9MM pistols, & double barreled shotguns.

  One time I became a little bit more lucid than other times as the drugs wore off. I was tired of trying to reason with my unknown captor's. I was tired of escaping only to be arrested by uniformed... cops with an Ambulance & Crew nearby. The village was all but impossible to escape from. All of the townsfolk I met couldn't wait to hand me off to the... cops for arrest whenever they saw me unattended. Some attacked me themselves & they assisted in my return to the session. They seemed like ordinary people, in their 30s & above. I noted the absence of children. EXCEPT those who attacked me & they never went outside.

  I had enough of failing to escape. I decided to get a little more pro-active on my next escape attempt.

  Soooo... there we were, the gang attacked me with guns in another blank-filled shoot'em up. Me? I killed everyone in the room with my gun & they all just got up & mocked me. "The gun's got blanks in it"! Laugh! Laugh! Laugh!

  I became semi-lucid & plotted another escape. While they laughed at me I walked over to the kitchen drawers & found a junk drawer  with a bunch of nails & metallic odds & ends & loaded them down both barrels.

  I just started killing people to the best of my abilty. Stopping only to reload.

  Satisfied, I chased someone out & lost them. Undaunted I just went to where I suspected they might be & started killing people there too!




  Toward the end of the tale I generalized, being I'm R.E.M. sleep deprived & really don't care too much at the moment. I wrote it down in much greater detail in my letter to the FBI where someone dies every few pages.

  The way My Cousin explained it to me was it was a small village where everyone was a child molester. Escape was impossible due to the lack of cover & flat terrain. He said I'd shocked everyone when I started walking from house to house killing everyone I found. So they ordered the village evacuated & tried to pin me down in a building by shooting at me. The Townsfolk plan was, as complained about by My Cousin AND them (unusual as My Cousin usually made it a point to debrief me alone), they'd intended to kill me if only for their safety & for revenge. But mostly because they were terrified the entire area threatened to spill out into a huge public involved fiasco. "You were lucky only a few people travelling by got involved". But the... cops they were a comin en-mass & it was then My Cousin decided to use his authority to declare a train derailing had happened. The only problem? No such train existed & he had a horrible time routing to the scene past inspectors & powerful... cops with badges with many questions in the nick of time & it had cost him a fortune in cash & favors owed. The worst part in his opinion? While they staged an elaborate door to door manhunt to get me I lay sleeping comfortably unnoticed on a couch. "Some pillows obscured you". He described the day for him & his team as a sniper warzone terror scene where many, truly good child-molestors had mentally broken down & would require drugs & lengthy counseling which was all going to cost him money. Let alone the dead, the dying, & the maimed.

  He claimed they'd explained it all away by claiming there was a chemical train derailing. That way the general public wouldn't ask too many questions. "You're going to pay for that one". He threatened me. They'd lost a lot of good child-molesters. Real pillars of the child-molesting community had died & everyone wanted revenge. "Now everyone wants revenge! What do you have to say for yourself"? My Cousin demanded me?

  "There would be no one dead if you guys wouldn't drug me & mess with me".

  It's 3-16-22 & I'm tired.


  ASSORTED KILLINGS... Passing gas...

  Soooooo there I was, in some small modern as any looking village walking from door to door & killing everyone I found. I walked in & found an elderly couple. So I killed them. It occurred to me to kill the man 1st as he was the greatest threat in my opinion. The woman screamed & begged for her life while I reloaded my more recently acquired weapons". BANG!

  While I walked past a living room window after failing to find anything good to eat in the kitchen they started shooting at me! BANG! BANG! The glass exploded inwards on me. So I returned fire. BANG! BANG!

  We exchanged gunfire a while. Then it got quiet... and boring. I scanned as sneakily as I could outside in a while. I'd never seen a single attacker then or now. My shots had merely been targeted at likely spots a sniper might be at".

  Being I was bored & figured I was pinned down to the front I walked out the back door where I saw a small group of armed & unarmed people gathering at a small gas station about a city block away across an empty highway. They were your average harmless civilian types, mostly in their 30s, 40's, & 70s.

  I listened into the people talking. They were all locals but the armed big guy with a rifle who had the huge 4x4 truck. Apparently there was a madman around nearby shooting at people but nobody knew what he looked like? They said they'd just sent a guy to ask & expected he'd return in a minute or 2 with a description of the guy.

  The people were scared & the chat around the pump was that they had to band together & kill the guy. The big burly manly man with the hunting rifle said he'd keep everyone safe when a woman started crying.

  Me? Since I was the guy with the gun they were openly planning to kill I was at least mildly curious about what they had to say.

  A few said they had guns at home & they were waiting for the guy to return with a description & to keep them covered while they went home & got armed. Then they'd all kill this guy.

  Once one of them pointed to a guy & said that was such & such back with the description they needed I had enough. The guy had driven up on us fast & waved furiously at us like he had something very important to tell us. He was yelling but his engine noise drowned out his shouts he made as he leaned out his driver's side window in the cold.

  I pondered what to do & I didn't see myself as having a lot of options at this point. So at point blank range I just started shooting people...

  "Don't you think the cops will be able to tell I'm on drugs [in your films]"?
  "You being on drugs only strengthens our case".

  I decided when I first tried reaching out to law-enforcement with my story that the best way that I could tell it & still Honor My Parents was to tell not only my story, but to tell their story as truthfully as possible & without exaggerations.

  I also realized that if I lied or exaggerated I'd go down in flames so I decided to tell my story as truthfully as I could to the best of my ability.

  "Did you ever notice that we almost never used the Bay City Sherrifs against you? That's because we plan to use them against you at the end".-The Last Snitch

  The end? If I could win would it be The Beginning? Hey, if the truth shall set you free then we'll see.  (^_-)

  A RECAP if there ever was one...


  Strapped lying face down to a table with my pants around my ankles while my gang rapists stood in line awaiting their turn to sodomize me I asked Duh Jerk. "Why are you doing this to me"? 

  He said. "I want to be able to prove that you are fascinated with the rape fantasy"?


  "Because of The Gym".

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Wed Jun 15.jpg
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  "That's not proof of anything". It never is in mid-Michigan...


  "It is the accusations of our victims reflected back at them that is our true power".
  Translation: If you dare accuse the gang of something they twist your accusations & accuse you based on your own accusations.

"Who are they calling pervert? Look at them [and all the films we've made them endure]". - Child Molesting 101 as taught to me by Duh Jerk in his taxpayer-funded officer during business hours.

  "That's The Good Kid? I thought he'd be bigger"? I recall pondering why he had said it to the other Jock at the Grande Party while standing in front of My Mother's Parent's Home's front door & not to me? Then it occurred to me that My Cousin had always ordered that "his people" not talk to me directly. Many did as speaking only a few words to me rarely got people punished & quite a few were punished anyway.-The sad tale of my life Circa 1979

  Did I say sad? I should'a wrote pathetic?

  Pathetic pa·thet·ic [pəˈTHedik] ADJECTIVE

  1. arousing pity, especially through vulnerability or sadness:

    "she looked so pathetic that I bent down to comfort her" · "it was a pathetic sight"

    miserably inadequate; of very low standard:

  2. "he's a pathetic excuse for a man" · "his ball control was pathetic"


    relating to the emotions.

As a... cop you might be thinking of asking me. What is it you are saying the gang did to you"?


"We don't just rape their bodies. We rape their minds".

- Common Gang saying

  "As a mid-Michigan... cop you are probably in a rage at having read my website. Please don't hurt me... again"?

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Saginaw Badge.gif

  I had a few... cOPs ask me this question only to submit it AS proof I was lying. "Why didn't you ask _____(the wrongdoer I'm accusing)_____"?

  Me? I answered the same about every time. "Why bother? I don't believe a single word that comes out of their mouths anyway". Thus I explained, why bother asking those gang bangers anything because I just did not believe a single word any of that gang's members had to say.

  My opinion on the subject as of now (11-14-22)? My opinion is that I am not now nor was I ever a mid-Michigan... cop. So I don't believe every word that comes out of the gang's member/victim's or victim/member's mouths & even less so when any mid-Michigan... cop uses the words "Reliable Informant" to describe them.


My retort?

"What part of weird & perverse cult confuses you officer"? - David A. George

  "When you show up in court all crippled in a wheelchair who's going to believe that you lived through the gym"? - A bragging Child-Molester speaking about my eventual demise at the hands of the Child-Molestors, a Saginaw Gang in court only a few years prior to the writing of this website.

We got you this time!!!

  Sooooo... the gang mouthpiece came up to me to brag on how I'd better start obeying the gang or else. The last time we tortured you was on our exact reproduction of the set of General Hospital.  Now when you go to the cops you'll have to tell the truth & we'll be able to user our counter accusations to make you seem crazy to the cops".

  He went on & on about how I'd have to describe the set & the cops would laugh at me. Game! Set! Match!

  Me? I asked which room & he said. "You know".

  After a back & forth I kept saying I had no idea.

  So he said the living room set.

  I told him I didn't recognize any such set.

  He called me a liar. That Duh Jerk had made sure I was stuck in a room where General Hospital was playing & he personally noticed my eyes were glued to the screen, so he knew I was lying.

  Me? I told him the show bored me (no offense to the actors, their soap isn't for everyone) & while my eyes might be pointed at the TV I was probably in another world (no pun intended, sort'a). Easy to do when a show bores you & you have a 3D imagination. Actually, having a 3D imagination has robbed me of many a mediocre or poor TV experience in life. The burden of having a 3D imagination I'd suppose?

  He called me a liar. Of course I knew, i just didn't want to admit it to him is all.

  For the record, if someone put 10 pictures in front of me & gave me a million dollars to pick out such a set the odds would be 10 to 1 I would get any money. That show just couldn't keep my interest.

  "I know you are a liar because I know for a fact that you used the name Senator Debero in one of your games as a bad guy".

  I agreed, I'd overheard the name once & used it in a pinch when I needed to name a bad guy politician in my V&V Game. I told hm I also recalled the names Luke, Laura, & Patch too. Mostly because they were on mainstream news, as legitimate news stories I'd seen. But couldn't tell you much about them. Let alone describe their sets. Frankly I found it impossible to pay attention to that show for any length of time. Not just that show, but any soap opera. They bore me. No offense intended.


"He should never profit by what we do to him". It was then that Duh Jerk ordered that my wallet be brought to him & he emptied it's meager contents.

  An astonished Jock asked him. "You'd take a man's last dollar"?

It's changing the subject completely to switch to the opinion of a uniformed on duty Bay City... cOP at his post during the course of an investigation that I initiated. "I know those guys. They're nice guys".


My retort?

"What part of weird & perverse cult confuses you officer"? - David A. George

  I had a few... cOPs ask me this question only to submit it AS proof I was lying. "Why didn't you ask _____(the wrongdoer I'm accusing)_____"?

  Me? I answered the same about every time. "Why bother? I don't believe a single word that comes out of their mouths anyway". Thus I explained, why bother asking those gang bangers anything because I just did not believe a single word any of that gang's members had to say.

  My opinion on the subject as of now (11-14-22)? My opinion is that I am not now nor was I ever a mid-Michigan... cop. So I don't believe every word that comes out of the gang's member/victim's or victim/member's mouths & even less so when any mid-Michigan... cop uses the words "Reliable Informant" to describe them.

  "When you show up in court all crippled in a wheelchair who's going to believe that you lived through the gym"? - A bragging Child-Molester speaking about my eventual demise at the hands of the Child-Molestors, a Saginaw Gang in court only a few years prior to the writing of this website.


  Soooo... there I was kneeling overtop of the once beautiful woman. Her head was on backwards on her body. Why? Because I'd just twisted it while she lay there with all my might over & over? Why? Why you ask? Why?

  I wanted to lock her in the cell. I didn't want to hurt her. I only wanted escape. When I neared the cell it's occupants attacked me. Grabbing at me & tried to drag me inside the cell. They tied to hurt me. They asked me several times. "Are you okay"? When they perceived my memory had reset due to the drugs. I'd nearly freed them at least once. I had to get out of there. I couldn't have this gal wake up & summon the army across the street to come & get me. For all I knew she was laying there pretending to be knocked out (a gang fav I'd fallen for a lot of times in times past). I 'looked around & pondered what to do through the drugs that addled my mind. That's when I chose to snap her neck & end her life.

  The Deputy in a Munger Uniform complained about what I just did. "You didn't have to kill her". He complained.

  Me? I said. "Yes I did". I didn't see any alternative. I complained she could 'summon an army, to stop my escape & now I knew she never would.

  "You could've just tied her up".

  I looked around the room & there was likely no shortage of things I could've restrained her with.

  The horror...

Exodus Chapter 21

16 And he that stealeth a man, and selleth him, or if he be found in his hand, he shall surely be put to death.

  Today is 6-8-22 when I wrote this. My face is numb & in pain & the 2 are expanding. When does the hurting stop?


  It's distasteful to write about, disturbing to reminisce, it's even more haunting to rehash, to dredge up the memories so that I can write them down. It's the worst of the worst & I've neglected to fully explain the dark periods as well as I might.

  It 1st happened when I was about 3 years old until I was 5, just before I began the charade that they called going to school. The hoax that began afterwards. My Cousin mocked me in tale where he reveled about the events.

  It then happened in a similar way during a time I call... literally... my teen years. Yes, note my choice of words. "Teen" & "Years" that combine to form teen years. The years of my life that involved America's record holders for "Most failed attempted murders on a child in public". Duh Jerk, Duh Weasel Fagboy, The Mayor's Brat, Shortstuff, & the gang.

  The gang kidnapped me, often, usually by or with my family's participation & blessings & took me to houses here & there & kept me on drugs and awake until I was delirious. Then we tended to go from place to place killing people everyplace we went. Usually, it was just PRACTICAL jokes.

 Other times, it wasn't funny at all. I know people died. I recall parties where Duh Jerk showed the bodies of the dead like a centerpiece, a trophy & the gang partied around the recently dead & my drugged self.

  As of 9-7-22 I haven't written much about the many dead that died during that time.

  This tale would not be possible without the investigative excellence of the Bay City Police & FBI.


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About 6 months ago or so... March 2022ish...

  Sooo there I was... taking inventory of last night's kidnapping. The weird thing that happened? I mean other than a gang of madmen who brag they routinely drag me back to mid-Michigan to star in films, to prove I'm great buttbuddies with what remains of the Munger Boy 5 or The 4 Stars. "With our films we'll prove you're a liar & no cop will ever believe you about The Gym". It's the litmus test for many members of the gang. An ongoing stalking by madmen for profit & revenge because of... wait for it... wait for it... according to them... According to them it's because of... The Gym. Or more specifically the horrors they had to endure because of how I reacted to their world-record attempted murder session they called "The Gym". "We're not mad at you because of what you did in The Gym. We're mad at you because of what The Bosses did to us because of you in The Gym".

  All that aside here's what happened.

  I was in some large room, likely a business or a school. My feet were inside a microwave oven & it was turned on. The door was sawed off & the latch that presumably engaged the door safety was engaged by the remains of that door, I'd suppose. The machine was humming. The microwave oven was on.

  Shortstuff, his mustache shaved asked me. "What are you doing"?

  How or why I said this, or how they got me to say this, or what brought me to this point I do not know. I replied. "I'm drying my feet".

  He retorted. "I don't think it works like that".

  It's how the scam works. They are the good guys, the guys with high morals. Their victims? Confused druggies or insane.

  Duh Jerk explained how it works. "We tell them 'Such & such is crazy & our friend & on drugs'. It always works because everyone knows to say that".

  Me? At the above time I was on drugs, clearly not in my right mind, & obviously did not have a great grasp on the reality of what was probably going on. A credible Radiation Terrorist Attack by known Self-Professed recreational serial-killers.

  I'll go back farther, just for fun (not my fun, theirs). I was standing in the Bay County Law Enforcement Center. I was talking to a Bay City... cOP. I was talking about my kidnappings, my tortures, my rapes. The guy behind me said he'd help me but he was disagreeing with me. I turned around to disagree with him. It was Shortstuff with a camera crew. A teenaged boy, a teenaged girl, and a camera.

  I announced this was no friend of mine, he was m y stalker, my kidnapper.

  Then I turned & perceived who that... cop really was peircing the drug  & torture & sleep deprivation haze that clouded my mind. It was Dirty Cop himself. HIMSELF! Right there! IN THE cOPSHOP!

  He asked Shortstuff why he put up with me?

  Shortstuff put on his best poker face & shrugged & then my professional buttbuddy said. "It's a labor of love".

  It's as a fake friend that they are most comfortable. 

  "Such & such is our friend their crazy & they're on drugs. It always works because everyone knows to say that".

  A few years ago The Last Snitch told me they'd start occasionally using microwaves to cook the flesh of my feet. That with their Dirty Doctors they could excuse it by saying it was a specific medical condition that's easily diagnosed as microwave radiation exposure. "To hide the fact that we've done that we have a microwave oven with the doors off of it & we convince our victims to stick their feet in their on film". He promised they'd soon be using it on me until it cost me my feet & with their films of me they could do it to me openly & no one could prosecute them ort the children they'd get to point & click the device at me.

  The last Snitch came back. He told me they had a portable version, easy enough to acquire with a few bucks & virtually undetectable. A sort of portable microwave gun (cheap, easy, & effective, but no recreational serial-killer would ever use that... it's unethical cops tell me.

  They brag they use it on me often.

  A credible radiation attack threat in my humble opinion.

  A Recap. It's how the scam works.


  I thought I'd skip over this tale, it adds nothing to my story. In fact, it's what I'll call the weirdest weirdism of the weirdest weirdism. How's that for a true weirdism? It adds nothing to my tale, & has redeeming social value, nor did it nor is it therapeutic to me to write it. In short, it's a complete waste of time to read. HEY! Doesn't THAT mean as a mid-Michigan... cOP it's the one story that YOU should pay the most attention to? Eh, who am I to give those law enforcement... pROFESSIONALS advice? Right? I'm sure there's a raping child-molestor doing evil right now. So you should get in your car & drive around & catch someone with a busted tail light? GO TEAM! Huh?

  Grumble grumble.

  Sooooooo.... there I was, at the Grandest of the Grande Parties at My Mother's Parent's place. As I recall there was usually a ton of activities that one might do there. Today, I sat at their living room coffee table that "My Cousin" had gifted them with. It had an expensive marble tabletop, was long for a coffee table, quite heavy, & from the day they got it it's single wood legs (2, one to the left & to the right) were never adequate to support it so 1"x4" were jammed into it on each side to give it support. It'd always made me wonder that, because of My Mother's Father's skill in woodworking why he'd never fixed it like he'd said day 1?

  My Cousin said he had a theory. Because he'd ordered My Family to never fix it or to modify it in any way because it was a duplicate to the one in the house that was a duplicate of My Mother's Parent's Place (I'd seen that place, it'd been furnished just like their home, but more sparsely & with a few different furnishings & art objects, presumably that the family living in that home had added to their lives, I'd killed some lil kid there once if anyone's paying attention the "Blue Porsha" story).

  RECAP: I was playing with blocks because all of the other things one might do there were taken. They kept the blocks hidden as a rule so the "Partygoers" were not aware of them, thus, I and my sisters got to play with them. Since the sum of the Partygoers & "The Regulars" were forbidden by force to interact with me we sat & quietly avoided their drama. What My Sisters saw or their conclusions of that day's events I never asked them. Why bother?

  Drama? Yeah, drama. I noticed that guards were positioned at the front & back doors inside & out. I'm kind'a oblivious actually, if partygoers hadn't pointed it out to me I might not have even noticed.

  My Cousin called me into the packed to the gills kitchen, not a single member of My Family (that I know of) were in that room. He told me that by now I knew we were all prisoners & we discussed thing, listed elsewhere. He told me that no one could leave but by his command. Now, because he trusted me I was the only one who could leave. My job was like usual actually, he'd be sending me to the nearby party store to pick up anything they'd forgotten or if supplies of of anything ran out. Mostly just to pick up soda & cigarettes actually. Most of his guys were showing up without enough cigarettes for the day so to avoid a meltdown I was going to be the only one who could leave the Grande Party (I should note that at no time whatsoever did anyone there, nor at any time in the past, family or not call it or even use the term "Grande Party"). My Cousin mocked me that, like usual I would be payed nothing to go to the store by his command. Mocking me all the more & laughing when he asked others there what it usually took them to get a kid to go to the store & they said the going rate for any child there to do anything (like going to the store for instance) was $20. Big money when you think about it because minimum wage was about a dollar back then. "You try to get any of the kids here to do anything for less than $20 and it ain't happening".

  As the day progressed My Cousin mocked me how much I would've made if I were "one of my children". He meant the kids at the party in general.

  Soooo... I went to the store that day much more than normal. Even being violently accosted by guards when I tried to leave only to have another guard say it was okay, I was that "Good Kid", the only person who could leave without permission there.

  "That's The Good Kid? I thought he'd be bigger".

  At the local store, about 2 small city blocks away the only unusual thing was that they expected me & had my orders ready for the most part. That part was not normal. I still had a cornucopia of different brands of cigarettes that I had to order individually for the Partygoers & the Regulars though. We did this many times that day. Strange only in that the store workers told me they'd been ordered to call the party to tell them I was on my way back. When I asked why they said they had no idea why? We shot a few guesses back & forth politely.

  At the party it became clear, to me, that people were being brought into the kitchen scared. In about 10-15 minutes on average they left, always via the front door & some where as white as sheets! Trembling.

  Many were escorted by my "Trio of Cousins" going in. Others were escorted by children whom I'd never interacted with & some by giant Jocks in black.

  I recall that as the day wore on more people came to the party as others trickled out they they didn't look happy at all to be there.

  I remember my Trio of Cousins starting to come back to the kitchen more frequently with no one. Meh, who cares, I just recall it. My Cousin was furious with them. He wasn't given to yell very often except at me as a rule. Actually, he seemed like a pretty jolly guy to me whenever I wasn't around, I guess he really did hate me huh?

  RECAP: Lots of store visits, white as a sheet guests, the Trio of Cousins start showing up empty handed a lot. Me playing with the blocks building stuff with my 3 siblings, I don't recall My Bro being there at the time of this writing. Lots of store visits & I wasn't making a penny. In a way it wasn't so bad. It didn't take long & it allowed me to escape the always ongoing drama at the Grande Parties.

  People, desperate people asked me to hide them. "You're The Good Kid"" They told me. The only person at the party they figured they might trust out of desperation.

  Me? I told them I was just a kid. How could I hide them?

  "I don't know? Can you think of anything"?

  I suggested they hide.

  No good they told me one by one. Children were scouring the party & bringing each Partygoer to justice. Their time was coming soon. Trembling like someone who has to go to the bathroom badly a few of them begged me. They claimed to be scared out of their wits. They franticly said they'd like to hide but being caught hiding meant a very severe punishment much worse than if one didn't hide.

  I recall a few of them & to my shame here's what happened next.

  I asked one how the gang had blackmailed him? He told me he was seduced by a little girl whore & that she was there. He was terrified that she'd be the one sent to find him.

  So I thought a while, but not for long, & told him he could pay that little girl to hide with him in the attic & if he were discovered he could claim he wasn't hiding, just in a moment of passion (no where near the exact words I used, but the wise among you get the jist Reader). He said my plan wouldn't work because the little girl hated him.

  I told him that she was a whore right? Then if he had money she'd go with him.

  He protested it'd probably cost him a lot of money, he'd brought thousands with him, just in case he needed it.

  I told him what was more important? The money or avoiding the punishment? That was when he left me.

  I recall he was discovered much later & he & a little girl, maybe 6 or 7  was beside him as Jocks escorted them into the kitchen. In about 10 minutes or so he came out. He told me he was punished. but he was relieved that the waiting was over. Then he thanked me based on I'd given him "a chance" & that my plan had worked in a way. He'd hidden with the girl & been caught. My Cousin was about to hand down an epic punishment on him too but he CLAIMED HE WASN'T HIDING, but in a business transaction with the little girl (far from his exact words). He told me that because he was "falsely" accused of hiding that My Cousin seemed to go easier on him with his punishment, he felt that my advice had spared him a horrible punishment that the others summoned to the kitchen with him had gotten.

  Others begged & when I told them to hide in the woods out back they said it was no good, children were scouring the woods & dragging people back to be punished. I noted to a few that I'd been watching the children's search patterns. That yes they did scour the woods behind My Mother's Parents & the home to the south but that there was a small patch of woods in the neighboring yard to the north (very small) that they never entered. I advised them that they could go there, cover themselves with leaves, & hide until dark. I never saw them people I gave that advice again so I don't know how the advice turned out for them? I did however see a single one of them go there & lay down & cover himself with leaves. Some tried to give me money. Lots of money. Especially for a broke kid like me. I turned all of them down.

  Lastly I recall one guy who begged me repeatedly for help with a look of terror. "They say you can get people out of here"?

  I told him I could not.

  But the guy begged urgently & asked me for any plan. Even a slim chance to avoid punishment was better than none to him. He offered me a lot of money.

  Finally, I thought about it. But not for long. Then I told him I was the only one who could leave as the store gopher (no one used that term either ever, me included BTW). If he could remain unpunished if & until I was sent to the store again I would tell the guards that he was my ride & get him out.

  Sure enough soon I was ordered to go to the store. We walked out the front door & the guards tried to grab the man. I told them he was my ride. They debated with themselves if I were lying, if they should call My Cousin & such.

  Me? I told them I was The Good Kid & they knew it. My reputation was such that everyone there knew I could be trusted & everyone there knew that.

  That was good enough & we left.

  The guy went to the nearby party store with me. There he all but begged me to accept a large sum of money & I refused it over & over. He tried to reward me many ways & I told him I wanted nothing.

  In the end he frustrated me & I said something like. "Fine! Here's how you can reward me. If they ever line everyone up to slap me in the face again & you're involved go easy on me & try not to hit me too hard. Okay"?

  Smiling he agreed & left. I walked back to the party with the requested supplies in hand.

  My Cousin summoned me into the kitchen & told me he suspected the Trio of taking bribes to let some partygoers escape his wrath. They were going to receive an extreme punishment, later, but not today. For now I would be tasked with finding his runaways & bringing them to him. Something I did very reluctantly but like everything I do in life then & mow, I did it to the best of my ability.

  It's 11-21-22 & my right cheek hurts & is numb. Left cheek numb & I really should get a cup to spit out the poison that's seeping out from between my teeth & gums. I grow tired of writing about the weirdest weirdism & the gang in general.

  There you go Reader. Another hour & a half of my life I'll never get back writing about a strange day inflicted upon me by the gang that I'll never get back either. I took no enjoyment in the events of that day then nor now (11-21-22). And just like that cruel summer I made no money writing about it either. Just a total waste of time & electricity in my opinion & all to write some weirdism.



THE 1ST ONE??? A recap...

  These recaps are not for my Readers (if anyone is even reading this who isn't "one of them"), they're for me. I'm trying to decompress, to come to grips with the events inflicted upon my life by madmen.

  The truth shall set you free...

  Sooooooo... there I was. Surrounded by Jocks, Fearless Leader, & a random assortment of average middle class & upper class people in some mansion estate's building. I drew a map of the grounds & the buildings in great detail in my +1,500 page letter to the FBI where someone dies every few pages. The "Nurse" was preparing another syringe to my left because the 1st had dazed me into weakness, but I was still standing & semi-lucid.

  The Jocks & the random people were standing around me either in horror at what was to my right or threatening me because of it.

  I looked down at "her". Flesh. It was the gal I've nicknamed Flesh & even assigned her a posthumas Theme Song ( ). She was clearly dead. Her head was laying flat on the floor of that building where only minutes ago she & her friends were mentally & physically torturing me. The very room where she'd mocked me about my coming legal demise based on the films they'd made of me killing people, the Boulder Bank Robbery & her testimony against me. She & Fearless Leader had asked me to recall "The  Satanic Wedding Ceremony I'd endured?

  I mocked them back that I had thwarted it. It never was completed.

  They mocked me back claiming it had succeeded & was a done deal. It was just that their Date Rape Drug had robbed me of any memory of it. Now she was legally my wife. Now her testimony against me would be the most damning thing I could imagine, I had no chance against them * it was all to help cover for their friend. Duh Jerk who needed a way to get rid of me far from mid-Michigan & the host of my potential witnesses.

  They mocked me, laughing me to scorn. A room full of them.

  They say that the truth shall set you free...

  The past is the past in now in the present I was looking at her, her head lying flat, her neck bent at an angle no neck should nor could ever be bent at... and for that person to live & be whole. She was clearly dead. Dead...

  Flesh looked peaceful. She hadn't looked like that since she 1st seduced me on their drug(s?) when they needed a large base of films, mundane interactions that they could use to prove we all were great buttbuddies.

  They say the truth shall set you free...

  So I was looking down at her to my right. She was dead. She looked so peaceful lying there. Why was she dead? Because I'd grabbed her by the head with both arms, tackled her & pinned her with my weight, & twisted her neck with all of my laborer might for a few minutes!

  After we'd met she asked me what race I thought she was? Of what national origin?

  I recall pondering the subject while on their drugs. I answered that I'd supposed she was Caucasian, likely of Italian descent?

  She corrected me. She claimed to be Hispanic. She asked me my opinion on the subject?

  I told her race means nothing to me when it comes to love, if Mrs. Right was any race whatsoever I would be content to make her mine.

  Now she was dead.

  I recall during the seduction, when any rational person would've said. Where am I? Who are these strangers around me"? But the drug(s?) had robbed me of that level of reasoning. I didn't question the situation before me at all. Not even slightly. I recall thinking how lucky I was to have so beautiful a woman. Luck me huh?

  They say the truth shall set you free...

  Back in the present I tried to walk over to her, to inspect the body but the Jocks held me & the crowd back who threatened to kill me for going near their dead friend. Fearless Leader told them to let me when I complained.

  I recall standing there pondering her dead body. The waste of such beautiful woman flesh. Minutes ago she'd bragged about testifying against me. How it was her initiation to some lofty Officer position in the gang. Now she was dead & a team of kidnapping recreational serial-killers were all swearing revenge against me for her, their dead friend. The memory is breaking up...

  Fade to black.

  Was she my 1st wife?

  Til death did we part...

TIL DEATH DO US PART... Literally...

  Sooooooo... There I was, in what seemed like a Satanic Chapel in or around Boulder Colorado. My torturers were assembled in the many pews, an alter & pulpit were in front of us & there was a giant pentagram that hung prominently behind them. Flesh stood beside me; Fearless Leader & his ever-present Jock army were there like groomsmen for the camera & Flesh herself stood beside me. A Preacher of sorts asked me if I took this woman to be my wife?

  Me? I was dazed & confused because of the drugs, deprivation, & torture. I became semi-lucid as I staggered in place pondering the subject. It was then that I recognized my kidnappers & recalled the situation before me.

  So I tried to fight my way out of there.

  How'd that work out for me? We fought. I lost. They drugged me anew...

  Later, after another horror skit had been forced upon me. Another PRACTICAL joke concluded successfully. The Nurse stood afar on my left, the Jock army on my right just out of the camera on the tripod's view. My torturers all prepared the next PRACTICAL joke. Props were being brought in from the next room & they were agreeing on the technique they'd use on me while The Nurse prepare yet another syringe for use on me.

  TRIVIA: It's only trivia to add that in my +1,500 page letter to the FBI where someone dies every few pages, I assigned Flesh a theme song for reasons of symbolism. "Flesh for fantasy". I invite the Reader to go to Youtube & play it in the background & read on. It's a story about the life of one of God's children who I nicknamed Flesh. I never knew her real name.

  Fearless & Flesh mocked me about the fake wedding. Noting their pictures & films of them as my friends at our very legal wedding would enable them to destroy me for the friend & employer/caterer of the event Duh Jerk. No one would ever believe me nor question their motives with the films their torture, deprivation, & drugs had allowed them to inflict upon me.

  The pair stood side by side & mocked me & laughed heartily. A few of the Jocks & the gang nearby joined them.

  Me? Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. I pondered the situation before me through the drugs & deprivation. I looked at them. Fearless & the smiling Flesh.

   Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. In a moment of time, I judged Flesh. She would not stand in a court & frame me, nor judge me. Why? Because if I could I was about to kill her... now! I figured they'd kill me for it. But I judged that my death would be acceptable if I could but take her with me to the grave. Here & now!

  I charged at Flesh & leaped into the air with my arms outstretched surprising the Jocks tasked with tackling me if I resisted at any point. WOW! Did she look surprised! So did Fearless Leader.

  I grabbed her by the head & slammed her down with all of my weight!

  The gang piled on me as one while I twisted her neck with all of my laborer might!

  Fearless yelled at The Nurse to drug me.

  Me? I ducked my head down & in the bad light The Nurse armed only with a syringe yelled in response to Fearless' urgent orders. "I can't tell who he is there's too many bodies"!

  I kept my head down & could tell she ran back & forth. Dozens of hands tried to prevent the turning, twisting & yanking action I was inflicting on their friend... Flesh.

  Eventually it occurred to The Nurse to flick on the lights & she picked me out of the crowd & dosed me.

  My strength faded & the gang manhandled me off of Flesh by picking the bodies restraining me off one at a time.

  Fearless assessed the damage on Flesh, pointed at her & yelled at me. "YOU KILLED HER"!

  I said. "She's faking it". Probably just another PRACTUICAL joke. Nothing more.

  Fearless invited me to look at her closely & I struggled through the drugs to do just that. Flesh looked peaceful to me. A look that had eluded her in my presence until then. They were still picking the bodies off of her & I think a leg held her torso slightly off the floor face up. She was facing up with her head resting on the floor in a way no neck could accommodate.


  "So what"? I said staggering there as my strength faded away. "You were gonna kill me anyway". At least I got to take her with me.

  "No we weren't. We were going to have fun with you and let you go"!

  Me? As I faded out, I called him a liar. Certainly, if they weren't going to kill me before they'd kill me now for what I'd done to their beloved seductress friend Flesh.

  Fade to black...

  Later snitched boasted that Flesh & I had legally married, on film. They whined decades later about the extreme lengths they took to ensure a cover-up of the wedding.

  All of them had the same story in a way. Flesh had been a junior Officer of note & her seduction/destruction of me publicly would've signaled a coronation of sorts, her ascension to high rank within the gang.

  She had a lot of friends & loyal family who were counting on her promotion for their own advancement in the gang. But no longer. All they had to look forward to was revenge... revenge against me.

  Til death do us part?





  Right cheek growing number with each bi-weekly injection.

  Yeah, I pray a lot, have put my trust in God, & have talked to a bazillion Police Officers.


  11-14-22 RECAP:

  My cheeks hurt, so I'll ask again?


SUMMER OF 72... anything but the Summer of love for me...

  Soooo... it was while standing there in front of my home at 1269 Harrison Street in Bay City Michigan Circa Summer 1972ish. The Uniformed Bay City... cOP got back into his marked Patrol Car in broad daylight by walking to where it was parked on the north side of our front yard & My Mother (Honor honor honor) went into our home by walking away from me heading south to our front door.

  He'd been there to accuse me of murder... again. By "again" I don't mean him personally but meant another uniformed & on duty Bay City... cOP had come to my home & accused me of murdering a lengthy interrogation.

  Today, 11-14-22 I tried counting which accusation number it was & am fairly confident it was the 5th such time I avoided arrest for murder at the hands of an on duty uniformed Bay City... cop. By "fairly confident" I mean not 100% sure. But I'm sure the number is close, but only rounding down. Keep in mind, this isn't questioning about the same murder 5 times but 5 different murder accusations concerning 5 different cases I'm writing about. For the record I didn't mean that... cop came to accuse me 5 times, I meant that he was the 5th... cop to come to my place to accuse me of murder, 5, yes five, give or take, probably give.

  I submit for the Reader's approval that after a time the number of times you get accused of murder as a child tends to blur in one's memory. You know? Like happened to everyone in true story Americana? Right? I'm asking, not telling because I have nothing to compare it to. Everyone forgets the exact number of times they've been accused of murder. Right?

  Soooooo... Recap. Cop going one way, just accused me of murder, My Mother for whom the sum total of my then existence could be summed up by a sentence she never used once. "Accusation equals guilt" going the other way on a beautiful summer's day.

  I was in awe that I had somehow, like a tap dancer in a minefield, somehow avoided the... cop's word maze of accusation & come out legally unscathed at that time. How'd I do it? I'd prayed & I'd told the truth to the best of my ability. I was a Christian. My nickname was The Good Kid. The Good Kid is 100% ethical at all times. Did I measure up to that standard? For trivia's sake I'll admit it to you Reader. No, no I did not. But I tried & it was important to me. It's what God wanted.

  So there I was, standing in the yard in awe at the situation before me. The... cOP pulled away & My Mother was gone inside our home. I just couldn't believe that this was happening to me. How? I pondered the calamity that my life was. Why? Why me?

  I pondered that... cOP & could only guess at his possible motivation?

  My Mother? For her; accusation on me & only me meant guilt. I'd endure weeks long pain sessions over the alleged theft of a Canadian Penny of no particular value. I'd been pounded for weeks by multitudes based on every vile accusation one could imagine & even more for the most insane & ludacris accusations anyone could think up. At night my door might blast open & she'd retry me for past offences based on an accusation she'd proven me innocent of months or even years ago against me in hours long pain sessions with every adult & child nearby joining in with faces framed with looks of pure ecstasy.

  So why was I unpunished for the murder accusation? Why? More importantly, why again?

  I thought about asking My Mother why? But considering her violent interrogation style at the slightest provocation I decided against it.

  Everybody loses track of the number of times they've been accused of murder? Right?

  Again, I'm only asking because I have nothing to compare it to?



  This is a RECAP of that sunglasses in the hall at Central High School. A taxpayer-funded institution where I faced death many times. I starred in child porn, I endured torture... cOPS assaulted me, tried to frame me, threatened me, lied about me, participated in my attempted murder.

  This in the RECAP of when Duh Jerk was talking about the visiting athletic team from afar all standing by the School Elevator looking at me & swinging imaginary blows at me, landing punches on their opened hands all while glaring at me. One swung a bat angrily, yes, angrily. In fact there are many ways one could swing an aluminum bat in life, one of them is to do so with an emphasis on anger. They did this all while wearing smart brand-spanking new  purple Central High School Football Jerseys.

  Duh Jerk invited me to check down the hallway by pointing at the classroom left of the main offices when you enter the school.

  The rational part of my brain told me not to do it. Not voices in my head, you know, that part of your mind that tells you not to go where the recreational serial-killer just dared you to go.

 Me? How do I explain myself? What I did next? I've never been given to a spirit of fear. My religion forbade it. Though I was an athiest at that time I just was never given to indulge that spirit. Call it a flaw, call it stupid, or just call it what I was & am. They say the truth shall set you free. Here goes...

  So I walked down the hall, as I recall it we were probably nearing the point where the bell would soon sound & I'd be late for class. It'd also sound that the halls would soon be virtually empty & a recreational serial killer claimed he had death squads on both sides of me & he wasn't one to bluff in my experience.

  So I walked to that classroom fully expecting that it was possible that this could be the last thing that I ever did. I wont call it an overwhelming curiosity, nor an attempt at bravado because "he" challenged me. But I was curious. As I walked up I planed a strategy. I'd look in, prepared to run. If I didn't have to run I would observe the room & it's occupants as best I could & as calmly as possible so as not to escalate the situation needlessly.

  As I walked past the main offices the squad behind me ceased their imaginary attacks on me & several of them pointed at me & began to talk about who knows what with Duh Jerk while looking at me.

  In the classroom I could see a room filled with about a team's worth of fit young men, probably a team the year younger than the larger & older teens who were in the hall behind me. They were in a semi-circle huddled about the door & behind about 5-7 foot from the door. They all took turns bending over to peer as far as possible into the hallway & not a one of them could've possibly seen the secondary offices that were then Duh Jerk's Office across from the school elevator.

  As I walked up I noticed the looks on their faces. They looked stressed, not at all angry like the 1st team. Some look terrified. I thought there might be a look of recognition on one of their faces, like I was the guy they were there for but as I slowly walked past & then stood on the far side of the door there was no look of recognition, they almost casually glanced at me like they did at the few others who passed by. Stopping to look at me only once I stopped in the doorway on the far side putting all the participants in my field of view for security. I checked, no one sneaking up on me. So I indulged myself to stare inside & to see what I could see? Desks had been moved away from the door. The occupants seemed more interested in what was going on down the hall than what I was doing, but 1 or 2 of them did stare at me with that "who are you & what is this guy up to look".

  Several of the pack by the elevators broke off & Duh Jerk ordered them to come back. They gorilla walked angrily down the hall.

  Me? I walked casually away & as soon as I was out of sight I took off running with everything I had. I could hear them shouting at students in the gym (coincidence I'd run in that direction is all) & asking if someone with my description had just run by.

  A RECAP... nothing more. Just another day in the 80s in a taxpayer-funded institution in Bay City Michigan. I dare wonder if it was "business as usual".

  Today is 11-17-22 when I write this. The time between when I wrote this & when I just starred in child porn isn't even double digit hours yet.



  "Yes I did". I told the alleged uniformed & on duty "Munger Michigan... cOP" while he stood imprisoned at his "post", inside the cell he'd locked me in for days, maybe even weeks? The memory addled by the gang's dug(s?) I'm not really certain how long I spent in that cell on display as proof of the power of the gang?

  Lets back up a mere minute or 2 here. I had just been searching the one-room very official-looking jailhouse for... anything. Anything that'd get me out of there or make an escape more likely. The uniformed... cOP who wore a uniform that clearly indicated he was a Munger Police Officer stood silently watching me along with about a dozen men.

  They yelled at me to break my concentration. Then paused & said things like. "Are you okay? Do you want some help". A very standard challenge the gang uses against their victims. The theory is that they hope that by repeating themselves they can land the query within moments of a victim's memory resetting. This is the "sweet spot", a moment where a given victim is likely confused & the gang can get them to act in ways contrary to their own personal interests.

  How'd I handle it? I threatened them with my pistol.

  Their retort? My gun was full of blanks & they weren't scared.

  My retort? I went outside & grabbed some fine gravel & came back in & explained to the men that my blank-filled pistol was now a shotgun & if they didn't shut up I would kill them.

  One of them pointed out it'd take an absurdly long time.

  I agreed & even contemplated doing just that. Then I said something like unto. "Motivate me. Watch what happens".

  When one of them kept at his verbal challenges I warned his pals I'd start the shooting soon & once begun wouldn't stop. So if they valued their lives they'd better beat him down & shut him up. I resumed searching.

  When he tried again 'He's bluffing' the other guys told him. "SHUT UP"! They figured I wasn't bluffing.

  It's kind'a fuzzy, but that Red-Headed Secretary got involved & I belted her full tilt. She went down hard! Flying into the middle of the room on the floor.

  I searched some more & other than improvised stabbing weapons I could find nothing useful & decided to leave.

  I looked at the Red-Head. She'd seemed so charismatic when I'd 1st met her from the other side of my cell & she initially acted like she was just some honest hard-working secretary in a jail fighting the good fight of helping justice.

  In time she & I chatted & I told her I saw her for what she was. Another hard-core gang banger "primarily an actor" child-molester.

  She bragged during the quiet times. She was a seductress from her youth for the gang. She'd seduced men & women for the gang, usually on film & destroyed countless lives and she liked it. SHE LIKED IT! She told me she worked most of the year in a children's school where they kept her supplied with children for her personal pleasure. Men & boys lined up to have her. "Even when men know who & what I am they cant resist me". With her looks she could have anyone & had contacts aplenty to ensure a lifetime of ease. Every man wanted her. "Even you. I could have you. I saw the way that you stared at me when you 1st got here".

  I told her that was true. But that now that I knew her for what she was she sickened me. She'd never have me.

  She disagreed.

  I retorted. I could tell she'd been a solid 10, maybe even a year ago. But I pointed out that my preferred woman type was older women & that if I assessed her as having beauty beginning to fade, likely from drinking & drugs, & the "Molester lifestyle" then it was true. She wasn't a solid 10 anymore.

  We talked quite a bit. She told me she was thinking of returning to one of the many Captains of Industry whom she regularly dated & giving them the greatest gift of all. Her. For life.

  Gross... The thought sickened me.

  Advance to the present. Now here we were. She was lying on the floor sprawled out. I wanted to leave. In a moment of time I had the many, many, many times I turned my back on a faking Molestor who called out for help as soon as I was gone. Who attacked me as soon as they could sneak up on me. Who begged for their lives & then mocked me when they facilitated my recapture mocking who foolish I was to trust the word of one of... "them".

  What to do with her? Hmmmmm...

  I looked around for something, some way I might restrain her & my search of the desks was fruitless. I thought I might use a computer cord but they were all bulky, you couldn't twist them around anything effectively.

  An occasional cough came from the cell to remind me I wasn't alone.

  What to do with her so I could escape? I judged I was spending way too long deciding. For all I knew my memory could reset any moment & I'd best be on my way out before that happened. I just didn't have any time. So I hatched a plan that, in lieu of restraining her would shut her up.

  So I walked up & knelt on her & twisted her head with all of my laborer might. K-K-K-K-KRACK!

  You didn't have to kill her" Said the Deputy.

  "Yes I did". I explained I had no way to restrain her.

  The Deputy invited me to look at the walls. Restraining cuffs & shackles o-plenty hung from the walls as did their giant "Munger Michigan" Official-looking law-enforcement seal.


They look nice... the most disturbing RECAP... ever...

  Let me begin with a bible verse very dear to my heart.

Exodus 20:12

  12 Honour thy father and thy mother: that thy days may be long upon the land which the Lord thy God giveth thee.

  It's only trivia to add that BOTH the Police AND my church AND even my own family dismissed me based on THAT bible verse. How? Because IF I were telling the truth ALL OF THEM SAID then I would never honour my parents. It's infallible proof I'm a liar. Period!

  Now the story. I'm not nor was I ever a perfect Christian. Read my story, you just might agree with me? It came to pass one day that I was watching a show titled Texas Chainsaw Massacre. A violent show, I wouldn't recommend it to Christian or non-Christian but I did in fact watch it.

  Then... "it happened". While I sat there on my own couch I began to think on the movie in my heart. Here is a RECAP of those musings.

  I thought to myself what a caring family the character's family were to each other. I wished I had a family who loved me like that. Then it occurred to me, longingly that if the family depicted in the film were mine I just might have killed less people in my all too-short life than I had to that date.

  Then the true horror of the imaginings of my heart dawned on me. I was reviled at... me.


  My advice? Honour thy Mother & thy Father. I suspect that if I had even more rigidly adhered to that verse then my life, my family's life, & the lives of many who died just might have been better.

  My excuse that my Parents (honor honor honor) made it "challenging" sickens me.

  The most disturbing RECAP... ever.

  RECAP: When I say "all of them" I mean that 100% of the groups are included. Though not every single... cop or family member who dismissed me claimed it was hounouring my parents that made them dismiss what I had to say.

  Romans 6:23

23 For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.


Once upon a time upon my bunkbed...

  Sooo there I was at age 8. I was in my bedroom during a quiet moment. I recall that my family were on the other side of a thin wall that seperated the living room from my bedroom. In a moment of time I resolved to take stock of my only goal in life at that time. A goal I wouldn't abandon my entire life.

  My Goal? well in life I'd always wanted to be a racecar driver at that age & changed it to astronaut about then, but that isn't the goal I meant.

  My goal literaly was that I live a number of years so that number would exceeded the number of people I killed. Is this normal Americana? I only ask & don't just say it because I have nothing to compare it to?

  Then I pondered in my heart how I was meeting the challenge of that, my only true goal in life? Normal Americana. Right?

  Sooooo I started counting the dead. Him, her, that guy, that kid, should I include, uhhh, wait, wasn't that a PRACTICAL joke, oh yeah, didn't they brag HE lived, what about that one that's fuzzy?

  I was mentally overwhelmed & had to sit down, so I sat on the lower Bunkbed & decided to obtain a more accurate count, horrified that this was even the situation before me.

  So I started counting again. Him, him, him, her, him, him, uh, wait, didn't the gang brag he lived? Him, him, wait, didn't I already count him? Him, him, no wait, didn't he live & did I count that guy who they said was a PRACTICAL joke?Uh, where was I? It's not the exact words of my heart but the wise get the jist of what happened that day.

  Then I decided that the only way to obtain an accurate count would be to write it down & thought to do that very thing. Then in a moment of time it occurred to me. My family (who were at that time very slap-happy & punishment towards me happy) would immediately ask me about what I was writing if they came upon me writing. I was The Good Kid. The Good Kid always tells the truth, if asked I would tell them exactly what I was writing. I pictured the horror sessions I'd lately endured at the most trivial of accusation & figured that if caught trying to do this task the punishment just might be epic upon epic. I figured I could hide, then make the secret list. I pondered the recent visits by Police who were at my home to accuse me of murder... again & again as of late. Then it occurred to me that if discovered making such a list of how many people I'd killed (or even how many people I suspected I'd killed) in hiding the punishment could be astounding.

  So I judged it too dangerous to do. Then it occured to me. I'd lost track of the number of people I'd killed at age 8.

  The horror... the horror...

"You are our Recruiter".


"Who us? Just because we live on the Womenn's Rape Capital Frontier is no reason to listen to the accusations of David A. George. I don't care how many witnesses he has".

"Plus, I'll bet bullying nationwide is 1 in a million... tops. Trust us".













The Classroom to the Left of The Main Offices is about here





The School Elevators are about here





West of the Main Entrance is about here



  It was some time later. Duh Jerk stopped me in the Hallway, why? I forget that particular time at the time of this writing. Whatever it was for he had his say & I had mine in that tax-payer funded Bay City... cOP, Michigan State... cOP,  & FBI Agent protected hallway (a list of local law-enforcement agencies tasked with MY protection).

  So I asked him while his defense squad stood guards on the west side of the main entry doors to the school. What about the guys in football jerseys that'd chased me? It seemed like he'd lost control of them? What happened.

  He looked ashamed when he told me being that the would-be vigilantes were card-carrying hardcore gang regulars (not his exact words) he'd showed a wide assortment of "films" starring myself so the raping & kidnapping gang of murderers would feel self-righteous & in a good mood about killing me. The way Duh Jerk had brought it up was he was sure I'd attack him & they'd get a chance to rid the world of the biggest scumbag around. When I just walked away they decided to take the law into their own hands with my death!

  He'd lost control of them & they'd all be punished. Losing control of one's self in such a situation was unforgiveable to the gang. They'd soon be seriously punished.

  Changing the subject to decades later The Last Snitch was yelling at me during a debriefing. He wanted me to know why he hated me. "You don't evenn realize how many of our people have been injured or killed over you"! While he didn't share any numbers with me in my opinion it seemed to be a number he felt uncomfortable with? Just a guess?

  RECAP of a RECAP. All over my sunglasses. Go figure huh? It amuses me to suggest to... cOPS to click below & go to the section labeled "It's the sunglasses".

  My sunglasses... that were wrecked for profit & revenge...



  It's only trivia to admit that typing "Once upon a time upon my bunkbed" has greatly depressed me.

  I am not a better person for having rehashed that memory.



  The RECAP page isn't about furthering my story, it's not about what I think might help me (well, not much), it's about what's on my mind & helping me to deal with it, mostly.

  Sooooooo.... there we were, mere blocks from Bay City Central High School, just west of it in what seemed like an ordinary suburb. Duh Jerk bragged we were in a small enclave. An area of the city where, in part thanks to the loud music they continuously played & the face that they "owned" the neighboring properties (see "Definitions Page" for a definition sure to daze & confuse any 100 mid-Michigan... cOPS).

  Duh Jerk explained the rules of the end of my life to me in a spacious living room packed to the gills with himself & an army of 18 year old Jocks, & Bay City's own dirty.. cop I've nicknamed "Dirty Cop". Circa 1988.

  1) I could do anything I wanted to my captors. Hurt them to my heart's content, kill them if I wanted.

  2) My captors could hit me all they wanted, body blows only. "Not the face".

  3) The were going to be torturing me for a long long time.

  What happened next? They didn't feed me & they beat me & kept me awake for a long, long time.

  4) I was going to be raped a lot.

  Me? How'd I handle it? What was my plan? 1st, I prayed, a lot! To God be the glory for my survival, I was never strong or tough enough to have survived & I knew it (athiest me, athiest off their drugs, Christian on them). My plan didn't go well. But I always figured that a bad plan is better than no plan at all. I responded to their plan by beating on them as much as I could. Biting of body parts, breaking limbs, busting bones, poking out eyes, & set out to kill as many of them as I could & tried my very best, while addled by the drugs & sleep deprivation, to do just that. My ultimate goal, a goal I gave very low odds of success was my freedom. Freedom. Freedom...

  Freedom free·dom noun

  1. the power or right to act, speak, or think as one wants without hindrance or restraint.

    "we do have some freedom of choice"

    • absence of subjection to foreign domination or despotic government.

      "he was a champion of Irish freedom"

    • the state of not being imprisoned or enslaved.

      "David A. George tried vainly to fight his way to freedom"

  How'd their plan work? It worked well. I was beaten & raped, often by the entire lined up room's content's daily, for weeks. On film.

  How'd my plan work. I got free a few times but was recaptured over & over chiefly by uniformed on duty Bay City Police who played a major role in my repatriation to said property & event. They even knocked out my front tooth (bragging that they superglued it back in for the public "event" to come).

  I busted up a lot of young men about to enter the prime of their lives. Amputations, wounds that no doubt scarred them for life. Broken this & busted that. Possibly a lifetime of disability to come for a few of them (just a guess).

  Time passes...

  They took me to a makeshift arena & very much tried to sell me that it was a cattle Auction House. Their "official" story being that a bunch of guys who run organized crime from a Public School chose to commit crimes in a Cattle Auction House with High School-type seating, barriers, & basketball playing area & hoop.

  They explained the rest of my life to me. Duh Jerk had beaten & deprived me for weeks to do away with me here, now where I would be an easy victim for the gladiatorial arena he'd signed me up for.

  I'll describe the rest simply using as few words as possible in case a mid-Michigan... cOP should somehow read this.

  They brought in a guy. We fought. I won. The "Judge" who described himself as "The Sheriff" told me to kill my opponent or he'd kill me. Now! I refused. I tried to make a break for it. The Gang beat me down & returned me to the fight.

  Lots of other guys fought. I didn't pay much attention to them, even if the films prove I stared in that direction (my mind was elsewhere in prayer & thought).

  They brought in a guy I'll nickname #2. We fought. I won. The uniformed Police Officer & "Judge" who described himself as "The Sheriff" told me to kill my opponent or he'd kill me. Now! I refused. I tried to make a break for it. The Gang beat me down & returned me to the fight. In my opinion I almost got away but #2 was instrumental in helping them defeat me. His reason he said was because I'd beaten him.

  I told #2 I was angry because only minutes ago I'd spared #2's life under direct threat against my life to kill him, or The Sheriff would kill me. He was a typical Gang Member. My sparing his life at so great a cost meant nothing in his "you wronged me self-important world-view so typical of the gang's members".

  Lots of other guys fought. I didn't pay much attention to them, even if the films prove I stared in that direction (my mind was elsewhere in prayer & thought).

  I assessed myself physically & mentally here during prayer. My strength was waning, ebbing, draining. Muscles were starting to in part shut down & more so that when I'd entered. When I looked at the Fight Roster I realized I would lose. I didn't have the strength to fight that many trained fighters.

  So I hatched a new plan & announced it to the spectators & participants. "TO FIGHT ME IS DEATH! I WILL KILL ANYONE WHO FIGHTS ME"! Then I set out to do just that. It's not as glamourous as I make it sound. It's a grim & grizzly task that I carried out as mercifully as possible. Quick deaths whenever I could. No name-calling. Respectful slaughter.

  Lots of other guys fought. I didn't pay much attention to them, even if the films prove I stared in that direction (my mind was elsewhere in prayer & thought).

  I fought. Guys died.

  I recall this one. A big powerful man. He had a 50ish year old Manager who bragged on his Fighter & how he'd kill me to collect the Bounty Duh Jerk publicly offered there to anyone who was lucky enough to be the one to kill me.

  Me? I treated them like the others who lived & died. I tried to talk them out of fighting me. I failed & the pair taunted me about my coming death while Duh Jerk & the 4 Stars smiled on.

  A long story short? We fought. The man was primarily a wrestler. Often I note that the gang noted my reluctance to wrestle & took that as & spread around that it was because I was a weak wrestler. I'm not then, nor now claiming I was ever tough. Frankly, I liked wrestling. I avoided it only because I learned early in life to not fight to your opponent's strengths & their lifestyle of constantly subduing victims has gifted many of them with wrestling talent. The guy was big, strong, great wrestler. We fought. Here's what happened in this RECAP:

  At one point we were wrestling quite a while. The Sheriff got bored when fights stalemated in wrestling matches so he beat both wrestlers until they released or one overcame the other. We wrestled & he beat us apart a few times. At one point in the wrestling I was on my back laying on to of his belly & had him in a headlock & his legs in a leglock & he was bent backward by this, particularly his neck which was stretched as far back as a neck can go.

  Describe his neck? He was a powerful man with a thick muscular neck.

  Me? I raised my arm & pulled it back as far as I could & delivered 3 chops to his throat with all my might! WHAM! WHAM! WHAM!

  I thought I had him but the guy martialed his strength & threw me off him like a sack of potatoes with a display of strength unlike what he'd shown thus far. His Manager rushed in to shield his guy from me & men from all over rushed in & kept us separate while his Manager tended the man who bragged he'd kill me, for "the money'.

  I stood waiting for him to come back, envious only that no one would be tending my wounds had our situations been reversed.

  In about 30 seconds, maybe a minute it became visibly apparent that my would-be killer's neck was swelling. Major swelling.

  I looked on in horror at how large the man's neck had gotten & figured he was likely to die from his wounds. Still, they had a Uniformed Ambulance Crew right there so I figured he had decent odds of living.

  My opponent stared into my eyes & without an utterance I knew what he was thinking. He was about to die & he knew it because no throat can swell that much and the man still live. I knew exactly what he was going to do.

  My opponent attacked me with everything he had!

  Me? I'd prayed for the strength, a plan, the wisdom to survive. I amended my plan on the spot. Here's what happened next.

  My would-be killer, a powerful & boasting trained fighter (according to him & his Manager) came at me with everything he had.

  I decided to block, figuring he only had a limited time until he ran out of oxygen.

  We fought, maybe a minute? Ever fight a minute against a trained fighter trying to kill you with everything he's got with abandon? Then, he unceremoniously dropped like a stone.

  I recall complaining that the Ambulance Crew just stood around & even suggested that they do an emergency tracheotomy to save the man's life. They offered to give me a small blade & let me do it. I almost did. Why not? 1) I don't know how & 2 I figured that edited film footage of me slicing the guy's throat would seal my fate in any 100 honest courtrooms. In short, "fear". I was afraid to do it, lest he might have survived & it was my surgical incompetence THAT KILLED THE MAN.

  The Ambulance Crew refused to perform any life-saving medical treatment.

  In a moment of time I could see that the Manager who told me he loved his friend deeply realized his friend was going to die then & there. SO HE ATTACKED ME!

  ME? My mind flooded with self-pity, I recall praying a conversation to God (Note: I said to, & not with). This was so unfair. I didn't have enough gas in the tank to take on all the guys on the list. I was dying slowly myself, losing it. This was so unfair that my life had come to this point & now the calamity of having to kill this guy who I never wanted to kill is compounded with now I have to fight his Manager too?

  We fought, maybe a minute. Then, then the Sheriff ordered he be ejected from the arena.

  While they held the Manager who was screaming threats at me to prevent the self-professed trained fighter from killing (his stated goal BTW) me the rest of us all stood around, we all stood around & watched the man die, we all stood around in a big circle, staring into the once bragging man's face, and watched the man die, slowly...


  For the record: RECAPS SUCK.

I should'a learned to play the guuitar, I should'a learned to...

  Play this link very softly in the background:

  Soooooo... Circa summer of 1972 I'd just been given a 6-string guitar, at the time of this writing I forget who gave it to me. But it coincided with the time my neighbor, the kid I hung out with my own age who lived next door to my 1269 Harrison Street home in the corner of Bay City Michigan in the low-income duplex. Believe it or not when he moved away he gave me his 12-string guitar. He told me he was moving to Florida to live with his real Dad. Then he left.

  Me? I'd already told him & others I was resolved to learn to play a musical insterment. Why not the guitar?

  So I decided to spend hours a day learning it.

  How'd it go? Badly. I found it impossible to learn the chords. Add in the fact that I have no beat & poor Rythm & I was quite horrible playing the guitar.

  Worse? Like I said I found I couldn't memorize the chords. I might spend hours trying my best to memorize a given chord, musical note & how to play that single note only to begin practice the next day & literally have no memory of what that note was or how to play it? I was dumbfounded. How could this be? After 2 weeks of being stuck on... uhhh... wasn't it mostly "G"? I'd be a liar if I said I was positive of any chord's name whatsoever. 2 or more hours a day, 7 days a week for 2 weeks & I sat and inventoried my skill with a guitar in hand. I couldn't recall a single chord no matter how long I'd practiced it the day before. I tried reading the music before me, it was like a new language even though I'd spent weeks trying to learn. I was literally 0% on my way to my goal of playing the guitar.

  I took it all as a sign that I wasn't musically inclined, certainly not with the guitar, and just quit. It's 2 weeks of 2-4 hours a day I'll never get back on hot summer days in an unventilated room. Sigh...

  I'd have completely forgotten the subject if in about a week my smiling "Cousin" hadn't summoned me to him & bragged on the subject.

  My Cousin asked me how my guitar learning had went?

  Me? I was amazed he even knew about the subject? I told him the truth as I saw it. I gave up learning the guitar after weeks of practice hadn't yielded even the slightest ability. I just wasn't talented I'd supposed.

  Grinning form ear to ear My Cousin told me he had a theory as to why I'd failed to learn the guitar & would keep failing. "I ordered your Mother to drug you every time you tried learning to use the guitar". He complained that he did it all the time to his young victims & his main complaint was I lasted 2 weeks, most victims barely lasting a single week of this treatment. It meant that he had to return with drugs once & had just dropped off a new batch of drugs when I'd finally decided to quit trying.

  Me? I told him I didn't buy it.

  "Oh yeah"? He asked me to recall when I was in class as of late, that short petite pretty teacher who tormented me when I didn't learn. He told me he drugged me often & chose times critical to my learning to do so.

  I told him I didn't buy it.

  "Oh yeah"? He asked. Then he proceeded to ask me many questions from classes, particularly English classes & infallibly zeroed in on my every weakness. He then bragged he liked to keep himself informed of my education & drugged me at critical points so I'd fall behind my fellow students. "The cops will not think that anyone deficient in English is smart". He like to brag.

  Then he demanded to know how I answered some of the questions? I shouldn't know those things.

  I explained that I liked to read the schoolbooks on my own time from time to time.

  He said he knew that & had solved it. He claimed he'd ordered My Mother (Honor honor honor) to interrogate me every time she saw me with a schoolbook about the subjects I was learning & to beat me for my every perceived wrong answer.

  I told him it was true she did do that, so I simply hid my books from her.

  He told me he was going to punish her for her failure & make sure she beat me whenever I took my schoolbooks home by making my classmates inventory my books when I left school & reporting their removal to her.

  What do you say to your recreational serial-killing Satanic Church Leader stalker at that point Reader? At the time of this writing I don't recall my exact response but I'll write what was often my response to him & to... cops.


  A DULL CONVERSATION WITH A KIDNAPPER... My opinion? He should'a kept his mouth shut...

  Every now & then I think on this encounter with a kidnapper, the memories of that day come bubbling to the surface. For the record I do not count it as a fond memory but one inflicted upon me by madmen. I purposed in my heart to dedicate this tale to the head of The Bay City Police, whoever that may be at this time, 12-14-22 at 12:07 PM. No need to thank me Sir or Mam, just knowing you're out there bringing the same kind of law enforcement excellence that made my website possible is reward enough for me. GULP!

  We begin with me in The Bomb Shelter Garages. I'd just begun my escape. There were bodies lying here & there, young men & women. They were all 18 years old, just graduated & their big chance to prove to the gang they had what it takes to succeed. Or so I was told. They were unusual only in that they were a bragging lot, as a rule Jocks, Guards, & their Seductress Handlers don't talk shop very often with their victims. They bragged a lot to me. What became of them? They died screaming for help in that soundproof room where I made it a point to keep my back to the exit & picked them off one at a time. For the most the fight is fuzzy, hard to recall. I recall deciding to kill them & did my very best to facilitate it. Truth be told they did put up a struggle, but I had 100 lbs on the heaviest I'll bet & none were very athletic as I recall it. Actually, I really just don't reminisce about them much at all. It's the next guy.

  Sooooo... I decided to leave. I'd gotten a sweet steak knife from their food prep area. Actually just a spot they prepared the meals they ate & the meals they pretended to serve me between porn films to facilitate yet more filmed mundane interactions for their ongoing blackmail/framing scam against me (and others, I am not alone & there's an army of fellow victims out there).

  A Jock came in armed with a sweet blade himself & basically told me in so many words I'd been recaptured. He had a knife so I'd better submit. OR ELSE!

  Me? I had a knife too & pointed to all the dead bodies that I wasn't bluffing when I gave him a chance to surrender.

  He laughed at me & mocked me. He had a big sharp knife & I should check my blade because it was dull.

  Yeah, I checked it. That blade was just a dull metal stick of sorts shaped like a knife. Nothing more. Probably less sharp than an average butterknife.

  Me? I thanked him for telling me the knife was dull. "I probably would've just slashed you. Now that I know better I'm going to just stab you over & over". That, or words to that effect. I very much recall my next words. "A dull knife will kill you just as dead as a sharp knife".

  Him? In so many words he told be he was willing to bet his life on it.

  Me? In so many words I told him I too was willing to bet my life on it.

  We fought. I won.

  It was Circa 1988ish, and he had been born a child full of potential just like his coworkers. Such a waste.

  I wonder what words I will say if I should face them on Judgement Day?

  That's when I told The Last Snitch. "I kill rapists. It's what I do".

I appraised the knife. It had about a 6-inch blade & was made of a single piece of metal. Likely drop forged, a knife that had never been sharpened after it's construction.

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bay city cops.jpg
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My retort?

"What part of vain, petty, weird & perverse cult confuses you officer"? - David A. George

Tuesday Jul 12.jpg
Wed Jun 15.jpg
Dec 21.jpg
Sep 28 21.jpg
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Saginaw Badge.gif

  Warehouse style werˌhous/stīl noun Assembly line-type of interrogation/blackmail technique. A small group of victims is assembled & often drugged & or sleep-deprived 1st & then interrogators impose a skit or skits & or interrogation techniques upon each victim one after another. example: "We rounded up all the Kids Anyone Can Hit from each Chapter & tortured them all warehouse style & made them all think they might have killed some little rich girl" one after the other. Well most of'em fell for it in any event".

  human good diddlyoodness (h)yo͞omən ɡo͝od didlēo͝odnəs n. 1. an unwritten social barrier of personal interaction & deeds that no one would cross no matter what based on fair play, common courtesy, a shared sense of honor & unwritten common law ethics ethics across all of humanity. 2. Crimes no one would ever commit, unless they live in a major city. example: "The Bay City... cop said 'no one would do that around here. Basic human good diddlyoodness prevents it. Now if you said it happened in Detroit, maybe I'd believe you'. 8


  "They" stole a few more of the dice that I always carry on my person. Go figure huh? An entire set of the $1 Store dice & a few of the remaining "better" dice that they didn't steal last time. only a pro gamer would notice or even note it.

  Written 4-17-23


  I was just reading the story "A DULL CONVERSATION" again, looking for errors & pondering IF I should add in exactly how the last guy died (Oh, he died, I know it) and I was disgusted by the story.

  WHY? Because of how I talked about the 3 who died before how the last guy in the story died (I made no autopsy, it's just as likely that they may have lived). I was disgusted by the FACT that in my tale of the lives of 3 young men & WOMEN WHO WERE ABOUT TO ENTER INTO THE PRIME OF THEIR LIVES i EQATED THEIR LIVES IN WRITING TO: "and the rest". Those were people's lives. It was without glee that I write about that in my own desperate quest to end the ongoing torture & to gain my freedom & YES, to get some sleep, & that was a big part of why they died, I wanted "rest", sleep, R.E.M. sleep. That in my quest for life & to end the ongoing frame up on me they died. I killed him, the guy by stabbing him over & over with a dull blade about 6 inches long. Then I walked away & recalled my very recent experience where his own teammate had gotten back up after I'd thought he was dead & attacked me & decided that this guy wasn't going to repeat that. So I stabbed him over & over making sure to stab into his jugular veins a bunch of times before I tried to escape with his sharp knife which I used on the final guards.

   "And the rest". Sad is the day that a human life is equated to "and the rest" when discussing ending young lives.

  I'll always remember "My Cousin's" words he spoke to his peers while I played with a toy blue Porsche. "See how he kills without remorse"?

   I'm not a murderer. I have never killed with the intent of commiting murder. Murder is wrong.

  I have killed a lot of people. Some good, some bad, & some very very bad about whom the word "wicked" applies.

  Wont someone stop this?

  Help me? Please?


  Soooo... RECAPPIN the RECAP of the RECAP. Is that even legal?

I recall how, then, in the Bomb Shelter Garages (note my use of the letter "s" in garages) that the gang kept me surrounded by a combination of giant Jocks clothed in black, average sized guys of no particular level of fitness, always a pretty young woman or 2 (as a minimum, to act as "calmers" in case a victim should become agitated, or so they told me "no one wants to hit a pretty girl" they bragged, it was "useful" to do against their victims), & often, but not always 1-3 10-11 year old children. All the participants were about aged 18 except Officers, like Duh Jerk, Fagboy, Duh Weasel, The Mayor's Brat, & Shortstuff, and of course any visitors or fellow victim/,members or participants in the many skits they inflicted regularly that I call PRACTICAL jokes. PRACTICAL jokes is written symbolically.

Everyone but the Officers lived at the garages in the nearby homes next door to the Garages & allegedly took turns manning the lookout houses & providing security for the small parties that went on there.

Living there often meant eating there as they bragged/whined that no one could leave the environs but Officers or someone doing a specific gang task. If the conversations I overheard were true they were often providing back-up or muscle to any number of ongoing gang projects against an assortment of victims who were each at different stages in their ultimate planned demise by the gang. I also so some sent straight to the Brothel to service clients who didn't seem happy about it.

I wrote ALLLLLLL that so I could write this. Here goes:

I recall that they made their meals there. I remember talking with a young woman who'd recently helped recaptured me when I spared her life & tried to leave. She'd given me her word she'd remain quiet in exchange for sparing her life, an option I hadn't given the 3 or 4 young men who lay on the floor around her. She screamed bloody murder & during my recapture it was she who rushed up with a syringe, filled it, & injected me while I was planning on dispatching the rest of the guards (and was doing so).

She told me that I was a fool to trust her. "I'm a Devil-Worshipper". She bragged her word meant nothing & made it a point to humiliate me. She'd even begged for my death because of what I'd done to her classmates that summer. Duh Jerk looked like he pondered my life or death a long time before he told her no. Then he replaced all the guards & staff but her. She was a good cook & provided excellent secondary services they told me (not their exact words).

  I recall when she cooked. When they ate. If it was takeout, they often made it a point to eat in front of me. If she cooked the skits, PRACTICAL jokes, & torture sessions ended & they ate & I was usually returned to my cell next door or the makeshift cells inside the Garage.

It happened again. I got loose, then I killed everyone again. Her towards the end. We were all standing around gasping, I and the last 3 Guards & her. She'd been tasked with trying to escape the room & get reinforcements.

Me? I fought with my back to the door, yanking them into a fight 1 at a time & grabbing at her whenever she came near. It was actually good leverage. Say I needed a respite in the fight or things were going poorly for me. I just grabbed her & taunted the guards. "How could you just let me beat a woman like this"?  They let me go & tried to free her. It made the fight winnable in my opinion.

Soooo there were about 3 of'em left & her. She circled like a panther for any moment of weakness to escape. All she had to do was get to the door & flip the thick lock open & open the big door mechanism. Not as easy as you'd think because the door opened inward & I made sure the fight was at the door. Looking back on it I think the guys should've tried harder to yank me from the door than they did. We were all there, sucking wind, gasping. I wasn't yet at my second wind but I recognized that they were. I figured I had to act, not let them get a second wind. But how? I figured I had to rescue the odds against me by any means possible. Hmmmm...

Until now she'd circled the room with impunity. It made it easy to grab her. Then I promptly snapped her neck like a chicken. K-K-K-K-K-KRACK!

The guys attacked! Having not regained their second wind they were much easier to kill than they might've been in my opinion.

The gal (whom I've given no "nickname") had been cooking. Quite elaborately actually. She prepared the food around me, then cooked it elsewhere in the nearby kitchen they'd shown me when I asked to see it earlier. As a rule she prepared their meals all while chatting with her teammates at a table between her team & myself. Now I went over to her table & gabbed me a knife after I had assessed that it was the best available weapon. The utensils being too flimsy & the table being a flimsy card table with no chairs or any other furnishings in the room. About a 6-inch blade & very sturdy, a single piece of metal. I was amazed that the team hadn't used the utensils against me. But they were dull. Then I left.

I opened the door & was met by a single jock down the hall & the exchange noted in the RECAP happened. I recall when he told me the blade was dull that I studied it so well I feel comfortable using the word "appraise". It was a single piece of metal, likely drop forged with a handle wrapped in leather or cloth. Very sturdy.. A knife that had never been sharpened. I recall being confident enough with it that I said. "A dull knife will kill you just as dead as a sharp knife".

I also recall stabbing him over & over in the jugular veins on the sides of his neck, just to be sure he wouldn't follow me & I went out to dispatch the few remaining guards.

As far as Jocks & torturous skit pros go I'd say that their talents were top notch and as good as any of the gang I'd ever encountered. They were ruder than most, as no other torturers prepared their food in front of me like they had.

I later heard someone lived, & all but 1 died & the deaths would be explained away as a summer school bus accident & a few random accidental death facilitated by keeping the bodies on ice in a Morge.

I asked them who lived & they refused to tell me. Then I asked if the gal had live & was told she was surely dead. Of course, her head was on backwards when I last saw her (like several of them actually).

I dedicate this tale to Bay City's Highest Ranking FBI Agent as of 01-07-23 when I wrote this. Without who's excellent investigative talents stories like mine would not be possible. No need to thank me Sir or Mam, and please don't send me money. Just knowing you're out there using your investigative talents in the fine Bay City FBI Tradition is reward enough for me.


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TALES FROM... THE WOODS!!! True tales of woodland horror...

  This tale is brought to you courtesy of the fine investigative talents of the Bay CIty Gang Chapter of the Michigan STate Police without whom's fine investigative talents none of my website's stories would be possible. Please guys, no need to thank me & please don't send me any money. Just knowing you're out there bringing the fine policework that made my site possible is reward enough for me. PHHHHHHHTTTT!

  Set your wayback macines for the early 70s & buckle your seatbelts, it's gonna be a bumpy ride!




  Sooooooo... it was the early 70's & my Mother's Parents had their backyard set up mostly as a garden/crop field. They had a big yard & most of it grew food. They used to do a lot of canning & as a lil kid it was my job, and my job alone as a grandkid to work in "The Garden" as they called it & I was glad to. You see they paid me $1 a week to work about 4 hours a day there & I was happy to do it... come payday. Like most kids. Attendence was mandatory for myself & my Cousins (who I never learned the names of to this day, literally, they weren't allowed to play with me or talk to me since the time I was a few weeks old onwards, though I'll bet several "films" will dispute my take on events that occured whenever they chose to interact with me).

  I usually did the work alone up & until 1971ish. Frnakly, no one else would obey the adult family authority save My Mother's Brother ocasionally & myself continuously. They'd work a few minutes & whenever you turned your back they'd run off.

  About 1970-71ish they decided to not raise crps in the very back half of the property reducing their crops to about 1/3rd. I thought nothing of it as the next year the back half grew wild & grass & weeded over.

  The next year the entire former cropland sprung up with tiny trees that grew to waist high or so & made trekking through difficult but made for a bug-choked but nice place to hide for hide-n-go-seek games we often played (a static game I might play occasionally with children as, since one hid & didn't interact with people I could play with the other children. "Occasionally".

  The next year it grew about 7-10 feet & the trees were an impossible to enter bio-mass where no one went whatsoever. In the late fall I recall making tunnels by hand through the dense impassible woods. It was hard work as I was allowed to use no tools. Frankly, the many hours it took compared to the few minutes we played there in the Fall chill wasn't worth it. But I had high hopes for the next year.

  The next summer the trees grew taller & the woods, while impassible werent the almost solid biomass they were last year. Hacking a path, again by hand required careful scouting to pick the spots I could rip trees up & snap off here & there. It was a lot of work & this time My Bro & a few of the innumerable visitors I'd never see again in a week helped. We hacked a few paths with a lot of sweat & played maybe an hour or 2 before the assembled adults announced they'd seen us playing & forbade any of us to enter the woods under threat of great punishment.

  I protested & they never gave any reason I liked for the rule. It was just final & too bad if I didn't like it.

  "My COusin had his own theory on it & told it to me beer in hand (his default state BTW). "I ordered it", He claimed he'd planted the woods, like he'd planted many such woods where he coould rape young victims. He was familiar with how long it took to grow out when he densely planted the woods & as a rule it took 5 years of growth & an the 6trh year the tall trees would choke everything & he could walk in & do whatever he wanted to whomever he wanted. The best thing was since it was a newly wooded area people familiar with the area wouldn't consider it as a rule when considering where his victims got raped. Plus since he often panted such woods here & there he could shuttle victims between them & make their stories unbvelieveable to... cops & jurys. Win/win.

  "I noticed you hacked a bunch of trails through there". He mocked me. He laughed at me all the more when he made me admit I'd done it by hand & mocked that he'd seen me doing it & sent me the help to do it. "Why do you think they weren't punicshed for talking to you"?

  I told him a lot more people than he thought talked to me & since he punished a lot of children & adults for talking to me or playing with me that it meant that people were actually talking to me & even playing with me occasionally.

  He promised to crack down more harshly on people who talked to me from then on.

  My big mouth. Sigh... In times like that I often thought about complaining more but it occurred to me that it was other people who got punished for talking to or playing with me & if I complained they just migght start punishing someone else... ME! So i'd best shut up.

  "My Cousin" was drunk when he told me the reason he didn't want me back there was because him & his guys were actively raping & torturing people there.


  Advance time, but not much...


  Sooooo there I was. At another one of My Mother's Parent's Grande Parties. Usually we showed up early & on the hottest days they kicked My Mother's kids out 1st thing. Not the Godless brats mind you. No. The Satanic troublemakers were the stars. Welcome. I & usually my siblings were not welcome on the hottest days so we usually played in the back yard between my (and mine alone) frequent Gauntlet Sessions that usually happened daily & sometimes bi-hourly because of usually ludacris accusations.

  Today a beautiful disheveled blonde woman, early 20s, clothes ripped & only held to her bruised body by her arms stumpled out of the path I'd made weeks ago.

  In my opinion now (not then, now it's my opinion) she was drugged & didn't answer right away. She stopped & pondered, looked around & then answered me & said she'd just been drugged & raped by the guys in the small clearing in the woods (that I'd also made BTW at great physical effort for a child with no tools) & feared the guys were right behind her.

