This is not a manifesto. It is a written plea for help.
"When you show up in court all crippled in a wheelchair who's going to believe that you lived through the gym"? - A bragging Child-Molester speaking about my eventual demise at the hands of the Child-Molesters, a Saginaw Gang in court only a few years prior to the writing of this website
"All we have to do is haul you into court in Bay City & call your plea for help a manifesto & no one will read it".
This is not a manifesto. It is a written plea for help.
RAPED and STALKED Pray for me. Please?
There's a reason this s the 1st part of my message. The gang brag my dirty cop destroyer WILL begin their letter/report declaring my site is NOT a plea for help but a madman's manifesto everyone can ignore. https://sjolnr.wixsite.com/rapedandstalked
My website is under constant attack & editing by the gang & rarely works on the first few tries. Don't give up & keep trying to make it work! Please?
Copy my website, share it with your local Police, call a Police Officer or 2, who knows? Maybe one of the wonded, dead or dying was someone in YOUR area? Tell a Federal Agent about my site, tell your family, tell your friends, tell everyone. Please? It's not for me, it's for the children the gang victimized, it's for the children the gang brag they are victimizing now, and it's for the children the gang brag my story will enable them to victimize in the future. It's all about business.
My website is all about opposing their business, their child-molesting & rape business for revenge, blackmail, self-gratification, & profit.

You are dismissed...
Simply put these are some of the many reasons... cops & Police told me they chose to dismiss me & my allegations.
It's a list of 1 reason dismissals. That being where the... cops dismissed me solely for a singular reason according to them. Other, multi-reason dismissals may not have made the list as they may have been a combination dismissal reason, being that I was allegedly dismissed for several reasons, listed throughout my many writings.
Sometimes I've repeated the dismissal type for effect. Why not? The many... cops in my life did.
Here goes...
"In America many rape victims are damned if they do & damned if they don't".
Make an accusation & you're a liar or crazy.
Fail to make an accusation & you're crazy or a liar.
It's only logical.
The Partial List Of My Dismissals...At the hands of law-enforcement...
I've decided to begin my list of... Law Enforcer Dismissals with the worst of the worst, the lowest of low, the scummiest of scum that I am in fact extremely guilty of, the unforgivable & very politically correct sin that ensures dismissal by at least a double digit percentage of the... cops & crime support services in America where dismissing those who dare to commit it is not only socially acceptable, it's even career enhancing & an excellent way for Law Enforcers who plan for long careers in the field of law enforcement, particularly in mid-Michigan (as literally bragged to me by many a uniformed AND on duty... cop at their posts in front of their on duty peers over the decades) to make sure they get ahead, for the mere cost of ignore the slimebags guilt of my 1st written dismissal type. Avert your gaze oh ye... cops because most of you who wouldn't dismiss someone based on it find the entire subject impossible to even ponder, let alone accept as true in any circumstance period.
"You look like the stereotypical crook"
Appearances ARE everything when dealing with a community of shallow law enforcers. You are what you are & you are born with your looks & there's no changing it for the most part.
I'll always remember during the height of "The Gym" when Duh Jerk challenged a... cop who'd been allegedly called by a good Samaritan to investigate my ongoing attempted murder in "The Gym". He seemed quite nervous & when the Officer asked who I was among the +60 students that then made up The Children of The Gym said with a devilish smile. "Who looks like the biggest crook here"?
That... cop assessed the crowd carefully, then he pointed at me. Way to start an impartial investigation huh?
Once a... cop dismisses you for this heinous crime, looking like a stereotypical crook, the rest automatically will too. "He wouldn't dismiss you for no reason".
Oh, he had a reason all right. It makes it easier for the next... cop to dismiss me for his pet conclusion when the last... cop dismissed me for their pet conclusion. "He looks like a criminal to me". Case closed. You may leave the Copshop citizen. What? You're still here? Leave now or be arrested for criminal trespass.
It is in fact, literally, a crime for which there is no pardon, a sin so heinous a double-digit percentage of the populace will never forgive you for it. "He looks like a nice guy & he's wearing a suit & you look like a stereotypical criminal".
Oh yeah, how do I know they dismissed me for this reason. I asked the... cop & they told me why... in great detail.
The Last Snitch was bragging how my looks would bring them victory no matter what the evidence was. For the most part he & The 4 Stars & The Children of The Gym were all pretty, handsome even chosen for looks to work their brothels. "You look like a crazy biker". Then he teased me about my need for sunglasses due to my disability caused by Gaves Disease. "You won't be wearing sunglasses in court. We don't care how much money it costs. No honest Judge is going to be able to resist the kind of money we'll be slinging around to make sure you won't be wearing sunglasses. During our fake trials when you wore sunglasses our sample jury said you looked cool & you won. You won't be wearing sunglasses in court, or I promise you we'll bribe the Judge so that they are the ugliest & dorkiest sunglasses around. You will not look cool in court". He bragged that the gang pays attention to every detail, every piece of minutia is considered & no expense spared. "The amount of money we spend doesn't matter. They (The Judge, ... cops, & jury) won't get to keep it". So they can feel free to throw insane amounts of cash at my case as... I'm their "Recruiter".
It's been going on too long"
This is my very 1st dismissal in life & I was months old at that time. If they could use that saying to dismiss me in Summer of 1965, what can I say now in the Year of the Lord 2023? Huh? Answer me Officers? I mean it. Answer this one question above all other questions I have ever asked all of law enforcement. Please Sirs?
I can see this dismissal coming the moment the... cops ask it with a certain look. "So how long have they been doing this to you"? They might ask.
I'm forced to answer truthfully. "My entire life".
In a way the branch to dismissal diverges here in ways that all branch out & lead to the same eventual always damning conclusion. That I'm a liar or deserve punishment as a co-conspirator with the gang & THAT is reason enough to dismiss me.
What comeback can one say to this logic mindset once an officer makes it up in his mind? What can any of the gang's victims say or do to extricate themselves from a lengthy stalking? Reader I'm serious. What can they say?
Incredibly this is the 1st type of dismissal I ever heard. Picture walking & talking baby David pleading with the... cops for protection while covered in bruises. The... cops tell me they know the guys surrounding me, some with bruised knuckles are indeed child-pornographers. "I know. They showed me the films".
BUUUUUUTTTTT they explained. The films proved I was their bestest buddy. A partner in crime. "One of them". The... cops had bought their explanation that I was being a bad baby (with the long list of heinous accusations it's no wonder". So I wasn't going to call the... cops & manipulate myself out of a punishment I deserved since I was in fact a child porn star & equal partner in crime with the scratched up men & teens around me. "How long has this been going on? How stupid do you think we are"?
How do I know why the... cOPS dismissed me?
A fair question in my opinion. Here's the answer Sirs.
From my youth I had a habit I usually observed when dismissed by... cops. After my dismissal I usually turned around as I left & asked them point blank. "Could I ask what your official reason for dismissing me is"?
Just about every single... cop who ever dismissed me explained why they'd just dismissed me in great detail.
"They're adults & you're a baby"
Remember Reader. This has been going on for a long time. I heard this one a few times back in 1965 & 1966 when I was zero & then 1 year old. I'd caught my attackers, torturers, abusers, druggers, whatever, in a long list of lies & presented damning evidence of their guilt. Both with physical evidence & through deduction based on examining that evidence. The gang had all changed their stories & I, whom the... cops then described as "a walking & talking baby" had just bested them all in the arena of verbal combat.
The... cops told me that mattered not. When I asked why they explained it to me in great detail. That in court I didn't stand a chance against them regardless of the evidence because they were adults & I was a baby". So the... cops told me they were leaving.
"You're not going to leave me with them are you"? I asked bruised cut & covered in scabs.
Their answer was yes. If the... cops couldn't hope to prosecute the gang then they were not even going to attempt to try & save me.
Picture a large group of teens & adults all punching their empty palms angrily as the Officers leave. "Don't worry. I made them all promise not to be mean to you anymore".
I tried my best to keep begging those... cops for help as they showed me their backsides & left.
Written symbolically in Bay CIty... cOP Diarrhea brown. No need to thank me guys, the police excellence you provide that makes my website possible is reward enough for me. GULP!
"Because you're too nice of a guy"
Sooooo... in the interest of self-defense after the latest atrocities. You know, bodies everywhere & I'm the one who did it kind of situation? I walked into the... copshops (note the 2nd "s" in copshops) and laid out the carnage as honest truthfully, & respectfully as possible.
What'd the... cops say? A bunch of times? "You came in here calm & polite. You're just too nice of a guy to believe that you killed someone".
"Too nice"? I basically said. "Wait until you see their films".
I pointed out there are "gentleman killers" out there.
Frankly, I was just too respectful to be taken seriously they told me. I wasn't killer enough in my presentation in their opinion.
"But I called (the copshop) ahead to ask for advice on how to present my case and you told me to come in & be calm & respectful".
"Yeah. But we tell everyone that. No one does that". "You're just too nice of a guy to believe that you killed all those people".
I remember a few cops (separate occasions too) asked their peers who agreed. "I'm just not getting the killer vibe off of you".
Oddly enough, too nice a guy is what... cops tell me about Jerk & the 4 Stars too.
Go figure huh?
"I'm not feeling the killer vibe from you". -Several... cops noting I was too nice & respectful to them to be taken seriously.
"Oh yeah"? I retorted. "Wait until you see the films".
I had quite a few uniformed & on duty... cops & Agents dismiss me based on that sentence & they said it word for word exactly like that many a time over the decades that I fruitlessly begged law-enforcers of all types for help.
I asked those dismissive officers to explain themselves & they did so... in great detail.
I'll sum up their explanations in a few words. "Because no weird pervert in the country lacks the morals or sense of fair play to do to anyone what you claim the gang is doing to you". PERIOD! The accusation is proof unto itself. Often it came with sentences like. "In my experience as a cop... & degenerates quickly into, since I"VE never arrested someone in a situation like that, it cant possibly happen. That & the popular. "Because we're all way too good at our jobs". When they say that them... cops meant not only themselves & their local peers, but law-enforcers everywhere. Even in what is literally the most corrupt & perverse rapey rape raping place in the nation & THAT subject is not open to debate.
I had a comeback to this I've used (unsuccessfully) since I was a child (ESPECIALLY when them... cops told me they knew the people I accused were in organized crime). "So what you're saying is that I couldn't be accusing a nicer bunch of rapists & child-molesters"?
Them... cops denied what I said was the case & then, in long-winded speeches to impress their peers they said exactly that in +1,000 words.
"If you said it happened in another country I might believe you but not AMerica". I heard a bunch of times. to which I came back with. "They tell me they are a multi-generational gang & many of them & their families have been members of the gang since before they came to America from Europe".
"Because no one would do that"
"You're lying to protect yourself"
Hey, I'll give Police (note I wrote Police & not... cops) a free pass here. I understand through my own research that there's a ton of... crooks out there who try to obfuscate their criminal activity through a bazillion lies. Fair enough.
My comeback? "Do you think for a moment that I think you're stupid enough to believe any part of my story if it's not 100% true"?
Oddly enough their answers were... yup. That I did indeed believe my story could fool Police. That my intention was to muck up the investigation playing field with lies or to sell a whopper to amuse myself by selling it to... cops. "What other logical explanation could there be"? As the only other logical explanation would be that I am telling the truth.
I explained in so many words that my story was so outrageous that if it wasn't 100% true & exaggeration-free I'd go down in flames.
Nope they told me. I'm not fooling anyone. Least of all them.
"I saw the films"
"I like to consider myself an expert at feeling cops out & then I show them the appropriate film [out of many in his library] that makes them hate my victims" - Duh Jerk bragging about how he keeps his victims down
"We send someone to the cops, like a pretty woman & she will ask them what groups they personally hate. Our group keeps lists on all the cops [& their many victims] & what they personally hate. Then we use our films to get them to do what we want". - Snitchgirl during The Gym
The gang brag they show select subpar... cops & their own dirty... cops their edited "films" of me. Many... cops confirmed this to me & in front of large groups of their uniformed & on duty peers at their posts.
"I saw the films". They each told me, many times. "You can stop lying now because you're not fooling anyone".
I retorted. "But my complaint is that they drug & sleep deprive me & film me doing those things".
Their reply? Nope. I ain't fooling no one. Frankly, they are just too smart & all way too good at their jobs. "You're just lucky they wouldn't give me the films".
"And you didn't think that it was odd that they have such films & that if I were 1/100th the scumbag they claim I am wouldn't those just & caring vigilantes just take a few films straight to the cops for the good of the child-molesting community"? It seemed like a logical & reasonable comeback to me?
"No". They answered, their many peers around us nodding in approval.
"They are the child-molesters we can trust"
No one ever said that quote word for word, but in so many words said. 'We trust the gang, it's you we don't trust'.
This one always mystified me. "We know who they are & we know what they do".
I asked them to explain themselves?
So they did. "The gang are fairly honorable in my opinion. I don't think they'd do something like that". Oh, they absolutely positively knew the gang were kidnapping raping child-molesting enthusiasts. But, they seemed like otherwise decent people to them. People with a serious character flaw, but people they felt they could trust.
"You're lucky"
The 1st time I was dismissed for this reason it blew my mind. I explained the horrors of my life. The rapes, the drugs, the kidnappings. Murders, dead child-molestors & rapists' & innocent victims & how I wanted it to end.
After researching what I had to say a few... cops said. "I believe you". Then they said. "You're lucky". When I asked them to explain themselves they did, in great detail. They told me I was a lucky guy in their opinion. All that sex? All those drugs, free? Just how many child-molestors did I kill? They checked with their many "Reliable Informants" in the child-molesting community & knew I was telling the truth. The way they saw it was I was lucky. "Think of all that sex you're getting? Wow"! With the best child & adult whores? Lucky me. Me complaining about the gang's "animal & barnyard films" didn't sway their opinion of how lucky they felt I was in life. As if putting up with the animals & appliances was worth it so I could get all that great sex & free drugs (in their opinion, not mine). And they told me they envied me for it. For all of it. They... envied... me. Me...