  On que the group of about 8 large teens & adults came out of the woods. Pointed her out & said get her.

  Me? I stood beteen her & them & announced I was protecting her & told my siblings to go inside & call the Police! When you read my story you'll realise I took a huge gamble here concering the subject of my safety here.

  An adult said. "Lets just kick his @$$ & take her".

  Other remarked who is this little kid telling US what to do? They counciled eacjh other to beat me up & return her to the party in the clearing. The gal hid behind me & the rather large party behind me came to a halt, but no one helped either way.

  I stood my ground. Partly because as I looked at the Jocks beefore me & I knew a of a few of them. "My Cousin" rarely told me who'd seen what "films" of me as a rule, so I never knew why they hated or feared me. But these guys had been shown quite a few films of me killing people as part of a routine "lets-make-the-following-people-hate-David-because-we-can-session". I knew they'd "seen the films". So I just double dog dared them to fight me.

  A few adults mocked me & a few of the adults who'd "seen the films". said things like. "Hold on there". "I ain't fighting him".

  "Come on! Lets just kick his @$$ & return her to the party".

  What am I saying? I'm saying that the guys, big guys said things like. "He's a lot tougher than he looks". & "I ain't fighting him"!

  My siblings called the Michigan State police who showed up & read the gal who'd be nude but for holding her tattered garments about her body the riot act. She'd be locked up & an ambulance would take HER away.

  I counciled the... cOP to go down the path & look for drugs but the men insisted the only reason I knew there were drugs down that path was because they were mine!

  That... cOP siezed a lot of drugs, threatened me... threatened ME! He told me I was too young to charge, it'd ruin my life so he was letting me off with a warning.

  To be continued... maybe? But probably not.


"The 1st thing you should know about us is that we're primarilly actors". 

- The very 1st thing Duh Jerk taught me when he tried to recruit me in Fall of 1976

What do you think we do???

  Sooooo... there I was, minding my own beeswax when the man known to me as only "My Cousin" who my family would call "Your Cousin" when discussing him with me came to me & demanded an audience. Uhhh... he wanted to chat so everyone was ordered gone, by him. OR ELSE!

  We chatted about what I cant recall. Occasionally he told me he liked to talk to me because I was the only person he respected at the Grande Party. That our conversations were "one killer to another". You know, normal talk with an American 7 year old kid. Right? I only ask because I have nothing to compare it to.

  During the "chat', beer in hand he asked me. "What is it that you think that we do around here"? What was their criminal enterprise he asked?

  Me? I said I had no idea & when he told me I was a liar, because I was a genius I surely knew or someone had surely told me I told him he was better at isolating me than he thought & I didn't talk shop with his people much. Plus I didn't believe a word any of them said so why bother asking him or his people anything?

  He said that the Grande Parties at My Mother's Parent's Place were part of the gang's sex & blackmail ring. He asked me if I noticed the sheer number of people who came there never to be seen again. A dozen or 2 & most of them for a single day and other than "The Regulars" were never to be seen again. Often, sometimes less people but often more people attended. Up to double. Many of the people lasted a week. Very rarely some lasted a bit longer. Rarely.

  My Cousin said they were recent blackmail victims of the gang. Many were there to be framed all the more, hence their filmed campaign of violence against me. They encouraged their new victim/members & already long-serving member/victims to commit violence against me & filmed it so they could inspire police & vigilantes to attack them if they ever turned on the gang.

  As touching the girls, small, teens, & women he said many of the week long visitors were whores. They'd "retreaded their private parts to make them smaller & tighter. Did you ever notice that sometimes the boys will play with you but almost never the girls"?

  Yeah, I noticed. "So what"?

  He claimed it was because they were all sore from the retreading. "They are a bunch of whores. If they weren't sore you'd be getting a lot of sex from them but you're not". He mocked.

  Me? I told him I never wanted his whores.

  Tell me oh wise readers. Tell me this oh ye... cops who may read this. What's a 7 year old to say in this conversation? Huh?



IT WAS HIM... According to "My Cousin"...

   RECAPS are written to help me cope. Yes, there is the element of furthering my story but, I'm dealing with "a lot" & some things just become "RECAPs" as a consequence. Here goes...

  Soooo... this begins in the mid-Story. I was at that single-story house in the country being tortured for weeks on a lonely hot summer about Circa 1972. The gang of mostly teen males & adults with a few teenaged girls (whom they claimed were prostitutes there to service them as a gang perk for the event) took turns slapping me awake & conducting endless  & usually macbre PRACTICAL jokes while they & I were on drugs. They being willingly on drugs & I being not willingly on drugs. It was a very long sleep deprivation & mind-altering party where the "theme" of the party was seeing what they could get me to do". By seeing what they could get me to do I mean seeing what social barriers & laws they could get the young self-professed Christian Child who was now in their clutches to do. The more felonious & the more deadly the better. Literally. I'm literally claiming it was the goal of the gathering. It was the stated goal & I was the absolute center of attention the entire time. Again, literally.

  They liked to see if they could provoke me, on film, & it worked as they got tons of films where they might act like the victims in word off camera & retreat to the camera view to produce films of me attacking without provocation. Often with seemingly insane stories or accusations based on the drugged & sleep deprived delirium & the theme of the given PRACTICAL joke & what they could get me then addled mind to perceive. Then they might all tackle me, wait for my long-term memory to "reset" because of their drug(s?) & let me go & resume a pleasant scene, only to reload a new film into the cameras & begin anew. They must've paid a small fortune in film reels alone by my estimation (film was expensive back in 1972 & even more costly to develop).

  During semi-lucid & fleeting lucid moments I devised a plan to end the pain. ESCAPE! Escape my kidnappers or die trying.

  At 1st I almost got away a few times but before I'd get a city block's distance on the giant semi-wooded country blocks we were at Uniformed Police in Marked Michigan State... cOP cars & uniforms would accost me & load me into an always quickly arriving Ambulance & would assure any witnesses I was crazy & on drugs & could thus be ignored. Sometimes I made it all the way to the distant Highway & there were lots of witnesses to reassure there. Picture being forcefully loaded into an Ambulance by children & teens that the pair of... cops had just  "Deputized" while witnesses calmly give their statements to the Officers. Who they are, where they live. The gang often bragged... those witnesses were next.

  Often the gang liked to play games with me as my delirium grew. Lets convince lil David to go into the house & start killing people. Usually they just jumped me when I entered facilitating a victim "theme" where they were innocently partying, camera on, then I came in violently & attacked. Often with pistols with blanks of dull fake knives. They never tired of it & yeah, a lot, A LOT of children & adults got hurt. A dull knife can still stab you. Blows, even from a scrawny kid can hurt & even do injury if they connect just right. The Ambulance was always right there in a minute or 2. Always. After a while they seemed to give up on pistols & stuck to giving me baseball bats & dull or fake knives. The bats being very lightweight & being very difficult to hurt anyone with.

  In fights with the bats the bats the gang was armed with might break my bat in half in 1 hit, they had lots more & just grabbed new ones. An adults demonstrated that they could break the bats with his bare hands when I threatened him with it & they took it away from me by tackling me as a group. The prostitutes rarely helped except when they requested to join the fun or a time or 2 when I started doing too well & they just jumped in at an unexpected time & tipped the scales of the battle.

  This time I became semi-lucid when they suggested I rush in & attack. Disgusted at my many failed attempts at running at that time I assessed the situation before me. I figured they were going to kill me. Since I was going to die anyway why not try to fight with all my 7 year old might?

  Still, direct confrontation with a dull knife didn't thrill me, especially against guys who knew I was coming.. The only problem for them was I feigned attack a few times from different directions. Back door, windows. This prompted them to install thick windows & lock them. But it was hot that summer & the gang opened them from time to time.

  So when I became lucid I got them used to me attacking from a random direction. They'd jump me & as I did it a 2nd or so time they noted the time for my next dosage was at hand & drugged me accordingly.

  I became lucid again in the heat & decided now was the time to escape by force. This time I had no weapon & they'd convinced me to go inside & kill everyone... again. I thought about running & decided against it.

  So I ran around the house several times. The theory was to throw them off as to which way I'd try to go in & confuse them as to where I was. Then I'd sneak in. I knew there was a single guard at the back door & they figured he was big enough to stop me alone.

  After running around the house several times I snuck around the building & snuck inside the back door. The guard had his back to the door & had just talked to someone in the building. Reassuring them I wasn't back there as they were questioning all the sentries, where is that kid?

  I came up behind him, yanked the bat from his unsuspecting grip & beat him about the head. Then I kept beating him. A lot!


  While I don't recall the number of times I hit the guy I feel comfortable saying the above amount of reported blows is me rounding down. Did I say comfortable? Nothing about writing this or any other tale of my life is what I could literally call "comfortable". Moving on...

  I recall assessing his bat. Hmmmm... nice bat.

  Yeah, I attacked. A minor boo boo on one of the group & they took me down by simultaneously flying tackling me. Their Leader laughing & mocking me, until he learned about the guy out back. "Hey that kid is covered in a lot of blood. Go out back & check on ___(insert name I forgot)___".

  The gang promised me death & a small fight began with it's members announcing their desire to kill me. It was out down quickly. The fight kept beginning again & soon even the uniformed Michigan State... cOPS were involved & I was held to watch it all. Fade to black...

  The Leader later asked me to note the gang around me at that place. He asked me if I recognized anyone & when I said no he mocked me that the team had promised death for what I did to the back door guard. So the only way he could insure I'd stay living was to replace them all.




  Advance time to Circe Spring 1977. I'm strapped to a table in a Bay City Public School face down with my pants down around my ankles. "My Cousin", a man I hadn't seen in years since his last torture session on me in the backyard at one of My  Mother's Parent's Place's "Grande Parties". He mocked me like usual. Promised me death. Then he brought up the baseball bat kid & the house.& asked me IF I recalled it?

  I did. He'd bragged years earlier that the guy had lived but now his head resembled a golf ball full of dimples. Now that he was no longer a face in the crowd, easily identifiable in public he'd then decided to kill him & wanted me to know I was responsible for the guy's death... in his eyes.

  When I said I had remembered the guy who was the Leader he asked me if I knew who the Leader was?

  When I told him I didn't know he told me it was Duh Jerk. His "graduation". "It was him. He was the guy". He boasted it was Duh Jerk's Ascension to Officer Rank Party, well-funded because it was a glorious event, his coming out party of sorts. He told me that party & all the murders that I was involved in & in the periphery of motivated Duh Jerk to take a job at Bay City's Witless School so HE could keep an eye on me. And to provide for a victim to follow & for a Get Out of Jail free Card for if he ever got caught. His coming of age ceremony.

  I was on drugs & sleep deprived at that time & he'd had to occasionally slap me to keep me awake for his conversation & I was in no mood for "My Cousin", Duh Jerk, nor the The Munger Boy 5 who'd just conducted a lengthy pain fest & rape session on me complete with near death drownings (their fav BTW) using hoses, a course sponge, & ice cold water during the obligatory after rape clean-up session.

  "Yawn. Whatever...".

  "Not in our America. We're all just way too good at our jobs for something like that to happen".

                     /                      /

                    /                      /

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Bay City Badge.jpg
MI State Police.jpg

Definition of Circa:

  Circa cir·ca preposition

  1. (often preceding a date) approximately.

    "built circa 1935" or 'tortured on or about 1972'

  "There were bodies everywhere". I betcha betcha...


"We own the cops". A common child-molester saying in & around Bay City, Saginaw, & mid-Michigan

  I decided when I first tried reaching out to law-enforcement with my story that the best way that I could tell it & still Honor My Parents was to tell not only my story, but to tell their story as truthfully as possible & without exaggerations.

  I also realized that if I lied or exaggerated I'd go down in flames so I decided to tell my story as truthfully as I could to the best of my ability.

  After I felt my blade & that it was very dull   I thanked my captor for telling me that the blade was in fact very dull as since he warned me I'd change my fighting style. I explained to him I'd planned on using a slashing style of knife-fighting, now I was switching to a stabbing fighting style. We went back & forth & I told my Jock Guard. "A dull knife will kill you just as dead a sharp knife".

  In so many words he told me that was something he was willing to bet his life on.

  Me too.

  He lost that bet.

  Oddly, that was not the only occasion I had that exact same conversation.

  06-30-22 I was recalling the latest PRACTICAL joke against me in the alleged factory during a scripted "work release", or so my captors sold dazed & drugged me. I recalled the last time I was there. They sold to me that it was a school. 2 Area Uniformed Police Officers had worked with the 2 "Handlers" & had demanded I hand over my weapons before entering "The School".

  I looked around & it was made to seem like a cafeteria scene with less than 100 or so teenage children sitting at long tables eating & several adults..

  I had no weapons to hand over to the uniformed Police. But on the stainless steel serving table  in front of the pair were an array of weapons. Pistols, at least one Mac-10 Sub-machine Gun Pistol,  & what looked like other assorted sub-machine guns. Even a grenade.

  It was then that my handlers walked me around the block, a room we never entered with halls on all 4 sides. It was a square hallway that formed a circle in the building with a large restaurant kitchen to one side. We rounded the 4 corners & we were back at the weapons table.

  It seems like, in hindsight, the gang kept provoking me to violence when my memory reset & kept leading me back to the arsenal on the table. Over & over...

  I wonder what the goal of that PRACTICAL joke was?

Sad but true...
  "Well, I have the guts to stand up to the gang". - Said no mid-Michigan... cop at any time, ever!


  Scapegoat scape·goat /ˈskāpˌɡōt/ noun

  1. 1.

    a person who is blamed for the wrongdoings, mistakes, or faults of others, especially for reasons of expediency.

  2. 2.

    (in the Bible) a goat sent into the wilderness after the Jewish chief priest had symbolically laid the sins of the people upon it (Lev. 16).

  3. (according to many gang members) a person who is selected as a focus for the gang's wrath & is framed extensively for profit, revenge, & to provide a possible "get out of jail free card" if gang Officers should be captured by Authorities . "I always keep the goods on someone worse than me & exchange it with Police whenever I get caught. No cop can resist it when I show them the films of a real scumbag. The cops always buy it that I just happen to be sitting on the evidence to take down our scapegoats".

"Because no one would do that". - Uniformed cOPS at their posts, many times.


Almost the story of my life. Literally! Literally AND recently!

Won't anyone please help me?


  The Game of Pom-Pom...

  Pom-Pom is played on a concrete field (parking lots being suitable) & was played by 3-30 players at Bay City's Witless School in the 70's.

  Everyone lines up on one side of the parking lot except one person who is "It".

  The person who is It yells. "Pom-Pom" to begin the round. Then everyone rushes past the person who is It to the safe zone on the other side of the lot.

  While the players are on the lot the person who is It can use any combat technique they wish to knock as many players as possible down. Once  a player is knocked off their feet prone they too are "It" & on the team of the "It" player.

  This repeats in an unlimited amount of rounds until one person is the last person not "It".

  Players who survive to the final round are the winners.

  If a new game of Pom-Pom is to be played then whoever was last to be taken down in the previous game (the winner) is "It" for the 2nd game.

  I saw a lot of bumps, bruises, scrapes, & people with casts & splints because of playing Pom-Pom.

  I liked Pom-Pom because my classmates were forbidden to play it by their child-porn masters.

  You see reader, they were insufferable cheats & not very pleasant to play with at all.

  Duh Jerk told us. "It's because I don't want my stock [child-porn stars] to get injured".

"All I have to do is tell a zillion lies & the cops will say no one would lie so much & I can never be arrested". - How to recreationally rape & kill children as taught to me by Duh Jerk himself in Fall 1976

He liked to repeat that point often over the years.


Facts don't care about your feelings.

CUT IN HALF... TODAY YOU DIE... “MY FRIEND”... Made possible by the Bay City MI... cops & F.B.I...


I was in a drug haze, going through the motions... obediently. It was Fagboy and Shortstuff with an obligatory Jock army posing me in a beach vacation scene. We went from locale to locale where the gang posed with me as if we were friends, buttbuddies I'd suppose. We even went dockside, posed on a boat, they handed me props, drinks, told me. “Smile”, and then snapped photo after photo. Dirty Cop himself showed up for a few pics in his marked police car and in uniform and then left.

It was at the boat... on that boat where the gang patiently waited for me to become lucid.

“As long as we attack you weird we can do anything we want to you”. Was among the boasts I would soon hear.

I became lucid, the well-trained gang, who'd been engaging me in conversation noticed the very moment, and chucked me over the side of the speedboat, about 50 or so yards from shore.

Fagboy announced their intention to kill or maim me using the speedboat. You see, with all the films of me posing with them, with the drugs, and me actually being on drugs at the moment, he bragged they could maim or kill me, with impunity, as long as they acted like like concerned friends for the... cops, who were nearby and would be sure to show up later.

I had to ask why they waited until I was lucid, why not do it to me in a drugged stupor? Surely it'd be easier and safer. Right?

Nah... it had to look good, for the nearby... cops who'd be sure to come 1st having been “innocently” summoned to the area by their trickery (… cops? Tricked by Molestors? Did you hear that reader? It the sound of 100 Mid-Michigan... cops jaws hitting the floor at an “impossible scenario”. As if one of those elite protectors of the masses could be fooled by a single Molestor even once, let alone consistently). With me being on drugs, the dope actually there, the pics, and their contrite bearing, the... cops would never believe me in a million years and it'd be a great way to publicly disfigure me and enable them to set me up for worse again and again. The weirder the better.

I was still treading water, the boat between the shore and myself when Fagboy added that I probably wouldn't die. He'd done this before and his, their other victims all lived and were merely disfigured by the boat's propeller blades and were otherwise okay because they had police there to subdue them and an ambulance waiting just out of sight to tend to any wounds they'd gotten.

Soooo... they, they gunned the boat's engine and charged straight for me!

What'd I do? I dove under the murky water!

Once underwater I made sure to change direction from the last direction they saw me swimming... then I SURFACED. Picture me surfacing and sharply inhaling!

“THERE HE IS”! Yelled Shortstuff! Well, just about all of'em took a turn yelling it eventually as I dove, popped up at random points, and dove again & again as I gradually began to lose my breath.

Rinse... Lather... Repeat. I dove, changed direction, they yelled “THERE HE IS', charged, and I made my way to shore, eventually by swimming towards some reeds by first faking a direction, and then swimming into the thick reeds by swimming away from the gang, submerging, then changing direction from the last direction the gang saw me going last and swimming to the reeds.

Did they come close to hitting me? Yeah... yes they did and at least once I surfaced the absolute moment after the boat and it's propeller blade had passed overhead.


Yeah, whatever...


Addendum... Add'em dumb... I Am addressing Mid-Michigan... cops here too. Ain't I???


Sooo... picture the above tale... Drugged, smelling of dirty river water, no idea where I was, I managed to hitchhike home thanx to a helpful stranger. Eh, I slept much of the trip.

I got home, my Bay City Michigan Michigan Street home. 1st things 1st, I chose to bathe.

When I walked inside My Roommate, rather rudely (his style, not unusual at all) demanded to know where I'd been, and why I reeked of such nasty river water?

I told him a few non-committal answers to both. I'd been “out”, and had chosen to go swimming... in a river... at night...

Then I took a bath.

Ho hum... Yawn...

Now, lets re-tell the tale. But this time, (it happened a few times) I've come home either spattered in blood or just plain old dripping blood and gore with every step.

My roommate seemed mortified and demanded to know what had happened.

I told him I'd been cleaning a deer and been splattered with blood. Either by myself accidentally or as a bad joke by someone else. The other times I told him I'd been cleaning a deer and someone had thrown blood on me. I even went through the conversation with My New Wife and her Kids before too. I don't know about you my loyal reader, but it's something I've never gotten used to and the last time was just as horrible as the 1st time.

In any event I bathed immediately at those times and sometimes they cleaned up the gore, and sometimes I cleaned it up.

The Child-Molestors made it a point to steal the bloody clothes every single time while I slept off the drugs. How? Idano... when we chatted about the subject I had other parts of the story on my mind.

Yeah... go figure...


ALL I WANT IS SOME HELP... But not from you guys... GET A JOB!!!


Ever notice in my writing (the author's writing) I never ask Mid-Michigan... cops for help directly? Well, not like I should probably?

Man, I'm tired of asking those... “cops” for help and frankly I've all but given up on them... as I advise many victims in many Mid-Michigan communities to do as well. Mass-firings, mass new-hires, intense screening by impartial and qualified interviewers might solve the area's problems. But I doubt it. The corruption probably runs too deep in my humble opinion.

Most certainly they'll never clean up the police in the area unless they clean out or at the very least expose the Child-Molestor controlled Public Schools and their army for what they are 1st. I wish the area good luck, advise them to pray, a lot, and point out that area law-enforcement and citizen-run protective services have never publicly delivered to safety a single victim from the frame and blackmail machine that is the Child-Molestors. I ask doubters, and the area law-enforcement this. “Have you exposed the head Child-Molestors in your community? Still clinging to the “Child-Molestors ain't here, it's other places”? Have you delivered even a single victim from blackmailing frame-artists who use child-porn & rape to frame victims? Once? Hey... maybe you did (I SUSPECT many a hull law-enforcement agency has delivered a token victim once or twice to prove they can, in theory, if they really really wanted to, probably)? But I'll bet it didn't make even the papers “if” it did happen. I'll also bet you cant do it again”.

Not one victim delivered? There's tons of them. I'll bet they litter the area's prisons and they've been horribly demonized by the gang. But, their initial testimony WILL line up with mine and it WILL be that a powerful gang of child-molesting frame-artist blackmailers is operating in the area with impunity. That and ALL of their stories will have one thing, one unusual not typical blackmailly thing in common and this is it. That ALL of them will report that they've been attacked with sleep deprivation torture. EVERY... SINGLE... ONE... OF... THEM...

Take that to the bank and cash it Mid-Michigan... cops. I ain't asking you guys for squat anymore. GET A JOB!

  A CHILD DIES... Uniformed Michigan State Troopers guard & oversee the entire thing...

  Soooooo there I was. "My Cousin" slapped me awake. I was in a building room with no windows. There were tables & chairs all around & the middle was cleared out. I was obviously drugged & on who knows what? Men & teen & pre-teen boys stood around in the center clearing & My Cousin announced his intentions for me.

  He'd arranged to borrow me from My Mother & arranged a pit fight & I was going to fight the boys, beat kill or get injured or die. My choice.

  Me? I told him I had no intention of fighting in his sick arena & went straight to that (SPITOOEY!) Uniformed... cOP.

  The... cOP informed me he was in on it. There to provide security in case other... cops came. He'd arrest everyone & be the officer in charge of the investigation if things went bad. My choices were fight or be beat to a pulp. Likely both as he described his long career in such events having seen many many children beat bloodied & even killed now & then. But I need not worry... death was pretty rare. Permanent injury was quite common though. Especially when little kids like me fought the towering teens we were expected to fight if we survived the initial rounds.

  A few fights took place. Nothing too bad. Just beaten & bloodied kids. Maybe injured for life? Maybe not? I didn't get a chance to conduct medical exams.

  My turn came & I refused to fight & yeah, I tried to get past that... cop but it wasn't happening.  He was too big, too fit, & just too alert.
  "My Cousin" suggested everyone in the room should corral me into the center with hurls & even blows. Slowly they worked me to the center where the child tasked while fighting me got in many a free lick.

  Once in the middle they backed off & I refused to fight & I blocked instead.

  "My Cousin became enraged at the boos & complaints of the betting spectators who wanted a more action-packed match. Or so they complained.

  So My Cousin suggested they all form a tighter circle & hit me until I fought. Eventually... I fought. Long story short? I won.

  Sooooo they brought in this giant teen (compared to me). He held his arms in front of him &tried to occasionally... rarely punch back as the fight went on. Just letting me hit him & punching back ineffectively by raining down punches on me with a stupid glazed never-changing look on his face. Like he was drugged.

  Me? I was scared. So I went for his throat! Punching it over & over. I was amazed by his stamina, his ability to take punches to the throat & suspected he'd drop long before he ultimately dropped.

  His throat swelled up & he died while we stood there... watching.

  A child died slowly...

  My Cousin said he was a killer. He'd killed several other children for him before. He was loyal. But he'd turned a bit kill-happy as of late. So My Cousin drugged him & arranged for us to fight.

  "I thought you'd take him out for me but I didn't think you would kill him".

  A child died slowly & no one would care. My Cousin bragged his films would see to that. The kid was a monster, a recreational child-killer for fun & profit. He said he was a Brazilian Boxer. He held his arms up & rained punches down on his foes & then liked to beat them to death once they fell. He was loyal. In "Molestorspeak" that means "he knew too much".

  His death would be listed as a car wreck & his family would be shown the films of me killing him to motivate them to hate me for life.

  A child died slowly...

   The fighting & the betting didn't stop because of that kid's death. It went on. It's better described in my 1,500 page letter to the FBI where someone dies every few pages.

  A child died... slowly...

MODERN TECHNOLOGY... Welcome to 21st century crime...

  Soooo the way it's explained to me is I carry an advanced RFID tracking chip. Not unusual, in the past as a child from time to time the gang impressed upon me that they'd planted trackers or bugs on me. My Cousin was fond of describing my "alone moments" to me. You know, when you're home alone.

  Lately the designated "snitch" told me they'd implanted a RFID Tracker. Now it's easy to follow me around & wait for those perfect kidnapping moments for "love". Before you... cops get all weird on me I invite you to check the stats that claim as much as 25% of ALL Americans are so chipped. Most not knowing it nor how the situation came to be.

  Even better the bragging Molester said was the bug was implanted & gives the dirty... cop involved a greater story to use against me & he alleged it even made fo evidence to link me to a crime, thus empowering his dirty... cop story.

  Last year, at night I've been awakened by & had "this" happen to me.  Just laying on my bed & an LED light (LED is a guess on my part) just tuns on behind my right eye. Nearly blinding & lasting a minute or 2.

  Before... cops get all weird know that the gang crave "outrageous story elements" as a matte of business. I called them here "PRACTICAL jokes" which when you check OFFICIAL Police Rape Statistics is a common identifier in rapes now.

  A few years ago The Last Snitch told me they'd installed radio headphones in my ears in a permanent  installation. Now they could hear everything I hear & transmit any sounds they wanted. "But we probably wont use it until we lock you up in jail". Keeping me awake, the ranting madman who hears voices in his head, no need to check his story (or worse some dirty Doctor says they checked & I'm a liar, so there's no need to check again).

  Worse he claims the housing was designed to "bond with flesh". Certain metals or plastics can bond with flesh meaning they'd have to be cut out in a major surgery. "You'll never find a surgeon to do it". All the good ones know about the gang & that they'd target anyone foolish enough to remove one of their trackers. He claimed a security feature was they sounded off at full power in they touch air. That no Dr. who ever tried to remove one was ready for a 130db (decibels, 130 is deafeningly loud). Thus the sound drove them away from surgical removal attempts for more than long enough to permanently deafen the victim & then to allow the device time to self-destruct causing internal physical damage in general mixed with lithium poisoning to add to the complications of a botched surgery.

  Bragging they had power badges & just swoop in & seize anything removed that was their property. Leaving me in court with an "my word vs power badges who chuckle or deny situation". All just standard business for them, nothing special on their part. This is just how 21st century "Get out of jail free cards" are handled. It's just how repeat rape victims are handled by the gang. It's just business. It was at the installed headphone that he told me they intended to install an advanced RIFF behind my eye to see what I see.

  He teased me, how did I suppose they kidnapped me so often?

  I answered I figured it was via straight up kidnapping & via dirty... cop arrests.

  The Last Snitch said yes, they did all that but now they had installed in my bowels a radio-transmitter drug dispenser. He described it as a rotary device that even worked via cell phone. My next kidnapping was just a phone call away. Typical drug selection being a hypnotic drug. The theory being they walk up & lead me to my rape/frame-job & I go & return obediently, all on film, & in such a way no jury could nor would ever convict them. So based on all that no... cop could nor would even attempt to try and save me. Ever. Not with failure being inevitable.

  Ask yourself oh ye skeptic reading this. are all the things I outlined possible? Are they cheap enough for a gang I've described as "cheap" to do? Would you have to be a rocket scientist or could any slob do these things with little or no technical help? The answer is yes.

  Tying it all together he said they said my next rape/frames are a phone call away. Just dial any of up to 5 drugs & it's dosage, wait for it to take effect, then use the headphones to order me to go here, go there, do this, do that, kill him, do unspeakable acts to her. In disgust he informed me they had a vast library of films to take me down now & intend to release it based on what they think investigating Police are looking for.

  If true I'm a walking danger to myself & everyone & anyone around me at best.

  Thinking of destroying me to remove the threat from society oh ye Lazy... Vigilante... cop? I'm just an inconsequential cog at best in the crime machine. A piece designed to be destroyed once it's usefulness wears out. You act against me & you act for them. How? Because to destroy me you've got to dismiss me, & everything I've got to say. "We plan to intimately involve ourselves in your case. We'll take pictures with the cops investigating. Link their reputations to ours". Then he boasted. "Usually they have us figured out by the 2nd trial, and there will be a second trial in a death penalty case like yours. But by then it wont matter. Their reputations will be intertwined with ours". This is their "never fail plan" and it always works on any... cop fool enough to even slightly side with them, even for a moment against a juicy vigilante target like myself.

  He said they'll likely drug me & walk me through the court process all doped up. Answering questions with a glazed look. "You'll probably come too on the Prison Bus. That's to make your story more unbelievable". Then the gloves come off & the accusation made by my fellow victim Mass Murder Chick of a "sonic assault" she poorly worded before her execution happens to me too in prison & no one will give the ranting madman "with voices in his head" the time of day.

  "A victim endorses our lies when they repeat them". So I'll ask oh ye skeptics. Do I have to endorse everything they say? Do I? All of it? Really? Are you that naive? Are you that woefully behind in how 21st century crime works now or is it just that you intend to give a free pass your entire career to any gang where high-tech is even mentioned?

  My opinion of the subject? Idano? Here's the clues. It is not my job to sort through the gang's web of lies. It never was. Besides, I am not now nor was I ever a mid-Michigan... cop. Thus I don't believe half the stuff that comes out of a child-molester's mouth. Nor am I inclined to believe a single word of anyone a mid-Michigan... cop calls "a reliable informant".

  Soooo you want to take the gang down? Maybe even free me? Free my fellow victims too? Your plan better deal with everything mentioned.

  Me? I recommend the use of a room that is a Faraday Cage to stop radio transmission. When you get into court or the Interrogation Room have a guy who's a communications & electronics expert monitoring & considering RF signals & what they may be from & what their likely purpose is. It's not hard & surely not as expensive as you may imagine. Simple actually.

  Well, I just wrote the simple tale inflicted upon me that is a dirt... Prosecutor's dream. A Skeptic... cops ultimate fantasy, the few paragraphs that when read are enough to destroy any 100 just men, let alone Less Than Nobody me.

  This is how organized crime with a badge works in the 21st century. Deal with it.

ALL YOU DO IS KILL... My childhood...

  Americana? Is my story just another mundane tale of everyday life in common same ole same ole America? Is that why I cant get the... cop's help? Is it because guys like me are society's acceptable loss? Is what many mid-Michigan... cops told me, that I'm just one of the few guys "we let the gang have" & in exchange... cops like them get to have easy lives & their families get to live in relative security walking the same streets I found to be a kidnapping & murderous kind of place? I'm asking, not claiming nor accusing & only because I have nothing to compare it to? A vain question if only because there isn't a... cop I've met in the entire world with the guts, courage, audacity, or will to fight crime sufficient enough to help me, even if that help was only free advice. I know you... cops "self-righteous-o-meters" are beeping wildly here but I'm saddened to point out that I wouldn't say it publicly unless I thought it was true.

  So I ask this oh ye wise & or courageous among my readers (I hope there's at least a few of them somewhere on some Police Force somewhere? It IS possible, isn't it?)? Give me advice please Sirs? Allow me to pose my question at the end Sirs.

  Soooooo... there I was, at My Mother's Parent's place where My Cousin routinely ordered everyone out of the house where he could taunt & debrief me based on his latest criminal scenario he'd inflicted on me for revenge & profit. He was busy calling me a killer, a murderer, in the old days he called me a "Mass-Murderer". After that PBS Special on TV he liked to call me a "Serial-Killer".

  He told me it irritated him that I didn't allow guilt to let him manipulate me. "All my other victims"... Ponder those words oh ye wise reader, "all my other victims". He bragged, and complained that all of his other victims whom he'd tricked into killing people all felt horrible guilt at the death of a fellow human being. Most of them became nodding yes men willing to do anything he ordered in exchange for [the privilege of] not killing anyone else. They served him in many ways, doing his dirty deeds whenever he ordered for the rest of their lives. He laughed at the morons whom he'd tricked into believing they had murdered someone. Particularly by sending his loyal guys to mess with victims & then tricking the victim into drugging their attacker. Only for him to lace the drug with a chemical that would simulate death.

  He bragged the tried suicide. If they succeeded or not mattered little. If they succeeded another enemy was gone. If they failed then it represented a debasing of his victim. You see reader it's unstable acts like that (and other inflicted by the gang in PRACTICAL jokes & blackmail scenarios) that make the... cops shake their heads when a victim accuses their blackmailing madman attacker.

  Then he whined about how I endured all of that, how I'd endured the "Ordeal in the Back Hall" & asked me how I thought I'd survived when others had failed?

  Me? I told him I thought it was because I was a Christian.

  He retorted. "A lot of my victims are Christians. So that isn't it". Then he asked for another answer. Asked, demanded, same thing.

  So I inventoried my mind for what he & his gang had inflicted on me, then I thought about how what he said might be true IF it was in fact true? "It's probably because I have faith in God that he'll help me & they didn't"?

  Me? I sensed he was leading up to some point he was trying to make. I'd told him that murder is wrong, hurting people is wrong, & killing or hurting people except in self-defense is wrong. When confronted I told him HE was the murderer. Respectfully (like always). IF he didn't mess with me then no one would have died. The intent to commit murder was all on him. I may have been the vehicle his murderous intent used, but any guilt was all on him, He was the murderer, not I.

  WOW! Was he angry. My answer did not seem to make him happier. "You're a killer! ALL you do is kill! I've made sure of that"! He argued.

  I denied it.

  He smiled broadly. He told me he owned all the children of my neighborhood Circa 1973. "By my command all you do is kill all day. The openly games you & the kids in your neighborhood play with you are soldier & war & cops & robbers & cowboys & Indians". He boasted {on several occasions] that all my toys were guns & war toys. He sent kids to my house to play war games, we threw spears & knives at each other & DODGED THEM. At school I played the brutal tackle game Pom-Pom. "You know I named Pom-Pom right"? When I balked at this he  told me he named it Pom-Pom because it sounded like a wussy game & it would go far in court one day proving horrible wussy things about my favorite school sport because I'd have to admit I'd played the wussy-sounding game Pom-Pom & it meant he & his framing child-porn stars  would be free to make up any lie they wanted about the true nature of the Pom-Pom game.

  I recall my weak counter to his argument. "Sometimes we play tag & we play hide & seek". So he wasn't entirely right.

  He smiled more. I didn't play tag or hide & seek. I was playing "Seek & Destroy"... even in my off time.

  Sooooooo here's my question to anyone reading this civilian, Law-Enforcement Professional, or... cop. Having read the sum of my story, what advice do you have for me? I mean it. I'd like an answer, IF you're as brave as you claim. Failing that, what advice do you have for me based on my story watered down by the gangs' accusations of what they want you to think is what & who I am?

  I ask you Officers? What kind of a person could come up with my story UNLESS it was inflicted on them? What kind of person would dare to make such public accusations unless they were both true AND exaggeration-free? Is it the 7th grade dropout that I am? How does a 7th Grade dropout come up with a tale like mine? How? Do you imagine I'm just that imaginative or creative? How about if (when) the Child-Molestors show you their many films of a delirious me? IF I were half the delirious deluded monster they will claim I am how could I even begin to write a story like I have? Ho could I be telling the tale for over half a century fearlessly & have it remain the same story?

  I ask the wise among my readers this (mid-Michigan... cops, you are dismissed Sirs, go watch cartoons please Sirs & skip the rest of this website page please?)? I know that when you, the wise, read up on this subject, my life's story, you WILL come across true tales of groups of people eagerly inflicting the exact thing I claim to be having inflicted on me. THE EXACT SAME STORY! True life stories about madmen who sleep deprive & drug victims with powerful badges & sweet government jobs who live otherwise above the law & use them to inflict horrors on their victims & any community unfortunate enough to have them in it.

  I ask you before you cast me away for life into an asylum or prison to investigate me. Give me half a chance please Sirs? If you imagine I'm guilty or getting away with something then don't you want to get the co-conspirators that you imagine helped me? Or worse? Will your desire to destroy someone involved, me, lead you to possibly give immunity to the people who inflicted all of this on not only me, but an entire nation immunity from prosecution in exchange for their false testimony?

  I remember talking to The Last Snitch. He promised me they'd get revenge when I was fool enough to keep telling my story to... cops. That one day a vigilante would step forward, horrified at the carnage, would agree to destroy me for the gang to end the killing. He promised me a truism about the subject. "One always steps forward".

  So I asked. "Will you guys stop the killing"? Would they end the murders of the innocent & the formerly innocent?

  "Oh God no". he told me. "The cops trust us. We go out of our way to seem honorable to them & they believe us". The killing would go on, even worse because once the... cops sign onto the subject of "There is no gang" & "the gang wouldn't do that" then the gang was free to inflict any horrors they wanted in front of said... cops & they dare do nothing to stop them, lest all of their other cases (particularly those the gang will feed to trusting... cops), their life's work, be overturned.

  I retorted what I suspect most... cops retort. I didn't think it'd work.

  He said that most people, even... cops will tell any lie or go to any lengths to make sure that their life's work is not destroyed. He boasted that it's his job. It's what he does.

  He shut me up. "All you do is kill"!

  What do you say to that?

  In short, it's all about how the scam works.

  Author Commentary:

  Man, the above tale is a lot longer than I wanted it to begin with. The problem is I'm just so frustrated that this situation is still a part of my life. I'm subject to weekly rapes, weekly (as of late) assaults, continuous thefts & vandalism. I might have to hurt or even kill someone at any given moment. The next time it could be me, I'm only human. Yeah, the same is true for everyone but I'm sick of the body count & wouldn't mind if if the... cops reduced it, a little?

  Yeah, I've got my faith to help me.

  But I'm tired of reeking of the "homosexual small of love" after my frequent rapes. I'm tired of all the child porn. I want it all to end, so yeah, I'm a little frustrated Officers.


  Soooooooo... there I was, fresh from my escape from the self-professed "Munger Police Station". A 1 room alleged... copshop where I'd been held for about 3 days or so. I'd escaped the unmarked white single-story building surrounded by flat land & very short but mature crops as far as the eye could see.

  A marked Michigan State Police car had pulled up & a uniformed Michigan State Police Officer had arrested me at gunpoint for escaping the jail.

  Heading back to the place where you'd just killed someone is never something you get used to.

  We pulled up to the building, I was handcuffed, behind my back & in the rear seat.

  The 18 year old Jocks....

  To be continued... If I'm so inclined.


Everyone heard... Everyone...

  "Kill David George & break his bones"! I listened to my 60+ 1976 classmates & staff chant it loudly for up to an hour at a time in the "Shaped E For Evil" School. I listened to it & so did the entire school who told me about it in Fall of 1976 during what everyone knew was my ongoing attempted murder in "The Gym".

  Still later they may change up their loud chants. Picture a uniformed on duty mid-Michigan... cop walking into The Gym as +120 children chant in unison shouting. "KILL DAVID GEORGE! KILL DAVID GEORGE!KILL DAVID GEORGE!KILL DAVID GEORGE!KILL DAVID GEORGE"! It was probably their most popular chant calling for my death by name as students & school staff screamed they would kill me while young me tried to do just that to me with improvised weapons.

  I was told that for my 60+ classmates the chanting was mandatory or face a beating. Later the chanting became mandatory for the next class of 8th Graders in The Gym who before had stood in quite amazement watching my ongoing Attempted Murder & now chanted at least part way or all of the way into their hour of coming gym class.

  In time it was a voluntary elective for the 8th Graders to openly chant for my death too. A few weeks later they joined in & helped. Shouting became mandatory for them too they bragged or whined as the case may be.

  I wrote about it in greater detail in my +1,550 page letter to the FBI where someone dies every few pages.



  Soooo... here I am... 6-8-22 & I lost. It sucks to be me. The gang boast it's always sucked to be me & they brag it will always suck to be me. In no small part because of the good... cops of America who'll likely be overworked, underpaid, & all too willing to destroy the mutant with what they've likely done to my face & with their electrolysis parties. In  the Bible it says the truth shall set you free. So I'm going to try the truth. Not that I imagine for a second that some... cop will say. "I wasn't going to help Mr. George but then I read that one Recap tale & just decided I'd help him".

  Soooooo... there I was... in "The Gym". The year was 1976 & I was standing alone in the school Cafeteria. They'd brought in a room full of students, most larger & older than I & some adults to fight me. I stood at the back of the room furthest from the doors. Duh Jerk told the room to begin chanting & they did so. All +60 of the strangers. "KILL DAVID GEORGE"! "KILL DAVID GEORGE"! Over & over for most of the hour to come.

  I stood there, my weapon in hand & they had their weapons in hand & at Duh Jerk's order they all huddled around him. The goal? The stated goal? To kill me.

  To kill me...


  I pondered the situation before me. My Parent's orders were quite clear & had no loopholes. I was not to hurt my classmates no matter what they did to me.

  I looked around the room & thought to myself as I looked at the room full of children & adults arrayed against me. "I don't know any of these guys" This, I felt no compulsion to not fight back. Still, I'm no barbarian & human life was precious to me. I thought that since these guys were green, new to The Gym I'd try my luck at blocking & dodging their attacks. If they seemed tough I'd reassess soon.

  Fast forward to the 1st break in combat a few minutes later. Duh Jerk called for a break so as to order his troop, give them better advice on how to kill me.

  I assessed their skills. There were a few close calls. So I decided I'd block, but if the opportunity to attack came with little risk I'd attack & injure the children. I made it up in my mind to kill no one if possible.

  It gnawed at my mind on occasion that they bragged that others not present watched the fight & were betting on my death. Today not IF I died, but when I'd die I was told.

  Fast forward a decade & a half or so...

  There I was in the middle of the arena... The betting around me was hot & heavy & men bet who lived & who died. Jerk & the 3/4 of the 4 Stars laughed at me & mocked that I'd soon die. My body ached & hunger gnawed at me & the torture I'd endured had shut down portions of my muscles. In short... I figured I probably wouldn't live if I kept trying to spare people's lives. While the crowd around me bet I amended my plan. I decided that I'd kill everyone who dared oppose me. They didn't all die. Some were maimed. At least one lived intact & we all stood around and watched that one man die... slowly.

  Both times... there was betting, lots of betting... & bodies everywhere. The 1st time it was the bodies of children.

  In my experience mid-Michigan... cops are hard-wired to laugh at the deaths or maiming of children (again, in my experience, literally BTW).

  Frankly, I found neither situation enjoyable.

  There was blood all over the floor. I sat there playing with the blue Porsche toy car & My Cousin leaned into the room over the blood & grabbed the knife & said to his partners in crime. "See how he kills without remorse"?

More Definitions:

The Gym: An assassination command or “buzz word” that enables high-ranking child-pornographers (who live their life a single witness's testimony away from a life sentence at any moment as “the price of doing business”) like the Molestors to silence those who might testify against them. Children are routinely killed thusly I'm told via the physical education system of Molestor controlled schools. Once the order is given in a certain tone with damming body language 'Take that child to The Gym and shut him up' The order has been given for the gang's children to kill a fellow child. Typically the target is then killed by their fellow students or ringers brought in from afar who will have files doctored to prove they've allays been at that particular school. Often a victim will be on drugs and slain under the guise of playing contact sports. Later the death will be explained away by the area's Dirty Coroners as a car accident or drug overdose.

The technique works on many levels I'm told. The children, often Molestor regulars will be filmed killing the victim to blackmail them for life (and provide the gang with a film that will motivate future vigilantes to eliminate the murderer for them if they should ever cross the gang) . Other times misguided vigilantes will have been convinced to kill a “scumbag who's got it coming” (I wouldn't bet on the “scumbag” part and they are probably merely a framed victim who's become dangerous or too unprofitable to continue exploiting). The killers will be blackmailed for life. Next, as it was explained to me, the gang show up at the murderer's parent's place (in the case of murderous minors). They are shown the film of the murder and it's explained to them that their child is a murderer. Then the gang leaves making sure their dirty cop is on duty at the front desk at that time. Then they show up a few days later and explain that they filmed the parents learning that their children are murderers and didn't go to the police. So now they are accomplices in a child murder (since I'm told very few families choose to go to the cops before this point). They brag they like to use sentences like. “You know what they do to child-killers in prison. Don't you”?

Often the child is simply the child of a loyal family who are so blackmailed/framed that they dare not oppose the Molestors, even if they are killing their child. “Either we kill your kid or we make those films of you at the torture/rape parties public. You'll go to prison for the rest of your life. You do know what they do to people who torture and rape children in prison don't you”? I hear it's the last sentence many a formerly law-abiding citizen has heard just before they helped set up their own child to die. “It's them or you”. It's win/win really. If they refuse they go to prison and you don't want to know what the gang brag they do to kids once they have removed all parental protections from them.

I also have heard that it's quite effective, incredibly low-risk (the Molestors run the school so they control what teachers might be around at the time of the killings, what students are present, and only do the killings for profit when their loyal dirty... cops are nearby to be “first on the scene”, see: cop of convenience), and represents brags that an annual or bi-annual child-killing in The Gym is a major source of income for the gang. Enabling them to blackmail up to 30-60 families at a time (all the parents of a single gym class).

Direct Child-Molestor quote. “Nobody lives through “The Gym” once the order is given”.

Author note: Yeah... I lived through The Gym. I had faith God would see me through it and I prayed a lot for the strength to live! That and I prayed for everyone involved too. Still do.

Me... 9-17-16ish Child-Molestor Country...

Sooo... last nite, I did laundry. My weather app told me it'd be “cloudy”. At the conclusion of my laundry it was a downpour. It made the fact that I carried an uncomfortable amount of laundry even more miserable. Man, is a semi-accurate weather app too much to ask for or what?

My point? Eh, soooo... about 3 months ago, I inventoried my socks and underwear. While I forget the number of pairs of socks I recall the number of underwear. It was 19. 20 When I counted the pair I was wearing at the time.

I've had a dream, fantasy really. I wanted to own enough socks and underwear so as to have fresh one's daily for over a month. SO I figured I'd buy an 8-pack of underwear and a 6-pack of socks every month for a while.

While doing laundry the stacks of each didn't look much bigger than usual. So I counted them. Though I've bought an 8-pack of underwear every month for the last few last year (minus the summer of 2016 spent under Wausau's care) my inventory was 20, then I recalled I hadn't counted the one's I was wearing. My socks were low too. I bought a 6-pack of extra tall socks last week and when I did my laundry I had but a single pair of them & even less total socks than last month.

The gang brag... eh, they brag they “do stuff” with my underwear. Soiled underwear make for great evidence when left at crime scenes, given to perv admirers, or warehoused someplace in a “room” that enables the gang to prove we're great buttbuddies 'See? He left a lot of his clothes and stuff here officer. That's proof we're great buttbuddies and that I'm not his stalker' or so I've been told.

Whatever the reason is for stealing socks & underwear, idano, wouldn't believe the gang if they swore on a stack of bibles when they told me, and don't care, much. It does suck to know that the pervs are out there, and that whatever their reasons for doing anything are, that those reasons are sick and perverse and serve only to further their sick and perverse lifestyle.




OOPS... MY BAD... A change in tactics... Yet more “bad jokes”...


Sooo... I was thinking. Ya know, giving the Saginaw Michigan F.B.I. The symbolic silent treatment in the jokes page is kinda cool to me. Well, sorta. Giving the Schofield Wisconsin P.D. The same or similar treatment somehow diminishes the message I'm sending the SagCops o da F.B.I. (I respect and admire the F.B.I. as a whole, I'm only mocking their “Molestor Friendly” (or is “Molestor Oblivious” better? “Molestor-Employed”?) Saginaw Valley Gang Chapters, I mean Beaureu? Club? Gathering outpost?).

I hereby officially apologize to the Saginaw Valley F.B.I. For diminishing the symbolic value of the jokes I've assigned to them. It's like I'm diminishing their territory of jokes. My bad guys.

Sooo... now how do I symbolize my admiration for all the fine work the Schofield Wisconsin... cops have committed... I err, um, I mean preformed in my humble opinion? Then it occurred to me, that, to be symbolic, I'd make up the most mind-numbingly irritating song I could think up that, if sung in the same tone as the song I'm parodying, would be the most grating irritating song imaginable. Especially if my case should go public and some enterprising person was to sing the song and record it in the same style and using the same pitch as the original.

Schofield Wisconsin and Wausau Wisconsin pets listen & listen well. Imagine this song playing on your radios. Picture the song playing when you enter the room... for... the... rest... of... your... life. IF you should fail to free me. IF...

The song is not meant to reflect the views or beliefs of anyone and is strictly for entertainment purposes only. Kinda like a skydiver saying. I dedicate this skydive to you”. Before his jump. That means it in no way is meant to imply you are a skydiver. It's just a shout out, a tip of the hat acknowledging the fine police work you've committed against me, uhh... I mean preformed in your community. Probably.

It's called. “Child-Molester Cop” and is to be sung in the style of the song. “Basketball Jones”. No need to thank me guys and please don't send me any money. Just knowing you're out there doing to your community what you did to me is reward enough for me. GULP! Enjoy!

Picture a uniformed Bay City Michigan... cop singing this song lovingly to a uniformed Schofield Wisconsin... cop & a Wausau Wisconsin... cop while they gaze adoringly into his eyes. Giggle...

Child-Molester Cop, I am a Child-Molester Cop
I am a Child-Molester Cop, oh yeah
My partner's a Child-Molester too
Ever since I was a young Rookie, I be taking bribes
In fact I was the cheapest-bribe taker on all of the force

Then one day the Molesters gave me some cash
And I loved that payoff
I spent that cash in a single afternoon (it wasn't much)

That cash was like everything to me (it wasn't much)
I know the gang kills children (I didn't get paid much)
Maybe that's why I can't sleep at night
I need some help from my brother cops
I need someone to stand beside me
I need morons who will arrest anyone I want for free
A group of morons I can count on
Someone like the Wausau P.D. Who I wont pay a thing
Cause there ain't much cash to spit up
So Molesters give me cash (it wasn't much)
{Child-Molesters sing repeatedly...}
(Child-Molester Cop, oh yeah, chump change payoff)
(We own our Child-Molester Cop for chump change)
{While Chump master Child-Molester sings/speaks)
Yeah that little girl's so sweet
Just look at her


To be continued. MAN! Writing about this subject SUCKS!

see'mon Coach Booty, Red Blazer, sing along with me
That be bad, honky
I want everybody in the whole stadium to stand up and sing with us
Oh yeah, sing it out like you're proud
All right, everybody watchin' coast-to-coast, sing along with us
Bill Russell, sing along with us
Chick Hearn, sing along with us
Chris Schenkel, don't sing nothin'
Oh, it feels so good
Gimme the ball
I'll go one-on-one against the world, left-handed
I could stuff it from center court with my toes
I could jump on top of the backboard, take off a quarter, leave fifteen cents change I
could, I could dribble behind my back I got more moves than Ex-Lax I'm bad I could
dribble with my tongue Here I go down court, try to stop me You can't stop me 'cause I
got a Basketball Jones Here I come That's my hook shot with my eyebrow Yeah, I could
dunk it with my nose I'm, I'm bad as King Kong, gimme the ball I'm hot, I'm hot as...,
I'm hot as..., I'm hot as... uh Uh, uh, uh, uh
(Basketball Jones, I got a Basketball Jones, I got a Basketball Jones, Basketball Jones)
(Basketball Jones, I got a Basketball Jones, I got a Basketball Jones, Basketball Jones)
(Basketball Jones, I got a Basketball Jones, I got a Basketball Jones, Basketball Jones)
(Basketball Jones, I got a Basketball Jones, I got a Basketball Jones, Basketball Jones)

  buttbuddy [ bət/ˈbədē ] Anyone who pretends to be a friend and or employer of their rape victim. example: "We raped him good and told the cops we were buttbuddies so now they're prosecuting our victim! Ha"! 8

   IN THE THROAT... Another dead child, this one dedicated to the fine police work of the chief's of police in Bay County

  There I was, surrounded in the room in the back of the hall where my local Boy Scouts held their special meetings. A crowd surrounded me with orders to hit me whenever I came near to force a reluctant me to fight. This tale begins at the end. Well, the end of a child's life. I was about 8 or 9 at the time. My opponent towered over me & was about twice my body weight at least. He seemed to fight with an almost dancing style. His fists raised high covering his jaw while he made what I assumed were exaggerated moves hoping a little too & fro to hypnotize opponents into watching his cadence which he could exploit for advantage (in my then, humble opinion).

 What did I do? What I'd been doing. I punched him in the throat whenever the chance presented itself while he stared blankly ahead & made clumsy, seemingly drugged (in my opinion) attacks unsuccessfully against me. THROAT! THROAT! THROAT! THROAT! THROAT! THROAT! THROAT! THROAT! THROAT! THROAT! (Actually, I hit him with lots of throat punches). THROAT! The towering teen went down. THUDD!

  The gang pushed me away at My Cousin's command & hovered over him. My Cousin announced there was nothing we could do for the child. He was going to die.

  Me? I didn't buy it. But when evidence began to mount that the teen was indeed dying I suggested a tracheotomy, cut his throat open to save him.

  My Cousin said no one in the room had any knives. "No weapons allowed". No weapons allowed in the room, lest an unwilling participant like myself somehow get one & escape. Strangely he told me he'd fetch one & let me cut the teen's throat if I wanted to.

  I told my cousin I didn't know exactly where to cut & that I knew a wrong cut would kill him for sure.

  So we watched him die... slowly... We all just stood around... and watched him die... slowly...

  They put his body on a table to the side facing up. As time went on, between the matches I walked over & checked on the teen. He'd grown pale & ice cold to the touch. The crowd angrily threatened me & interposed themselves when I neared him. Promising me revenge for killing their beloved champion & friend.

  My Cousin bragged holding the fight in the same building as the Boy Scouts Meetings made his victim's stories unbelievable to the... cops. But it made financial sense. He needed a building with room for a crowd that was easy to clean up, well lit & with good facilities & the building was all that plus a place that he knew no one would swing by to "accidentally" barge in. Win/win.

  "My Cousin later told me the kid had been getting too cocky & arrogance made him impossible to control. "I thought you'd take him out for me but I didn't think you would kill him". He claimed he just wanted me to take him down a peg.

  Later, a child who'd attended noted the fight was fixed. My opponent had been drugged. When I confronted My Cousin he confirmed he'd drugged the teen. That he was a champion who'd been killing indiscriminately & for fun & wouldn't obey orders on the subject. It was just getting too time consuming to cover up his every killing in matches. Besides, he added. Fixing fights by drugging participants was just how he did business. It was about the money, not about a fair fight. He also noted the teen was not a local citizen.

  I recall pondering the situation at My Mother's Parents. I thought to myself what would I tell Police? I pictured their cross-examination. It was then that I decided I wouldn't report this to the police. Not just yet.

  Well, there you go oh ye infallible Saginaw Valley Chief's of Police. A child died.

  Laugh... cop. Laugh. It IS all any... cop I ever met was good at after all.

  JUST AN OLE FASHIONED... CHILD BEATDOWN...Laugh... cop, laugh...

  This IS the "Recap Page". A place where I rehash the old memories of things I felt were needful to do to the men, women, beasts, and even... children in my life from time to time in my childhood. You know, normal childhood kind of stuff. If it isn't normal childhood in America how would I know as I have nothing to compare it to?

  I was myself a child & wrote about this in my +1,5000 page letter to the FBI where someone dies every few pages.

  Today as I sit here basking in poisons, my ever expanded rectum recovering, having endured my last night obligatory 1 & a half hour wake-up, I thought I'd write about what was on my mind. Privately I call it "ruining my life" as it provides me with no enjoyment nor nostalgia. Contrary to popular belief I do NOT want to be known for the acts on my website. The deeds were inflicted on me for reasons of profit & revenge & I take no glory nor satisfaction in anything here. I seek only the truth. Rumor has it the truth will set you free.

  I've chosen a song for this beatdown story, I was just inspired as I typed the above paragraph.

  Unlike my other songs I recommended I suggest that the reader play the song softly in the background while they read this tale. It's a story about a few madmen & their ever eager to help 10 foot tall & bulletproof guys on drugs.

  I'd like to write a Duh Jerk quote here he's said to me often while standing smiling over one of his dead or dying victim/members. "I don't care who gets hurt. It's how I beat the cops. They think that if I were a gang leader I'd care about it if my guys get hurt but I don't care who gets hurt". My Cousin had a similar saying. Once when I asked about that saying, how it was he & Duh Jerk used the same saying he told me that he was Jerk's Mentor. He'd taught him everything.

  Me? I used to internally kick myself whenever I asked one of them a question because, frankly, I never believed a word either of them had to say.


  Sooooooo... It was summer & I was about 7 or 8 years old when the gang of 12-20 teens & Jocks lead by some jerk told me that My Mother had drugged me & handed me over to them. Like usual they promised I'd have fun but it was agony only. Torment, endless pain, & continuously endless pain. "It's how I beat the cops. All I have to do is act so evil that no one would believe that someone could be so evil & then I can get away with anything". Act nice to a few victims, film a few acts of kindness & contrition on victims to show cops they care, yeah we did that bad stuff to our victim but they made up with us, it's just that pesky filmed pervert who's the trouble maker. You want proof? Look at these films.

  The story took place in a single story country home with the buildings very spread out & far away. Trees occasionally dotted the landscape here & there on all sides. A lone narrow 2 lane road that had virtually no traffic was the only feature that stands out. Inside the house was fully furnished much like if an old couple lived there, just a guess on my part, nothing more.

  Yeah, the new Jerk & his team slapped me endlessly. They laughed when I

fought back for weeks while they worked in shifts to keep me awake. They encouraged me to fight back. My blows were baby hits addled mentally & physically by the drug(s?) they had me on & were largely ineffective. They mocked me when they told me I was on drugs that made their victims weak. I staggered after even minor blows & I'll bet some... cop was practicing his speech somewhere that no one would do something like that to someone even as I type this now, even as you, the Reader are reading this now they are preparing their speech to assure all comers that what I say couldn't possibly be true. Just a guess?

  I think I handed out a few bloody noses, fat lips, & black eyes. Broken bones? A few. Once I marked someone, particularly the face their Leader Jerk dismissed them. They couldn't play anymore. I recall some of them begged to be able to keep "playing" with me. They threatened revenge at what I'd cost them. A month long drug & sex party funded by the Jerk. They were simply replaced with a fresh recruit, an endless supply of willing troops that the Jerk could call upon at a whim.

  When I asked the Jerk he told me that once his guys became marked, especially in the face they became too identifiable for him to comfortably use. So as a matter of business he booted them out if they had a boo boo on their face or wore a splint or a cast because they were no longer just a face in the crowd.

  Me? I advised the Jerk and his team to get their hearts right with God & not to do drugs.

  I recall telling the Jerk the same things. He mocked me all the more during the quiet times between beatdowns when they either adjusted drug dosage levels. Theirs or mine.




  Time passed... they felt I was "in the sweet spot" mentally from all the torture & deprivation. I drifted in & out of being lucid & openly, on film, treated them like we were lifelong friends between my occasional semi-lucid moments which were occurring much & much less. They told me they took me off of the drugs that addled me. That way I seemed more presentable for films. Like I wanted to be there.

  I recall them injecting me with who knows what? Usually they just asked me to roll up a sleeve & I submitted. Other times they piled on me & drugged me by force when I refused. They bragged usually they just waited for my memory to reset after I refused & then filmed me in a few minutes accepting the doses of whatever drug they were using.

  Then they turned to PRACTICAL jokes for fun. The ultimate goal was to trick me into violence... on film. Did it work? Of course it did, this is just a Recap Story.

  Every once in a while I became semi-lucid & ran off.

  Every once in a while I became semi-lucid & my 1st response was to run to freedom. In minutes marked Police Cars & Ambulances came looking for me & I usually wasn't hard to find with a long sting of teens & Jocks running behind me in tow in the open fields surrounding the country house with only an occasional tree for cover. The Police usually arrested me & returned me to the house. Usually, it was easy to arrest me. My memory had reset because of the drug(s?) & I had no idea where I was or why I was being chased? I also had no explanation to give the nice... cops as to why these nice men & boys were chasing me. I had no idea why they were accusing me of vile things & submitted to arrest to go to the Police Station to "sort this out". So I was arrested without incident.

  The Jerk told me he craved films of me resisting arrest. Then he would own me.

  Me? I recall praying to God for strength. I figured, like usual, that I was going to die, I saw no way I might escape & live AND be free in America. I prayed that I not give that Jerk the films that he craved. Not this time.

  I got quite far a few times. But they caught me every time & dragged me back to the torment.

  Yeah, I involved people. Particularly on a highway & at homes far from the place I was tortured at. But no one believes the 7 year old kid over the... cops & the ambulance drivers. No one. I recall some of the people who'd agreed to help me escape only minutes ago talking about me in the 3rd person with the... cops. who told them I was arrested for good reasons & should be ignored. They stood side by side with my captors laughing at the absurdity of my story & listened to the cop's assurances that they should just ignore everything the civilians had seen.

  The PRACTICAL jokes morphed over time from straight up mundane films of me casually interacting with my kidnappers & slap sessions to social situations where I was subjected to attack! They would mundanely interact with me, on film, and then attack! Yeah, I fought & they usually piled on me & waited for my memory to reset & began again. The PRACTUICAL joke would subtilty morph slightly as they practiced it over & over to get the films that they craved.

  Did people get hurt? Yeah, mostly kids. Are any of you... cops reading this? Picture me snapping my fingers at you. SNAP! SNAP! Children? Hurt? Laugh... cop. Laugh...

  Over time the joke morphed into we began outside the home. Then they encouraged me to enter & piled on me, slapped me up, & repeated hoping to get me to resist the uniformed... cops who quickly showed up. It was all filmed to look like they were just a few friends innocently enjoying each other's company... on film, & mean ole me showed up. Then resisted arrest! Or so they bragged it'd soon look on film.

  Yeah, I prayed during the semi-lucid moments.

  I recall running away time & again. But I was getting more exhausted. I couldn't run as fast or as far. Weeks of no sleep & no food had taken it's toll on me. But I never gave up. I resisted with every lucid moment. In fact it's for this reason that over the years the gang has mocked me that I'm fun to play with. "You always fight. It's expected".

  Standing outside the home I was encouraged to go inside. I recall it was as I walked up to the building I became more semi-lucid than normal. I recalled the ordeal before me & knew that an army awaited me inside. I knew that... cops galore & rescue workers waited nearby & they would convince anyone & everyone that I was to be ignored when I asked for help. Indeed, some might even help... THEM! I thought about what I might do? Run? Rush in & fight? Again? Sure, I was wounding guys occasionally but they were just replaced with an endless horde of even more eager & fresh tormentors.

  I thought I might go in the back? Try to reduce the numbers in a desperate bid for freedom? Then it occurred to me that I'd tried that too & they had positioned a guy with a bat in the back to counter me. Just in case I started to do too well.

  So I figured I'd go after the bat guy. A 16-18 year old jock easily twice my body weight.

  To confuse the troops inside I ran around the building a few times then snuck in the back door. As I suspected the Jock was watching the window for me in the direction I'd feinted & not the door. I snuck up behind the otherwise wholesome-looking teen & easily snatched the bat from him & swung for his head in one smooth stoke! WHACK! Then I kept hitting him. WHACK! WHACK! WHACK! Over & over for a looooooooong time.

  Then I went inside to confront the horde. I commited some damage, but not as much as I would've chosen to.

  The gang threatened me. The ambulance crew came in moments & remarked it was lucky they were so close of the teen would never have survived.

  The session went on... and on... and on...

  Later... "My Cousin" bragged about how he'd showed his friend films of what they did to me & he'd begged & even paid for the privilege of "playing with me". He smiled as he said he'd trained the man at length just how to torture me so I'd kill anyone so HE could kill anyone he wanted in a way that he could never be prosecuted for. "You killed a lot of people for him. Don't you remember"?

  Yes I did.

  He brought up the teen with the bat. My Cousin said that despite my best efforts I hadn't killed a single one of his friend's guys. But the guy with the bat had been scarred for life. Being scarred about the face means death in the gang. So they planned to kill him, his family would be told why he'd been killed, & I would have an entire family of madmen & women just like the child I'd scarred who would hate me.

  Years later during the last times that I saw My Cousin he told me that Duh Jerk was the leader jerk in question & he used the description of the child who's head I'd beat with the bat as a reference when I told him I wasn't sure of which child he'd meant I'd hurt in that particular conversation. It had been Duh Jerk's  1st act as the rank of a leader in the gang. That Jerk wanted to make his 1st act as a new leader to be as big as possible so he could come onto the gang scene large & in charge with a glorious 1st act that the gang would all respect. Thus the gang (My Cousin) had spared no expense in handing me a very costly PRACTICAL joke. Which was worth it in their opinion when you considered all of the people I killed for them on the side assuring them even the possibility of  facing justice for the injured, the dead, & the dying.

  Every once in a while I asked My Cousin why he did this or that to me?

  "Because I hate you".

      NOTE: Next is a tale the gang deletes off my website over & over. Writing

it while under R.E.M. Deprivation Attack is not fun. Nor is writing it the

3rd or 4th time.

ASSORTED KILLINGS...Put a kid on drugs, wind'em up, & watch the murderous fun time!!!

  Soooooooo there I was, in what seemed like a modest home. The adults seemed like they were kind & actually interested in interacting with me. Then things went sour. A woman screamed! A violent situation occurred! I fought & the adults whom I sought to protect jumped me from behind. Pinning me to the floor the 4--6 men & women beat me!

  They then told me they'd wait for my drugs to reset my then 7 or 8 year old mind & intended to let me go & do it all over again!

  It was always the same. Kind & mundane interaction, then a violent scene where I'd be subdued violently!




  Then we started using guns to play.


  Then they jump me & pin my down until my memory resets.

  They like to subtilty vary the scenario each time. Looking to film the perfect frame job film of a dangerous & violent me.



  Time passes, lots of time passes & I'm given no food nor water & drift into a semi-lucid madness. Grrrrrrrrrrrr!




  The guns were mostly sporting rifles, 9MM pistols, & double barreled shotguns.

  One time I became a little bit more lucid than other times as the drugs wore off. I was tired of trying to reason with my unknown captor's. I was tired of escaping only to be arrested by uniformed... cops with an Ambulance & Crew nearby. The village was all but impossible to escape from. All of the townsfolk I met couldn't wait to hand me off to the... cops for arrest whenever they saw me unattended. Some attacked me themselves & they assisted in my return to the session. They seemed like ordinary people, in their 30s & above. I noted the absence of children. EXCEPT those who attacked me & they never went outside.

  I had enough of failing to escape. I decided to get a little more pro-active on my next escape attempt.

  Soooo... there we were, the gang attacked me with guns in another blank-filled shoot'em up. Me? I killed everyone in the room with my gun & they all just got up & mocked me. "The gun's got blanks in it"! Laugh! Laugh! Laugh!

  I became semi-lucid & plotted another escape. While they laughed at me I walked over to the kitchen drawers & found a junk drawer  with a bunch of nails & metallic odds & ends & loaded them down both barrels.

  I just started killing people to the best of my abilty. Stopping only to reload.

  Satisfied, I chased someone out & lost them. Undaunted I just went to where I suspected they might be & started killing people there too!




  Toward the end of the tale I generalized, being I'm R.E.M. sleep deprived & really don't care too much at the moment. I wrote it down in much greater detail in my letter to the FBI where someone dies every few pages.

  The way My Cousin explained it to me was it was a small village where everyone was a child molester. Escape was impossible due to the lack of cover & flat terrain. He said I'd shocked everyone when I started walking from house to house killing everyone I found. So they ordered the village evacuated & tried to pin me down in a building by shooting at me. The Townsfolk plan was, as complained about by My Cousin AND them (unusual as My Cousin usually made it a point to debrief me alone), they'd intended to kill me if only for their safety & for revenge. But mostly because they were terrified the entire area threatened to spill out into a huge public involved fiasco. "You were lucky only a few people travelling by got involved". But the... cops they were a comin en-mass & it was then My Cousin decided to use his authority to declare a train derailing had happened. The only problem? No such train existed & he had a horrible time routing to the scene past inspectors & powerful... cops with badges with many questions in the nick of time & it had cost him a fortune in cash & favors owed. The worst part in his opinion? While they staged an elaborate door to door manhunt to get me I lay sleeping comfortably unnoticed on a couch. "Some pillows obscured you". He described the day for him & his team as a sniper warzone terror scene where many, truly good child-molestors had mentally broken down & would require drugs & lengthy counseling which was all going to cost him money. Let alone the dead, the dying, & the maimed.

  He claimed they'd explained it all away by claiming there was a chemical train derailing. That way the general public wouldn't ask too many questions. "You're going to pay for that one". He threatened me. They'd lost a lot of good child-molesters. Real pillars of the child-molesting community had died & everyone wanted revenge. "Now everyone wants revenge! What do you have to say for yourself"? My Cousin demanded me?

  "There would be no one dead if you guys wouldn't drug me & mess with me".

  It's 3-16-22 & I'm tired.


  ASSORTED KILLINGS... Passing gas...

  Soooooo there I was, in some small modern as any looking village walking from door to door & killing everyone I found. I walked in & found an elderly couple. So I killed them. It occurred to me to kill the man 1st as he was the greatest threat in my opinion. The woman screamed & begged for her life while I reloaded my more recently acquired weapons". BANG!

  While I walked past a living room window after failing to find anything good to eat in the kitchen they started shooting at me! BANG! BANG! The glass exploded inwards on me. So I returned fire. BANG! BANG!

  We exchanged gunfire a while. Then it got quiet... and boring. I scanned as sneakily as I could outside in a while. I'd never seen a single attacker then or now. My shots had merely been targeted at likely spots a sniper might be at".

  Being I was bored & figured I was pinned down to the front I walked out the back door where I saw a small group of armed & unarmed people gathering at a small gas station about a city block away across an empty highway. They were your average harmless civilian types, mostly in their 30s, 40's, & 70s.

  I listened into the people talking. They were all locals but the armed big guy with a rifle who had the huge 4x4 truck. Apparently there was a madman around nearby shooting at people but nobody knew what he looked like? They said they'd just sent a guy to ask & expected he'd return in a minute or 2 with a description of the guy.

  The people were scared & the chat around the pump was that they had to band together & kill the guy. The big burly manly man with the hunting rifle said he'd keep everyone safe when a woman started crying.

  Me? Since I was the guy with the gun they were openly planning to kill I was at least mildly curious about what they had to say.

  A few said they had guns at home & they were waiting for the guy to return with a description & to keep them covered while they went home & got armed. Then they'd all kill this guy.

  Once one of them pointed to a guy & said that was such & such back with the description they needed I had enough. The guy had driven up on us fast & waved furiously at us like he had something very important to tell us. He was yelling but his engine noise drowned out his shouts he made as he leaned out his driver's side window in the cold.

  I pondered what to do & I didn't see myself as having a lot of options at this point. So at point blank range I just started shooting people...

  "Don't you think the cops will be able to tell I'm on drugs [in your films]"?
  "You being on drugs only strengthens our case".

  I decided when I first tried reaching out to law-enforcement with my story that the best way that I could tell it & still Honor My Parents was to tell not only my story, but to tell their story as truthfully as possible & without exaggerations.

  I also realized that if I lied or exaggerated I'd go down in flames so I decided to tell my story as truthfully as I could to the best of my ability.

  "Did you ever notice that we almost never used the Bay City Sherrifs against you? That's because we plan to use them against you at the end".-The Last Snitch

  The end? If I could win would it be The Beginning? Hey, if the truth shall set you free then we'll see.  (^_-)

  A RECAP if there ever was one...


  Strapped lying face down to a table with my pants around my ankles while my gang rapists stood in line awaiting their turn to sodomize me I asked Duh Jerk. "Why are you doing this to me"? 

  He said. "I want to be able to prove that you are fascinated with the rape fantasy"?


  "Because of The Gym".

Bay City Badge.jpg
Wed Jun 15.jpg
Saginaw Badge.gif

  "That's not proof of anything". It never is in mid-Michigan...


  "It is the accusations of our victims reflected back at them that is our true power".
  Translation: If you dare accuse the gang of something they twist your accusations & accuse you based on your own accusations.

"Who are they calling pervert? Look at them [and all the films we've made them endure]". - Child Molesting 101 as taught to me by Duh Jerk in his taxpayer-funded officer during business hours.

  "That's The Good Kid? I thought he'd be bigger"? I recall pondering why he had said it to the other Jock at the Grande Party while standing in front of My Mother's Parent's Home's front door & not to me? Then it occurred to me that My Cousin had always ordered that "his people" not talk to me directly. Many did as speaking only a few words to me rarely got people punished & quite a few were punished anyway.-The sad tale of my life Circa 1979

  Did I say sad? I should'a wrote pathetic?

  Pathetic pa·thet·ic [pəˈTHedik] ADJECTIVE

  1. arousing pity, especially through vulnerability or sadness:

    "she looked so pathetic that I bent down to comfort her" · "it was a pathetic sight"

    miserably inadequate; of very low standard:

  2. "he's a pathetic excuse for a man" · "his ball control was pathetic"


    relating to the emotions.

As a... cop you might be thinking of asking me. What is it you are saying the gang did to you"?


"We don't just rape their bodies. We rape their minds".

- Common Gang saying

  "As a mid-Michigan... cop you are probably in a rage at having read my website. Please don't hurt me... again"?

Bay City Badge.jpg
MI State Police.jpg
Saginaw Badge.gif


My retort?

"What part of weird & perverse cult confuses you officer"? - David A. George

  I had a few... cOPs ask me this question only to submit it AS proof I was lying. "Why didn't you ask _____(the wrongdoer I'm accusing)_____"?

  Me? I answered the same about every time. "Why bother? I don't believe a single word that comes out of their mouths anyway". Thus I explained, why bother asking those gang bangers anything because I just did not believe a single word any of that gang's members had to say.

  My opinion on the subject as of now (11-14-22)? My opinion is that I am not now nor was I ever a mid-Michigan... cop. So I don't believe every word that comes out of the gang's member/victim's or victim/member's mouths & even less so when any mid-Michigan... cop uses the words "Reliable Informant" to describe them.

  "When you show up in court all crippled in a wheelchair who's going to believe that you lived through the gym"? - A bragging Child-Molester speaking about my eventual demise at the hands of the Child-Molestors, a Saginaw Gang in court only a few years prior to the writing of this website.

"He should never profit by what we do to him". It was then that Duh Jerk ordered that my wallet be brought to him & he emptied it's meager contents.

  An astonished Jock asked him. "You'd take a man's last dollar"?

It's changing the subject completely to switch to the opinion of a uniformed on duty Bay City... cOP at his post during the course of an investigation that I initiated. "I know those guys. They're nice guys".


  Duh Jerk often bragged on his commonly used tactic against what he literally calls "my victims".

It's a small world.

  In the scam a victim is attacked in places they frequent or can be proven to have frequented. In other cases, like mine various family members & even friends lived in the environs of the Defunct Hospital. Meaning that, in Duh Jerk's mind, that no evil against his targets could've happened there because, it's a small world.

  "Notice how he [my victim] always says we attacked them at nor near places they hung around? That's proof they are crazy because they accuse us of targeting the places they visit". But the truth is they have a lot of victims & engage would-be targets all over Bay City & other locations & try to specifically engage the "It's a small world defense strategy" whenever possible, so of course the gang engages their targets thusly whenever possible in previously visited locations of their targets. It's only logical.

  I hear it applies to schools & stores & even, when possible, to places targets have worked & former or present hangouts.

  My counter was this. "That tactic might work in a big city like Detroit but not in a small city like Bay City. Bay City is only so large so of course anyplace the gang targeted me was near a place I visited or hung out near". It'd be almost impossible to arrange the opposite, that is to commit stalking crimes like I've suggested & not near places I hung out at or frequented, because I get around.

  It's how the scam works.

  I had a few... cOPs ask me this question only to submit it AS proof I was lying. "Why didn't you ask _____(the wrongdoer I'm accusing)_____"?

  Me? I answered the same about every time. "Why bother? I don't believe a single word that comes out of their mouths anyway". Thus I explained, why bother asking those gang bangers anything because I just did not believe a single word any of that gang's members had to say.

  My opinion on the subject as of now (11-14-22)? My opinion is that I am not now nor was I ever a mid-Michigan... cop. So I don't believe every word that comes out of the gang's member/victim's or victim/member's mouths & even less so when any mid-Michigan... cop uses the words "Reliable Informant" to describe them.

  "When you show up in court all crippled in a wheelchair who's going to believe that you lived through the gym"? - A bragging Child-Molester speaking about my eventual demise at the hands of the Child-Molestors, a Saginaw Gang in court only a few years prior to the writing of this website.


  Soooo... there I was kneeling overtop of the once beautiful woman. Her head was on backwards on her body. Why? Because I'd just twisted it while she lay there with all my might over & over? Why? Why you ask? Why?

  I wanted to lock her in the cell. I didn't want to hurt her. I only wanted escape. When I neared the cell it's occupants attacked me. Grabbing at me & tried to drag me inside the cell. They tied to hurt me. They asked me several times. "Are you okay"? When they perceived my memory had reset due to the drugs. I'd nearly freed them at least once. I had to get out of there. I couldn't have this gal wake up & summon the army across the street to come & get me. For all I knew she was laying there pretending to be knocked out (a gang fav I'd fallen for a lot of times in times past). I 'looked around & pondered what to do through the drugs that addled my mind. That's when I chose to snap her neck & end her life.

  The Deputy in a Munger Uniform complained about what I just did. "You didn't have to kill her". He complained.

  Me? I said. "Yes I did". I didn't see any alternative. I complained she could 'summon an army, to stop my escape & now I knew she never would.

  "You could've just tied her up".

  I looked around the room & there was likely no shortage of things I could've restrained her with.

  The horror...

Exodus Chapter 21

16 And he that stealeth a man, and selleth him, or if he be found in his hand, he shall surely be put to death.

  Today is 6-8-22 when I wrote this. My face is numb & in pain & the 2 are expanding. When does the hurting stop?


  It's distasteful to write about, disturbing to reminisce, it's even more haunting to rehash, to dredge up the memories so that I can write them down. It's the worst of the worst & I've neglected to fully explain the dark periods as well as I might.

  It 1st happened when I was about 3 years old until I was 5, just before I began the charade that they called going to school. The hoax that began afterwards. My Cousin mocked me in tale where he reveled about the events.

  It then happened in a similar way during a time I call... literally... my teen years. Yes, note my choice of words. "Teen" & "Years" that combine to form teen years. The years of my life that involved America's record holders for "Most failed attempted murders on a child in public". Duh Jerk, Duh Weasel Fagboy, The Mayor's Brat, Shortstuff, & the gang.