I heard a few times. "So all I have to do is not help you & you'll keep on killing child-molesters"?
My reply? Yes. But I'd like to stop the killing. I wanted out.
Not helping me sounded like a great deal to them. Either for vigilante reasons, revenge against the gang, or because of their general dislike of the gang. They themselves didn't have the guts to stand against the gang. So they weren't going to stop lucky me from standing against the gang, body count be damned.
"But what about all the innocent people who died"? I asked.
I never got an answer that wasn't wishy washy here. In 1,000 or so words they went on to basically say unfortunate casualties of war. The lives of the innocent were a small price to pay for the knowledge that I was killing child-molesters & all they had to do to make sure that kept happening was to not rescue me.
Odd... as I sit here typing sleep & R.E.M. sleep addled, I don't feel lucky?
"Too high a financial cost for a nobody like you"
Uhhhh... what can I say about this one. Dismissed on the basis of cost? Exactly how do I complain? What angle? Is it the Police's fault? Government? Society? What can I say here?
They said. "Do you know how much an investigation into what you are saying would cost"?
"No". I replied. But I could guess it wouldn't be cheap.
"A lot of money". They noted. "No one is going to do that for a nobody like you".
"I just heard that exact story"
One of the tactics the gang uses is a testbed of sorts, or so they brag, often. What they do is send one or two of their "primarily actors" to the... cops with their victim's exact story. It serves several purposes.
1) It hardens the... cops. It works, I've seen it work. The gang sends their conman ahead, they spin a tale, the same exact tale they hope I'll show up with when they release me. Then the... cops follow up on it, catch the conman in their lies, & after their conmen confess the... cops are hardened by the recent experience.
"I just had 2 guys come in here this week with that same exact story" The... cops told me. Thus, I could leave now because I wasn't fooling anyone with my lies.
I retorted. "You don't find it odd that that many people would come to you with the same story"?
Nope they told me. Them 1st 2 guys may have fooled them but I never will they bragged while their peers nodded in approval.
"No one could go through all of that without going crazy"
It's proof unto itself the... cops tell me. If someone went through what I claim to have endured they'd be crazy. Mad. Insane. Loco. Nuts. Ect...
If someone is mad, insane, loco, or nuts then the Police can ignore cheerfully ignore them. "You seem sane to me". I heard, a lot.
But, if you're not crazy, mad, insane, loco, or nuts then your story cant possibly be true because no one could go through all that without going crazy, mad, insane, loco, or nuts. It's... cop logic 101. Or should I say cOP Logic Catch 22?
Yeah, I had a multitude of comebacks to that type of dismissal. Not that any of them did me any good.
"You must be crazy"
See the above.
I had a few comebacks to that type of dismissal. Not that any of them did me any good.
A story about lying recreational serial-killers only proves that I must be a lying recreational serial-killer. It's only logical. My story that I'm trying to spark an investigation can be either dismissed outright or is proof I'm the lying recreational serial-killer in the room. Cop Logic 101. "There can be no other logical conclusion".
"I just heard that exact story 2 times this week"
Duh Jerk told me he likes to send one of his "primarily actor" victim/members to police with a story based on the gang's actual attacks on their victims to both far away copshops & to the area copshops in which he is operating.
Then he explained why he sent the primarily actors to the Police armed with tales of what he's doing.
Far Away Police: He bragged he sent primarily actors to far away copshops to gauge Police reactions to his story in an unbiased control group sort of way. Then he'd sit back & see how the Police handled investigating him & it allowed him to fine tune & tweak what he was doing to his victims to give him a maximum chance of success. Plus, it had the added bonus of hardening them... cops against the story because in the end his victim/member would be ordered to admit fault & may or may not be prosecuted & said Police would be hardened against his further actions in that area in the future. Win/win.
I submit there's probably the added bonus of destroying the victim/member's credibility in the eyes of the Police & Courts which makes any further atrocities against the gang's victims impossible to believe. Thus they can literally do anything they want to the victim/member & their families that the gang wants. As long as they act weird & perverse when they commit said atrocities.
Local Police: Sending a victim/member with a bizarre stalking tale that is both weird & perverse tends to make the victim sound weird & perverse & opens them up to counter accusations (ie: lies) by the gang that will inevitably end with accusations of weird & perverse behavior by said victim/member. Besides, now he can control which witnesses the... cops approach & note how they investigate the alleged crimes. Plus in the end the victim/member admits fault & the cops are hardened because they've heard this kind of lie before & they ain't falling for it.
"We cant afford to let you go"
Afford af·ford /əˈfôrd/verb
1.have enough money to pay for.
"the best that I could afford was a first-floor room"
provide or supply (an opportunity or facility).
"the rooftop terrace affords beautiful views"
provide law-enforcement to the community while ignoring one's vow to protect & serve. "we cant afford to let you go because it might make all of our other cases too hard to get convictions. Because everyone will start saying they are victims being framed too if we let you go".
For some... cops who told me they knew I was telling the truth & their brothers who said they suspected part or all of my story was true this was the reason why I had to remain a victim for the gang, with THEIR blessings.
How so you... cops wonder? I heard this one a bunch of times. "We cant afford to let you go".
"Why"? I asked. Is there a crime limit? What? Why?
So those Lazy... cops explained themselves, many times. "We cant afford to let you go because it may affect our other cases". If they let me go, free me, then it might make prosecuting their many other cases more difficult. Chiefly because they predict others will begin to claim that they too have been framed by a powerful gang. That'd make some of their other criminal cases turn into a lot of extra work. So, I'd better buck up, man up & take one for the team. Yeah, they knew I was innocent but when my case came across their desk one day I was going down for the good of the community. Sadly, that also meant the good of the child-molesting & rapist community but my life destroyed was a price they were willing to pay. I don't suppose they'd lose much sleep over it?
I recall asking a few. "So if you know I'm innocent are you going to show up in court to recommend a lengthy prison sentence for me? A reduced one? "Tell me, how do you treat their [the gang's] other victims you know are innocent? Do you put in a good word for them? Put a few bucks in their commissary from time to time? Or do you show up at their parole hearings & recommend lengthy sentences so they don't get out & expose you"?
None of those... cops failed to hang their heads in shame. Not 1. The room (rooms) went quiet, the conversation stopped in awkward silence while those... cops looked at each other in embarrassment.
I asked many of those... cops a question. "So if you are the one to take me down in court are you going to come & visit me in prison? Maybe put money into my commissary (for prison goods, food & such as I have a condition that requires I eat many more calories than an average prisoner will likely receive)"? Awkward silence filled the room with each... cop looking to his on duty & uniformed brother for a perfect answer. No answer was forthcoming though.
"Where are your witnesses"
I heard this a bunch of times but generally speaking no where near as often as I thought it should be used against me. Over & over as the gang bragged they whittled the number down to zero.
Often, Dirty Cop himself was brought into the interrogation room or another... cop I knew was dirty. I protested. "This is the cop who kidnapped me".
Screaming threats, physical, armed with guns & sticks, screaming legal threats, they (often Dirty Cop himself) demanded to know who my witnesses were?
Often, I told them outright. Hoping beyond all hope it might, maybe work out. Other times they grilled me at length while I concealed the identity of my witnesses until I'm convinced they figured out who they were.
In any event several of "my witnesses" came to me later whining they'd been recruited by the gang. Starring in blackmail films. "They made me do things & filmed me".
I asked. "What things"?
Most declined to answer saying shame prevented them. Others told me stuff like the gang made them commit crimes. Child-porn, hurting people, and things. It's speculation but when someone leads with child-porn & hurting people one can only wonder what "things" they meant that they were too ashamed to admit?
"Where are your witnesses"? "Back in the day" I used to have a true abundance of witnesses in & around "The Gym". A bewildering number in & around The Gym, in the School Shaped Like An "E" FOR EVIL", the school population as a whole, people who worked for various social services, particularly those tasked with defending children, people on the street, & many of the Members & Staff of The Church on the Edge of the Forbidden Zone.
Go figure huh?
"Is that all you got"? You might ask?
"No. If only 1% of what I claim is true I have a bazillion witnesses. Many of whom will be eager to take down a lot of bad guys for the good of society. But only IF you Law Enforcement heroes will defend them.
"I don't want to get sued"
Ask any... cop (go ahead, ask them) if they fear lawyers & they'll puff up their chests, buff their badges, & say. "I ain't afraid of no lawyer".
Nothing could be further from the truth concerning me. A bunch of the... cops I asked for help told me they asked their sources in the child-molesting community & they knew either I was telling the truth in whole or in part. But, that they knew the gang. The gangs are masters of counter lawsuits & suing. Combined with a bazzilion lies, fake witnesses sure to fool most... cops who'll turn on the stand at a crucial moment during any trial & the... cops told me things like unto. "I cant help you. I'm afraid of being sued". Most said it bluntly, others used 1,000 or so words to say it. A few used their 1,000 words to tell me they weren't afraid of being sued. Being sued didn't scare them. But they were 1,000 words of scared but not scared of lawyers & there was no way they were helping me because they have a mortgage & a nice car with large payments to worry about. I got a few of them to pass on prosecuting me IF I came across their desk by securing a promise they'd try to hand my case off to an Officer with more courage than they.
"I'm scared"
"I have a badge, took an oath, but I'm a coward"
"Scared? Afraid? Who me? I'll prove I'm not afraid. How about I take out my nightstick & get a few cops here to help me beat the crap out of you right now"? The uniformed on duty... cops (note the use of the letter s in "... cops") threatened me. It's the official litmus test of ALL Coward... cops. They cant be a coward... cop IF they have the courage to summon a bunch of fellow Police & beat me up. Actually, it's a litmus test of bravery not limited to just coward... cops in their defense, but to many types of people. But that's another story.
Other, more honest cowards told me straight up they knew who the gang were & what they were about & they were just too scared to oppose them. Period!
A few promised me with help in secret if they ever noticed I was on trial. When I asked them if they'd still help if it seemed like I was on trial for a list of truly heinous crimes I got wishy washy luke warm responses at best. "You know my main complaint about them is they keep framing me over & over right"?
BAWK! BAGAWK! CLUCK! CLUCK! "Yeah, good luck with that". A few noted they were actually glad to see someone with the guts to stand against the gang. What small, small, tiny consolation prizes those few statements were.
What is REM sleep deprivation?
There are certain situations when REM sleep may be either reduced or absent from sleep. Sleep deprivation due to inadequate total hours of sleep may lead to an absolute reduction in the time spent in REM, but the percentage of the night in REM sleep may actually increase.
What is the difference between REM and non-REM sleep?
REM stands for rapid eye movement. During REM sleep, your eyes move around rapidly in a range of directions, but don't send any visual information to your brain. That doesn't happen during non-REM sleep. First comes non-REM sleep, followed by a shorter period of REM sleep, and then the cycle starts over again.
What happens after REM deprivation?
REM rebound is the lengthening and increasing frequency and depth of rapid eye movement (REM) sleep which occurs after periods of sleep deprivation. When people have been prevented from experiencing REM, they take less time than usual to attain the REM state.
What does REM stand for?
rapid eye movement
Not getting enough sleep can lead to many health concerns, affecting how you think and feel. During the night, you cycle through two types of sleep: non-rapid eye movement (non-REM) sleep and rapid eye movement (REM) sleep. Your brain and body act differently during these different phases.
What is the ideal REM sleep?
For healthy adults, spending 20-25% of your time asleep in the REM stage is a good goal. If you get 7-8 hours of sleep, around 90 minutes of that should be REM.
Can you survive without REM sleep?
Oftentimes damage to this critical part of the brain spells death. However, there are some cases of people who have survived an injury to this region and are living normal lives, but without ever experiencing REM sleep again, said Siegel, who is also affiliated with the VA Greater Los Angeles Healthcare System.
Does lack of REM sleep cause memory loss?
Poor sleep impairs memory consolidation by throwing off the normal process that draws on both NREM and REM sleep for building and retaining memories. Studies have even found that people who are sleep deprived are at risk of forming false memories
Can sleep deprivation permanently affect intelligence?
At a more advanced level, sleep deprivation can over-stimulate parts of the brain and even lead to permanent brain damage, according to a report on sleep deprivation among students published by The Guardian. “This is because of the brain's 'neural plasticity' – which means its ability to adapt to new situations.
"Just how stupiod do you think we are"
"How easily manipulated do you think we are"
"Just how easily manipulated do you think we are"? Many... cops asked me.
My answer? "What I think about how easily manipulated you guys are is irrelevant. What matters is how easy manipulated they (the gang) think you are & the way they explain it to me is they think you are very easily manipulated".
Picture a room full of on duty uniformed Police holding back a uniformed on duty... cop at his post lunging at me. No arrests are made even though they'd been threatening me with arrest prior to the "incident".
Another time I heard this reply to my complaint. "For what you say to be true we'd have to be the most easily manipulated idiots in the world".
My reply? "You said it. Not me".
"We own the cops". Written in puke green for symbolism sure to evade 99 out of 100 mid-Michigan... cops. I genuinely hope I'm not rounding down.
"Where are all the bodies"
"If what you are saying is true then where are all the bodies"?
A fair question in my humble opinion. My reply? "I don't know".
The truth is I have no idea where "the bodies" are. None. I didn't really conduct a lot of autopsies & frankly I'm not qualified to perform them if I did. Who died? Who lived on with horrible injuries? Who just got up laughing with a sore neck & a few bruises after I'd been drugged unconscious? Idano?
Where are the bodies? Stacked like cordwood in a madman's backyard? Buried selectively with all the physical evidence planted on the corpses just like the gang has bragged for a half century?
I heard sent "snitch" updates over the years. I don't believe a single word any of them say but 99 out of 100 mid-Michigan... cops will swear by the gang & it's ethics.. A few said they were quietly buried after being reported dead in car wrecks. Closed casket funerals make such cover-ups easy I'm told. It's even easier when the gang brag they own a Coroner or 2 here & there. Accidental shootings. Reported suicides.