  The gang kidnapped me, often, usually by or with my family's participation & blessings & took me to houses here & there & kept me on drugs and awake until I was delirious. Then we tended to go from place to place killing people everyplace we went. Usually, it was just PRACTICAL jokes.

 Other times, it wasn't funny at all. I know people died. I recall parties where Duh Jerk showed the bodies of the dead like a centerpiece, a trophy & the gang partied around the recently dead & my drugged self.

  As of 9-7-22 I haven't written much about the many dead that died during that time.

  This tale would not be possible without the investigative excellence of the Bay City Police & FBI.


bay city cops.jpg

About 6 months ago or so... March 2022ish...

  Sooo there I was... taking inventory of last night's kidnapping. The weird thing that happened? I mean other than a gang of madmen who brag they routinely drag me back to mid-Michigan to star in films, to prove I'm great buttbuddies with what remains of the Munger Boy 5 or The 4 Stars. "With our films we'll prove you're a liar & no cop will ever believe you about The Gym". It's the litmus test for many members of the gang. An ongoing stalking by madmen for profit & revenge because of... wait for it... wait for it... according to them... According to them it's because of... The Gym. Or more specifically the horrors they had to endure because of how I reacted to their world-record attempted murder session they called "The Gym". "We're not mad at you because of what you did in The Gym. We're mad at you because of what The Bosses did to us because of you in The Gym".

  All that aside here's what happened.

  I was in some large room, likely a business or a school. My feet were inside a microwave oven & it was turned on. The door was sawed off & the latch that presumably engaged the door safety was engaged by the remains of that door, I'd suppose. The machine was humming. The microwave oven was on.

  Shortstuff, his mustache shaved asked me. "What are you doing"?

  How or why I said this, or how they got me to say this, or what brought me to this point I do not know. I replied. "I'm drying my feet".

  He retorted. "I don't think it works like that".

  It's how the scam works. They are the good guys, the guys with high morals. Their victims? Confused druggies or insane.

  Duh Jerk explained how it works. "We tell them 'Such & such is crazy & our friend & on drugs'. It always works because everyone knows to say that".

  Me? At the above time I was on drugs, clearly not in my right mind, & obviously did not have a great grasp on the reality of what was probably going on. A credible Radiation Terrorist Attack by known Self-Professed recreational serial-killers.

  I'll go back farther, just for fun (not my fun, theirs). I was standing in the Bay County Law Enforcement Center. I was talking to a Bay City... cOP. I was talking about my kidnappings, my tortures, my rapes. The guy behind me said he'd help me but he was disagreeing with me. I turned around to disagree with him. It was Shortstuff with a camera crew. A teenaged boy, a teenaged girl, and a camera.

  I announced this was no friend of mine, he was m y stalker, my kidnapper.

  Then I turned & perceived who that... cop really was peircing the drug  & torture & sleep deprivation haze that clouded my mind. It was Dirty Cop himself. HIMSELF! Right there! IN THE cOPSHOP!

  He asked Shortstuff why he put up with me?

  Shortstuff put on his best poker face & shrugged & then my professional buttbuddy said. "It's a labor of love".

  It's as a fake friend that they are most comfortable. 

  "Such & such is our friend their crazy & they're on drugs. It always works because everyone knows to say that".

  A few years ago The Last Snitch told me they'd start occasionally using microwaves to cook the flesh of my feet. That with their Dirty Doctors they could excuse it by saying it was a specific medical condition that's easily diagnosed as microwave radiation exposure. "To hide the fact that we've done that we have a microwave oven with the doors off of it & we convince our victims to stick their feet in their on film". He promised they'd soon be using it on me until it cost me my feet & with their films of me they could do it to me openly & no one could prosecute them ort the children they'd get to point & click the device at me.

  The last Snitch came back. He told me they had a portable version, easy enough to acquire with a few bucks & virtually undetectable. A sort of portable microwave gun (cheap, easy, & effective, but no recreational serial-killer would ever use that... it's unethical cops tell me.

  They brag they use it on me often.

  A credible radiation attack threat in my humble opinion.

  A Recap. It's how the scam works.


  I thought I'd skip over this tale, it adds nothing to my story. In fact, it's what I'll call the weirdest weirdism of the weirdest weirdism. How's that for a true weirdism? It adds nothing to my tale, & has redeeming social value, nor did it nor is it therapeutic to me to write it. In short, it's a complete waste of time to read. HEY! Doesn't THAT mean as a mid-Michigan... cOP it's the one story that YOU should pay the most attention to? Eh, who am I to give those law enforcement... pROFESSIONALS advice? Right? I'm sure there's a raping child-molestor doing evil right now. So you should get in your car & drive around & catch someone with a busted tail light? GO TEAM! Huh?

  Grumble grumble.

  Sooooooo.... there I was, at the Grandest of the Grande Parties at My Mother's Parent's place. As I recall there was usually a ton of activities that one might do there. Today, I sat at their living room coffee table that "My Cousin" had gifted them with. It had an expensive marble tabletop, was long for a coffee table, quite heavy, & from the day they got it it's single wood legs (2, one to the left & to the right) were never adequate to support it so 1"x4" were jammed into it on each side to give it support. It'd always made me wonder that, because of My Mother's Father's skill in woodworking why he'd never fixed it like he'd said day 1?

  My Cousin said he had a theory. Because he'd ordered My Family to never fix it or to modify it in any way because it was a duplicate to the one in the house that was a duplicate of My Mother's Parent's Place (I'd seen that place, it'd been furnished just like their home, but more sparsely & with a few different furnishings & art objects, presumably that the family living in that home had added to their lives, I'd killed some lil kid there once if anyone's paying attention the "Blue Porsha" story).

  RECAP: I was playing with blocks because all of the other things one might do there were taken. They kept the blocks hidden as a rule so the "Partygoers" were not aware of them, thus, I and my sisters got to play with them. Since the sum of the Partygoers & "The Regulars" were forbidden by force to interact with me we sat & quietly avoided their drama. What My Sisters saw or their conclusions of that day's events I never asked them. Why bother?

  Drama? Yeah, drama. I noticed that guards were positioned at the front & back doors inside & out. I'm kind'a oblivious actually, if partygoers hadn't pointed it out to me I might not have even noticed.

  My Cousin called me into the packed to the gills kitchen, not a single member of My Family (that I know of) were in that room. He told me that by now I knew we were all prisoners & we discussed thing, listed elsewhere. He told me that no one could leave but by his command. Now, because he trusted me I was the only one who could leave. My job was like usual actually, he'd be sending me to the nearby party store to pick up anything they'd forgotten or if supplies of of anything ran out. Mostly just to pick up soda & cigarettes actually. Most of his guys were showing up without enough cigarettes for the day so to avoid a meltdown I was going to be the only one who could leave the Grande Party (I should note that at no time whatsoever did anyone there, nor at any time in the past, family or not call it or even use the term "Grande Party"). My Cousin mocked me that, like usual I would be payed nothing to go to the store by his command. Mocking me all the more & laughing when he asked others there what it usually took them to get a kid to go to the store & they said the going rate for any child there to do anything (like going to the store for instance) was $20. Big money when you think about it because minimum wage was about a dollar back then. "You try to get any of the kids here to do anything for less than $20 and it ain't happening".

  As the day progressed My Cousin mocked me how much I would've made if I were "one of my children". He meant the kids at the party in general.

  Soooo... I went to the store that day much more than normal. Even being violently accosted by guards when I tried to leave only to have another guard say it was okay, I was that "Good Kid", the only person who could leave without permission there.

  "That's The Good Kid? I thought he'd be bigger".

  At the local store, about 2 small city blocks away the only unusual thing was that they expected me & had my orders ready for the most part. That part was not normal. I still had a cornucopia of different brands of cigarettes that I had to order individually for the Partygoers & the Regulars though. We did this many times that day. Strange only in that the store workers told me they'd been ordered to call the party to tell them I was on my way back. When I asked why they said they had no idea why? We shot a few guesses back & forth politely.

  At the party it became clear, to me, that people were being brought into the kitchen scared. In about 10-15 minutes on average they left, always via the front door & some where as white as sheets! Trembling.

  Many were escorted by my "Trio of Cousins" going in. Others were escorted by children whom I'd never interacted with & some by giant Jocks in black.

  I recall that as the day wore on more people came to the party as others trickled out they they didn't look happy at all to be there.

  I remember my Trio of Cousins starting to come back to the kitchen more frequently with no one. Meh, who cares, I just recall it. My Cousin was furious with them. He wasn't given to yell very often except at me as a rule. Actually, he seemed like a pretty jolly guy to me whenever I wasn't around, I guess he really did hate me huh?

  RECAP: Lots of store visits, white as a sheet guests, the Trio of Cousins start showing up empty handed a lot. Me playing with the blocks building stuff with my 3 siblings, I don't recall My Bro being there at the time of this writing. Lots of store visits & I wasn't making a penny. In a way it wasn't so bad. It didn't take long & it allowed me to escape the always ongoing drama at the Grande Parties.

  People, desperate people asked me to hide them. "You're The Good Kid"" They told me. The only person at the party they figured they might trust out of desperation.

  Me? I told them I was just a kid. How could I hide them?

  "I don't know? Can you think of anything"?

  I suggested they hide.

  No good they told me one by one. Children were scouring the party & bringing each Partygoer to justice. Their time was coming soon. Trembling like someone who has to go to the bathroom badly a few of them begged me. They claimed to be scared out of their wits. They franticly said they'd like to hide but being caught hiding meant a very severe punishment much worse than if one didn't hide.

  I recall a few of them & to my shame here's what happened next.

  I asked one how the gang had blackmailed him? He told me he was seduced by a little girl whore & that she was there. He was terrified that she'd be the one sent to find him.

  So I thought a while, but not for long, & told him he could pay that little girl to hide with him in the attic & if he were discovered he could claim he wasn't hiding, just in a moment of passion (no where near the exact words I used, but the wise among you get the jist Reader). He said my plan wouldn't work because the little girl hated him.

  I told him that she was a whore right? Then if he had money she'd go with him.

  He protested it'd probably cost him a lot of money, he'd brought thousands with him, just in case he needed it.

  I told him what was more important? The money or avoiding the punishment? That was when he left me.

  I recall he was discovered much later & he & a little girl, maybe 6 or 7  was beside him as Jocks escorted them into the kitchen. In about 10 minutes or so he came out. He told me he was punished. but he was relieved that the waiting was over. Then he thanked me based on I'd given him "a chance" & that my plan had worked in a way. He'd hidden with the girl & been caught. My Cousin was about to hand down an epic punishment on him too but he CLAIMED HE WASN'T HIDING, but in a business transaction with the little girl (far from his exact words). He told me that because he was "falsely" accused of hiding that My Cousin seemed to go easier on him with his punishment, he felt that my advice had spared him a horrible punishment that the others summoned to the kitchen with him had gotten.

  Others begged & when I told them to hide in the woods out back they said it was no good, children were scouring the woods & dragging people back to be punished. I noted to a few that I'd been watching the children's search patterns. That yes they did scour the woods behind My Mother's Parents & the home to the south but that there was a small patch of woods in the neighboring yard to the north (very small) that they never entered. I advised them that they could go there, cover themselves with leaves, & hide until dark. I never saw them people I gave that advice again so I don't know how the advice turned out for them? I did however see a single one of them go there & lay down & cover himself with leaves. Some tried to give me money. Lots of money. Especially for a broke kid like me. I turned all of them down.

  Lastly I recall one guy who begged me repeatedly for help with a look of terror. "They say you can get people out of here"?

  I told him I could not.

  But the guy begged urgently & asked me for any plan. Even a slim chance to avoid punishment was better than none to him. He offered me a lot of money.

  Finally, I thought about it. But not for long. Then I told him I was the only one who could leave as the store gopher (no one used that term either ever, me included BTW). If he could remain unpunished if & until I was sent to the store again I would tell the guards that he was my ride & get him out.

  Sure enough soon I was ordered to go to the store. We walked out the front door & the guards tried to grab the man. I told them he was my ride. They debated with themselves if I were lying, if they should call My Cousin & such.

  Me? I told them I was The Good Kid & they knew it. My reputation was such that everyone there knew I could be trusted & everyone there knew that.

  That was good enough & we left.

  The guy went to the nearby party store with me. There he all but begged me to accept a large sum of money & I refused it over & over. He tried to reward me many ways & I told him I wanted nothing.

  In the end he frustrated me & I said something like. "Fine! Here's how you can reward me. If they ever line everyone up to slap me in the face again & you're involved go easy on me & try not to hit me too hard. Okay"?

  Smiling he agreed & left. I walked back to the party with the requested supplies in hand.

  My Cousin summoned me into the kitchen & told me he suspected the Trio of taking bribes to let some partygoers escape his wrath. They were going to receive an extreme punishment, later, but not today. For now I would be tasked with finding his runaways & bringing them to him. Something I did very reluctantly but like everything I do in life then & mow, I did it to the best of my ability.

  It's 11-21-22 & my right cheek hurts & is numb. Left cheek numb & I really should get a cup to spit out the poison that's seeping out from between my teeth & gums. I grow tired of writing about the weirdest weirdism & the gang in general.

  There you go Reader. Another hour & a half of my life I'll never get back writing about a strange day inflicted upon me by the gang that I'll never get back either. I took no enjoyment in the events of that day then nor now (11-21-22). And just like that cruel summer I made no money writing about it either. Just a total waste of time & electricity in my opinion & all to write some weirdism.



THE 1ST ONE??? A recap...

  These recaps are not for my Readers (if anyone is even reading this who isn't "one of them"), they're for me. I'm trying to decompress, to come to grips with the events inflicted upon my life by madmen.

  The truth shall set you free...

  Sooooooo... there I was. Surrounded by Jocks, Fearless Leader, & a random assortment of average middle class & upper class people in some mansion estate's building. I drew a map of the grounds & the buildings in great detail in my +1,500 page letter to the FBI where someone dies every few pages. The "Nurse" was preparing another syringe to my left because the 1st had dazed me into weakness, but I was still standing & semi-lucid.

  The Jocks & the random people were standing around me either in horror at what was to my right or threatening me because of it.

  I looked down at "her". Flesh. It was the gal I've nicknamed Flesh & even assigned her a posthumas Theme Song ( ). She was clearly dead. Her head was laying flat on the floor of that building where only minutes ago she & her friends were mentally & physically torturing me. The very room where she'd mocked me about my coming legal demise based on the films they'd made of me killing people, the Boulder Bank Robbery & her testimony against me. She & Fearless Leader had asked me to recall "The  Satanic Wedding Ceremony I'd endured?

  I mocked them back that I had thwarted it. It never was completed.

  They mocked me back claiming it had succeeded & was a done deal. It was just that their Date Rape Drug had robbed me of any memory of it. Now she was legally my wife. Now her testimony against me would be the most damning thing I could imagine, I had no chance against them * it was all to help cover for their friend. Duh Jerk who needed a way to get rid of me far from mid-Michigan & the host of my potential witnesses.

  They mocked me, laughing me to scorn. A room full of them.

  They say that the truth shall set you free...

  The past is the past in now in the present I was looking at her, her head lying flat, her neck bent at an angle no neck should nor could ever be bent at... and for that person to live & be whole. She was clearly dead. Dead...

  Flesh looked peaceful. She hadn't looked like that since she 1st seduced me on their drug(s?) when they needed a large base of films, mundane interactions that they could use to prove we all were great buttbuddies.

  They say the truth shall set you free...

  So I was looking down at her to my right. She was dead. She looked so peaceful lying there. Why was she dead? Because I'd grabbed her by the head with both arms, tackled her & pinned her with my weight, & twisted her neck with all of my laborer might for a few minutes!

  After we'd met she asked me what race I thought she was? Of what national origin?

  I recall pondering the subject while on their drugs. I answered that I'd supposed she was Caucasian, likely of Italian descent?

  She corrected me. She claimed to be Hispanic. She asked me my opinion on the subject?

  I told her race means nothing to me when it comes to love, if Mrs. Right was any race whatsoever I would be content to make her mine.

  Now she was dead.

  I recall during the seduction, when any rational person would've said. Where am I? Who are these strangers around me"? But the drug(s?) had robbed me of that level of reasoning. I didn't question the situation before me at all. Not even slightly. I recall thinking how lucky I was to have so beautiful a woman. Luck me huh?

  They say the truth shall set you free...

  Back in the present I tried to walk over to her, to inspect the body but the Jocks held me & the crowd back who threatened to kill me for going near their dead friend. Fearless Leader told them to let me when I complained.

  I recall standing there pondering her dead body. The waste of such beautiful woman flesh. Minutes ago she'd bragged about testifying against me. How it was her initiation to some lofty Officer position in the gang. Now she was dead & a team of kidnapping recreational serial-killers were all swearing revenge against me for her, their dead friend. The memory is breaking up...

  Fade to black.

  Was she my 1st wife?

  Til death did we part...

TIL DEATH DO US PART... Literally...

  Sooooooo... There I was, in what seemed like a Satanic Chapel in or around Boulder Colorado. My torturers were assembled in the many pews, an alter & pulpit were in front of us & there was a giant pentagram that hung prominently behind them. Flesh stood beside me; Fearless Leader & his ever-present Jock army were there like groomsmen for the camera & Flesh herself stood beside me. A Preacher of sorts asked me if I took this woman to be my wife?

  Me? I was dazed & confused because of the drugs, deprivation, & torture. I became semi-lucid as I staggered in place pondering the subject. It was then that I recognized my kidnappers & recalled the situation before me.

  So I tried to fight my way out of there.

  How'd that work out for me? We fought. I lost. They drugged me anew...

  Later, after another horror skit had been forced upon me. Another PRACTICAL joke concluded successfully. The Nurse stood afar on my left, the Jock army on my right just out of the camera on the tripod's view. My torturers all prepared the next PRACTICAL joke. Props were being brought in from the next room & they were agreeing on the technique they'd use on me while The Nurse prepare yet another syringe for use on me.

  TRIVIA: It's only trivia to add that in my +1,500 page letter to the FBI where someone dies every few pages, I assigned Flesh a theme song for reasons of symbolism. "Flesh for fantasy". I invite the Reader to go to Youtube & play it in the background & read on. It's a story about the life of one of God's children who I nicknamed Flesh. I never knew her real name.

  Fearless & Flesh mocked me about the fake wedding. Noting their pictures & films of them as my friends at our very legal wedding would enable them to destroy me for the friend & employer/caterer of the event Duh Jerk. No one would ever believe me nor question their motives with the films their torture, deprivation, & drugs had allowed them to inflict upon me.

  The pair stood side by side & mocked me & laughed heartily. A few of the Jocks & the gang nearby joined them.

  Me? Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. I pondered the situation before me through the drugs & deprivation. I looked at them. Fearless & the smiling Flesh.

   Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. In a moment of time, I judged Flesh. She would not stand in a court & frame me, nor judge me. Why? Because if I could I was about to kill her... now! I figured they'd kill me for it. But I judged that my death would be acceptable if I could but take her with me to the grave. Here & now!

  I charged at Flesh & leaped into the air with my arms outstretched surprising the Jocks tasked with tackling me if I resisted at any point. WOW! Did she look surprised! So did Fearless Leader.

  I grabbed her by the head & slammed her down with all of my weight!

  The gang piled on me as one while I twisted her neck with all of my laborer might!

  Fearless yelled at The Nurse to drug me.

  Me? I ducked my head down & in the bad light The Nurse armed only with a syringe yelled in response to Fearless' urgent orders. "I can't tell who he is there's too many bodies"!

  I kept my head down & could tell she ran back & forth. Dozens of hands tried to prevent the turning, twisting & yanking action I was inflicting on their friend... Flesh.

  Eventually it occurred to The Nurse to flick on the lights & she picked me out of the crowd & dosed me.

  My strength faded & the gang manhandled me off of Flesh by picking the bodies restraining me off one at a time.

  Fearless assessed the damage on Flesh, pointed at her & yelled at me. "YOU KILLED HER"!

  I said. "She's faking it". Probably just another PRACTUICAL joke. Nothing more.

  Fearless invited me to look at her closely & I struggled through the drugs to do just that. Flesh looked peaceful to me. A look that had eluded her in my presence until then. They were still picking the bodies off of her & I think a leg held her torso slightly off the floor face up. She was facing up with her head resting on the floor in a way no neck could accommodate.


  "So what"? I said staggering there as my strength faded away. "You were gonna kill me anyway". At least I got to take her with me.

  "No we weren't. We were going to have fun with you and let you go"!

  Me? As I faded out, I called him a liar. Certainly, if they weren't going to kill me before they'd kill me now for what I'd done to their beloved seductress friend Flesh.

  Fade to black...

  Later snitched boasted that Flesh & I had legally married, on film. They whined decades later about the extreme lengths they took to ensure a cover-up of the wedding.

  All of them had the same story in a way. Flesh had been a junior Officer of note & her seduction/destruction of me publicly would've signaled a coronation of sorts, her ascension to high rank within the gang.

  She had a lot of friends & loyal family who were counting on her promotion for their own advancement in the gang. But no longer. All they had to look forward to was revenge... revenge against me.

  Til death do us part?





  Right cheek growing number with each bi-weekly injection.

  Yeah, I pray a lot, have put my trust in God, & have talked to a bazillion Police Officers.


  11-14-22 RECAP:

  My cheeks hurt, so I'll ask again?


SUMMER OF 72... anything but the Summer of love for me...

  Soooo... it was while standing there in front of my home at 1269 Harrison Street in Bay City Michigan Circa Summer 1972ish. The Uniformed Bay City... cOP got back into his marked Patrol Car in broad daylight by walking to where it was parked on the north side of our front yard & My Mother (Honor honor honor) went into our home by walking away from me heading south to our front door.

  He'd been there to accuse me of murder... again. By "again" I don't mean him personally but meant another uniformed & on duty Bay City... cOP had come to my home & accused me of murdering a lengthy interrogation.

  Today, 11-14-22 I tried counting which accusation number it was & am fairly confident it was the 5th such time I avoided arrest for murder at the hands of an on duty uniformed Bay City... cop. By "fairly confident" I mean not 100% sure. But I'm sure the number is close, but only rounding down. Keep in mind, this isn't questioning about the same murder 5 times but 5 different murder accusations concerning 5 different cases I'm writing about. For the record I didn't mean that... cop came to accuse me 5 times, I meant that he was the 5th... cop to come to my place to accuse me of murder, 5, yes five, give or take, probably give.

  I submit for the Reader's approval that after a time the number of times you get accused of murder as a child tends to blur in one's memory. You know? Like happened to everyone in true story Americana? Right? I'm asking, not telling because I have nothing to compare it to. Everyone forgets the exact number of times they've been accused of murder. Right?

  Soooooo... Recap. Cop going one way, just accused me of murder, My Mother for whom the sum total of my then existence could be summed up by a sentence she never used once. "Accusation equals guilt" going the other way on a beautiful summer's day.

  I was in awe that I had somehow, like a tap dancer in a minefield, somehow avoided the... cop's word maze of accusation & come out legally unscathed at that time. How'd I do it? I'd prayed & I'd told the truth to the best of my ability. I was a Christian. My nickname was The Good Kid. The Good Kid is 100% ethical at all times. Did I measure up to that standard? For trivia's sake I'll admit it to you Reader. No, no I did not. But I tried & it was important to me. It's what God wanted.

  So there I was, standing in the yard in awe at the situation before me. The... cOP pulled away & My Mother was gone inside our home. I just couldn't believe that this was happening to me. How? I pondered the calamity that my life was. Why? Why me?

  I pondered that... cOP & could only guess at his possible motivation?

  My Mother? For her; accusation on me & only me meant guilt. I'd endure weeks long pain sessions over the alleged theft of a Canadian Penny of no particular value. I'd been pounded for weeks by multitudes based on every vile accusation one could imagine & even more for the most insane & ludacris accusations anyone could think up. At night my door might blast open & she'd retry me for past offences based on an accusation she'd proven me innocent of months or even years ago against me in hours long pain sessions with every adult & child nearby joining in with faces framed with looks of pure ecstasy.

  So why was I unpunished for the murder accusation? Why? More importantly, why again?

  I thought about asking My Mother why? But considering her violent interrogation style at the slightest provocation I decided against it.

  Everybody loses track of the number of times they've been accused of murder? Right?

  Again, I'm only asking because I have nothing to compare it to?



  This is a RECAP of that sunglasses in the hall at Central High School. A taxpayer-funded institution where I faced death many times. I starred in child porn, I endured torture... cOPS assaulted me, tried to frame me, threatened me, lied about me, participated in my attempted murder.

  This in the RECAP of when Duh Jerk was talking about the visiting athletic team from afar all standing by the School Elevator looking at me & swinging imaginary blows at me, landing punches on their opened hands all while glaring at me. One swung a bat angrily, yes, angrily. In fact there are many ways one could swing an aluminum bat in life, one of them is to do so with an emphasis on anger. They did this all while wearing smart brand-spanking new  purple Central High School Football Jerseys.

  Duh Jerk invited me to check down the hallway by pointing at the classroom left of the main offices when you enter the school.

  The rational part of my brain told me not to do it. Not voices in my head, you know, that part of your mind that tells you not to go where the recreational serial-killer just dared you to go.

 Me? How do I explain myself? What I did next? I've never been given to a spirit of fear. My religion forbade it. Though I was an athiest at that time I just was never given to indulge that spirit. Call it a flaw, call it stupid, or just call it what I was & am. They say the truth shall set you free. Here goes...

  So I walked down the hall, as I recall it we were probably nearing the point where the bell would soon sound & I'd be late for class. It'd also sound that the halls would soon be virtually empty & a recreational serial killer claimed he had death squads on both sides of me & he wasn't one to bluff in my experience.

  So I walked to that classroom fully expecting that it was possible that this could be the last thing that I ever did. I wont call it an overwhelming curiosity, nor an attempt at bravado because "he" challenged me. But I was curious. As I walked up I planed a strategy. I'd look in, prepared to run. If I didn't have to run I would observe the room & it's occupants as best I could & as calmly as possible so as not to escalate the situation needlessly.

  As I walked past the main offices the squad behind me ceased their imaginary attacks on me & several of them pointed at me & began to talk about who knows what with Duh Jerk while looking at me.

  In the classroom I could see a room filled with about a team's worth of fit young men, probably a team the year younger than the larger & older teens who were in the hall behind me. They were in a semi-circle huddled about the door & behind about 5-7 foot from the door. They all took turns bending over to peer as far as possible into the hallway & not a one of them could've possibly seen the secondary offices that were then Duh Jerk's Office across from the school elevator.

  As I walked up I noticed the looks on their faces. They looked stressed, not at all angry like the 1st team. Some look terrified. I thought there might be a look of recognition on one of their faces, like I was the guy they were there for but as I slowly walked past & then stood on the far side of the door there was no look of recognition, they almost casually glanced at me like they did at the few others who passed by. Stopping to look at me only once I stopped in the doorway on the far side putting all the participants in my field of view for security. I checked, no one sneaking up on me. So I indulged myself to stare inside & to see what I could see? Desks had been moved away from the door. The occupants seemed more interested in what was going on down the hall than what I was doing, but 1 or 2 of them did stare at me with that "who are you & what is this guy up to look".

  Several of the pack by the elevators broke off & Duh Jerk ordered them to come back. They gorilla walked angrily down the hall.

  Me? I walked casually away & as soon as I was out of sight I took off running with everything I had. I could hear them shouting at students in the gym (coincidence I'd run in that direction is all) & asking if someone with my description had just run by.

  A RECAP... nothing more. Just another day in the 80s in a taxpayer-funded institution in Bay City Michigan. I dare wonder if it was "business as usual".

  Today is 11-17-22 when I write this. The time between when I wrote this & when I just starred in child porn isn't even double digit hours yet.



  "Yes I did". I told the alleged uniformed & on duty "Munger Michigan... cOP" while he stood imprisoned at his "post", inside the cell he'd locked me in for days, maybe even weeks? The memory addled by the gang's dug(s?) I'm not really certain how long I spent in that cell on display as proof of the power of the gang?

  Lets back up a mere minute or 2 here. I had just been searching the one-room very official-looking jailhouse for... anything. Anything that'd get me out of there or make an escape more likely. The uniformed... cOP who wore a uniform that clearly indicated he was a Munger Police Officer stood silently watching me along with about a dozen men.

  They yelled at me to break my concentration. Then paused & said things like. "Are you okay? Do you want some help". A very standard challenge the gang uses against their victims. The theory is that they hope that by repeating themselves they can land the query within moments of a victim's memory resetting. This is the "sweet spot", a moment where a given victim is likely confused & the gang can get them to act in ways contrary to their own personal interests.

  How'd I handle it? I threatened them with my pistol.

  Their retort? My gun was full of blanks & they weren't scared.

  My retort? I went outside & grabbed some fine gravel & came back in & explained to the men that my blank-filled pistol was now a shotgun & if they didn't shut up I would kill them.

  One of them pointed out it'd take an absurdly long time.

  I agreed & even contemplated doing just that. Then I said something like unto. "Motivate me. Watch what happens".

  When one of them kept at his verbal challenges I warned his pals I'd start the shooting soon & once begun wouldn't stop. So if they valued their lives they'd better beat him down & shut him up. I resumed searching.

  When he tried again 'He's bluffing' the other guys told him. "SHUT UP"! They figured I wasn't bluffing.

  It's kind'a fuzzy, but that Red-Headed Secretary got involved & I belted her full tilt. She went down hard! Flying into the middle of the room on the floor.

  I searched some more & other than improvised stabbing weapons I could find nothing useful & decided to leave.

  I looked at the Red-Head. She'd seemed so charismatic when I'd 1st met her from the other side of my cell & she initially acted like she was just some honest hard-working secretary in a jail fighting the good fight of helping justice.

  In time she & I chatted & I told her I saw her for what she was. Another hard-core gang banger "primarily an actor" child-molester.

  She bragged during the quiet times. She was a seductress from her youth for the gang. She'd seduced men & women for the gang, usually on film & destroyed countless lives and she liked it. SHE LIKED IT! She told me she worked most of the year in a children's school where they kept her supplied with children for her personal pleasure. Men & boys lined up to have her. "Even when men know who & what I am they cant resist me". With her looks she could have anyone & had contacts aplenty to ensure a lifetime of ease. Every man wanted her. "Even you. I could have you. I saw the way that you stared at me when you 1st got here".

  I told her that was true. But that now that I knew her for what she was she sickened me. She'd never have me.

  She disagreed.

  I retorted. I could tell she'd been a solid 10, maybe even a year ago. But I pointed out that my preferred woman type was older women & that if I assessed her as having beauty beginning to fade, likely from drinking & drugs, & the "Molester lifestyle" then it was true. She wasn't a solid 10 anymore.

  We talked quite a bit. She told me she was thinking of returning to one of the many Captains of Industry whom she regularly dated & giving them the greatest gift of all. Her. For life.

  Gross... The thought sickened me.

  Advance to the present. Now here we were. She was lying on the floor sprawled out. I wanted to leave. In a moment of time I had the many, many, many times I turned my back on a faking Molestor who called out for help as soon as I was gone. Who attacked me as soon as they could sneak up on me. Who begged for their lives & then mocked me when they facilitated my recapture mocking who foolish I was to trust the word of one of... "them".

  What to do with her? Hmmmmm...

  I looked around for something, some way I might restrain her & my search of the desks was fruitless. I thought I might use a computer cord but they were all bulky, you couldn't twist them around anything effectively.

  An occasional cough came from the cell to remind me I wasn't alone.

  What to do with her so I could escape? I judged I was spending way too long deciding. For all I knew my memory could reset any moment & I'd best be on my way out before that happened. I just didn't have any time. So I hatched a plan that, in lieu of restraining her would shut her up.

  So I walked up & knelt on her & twisted her head with all of my laborer might. K-K-K-K-KRACK!

  You didn't have to kill her" Said the Deputy.

  "Yes I did". I explained I had no way to restrain her.

  The Deputy invited me to look at the walls. Restraining cuffs & shackles o-plenty hung from the walls as did their giant "Munger Michigan" Official-looking law-enforcement seal.


They look nice... the most disturbing RECAP... ever...

  Let me begin with a bible verse very dear to my heart.

Exodus 20:12

  12 Honour thy father and thy mother: that thy days may be long upon the land which the Lord thy God giveth thee.

  It's only trivia to add that BOTH the Police AND my church AND even my own family dismissed me based on THAT bible verse. How? Because IF I were telling the truth ALL OF THEM SAID then I would never honour my parents. It's infallible proof I'm a liar. Period!

  Now the story. I'm not nor was I ever a perfect Christian. Read my story, you just might agree with me? It came to pass one day that I was watching a show titled Texas Chainsaw Massacre. A violent show, I wouldn't recommend it to Christian or non-Christian but I did in fact watch it.

  Then... "it happened". While I sat there on my own couch I began to think on the movie in my heart. Here is a RECAP of those musings.

  I thought to myself what a caring family the character's family were to each other. I wished I had a family who loved me like that. Then it occurred to me, longingly that if the family depicted in the film were mine I just might have killed less people in my all too-short life than I had to that date.

  Then the true horror of the imaginings of my heart dawned on me. I was reviled at... me.


  My advice? Honour thy Mother & thy Father. I suspect that if I had even more rigidly adhered to that verse then my life, my family's life, & the lives of many who died just might have been better.

  My excuse that my Parents (honor honor honor) made it "challenging" sickens me.

  The most disturbing RECAP... ever.

  RECAP: When I say "all of them" I mean that 100% of the groups are included. Though not every single... cop or family member who dismissed me claimed it was hounouring my parents that made them dismiss what I had to say.

  Romans 6:23

23 For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.


Once upon a time upon my bunkbed...

  Sooo there I was at age 8. I was in my bedroom during a quiet moment. I recall that my family were on the other side of a thin wall that seperated the living room from my bedroom. In a moment of time I resolved to take stock of my only goal in life at that time. A goal I wouldn't abandon my entire life.

  My Goal? well in life I'd always wanted to be a racecar driver at that age & changed it to astronaut about then, but that isn't the goal I meant.

  My goal literaly was that I live a number of years so that number would exceeded the number of people I killed. Is this normal Americana? I only ask & don't just say it because I have nothing to compare it to?

  Then I pondered in my heart how I was meeting the challenge of that, my only true goal in life? Normal Americana. Right?

  Sooooo I started counting the dead. Him, her, that guy, that kid, should I include, uhhh, wait, wasn't that a PRACTICAL joke, oh yeah, didn't they brag HE lived, what about that one that's fuzzy?

  I was mentally overwhelmed & had to sit down, so I sat on the lower Bunkbed & decided to obtain a more accurate count, horrified that this was even the situation before me.

  So I started counting again. Him, him, him, her, him, him, uh, wait, didn't the gang brag he lived? Him, him, wait, didn't I already count him? Him, him, no wait, didn't he live & did I count that guy who they said was a PRACTICAL joke?Uh, where was I? It's not the exact words of my heart but the wise get the jist of what happened that day.

  Then I decided that the only way to obtain an accurate count would be to write it down & thought to do that very thing. Then in a moment of time it occurred to me. My family (who were at that time very slap-happy & punishment towards me happy) would immediately ask me about what I was writing if they came upon me writing. I was The Good Kid. The Good Kid always tells the truth, if asked I would tell them exactly what I was writing. I pictured the horror sessions I'd lately endured at the most trivial of accusation & figured that if caught trying to do this task the punishment just might be epic upon epic. I figured I could hide, then make the secret list. I pondered the recent visits by Police who were at my home to accuse me of murder... again & again as of late. Then it occurred to me that if discovered making such a list of how many people I'd killed (or even how many people I suspected I'd killed) in hiding the punishment could be astounding.

  So I judged it too dangerous to do. Then it occured to me. I'd lost track of the number of people I'd killed at age 8.

  The horror... the horror...

"You are our Recruiter".








The Classroom to the Left of The Main Offices is about here





The School Elevators are about here





West of the Main Entrance is about here



  It was some time later. Duh Jerk stopped me in the Hallway, why? I forget that particular time at the time of this writing. Whatever it was for he had his say & I had mine in that tax-payer funded Bay City... cOP, Michigan State... cOP,  & FBI Agent protected hallway (a list of local law-enforcement agencies tasked with MY protection).

  So I asked him while his defense squad stood guards on the west side of the main entry doors to the school. What about the guys in football jerseys that'd chased me? It seemed like he'd lost control of them? What happened.

  He looked ashamed when he told me being that the would-be vigilantes were card-carrying hardcore gang regulars (not his exact words) he'd showed a wide assortment of "films" starring myself so the raping & kidnapping gang of murderers would feel self-righteous & in a good mood about killing me. The way Duh Jerk had brought it up was he was sure I'd attack him & they'd get a chance to rid the world of the biggest scumbag around. When I just walked away they decided to take the law into their own hands with my death!

  He'd lost control of them & they'd all be punished. Losing control of one's self in such a situation was unforgiveable to the gang. They'd soon be seriously punished.

  Changing the subject to decades later The Last Snitch was yelling at me during a debriefing. He wanted me to know why he hated me. "You don't evenn realize how many of our people have been injured or killed over you"! While he didn't share any numbers with me in my opinion it seemed to be a number he felt uncomfortable with? Just a guess?

  RECAP of a RECAP. All over my sunglasses. Go figure huh? It amuses me to suggest to... cOPS to click below & go to the section labeled "It's the sunglasses".

  My sunglasses... that were wrecked for profit & revenge...



  It's only trivia to admit that typing "Once upon a time upon my bunkbed" has greatly depressed me.

  I am not a better person for having rehashed that memory.



  The RECAP page isn't about furthering my story, it's not about what I think might help me (well, not much), it's about what's on my mind & helping me to deal with it, mostly.

  Sooooooo.... there we were, mere blocks from Bay City Central High School, just west of it in what seemed like an ordinary suburb. Duh Jerk bragged we were in a small enclave. An area of the city where, in part thanks to the loud music they continuously played & the face that they "owned" the neighboring properties (see "Definitions Page" for a definition sure to daze & confuse any 100 mid-Michigan... cOPS).

  Duh Jerk explained the rules of the end of my life to me in a spacious living room packed to the gills with himself & an army of 18 year old Jocks, & Bay City's own dirty.. cop I've nicknamed "Dirty Cop". Circa 1988.

  1) I could do anything I wanted to my captors. Hurt them to my heart's content, kill them if I wanted.

  2) My captors could hit me all they wanted, body blows only. "Not the face".

  3) The were going to be torturing me for a long long time.

  What happened next? They didn't feed me & they beat me & kept me awake for a long, long time.

  4) I was going to be raped a lot.

  Me? How'd I handle it? What was my plan? 1st, I prayed, a lot! To God be the glory for my survival, I was never strong or tough enough to have survived & I knew it (athiest me, athiest off their drugs, Christian on them). My plan didn't go well. But I always figured that a bad plan is better than no plan at all. I responded to their plan by beating on them as much as I could. Biting of body parts, breaking limbs, busting bones, poking out eyes, & set out to kill as many of them as I could & tried my very best, while addled by the drugs & sleep deprivation, to do just that. My ultimate goal, a goal I gave very low odds of success was my freedom. Freedom. Freedom...

  Freedom free·dom noun

  1. the power or right to act, speak, or think as one wants without hindrance or restraint.

    "we do have some freedom of choice"

    • absence of subjection to foreign domination or despotic government.

      "he was a champion of Irish freedom"

    • the state of not being imprisoned or enslaved.

      "David A. George tried vainly to fight his way to freedom"

  How'd their plan work? It worked well. I was beaten & raped, often by the entire lined up room's content's daily, for weeks. On film.

  How'd my plan work. I got free a few times but was recaptured over & over chiefly by uniformed on duty Bay City Police who played a major role in my repatriation to said property & event. They even knocked out my front tooth (bragging that they superglued it back in for the public "event" to come).

  I busted up a lot of young men about to enter the prime of their lives. Amputations, wounds that no doubt scarred them for life. Broken this & busted that. Possibly a lifetime of disability to come for a few of them (just a guess).

  Time passes...

  They took me to a makeshift arena & very much tried to sell me that it was a cattle Auction House. Their "official" story being that a bunch of guys who run organized crime from a Public School chose to commit crimes in a Cattle Auction House with High School-type seating, barriers, & basketball playing area & hoop.

  They explained the rest of my life to me. Duh Jerk had beaten & deprived me for weeks to do away with me here, now where I would be an easy victim for the gladiatorial arena he'd signed me up for.

  I'll describe the rest simply using as few words as possible in case a mid-Michigan... cOP should somehow read this.

  They brought in a guy. We fought. I won. The "Judge" who described himself as "The Sheriff" told me to kill my opponent or he'd kill me. Now! I refused. I tried to make a break for it. The Gang beat me down & returned me to the fight.

  Lots of other guys fought. I didn't pay much attention to them, even if the films prove I stared in that direction (my mind was elsewhere in prayer & thought).

  They brought in a guy I'll nickname #2. We fought. I won. The uniformed Police Officer & "Judge" who described himself as "The Sheriff" told me to kill my opponent or he'd kill me. Now! I refused. I tried to make a break for it. The Gang beat me down & returned me to the fight. In my opinion I almost got away but #2 was instrumental in helping them defeat me. His reason he said was because I'd beaten him.

  I told #2 I was angry because only minutes ago I'd spared #2's life under direct threat against my life to kill him, or The Sheriff would kill me. He was a typical Gang Member. My sparing his life at so great a cost meant nothing in his "you wronged me self-important world-view so typical of the gang's members".

  Lots of other guys fought. I didn't pay much attention to them, even if the films prove I stared in that direction (my mind was elsewhere in prayer & thought).

  I assessed myself physically & mentally here during prayer. My strength was waning, ebbing, draining. Muscles were starting to in part shut down & more so that when I'd entered. When I looked at the Fight Roster I realized I would lose. I didn't have the strength to fight that many trained fighters.

  So I hatched a new plan & announced it to the spectators & participants. "TO FIGHT ME IS DEATH! I WILL KILL ANYONE WHO FIGHTS ME"! Then I set out to do just that. It's not as glamourous as I make it sound. It's a grim & grizzly task that I carried out as mercifully as possible. Quick deaths whenever I could. No name-calling. Respectful slaughter.

  Lots of other guys fought. I didn't pay much attention to them, even if the films prove I stared in that direction (my mind was elsewhere in prayer & thought).

  I fought. Guys died.

  I recall this one. A big powerful man. He had a 50ish year old Manager who bragged on his Fighter & how he'd kill me to collect the Bounty Duh Jerk publicly offered there to anyone who was lucky enough to be the one to kill me.

  Me? I treated them like the others who lived & died. I tried to talk them out of fighting me. I failed & the pair taunted me about my coming death while Duh Jerk & the 4 Stars smiled on.

  A long story short? We fought. The man was primarily a wrestler. Often I note that the gang noted my reluctance to wrestle & took that as & spread around that it was because I was a weak wrestler. I'm not then, nor now claiming I was ever tough. Frankly, I liked wrestling. I avoided it only because I learned early in life to not fight to your opponent's strengths & their lifestyle of constantly subduing victims has gifted many of them with wrestling talent. The guy was big, strong, great wrestler. We fought. Here's what happened in this RECAP:

  At one point we were wrestling quite a while. The Sheriff got bored when fights stalemated in wrestling matches so he beat both wrestlers until they released or one overcame the other. We wrestled & he beat us apart a few times. At one point in the wrestling I was on my back laying on to of his belly & had him in a headlock & his legs in a leglock & he was bent backward by this, particularly his neck which was stretched as far back as a neck can go.

  Describe his neck? He was a powerful man with a thick muscular neck.

  Me? I raised my arm & pulled it back as far as I could & delivered 3 chops to his throat with all my might! WHAM! WHAM! WHAM!

  I thought I had him but the guy martialed his strength & threw me off him like a sack of potatoes with a display of strength unlike what he'd shown thus far. His Manager rushed in to shield his guy from me & men from all over rushed in & kept us separate while his Manager tended the man who bragged he'd kill me, for "the money'.

  I stood waiting for him to come back, envious only that no one would be tending my wounds had our situations been reversed.

  In about 30 seconds, maybe a minute it became visibly apparent that my would-be killer's neck was swelling. Major swelling.

  I looked on in horror at how large the man's neck had gotten & figured he was likely to die from his wounds. Still, they had a Uniformed Ambulance Crew right there so I figured he had decent odds of living.

  My opponent stared into my eyes & without an utterance I knew what he was thinking. He was about to die & he knew it because no throat can swell that much and the man still live. I knew exactly what he was going to do.

  My opponent attacked me with everything he had!

  Me? I'd prayed for the strength, a plan, the wisdom to survive. I amended my plan on the spot. Here's what happened next.

  My would-be killer, a powerful & boasting trained fighter (according to him & his Manager) came at me with everything he had.

  I decided to block, figuring he only had a limited time until he ran out of oxygen.

  We fought, maybe a minute? Ever fight a minute against a trained fighter trying to kill you with everything he's got with abandon? Then, he unceremoniously dropped like a stone.

  I recall complaining that the Ambulance Crew just stood around & even suggested that they do an emergency tracheotomy to save the man's life. They offered to give me a small blade & let me do it. I almost did. Why not? 1) I don't know how & 2 I figured that edited film footage of me slicing the guy's throat would seal my fate in any 100 honest courtrooms. In short, "fear". I was afraid to do it, lest he might have survived & it was my surgical incompetence THAT KILLED THE MAN.

  The Ambulance Crew refused to perform any life-saving medical treatment.

  In a moment of time I could see that the Manager who told me he loved his friend deeply realized his friend was going to die then & there. SO HE ATTACKED ME!

  ME? My mind flooded with self-pity, I recall praying a conversation to God (Note: I said to, & not with). This was so unfair. I didn't have enough gas in the tank to take on all the guys on the list. I was dying slowly myself, losing it. This was so unfair that my life had come to this point & now the calamity of having to kill this guy who I never wanted to kill is compounded with now I have to fight his Manager too?

  We fought, maybe a minute. Then, then the Sheriff ordered he be ejected from the arena.

  While they held the Manager who was screaming threats at me to prevent the self-professed trained fighter from killing (his stated goal BTW) me the rest of us all stood around, we all stood around & watched the man die, we all stood around in a big circle, staring into the once bragging man's face, and watched the man die, slowly...


  For the record: RECAPS SUCK.

I should'a learned to play the guuitar, I should'a learned to...

  Play this link very softly in the background:

  Soooooo... Circa summer of 1972 I'd just been given a 6-string guitar, at the time of this writing I forget who gave it to me. But it coincided with the time my neighbor, the kid I hung out with my own age who lived next door to my 1269 Harrison Street home in the corner of Bay City Michigan in the low-income duplex. Believe it or not when he moved away he gave me his 12-string guitar. He told me he was moving to Florida to live with his real Dad. Then he left.

  Me? I'd already told him & others I was resolved to learn to play a musical insterment. Why not the guitar?

  So I decided to spend hours a day learning it.

  How'd it go? Badly. I found it impossible to learn the chords. Add in the fact that I have no beat & poor Rythm & I was quite horrible playing the guitar.

  Worse? Like I said I found I couldn't memorize the chords. I might spend hours trying my best to memorize a given chord, musical note & how to play that single note only to begin practice the next day & literally have no memory of what that note was or how to play it? I was dumbfounded. How could this be? After 2 weeks of being stuck on... uhhh... wasn't it mostly "G"? I'd be a liar if I said I was positive of any chord's name whatsoever. 2 or more hours a day, 7 days a week for 2 weeks & I sat and inventoried my skill with a guitar in hand. I couldn't recall a single chord no matter how long I'd practiced it the day before. I tried reading the music before me, it was like a new language even though I'd spent weeks trying to learn. I was literally 0% on my way to my goal of playing the guitar.

  I took it all as a sign that I wasn't musically inclined, certainly not with the guitar, and just quit. It's 2 weeks of 2-4 hours a day I'll never get back on hot summer days in an unventilated room. Sigh...

  I'd have completely forgotten the subject if in about a week my smiling "Cousin" hadn't summoned me to him & bragged on the subject.

  My Cousin asked me how my guitar learning had went?

  Me? I was amazed he even knew about the subject? I told him the truth as I saw it. I gave up learning the guitar after weeks of practice hadn't yielded even the slightest ability. I just wasn't talented I'd supposed.

  Grinning form ear to ear My Cousin told me he had a theory as to why I'd failed to learn the guitar & would keep failing. "I ordered your Mother to drug you every time you tried learning to use the guitar". He complained that he did it all the time to his young victims & his main complaint was I lasted 2 weeks, most victims barely lasting a single week of this treatment. It meant that he had to return with drugs once & had just dropped off a new batch of drugs when I'd finally decided to quit trying.

  Me? I told him I didn't buy it.

  "Oh yeah"? He asked me to recall when I was in class as of late, that short petite pretty teacher who tormented me when I didn't learn. He told me he drugged me often & chose times critical to my learning to do so.

  I told him I didn't buy it.

  "Oh yeah"? He asked. Then he proceeded to ask me many questions from classes, particularly English classes & infallibly zeroed in on my every weakness. He then bragged he liked to keep himself informed of my education & drugged me at critical points so I'd fall behind my fellow students. "The cops will not think that anyone deficient in English is smart". He like to brag.

  Then he demanded to know how I answered some of the questions? I shouldn't know those things.

  I explained that I liked to read the schoolbooks on my own time from time to time.

  He said he knew that & had solved it. He claimed he'd ordered My Mother (Honor honor honor) to interrogate me every time she saw me with a schoolbook about the subjects I was learning & to beat me for my every perceived wrong answer.

  I told him it was true she did do that, so I simply hid my books from her.

  He told me he was going to punish her for her failure & make sure she beat me whenever I took my schoolbooks home by making my classmates inventory my books when I left school & reporting their removal to her.

  I recall my classmates complaining later about who's turn it was on duty to watch me to see if I took any schoolbooks home. They felt it was a horrible burden as they lived far away & if they missed the bus ride home their families had to come get them & they had to wait outside regardless of the weather for a long time. "Our punishment is worse than your punishment". They whined.

  What do you say to your recreational serial-killing Satanic Church Leader stalker at that point Reader? At the time of this writing I don't recall my exact response but I'll write what was often my response to him & to... cops.


  A DULL CONVERSATION WITH A KIDNAPPER... My opinion? He should'a kept his mouth shut...

  Every now & then I think on this encounter with a kidnapper, the memories of that day come bubbling to the surface. For the record I do not count it as a fond memory but one inflicted upon me by madmen. I purposed in my heart to dedicate this tale to the head of The Bay City Police, whoever that may be at this time, 12-14-22 at 12:07 PM. No need to thank me Sir or Mam, just knowing you're out there bringing the same kind of law enforcement excellence that made my website possible is reward enough for me. GULP!

  We begin with me in The Bomb Shelter Garages. I'd just begun my escape. There were bodies lying here & there, young men & women. They were all 18 years old, just graduated & their big chance to prove to the gang they had what it takes to succeed. Or so I was told. They were unusual only in that they were a bragging lot, as a rule Jocks, Guards, & their Seductress Handlers don't talk shop very often with their victims. They bragged a lot to me. What became of them? They died screaming for help in that soundproof room where I made it a point to keep my back to the exit & picked them off one at a time. For the most the fight is fuzzy, hard to recall. I recall deciding to kill them & did my very best to facilitate it. Truth be told they did put up a struggle, but I had 100 lbs on the heaviest I'll bet & none were very athletic as I recall it. Actually, I really just don't reminisce about them much at all. It's the next guy.

  Sooooo... I decided to leave. I'd gotten a sweet steak knife from their food prep area. Actually just a spot they prepared the meals they ate & the meals they pretended to serve me between porn films to facilitate yet more filmed mundane interactions for their ongoing blackmail/framing scam against me (and others, I am not alone & there's an army of fellow victims out there).

  A Jock came in armed with a sweet blade himself & basically told me in so many words I'd been recaptured. He had a knife so I'd better submit. OR ELSE!

  Me? I had a knife too & pointed to all the dead bodies that I wasn't bluffing when I gave him a chance to surrender.

  He laughed at me & mocked me. He had a big sharp knife & I should check my blade because it was dull.

  Yeah, I checked it. That blade was just a dull metal stick of sorts shaped like a knife. Nothing more. Probably less sharp than an average butterknife.

  Me? I thanked him for telling me the knife was dull. "I probably would've just slashed you. Now that I know better I'm going to just stab you over & over". That, or words to that effect. I very much recall my next words. "A dull knife will kill you just as dead as a sharp knife".

  Him? In so many words he told be he was willing to bet his life on it.

  Me? In so many words I told him I too was willing to bet my life on it.

  We fought. I won.

  It was Circa 1988ish, and he had been born a child full of potential just like his coworkers. Such a waste.

  I wonder what words I will say if I should face them on Judgement Day?

  That's when I told The Last Snitch. "I kill rapists. It's what I do".

I appraised the knife. It had about a 6-inch blade & was made of a single piece of metal. Likely drop forged, a knife that had never been sharpened after it's construction.

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  Warehouse style werˌhous/stīl noun Assembly line-type of interrogation/blackmail technique. A small group of victims is assembled & often drugged & or sleep-deprived 1st & then interrogators impose a skit or skits & or interrogation techniques upon each victim one after another. example: "We rounded up all the Kids Anyone Can Hit from each Chapter & tortured them all warehouse style & made them all think they might have killed some little rich girl" one after the other. Well most of'em fell for it in any event".

  human good diddlyoodness (h)yo͞omən ɡo͝od didlēo͝odnəs n. 1. an unwritten social barrier of personal interaction & deeds that no one would cross no matter what based on fair play, common courtesy, a shared sense of honor & unwritten common law ethics ethics across all of humanity. 2. Crimes no one would ever commit, unless they live in a major city. example: "The Bay City... cop said 'no one would do that around here. Basic human good diddlyoodness prevents it. Now if you said it happened in Detroit, maybe I'd believe you'. 8


  "They" stole a few more of the dice that I always carry on my person. Go figure huh? An entire set of the $1 Store dice & a few of the remaining "better" dice that they didn't steal last time. only a pro gamer would notice or even note it.

  Written 4-17-23


  I was just reading the story "A DULL CONVERSATION" again, looking for errors & pondering IF I should add in exactly how the last guy died (Oh, he died, I know it) and I was disgusted by the story.

  WHY? Because of how I talked about the 3 who died before how the last guy in the story died (I made no autopsy, it's just as likely that they may have lived). I was disgusted by the FACT that in my tale of the lives of 3 young men & WOMEN WHO WERE ABOUT TO ENTER INTO THE PRIME OF THEIR LIVES i EQATED THEIR LIVES IN WRITING TO: "and the rest". Those were people's lives. It was without glee that I write about that in my own desperate quest to end the ongoing torture & to gain my freedom & YES, to get some sleep, & that was a big part of why they died, I wanted "rest", sleep, R.E.M. sleep. That in my quest for life & to end the ongoing frame up on me they died. I killed him, the guy by stabbing him over & over with a dull blade about 6 inches long. Then I walked away & recalled my very recent experience where his own teammate had gotten back up after I'd thought he was dead & attacked me & decided that this guy wasn't going to repeat that. So I stabbed him over & over making sure to stab into his jugular veins a bunch of times before I tried to escape with his sharp knife which I used on the final guards.

   "And the rest". Sad is the day that a human life is equated to "and the rest" when discussing ending young lives.

  I'll always remember "My Cousin's" words he spoke to his peers while I played with a toy blue Porsche. "See how he kills without remorse"?

   I'm not a murderer. I have never killed with the intent of commiting murder. Murder is wrong.

  I have killed a lot of people. Some good, some bad, & some very very bad about whom the word "wicked" applies.

  Wont someone stop this?

  Help me? Please?


  Soooo... RECAPPIN the RECAP of the RECAP. Is that even legal?

I recall how, then, in the Bomb Shelter Garages (note my use of the letter "s" in garages) that the gang kept me surrounded by a combination of giant Jocks clothed in black, average sized guys of no particular level of fitness, always a pretty young woman or 2 (as a minimum, to act as "calmers" in case a victim should become agitated, or so they told me "no one wants to hit a pretty girl" they bragged, it was "useful" to do against their victims), & often, but not always 1-3 10-11 year old children. All the participants were about aged 18 except Officers, like Duh Jerk, Fagboy, Duh Weasel, The Mayor's Brat, & Shortstuff, and of course any visitors or fellow victim/,members or participants in the many skits they inflicted regularly that I call PRACTICAL jokes. PRACTICAL jokes is written symbolically.

Everyone but the Officers lived at the garages in the nearby homes next door to the Garages & allegedly took turns manning the lookout houses & providing security for the small parties that went on there.

Living there often meant eating there as they bragged/whined that no one could leave the environs but Officers or someone doing a specific gang task. If the conversations I overheard were true they were often providing back-up or muscle to any number of ongoing gang projects against an assortment of victims who were each at different stages in their ultimate planned demise by the gang. I also so some sent straight to the Brothel to service clients who didn't seem happy about it.

I wrote ALLLLLLL that so I could write this. Here goes:

I recall that they made their meals there. I remember talking with a young woman who'd recently helped recaptured me when I spared her life & tried to leave. She'd given me her word she'd remain quiet in exchange for sparing her life, an option I hadn't given the 3 or 4 young men who lay on the floor around her. She screamed bloody murder & during my recapture it was she who rushed up with a syringe, filled it, & injected me while I was planning on dispatching the rest of the guards (and was doing so).

She told me that I was a fool to trust her. "I'm a Devil-Worshipper". She bragged her word meant nothing & made it a point to humiliate me. She'd even begged for my death because of what I'd done to her classmates that summer. Duh Jerk looked like he pondered my life or death a long time before he told her no. Then he replaced all the guards & staff but her. She was a good cook & provided excellent secondary services they told me (not their exact words).

  I recall when she cooked. When they ate. If it was takeout, they often made it a point to eat in front of me. If she cooked the skits, PRACTICAL jokes, & torture sessions ended & they ate & I was usually returned to my cell next door or the makeshift cells inside the Garage.

It happened again. I got loose, then I killed everyone again. Her towards the end. We were all standing around gasping, I and the last 3 Guards & her. She'd been tasked with trying to escape the room & get reinforcements.

Me? I fought with my back to the door, yanking them into a fight 1 at a time & grabbing at her whenever she came near. It was actually good leverage. Say I needed a respite in the fight or things were going poorly for me. I just grabbed her & taunted the guards. "How could you just let me beat a woman like this"?  They let me go & tried to free her. It made the fight winnable in my opinion.

Soooo there were about 3 of'em left & her. She circled like a panther for any moment of weakness to escape. All she had to do was get to the door & flip the thick lock open & open the big door mechanism. Not as easy as you'd think because the door opened inward & I made sure the fight was at the door. Looking back on it I think the guys should've tried harder to yank me from the door than they did. We were all there, sucking wind, gasping. I wasn't yet at my second wind but I recognized that they were. I figured I had to act, not let them get a second wind. But how? I figured I had to rescue the odds against me by any means possible. Hmmmm...

Until now she'd circled the room with impunity. It made it easy to grab her. Then I promptly snapped her neck like a chicken. K-K-K-K-K-KRACK!

The guys attacked! Having not regained their second wind they were much easier to kill than they might've been in my opinion.

The gal (whom I've given no "nickname") had been cooking. Quite elaborately actually. She prepared the food around me, then cooked it elsewhere in the nearby kitchen they'd shown me when I asked to see it earlier. As a rule she prepared their meals all while chatting with her teammates at a table between her team & myself. Now I went over to her table & gabbed me a knife after I had assessed that it was the best available weapon. The utensils being too flimsy & the table being a flimsy card table with no chairs or any other furnishings in the room. About a 6-inch blade & very sturdy, a single piece of metal. I was amazed that the team hadn't used the utensils against me. But they were dull. Then I left.

I opened the door & was met by a single jock down the hall & the exchange noted in the RECAP happened. I recall when he told me the blade was dull that I studied it so well I feel comfortable using the word "appraise". It was a single piece of metal, likely drop forged with a handle wrapped in leather or cloth. Very sturdy.. A knife that had never been sharpened. I recall being confident enough with it that I said. "A dull knife will kill you just as dead as a sharp knife".

I also recall stabbing him over & over in the jugular veins on the sides of his neck, just to be sure he wouldn't follow me & I went out to dispatch the few remaining guards.

As far as Jocks & torturous skit pros go I'd say that their talents were top notch and as good as any of the gang I'd ever encountered. They were ruder than most, as no other torturers prepared their food in front of me like they had.

I later heard someone lived, & all but 1 died & the deaths would be explained away as a summer school bus accident & a few random accidental death facilitated by keeping the bodies on ice in a Morge.

I asked them who lived & they refused to tell me. Then I asked if the gal had live & was told she was surely dead. Of course, her head was on backwards when I last saw her (like several of them actually).

I dedicate this tale to Bay City's Highest Ranking FBI Agent as of 01-07-23 when I wrote this. Without who's excellent investigative talents stories like mine would not be possible. No need to thank me Sir or Mam, and please don't send me money. Just knowing you're out there using your investigative talents in the fine Bay City FBI Tradition is reward enough for me.


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TALES FROM... THE WOODS!!! True tales of woodland horror...

  This tale is brought to you courtesy of the fine investigative talents of the Bay CIty Gang Chapter of the Michigan STate Police without whom's fine investigative talents none of my website's stories would be possible. Please guys, no need to thank me & please don't send me any money. Just knowing you're out there bringing the fine policework that made my site possible is reward enough for me. PHHHHHHHTTTT!

  Set your wayback macines for the early 70s & buckle your seatbelts, it's gonna be a bumpy ride!




  Sooooooo... it was the early 70's & my Mother's Parents had their backyard set up mostly as a garden/crop field. They had a big yard & most of it grew food. They used to do a lot of canning & as a lil kid it was my job, and my job alone as a grandkid to work in "The Garden" as they called it & I was glad to. You see they paid me $1 a week to work about 4 hours a day there & I was happy to do it... come payday. Like most kids. Attendence was mandatory for myself & my Cousins (who I never learned the names of to this day, literally, they weren't allowed to play with me or talk to me since the time I was a few weeks old onwards, though I'll bet several "films" will dispute my take on events that occured whenever they chose to interact with me).

  I usually did the work alone up & until 1971ish. Frnakly, no one else would obey the adult family authority save My Mother's Brother ocasionally & myself continuously. They'd work a few minutes & whenever you turned your back they'd run off.

  About 1970-71ish they decided to not raise crps in the very back half of the property reducing their crops to about 1/3rd. I thought nothing of it as the next year the back half grew wild & grass & weeded over.

  The next year the entire former cropland sprung up with tiny trees that grew to waist high or so & made trekking through difficult but made for a bug-choked but nice place to hide for hide-n-go-seek games we often played (a static game I might play occasionally with children as, since one hid & didn't interact with people I could play with the other children. "Occasionally".

  The next year it grew about 7-10 feet & the trees were an impossible to enter bio-mass where no one went whatsoever. In the late fall I recall making tunnels by hand through the dense impassible woods. It was hard work as I was allowed to use no tools. Frankly, the many hours it took compared to the few minutes we played there in the Fall chill wasn't worth it. But I had high hopes for the next year.

  The next summer the trees grew taller & the woods, while impassible werent the almost solid biomass they were last year. Hacking a path, again by hand required careful scouting to pick the spots I could rip trees up & snap off here & there. It was a lot of work & this time My Bro & a few of the innumerable visitors I'd never see again in a week helped. We hacked a few paths with a lot of sweat & played maybe an hour or 2 before the assembled adults announced they'd seen us playing & forbade any of us to enter the woods under threat of great punishment.

  I protested & they never gave any reason I liked for the rule. It was just final & too bad if I didn't like it.

  "My COusin had his own theory on it & told it to me beer in hand (his default state BTW). "I ordered it", He claimed he'd planted the woods, like he'd planted many such woods where he coould rape young victims. He was familiar with how long it took to grow out when he densely planted the woods & as a rule it took 5 years of growth & an the 6trh year the tall trees would choke everything & he could walk in & do whatever he wanted to whomever he wanted. The best thing was since it was a newly wooded area people familiar with the area wouldn't consider it as a rule when considering where his victims got raped. Plus since he often panted such woods here & there he could shuttle victims between them & make their stories unbvelieveable to... cops & jurys. Win/win.

  "I noticed you hacked a bunch of trails through there". He mocked me. He laughed at me all the more when he made me admit I'd done it by hand & mocked that he'd seen me doing it & sent me the help to do it. "Why do you think they weren't punicshed for talking to you"?

  I told him a lot more people than he thought talked to me & since he punished a lot of children & adults for talking to me or playing with me that it meant that people were actually talking to me & even playing with me occasionally.

  He promised to crack down more harshly on people who talked to me from then on.

  My big mouth. Sigh... In times like that I often thought about complaining more but it occurred to me that it was other people who got punished for talking to or playing with me & if I complained they just migght start punishing someone else... ME! So i'd best shut up.

  "My Cousin" was drunk when he told me the reason he didn't want me back there was because him & his guys were actively raping & torturing people there.


  Advance time, but not much...


  Sooooo there I was. At another one of My Mother's Parent's Grande Parties. Usually we showed up early & on the hottest days they kicked My Mother's kids out 1st thing. Not the Godless brats mind you. No. The Satanic troublemakers were the stars. Welcome. I & usually my siblings were not welcome on the hottest days so we usually played in the back yard between my (and mine alone) frequent Gauntlet Sessions that usually happened daily & sometimes bi-hourly because of usually ludacris accusations.

  Today a beautiful disheveled blonde woman, early 20s, clothes ripped & only held to her bruised body by her arms stumpled out of the path I'd made weeks ago.

  In my opinion now (not then, now it's my opinion) she was drugged & didn't answer right away. She stopped & pondered, looked around & then answered me & said she'd just been drugged & raped by the guys in the small clearing in the woods (that I'd also made BTW at great physical effort for a child with no tools) & feared the guys were right behind her.

  On que the group of about 8 large teens & adults came out of the woods. Pointed her out & said get her.

  Me? I stood beteen her & them & announced I was protecting her & told my siblings to go inside & call the Police! When you read my story you'll realise I took a huge gamble here concering the subject of my safety here.

  An adult said. "Lets just kick his @$$ & take her".

  Other remarked who is this little kid telling US what to do? They counciled eacjh other to beat me up & return her to the party in the clearing. The gal hid behind me & the rather large party behind me came to a halt, but no one helped either way.

  I stood my ground. Partly because as I looked at the Jocks beefore me & I knew a of a few of them. "My Cousin" rarely told me who'd seen what "films" of me as a rule, so I never knew why they hated or feared me. But these guys had been shown quite a few films of me killing people as part of a routine "lets-make-the-following-people-hate-David-because-we-can-session". I knew they'd "seen the films". So I just double dog dared them to fight me.

  A few adults mocked me & a few of the adults who'd "seen the films". said things like. "Hold on there". "I ain't fighting him".

  "Come on! Lets just kick his @$$ & return her to the party".

  What am I saying? I'm saying that the guys, big guys said things like. "He's a lot tougher than he looks". & "I ain't fighting him"!

  My siblings called the Michigan State police who showed up & read the gal who'd be nude but for holding her tattered garments about her body the riot act. She'd be locked up & an ambulance would take HER away.

  I counciled the... cOP to go down the path & look for drugs but the men insisted the only reason I knew there were drugs down that path was because they were mine!

  That... cOP siezed a lot of drugs, threatened me... threatened ME! He told me I was too young to charge, it'd ruin my life so he was letting me off with a warning.

  To be continued... maybe? But probably not.


What do you think we do???

  Sooooo... there I was, minding my own beeswax when the man known to me as only "My Cousin" who my family would call "Your Cousin" when discussing him with me came to me & demanded an audience. Uhhh... he wanted to chat so everyone was ordered gone, by him. OR ELSE!

  We chatted about what I cant recall. Occasionally he told me he liked to talk to me because I was the only person he respected at the Grande Party. That our conversations were "one killer to another". You know, normal talk with an American 7 year old kid. Right? I only ask because I have nothing to compare it to.

  During the "chat', beer in hand he asked me. "What is it that you think that we do around here"? What was their criminal enterprise he asked?

  Me? I said I had no idea & when he told me I was a liar, because I was a genius I surely knew or someone had surely told me I told him he was better at isolating me than he thought & I didn't talk shop with his people much. Plus I didn't believe a word any of them said so why bother asking him or his people anything?

  He said that the Grande Parties at My Mother's Parent's Place were part of the gang's sex & blackmail ring. He asked me if I noticed the sheer number of people who came there never to be seen again. A dozen or 2 & most of them for a single day and other than "The Regulars" were never to be seen again. Often, sometimes less people but often more people attended. Up to double. Many of the people lasted a week. Very rarely some lasted a bit longer. Rarely.

  My Cousin said they were recent blackmail victims of the gang. Many were there to be framed all the more, hence their filmed campaign of violence against me. They encouraged their new victim/members & already long-serving member/victims to commit violence against me & filmed it so they could inspire police & vigilantes to attack them if they ever turned on the gang.

  As touching the girls, small, teens, & women he said many of the week long visitors were whores. They'd "retreaded their private parts to make them smaller & tighter. Did you ever notice that sometimes the boys will play with you but almost never the girls"?

  Yeah, I noticed. "So what"?

  He claimed it was because they were all sore from the retreading. "They are a bunch of whores. If they weren't sore you'd be getting a lot of sex from them but you're not". He mocked.

  Me? I told him I never wanted his whores.

  Tell me oh wise readers. Tell me this oh ye... cops who may read this. What's a 7 year old to say in this conversation? Huh?


  "There were bodies everywhere". I betcha betcha...


"We own the cops". A common child-molester saying in & around Bay City, Saginaw, & mid-Michigan

  I decided when I first tried reaching out to law-enforcement with my story that the best way that I could tell it & still Honor My Parents was to tell not only my story, but to tell their story as truthfully as possible & without exaggerations.

  I also realized that if I lied or exaggerated I'd go down in flames so I decided to tell my story as truthfully as I could to the best of my ability.

  After I felt my blade & that it was very dull   I thanked my captor for telling me that the blade was in fact very dull as since he warned me I'd change my fighting style. Then I told my Jock Guard. "A dull knife will kill you just as dead a sharp knife".

  In so many words he told me that was something he was willing to bet his life on.

  Me too.

  He lost that bet.

  06-30-22 I was recalling the latest PRACTICAL joke against me in the alleged factory during a scripted "work release", or so my captors sold dazed & drugged me. I recalled the last time I was there. They sold to me that it was a school. 2 Area Uniformed Police Officers had worked with the 2 "Handlers" & had demanded I hand over my weapons before entering "The School".

  I looked around & it was made to seem like a cafeteria scene with less than 100 or so teenage children sitting at long tables eating & several adults..

  I had no weapons to hand over to the uniformed Police. But on the stainless steel serving table  in front of the pair were an array of weapons. Pistols, at least one Mac-10 Sub-machine Gun Pistol,  & what looked like other assorted sub-machine guns. Even a grenade.

  It was then that my handlers walked me around the block, a room we never entered with halls on all 4 sides. It was a square hallway that formed a circle in the building with a large restaurant kitchen to one side. We rounded the 4 corners & we were back at the weapons table.

  It seems like, in hindsight, the gang kept provoking me to violence when my memory reset & kept leading me back to the arsenal on the table. Over & over...

  I wonder what the goal of that PRACTICAL joke was?

Sad but true...
  "Well, I have the guts to stand up to the gang". - Said no mid-Michigan... cop at any time, ever!


  Scapegoat scape·goat /ˈskāpˌɡōt/ noun

  1. 1.

    a person who is blamed for the wrongdoings, mistakes, or faults of others, especially for reasons of expediency.

  2. 2.

    (in the Bible) a goat sent into the wilderness after the Jewish chief priest had symbolically laid the sins of the people upon it (Lev. 16).

  3. (according to many gang members) a person who is selected as a focus for the gang's wrath & is framed extensively for profit, revenge, & to provide a possible "get out of jail free card" if gang Officers should be captured by Authorities . "I always keep the goods on someone worse than me & exchange it with Police whenever I get caught. No cop can resist it when I show them the films of a real scumbag. The cops always buy it that I just happen to be sitting on the evidence to take down our scapegoats".

"Because no one would do that". - Uniformed cOPS at their posts, many times.


Almost the story of my life. Literally! Literally AND recently!

Won't anyone please help me?


  The Game of Pom-Pom...

  Pom-Pom is played on a concrete field (parking lots being suitable) & was played by 3-30 players at Bay City's Witless School in the 70's.

  Everyone lines up on one side of the parking lot except one person who is "It".

  The person who is It yells. "Pom-Pom" to begin the round. Then everyone rushes past the person who is It to the safe zone on the other side of the lot.

  While the players are on the lot the person who is It can use any combat technique they wish to knock as many players as possible down. Once  a player is knocked off their feet prone they too are "It" & on the team of the "It" player.

  This repeats in an unlimited amount of rounds until one person is the last person not "It".

  Players who survive to the final round are the winners.

  If a new game of Pom-Pom is to be played then whoever was last to be taken down in the previous game (the winner) is "It" for the 2nd game.

  I saw a lot of bumps, bruises, scrapes, & people with casts & splints because of playing Pom-Pom.

  I liked Pom-Pom because my classmates were forbidden to play it by their child-porn masters.

  You see reader, they were insufferable cheats & not very pleasant to play with at all.

  Duh Jerk told us. "It's because I don't want my stock [child-porn stars] to get injured".

"All I have to do is tell a zillion lies & the cops will say no one would lie so much & I can never be arrested". - How to recreationally rape & kill children as taught to me by Duh Jerk himself in Fall 1976

He liked to repeat that point often over the years.


Facts don't care about your feelings.

CUT IN HALF... TODAY YOU DIE... “MY FRIEND”... Made possible by the Bay City MI... cops & F.B.I...


I was in a drug haze, going through the motions... obediently. It was Fagboy and Shortstuff with an obligatory Jock army posing me in a beach vacation scene. We went from locale to locale where the gang posed with me as if we were friends, buttbuddies I'd suppose. We even went dockside, posed on a boat, they handed me props, drinks, told me. “Smile”, and then snapped photo after photo. Dirty Cop himself showed up for a few pics in his marked police car and in uniform and then left.

It was at the boat... on that boat where the gang patiently waited for me to become lucid.

“As long as we attack you weird we can do anything we want to you”. Was among the boasts I would soon hear.

I became lucid, the well-trained gang, who'd been engaging me in conversation noticed the very moment, and chucked me over the side of the speedboat, about 50 or so yards from shore.

Fagboy announced their intention to kill or maim me using the speedboat. You see, with all the films of me posing with them, with the drugs, and me actually being on drugs at the moment, he bragged they could maim or kill me, with impunity, as long as they acted like like concerned friends for the... cops, who were nearby and would be sure to show up later.

I had to ask why they waited until I was lucid, why not do it to me in a drugged stupor? Surely it'd be easier and safer. Right?

Nah... it had to look good, for the nearby... cops who'd be sure to come 1st having been “innocently” summoned to the area by their trickery (… cops? Tricked by Molestors? Did you hear that reader? It the sound of 100 Mid-Michigan... cops jaws hitting the floor at an “impossible scenario”. As if one of those elite protectors of the masses could be fooled by a single Molestor even once, let alone consistently). With me being on drugs, the dope actually there, the pics, and their contrite bearing, the... cops would never believe me in a million years and it'd be a great way to publicly disfigure me and enable them to set me up for worse again and again. The weirder the better.

I was still treading water, the boat between the shore and myself when Fagboy added that I probably wouldn't die. He'd done this before and his, their other victims all lived and were merely disfigured by the boat's propeller blades and were otherwise okay because they had police there to subdue them and an ambulance waiting just out of sight to tend to any wounds they'd gotten.

Soooo... they, they gunned the boat's engine and charged straight for me!

What'd I do? I dove under the murky water!

Once underwater I made sure to change direction from the last direction they saw me swimming... then I SURFACED. Picture me surfacing and sharply inhaling!

“THERE HE IS”! Yelled Shortstuff! Well, just about all of'em took a turn yelling it eventually as I dove, popped up at random points, and dove again & again as I gradually began to lose my breath.

Rinse... Lather... Repeat. I dove, changed direction, they yelled “THERE HE IS', charged, and I made my way to shore, eventually by swimming towards some reeds by first faking a direction, and then swimming into the thick reeds by swimming away from the gang, submerging, then changing direction from the last direction the gang saw me going last and swimming to the reeds.

Did they come close to hitting me? Yeah... yes they did and at least once I surfaced the absolute moment after the boat and it's propeller blade had passed overhead.


Yeah, whatever...


Addendum... Add'em dumb... I Am addressing Mid-Michigan... cops here too. Ain't I???


Sooo... picture the above tale... Drugged, smelling of dirty river water, no idea where I was, I managed to hitchhike home thanx to a helpful stranger. Eh, I slept much of the trip.

I got home, my Bay City Michigan Michigan Street home. 1st things 1st, I chose to bathe.

When I walked inside My Roommate, rather rudely (his style, not unusual at all) demanded to know where I'd been, and why I reeked of such nasty river water?

I told him a few non-committal answers to both. I'd been “out”, and had chosen to go swimming... in a river... at night...

Then I took a bath.

Ho hum... Yawn...

Now, lets re-tell the tale. But this time, (it happened a few times) I've come home either spattered in blood or just plain old dripping blood and gore with every step.

My roommate seemed mortified and demanded to know what had happened.

I told him I'd been cleaning a deer and been splattered with blood. Either by myself accidentally or as a bad joke by someone else. The other times I told him I'd been cleaning a deer and someone had thrown blood on me. I even went through the conversation with My New Wife and her Kids before too. I don't know about you my loyal reader, but it's something I've never gotten used to and the last time was just as horrible as the 1st time.

In any event I bathed immediately at those times and sometimes they cleaned up the gore, and sometimes I cleaned it up.

The Child-Molestors made it a point to steal the bloody clothes every single time while I slept off the drugs. How? Idano... when we chatted about the subject I had other parts of the story on my mind.

Yeah... go figure...


ALL I WANT IS SOME HELP... But not from you guys... GET A JOB!!!


Ever notice in my writing (the author's writing) I never ask Mid-Michigan... cops for help directly? Well, not like I should probably?

Man, I'm tired of asking those... “cops” for help and frankly I've all but given up on them... as I advise many victims in many Mid-Michigan communities to do as well. Mass-firings, mass new-hires, intense screening by impartial and qualified interviewers might solve the area's problems. But I doubt it. The corruption probably runs too deep in my humble opinion.

Most certainly they'll never clean up the police in the area unless they clean out or at the very least expose the Child-Molestor controlled Public Schools and their army for what they are 1st. I wish the area good luck, advise them to pray, a lot, and point out that area law-enforcement and citizen-run protective services have never publicly delivered to safety a single victim from the frame and blackmail machine that is the Child-Molestors. I ask doubters, and the area law-enforcement this. “Have you exposed the head Child-Molestors in your community? Still clinging to the “Child-Molestors ain't here, it's other places”? Have you delivered even a single victim from blackmailing frame-artists who use child-porn & rape to frame victims? Once? Hey... maybe you did (I SUSPECT many a hull law-enforcement agency has delivered a token victim once or twice to prove they can, in theory, if they really really wanted to, probably)? But I'll bet it didn't make even the papers “if” it did happen. I'll also bet you cant do it again”.