The gang, many of them, have bragged over the years I'm a cleaner for the gang. I do the killing on film of their enemies, many of whom were motivated to attack me in just vigilante attacks based on selected & edited "films" shown to them of me. Their family & friends were all filmed discussing my coming attempted murder or crippling & now their friends or family are dead or crippled & they are hopelessly blackmailed for life planning or discussing the attack upon me.
"Cleaners are the gang's "Ace in the hole" against prosecution. If they should be found out the films of their victims commiting the slayings or attending the gang rapes surfaces & the victims & the public have their victim for a public lynching in a public courtroom. It's not even a fancy or special thing to the gang. It's Child-Molester 101. Mundane, even boring same old same old to the gang.
Worse? The gang boast that their innocent victims litter America's prison system as wrongfully convicted men of said slayings. The people who's testimony landed them in prison are all blackmailed for life by the experience of sending innocent men & women to prison (where the gang's 2nd phase of recruiting begins with eager guards & prisoners all motivated by the gang's "films" of them planning & or commiting crimes against me & my formerly innocent fellow victims).
I feel like repeating myself for effect here.
"Just how easily manipulated do you think we are"?
"What I think about how easily manipulated you guys are is irrelevant. What matters is how easy manipulated they (the gang) think you are & the way they explain it to me is they think you are very easily manipulated".
"Where are all the bodies"? & "Just how stupid do you think we are"? Are fair questions from ;law-enforcement in my opinion.
My retort? You're dealing with an entire gang of master manipulators who've read your Police Playbook 2 times more than you have. They live the lifestyle of manipulating & fooling... cops. It is literally the sum total of all that they due. One could say it is the singular goal of their very lives.
When you read my tale, ponder it's clues, put together the stories & examine the gan's techniques & motives. In my opinion as a law enforcement professional you'll walk away a little better prepared to do your job.
Hey, if you imagine your job is writing tickets all day & passively arresting perps caught by your endless cop stops & acute awareness of illegal turns & broken tail lights. If you aspire to nothing more than being a Police Desk Jockey (an honorable profession in my opinion, someone's got to do it). If you see your law-enforcement technique as investigating afterward & not investigating during then quit reading my story.
But if you are wise... ask yourself this oh ye honorable & wise Skeptic Officer. Ask yourself how does a 7th grade drop-out know this kind of stuff? How in the world is it possible that such a person could know so much about the inner workings & alleged techniques of serial child-molesting, gangs, whacked out religions, & how madmen just might operate? How?
"Drugs were involved"
A few... "cOPS" dismissed me outright the moment I said there were drugs involved. Literaly the very moment. They booted me out of the copshop.
Of course I asked why? I was curious after all.
"I'm tired of people coming here with complaints about what happened to them while they were on drugs & later admitting it didn't happen".
A half century of complaining? "That doesn't prove anything".
"I'm a dirty cop"
Just about all of them worked at the front desk of their respective "copshops". Some said it at their posts, others requested that I follow them to a secluded spot in the Police Station & they informed me they were dirty... cops proud to work for the gang. That they liked me knowing it & they intended to thwart me with a barrage of lies... here... here & now. I could try to expose them, or try to save myself by reasoning with the other Police. "But they wont believe you".
I took every one of their challenges & did my best to expose each one. It goes without saying I'm 0 to 1,000 overall against the gang. Check your records Police. No law-enforcement in all the world has ever avenged me nor protected me even once from the gang or anyone for that matter whatsoever. Nor have they avenged me, protected me, nor recovered stolen property even once from any source. Ever. Never once. Not a one. None.
But the other side of that crime coin is that the good Police of America, the non-corrupt non-coward Police are 0 to 1,000 against the gang too concerning me.
"Another cop dismissed you"
Infallible Police work at it's very best. If another... cop dismissed me then they surely had a good reason. It's only logical.
It's proof unto itself the gang's victims can be ignored. Indeed. It's the litmus test the gang craves. Once the... cops start ignoring a victim's cries for help the real pain, torture, rape & a lifetime of robbery & public framing begins. The beginning of the end.
(Just ask any mid-Michigan... cOP or Public School eMPLOYEE & they'll tell you it's all proof they're liars)
Yes Reader, in mid-Michigan if anyone displays any of these signs of unwellness for ANY reason at ANY time (be they temporary or, sadly, if permanent) it's INFALLIBLE PROOF they are crazy & thus liars & Law Enforcement can (& must at all costs) ignore them.
Why? The way they've explained it to me is because all crazy people are also liars & thus can be ignored because all liars have zero chance to win in any case in court.
So, when a gang attacks a victim via sleep-deprivation & drugs while using mind-altering weird & perverse skits & PRACTICAL jokes all to inflict weird & perverse stories on their victim it's all just proof that their victim is a liar that can be ignored.
"The more we mess with you the more it proves to the cops that you're someone they can ignore".

Yes Reader, in mid-Michigan if anyone displays any of these signs of unwellness for ANY reason at ANY time (be they temporary or, sadly, if permanent) it's INFALLIBLE PROOF they are crazy & thus liars & Law Enforcement can (& must at all costs) ignore them.
Why? The way they've explained it to me is because all crazy people are also liars & thus can be ignored because all liars have zero chance to win in any case in court.
So, when a gang attacks a victim via sleep-deprivation & drugs while using mind-altering weird & perverse skits & PRACTICAL jokes all to inflict weird & perverse stories on their victim it's all just proof that their victim is a liar that can be ignored.
"The more we mess with you the more it proves to the cops that you're someone they can ignore".
"I talked to them"
Picture me going into various cOPSHOPS, telling my story, & coming back the next day because the... cOPS told me to & the investigating Officer says. "I talked to them. They said they didn't do that".
Note my lack of quotation marks here because I didn't say this, But I think it now (having tried my best to be respectful then AND now) . Really officer? Did you think that people accused of 1/100th of what I'm claiming would welcome you with open arms & just spill the beans as if you were a trusted civil servant there for the good of society? Really?
It gets more ridiculous when the... cops combine it telling me they absolutely positively know the gang are drug-dealing lying cheating child-porn making baby raping jerks, but... buuuut... But they are the drug-dealing lying cheating child-porn making baby raping jerks they both know & trust. "I've dealt with them in the past & they seemed fairly honorable to me & they say they didn't do it".
Really? So what you're saying officer is that I couldn't be accusing a bunch of drug-dealing lying cheating child-porn making baby raping nicer guys? Literally? Right?
"Well I wouldn't say it like that but <_____spends next 10 minutes saying it's like that, but not like that in different words_____>".
Worse? Add in... cOPS who just saw a dozen guys attacking me publicly with weapons or caught the gang literally in "mid-kidnap". "I talked to them and they say they wouldn't do that unless you were such a scumbag".
"So the drug-dealing lying cheating child-porn making baby raping jerks get a free pass? How long is the free pass good for? Just for this <insert my useless criminal accusation here> or does it last for a certain amount of time or for life"?
Cop rebuttals? "Mumble mumble. Wishy washy washy [make wrist limp]. They tell me you're the scumbag in this situation".
"Yeah, because the guy who just got assaulted by a dozen guys in the middle of the Police Station is clearly not the victim huh"?
How do I know why the... cOPS dismissed me?
A fair question in my opinion. Here's the answer Sirs.
From my youth I had a habit I usually observed when dismissed by... cops. After my dismissal I usually turned around as I left & asked them point blank. "Could I ask what your official reason for dismissing me is"?
Just about every single... cop who ever dismissed me explained why they'd just dismissed me in great detail.
"That's not proof of anything"
Picture me on a... cop follow-up. Standing in the cOPSHOP while they consider the rest of my life. "I'm afraid you have no proof".
"Uhhhhh... you saw them attacking me with weapons".
"Yeah but they say you (insert the gang's lying rebuttal)".
"So a bunch of guys attacking me with weapons isn't proof enough"?
Fast forward to another time. "You don't have enough proof for me to pursue an investigation".
"Uhhhh... you just got every one of them to change their stories (should'a said "we just got", but hey, give them the glory). Isn't that perjury? Isn't a dozen (or more) people changing their stories proof enough that there may be a criminal conspiracy & justify a criminal investigation"? It sounded logical to me? Doesn't it?
"No. They told me they had a really good reason for changing their story & I believe them".
I ask you oh ye wise Police who may be reading this, what does a victim say to that"?
"We're surrendering jurisdiction"
It's a mostly Bay City F.B.I. & Bay County Sherriff comeback, but not exclusively. Legal? Idano? The truth? Yup. Yes! Affirmative. Indeed. I walk into the respective cOPSHOP, state my case, &. "We're surrendering jurisdiction to the Bay City Police".
Uhhhh... what do they have to do with this? The crimes were clearly in their area of investigation.
A few of them times the "event" didn't even occur near Bay COunty, but was half the state away.
"We're surrendering jurisdiction to the Bay City Police".
Uhhhh... what do they have to do with this? It didn't even happen near Bay County.
"They came to us 1st"
"They came to us 1st & filed a complaint about you".
Fair enough. I explained to the... cops that since I'd been kidnapped & the gang chooses the time of my release it's no small miracle nor even coincidence that they went to the... cops before I could this time.
I'll bet the psychological phenomenon of believing the 1st person to come to you has a name & that I could look it up, but the subject bores me & I suspect that 99.99999% of all non-mid-Michigan Police know & understand the problem. The gang have boasted to me many times of the technique's effectiveness & how running to the... cops before their victim has paid off gangbusters. It eliminates a double digit percentage of all investigators who might otherwise pursue an investigation. It's an argument based in science & logical conclusion & based on experience.
"No". The thusly (few, but significant in number)... cops told me. The gang came to them 1st. Any testimony by myself can only be false. It's only logical. "Why else would they come to us 1st unless you were guilty"?
"You beat them up"
Uhhhhhh... yup. It's a big part of my complaint. The gang sends victim after victim to me to get beaten up or to die in a felony assault upon me. Films it. Then blackmail accordingly (they brag) & the only one who get hurt is me, their new formerly innocent recently recruited victims, & the other children of loyal gang members they've raised in similar madness & accusation, torture & deprivation, whom they plan to either die in their violent scams or to live whittled to a physical cripple & cast into asylums or prisons (they brag they like to change it up "We cant use the same plan every time").
Picture me walking into the... copshop on my own to file a Police Report, the cop asks. "Did you beat those guys up"?
"Yes Sir Officer. I did".
"You do know some of them may never walk again"?
"Yes Sir. But they attacked me".
The... cops explained in so many words. Well it seems to me that justice has been served or some other argument is used, resulting in me being dismissed. "It'd be really cruel to charge them with attacking you when a few of them might be crippled for life". "I think justice has been served here".
"But what about the ongoing attacks I say the gang has committed on me"?
"Mumble mumble wishy upon... cop washy, justice something something. You can leave now Sir".
"They said they are sorry"
Hey, my religion is all about forgiveness & forgetting. Indeed, my Bible says:
Matthew 6:14-15 King James Version
14 For if ye forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you:
15 But if ye forgive not men their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses.
What that means is since I want God to forgive me, I'd better forgive others just like I want to be forgiven. OR ELSE!
Quite a few times the gang apologized to me through the Police.
Me? Sure... I'll forgive & forget. It's not optional in my religion. Even when I was an athiest.
Sometimes the gang didn't wait for me to walk an entire block before they attacked me outside the copshop. The rapes & tortures began anew. Every one of Jerk & the 4 Stars has begged for their lives to me on their knees. ALL of them. I agreed on the condition they leave me alone.
Cops told me. "See? They're sorry. The way I see it is it's case closed. You can go home now".
Me? Handcuffed (gleefully, I do like God & his plan for forgiveness after all) by my own religion & dismissed by the... cops I left.
The attacks usually resume soon enough.
The gang brag it's my former alleged accomplices. The blackmailed into dozens of life sentences along with their families morons who'll gladly testify against me in exchange for reduced sentences or no sentences.
"Our dirty prosecutors do this all the time & it works".
I challenge law-enforcement at every level with this. Lets see a case against me without plea bargaining, deals, or immunity stand on it's own merits against me.
Yeah, they doped me up, staged mundane interactions for decades. Targeted former friends & acquaintances & made a lot of films. I challenge Police to accept that as a possibility.
Remember Police. When the gang starts making deals & announcing victory it's only because you're probably near the threshold of taking down a whole lot of them. Make no mistake Sirs. Taking down a lot of the gang will improve the quality of many lives & even more will never know the pure horrors of being "next on that gang chapter's list".
"If it was me"
"If I was a killer like you say they are I'd... if it was me I'd...
The conversation usually degenerates at that point into a pseudo-logic & Rated R-level crime & deduction ignorefest. "It's not possible because IF I was a crook I wouldn't do it like you describe". No additional proof required AND it allows for all evidence & deduction based upon examining the clues to be ignored thereafter.
There's a flip side to that coin. "What you say cant be possible because if what was happening to you happened to me I'd act differently". It's only logical.
My opinion? Dear Police who may be reading this. You are not Duh Jerk or the 4 Stars. Nor are you me. Apparently none of us act in stereotypical ways to the many described situations of this webpage.
Respectfully put, what you would do or what you consider to be the behavior, actions, or reactions of "a reasonable person", "an average person", or an "average crook" do not apply here.
They are lifestyle frame artists bent on revenge against me.
Me? I'm just a humble citizen. Perfect? Not even close. But I'd like the never-ending violence to stop, or at least be brought into the light. Frankly my goal is that if we are together... it's a crime for the gang's known members. Know that we're not friends. We never were friends not business associates. I'm not now nor was I ever into making porn, child porn, or even making pictures of any sort whatsoever for profit at no time in my life & I've never filmed any crimes for profit, recreational, or training purposes. Ever.
"You might be guilty"
A little murky water in the case & a few... cops balk. You see, they know the gang are guilty. Though in the defense of some... cops they aren't sure if a gang is involved. The only problem is I look guilty too. Who can tell who's guilty & who's the real victim here? Being most... cops have a reputation they MUST protect, for the good of the community (Not for ANY selfish reasons <Halo appears overhead>), they wont pursue the case any further. Lest they oppose the gang & lose or worse, accidentally free me from legal punishment based on my probable lies to escape the punishment I so justly deserve.