Not one victim delivered? There's tons of them. I'll bet they litter the area's prisons and they've been horribly demonized by the gang. But, their initial testimony WILL line up with mine and it WILL be that a powerful gang of child-molesting frame-artist blackmailers is operating in the area with impunity. That and ALL of their stories will have one thing, one unusual not typical blackmailly thing in common and this is it. That ALL of them will report that they've been attacked with sleep deprivation torture. EVERY... SINGLE... ONE... OF... THEM...

Take that to the bank and cash it Mid-Michigan... cops. I ain't asking you guys for squat anymore. GET A JOB!

  A CHILD DIES... Uniformed Michigan State Troopers guard & oversee the entire thing...

  Soooooo there I was. "My Cousin" slapped me awake. I was in a building room with no windows. There were tables & chairs all around & the middle was cleared out. I was obviously drugged & on who knows what? Men & teen & pre-teen boys stood around in the center clearing & My Cousin announced his intentions for me.

  He'd arranged to borrow me from My Mother & arranged a pit fight & I was going to fight the boys, beat kill or get injured or die. My choice.

  Me? I told him I had no intention of fighting in his sick arena & went straight to that (SPITOOEY!) Uniformed... cOP.

  The... cOP informed me he was in on it. There to provide security in case other... cops came. He'd arrest everyone & be the officer in charge of the investigation if things went bad. My choices were fight or be beat to a pulp. Likely both as he described his long career in such events having seen many many children beat bloodied & even killed now & then. But I need not worry... death was pretty rare. Permanent injury was quite common though. Especially when little kids like me fought the towering teens we were expected to fight if we survived the initial rounds.

  A few fights took place. Nothing too bad. Just beaten & bloodied kids. Maybe injured for life? Maybe not? I didn't get a chance to conduct medical exams.

  My turn came & I refused to fight & yeah, I tried to get past that... cop but it wasn't happening.  He was too big, too fit, & just too alert.
  "My Cousin" suggested everyone in the room should corral me into the center with hurls & even blows. Slowly they worked me to the center where the child tasked while fighting me got in many a free lick.

  Once in the middle they backed off & I refused to fight & I blocked instead.

  "My Cousin became enraged at the boos & complaints of the betting spectators who wanted a more action-packed match. Or so they complained.

  So My Cousin suggested they all form a tighter circle & hit me until I fought. Eventually... I fought. Long story short? I won.

  Sooooo they brought in this giant teen (compared to me). He held his arms in front of him &tried to occasionally... rarely punch back as the fight went on. Just letting me hit him & punching back ineffectively by raining down punches on me with a stupid glazed never-changing look on his face. Like he was drugged.

  Me? I was scared. So I went for his throat! Punching it over & over. I was amazed by his stamina, his ability to take punches to the throat & suspected he'd drop long before he ultimately dropped.

  His throat swelled up & he died while we stood there... watching.

  A child died slowly...

  My Cousin said he was a killer. He'd killed several other children for him before. He was loyal. But he'd turned a bit kill-happy as of late. So My Cousin drugged him & arranged for us to fight.

  "I thought you'd take him out for me but I didn't think you would kill him".

  A child died slowly & no one would care. My Cousin bragged his films would see to that. The kid was a monster, a recreational child-killer for fun & profit. He said he was a Brazilian Boxer. He held his arms up & rained punches down on his foes & then liked to beat them to death once they fell. He was loyal. In "Molestorspeak" that means "he knew too much".

  His death would be listed as a car wreck & his family would be shown the films of me killing him to motivate them to hate me for life.

  A child died slowly...

   The fighting & the betting didn't stop because of that kid's death. It went on. It's better described in my 1,500 page letter to the FBI where someone dies every few pages.

  A child died... slowly...

MODERN TECHNOLOGY... Welcome to 21st century crime...

  Soooo the way it's explained to me is I carry an advanced RFID tracking chip. Not unusual, in the past as a child from time to time the gang impressed upon me that they'd planted trackers or bugs on me. My Cousin was fond of describing my "alone moments" to me. You know, when you're home alone.

  Lately the designated "snitch" told me they'd implanted a RFID Tracker. Now it's easy to follow me around & wait for those perfect kidnapping moments for "love". Before you... cops get all weird on me I invite you to check the stats that claim as much as 25% of ALL Americans are so chipped. Most not knowing it nor how the situation came to be.

  Even better the bragging Molester said was the bug was implanted & gives the dirty... cop involved a greater story to use against me & he alleged it even made fo evidence to link me to a crime, thus empowering his dirty... cop story.

  Last year, at night I've been awakened by & had "this" happen to me.  Just laying on my bed & an LED light (LED is a guess on my part) just tuns on behind my right eye. Nearly blinding & lasting a minute or 2.

  Before... cops get all weird know that the gang crave "outrageous story elements" as a matte of business. I called them here "PRACTICAL jokes" which when you check OFFICIAL Police Rape Statistics is a common identifier in rapes now.

  A few years ago The Last Snitch told me they'd installed radio headphones in my ears in a permanent  installation. Now they could hear everything I hear & transmit any sounds they wanted. "But we probably wont use it until we lock you up in jail". Keeping me awake, the ranting madman who hears voices in his head, no need to check his story (or worse some dirty Doctor says they checked & I'm a liar, so there's no need to check again).

  Worse he claims the housing was designed to "bond with flesh". Certain metals or plastics can bond with flesh meaning they'd have to be cut out in a major surgery. "You'll never find a surgeon to do it". All the good ones know about the gang & that they'd target anyone foolish enough to remove one of their trackers. He claimed a security feature was they sounded off at full power in they touch air. That no Dr. who ever tried to remove one was ready for a 130db (decibels, 130 is deafeningly loud). Thus the sound drove them away from surgical removal attempts for more than long enough to permanently deafen the victim & then to allow the device time to self-destruct causing internal physical damage in general mixed with lithium poisoning to add to the complications of a botched surgery.

  Bragging they had power badges & just swoop in & seize anything removed that was their property. Leaving me in court with an "my word vs power badges who chuckle or deny situation". All just standard business for them, nothing special on their part. This is just how 21st century "Get out of jail free cards" are handled. It's just how repeat rape victims are handled by the gang. It's just business. It was at the installed headphone that he told me they intended to install an advanced RIFF behind my eye to see what I see.

  He teased me, how did I suppose they kidnapped me so often?

  I answered I figured it was via straight up kidnapping & via dirty... cop arrests.

  The Last Snitch said yes, they did all that but now they had installed in my bowels a radio-transmitter drug dispenser. He described it as a rotary device that even worked via cell phone. My next kidnapping was just a phone call away. Typical drug selection being a hypnotic drug. The theory being they walk up & lead me to my rape/frame-job & I go & return obediently, all on film, & in such a way no jury could nor would ever convict them. So based on all that no... cop could nor would even attempt to try and save me. Ever. Not with failure being inevitable.

  Ask yourself oh ye skeptic reading this. are all the things I outlined possible? Are they cheap enough for a gang I've described as "cheap" to do? Would you have to be a rocket scientist or could any slob do these things with little or no technical help? The answer is yes.

  Tying it all together he said they said my next rape/frames are a phone call away. Just dial any of up to 5 drugs & it's dosage, wait for it to take effect, then use the headphones to order me to go here, go there, do this, do that, kill him, do unspeakable acts to her. In disgust he informed me they had a vast library of films to take me down now & intend to release it based on what they think investigating Police are looking for.

  If true I'm a walking danger to myself & everyone & anyone around me at best.

  Thinking of destroying me to remove the threat from society oh ye Lazy... Vigilante... cop? I'm just an inconsequential cog at best in the crime machine. A piece designed to be destroyed once it's usefulness wears out. You act against me & you act for them. How? Because to destroy me you've got to dismiss me, & everything I've got to say. "We plan to intimately involve ourselves in your case. We'll take pictures with the cops investigating. Link their reputations to ours". Then he boasted. "Usually they have us figured out by the 2nd trial, and there will be a second trial in a death penalty case like yours. But by then it wont matter. Their reputations will be intertwined with ours". This is their "never fail plan" and it always works on any... cop fool enough to even slightly side with them, even for a moment against a juicy vigilante target like myself.

  He said they'll likely drug me & walk me through the court process all doped up. Answering questions with a glazed look. "You'll probably come too on the Prison Bus. That's to make your story more unbelievable". Then the gloves come off & the accusation made by my fellow victim Mass Murder Chick of a "sonic assault" she poorly worded before her execution happens to me too in prison & no one will give the ranting madman "with voices in his head" the time of day.

  "A victim endorses our lies when they repeat them". So I'll ask oh ye skeptics. Do I have to endorse everything they say? Do I? All of it? Really? Are you that naive? Are you that woefully behind in how 21st century crime works now or is it just that you intend to give a free pass your entire career to any gang where high-tech is even mentioned?

  My opinion of the subject? Idano? Here's the clues. It is not my job to sort through the gang's web of lies. It never was. Besides, I am not now nor was I ever a mid-Michigan... cop. Thus I don't believe half the stuff that comes out of a child-molester's mouth. Nor am I inclined to believe a single word of anyone a mid-Michigan... cop calls "a reliable informant".

  Soooo you want to take the gang down? Maybe even free me? Free my fellow victims too? Your plan better deal with everything mentioned.

  Me? I recommend the use of a room that is a Faraday Cage to stop radio transmission. When you get into court or the Interrogation Room have a guy who's a communications & electronics expert monitoring & considering RF signals & what they may be from & what their likely purpose is. It's not hard & surely not as expensive as you may imagine. Simple actually.

  Well, I just wrote the simple tale inflicted upon me that is a dirt... Prosecutor's dream. A Skeptic... cops ultimate fantasy, the few paragraphs that when read are enough to destroy any 100 just men, let alone Less Than Nobody me.

  This is how organized crime with a badge works in the 21st century. Deal with it.

ALL YOU DO IS KILL... My childhood...

  Americana? Is my story just another mundane tale of everyday life in common same ole same ole America? Is that why I cant get the... cop's help? Is it because guys like me are society's acceptable loss? Is what many mid-Michigan... cops told me, that I'm just one of the few guys "we let the gang have" & in exchange... cops like them get to have easy lives & their families get to live in relative security walking the same streets I found to be a kidnapping & murderous kind of place? I'm asking, not claiming nor accusing & only because I have nothing to compare it to? A vain question if only because there isn't a... cop I've met in the entire world with the guts, courage, audacity, or will to fight crime sufficient enough to help me, even if that help was only free advice. I know you... cops "self-righteous-o-meters" are beeping wildly here but I'm saddened to point out that I wouldn't say it publicly unless I thought it was true.

  So I ask this oh ye wise & or courageous among my readers (I hope there's at least a few of them somewhere on some Police Force somewhere? It IS possible, isn't it?)? Give me advice please Sirs? Allow me to pose my question at the end Sirs.

  Soooooo... there I was, at My Mother's Parent's place where My Cousin routinely ordered everyone out of the house where he could taunt & debrief me based on his latest criminal scenario he'd inflicted on me for revenge & profit. He was busy calling me a killer, a murderer, in the old days he called me a "Mass-Murderer". After that PBS Special on TV he liked to call me a "Serial-Killer".

  He told me it irritated him that I didn't allow guilt to let him manipulate me. "All my other victims"... Ponder those words oh ye wise reader, "all my other victims". He bragged, and complained that all of his other victims whom he'd tricked into killing people all felt horrible guilt at the death of a fellow human being. Most of them became nodding yes men willing to do anything he ordered in exchange for [the privilege of] not killing anyone else. They served him in many ways, doing his dirty deeds whenever he ordered for the rest of their lives. He laughed at the morons whom he'd tricked into believing they had murdered someone. Particularly by sending his loyal guys to mess with victims & then tricking the victim into drugging their attacker. Only for him to lace the drug with a chemical that would simulate death.

  He bragged the tried suicide. If they succeeded or not mattered little. If they succeeded another enemy was gone. If they failed then it represented a debasing of his victim. You see reader it's unstable acts like that (and other inflicted by the gang in PRACTICAL jokes & blackmail scenarios) that make the... cops shake their heads when a victim accuses their blackmailing madman attacker.

  Then he whined about how I endured all of that, how I'd endured the "Ordeal in the Back Hall" & asked me how I thought I'd survived when others had failed?

  Me? I told him I thought it was because I was a Christian.

  He retorted. "A lot of my victims are Christians. So that isn't it". Then he asked for another answer. Asked, demanded, same thing.

  So I inventoried my mind for what he & his gang had inflicted on me, then I thought about how what he said might be true IF it was in fact true? "It's probably because I have faith in God that he'll help me & they didn't"?

  Me? I sensed he was leading up to some point he was trying to make. I'd told him that murder is wrong, hurting people is wrong, & killing or hurting people except in self-defense is wrong. When confronted I told him HE was the murderer. Respectfully (like always). IF he didn't mess with me then no one would have died. The intent to commit murder was all on him. I may have been the vehicle his murderous intent used, but any guilt was all on him, He was the murderer, not I.

  WOW! Was he angry. My answer did not seem to make him happier. "You're a killer! ALL you do is kill! I've made sure of that"! He argued.

  I denied it.

  He smiled broadly. He told me he owned all the children of my neighborhood Circa 1973. "By my command all you do is kill all day. The openly games you & the kids in your neighborhood play with you are soldier & war & cops & robbers & cowboys & Indians". He boasted {on several occasions] that all my toys were guns & war toys. He sent kids to my house to play war games, we threw spears & knives at each other & DODGED THEM. At school I played the brutal tackle game Pom-Pom. "You know I named Pom-Pom right"? When I balked at this he  told me he named it Pom-Pom because it sounded like a wussy game & it would go far in court one day proving horrible wussy things about my favorite school sport because I'd have to admit I'd played the wussy-sounding game Pom-Pom & it meant he & his framing child-porn stars  would be free to make up any lie they wanted about the true nature of the Pom-Pom game.

  I recall my weak counter to his argument. "Sometimes we play tag & we play hide & seek". So he wasn't entirely right.

  He smiled more. I didn't play tag or hide & seek. I was playing "Seek & Destroy"... even in my off time.

  Sooooooo here's my question to anyone reading this civilian, Law-Enforcement Professional, or... cop. Having read the sum of my story, what advice do you have for me? I mean it. I'd like an answer, IF you're as brave as you claim. Failing that, what advice do you have for me based on my story watered down by the gangs' accusations of what they want you to think is what & who I am?

  I ask you Officers? What kind of a person could come up with my story UNLESS it was inflicted on them? What kind of person would dare to make such public accusations unless they were both true AND exaggeration-free? Is it the 7th grade dropout that I am? How does a 7th Grade dropout come up with a tale like mine? How? Do you imagine I'm just that imaginative or creative? How about if (when) the Child-Molestors show you their many films of a delirious me? IF I were half the delirious deluded monster they will claim I am how could I even begin to write a story like I have? Ho could I be telling the tale for over half a century fearlessly & have it remain the same story?

  I ask the wise among my readers this (mid-Michigan... cops, you are dismissed Sirs, go watch cartoons please Sirs & skip the rest of this website page please?)? I know that when you, the wise, read up on this subject, my life's story, you WILL come across true tales of groups of people eagerly inflicting the exact thing I claim to be having inflicted on me. THE EXACT SAME STORY! True life stories about madmen who sleep deprive & drug victims with powerful badges & sweet government jobs who live otherwise above the law & use them to inflict horrors on their victims & any community unfortunate enough to have them in it.

  I ask you before you cast me away for life into an asylum or prison to investigate me. Give me half a chance please Sirs? If you imagine I'm guilty or getting away with something then don't you want to get the co-conspirators that you imagine helped me? Or worse? Will your desire to destroy someone involved, me, lead you to possibly give immunity to the people who inflicted all of this on not only me, but an entire nation immunity from prosecution in exchange for their false testimony?

  I remember talking to The Last Snitch. He promised me they'd get revenge when I was fool enough to keep telling my story to... cops. That one day a vigilante would step forward, horrified at the carnage, would agree to destroy me for the gang to end the killing. He promised me a truism about the subject. "One always steps forward".

  So I asked. "Will you guys stop the killing"? Would they end the murders of the innocent & the formerly innocent?

  "Oh God no". he told me. "The cops trust us. We go out of our way to seem honorable to them & they believe us". The killing would go on, even worse because once the... cops sign onto the subject of "There is no gang" & "the gang wouldn't do that" then the gang was free to inflict any horrors they wanted in front of said... cops & they dare do nothing to stop them, lest all of their other cases (particularly those the gang will feed to trusting... cops), their life's work, be overturned.

  I retorted what I suspect most... cops retort. I didn't think it'd work.

  He said that most people, even... cops will tell any lie or go to any lengths to make sure that their life's work is not destroyed. He boasted that it's his job. It's what he does.

  He shut me up. "All you do is kill"!

  What do you say to that?

  In short, it's all about how the scam works.

  Author Commentary:

  Man, the above tale is a lot longer than I wanted it to begin with. The problem is I'm just so frustrated that this situation is still a part of my life. I'm subject to weekly rapes, weekly (as of late) assaults, continuous thefts & vandalism. I might have to hurt or even kill someone at any given moment. The next time it could be me, I'm only human. Yeah, the same is true for everyone but I'm sick of the body count & wouldn't mind if if the... cops reduced it, a little?

  Yeah, I've got my faith to help me.

  But I'm tired of reeking of the "homosexual small of love" after my frequent rapes. I'm tired of all the child porn. I want it all to end, so yeah, I'm a little frustrated Officers.


  Soooooooo... there I was, fresh from my escape from the self-professed "Munger Police Station". A 1 room alleged... copshop where I'd been held for about 3 days or so. I'd escaped the unmarked white single-story building surrounded by flat land & very short but mature crops as far as the eye could see.

  A marked Michigan State Police car had pulled up & a uniformed Michigan State Police Officer had arrested me at gunpoint for escaping the jail.

  Heading back to the place where you'd just killed someone is never something you get used to.

  We pulled up to the building, I was handcuffed, behind my back & in the rear seat.

  The 18 year old Jocks....

  To be continued... If I'm so inclined.


Everyone heard... Everyone...

  "Kill David George & break his bones"! I listened to my 60+ 1976 classmates & staff chant it loudly for up to an hour at a time in the "Shaped E For Evil" School. I listened to it & so did the entire school who told me about it in Fall of 1976 during what everyone knew was my ongoing attempted murder in "The Gym".

  Still later they may change up their loud chants. Picture a uniformed on duty mid-Michigan... cop walking into The Gym as +120 children chant in unison shouting. "KILL DAVID GEORGE! KILL DAVID GEORGE!KILL DAVID GEORGE!KILL DAVID GEORGE!KILL DAVID GEORGE"! It was probably their most popular chant calling for my death by name as students & school staff screamed they would kill me while young me tried to do just that to me with improvised weapons.

  I was told that for my 60+ classmates the chanting was mandatory or face a beating. Later the chanting became mandatory for the next class of 8th Graders in The Gym who before had stood in quite amazement watching my ongoing Attempted Murder & now chanted at least part way or all of the way into their hour of coming gym class.

  In time it was a voluntary elective for the 8th Graders to openly chant for my death too. A few weeks later they joined in & helped. Shouting became mandatory for them too they bragged or whined as the case may be.

  I wrote about it in greater detail in my +1,550 page letter to the FBI where someone dies every few pages.



  Soooo... here I am... 6-8-22 & I lost. It sucks to be me. The gang boast it's always sucked to be me & they brag it will always suck to be me. In no small part because of the good... cops of America who'll likely be overworked, underpaid, & all too willing to destroy the mutant with what they've likely done to my face & with their electrolysis parties. In  the Bible it says the truth shall set you free. So I'm going to try the truth. Not that I imagine for a second that some... cop will say. "I wasn't going to help Mr. George but then I read that one Recap tale & just decided I'd help him".

  Soooooo... there I was... in "The Gym". The year was 1976 & I was standing alone in the school Cafeteria. They'd brought in a room full of students, most larger & older than I & some adults to fight me. I stood at the back of the room furthest from the doors. Duh Jerk told the room to begin chanting & they did so. All +60 of the strangers. "KILL DAVID GEORGE"! "KILL DAVID GEORGE"! Over & over for most of the hour to come.

  I stood there, my weapon in hand & they had their weapons in hand & at Duh Jerk's order they all huddled around him. The goal? The stated goal? To kill me.

  To kill me...


  I pondered the situation before me. My Parent's orders were quite clear & had no loopholes. I was not to hurt my classmates no matter what they did to me.

  I looked around the room & thought to myself as I looked at the room full of children & adults arrayed against me. "I don't know any of these guys" This, I felt no compulsion to not fight back. Still, I'm no barbarian & human life was precious to me. I thought that since these guys were green, new to The Gym I'd try my luck at blocking & dodging their attacks. If they seemed tough I'd reassess soon.

  Fast forward to the 1st break in combat a few minutes later. Duh Jerk called for a break so as to order his troop, give them better advice on how to kill me.

  I assessed their skills. There were a few close calls. So I decided I'd block, but if the opportunity to attack came with little risk I'd attack & injure the children. I made it up in my mind to kill no one if possible.

  It gnawed at my mind on occasion that they bragged that others not present watched the fight & were betting on my death. Today not IF I died, but when I'd die I was told.

  Fast forward a decade & a half or so...

  There I was in the middle of the arena... The betting around me was hot & heavy & men bet who lived & who died. Jerk & the 3/4 of the 4 Stars laughed at me & mocked that I'd soon die. My body ached & hunger gnawed at me & the torture I'd endured had shut down portions of my muscles. In short... I figured I probably wouldn't live if I kept trying to spare people's lives. While the crowd around me bet I amended my plan. I decided that I'd kill everyone who dared oppose me. They didn't all die. Some were maimed. At least one lived intact & we all stood around and watched that one man die... slowly.

  Both times... there was betting, lots of betting... & bodies everywhere. The 1st time it was the bodies of children.

  In my experience mid-Michigan... cops are hard-wired to laugh at the deaths or maiming of children (again, in my experience, literally BTW).

  Frankly, I found neither situation enjoyable.

  There was blood all over the floor. I sat there playing with the blue Porsche toy car & My Cousin leaned into the room over the blood & grabbed the knife & said to his partners in crime. "See how he kills without remorse"?

More Definitions:

The Gym: An assassination command or “buzz word” that enables high-ranking child-pornographers (who live their life a single witness's testimony away from a life sentence at any moment as “the price of doing business”) like the Molestors to silence those who might testify against them. Children are routinely killed thusly I'm told via the physical education system of Molestor controlled schools. Once the order is given in a certain tone with damming body language 'Take that child to The Gym and shut him up' The order has been given for the gang's children to kill a fellow child. Typically the target is then killed by their fellow students or ringers brought in from afar who will have files doctored to prove they've allays been at that particular school. Often a victim will be on drugs and slain under the guise of playing contact sports. Later the death will be explained away by the area's Dirty Coroners as a car accident or drug overdose.

The technique works on many levels I'm told. The children, often Molestor regulars will be filmed killing the victim to blackmail them for life (and provide the gang with a film that will motivate future vigilantes to eliminate the murderer for them if they should ever cross the gang) . Other times misguided vigilantes will have been convinced to kill a “scumbag who's got it coming” (I wouldn't bet on the “scumbag” part and they are probably merely a framed victim who's become dangerous or too unprofitable to continue exploiting). The killers will be blackmailed for life. Next, as it was explained to me, the gang show up at the murderer's parent's place (in the case of murderous minors). They are shown the film of the murder and it's explained to them that their child is a murderer. Then the gang leaves making sure their dirty cop is on duty at the front desk at that time. Then they show up a few days later and explain that they filmed the parents learning that their children are murderers and didn't go to the police. So now they are accomplices in a child murder (since I'm told very few families choose to go to the cops before this point). They brag they like to use sentences like. “You know what they do to child-killers in prison. Don't you”?

Often the child is simply the child of a loyal family who are so blackmailed/framed that they dare not oppose the Molestors, even if they are killing their child. “Either we kill your kid or we make those films of you at the torture/rape parties public. You'll go to prison for the rest of your life. You do know what they do to people who torture and rape children in prison don't you”? I hear it's the last sentence many a formerly law-abiding citizen has heard just before they helped set up their own child to die. “It's them or you”. It's win/win really. If they refuse they go to prison and you don't want to know what the gang brag they do to kids once they have removed all parental protections from them.

I also have heard that it's quite effective, incredibly low-risk (the Molestors run the school so they control what teachers might be around at the time of the killings, what students are present, and only do the killings for profit when their loyal dirty... cops are nearby to be “first on the scene”, see: cop of convenience), and represents brags that an annual or bi-annual child-killing in The Gym is a major source of income for the gang. Enabling them to blackmail up to 30-60 families at a time (all the parents of a single gym class).

Direct Child-Molestor quote. “Nobody lives through “The Gym” once the order is given”.

Author note: Yeah... I lived through The Gym. I had faith God would see me through it and I prayed a lot for the strength to live! That and I prayed for everyone involved too. Still do.

Me... 9-17-16ish Child-Molestor Country...

Sooo... last nite, I did laundry. My weather app told me it'd be “cloudy”. At the conclusion of my laundry it was a downpour. It made the fact that I carried an uncomfortable amount of laundry even more miserable. Man, is a semi-accurate weather app too much to ask for or what?

My point? Eh, soooo... about 3 months ago, I inventoried my socks and underwear. While I forget the number of pairs of socks I recall the number of underwear. It was 19. 20 When I counted the pair I was wearing at the time.

I've had a dream, fantasy really. I wanted to own enough socks and underwear so as to have fresh one's daily for over a month. SO I figured I'd buy an 8-pack of underwear and a 6-pack of socks every month for a while.

While doing laundry the stacks of each didn't look much bigger than usual. So I counted them. Though I've bought an 8-pack of underwear every month for the last few last year (minus the summer of 2016 spent under Wausau's care) my inventory was 20, then I recalled I hadn't counted the one's I was wearing. My socks were low too. I bought a 6-pack of extra tall socks last week and when I did my laundry I had but a single pair of them & even less total socks than last month.

The gang brag... eh, they brag they “do stuff” with my underwear. Soiled underwear make for great evidence when left at crime scenes, given to perv admirers, or warehoused someplace in a “room” that enables the gang to prove we're great buttbuddies 'See? He left a lot of his clothes and stuff here officer. That's proof we're great buttbuddies and that I'm not his stalker' or so I've been told.

Whatever the reason is for stealing socks & underwear, idano, wouldn't believe the gang if they swore on a stack of bibles when they told me, and don't care, much. It does suck to know that the pervs are out there, and that whatever their reasons for doing anything are, that those reasons are sick and perverse and serve only to further their sick and perverse lifestyle.




OOPS... MY BAD... A change in tactics... Yet more “bad jokes”...


Sooo... I was thinking. Ya know, giving the Saginaw Michigan F.B.I. The symbolic silent treatment in the jokes page is kinda cool to me. Well, sorta. Giving the Schofield Wisconsin P.D. The same or similar treatment somehow diminishes the message I'm sending the SagCops o da F.B.I. (I respect and admire the F.B.I. as a whole, I'm only mocking their “Molestor Friendly” (or is “Molestor Oblivious” better? “Molestor-Employed”?) Saginaw Valley Gang Chapters, I mean Beaureu? Club? Gathering outpost?).

I hereby officially apologize to the Saginaw Valley F.B.I. For diminishing the symbolic value of the jokes I've assigned to them. It's like I'm diminishing their territory of jokes. My bad guys.

Sooo... now how do I symbolize my admiration for all the fine work the Schofield Wisconsin... cops have committed... I err, um, I mean preformed in my humble opinion? Then it occurred to me, that, to be symbolic, I'd make up the most mind-numbingly irritating song I could think up that, if sung in the same tone as the song I'm parodying, would be the most grating irritating song imaginable. Especially if my case should go public and some enterprising person was to sing the song and record it in the same style and using the same pitch as the original.

Schofield Wisconsin and Wausau Wisconsin pets listen & listen well. Imagine this song playing on your radios. Picture the song playing when you enter the room... for... the... rest... of... your... life. IF you should fail to free me. IF...

The song is not meant to reflect the views or beliefs of anyone and is strictly for entertainment purposes only. Kinda like a skydiver saying. I dedicate this skydive to you”. Before his jump. That means it in no way is meant to imply you are a skydiver. It's just a shout out, a tip of the hat acknowledging the fine police work you've committed against me, uhh... I mean preformed in your community. Probably.

It's called. “Child-Molester Cop” and is to be sung in the style of the song. “Basketball Jones”. No need to thank me guys and please don't send me any money. Just knowing you're out there doing to your community what you did to me is reward enough for me. GULP! Enjoy!

Picture a uniformed Bay City Michigan... cop singing this song lovingly to a uniformed Schofield Wisconsin... cop & a Wausau Wisconsin... cop while they gaze adoringly into his eyes. Giggle...

Child-Molester Cop, I am a Child-Molester Cop
I am a Child-Molester Cop, oh yeah
My partner's a Child-Molester too
Ever since I was a young Rookie, I be taking bribes
In fact I was the cheapest-bribe taker on all of the force

Then one day the Molesters gave me some cash
And I loved that payoff
I spent that cash in a single afternoon (it wasn't much)

That cash was like everything to me (it wasn't much)
I know the gang kills children (I didn't get paid much)
Maybe that's why I can't sleep at night
I need some help from my brother cops
I need someone to stand beside me
I need morons who will arrest anyone I want for free
A group of morons I can count on
Someone like the Wausau P.D. Who I wont pay a thing
Cause there ain't much cash to spit up
So Molesters give me cash (it wasn't much)
{Child-Molesters sing repeatedly...}
(Child-Molester Cop, oh yeah, chump change payoff)
(We own our Child-Molester Cop for chump change)
{While Chump master Child-Molester sings/speaks)
Yeah that little girl's so sweet
Just look at her


To be continued. MAN! Writing about this subject SUCKS!

see'mon Coach Booty, Red Blazer, sing along with me
That be bad, honky
I want everybody in the whole stadium to stand up and sing with us
Oh yeah, sing it out like you're proud
All right, everybody watchin' coast-to-coast, sing along with us
Bill Russell, sing along with us
Chick Hearn, sing along with us
Chris Schenkel, don't sing nothin'
Oh, it feels so good
Gimme the ball
I'll go one-on-one against the world, left-handed
I could stuff it from center court with my toes
I could jump on top of the backboard, take off a quarter, leave fifteen cents change I
could, I could dribble behind my back I got more moves than Ex-Lax I'm bad I could
dribble with my tongue Here I go down court, try to stop me You can't stop me 'cause I
got a Basketball Jones Here I come That's my hook shot with my eyebrow Yeah, I could
dunk it with my nose I'm, I'm bad as King Kong, gimme the ball I'm hot, I'm hot as...,
I'm hot as..., I'm hot as... uh Uh, uh, uh, uh
(Basketball Jones, I got a Basketball Jones, I got a Basketball Jones, Basketball Jones)
(Basketball Jones, I got a Basketball Jones, I got a Basketball Jones, Basketball Jones)
(Basketball Jones, I got a Basketball Jones, I got a Basketball Jones, Basketball Jones)
(Basketball Jones, I got a Basketball Jones, I got a Basketball Jones, Basketball Jones)

  buttbuddy [ bət/ˈbədē ] Anyone who pretends to be a friend and or employer of their rape victim. example: "We raped him good and told the cops we were buttbuddies so now they're prosecuting our victim! Ha"! 8

   IN THE THROAT... Another dead child, this one dedicated to the fine police work of the chief's of police in Bay County

  There I was, surrounded in the room in the back of the hall where my local Boy Scouts held their special meetings. A crowd surrounded me with orders to hit me whenever I came near to force a reluctant me to fight. This tale begins at the end. Well, the end of a child's life. I was about 8 or 9 at the time. My opponent towered over me & was about twice my body weight at least. He seemed to fight with an almost dancing style. His fists raised high covering his jaw while he made what I assumed were exaggerated moves hoping a little too & fro to hypnotize opponents into watching his cadence which he could exploit for advantage (in my then, humble opinion).

 What did I do? What I'd been doing. I punched him in the throat whenever the chance presented itself while he stared blankly ahead & made clumsy, seemingly drugged (in my opinion) attacks unsuccessfully against me. THROAT! THROAT! THROAT! THROAT! THROAT! THROAT! THROAT! THROAT! THROAT! THROAT! (Actually, I hit him with lots of throat punches). THROAT! The towering teen went down. THUDD!

  The gang pushed me away at My Cousin's command & hovered over him. My Cousin announced there was nothing we could do for the child. He was going to die.

  Me? I didn't buy it. But when evidence began to mount that the teen was indeed dying I suggested a tracheotomy, cut his throat open to save him.

  My Cousin said no one in the room had any knives. "No weapons allowed". No weapons allowed in the room, lest an unwilling participant like myself somehow get one & escape. Strangely he told me he'd fetch one & let me cut the teen's throat if I wanted to.

  I told my cousin I didn't know exactly where to cut & that I knew a wrong cut would kill him for sure.

  So we watched him die... slowly... We all just stood around... and watched him die... slowly...

  They put his body on a table to the side facing up. As time went on, between the matches I walked over & checked on the teen. He'd grown pale & ice cold to the touch. The crowd angrily threatened me & interposed themselves when I neared him. Promising me revenge for killing their beloved champion & friend.

  My Cousin bragged holding the fight in the same building as the Boy Scouts Meetings made his victim's stories unbelievable to the... cops. But it made financial sense. He needed a building with room for a crowd that was easy to clean up, well lit & with good facilities & the building was all that plus a place that he knew no one would swing by to "accidentally" barge in. Win/win.

  "My Cousin later told me the kid had been getting too cocky & arrogance made him impossible to control. "I thought you'd take him out for me but I didn't think you would kill him". He claimed he just wanted me to take him down a peg.

  Later, a child who'd attended noted the fight was fixed. My opponent had been drugged. When I confronted My Cousin he confirmed he'd drugged the teen. That he was a champion who'd been killing indiscriminately & for fun & wouldn't obey orders on the subject. It was just getting too time consuming to cover up his every killing in matches. Besides, he added. Fixing fights by drugging participants was just how he did business. It was about the money, not about a fair fight. He also noted the teen was not a local citizen.

  I recall pondering the situation at My Mother's Parents. I thought to myself what would I tell Police? I pictured their cross-examination. It was then that I decided I wouldn't report this to the police. Not just yet.

  Well, there you go oh ye infallible Saginaw Valley Chief's of Police. A child died.

  Laugh... cop. Laugh. It IS all any... cop I ever met was good at after all.

  JUST AN OLE FASHIONED... CHILD BEATDOWN...Laugh... cop, laugh...

  This IS the "Recap Page". A place where I rehash the old memories of things I felt were needful to do to the men, women, beasts, and even... children in my life from time to time in my childhood. You know, normal childhood kind of stuff. If it isn't normal childhood in America how would I know as I have nothing to compare it to?

  I was myself a child & wrote about this in my +1,5000 page letter to the FBI where someone dies every few pages.

  Today as I sit here basking in poisons, my ever expanded rectum recovering, having endured my last night obligatory 1 & a half hour wake-up, I thought I'd write about what was on my mind. Privately I call it "ruining my life" as it provides me with no enjoyment nor nostalgia. Contrary to popular belief I do NOT want to be known for the acts on my website. The deeds were inflicted on me for reasons of profit & revenge & I take no glory nor satisfaction in anything here. I seek only the truth. Rumor has it the truth will set you free.

  I've chosen a song for this beatdown story, I was just inspired as I typed the above paragraph.

  Unlike my other songs I recommended I suggest that the reader play the song softly in the background while they read this tale. It's a story about a few madmen & their ever eager to help 10 foot tall & bulletproof guys on drugs.

  I'd like to write a Duh Jerk quote here he's said to me often while standing smiling over one of his dead or dying victim/members. "I don't care who gets hurt. It's how I beat the cops. They think that if I were a gang leader I'd care about it if my guys get hurt but I don't care who gets hurt". My Cousin had a similar saying. Once when I asked about that saying, how it was he & Duh Jerk used the same saying he told me that he was Jerk's Mentor. He'd taught him everything.

  Me? I used to internally kick myself whenever I asked one of them a question because, frankly, I never believed a word either of them had to say.


  Sooooooo... It was summer & I was about 7 or 8 years old when the gang of 12-20 teens & Jocks lead by some jerk told me that My Mother had drugged me & handed me over to them. Like usual they promised I'd have fun but it was agony only. Torment, endless pain, & continuously endless pain. "It's how I beat the cops. All I have to do is act so evil that no one would believe that someone could be so evil & then I can get away with anything". Act nice to a few victims, film a few acts of kindness & contrition on victims to show cops they care, yeah we did that bad stuff to our victim but they made up with us, it's just that pesky filmed pervert who's the trouble maker. You want proof? Look at these films.

  The story took place in a single story country home with the buildings very spread out & far away. Trees occasionally dotted the landscape here & there on all sides. A lone narrow 2 lane road that had virtually no traffic was the only feature that stands out. Inside the house was fully furnished much like if an old couple lived there, just a guess on my part, nothing more.

  Yeah, the new Jerk & his team slapped me endlessly. They laughed when I

fought back for weeks while they worked in shifts to keep me awake. They encouraged me to fight back. My blows were baby hits addled mentally & physically by the drug(s?) they had me on & were largely ineffective. They mocked me when they told me I was on drugs that made their victims weak. I staggered after even minor blows & I'll bet some... cop was practicing his speech somewhere that no one would do something like that to someone even as I type this now, even as you, the Reader are reading this now they are preparing their speech to assure all comers that what I say couldn't possibly be true. Just a guess?

  I think I handed out a few bloody noses, fat lips, & black eyes. Broken bones? A few. Once I marked someone, particularly the face their Leader Jerk dismissed them. They couldn't play anymore. I recall some of them begged to be able to keep "playing" with me. They threatened revenge at what I'd cost them. A month long drug & sex party funded by the Jerk. They were simply replaced with a fresh recruit, an endless supply of willing troops that the Jerk could call upon at a whim.

  When I asked the Jerk he told me that once his guys became marked, especially in the face they became too identifiable for him to comfortably use. So as a matter of business he booted them out if they had a boo boo on their face or wore a splint or a cast because they were no longer just a face in the crowd.

  Me? I advised the Jerk and his team to get their hearts right with God & not to do drugs.

  I recall telling the Jerk the same things. He mocked me all the more during the quiet times between beatdowns when they either adjusted drug dosage levels. Theirs or mine.




  Time passed... they felt I was "in the sweet spot" mentally from all the torture & deprivation. I drifted in & out of being lucid & openly, on film, treated them like we were lifelong friends between my occasional semi-lucid moments which were occurring much & much less. They told me they took me off of the drugs that addled me. That way I seemed more presentable for films. Like I wanted to be there.

  I recall them injecting me with who knows what? Usually they just asked me to roll up a sleeve & I submitted. Other times they piled on me & drugged me by force when I refused. They bragged usually they just waited for my memory to reset after I refused & then filmed me in a few minutes accepting the doses of whatever drug they were using.

  Then they turned to PRACTICAL jokes for fun. The ultimate goal was to trick me into violence... on film. Did it work? Of course it did, this is just a Recap Story.

  Every once in a while I became semi-lucid & ran off.

  Every once in a while I became semi-lucid & my 1st response was to run to freedom. In minutes marked Police Cars & Ambulances came looking for me & I usually wasn't hard to find with a long sting of teens & Jocks running behind me in tow in the open fields surrounding the country house with only an occasional tree for cover. The Police usually arrested me & returned me to the house. Usually, it was easy to arrest me. My memory had reset because of the drug(s?) & I had no idea where I was or why I was being chased? I also had no explanation to give the nice... cops as to why these nice men & boys were chasing me. I had no idea why they were accusing me of vile things & submitted to arrest to go to the Police Station to "sort this out". So I was arrested without incident.

  The Jerk told me he craved films of me resisting arrest. Then he would own me.

  Me? I recall praying to God for strength. I figured, like usual, that I was going to die, I saw no way I might escape & live AND be free in America. I prayed that I not give that Jerk the films that he craved. Not this time.

  I got quite far a few times. But they caught me every time & dragged me back to the torment.

  Yeah, I involved people. Particularly on a highway & at homes far from the place I was tortured at. But no one believes the 7 year old kid over the... cops & the ambulance drivers. No one. I recall some of the people who'd agreed to help me escape only minutes ago talking about me in the 3rd person with the... cops. who told them I was arrested for good reasons & should be ignored. They stood side by side with my captors laughing at the absurdity of my story & listened to the cop's assurances that they should just ignore everything the civilians had seen.

  The PRACTICAL jokes morphed over time from straight up mundane films of me casually interacting with my kidnappers & slap sessions to social situations where I was subjected to attack! They would mundanely interact with me, on film, and then attack! Yeah, I fought & they usually piled on me & waited for my memory to reset & began again. The PRACTUICAL joke would subtilty morph slightly as they practiced it over & over to get the films that they craved.

  Did people get hurt? Yeah, mostly kids. Are any of you... cops reading this? Picture me snapping my fingers at you. SNAP! SNAP! Children? Hurt? Laugh... cop. Laugh...

  Over time the joke morphed into we began outside the home. Then they encouraged me to enter & piled on me, slapped me up, & repeated hoping to get me to resist the uniformed... cops who quickly showed up. It was all filmed to look like they were just a few friends innocently enjoying each other's company... on film, & mean ole me showed up. Then resisted arrest! Or so they bragged it'd soon look on film.

  Yeah, I prayed during the semi-lucid moments.

  I recall running away time & again. But I was getting more exhausted. I couldn't run as fast or as far. Weeks of no sleep & no food had taken it's toll on me. But I never gave up. I resisted with every lucid moment. In fact it's for this reason that over the years the gang has mocked me that I'm fun to play with. "You always fight. It's expected".

  Standing outside the home I was encouraged to go inside. I recall it was as I walked up to the building I became more semi-lucid than normal. I recalled the ordeal before me & knew that an army awaited me inside. I knew that... cops galore & rescue workers waited nearby & they would convince anyone & everyone that I was to be ignored when I asked for help. Indeed, some might even help... THEM! I thought about what I might do? Run? Rush in & fight? Again? Sure, I was wounding guys occasionally but they were just replaced with an endless horde of even more eager & fresh tormentors.

  I thought I might go in the back? Try to reduce the numbers in a desperate bid for freedom? Then it occurred to me that I'd tried that too & they had positioned a guy with a bat in the back to counter me. Just in case I started to do too well.

  So I figured I'd go after the bat guy. A 16-18 year old jock easily twice my body weight.

  To confuse the troops inside I ran around the building a few times then snuck in the back door. As I suspected the Jock was watching the window for me in the direction I'd feinted & not the door. I snuck up behind the otherwise wholesome-looking teen & easily snatched the bat from him & swung for his head in one smooth stoke! WHACK! Then I kept hitting him. WHACK! WHACK! WHACK! Over & over for a looooooooong time.

  Then I went inside to confront the horde. I commited some damage, but not as much as I would've chosen to.

  The gang threatened me. The ambulance crew came in moments & remarked it was lucky they were so close of the teen would never have survived.

  The session went on... and on... and on...

  Later... "My Cousin" bragged about how he'd showed his friend films of what they did to me & he'd begged & even paid for the privilege of "playing with me". He smiled as he said he'd trained the man at length just how to torture me so I'd kill anyone so HE could kill anyone he wanted in a way that he could never be prosecuted for. "You killed a lot of people for him. Don't you remember"?

  Yes I did.

  He brought up the teen with the bat. My Cousin said that despite my best efforts I hadn't killed a single one of his friend's guys. But the guy with the bat had been scarred for life. Being scarred about the face means death in the gang. So they planned to kill him, his family would be told why he'd been killed, & I would have an entire family of madmen & women just like the child I'd scarred who would hate me.

  Years later during the last times that I saw My Cousin he told me that Duh Jerk was the leader jerk in question & he used the description of the child who's head I'd beat with the bat as a reference when I told him I wasn't sure of which child he'd meant I'd hurt in that particular conversation. It had been Duh Jerk's  1st act as the rank of a leader in the gang. That Jerk wanted to make his 1st act as a new leader to be as big as possible so he could come onto the gang scene large & in charge with a glorious 1st act that the gang would all respect. Thus the gang (My Cousin) had spared no expense in handing me a very costly PRACTICAL joke. Which was worth it in their opinion when you considered all of the people I killed for them on the side assuring them even the possibility of  facing justice for the injured, the dead, & the dying.

  Every once in a while I asked My Cousin why he did this or that to me?

  "Because I hate you".

      NOTE: Next is a tale the gang deletes off my website over & over. Writing

it while under R.E.M. Deprivation Attack is not fun. Nor is writing it the

3rd or 4th time.

ASSORTED KILLINGS...Put a kid on drugs, wind'em up, & watch the murderous fun time!!!

  Soooooooo there I was, in what seemed like a modest home. The adults seemed like they were kind & actually interested in interacting with me. Then things went sour. A woman screamed! A violent situation occurred! I fought & the adults whom I sought to protect jumped me from behind. Pinning me to the floor the 4--6 men & women beat me!

  They then told me they'd wait for my drugs to reset my then 7 or 8 year old mind & intended to let me go & do it all over again!

  It was always the same. Kind & mundane interaction, then a violent scene where I'd be subdued violently!




  Then we started using guns to play.


  Then they jump me & pin my down until my memory resets.

  They like to subtilty vary the scenario each time. Looking to film the perfect frame job film of a dangerous & violent me.



  Time passes, lots of time passes & I'm given no food nor water & drift into a semi-lucid madness. Grrrrrrrrrrrr!




  The guns were mostly sporting rifles, 9MM pistols, & double barreled shotguns.

  One time I became a little bit more lucid than other times as the drugs wore off. I was tired of trying to reason with my unknown captor's. I was tired of escaping only to be arrested by uniformed... cops with an Ambulance & Crew nearby. The village was all but impossible to escape from. All of the townsfolk I met couldn't wait to hand me off to the... cops for arrest whenever they saw me unattended. Some attacked me themselves & they assisted in my return to the session. They seemed like ordinary people, in their 30s & above. I noted the absence of children. EXCEPT those who attacked me & they never went outside.

  I had enough of failing to escape. I decided to get a little more pro-active on my next escape attempt.

  Soooo... there we were, the gang attacked me with guns in another blank-filled shoot'em up. Me? I killed everyone in the room with my gun & they all just got up & mocked me. "The gun's got blanks in it"! Laugh! Laugh! Laugh!

  I became semi-lucid & plotted another escape. While they laughed at me I walked over to the kitchen drawers & found a junk drawer  with a bunch of nails & metallic odds & ends & loaded them down both barrels.

  I just started killing people to the best of my abilty. Stopping only to reload.

  Satisfied, I chased someone out & lost them. Undaunted I just went to where I suspected they might be & started killing people there too!




  Toward the end of the tale I generalized, being I'm R.E.M. sleep deprived & really don't care too much at the moment. I wrote it down in much greater detail in my letter to the FBI where someone dies every few pages.

  The way My Cousin explained it to me was it was a small village where everyone was a child molester. Escape was impossible due to the lack of cover & flat terrain. He said I'd shocked everyone when I started walking from house to house killing everyone I found. So they ordered the village evacuated & tried to pin me down in a building by shooting at me. The Townsfolk plan was, as complained about by My Cousin AND them (unusual as My Cousin usually made it a point to debrief me alone), they'd intended to kill me if only for their safety & for revenge. But mostly because they were terrified the entire area threatened to spill out into a huge public involved fiasco. "You were lucky only a few people travelling by got involved". But the... cops they were a comin en-mass & it was then My Cousin decided to use his authority to declare a train derailing had happened. The only problem? No such train existed & he had a horrible time routing to the scene past inspectors & powerful... cops with badges with many questions in the nick of time & it had cost him a fortune in cash & favors owed. The worst part in his opinion? While they staged an elaborate door to door manhunt to get me I lay sleeping comfortably unnoticed on a couch. "Some pillows obscured you". He described the day for him & his team as a sniper warzone terror scene where many, truly good child-molestors had mentally broken down & would require drugs & lengthy counseling which was all going to cost him money. Let alone the dead, the dying, & the maimed.

  He claimed they'd explained it all away by claiming there was a chemical train derailing. That way the general public wouldn't ask too many questions. "You're going to pay for that one". He threatened me. They'd lost a lot of good child-molesters. Real pillars of the child-molesting community had died & everyone wanted revenge. "Now everyone wants revenge! What do you have to say for yourself"? My Cousin demanded me?

  "There would be no one dead if you guys wouldn't drug me & mess with me".

  It's 3-16-22 & I'm tired.


  ASSORTED KILLINGS... Passing gas...

  Soooooo there I was, in some small modern as any looking village walking from door to door & killing everyone I found. I walked in & found an elderly couple. So I killed them. It occurred to me to kill the man 1st as he was the greatest threat in my opinion. The woman screamed & begged for her life while I reloaded my more recently acquired weapons". BANG!

  While I walked past a living room window after failing to find anything good to eat in the kitchen they started shooting at me! BANG! BANG! The glass exploded inwards on me. So I returned fire. BANG! BANG!

  We exchanged gunfire a while. Then it got quiet... and boring. I scanned as sneakily as I could outside in a while. I'd never seen a single attacker then or now. My shots had merely been targeted at likely spots a sniper might be at".

  Being I was bored & figured I was pinned down to the front I walked out the back door where I saw a small group of armed & unarmed people gathering at a small gas station about a city block away across an empty highway. They were your average harmless civilian types, mostly in their 30s, 40's, & 70s.

  I listened into the people talking. They were all locals but the armed big guy with a rifle who had the huge 4x4 truck. Apparently there was a madman around nearby shooting at people but nobody knew what he looked like? They said they'd just sent a guy to ask & expected he'd return in a minute or 2 with a description of the guy.

  The people were scared & the chat around the pump was that they had to band together & kill the guy. The big burly manly man with the hunting rifle said he'd keep everyone safe when a woman started crying.

  Me? Since I was the guy with the gun they were openly planning to kill I was at least mildly curious about what they had to say.

  A few said they had guns at home & they were waiting for the guy to return with a description & to keep them covered while they went home & got armed. Then they'd all kill this guy.

  Once one of them pointed to a guy & said that was such & such back with the description they needed I had enough. The guy had driven up on us fast & waved furiously at us like he had something very important to tell us. He was yelling but his engine noise drowned out his shouts he made as he leaned out his driver's side window in the cold.

  I pondered what to do & I didn't see myself as having a lot of options at this point. So at point blank range I just started shooting people...

  "Don't you think the cops will be able to tell I'm on drugs [in your films]"?
  "You being on drugs only strengthens our case".

  I decided when I first tried reaching out to law-enforcement with my story that the best way that I could tell it & still Honor My Parents was to tell not only my story, but to tell their story as truthfully as possible & without exaggerations.

  I also realized that if I lied or exaggerated I'd go down in flames so I decided to tell my story as truthfully as I could to the best of my ability.

  "Did you ever notice that we almost never used the Bay City Sherrifs against you? That's because we plan to use them against you at the end".-The Last Snitch

  The end? If I could win would it be The Beginning? Hey, if the truth shall set you free then we'll see.  (^_-)

  A RECAP if there ever was one...


  Strapped lying face down to a table with my pants around my ankles while my gang rapists stood in line awaiting their turn to sodomize me I asked Duh Jerk. "Why are you doing this to me"? 

  He said. "I want to be able to prove that you are fascinated with the rape fantasy"?


  "Because of The Gym".

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  "That's not proof of anything". It never is in mid-Michigan...


  "It is the accusations of our victims reflected back at them that is our true power".
  Translation: If you dare accuse the gang of something they twist your accusations & accuse you based on your own accusations.

"Who are they calling pervert? Look at them [and all the films we've made them endure]". - Child Molesting 101 as taught to me by Duh Jerk in his taxpayer-funded officer during business hours.

  "That's The Good Kid? I thought he'd be bigger"? I recall pondering why he had said it to the other Jock at the Grande Party while standing in front of My Mother's Parent's Home's front door & not to me? Then it occurred to me that My Cousin had always ordered that "his people" not talk to me directly. Many did as speaking only a few words to me rarely got people punished & quite a few were punished anyway.-The sad tale of my life Circa 1979

  Did I say sad? I should'a wrote pathetic?

  Pathetic pa·thet·ic [pəˈTHedik] ADJECTIVE

  1. arousing pity, especially through vulnerability or sadness:

    "she looked so pathetic that I bent down to comfort her" · "it was a pathetic sight"

    miserably inadequate; of very low standard:

  2. "he's a pathetic excuse for a man" · "his ball control was pathetic"


    relating to the emotions.

As a... cop you might be thinking of asking me. What is it you are saying the gang did to you"?


"We don't just rape their bodies. We rape their minds".

- Common Gang saying

  "As a mid-Michigan... cop you are probably in a rage at having read my website. Please don't hurt me... again"?

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  I had a few... cOPs ask me this question only to submit it AS proof I was lying. "Why didn't you ask _____(the wrongdoer I'm accusing)_____"?

  Me? I answered the same about every time. "Why bother? I don't believe a single word that comes out of their mouths anyway". Thus I explained, why bother asking those gang bangers anything because I just did not believe a single word any of that gang's members had to say.

  My opinion on the subject as of now (11-14-22)? My opinion is that I am not now nor was I ever a mid-Michigan... cop. So I don't believe every word that comes out of the gang's member/victim's or victim/member's mouths & even less so when any mid-Michigan... cop uses the words "Reliable Informant" to describe them.

  "When you show up in court all crippled in a wheelchair who's going to believe that you lived through the gym"? - A bragging Child-Molester speaking about my eventual demise at the hands of the Child-Molestors, a Saginaw Gang in court only a few years prior to the writing of this website.

"He should never profit by what we do to him". It was then that Duh Jerk ordered that my wallet be brought to him & he emptied it's meager contents.

  An astonished Jock asked him. "You'd take a man's last dollar"?

It's changing the subject completely to switch to the opinion of a uniformed on duty Bay City... cOP at his post during the course of an investigation that I initiated. "I know those guys. They're nice guys".

  I had a few... cOPs ask me this question only to submit it AS proof I was lying. "Why didn't you ask _____(the wrongdoer I'm accusing)_____"?

  Me? I answered the same about every time. "Why bother? I don't believe a single word that comes out of their mouths anyway". Thus I explained, why bother asking those gang bangers anything because I just did not believe a single word any of that gang's members had to say.

  My opinion on the subject as of now (11-14-22)? My opinion is that I am not now nor was I ever a mid-Michigan... cop. So I don't believe every word that comes out of the gang's member/victim's or victim/member's mouths & even less so when any mid-Michigan... cop uses the words "Reliable Informant" to describe them.

  "When you show up in court all crippled in a wheelchair who's going to believe that you lived through the gym"? - A bragging Child-Molester speaking about my eventual demise at the hands of the Child-Molestors, a Saginaw Gang in court only a few years prior to the writing of this website.


  Soooo... there I was kneeling overtop of the once beautiful woman. Her head was on backwards on her body. Why? Because I'd just twisted it while she lay there with all my might over & over? Why? Why you ask? Why?

  I wanted to lock her in the cell. I didn't want to hurt her. I only wanted escape. When I neared the cell it's occupants attacked me. Grabbing at me & tried to drag me inside the cell. They tied to hurt me. They asked me several times. "Are you okay"? When they perceived my memory had reset due to the drugs. I'd nearly freed them at least once. I had to get out of there. I couldn't have this gal wake up & summon the army across the street to come & get me. For all I knew she was laying there pretending to be knocked out (a gang fav I'd fallen for a lot of times in times past). I 'looked around & pondered what to do through the drugs that addled my mind. That's when I chose to snap her neck & end her life.

  The Deputy in a Munger Uniform complained about what I just did. "You didn't have to kill her". He complained.

  Me? I said. "Yes I did". I didn't see any alternative. I complained she could 'summon an army, to stop my escape & now I knew she never would.

  "You could've just tied her up".

  I looked around the room & there was likely no shortage of things I could've restrained her with.

  The horror...

Exodus Chapter 21

16 And he that stealeth a man, and selleth him, or if he be found in his hand, he shall surely be put to death.

  Today is 6-8-22 when I wrote this. My face is numb & in pain & the 2 are expanding. When does the hurting stop?


  It's distasteful to write about, disturbing to reminisce, it's even more haunting to rehash, to dredge up the memories so that I can write them down. It's the worst of the worst & I've neglected to fully explain the dark periods as well as I might.

  It 1st happened when I was about 3 years old until I was 5, just before I began the charade that they called going to school. The hoax that began afterwards. My Cousin mocked me in tale where he reveled about the events.

  It then happened in a similar way during a time I call... literally... my teen years. Yes, note my choice of words. "Teen" & "Years" that combine to form teen years. The years of my life that involved America's record holders for "Most failed attempted murders on a child in public". Duh Jerk, Duh Weasel Fagboy, The Mayor's Brat, Shortstuff, & the gang.

  The gang kidnapped me, often, usually by or with my family's participation & blessings & took me to houses here & there & kept me on drugs and awake until I was delirious. Then we tended to go from place to place killing people everyplace we went. Usually, it was just PRACTICAL jokes.

 Other times, it wasn't funny at all. I know people died. I recall parties where Duh Jerk showed the bodies of the dead like a centerpiece, a trophy & the gang partied around the recently dead & my drugged self.

  As of 9-7-22 I haven't written much about the many dead that died during that time.

  This tale would not be possible without the investigative excellence of the Bay City Police & FBI.


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About 6 months ago or so... March 2022ish...

  Sooo there I was... taking inventory of last night's kidnapping. The weird thing that happened? I mean other than a gang of madmen who brag they routinely drag me back to mid-Michigan to star in films, to prove I'm great buttbuddies with what remains of the Munger Boy 5 or The 4 Stars. "With our films we'll prove you're a liar & no cop will ever believe you about The Gym". It's the litmus test for many members of the gang. An ongoing stalking by madmen for profit & revenge because of... wait for it... wait for it... according to them... According to them it's because of... The Gym. Or more specifically the horrors they had to endure because of how I reacted to their world-record attempted murder session they called "The Gym". "We're not mad at you because of what you did in The Gym. We're mad at you because of what The Bosses did to us because of you in The Gym".

  All that aside here's what happened.

  I was in some large room, likely a business or a school. My feet were inside a microwave oven & it was turned on. The door was sawed off & the latch that presumably engaged the door safety was engaged by the remains of that door, I'd suppose. The machine was humming. The microwave oven was on.

  Shortstuff, his mustache shaved asked me. "What are you doing"?

  How or why I said this, or how they got me to say this, or what brought me to this point I do not know. I replied. "I'm drying my feet".

  He retorted. "I don't think it works like that".

  It's how the scam works. They are the good guys, the guys with high morals. Their victims? Confused druggies or insane.

  Duh Jerk explained how it works. "We tell them 'Such & such is crazy & our friend & on drugs'. It always works because everyone knows to say that".

  Me? At the above time I was on drugs, clearly not in my right mind, & obviously did not have a great grasp on the reality of what was probably going on. A credible Radiation Terrorist Attack by known Self-Professed recreational serial-killers.

  I'll go back farther, just for fun (not my fun, theirs). I was standing in the Bay County Law Enforcement Center. I was talking to a Bay City... cOP. I was talking about my kidnappings, my tortures, my rapes. The guy behind me said he'd help me but he was disagreeing with me. I turned around to disagree with him. It was Shortstuff with a camera crew. A teenaged boy, a teenaged girl, and a camera.

  I announced this was no friend of mine, he was m y stalker, my kidnapper.

  Then I turned & perceived who that... cop really was peircing the drug  & torture & sleep deprivation haze that clouded my mind. It was Dirty Cop himself. HIMSELF! Right there! IN THE cOPSHOP!

  He asked Shortstuff why he put up with me?

  Shortstuff put on his best poker face & shrugged & then my professional buttbuddy said. "It's a labor of love".

  It's as a fake friend that they are most comfortable. 

  "Such & such is our friend their crazy & they're on drugs. It always works because everyone knows to say that".

  A few years ago The Last Snitch told me they'd start occasionally using microwaves to cook the flesh of my feet. That with their Dirty Doctors they could excuse it by saying it was a specific medical condition that's easily diagnosed as microwave radiation exposure. "To hide the fact that we've done that we have a microwave oven with the doors off of it & we convince our victims to stick their feet in their on film". He promised they'd soon be using it on me until it cost me my feet & with their films of me they could do it to me openly & no one could prosecute them ort the children they'd get to point & click the device at me.

  The last Snitch came back. He told me they had a portable version, easy enough to acquire with a few bucks & virtually undetectable. A sort of portable microwave gun (cheap, easy, & effective, but no recreational serial-killer would ever use that... it's unethical cops tell me.

  They brag they use it on me often.

  A credible radiation attack threat in my humble opinion.

  A Recap. It's how the scam works.


  I thought I'd skip over this tale, it adds nothing to my story. In fact, it's what I'll call the weirdest weirdism of the weirdest weirdism. How's that for a true weirdism? It adds nothing to my tale, & has redeeming social value, nor did it nor is it therapeutic to me to write it. In short, it's a complete waste of time to read. HEY! Doesn't THAT mean as a mid-Michigan... cOP it's the one story that YOU should pay the most attention to? Eh, who am I to give those law enforcement... pROFESSIONALS advice? Right? I'm sure there's a raping child-molestor doing evil right now. So you should get in your car & drive around & catch someone with a busted tail light? GO TEAM! Huh?

  Grumble grumble.

  Sooooooo.... there I was, at the Grandest of the Grande Parties at My Mother's Parent's place. As I recall there was usually a ton of activities that one might do there. Today, I sat at their living room coffee table that "My Cousin" had gifted them with. It had an expensive marble tabletop, was long for a coffee table, quite heavy, & from the day they got it it's single wood legs (2, one to the left & to the right) were never adequate to support it so 1"x4" were jammed into it on each side to give it support. It'd always made me wonder that, because of My Mother's Father's skill in woodworking why he'd never fixed it like he'd said day 1?

  My Cousin said he had a theory. Because he'd ordered My Family to never fix it or to modify it in any way because it was a duplicate to the one in the house that was a duplicate of My Mother's Parent's Place (I'd seen that place, it'd been furnished just like their home, but more sparsely & with a few different furnishings & art objects, presumably that the family living in that home had added to their lives, I'd killed some lil kid there once if anyone's paying attention the "Blue Porsha" story).

  RECAP: I was playing with blocks because all of the other things one might do there were taken. They kept the blocks hidden as a rule so the "Partygoers" were not aware of them, thus, I and my sisters got to play with them. Since the sum of the Partygoers & "The Regulars" were forbidden by force to interact with me we sat & quietly avoided their drama. What My Sisters saw or their conclusions of that day's events I never asked them. Why bother?

  Drama? Yeah, drama. I noticed that guards were positioned at the front & back doors inside & out. I'm kind'a oblivious actually, if partygoers hadn't pointed it out to me I might not have even noticed.

  My Cousin called me into the packed to the gills kitchen, not a single member of My Family (that I know of) were in that room. He told me that by now I knew we were all prisoners & we discussed thing, listed elsewhere. He told me that no one could leave but by his command. Now, because he trusted me I was the only one who could leave. My job was like usual actually, he'd be sending me to the nearby party store to pick up anything they'd forgotten or if supplies of of anything ran out. Mostly just to pick up soda & cigarettes actually. Most of his guys were showing up without enough cigarettes for the day so to avoid a meltdown I was going to be the only one who could leave the Grande Party (I should note that at no time whatsoever did anyone there, nor at any time in the past, family or not call it or even use the term "Grande Party"). My Cousin mocked me that, like usual I would be payed nothing to go to the store by his command. Mocking me all the more & laughing when he asked others there what it usually took them to get a kid to go to the store & they said the going rate for any child there to do anything (like going to the store for instance) was $20. Big money when you think about it because minimum wage was about a dollar back then. "You try to get any of the kids here to do anything for less than $20 and it ain't happening".

  As the day progressed My Cousin mocked me how much I would've made if I were "one of my children". He meant the kids at the party in general.

  Soooo... I went to the store that day much more than normal. Even being violently accosted by guards when I tried to leave only to have another guard say it was okay, I was that "Good Kid", the only person who could leave without permission there.

  "That's The Good Kid? I thought he'd be bigger".

  At the local store, about 2 small city blocks away the only unusual thing was that they expected me & had my orders ready for the most part. That part was not normal. I still had a cornucopia of different brands of cigarettes that I had to order individually for the Partygoers & the Regulars though. We did this many times that day. Strange only in that the store workers told me they'd been ordered to call the party to tell them I was on my way back. When I asked why they said they had no idea why? We shot a few guesses back & forth politely.

  At the party it became clear, to me, that people were being brought into the kitchen scared. In about 10-15 minutes on average they left, always via the front door & some where as white as sheets! Trembling.

  Many were escorted by my "Trio of Cousins" going in. Others were escorted by children whom I'd never interacted with & some by giant Jocks in black.

  I recall that as the day wore on more people came to the party as others trickled out they they didn't look happy at all to be there.

  I remember my Trio of Cousins starting to come back to the kitchen more frequently with no one. Meh, who cares, I just recall it. My Cousin was furious with them. He wasn't given to yell very often except at me as a rule. Actually, he seemed like a pretty jolly guy to me whenever I wasn't around, I guess he really did hate me huh?

  RECAP: Lots of store visits, white as a sheet guests, the Trio of Cousins start showing up empty handed a lot. Me playing with the blocks building stuff with my 3 siblings, I don't recall My Bro being there at the time of this writing. Lots of store visits & I wasn't making a penny. In a way it wasn't so bad. It didn't take long & it allowed me to escape the always ongoing drama at the Grande Parties.

  People, desperate people asked me to hide them. "You're The Good Kid"" They told me. The only person at the party they figured they might trust out of desperation.

  Me? I told them I was just a kid. How could I hide them?

  "I don't know? Can you think of anything"?

  I suggested they hide.

  No good they told me one by one. Children were scouring the party & bringing each Partygoer to justice. Their time was coming soon. Trembling like someone who has to go to the bathroom badly a few of them begged me. They claimed to be scared out of their wits. They franticly said they'd like to hide but being caught hiding meant a very severe punishment much worse than if one didn't hide.

  I recall a few of them & to my shame here's what happened next.

  I asked one how the gang had blackmailed him? He told me he was seduced by a little girl whore & that she was there. He was terrified that she'd be the one sent to find him.

  So I thought a while, but not for long, & told him he could pay that little girl to hide with him in the attic & if he were discovered he could claim he wasn't hiding, just in a moment of passion (no where near the exact words I used, but the wise among you get the jist Reader). He said my plan wouldn't work because the little girl hated him.

  I told him that she was a whore right? Then if he had money she'd go with him.

  He protested it'd probably cost him a lot of money, he'd brought thousands with him, just in case he needed it.

  I told him what was more important? The money or avoiding the punishment? That was when he left me.

  I recall he was discovered much later & he & a little girl, maybe 6 or 7  was beside him as Jocks escorted them into the kitchen. In about 10 minutes or so he came out. He told me he was punished. but he was relieved that the waiting was over. Then he thanked me based on I'd given him "a chance" & that my plan had worked in a way. He'd hidden with the girl & been caught. My Cousin was about to hand down an epic punishment on him too but he CLAIMED HE WASN'T HIDING, but in a business transaction with the little girl (far from his exact words). He told me that because he was "falsely" accused of hiding that My Cousin seemed to go easier on him with his punishment, he felt that my advice had spared him a horrible punishment that the others summoned to the kitchen with him had gotten.

  Others begged & when I told them to hide in the woods out back they said it was no good, children were scouring the woods & dragging people back to be punished. I noted to a few that I'd been watching the children's search patterns. That yes they did scour the woods behind My Mother's Parents & the home to the south but that there was a small patch of woods in the neighboring yard to the north (very small) that they never entered. I advised them that they could go there, cover themselves with leaves, & hide until dark. I never saw them people I gave that advice again so I don't know how the advice turned out for them? I did however see a single one of them go there & lay down & cover himself with leaves. Some tried to give me money. Lots of money. Especially for a broke kid like me. I turned all of them down.

  Lastly I recall one guy who begged me repeatedly for help with a look of terror. "They say you can get people out of here"?

  I told him I could not.

  But the guy begged urgently & asked me for any plan. Even a slim chance to avoid punishment was better than none to him. He offered me a lot of money.

  Finally, I thought about it. But not for long. Then I told him I was the only one who could leave as the store gopher (no one used that term either ever, me included BTW). If he could remain unpunished if & until I was sent to the store again I would tell the guards that he was my ride & get him out.

  Sure enough soon I was ordered to go to the store. We walked out the front door & the guards tried to grab the man. I told them he was my ride. They debated with themselves if I were lying, if they should call My Cousin & such.

  Me? I told them I was The Good Kid & they knew it. My reputation was such that everyone there knew I could be trusted & everyone there knew that.

  That was good enough & we left.

  The guy went to the nearby party store with me. There he all but begged me to accept a large sum of money & I refused it over & over. He tried to reward me many ways & I told him I wanted nothing.

  In the end he frustrated me & I said something like. "Fine! Here's how you can reward me. If they ever line everyone up to slap me in the face again & you're involved go easy on me & try not to hit me too hard. Okay"?

  Smiling he agreed & left. I walked back to the party with the requested supplies in hand.

  My Cousin summoned me into the kitchen & told me he suspected the Trio of taking bribes to let some partygoers escape his wrath. They were going to receive an extreme punishment, later, but not today. For now I would be tasked with finding his runaways & bringing them to him. Something I did very reluctantly but like everything I do in life then & mow, I did it to the best of my ability.

  It's 11-21-22 & my right cheek hurts & is numb. Left cheek numb & I really should get a cup to spit out the poison that's seeping out from between my teeth & gums. I grow tired of writing about the weirdest weirdism & the gang in general.

  There you go Reader. Another hour & a half of my life I'll never get back writing about a strange day inflicted upon me by the gang that I'll never get back either. I took no enjoyment in the events of that day then nor now (11-21-22). And just like that cruel summer I made no money writing about it either. Just a total waste of time & electricity in my opinion & all to write some weirdism.



THE 1ST ONE??? A recap...

  These recaps are not for my Readers (if anyone is even reading this who isn't "one of them"), they're for me. I'm trying to decompress, to come to grips with the events inflicted upon my life by madmen.

  The truth shall set you free...

  Sooooooo... there I was. Surrounded by Jocks, Fearless Leader, & a random assortment of average middle class & upper class people in some mansion estate's building. I drew a map of the grounds & the buildings in great detail in my +1,500 page letter to the FBI where someone dies every few pages. The "Nurse" was preparing another syringe to my left because the 1st had dazed me into weakness, but I was still standing & semi-lucid.

  The Jocks & the random people were standing around me either in horror at what was to my right or threatening me because of it.

  I looked down at "her". Flesh. It was the gal I've nicknamed Flesh & even assigned her a posthumas Theme Song ( ). She was clearly dead. Her head was laying flat on the floor of that building where only minutes ago she & her friends were mentally & physically torturing me. The very room where she'd mocked me about my coming legal demise based on the films they'd made of me killing people, the Boulder Bank Robbery & her testimony against me. She & Fearless Leader had asked me to recall "The  Satanic Wedding Ceremony I'd endured?

  I mocked them back that I had thwarted it. It never was completed.

  They mocked me back claiming it had succeeded & was a done deal. It was just that their Date Rape Drug had robbed me of any memory of it. Now she was legally my wife. Now her testimony against me would be the most damning thing I could imagine, I had no chance against them * it was all to help cover for their friend. Duh Jerk who needed a way to get rid of me far from mid-Michigan & the host of my potential witnesses.

  They mocked me, laughing me to scorn. A room full of them.

  They say that the truth shall set you free...

  The past is the past in now in the present I was looking at her, her head lying flat, her neck bent at an angle no neck should nor could ever be bent at... and for that person to live & be whole. She was clearly dead. Dead...

  Flesh looked peaceful. She hadn't looked like that since she 1st seduced me on their drug(s?) when they needed a large base of films, mundane interactions that they could use to prove we all were great buttbuddies.

  They say the truth shall set you free...

  So I was looking down at her to my right. She was dead. She looked so peaceful lying there. Why was she dead? Because I'd grabbed her by the head with both arms, tackled her & pinned her with my weight, & twisted her neck with all of my laborer might for a few minutes!

  After we'd met she asked me what race I thought she was? Of what national origin?

  I recall pondering the subject while on their drugs. I answered that I'd supposed she was Caucasian, likely of Italian descent?

  She corrected me. She claimed to be Hispanic. She asked me my opinion on the subject?

  I told her race means nothing to me when it comes to love, if Mrs. Right was any race whatsoever I would be content to make her mine.

  Now she was dead.

  I recall during the seduction, when any rational person would've said. Where am I? Who are these strangers around me"? But the drug(s?) had robbed me of that level of reasoning. I didn't question the situation before me at all. Not even slightly. I recall thinking how lucky I was to have so beautiful a woman. Luck me huh?

  They say the truth shall set you free...

  Back in the present I tried to walk over to her, to inspect the body but the Jocks held me & the crowd back who threatened to kill me for going near their dead friend. Fearless Leader told them to let me when I complained.

  I recall standing there pondering her dead body. The waste of such beautiful woman flesh. Minutes ago she'd bragged about testifying against me. How it was her initiation to some lofty Officer position in the gang. Now she was dead & a team of kidnapping recreational serial-killers were all swearing revenge against me for her, their dead friend. The memory is breaking up...

  Fade to black.

  Was she my 1st wife?

  Til death did we part...

TIL DEATH DO US PART... Literally...

  Sooooooo... There I was, in what seemed like a Satanic Chapel in or around Boulder Colorado. My torturers were assembled in the many pews, an alter & pulpit were in front of us & there was a giant pentagram that hung prominently behind them. Flesh stood beside me; Fearless Leader & his ever-present Jock army were there like groomsmen for the camera & Flesh herself stood beside me. A Preacher of sorts asked me if I took this woman to be my wife?

  Me? I was dazed & confused because of the drugs, deprivation, & torture. I became semi-lucid as I staggered in place pondering the subject. It was then that I recognized my kidnappers & recalled the situation before me.

  So I tried to fight my way out of there.

  How'd that work out for me? We fought. I lost. They drugged me anew...

  Later, after another horror skit had been forced upon me. Another PRACTICAL joke concluded successfully. The Nurse stood afar on my left, the Jock army on my right just out of the camera on the tripod's view. My torturers all prepared the next PRACTICAL joke. Props were being brought in from the next room & they were agreeing on the technique they'd use on me while The Nurse prepare yet another syringe for use on me.

  TRIVIA: It's only trivia to add that in my +1,500 page letter to the FBI where someone dies every few pages, I assigned Flesh a theme song for reasons of symbolism. "Flesh for fantasy". I invite the Reader to go to Youtube & play it in the background & read on. It's a story about the life of one of God's children who I nicknamed Flesh. I never knew her real name.

  Fearless & Flesh mocked me about the fake wedding. Noting their pictures & films of them as my friends at our very legal wedding would enable them to destroy me for the friend & employer/caterer of the event Duh Jerk. No one would ever believe me nor question their motives with the films their torture, deprivation, & drugs had allowed them to inflict upon me.

  The pair stood side by side & mocked me & laughed heartily. A few of the Jocks & the gang nearby joined them.

  Me? Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. I pondered the situation before me through the drugs & deprivation. I looked at them. Fearless & the smiling Flesh.

   Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. In a moment of time, I judged Flesh. She would not stand in a court & frame me, nor judge me. Why? Because if I could I was about to kill her... now! I figured they'd kill me for it. But I judged that my death would be acceptable if I could but take her with me to the grave. Here & now!

  I charged at Flesh & leaped into the air with my arms outstretched surprising the Jocks tasked with tackling me if I resisted at any point. WOW! Did she look surprised! So did Fearless Leader.

  I grabbed her by the head & slammed her down with all of my weight!

  The gang piled on me as one while I twisted her neck with all of my laborer might!

  Fearless yelled at The Nurse to drug me.

  Me? I ducked my head down & in the bad light The Nurse armed only with a syringe yelled in response to Fearless' urgent orders. "I can't tell who he is there's too many bodies"!

  I kept my head down & could tell she ran back & forth. Dozens of hands tried to prevent the turning, twisting & yanking action I was inflicting on their friend... Flesh.

  Eventually it occurred to The Nurse to flick on the lights & she picked me out of the crowd & dosed me.

  My strength faded & the gang manhandled me off of Flesh by picking the bodies restraining me off one at a time.

  Fearless assessed the damage on Flesh, pointed at her & yelled at me. "YOU KILLED HER"!

  I said. "She's faking it". Probably just another PRACTUICAL joke. Nothing more.

  Fearless invited me to look at her closely & I struggled through the drugs to do just that. Flesh looked peaceful to me. A look that had eluded her in my presence until then. They were still picking the bodies off of her & I think a leg held her torso slightly off the floor face up. She was facing up with her head resting on the floor in a way no neck could accommodate.


  "So what"? I said staggering there as my strength faded away. "You were gonna kill me anyway". At least I got to take her with me.

  "No we weren't. We were going to have fun with you and let you go"!

  Me? As I faded out, I called him a liar. Certainly, if they weren't going to kill me before they'd kill me now for what I'd done to their beloved seductress friend Flesh.

  Fade to black...

  Later snitched boasted that Flesh & I had legally married, on film. They whined decades later about the extreme lengths they took to ensure a cover-up of the wedding.

  All of them had the same story in a way. Flesh had been a junior Officer of note & her seduction/destruction of me publicly would've signaled a coronation of sorts, her ascension to high rank within the gang.

  She had a lot of friends & loyal family who were counting on her promotion for their own advancement in the gang. But no longer. All they had to look forward to was revenge... revenge against me.

  Til death do us part?





  Right cheek growing number with each bi-weekly injection.

  Yeah, I pray a lot, have put my trust in God, & have talked to a bazillion Police Officers.


  11-14-22 RECAP:

  My cheeks hurt, so I'll ask again?


SUMMER OF 72... anything but the Summer of love for me...

  Soooo... it was while standing there in front of my home at 1269 Harrison Street in Bay City Michigan Circa Summer 1972ish. The Uniformed Bay City... cOP got back into his marked Patrol Car in broad daylight by walking to where it was parked on the north side of our front yard & My Mother (Honor honor honor) went into our home by walking away from me heading south to our front door.

  He'd been there to accuse me of murder... again. By "again" I don't mean him personally but meant another uniformed & on duty Bay City... cOP had come to my home & accused me of murdering a lengthy interrogation.

  Today, 11-14-22 I tried counting which accusation number it was & am fairly confident it was the 5th such time I avoided arrest for murder at the hands of an on duty uniformed Bay City... cop. By "fairly confident" I mean not 100% sure. But I'm sure the number is close, but only rounding down. Keep in mind, this isn't questioning about the same murder 5 times but 5 different murder accusations concerning 5 different cases I'm writing about. For the record I didn't mean that... cop came to accuse me 5 times, I meant that he was the 5th... cop to come to my place to accuse me of murder, 5, yes five, give or take, probably give.