"You came in here all delirious & on drugs"
Yup, I sure did. One of the tactics of the gang is to sleep deprive victims into delirium, drug them, & drop them off at home or even at the very Police Station. Filming their victim the entire time & even inside a particular given... copshop itself.
It usually degenerates into "No one would do that" or "If it was me I wouldn't just drop you off delirious & drugged at the Police Station".
"Is that because you would be a more honorable & ethical kidnapping rapist than they"?
"You didn't add that part last time"
Very true. Often I went into a given... copshop & report the immeadiate or last kidnapping, assault, killing, theft, whatever. I ask Police skeptics of today this. "Have you read my many dismissals outlined herein"?
Soooo... I walked in & discussed the latest attrocity. Then... the... cops eject me. More often than not I never got past the recent attrocity. I got no time to discuss former attacks, thefts, rapes, killings, "The Gym", none of it. The... cops took my one reported crime or incident (like a weeks long session for example), listened to me, interrogated me, often threatened me with legal & illegal violence, then ejected me.
After the next atrocity I filed a Police Report & the... cops seemed amazed I hadn't been given time to bring up anything but the then recent most attack. "You left out some huge things:.
"Once you began illegally threatening me (or just plain ole ejected me under penalty of law) you never gave me time to add in anything else".
Nope the... cops told me. My lies were exposed, their dirty policework was besides the point, as was their often rush to judgement in a hurry to kick me out of the... copshop, often at the resident dirty... cop's insistance.
"We're giving you the runaround."
"Go ask the F.B.I. for help. This crime is their jurisdiction:.
"I did. they sent me to you".
The principal apples to many agencies & even groups outside law-enforcement like child-protective services & even several churches...
"Go ask your church for help". The... cops told me.
"I did. They wouldn't help & told me to go to you guys".
It only happened a few times where cops, feds, & protection agencies sent me from one to the other, each refusing to help me.
... cOPS tell me this dismissal type is impossible. Why? Because collectively speaking they are all waaaaaaaaaayyyy too good at their jobs.
"You left early last time"
"You left of your own free will last time & didn't finish filing a Police Report".
Yup. I sure did. Maybe it was the felonious threats to my safety, health, & freedom that prompted me to leave early. Maybe last time it was because the... cops told me that the... cop I absolutely positively knew was dirty HAD to be involved in the investigation, sometimes as it's Lead Investigator, literally, & my plea that the... cop was my attacker or kidnapper fell on deaf ears. A few times they insisted Dirty Cop himself be involved, so I just left.
Because there'd be a higher body count"
By far the most sick reason on my list. Standing at their post on duty uniformed Police gave me the most evil, twisted, maniacal, outright immoral advice I've ever heard. Many times. Worse? Many times since I was a child of about 8 years old (the age when I began going to the... cOPS on my own).
The... cops told me they didn't believe me. "Because if it was me there'd be a lot more bodies". "I'd start killing them (Jerk & the 4 Stars) if what you say they're doing to you is really happening".
"So you're saying you'd believe me if I started having a higher body count"?
"Yes". His... cop peers either agree or nod in approval.
"So you're giving (8 year old me) me the advice to go out & start killing people"?
"No. But if it was me I would start killing a lot of people". His peers agree with him in the conversation that follows.
I've heard several versions of it, giving me the advice that if my predicament happened to their... cop personages they'd fill a graveyard with more holes in it than craters on the moon.
My reply. "I cant. In my religion it says 'Vengeance is mine thus saith the Lord. I shall repay".
It's even more proof I should be ignored they tell me. "No one does that". Even when I conducted a quick pol of the room & every single... cop there told me they imagined they were a Christian.
The conversation usually boils down to this. Surely all the frame jobs, killing & carnage sounds like I must be an indiscriminate killer. Thus, logically if my story does not rigidly adhere to me killing indiscriminately, just murdering everyone who ever wronged me, that by logical deduction I must be lying.
The truth is, I explained, is I've had a twisted insane fantasy (proof I'm insane I'd suppose) that somehow, at some point, I could come out of the horrors that are my life & live alive & free in America if I could but initiate a short but fair investigation into my allegations. That & if I should begin indiscriminately killing people who wronged me it'd make the possibility I could live alive & free less likely. That and the "Vengeance is mine thus saith The Lord thing. I cant explain it more simply.
Romans 12:19
19 Dearly beloved, avenge not yourselves, but rather give place unto wrath: for it is written, Vengeance is mine; I will repay, saith the Lord.
"I would help you but I don't like the way you handled that". Said the Bay City... cOP who'd agreed to investigate my claims.
I asked him what he meant & he told me? It was how I fought my way out of a particular scene. The carnage, on age groups & categories of people he felt should not endure such carnage.
I agreed with him. I explained that since I myself was those ages I've been being attacked & wholeheartedly agreed with him that people of those ages shouldn't be put in such a situation that had such a potential of carnage.
That's not the way he saw it. Sure, I was being stalked. He knew as much. And the way he saw it it'd be moral to do those thing I did to escape if I were the same age as those affected by the carnage. But now that didn't apply. I was clearly the scumbag in the picture to him & I could look forward to no help from him whatsoever. Being that he'd seen the films AND since my own testimony corroborated what the films he'd been showed by the gang showed about my escape, he felt I deserved a lifetime of revenge from the gang based on my acts to satisfy his desire for vigilante revenge upon my life for the injured.
"You mean you didn't like how I acted when I was kidnapped, drugged, tortured for weeks, & kept awake & my mind was addled by all the sleep deprivation"?
"I don't like how you handled the situation"
"I heard this one 1st as a small child. An infrequent dismissal type, but it happened several times. "I don't like how you reacted to the situation". The... cops told me over the years.
"You mean you don't like the way I reacted to the situation while I was delirious from drugs, torture, sleep deprivation, & a lifetime of stalking"? Or... "You mean that you didn't like my life & death decision made in a split second during a life or death situation while I was sleep deprived & on their drugs"?
So I asked them... cops to explain themselves & they did. In great detail. They ALL told me the way they see it is resisting drugs, torture, sleep deprivation, it's all something they could do. Easy. Split second life & death situations? Easy peasy for any... cop I ever met. Split second decisions in a life & death situation while your mind & body are addled by months or drugs, deprivations, & torture? All the... cops I met figure they could handle the torment & make the hard decisions & come out smelling like an ethical rose every time.
"But maybe I'm not as strong as you are"? I desperately countered.
"If half your story is true then you must be the ___(biggest, baddest, toughest, bravest, whatever, their words, not mine)___ in the world". Thus, by logical deduction, My ethics should be 100% up to their rigid standards. Because they could take decades of what I have taken, endure months of drugs & sleep deprivation, & come out of it smelling like an 100% ethical rose, so should I. Anything else means I deserve either punishment or to be ignored AS a punishment".
"You deserve everything they are doing to you"
One of my main comebacks to this is following, not that it did me any good to say it mind you. Here goes:
Pull the string & the... cop says: "I wont help you because the way I figure it is you're getting everything you deserve". The gang has told them I'm a scumbag subject to kidnapping & torture or shown them "the films" & said I'm a scumbag & they are the good guys giving me what I deserve.
\Me? I say fair enough. But they began doing this to me when I was just months old. WHat do you figure I was doing that made me deserve it then".
The main... cop comeback I ever heard was this. "I don't know but it must've been pretty bad". It's not fun when you realize I was only months old when I heard this for the 1st time.
I'll ask... cops this. I mean it, answer me. "What do you suppose I was doing then to deserve this? I await your handwritten letter that will forever prove you're not another mid-Michigan gutless vigilante... cop.
Make sure you write it in green ink to show your support for Duh Jerk & the gang.
"You deserve it". Many... cops said. "I talked to the gang & I believe you. But the way you reacted to it all. In my opinion you deserve everything the gang has done to you. It's a worse punishment than I could do to you if I sent you to prison".
I've discussed until I was blue in the face that it wasn't me who committed those crimes. It was from a lifetime of drugs, horror, deprivations, & lots of practice inflicted by madmen for whom this is their chosen profession.
"No. You deserve it".
I told those... cops to cheer up. The gang brag a victim's ordeal by the gang intensifies in prison. It doesn't relax. That by investigating my story with the intention to prosecute me to the full extent of the law was my goal. But only because I hoped such a fair investigation would save not only myself but the gang's many other victims & even their future victims, as yet untouched, who'd never know the life of horrors inflicted by the gang on my fellow victims & myself.
So I asked. "But what about all the innocents who died? Do they deserve it"? I even asked. "What about all the innocents who they are doing this to right now? What about all the witnesses they brag they plan to do it to next after they finish with me"?
Very few noted it was a casualties of war kind of thing. Most said the lives of the innocent were unfortunate. But they did plan to take the gang down soon, so leaving me to suffer & ignoring me as a pathway to advance a case against the gang was moral (frankly, I ask lots of hard-hitting questions if... cOPS give me half a chance) because of their intention to take down the gang via another way & leaving me to suffer, usually as a vigilante who will thwart my every attempt to get other Police to help me based on "You deserve it".
I suspect half of it is them... cops covering their own behinds. You see Reader, nothing happens in a vacuum. Once a given... cop signs onto ignoring me for a stated reason, especially my case, then they put their reputations on the line. They have a vested interest to protect their reputations & if any evidence of the gang should pop up then they have to come down on the side of the gang. It's a slippery slope & one the gang brags they navigate well. Once targeted those... cop fools will soon be covering up one clue after another. The gang is free to make evidence & witnesses pop up & disappear on command. Soon the... cop is engaged in more cover-ups to protect their reps than some of the worse dirty... cops & the gang is in a position to film it all for blackmail. That is if they don't just choose to keep their unpaid reliable... cop goon around & manipulate them into working for the gang for free for the rest of their lives. It's only trivia to note that when retirement time comes for said... cops with the gang's films of them it's easy for them to manipulate other... cops & future victim/memnbers into actions against said... cops. Game over.
"I don;'t want to get involved"
Written in Bay City... cop Diarrhea Brown for reasons of symbolism.
"Your felonious assaulters, I mean your accusers say we should ignore you"
I thought to lump this reason in with others, but it does merit it's own category.
It's the battle cry of the underfunded, the skeptic, and the coward... cop. The Child-Molester... cop trumpets it & with a self-righteous bent when saying it. "I don't want to get involved".
Why not I asked, pointing out their oath, justice, patriotism, you name it.
They all had a reason or an excuse. "I don't want to get involved".
A few... just a few told me they were glad to see someone stand up to the gang. But they weren't helping me.
This happened a bunch of time & with attackers ranging from self-professed victims to uniformed & on duty... cops. All of which encounters I'm discussing here are EXCLUSIVELY in Police Stations.
Soooooo... I walk into the... cOPSHOP, state my complaint, & minutes later a gang (always a multitude) walk in & demand my arrest based on the lies they are about to spew.
The... cOPS listen to their accusations typically ignoring me in favor of the violent crowd (I wont fault Police there, pacifying a violent crowd 1st is probably just good police work).
Then, with nearly 100% reliability, the crowd whips itself into a frenzy, usually about crippled friends, true or not, & attacks me!
I defend myself. Blocking exclusively. I've never been tempted into an exchange of blows yet in the cOPSHOP (except as a result of drugs, deprivation, & likely during another "skit" where they practice a 1st interview of a given accusation over & over & over & over & over &... on film)
The... cops, having just witnessed myself being attacked INSIDE the Police Station hold back my attackers. Then announce there will be no charges pressed on anyone.
When I asked why the... cops explained themselves. "I believe them that you're the scumbag here" "If you wouldn't do things to provoke them they wouldn't attack you (to those... cops, read my story, THEY started it)" "They say they're sorry. They wont attack you again. So I consider this case closed. Don't worry, they promise not to attack you again" "They say you attacked them & now they attacked you. I'd say you're even now". "Did you hear the things they called you? I'm not arresting a bunch of nice people over someone like you"
Yeah, I had snappy comebacks. Chief being. "You asked me to prove that a gang was stalking me & attacking me & when a gang comes into the police station & attacks me right in front of you you still say it's not enough proof I'm being stalked & attacked by a gang"?
Picture that every one of these dismissals by law-enforcement involved an average cop population of sometimes 1 or 2, but usually 4-8 or more cops.
Picture if we only count the number of categories.
Picture if we add in an average time of 1-3 hours per police encounter for said investigators.
Do you know how much money that was?
Do you realize how many hours of police power were tied up?
Do you realize how many hours of incarceration this amounts to in my opinion as I didn't usually feel free to leave at any time (the very definition of being locked up).
The part that irritates me is every time I had something better to do than talk to... cops in my opinion. If we assign an average of 1-3 hours incarceration at the hands of threatening, violent police accusers where my very life & freedom were in jeopardy in my opinion then it amounts to weeks of imprisonment standing in a copshop surrounded by teams of angry threatening & often violent armed men.
It's not the thing you want to do coming down from an extended torture session. It's like follow-up torture sessions paid for & funded by taxpayers.
As if the time I spent being tortured by the gang wasn't bad enough.
For the record, in my opinion, nothing the gang ever did to me hurt me as much as what the police did to me after what the gang had done to me to get me to go to the police in the 1st place. Literally.
"You don't remember? It's proof that you're lying"
I'll always remember the time I went to the copshop after a lengthy torture & deprivation session.
The... cops surrounded me at the Bay County Law Enforcement Center's front desk. I'd never met a single one of them before.
One of them, who'd been sitting behind the desk asked me to state my name for the record.
I stood there. Wondering... "What is my name? Why cant I remember it? I just knew that this delay didn't look good.
Time passes & I struggle internally to remember my name.
Time passes...
Tick... Tick... Tick...
Less than a minute later I answered with my name.
The... cop said. "Do you realize how long it took for you to tell us your name? Now I know you're lying".
I'd derfed the interview with the 1st question.
The... cops told me I could leave now, they wouldn't believe anything I had to say now.
I'll repeat a concept in R.E.M. sleep deprivation & inflicting powerful drugs on a victim that eludes... cops. Here goes.