  I submit for the Reader's approval that after a time the number of times you get accused of murder as a child tends to blur in one's memory. You know? Like happened to everyone in true story Americana? Right? I'm asking, not telling because I have nothing to compare it to. Everyone forgets the exact number of times they've been accused of murder. Right?

  Soooooo... Recap. Cop going one way, just accused me of murder, My Mother for whom the sum total of my then existence could be summed up by a sentence she never used once. "Accusation equals guilt" going the other way on a beautiful summer's day.

  I was in awe that I had somehow, like a tap dancer in a minefield, somehow avoided the... cop's word maze of accusation & come out legally unscathed at that time. How'd I do it? I'd prayed & I'd told the truth to the best of my ability. I was a Christian. My nickname was The Good Kid. The Good Kid is 100% ethical at all times. Did I measure up to that standard? For trivia's sake I'll admit it to you Reader. No, no I did not. But I tried & it was important to me. It's what God wanted.

  So there I was, standing in the yard in awe at the situation before me. The... cOP pulled away & My Mother was gone inside our home. I just couldn't believe that this was happening to me. How? I pondered the calamity that my life was. Why? Why me?

  I pondered that... cOP & could only guess at his possible motivation?

  My Mother? For her; accusation on me & only me meant guilt. I'd endure weeks long pain sessions over the alleged theft of a Canadian Penny of no particular value. I'd been pounded for weeks by multitudes based on every vile accusation one could imagine & even more for the most insane & ludacris accusations anyone could think up. At night my door might blast open & she'd retry me for past offences based on an accusation she'd proven me innocent of months or even years ago against me in hours long pain sessions with every adult & child nearby joining in with faces framed with looks of pure ecstasy.

  So why was I unpunished for the murder accusation? Why? More importantly, why again?

  I thought about asking My Mother why? But considering her violent interrogation style at the slightest provocation I decided against it.

  Everybody loses track of the number of times they've been accused of murder? Right?

  Again, I'm only asking because I have nothing to compare it to?



  This is a RECAP of that sunglasses in the hall at Central High School. A taxpayer-funded institution where I faced death many times. I starred in child porn, I endured torture... cOPS assaulted me, tried to frame me, threatened me, lied about me, participated in my attempted murder.

  This in the RECAP of when Duh Jerk was talking about the visiting athletic team from afar all standing by the School Elevator looking at me & swinging imaginary blows at me, landing punches on their opened hands all while glaring at me. One swung a bat angrily, yes, angrily. In fact there are many ways one could swing an aluminum bat in life, one of them is to do so with an emphasis on anger. They did this all while wearing smart brand-spanking new  purple Central High School Football Jerseys.

  Duh Jerk invited me to check down the hallway by pointing at the classroom left of the main offices when you enter the school.

  The rational part of my brain told me not to do it. Not voices in my head, you know, that part of your mind that tells you not to go where the recreational serial-killer just dared you to go.

 Me? How do I explain myself? What I did next? I've never been given to a spirit of fear. My religion forbade it. Though I was an athiest at that time I just was never given to indulge that spirit. Call it a flaw, call it stupid, or just call it what I was & am. They say the truth shall set you free. Here goes...

  So I walked down the hall, as I recall it we were probably nearing the point where the bell would soon sound & I'd be late for class. It'd also sound that the halls would soon be virtually empty & a recreational serial killer claimed he had death squads on both sides of me & he wasn't one to bluff in my experience.

  So I walked to that classroom fully expecting that it was possible that this could be the last thing that I ever did. I wont call it an overwhelming curiosity, nor an attempt at bravado because "he" challenged me. But I was curious. As I walked up I planed a strategy. I'd look in, prepared to run. If I didn't have to run I would observe the room & it's occupants as best I could & as calmly as possible so as not to escalate the situation needlessly.

  As I walked past the main offices the squad behind me ceased their imaginary attacks on me & several of them pointed at me & began to talk about who knows what with Duh Jerk while looking at me.

  In the classroom I could see a room filled with about a team's worth of fit young men, probably a team the year younger than the larger & older teens who were in the hall behind me. They were in a semi-circle huddled about the door & behind about 5-7 foot from the door. They all took turns bending over to peer as far as possible into the hallway & not a one of them could've possibly seen the secondary offices that were then Duh Jerk's Office across from the school elevator.

  As I walked up I noticed the looks on their faces. They looked stressed, not at all angry like the 1st team. Some look terrified. I thought there might be a look of recognition on one of their faces, like I was the guy they were there for but as I slowly walked past & then stood on the far side of the door there was no look of recognition, they almost casually glanced at me like they did at the few others who passed by. Stopping to look at me only once I stopped in the doorway on the far side putting all the participants in my field of view for security. I checked, no one sneaking up on me. So I indulged myself to stare inside & to see what I could see? Desks had been moved away from the door. The occupants seemed more interested in what was going on down the hall than what I was doing, but 1 or 2 of them did stare at me with that "who are you & what is this guy up to look".

  Several of the pack by the elevators broke off & Duh Jerk ordered them to come back. They gorilla walked angrily down the hall.

  Me? I walked casually away & as soon as I was out of sight I took off running with everything I had. I could hear them shouting at students in the gym (coincidence I'd run in that direction is all) & asking if someone with my description had just run by.

  A RECAP... nothing more. Just another day in the 80s in a taxpayer-funded institution in Bay City Michigan. I dare wonder if it was "business as usual".

  Today is 11-17-22 when I write this. The time between when I wrote this & when I just starred in child porn isn't even double digit hours yet.



  "Yes I did". I told the alleged uniformed & on duty "Munger Michigan... cOP" while he stood imprisoned at his "post", inside the cell he'd locked me in for days, maybe even weeks? The memory addled by the gang's dug(s?) I'm not really certain how long I spent in that cell on display as proof of the power of the gang?

  Lets back up a mere minute or 2 here. I had just been searching the one-room very official-looking jailhouse for... anything. Anything that'd get me out of there or make an escape more likely. The uniformed... cOP who wore a uniform that clearly indicated he was a Munger Police Officer stood silently watching me along with about a dozen men.

  They yelled at me to break my concentration. Then paused & said things like. "Are you okay? Do you want some help". A very standard challenge the gang uses against their victims. The theory is that they hope that by repeating themselves they can land the query within moments of a victim's memory resetting. This is the "sweet spot", a moment where a given victim is likely confused & the gang can get them to act in ways contrary to their own personal interests.

  How'd I handle it? I threatened them with my pistol.

  Their retort? My gun was full of blanks & they weren't scared.

  My retort? I went outside & grabbed some fine gravel & came back in & explained to the men that my blank-filled pistol was now a shotgun & if they didn't shut up I would kill them.

  One of them pointed out it'd take an absurdly long time.

  I agreed & even contemplated doing just that. Then I said something like unto. "Motivate me. Watch what happens".

  When one of them kept at his verbal challenges I warned his pals I'd start the shooting soon & once begun wouldn't stop. So if they valued their lives they'd better beat him down & shut him up. I resumed searching.

  When he tried again 'He's bluffing' the other guys told him. "SHUT UP"! They figured I wasn't bluffing.

  It's kind'a fuzzy, but that Red-Headed Secretary got involved & I belted her full tilt. She went down hard! Flying into the middle of the room on the floor.

  I searched some more & other than improvised stabbing weapons I could find nothing useful & decided to leave.

  I looked at the Red-Head. She'd seemed so charismatic when I'd 1st met her from the other side of my cell & she initially acted like she was just some honest hard-working secretary in a jail fighting the good fight of helping justice.

  In time she & I chatted & I told her I saw her for what she was. Another hard-core gang banger "primarily an actor" child-molester.

  She bragged during the quiet times. She was a seductress from her youth for the gang. She'd seduced men & women for the gang, usually on film & destroyed countless lives and she liked it. SHE LIKED IT! She told me she worked most of the year in a children's school where they kept her supplied with children for her personal pleasure. Men & boys lined up to have her. "Even when men know who & what I am they cant resist me". With her looks she could have anyone & had contacts aplenty to ensure a lifetime of ease. Every man wanted her. "Even you. I could have you. I saw the way that you stared at me when you 1st got here".

  I told her that was true. But that now that I knew her for what she was she sickened me. She'd never have me.

  She disagreed.

  I retorted. I could tell she'd been a solid 10, maybe even a year ago. But I pointed out that my preferred woman type was older women & that if I assessed her as having beauty beginning to fade, likely from drinking & drugs, & the "Molester lifestyle" then it was true. She wasn't a solid 10 anymore.

  We talked quite a bit. She told me she was thinking of returning to one of the many Captains of Industry whom she regularly dated & giving them the greatest gift of all. Her. For life.

  Gross... The thought sickened me.

  Advance to the present. Now here we were. She was lying on the floor sprawled out. I wanted to leave. In a moment of time I had the many, many, many times I turned my back on a faking Molestor who called out for help as soon as I was gone. Who attacked me as soon as they could sneak up on me. Who begged for their lives & then mocked me when they facilitated my recapture mocking who foolish I was to trust the word of one of... "them".

  What to do with her? Hmmmmm...

  I looked around for something, some way I might restrain her & my search of the desks was fruitless. I thought I might use a computer cord but they were all bulky, you couldn't twist them around anything effectively.

  An occasional cough came from the cell to remind me I wasn't alone.

  What to do with her so I could escape? I judged I was spending way too long deciding. For all I knew my memory could reset any moment & I'd best be on my way out before that happened. I just didn't have any time. So I hatched a plan that, in lieu of restraining her would shut her up.

  So I walked up & knelt on her & twisted her head with all of my laborer might. K-K-K-K-KRACK!

  You didn't have to kill her" Said the Deputy.

  "Yes I did". I explained I had no way to restrain her.

  The Deputy invited me to look at the walls. Restraining cuffs & shackles o-plenty hung from the walls as did their giant "Munger Michigan" Official-looking law-enforcement seal.


They look nice... the most disturbing RECAP... ever...

  Let me begin with a bible verse very dear to my heart.

Exodus 20:12

  12 Honour thy father and thy mother: that thy days may be long upon the land which the Lord thy God giveth thee.

  It's only trivia to add that BOTH the Police AND my church AND even my own family dismissed me based on THAT bible verse. How? Because IF I were telling the truth ALL OF THEM SAID then I would never honour my parents. It's infallible proof I'm a liar. Period!

  Now the story. I'm not nor was I ever a perfect Christian. Read my story, you just might agree with me? It came to pass one day that I was watching a show titled Texas Chainsaw Massacre. A violent show, I wouldn't recommend it to Christian or non-Christian but I did in fact watch it.

  Then... "it happened". While I sat there on my own couch I began to think on the movie in my heart. Here is a RECAP of those musings.

  I thought to myself what a caring family the character's family were to each other. I wished I had a family who loved me like that. Then it occurred to me, longingly that if the family depicted in the film were mine I just might have killed less people in my all too-short life than I had to that date.

  Then the true horror of the imaginings of my heart dawned on me. I was reviled at... me.


  My advice? Honour thy Mother & thy Father. I suspect that if I had even more rigidly adhered to that verse then my life, my family's life, & the lives of many who died just might have been better.

  My excuse that my Parents (honor honor honor) made it "challenging" sickens me.

  The most disturbing RECAP... ever.

  RECAP: When I say "all of them" I mean that 100% of the groups are included. Though not every single... cop or family member who dismissed me claimed it was hounouring my parents that made them dismiss what I had to say.

  Romans 6:23

23 For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.


Once upon a time upon my bunkbed...

  Sooo there I was at age 8. I was in my bedroom during a quiet moment. I recall that my family were on the other side of a thin wall that seperated the living room from my bedroom. In a moment of time I resolved to take stock of my only goal in life at that time. A goal I wouldn't abandon my entire life.

  My Goal? well in life I'd always wanted to be a racecar driver at that age & changed it to astronaut about then, but that isn't the goal I meant.

  My goal literaly was that I live a number of years so that number would exceeded the number of people I killed. Is this normal Americana? I only ask & don't just say it because I have nothing to compare it to?

  Then I pondered in my heart how I was meeting the challenge of that, my only true goal in life? Normal Americana. Right?

  Sooooo I started counting the dead. Him, her, that guy, that kid, should I include, uhhh, wait, wasn't that a PRACTICAL joke, oh yeah, didn't they brag HE lived, what about that one that's fuzzy?

  I was mentally overwhelmed & had to sit down, so I sat on the lower Bunkbed & decided to obtain a more accurate count, horrified that this was even the situation before me.

  So I started counting again. Him, him, him, her, him, him, uh, wait, didn't the gang brag he lived? Him, him, wait, didn't I already count him? Him, him, no wait, didn't he live & did I count that guy who they said was a PRACTICAL joke?Uh, where was I? It's not the exact words of my heart but the wise get the jist of what happened that day.

  Then I decided that the only way to obtain an accurate count would be to write it down & thought to do that very thing. Then in a moment of time it occurred to me. My family (who were at that time very slap-happy & punishment towards me happy) would immediately ask me about what I was writing if they came upon me writing. I was The Good Kid. The Good Kid always tells the truth, if asked I would tell them exactly what I was writing. I pictured the horror sessions I'd lately endured at the most trivial of accusation & figured that if caught trying to do this task the punishment just might be epic upon epic. I figured I could hide, then make the secret list. I pondered the recent visits by Police who were at my home to accuse me of murder... again & again as of late. Then it occurred to me that if discovered making such a list of how many people I'd killed (or even how many people I suspected I'd killed) in hiding the punishment could be astounding.

  So I judged it too dangerous to do. Then it occured to me. I'd lost track of the number of people I'd killed at age 8.

  The horror... the horror...

"You are our Recruiter".


"The 1st thing you should know about us is that we're primarilly actors". 

- The very 1st thing Duh Jerk taught me when he tried to recruit me in Fall of 1976







The Classroom to the Left of The Main Offices is about here





The School Elevators are about here





West of the Main Entrance is about here



  It was some time later. Duh Jerk stopped me in the Hallway, why? I forget that particular time at the time of this writing. Whatever it was for he had his say & I had mine in that tax-payer funded Bay City... cOP, Michigan State... cOP,  & FBI Agent protected hallway (a list of local law-enforcement agencies tasked with MY protection).

  So I asked him while his defense squad stood guards on the west side of the main entry doors to the school. What about the guys in football jerseys that'd chased me? It seemed like he'd lost control of them? What happened.

  He looked ashamed when he told me being that the would-be vigilantes were card-carrying hardcore gang regulars (not his exact words) he'd showed a wide assortment of "films" starring myself so the raping & kidnapping gang of murderers would feel self-righteous & in a good mood about killing me. The way Duh Jerk had brought it up was he was sure I'd attack him & they'd get a chance to rid the world of the biggest scumbag around. When I just walked away they decided to take the law into their own hands with my death!

  He'd lost control of them & they'd all be punished. Losing control of one's self in such a situation was unforgiveable to the gang. They'd soon be seriously punished.

  Changing the subject to decades later The Last Snitch was yelling at me during a debriefing. He wanted me to know why he hated me. "You don't evenn realize how many of our people have been injured or killed over you"! While he didn't share any numbers with me in my opinion it seemed to be a number he felt uncomfortable with? Just a guess?

  RECAP of a RECAP. All over my sunglasses. Go figure huh? It amuses me to suggest to... cOPS to click below & go to the section labeled "It's the sunglasses".

  My sunglasses... that were wrecked for profit & revenge...



  It's only trivia to admit that typing "Once upon a time upon my bunkbed" has greatly depressed me.

  I am not a better person for having rehashed that memory.



  The RECAP page isn't about furthering my story, it's not about what I think might help me (well, not much), it's about what's on my mind & helping me to deal with it, mostly.

  Sooooooo.... there we were, mere blocks from Bay City Central High School, just west of it in what seemed like an ordinary suburb. Duh Jerk bragged we were in a small enclave. An area of the city where, in part thanks to the loud music they continuously played & the face that they "owned" the neighboring properties (see "Definitions Page" for a definition sure to daze & confuse any 100 mid-Michigan... cOPS).

  Duh Jerk explained the rules of the end of my life to me in a spacious living room packed to the gills with himself & an army of 18 year old Jocks, & Bay City's own dirty.. cop I've nicknamed "Dirty Cop". Circa 1988.

  1) I could do anything I wanted to my captors. Hurt them to my heart's content, kill them if I wanted.

  2) My captors could hit me all they wanted, body blows only. "Not the face".

  3) The were going to be torturing me for a long long time.

  What happened next? They didn't feed me & they beat me & kept me awake for a long, long time.

  4) I was going to be raped a lot.

  Me? How'd I handle it? What was my plan? 1st, I prayed, a lot! To God be the glory for my survival, I was never strong or tough enough to have survived & I knew it (athiest me, athiest off their drugs, Christian on them). My plan didn't go well. But I always figured that a bad plan is better than no plan at all. I responded to their plan by beating on them as much as I could. Biting of body parts, breaking limbs, busting bones, poking out eyes, & set out to kill as many of them as I could & tried my very best, while addled by the drugs & sleep deprivation, to do just that. My ultimate goal, a goal I gave very low odds of success was my freedom. Freedom. Freedom...

  Freedom free·dom noun

  1. the power or right to act, speak, or think as one wants without hindrance or restraint.

    "we do have some freedom of choice"

    • absence of subjection to foreign domination or despotic government.

      "he was a champion of Irish freedom"

    • the state of not being imprisoned or enslaved.

      "David A. George tried vainly to fight his way to freedom"

  How'd their plan work? It worked well. I was beaten & raped, often by the entire lined up room's content's daily, for weeks. On film.

  How'd my plan work. I got free a few times but was recaptured over & over chiefly by uniformed on duty Bay City Police who played a major role in my repatriation to said property & event. They even knocked out my front tooth (bragging that they superglued it back in for the public "event" to come).

  I busted up a lot of young men about to enter the prime of their lives. Amputations, wounds that no doubt scarred them for life. Broken this & busted that. Possibly a lifetime of disability to come for a few of them (just a guess).

  Time passes...

  They took me to a makeshift arena & very much tried to sell me that it was a cattle Auction House. Their "official" story being that a bunch of guys who run organized crime from a Public School chose to commit crimes in a Cattle Auction House with High School-type seating, barriers, & basketball playing area & hoop.

  They explained the rest of my life to me. Duh Jerk had beaten & deprived me for weeks to do away with me here, now where I would be an easy victim for the gladiatorial arena he'd signed me up for.

  I'll describe the rest simply using as few words as possible in case a mid-Michigan... cOP should somehow read this.

  They brought in a guy. We fought. I won. The "Judge" who described himself as "The Sheriff" told me to kill my opponent or he'd kill me. Now! I refused. I tried to make a break for it. The Gang beat me down & returned me to the fight.

  Lots of other guys fought. I didn't pay much attention to them, even if the films prove I stared in that direction (my mind was elsewhere in prayer & thought).

  They brought in a guy I'll nickname #2. We fought. I won. The uniformed Police Officer & "Judge" who described himself as "The Sheriff" told me to kill my opponent or he'd kill me. Now! I refused. I tried to make a break for it. The Gang beat me down & returned me to the fight. In my opinion I almost got away but #2 was instrumental in helping them defeat me. His reason he said was because I'd beaten him.

  I told #2 I was angry because only minutes ago I'd spared #2's life under direct threat against my life to kill him, or The Sheriff would kill me. He was a typical Gang Member. My sparing his life at so great a cost meant nothing in his "you wronged me self-important world-view so typical of the gang's members".

  Lots of other guys fought. I didn't pay much attention to them, even if the films prove I stared in that direction (my mind was elsewhere in prayer & thought).

  I assessed myself physically & mentally here during prayer. My strength was waning, ebbing, draining. Muscles were starting to in part shut down & more so that when I'd entered. When I looked at the Fight Roster I realized I would lose. I didn't have the strength to fight that many trained fighters.

  So I hatched a new plan & announced it to the spectators & participants. "TO FIGHT ME IS DEATH! I WILL KILL ANYONE WHO FIGHTS ME"! Then I set out to do just that. It's not as glamourous as I make it sound. It's a grim & grizzly task that I carried out as mercifully as possible. Quick deaths whenever I could. No name-calling. Respectful slaughter.

  Lots of other guys fought. I didn't pay much attention to them, even if the films prove I stared in that direction (my mind was elsewhere in prayer & thought).

  I fought. Guys died.

  I recall this one. A big powerful man. He had a 50ish year old Manager who bragged on his Fighter & how he'd kill me to collect the Bounty Duh Jerk publicly offered there to anyone who was lucky enough to be the one to kill me.

  Me? I treated them like the others who lived & died. I tried to talk them out of fighting me. I failed & the pair taunted me about my coming death while Duh Jerk & the 4 Stars smiled on.

  A long story short? We fought. The man was primarily a wrestler. Often I note that the gang noted my reluctance to wrestle & took that as & spread around that it was because I was a weak wrestler. I'm not then, nor now claiming I was ever tough. Frankly, I liked wrestling. I avoided it only because I learned early in life to not fight to your opponent's strengths & their lifestyle of constantly subduing victims has gifted many of them with wrestling talent. The guy was big, strong, great wrestler. We fought. Here's what happened in this RECAP:

  At one point we were wrestling quite a while. The Sheriff got bored when fights stalemated in wrestling matches so he beat both wrestlers until they released or one overcame the other. We wrestled & he beat us apart a few times. At one point in the wrestling I was on my back laying on to of his belly & had him in a headlock & his legs in a leglock & he was bent backward by this, particularly his neck which was stretched as far back as a neck can go.

  Describe his neck? He was a powerful man with a thick muscular neck.

  Me? I raised my arm & pulled it back as far as I could & delivered 3 chops to his throat with all my might! WHAM! WHAM! WHAM!

  I thought I had him but the guy martialed his strength & threw me off him like a sack of potatoes with a display of strength unlike what he'd shown thus far. His Manager rushed in to shield his guy from me & men from all over rushed in & kept us separate while his Manager tended the man who bragged he'd kill me, for "the money'.

  I stood waiting for him to come back, envious only that no one would be tending my wounds had our situations been reversed.

  In about 30 seconds, maybe a minute it became visibly apparent that my would-be killer's neck was swelling. Major swelling.

  I looked on in horror at how large the man's neck had gotten & figured he was likely to die from his wounds. Still, they had a Uniformed Ambulance Crew right there so I figured he had decent odds of living.

  My opponent stared into my eyes & without an utterance I knew what he was thinking. He was about to die & he knew it because no throat can swell that much and the man still live. I knew exactly what he was going to do.

  My opponent attacked me with everything he had!

  Me? I'd prayed for the strength, a plan, the wisdom to survive. I amended my plan on the spot. Here's what happened next.

  My would-be killer, a powerful & boasting trained fighter (according to him & his Manager) came at me with everything he had.

  I decided to block, figuring he only had a limited time until he ran out of oxygen.

  We fought, maybe a minute? Ever fight a minute against a trained fighter trying to kill you with everything he's got with abandon? Then, he unceremoniously dropped like a stone.

  I recall complaining that the Ambulance Crew just stood around & even suggested that they do an emergency tracheotomy to save the man's life. They offered to give me a small blade & let me do it. I almost did. Why not? 1) I don't know how & 2 I figured that edited film footage of me slicing the guy's throat would seal my fate in any 100 honest courtrooms. In short, "fear". I was afraid to do it, lest he might have survived & it was my surgical incompetence THAT KILLED THE MAN.

  The Ambulance Crew refused to perform any life-saving medical treatment.

  In a moment of time I could see that the Manager who told me he loved his friend deeply realized his friend was going to die then & there. SO HE ATTACKED ME!

  ME? My mind flooded with self-pity, I recall praying a conversation to God (Note: I said to, & not with). This was so unfair. I didn't have enough gas in the tank to take on all the guys on the list. I was dying slowly myself, losing it. This was so unfair that my life had come to this point & now the calamity of having to kill this guy who I never wanted to kill is compounded with now I have to fight his Manager too?

  We fought, maybe a minute. Then, then the Sheriff ordered he be ejected from the arena.

  While they held the Manager who was screaming threats at me to prevent the self-professed trained fighter from killing (his stated goal BTW) me the rest of us all stood around, we all stood around & watched the man die, we all stood around in a big circle, staring into the once bragging man's face, and watched the man die, slowly...


  For the record: RECAPS SUCK.

I should'a learned to play the guuitar, I should'a learned to...

  Play this link very softly in the background:

  Soooooo... Circa summer of 1972 I'd just been given a 6-string guitar, at the time of this writing I forget who gave it to me. But it coincided with the time my neighbor, the kid I hung out with my own age who lived next door to my 1269 Harrison Street home in the corner of Bay City Michigan in the low-income duplex. Believe it or not when he moved away he gave me his 12-string guitar. He told me he was moving to Florida to live with his real Dad. Then he left.

  Me? I'd already told him & others I was resolved to learn to play a musical insterment. Why not the guitar?

  So I decided to spend hours a day learning it.

  How'd it go? Badly. I found it impossible to learn the chords. Add in the fact that I have no beat & poor Rythm & I was quite horrible playing the guitar.

  Worse? Like I said I found I couldn't memorize the chords. I might spend hours trying my best to memorize a given chord, musical note & how to play that single note only to begin practice the next day & literally have no memory of what that note was or how to play it? I was dumbfounded. How could this be? After 2 weeks of being stuck on... uhhh... wasn't it mostly "G"? I'd be a liar if I said I was positive of any chord's name whatsoever. 2 or more hours a day, 7 days a week for 2 weeks & I sat and inventoried my skill with a guitar in hand. I couldn't recall a single chord no matter how long I'd practiced it the day before. I tried reading the music before me, it was like a new language even though I'd spent weeks trying to learn. I was literally 0% on my way to my goal of playing the guitar.

  I took it all as a sign that I wasn't musically inclined, certainly not with the guitar, and just quit. It's 2 weeks of 2-4 hours a day I'll never get back on hot summer days in an unventilated room. Sigh...

  I'd have completely forgotten the subject if in about a week my smiling "Cousin" hadn't summoned me to him & bragged on the subject.

  My Cousin asked me how my guitar learning had went?

  Me? I was amazed he even knew about the subject? I told him the truth as I saw it. I gave up learning the guitar after weeks of practice hadn't yielded even the slightest ability. I just wasn't talented I'd supposed.

  Grinning form ear to ear My Cousin told me he had a theory as to why I'd failed to learn the guitar & would keep failing. "I ordered your Mother to drug you every time you tried learning to use the guitar". He complained that he did it all the time to his young victims & his main complaint was I lasted 2 weeks, most victims barely lasting a single week of this treatment. It meant that he had to return with drugs once & had just dropped off a new batch of drugs when I'd finally decided to quit trying.

  Me? I told him I didn't buy it.

  "Oh yeah"? He asked me to recall when I was in class as of late, that short petite pretty teacher who tormented me when I didn't learn. He told me he drugged me often & chose times critical to my learning to do so.

  I told him I didn't buy it.

  "Oh yeah"? He asked. Then he proceeded to ask me many questions from classes, particularly English classes & infallibly zeroed in on my every weakness. He then bragged he liked to keep himself informed of my education & drugged me at critical points so I'd fall behind my fellow students. "The cops will not think that anyone deficient in English is smart". He like to brag.

  Then he demanded to know how I answered some of the questions? I shouldn't know those things.

  I explained that I liked to read the schoolbooks on my own time from time to time.

  He said he knew that & had solved it. He claimed he'd ordered My Mother (Honor honor honor) to interrogate me every time she saw me with a schoolbook about the subjects I was learning & to beat me for my every perceived wrong answer.

  I told him it was true she did do that, so I simply hid my books from her.

  He told me he was going to punish her for her failure & make sure she beat me whenever I took my schoolbooks home by making my classmates inventory my books when I left school & reporting their removal to her.

  What do you say to your recreational serial-killing Satanic Church Leader stalker at that point Reader? At the time of this writing I don't recall my exact response but I'll write what was often my response to him & to... cops.


  A DULL CONVERSATION WITH A KIDNAPPER... My opinion? He should'a kept his mouth shut...

  Every now & then I think on this encounter with a kidnapper, the memories of that day come bubbling to the surface. For the record I do not count it as a fond memory but one inflicted upon me by madmen. I purposed in my heart to dedicate this tale to the head of The Bay City Police, whoever that may be at this time, 12-14-22 at 12:07 PM. No need to thank me Sir or Mam, just knowing you're out there bringing the same kind of law enforcement excellence that made my website possible is reward enough for me. GULP!

  We begin with me in The Bomb Shelter Garages. I'd just begun my escape. There were bodies lying here & there, young men & women. They were all 18 years old, just graduated & their big chance to prove to the gang they had what it takes to succeed. Or so I was told. They were unusual only in that they were a bragging lot, as a rule Jocks, Guards, & their Seductress Handlers don't talk shop very often with their victims. They bragged a lot to me. What became of them? They died screaming for help in that soundproof room where I made it a point to keep my back to the exit & picked them off one at a time. For the most the fight is fuzzy, hard to recall. I recall deciding to kill them & did my very best to facilitate it. Truth be told they did put up a struggle, but I had 100 lbs on the heaviest I'll bet & none were very athletic as I recall it. Actually, I really just don't reminisce about them much at all. It's the next guy.

  Sooooo... I decided to leave. I'd gotten a sweet steak knife from their food prep area. Actually just a spot they prepared the meals they ate & the meals they pretended to serve me between porn films to facilitate yet more filmed mundane interactions for their ongoing blackmail/framing scam against me (and others, I am not alone & there's an army of fellow victims out there).

  A Jock came in armed with a sweet blade himself & basically told me in so many words I'd been recaptured. He had a knife so I'd better submit. OR ELSE!

  Me? I had a knife too & pointed to all the dead bodies that I wasn't bluffing when I gave him a chance to surrender.

  He laughed at me & mocked me. He had a big sharp knife & I should check my blade because it was dull.

  Yeah, I checked it. That blade was just a dull metal stick of sorts shaped like a knife. Nothing more. Probably less sharp than an average butterknife.

  Me? I thanked him for telling me the knife was dull. "I probably would've just slashed you. Now that I know better I'm going to just stab you over & over". That, or words to that effect. I very much recall my next words. "A dull knife will kill you just as dead as a sharp knife".

  Him? In so many words he told be he was willing to bet his life on it.

  Me? In so many words I told him I too was willing to bet my life on it.

  We fought. I won.

  It was Circa 1988ish, and he had been born a child full of potential just like his coworkers. Such a waste.

  I wonder what words I will say if I should face them on Judgement Day?

  That's when I told The Last Snitch. "I kill rapists. It's what I do".

I appraised the knife. It had about a 6-inch blade & was made of a single piece of metal. Likely drop forged, a knife that had never been sharpened after it's construction.

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  Warehouse style werˌhous/stīl noun Assembly line-type of interrogation/blackmail technique. A small group of victims is assembled & often drugged & or sleep-deprived 1st & then interrogators impose a skit or skits & or interrogation techniques upon each victim one after another. example: "We rounded up all the Kids Anyone Can Hit from each Chapter & tortured them all warehouse style & made them all think they might have killed some little rich girl" one after the other. Well most of'em fell for it in any event".

  human good diddlyoodness (h)yo͞omən ɡo͝od didlēo͝odnəs n. 1. an unwritten social barrier of personal interaction & deeds that no one would cross no matter what based on fair play, common courtesy, a shared sense of honor & unwritten common law ethics ethics across all of humanity. 2. Crimes no one would ever commit, unless they live in a major city. example: "The Bay City... cop said 'no one would do that around here. Basic human good diddlyoodness prevents it. Now if you said it happened in Detroit, maybe I'd believe you'. 8


  Duh Jerk often bragged on his commonly used tactic against what he literally calls "my victims".

It's a small world.

  In the scam a victim is attacked in places they frequent or can be proven to have frequented. In other cases, like mine various family members & even friends lived in the environs of the Defunct Hospital. Meaning that, in Duh Jerk's mind, that no evil against his targets could've happened there because, it's a small world.

  "Notice how he [my victim] always says we attacked them at nor near places they hung around? That's proof they are crazy because they accuse us of targeting the places they visit". But the truth is they have a lot of victims & engage would-be targets all over Bay City & other locations & try to specifically engage the "It's a small world defense strategy" whenever possible, so of course the gang engages their targets thusly whenever possible in previously visited locations of their targets. It's only logical.

  I hear it applies to schools & stores & even, when possible, to places targets have worked & former or present hangouts.

  My counter was this. "That tactic might work in a big city like Detroit but not in a small city like Bay City. Bay City is only so large so of course anyplace the gang targeted me was near a place I visited or hung out near". It'd be almost impossible to arrange the opposite, that is to commit stalking crimes like I've suggested & not near places I hung out at or frequented, because I get around.

  It's how the scam works.


  "They" stole a few more of the dice that I always carry on my person. Go figure huh? An entire set of the $1 Store dice & a few of the remaining "better" dice that they didn't steal last time. only a pro gamer would notice or even note it.

  Written 4-17-23


  I was just reading the story "A DULL CONVERSATION" again, looking for errors & pondering IF I should add in exactly how the last guy died (Oh, he died, I know it) and I was disgusted by the story.

  WHY? Because of how I talked about the 3 who died before how the last guy in the story died (I made no autopsy, it's just as likely that they may have lived). I was disgusted by the FACT that in my tale of the lives of 3 young men & WOMEN WHO WERE ABOUT TO ENTER INTO THE PRIME OF THEIR LIVES i EQATED THEIR LIVES IN WRITING TO: "and the rest". Those were people's lives. It was without glee that I write about that in my own desperate quest to end the ongoing torture & to gain my freedom & YES, to get some sleep, & that was a big part of why they died, I wanted "rest", sleep, R.E.M. sleep. That in my quest for life & to end the ongoing frame up on me they died. I killed him, the guy by stabbing him over & over with a dull blade about 6 inches long. Then I walked away & recalled my very recent experience where his own teammate had gotten back up after I'd thought he was dead & attacked me & decided that this guy wasn't going to repeat that. So I stabbed him over & over making sure to stab into his jugular veins a bunch of times before I tried to escape with his sharp knife which I used on the final guards.

   "And the rest". Sad is the day that a human life is equated to "and the rest" when discussing ending young lives.

  I'll always remember "My Cousin's" words he spoke to his peers while I played with a toy blue Porsche. "See how he kills without remorse"?

   I'm not a murderer. I have never killed with the intent of commiting murder. Murder is wrong.

  I have killed a lot of people. Some good, some bad, & some very very bad about whom the word "wicked" applies.

  Wont someone stop this?

  Help me? Please?


  Soooo... RECAPPIN the RECAP of the RECAP. Is that even legal?

I recall how, then, in the Bomb Shelter Garages (note my use of the letter "s" in garages) that the gang kept me surrounded by a combination of giant Jocks clothed in black, average sized guys of no particular level of fitness, always a pretty young woman or 2 (as a minimum, to act as "calmers" in case a victim should become agitated, or so they told me "no one wants to hit a pretty girl" they bragged, it was "useful" to do against their victims), & often, but not always 1-3 10-11 year old children. All the participants were about aged 18 except Officers, like Duh Jerk, Fagboy, Duh Weasel, The Mayor's Brat, & Shortstuff, and of course any visitors or fellow victim/,members or participants in the many skits they inflicted regularly that I call PRACTICAL jokes. PRACTICAL jokes is written symbolically.

Everyone but the Officers lived at the garages in the nearby homes next door to the Garages & allegedly took turns manning the lookout houses & providing security for the small parties that went on there.

Living there often meant eating there as they bragged/whined that no one could leave the environs but Officers or someone doing a specific gang task. If the conversations I overheard were true they were often providing back-up or muscle to any number of ongoing gang projects against an assortment of victims who were each at different stages in their ultimate planned demise by the gang. I also so some sent straight to the Brothel to service clients who didn't seem happy about it.

I wrote ALLLLLLL that so I could write this. Here goes:

I recall that they made their meals there. I remember talking with a young woman who'd recently helped recaptured me when I spared her life & tried to leave. She'd given me her word she'd remain quiet in exchange for sparing her life, an option I hadn't given the 3 or 4 young men who lay on the floor around her. She screamed bloody murder & during my recapture it was she who rushed up with a syringe, filled it, & injected me while I was planning on dispatching the rest of the guards (and was doing so).

She told me that I was a fool to trust her. "I'm a Devil-Worshipper". She bragged her word meant nothing & made it a point to humiliate me. She'd even begged for my death because of what I'd done to her classmates that summer. Duh Jerk looked like he pondered my life or death a long time before he told her no. Then he replaced all the guards & staff but her. She was a good cook & provided excellent secondary services they told me (not their exact words).

  I recall when she cooked. When they ate. If it was takeout, they often made it a point to eat in front of me. If she cooked the skits, PRACTICAL jokes, & torture sessions ended & they ate & I was usually returned to my cell next door or the makeshift cells inside the Garage.

It happened again. I got loose, then I killed everyone again. Her towards the end. We were all standing around gasping, I and the last 3 Guards & her. She'd been tasked with trying to escape the room & get reinforcements.

Me? I fought with my back to the door, yanking them into a fight 1 at a time & grabbing at her whenever she came near. It was actually good leverage. Say I needed a respite in the fight or things were going poorly for me. I just grabbed her & taunted the guards. "How could you just let me beat a woman like this"?  They let me go & tried to free her. It made the fight winnable in my opinion.

Soooo there were about 3 of'em left & her. She circled like a panther for any moment of weakness to escape. All she had to do was get to the door & flip the thick lock open & open the big door mechanism. Not as easy as you'd think because the door opened inward & I made sure the fight was at the door. Looking back on it I think the guys should've tried harder to yank me from the door than they did. We were all there, sucking wind, gasping. I wasn't yet at my second wind but I recognized that they were. I figured I had to act, not let them get a second wind. But how? I figured I had to rescue the odds against me by any means possible. Hmmmm...

Until now she'd circled the room with impunity. It made it easy to grab her. Then I promptly snapped her neck like a chicken. K-K-K-K-K-KRACK!

The guys attacked! Having not regained their second wind they were much easier to kill than they might've been in my opinion.

The gal (whom I've given no "nickname") had been cooking. Quite elaborately actually. She prepared the food around me, then cooked it elsewhere in the nearby kitchen they'd shown me when I asked to see it earlier. As a rule she prepared their meals all while chatting with her teammates at a table between her team & myself. Now I went over to her table & gabbed me a knife after I had assessed that it was the best available weapon. The utensils being too flimsy & the table being a flimsy card table with no chairs or any other furnishings in the room. About a 6-inch blade & very sturdy, a single piece of metal. I was amazed that the team hadn't used the utensils against me. But they were dull. Then I left.

I opened the door & was met by a single jock down the hall & the exchange noted in the RECAP happened. I recall when he told me the blade was dull that I studied it so well I feel comfortable using the word "appraise". It was a single piece of metal, likely drop forged with a handle wrapped in leather or cloth. Very sturdy.. A knife that had never been sharpened. I recall being confident enough with it that I said. "A dull knife will kill you just as dead as a sharp knife".

I also recall stabbing him over & over in the jugular veins on the sides of his neck, just to be sure he wouldn't follow me & I went out to dispatch the few remaining guards.

As far as Jocks & torturous skit pros go I'd say that their talents were top notch and as good as any of the gang I'd ever encountered. They were ruder than most, as no other torturers prepared their food in front of me like they had.

I later heard someone lived, & all but 1 died & the deaths would be explained away as a summer school bus accident & a few random accidental death facilitated by keeping the bodies on ice in a Morge.

I asked them who lived & they refused to tell me. Then I asked if the gal had live & was told she was surely dead. Of course, her head was on backwards when I last saw her (like several of them actually).

I dedicate this tale to Bay City's Highest Ranking FBI Agent as of 01-07-23 when I wrote this. Without who's excellent investigative talents stories like mine would not be possible. No need to thank me Sir or Mam, and please don't send me money. Just knowing you're out there using your investigative talents in the fine Bay City FBI Tradition is reward enough for me.


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"I like to keep my victims well-informed. No one will believe a well-informed victim when they say that they didn't do it".


TALES FROM... THE WOODS!!! True tales of woodland horror...

  This tale is brought to you courtesy of the fine investigative talents of the Bay CIty Gang Chapter of the Michigan STate Police without whom's fine investigative talents none of my website's stories would be possible. Please guys, no need to thank me & please don't send me any money. Just knowing you're out there bringing the fine policework that made my site possible is reward enough for me. PHHHHHHHTTTT!

  Set your wayback macines for the early 70s & buckle your seatbelts, it's gonna be a bumpy ride!




  Sooooooo... it was the early 70's & my Mother's Parents had their backyard set up mostly as a garden/crop field. They had a big yard & most of it grew food. They used to do a lot of canning & as a lil kid it was my job, and my job alone as a grandkid to work in "The Garden" as they called it & I was glad to. You see they paid me $1 a week to work about 4 hours a day there & I was happy to do it... come payday. Like most kids. Attendence was mandatory for myself & my Cousins (who I never learned the names of to this day, literally, they weren't allowed to play with me or talk to me since the time I was a few weeks old onwards, though I'll bet several "films" will dispute my take on events that occured whenever they chose to interact with me).

  I usually did the work alone up & until 1971ish. Frnakly, no one else would obey the adult family authority save My Mother's Brother ocasionally & myself continuously. They'd work a few minutes & whenever you turned your back they'd run off.

  About 1970-71ish they decided to not raise crps in the very back half of the property reducing their crops to about 1/3rd. I thought nothing of it as the next year the back half grew wild & grass & weeded over.

  The next year the entire former cropland sprung up with tiny trees that grew to waist high or so & made trekking through difficult but made for a bug-choked but nice place to hide for hide-n-go-seek games we often played (a static game I might play occasionally with children as, since one hid & didn't interact with people I could play with the other children. "Occasionally".

  The next year it grew about 7-10 feet & the trees were an impossible to enter bio-mass where no one went whatsoever. In the late fall I recall making tunnels by hand through the dense impassible woods. It was hard work as I was allowed to use no tools. Frankly, the many hours it took compared to the few minutes we played there in the Fall chill wasn't worth it. But I had high hopes for the next year.

  The next summer the trees grew taller & the woods, while impassible werent the almost solid biomass they were last year. Hacking a path, again by hand required careful scouting to pick the spots I could rip trees up & snap off here & there. It was a lot of work & this time My Bro & a few of the innumerable visitors I'd never see again in a week helped. We hacked a few paths with a lot of sweat & played maybe an hour or 2 before the assembled adults announced they'd seen us playing & forbade any of us to enter the woods under threat of great punishment.

  I protested & they never gave any reason I liked for the rule. It was just final & too bad if I didn't like it.

  "My COusin had his own theory on it & told it to me beer in hand (his default state BTW). "I ordered it", He claimed he'd planted the woods, like he'd planted many such woods where he coould rape young victims. He was familiar with how long it took to grow out when he densely planted the woods & as a rule it took 5 years of growth & an the 6trh year the tall trees would choke everything & he could walk in & do whatever he wanted to whomever he wanted. The best thing was since it was a newly wooded area people familiar with the area wouldn't consider it as a rule when considering where his victims got raped. Plus since he often panted such woods here & there he could shuttle victims between them & make their stories unbvelieveable to... cops & jurys. Win/win.

  "I noticed you hacked a bunch of trails through there". He mocked me. He laughed at me all the more when he made me admit I'd done it by hand & mocked that he'd seen me doing it & sent me the help to do it. "Why do you think they weren't punicshed for talking to you"?

  I told him a lot more people than he thought talked to me & since he punished a lot of children & adults for talking to me or playing with me that it meant that people were actually talking to me & even playing with me occasionally.

  He promised to crack down more harshly on people who talked to me from then on.

  My big mouth. Sigh... In times like that I often thought about complaining more but it occurred to me that it was other people who got punished for talking to or playing with me & if I complained they just migght start punishing someone else... ME! So i'd best shut up.

  "My Cousin" was drunk when he told me the reason he didn't want me back there was because him & his guys were actively raping & torturing people there.


  Advance time, but not much...


  Sooooo there I was. At another one of My Mother's Parent's Grande Parties. Usually we showed up early & on the hottest days they kicked My Mother's kids out 1st thing. Not the Godless brats mind you. No. The Satanic troublemakers were the stars. Welcome. I & usually my siblings were not welcome on the hottest days so we usually played in the back yard between my (and mine alone) frequent Gauntlet Sessions that usually happened daily & sometimes bi-hourly because of usually ludacris accusations.

  Today a beautiful disheveled blonde woman, early 20s, clothes ripped & only held to her bruised body by her arms stumpled out of the path I'd made weeks ago.

  In my opinion now (not then, now it's my opinion) she was drugged & didn't answer right away. She stopped & pondered, looked around & then answered me & said she'd just been drugged & raped by the guys in the small clearing in the woods (that I'd also made BTW at great physical effort for a child with no tools) & feared the guys were right behind her.

  On que the group of about 8 large teens & adults came out of the woods. Pointed her out & said get her.

  Me? I stood beteen her & them & announced I was protecting her & told my siblings to go inside & call the Police! When you read my story you'll realise I took a huge gamble here concering the subject of my safety here.

  An adult said. "Lets just kick his @$$ & take her".

  Other remarked who is this little kid telling US what to do? They counciled eacjh other to beat me up & return her to the party in the clearing. The gal hid behind me & the rather large party behind me came to a halt, but no one helped either way.

  I stood my ground. Partly because as I looked at the Jocks beefore me & I knew a of a few of them. "My Cousin" rarely told me who'd seen what "films" of me as a rule, so I never knew why they hated or feared me. But these guys had been shown quite a few films of me killing people as part of a routine "lets-make-the-following-people-hate-David-because-we-can-session". I knew they'd "seen the films". So I just double dog dared them to fight me.

  A few adults mocked me & a few of the adults who'd "seen the films". said things like. "Hold on there". "I ain't fighting him".

  "Come on! Lets just kick his @$$ & return her to the party".

  What am I saying? I'm saying that the guys, big guys said things like. "He's a lot tougher than he looks". & "I ain't fighting him"!

  My siblings called the Michigan State police who showed up & read the gal who'd be nude but for holding her tattered garments about her body the riot act. She'd be locked up & an ambulance would take HER away.

  I counciled the... cOP to go down the path & look for drugs but the men insisted the only reason I knew there were drugs down that path was because they were mine!

  That... cOP siezed a lot of drugs, threatened me... threatened ME! He told me I was too young to charge, it'd ruin my life so he was letting me off with a warning.

  To be continued... maybe? But probably not.


What do you think we do???

  Sooooo... there I was, minding my own beeswax when the man known to me as only "My Cousin" who my family would call "Your Cousin" when discussing him with me came to me & demanded an audience. Uhhh... he wanted to chat so everyone was ordered gone, by him. OR ELSE!

  We chatted about what I cant recall. Occasionally he told me he liked to talk to me because I was the only person he respected at the Grande Party. That our conversations were "one killer to another". You know, normal talk with an American 7 year old kid. Right? I only ask because I have nothing to compare it to.

  During the "chat', beer in hand he asked me. "What is it that you think that we do around here"? What was their criminal enterprise he asked?

  Me? I said I had no idea & when he told me I was a liar, because I was a genius I surely knew or someone had surely told me I told him he was better at isolating me than he thought & I didn't talk shop with his people much. Plus I didn't believe a word any of them said so why bother asking him or his people anything?

  He said that the Grande Parties at My Mother's Parent's Place were part of the gang's sex & blackmail ring. He asked me if I noticed the sheer number of people who came there never to be seen again. A dozen or 2 & most of them for a single day and other than "The Regulars" were never to be seen again. Often, sometimes less people but often more people attended. Up to double. Many of the people lasted a week. Very rarely some lasted a bit longer. Rarely.

  My Cousin said they were recent blackmail victims of the gang. Many were there to be framed all the more, hence their filmed campaign of violence against me. They encouraged their new victim/members & already long-serving member/victims to commit violence against me & filmed it so they could inspire police & vigilantes to attack them if they ever turned on the gang.

  As touching the girls, small, teens, & women he said many of the week long visitors were whores. They'd "retreaded their private parts to make them smaller & tighter. Did you ever notice that sometimes the boys will play with you but almost never the girls"?

  Yeah, I noticed. "So what"?

  He claimed it was because they were all sore from the retreading. "They are a bunch of whores. If they weren't sore you'd be getting a lot of sex from them but you're not". He mocked.

  Me? I told him I never wanted his whores.

  Tell me oh wise readers. Tell me this oh ye... cops who may read this. What's a 7 year old to say in this conversation? Huh?


  "Now you have to kill an innocent of my choosing". -Duh Jerk, lots of times.

  First-degree murder is the most severe form of murder defined in the US legal system. In these cases, the murder was committed with malice aforethought. In other words, the crime was committed with the intent to cause harm to and kill the victim or victims with no regard for human life.

  "There were bodies everywhere". I betcha betcha...


"We own the cops". A common child-molester saying in & around Bay City, Saginaw, & mid-Michigan

  I decided when I first tried reaching out to law-enforcement with my story that the best way that I could tell it & still Honor My Parents was to tell not only my story, but to tell their story as truthfully as possible & without exaggerations.

  I also realized that if I lied or exaggerated I'd go down in flames so I decided to tell my story as truthfully as I could to the best of my ability.

  After I felt my blade & that it was very dull   I thanked my captor for telling me that the blade was in fact very dull as since he warned me I'd change my fighting style. Then I told my Jock Guard. "A dull knife will kill you just as dead a sharp knife".

  In so many words he told me that was something he was willing to bet his life on.

  Me too.

  He lost that bet.

  06-30-22 I was recalling the latest PRACTICAL joke against me in the alleged factory during a scripted "work release", or so my captors sold dazed & drugged me. I recalled the last time I was there. They sold to me that it was a school. 2 Area Uniformed Police Officers had worked with the 2 "Handlers" & had demanded I hand over my weapons before entering "The School".

  I looked around & it was made to seem like a cafeteria scene with less than 100 or so teenage children sitting at long tables eating & several adults..

  I had no weapons to hand over to the uniformed Police. But on the stainless steel serving table  in front of the pair were an array of weapons. Pistols, at least one Mac-10 Sub-machine Gun Pistol,  & what looked like other assorted sub-machine guns. Even a grenade.

  It was then that my handlers walked me around the block, a room we never entered with halls on all 4 sides. It was a square hallway that formed a circle in the building with a large restaurant kitchen to one side. We rounded the 4 corners & we were back at the weapons table.

  It seems like, in hindsight, the gang kept provoking me to violence when my memory reset & kept leading me back to the arsenal on the table. Over & over...

  I wonder what the goal of that PRACTICAL joke was?

Sad but true...
  "Well, I have the guts to stand up to the gang". - Said no mid-Michigan... cop at any time, ever!


  Scapegoat scape·goat /ˈskāpˌɡōt/ noun

  1. 1.

    a person who is blamed for the wrongdoings, mistakes, or faults of others, especially for reasons of expediency.

  2. 2.

    (in the Bible) a goat sent into the wilderness after the Jewish chief priest had symbolically laid the sins of the people upon it (Lev. 16).

  3. (according to many gang members) a person who is selected as a focus for the gang's wrath & is framed extensively for profit, revenge, & to provide a possible "get out of jail free card" if gang Officers should be captured by Authorities . "I always keep the goods on someone worse than me & exchange it with Police whenever I get caught. No cop can resist it when I show them the films of a real scumbag. The cops always buy it that I just happen to be sitting on the evidence to take down our scapegoats".

"Because no one would do that". - Uniformed cOPS at their posts, many times.


Almost the story of my life. Literally! Literally AND recently!

Won't anyone please help me?


  The Game of Pom-Pom...

  Pom-Pom is played on a concrete field (parking lots being suitable) & was played by 3-30 players at Bay City's Witless School in the 70's.

  Everyone lines up on one side of the parking lot except one person who is "It".

  The person who is It yells. "Pom-Pom" to begin the round. Then everyone rushes past the person who is It to the safe zone on the other side of the lot.

  While the players are on the lot the person who is It can use any combat technique they wish to knock as many players as possible down. Once  a player is knocked off their feet prone they too are "It" & on the team of the "It" player.

  This repeats in an unlimited amount of rounds until one person is the last person not "It".

  Players who survive to the final round are the winners.

  If a new game of Pom-Pom is to be played then whoever was last to be taken down in the previous game (the winner) is "It" for the 2nd game.

  I saw a lot of bumps, bruises, scrapes, & people with casts & splints because of playing Pom-Pom.

  I liked Pom-Pom because my classmates were forbidden to play it by their child-porn masters.

  You see reader, they were insufferable cheats & not very pleasant to play with at all.

  Duh Jerk told us. "It's because I don't want my stock [child-porn stars] to get injured".

"All I have to do is tell a zillion lies & the cops will say no one would lie so much & I can never be arrested". - How to recreationally rape & kill children as taught to me by Duh Jerk himself in Fall 1976

He liked to repeat that point often over the years.


Facts don't care about your feelings.

CUT IN HALF... TODAY YOU DIE... “MY FRIEND”... Made possible by the Bay City MI... cops & F.B.I...


I was in a drug haze, going through the motions... obediently. It was Fagboy and Shortstuff with an obligatory Jock army posing me in a beach vacation scene. We went from locale to locale where the gang posed with me as if we were friends, buttbuddies I'd suppose. We even went dockside, posed on a boat, they handed me props, drinks, told me. “Smile”, and then snapped photo after photo. Dirty Cop himself showed up for a few pics in his marked police car and in uniform and then left.

It was at the boat... on that boat where the gang patiently waited for me to become lucid.

“As long as we attack you weird we can do anything we want to you”. Was among the boasts I would soon hear.

I became lucid, the well-trained gang, who'd been engaging me in conversation noticed the very moment, and chucked me over the side of the speedboat, about 50 or so yards from shore.

Fagboy announced their intention to kill or maim me using the speedboat. You see, with all the films of me posing with them, with the drugs, and me actually being on drugs at the moment, he bragged they could maim or kill me, with impunity, as long as they acted like like concerned friends for the... cops, who were nearby and would be sure to show up later.

I had to ask why they waited until I was lucid, why not do it to me in a drugged stupor? Surely it'd be easier and safer. Right?

Nah... it had to look good, for the nearby... cops who'd be sure to come 1st having been “innocently” summoned to the area by their trickery (… cops? Tricked by Molestors? Did you hear that reader? It the sound of 100 Mid-Michigan... cops jaws hitting the floor at an “impossible scenario”. As if one of those elite protectors of the masses could be fooled by a single Molestor even once, let alone consistently). With me being on drugs, the dope actually there, the pics, and their contrite bearing, the... cops would never believe me in a million years and it'd be a great way to publicly disfigure me and enable them to set me up for worse again and again. The weirder the better.

I was still treading water, the boat between the shore and myself when Fagboy added that I probably wouldn't die. He'd done this before and his, their other victims all lived and were merely disfigured by the boat's propeller blades and were otherwise okay because they had police there to subdue them and an ambulance waiting just out of sight to tend to any wounds they'd gotten.

Soooo... they, they gunned the boat's engine and charged straight for me!

What'd I do? I dove under the murky water!

Once underwater I made sure to change direction from the last direction they saw me swimming... then I SURFACED. Picture me surfacing and sharply inhaling!

“THERE HE IS”! Yelled Shortstuff! Well, just about all of'em took a turn yelling it eventually as I dove, popped up at random points, and dove again & again as I gradually began to lose my breath.

Rinse... Lather... Repeat. I dove, changed direction, they yelled “THERE HE IS', charged, and I made my way to shore, eventually by swimming towards some reeds by first faking a direction, and then swimming into the thick reeds by swimming away from the gang, submerging, then changing direction from the last direction the gang saw me going last and swimming to the reeds.

Did they come close to hitting me? Yeah... yes they did and at least once I surfaced the absolute moment after the boat and it's propeller blade had passed overhead.


Yeah, whatever...


Addendum... Add'em dumb... I Am addressing Mid-Michigan... cops here too. Ain't I???


Sooo... picture the above tale... Drugged, smelling of dirty river water, no idea where I was, I managed to hitchhike home thanx to a helpful stranger. Eh, I slept much of the trip.

I got home, my Bay City Michigan Michigan Street home. 1st things 1st, I chose to bathe.

When I walked inside My Roommate, rather rudely (his style, not unusual at all) demanded to know where I'd been, and why I reeked of such nasty river water?

I told him a few non-committal answers to both. I'd been “out”, and had chosen to go swimming... in a river... at night...

Then I took a bath.

Ho hum... Yawn...

Now, lets re-tell the tale. But this time, (it happened a few times) I've come home either spattered in blood or just plain old dripping blood and gore with every step.

My roommate seemed mortified and demanded to know what had happened.

I told him I'd been cleaning a deer and been splattered with blood. Either by myself accidentally or as a bad joke by someone else. The other times I told him I'd been cleaning a deer and someone had thrown blood on me. I even went through the conversation with My New Wife and her Kids before too. I don't know about you my loyal reader, but it's something I've never gotten used to and the last time was just as horrible as the 1st time.

In any event I bathed immediately at those times and sometimes they cleaned up the gore, and sometimes I cleaned it up.

The Child-Molestors made it a point to steal the bloody clothes every single time while I slept off the drugs. How? Idano... when we chatted about the subject I had other parts of the story on my mind.

Yeah... go figure...


ALL I WANT IS SOME HELP... But not from you guys... GET A JOB!!!


Ever notice in my writing (the author's writing) I never ask Mid-Michigan... cops for help directly? Well, not like I should probably?

Man, I'm tired of asking those... “cops” for help and frankly I've all but given up on them... as I advise many victims in many Mid-Michigan communities to do as well. Mass-firings, mass new-hires, intense screening by impartial and qualified interviewers might solve the area's problems. But I doubt it. The corruption probably runs too deep in my humble opinion.

Most certainly they'll never clean up the police in the area unless they clean out or at the very least expose the Child-Molestor controlled Public Schools and their army for what they are 1st. I wish the area good luck, advise them to pray, a lot, and point out that area law-enforcement and citizen-run protective services have never publicly delivered to safety a single victim from the frame and blackmail machine that is the Child-Molestors. I ask doubters, and the area law-enforcement this. “Have you exposed the head Child-Molestors in your community? Still clinging to the “Child-Molestors ain't here, it's other places”? Have you delivered even a single victim from blackmailing frame-artists who use child-porn & rape to frame victims? Once? Hey... maybe you did (I SUSPECT many a hull law-enforcement agency has delivered a token victim once or twice to prove they can, in theory, if they really really wanted to, probably)? But I'll bet it didn't make even the papers “if” it did happen. I'll also bet you cant do it again”.

Not one victim delivered? There's tons of them. I'll bet they litter the area's prisons and they've been horribly demonized by the gang. But, their initial testimony WILL line up with mine and it WILL be that a powerful gang of child-molesting frame-artist blackmailers is operating in the area with impunity. That and ALL of their stories will have one thing, one unusual not typical blackmailly thing in common and this is it. That ALL of them will report that they've been attacked with sleep deprivation torture. EVERY... SINGLE... ONE... OF... THEM...

Take that to the bank and cash it Mid-Michigan... cops. I ain't asking you guys for squat anymore. GET A JOB!

  A CHILD DIES... Uniformed Michigan State Troopers guard & oversee the entire thing...

  Soooooo there I was. "My Cousin" slapped me awake. I was in a building room with no windows. There were tables & chairs all around & the middle was cleared out. I was obviously drugged & on who knows what? Men & teen & pre-teen boys stood around in the center clearing & My Cousin announced his intentions for me.

  He'd arranged to borrow me from My Mother & arranged a pit fight & I was going to fight the boys, beat kill or get injured or die. My choice.

  Me? I told him I had no intention of fighting in his sick arena & went straight to that (SPITOOEY!) Uniformed... cOP.

  The... cOP informed me he was in on it. There to provide security in case other... cops came. He'd arrest everyone & be the officer in charge of the investigation if things went bad. My choices were fight or be beat to a pulp. Likely both as he described his long career in such events having seen many many children beat bloodied & even killed now & then. But I need not worry... death was pretty rare. Permanent injury was quite common though. Especially when little kids like me fought the towering teens we were expected to fight if we survived the initial rounds.

  A few fights took place. Nothing too bad. Just beaten & bloodied kids. Maybe injured for life? Maybe not? I didn't get a chance to conduct medical exams.

  My turn came & I refused to fight & yeah, I tried to get past that... cop but it wasn't happening.  He was too big, too fit, & just too alert.
  "My Cousin" suggested everyone in the room should corral me into the center with hurls & even blows. Slowly they worked me to the center where the child tasked while fighting me got in many a free lick.

  Once in the middle they backed off & I refused to fight & I blocked instead.

  "My Cousin became enraged at the boos & complaints of the betting spectators who wanted a more action-packed match. Or so they complained.

  So My Cousin suggested they all form a tighter circle & hit me until I fought. Eventually... I fought. Long story short? I won.

  Sooooo they brought in this giant teen (compared to me). He held his arms in front of him &tried to occasionally... rarely punch back as the fight went on. Just letting me hit him & punching back ineffectively by raining down punches on me with a stupid glazed never-changing look on his face. Like he was drugged.

  Me? I was scared. So I went for his throat! Punching it over & over. I was amazed by his stamina, his ability to take punches to the throat & suspected he'd drop long before he ultimately dropped.

  His throat swelled up & he died while we stood there... watching.

  A child died slowly...

  My Cousin said he was a killer. He'd killed several other children for him before. He was loyal. But he'd turned a bit kill-happy as of late. So My Cousin drugged him & arranged for us to fight.

  "I thought you'd take him out for me but I didn't think you would kill him".

  A child died slowly & no one would care. My Cousin bragged his films would see to that. The kid was a monster, a recreational child-killer for fun & profit. He said he was a Brazilian Boxer. He held his arms up & rained punches down on his foes & then liked to beat them to death once they fell. He was loyal. In "Molestorspeak" that means "he knew too much".

  His death would be listed as a car wreck & his family would be shown the films of me killing him to motivate them to hate me for life.

  A child died slowly...

   The fighting & the betting didn't stop because of that kid's death. It went on. It's better described in my 1,500 page letter to the FBI where someone dies every few pages.

  A child died... slowly...

MODERN TECHNOLOGY... Welcome to 21st century crime...

  Soooo the way it's explained to me is I carry an advanced RFID tracking chip. Not unusual, in the past as a child from time to time the gang impressed upon me that they'd planted trackers or bugs on me. My Cousin was fond of describing my "alone moments" to me. You know, when you're home alone.

  Lately the designated "snitch" told me they'd implanted a RFID Tracker. Now it's easy to follow me around & wait for those perfect kidnapping moments for "love". Before you... cops get all weird on me I invite you to check the stats that claim as much as 25% of ALL Americans are so chipped. Most not knowing it nor how the situation came to be.

  Even better the bragging Molester said was the bug was implanted & gives the dirty... cop involved a greater story to use against me & he alleged it even made fo evidence to link me to a crime, thus empowering his dirty... cop story.

  Last year, at night I've been awakened by & had "this" happen to me.  Just laying on my bed & an LED light (LED is a guess on my part) just tuns on behind my right eye. Nearly blinding & lasting a minute or 2.

  Before... cops get all weird know that the gang crave "outrageous story elements" as a matte of business. I called them here "PRACTICAL jokes" which when you check OFFICIAL Police Rape Statistics is a common identifier in rapes now.

  A few years ago The Last Snitch told me they'd installed radio headphones in my ears in a permanent  installation. Now they could hear everything I hear & transmit any sounds they wanted. "But we probably wont use it until we lock you up in jail". Keeping me awake, the ranting madman who hears voices in his head, no need to check his story (or worse some dirty Doctor says they checked & I'm a liar, so there's no need to check again).

  Worse he claims the housing was designed to "bond with flesh". Certain metals or plastics can bond with flesh meaning they'd have to be cut out in a major surgery. "You'll never find a surgeon to do it". All the good ones know about the gang & that they'd target anyone foolish enough to remove one of their trackers. He claimed a security feature was they sounded off at full power in they touch air. That no Dr. who ever tried to remove one was ready for a 130db (decibels, 130 is deafeningly loud). Thus the sound drove them away from surgical removal attempts for more than long enough to permanently deafen the victim & then to allow the device time to self-destruct causing internal physical damage in general mixed with lithium poisoning to add to the complications of a botched surgery.

  Bragging they had power badges & just swoop in & seize anything removed that was their property. Leaving me in court with an "my word vs power badges who chuckle or deny situation". All just standard business for them, nothing special on their part. This is just how 21st century "Get out of jail free cards" are handled. It's just how repeat rape victims are handled by the gang. It's just business. It was at the installed headphone that he told me they intended to install an advanced RIFF behind my eye to see what I see.

  He teased me, how did I suppose they kidnapped me so often?

  I answered I figured it was via straight up kidnapping & via dirty... cop arrests.

  The Last Snitch said yes, they did all that but now they had installed in my bowels a radio-transmitter drug dispenser. He described it as a rotary device that even worked via cell phone. My next kidnapping was just a phone call away. Typical drug selection being a hypnotic drug. The theory being they walk up & lead me to my rape/frame-job & I go & return obediently, all on film, & in such a way no jury could nor would ever convict them. So based on all that no... cop could nor would even attempt to try and save me. Ever. Not with failure being inevitable.

  Ask yourself oh ye skeptic reading this. are all the things I outlined possible? Are they cheap enough for a gang I've described as "cheap" to do? Would you have to be a rocket scientist or could any slob do these things with little or no technical help? The answer is yes.

  Tying it all together he said they said my next rape/frames are a phone call away. Just dial any of up to 5 drugs & it's dosage, wait for it to take effect, then use the headphones to order me to go here, go there, do this, do that, kill him, do unspeakable acts to her. In disgust he informed me they had a vast library of films to take me down now & intend to release it based on what they think investigating Police are looking for.

  If true I'm a walking danger to myself & everyone & anyone around me at best.

  Thinking of destroying me to remove the threat from society oh ye Lazy... Vigilante... cop? I'm just an inconsequential cog at best in the crime machine. A piece designed to be destroyed once it's usefulness wears out. You act against me & you act for them. How? Because to destroy me you've got to dismiss me, & everything I've got to say. "We plan to intimately involve ourselves in your case. We'll take pictures with the cops investigating. Link their reputations to ours". Then he boasted. "Usually they have us figured out by the 2nd trial, and there will be a second trial in a death penalty case like yours. But by then it wont matter. Their reputations will be intertwined with ours". This is their "never fail plan" and it always works on any... cop fool enough to even slightly side with them, even for a moment against a juicy vigilante target like myself.

  He said they'll likely drug me & walk me through the court process all doped up. Answering questions with a glazed look. "You'll probably come too on the Prison Bus. That's to make your story more unbelievable". Then the gloves come off & the accusation made by my fellow victim Mass Murder Chick of a "sonic assault" she poorly worded before her execution happens to me too in prison & no one will give the ranting madman "with voices in his head" the time of day.

  "A victim endorses our lies when they repeat them". So I'll ask oh ye skeptics. Do I have to endorse everything they say? Do I? All of it? Really? Are you that naive? Are you that woefully behind in how 21st century crime works now or is it just that you intend to give a free pass your entire career to any gang where high-tech is even mentioned?

  My opinion of the subject? Idano? Here's the clues. It is not my job to sort through the gang's web of lies. It never was. Besides, I am not now nor was I ever a mid-Michigan... cop. Thus I don't believe half the stuff that comes out of a child-molester's mouth. Nor am I inclined to believe a single word of anyone a mid-Michigan... cop calls "a reliable informant".

  Soooo you want to take the gang down? Maybe even free me? Free my fellow victims too? Your plan better deal with everything mentioned.

  Me? I recommend the use of a room that is a Faraday Cage to stop radio transmission. When you get into court or the Interrogation Room have a guy who's a communications & electronics expert monitoring & considering RF signals & what they may be from & what their likely purpose is. It's not hard & surely not as expensive as you may imagine. Simple actually.

  Well, I just wrote the simple tale inflicted upon me that is a dirt... Prosecutor's dream. A Skeptic... cops ultimate fantasy, the few paragraphs that when read are enough to destroy any 100 just men, let alone Less Than Nobody me.

  This is how organized crime with a badge works in the 21st century. Deal with it.

ALL YOU DO IS KILL... My childhood...

  Americana? Is my story just another mundane tale of everyday life in common same ole same ole America? Is that why I cant get the... cop's help? Is it because guys like me are society's acceptable loss? Is what many mid-Michigan... cops told me, that I'm just one of the few guys "we let the gang have" & in exchange... cops like them get to have easy lives & their families get to live in relative security walking the same streets I found to be a kidnapping & murderous kind of place? I'm asking, not claiming nor accusing & only because I have nothing to compare it to? A vain question if only because there isn't a... cop I've met in the entire world with the guts, courage, audacity, or will to fight crime sufficient enough to help me, even if that help was only free advice. I know you... cops "self-righteous-o-meters" are beeping wildly here but I'm saddened to point out that I wouldn't say it publicly unless I thought it was true.

  So I ask this oh ye wise & or courageous among my readers (I hope there's at least a few of them somewhere on some Police Force somewhere? It IS possible, isn't it?)? Give me advice please Sirs? Allow me to pose my question at the end Sirs.

  Soooooo... there I was, at My Mother's Parent's place where My Cousin routinely ordered everyone out of the house where he could taunt & debrief me based on his latest criminal scenario he'd inflicted on me for revenge & profit. He was busy calling me a killer, a murderer, in the old days he called me a "Mass-Murderer". After that PBS Special on TV he liked to call me a "Serial-Killer".

  He told me it irritated him that I didn't allow guilt to let him manipulate me. "All my other victims"... Ponder those words oh ye wise reader, "all my other victims". He bragged, and complained that all of his other victims whom he'd tricked into killing people all felt horrible guilt at the death of a fellow human being. Most of them became nodding yes men willing to do anything he ordered in exchange for [the privilege of] not killing anyone else. They served him in many ways, doing his dirty deeds whenever he ordered for the rest of their lives. He laughed at the morons whom he'd tricked into believing they had murdered someone. Particularly by sending his loyal guys to mess with victims & then tricking the victim into drugging their attacker. Only for him to lace the drug with a chemical that would simulate death.

  He bragged the tried suicide. If they succeeded or not mattered little. If they succeeded another enemy was gone. If they failed then it represented a debasing of his victim. You see reader it's unstable acts like that (and other inflicted by the gang in PRACTICAL jokes & blackmail scenarios) that make the... cops shake their heads when a victim accuses their blackmailing madman attacker.

  Then he whined about how I endured all of that, how I'd endured the "Ordeal in the Back Hall" & asked me how I thought I'd survived when others had failed?

  Me? I told him I thought it was because I was a Christian.

  He retorted. "A lot of my victims are Christians. So that isn't it". Then he asked for another answer. Asked, demanded, same thing.

  So I inventoried my mind for what he & his gang had inflicted on me, then I thought about how what he said might be true IF it was in fact true? "It's probably because I have faith in God that he'll help me & they didn't"?

  Me? I sensed he was leading up to some point he was trying to make. I'd told him that murder is wrong, hurting people is wrong, & killing or hurting people except in self-defense is wrong. When confronted I told him HE was the murderer. Respectfully (like always). IF he didn't mess with me then no one would have died. The intent to commit murder was all on him. I may have been the vehicle his murderous intent used, but any guilt was all on him, He was the murderer, not I.

  WOW! Was he angry. My answer did not seem to make him happier. "You're a killer! ALL you do is kill! I've made sure of that"! He argued.

  I denied it.

  He smiled broadly. He told me he owned all the children of my neighborhood Circa 1973. "By my command all you do is kill all day. The openly games you & the kids in your neighborhood play with you are soldier & war & cops & robbers & cowboys & Indians". He boasted {on several occasions] that all my toys were guns & war toys. He sent kids to my house to play war games, we threw spears & knives at each other & DODGED THEM. At school I played the brutal tackle game Pom-Pom. "You know I named Pom-Pom right"? When I balked at this he  told me he named it Pom-Pom because it sounded like a wussy game & it would go far in court one day proving horrible wussy things about my favorite school sport because I'd have to admit I'd played the wussy-sounding game Pom-Pom & it meant he & his framing child-porn stars  would be free to make up any lie they wanted about the true nature of the Pom-Pom game.

  I recall my weak counter to his argument. "Sometimes we play tag & we play hide & seek". So he wasn't entirely right.

  He smiled more. I didn't play tag or hide & seek. I was playing "Seek & Destroy"... even in my off time.

  Sooooooo here's my question to anyone reading this civilian, Law-Enforcement Professional, or... cop. Having read the sum of my story, what advice do you have for me? I mean it. I'd like an answer, IF you're as brave as you claim. Failing that, what advice do you have for me based on my story watered down by the gangs' accusations of what they want you to think is what & who I am?

  I ask you Officers? What kind of a person could come up with my story UNLESS it was inflicted on them? What kind of person would dare to make such public accusations unless they were both true AND exaggeration-free? Is it the 7th grade dropout that I am? How does a 7th Grade dropout come up with a tale like mine? How? Do you imagine I'm just that imaginative or creative? How about if (when) the Child-Molestors show you their many films of a delirious me? IF I were half the delirious deluded monster they will claim I am how could I even begin to write a story like I have? Ho could I be telling the tale for over half a century fearlessly & have it remain the same story?

  I ask the wise among my readers this (mid-Michigan... cops, you are dismissed Sirs, go watch cartoons please Sirs & skip the rest of this website page please?)? I know that when you, the wise, read up on this subject, my life's story, you WILL come across true tales of groups of people eagerly inflicting the exact thing I claim to be having inflicted on me. THE EXACT SAME STORY! True life stories about madmen who sleep deprive & drug victims with powerful badges & sweet government jobs who live otherwise above the law & use them to inflict horrors on their victims & any community unfortunate enough to have them in it.

  I ask you before you cast me away for life into an asylum or prison to investigate me. Give me half a chance please Sirs? If you imagine I'm guilty or getting away with something then don't you want to get the co-conspirators that you imagine helped me? Or worse? Will your desire to destroy someone involved, me, lead you to possibly give immunity to the people who inflicted all of this on not only me, but an entire nation immunity from prosecution in exchange for their false testimony?

  I remember talking to The Last Snitch. He promised me they'd get revenge when I was fool enough to keep telling my story to... cops. That one day a vigilante would step forward, horrified at the carnage, would agree to destroy me for the gang to end the killing. He promised me a truism about the subject. "One always steps forward".

  So I asked. "Will you guys stop the killing"? Would they end the murders of the innocent & the formerly innocent?

  "Oh God no". he told me. "The cops trust us. We go out of our way to seem honorable to them & they believe us". The killing would go on, even worse because once the... cops sign onto the subject of "There is no gang" & "the gang wouldn't do that" then the gang was free to inflict any horrors they wanted in front of said... cops & they dare do nothing to stop them, lest all of their other cases (particularly those the gang will feed to trusting... cops), their life's work, be overturned.

  I retorted what I suspect most... cops retort. I didn't think it'd work.

  He said that most people, even... cops will tell any lie or go to any lengths to make sure that their life's work is not destroyed. He boasted that it's his job. It's what he does.

  He shut me up. "All you do is kill"!

  What do you say to that?

  In short, it's all about how the scam works.

  Author Commentary:

  Man, the above tale is a lot longer than I wanted it to begin with. The problem is I'm just so frustrated that this situation is still a part of my life. I'm subject to weekly rapes, weekly (as of late) assaults, continuous thefts & vandalism. I might have to hurt or even kill someone at any given moment. The next time it could be me, I'm only human. Yeah, the same is true for everyone but I'm sick of the body count & wouldn't mind if if the... cops reduced it, a little?

  Yeah, I've got my faith to help me.

  But I'm tired of reeking of the "homosexual small of love" after my frequent rapes. I'm tired of all the child porn. I want it all to end, so yeah, I'm a little frustrated Officers.


  Soooooooo... there I was, fresh from my escape from the self-professed "Munger Police Station". A 1 room alleged... copshop where I'd been held for about 3 days or so. I'd escaped the unmarked white single-story building surrounded by flat land & very short but mature crops as far as the eye could see.

  A marked Michigan State Police car had pulled up & a uniformed Michigan State Police Officer had arrested me at gunpoint for escaping the jail.

  Heading back to the place where you'd just killed someone is never something you get used to.

  We pulled up to the building, I was handcuffed, behind my back & in the rear seat.

  The 18 year old Jocks....

  To be continued... If I'm so inclined.


Everyone heard... Everyone...

  "Kill David George & break his bones"! I listened to my 60+ 1976 classmates & staff chant it loudly for up to an hour at a time in the "Shaped E For Evil" School. I listened to it & so did the entire school who told me about it in Fall of 1976 during what everyone knew was my ongoing attempted murder in "The Gym".

  Still later they may change up their loud chants. Picture a uniformed on duty mid-Michigan... cop walking into The Gym as +120 children chant in unison shouting. "KILL DAVID GEORGE! KILL DAVID GEORGE!KILL DAVID GEORGE!KILL DAVID GEORGE!KILL DAVID GEORGE"! It was probably their most popular chant calling for my death by name as students & school staff screamed they would kill me while young me tried to do just that to me with improvised weapons.

  I was told that for my 60+ classmates the chanting was mandatory or face a beating. Later the chanting became mandatory for the next class of 8th Graders in The Gym who before had stood in quite amazement watching my ongoing Attempted Murder & now chanted at least part way or all of the way into their hour of coming gym class.

  In time it was a voluntary elective for the 8th Graders to openly chant for my death too. A few weeks later they joined in & helped. Shouting became mandatory for them too they bragged or whined as the case may be.

  I wrote about it in greater detail in my +1,550 page letter to the FBI where someone dies every few pages.



  Soooo... here I am... 6-8-22 & I lost. It sucks to be me. The gang boast it's always sucked to be me & they brag it will always suck to be me. In no small part because of the good... cops of America who'll likely be overworked, underpaid, & all too willing to destroy the mutant with what they've likely done to my face & with their electrolysis parties. In  the Bible it says the truth shall set you free. So I'm going to try the truth. Not that I imagine for a second that some... cop will say. "I wasn't going to help Mr. George but then I read that one Recap tale & just decided I'd help him".

  Soooooo... there I was... in "The Gym". The year was 1976 & I was standing alone in the school Cafeteria. They'd brought in a room full of students, most larger & older than I & some adults to fight me. I stood at the back of the room furthest from the doors. Duh Jerk told the room to begin chanting & they did so. All +60 of the strangers. "KILL DAVID GEORGE"! "KILL DAVID GEORGE"! Over & over for most of the hour to come.

  I stood there, my weapon in hand & they had their weapons in hand & at Duh Jerk's order they all huddled around him. The goal? The stated goal? To kill me.

  To kill me...


  I pondered the situation before me. My Parent's orders were quite clear & had no loopholes. I was not to hurt my classmates no matter what they did to me.

  I looked around the room & thought to myself as I looked at the room full of children & adults arrayed against me. "I don't know any of these guys" This, I felt no compulsion to not fight back. Still, I'm no barbarian & human life was precious to me. I thought that since these guys were green, new to The Gym I'd try my luck at blocking & dodging their attacks. If they seemed tough I'd reassess soon.

  Fast forward to the 1st break in combat a few minutes later. Duh Jerk called for a break so as to order his troop, give them better advice on how to kill me.

  I assessed their skills. There were a few close calls. So I decided I'd block, but if the opportunity to attack came with little risk I'd attack & injure the children. I made it up in my mind to kill no one if possible.

  It gnawed at my mind on occasion that they bragged that others not present watched the fight & were betting on my death. Today not IF I died, but when I'd die I was told.

  Fast forward a decade & a half or so...

  There I was in the middle of the arena... The betting around me was hot & heavy & men bet who lived & who died. Jerk & the 3/4 of the 4 Stars laughed at me & mocked that I'd soon die. My body ached & hunger gnawed at me & the torture I'd endured had shut down portions of my muscles. In short... I figured I probably wouldn't live if I kept trying to spare people's lives. While the crowd around me bet I amended my plan. I decided that I'd kill everyone who dared oppose me. They didn't all die. Some were maimed. At least one lived intact & we all stood around and watched that one man die... slowly.

  Both times... there was betting, lots of betting... & bodies everywhere. The 1st time it was the bodies of children.

  In my experience mid-Michigan... cops are hard-wired to laugh at the deaths or maiming of children (again, in my experience, literally BTW).

  Frankly, I found neither situation enjoyable.

  There was blood all over the floor. I sat there playing with the blue Porsche toy car & My Cousin leaned into the room over the blood & grabbed the knife & said to his partners in crime. "See how he kills without remorse"?

More Definitions:

The Gym: An assassination command or “buzz word” that enables high-ranking child-pornographers (who live their life a single witness's testimony away from a life sentence at any moment as “the price of doing business”) like the Molestors to silence those who might testify against them. Children are routinely killed thusly I'm told via the physical education system of Molestor controlled schools. Once the order is given in a certain tone with damming body language 'Take that child to The Gym and shut him up' The order has been given for the gang's children to kill a fellow child. Typically the target is then killed by their fellow students or ringers brought in from afar who will have files doctored to prove they've allays been at that particular school. Often a victim will be on drugs and slain under the guise of playing contact sports. Later the death will be explained away by the area's Dirty Coroners as a car accident or drug overdose.

The technique works on many levels I'm told. The children, often Molestor regulars will be filmed killing the victim to blackmail them for life (and provide the gang with a film that will motivate future vigilantes to eliminate the murderer for them if they should ever cross the gang) . Other times misguided vigilantes will have been convinced to kill a “scumbag who's got it coming” (I wouldn't bet on the “scumbag” part and they are probably merely a framed victim who's become dangerous or too unprofitable to continue exploiting). The killers will be blackmailed for life. Next, as it was explained to me, the gang show up at the murderer's parent's place (in the case of murderous minors). They are shown the film of the murder and it's explained to them that their child is a murderer. Then the gang leaves making sure their dirty cop is on duty at the front desk at that time. Then they show up a few days later and explain that they filmed the parents learning that their children are murderers and didn't go to the police. So now they are accomplices in a child murder (since I'm told very few families choose to go to the cops before this point). They brag they like to use sentences like. “You know what they do to child-killers in prison. Don't you”?

Often the child is simply the child of a loyal family who are so blackmailed/framed that they dare not oppose the Molestors, even if they are killing their child. “Either we kill your kid or we make those films of you at the torture/rape parties public. You'll go to prison for the rest of your life. You do know what they do to people who torture and rape children in prison don't you”? I hear it's the last sentence many a formerly law-abiding citizen has heard just before they helped set up their own child to die. “It's them or you”. It's win/win really. If they refuse they go to prison and you don't want to know what the gang brag they do to kids once they have removed all parental protections from them.

I also have heard that it's quite effective, incredibly low-risk (the Molestors run the school so they control what teachers might be around at the time of the killings, what students are present, and only do the killings for profit when their loyal dirty... cops are nearby to be “first on the scene”, see: cop of convenience), and represents brags that an annual or bi-annual child-killing in The Gym is a major source of income for the gang. Enabling them to blackmail up to 30-60 families at a time (all the parents of a single gym class).

Direct Child-Molestor quote. “Nobody lives through “The Gym” once the order is given”.

Author note: Yeah... I lived through The Gym. I had faith God would see me through it and I prayed a lot for the strength to live! That and I prayed for everyone involved too. Still do.

Me... 9-17-16ish Child-Molestor Country...

Sooo... last nite, I did laundry. My weather app told me it'd be “cloudy”. At the conclusion of my laundry it was a downpour. It made the fact that I carried an uncomfortable amount of laundry even more miserable. Man, is a semi-accurate weather app too much to ask for or what?

My point? Eh, soooo... about 3 months ago, I inventoried my socks and underwear. While I forget the number of pairs of socks I recall the number of underwear. It was 19. 20 When I counted the pair I was wearing at the time.

I've had a dream, fantasy really. I wanted to own enough socks and underwear so as to have fresh one's daily for over a month. SO I figured I'd buy an 8-pack of underwear and a 6-pack of socks every month for a while.

While doing laundry the stacks of each didn't look much bigger than usual. So I counted them. Though I've bought an 8-pack of underwear every month for the last few last year (minus the summer of 2016 spent under Wausau's care) my inventory was 20, then I recalled I hadn't counted the one's I was wearing. My socks were low too. I bought a 6-pack of extra tall socks last week and when I did my laundry I had but a single pair of them & even less total socks than last month.

The gang brag... eh, they brag they “do stuff” with my underwear. Soiled underwear make for great evidence when left at crime scenes, given to perv admirers, or warehoused someplace in a “room” that enables the gang to prove we're great buttbuddies 'See? He left a lot of his clothes and stuff here officer. That's proof we're great buttbuddies and that I'm not his stalker' or so I've been told.

Whatever the reason is for stealing socks & underwear, idano, wouldn't believe the gang if they swore on a stack of bibles when they told me, and don't care, much. It does suck to know that the pervs are out there, and that whatever their reasons for doing anything are, that those reasons are sick and perverse and serve only to further their sick and perverse lifestyle.




OOPS... MY BAD... A change in tactics... Yet more “bad jokes”...


Sooo... I was thinking. Ya know, giving the Saginaw Michigan F.B.I. The symbolic silent treatment in the jokes page is kinda cool to me. Well, sorta. Giving the Schofield Wisconsin P.D. The same or similar treatment somehow diminishes the message I'm sending the SagCops o da F.B.I. (I respect and admire the F.B.I. as a whole, I'm only mocking their “Molestor Friendly” (or is “Molestor Oblivious” better? “Molestor-Employed”?) Saginaw Valley Gang Chapters, I mean Beaureu? Club? Gathering outpost?).

I hereby officially apologize to the Saginaw Valley F.B.I. For diminishing the symbolic value of the jokes I've assigned to them. It's like I'm diminishing their territory of jokes. My bad guys.

Sooo... now how do I symbolize my admiration for all the fine work the Schofield Wisconsin... cops have committed... I err, um, I mean preformed in my humble opinion? Then it occurred to me, that, to be symbolic, I'd make up the most mind-numbingly irritating song I could think up that, if sung in the same tone as the song I'm parodying, would be the most grating irritating song imaginable. Especially if my case should go public and some enterprising person was to sing the song and record it in the same style and using the same pitch as the original.

Schofield Wisconsin and Wausau Wisconsin pets listen & listen well. Imagine this song playing on your radios. Picture the song playing when you enter the room... for... the... rest... of... your... life. IF you should fail to free me. IF...

The song is not meant to reflect the views or beliefs of anyone and is strictly for entertainment purposes only. Kinda like a skydiver saying. I dedicate this skydive to you”. Before his jump. That means it in no way is meant to imply you are a skydiver. It's just a shout out, a tip of the hat acknowledging the fine police work you've committed against me, uhh... I mean preformed in your community. Probably.

It's called. “Child-Molester Cop” and is to be sung in the style of the song. “Basketball Jones”. No need to thank me guys and please don't send me any money. Just knowing you're out there doing to your community what you did to me is reward enough for me. GULP! Enjoy!

Picture a uniformed Bay City Michigan... cop singing this song lovingly to a uniformed Schofield Wisconsin... cop & a Wausau Wisconsin... cop while they gaze adoringly into his eyes. Giggle...

Child-Molester Cop, I am a Child-Molester Cop
I am a Child-Molester Cop, oh yeah
My partner's a Child-Molester too
Ever since I was a young Rookie, I be taking bribes
In fact I was the cheapest-bribe taker on all of the force

Then one day the Molesters gave me some cash
And I loved that payoff
I spent that cash in a single afternoon (it wasn't much)

That cash was like everything to me (it wasn't much)
I know the gang kills children (I didn't get paid much)
Maybe that's why I can't sleep at night
I need some help from my brother cops
I need someone to stand beside me
I need morons who will arrest anyone I want for free
A group of morons I can count on
Someone like the Wausau P.D. Who I wont pay a thing
Cause there ain't much cash to spit up
So Molesters give me cash (it wasn't much)
{Child-Molesters sing repeatedly...}
(Child-Molester Cop, oh yeah, chump change payoff)
(We own our Child-Molester Cop for chump change)
{While Chump master Child-Molester sings/speaks)
Yeah that little girl's so sweet
Just look at her


To be continued. MAN! Writing about this subject SUCKS!

see'mon Coach Booty, Red Blazer, sing along with me
That be bad, honky
I want everybody in the whole stadium to stand up and sing with us
Oh yeah, sing it out like you're proud
All right, everybody watchin' coast-to-coast, sing along with us
Bill Russell, sing along with us
Chick Hearn, sing along with us
Chris Schenkel, don't sing nothin'
Oh, it feels so good
Gimme the ball
I'll go one-on-one against the world, left-handed
I could stuff it from center court with my toes
I could jump on top of the backboard, take off a quarter, leave fifteen cents change I
could, I could dribble behind my back I got more moves than Ex-Lax I'm bad I could
dribble with my tongue Here I go down court, try to stop me You can't stop me 'cause I
got a Basketball Jones Here I come That's my hook shot with my eyebrow Yeah, I could
dunk it with my nose I'm, I'm bad as King Kong, gimme the ball I'm hot, I'm hot as...,
I'm hot as..., I'm hot as... uh Uh, uh, uh, uh
(Basketball Jones, I got a Basketball Jones, I got a Basketball Jones, Basketball Jones)
(Basketball Jones, I got a Basketball Jones, I got a Basketball Jones, Basketball Jones)
(Basketball Jones, I got a Basketball Jones, I got a Basketball Jones, Basketball Jones)
(Basketball Jones, I got a Basketball Jones, I got a Basketball Jones, Basketball Jones)

  buttbuddy [ bət/ˈbədē ] Anyone who pretends to be a friend and or employer of their rape victim. example: "We raped him good and told the cops we were buttbuddies so now they're prosecuting our victim! Ha"! 8

   IN THE THROAT... Another dead child, this one dedicated to the fine police work of the chief's of police in Bay County

  There I was, surrounded in the room in the back of the hall where my local Boy Scouts held their special meetings. A crowd surrounded me with orders to hit me whenever I came near to force a reluctant me to fight. This tale begins at the end. Well, the end of a child's life. I was about 8 or 9 at the time. My opponent towered over me & was about twice my body weight at least. He seemed to fight with an almost dancing style. His fists raised high covering his jaw while he made what I assumed were exaggerated moves hoping a little too & fro to hypnotize opponents into watching his cadence which he could exploit for advantage (in my then, humble opinion).

 What did I do? What I'd been doing. I punched him in the throat whenever the chance presented itself while he stared blankly ahead & made clumsy, seemingly drugged (in my opinion) attacks unsuccessfully against me. THROAT! THROAT! THROAT! THROAT! THROAT! THROAT! THROAT! THROAT! THROAT! THROAT! (Actually, I hit him with lots of throat punches). THROAT! The towering teen went down. THUDD!

  The gang pushed me away at My Cousin's command & hovered over him. My Cousin announced there was nothing we could do for the child. He was going to die.

  Me? I didn't buy it. But when evidence began to mount that the teen was indeed dying I suggested a tracheotomy, cut his throat open to save him.

  My Cousin said no one in the room had any knives. "No weapons allowed". No weapons allowed in the room, lest an unwilling participant like myself somehow get one & escape. Strangely he told me he'd fetch one & let me cut the teen's throat if I wanted to.

  I told my cousin I didn't know exactly where to cut & that I knew a wrong cut would kill him for sure.

  So we watched him die... slowly... We all just stood around... and watched him die... slowly...

  They put his body on a table to the side facing up. As time went on, between the matches I walked over & checked on the teen. He'd grown pale & ice cold to the touch. The crowd angrily threatened me & interposed themselves when I neared him. Promising me revenge for killing their beloved champion & friend.

  My Cousin bragged holding the fight in the same building as the Boy Scouts Meetings made his victim's stories unbelievable to the... cops. But it made financial sense. He needed a building with room for a crowd that was easy to clean up, well lit & with good facilities & the building was all that plus a place that he knew no one would swing by to "accidentally" barge in. Win/win.

  "My Cousin later told me the kid had been getting too cocky & arrogance made him impossible to control. "I thought you'd take him out for me but I didn't think you would kill him". He claimed he just wanted me to take him down a peg.

  Later, a child who'd attended noted the fight was fixed. My opponent had been drugged. When I confronted My Cousin he confirmed he'd drugged the teen. That he was a champion who'd been killing indiscriminately & for fun & wouldn't obey orders on the subject. It was just getting too time consuming to cover up his every killing in matches. Besides, he added. Fixing fights by drugging participants was just how he did business. It was about the money, not about a fair fight. He also noted the teen was not a local citizen.

  I recall pondering the situation at My Mother's Parents. I thought to myself what would I tell Police? I pictured their cross-examination. It was then that I decided I wouldn't report this to the police. Not just yet.

  Well, there you go oh ye infallible Saginaw Valley Chief's of Police. A child died.

  Laugh... cop. Laugh. It IS all any... cop I ever met was good at after all.

  JUST AN OLE FASHIONED... CHILD BEATDOWN...Laugh... cop, laugh...

  This IS the "Recap Page". A place where I rehash the old memories of things I felt were needful to do to the men, women, beasts, and even... children in my life from time to time in my childhood. You know, normal childhood kind of stuff. If it isn't normal childhood in America how would I know as I have nothing to compare it to?

  I was myself a child & wrote about this in my +1,5000 page letter to the FBI where someone dies every few pages.

  Today as I sit here basking in poisons, my ever expanded rectum recovering, having endured my last night obligatory 1 & a half hour wake-up, I thought I'd write about what was on my mind. Privately I call it "ruining my life" as it provides me with no enjoyment nor nostalgia. Contrary to popular belief I do NOT want to be known for the acts on my website. The deeds were inflicted on me for reasons of profit & revenge & I take no glory nor satisfaction in anything here. I seek only the truth. Rumor has it the truth will set you free.

  I've chosen a song for this beatdown story, I was just inspired as I typed the above paragraph.

  Unlike my other songs I recommended I suggest that the reader play the song softly in the background while they read this tale. It's a story about a few madmen & their ever eager to help 10 foot tall & bulletproof guys on drugs.

  I'd like to write a Duh Jerk quote here he's said to me often while standing smiling over one of his dead or dying victim/members. "I don't care who gets hurt. It's how I beat the cops. They think that if I were a gang leader I'd care about it if my guys get hurt but I don't care who gets hurt". My Cousin had a similar saying. Once when I asked about that saying, how it was he & Duh Jerk used the same saying he told me that he was Jerk's Mentor. He'd taught him everything.

  Me? I used to internally kick myself whenever I asked one of them a question because, frankly, I never believed a word either of them had to say.


  Sooooooo... It was summer & I was about 7 or 8 years old when the gang of 12-20 teens & Jocks lead by some jerk told me that My Mother had drugged me & handed me over to them. Like usual they promised I'd have fun but it was agony only. Torment, endless pain, & continuously endless pain. "It's how I beat the cops. All I have to do is act so evil that no one would believe that someone could be so evil & then I can get away with anything". Act nice to a few victims, film a few acts of kindness & contrition on victims to show cops they care, yeah we did that bad stuff to our victim but they made up with us, it's just that pesky filmed pervert who's the trouble maker. You want proof? Look at these films.

  The story took place in a single story country home with the buildings very spread out & far away. Trees occasionally dotted the landscape here & there on all sides. A lone narrow 2 lane road that had virtually no traffic was the only feature that stands out. Inside the house was fully furnished much like if an old couple lived there, just a guess on my part, nothing more.

  Yeah, the new Jerk & his team slapped me endlessly. They laughed when I

fought back for weeks while they worked in shifts to keep me awake. They encouraged me to fight back. My blows were baby hits addled mentally & physically by the drug(s?) they had me on & were largely ineffective. They mocked me when they told me I was on drugs that made their victims weak. I staggered after even minor blows & I'll bet some... cop was practicing his speech somewhere that no one would do something like that to someone even as I type this now, even as you, the Reader are reading this now they are preparing their speech to assure all comers that what I say couldn't possibly be true. Just a guess?

  I think I handed out a few bloody noses, fat lips, & black eyes. Broken bones? A few. Once I marked someone, particularly the face their Leader Jerk dismissed them. They couldn't play anymore. I recall some of them begged to be able to keep "playing" with me. They threatened revenge at what I'd cost them. A month long drug & sex party funded by the Jerk. They were simply replaced with a fresh recruit, an endless supply of willing troops that the Jerk could call upon at a whim.

  When I asked the Jerk he told me that once his guys became marked, especially in the face they became too identifiable for him to comfortably use. So as a matter of business he booted them out if they had a boo boo on their face or wore a splint or a cast because they were no longer just a face in the crowd.

  Me? I advised the Jerk and his team to get their hearts right with God & not to do drugs.

  I recall telling the Jerk the same things. He mocked me all the more during the quiet times between beatdowns when they either adjusted drug dosage levels. Theirs or mine.




  Time passed... they felt I was "in the sweet spot" mentally from all the torture & deprivation. I drifted in & out of being lucid & openly, on film, treated them like we were lifelong friends between my occasional semi-lucid moments which were occurring much & much less. They told me they took me off of the drugs that addled me. That way I seemed more presentable for films. Like I wanted to be there.

  I recall them injecting me with who knows what? Usually they just asked me to roll up a sleeve & I submitted. Other times they piled on me & drugged me by force when I refused. They bragged usually they just waited for my memory to reset after I refused & then filmed me in a few minutes accepting the doses of whatever drug they were using.

  Then they turned to PRACTICAL jokes for fun. The ultimate goal was to trick me into violence... on film. Did it work? Of course it did, this is just a Recap Story.

  Every once in a while I became semi-lucid & ran off.

  Every once in a while I became semi-lucid & my 1st response was to run to freedom. In minutes marked Police Cars & Ambulances came looking for me & I usually wasn't hard to find with a long sting of teens & Jocks running behind me in tow in the open fields surrounding the country house with only an occasional tree for cover. The Police usually arrested me & returned me to the house. Usually, it was easy to arrest me. My memory had reset because of the drug(s?) & I had no idea where I was or why I was being chased? I also had no explanation to give the nice... cops as to why these nice men & boys were chasing me. I had no idea why they were accusing me of vile things & submitted to arrest to go to the Police Station to "sort this out". So I was arrested without incident.

  The Jerk told me he craved films of me resisting arrest. Then he would own me.

  Me? I recall praying to God for strength. I figured, like usual, that I was going to die, I saw no way I might escape & live AND be free in America. I prayed that I not give that Jerk the films that he craved. Not this time.

  I got quite far a few times. But they caught me every time & dragged me back to the torment.

  Yeah, I involved people. Particularly on a highway & at homes far from the place I was tortured at. But no one believes the 7 year old kid over the... cops & the ambulance drivers. No one. I recall some of the people who'd agreed to help me escape only minutes ago talking about me in the 3rd person with the... cops. who told them I was arrested for good reasons & should be ignored. They stood side by side with my captors laughing at the absurdity of my story & listened to the cop's assurances that they should just ignore everything the civilians had seen.

  The PRACTICAL jokes morphed over time from straight up mundane films of me casually interacting with my kidnappers & slap sessions to social situations where I was subjected to attack! They would mundanely interact with me, on film, and then attack! Yeah, I fought & they usually piled on me & waited for my memory to reset & began again. The PRACTUICAL joke would subtilty morph slightly as they practiced it over & over to get the films that they craved.

  Did people get hurt? Yeah, mostly kids. Are any of you... cops reading this? Picture me snapping my fingers at you. SNAP! SNAP! Children? Hurt? Laugh... cop. Laugh...

  Over time the joke morphed into we began outside the home. Then they encouraged me to enter & piled on me, slapped me up, & repeated hoping to get me to resist the uniformed... cops who quickly showed up. It was all filmed to look like they were just a few friends innocently enjoying each other's company... on film, & mean ole me showed up. Then resisted arrest! Or so they bragged it'd soon look on film.

  Yeah, I prayed during the semi-lucid moments.

  I recall running away time & again. But I was getting more exhausted. I couldn't run as fast or as far. Weeks of no sleep & no food had taken it's toll on me. But I never gave up. I resisted with every lucid moment. In fact it's for this reason that over the years the gang has mocked me that I'm fun to play with. "You always fight. It's expected".

  Standing outside the home I was encouraged to go inside. I recall it was as I walked up to the building I became more semi-lucid than normal. I recalled the ordeal before me & knew that an army awaited me inside. I knew that... cops galore & rescue workers waited nearby & they would convince anyone & everyone that I was to be ignored when I asked for help. Indeed, some might even help... THEM! I thought about what I might do? Run? Rush in & fight? Again? Sure, I was wounding guys occasionally but they were just replaced with an endless horde of even more eager & fresh tormentors.

  I thought I might go in the back? Try to reduce the numbers in a desperate bid for freedom? Then it occurred to me that I'd tried that too & they had positioned a guy with a bat in the back to counter me. Just in case I started to do too well.

  So I figured I'd go after the bat guy. A 16-18 year old jock easily twice my body weight.

  To confuse the troops inside I ran around the building a few times then snuck in the back door. As I suspected the Jock was watching the window for me in the direction I'd feinted & not the door. I snuck up behind the otherwise wholesome-looking teen & easily snatched the bat from him & swung for his head in one smooth stoke! WHACK! Then I kept hitting him. WHACK! WHACK! WHACK! Over & over for a looooooooong time.

  Then I went inside to confront the horde. I commited some damage, but not as much as I would've chosen to.

  The gang threatened me. The ambulance crew came in moments & remarked it was lucky they were so close of the teen would never have survived.

  The session went on... and on... and on...

  Later... "My Cousin" bragged about how he'd showed his friend films of what they did to me & he'd begged & even paid for the privilege of "playing with me". He smiled as he said he'd trained the man at length just how to torture me so I'd kill anyone so HE could kill anyone he wanted in a way that he could never be prosecuted for. "You killed a lot of people for him. Don't you remember"?

  Yes I did.

  He brought up the teen with the bat. My Cousin said that despite my best efforts I hadn't killed a single one of his friend's guys. But the guy with the bat had been scarred for life. Being scarred about the face means death in the gang. So they planned to kill him, his family would be told why he'd been killed, & I would have an entire family of madmen & women just like the child I'd scarred who would hate me.

  Years later during the last times that I saw My Cousin he told me that Duh Jerk was the leader jerk in question & he used the description of the child who's head I'd beat with the bat as a reference when I told him I wasn't sure of which child he'd meant I'd hurt in that particular conversation. It had been Duh Jerk's  1st act as the rank of a leader in the gang. That Jerk wanted to make his 1st act as a new leader to be as big as possible so he could come onto the gang scene large & in charge with a glorious 1st act that the gang would all respect. Thus the gang (My Cousin) had spared no expense in handing me a very costly PRACTICAL joke. Which was worth it in their opinion when you considered all of the people I killed for them on the side assuring them even the possibility of  facing justice for the injured, the dead, & the dying.

  Every once in a while I asked My Cousin why he did this or that to me?

  "Because I hate you".

      NOTE: Next is a tale the gang deletes off my website over & over. Writing

it while under R.E.M. Deprivation Attack is not fun. Nor is writing it the

3rd or 4th time.

ASSORTED KILLINGS...Put a kid on drugs, wind'em up, & watch the murderous fun time!!!

  Soooooooo there I was, in what seemed like a modest home. The adults seemed like they were kind & actually interested in interacting with me. Then things went sour. A woman screamed! A violent situation occurred! I fought & the adults whom I sought to protect jumped me from behind. Pinning me to the floor the 4--6 men & women beat me!

  They then told me they'd wait for my drugs to reset my then 7 or 8 year old mind & intended to let me go & do it all over again!

  It was always the same. Kind & mundane interaction, then a violent scene where I'd be subdued violently!




  Then we started using guns to play.


  Then they jump me & pin my down until my memory resets.

  They like to subtilty vary the scenario each time. Looking to film the perfect frame job film of a dangerous & violent me.



  Time passes, lots of time passes & I'm given no food nor water & drift into a semi-lucid madness. Grrrrrrrrrrrr!




  The guns were mostly sporting rifles, 9MM pistols, & double barreled shotguns.

  One time I became a little bit more lucid than other times as the drugs wore off. I was tired of trying to reason with my unknown captor's. I was tired of escaping only to be arrested by uniformed... cops with an Ambulance & Crew nearby. The village was all but impossible to escape from. All of the townsfolk I met couldn't wait to hand me off to the... cops for arrest whenever they saw me unattended. Some attacked me themselves & they assisted in my return to the session. They seemed like ordinary people, in their 30s & above. I noted the absence of children. EXCEPT those who attacked me & they never went outside.

  I had enough of failing to escape. I decided to get a little more pro-active on my next escape attempt.

  Soooo... there we were, the gang attacked me with guns in another blank-filled shoot'em up. Me? I killed everyone in the room with my gun & they all just got up & mocked me. "The gun's got blanks in it"! Laugh! Laugh! Laugh!

  I became semi-lucid & plotted another escape. While they laughed at me I walked over to the kitchen drawers & found a junk drawer  with a bunch of nails & metallic odds & ends & loaded them down both barrels.

  I just started killing people to the best of my abilty. Stopping only to reload.

  Satisfied, I chased someone out & lost them. Undaunted I just went to where I suspected they might be & started killing people there too!




  Toward the end of the tale I generalized, being I'm R.E.M. sleep deprived & really don't care too much at the moment. I wrote it down in much greater detail in my letter to the FBI where someone dies every few pages.

  The way My Cousin explained it to me was it was a small village where everyone was a child molester. Escape was impossible due to the lack of cover & flat terrain. He said I'd shocked everyone when I started walking from house to house killing everyone I found. So they ordered the village evacuated & tried to pin me down in a building by shooting at me. The Townsfolk plan was, as complained about by My Cousin AND them (unusual as My Cousin usually made it a point to debrief me alone), they'd intended to kill me if only for their safety & for revenge. But mostly because they were terrified the entire area threatened to spill out into a huge public involved fiasco. "You were lucky only a few people travelling by got involved". But the... cops they were a comin en-mass & it was then My Cousin decided to use his authority to declare a train derailing had happened. The only problem? No such train existed & he had a horrible time routing to the scene past inspectors & powerful... cops with badges with many questions in the nick of time & it had cost him a fortune in cash & favors owed. The worst part in his opinion? While they staged an elaborate door to door manhunt to get me I lay sleeping comfortably unnoticed on a couch. "Some pillows obscured you". He described the day for him & his team as a sniper warzone terror scene where many, truly good child-molestors had mentally broken down & would require drugs & lengthy counseling which was all going to cost him money. Let alone the dead, the dying, & the maimed.

  He claimed they'd explained it all away by claiming there was a chemical train derailing. That way the general public wouldn't ask too many questions. "You're going to pay for that one". He threatened me. They'd lost a lot of good child-molesters. Real pillars of the child-molesting community had died & everyone wanted revenge. "Now everyone wants revenge! What do you have to say for yourself"? My Cousin demanded me?

  "There would be no one dead if you guys wouldn't drug me & mess with me".

  It's 3-16-22 & I'm tired.


  ASSORTED KILLINGS... Passing gas...

  Soooooo there I was, in some small modern as any looking village walking from door to door & killing everyone I found. I walked in & found an elderly couple. So I killed them. It occurred to me to kill the man 1st as he was the greatest threat in my opinion. The woman screamed & begged for her life while I reloaded my more recently acquired weapons". BANG!

  While I walked past a living room window after failing to find anything good to eat in the kitchen they started shooting at me! BANG! BANG! The glass exploded inwards on me. So I returned fire. BANG! BANG!

  We exchanged gunfire a while. Then it got quiet... and boring. I scanned as sneakily as I could outside in a while. I'd never seen a single attacker then or now. My shots had merely been targeted at likely spots a sniper might be at".

  Being I was bored & figured I was pinned down to the front I walked out the back door where I saw a small group of armed & unarmed people gathering at a small gas station about a city block away across an empty highway. They were your average harmless civilian types, mostly in their 30s, 40's, & 70s.

  I listened into the people talking. They were all locals but the armed big guy with a rifle who had the huge 4x4 truck. Apparently there was a madman around nearby shooting at people but nobody knew what he looked like? They said they'd just sent a guy to ask & expected he'd return in a minute or 2 with a description of the guy.

  The people were scared & the chat around the pump was that they had to band together & kill the guy. The big burly manly man with the hunting rifle said he'd keep everyone safe when a woman started crying.

  Me? Since I was the guy with the gun they were openly planning to kill I was at least mildly curious about what they had to say.

  A few said they had guns at home & they were waiting for the guy to return with a description & to keep them covered while they went home & got armed. Then they'd all kill this guy.

  Once one of them pointed to a guy & said that was such & such back with the description they needed I had enough. The guy had driven up on us fast & waved furiously at us like he had something very important to tell us. He was yelling but his engine noise drowned out his shouts he made as he leaned out his driver's side window in the cold.

  I pondered what to do & I didn't see myself as having a lot of options at this point. So at point blank range I just started shooting people...

  "Don't you think the cops will be able to tell I'm on drugs [in your films]"?
  "You being on drugs only strengthens our case".

  I decided when I first tried reaching out to law-enforcement with my story that the best way that I could tell it & still Honor My Parents was to tell not only my story, but to tell their story as truthfully as possible & without exaggerations.

  I also realized that if I lied or exaggerated I'd go down in flames so I decided to tell my story as truthfully as I could to the best of my ability.

  "Did you ever notice that we almost never used the Bay City Sherrifs against you? That's because we plan to use them against you at the end".-The Last Snitch

  The end? If I could win would it be The Beginning? Hey, if the truth shall set you free then we'll see.  (^_-)

  A RECAP if there ever was one...


  Strapped lying face down to a table with my pants around my ankles while my gang rapists stood in line awaiting their turn to sodomize me I asked Duh Jerk. "Why are you doing this to me"? 

  He said. "I want to be able to prove that you are fascinated with the rape fantasy"?


  "Because of The Gym".

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  "That's not proof of anything". It never is in mid-Michigan...


  "It is the accusations of our victims reflected back at them that is our true power".
  Translation: If you dare accuse the gang of something they twist your accusations & accuse you based on your own accusations.

"Who are they calling pervert? Look at them [and all the films we've made them endure]". - Child Molesting 101 as taught to me by Duh Jerk in his taxpayer-funded officer during business hours.

  "That's The Good Kid? I thought he'd be bigger"? I recall pondering why he had said it to the other Jock at the Grande Party while standing in front of My Mother's Parent's Home's front door & not to me? Then it occurred to me that My Cousin had always ordered that "his people" not talk to me directly. Many did as speaking only a few words to me rarely got people punished & quite a few were punished anyway.-The sad tale of my life Circa 1979

  Did I say sad? I should'a wrote pathetic?

  Pathetic pa·thet·ic [pəˈTHedik] ADJECTIVE

  1. arousing pity, especially through vulnerability or sadness:

    "she looked so pathetic that I bent down to comfort her" · "it was a pathetic sight"

    miserably inadequate; of very low standard:

  2. "he's a pathetic excuse for a man" · "his ball control was pathetic"


    relating to the emotions.

As a... cop you might be thinking of asking me. What is it you are saying the gang did to you"?


"We don't just rape their bodies. We rape their minds".

- Common Gang saying

  "As a mid-Michigan... cop you are probably in a rage at having read my website. Please don't hurt me... again"?

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Saginaw Badge.gif

  I had a few... cOPs ask me this question only to submit it AS proof I was lying. "Why didn't you ask _____(the wrongdoer I'm accusing)_____"?

  Me? I answered the same about every time. "Why bother? I don't believe a single word that comes out of their mouths anyway". Thus I explained, why bother asking those gang bangers anything because I just did not believe a single word any of that gang's members had to say.

  My opinion on the subject as of now (11-14-22)? My opinion is that I am not now nor was I ever a mid-Michigan... cop. So I don't believe every word that comes out of the gang's member/victim's or victim/member's mouths & even less so when any mid-Michigan... cop uses the words "Reliable Informant" to describe them.

  "When you show up in court all crippled in a wheelchair who's going to believe that you lived through the gym"? - A bragging Child-Molester speaking about my eventual demise at the hands of the Child-Molestors, a Saginaw Gang in court only a few years prior to the writing of this website.

"He should never profit by what we do to him". It was then that Duh Jerk ordered that my wallet be brought to him & he emptied it's meager contents.

  An astonished Jock asked him. "You'd take a man's last dollar"?

It's changing the subject completely to switch to the opinion of a uniformed on duty Bay City... cOP at his post during the course of an investigation that I initiated. "I know those guys. They're nice guys".

  I had a few... cOPs ask me this question only to submit it AS proof I was lying. "Why didn't you ask _____(the wrongdoer I'm accusing)_____"?

  Me? I answered the same about every time. "Why bother? I don't believe a single word that comes out of their mouths anyway". Thus I explained, why bother asking those gang bangers anything because I just did not believe a single word any of that gang's members had to say.

  My opinion on the subject as of now (11-14-22)? My opinion is that I am not now nor was I ever a mid-Michigan... cop. So I don't believe every word that comes out of the gang's member/victim's or victim/member's mouths & even less so when any mid-Michigan... cop uses the words "Reliable Informant" to describe them.

  "When you show up in court all crippled in a wheelchair who's going to believe that you lived through the gym"? - A bragging Child-Molester speaking about my eventual demise at the hands of the Child-Molestors, a Saginaw Gang in court only a few years prior to the writing of this website.


  Soooo... there I was kneeling overtop of the once beautiful woman. Her head was on backwards on her body. Why? Because I'd just twisted it while she lay there with all my might over & over? Why? Why you ask? Why?

  I wanted to lock her in the cell. I didn't want to hurt her. I only wanted escape. When I neared the cell it's occupants attacked me. Grabbing at me & tried to drag me inside the cell. They tied to hurt me. They asked me several times. "Are you okay"? When they perceived my memory had reset due to the drugs. I'd nearly freed them at least once. I had to get out of there. I couldn't have this gal wake up & summon the army across the street to come & get me. For all I knew she was laying there pretending to be knocked out (a gang fav I'd fallen for a lot of times in times past). I 'looked around & pondered what to do through the drugs that addled my mind. That's when I chose to snap her neck & end her life.

  The Deputy in a Munger Uniform complained about what I just did. "You didn't have to kill her". He complained.

  Me? I said. "Yes I did". I didn't see any alternative. I complained she could 'summon an army, to stop my escape & now I knew she never would.

  "You could've just tied her up".

  I looked around the room & there was likely no shortage of things I could've restrained her with.

  The horror...

Exodus Chapter 21

16 And he that stealeth a man, and selleth him, or if he be found in his hand, he shall surely be put to death.

  Today is 6-8-22 when I wrote this. My face is numb & in pain & the 2 are expanding. When does the hurting stop?


  It's distasteful to write about, disturbing to reminisce, it's even more haunting to rehash, to dredge up the memories so that I can write them down. It's the worst of the worst & I've neglected to fully explain the dark periods as well as I might.

  It 1st happened when I was about 3 years old until I was 5, just before I began the charade that they called going to school. The hoax that began afterwards. My Cousin mocked me in tale where he reveled about the events.

  It then happened in a similar way during a time I call... literally... my teen years. Yes, note my choice of words. "Teen" & "Years" that combine to form teen years. The years of my life that involved America's record holders for "Most failed attempted murders on a child in public". Duh Jerk, Duh Weasel Fagboy, The Mayor's Brat, Shortstuff, & the gang.

  The gang kidnapped me, often, usually by or with my family's participation & blessings & took me to houses here & there & kept me on drugs and awake until I was delirious. Then we tended to go from place to place killing people everyplace we went. Usually, it was just PRACTICAL jokes.

 Other times, it wasn't funny at all. I know people died. I recall parties where Duh Jerk showed the bodies of the dead like a centerpiece, a trophy & the gang partied around the recently dead & my drugged self.

  As of 9-7-22 I haven't written much about the many dead that died during that time.

  This tale would not be possible without the investigative excellence of the Bay City Police & FBI.


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About 6 months ago or so... March 2022ish...

  Sooo there I was... taking inventory of last night's kidnapping. The weird thing that happened? I mean other than a gang of madmen who brag they routinely drag me back to mid-Michigan to star in films, to prove I'm great buttbuddies with what remains of the Munger Boy 5 or The 4 Stars. "With our films we'll prove you're a liar & no cop will ever believe you about The Gym". It's the litmus test for many members of the gang. An ongoing stalking by madmen for profit & revenge because of... wait for it... wait for it... according to them... According to them it's because of... The Gym. Or more specifically the horrors they had to endure because of how I reacted to their world-record attempted murder session they called "The Gym". "We're not mad at you because of what you did in The Gym. We're mad at you because of what The Bosses did to us because of you in The Gym".

  All that aside here's what happened.

  I was in some large room, likely a business or a school. My feet were inside a microwave oven & it was turned on. The door was sawed off & the latch that presumably engaged the door safety was engaged by the remains of that door, I'd suppose. The machine was humming. The microwave oven was on.

  Shortstuff, his mustache shaved asked me. "What are you doing"?

  How or why I said this, or how they got me to say this, or what brought me to this point I do not know. I replied. "I'm drying my feet".

  He retorted. "I don't think it works like that".

  It's how the scam works. They are the good guys, the guys with high morals. Their victims? Confused druggies or insane.

  Duh Jerk explained how it works. "We tell them 'Such & such is crazy & our friend & on drugs'. It always works because everyone knows to say that".

  Me? At the above time I was on drugs, clearly not in my right mind, & obviously did not have a great grasp on the reality of what was probably going on. A credible Radiation Terrorist Attack by known Self-Professed recreational serial-killers.

  I'll go back farther, just for fun (not my fun, theirs). I was standing in the Bay County Law Enforcement Center. I was talking to a Bay City... cOP. I was talking about my kidnappings, my tortures, my rapes. The guy behind me said he'd help me but he was disagreeing with me. I turned around to disagree with him. It was Shortstuff with a camera crew. A teenaged boy, a teenaged girl, and a camera.

  I announced this was no friend of mine, he was m y stalker, my kidnapper.

  Then I turned & perceived who that... cop really was peircing the drug  & torture & sleep deprivation haze that clouded my mind. It was Dirty Cop himself. HIMSELF! Right there! IN THE cOPSHOP!

  He asked Shortstuff why he put up with me?

  Shortstuff put on his best poker face & shrugged & then my professional buttbuddy said. "It's a labor of love".

  It's as a fake friend that they are most comfortable. 

  "Such & such is our friend their crazy & they're on drugs. It always works because everyone knows to say that".

  A few years ago The Last Snitch told me they'd start occasionally using microwaves to cook the flesh of my feet. That with their Dirty Doctors they could excuse it by saying it was a specific medical condition that's easily diagnosed as microwave radiation exposure. "To hide the fact that we've done that we have a microwave oven with the doors off of it & we convince our victims to stick their feet in their on film". He promised they'd soon be using it on me until it cost me my feet & with their films of me they could do it to me openly & no one could prosecute them ort the children they'd get to point & click the device at me.

  The last Snitch came back. He told me they had a portable version, easy enough to acquire with a few bucks & virtually undetectable. A sort of portable microwave gun (cheap, easy, & effective, but no recreational serial-killer would ever use that... it's unethical cops tell me.

  They brag they use it on me often.

  A credible radiation attack threat in my humble opinion.

  A Recap. It's how the scam works.


  I thought I'd skip over this tale, it adds nothing to my story. In fact, it's what I'll call the weirdest weirdism of the weirdest weirdism. How's that for a true weirdism? It adds nothing to my tale, & has redeeming social value, nor did it nor is it therapeutic to me to write it. In short, it's a complete waste of time to read. HEY! Doesn't THAT mean as a mid-Michigan... cOP it's the one story that YOU should pay the most attention to? Eh, who am I to give those law enforcement... pROFESSIONALS advice? Right? I'm sure there's a raping child-molestor doing evil right now. So you should get in your car & drive around & catch someone with a busted tail light? GO TEAM! Huh?

  Grumble grumble.

  Sooooooo.... there I was, at the Grandest of the Grande Parties at My Mother's Parent's place. As I recall there was usually a ton of activities that one might do there. Today, I sat at their living room coffee table that "My Cousin" had gifted them with. It had an expensive marble tabletop, was long for a coffee table, quite heavy, & from the day they got it it's single wood legs (2, one to the left & to the right) were never adequate to support it so 1"x4" were jammed into it on each side to give it support. It'd always made me wonder that, because of My Mother's Father's skill in woodworking why he'd never fixed it like he'd said day 1?

  My Cousin said he had a theory. Because he'd ordered My Family to never fix it or to modify it in any way because it was a duplicate to the one in the house that was a duplicate of My Mother's Parent's Place (I'd seen that place, it'd been furnished just like their home, but more sparsely & with a few different furnishings & art objects, presumably that the family living in that home had added to their lives, I'd killed some lil kid there once if anyone's paying attention the "Blue Porsha" story).

  RECAP: I was playing with blocks because all of the other things one might do there were taken. They kept the blocks hidden as a rule so the "Partygoers" were not aware of them, thus, I and my sisters got to play with them. Since the sum of the Partygoers & "The Regulars" were forbidden by force to interact with me we sat & quietly avoided their drama. What My Sisters saw or their conclusions of that day's events I never asked them. Why bother?

  Drama? Yeah, drama. I noticed that guards were positioned at the front & back doors inside & out. I'm kind'a oblivious actually, if partygoers hadn't pointed it out to me I might not have even noticed.

  My Cousin called me into the packed to the gills kitchen, not a single member of My Family (that I know of) were in that room. He told me that by now I knew we were all prisoners & we discussed thing, listed elsewhere. He told me that no one could leave but by his command. Now, because he trusted me I was the only one who could leave. My job was like usual actually, he'd be sending me to the nearby party store to pick up anything they'd forgotten or if supplies of of anything ran out. Mostly just to pick up soda & cigarettes actually. Most of his guys were showing up without enough cigarettes for the day so to avoid a meltdown I was going to be the only one who could leave the Grande Party (I should note that at no time whatsoever did anyone there, nor at any time in the past, family or not call it or even use the term "Grande Party"). My Cousin mocked me that, like usual I would be payed nothing to go to the store by his command. Mocking me all the more & laughing when he asked others there what it usually took them to get a kid to go to the store & they said the going rate for any child there to do anything (like going to the store for instance) was $20. Big money when you think about it because minimum wage was about a dollar back then. "You try to get any of the kids here to do anything for less than $20 and it ain't happening".

  As the day progressed My Cousin mocked me how much I would've made if I were "one of my children". He meant the kids at the party in general.

  Soooo... I went to the store that day much more than normal. Even being violently accosted by guards when I tried to leave only to have another guard say it was okay, I was that "Good Kid", the only person who could leave without permission there.

  "That's The Good Kid? I thought he'd be bigger".

  At the local store, about 2 small city blocks away the only unusual thing was that they expected me & had my orders ready for the most part. That part was not normal. I still had a cornucopia of different brands of cigarettes that I had to order individually for the Partygoers & the Regulars though. We did this many times that day. Strange only in that the store workers told me they'd been ordered to call the party to tell them I was on my way back. When I asked why they said they had no idea why? We shot a few guesses back & forth politely.

  At the party it became clear, to me, that people were being brought into the kitchen scared. In about 10-15 minutes on average they left, always via the front door & some where as white as sheets! Trembling.

  Many were escorted by my "Trio of Cousins" going in. Others were escorted by children whom I'd never interacted with & some by giant Jocks in black.

  I recall that as the day wore on more people came to the party as others trickled out they they didn't look happy at all to be there.

  I remember my Trio of Cousins starting to come back to the kitchen more frequently with no one. Meh, who cares, I just recall it. My Cousin was furious with them. He wasn't given to yell very often except at me as a rule. Actually, he seemed like a pretty jolly guy to me whenever I wasn't around, I guess he really did hate me huh?

  RECAP: Lots of store visits, white as a sheet guests, the Trio of Cousins start showing up empty handed a lot. Me playing with the blocks building stuff with my 3 siblings, I don't recall My Bro being there at the time of this writing. Lots of store visits & I wasn't making a penny. In a way it wasn't so bad. It didn't take long & it allowed me to escape the always ongoing drama at the Grande Parties.

  People, desperate people asked me to hide them. "You're The Good Kid"" They told me. The only person at the party they figured they might trust out of desperation.

  Me? I told them I was just a kid. How could I hide them?

  "I don't know? Can you think of anything"?

  I suggested they hide.

  No good they told me one by one. Children were scouring the party & bringing each Partygoer to justice. Their time was coming soon. Trembling like someone who has to go to the bathroom badly a few of them begged me. They claimed to be scared out of their wits. They franticly said they'd like to hide but being caught hiding meant a very severe punishment much worse than if one didn't hide.

  I recall a few of them & to my shame here's what happened next.

  I asked one how the gang had blackmailed him? He told me he was seduced by a little girl whore & that she was there. He was terrified that she'd be the one sent to find him.

  So I thought a while, but not for long, & told him he could pay that little girl to hide with him in the attic & if he were discovered he could claim he wasn't hiding, just in a moment of passion (no where near the exact words I used, but the wise among you get the jist Reader). He said my plan wouldn't work because the little girl hated him.

  I told him that she was a whore right? Then if he had money she'd go with him.

  He protested it'd probably cost him a lot of money, he'd brought thousands with him, just in case he needed it.

  I told him what was more important? The money or avoiding the punishment? That was when he left me.

  I recall he was discovered much later & he & a little girl, maybe 6 or 7  was beside him as Jocks escorted them into the kitchen. In about 10 minutes or so he came out. He told me he was punished. but he was relieved that the waiting was over. Then he thanked me based on I'd given him "a chance" & that my plan had worked in a way. He'd hidden with the girl & been caught. My Cousin was about to hand down an epic punishment on him too but he CLAIMED HE WASN'T HIDING, but in a business transaction with the little girl (far from his exact words). He told me that because he was "falsely" accused of hiding that My Cousin seemed to go easier on him with his punishment, he felt that my advice had spared him a horrible punishment that the others summoned to the kitchen with him had gotten.

  Others begged & when I told them to hide in the woods out back they said it was no good, children were scouring the woods & dragging people back to be punished. I noted to a few that I'd been watching the children's search patterns. That yes they did scour the woods behind My Mother's Parents & the home to the south but that there was a small patch of woods in the neighboring yard to the north (very small) that they never entered. I advised them that they could go there, cover themselves with leaves, & hide until dark. I never saw them people I gave that advice again so I don't know how the advice turned out for them? I did however see a single one of them go there & lay down & cover himself with leaves. Some tried to give me money. Lots of money. Especially for a broke kid like me. I turned all of them down.

  Lastly I recall one guy who begged me repeatedly for help with a look of terror. "They say you can get people out of here"?

  I told him I could not.

  But the guy begged urgently & asked me for any plan. Even a slim chance to avoid punishment was better than none to him. He offered me a lot of money.

  Finally, I thought about it. But not for long. Then I told him I was the only one who could leave as the store gopher (no one used that term either ever, me included BTW). If he could remain unpunished if & until I was sent to the store again I would tell the guards that he was my ride & get him out.

  Sure enough soon I was ordered to go to the store. We walked out the front door & the guards tried to grab the man. I told them he was my ride. They debated with themselves if I were lying, if they should call My Cousin & such.

  Me? I told them I was The Good Kid & they knew it. My reputation was such that everyone there knew I could be trusted & everyone there knew that.

  That was good enough & we left.

  The guy went to the nearby party store with me. There he all but begged me to accept a large sum of money & I refused it over & over. He tried to reward me many ways & I told him I wanted nothing.

  In the end he frustrated me & I said something like. "Fine! Here's how you can reward me. If they ever line everyone up to slap me in the face again & you're involved go easy on me & try not to hit me too hard. Okay"?

  Smiling he agreed & left. I walked back to the party with the requested supplies in hand.

  My Cousin summoned me into the kitchen & told me he suspected the Trio of taking bribes to let some partygoers escape his wrath. They were going to receive an extreme punishment, later, but not today. For now I would be tasked with finding his runaways & bringing them to him. Something I did very reluctantly but like everything I do in life then & mow, I did it to the best of my ability.

  It's 11-21-22 & my right cheek hurts & is numb. Left cheek numb & I really should get a cup to spit out the poison that's seeping out from between my teeth & gums. I grow tired of writing about the weirdest weirdism & the gang in general.

  There you go Reader. Another hour & a half of my life I'll never get back writing about a strange day inflicted upon me by the gang that I'll never get back either. I took no enjoyment in the events of that day then nor now (11-21-22). And just like that cruel summer I made no money writing about it either. Just a total waste of time & electricity in my opinion & all to write some weirdism.



THE 1ST ONE??? A recap...

  These recaps are not for my Readers (if anyone is even reading this who isn't "one of them"), they're for me. I'm trying to decompress, to come to grips with the events inflicted upon my life by madmen.

  The truth shall set you free...

  Sooooooo... there I was. Surrounded by Jocks, Fearless Leader, & a random assortment of average middle class & upper class people in some mansion estate's building. I drew a map of the grounds & the buildings in great detail in my +1,500 page letter to the FBI where someone dies every few pages. The "Nurse" was preparing another syringe to my left because the 1st had dazed me into weakness, but I was still standing & semi-lucid.

  The Jocks & the random people were standing around me either in horror at what was to my right or threatening me because of it.

  I looked down at "her". Flesh. It was the gal I've nicknamed Flesh & even assigned her a posthumas Theme Song ( ). She was clearly dead. Her head was laying flat on the floor of that building where only minutes ago she & her friends were mentally & physically torturing me. The very room where she'd mocked me about my coming legal demise based on the films they'd made of me killing people, the Boulder Bank Robbery & her testimony against me. She & Fearless Leader had asked me to recall "The  Satanic Wedding Ceremony I'd endured?

  I mocked them back that I had thwarted it. It never was completed.

  They mocked me back claiming it had succeeded & was a done deal. It was just that their Date Rape Drug had robbed me of any memory of it. Now she was legally my wife. Now her testimony against me would be the most damning thing I could imagine, I had no chance against them * it was all to help cover for their friend. Duh Jerk who needed a way to get rid of me far from mid-Michigan & the host of my potential witnesses.

  They mocked me, laughing me to scorn. A room full of them.

  They say that the truth shall set you free...

  The past is the past in now in the present I was looking at her, her head lying flat, her neck bent at an angle no neck should nor could ever be bent at... and for that person to live & be whole. She was clearly dead. Dead...

  Flesh looked peaceful. She hadn't looked like that since she 1st seduced me on their drug(s?) when they needed a large base of films, mundane interactions that they could use to prove we all were great buttbuddies.

  They say the truth shall set you free...

  So I was looking down at her to my right. She was dead. She looked so peaceful lying there. Why was she dead? Because I'd grabbed her by the head with both arms, tackled her & pinned her with my weight, & twisted her neck with all of my laborer might for a few minutes!

  After we'd met she asked me what race I thought she was? Of what national origin?

  I recall pondering the subject while on their drugs. I answered that I'd supposed she was Caucasian, likely of Italian descent?

  She corrected me. She claimed to be Hispanic. She asked me my opinion on the subject?

  I told her race means nothing to me when it comes to love, if Mrs. Right was any race whatsoever I would be content to make her mine.

  Now she was dead.

  I recall during the seduction, when any rational person would've said. Where am I? Who are these strangers around me"? But the drug(s?) had robbed me of that level of reasoning. I didn't question the situation before me at all. Not even slightly. I recall thinking how lucky I was to have so beautiful a woman. Luck me huh?

  They say the truth shall set you free...

  Back in the present I tried to walk over to her, to inspect the body but the Jocks held me & the crowd back who threatened to kill me for going near their dead friend. Fearless Leader told them to let me when I complained.

  I recall standing there pondering her dead body. The waste of such beautiful woman flesh. Minutes ago she'd bragged about testifying against me. How it was her initiation to some lofty Officer position in the gang. Now she was dead & a team of kidnapping recreational serial-killers were all swearing revenge against me for her, their dead friend. The memory is breaking up...

  Fade to black.

  Was she my 1st wife?

  Til death did we part...

TIL DEATH DO US PART... Literally...

  Sooooooo... There I was, in what seemed like a Satanic Chapel in or around Boulder Colorado. My torturers were assembled in the many pews, an alter & pulpit were in front of us & there was a giant pentagram that hung prominently behind them. Flesh stood beside me; Fearless Leader & his ever-present Jock army were there like groomsmen for the camera & Flesh herself stood beside me. A Preacher of sorts asked me if I took this woman to be my wife?

  Me? I was dazed & confused because of the drugs, deprivation, & torture. I became semi-lucid as I staggered in place pondering the subject. It was then that I recognized my kidnappers & recalled the situation before me.

  So I tried to fight my way out of there.

  How'd that work out for me? We fought. I lost. They drugged me anew...

  Later, after another horror skit had been forced upon me. Another PRACTICAL joke concluded successfully. The Nurse stood afar on my left, the Jock army on my right just out of the camera on the tripod's view. My torturers all prepared the next PRACTICAL joke. Props were being brought in from the next room & they were agreeing on the technique they'd use on me while The Nurse prepare yet another syringe for use on me.

  TRIVIA: It's only trivia to add that in my +1,500 page letter to the FBI where someone dies every few pages, I assigned Flesh a theme song for reasons of symbolism. "Flesh for fantasy". I invite the Reader to go to Youtube & play it in the background & read on. It's a story about the life of one of God's children who I nicknamed Flesh. I never knew her real name.

  Fearless & Flesh mocked me about the fake wedding. Noting their pictures & films of them as my friends at our very legal wedding would enable them to destroy me for the friend & employer/caterer of the event Duh Jerk. No one would ever believe me nor question their motives with the films their torture, deprivation, & drugs had allowed them to inflict upon me.

  The pair stood side by side & mocked me & laughed heartily. A few of the Jocks & the gang nearby joined them.

  Me? Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. I pondered the situation before me through the drugs & deprivation. I looked at them. Fearless & the smiling Flesh.

   Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. In a moment of time, I judged Flesh. She would not stand in a court & frame me, nor judge me. Why? Because if I could I was about to kill her... now! I figured they'd kill me for it. But I judged that my death would be acceptable if I could but take her with me to the grave. Here & now!

  I charged at Flesh & leaped into the air with my arms outstretched surprising the Jocks tasked with tackling me if I resisted at any point. WOW! Did she look surprised! So did Fearless Leader.

  I grabbed her by the head & slammed her down with all of my weight!

  The gang piled on me as one while I twisted her neck with all of my laborer might!

  Fearless yelled at The Nurse to drug me.

  Me? I ducked my head down & in the bad light The Nurse armed only with a syringe yelled in response to Fearless' urgent orders. "I can't tell who he is there's too many bodies"!

  I kept my head down & could tell she ran back & forth. Dozens of hands tried to prevent the turning, twisting & yanking action I was inflicting on their friend... Flesh.

  Eventually it occurred to The Nurse to flick on the lights & she picked me out of the crowd & dosed me.

  My strength faded & the gang manhandled me off of Flesh by picking the bodies restraining me off one at a time.

  Fearless assessed the damage on Flesh, pointed at her & yelled at me. "YOU KILLED HER"!

  I said. "She's faking it". Probably just another PRACTUICAL joke. Nothing more.

  Fearless invited me to look at her closely & I struggled through the drugs to do just that. Flesh looked peaceful to me. A look that had eluded her in my presence until then. They were still picking the bodies off of her & I think a leg held her torso slightly off the floor face up. She was facing up with her head resting on the floor in a way no neck could accommodate.


  "So what"? I said staggering there as my strength faded away. "You were gonna kill me anyway". At least I got to take her with me.

  "No we weren't. We were going to have fun with you and let you go"!

  Me? As I faded out, I called him a liar. Certainly, if they weren't going to kill me before they'd kill me now for what I'd done to their beloved seductress friend Flesh.

  Fade to black...

  Later snitched boasted that Flesh & I had legally married, on film. They whined decades later about the extreme lengths they took to ensure a cover-up of the wedding.

  All of them had the same story in a way. Flesh had been a junior Officer of note & her seduction/destruction of me publicly would've signaled a coronation of sorts, her ascension to high rank within the gang.

  She had a lot of friends & loyal family who were counting on her promotion for their own advancement in the gang. But no longer. All they had to look forward to was revenge... revenge against me.

  Til death do us part?





  Right cheek growing number with each bi-weekly injection.

  Yeah, I pray a lot, have put my trust in God, & have talked to a bazillion Police Officers.


  11-14-22 RECAP:

  My cheeks hurt, so I'll ask again?


SUMMER OF 72... anything but the Summer of love for me...

  Soooo... it was while standing there in front of my home at 1269 Harrison Street in Bay City Michigan Circa Summer 1972ish. The Uniformed Bay City... cOP got back into his marked Patrol Car in broad daylight by walking to where it was parked on the north side of our front yard & My Mother (Honor honor honor) went into our home by walking away from me heading south to our front door.

  He'd been there to accuse me of murder... again. By "again" I don't mean him personally but meant another uniformed & on duty Bay City... cOP had come to my home & accused me of murdering a lengthy interrogation.

  Today, 11-14-22 I tried counting which accusation number it was & am fairly confident it was the 5th such time I avoided arrest for murder at the hands of an on duty uniformed Bay City... cop. By "fairly confident" I mean not 100% sure. But I'm sure the number is close, but only rounding down. Keep in mind, this isn't questioning about the same murder 5 times but 5 different murder accusations concerning 5 different cases I'm writing about. For the record I didn't mean that... cop came to accuse me 5 times, I meant that he was the 5th... cop to come to my place to accuse me of murder, 5, yes five, give or take, probably give.

  I submit for the Reader's approval that after a time the number of times you get accused of murder as a child tends to blur in one's memory. You know? Like happened to everyone in true story Americana? Right? I'm asking, not telling because I have nothing to compare it to. Everyone forgets the exact number of times they've been accused of murder. Right?

  Soooooo... Recap. Cop going one way, just accused me of murder, My Mother for whom the sum total of my then existence could be summed up by a sentence she never used once. "Accusation equals guilt" going the other way on a beautiful summer's day.

  I was in awe that I had somehow, like a tap dancer in a minefield, somehow avoided the... cop's word maze of accusation & come out legally unscathed at that time. How'd I do it? I'd prayed & I'd told the truth to the best of my ability. I was a Christian. My nickname was The Good Kid. The Good Kid is 100% ethical at all times. Did I measure up to that standard? For trivia's sake I'll admit it to you Reader. No, no I did not. But I tried & it was important to me. It's what God wanted.

  So there I was, standing in the yard in awe at the situation before me. The... cOP pulled away & My Mother was gone inside our home. I just couldn't believe that this was happening to me. How? I pondered the calamity that my life was. Why? Why me?

  I pondered that... cOP & could only guess at his possible motivation?

  My Mother? For her; accusation on me & only me meant guilt. I'd endure weeks long pain sessions over the alleged theft of a Canadian Penny of no particular value. I'd been pounded for weeks by multitudes based on every vile accusation one could imagine & even more for the most insane & ludacris accusations anyone could think up. At night my door might blast open & she'd retry me for past offences based on an accusation she'd proven me innocent of months or even years ago against me in hours long pain sessions with every adult & child nearby joining in with faces framed with looks of pure ecstasy.

  So why was I unpunished for the murder accusation? Why? More importantly, why again?

  I thought about asking My Mother why? But considering her violent interrogation style at the slightest provocation I decided against it.

  Everybody loses track of the number of times they've been accused of murder? Right?

  Again, I'm only asking because I have nothing to compare it to?



  This is a RECAP of that sunglasses in the hall at Central High School. A taxpayer-funded institution where I faced death many times. I starred in child porn, I endured torture... cOPS assaulted me, tried to frame me, threatened me, lied about me, participated in my attempted murder.

  This in the RECAP of when Duh Jerk was talking about the visiting athletic team from afar all standing by the School Elevator looking at me & swinging imaginary blows at me, landing punches on their opened hands all while glaring at me. One swung a bat angrily, yes, angrily. In fact there are many ways one could swing an aluminum bat in life, one of them is to do so with an emphasis on anger. They did this all while wearing smart brand-spanking new  purple Central High School Football Jerseys.

  Duh Jerk invited me to check down the hallway by pointing at the classroom left of the main offices when you enter the school.

  The rational part of my brain told me not to do it. Not voices in my head, you know, that part of your mind that tells you not to go where the recreational serial-killer just dared you to go.

 Me? How do I explain myself? What I did next? I've never been given to a spirit of fear. My religion forbade it. Though I was an athiest at that time I just was never given to indulge that spirit. Call it a flaw, call it stupid, or just call it what I was & am. They say the truth shall set you free. Here goes...

  So I walked down the hall, as I recall it we were probably nearing the point where the bell would soon sound & I'd be late for class. It'd also sound that the halls would soon be virtually empty & a recreational serial killer claimed he had death squads on both sides of me & he wasn't one to bluff in my experience.

  So I walked to that classroom fully expecting that it was possible that this could be the last thing that I ever did. I wont call it an overwhelming curiosity, nor an attempt at bravado because "he" challenged me. But I was curious. As I walked up I planed a strategy. I'd look in, prepared to run. If I didn't have to run I would observe the room & it's occupants as best I could & as calmly as possible so as not to escalate the situation needlessly.

  As I walked past the main offices the squad behind me ceased their imaginary attacks on me & several of them pointed at me & began to talk about who knows what with Duh Jerk while looking at me.

  In the classroom I could see a room filled with about a team's worth of fit young men, probably a team the year younger than the larger & older teens who were in the hall behind me. They were in a semi-circle huddled about the door & behind about 5-7 foot from the door. They all took turns bending over to peer as far as possible into the hallway & not a one of them could've possibly seen the secondary offices that were then Duh Jerk's Office across from the school elevator.

  As I walked up I noticed the looks on their faces. They looked stressed, not at all angry like the 1st team. Some look terrified. I thought there might be a look of recognition on one of their faces, like I was the guy they were there for but as I slowly walked past & then stood on the far side of the door there was no look of recognition, they almost casually glanced at me like they did at the few others who passed by. Stopping to look at me only once I stopped in the doorway on the far side putting all the participants in my field of view for security. I checked, no one sneaking up on me. So I indulged myself to stare inside & to see what I could see? Desks had been moved away from the door. The occupants seemed more interested in what was going on down the hall than what I was doing, but 1 or 2 of them did stare at me with that "who are you & what is this guy up to look".

  Several of the pack by the elevators broke off & Duh Jerk ordered them to come back. They gorilla walked angrily down the hall.

  Me? I walked casually away & as soon as I was out of sight I took off running with everything I had. I could hear them shouting at students in the gym (coincidence I'd run in that direction is all) & asking if someone with my description had just run by.

  A RECAP... nothing more. Just another day in the 80s in a taxpayer-funded institution in Bay City Michigan. I dare wonder if it was "business as usual".

  Today is 11-17-22 when I write this. The time between when I wrote this & when I just starred in child porn isn't even double digit hours yet.



  "Yes I did". I told the alleged uniformed & on duty "Munger Michigan... cOP" while he stood imprisoned at his "post", inside the cell he'd locked me in for days, maybe even weeks? The memory addled by the gang's dug(s?) I'm not really certain how long I spent in that cell on display as proof of the power of the gang?

  Lets back up a mere minute or 2 here. I had just been searching the one-room very official-looking jailhouse for... anything. Anything that'd get me out of there or make an escape more likely. The uniformed... cOP who wore a uniform that clearly indicated he was a Munger Police Officer stood silently watching me along with about a dozen men.

  They yelled at me to break my concentration. Then paused & said things like. "Are you okay? Do you want some help". A very standard challenge the gang uses against their victims. The theory is that they hope that by repeating themselves they can land the query within moments of a victim's memory resetting. This is the "sweet spot", a moment where a given victim is likely confused & the gang can get them to act in ways contrary to their own personal interests.

  How'd I handle it? I threatened them with my pistol.

  Their retort? My gun was full of blanks & they weren't scared.

  My retort? I went outside & grabbed some fine gravel & came back in & explained to the men that my blank-filled pistol was now a shotgun & if they didn't shut up I would kill them.

  One of them pointed out it'd take an absurdly long time.

  I agreed & even contemplated doing just that. Then I said something like unto. "Motivate me. Watch what happens".

  When one of them kept at his verbal challenges I warned his pals I'd start the shooting soon & once begun wouldn't stop. So if they valued their lives they'd better beat him down & shut him up. I resumed searching.

  When he tried again 'He's bluffing' the other guys told him. "SHUT UP"! They figured I wasn't bluffing.

  It's kind'a fuzzy, but that Red-Headed Secretary got involved & I belted her full tilt. She went down hard! Flying into the middle of the room on the floor.

  I searched some more & other than improvised stabbing weapons I could find nothing useful & decided to leave.

  I looked at the Red-Head. She'd seemed so charismatic when I'd 1st met her from the other side of my cell & she initially acted like she was just some honest hard-working secretary in a jail fighting the good fight of helping justice.

  In time she & I chatted & I told her I saw her for what she was. Another hard-core gang banger "primarily an actor" child-molester.

  She bragged during the quiet times. She was a seductress from her youth for the gang. She'd seduced men & women for the gang, usually on film & destroyed countless lives and she liked it. SHE LIKED IT! She told me she worked most of the year in a children's school where they kept her supplied with children for her personal pleasure. Men & boys lined up to have her. "Even when men know who & what I am they cant resist me". With her looks she could have anyone & had contacts aplenty to ensure a lifetime of ease. Every man wanted her. "Even you. I could have you. I saw the way that you stared at me when you 1st got here".

  I told her that was true. But that now that I knew her for what she was she sickened me. She'd never have me.

  She disagreed.

  I retorted. I could tell she'd been a solid 10, maybe even a year ago. But I pointed out that my preferred woman type was older women & that if I assessed her as having beauty beginning to fade, likely from drinking & drugs, & the "Molester lifestyle" then it was true. She wasn't a solid 10 anymore.

  We talked quite a bit. She told me she was thinking of returning to one of the many Captains of Industry whom she regularly dated & giving them the greatest gift of all. Her. For life.

  Gross... The thought sickened me.

  Advance to the present. Now here we were. She was lying on the floor sprawled out. I wanted to leave. In a moment of time I had the many, many, many times I turned my back on a faking Molestor who called out for help as soon as I was gone. Who attacked me as soon as they could sneak up on me. Who begged for their lives & then mocked me when they facilitated my recapture mocking who foolish I was to trust the word of one of... "them".

  What to do with her? Hmmmmm...

  I looked around for something, some way I might restrain her & my search of the desks was fruitless. I thought I might use a computer cord but they were all bulky, you couldn't twist them around anything effectively.

  An occasional cough came from the cell to remind me I wasn't alone.

  What to do with her so I could escape? I judged I was spending way too long deciding. For all I knew my memory could reset any moment & I'd best be on my way out before that happened. I just didn't have any time. So I hatched a plan that, in lieu of restraining her would shut her up.

  So I walked up & knelt on her & twisted her head with all of my laborer might. K-K-K-K-KRACK!

  You didn't have to kill her" Said the Deputy.

  "Yes I did". I explained I had no way to restrain her.

  The Deputy invited me to look at the walls. Restraining cuffs & shackles o-plenty hung from the walls as did their giant "Munger Michigan" Official-looking law-enforcement seal.


They look nice... the most disturbing RECAP... ever...

  Let me begin with a bible verse very dear to my heart.

Exodus 20:12

  12 Honour thy father and thy mother: that thy days may be long upon the land which the Lord thy God giveth thee.

  It's only trivia to add that BOTH the Police AND my church AND even my own family dismissed me based on THAT bible verse. How? Because IF I were telling the truth ALL OF THEM SAID then I would never honour my parents. It's infallible proof I'm a liar. Period!

  Now the story. I'm not nor was I ever a perfect Christian. Read my story, you just might agree with me? It came to pass one day that I was watching a show titled Texas Chainsaw Massacre. A violent show, I wouldn't recommend it to Christian or non-Christian but I did in fact watch it.

  Then... "it happened". While I sat there on my own couch I began to think on the movie in my heart. Here is a RECAP of those musings.

  I thought to myself what a caring family the character's family were to each other. I wished I had a family who loved me like that. Then it occurred to me, longingly that if the family depicted in the film were mine I just might have killed less people in my all too-short life than I had to that date.

  Then the true horror of the imaginings of my heart dawned on me. I was reviled at... me.


  My advice? Honour thy Mother & thy Father. I suspect that if I had even more rigidly adhered to that verse then my life, my family's life, & the lives of many who died just might have been better.

  My excuse that my Parents (honor honor honor) made it "challenging" sickens me.

  The most disturbing RECAP... ever.

  RECAP: When I say "all of them" I mean that 100% of the groups are included. Though not every single... cop or family member who dismissed me claimed it was hounouring my parents that made them dismiss what I had to say.

  Romans 6:23

23 For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.


Once upon a time upon my bunkbed...

  Sooo there I was at age 8. I was in my bedroom during a quiet moment. I recall that my family were on the other side of a thin wall that seperated the living room from my bedroom. In a moment of time I resolved to take stock of my only goal in life at that time. A goal I wouldn't abandon my entire life.

  My Goal? well in life I'd always wanted to be a racecar driver at that age & changed it to astronaut about then, but that isn't the goal I meant.

  My goal literaly was that I live a number of years so that number would exceeded the number of people I killed. Is this normal Americana? I only ask & don't just say it because I have nothing to compare it to?

  Then I pondered in my heart how I was meeting the challenge of that, my only true goal in life? Normal Americana. Right?

  Sooooo I started counting the dead. Him, her, that guy, that kid, should I include, uhhh, wait, wasn't that a PRACTICAL joke, oh yeah, didn't they brag HE lived, what about that one that's fuzzy?

  I was mentally overwhelmed & had to sit down, so I sat on the lower Bunkbed & decided to obtain a more accurate count, horrified that this was even the situation before me.

  So I started counting again. Him, him, him, her, him, him, uh, wait, didn't the gang brag he lived? Him, him, wait, didn't I already count him? Him, him, no wait, didn't he live & did I count that guy who they said was a PRACTICAL joke?Uh, where was I? It's not the exact words of my heart but the wise get the jist of what happened that day.

  Then I decided that the only way to obtain an accurate count would be to write it down & thought to do that very thing. Then in a moment of time it occurred to me. My family (who were at that time very slap-happy & punishment towards me happy) would immediately ask me about what I was writing if they came upon me writing. I was The Good Kid. The Good Kid always tells the truth, if asked I would tell them exactly what I was writing. I pictured the horror sessions I'd lately endured at the most trivial of accusation & figured that if caught trying to do this task the punishment just might be epic upon epic. I figured I could hide, then make the secret list. I pondered the recent visits by Police who were at my home to accuse me of murder... again & again as of late. Then it occurred to me that if discovered making such a list of how many people I'd killed (or even how many people I suspected I'd killed) in hiding the punishment could be astounding.

  So I judged it too dangerous to do. Then it occured to me. I'd lost track of the number of people I'd killed at age 8.

  The horror... the horror...

"You are our Recruiter".








The Classroom to the Left of The Main Offices is about here





The School Elevators are about here





West of the Main Entrance is about here



  It was some time later. Duh Jerk stopped me in the Hallway, why? I forget that particular time at the time of this writing. Whatever it was for he had his say & I had mine in that tax-payer funded Bay City... cOP, Michigan State... cOP,  & FBI Agent protected hallway (a list of local law-enforcement agencies tasked with MY protection).

  So I asked him while his defense squad stood guards on the west side of the main entry doors to the school. What about the guys in football jerseys that'd chased me? It seemed like he'd lost control of them? What happened.

  He looked ashamed when he told me being that the would-be vigilantes were card-carrying hardcore gang regulars (not his exact words) he'd showed a wide assortment of "films" starring myself so the raping & kidnapping gang of murderers would feel self-righteous & in a good mood about killing me. The way Duh Jerk had brought it up was he was sure I'd attack him & they'd get a chance to rid the world of the biggest scumbag around. When I just walked away they decided to take the law into their own hands with my death!

  He'd lost control of them & they'd all be punished. Losing control of one's self in such a situation was unforgiveable to the gang. They'd soon be seriously punished.

  Changing the subject to decades later The Last Snitch was yelling at me during a debriefing. He wanted me to know why he hated me. "You don't evenn realize how many of our people have been injured or killed over you"! While he didn't share any numbers with me in my opinion it seemed to be a number he felt uncomfortable with? Just a guess?

  RECAP of a RECAP. All over my sunglasses. Go figure huh? It amuses me to suggest to... cOPS to click below & go to the section labeled "It's the sunglasses".

  My sunglasses... that were wrecked for profit & revenge...



  It's only trivia to admit that typing "Once upon a time upon my bunkbed" has greatly depressed me.

  I am not a better person for having rehashed that memory.



  The RECAP page isn't about furthering my story, it's not about what I think might help me (well, not much), it's about what's on my mind & helping me to deal with it, mostly.

  Sooooooo.... there we were, mere blocks from Bay City Central High School, just west of it in what seemed like an ordinary suburb. Duh Jerk bragged we were in a small enclave. An area of the city where, in part thanks to the loud music they continuously played & the face that they "owned" the neighboring properties (see "Definitions Page" for a definition sure to daze & confuse any 100 mid-Michigan... cOPS).

  Duh Jerk explained the rules of the end of my life to me in a spacious living room packed to the gills with himself & an army of 18 year old Jocks, & Bay City's own dirty.. cop I've nicknamed "Dirty Cop". Circa 1988.

  1) I could do anything I wanted to my captors. Hurt them to my heart's content, kill them if I wanted.

  2) My captors could hit me all they wanted, body blows only. "Not the face".

  3) The were going to be torturing me for a long long time.

  What happened next? They didn't feed me & they beat me & kept me awake for a long, long time.

  4) I was going to be raped a lot.

  Me? How'd I handle it? What was my plan? 1st, I prayed, a lot! To God be the glory for my survival, I was never strong or tough enough to have survived & I knew it (athiest me, athiest off their drugs, Christian on them). My plan didn't go well. But I always figured that a bad plan is better than no plan at all. I responded to their plan by beating on them as much as I could. Biting of body parts, breaking limbs, busting bones, poking out eyes, & set out to kill as many of them as I could & tried my very best, while addled by the drugs & sleep deprivation, to do just that. My ultimate goal, a goal I gave very low odds of success was my freedom. Freedom. Freedom...

  Freedom free·dom noun

  1. the power or right to act, speak, or think as one wants without hindrance or restraint.

    "we do have some freedom of choice"

    • absence of subjection to foreign domination or despotic government.

      "he was a champion of Irish freedom"

    • the state of not being imprisoned or enslaved.

      "David A. George tried vainly to fight his way to freedom"

  How'd their plan work? It worked well. I was beaten & raped, often by the entire lined up room's content's daily, for weeks. On film.

  How'd my plan work. I got free a few times but was recaptured over & over chiefly by uniformed on duty Bay City Police who played a major role in my repatriation to said property & event. They even knocked out my front tooth (bragging that they superglued it back in for the public "event" to come).

  I busted up a lot of young men about to enter the prime of their lives. Amputations, wounds that no doubt scarred them for life. Broken this & busted that. Possibly a lifetime of disability to come for a few of them (just a guess).

  Time passes...

  They took me to a makeshift arena & very much tried to sell me that it was a cattle Auction House. Their "official" story being that a bunch of guys who run organized crime from a Public School chose to commit crimes in a Cattle Auction House with High School-type seating, barriers, & basketball playing area & hoop.

  They explained the rest of my life to me. Duh Jerk had beaten & deprived me for weeks to do away with me here, now where I would be an easy victim for the gladiatorial arena he'd signed me up for.

  I'll describe the rest simply using as few words as possible in case a mid-Michigan... cOP should somehow read this.

  They brought in a guy. We fought. I won. The "Judge" who described himself as "The Sheriff" told me to kill my opponent or he'd kill me. Now! I refused. I tried to make a break for it. The Gang beat me down & returned me to the fight.

  Lots of other guys fought. I didn't pay much attention to them, even if the films prove I stared in that direction (my mind was elsewhere in prayer & thought).

  They brought in a guy I'll nickname #2. We fought. I won. The uniformed Police Officer & "Judge" who described himself as "The Sheriff" told me to kill my opponent or he'd kill me. Now! I refused. I tried to make a break for it. The Gang beat me down & returned me to the fight. In my opinion I almost got away but #2 was instrumental in helping them defeat me. His reason he said was because I'd beaten him.

  I told #2 I was angry because only minutes ago I'd spared #2's life under direct threat against my life to kill him, or The Sheriff would kill me. He was a typical Gang Member. My sparing his life at so great a cost meant nothing in his "you wronged me self-important world-view so typical of the gang's members".

  Lots of other guys fought. I didn't pay much attention to them, even if the films prove I stared in that direction (my mind was elsewhere in prayer & thought).

  I assessed myself physically & mentally here during prayer. My strength was waning, ebbing, draining. Muscles were starting to in part shut down & more so that when I'd entered. When I looked at the Fight Roster I realized I would lose. I didn't have the strength to fight that many trained fighters.

  So I hatched a new plan & announced it to the spectators & participants. "TO FIGHT ME IS DEATH! I WILL KILL ANYONE WHO FIGHTS ME"! Then I set out to do just that. It's not as glamourous as I make it sound. It's a grim & grizzly task that I carried out as mercifully as possible. Quick deaths whenever I could. No name-calling. Respectful slaughter.

  Lots of other guys fought. I didn't pay much attention to them, even if the films prove I stared in that direction (my mind was elsewhere in prayer & thought).

  I fought. Guys died.

  I recall this one. A big powerful man. He had a 50ish year old Manager who bragged on his Fighter & how he'd kill me to collect the Bounty Duh Jerk publicly offered there to anyone who was lucky enough to be the one to kill me.

  Me? I treated them like the others who lived & died. I tried to talk them out of fighting me. I failed & the pair taunted me about my coming death while Duh Jerk & the 4 Stars smiled on.

  A long story short? We fought. The man was primarily a wrestler. Often I note that the gang noted my reluctance to wrestle & took that as & spread around that it was because I was a weak wrestler. I'm not then, nor now claiming I was ever tough. Frankly, I liked wrestling. I avoided it only because I learned early in life to not fight to your opponent's strengths & their lifestyle of constantly subduing victims has gifted many of them with wrestling talent. The guy was big, strong, great wrestler. We fought. Here's what happened in this RECAP:

  At one point we were wrestling quite a while. The Sheriff got bored when fights stalemated in wrestling matches so he beat both wrestlers until they released or one overcame the other. We wrestled & he beat us apart a few times. At one point in the wrestling I was on my back laying on to of his belly & had him in a headlock & his legs in a leglock & he was bent backward by this, particularly his neck which was stretched as far back as a neck can go.