"Many of the memories are buried deep or are hard to recall. Not all memories are available at all times".
"There's more than one reason they [the gang] torture their victims on drugs".
"You don't remember? It's proof that you're lying"
The very concept I'm about to lay out mystifies & stumps every... cop I ever met. Here goes...
Soooooo... picture me standing there in the copshop, a gang of... cops is interrogating me because I've dared to make an accusation. Note I didn't say stating my case, but resisting a full scale interrogation complete with threats of violence by armed men with badges, usually.
The... cops demand (I didn't say ask, I said demand) I answer this, that, & the other thing. NOW! Or else!
So I do. But I worded it different or left out a part.
"You left that out. That's proof you are lying". I could leave the station... NOW!
So I explain myself. "They tortured me for weeks on drugs. They didn't let me eat or sleep & the memories are difficult to recall at times". It makes it easy to skip over a part of the story, particularly unimportant parts, like they stole a few bucks from my pockets. Why didn't I bring it up? It seemed unimportant at the time. But now that you asked me, yeah, they did steal from me. Other times more important clues were skipped over. I explained myself there too. "Many of the memories are buried deep or are hard to recall. Not all memories are available at all times".
Worse? Often, after we skipped over a tidbit an hour later I told the... cops the memories had just bubbled to the surface in my mind again & I was prepared to discuss them in detail, like I had 2 hours ago.
"You mean now that you've had time to make up a lie you want to tell us it"?
I challenged those... cops. "Test me. If I'm making up a new lie then my story will have changed from 2 hours ago".
In my opinion... cops love L-Bombs. Dropping logic all over a case is what they do (Or so I'm told, but have little or no personal experience in said subject regarding them in any positive or constructive way). But it is an abomination to... cops when an alleged rape victim tries to drop L-Bombs.
I'll repeat myself here in case (It's possible?) an honest Police Officer reads this.
"Many of the memories are buried deep or are hard to recall. Not all memories are available at all times".
This one category I'll blame entirely on myself. I just wasn't man enough to step up to the Q&A... cop Challenge. Blaming others for one's shortcomings is a lame copout in my opinion.
My bad.
"It's the sunglasses"
"Cops just can't make that many mistakes". A few... cops describing to me in so many words that, as a group they are infallible & thus incapable of the massive number of mistakes & poor conclusions that I suggest for any part of my story to be true. -David A. George Infallible Policework at it's best... or so they tell me... repeatedly.
Written in Bay City... cop diarrhea brown for symbolism.
I heard this one a bunch of times. So often it's literally one of the most popular reasons I was dismissed by the.. cops whenever I chose to file a Police Report.
"I don't trust anyone wearing sunglasses". The... cops told me. I could leave the Police Station now. And they meant it!
Other times. "Why are you wearing sunglasses"?
I told the truth as a child, then as an adult. "Unknown medical condition".
Nope the... cops told me. It's all proof I'm a liar & I could leave now. When asked to explain themselves they said in so many words they felt the medical technology of the 70s, 80s, & what became the 90s was infallible. There could be no such thing as a medical condition the medical community says they cant diagnose. It's impossible (even today I suspect).
About the turn of the millennium I learned of my "condition". Apparently the otherwise easy to diagnose condition had eluded diagnosis several times. When cops demanded I tell them the name of said recently diagnosed condition I told them I'd like to keep it to myself. Mostly because in my opinion the condition's name sounds particularly horrible & I don't like people assuming the name of the condition indicates I'm about to have an imminent demise or claiming such. Besides, last I checked it's my right to tell no one. Isn't it?
Nope... cops told me. Lies, lies lies. Proof I'm lying. "You can leave now".
Other times the gang stole my sunglasses (I hear Duh Jerk has a store rack of them as collectables). "They stole them & all my money. That's why I'm not wearing any sunglasses".
Nope! I just got caught in a lie. The... cops high five, good police deduction.
Even worse? The pain from bright light comes & goes over time. Sometimes I wake up & wont need sunglasses for a year or 2. So I don't wear them. Other times I wake up & even a light switch can send me into blinding pain for 10-15 minutes at a time. Explain it? I cant & the symptoms change without warning at any time.
The.. cop's opinion? Nope! It's alllllll proof I'm a liar. "You can leave now".
Other times... cops told me to take off my sunglasses. I knew what was coming, I had no intention of fake flinching, then or now.
"When you took off your sunglasses you didn't even flinch! Now I know you're lying. You can leave now because we just caught you in a lie".
"I tried to explain. No, they didn't catch me in a lie. The usual level of pain from my light sensitivity is that I don't feel pain until about 15 minutes to an hour after exposure to bright light. If I'd flinch such a flinch wouldn't come for quite some time. Call it the condition's default or normal setting (for lack of a better term).
Nope! Lies! I'd been caught in a lie. Every... cop at the table agrees & they eject me.
I asked those... cops. "So are you the kind of cop who'd kick a man's cane out from under him & call him a liar if he could walk a few step without it"?
They told me they were not, but I could leave because I didn't flinch.
Are you dirty... cops reading this? I still have no intention of fake flinching to impress you & your... cop partners in crime or any of your honest but easily gulled... cop co-workers
Worse? I believe it's a sign of manhood to control outward signs of pain. If the pain is minor I'll fight the urge to flinch at a bright light.
I ask Police this. "ARE you the kind of cop that would kick a man's cane away from him"? Really? Are you sure? What if he took a few steps & insisted he'd "gritted the pain like a man" & that let him take those few steps into the bright light? Would you call him a liar then? Really? I've met a lot of your brother... cops who'd fail such a test. So much so that I'd call it the... cops default setting. The Cane-Kicking Cop Crime Investigation Standard. Substitute the word "Sunglasses for Cane as needed".
The truth is, as I write this, I'm in bright light pain of 1in10 in my opinion. It hurts, the pain is very minor, but I'm not reaching for my sunglasses. Why? Because I hate them! When I think of all the innocents that perished or will never be whole again & how the gang was able to use my own medical condition, my need to wear sunglasses to leverage... cops into dismissing me sometimes the act of picking my sunglasses up sickens me.
I'll probably be 2in10 in pain on the walk home. if I choose to not wear my sunglasses either right away or in a few minutes, even if it's cloudy. Not that that's anybody's business.
The... cops demanded to know what the medical condition I had that caused light sensitivity was called? They told me to tell them... or else!
"Graves disease".
It took about a minute for the conversation to mature. The... cops got increasingly belligerent in my humble opinion & rapid fired question after question about my allegations all worded to legally tripping me up in my opinion, not to further any investigation.
Then the conversation turned in a direction I hadn't anticipated. The Police demanded to know when was the time of my coming demise because of the terminal condition I'd had the audacity to tell them had been inflicted on me. Bluntly they asked me how much time I had to live?
Me? I told them that I hadn't told them I was dying of any terminal condition. Then when they pressed the point I told them that I hadn't even implied it.
"I caught you in a lie just now" The... cop told me. He told me I could leave the Police Station, I'd just been caught in a lie & that meant he didn't trust anything else I had to say. His uniformed on duty peers agreed.
So I asked him what lie, so that 2 of us knew?
"You just told me that you were going to die of a terminal condition & now you say you're not". Game. Set! MATCH! My lie discovery was a slam dunk & the... cop who detected it & his peers had just exposed me for the lying false accuser that I was. I could leave... now!
Me? It took me a few seconds to dissect the conversation up to this point & figure out at what point the conversation could've steered off course? When it occurred to me I told him I'd said that I suffer from a condition called Graves Disease when he demanded my medical history as a condition of continuing the interrogation (he'd said investigation,, but make no mistake, it was an interrogation by belligerent armed men in my opinion where my future health & liberty were both in jeopardy because of the act of trying to file a Police report with... them, it was NOT an investigation). "I said I suffered from a condition called Graves Disease not that I had a terminal condition about to send me to the grave. It just sounds scary but it isn't terminal. But some people do die from it".
"Then how come I never heard of it"? The... cop demanded a further explanation. His uniformed & on duty peers agreed with him. None of them had heard of it either.
I told him it was kind of rare. "It's a rare condition. About 1 in 3,000 people have it. That means there's probably about 15 people in all of Bay County that have it". Generally speaking.
A rare disease no one's ever heard of? I'd just told them... cops that I had 1 foot in the grave & then took it back & then put it back in inside the space of 1 minute? They told me my lies were piling up. My story it was a changing based solely on my claims of having a terminal condition & then changing my story several times right in front of them. All of the... cops agreed. They refused to hear any more of my allegations & ejected me under penalty of law from the cOPSHOP though (like usual) I demanded that I be criminally prosecuted when they threatened me thusly.
Go figure huh?
"There is no such thing as Revenge Porn"
Not a single... cop ever used that exact sentence (to the left) but in 100 or so words stated just that in great detail to their peers who all nodded in approval.
No one would rape someone over & over for something so trivial as... wait for it... no one would want revenge for being on the inflicting side of "The Gym".
I'll give... cops half of a free pass here (Note I said half) because the concept mystified me too. Thusly. "You guys tried to kill me in The Gym over & over & now you want revenge for it"?
To amuse myself I'll try to explain it so simply even a mid-Michigan... cop might understand it. Here goes.
The way they've unfailingly explained it to me is this when I complained. They complained back. Are you paying attention Police? THEY... COMPLAINED... BACK... TO... ME! I'll underline it. "We're not mad at you because we tried to kill you and you lived. We're mad at you because of what the Bosses did to us because of you & what happened in The Gym". Apparently, if you listen to their self-righteous self-indulgent, self-important "me me me I'm the center of the universe & everyone else wronged me rhetoric" then THEY are the real victims of "The Gym" & it justifies not only a life of stalking me for revenge but ALSO justifies a long string of horrors they inflicted & are still inflicting on others who were involved in The Gym. Whether in direct involvement, indirect, or people who were involved in the periphery & never heard of The Gym but got sucked into the gang's extortion/blackmail web as a consequence of them being thorough.
It's closely related to the excuse to dismiss: "Because no one would do that". The ONLY difference is that the concept of Revenge Porn, that is to use pornography as a tool of revenge has a definition anyone can look up on the web in comparison to the old days in the 70's 80's & 90's when (to my knowledge) the term wasn't in popular use. Look to the right of this paragraph for the definitions to the concept of "revenge porn" which is sure to mystify any & all mid-Michigan... cops I've personally met & interviewed.
According to Google Revenge Porn is:
Revenge Porn re·venge porn noun
revealing or sexually explicit images or videos of a person posted on the internet, typically by a former sexual partner, without the consent of the subject and in order to cause them distress or embarrassment.
"she's been campaigning for a change in the law since she first became a victim of revenge porn"
According to Google (but NOT according to Saginaw Valley... cops):
"Payback rape", also called "punishment rape" or "revenge rape", is a form of rape specific to certain cultures, particularly the Pacific Islands. It consists of the rape of a female, usually by a group of several males, as revenge for acts committed by members of her family, such as her father or brothers.
I, the Author of this website submit for the reader's approval that Revenge Rape is NOT exclusively limited to Pacific Islands but is used by some as both a means of control via blackmail & extortion of the rapists AND for revenge in the United States of America & even throughout the world.
"There is no such thing as Revenge Porn... or Revenge Rape"
My message to... cops. While you & yours were looking down at me through a magnifying glass during my many interrogations (NOTE: I didn't say when making an accusation of crimes against me (which was my intention when I freely walked into the building of my own accord). I said rabid interrogations where I often felt my health, life, & liberty were under direct threat by the armed & often screaming badged men in the room) I was looking up at you & yours through that same magnifying glass. Take from that what you will.
"There is no such thing as Revenge Porn... or Revenge Rape"
Not a single... cop ever used that exact sentence (to the left) but in 100 or so words stated just that in great detail to their peers who all nodded in approval.
No one would rape someone over & over for something so trivial as... wait for it... no one would want revenge for being on the inflicting side of "The Gym".
I'll give... cops half of a free pass here (Note I said half) because the concept mystified me too. Thusly. "You guys tried to kill me in The Gym over & over & now you want revenge for it"?
To amuse myself I'll try to explain it so simply even a mid-Michigan... cop might understand it. Here goes.
The way they've unfailingly explained it to me is this when I complained. They complained back. Are you paying attention Police? THEY... COMPLAINED... BACK... TO... ME! I'll underline it. "We're not mad at you because we tried to kill you and you lived. We're mad at you because of what the Bosses did to us because of you & what happened in The Gym". Apparently, if you listen to their self-righteous self-indulgent, self-important "me me me I'm the center of the universe & everyone else wronged me rhetoric" then THEY are the real victims of "The Gym" & it justifies not only a life of stalking me for revenge but ALSO justifies a long string of horrors they inflicted & are still inflicting on others who were involved in The Gym. Whether in direct involvement, indirect, or people who were involved in the periphery & never heard of The Gym but got sucked into the gang's extortion/blackmail web as a consequence of them being thorough.
It's closely related to the excuse to dismiss: "Because no one would do that". The ONLY difference is that the concept of Revenge Porn, that is to use pornography as a tool of revenge has a definition anyone can look up on the web in comparison to the old days in the 70's 80's & 90's when (to my knowledge) the term wasn't in popular use. Look to the right of this paragraph for the definitions to the concept of "revenge porn" which is sure to mystify any & all mid-Michigan... cops I've personally met & interviewed.
"I believe you, sort of"
In Bay City Michigan the... cOPS have a copspeak term called "it". Examples in conversation? Sure.
"You just want to get away with it".
"I'm sure you're only here to report a crime so you can get away with "it".
"I wont help you even though I know part of your story is true because I'm not sure what parts you may be guilty of & I don't want you to get away with "it".
What is "it"? I asked after being rejected thusly many a time.
I asked the... cops to describe "it" & they never answered "it" outright once, only cryptically.
Best I could tell is "it" is a nebulous & all-covering copspeak term that defines real or imaginary crimes? Just a guess as not a single mid-Michigan... cop I ever met explained the term to my satisfaction once.
Sooooo... picture me walking into the... cOPSHOP & enduring an armed interrogation by... cops (Note: I said interrogation & not filing a Police report which was my intention when I entered the building unsummoned & on my own to report a crime or crimes against me on my time). The... cOPS tell me to come back later. So I do.
The... cOP in charge of said investigation tells me they believe me. Well, not entirely believe me.
So I asked the... cOPS to explain themselves? What did they mean?
So the... cOPS explained themselves in great detail. "I believe parts of your story". They believed all the bad parts. But as for being stalked, as for my accusations? As for anyone else being involved like a stalker or stalkers? They didn't believe any of that part. They had individual stories at this point. Some figured I made up accusers to deflect suspicion from myself. Apparently it's a commonly used criminal tactic & they weren't going to fall for my pathetic song and dance. They told me they figured I was solely guilty of all the bad parts of my story & just trying to deflect blame from myself by accusing others. They figured that, based on the things I claimed I'd done on drugs as a consequence of torture, drugs, & deprivation were just acts I'd committed & they were NOT going to fall for a story like mine. I was clearly a scumbag's scumbag & all I'd done was gained their attention & one of these days they were going to catch me now that I'd been fool enough to expose myself by telling them such ludacris lies.
Some told me they intended to warn their fellow... cOPS about how much of a scumbag I was based on believing only parts of my allegations.
They told me that now they were going to watch me now that they knew I was such a murderous & all around general scumbag.
But the parts about being stalked? About the rapes? The tortures & deprivations? They told me they didn't believe a word of it.
They said they were going to watch me. "It's only a matter of time until we catch you". Several of them assured me.
Interview in·ter·view /ˈin(t)ərˌvyo͞o/ noun
a meeting of people face to face, especially for consultation.
hold an interview with (someone).
"he arrived to be interviewed by a local TV station about the level of unemployment"
'the alleged victim questioned the... cops with so many questions he felt comfortable using the words "interviewing my interrogators" describing his side of the chat".
"You seem like a nice guy to me"
"I'm not feeling the killer vibe from you"
The... cops told me. You came in here all calm & respectful. & presented your case in a calm & thoughtful manner. That's prof you are lying".
"My religion requires me to respect authority".
It's proof you are lying".
The... cops told me over & over my entire life... you're too calm, too respectful. If you were telling the truth you wouldn't treat us respectfully".
Actually I've found their attitudes confusing. In my mind how does how the... cops treat me affect how I should act? I guess if I could answer that questions to within the social tolerances they expect of crime victims there wouldn't be any problem?
"You're on drugs"
A couple of times I literally escaped from my captors & went straight to the Police.
Sooooooooooooooooo... picture me walking into the... cOPSHOP all high & R.E.M. sleep deprived.
The... cOPS tell me I'm high on drugs. This may be after or before I complain about it.
The... cops tell me I can go home now. My being on drugs means everything I said can be ignored. It's good cOP Work 101.
"You seem delirious to me".
Yes I did in my opinion. I explained as best that I could through the drugs & deprivations, past the horrors of both my recent ordeal & my past ordeals, & told them... cOPS they were right. I was delerious, I indeed had just been pushed to the limits of the human psyche... again & I wasn't at my best at the moment. It's actually part of my complaint I was attempting to file at that moment.
Picture me ejected by said... cops....
What can a drugged & R.E.M. Sleep deprived stalking victim say or do at that moment? Tell me oh wise ones? Tell me.
Picture me walking out as ordered. Head hung low.
Picture a... cOP or 2 intercepting me (years apart). "You left when we ordered you to. That's proof you were lying". Apparently truth-telling real victims wont leave when threatened by... cOPS.
Me? I explained that my religion demands I respect authority. I complain about how if I didn't leave when commanded AND the... cOPS started "something" how poorly I'd look in court & asked them who would believe me then?
Convenient logic maybe they noted. But I wasn't fooling anyone.
How do I know why the... cOPS dismissed me?
A fair question in my opinion. Here's the answer Sirs.
From my youth I had a habit I usually observed when dismissed by... cops. After my dismissal I usually turned around as I left & asked them point blank. "Could I ask what your official reason for dismissing me is"?
Just about every single... cop who ever dismissed me explained why they'd just dismissed me in great detail.
"My Reliable Informant said he's lying"
also applies to:
Replace lying with: cheating one of "them", being punished by the gang, crazy, lying & crazy, trying to sell a scam, trying to get revenge by...
This is typically a 2nd day dismissal type. I go into the... copshop, explain the crimes committed against me, then the... cops tell me to come back tomorrow.
Sooooo.... I return on day 2. Immediately the assembled... cops tell me, I am to be dismissed without even the courtesy of a written police report.
So I ask why? It seemed liked a reasonable question to me?
They explain. "I have a reliable informant & they told me...
In mid-Michigan the moment you hear the words "Reliable" followed by "Informant" You are probably about to hear one of several scenarios. Listed in no particular order.
1) A known dirty... cop (By known I mean I know they are dirty, likely due to their crimes I've observed in action) says his reliable informant has called me a liar. or maybe this time they've called me... one of "them". A card-carrying member of the gang. The usual scenario being the organized crime gang is coming down hard on me, because I'm a scumbag who deserves punishment (a pervert's pervert or scumbag's scumbag) & the gang has promised to deal with me harshly. Since I'm such a scumbag perv letting the gang have their way with me is a worse punishment than I could get in prison, so that paragon of virtue dirty... cop suggests they ignore my police report & let the gang have their way with me. Other... cops unfailingly agree & I'm booted out of the... copshop to face my just punishment.
2) Later the gang will brag they spoon fed the easily gulled... cop information. A little at a time, made them earn it through sly investigation they carefully choreographed. Duh Jerk might even submit that he could say everything the... cop said. as HE spoon-fed the information to the... cop who would never believe that 10-20 people were involved in giving him subtill tidbits of information. though if I wished I could tell that... cop later.
3) A random reliable informant simply lies about me. From what I understand the gang offers a bounty to help against me & even all the other "Kids Anyone Can Hit" that Idiot & Overly Skeptic... cops litter America's prisons & asylums with. Let alone the dirty... cops who the 2 groups suspect exist, but not around here (no matter where you are). "I know this guy & he's been a reliable source of information in the past".
"So officer you're telling me that you absolutely positively know this guy has a criminal record (I asked) & works in organized crime & you're taking his word over mine, someone who has no criminal record"?
"That's exactly what I'm saying".
4) The... cops may as well have said the following. "All hail the spoken word of the reliable informant". "ALL HAIL". Hear ye now the blessed words of yon most reliable informant, the title reliable being NOT applied to the person filing a police report". "ALL HAIL THE SPOKEN WORD OF THE RELIABLE ONE". "Yeah, THE RELIBLE ONE, he who is employed in organized crime, he who engages in the most vile perversions, he who is dedicated to lies & scams, has said we should ignore the accused & has spoken a reason" "ALL HAIL THE RELAIBLE ONE'S TESTIMONY".
I'd bet a double digit percentage of those... cops literally imagined a halo over the informant's head as they spoke. Complete with angelic background music too.
5) Honorable Mention: A few... cops told me their reliable informant were a step above the normal in gang informants. "My Reliable Informant is just a friend of theirs, not in the gang". Thus, as explained, is a morally superior informant.
"So the fact that your reliable informant hangs out with a bunch of perverts who are in organized crime isn't a red flag to you"? I had to ask.
"No". The... cops knew the informant, they were someone the... cops knew they could trust, as for me? They just met me, so too bad for me.
You brought this on yourself...
Sooooo there I was, my pants down around my ankles strapped butt up to a table with the fluids of a dozen perverts dripping from my thighs. The gang was preparing to clean up the crime-scene. Duh Jerk & his Jocks talked about returning me home. Armed Jocks were everywhere & he was counseling them on extra precautions he felt would keep his Jock Team safe while dealing with me.
Me? I engaged Duh Jerk in conversation & asked him why all the security for lil ole me?
"We have to. You always fight so we always have to have extra security on you".
He went on about they joys of all of his other victims. They'd all given up long ago & just laid back & enjoyed the kidnappings & rapes that became downright enjoyable at times now that they were cooperating. Sure they were all burned in the end, he knew that I knew as much, but they had some really enjoyable times submitting to Duh Jerk & his Illuminati Gang up & until the gang lowered the boom on their victims in the end & did away with them legally.
He said it was my fault he had to treat me like a jerk. "You always resist". "If you wouldn't resist we wouldn't have to take all these extra precautions with you". He noted that with many of his victims they didn't even need armed guards, just a couple of unarmed Jocks to act as glorified bouncers if someone got out of line. "You brought this on yourself by always resisting". He actually tried to reason with me to submit. "You'd like it better". Better than the horror show they inflict as a matter of business on those who do not submit.
Besides he explained. It could be pleasurable. As a rule once his many victims had become obedient he threw in a film or 2 that were the victim's fantasy. It'd be quite enjoyable if I'd submit to a few gross films first. Then he promised I could make some fantasy films, even hang out with him & his guys in enjoyable social settings that admittedly will be designed to destroy me. But at least it'd be fun for a short season until the gang dropped the legal boom down on me.
Me? I was still high on their drug(s?) & I had an I'm not changing my ways & submitting to scum like you guys conversation with him.
"You brought this on yourself by always resisting".
For the record. I ain't submitting.
TRIVIA: This is NOT an exhaustive list of all the reasons that... cops gave me for dismissing me. There's lots more reasons. This is a list of reasons where the... cops told me that at that time that particular lone reason was the sole reason that they were dismissing me. at that time. A complete list of other times I went to the... copshop & the... cops gave me multiple reasons for dismissing me would be much longer & if cross-referenced to indicate popular dismissal combination reasons it would merit it's own page.
"This happened days ago"
"We made a deal"
"You just want sympathy"
"See the shaking? You're a coward"
"The way a lot of... cops explain it to me is that if I lived through "The Gym" I must be sumperhuman. Any weakness or human fraility of any sort reported by myself means I'm a liar, there's no other possible logical conclusion".
"If you lived through all that you must be the __(biggest, baddest, toughest, bravest, whatever, their words, not mine)__ in the world".
Thus, by logical deduction if even a single point of my story falls short, fails to live up to the narrative, I must be a liar. PERIOD!
"I'm not getting involved in your religion"
"Make no mistake. The gang has told me since I was a few weeks old that what they were doing to me was because of my religion"- David A. George
Blessed are ye, when men shall revile you, and persecute you, and shall say all manner of evil against you falsely, for my sake. Rejoice, and be exceeding glad: for great is your reward in heaven: for so persecuted they the prophets which were before you.
Picture me walking into the... copshop. I file a Police Report with the courteous Police Officers. Eventually, the conversation turns to. "About what time did this happen?
I answer truthfully. "About 3 days ago".
"Three days ago"? After expressing disbelief the... cops order me to leave based on the fact that I was lying & just got caught in my lies. "Why didn't you come straight to the Police station"? In my opinion they worded it like it was a reasonable question.
In my opinion I gave the... cops a reasonable answer worded, like usual, respectfully. I told them because 3 days ago I was on serious drugs & that due to the drugs & the sleep deprivation it was all I could do to keep my wits about me. I was in no condition to walk through traffic let alone answer one of their armed interrogation sessions mentally or physically. I was drifting in & out of being lucid. I'd been in that situation before & I knew that no... cop in all the world will give a semi-lucid drugged & sleep-deprived victim the time of day. Any & all statements I had to say would be dismissed & merely used as evidence against me (just ask them, ALL Police will angrily protest that part isn't true because it couldn't be true, they are all way too good at their jobs but it is in fact unfailingly true in my experience, yeah, I said experience to date). So I went home to sleep it off & once I judged myself to be in reasonable control of my faculties I went speedilly to the Police Station. "I just slept for 3 days".
The uniformed on duty... cops heard me out. Then they told me that their Police Department had "made a deal" with the local rapist gang. In exchange for information on the gang's worst offenders & an agreement to limit the horrors they inflict on society to a select few victims the... cops had agreed to look the other way. "We let them have a few people in exchange for the public peace". The gang regularly gives them tips on the area's worst criminals & it was a fine way to rid the area of it's most dangerous offenders. Particularly the few really bad apples in the gang who popped up from time to time. It gave the gang an avenue to rid itself of any really bad people. It was all win/win for the Police & the gang. So I had to buck up, grit my teeth, & prepare "to take one for the team".
Sure it meant a lifetime of rape & torture for me, but it was a price they were willing to pay.
Some gave me (& I'll bet my fellow victims too) the advice to just give it up, lay back & enjoy the filmed rapes. Enjoy the drugs. They offered me money? A job? Why not accept what the gang has to offer because resisting them isn't working out too well for me in their opinions because the only thing accusation is going to get me is the local... cops coming down hard on me to protect their criminal alliance.
Perhaps the most baffling of all of my rejections & it happened a bunch of times, particularly when I was a child. The assembled... cop mocking or dismissing party would announce I was being dismissed & then explained why. "You just want sympathy"?
The 1st bunch of times I heard it it confused me. Why? Because sympathy was the least of the reasons I ever went to a... cop for.
When I asked them to define it I never did get straight answers. Apparently most... cops believe that the quality of the sympathy they offer is so awesome feeling that of course someone like I would crave it. It's only logical.
After the 1st dozen times or so of hearing it I came up with a comeback. "Exactly what kind of sympathy do you imagine I want"?
Picture entire rooms filled with laughing... cops laughter coming to a screeching halt (literally). "What"?
"Tell me. What kind of sympathy do you think I think you'll give me? Do you suppose I think you'll cradle me in your bosom while I gently weep"?
Defensively they said. "No". But they stuck to that story. It was sympathy. A false sympathy that I craved from them. To bask in it's warm glow I'd suppose? I'm guessing here because I have no... cop sympathy in my life to compare it to?
For the record I'm not sure what... cop sympathy is like except as a theory? For the record let me add this with all due respect to any doubting... cops. Keep your sympathy to yourself Sirs. Your sympathy is not requested nor am I soliciting it. Sirs.