  Describe his neck? He was a powerful man with a thick muscular neck.

  Me? I raised my arm & pulled it back as far as I could & delivered 3 chops to his throat with all my might! WHAM! WHAM! WHAM!

  I thought I had him but the guy martialed his strength & threw me off him like a sack of potatoes with a display of strength unlike what he'd shown thus far. His Manager rushed in to shield his guy from me & men from all over rushed in & kept us separate while his Manager tended the man who bragged he'd kill me, for "the money'.

  I stood waiting for him to come back, envious only that no one would be tending my wounds had our situations been reversed.

  In about 30 seconds, maybe a minute it became visibly apparent that my would-be killer's neck was swelling. Major swelling.

  I looked on in horror at how large the man's neck had gotten & figured he was likely to die from his wounds. Still, they had a Uniformed Ambulance Crew right there so I figured he had decent odds of living.

  My opponent stared into my eyes & without an utterance I knew what he was thinking. He was about to die & he knew it because no throat can swell that much and the man still live. I knew exactly what he was going to do.

  My opponent attacked me with everything he had!

  Me? I'd prayed for the strength, a plan, the wisdom to survive. I amended my plan on the spot. Here's what happened next.

  My would-be killer, a powerful & boasting trained fighter (according to him & his Manager) came at me with everything he had.

  I decided to block, figuring he only had a limited time until he ran out of oxygen.

  We fought, maybe a minute? Ever fight a minute against a trained fighter trying to kill you with everything he's got with abandon? Then, he unceremoniously dropped like a stone.

  I recall complaining that the Ambulance Crew just stood around & even suggested that they do an emergency tracheotomy to save the man's life. They offered to give me a small blade & let me do it. I almost did. Why not? 1) I don't know how & 2 I figured that edited film footage of me slicing the guy's throat would seal my fate in any 100 honest courtrooms. In short, "fear". I was afraid to do it, lest he might have survived & it was my surgical incompetence THAT KILLED THE MAN.

  The Ambulance Crew refused to perform any life-saving medical treatment.

  In a moment of time I could see that the Manager who told me he loved his friend deeply realized his friend was going to die then & there. SO HE ATTACKED ME!

  ME? My mind flooded with self-pity, I recall praying a conversation to God (Note: I said to, & not with). This was so unfair. I didn't have enough gas in the tank to take on all the guys on the list. I was dying slowly myself, losing it. This was so unfair that my life had come to this point & now the calamity of having to kill this guy who I never wanted to kill is compounded with now I have to fight his Manager too?

  We fought, maybe a minute. Then, then the Sheriff ordered he be ejected from the arena.

  While they held the Manager who was screaming threats at me to prevent the self-professed trained fighter from killing (his stated goal BTW) me the rest of us all stood around, we all stood around & watched the man die, we all stood around in a big circle, staring into the once bragging man's face, and watched the man die, slowly...


  For the record: RECAPS SUCK.

I should'a learned to play the guuitar, I should'a learned to...

  Play this link very softly in the background:

  Soooooo... Circa summer of 1972 I'd just been given a 6-string guitar, at the time of this writing I forget who gave it to me. But it coincided with the time my neighbor, the kid I hung out with my own age who lived next door to my 1269 Harrison Street home in the corner of Bay City Michigan in the low-income duplex. Believe it or not when he moved away he gave me his 12-string guitar. He told me he was moving to Florida to live with his real Dad. Then he left.

  Me? I'd already told him & others I was resolved to learn to play a musical insterment. Why not the guitar?

  So I decided to spend hours a day learning it.

  How'd it go? Badly. I found it impossible to learn the chords. Add in the fact that I have no beat & poor Rythm & I was quite horrible playing the guitar.

  Worse? Like I said I found I couldn't memorize the chords. I might spend hours trying my best to memorize a given chord, musical note & how to play that single note only to begin practice the next day & literally have no memory of what that note was or how to play it? I was dumbfounded. How could this be? After 2 weeks of being stuck on... uhhh... wasn't it mostly "G"? I'd be a liar if I said I was positive of any chord's name whatsoever. 2 or more hours a day, 7 days a week for 2 weeks & I sat and inventoried my skill with a guitar in hand. I couldn't recall a single chord no matter how long I'd practiced it the day before. I tried reading the music before me, it was like a new language even though I'd spent weeks trying to learn. I was literally 0% on my way to my goal of playing the guitar.

  I took it all as a sign that I wasn't musically inclined, certainly not with the guitar, and just quit. It's 2 weeks of 2-4 hours a day I'll never get back on hot summer days in an unventilated room. Sigh...

  I'd have completely forgotten the subject if in about a week my smiling "Cousin" hadn't summoned me to him & bragged on the subject.

  My Cousin asked me how my guitar learning had went?

  Me? I was amazed he even knew about the subject? I told him the truth as I saw it. I gave up learning the guitar after weeks of practice hadn't yielded even the slightest ability. I just wasn't talented I'd supposed.

  Grinning form ear to ear My Cousin told me he had a theory as to why I'd failed to learn the guitar & would keep failing. "I ordered your Mother to drug you every time you tried learning to use the guitar". He complained that he did it all the time to his young victims & his main complaint was I lasted 2 weeks, most victims barely lasting a single week of this treatment. It meant that he had to return with drugs once & had just dropped off a new batch of drugs when I'd finally decided to quit trying.

  Me? I told him I didn't buy it.

  "Oh yeah"? He asked me to recall when I was in class as of late, that short petite pretty teacher who tormented me when I didn't learn. He told me he drugged me often & chose times critical to my learning to do so.

  I told him I didn't buy it.

  "Oh yeah"? He asked. Then he proceeded to ask me many questions from classes, particularly English classes & infallibly zeroed in on my every weakness. He then bragged he liked to keep himself informed of my education & drugged me at critical points so I'd fall behind my fellow students. "The cops will not think that anyone deficient in English is smart". He like to brag.

  Then he demanded to know how I answered some of the questions? I shouldn't know those things.

  I explained that I liked to read the schoolbooks on my own time from time to time.

  He said he knew that & had solved it. He claimed he'd ordered My Mother (Honor honor honor) to interrogate me every time she saw me with a schoolbook about the subjects I was learning & to beat me for my every perceived wrong answer.

  I told him it was true she did do that, so I simply hid my books from her.

  He told me he was going to punish her for her failure & make sure she beat me whenever I took my schoolbooks home by making my classmates inventory my books when I left school & reporting their removal to her.

  What do you say to your recreational serial-killing Satanic Church Leader stalker at that point Reader? At the time of this writing I don't recall my exact response but I'll write what was often my response to him & to... cops.


  A DULL CONVERSATION WITH A KIDNAPPER... My opinion? He should'a kept his mouth shut...

  Every now & then I think on this encounter with a kidnapper, the memories of that day come bubbling to the surface. For the record I do not count it as a fond memory but one inflicted upon me by madmen. I purposed in my heart to dedicate this tale to the head of The Bay City Police, whoever that may be at this time, 12-14-22 at 12:07 PM. No need to thank me Sir or Mam, just knowing you're out there bringing the same kind of law enforcement excellence that made my website possible is reward enough for me. GULP!

  We begin with me in The Bomb Shelter Garages. I'd just begun my escape. There were bodies lying here & there, young men & women. They were all 18 years old, just graduated & their big chance to prove to the gang they had what it takes to succeed. Or so I was told. They were unusual only in that they were a bragging lot, as a rule Jocks, Guards, & their Seductress Handlers don't talk shop very often with their victims. They bragged a lot to me. What became of them? They died screaming for help in that soundproof room where I made it a point to keep my back to the exit & picked them off one at a time. For the most the fight is fuzzy, hard to recall. I recall deciding to kill them & did my very best to facilitate it. Truth be told they did put up a struggle, but I had 100 lbs on the heaviest I'll bet & none were very athletic as I recall it. Actually, I really just don't reminisce about them much at all. It's the next guy.

  Sooooo... I decided to leave. I'd gotten a sweet steak knife from their food prep area. Actually just a spot they prepared the meals they ate & the meals they pretended to serve me between porn films to facilitate yet more filmed mundane interactions for their ongoing blackmail/framing scam against me (and others, I am not alone & there's an army of fellow victims out there).

  A Jock came in armed with a sweet blade himself & basically told me in so many words I'd been recaptured. He had a knife so I'd better submit. OR ELSE!

  Me? I had a knife too & pointed to all the dead bodies that I wasn't bluffing when I gave him a chance to surrender.

  He laughed at me & mocked me. He had a big sharp knife & I should check my blade because it was dull.

  Yeah, I checked it. That blade was just a dull metal stick of sorts shaped like a knife. Nothing more. Probably less sharp than an average butterknife.

  Me? I thanked him for telling me the knife was dull. "I probably would've just slashed you. Now that I know better I'm going to just stab you over & over". That, or words to that effect. I very much recall my next words. "A dull knife will kill you just as dead as a sharp knife".

  Him? In so many words he told be he was willing to bet his life on it.

  Me? In so many words I told him I too was willing to bet my life on it.

  We fought. I won.

  It was Circa 1988ish, and he had been born a child full of potential just like his coworkers. Such a waste.

  I wonder what words I will say if I should face them on Judgement Day?

  That's when I told The Last Snitch. "I kill rapists. It's what I do".

I appraised the knife. It had about a 6-inch blade & was made of a single piece of metal. Likely drop forged, a knife that had never been sharpened after it's construction.

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Wed Jun 15.jpg
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Saginaw Badge.gif

  Warehouse style werˌhous/stīl noun Assembly line-type of interrogation/blackmail technique. A small group of victims is assembled & often drugged & or sleep-deprived 1st & then interrogators impose a skit or skits & or interrogation techniques upon each victim one after another. example: "We rounded up all the Kids Anyone Can Hit from each Chapter & tortured them all warehouse style & made them all think they might have killed some little rich girl" one after the other. Well most of'em fell for it in any event".

  human good diddlyoodness (h)yo͞omən ɡo͝od didlēo͝odnəs n. 1. an unwritten social barrier of personal interaction & deeds that no one would cross no matter what based on fair play, common courtesy, a shared sense of honor & unwritten common law ethics ethics across all of humanity. 2. Crimes no one would ever commit, unless they live in a major city. example: "The Bay City... cop said 'no one would do that around here. Basic human good diddlyoodness prevents it. Now if you said it happened in Detroit, maybe I'd believe you'. 8


  "They" stole a few more of the dice that I always carry on my person. Go figure huh? An entire set of the $1 Store dice & a few of the remaining "better" dice that they didn't steal last time. only a pro gamer would notice or even note it.

  Written 4-17-23


  I was just reading the story "A DULL CONVERSATION" again, looking for errors & pondering IF I should add in exactly how the last guy died (Oh, he died, I know it) and I was disgusted by the story.

  WHY? Because of how I talked about the 3 who died before how the last guy in the story died (I made no autopsy, it's just as likely that they may have lived). I was disgusted by the FACT that in my tale of the lives of 3 young men & WOMEN WHO WERE ABOUT TO ENTER INTO THE PRIME OF THEIR LIVES i EQATED THEIR LIVES IN WRITING TO: "and the rest". Those were people's lives. It was without glee that I write about that in my own desperate quest to end the ongoing torture & to gain my freedom & YES, to get some sleep, & that was a big part of why they died, I wanted "rest", sleep, R.E.M. sleep. That in my quest for life & to end the ongoing frame up on me they died. I killed him, the guy by stabbing him over & over with a dull blade about 6 inches long. Then I walked away & recalled my very recent experience where his own teammate had gotten back up after I'd thought he was dead & attacked me & decided that this guy wasn't going to repeat that. So I stabbed him over & over making sure to stab into his jugular veins a bunch of times before I tried to escape with his sharp knife which I used on the final guards.

   "And the rest". Sad is the day that a human life is equated to "and the rest" when discussing ending young lives.

  I'll always remember "My Cousin's" words he spoke to his peers while I played with a toy blue Porsche. "See how he kills without remorse"?

   I'm not a murderer. I have never killed with the intent of commiting murder. Murder is wrong.

  I have killed a lot of people. Some good, some bad, & some very very bad about whom the word "wicked" applies.

  Wont someone stop this?

  Help me? Please?


  Soooo... RECAPPIN the RECAP of the RECAP. Is that even legal?

I recall how, then, in the Bomb Shelter Garages (note my use of the letter "s" in garages) that the gang kept me surrounded by a combination of giant Jocks clothed in black, average sized guys of no particular level of fitness, always a pretty young woman or 2 (as a minimum, to act as "calmers" in case a victim should become agitated, or so they told me "no one wants to hit a pretty girl" they bragged, it was "useful" to do against their victims), & often, but not always 1-3 10-11 year old children. All the participants were about aged 18 except Officers, like Duh Jerk, Fagboy, Duh Weasel, The Mayor's Brat, & Shortstuff, and of course any visitors or fellow victim/,members or participants in the many skits they inflicted regularly that I call PRACTICAL jokes. PRACTICAL jokes is written symbolically.

Everyone but the Officers lived at the garages in the nearby homes next door to the Garages & allegedly took turns manning the lookout houses & providing security for the small parties that went on there.

Living there often meant eating there as they bragged/whined that no one could leave the environs but Officers or someone doing a specific gang task. If the conversations I overheard were true they were often providing back-up or muscle to any number of ongoing gang projects against an assortment of victims who were each at different stages in their ultimate planned demise by the gang. I also so some sent straight to the Brothel to service clients who didn't seem happy about it.

I wrote ALLLLLLL that so I could write this. Here goes:

I recall that they made their meals there. I remember talking with a young woman who'd recently helped recaptured me when I spared her life & tried to leave. She'd given me her word she'd remain quiet in exchange for sparing her life, an option I hadn't given the 3 or 4 young men who lay on the floor around her. She screamed bloody murder & during my recapture it was she who rushed up with a syringe, filled it, & injected me while I was planning on dispatching the rest of the guards (and was doing so).

She told me that I was a fool to trust her. "I'm a Devil-Worshipper". She bragged her word meant nothing & made it a point to humiliate me. She'd even begged for my death because of what I'd done to her classmates that summer. Duh Jerk looked like he pondered my life or death a long time before he told her no. Then he replaced all the guards & staff but her. She was a good cook & provided excellent secondary services they told me (not their exact words).

  I recall when she cooked. When they ate. If it was takeout, they often made it a point to eat in front of me. If she cooked the skits, PRACTICAL jokes, & torture sessions ended & they ate & I was usually returned to my cell next door or the makeshift cells inside the Garage.

It happened again. I got loose, then I killed everyone again. Her towards the end. We were all standing around gasping, I and the last 3 Guards & her. She'd been tasked with trying to escape the room & get reinforcements.

Me? I fought with my back to the door, yanking them into a fight 1 at a time & grabbing at her whenever she came near. It was actually good leverage. Say I needed a respite in the fight or things were going poorly for me. I just grabbed her & taunted the guards. "How could you just let me beat a woman like this"?  They let me go & tried to free her. It made the fight winnable in my opinion.

Soooo there were about 3 of'em left & her. She circled like a panther for any moment of weakness to escape. All she had to do was get to the door & flip the thick lock open & open the big door mechanism. Not as easy as you'd think because the door opened inward & I made sure the fight was at the door. Looking back on it I think the guys should've tried harder to yank me from the door than they did. We were all there, sucking wind, gasping. I wasn't yet at my second wind but I recognized that they were. I figured I had to act, not let them get a second wind. But how? I figured I had to rescue the odds against me by any means possible. Hmmmm...

Until now she'd circled the room with impunity. It made it easy to grab her. Then I promptly snapped her neck like a chicken. K-K-K-K-K-KRACK!

The guys attacked! Having not regained their second wind they were much easier to kill than they might've been in my opinion.

The gal (whom I've given no "nickname") had been cooking. Quite elaborately actually. She prepared the food around me, then cooked it elsewhere in the nearby kitchen they'd shown me when I asked to see it earlier. As a rule she prepared their meals all while chatting with her teammates at a table between her team & myself. Now I went over to her table & gabbed me a knife after I had assessed that it was the best available weapon. The utensils being too flimsy & the table being a flimsy card table with no chairs or any other furnishings in the room. About a 6-inch blade & very sturdy, a single piece of metal. I was amazed that the team hadn't used the utensils against me. But they were dull. Then I left.

I opened the door & was met by a single jock down the hall & the exchange noted in the RECAP happened. I recall when he told me the blade was dull that I studied it so well I feel comfortable using the word "appraise". It was a single piece of metal, likely drop forged with a handle wrapped in leather or cloth. Very sturdy.. A knife that had never been sharpened. I recall being confident enough with it that I said. "A dull knife will kill you just as dead as a sharp knife".

I also recall stabbing him over & over in the jugular veins on the sides of his neck, just to be sure he wouldn't follow me & I went out to dispatch the few remaining guards.

As far as Jocks & torturous skit pros go I'd say that their talents were top notch and as good as any of the gang I'd ever encountered. They were ruder than most, as no other torturers prepared their food in front of me like they had.

I later heard someone lived, & all but 1 died & the deaths would be explained away as a summer school bus accident & a few random accidental death facilitated by keeping the bodies on ice in a Morge.

I asked them who lived & they refused to tell me. Then I asked if the gal had live & was told she was surely dead. Of course, her head was on backwards when I last saw her (like several of them actually).

I dedicate this tale to Bay City's Highest Ranking FBI Agent as of 01-07-23 when I wrote this. Without who's excellent investigative talents stories like mine would not be possible. No need to thank me Sir or Mam, and please don't send me money. Just knowing you're out there using your investigative talents in the fine Bay City FBI Tradition is reward enough for me.


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TALES FROM... THE WOODS!!! True tales of woodland horror...

  This tale is brought to you courtesy of the fine investigative talents of the Bay CIty Gang Chapter of the Michigan STate Police without whom's fine investigative talents none of my website's stories would be possible. Please guys, no need to thank me & please don't send me any money. Just knowing you're out there bringing the fine policework that made my site possible is reward enough for me. PHHHHHHHTTTT!

  Set your wayback macines for the early 70s & buckle your seatbelts, it's gonna be a bumpy ride!




  Sooooooo... it was the early 70's & my Mother's Parents had their backyard set up mostly as a garden/crop field. They had a big yard & most of it grew food. They used to do a lot of canning & as a lil kid it was my job, and my job alone as a grandkid to work in "The Garden" as they called it & I was glad to. You see they paid me $1 a week to work about 4 hours a day there & I was happy to do it... come payday. Like most kids. Attendence was mandatory for myself & my Cousins (who I never learned the names of to this day, literally, they weren't allowed to play with me or talk to me since the time I was a few weeks old onwards, though I'll bet several "films" will dispute my take on events that occured whenever they chose to interact with me).

  I usually did the work alone up & until 1971ish. Frnakly, no one else would obey the adult family authority save My Mother's Brother ocasionally & myself continuously. They'd work a few minutes & whenever you turned your back they'd run off.

  About 1970-71ish they decided to not raise crps in the very back half of the property reducing their crops to about 1/3rd. I thought nothing of it as the next year the back half grew wild & grass & weeded over.

  The next year the entire former cropland sprung up with tiny trees that grew to waist high or so & made trekking through difficult but made for a bug-choked but nice place to hide for hide-n-go-seek games we often played (a static game I might play occasionally with children as, since one hid & didn't interact with people I could play with the other children. "Occasionally".

  The next year it grew about 7-10 feet & the trees were an impossible to enter bio-mass where no one went whatsoever. In the late fall I recall making tunnels by hand through the dense impassible woods. It was hard work as I was allowed to use no tools. Frankly, the many hours it took compared to the few minutes we played there in the Fall chill wasn't worth it. But I had high hopes for the next year.

  The next summer the trees grew taller & the woods, while impassible werent the almost solid biomass they were last year. Hacking a path, again by hand required careful scouting to pick the spots I could rip trees up & snap off here & there. It was a lot of work & this time My Bro & a few of the innumerable visitors I'd never see again in a week helped. We hacked a few paths with a lot of sweat & played maybe an hour or 2 before the assembled adults announced they'd seen us playing & forbade any of us to enter the woods under threat of great punishment.

  I protested & they never gave any reason I liked for the rule. It was just final & too bad if I didn't like it.

  "My COusin had his own theory on it & told it to me beer in hand (his default state BTW). "I ordered it", He claimed he'd planted the woods, like he'd planted many such woods where he coould rape young victims. He was familiar with how long it took to grow out when he densely planted the woods & as a rule it took 5 years of growth & an the 6trh year the tall trees would choke everything & he could walk in & do whatever he wanted to whomever he wanted. The best thing was since it was a newly wooded area people familiar with the area wouldn't consider it as a rule when considering where his victims got raped. Plus since he often panted such woods here & there he could shuttle victims between them & make their stories unbvelieveable to... cops & jurys. Win/win.

  "I noticed you hacked a bunch of trails through there". He mocked me. He laughed at me all the more when he made me admit I'd done it by hand & mocked that he'd seen me doing it & sent me the help to do it. "Why do you think they weren't punicshed for talking to you"?

  I told him a lot more people than he thought talked to me & since he punished a lot of children & adults for talking to me or playing with me that it meant that people were actually talking to me & even playing with me occasionally.

  He promised to crack down more harshly on people who talked to me from then on.

  My big mouth. Sigh... In times like that I often thought about complaining more but it occurred to me that it was other people who got punished for talking to or playing with me & if I complained they just migght start punishing someone else... ME! So i'd best shut up.

  "My Cousin" was drunk when he told me the reason he didn't want me back there was because him & his guys were actively raping & torturing people there.


  Advance time, but not much...


  Sooooo there I was. At another one of My Mother's Parent's Grande Parties. Usually we showed up early & on the hottest days they kicked My Mother's kids out 1st thing. Not the Godless brats mind you. No. The Satanic troublemakers were the stars. Welcome. I & usually my siblings were not welcome on the hottest days so we usually played in the back yard between my (and mine alone) frequent Gauntlet Sessions that usually happened daily & sometimes bi-hourly because of usually ludacris accusations.

  Today a beautiful disheveled blonde woman, early 20s, clothes ripped & only held to her bruised body by her arms stumpled out of the path I'd made weeks ago.

  In my opinion now (not then, now it's my opinion) she was drugged & didn't answer right away. She stopped & pondered, looked around & then answered me & said she'd just been drugged & raped by the guys in the small clearing in the woods (that I'd also made BTW at great physical effort for a child with no tools) & feared the guys were right behind her.

  On que the group of about 8 large teens & adults came out of the woods. Pointed her out & said get her.

  Me? I stood beteen her & them & announced I was protecting her & told my siblings to go inside & call the Police! When you read my story you'll realise I took a huge gamble here concering the subject of my safety here.

  An adult said. "Lets just kick his @$$ & take her".

  Other remarked who is this little kid telling US what to do? They counciled eacjh other to beat me up & return her to the party in the clearing. The gal hid behind me & the rather large party behind me came to a halt, but no one helped either way.

  I stood my ground. Partly because as I looked at the Jocks beefore me & I knew a of a few of them. "My Cousin" rarely told me who'd seen what "films" of me as a rule, so I never knew why they hated or feared me. But these guys had been shown quite a few films of me killing people as part of a routine "lets-make-the-following-people-hate-David-because-we-can-session". I knew they'd "seen the films". So I just double dog dared them to fight me.

  A few adults mocked me & a few of the adults who'd "seen the films". said things like. "Hold on there". "I ain't fighting him".

  "Come on! Lets just kick his @$$ & return her to the party".

  What am I saying? I'm saying that the guys, big guys said things like. "He's a lot tougher than he looks". & "I ain't fighting him"!

  My siblings called the Michigan State police who showed up & read the gal who'd be nude but for holding her tattered garments about her body the riot act. She'd be locked up & an ambulance would take HER away.

  I counciled the... cOP to go down the path & look for drugs but the men insisted the only reason I knew there were drugs down that path was because they were mine!

  That... cOP siezed a lot of drugs, threatened me... threatened ME! He told me I was too young to charge, it'd ruin my life so he was letting me off with a warning.

  To be continued... maybe? But probably not.


YOU EXPECT US TO BELIEVE??? Actually, uhhh, yeah...

  Where to begin what may be a poorly placed RECAP (because I don't think I've written down before, thus it's not a RECAP by definition, but I might've)? Hmmmm...

  Circa Spring/Summer of 1974 when a Uniformed on Duty Bay City... cOP pulled up to my place & asked if any of the children present knew David George & where he was?

  I informed the officer that was me.

  He looked at me oddly, as if he were appraising me & said. "I thought you'd be bigger". He went on to explain he was there about a complaint. It seems a man accused me of beating him up a few days ago.

  Me? I sensed a frame job & with my Mother (Honor Honor Honor) was mere feet away from us in the driveway sitting in the living room on the couch watching TV. I've been in enough fights & had the... cops called on me enough times to know that a large percentage of attackers call the police on their would-be victims as revenge for the humiliation of being beaten up by someone they imagined they'd easily defeat. Fearing a lengthy grounding/gauntlet/extended pain session where "accusation equals guilt" (a term My Mother always vehemently denied was the case for the record, even threateningly so, painfully so actually, sigh...) I decided to approach the situation with guile as "The Good Kid" doesn't lie, he is at all times 100% ethical to the best of his ability. I asked the officer how big the guy was & he said about 6'1" or 6'2" tall. Then I asked the... cop to consider my unimpressive 9 year old frame (I was never tall for my age nor particularly over muscled) & what he thought were the odds that I could actually beat the guy up?

  Just as I hoped the officer took that statement as a denial that I had "beaten him up" & told me he figured that I did something to the guy to prompt the accusation, but he couldn't figure out what that was & promptly left much to my relief.

  I dismissed the entire situation for a few days until the man I knew only as "My Cousin" (when my family, their friends, & even my own classmates discussed the man in the 3rd person they ALL (all, a quantity of 100%, lest you The Reader think I meant 99.9999% more less) called him "Your Cousin" when discussing him with me in the 3rd person, most  even giddily remarking that they knew I had no idea what the man's name was & that fact meant a never-ending stream of gauntlets & punishments for my obvious lies when I claimed that I had no idea what his name was), My Cousin asked me about the man I'd fought & asked me why the man attacked me?

  Me? I was surprised he knew about it (yes, I was THAT stupid) & recall feeling very uncomfortable talking about it because My Mother (I'll add a few more Honor honor honors here) was in the next room. He told me he had his own theory as to why the man attacked me. "Because I ordered him to do it". He even bragged that he told the man to report my assault to the police so he could use it later in his blackmail scheme against the man.

  My Cousin claimed the man was a new victim/member who'd recently been blackmailed & recruited by the gang & he'd screwed up some assignment really bad. So as a punishment he had to beat up some little kid. Me.

  My Cousin claimed he'd filmed it from multiple angles & designed the conversation & flow of events to bits that'd make for easy editing later to make both parties seem guilty or even sell a "lover's spat" since the guy had had sex with me, on film.

  Now the guy got his clock cleaned, made for a great film to use against him & myself, & could hold his failure to beat me up against him, making him do even worse things in a justified manner based on the man's being beat up by a little kid. Win/win/win.

  My Cousin bragged he just wanted me to know. Laughing he told me he intended to send the guy to seduce My Mother, even bankrolling the attempt. Then the films against all of us would be pure blackmail gold.

  What could I do but listen? Only a few times, usually when he was drunk he told me that the goal of these chat sessions was to provoke me into attacking him, on film, & I'm not saying he said that this particular time.

  Me? I pondered My Cousin's words. I made it a habit to not believe a word he said & I give that advice to any & all Officers who may read this that in my opinion virtually every word that came out of his mouth, if I had to assign the word true to it, I'd say that it was true that he said those things, nothing more. I am not now nor was I ever a mid-Michigan... cop or FBI agent so I am not impressed by nor inclined to believe every word that comes out of a child-molester's mouth & even less so when any mid-Michigan law enforcement agent or... cop uses the term "Reliable Informant".

  I pondered the fight. What's more to say? I was alone, I forget where (I cant remember every single little clue) & felt almost cornered when the guy attacked out of the blue after a short rant. I'll admit I was a little scared. Scared normally equals run for it but this time it meant, I'm afraid that this guy is going to keep coming back, I had to deal with this guy now & in a way where he wouldn't come back later. So I wupped the tar out of him! I recall at the end when I made him surrender & quit beating him up on the condition that he never trouble me again. About 6'1" or 6'2" & an average physique, late 20s, early 30s average build with brown hair. He was sitting on the ground when he agreed to leave me alone for life. I asked the man why he attacked me (I thought it was a reasonable question)?

  He described My Cousin perfectly & said that the man had blackmailed him & ordered him to beat me up as a punishment. He claimed he'd been given a list of punishments that were all horrible & when he was showed a picture of me he figured he could easily beat me up. He defensively claimed he'd have only beaten me up & tried not to break bones or do permanent damage.

  I recall asking the man how many fights he'd been in in his life?

  He said 1, then corrected himself & said 2. Once in high school & another time as a baby. He'd won the baby fight. He said fighting was never a problem in his life before because he was always big for his age & others left him alone.

  I told him 1 or 2 fights merited a slow hour for me some days.

  The guy nodded & had a look like that explained things.

  Epilogue: I waited until I got home & warned My Mother (honor honor honor) that My Cousin had bragged he'd send the man who tried to beat me up days ago (and I had told no one, not her, no one, remember, at my place, Accusation Equaled Guilt, but only for me) to seduce her & bankroll the event. I was sure to present it truthfully, the man had attacked out of the blue after walking up on me for no reason. I left out the lengthy fight parts & made sure to not add that I'd cleaned his clock for him. I recall it being odd only in that I was unpunished. My Mother did demand to know what I'd obviously done to the nice man to make his justified vigilante attack on me (far from her actual words).

  I stuck to the truth. At that time I had no idea why he'd attacked?

  Why didn't I accuse My Cousin he'd later ask me? It was all part of the ongoing theater that I wasn't playing my role in he later complained.

  "Because I don't believe a word that comes out of your mouth". I told him. Just because he'd said he'd sent the man didn't mean he had I told him. Besides, I knew if I complained MY Mother would call the... cops who'd dissect my story & I already knew the drill? They'd rapid fire ask me. Who attacked you? Why did they attack you? Do YOU expect us to believe you didn't lose, let alone won the fight? Why aren't you more messed up? I predicted that the fact I could answer one of those things to the... cOP's satisfaction would only lead them to threaten AND accuse their favorite target... ME!

  Actually there were several reasons, none of which included the phrase "I trust Bay City... Michigan... cOPS &... fBI". Sadly...  :(

  As a professional Child-Molestor... cOP Apologist or enabler you're likely salivating at my foolishly retelling this tale. I'll retort you & what I guess will be your opinion (I can only guess) with a single word listed below.


Leviticus 18:22 Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination.

What do you think we do???

  Sooooo... there I was, minding my own beeswax when the man known to me as only "My Cousin" who my family would call "Your Cousin" when discussing him with me came to me & demanded an audience. Uhhh... he wanted to chat so everyone was ordered gone, by him. OR ELSE!

  We chatted about what I cant recall. Occasionally he told me he liked to talk to me because I was the only person he respected at the Grande Party. That our conversations were "one killer to another". You know, normal talk with an American 7 year old kid. Right? I only ask because I have nothing to compare it to.

  During the "chat', beer in hand he asked me. "What is it that you think that we do around here"? What was their criminal enterprise he asked?

  Me? I said I had no idea & when he told me I was a liar, because I was a genius I surely knew or someone had surely told me I told him he was better at isolating me than he thought & I didn't talk shop with his people much. Plus I didn't believe a word any of them said so why bother asking him or his people anything?

  He said that the Grande Parties at My Mother's Parent's Place were part of the gang's sex & blackmail ring. He asked me if I noticed the sheer number of people who came there never to be seen again. A dozen or 2 & most of them for a single day and other than "The Regulars" were never to be seen again. Often, sometimes less people but often more people attended. Up to double. Many of the people lasted a week. Very rarely some lasted a bit longer. Rarely.

  My Cousin said they were recent blackmail victims of the gang. Many were there to be framed all the more, hence their filmed campaign of violence against me. They encouraged their new victim/members & already long-serving member/victims to commit violence against me & filmed it so they could inspire police & vigilantes to attack them if they ever turned on the gang.

  As touching the girls, small, teens, & women he said many of the week long visitors were whores. They'd "retreaded their private parts to make them smaller & tighter. Did you ever notice that sometimes the boys will play with you but almost never the girls"?

  Yeah, I noticed. "So what"?

  He claimed it was because they were all sore from the retreading. "They are a bunch of whores. If they weren't sore you'd be getting a lot of sex from them but you're not". He mocked.

  Me? I told him I never wanted his whores.

  Tell me oh wise readers. Tell me this oh ye... cops who may read this. What's a 7 year old to say in this conversation? Huh?


THE EYES HAVE IT... Bay City School Employee Perks...

  Soooooooo... there I was, in what I suspect was some school in a thickly wooded area, mostly firs. They'd gone out of their way to sell that it was a Cattle Auction House, even pointing out manure piles strategically placed here & there & suggesting we avoid them (easy to avoid in the corners & along the walls actually).

  Yeah, yeah, I fought, & fought. Nearly escaped a few times & actually escaped once with a little help from a fellow prisoner, a  rather large &fit black man whom they'd kept tied up with an actual yoke between matches. Literally.

  Death, carnage, threats, lives on the line. Yeah, I said all that, this is a RECAP after all. After each victory I'm threatened to kill the loser or die.

  I refused. "I'm not your unpaid executioner". I didn't want to just kill a man who was clearly beaten, even when he'd just bragged, often incessantly that he would kill me to win Duh Jerk

s bounty he agreed to pay the man who'd kill me.

  Why? I was an athiest. But I still clung to certain Judeo-Christian values if only because I'd adopted no philosophy as yet to replace them Circa 1988ish. They call it "The Golden Rule". In my opinion back then applied was that if I were a bloody killer for fun & profit I'd want someone to spare my life if they could, not to just kill me because they could. Why? To secure for myself the utmost chance to solvve life's riddles. Chief of which at the time being, is there a God & how do I get from the state I'm in to being on his team? I didn't say you'd like the reason Reader, only that it was the big part of the reason. Lesser reasons also being the sanctity of life, & not being a hypocrite. If I wanted to be spared I'd have to spare others, push til it hurt. Shove the ethics envelope to the threshold.

  How do I reconcile that with my stated goal of entering the center of the arena & announcing to them & all future film watchers things like this? "TO FIGHT ME IS DEATH! I'M GOING TO KILL ANYONE WHO FIGHTS ME"! Because I also shouted this too. "YOU ALL KNOW I'M A PRISONOR HERE! THIS IS A KIDNAPPING & EVERYONE HERE IS AN ACCESSORY TO A KIDNAPPING"! At one point I announce to the room that they were all under arrest. Then I announced loudly it was so I could add the charge of Resisting Arrest to what they could be charged with & it was met with Bay City... cop-like laughter.

  How do I reconcile it? I was running out of steam. The gas tank that was me was running on fumes. I had a finite supply of energy & I looked at the long list of guys I had to fight & thought to myself I'll never survive that many fights. I've got to come up with a plan to get guys to chicken out.

  So I prayed & came up with the plan to scare my opponents to death. Here's what happened to one of the guys..

  He bragged he'd kill me. About my size, fit, young, athletic. He bragged it was the cash. I was going to die, today!

  Me? I was doing a whiney prayer theme that day. As I watched the guy & his family & some trainers plot & plan my demise openly I prayed something like this. "This is so unfair God"! Because the drug(s?) made it so hard to concentrate, to come up with a plan. My opponents were planning my demise. I had no one. No advice. I couldn't think of anything. Nada. Zip.

  The match began & unlike the rest of the fighters who entered the arena I was there full time as it was too dangerous to come near me or to let me leave the arena for any reason.

  We squared off, The Sheriff was set to begin the fight. He signaled the fight to begin & gave warnings not to start early.

  I hatched a plan.

  The match began & I swatted at my foe with an easy to block hit which he blocked that I set up to be blocked obscuring his vision for my true attack, a quick jab with my fingers split into a "V" that poked out both of his eyes!

  The match was over in less than a second. Duh jerk & his team were furious, many begged for my death & a lot of people whined that they were distracted & missed the fight, most certainly because I'd cheated & began the fight early.

  So the judges replayed their films & ruled It'd gone down 100% fair. Even proving it to the skeptic mom & day, brothers & sister of the Blind Guy. "Your boy lost". They still begged for my death on the basis that they were an upstanding Satanic family, this was a Satanic fighting arena, & I was not Satanic.

  The Sheriff told them their boy knew the dangers of fighting in the arena when he joined. It wasn't their fault I won so quickly.

  I recall the Blind Guy stood up in the center of the arena & shouted he'd pay $10,000 to anyone who'd kill me on the spot right now! He offered as payment the fact he was now disabled & Social Security would pay him large & then he'd pay the killer.

  Me? What could I do but watch? Watch & pray.,,

  The Sheriff said loudly that it was true that this was a building filled with killers, asassins, & murderers for profit, but a promise for payment one day from a blind guy wasn't going to motivate any of them.

  At one point he begged to fight me some more!

  I protested. He'd lost, I was announced winner. No one else had to fight once they'd been announced winner. So why me?

  The Sheriff announced we'd fight. That the crowd would give him tips on where I was such as. "Go left"! "Go right"! And such.

  Yeah, they restarted the match & the crowd all shouted things like. "Go left"! "Go right"! And such.

  Me? I dodged & clearly the sound of the crowd made it impossible for him to hear my footsteps.

  So The Sheriff ended the match while being catcalled by the crowd & family that our wrists should be bound & the guy given a fair match.

  The Sheriff asked me why I didn't just kill the guy?

  Me? I didn't want to show weakness so telling him I was running out of energy wasn't an option. So I told him I'm not your unpaid executioner.

  The Sheriff chided me that he'd hoped to give the guy an honorable sendoff. He'd die like a warrior in battle. Now he was going to be led out of the arena by hand & begin the inglorious life as just another blind guy.

  RECAPS aren't for other people. They are for me, in the hopes I can understand & better cope with the situation that IS still before me. It's 5-31-23, my cheek is on fire from my recent injection, my pants wet from the day's sex event, the picture of the pants after a short walk is to the side. I have a headache again, likely due to "the drugs". The picture is right here ---->>>

  In fact, I'll pray & give thanks to God again.


Actually there were several reasons, none of which included the phrase "I trust Bay City Michigan... cOPS & Bay City... fBI". Sadly...  :(

Bible Verses about Homosexuality

Leviticus 18:22 ~ You shall not lie with a male as with a woman; it is an abomination.

Leviticus 20:13 ~ If a man lies with a male as with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination; they shall surely be put to death; their blood is upon them.

Jude 1:7 ~ Just as Sodom and Gomorrah and the surrounding cities, which likewise indulged in sexual immorality and pursued unnatural desire, serve as an example by undergoing a punishment of eternal fire.

Romans 1:26-28 ~ For this reason God gave them up to dishonorable passions. For their women exchanged natural relations for those that are contrary to nature; and the men likewise gave up natural relations with women and were consumed with passion for one another, men committing shameless acts with men and receiving in themselves the due penalty for their error. And since they did not see fit to acknowledge God, God gave them up to a debased mind to do what ought not to be done.

Mark 10:6-9 ~ But from the beginning of creation, ‘God made them male and female.’ ‘Therefore a man shall leave his father and mother and hold fast to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh.’ So they are no longer two but one flesh. What therefore God has joined together, let not man separate.”



  Circa: 1987ish to 1990ish, give or take. Soooo... there I was. Was it #2 of the 3 or was it #3? I cant say with 100% certainty at the time of this writing. You see, that's the catch 22. Drugs were involved. Cant recall the story 100% perfectly in blazing clarity of speech? You must be a liar? Drugs were involved? Ohhhhhhh the... cOPS will remark snidely. "That explains it". If you ask the... cOPS will, in so many words explain, that they were looking for a reason to dismiss you. Now that you don't recall every piece of minutia 100% AND admit that drugs were involved it's obvious why you're here. "You can leave now". A few might call you Sir when they eject you from the cOPSHOP, but I wouldn't bet on it.

  Soooooooo.... there I was, strapped facedown to the table with my pants around my ankles, to a table, to a table in the midst of a big homosexual party where I'm literally the centerpiece, the entertainment, the sex slave. Loud music plays & Jerk & the 4 Stars take turns guarding me at the head occasionally replaced by giant jock guards. I'm sodomized over & over in turn. There's a camera there at my face & some patrons engage me in mundane chat, some hit on me, others brag they are there to engage me in mundane chat as part of the gang, they'll tip me but it'll be refunded off screen & they wanted me to know. Some of those brag I'll be beaten the entire time they rape me. Their goal being that while beaten a victim's rectum clenches with each blow, enhancing their sexual experience. They were recharging for round #2 (or whatever number) & wanted to make sure the films showed me engaging them in mundane chat so no jury would ever convict them.'

  A few I refuse to talk to.

  "That's okay" They say. "I'll just wait here & keep on talking until the drugs reset your memory & then we'll talk". For the record, they were not disappointed.

  Every so often one professes a desire to date me. They tell me that they've been told my attendance is based on "my rape fantasy". A desire to be abused sexually & they are told it's my personal kink to act like I'm being raped. I'll beg to be released & act like I'm being raped & the only thing that'll get them kicked out of the party is if they should ruin the mood by freeing me.

  So this guy engages my in chat a long time, asking me to come out of character.

  As a child my classmates told me that often it is genuine admirers at the rape, fellow soon to be blackmailed victims who have no idea they are raping people on film... yet will often engage their victims. It's the Jock's duty to block the conversation & prevent them from freeing a victim.

  Other's are in the gang & their scam is to keep asking the victim to come out of character so they can date them. This is a ploy & pure rapist & blackmail gold when filmed as agreeing at any time that you are in character & that this is in fact YOUR fantasy & they told me it means you're done for legally.

  So I refused to give in. I always, when lucid, stick to the truth. This is a kidnapping, this is a rape, you are in fact my kidnapping rapist at this time. You'd be surprised to see the faces of some when they realize I speak the truth. They leave immediately only to be accosted at the door by the Jocks. "Where do you think you're going"? I've seen armed... cops hand over their guns at this stage, but that's another story. In any event they are always whisked away as a rule, to be informed of their relationship with the gang for the rest of their lives I'd suppose, or so I'm told. Men, women, children, more lives destroyed for the laughing madmen of the mid-Michigan... cops & mid-Michigan fBI (I ain't insulting ALL FBI, most of whom I respect & admire). Laugh guys, it IS what you're best at. Right?

  Soooooo... I refuse, this guy doesn't run for the door when I warn him about what is likely soon to be the beginning of the rest of his life as a blackmail victim of the gang like most people. so I asked him to free me. He did. A scummy looking lil twerp in a know-it-all-tone says. "You cant free him"! While shouting over the music. When I told him off. "I'm going to tell"! Then he stormed off delicately in the direction of the biggest Jock dressed in black in the room.

  Me? I looked at the Jock army, some of whom had thwarted my escape elsewhere before & it occurred to me that I needed a weapon. FAST! So I looked around for an improvised weapon. Through the drug haze, while thinking to myself I've got to act quickly before those Jocks organize (they were carousing & ignoring us, for now). I saw a punch bowl & hatched a plan. I'd break the bowl, hoping for a piece big enough to use as a weapon (I've used worse). But I was afraid that breaking the bowl would alert the army of Jocks. So I gambled & in desperation used that corny magician's trick to yank out the tablecloth on the card table & was surprised when it worked, leaving the few bowls on the table. Then I quickly wrapped the bowl in the thick tablecloth & threw it down & opened it to find a nicely shaped curved blade of sharp glass inside.

  I'd told my fellow victim in conversation, whom I'd warned was not going to leave without me, that I was going to attack & that he should use it as a diversion to leave.

  He was concerned I might not provide sufficient diversion & the guards would stop him.

  I told him not to worry & to wait for me to attack while standing at the door and leave making sure to act like he was warning people about me if they tried to stop him when he tried to leave the room.

  The music was particularly loud where the Jocks stood & the giant Jock was bent over asking the lil swarthy guy to repeat himself when I walked up behind them & cut his throat! Blood gushed everywhere & men & women made girly screams!

  The Jock pulled out a weapon & promptly passed out in a few seconds with me holding his weapon arm (when I saw that gyser of blood I thought he might pull out a weapon & I figured that if he did he wouldn't be holding it for long). His fellow Jocks looked shocked! My fellow victim slipped out the door without incident during this.

  I told the Jocks I'd kill them if they followed me. They threatened me greatly & I asked all the potential witnesses there in so many words to consider that this was in fact a kidnapping.

  Then I left...

  EPILOUGE: I walked out into the street via a short hallway. Outside it was clear I was in the big city. I recognized the spot as the one Duh Jerk had taken me to in a van-load of Jocks where I was in a leather BDSM vest & pants in the night, where I begged people passing by to call the cops, this was a kidnapping. Duh Jerk assured them we were shooting a movie, that people could feel good ignoring me as this was my rape fantasy. "The people in that neighborhood know better than to get involved in helping anyone". A sent "Snitch" later bragged.

  Outside a pair of uniformed "Detroit... cOPS" in a marked Police Car quickly pulled up & began leveling accusations against me. In mere seconds an ambulance pulled up beside them.

  The "Snitch" sent insisted it was the "Combat Zone" in Detroit. I concluded & The Last Snitch confirmed I'd been told the location so that, when I complained it'd empower the Detroit Police to investigate & lock up meanie me.

  Should I worry? I pray a lot & the rumor is... The truth shall set me free.     ; )


I wonder who that Jock was? What were his dreams? Is our world a better place without him or was it made worse by his not being here? If you are a Supercop reading this tell me oh wise one. Tell me this, since you were not & at this time are not available for advice. Tell me, what will I say to him if I should face him on Judgement Day? What will I say Sirs? Give me the words oh ye guardians of the publics' trust & all that enters my rectum?


Guardians of all that enters my rectum? Explain that (I'm addressing mid-Michigan... cops here, any doubters too)? Sure, I'll oblige & use logic. Logically if you... cOPS think I'm unmolested & no part of my story is true then you can all high-five each other as by deduction your Police & Agent law enforcement excellence has assured that my rectum has never been violated & that you are all indeed the guardians of all that enters my rectum.

  The Poop Chute Patrol? Idano, just musing.

Maybe you guys should get a medal for law enforcement excellence? I wonder what such a medal would look like?

The date is 6-13-23 & my rectum hurts.


Revelation 20: 11-15

  11 And I saw a great white throne, and him that sat on it, from whose face the earth and the heaven fled away; and there was found no place for them. 12 And I saw the dead, small and great, stand before God; and the books were opened: and another book was opened, which is the book of life: and the dead were judged out of those things which were written in the books, according to their works. 13 And the sea gave up the dead which were in it; and death and hell delivered up the dead which were in them: and they were judged every man according to their works. 14 And death and hell were cast into the lake of fire. This is the second death. 15 And whosoever was not found written in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire.

RECAPing: Tales from the woods...----->>>

  After narrowly avoiding jail for the drugs that were seized at the Grande Party & disappointed at the poor gal being carted off to the local looney bin  I went back to the party.

  Me? No, I didn't party. Usually I sat in the periphery & drew, watched TV, chatted with the very short list of partygoers who were allowed to talk with me, or played games with my siblings like an ordinary kid.

  I asked my siblings if they'd called the Police & they said they had.

  I discretely asked around the Grande Party over the coming hours & the answers I got matched. As soon as the adults found out the... cops had been called they tried to call the... cops & say it was a prank. But allegedly the... cops said they still had to investigate. SO My COusin sent a bunch of pretty whores of both sexes to intercept the... cops at the street & they told them it was a prank call. Then My COusin called his pet Dirty Michigan STate... cOP & it was he who came. Explaining why he was so eager to destroy both the poor gal & I & accused me of being the dope's owner.

  I never described the alleged "Bust Scene but I'll try it now. Here goes.

  I led the Uniformed Michigan State... cop from the Grande Party to the bakck yard. There in a small clearing among the trees was the remains of a campfire, a few logs arranged as chairs, & little plastic baggies all filled with about 4 teaspoons of some white powder the... cop said was surely drugs. My drugs & he was going to arrest me. IF only he could prove they were mine.

  Many of the gal's alleged attackers immeadiately fingered me as the owner of the drugs.

  The... cop said they were surely mine, how'd I know they'd be there?

  Me? I countered I only suspected drugs would be there, not that they'd be there. & noted my accusers were all accused of rape & assaulting me in the attempt to cover up that rape.

  The... cop blinked & ordered me to leave.

  The partygoers later said that was so he could coach the attackers in a good story/alibi & to return their drugs to them. As proof they submitted that I should go check them partying with them even now.

  Michigan State's Finest...


This RECAP is for the Reader & not for myself.

Ask any Law Enforcement Officer or Agent you might know this question, Reader.

"How does this guy David A. George know all this stuff"?

"I'm sick of writing this website".

- David A. George 9-6-24

  "Now you have to kill an innocent of my choosing". -Duh Jerk, lots of times.

  First-degree murder is the most severe form of murder defined in the US legal system. In these cases, the murder was committed with malice aforethought. In other words, the crime was committed with the intent to cause harm to and kill the victim or victims with no regard for human life.

"I like to keep my victims well-informed. A surprised look is a great defense in court".


The gang's plan is & always was to make people hate me for the human atrocity of standing up to them & their members regardless of their race, religion, sexuality, & ethnic origin. They impress upon me that the atrocities they inflicted on me & the power that comes with all their money & the influence they can bring to bear with their whores combined with my resisting them ensures them victory no matter what.

My opinion on the subject? Today is 10-14-23 & I answer to the Lord God & I'm not giving up.



Here's a RECAP Question for the Reader.

Does everyone have many incidents, times in their lives where they walked through busy afternoon traffic & through populated neighborhoods covered head to toe in dripping & spattered blood often in broad daylight?

Or is it just me?

IT WAS A GRAVE SITUATION & I SCREWED UP... I screwed up telling the tale over & over. Why? Because it was upsetting? Idano???

  Soooo... I was reading my advice to Law-Enforcement. Proof reading it actually. Wow, did I screw that up. Improper grammar, incomplete sentences, misspellings, improper sentence structure, you name it. I fretted against myself for a time at my obvious lacking.

  Then it occurred to me. I recalled the urgency of the times when I began the section. The gang were kidnapping me regularly & I was enduring their assaults & stalking's heavily back then. I felt like this could be the end so I'd best just hurl out advice while I was still able in a last ditch desperate effort to save my life, health, freedom, & such.

  I was thinking of re-writing the page, but during my ongoing R.E.M. Sleep Deprivation Assault, & considering I don't know what their poisons are doing to me physically or mentally, I thought now is not the time to re-write the section on 6-21-23.

  I was going to write "The Biggest Body Count", or at least try again (it sucks, it's taxing to even consider, & I'm drained) & wrote it in my diary even. But now I went to the RECAP page & decided to write about a grave situation. It's about that time they buried me alive. I wrote about it several times & I keep leaving out crucial bits. Why? Idano? Is it because it's upsetting? Idano...

  I'll try again... rehashing another RECAP or as I like to call it. "Ruining my life by rehashing tales of old in a desperate bid to save what's left of my health & freedom". Let me whip off an insult against myself here. This one's just for me to me. PHHHHHHHHHHTTTT!

  On to our story...

  Soooooooo there I was. Duh Jerk, The 4 Stars, Dirty Cop HIMSELF (a very specific dirty cop, the prototype for all dirty cops I'd suppose, a man I almost nicknamed "Front Desk Guy"), a carload of giant Jocks & as many teen males & barely teenaged whores (at least that's what Jerk & The 4 Stars called them repeatedly) & what was likely the biggest Cadillac that the Cadillac Company ever made (super roomy & soon to be packed to the gills with males on the seats, people sitting on laps, & girls sitting kneeling on the floor facing the back seats.

  Duh Jerk & The 4 Stars had something they wanted to tell me when they slapped me awake in the graveyard who knows where? We were standing next to a pile of dirty next to an empty grave. Empty save for the fine metal casket that could be let down by pulleys or some means?

  Duh Jerk & the 4 Stars wanted me to know they'd decided to do away with me. By killing me by the slow death of being buried alive in a casket. They'd been waiting, partying, for me to regain my senses because it was more fun if they let me know I was about to die, rather than just simply kill me.

  We had the obligatory insult exchanges. They call me random names one might endure in a drunken name calling rant or on a school yard, I call them cutting names based on facts & truth. Like usual.

  Dirty Cop complained about his handcuffs. "Those things are expensive & you don't reimburse me for them". He complained to the gloating Duh Jerk.

  Duh Jerk ordered I be tied up with a rope & the cuffs & shackles be returned to Dirty Cop as soon as I was secured, but not before. "I'm tired of him escaping". Part of the reason they were there. Their complaint I escaped too much & it was a trouble for them & ruined their reputation with the other Bosses & in the face of their victims, some of whom knew... stuff. More stuff than they were comfortable with witnesses knowing.

  The gang mocked my imminent death greatly here in a grand fashion, gleefully.

  Me? I was plotting my escape even then. Yeah, I prayed. Here's what happened.

  They manhandled me into the coffin & Duh Jerk ordered that they tie the coffin up on the outside, just in case. Being that I've escaped way too many times.

  The lid shut & they lowered me down.

  Me? I kicked in the spacious & padded coffin & busted the lock & was able to lift the lid maybe an inch tops. I could see outside because of the spotlights directly above. Duh jerk ordered the 2 guys to begin burying me & they did using spades. Everyone involved but Duh Jerk Dirty Cop, & the 4 Stars & the lil Whores were all about 18 years old.

  Partyers suggested I'd already broken the coffin open & suggested I be lifted out & tied so securely no one could escape.

  Duh Jerk declined. There was no escaping this he said. Then he ordered the guys to bury me & then said they could come to the party as soon as it was done. It's better be done right though, or else!

  Me? I had a knife I'd put secretly on myself & checked it & it was there. I pulled it out & cut the rope. Then I went to work on the rope outside.

  I'm fairly sure it was a single rope that held the lid down but in a way, wrapped around the coffin it was like many ropes. I cut a few & then, because I had such little room to work with, the drugs, the horror of the situation before me, or just my own clumsiness I dropped the knife outside to coffin!

  I reached for the knife but there was no way I could get me arm out the coffin & reach down through the narrow gap to get the knife. I WAS SCREWED! I pushed on the lid hoping I'd cut enough rope for it to give way but it wouldn't budge more than an inch.

  I pondered the situation before me & figured I had one option. Before my plan was to quietly cut the rope & spring out & attack my killers. Now I had 1 option. 2 actually. Lay there & die slowly or try to kick the lid to the coffin open. So I kicked at the lid with all my might in the confined space.

  The diggers didn't seem worried... at 1st.

  When the lid moved several inches they noticed. I could hear the Caddy pulling away & the pair started shouting at it. I kicked the lid some more & it popped open & I leapt up to see the Caddy pulling away & the pair yelling at them with their backs to me. I attacked!

  Fast forward. One is on the ground. I threw 1 shovel away & the other Digger & I are gasping for air after a serious fight. He was tough. I didn't want to fight his second wind so I plotted how to get him to attack. Since he clearly wanted to stand in place gasping for air.

  So I started whacking his partner in crime in the head with the blunt end of the shovel over & over & yelled. "Isn't this your friend? Are you just going to let me kill him"? Then it occurred to me that the blunt end of the shovel wasn't very damaging. So I switched to using the knife edge, the top corner of the spade where you rest a foot to get leverage when digging. Then I began driving THAT into his head over & over. "ARE YOU JUST GOING TO LET ME KILL HIM"??!?!

  Yeah, he recklessly attacked just as I'd hoped.

  We fought. He lost.

  I never could do this story justice. I had to fast forward. Frankly, it's upsetting.


  Just an old fashioned RECAP... Whining on the internet..

  Some of what I do is write a few parody songs. Meh, somthin ta do. Nuthin moe. I thought up one based on the song I'll link below. I'm not writing the whole thing, just 2 lines. Listen to it softly playing in the background as I waste my time writing another RECAP. A short one. RECAPs are not for you, they're for me. Listen to it softly in the background if you are any... cOP who allegedly wrote me a letter with the word manifesto in the 1st sentence. Listen to it softly if you are a professional Child-Molestor Apologist... cOP who imagines that the gang ain't so bad, likely because they never invite you to the scenes like the below. Listen to it if you're curious. Frankly, the song holds little if any place in my heart. Just somethin I was'a insired ta write abouts. The parody song's wording could be based on the song below. It's just a RECAP, nuthin moe. Just an ole fashioned whining... one I'm sure was wrote for me not you!

  Soooo... The Last Snitch (among other gang members) boasted to me that they like to build elaborate sets to better inflict their obligatory PRACTICAL jokes on their victims. "We don't just rape their bodies. We rape their minds too". He also boasted on their not so elaborate, boring, mundane, & even cheap sets where they conduct their rapes & criminal skits that they inflict on their many victims. Entering into workplaces at night after recruiting the night Security Guard, conducting fake trials to gauge how effective their victim's defense may be at the real courtroom the victim will be tried in soon enough. Cost? Practically zero & effectively zero once they've secured the use of those places for use against future victims. Cheap. Just like they are.

  He also elaborated on their cheap sets. "Say we know a victim went to jail or to prison"? He said they already have a few rooms professionally made that can sell the prison experience. That's when they don't just go to a closed prison here or there. "Say we know a victim went to jail or a prison at one of the jails or prisons we control? No one will believe them when they say they got raped & tortured at that prison".

  It sounded absurd to me. Do you know how many people it'd take to sell a lie like that?

  He retorted that I knew they recruited & blackmailed America's citizens as fast  even skip a beat.

& safely as possible. "We are a big gang & we have lots of members". Duh jerk bragged to me. The Last Snitch said they have tons of victim/members who they don't pay who show up on demand to facilitate large scale PRACTICAL jokes. Net cost? The laundry bill & gas money. Cheap.

  My RECAP is of a set they bragged on. "Say we know one of our victims lived in low-income housing once? We torture them in one of the houses of one of our people". Net cost? Zero.

  Now the part that makes this a RECAP & not a "How the scam works" entry.

  Soooooo... there I was. I woke up in low-income house bedroom, a 4 bedroom home exactly like the floor plans of my former place at 1214 Webster St. in Bay City Michigan. Exactly like. Not woke up in the address of. Get it?

  The bedroom seemed like a dirty kid's room. Clothes & books & trash strewn about like a teen might. A Sega Genesis & many games beside the bed. I played them for a short time.

  Then I wandered the house...

  When I walked out I noted the furniture in the bedrooms of a middle lower-class family. One that did very little cleaning I'd suppose?

  So I walked out into the living room. I forget what I was doing. But I recall I was engrossed in it at this time. Blame the drugs.

  While engaged in the activity there were a dozen teens & half a dozen plus 5 year old kids and half a dozen adults, many having oral sex regardless of age. They seemed to stop when I came as one of them said I didn't like that & the act of him behaving so with children may set me off. The huge Jocks in black stood ready to pounce on me.

  From the basement a woman started screaming over & over! The occupants of the house didn't miss a beat.

  Me? The drugs had robbed me of reacting. You could imagine a list of possible responses a normal person might have to a young woman screaming over & over? Fight? Flight? Call a... cOP? Insult whoever's doing it? I'd even suppose you could add join the fun if you are in the gang? A Bay City... cOP or FBI Agent? Who can say?

  My response was I was unable to compute a response.

  So what'd I do? I just stood there in the living room engaged in whatever it was I was doing. Doing that while I pondered the woman screaming & was unable to come up with even a simple plan to deal with it or even acknowledge my displeasure at it while the woman screamed over & over & over & over & over & over & over &... 8

DAS RECAP... I just wanted to go home & go to bed...

  Soooooo... I was walking home when the Uniformed Marked Bay City Michigan... cOP car pulled up & the uniformed officer asked me if I needed any help?

  Barely lucid from the drugs & sleep deprivation I told him no.

  He seemed surprised & told me he asked because I was covered in blood & several citizens had called the Police on me.

  I told him I was okay, my friend had thrown paint on me & I was just going home to wash it off.

  "That doesn't look like paint to me". He insisted.

  I told him I was tired & just wanted to go home.

  It wasn't the 1st time I had that exact same conversation with on duty police officer. Nor the last.


  Decades earlier I walked into my house & My Mother (Honor honor honor) asked me why I was covered in blood?

  I told her my neighbor, My Best Friend had doused me in ketchup & I was going to wash it off.

  "That doesn't look like ketchup to me". She said.

  She brought that incident up to me for decades to come occasionally.


  I'd called My New Wife & asked her to pick me up after the Nuclear Family Incident. She pulled up in the night with her kids in the car. "Why are you covered in blood"? I'd just had the same conversation with passers by who allegedly came to use that same payphone I used to call her at that party store.

  I told her & her kids I'd helped butcher a deer & the blood got thrown on me.


  I walked into my home & My Roommate asked me why I was covered in blood?

  I told him I'd helped butcher a deer & the blood got thrown on me.

  It wasn't the 1st or last time he & I had that conversation. He did however bring the incidents up a few times in conversation.


  Walking through town, sometimes I knew what town I was in, sometimes not. Concerned citizens asked me why I was covered in blood? Did I need help? An Ambulance?

  I gave a plethora of excuses over the years when this happened to me. Blood, ketchup, paint.

  Why? Dazed, drugged, barely lucid sometimes the truth was I just wanted to gone home & sleep off whatever was just done to me. To forget horrors recently inflicted on me. I told many of them. "I just want to go home".

  That last sentence was the truth. I didn't want revenge, I didn't want to spend the day semi-lucid in another Police Interrogation room fending off attacks that could cost me my freedom or my very life (I've been threatened a lot) or a hospital being poked & prodded & diagnosed by people who'd just as soon lock me up as look at me. I just wanted to go home.

  Sooooo... there I was, talking to The Last Snitch on a highway late one night during a standard debriefing when, I forget at what point in the conversation at the time of this writing, when in response to what he said to me I said to him.

"I kill rapists. It's what I do".

  I recall he didn't seem happy about it at all.

The one thing I did know. He knew I wasn't trying to fool him.


(118) Bob Seger - Beautiful Loser Lyrics - YouTube
(118) Power In The Blood Lyrics - YouTube

(118) Godsmack - I Stand Alone (Lyrics) - YouTube


DOG & CAT DAY FOR THE MOLESTORS... Participation is mandatory...

  Sooooo... there I was. It was Circa 1974ish & I became lucid standing in the basement of the alleged former church now Morgue (exact same floor plans as the Wenona St. Church I attended a few times & was later kicked out of at My Cousin's prompting). I was surrounded by a dozens of children & teens, all dressed in black. My Cousin in was there & he turned his attention to me when the children pointed out the  drugs they had me on were finally wearing off.

  My Cousin had a lot to say. He ordered that they bring in the animals. About a dozen or so cats & dogs on leashes, each led by a child Handler making the room very packed.

  My Cousin told me the reason we were there was my fault. This was a cover-up for the story I've recently named "The Biggest Bodycount".  He explained today I wouldn't be shooting pistols at targets. No. Today I'd be killing all these beloved pets of his victims. He bragged on about how from time to time the gang puts out a general call to it's children. They are ordered to go out & steal the pets of the gang's many enemies & bring them to their leaders for a small reward.

  He explained I'd be shooting the pets on film & that those films would be used to manipulate their enemies. Win/win on every level. It's put them in the mood for revenge on me & making blackmailing them & framing them all the more easy.

  Me? I refused to shoot the pets.

  My Cousin retorted. "All I have to do is wait for the drugs to reset your memory & then you'll do it".

  I refused. He didn't know it but I kept repeating in my mind over & over that I would not shoot the innocent animals.

  My Cousin ignored me for a time, giving orders for an ongoing job to his minions. He turned around & gave me orders to shoot the animals.

  Me? I refused.

  He got angry. Very angry. So he ordered his troops to beat me up & make me kill the animals. To hit me all they wanted. "Not the face. He's got to look good for the camera". He said while facing the camera on a tripod.

  Yeah, they attacked. I fought back as blows rained down from every angle.

  In a few seconds I gave into my anger. My frustration. Normally I fought not 100%. Lest I seriously injure someone or worse. It's super giggly fun time if you complain about it to a mid-Michigan... cOP (because no one would do that to someone & if I was soooooo tough I wouldn't hold back, there's be a line of bodies twice as long as I claim, it's only coplogical but it's been a part of my life from the very beginning. I tore into the... children with 100% of my semi-lucid fighting ability! Eyes, fingers, & a broken leg that ended the fight.

  My Cousin tended the wounded children while the gang encircled me calling me all sorts of scum names over the innocent child I just seriously injured.

  Remember, it's as victims & vigilantes that the gang sees themselves as. It's how they try to make others perceive them. It's almost 100% efficient in mid-Michigan... cOP sTATIONs).

  There was an ambulance crew right there & they tended him on the spot & took him to the ambulance. They wanted to leave but My Cousin ordered them to stay a while just in case I became violent again.

  Then My Cousin ordered the gang to just jump me. They'd dope me up & try again. The memory is already breaking up as I fought my way to freedom... and lost. They injected me with who knows what.

  I vaguely recall someone handing me a pistol & ordering me to shoot the animal they were pointing at.

  Fade to black...

  Later, My Cousin mocked me greatly while bragging about the many films they had gotten that day. Now no one would listen to me if I should bring up the Biggest Body Count (not his exact words, remember, The Biggest Bodycount is my nickname for what happened, not theirs).

  My Cousin told me to get ready for a whole bunch of very enthusiastic gauntlet participants. He even bragged I'd be lucky if, between the killing in the Biggest Bodycount, & the animals that died, I'd be lucky if someone didn't just outright kill me during a coming gauntlet session or during one of my many public attacks where 1 or more people either provoked me or outright attacked me... publicly... on film, like "usual".

  RECAPS are not for the Reader, they are for me.




In the beginning... You're just a baby & they are adults...

Alternate title... Because we're all wayyyy too good at our jobs for that to happen...

  Sooooo... there I was. About a month old & fresh from another stabbing session where My Mother's Junkie Friends were torturing me. Today I become semi-lucid between stabbing sessions where I was called upon to stab hapless victims all too willing to turn their backs on a 1-month-old baby.

  I was semi-lucid when their unofficial Leader gave me another pencil & told me to stab some lady.

  Usually, I refused the command of my alleged kidnapper prompting him or them (they took turns) to wait a few seconds for my memory to reset & order me to do it again.

  He orders me to stab the lady again & hands me the pencil.

  So, I did. She belted me as a reflex action & sent me flying!

  My Mother's Junkie Friends insisted she'd attacked me, prompting me to defend myself & the... cops were called on her & they arrived quickly.

  After the... cop's initial shock at my being able to walk & talk sunk into their minds they demanded of me to know why the; lady attacked me & why I'd stabbed her?

  Me? I told the truth. That guy, there, drugged me & gave me a pencil & ordered me to stab the lady & she hit me trying to push me away.

  I don't know how bad I was injured but the... cops & the Junkies acted like I was bruised pretty badly.

  The... cops said this looked bad. People were probably going to jail & it wasn't the stabbed lady.

  The Junkies retorted I was just a baby. I was either wrong & didn't know better or was lying. They got in the 2... cop's faces. This enabled the gal to go behind them & forcefully inject me with who knows what?

  Me? I cried out & begged the... cops for help from my kidnappers. I'd just been drugged by syringe & I wanted protection.

  The... cops doubted me. The Junkies called me a liar.

  Me? I showed the injection site & said to check the gal's purse. I submitted for proof I could no longer walk & was starting to pass out before their eyes.

  She denied any drugs were in her purse. & I was a liar, & she hadn't injected me. I must've used a needle on myself or as an accident & that explained my fresh wound.

  The... cops checked her purse & found pills & an empty syringe so she changed her story. She had injected me, with medicine & had a prescription for the pills (a lot of types). She submitted I had been fighting nap time & that was why I was falling asleep. She submitted as proof I was just a baby. That's what baby's do. Pass out. So, there was nothing to see here.

  The Stabbed Lady insisted we be arrested but the... cops would not impart guilt to a baby. Telling her she surely must've done something to me to prompt me to stab her. After all, I was just a baby in Summer of 1965.

  I laid down & could no longer keep my eyes open. The Junkies who all claimed they cared for me just stood around as I collapsed on the floor, my eyes grew heavy & I could no longer keep them open.

  There's a fine moment when you look into the eyes of the gang when they drug you. They know the score & so do you.

  The... cops stood there casually keeping the peace last I saw.

  Fade to black...


  In The Junkie's defense they were apparently NOT legally my kidnappers. Though I did in fact try to escape them often, on foot & via police so that may have met the legal requirement of kidnapping.

  My Cousin later told me that my charges of kidnapping only made my story more unbelievable. You see Reader they'd gone to my place & gotten permission to have me for as long as they wanted from My Mother who was ever willing to pimp me out to all comers regardless of their announced intentions, laughing at the worst of them telling me that they were surely joking when they promised me great amounts of pain & torture in front of her while bragging. The way it'd worked was they'd shuttled me away quickly & by My Cousin's order injected the Date rape drug quickly, lest I should recall the outside world. Thus, I hadn't recalled them getting My Mother's permission. A thing she'd later confirmed they had obtained.

  Yeah, I a Christian at that age, and the Junkies & My Cousin told me they hated me for it.

  Hated me for it...


JUST ANOTHER GASLIGHTING... A RECAP to end all RECAPS... Bay CIty... cOPS & the Holy of Holies...

  Picture me walking into the Bay County Law Enforcement Center... I state my case to the... cops. Then, a dirty.... cop gaslights the other badges...


  Picture me standing about 3 to 4 blocks or so South of Bay City's Bunga Bunga Hospital with a set of handcuffs next to the road in heavy traffic. I have no key for them & they are good for nothing because 1 of the wristlocks has been cut in half. It's not good for much. I stand there & ponder the situation before me.

  I theorize the very real probability that I am the subject of a rather large police manhunt in the area. Why not? It's Bay City's own Dirty Cop him self's handcuffs I have with the contents of my pockets & assorted bruises & cuts & what blood I couldn't rinse out of my clothes.

   You see Duh Jerk & the 4 Stars had taken me to their "Holy of Holies". The place they allegedly kept their recreational mass-murdering trophies & had literally showed me the spot they claimed my body would stand as among their most prized trophies. Next to hundreds of other skeletons. Then they left me to allegedly die slowly, in an aquarium of sorts where I'd be strapped to the floor & consumed by hundreds of cadaver cockroaches. While still alive.

  I pondered what I should do next? Especially critical since I'd seen Dirty Cop himself in the manhunt, I could see was going on around me over the last hour & knew he was an agent of the gang. A loyal servant who told me he hated Duh Jerk but served him none the less to protect his loved ones from the gang. Dirty Cop told me, in great detail, he was a Renfield's Renfield. Absolutely loyal to the gang. But hated them. Felt he was better than Duh Jerk, the 4 Stars, & told me he was better than I. Better than all of us. A Renfield's Renfield? You know there are many people who wouldn't piss on a Renfield's Renfield if the were on fire don't you Reader? Still, Dirty Cop was my brother in Christ. Duh Jerk, the 4 Stars, & even the gang. Mislead by a Devil who deceived them into thinking I was their enemy & that they didn't need God, his love, or the protection that comes from accepting the Jesus died for their sins. I fear he may be looking up at me from Hell even now. Just like many of the people listed on my website.

  I ask Law Enforcement reading this. In AMerica can a gang of madmen do the things listed on my website to someone in AMerica? In public? Under the sun?

  Sometimes I think too much. Maybe today, 11-16-23 it's the drugs, maybe it's the deprivation? Maybe it's the wounds, both physical & cutting deep into what is me? Does it matter?


Bay City Badge.jpg
MI State Police.jpg

RECAPS are not for... cops nor the Reader. They are for me.

To help me deal with what happened.



 I wrote a mundane mass-attempted murder on


God & prayer got me through The Gym.


This story IS NOT done as of 11-20-23 & is incomplete & filled with yet to be corrected statements & errors written during a lengthy sleep-deprivation assault & I do not yet endorse its contents. You know, evidence against me.

The reason I ain't gotten to it couldn't be it's too unsettling. It's only coplogical. Right?

My Fellow Victim's last attack... Then poof! He was no more...

  The gang has slandered this place quite a few times over the years. I accuse them of nothing good nor bad. I even had a drink there once. I wasn't impressed & hold them no ill will. Kind'a... dark place as I recalled it.

  Well, in the story below I'm not entirely sure where it took place. The Last Snitch insisted it was on N. Jackson across from a home there that the gang has slandered often as well. I wont slander the people or businesses of the N. Jackson & 22nd ST. corner, but I'll say that over the decades the gang has felt comfortable in having their PRACTICAL jokes at that corner, particularly south of that corner to be precise.

  The tale begins at nite while I walked home late once nite. A guy, probably about 18 years old, blond, pants & long sleeve shirt approached me going north while I was going south towards home.

  Me? I thought nothing of the guy as we passed & turned my head in time to notice he turned around & pulled out a taser & pointed it at me center mass!

  I turned around. Ready for battle.

  The guy who was literally almost skeletally thin insulted me. He told me I was a scumbag, sent by a gang to kidnap me. He was going to rape & torture me & felt pretty good about it. I'd be a liar if I said I recall the exact words of all he had to say, the memory is already breaking up and not because of any drugs I was voluntarily on.

  It'd been cold when I left that morning & warmed that day so I found it impossible to wear the huge & very thick red coat I wore that season I tied by the sleeves around my waist. I was otherwise dressed for cold weather & caring a thick book bag over my shoulder & neck by a single strap behind me.

  I'd thought about what I'd do in this situation & acted accordingly if a kidnap attempt happened when I was dressed like I was. I spun the bookbag around to cover my chest. Then I spun that thick coat around to cover my lower half from the waist down. I was now well-armored.

  The guy whom I've decided to nickname "My Fellow Victim" gulped when I gave him a chance to surrender. Then I lunged forward. He panicked! Yelped! & Fired! The taser probes hit my book bag center mass itself. No effect! He tried to turn & run but never made it full circle before I was on him!

  As we went down a dozen or more pre-teen children & several tall teens & Giant Jocks rushed from behind several homes on both sides of the street & every one of them pulled out tasers. The children rushed out in line & formed a circle while I pondered what to do with My Fellow Victim. Some paused in place in a well-practiced move to let their team mates better form a circle.

  Me? I decided to fight my way out. So I twisted My Fellow Victim's neck with all my might! K-K-K-K-K-KRACK!

  I tried to fight my way out. I lost. But My Fellow Victim lost everything while the smiling madman Duh Jerk stood over his corpse gloating while the Jocks & teens manned road closed signs at both ends of the block while the other children questioned everyone around working with Dirty Cop himself quickly showing who soon showed up to identify & arrest every single person who admitted they'd witnessed the event for later recruitment... or so Duh Jerk bragged.

  My Fellow Victim had died under a streetlight. I recall looking into his lifeless eyes staring up at the dark nite sky.

  It ended with Duh Jerk noting how long had passed, just under 15 minutes. He turned to his Lt. & told him that everyone there but him was to take the date rape drug so no one would remember this. They started handing out drugs.

  Me? The memory breaks up more & more but I recall I hatched a plan to stall so I might remember this. I'd talk to Duh Jerk so I could stall past the 15 minute mark. Engaging his guys who seemed angry, antagonizing them.

  Eventually, the conversation & event is written much better in my +1,500 page letter to the FBI where someone dies or is hurt every few pages. This written account being a generic version of events at best.

  Staring into the lifeless eyes of the guy who had his whole life ahead of him. It's not as fulfilling nor glamorous as... cops tell me I make it sound. Kind'a sickening actually. With all the death I've seen it still leaves me with a queasy stomach & not feeling well. It's been over 15 years or so at least, I'd guess. I'll bet the date written in my letter to the FBI is much more accurate.


The RECAP above all RECAPS... Yeah... they would... Circa... 1990ish

  Sooooooo... picture me bebopping into the Bay County Law Enforcement Center of Bay City Michigan in broad daylight. If memory serves, I was carrying my bookbag? Jeans & a shirt. Why was I there? The day before I'd gone to the Bay City Police & tried my best to file a Police Report. It had been unsolicited & I went there unaccused of anything & unsolicited other than the... cop's invitation to come back the next day to follow up on my report.

  When I arrived a large group of Uniformed Bay City... cops were there & they shuttled me to the back room, the 1st big room to the left as you go in, not their Interrogation Rooms where the 6-7... cops all spread out before me.

  Cops, half a dozen or more stood outside the door gawking at us. Making conversation but certainly paying attention to us. Some had good vantage points, some bent over from time to time & peered in at certain points in the conversation.

  Me? I pondered the situation before me & was ready to accept the worst.

  The... cops explained they'd followed up on my report yesterday & quickly figured out my accusations were true. They told me they amassed enough dirt to take down the entire gang in a few hours of investigating.

  Me? I liked where the conversation was going but still expected the worst. These guys didn't have expressions on their face like they were telling me anything good or planning to help me. So, I listened in...

  He said much of the Department was involved very quickly.

  They, the... cops in the room, explained that the gang had squirmed. Begged, pleaded, threatened, tried to bribe them, everything to get out of their impending doom.

  Sounds good so far huh?

  So, the... cops had a meeting, allegedly many, most or all of them, he wouldn't commit to a number or percentage, where they decided to talk about the logistics of the situation before them.

  One of them mentioned the obvious allegedly brought by the gang. If half of what I was saying was true, then I could sue the pants off the sum of what is Bay City Michigan & it's institutions & bankrupt it. The subject came up that the... cops would protect me. Why not? Then them... cops alleged they knew the gang well. The attacks on me would be insane in amount & intensity. I'd be forced to leave, sue the city into the poor house, & take the money & run. Bay City & their... jobs would be destroyed.

  I argued if true insurance would cover a lot of the bills, but they said not so, or at least not so to an unacceptable level.

  They argued Bay City Michigan is a tourist community. I've heard stats where businesses there make more money during the month of July from tourism in Bay City MI than the rest of the year combined. The bad news of the truth of what happened to me, combined with what would be my inevitable looting of the local economy if only for my own self-defense would certainly destroy Bay City Michigan financially & probably cost most, many, or all of them their jobs & threaten to make Bay City a ghost town.

  This was unacceptable in their opinions.

  Picture the hallway outside. The crowd of uniformed & presumably on duty... cops grow. They bunch up at the door & gawk inside all the more. Some well-dressed men & women, maybe off-duty... cops, pop in & out.

  They said the... cops had a huge meeting where they voted what to do with me? Help me & destroy Bay City? Frame me & destroy me for the good of the City? Or just refuse to help me. Cast me out & thwart any & all police investigations I might illicit for the rest of my life for the good of the community. They said after much deliberation in an all-night meeting complete with fights & heated exchanges that made some life-long enemies they voted & the vote fell on the last of the 3. Now I could expect a life void of police protection. "You're not becoming the richest man in Bay City because this happened to you". It just wasn't fair.

  Me? Oddly, I expressed disappointment that the 2nd option was an option at all first because it disgusted me, true or not, that it came out of the mouth of one of Bay City's finest. "You guys' frame people often"? "Is this standard practice in Bay City"?

  Yeah, I try to argue the point. What about me? Are you just going to leave me to their tender mercies"?