Sooooo... picture a large group of uniformed & onduty... cops breaking up a fight where half a dozen or more gang bangers or irregulars attack me in front of them. There are no arrests because all the real "victims" in the room's stories match perfectly. Only strange in that they just matched perfectly in a completely different was just a few minutes ago. In short, they lied at the start & they lied again.
The... cops tell me there will be no arrests, not for a scumbag like me based on the gang's lies.
Me? I complain that they dismissed me as a liar when I came in telling me I wasn't hurt enough to believe that I'd fought so large a gang AND had no proof there was a gang. Then they saw me fight the gang for at least a minute, there was nary a mark on me. Now THEY changed their stories after their felony assault on me in the Bay County Law Enforcement Center. AND now they were dismissing me? Why?
One of the... cops noted I was shaking... a lot! Worse than just about any coward they'd ever seen in fact. They informed me my story couldn't be true because with how much I was shaking I was obviously a coward. The... cops in the room all agreed. "Look at how bad you are shaking. You must be the biggest coward around".
It's been a problem my entire life actually. Once my adrenaline starts pumping I usually shake uncontrollably. Fear or not.
I explained I'd read lots of tales of brave men in bad situations & they all said they were scared. Me too.
"That's just the type of thing a coward would say".
"But I just fought a dozen guys in front of you".
"Yeah, but look at how bad you're shaking".
Actually my entire childhood my family would tease me after the many fights they forced me to fight. They'd tell me mockingly that I hadn't won even if the other guys were beaten to a pulp. "Look at how bad you're shaking. You're a coward. That means you lost".
For the record I cant explain why I shake so much during many of my (but not all) high-stress situations.
Go figure huh?
I heard this one a whole bunch of times. I didn't give it it's own categorey because until now (9-15-23) I always lumped it in with other dismissal types. This one happens almost exclusively after a... cop or... cops have told me they would investigate my claims. "Come back tomorrow". The next day I'd show up at the... copshop & they'd tell me they had the real scoop on me. Derived either from what the accused retorted to my accusations or they'd seen "the films" & bought the gang's lies. The gang & now them... cops accused me thusly. "You're one of them". Going on to accuse me of being a member of the gang & often it's Satanic Religion. Usually they told me that the gang bragged I was one of "them". That I'd screwed up as of late. Sure the gang was scumbags, the... cops agreed, but the gang accused me of being a scumbag's scumbag. That I was in the middle of being punished for my scumbaggery (I made that word up, is it a word?) & trying to manipulate the... cops to get out of my just punishment. It usually came with a promise that the gang would come down hard on me & if the... cops did nothing the gang would punish me much worse than I could look forward to in prison. "Go out there & face your punishment. I'm not getting involved with your sick religion".
2 Corinthians 11:14
14 And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light.
"You said they were child-molesters"
The Author of this website addressing the Wise Police reading this:
Let's take off the kid gloves & the rose-colored glasses for a moment, shall we? The wise know that that the worst criminal gangs almost universally use filmed acts of pedophilia or filmed cts of violence against children by their own members to blackmail them so they can never turn on the gang. This is a statement of fact. Indeed, saying filmed pedophilia was thrust upon me is not the exception but the rule with the worst of the worst criminal cartels.
That all being true don't put your rose-colored glasses back on & tell me that pedophiles are a bunch of nice, but misunderstood folks & ascribe them some sort of get out of jail free innocence that surely all pedophiles have. They are in fact, the worst of the worst criminals & I know the wise know that.
The intro is an exact quote & I heard it so many times that if these entries were in order of occurrence it'd be near the top. Sometimes giggling, sometimes with serious looks on their faces, when I asked why I was dismissed the... cops told me. "Because you accused child-molesters".
I was aghast so I asked them to explain themselves. Popular answers listed below.
1: "You said they were child-molesters"? To them I was accusing a group of pedophiles of serious crimes. The... cops told me, in so many words, that they ascribed a child-like innocence to pedophiles. "Do you know how I know you're lying"? "You accused a child-molester & I know for a fact that child-molesters love children & would never hurt one". In fact I heard it so many times and exactly word for word like that that I figure there's good odds it's a trained response given to Dirty... cops & their sick counterparts the Child-Molester Apologist... cops during what the gang calls a routine acting training session.
2: I heard this a lot when I became an adult. "You said they were child-molesters? You ain't no child". Then them... cops went on to explain that they know child-molesters are exclusively attracted to children. That means they'd by their very nature "stay in their lane".
The more I explained that the gang brag some of them don't care who or what they rape, man, woman, boy, girl, beast or appliance the more the... cops dismissed me as though I spoke fairy tales to them of a group of perverts. As though they were fool enough to believe that a criminal pervert might entertain more than one perversion. My lies were exposed by logic & I was unfailingly ejected from any & all such... copshops.
3: "But you said they were child-molesters". The way many... cops explained it to me was that they figured child-molesters were simple-minded, almost child-like in their innocence & demeanor & the fact that I was accusing a pedophile of serious crimes & of having an adult & organized mentality to approaching crime was too much for their minds to handle. It was all an impossibility.
When I asked those... cops to describe how they thought pedophiles treated their victims they ascribed to them innocence, & imagined a fluffy world of kind & innocent indulgence. Probably their fantasy of the subject I'd suppose. The more I explained the harsh reality of the logistics of the child-molesting culture the more they shook their heads & dismissed me.
Experience ex·pe·ri·ence/ˌikˈspirēəns/ noun verb
encounter or undergo (an event or occurrence).
"the company is experiencing difficulties"
"the alleged victim said he had experience in the given situation because of multiple occasions where... cops had dismissed him based on his being delirious because he was sleep deprived and on drugs".
It's 2-27-22 & I'm typing this & I was inspired to count the number of dismissals on this page alone. 39.
39 times I was dismissed from the Police Stations. Thirty nine. A three followed by a nine. 3 to the 10th power with the number 9 added to it. A number somewhere between 38 & 40.
Worse? I heard many of these dismissal types several times over the half century plus of my life.
Thoity nyne, neununddreißig, treinta y nueve, trente-neuf, thirty nine, 39.
In disgust I'm going to stop writing this website today.
Disgust dis·gust /disˈɡəst/ noun
a feeling of revulsion or strong disapproval aroused by something unpleasant or offensive.
"the sight filled her with disgust"
cause (someone) to feel revulsion or profound disapproval.
"I was disgusted with myself for causing so much misery"
"After the 1st dozen times"? Can a single one of you... cops fathom how much I had to endure to make that statement a true statement? Can you?
Yeah, I said it. Whatever...
"You always fight"... "Aren't you glad we brought so many guys"?
I'll always remember the time in the back yard of an auto scrap yard I got in a knock down draggem out fight with about 20 teenagers who were about age 18 (or so Duh Jerk bragged when I asked him, he said it was their High School Graduation Initiation, an event where I allegedly have participated many times over the all to few decades of my short life.
For a time there Duh Jerk liked to have only 1 revolver present at his kidnappings & carried by a child in case the Police should show up. I wrestled the gun from one of them & the fight was on for it. In my opinion the fight lasted much longer than would normally be possible against so large a group because they chose to make getting the pistol their focus in the fight. My focus was hurting as many of them as I could. And I did just that. Guy after guy dropped out with a busted this, or broken that, or whatever (I don't recall many specifics, the fight was so intense & I was on serious drugs & had been long time sleep deprived & hadn't eaten in a long time & was dehydrated, as if the situation before me wasn't difficult enough already. There was a lot of whining & threatening afterwards).
I felt my strength waning, I realized that there were too many guys hands on the pistol for me to realistically use the last of my strength hoping to get control of it. So I shot the bullets off harmlessly into the ground.
When the ammo was spent a lot of the guys let go of the pistol & I quickly gained control of it & pistol whipped several of them forcing them to forma circle. Some broke off & tended to the more seriously wounded while Duh Jerk stood smiling as much or more than I'd ever seen him smile while ordering his backup team to ignore traffic laws & get there as fast as possible no matter how dangerous it was & no matter how many cops were following them because he was getting Dirty Cop himself to call ahead & deflect any Police from their travel route (normally I wouldn't be able to hear such chatter, but we did spend a long time wrestling over the revolver & Duh Jerk stood close by, a pair of 10 year old children held his, then, very bulky cell phone & it's associated case that made the then high-tech device work).
While we all sucked in wind, them in a large circle around me one of them suggested that he had a lot of bullets on him & that they should attack me before I got a chance to rest & make wrestling the pistol their main focus & just shoot me. Why he argued to Duh Jerk? Because with all the bodies around, they were losing.
Me? I thought. "Good plan". So when Duh Jerk gave his blessings I threw the pistol as far as I could into the dark & empty grass field nearby. Duh Jerk sent the children & a few of the guys into the dark field to find the revolver.
The fight was on. A draw. Thus far & we all stood around having expended our 2nd winds. The gang bangers remarking that they couldn't believe that I'd taken out so many of them.
By this time Duh Jerk was standing on the edge of a much smaller group of about 6 or so guys who all were breathing hard. Me included & was saying over & over. "Where are they"? & "They should be hear any second". "Just keep him here they should be here any second".
Several big cars filled to the brim with young troops roared into the back of the scrapyard.
Still gasping with the others I declined Duh Jerk's offer to surrender & they'd go easier on me & announced I'd rather fight to the end. Being that they were going to kill me anyway.
"Nobody's going to kill you". He tried to assure me.
He didn't make me feel any better when he said that.
I ask the Reader this? The fighters from the School of Hard Knocks will appreciate what I've got to say here. The rest, probably not so much? Have you ever begun a fight outnumbered over 20 to 1 against fresh trained fighters when you had just expended your 2nd wind? By expended your 2nd wind I mean that completely quivering state of energy in your body when there is literally no gas left in the tank. The last ounces of your strength have faded for the 2nd time & it's taking all of your might to stand?
What happened? We fought. I lost. It didn't take long.
Any... cOPS reading this? You do insult me AND the dead if you dare say:
"Either that or you are a coward & you killed all those people for the gang because you're a coward & I'm not helping a coward get away with killing all those people".
"You always fight. It's expected". - Duh Jerk
"You said your rapists were unethical"
"We know this area's rapists & they aren't like that". The... cops said. They've arrested the bad apples long ago & the rapist community sends the... cops their worst apples (via sending them damning evidence) & the... cops dispose of them for the good of the community. PERIOD! Any other opinion is just lies. There is no other possible logical deduction.
They explained they knew the rapists were pests & it sucked being pursued by them. But they were a bunch of good ole boys & really didn't hurt anybody. Strictly catch & release with barely a scratch or a bruise on their victims. SO I should just buck up because all that sex & drugs, I should quit resisting & enjoy the ride.
For the record. I refuse the offers always.
Always al·ways [ˈôlˌwāz] ADVERB
at all times; on all occasions:
"the sun always rises in the east"
throughout a long period of the past:
"she had always been an obstinate sort"
for all future time; forever:
"she will always be missed"
as a last resort; failing all else:
"if the marriage doesn't work out, we can always get divorced"
"You said they were unethical"

Today is 10-26-23 & It's almost a certainty I'll be drugged tonight & likely sodomized.
Ethical gangs. PHHHT!
I found this dismissal type bewildering at best. I make my report & the... cops tell me straight up I'm a liar with no investigation. So I asked them why? Then they proceeded to tell me in great detail.
It seems I was accusing the gang, or just child-molesters in general of some heinous unethical activity. They'd all met a lot of child-molesters (queue the music from "The Rapist Safety Dance here) & in general they were fairly harmless & definitely unorganized. Nerds at best & misguided perverts that were safe to ignore in general as they weren't "that bad" generally. Being that their only major vice (as they saw it) was they want to bring pleasure to children.
I told them... cops that the gang's leaders are not so friendly towards children as they imagine. They see children, their bodies, & even their minds as a resource to be exploited. I often asked. "How do you think those child-molesting paragons of virtue treat children they've molested when they go to the cops & won't shut up"?
Cop after... cop looked at me bewildered at that question. Few dared answer & chose to say. I don't know. But I know they wouldn't hurt a child because child-molesters love children & they would never do anything to harm one".
I disagreed. When they asked me why I disagreed & based on what I told them based on having grown up in the child-molesting community & seen the hellhole of indoctrination & abuse inflicted on children by even the best intentioned of the madmen & perverts I'd been forced to me because of their inaction & disbelief that they had the wrong opinion about their "local child-molesters". I put the quotes in the last sentence because many a... cop told me they knew the people I accused were child-molesters & even that some were rapists.
I had a few... cops tell me that I should buck up. Sure, the gang practiced a form of catch & release rape which was illegal. But I should just lean back & take all the free drugs & enjoy the ride was their advice.
I told them no. From my youth I told them no. Let that sentence sink in Reader. FROM MY YOUTH I SAID I WOULD NOT LET THE GANG KIDNAP & RAPE ME DESPITE MID-MICHIGAN... COP ADVICE TO THE CONTRARY.
The way I see it, in my opinion, I see the many many many armed interrogations I endured & barely escaped with my health & freedom intact as imprisonment. I invite the Reader to picture an hour or 2 for each Police Interrogation / threatfest. Then just the combined dismissals on this page alone represents weeks of imprisonment (I wasn't free to go, I was threatened, I had guys with guns all around me) & all but outright torture (surely mental cruelty at least) inflicted on me. Consider that these incidents occurred AFTER the horror show scenes I was there to complain about where other armed me just had their way with me too.
"You would beat me up"
Written small to daze & confuse dirty... cOPS...
Soooo... there I was. Standing in the Bay City... cOPSHOP (this is pretty much exclusively a Bay City... cOP thing) & stating my case. You know, setting the basis for my upcoming interrogation & threatening session. usually mixed with legal & illegal threats to my freedom, safety, & health!
Well, while standing there the... cops challenge me to a fight. Daring me to hit them to prove myself. "If you're so tough you could beat me up" Or it's more dangerous cousin. "If you're as tough as you say you could beat us all up".
Usually the boundary between legal & illegal is crossed here by the... cOPS or is about to... like this.
I've always known that if you talk about battle, some braggarts & doubters will get "froggy". Leaping & making real or fake blows to instigate a fight or to make a point or both.