  Yes they told me. But the good news was that I'd narrowly avoided the 2nd option. So, I should be happy I'm not in prison.

  I left... respectfully... Like usual...



  The Last Snitch said he was involved & the gang was there in force the above day at the Bay County Law Enforcement Center. He said the... cops in the room were in on it, so were the ones crowding the door. As for the rest? He said their dirty... cop had called a meeting at the time I was invited there. Then there was a large pool of... cops there & at the end of the... cop meeting he invited the assembled... cops to look into the room & make a mental note of the scumbag being interrogated inside. He said it was why a large group of... cops stood outside eventually. He claimed their dirty... cop supervisor broke up the meeting when it was apparent too many of them were listening in on the conversation. Necessitating an elaborate damage control to throw them off their game.

  Is any of the above true? When the gang is involved or a Bay City... cop is involved I ponder the situation before me. Since I am not now nor was I ever a Bay City... cop or Bay City fBI aGENT I make it a habit to not believe a single word that comes out of one of their mouths.

  Why am I telling this then?

  Because here are the cluse & I've done my best to assemble them & not taking anything out no matter how bad it makes me look. The truth, the whole truth, & nothing but the truth. It's not my job to sort through the cluse & it never was.



  Sooooo... there I was in grade school. Every now & again the kids in my class would band together & give each other a Birthday Spanking for their birthday. It seemed harmless to me.

  One day they accosted some student, younger than us, I don't recall who? I think they may have been in Serial Rapist's class? A few of them pounded on him a while. Nothing too bad. The victim seemed alarmed. The class had abducted the poor kid & now formed a line, & were about 1/4 through the line.

  My fellow Witless School classmates, the kids I routinely sat with... as mandated by law.  asked me if I wanted to join in.? Give the kid a few whacks?

  I refused no matter how they framed the offer. I recall a few of them even taunted me that I was unpopular & here was one of the 1st times my Classmates ever reached out to me & I refused? This was a perfect opportunity for social climbing (far from their exact words).

  I felt for their victim & refused. Again.

  They really ponded on that kid badly after that. Word around the school was the kid had to be hospitalized for injuries sustained in the group abduction, I mean Birthday Spanking.

  I overheard my Clasmates talking about how the gang's Bosses were now involved & they'd gone to the victim's home & recruited the parents through blackmail.

  Duh Jerk came to me & threatened me with his alleged film of the situation. That I should obey him outside the school, showing up to make films at the   gang's film studio, or he could destroy me in court with the film of me abducting & nearly crippling the younger student in that chain birthday spanking.

  Me? I told him he should watch the film again. I'd refused to abduct the kid & later when they offered me a chance to join in the pounding I'd refused.

  Just like a good Bay City... cop he called me a liar. He could throw me in child's prison anytime he wanted. I was just bluffing, or stupid.

  I stood my ground. I had no intention of going to their film studio, even if I had been involved I'd have refused.

  He walked away frustrated. He quickly conducted an investigation with my Classmates. "You told me he helped you with the birthday spanking". He even said stuff like. "I told you to invite him to help you grab that kid & you told me he did".

  My Classmates admitted they'd lied. A few complained that they were all so high on drugs that they hadn't noticed I wasn't involved.

  He threatened my entire class. Me included. "I know that you come from an abusive home & I can just call your parents & tell them anything I want & I know they'll punish you very badly".

  I told him they wouldn't. But I knew they would. Severely at his or anyone's request. It was a safe bet at my place. "A given".

  I forget what false accusation he made up about me. I was severely punished at his request in a lengthy horror session with all the trimmings available to my family. They seemed to enjoy it.

  To be continued. Spoiler: It gets worse...

A MUNDANE MASS-ATTEMPTED MURDER... Don't fret Reader... the only one they wanted dead was me...

  Sooooo... I was 11 years old & it was Fall of 1976, America's Bicentennial Year. I'd had big plans for this year. I'd decided to clean my act up. To dress nice, & this would be the year I'd stand up for myself, particularly at school. I had a new wardrobe of expensive clothes, silk & all. I never planned on being the top dog at school. I just resolved to not be at the bottom.

  Reader, you might as this? "How'd that plan work out"?

  As we begin the tale I'm standing at the west side of the school shaped like the letter "E" for evil's Cafeteria. "The Gym" has been going on for about a month by now, give or take. My ongoing & very public attempted murder goes on unabated. The outside doors, 2 of them are chained shut, lest I should run out them to freedom if the action should get too hot & heavy. Guards are poised at each do & at the end of the hallway leading to "The Gym" & at each door. They are tasked with diverting any adults who may enter the building. The manned Ambulance often sits in the parking lot ready to shuttle away any wounded. I'm told other times they sit a block away ready to move at the School Staff's command. In Fall of 1976 there were 2 Bay City Police tasked with investigating Juvenile Crime. One told me he sits in the Parking lot at times deflecting all potential witnesses. He explained to me that he's personally never looked into classroom himself, there was no need to, he told me he believed the staff of the E for Evil School & not I, nor his nephew who was actually allegedly in my classroom.

  Many days were mundane attempted murder. They varied little. I was required to stand on the east side of the cafeteria where we held 1st period gym class with my back to the wall. The spot chosen because it was furthest from all the room's exits.

  We would form up & pretend to play floor hockey. Hockey sticks, a dangerous puck with all sorts of heavy metal parts, & 2 nets were the only equipment.

  Usually, we played the 1st period like any floor hockey game. The children were encouraged to be nice. Then after we'd made a film of playing nice, usually the 1st 1/3rd of the class, then they'd go to full blown unrestricted attacking me with weapons full out ongoing attempted murder. What'd I do in that situation? My Parent's orders were clear. I was not to hurt any of them no matter what they did to me. Me? I was The Good Kid. The Good Kid was a Christian. The Good Kid obeys unquestioningly. I was afraid if I didn't keep my ethics 100% pure then God wouldn't help me & I tried my best to obey every order my religion forced me to. A long list of commands.

  Me? I too was encouraged to be nice by my parent's commands. That & the threats both legal & illegal from the local... cops. Emphasize the illegal part. They were... cops who very much thought felonious threats like "go to school or I'll beat you up with my nightstick & drag you there" was just good police work. Their other threats made when I complained I was framed & made to hurt children were often. "If you hurt another child I'll frame you myself"! In addition to other threats to my life. Lots of people threatened me then. Virtually all chose to use illegal threats. Continuously.

  SO, you get the gist of it Reader. I stood with my back to the net & the wall & the students of the classroom tried to kill me using improvised weapons. During the 1st few weeks they'd tried to make it look like an accident or like my death was just a few students that got carried away with contact sports. By now they'd abandoned the facade & the last 2/3rds of The Gym were full out attacking me everyone against me & the few people who secretly helped me.

  Don't get ready to pin any medals on them who helped me in The Gym yet Reader. As it was explained to me, it'd begun innocently, but now there was betting on the fight. It started with a Boss saying "I bet you the kid dies today". Allegedly the next day they wanted their money back & there was more betting. Lots of people began to know about The Gym & they too bet that today would be the day I died. Inversely that meant there were a lot of people, Bosses in particular, who had a vested interest in my survival so they ordered the children who hated me to secretly help me.

  How was it in general? 4-6 children & sometimes teens lined up & tried to kill me with weapons 20 minutes at a time. Actually, when I compared it to my past experiences such as against the combat veterans of The Ordeal in the Back Hall at The Grande Parties as far as I was concerned it was almost rest. Lest I trivialize it, it wasn't rest, it was murder for hire, murder for profit, it was revenge murder, it was a cover-up attempted murder & had a bazillion witnesses & almost as many co conspirators. I'll add this disclaimer here. There is no amount of exaggeration that could save me with this as my story. If what I'm saying here is not 100% true, I know I'll go down in flames & it is all 100% true to the best of my ability without exaggeration.

  Today's theme was different. They liked to change it up now & then. It was the day after "The Children of The Gym" told me, bragged to me, whined to me that they'd been shown a group showing of many films of me killing people. Many. Before yesterday The Children of The Gym were losing steam. They hated Duh Jerk & The Gym Teacher, alleged Father of The Used Car Salesman who would soon be involved in "The Gym" himself. There was a new "theme" or twist on how my attempted murder would play out today.

  Duh Jerk had said. "David has been whining that we make him stand by the far wall when we try to kil him. So today we'll film it & make him stand by the other wall". He explained often that it was very important to make me, and all of his victims out to be liars in every way. Thus a film of me standing at the opposite wall would go far to proving me a liar.

  The teams of 5 were chosen & today, like usual my team would stand to the side & watch the battle portion. Ready to act like my loyal teammates if police or important visitors should somehow get past their multi-layered security.

  I recall often that the Munger Boy 5 would be almost always tasked with trying to kill me 1st. Many of them formed up.

  Me? I told everyone this was immoral, and murder.

  It was Fagboy who called me names 1st. "You're a Serial-Killer"! He shouted. Then he & some fellow students yelled that I should abandon my lies. They'd seen the films of me killing people. Lots of people. It was why they'd chosen to nickname me "Serial-Killer".

  They tried to nickname me Serial-Killer. Calling me that exclusively for a few days in lieu of my name.

  Me? I never answered to it once nor did I regard it or let them tempt me into wrath with it & they gave up the nickname in a few days.

  You realize I told the above story so I could tell the Reader the sentence above. I ask the Reader to picture the moment, to savor the "flavor" of an angry room of self-righteous rapists & would-be child-murderers as they confronted the child who'd been nothing but courteous to them their entire lives & I know they know that this sentence is true.


RECAPS are not for... cops nor the Reader. They are for me.

To help me deal with what happened.

Bay City Hall Sign.jpg

These are the... cops I'm writing about. As a fellow... cop you'd probably say someting like. I doubt they'd do ANYTHING unethical to innocents when thinking about their own pocketbooks. It'd be unethical & no... cop would do that.


Every word you say can & will be used against you in a court of law... Every... single... word...


"How'd you like our electrolisis parties"? The Last Snitch asked me.

"We got films of you begging to attend when we drugged you". Now, no jury would ever believe me that my attendence wasn't volunteer.

I protested no one would do that (do I sound like a Bay City... cOP or what here?).

He bragged lots of their victim/members attend. the parties. That an a lot of their victims. They just ask them over & over on drugs until one day they agree, or even beg for it.


There is no atrocity their films cannot explain away once they begin assaulting a victim.

David A. George 11-1-23


This story IS NOT done as of 11-20-23 & is incomplete & filled with yet to be corrected statements & errors written during a lengthy sleep-deprivation assault & I do not yet endorse its contents. You know, evidence against me.

The reason I ain't gotten to it couldn't be it's too unsettling. It's only coplogical. Right?

  You know what irritates me most... cops? Huh? That I can & MUST use the word "mundane" when describing killing what may have been formerly innocent citizens YOU were sworn to protect. HUMPH!

  Mundane mun·dane [ˌmənˈdān] adjective

  1. lacking interest or excitement; dull:

    "seeking a way out of his mundane, humdrum existence"


I heard it screamed at me a lot in my all-too short life

as touching the subject of "The Children of the Gym"

& from many of the Adult Coconspirators: Not a one of them has ever made an apology. Not a real one. Though a just a few tried to apologize & told me they fully intended to destroy me one day in court, but they felt really bad about it & sought me for forgiveness.

I told them I won't forgive you for something you haven't done. The rest just chose to use our meeting to reaffirm their hatred of me. Some shouting.


I told every single one of them that I did not hate them. This did not improve their moods as far as I could tell.


I was reading this tale... again. And, beside the tale in it's entirety, what irritates me is the left out parts where, in my opinion, I don't look so bad. The parts where I fufulfilled the legal requirements for compassion, for law obedience. A subject the urgency of needing to write the worst parts of my life's story 1st, not trying to justify my actions nor to comment on the acts of those around me & my own.

For example, the Red Head.  She really liked talking to me. Hours on end & we discussed all sorts of subjects. History, philosophy, religion, sex, her role in the gang, her wants, her desires. She discussed her morality with me. Who she was, what she was about in detail.

  In her own words she saw herself as a actress/seductress for the gang. She bragged she'd taken down 100s of wealthy men with her looks & skills at seduction. She was so good that many of her victims still courted her even AFTER they absolutely knew she was the one who'd casued their downfall.

She  told me her job there, allegedly in a former home in the middle of miles of sugar beet crops surrounded by occasional homes & farms with zero cover (looking at it through a captive's eyes, my bad) was her reward. She described hers as a life of a flittering butterfly (not her exact words) where she flitted about too & fro. SHe worked as a secratary in a public school during the year & seduced wealthy men in creative ways for the gang. Luring them into her bedchambers where she'd drug them & as their "Handler" she's coerce them into making films to blackmail people for profit. She was a destroyer of men. A blight on a polite society where she masqueraded as a law-abiding citizen. Working the Munger Police scam was her summer time reward from the gang where a dozen of the best young men around, chosen for their desire for women of her age & looks, competed for her affections in a hedonistic environment that left almost all of them in love with her by summer's end. SHe bragged many had fought over her & more had been injured, some seriously. She even told me several had committed suicide over her, particularly at the summer's end when they found out that no amount of wooing her had succeeded & they would now be parting ways, for life. They represented a vast pool of men now she could call for anything she needed & the best of the best serviced her during the quiet times of her life when she was between lovers & would just call them up for a weekend fling. Then cast them aside again. It's true that while I write it bluntly & even told her it that bluntly she told it to me with a certain aura of romantic nostalgia. She liked it. She had destroyed an incalculable number of lives, particularly the lives of the young about to enter into their prime.

I wrote all the above only so I could add this.:

I tried my atheist best to talk her into being a better person. Why not give up the life & become the good citizen she only pretended to be (which I've brought up to tons of the gang (tons, by body weight), both when I was an atheist AND as a Christian). "Why don't you give up your evil ways? Become the hero you pretend to be"?

She answered no. She liked it all too much. She was never going to stop, only planning to slow down, but only because I had prompted her to look in a mirror & re-evaluate her life.

Our last meeting was brutally short. She surprised me there in the fake Munger Jail when she walked in like it was just a normal day. A surprised look covered her face.

Me? I pondered what to do & I saw her sharply inhale as time slowed down. It occurred to me she was going to scream. There, by the door, I couldn't take the chance there was someone out there. So I belted her across the mouth & she flew & spun around & fell face down on the floor in the middle of the room where she would remain for the rest of her life.

I wouldn't see her face again until I kneeled on her back & spun her head around +180 degrees & left her body face down & her facing the ceiling.

In the past I wrote things like how Flesh looked calm, even serene when I last saw her. The Red Head had an expressionless look on her face.

What's my point Reader? My point is this. Tons, many, maybe even most of these people who perished chatted with me. Bragged over & over about the many lives they'd destroyed. Many boasted they were going to gladly destroy me & had every intention of destroying as many people as they could for whatever their reasons were. Be it for wealth, power, to prove themselves to the gang, or for revenge. I tried my best to talk them out of it. Many, like her I told over & over that I didn't hate them & had done them no evil. Others I explained I was framed & many told me they knew it to be true & that fact mattered not when considering they intended to destroy me. Usually said while sporting huge grins the whole while. Literally grinning ear to ear about the day they would destroy me.

For many of "those" people their ending could be described like this. They tried their best to destroy me. We fought. They lost.

Am I saying I won? No. No one wins in a fight. Those were my brothers & my sisters under God. They'd been mislead by madmen into thinking that evil, against others and myself was acceptable. Maybe even profitable. But whatever the individual's reasons were the gang had made the destruction of victims seem desirable. Even if it was only a Renfield who told me they agreed with me. They hated the gang. They despised everything they were doing but the gang owned them & they were going to destroy me because it was their loved ones or me so too bad for me or any other victim their masters said were next. I'll describe THEIR ends. We met. They tried to destroy me. We fought. They lost. Did I win? Read my life's story here. Is any part of my tale the tale of a winner? If so. Point to it please & tell me. So 2 of us know? Please?


The weirdism here? I'll bet the following "impartial <koff koff> investigators" would've called King David a liar too when he wrote Psalms 119.

Bay City Badge.jpg
Saginaw Badge.gif

"No one could survive all that without going crazy. Since you're obviously not crazy that means you're a liar & a liar has no chance in court. So you can leave [the... copshop] now Sir".

Ever look someone in the eye & decide your death would be acceptable if you could but take that person with you in death?

- David A. George while looking into the eyes of the mocking "Flesh"

  Luke 16:19-24

  19 There was a certain rich man, which was clothed in purple and fine linen, and fared sumptuously every day:

  20 And there was a certain beggar named Lazarus, which was laid at his gate, full of sores,

  21 And desiring to be fed with the crumbs which fell from the rich man's table: moreover the dogs came and licked his sores.

  22 And it came to pass, that the beggar died, and was carried by the angels into Abraham's bosom: the rich man also died, and was buried;

  23 And in hell he lift up his eyes, being in torments, and seeth Abraham afar off, and Lazarus in his bosom.

  24 And he cried and said, Father Abraham, have mercy on me, and send Lazarus, that he may dip the tip of his finger in water, and cool my tongue; for I am tormented in this flame.


Feel free the replace "he" with "they".

The Red-head, in Munger, with my bare hands...

  Sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo--- there I was, in what the gang told me was the Munger Michigan Police Station. It was in fact an unimpressive white single-story building with a 20-30 car parking lot that had about a dozen or so professional workplace separated desks & the office supplies that come with a well-used office. Chairs, computers aplenty, gun racks, filing cabinets, the stuff you'd expect to see in any little police station anywhere I'd suppose?

  The entire room was dominated by a giant official-looking seal on the wall behind where the on duty officer sat that plainly identified it as The Munger Michigan Police Department & it had other police-type artwork & such hanging here & there giving the single-room station a professional appearance.

'  There was a male Deputy who'd been the main protagonist. About my height & build but a little of less to both. There was always a teen aged male, always short for their age & usually blond or blight brown-haired. Every one of them who talked to me told me that they were all 18 years old & on drugs to keep them alert & entertained & in the same class as the 8-10 young men who always stood outside playing haki sack who were in fact guards to the front door.

  There was usually a strikingly beautiful Red-Head probably nearing 40-50 now. You could tell she'd had almost super-model good looks only a few years ago. I do not add that fact lightly but only to be factual. In my opinion.

  She'd had long talks with me. At 1st the talks were for me to give up the nonsense that this place was not a real police station. I was just upsetting other prisoners that they'd locked in the cage with me.

  When I stuck to my story she changed hers. Now we had lengthy talks where she bragged about the place & her role in the gang as a seductress. She was there to seduce men & manipulate them for the gang in exchange for a small portion of the profits based on whom she'd compromised & what they were worth. She told me she loved her job & planned on doing it until the day she died.

  She'd bragged to me that such was her beauty that she could seduce almost any man. "Even when they know who & what I am". She boasted.

  Religion came up, she told me she was a Devil-Worshiper & that she did not fear God. She knew an eternal punishment awaited her when she died & she didn't care.

  She bragged she seduced all the men around her, even several of the 18 year-olds who competed openly for her affections in front of me. Sometimes violently.

   She even discussed her many victims. How she relished the hunt, seduced them all, then drugged them and acting as their Handler convinced them to do always vile acts on films that destroyed an army of men one at a time. Most as quickly as possible but some she seduced slowly she said. Particularly if they were handsome of wealthy as she enjoyed the lifestyle. She said her crowning achievement was that some of the men she could call on at any time were in fact men she'd personally destroyed but still doted on her anyway even though they knew precisely who & what she was & that she'd been the one who'd compromised her. She remarked it was dangerous & she'd had a few close calls when a few of her former lovers lied & decided to attack her. All it meant was she kept a small army of Jocks nearby on the 1st few dates after their downfall & a camera & it just let the gang destroy their victims publicly all the easier. The Jocks beat down her victims & the films of her being attacked & the Jock vigilantes coming to her aid made for powerful evidence against the gang's victims.

  She personally sickened me when she boasted she could have me. It's be nothing to seduce me even though I knew her for exactly what she was.

  Me? I told my captor straight up that she sickened me. I agreed she probably could seduce me on their drugs. It was no great accomplishment, a lot of the gang had done it, even plain Jane novices. But as for seducing me personally without drugs? She sickened me & I told her she had zero chance. I said it was not based on looks, she was gorgeous in my opinion & had been truly beautiful until the last year I'd bet. Her age & hard-living drug-fueled lifestyle was ravaging her looks & I told her as much.

  She was disappointed but agreed with me. She had been drugging it up too much lately. She told me from time to time she quit they drugs & took better care of herself & she was now resolved to do that again. She told me she'd had revelations during our conversation. She was getting older. Now she had resolved to call up one of several Captains of Industry she had on her list of suitor, one of many who'd proposed to her & give him the ultimate gift. Her.

She kept insisting that she could have me anytime she wanted. Drugs or not. “I saw the way you looked at me when you 1st got here”.

I told her I had in fact looked at her that way at the start when I pictured it was possible that she was an unwitting accomplice being manipulated by the gang. But that now she sickened me. Not because of her looks but because of who & what she was.

She disagreed. Based on her skill at seduction & her awesome good looks.

  Advance time... but not much...



  The Deputy is locked in the cell with an empty holster & so are all the teen guards. The drawers & cabinets have been rifled through & the striking Red-Head lay knocked out on the floor.

  Me? I was seriously doped up but semi-lucid enough to fear the very real possibility that my mind could reset at any moment. Why? Because it HAD reset several times already.

  I really haven't done the mind-reset experience justice, especially for any laymen who might read this to realize the urgency of the situation & it's dangers.

  One reset was a complete reset. I'd lost all memory of the last few weeks. In my mind I'd come too in a police station with a deputy & several teens locked in a cell & had no idea why they were there, why I was there, & where I was. Luckily the kind people asked if I was okay? They said I'd been brought in injured & a bad person had locked them in the cell. So could I be a good citizen & let them out?

  I agreed & when I walked near the door they grabbed me en-mass. There was a huge lengthy fight where it took me a long time to free myself from them. During that battle the memory of who they were & the situation before me bubbled to the surface of my mind & once I was free I shuddered to think what might have happened if they'd just not attacked me & let me open the door as I fully intended?

  A second type of reset is the same as above. In a moment of time their drug(s?) rob me of recent events. I struggle to recall the situation before me & in trained gang fashion the imprisoned cellmates ask me with a look of pity. "Are you okay? Do you need some help"? Fortunately the memories of recent events bubbles to the surface earlier this time & I am once again semi-lucid & appreciate the situation before me.

  The 3rd type of reset is in a way theoretical to me. By theoretical I mean my mind resets as a blank. I just stand there, or so my captors have bragged a bazillion times. My mind robbed of lucid thought by their drug(s?). With luck maybe I'll do better in the coming reset? Maybe not?

  How long do any of the reset mental states last? Generally not long & typically only 15 seconds or so & often a minute or 2. It's why once you realize you've been drugged & kidnapped you have to quickly asses the situation before you & be acting on that plan in 15 seconds or less or else the drugs will reset your mind & you'll be stuck in a never-ending loop where you're constantly trying to reasses the situation & come up with a plan. That plan should be very simple too because any plan that (including the planning phase AND implementation phase) had better be underway before your next reset or you're just going to be standing around, a victim of whatever reset happens next surrounded by a gang of seasoned regulars who do this kind of stuff as their hobby & profession.

  Now Reader... imagine all the above has to be processed in your drug-addled mind & in the situation I've presented above. IMAGINE THAT! Please?

  Sooooo... there we all were. I searched for anything that might help me escape & a few resets almost thwarted that plan. In peril of my life I planned my escape before the next reset & was in a room where the teens shouted they intended to kill me. Over & over quite a few times.

  I had to flee.... NOW!

  But what about this Red-Head who lay between the desks in the Police Department? Was she faking it as so many of the gang has done to me countless times? Was she knocked out & when would she wake up?

  I pondered the outside world & my escape. The outside of the building was surrounded by summer-time sugar beet crops on all sides as far as the eyes could see. A home or 2 dotted the horizon at half-mile intervals & I recalled the conversations where my captors had bragged that all the homes around there were loyal gang homes each eager to turn in any who escaped & was fool enough to come to them for assistance. An alleged bounty was paid for every escapee they helped reacquire for the gang.

  I'd rifled trough the drawers for weapons or something to use to escape or to restrain her. Nothing was any good.  Even the computer cords were too thick to use to restrain anyone. I thought about tying her up with her clothes but her girly fabric would tear easily. I even pondered using my clothes. Just tear up my shirt & tie her up. But I realized on the spot it had been a heat wave summer & I could tell it was sunny out. If I went out into that sun without a shirt or sunglasses I could in serous trouble, medically speaking. The sunglasses part? There was nothing I could do there. Bu my plan was that maybe I could find a spot of vegetation & hide there. But the sun would likely burn me into a 3rd degree burn or worse. So that plan was stupid.

  A potential memory reset gnawed at my mind. I had to leave now! But what about her? Wouldn't she open the cell? Wouldn't she call an army of Jocks to recapture me as soon as I left? Especially if she was faking being knocked out?

  In a moment of time I decided her fate. I walked over & grabbed her head & twisted her neck with all of my then laborer might. A grizzly cracking noise ensued. K-K-K-K-K-KRACK! I left her laying there with her body facing down & her head on backwards.

  The Empty Holstered Deputy said from his cell. "You didn't have to kill her".

  I said. "Yes I did". Then I complained there was no way to restrain her. Especially since they wouldn't let me near to simply just throw her in the cell with them. "I had no way to restrain her"

  The Empty Holstered Deputy told me to look at the wall beside the giant Munger Michigan Police Department plaque. The wall was covered in all sorts of handcuffs & leg restraints.


  Every now & then, not often, I think about her & the time we spent together. Not fondly, nor out of nostalgia. Not for long, lest anyone imagine I ponder her in a lengthy way.

  The Last Snitch told me he was one of many gang members who loved her & he promised me revenge for her death.


  FLESH... FLESH FOR FANTASY... 'til death do us part???

  Soooooooo... there I was, in what I was told was the basement of some rich guy's house being tortured by the gang. 'It alternated between evil skits that my sleep deprived dazed & drugged mind was forced to endure & a slapfest keep away game of sorts that the gang delighted in. A person would slap me in the face. SLAP! Then they'd push me off to the next person who might catch me or be standing there & they'd slap me! SLAP! Rinse, lather repeat for weeks. About nearly 12- 20 people who worked in shifts watched over by no less than 6 or more giant Jocks in black who usually watched but occasionally participated. There was fun to be had for all.

  Skits? Yeah, they'd wait for my memory top reset & then, on film, force dazed doped up me to live through what usually started as a mundane social situation but always turned evil or perverse. someone might cut off an arm & the fake limb they used would spurt red liquid everywhere while women screamed & mean men accused... me. Accused me of attacking or causing the evil. I might be standing there in another mundane social situation inflicted on me & a man, woman, child, or uniformed & allegedly on duty Boulder Colorado... cop would rush in & accuse me of this, that or the other thing. Some bad, some epic level bad. Often they might provoke me endlessly for the camera hoping for the magic film that'd incarcerate me in prison & bragged the edited films surely proved me either to be a druggie or insane or both depending on the narrative they were trying to sell in that particular film.

  Almost ever present & on drugs themselves (or so they all boasted, "the drug table" being well-stocked for the joyous occasion) were 2 people I nicknamed Fearless Leader & Flesh.

  Fearless bragged Flesh was there to tempt me & the films they made of my willingly participating in a drugged romance (they'd doped me & had her seduce me... on film). That this weeks long catered event, my ongoing torture was her coming out ceremony in the gang. She was going places in the gang. Destined for greatness, a rarity for a woman in a gang that prides itself in it's white supremacy (how do you think they were able to film me drugged at said Klan events so easily?) & sexist attitudes.

  Me? I recall asking him what I asked Duh Jerk? "Why are you doing this to me?

  Fearless said it was as a favor to the Bay City Chapter that "owned" them. Being that the Bay City chapter had moved into their turf, asked them to a few molester parties, & then framed them all & now owned them. So they were sucking up by doing this to me.

  Fearless bragged on the fact that Flesh was my wife at one point.

  I called him a liar. I'd fought my way out of the Satanic Marriage in the Satanic Chapel in another room but been recaptured.

  Fearless remarked surprise that I didn't recall that they had just put me in make-up & filmed me at an angle my bruises didn't show & went through with the ceremony anyway & now we were legally married, newspaper announcements & all. Legally. That she was going to testify at the end of this framing fest & imprison me for life as her '"initiation" as a Officer in the gang.

  Hmmph! Hear I am saying Fearless Leader said it. He did. But Flesh parroted it herself many a time with a giant C.M.S.S.o.S. on her face when she did. She really enjoyed herself.

  There was fun to be had for all. Well, not me, but the gang enjoyed themselves.

  Me? You may wonder what I was doing during this? During my initial lucid moments atheist me tried to convince them to let me go, to be nice, & even argued that since the gang was all framed, that the films of me could mean I was framed too?

  Oddly, the gang consensus was they believed my innocence & it mattered not. This was epic fun for them. A weeks long catered torture party without the possibility of legal reprisal & they got to suck up to the guys who owned them.

  In time, during rare lucid & semi-lucid moment I attacked! I injured or maybe even killed several people. That's between when they brought in people for me to kill or took me to far away spots to kill innocents while the Boulder Crew slept.

  Once, after another cruel PRACTICAL joke Fearless & Flesh mocked my coming imprisonment. She really relished the idea of testifying against her ''''husband" in court. The legal nail in the coffin of my freedom if you will. The pair were mocking me & laughing as they planned the next PRACTICAL joke. Bragging maybe they'd just kill me, based on the cases of the locals I'd killed & were now on ice on a slab. They'd wait to see how their legal cases matured before assigning how they died, if it was by my hand or another reason.

  Me? I got angry looking at her & her smug smile. Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrr! Very angry. I recall thinking to myself. "Good plan".

  I pictured my coming imprisonment or death, I loked at the ever present camera on the tripod, & I pondered within myself. "If I could take her with me my death would be acceptable'. Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!

  So, I charged at her while she stood next to Fearless & leapt into the air with my arms spread!

  Wow! Did she look surprized! Fearless too.

  So I grabbed her & we both slammed to the ground & like always the gang piled on top of me en mass while I grabbed her head & twisted it with all my then laborer might!

  I recall at one point one of them said. "He's trying to break her neck grab his arms"! The gang grabbed my arms & I kept twisting with all of my might1

  "The Nurse" with a syringe in hand said that she was going to drug me (it's how they did it a lot) but because the lights were so dim she couldn't tell where I was in the crowd. I ducked my head facing down every time she neared & lifted it when I saw her feet go around the circle.


  Fearless said to pull gang members off one at a time until they found me. In s few people she spotted me & dosed me anew. Weakness spread to my limbs & I was easily subdued.

  Fearless we=as furious with me. YOU KILLED HER"! He pointed to her body.

  We exchanged words & I focused my eyes on Flesh. She lay on the floor on her back. She looked so peaceful like I'd never seen her before. Her neck was at an angle that no human neck should nor could ever be at.

  Til death did we part?

  Later Snitches whined to me that there were complications because of this & several deaths & injuries. So they decided to cover up that we were ever married. They announced they would wait a few years & then get their revenge on me in some giant way to avenge their beloved would be Officer who died. That and to avenge the huge cost of the catered party that netted the gang naught for framing me. Now way too many people knew of me & the goings on in Boulder Colorado.

  Yeah, I prayed to God the atheist prayer. That I was an atheist but I knew that if God was out there that he'd get me out of this.

  To God be the glory... if there is any glory to be had.


  It was the environs of The Bay City Bomb Shelter Garages, or thereabouts, is my best guess.  about the time I was aged 19-25 a lot of people died. Some old, some young, men, women... you name it.

  It was about that time that Duh Jerk had decided that their food preparers should only use blunt knives. So they brought in these 6" drop forged blades that had a 4" hilt, all a single piece of thin but sturdy metal that'd never been sharpened & I got to listen to the gals, about age 18 or so they told me, whine about how difficult it was to prepare good meals now & it was all my fault, so I was NOT on their lists of favorite people. Usually I would be tied to a table butt up with my pants around my ankles while the gals prepared food & watch the many young men who alternated between raping me & guarding me during rapes flirt with the gals.

  I asked Duh Jerk why he didn't just send out for pizza like he did for years & he said it's not practical in extended torture sessions like mine. That to maintain security no one was allowed to communicate with the outside world at this time. Plus, his guys were human & liked prepared meals & fresh foods just like everyone else. He told me I'd broken free & stabbed one too many people, so the dull blade thing was now how they'd do it.

  Duh Jerk & the 4 Stars alternated, taking shifts & oversaw my gang rapes mostly. During the non-raping hours he left my security to his many young men.

  One of the 2 gals used to delight in telling me she was going to kill me. Why? Because I killed her friends & classmates during my last escape attempt.

  I complained back to her. Yes, I had killed them. Several of them said they'd seen the films & said they were going to kill me, if only for the good of society. But only once an opportunity to kill me in a way they couldn't be found out. I'd killed them all & she'd begged for her life & I spared it on the condition that she give me her word she's be quiet & let me escape. Once I left the concrete room she yelled her head off & a wave of guard rushed me & recaptured me. "You gave me your word you'd be quiet if I let you live".

  With an impudent face she mocked me like Duh Jerk & the 4 Stars while I lay on the table face down, on my feet with my pants around my ankles. "I'm a Devil-Worshipper. My word means nothing".

  When alone with her while she prepared the next meal (they made it a point to prepare ALL their meals in front of me & ate them while I watched & got nothing) she promised me death as revenge for killing her friends & regaled me with tales of their playground time together. I would die, THAT was certain. She was just watching for the right moment to kill me, probably with poison but maybe not? She promised me death for killing her friends in my last failed escape attempt.

  Me? I watched & waited between rare lucid or semi-lucid moments, particularly as my next dosages neared.

  Advance time... weeks...


  tick... tick... tick...


  Lets advance time. How far? To the point it was just her & her new girlfriend, or partner in crime were squaring off against me in the locked soundproof room. I'd just killed one of her many suitors. Guys she told me she was manipulating with sex to kill me. A guy who'd assured me my death was coming soon at his hands FOR her.

  The moment in time? The moment when having beat some 18-year-old guy down that I twist his neck with all of my then laborer might right there in front of the only exit in the room! K-K-K-K-K-KRACK! As a rule, since I have had much occasion to do this I carry through... really twisting over & over. Literal overkill.

  Then I turned my attention to the 2 young women who'd tormented me. Tortured me. Promised me death in horrific & painful ways.

  The one suggested that they split up. If they did it right, I could only get one of them & the other would live, open the locked soundproof door, & hope to summon help in time to save themselves. They had no illusions about their chances.

  Me? I promised them death, but not like how they'd promised me death, they would die, here, & now, but as humanely as possible.

  So I hearded the pair into a corner, taking my time. As one would break for the door I'd rush her & the other would run for the door forcing me to back up. Methodicly I pressed the attack & soon I grabbed the other girl & dragged her to the door where she died just like her partners in crime. K-K-K-K-K-KRACK!

  Then I turned my attention to the last survivor. I asked the one to recall her promises to kill me.

  She remembered & said so. I asked her to recall she'd given her word to be quite in exchange for my letting her live & she said she remembered.

  I recall pondering her life in a moment of time. While lying bound on that table behind us with my pants around my ankles I recalled imagining what I might do to her IF I could somehow get free? I figured she'd beg for her life but here she was, standing silent before me, gazing at her former friends & partners in crime strewn about the room. She was by no means a lone girl. She wasn't an innocent good girl in a bad situation. I recalled her boasting about being a lifetime member of the gang, how she'd destroyed the lives of many men & all for almost next to nothing. The love of the hunt, the admiration of her fellow child-molesters & their leaders were enough for her. Well that & all the sex & free drugs. She could destroy anyone she wanted in her opinion. She was nowhere near being a good girl in a bad situation, she was an adult & an army of Jocks were on the other side of the door waiting to attack at her command & in a moment of time I decided to reduce the odds against me by 1. Noting it was strange that the same gal lived to be last twice in a row. Likely not because she was talented or tough but because she represented the least threat in the room by my estimation (She was a small gal).

  Still, I wondered why she didn't just do a desperation attack or start begging for her life? So I asked her why she didn't beg for her life? I thought she might try to?

  She looked at me with a frustrated but defiant look. "Would it do any good"?

  In a cool calm voice I told her. "No". While shaking my head & started walking toward her.

  It was her last day on earth... a RECAP, nothing more.

  The gang & their... cop pets always demand they be treated with kid gloves by their victims & it justifies a lifetime of being stalked with full police help in mid-Michigan. But truth be told they treat none of their rape survivors with anything like kid gloves or even common decency. In fact the local... cops tell me you're a scumbag if you stand up to the gang. PERIOD! End of subject! What you're still in the Police Station? Leave now or be arrested for criminal trespass!

  This tale brings me no glory nor joy. It is NOT a fond memory of mine.

  3-12-24 Hard to breathe...

  Soooo... it was recently, look it up in my recent online diary. I'm talking about that day, not today on 3-12-24.

  I woke up to the strong, overpowering smell of acetone. You know, fingernail polish remover at my secluded & wooded home in the Manicured Woods. It was hard to breathe, It was all I could do to force myself to rise & stagger out of my wooded home.

  AIR!!! I reached a spot where I could breathe fresh air. Prescious air! I sucked it in as best I could, choking on the vapors I still carried in my lungs.

  As I've moved around the country the gang has followed me thusly.

  "When you're all crippled up & in a wheelchair who's going to believe that you survived The Gym"?

  It was all I could do to walk to where I could report this today.




My retort?

"What part of vain, petty, weird & perverse cult confuses you officer"? - David A. George


  Duh Jerk often bragged on his commonly used tactic against what he literally calls "my victims".

It's a small world.

  In the scam a victim is attacked in places they frequent or can be proven to have frequented. In other cases, like mine various family members & even friends lived in the environs of the Defunct Hospital. Meaning that, in Duh Jerk's mind, that no evil against his targets could've happened there because, it's a small world.

  "Notice how he [my victim] always says we attacked them at nor near places they hung around? That's proof they are crazy because they accuse us of targeting the places they visit". But the truth is they have a lot of victims & engage would-be targets all over Bay City & other locations & try to specifically engage the "It's a small world defense strategy" whenever possible, so of course the gang engages their targets thusly whenever possible in previously visited locations of their targets. It's only logical.

  I hear it applies to schools & stores & even, when possible, to places targets have worked & former or present hangouts.

  My counter was this. "That tactic might work in a big city like Detroit but not in a small city like Bay City. Bay City is only so large so of course anyplace the gang targeted me was near a place I visited or hung out near". It'd be almost impossible to arrange the opposite, that is to commit stalking crimes like I've suggested & not near places I hung out at or frequented, because I get around.

  It's how the scam works.


While all of this went on they played top rock songs of the day loudly. Mostly 80's songs.

I ain't saying this song played even once but I chose to give Flesh, a woman who's name I never knew, her nickname based on it. A woman who's life ended with her being just that, flesh, flesh for fantasy. So she lived, & thus she died.

  Proverbs 5-9

  King James Version

  5 My son, attend unto my wisdom, and bow thine ear to my understanding:

  2 That thou mayest regard discretion, and that thy lips may keep knowledge.

  3 For the lips of a strange woman drop as an honeycomb, and her mouth is smoother than oil:

  4 But her end is bitter as wormwood, sharp as a two-edged sword.

  5 Her feet go down to death; her steps take hold on hell.

  6 Lest thou shouldest ponder the path of life, her ways are moveable, that thou canst not know them.

  7 Hear me now therefore, O ye children, and depart not from the words of my mouth.

8 Remove thy way far from her, and come not nigh the door of her house:

  9 Lest thou give thine honour unto others, and thy years unto the cruel:

  10 Lest strangers be filled with thy wealth; and thy labours be in the house of a stranger;

  11 And thou mourn at the last, when thy flesh and thy body are consumed,

  12 And say, How have I hated instruction, and my heart despised reproof;

  13 And have not obeyed the voice of my teachers, nor inclined mine ear to them that instructed me!

  14 I was almost in all evil in the midst of the congregation and assembly.

  15 Drink waters out of thine own cistern, and running waters out of thine own well.

  16 Let thy fountains be dispersed abroad, and rivers of waters in the streets.

  17 Let them be only thine own, and not strangers' with thee.

  18 Let thy fountain be blessed: and rejoice with the wife of thy youth.

  19 Let her be as the loving hind and pleasant roe; let her breasts satisfy thee at all times; and be thou ravished always with her love.

  20 And why wilt thou, my son, be ravished with a strange woman, and embrace the bosom of a stranger?

  21 For the ways of man are before the eyes of the Lord, and he pondereth all his goings.

  22 His own iniquities shall take the wicked himself, and he shall be holden with the cords of his sins.

  23 He shall die without instruction; and in the greatness of his folly he shall go astray.

  Luke 16:19-24

  19 There was a certain rich man, which was clothed in purple and fine linen, and fared sumptuously every day:

  20 And there was a certain beggar named Lazarus, which was laid at his gate, full of sores,

  21 And desiring to be fed with the crumbs which fell from the rich man's table: moreover the dogs came and licked his sores.

  22 And it came to pass, that the beggar died, and was carried by the angels into Abraham's bosom: the rich man also died, and was buried;

  23 And in hell he lift up his eyes, being in torments, and seeth Abraham afar off, and Lazarus in his bosom.

  24 And he cried and said, Father Abraham, have mercy on me, and send Lazarus, that he may dip the tip of his finger in water, and cool my tongue; for I am tormented in this flame.


Feel free the replace "he" with "she".

It's how a scam ran by a gang that call themselves "primarily actors" works.


Later, after my recapture & return to the Bomb Shelter Garage Duh Jerk was furious with me for the many slain & he yelled it loudly in front of his new army he'd summoned to replace the old one.

Then he gave the new crew orders. to do this that & the other thing & when they were gone he turned to me.

He expressed relief that I'd killed the final girl, that she wasn't among the survivors. "When I heard about the people you killed I hoped she was one of them. She knew too much" Anyone who had eyewitnessed 2 roomfuls of people slain would've been an unacceptable risk,  and due to her middle management rank that would've prevented him from just killing her it'd force him to spare her life. She'd be alive AND know too much very damning information about him. Plus, since she'd have lived through 2 roomfuls of the dead he'd have been required by tradition to pay her a lot of money. "Now I don't have to pay her".


  Sooooo... there I was, in high school on Bay City's Columbus Street looking at the school cafeteria from the main hallway. There was a large group of teenage Jocks all wearing smart new purple Central High School Football Jerseys & swinging bats & hockey sticks. A few wore helmets. I'd never seen any of them before, & never saw any of them again.

  What were they doing? The same thing the Jocks did last year at the same spot. They menaced me forming a wall & swinging bats whenever I neared the cafeteria where the school was holding it's S.A.T. tests for the students.

  I pondered going in anyway. I could try my luck running past. Maybe check the windows & see if I could enter that way? Make a scene?

  This year while I pondered Duh Jerk approached me with his obligatory bodyguards & asked if I was going inside to take the S.A.T. Test?

  Me? I noted the wall of Jocks & how The Bay City Police's own Dirty Cop himself had just appeared from thin air in full uniform.

  The smiling madman told me they were imported from a distant school just for me. Noting they hung out in a room to the side & only came out when I arrived, so that my fellow students wouldn't notice them, well, not many of them in any event. His pretty girl & boy whores were fanning out, distracting everyone nearby. "You've never taken the S.A.T Test". He claimed responsibility for the previous years. "I want to be able to define how smart you are later in court". He bragged, faking my test results for his later legal case against me. Alllllll part of the plan.

  I noted it was a lot of work, he could just have altered the test results in secret later. Why all the overkill?

  To saddle me with an unbelievable story he retorted. He asked me to note no one noticed what was going on & one day my testimony on what happened would seem ridiculous at best. The rants of an underachiever with a grudge or whatever was the narrative he planned to sell one day.

  Every now & then Duh Jerk would try to tempt me into attacking him, lor others, particularly large groups. This was one of those times. He tried to goad me into fighting the assembled pervert crew. "I know you're not afraid to fight large groups of individuals:" . He taunted me.

  I pondered the situation before me. Yeah, I'd fought groups & did not at any time ever do so lightly. When I'd walked up it was with the intention to merely sneak a peek at the test & then play Hookey. Fighting a large double digit crew wearing armor & armed openly with guns & bats? No thanks. At times like that I pondered his taunts & I'll bet it fed a delusion within him that I was tempted to try. Just a guess?

  Still, he did anger me some. So I told him if I wanted in that room, there weren't enough guys there to stop me.

  He agreed & asked me to note the packed room of Jocks next to the main office all sporting bats & wearing football helmets & waiting for me to attack.

  I noticed the guys down the hallway in front of his office all swinging bats & the crew tasked with telling my fellow students the hall was forbidden & they had to walk around (I couldn't hear them but saw the interactions). Dirty Cop stood there just inside the main doors talking to the girls normally tasked with being Duh Jerk's human shields & a few others. Dozens of people were involved.

  Duh Jerk claimed every single one of those involved were from other schools & had doctored paperwork that attached them to his high school. If they killed me, they'd probably spend the rest of the semester there, at the high school as students there spreading child-molester terror for the rest of the year as empowered heroes above the law because it was they who took out scumbag me, thanks to his many films. If I lived or failed to take the bait, he'd burn all the paperwork & the kids would never see the school again, he'd gone to great lengths to make sure no one of them knew exactly where they were right now when he'd brought them from a friendly school district.

  Me? I just walked off & watched the gang go back into hiding. I played hooky just like I'd intended from the start. I didn't peek into the S.A.T. Room, that day. All I wanted to do was look at the test, not take it & I did the next day, kind'a sneaky.


  "It's not uncommon for our members to do a semester or 2 at another school in another city to prove their loyalty to the gang. We have families who are glad to take them in. Usually in exchange for sexual favors from the kids".

- Duh Jerk bragging how he couldn't lose against the..... cops that day if they somehow became involved because they simply didn't understand the level of commitment the gang's members have to furthering their criminal interests.


  Sooooopooo.... there I was, about age 20 maybe 21ish & I'd been locked in the classroom by 

duh Jerk & The 4Stars by them ordering an army of Jocks to throw me inside. '''''''''i paid them to kill you".

  Me? I was semi-lucid from the drugs & sleep deprivation. It's called happy go fun time by... cops who all tell me they could resist the effect of both & make every decision & come out of it smelling like an ethical... hero. I resolved to live & to do whatever it took to achieve that goal & the tale begins with 7 young men; all 18 I was told who'd just graduated high school & had a bright future ahead of them. Well, they did before I killed them.

  The room was till someone orderly with desks in 7 or 8 rows, 30 or so of'em, the ones in the center being pushed around in the melee.

  I twisted the 3rd guy's neck until it would twist no more over & over. Then I selected the 4th man based solely on that he was the closest.

  On the far side of the room was a long sink/science station for schoolkids by my estimation, that ran most of the length of the room. I grabbed the man & tossed him into the room! We fought!

  I heard one of the crowd say something like. "He's killing us one at a time"! He suggested they all jump me to save themselves, so they all did.

  We fought. I wont say I won, nobody but The gang won in my opinion. But those young men lost.

  I still consider them and their lives from time to time.

  The gang rushed in to save the last 2 guys & Duh Jerk bragged they'd been his guys, ordered to stay out of the fight as much as possible.

  The pair mocked me & Duh Jerk bragged on their rewards to come in the future.

  Duh Jerk mocked me that the films looked like I attacked them for no reason like a madman. Now I'd better obey the gang... or face life in prison!

  Me? I told them off.

  Duh Jerk asked me why I wouldn't submit to them? My life would be easy as one of them & I might like them? There would be less killing in any event. Didn't I care about human life?

  I told him his films didn't scare me.

  Why not?

  Because of The Gym. Once the cops start investigating The Gym it's game over for all of them.

  They were not amused.


  Picture me standing there during the midst of the hottest & heaviest part of... "The Gym". The Gym isn't what I called it, it's what the gang called what happened in Fall of 1976 Where they very publicly tried to kill me over & over & over in front of a whole lot of witnesses. The Children of The Gym were standing to the side, where they could best block my escape from the room. The cheerleaders were likely making chants that called openly for my murder & the young men of The Gym often huddled & openly planned my death. How do I know? Sometimes I stepped close & listened to their plan much to their chagrin.

  It was my custom to begin the hour or 2 of death by stepping into the center of the room for all to see to address the room. I began it almost the same every time. "This is an attempted murder".

  The gang, children & the staff had various comebacks. Today Duh Jerk was in the room & the children bragged about what was the latest lie as told by Duh Jerk. That I wasn't really a Christian they should kill for reward from their Satanic Leaders. No. I was secretly one of... them. A devil-worshipper worse than any of them, being that I was secretly one of them & only pretended to be a Christian.

  I recall Fagboy & others screaming at me how I was a scumbag's scumbag devil-worshipper, worse than any of them, so I deserved to die. Sure their leaders had been lying about me until now, but they were surely telling the truth this time many children agreed. Killing a Christian was acceptable, even fun for some but a chore & a horrible sin for others. But me? I deserved death & Duh Jerk assured them I was one of them, and the worst of the bunch too.

  Me? I was amazed & denied the accusation. "I'm a Christian & I'll prove it. I'll pray to God for everyone here". Or words to that effect.

  In a fury Duh Jerk yelled as I began to pray for my attempted murderers there, in full view of everyone, +60 people. "YOU CAN'T PRAY IN PUBLIC SCHOOLS"! He angrily shouted!

  Me? In a firm tone I replied. "And you can't kill kids in public schools".

  We stared into each other's eyes for a long time

  In my life I usually make it a point to lose staredowns. I never had an ego & lulling opponent into a false sense of security by a perceived loss on my part amuses me. I made it a point to win.

  Just a RECAP that probably should've been a weirdism. Nothing more.

  The only thing I found ironic was that, during my mass-attempted murder he tried to use the law to stop me from praying... for them! Well, them & myself too. Did it work? Did God answer? In my opinion yes.

MY BUTTBUDDY... Yeah, they would...

  Sooooo... there I was about 10 years ago or so. Beaten at the gang rape where ties face down to a table I was the main attraction... again...

  Fagboy & his '''friends" I think i recognized a few of them, unchained me from the table & with my arms fastened to a leather vest took me outside the building we were inside to reveal that the small building was actually a small building built as a set inside a large warehouse! We walked down some short steps that weren't much more than 4 or 5 feet tall covered in thick sturdy netting.

  I knew what it was & asked Fagboy to explain the nets.

  He said it was suicide nets. They had an ongoing problem where some of his victims, fellow survivors could no longer bear life so they jumped off the steps head 1st! "Most just break their necks & paralyze themselves & a few have killed themselves by splattering their brains all over the cement so we installed the nets to stop them".

  When I quizzed him on the subject, noting it was unlikely anyone died in that short fall he agreed. Many landed, broke their neck, so they just left them there to asphyxiate or die slowly. The rest were now in molestor-controlled adult foster care & generated the gang money & received a lifetime of torture as their final  reward.

  What's my point? That I am sickened that these guys, after a half a century, can STILL call me their buttbuddy & America's... cops cant wait to facilitate that relationship.


Bay City Badge.jpg
MI State Police.jpg
Bay City Badge.jpg

  A pathological liar is an individual who chronically tells grandiose lies that may stretch or exceed the limits of believability. While most people lie or at least bend the truth occasionally, pathological liars do so habitually.

  A professional liar is someone who lies for profit as their job.


  Soooo... allow me to define things about gang lore & titles the gang inflicts on members of society. Here goes:

  My Victims. Duh Jerk & My Cousin were very fond of calling the often formerly innocent people they were targeting, literally, "My Victims" when they discussed them with their guys & even with me, the Author of this website. Oddly, to repeat this can make many... cops dismiss a victim. I suppose I should add it to my dismissal page? "No one would ever call anyone 'my victims', especially not when they were talking to someone like you".

  Whores. "Take a few whores over there & have them seduce those cops [waiting in surveillance mode] in their cars so we can... Cops explained to me, no pimp ever would or could do that. first because Saginaw... cops are all unfailingly moral so such a plan could never work (though I've heard it a few times). 2nd, no crook, past or present would ever be so unethical. It defies the laws of common decency. I remember Snitchgirl telling me at age 11 that she & her team of scantily clad little girls were never able to sexually seduce a local.. cop when ordered without drugs. But they were able to flirt & distract the... cop's attentions & thus thwart their surveillance allowing the gang to achieve it's criminal goals (far from her exact words). I've also heard Duh Jerk call victim/members whores, particularly when suggesting they perform anything sexual, be it sex acts he ordered or when framing others for sex acts that never happened (standard operating procedure of the gang, accuse others of what you are personally engaged in to muddy the investigative waters & to provide for a later criminal conviction based, like always on a perverse accusation of some sort).

  The Kids Anyone Can Hit. It's an actual title the gang inflicts on children, often from birth & "My Cousin" bragged he often inflicted the title BEFORE a given victim was even born or even conceived. Based on his hatred of a victim/member or on a punishment doled out to member/victims (everyone else in the gang). The rules are simple & the gang are all well acquainted with them. Gang members are allowed to beat or maim the kids for the rest of their lives. It's often used as a form of stress relief, literally. "Feeling bad? Stressed out? Why not go beat up one of the Kids Anyone Can Hit""? "Don't feel like fighting? Well many of our members (who screwed up in the past & got punished by having the title inflicted on THEIR kids) will help you beat on their child who'll be instructed to not fight back or to be held". Bonus is IF you can provoke the Kid at that time or later, on film, so the gang can legally entangle them (such as getting the Kid to attack them later in public, usually on film) then you not only get today's stress relief, but also a small cash reward later that is obligatory to framing all the Kids anyone Can Hit". Though from what I hear cash is rarely a reward, with brothel visits & drugs consumed on the spot as being the reward (on the spot means, you can't take the drugs with you, don't want dysfunctional druggies mucking it up for everyone else).

  Those 3 definitions defy all... cop logic & are impossible for any mid-Michigan cop to even fathom as a possibility as a rule. I explained them 3 DEFINITIONS to tell this tale...


   Sooo... there I was, sitting in the middle branch of the 3 lines in parallel that made up the "E" in "Evil" in the "School Shaped Like an E for Evil". The Red Horned Teacher was there presiding over the evil therein, like usual, often pretending to teach & dish out grades at times, & even taught on occasion. my 6th Grade classroom was populated pretty much the same as it had been for the last few years, i was disappointed that promises made last year that our classroom would be split up this year were told to us they would not be happening this year for months. My class was different in 1 small way. 5 boys were new. In time i came to know them by the names they declared to me, & here I called them by nicknames carefully chosen by myself. Not to randomly call them names like they do to me, but chosen to symbolically express my opinion of each. The 2nd listed in symbolic order. !st was Fagboy. Then Duh Weasel, The Mayor's Brat, Shortstuff  (who's fingertip I bit off later), & lastly Just desserts (who's lips (& ear? I cut off a few ears that day a decade from then, it's hard to recall) I cut off later, slowly... ). I thought nothing of them myself.

  Sooo... as the story goes The Red Horned Teacher excused herself to go to the Teacher's Lounge, putting no one in charge when she did.

  We sat there quietly for a minute, a few students chatted. Again, it seemed mundane to me & I thought nothing of it.

  Then Fagboy kind'a loudly declares he's had a stress-filled day. He needs to blow off some steam, by beating someone up. he addressed the class. "Who's The Kid Anyone Can Hit in your class"? He asked?

  Me? 1st thing I did was whip out a very quick prayer on the spot. He had my full attention. Why? Bbecaue in the past I had many a kid & adult in the gang try to get me to answer to that nickname (the gang brag it's game over for a victim once any victim begins to answer to the nickname/title, because answering to THAT label justifies any amount of attacks, relegating any 7 all punishments for life to none or a slap on the wrist, literally, or so I'm told). I figured it should be amended to "The Kid Anyone Can Try To Hit" in my case. The title was largely inflicted on me by the school staff who punished me whenever anyone attacked me on school grounds. This meant they often called my parents & I could usually expect a severe punishment when I got home too. Not fun. Thus, this mew kid, whoever he was, Fagboy, had my full attention. Especially since little did he or anyone else know, but I'd promised myself that the title of The Kid Anyone Can Hit was ending this year. I was cleaning up my act. In years past I'd been sort of an unkempt pigpen of sorts. Now i was dressed in fine clothes, silk even. I was the only kid who could wear sunglasses in the entire school thanks to a then (cops all gasp here at even the possibility of what I'm about to say next) "undiagnosed medical condition".

  RECAP. We were in the E for Evil's classroom 6-5. The Munger Boy 5 is what the 5 boys called themselves when I met them. They were there, last year's classmates were mostly there, the Red Horned Teacher had just left, Fagboy had just enquired who T.K.A.C.H. was & announced his intention to beat him up, whoever it was without knowing who that person was. Keeping up? Good.

  My entire class other than The Munger Boy 5 & My Buddy pointed to me. ME!

  The Munger Boy 5 all stood in unison.

  Me? I stood up & being towards the front of the class put my back to the empty front of the class & backed away from the 5 who all attacked me in unison.

  Me? I blocked while backing up to the doorway of the classroom labeled 6-5. 6 being 6th grade & 5 being classroom #5. The one who's windows I would soon be jumping through in the coming months, but those are tales for later.

  Once at the doorway where THE Munger Boy 5 could only come at me one at a time. I stood in the doorway & beat up one or 2 at a time until they backed off. They formed a line announcing an intention to beat me up when the teacher came back I would be forced to re-enter the classroom, then, if failing that, I'd have to sit back down in my seat & they'd simply jump me from behind after class started anew. Either way they were going to beat me up no matter what they planned 7 openly bragged to me while I stood in the hallway in the doorway to the classroom. They spoke very graphic & very detailed in their description of my coming beating at their hands.

  Me? That day was the 1st time I ever left a classroom unauthorized in my life. I left the classroom. Announcing I'd just pick another doorway & defend that when they said they'd attack me as soon as I backed away from the doorway. So if they wanted to fight they could just fight me then & there because next beating wouldn't be as nice outside the classroom. Not beaten up too badly they all chickened out, so I left. I went to nearby Sears where they had a display of an Atari game & played video games for free until lunchtime, when My Buddy played hooky guessing I might be there & joined me until school closed & we could go home.

  Thus, The Munger Boy 5 entered my life. For the record, the nickname was what they called themselves when THEY bragged to me that they came from Munger Michigan. 

  Definitions... go figure huh?


What was it like? Play the song on the link below really really loud & read on.

Yes, God was there & to God be the glory, not me. But other than God, I stood alone.


"Luckily the Dirty Bay City,,, cop I've nicknamed "Dirty Cop" wasn't there to act as a Judge in any Official Capacity, so I managed to get a sort'a fair ruling, I'd suppose? Sort of?

From what I was told Dirty Cop sat in his marked Police Patrol Cruiser in Uniform, providing security. His duties as explained to me were to block anyone approaching the building who may be curious (seeing all the cars parked there on a non-school day I'd guess) & to prevent unwilling participants from escaping.

After my escape from there I recall Duh Jerk telling Dirty Cop he could look forward to a serious punishment, based on how I got away for a while.

Dirty Cop was not amused & told me he hated me all the more.

When I asked him what the punishment was he declined to explain, but he did in fact shudder & squirm his bottom subtilty when he refused to say.

Any would-be Dirty... cOPS reading this? The good news is after you're recruited... I'll bet YOU could fill in the blanks & describe why Dirty Cop squirmed? 

I warned you.

SURELY HE CHEATED... And must die!!!

  Sooooo... there I was. Atheist me, in the fighting arena I'd been kidnapped to fight. Guards surrounded me at all exits & nearby in the arena. Why? They had to stand away from me because I attacked anyone who came near. I stood there watching for a moment's weakness in their defenses & had squandered much of my dwindling strength reserves trying to escape several times already. That's in addition to the many knock down dragg'em out fights I'd endured lately. Both in the arena itself & just a few blocks west from Bay City Michigan's own Central High School in a residential neighborhood.

  Of course I was on drugs & they addled the decision-making process & without someone to stimulate me I caught myself drifting in & out. Think of it like this. Every now & then you come to, standing in some room, people cheering in the stands surrounded by Jocks & a few of the 4 Stars & Duh Jerk. A pair of  shotgun-wielding uniformed... cops stand near the fighters watching 2 men beat each other to a pulp & wonder how you got there?

  Me? I reassessed the situation & the memories of the last few minutes or hours flooded back into my mind as I recalled what happened & my recent month of pure horror I'd endured. Imagine reliving THAT revelation every minute or 2.

  By minute or 2 I'm guessing. You see Reader I don't know how long passed. Only that the same 2 guys may be fighting but they are in different positions in the arena as compared to my last lucid memory of them. Picture THAT over & over & over &...

  I tried to come up with a plan, knowing that my turn was coming soon, but the drugs made that impossible. I recall atheist me praying to God. Whining that this was so unfair. I was losing energy fast & I couldn't imagine beating all the people on the list designated for me to fight next, each in succession if I somehow won. I complained to God. "This is so unfair God! I can't even make a plan to fight the next guy because OF THE DRUGS". I prayed to God for a plan, for the strength to win, to survive!

  Eventually my turn to fight came... again. In past fights I'd refused to fight. The person tasked with fighting me was paid to attack me. When they were reluctant the dwindling number of Jock Guards attacked me & bodily threw me into my opponent to get the fight started.

  Soon the fights of other opponents were over & it was my turn to fight some guy.

  This time I walked up sheepishly to begin the next fight.

  The man had come with his extended family. Siblings, friends, Mom, Dad, you name it. They all bragged on the man they were related to. A killer with an impressive record who couldn't wait to claim the bounty Duh Jerk offered for my death. My opponent promised me death giddily, as did his family.

  Me? Like the rest of my opponents there who talked to me I tried to talk him out of it.

  Soon, the elderly man who called himself "The Sherriff" took us to the middle of the arena & raised an arm to begin the fight. Later they told me that since he was such a highly rated fighter many people used this time to buy snacks, figuring they had lots of time because this fight would surely be a long one.

  When the Sherriff raised his hand that was when a plan came to me.

  The Sherrif, his hand held high made a chopping motion beginning the fight!

  Me? With my left hand I made a lazy slap at the fighter's eyes which he easily blocked, just like I figured he would. But it obscured his vision for my real attack. I spread my fingers apart 2X2 & poked out both his eyes in the 1st second of the fight. POKE!!!

  The young man, already in his prime dropped to his knees where his parents & family tended to him as he cried out in mortal agony at what was now his new life as a blind man. His eyes were now just black empty sockets.

  Everyone seemed like they were in shock. People milling about the stands looked shocked & I heard many ask. "Is it over"? I even recall a man heavily laden with popcorn drinks & snacks start complaining he'd been robbed! He'd looked down to sit down & the fight of the century was over? Then the accusations came. People, many people said I cheated.

 Me? Like before I had nothing to say after the fight, no one to talk to, & knew it'd been a good start so I just shut my mouth & told myself to let them argue it out while expecting the family to attack me (which they did, we fought, I won't say I won, but I didn't lose).

  Sooooo... I listened to the Arena Staff (for lack of a better title to call them), the fans, Jerk & the 4 Stars, all complain about my dishonorable cheating. That I should die for my dishonorable cheating, me, being a kidnap victim, somehow being dishonorable fighting a man who openly bragged he was going to kill me for the bounty. While they all tried to engage me in conversation, I largely ignored them, saying I didn't cheat.

  Duh Jerk may have been my most vocal opponent alongside The Mom insisting to the Sherriff & the crowd that I be killed for my dishonorable cheating.

  I figure I'd stay out of it, let the situation resolve itself.

  In my opinion everyone soon agreed I was a cheater who deserved to die. Then, once they were in agreement the crowd as a whole all began to talk about the horrific & painful way the cheater that I was should die. It was quite a debate actually & not a single way to die sounded like a way I wanted to die. Spectators from the stands even joined in, shouting out their recommendations how I should die to entertain them for my cheating ways.

  This scene had gone from bad to worse quickly. So, I figured I'd better speak up, or else!

  I told everyone there. "I didn't cheat". I'd waited for the signal & struck true. Not my fault the guy was caught daydreaming. In my opinion the guy openly bragged about killing me for the crowd & Duh Jerk & he got what he got.

  In my opinion everyone just called me a liar who wanted to save his own skin. The Blind  Guy was a fellow Devil-Worshipper (and still wailing) with a proud record, and his cheater had to pay for the dishonor of blinding their hero! But how? Hmmmm.... They tried to debate more so I figured I'd best keep them off that subject? But how do you convince a room full of eye-witnesses that already came to a conclusion that they were all wrong?

  I said we should review the films of the fight. They'd show I waited for the Sherriff's signal to fight.

  No good they told me. By mutual agreement by the Bosses, being so many high-ranking Illuminati were there they had no cameras. Sooooo back to the debate of how I should die. They all agreed then & there, slowly & painfully, but how? They seemed to agree that my agonizing death should last about an hour, whatever way they chose as an example to others to not cheat.

  Me? I figured there was no way the duplicitous gang Leaders would ever make any agreement they wouldn't break. No filming? And based on the honor system? No way! So I put on my best poker face & said that the denial they weren't filming was a lie. "I know for a fact that you guys are filming this". So I told them to break out the cameras & lets see the rewind.

  Many "Leaders" stepped up angry with The Sherriff! "What are you trying to pull here?!?! We all agreed before this no cameras".

  The Sherrif assured them there were no cameras.

  Me? I saw the lies written across his face as he spoke. I addressed the Leaders & the crowd loudly & in a calm voice. I told them that The Sherriff was lying, & I knew it & could tell because it was written across his face. So I asked everyone there who could hear my voice to look at his face & asked him to deny it again.

  He denied it. He was NOT a very convincing liar. Probably good enough at lying for testifying in a Child-Molester-controlled court though.

  I asked everyone there. "Does anyone here believe him? Raise your hand".

  When no one raised their hand in support of The Sherriff I pointed out. Even you & your own guys didn't raise your hands. Mine's the only hand up.

  The Sherrif quickly raised his hand. A guy or 2 of his soon did too.

  I pointed out the majority of his own guys didn't believe in him or show their support. He was exposed.

  The Leaders moved in & I thought a general brawl would begin. Buuuuut, a Leader spoke up & said they shouldn't brawl. Then he announced this was The Sherriff's last chance to confess. He was going to start torturing people to death to find the camera, me 1st because I seemed to know a lot, especially for someone who was a kidnap victim there, and then him, & then torture everyone else there until the camera was found.

  The Sherriff sheepishly admitted to a camera.

  WOW! Were the Leaders angry & let a verbal assault fly. I thought it might degenerate into a brawl again, but the same Boss spoke up saying they were all too high-ranking to be seen arguing in front of the crowd. He ordered The Sherriff to go get the camera & said. They'd watch the film & deal with me accordingly. Then the fights would resume. "But this isn't over" he said to The Sherrif mere inches from his face.

  They reviewed the film there on the formerly hidden video camera in the middle of the arena. Many of the people there threatened me all the more as we waited for the camera. When they saw the film no one believed it & many of the crowd were all showed a few at a time (based on how many people could huddle around the camera's small 1 inch TV screen) that I hadn't cheat, the fight had lasted less than 1 second just like I said.

  Finally, the skeptic family, who accused the Leaders of cheating were permitted to see the movie of the fight. The Blind Guy had quit his wailing & was led to the camera by his Mother by hand. They didn't believe any of it & said the Leaders were cheating everyone there. When they saw the film the venom-spewing family seemed to calm down. I recall the Mom & the Blind Guy chatting. They were so convinced I'd cheated. With great sadness the Mom told her son she saw the film; I'd waited just like I'd said & he'd lost fair & square. I still recall the look of... resignation on the former powerhouse's face.

  The family whipped themselves into a battle frenzy over their kin & attacked me! All I did was block, I wanted no revenge, no bloodlust, I just wanted to survive. The arena guards pulled them away. The rest is written elsewhere.

  It's just a RECAP. RECAPS aren't really meant for the Reader much, they are meant for me, to help me process the horrors I've endured at the hands of a group of guys the sum total of mid-Michigan... cops & aGeNTs will swear are, "nice guys". And "fairly honorable, I don't think they'd do something like that". "That being defined as my tale as a whole because I wasn't stupid enough to admit any of this tale to the easily gulled vigilantes of mid-Michigan's... cops, tROOPERS, or aGENTS.

  A RECAP... Nothing more... A RECAP brought to you by the Law Investigating Excellence of The Bay City Police, The mid-Michigan Gang Chapter of the Michigan State Police, & the Bay City FBI who made it all possible with a special dedication to the BCPD because their uniformed Dirty Cop himself was there.



  Aooooooo.... there I was in the jail intake that was nearly EXACTLY like the inside of the one in the illustrious... Bay Couty Law Enforcement Center in the cell nearest where the guards would sit to mu left as I looked out the door. It was NEARLY IDENTICAL save for the absence of the high security cells (where several inmates have all been publicly reported to have died in what I'll call, an "Epstein Death" (a Bay County specialty I'm told) which were simply not there (that I can recall, remember, I was on serious drugs AND highly sleep deprived at the time, it translates to "liar" in mid-Michigan... copseak) & the wall across from me had a cleaning station with several big sinks to the right of the intake entrance as you enter the intake & a formidable amount of cleaning supplies & cleaning gizmos. There were 2 or 3 other cells & 3 scroungy-looking likely Caucasian inmates in their 30's to 40's. of average build, at least one was balding.

  I was in the cell & my fellow prisoners were taunting me after overhearing what the... cops said I was guilty of.

  Me? I barely engaged them, hoping instead to listen to the... cops talk who otherwise had my full attention. Particularly since the 2... cops who tortured me & later were instrumental in my arrest had been openly talking about killing all 4 of us. When the 3 threatened me I told them I'd accept their challenge. But, for now I knew they heard them... cops openly talking about killing us & getting away with it.

  2 of them taunted me all the more & I could barely hear the 2 murderous co-conspirators discuss their plan openly, not far from us. I told the guys it was in their best interest to shut up & listen too.

  The 2 taunted me even more with death or a beating, since they outnumbered me.

  The balding guy ultimately smartened up & told the other 2 to be quiet, all of our lives were on the line here so we should all listen.

  So, we listened. All I recall is written in my +1,500-page letter to the FBI where someone gets hurt or dies every few pages.

  In time the 2 dirty cops noticed us all listening. So the dark-haired... cop suggested they all walk to the side & plot our murder.

  Me? I told them they discussed it all in front of a camera, any lip reader could watch the films in the station cameras already & send them away. for conspiracy to commit murder. So, they'd best quit now.

  They talked, discussing the logistics of taking us out 1 at a time at gunpoint & killing us by beating us to death.

  Me? I said good luck getting me out of my cell.

  So, the pair talked & the leader suggested they talk away from us & backs to the camera. He figured they could beat any charges by saying they were joking around to later investigators & we panicked & rioted. So, they had to defend themselves.  As for me they said they knew I was no one to take lightly. So they'd hit one another & mark themselves & tell their peers in the next room I'd attacked them, justifying a S.W.A.T.-styled cell extraction with the sure to come beating obligatory in all such cases. Then, busted up or dead (if they could kill me) I'd be easy pickings later. As for the other guys, the cops were not impressed with them, taking them out would be easy.

  I pointed out the apparent flaws in such a plan.

  The leader said he was pretty sure he could break into the film box for the cameras & wreck the film. Then they walked away & planned with their backs to the cameras & me. Actually, only the blonde... cop had his back to me & he obscured the other... cops with his body from me.

  I could hear little of their conversation except the occasional tidbits & when they addressed us, death, kill them, kill him (me, the author of this website) & bargain with the 3 & kill any of them who wouldn't play ball, break into the film box, frame me or us 4 for attacking them 1st & possible self-defense scenarios they'd have to sell their bosses.

  In time I grew tired of the pair & figured if one of the... cops moved even a little I'd be exposed. in short order the other... cops & the guards would likely come waltzing in any time so I'd better act, now. I figured if I wanted to live, to live & be alive & free in America, now was the time to make my move. So I quietly left my cell & walked up one the blonde guy while he was literally planning my death.

  In a moment of time I pondered how to take him out? all sorts of possible attacks crossed my mind. I chose a reliable attack, snap his neck. In the past I had much trouble getting such an attack to work. Once you put a target in a headlock & start twisting it's hard to get it to work on an adult male. Many will simply spin with the attack, foiling it. His partner in crime might be quick helping him, a struggling target shaking & resisting is very difficult to hurt thusly. I could dive at the... cop? But sometimes the act of diving makes locking in the attack difficult or even impossible & leaves one open to counterattack. So I decided to walk up on him, stop, & leap up & lock my legs around his waist and pin his arms too his side, making it impossible for him to twist out of the hold & possibly pin 1 or 2 of his arms to his side at the same time.

  So I walked up on the dirty... cop stopped, & leaped up & locked my legs around his waist & both arms & my hands around his head!

  I figured because of my weight (I probably out-weighed the... cop 80--100lbs) we'd plop over but somehow that... cop kept his balance & I twisted his head with all my might from behind! I recall his face coming into view as I twisted * he had a look of grim determination. HIS NECK WENT K-K-K-K-K-KRACK! & I recall looking into his eyes as his face turned to a blank expression & we fell. Before we fell I looked his partner in the eyes (a rarity, when you ask about me I've had poor eye-contact due to low-self-worth my entire life, it translates to "liar" in mid-Michigan... coopspeak) & he stood there with a shocked look on his face & the unarmed... cop just watched me kill his partner in crime & stood there (they'd put their guns in a lock box near the front door). He just watched! He just watched me kill his partner in crime with a shocked look on his face.

  We plopped to the ground & I rose as fast as I could & began a knock down dragg'em out fight with the Dark-Haired dirty... cop while the trio of prisoners shouted things like HEY! HEY! HEY! Quite fruitlessly since it didn't sway me or the dirty... cop.  The pair of dirty cops had bragged the room was soundproof & people in the rooms couldn't hears us no matter what they did when they talked to us about killing us directly Describe the fight? That... cop was tough & fought well. Once I dropped him he died the same way his partner in crime had. Humanely as possible. K-K-K-K-K-KRACK!

  The rest is written elsewhere.

  Everyone once in a while I replay the facial expressions of the pair of murderous dirty... cops while they died. I wouldn't say the memory haunts me, it doesn't. and it is not a fond memory for me. In case you thought it might be.

  Just a RECAP I've endured many times in my all too-short life, nothing more.

  And now you know.



I should'a brought this up much, much more often. But the gang often likes to take me back to the scene of the crime. Once there they film us from various angles. Trying their best to get dazed, delirious, & doped up me to interact with them in movies & in snapshots as though we were great friends & buttbuddies there having a great time. I have fleeting recollections of them trying to get me to eat, drink, & hold conversations with them in the then empty arena (and other criminal hotspots over the years) where they did their best to make it seem like we were the best of buttbuddies.

They teased me a lot over the yeats. I'd beter start obeying them they threatened because I don't have a chance.

Me? I retorted. I did in fact have a chance. If the cops ever investigated "The Gym" & it's literal 5-digit number of falied attempted murders on me it was all game over for them.

Saying that never fails to make their C.M.S.S.o.S. DROP LIKE A TON OF BRICKS.

RECAP: Advice....

  No, I'm not telling you how to do your jobs Sirs. I'm RECAPping advice to emphasize I think this is a low-cost good idea for you to do that won't take much time & requires no expertise.

  It's also to inspire you to think outside the box when approaching a gang of lifestyle perverts who specialize in recruiting new victim/members who've read your training manuals & tactics books 5 times more than you have. Here goes:

  What do I mean by use a few fake pictures of your own? There are a plethora of film altering programs available online that could enable you to make fake pictures. Make a few pictures of your head pasted onto famous scenes. Such as the moon landing, a meeting of world leaders, a picture of you wrestling a shark, with giant muscles your head pasted on some bodybuilder's body. The quality need not be good at all. But a decent fake or 2 might be funny & save your career, literally. The purpose of the fake photographs is to harden your loved ones and peers against the certainty the gang will use fake photos against you. Lovingly explain to them that bad people may come by soon with very CONvincing pictures of you or your loved ones in mundane or extremely illegal situations & they need to be aware it's not you. Explain that when the bad people show up with films & pictures & make them swear to silence as a condition for seeing the pictures that they need to tell you right away, Do NOT underestimate the power of their inuendo because it's your career & later your life they are coming after.

  I warned you.


Wix's spell checker malfunctioning again & I don't feel like dealing with it.



  It was a frustrating time for me. How can I describe it? It was almost like being born at that very time. I was standing in the school like building while facing a crazy-eyed white-haired man I didn't know but would come to know as only "My Cousin". It was after he'd belted me in the face with an open-fist & sent me flying up the wall about the height of the 2-tones wall, being peach in color below & changing to white at about an adult's waist height above. He'd summoned the 2 Jocks back into the room & engaged them in quiet conversation while I cried for a long time.

  Eventually, I quit crying? Then I wondered questions like. Where am I? When My Cousin addressed me by name, I wondered who am I? What's my name? Who gave me that name? I pondered about the people who loved me, who'd miss me, & might look for me or even avenge me for the rough treatment I was enduring from this unknown man, like my parents, or family, or friends, & then wondered to myself? Who are my parents? Who are my family? Do I have any friends? Who are they? Why don't I know any of this?

  The man I didn't know talked on about how I was unusual, a walking & talking baby, a prize of sorts. to him.

  Walking & talking I wondered? How do I even know how to walk? How to talk? Who taught me?

  With a huge cat caught the mouse C.M.S.S.o.S. My Cousin asked me. "Do you remember calling yourself Moses before you got here"?

  I answered him truthfully & still mentally shaken by the internal struggle the above questions to myself had caused in my spirit. "No". I told him I didn't even remember coming to the place let alone calling myself Moses. It's only trivia to add that the Biblical story of Moses quickly flashed through my mind causing me to ponder. How do I know about that? Who taught me about Moses? How do I know these things?

  Yeah, I prayed. I prayed a whole lot that day. To God be the glory for my survival. I was never strong enough to have endured the hardships the gang has forced on me without God.

  Later My Cousin bragged to me that he used a drug on me to erase my memory. When I asked him why he said it was because I was a walking & talking baby. In the child-molester world I was a once in a lifetime find, a true gold mine, every pervert's fantasy. My participation in their perversion could net him a fortune. There was only a single problem. By the time he got to me I was already a Christian & set firmly in my ways & wouldn't agree to participate in any of his perversions. Seeing a potential gold mine go down the drain he decided to go out & find a poison that would erase my memory.

  "It worked & I erased your memory. You couldn't remember who you were or anything that happened before, but it left your memory with your skills & things that you knew intact. Since you were already a Christian you stayed a Christian but with no memories of how you got there".

  When I asked him why he didn't just use the drug on me again he said the drug almost always kills victims on the 2nd use. 

  In so many words I sarcastically thanked him for his concern.



Describe my memories before & after the story of "HOW"? Okay, here goes:

Before the story of "HOW"? I have fleeting recollections of what life had been inflicted on me & they were few & far between, foggy, hazy memories that are mostly just bits & pieces.

After the story of "HOW"? All is clarity. Memories, in both a drugged & undrugged state have a clarity present in my normal everyday life to this day.

As of 5-25-24.

Explain it? I can't.

It is just a RECAP, nothing more.

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