SWISH! The Uniformed on duty Bay City cOPS (note my use of the letter "S" in cOPS, this has happened multiple times) takes a swing at me & misses on purpose. "There you go! That's proof that you're not tough. If you were as tough as you say you'd have blocked that". Or. "You'd have just now beat me up for doing that to you".
The sick part? I was about 8 when I 1st endured this. I responded. "I've always had a hard time blocking punches & kicks that wont hit. It makes it almost impossible to shadow box with someone".
Soooooo... the... cOPS around us all agree. That I would've blocked the blow. Others said I would've beaten the... cOP up, maybe even beat them all up for their rough treatment of me.
I asked them what my life might be like if I'd laid hands on said Officers who'd taken a swing at me? Even if just to defend myself because I felt threatened?
They ALL (all being a quantity of 100%) that I'd be in jail right now for Assaulting an Officer.
So I asked them... cOPS to arrest my assaulter who'd just assaulted me in front of a large group of... cOPS. They refused. When I asked why the double standard they said if I had defended myself it'd prove I was a dangerous & violent person who needed to be taken off the streets. But when THEY did it to me that was just good police work.
They call it Justice. Bay City... cOP style!
By far the most distasteful type of dismissial for one major incredibly glaring reason. Anytime a... cop hears about violence on or with... cops they IMMEADIATELY assume the victim is to blame. They IMMEADIATELY assume that it was the victim who 1st brought the concept of violence into the cop/victim relationship, oops, I mean cop/cigtizen they swore to protect relationship indicates that the... cop's victim is to be treated with suspicion. By logical deduction the victim has already crossed the violence threshhold part of the exchange & can be assumed to be violent or a liar (ain't all violent perps liars too? It's only logical) and thus it is justified to treat them accordingly. PERIOD! END OF DEBATE SCUMBAG! DON'T MAKE ME GET OUT MY NITESTICK!
Okay, now that I've foolishly voiced my apprehension in bringing up the subject lets dive in. Picture me during a full... cop interrogation that has spawned from my foolish act of trying to file a Police Report (yeah, I have been THAT stupid)? The... cops are threatening my health & freedom, demanding rapid-fire answers in a room full of... cops where I'm barraged from all directions with vile insults & often insane & absurd accusations. You know, a typical Bay City Law Enforcement Officer Day.
In the midst of the threats one of the... cops stops the verbal assault & announces I'm a liar & they can prove it. A hush falls over the room & we all listen. I listen respectfully as always.
"I can prove he's a liar. If you were half as tough as you say you are you would beat me up for saying that to you". His peers all nod in agreement of his wisdom. With the cruel way they've been treating me I'd just beat the gang up, & then beat the... cops up too just because I could. Anything less is just some wannbee liar trying to make a rep for himself that he doesn't deserve. It's only logical.
Me? What do you say to that? I ask you, what do you say to that in a crowded police station surrounded by... cops? What do you say to that in a crowded police station surrounded by... cops when you hear it as a child for the 1st time?
Frankly, the thought of violence on innocents abhors me. It drains my strength & ruins my battle resolve. It violates the laws of God & man & it's something I don't do lightly or casually. Have I had bad days? Yeah. Have I been pushed to the edge of madness & released into society & filmed by madmen time & again who were eager to see what I'd do or what they might provoke me to do... on film? A lot. Yeah.
I explained to them... cops that in my heart of hearts I'm a pacifist. Always was. Many... cops & even civilians seem to confuse the term pacifist with the concept of being willing to fight back. They see the 2 as diametrically opposed when in fact my religion requires both. It says to turn the other cheek. It says that vengeance isn't mine to hand out & it never was. It is the sole area of the Living God & his area & that's that period end of conversation.
Besides all that I told them. If I or anyone else felt they could beat someone up that does not give them license to do so. Especially for the pathetic reason of proving oneself to "some random... cop in a copshop. Plus, seriously? Attack a... cop in the midst of a bunch of... cops? Who'd be so stupid.
I perceive there is no part of this dismissal type (that I only heard a few times) that is not detrimental to my safety, health, & freedom &n it's with dread & apprehension that I report it.
I figured there was a good possibility that the above was just a few dirty... cops fishing for a provocation sure to get them reward from their gang masters & a big medal from their superiors. Probably on film.
"Child-Molesters are too honorable to do that"

"Most (queue the Rapist Safety Dance Music on a 4 hour loop for the true effect) said they had a working relationship with the child-molesting community as a whole & knew who was who & who the bad apples were & they'd already been arrested or were about to be & I was wrong"

"You'd be bragging more"
"If it was me's cousin excuse"
In the past I brought up the fact of how I see reporting all "this" to the... cops.
Imagine you're at the edge of a lake & it's literally ice cold. So you prepare yourself for the shock of entry into the water. Steel yourself. Prepare yourself. You get ready. This is going to be awful. You know it is. You hem, you haw, you gather your intestinal fortitude, you summon the hutzpah. Then... you dive in.
You've only got so much energy based on the soul-chilling horror you're diving into headfirst.
Now, lets put this into "Copspeak". I stand outside the jail where I'll willingly enter filled with armed men, many of whom, if they testified truly, would admit felonious threats on me, & outright frame jobs in full view of their peers. I'll tell my story & get raked over the colas. Threats to my health & freedom float freely around the room. Soon I come to realize that at certain points I'm a single misspoken word from life in prison. Maybe even execution & I knew when I entered their station & trusted... "them" that even best case who knows how long I could sit in a cell at the mercy of every dirty... cop the gang's money can inspire.
"You'd be bragging more". The... cOPS all agree with each other. It's 100% proof unto itself I can be dismissed, no investigation needed.
"Ummmm... no thanks. I just want it all to end".
James 4:6 “But he giveth more grace. Wherefore he saith, God resisteth the proud, but giveth grace unto the humble.”
James 4:10 - Humble yourselves in the sight of the Lord, and he shall lift you up.
I asked them... cops if they were Christians & whenever I asked 100% of them told me they were (I only asked a few times). I told them my religion requires me to be humble. Bragging about it just isn't something I'm allowed to do.
The self-professed Christian... cOPS told me I made a good point, but there was one flaw to my point that was both proof I was a liar AND that my story did not require any investigation. "If I fought, hurt, maimed, or killed that many people I'd be bragging about it to anyone who would listen".
:You said they were high-tech, giggle"

"Who us? We'd never do that to him".
"Not in my City".

"Not in my State".
This is one of the top dismissal type I've encountered es& at 1st I thought to simply lump it in with the "Because no one would do that" dismissals but it later occurred to me that it is in fact it's own category & a major category at that.
Sooooo... picture a room full of uniformed... cops standing around their posts in the... cOPSHOPS. They hear me out (most less then the few, but I digress), then they announce there's no need to investigate anything I say for a single reason. "No child-molester would do that". I heard it a lot & the sentence is by far one of the most word for word quotes that I recall. Besides what may be the top quote. "Because no one would do that".
Picture me standing there amazed & asking them to explain themselves?
Just about all of them chose to explain themselves in great detail at that point. Often I heard that they knew the local child-molesting community well, most (yes I used the word most) said they worked with the child-molesting community a lot & knew who was who & who the bad apples were & they'd already been arrested or were about to be & I was wrong. They'd often (metaphorically) point out how shiny their badges were, their accomplishments, years of experience, & experiences with child-molesters they met. They, in so many words assigned child-molesters child-like innocence. Many telling me straight up that child-molesters are ALL child-minded & would never do anything unethical & certainly never hurt a child or least of all an adult. Being that ALL the child-molesters they met were all penitent wimps incapable of anything violent or unethical, except sexually exploiting children who are all basically "very lucky children" in their opinions.
Thus by logical deduction my story couldn't be true. Thus I was a liar who could leave NOW or be prosecuted for Criminal Trespass. Period! Case closed. Cops congratulate each other on their fine police work. What? You're still here? GO! NOW!
Once, as I was leaving the... cOPSHOP in humiliation the on duty Officers called me back to their desks to tell me they'd believe accusations against Santa Clause before they'd give my accusations of local child-molesters doing anything unethical whatsoever (because they knew them well) the time of day.
Initially I planned to bunch this one into the "If it was me I'd" category. The one where the... cops dismiss me & say they can prove, yes "PROVE" I'm a liar.
Me? Since I'm telling the truth, the whole truth, & nothing but the truth that's a trick I'd like to see.
Sooo the... cops start talking. What would "they" do if what was happening to me happened to them?
The answer soon turns to. If it was me... they'd believe me, but...
This is the most sick, disgusting, pathetic version of it. It merits it's own category. Like this.
The... cops ask me what they consider the next logical question. "So how many people did you brag too"?
"Brag about what"? There's no part of my story I want to brag about. So I answer truthfully "No one".
"WHAT? If it happened to me I'd brag to everyone I could".
His peers all nod in approval. Surviving The Gym? Killing all those people? Beating up how many people? "If that was happening to me I'd be bragging to everyone". "If I killed that many people I'd tell everyone I could". Brag brag brag... gloat gloat gloat. The peers all nod in approval to each other. I could be dismissed.
It often led to what I suspect was the next logical question. Why don't you brag about it"
A fair question in my opinion. "My religion requires me to be humble".
When I became an atheist at 13 my answer changed for a decade or so. "Who'd want to brag about all that"? In my opinion the entire scene from beginning to end is horrible. I have always looked forward to the day where I testify in some real, non-drugged, non-deprived courtroom & had to testify to what happened. As if I look forward to that. Many of the people who attacked me over the years were vigilantes. With dread & horror I endured their verbal insults. With regret I beat many of them down telling them I agreed with them, in spirit. But I was innocent as far as I saw it. Some I agreed with. That was zero consolation as I beat them down in self-defense. I'm not stupid. Even if I won tomorrow 100% I know vigilantes in the gang will be inspired to attack me. There always have been. As if I want even more good, but misguided citizens attacking me.
Thee's a few flavors of this one. Listed below.
Soooo... I was about 19 & waltzed into the Bay City... cOPSHOP & tried to file a Police Report (Yes, I was that stupid) & explained myself to the Officers who seemed otherwise professional. Well, until I mentioned the Circa 1985 Cell Phone that Duh Jerk used to communicate with his troops.
The Police stopped the interview & told me I'd been caught lying. How so? By even mentioning a criminal, let alone a stalker, who I'm alleging was & is a child-molester would embrace technology & use the then ultra-high-tech device like a cell phone. It was a 3" x 8" solid box that was connected by a cord to a backpack briefcase device that he had strapped to the back of a teenager or carried as a briefcase. The... cops said the absurdity of what they cost to use per minute back then made my story unbelievable. NO child-molester could afford it.
Me? I pointed out there was big money to be made in child porn & from what I could see of it's use all Duh Jerk did was complain incessantly about how much it cost to use while using it. The... cops were not swayed & dismissed me.
It brought to mind Duh Jerk's bragging in Fall of 1976 when he tried to recruit me in his tax-payer-funded office during school business hours. "You should 'a heard our old timers brag about when they began using walkie talkies on our victims when they 1st came out". He bragged the... cops would say things like. "You may as well have said he used Buck Rogers spaceship & ray gun on you". While laughing. Laughing. He bragged that by embracing the latest off-the-shelf tech against their victims they made stories... cops found impossible to believe.
Years later I complained about being shot by the gang with tasers.
The... cops laughed me out of the... cOPSHOP saying. "You may as well have said they used Star Trek Phasers set to stun".
When I pointed out the tech was commercially available to anyone with the cash & noted that child-porn pays a large sum they laughed all the more.
I asked a few... cops. "What do you think they do with their money"?
Most said they didn't know & refused to venture a guess. A couple said. "I don't know. But they wouldn't do that". Remarking that in their opinion child-molesters were harmless & none too bright as a rule. The thought one of those child-minded but otherwise harmless perverts might have the smarts to embrace new technology was something they just couldn't mentally deal with.
What does this dismissal type mean in layman's terms? It means I'm damned if I report it, and damned if I don't. PERIOD!
DISCLAIMER: Note I'm not saying the gang specifically use these devices. ONLY that they are off the shelf new High-Tech & if the gang di use them they could do so with impunity, being that no child-molester has the brains to buy a hi-tech gizmo, let alone use it effectively.

Now picture the fact that in many of these dismissals I'm badly sleep deprived & recovering from weeks of gang rape & drugs & torture sessions & insane mind-bending skits.
Welcome to my world.
The gang are still out there. Do you doubt me? I can introduce them to you.
I assure you Reader, they are eager to meet you. Especially if I am involved.
Yeah, I had a comeback against this dismissal type,
I called them out and asked them just how well they knew the local child-molesting community? "You just said you've lived with them" I said to a few. Queue the music to the Rapist Safety Dance here because they changed their tune without fail when they looked at the serious looks on the faces of their peers. "I barely know them". Some immediately took back that sentence with the same breath when I pointed out it negated their past statement.

For the record: For nearly 10 years now the gang has bragged they stole secret high-tech versions of this & use them to stalk me.
I'm not saying they do, only that it's what several gang members have boasted to me.
Wandering around me in the night with impunity. A device that if siezed by... cops their power badges could instantly sieze rendering all of their enemies stories in court laughable. "Where's your evidence? Giggle"!

"They told me they are your buttbuddy"

My "Buttbuddies"
This one does kind'a blur in with "no one would do that" but hey, it does merit it's own section. No... cop every used the term buttbuddies during an investigation as a rule.
"They showed me films of you & them in romantic situations". The... cops swore that the gang's library of "best of" films was more than enough evidence for them to dismiss me. Case closed.
"But I told you that's the problem. They keep kidnapping me & filming me in porn with them & making child-porn".
"I know. They showed me the films [of you making child-porn]. You're just lucky they wouldn't give me them films or you'd be in a cell awaiting trial right now".
"Don't you think it's strange that they'd show you the films & not prosecute me? If I were 1/10th the scumbag they say I am wouldn't they just hand over their films & be done with me"?
"No". The... cops I met always gave the gang, or the guys they only knew as my buttbuddies (when dealing with... cops who said they didn't suspect a gang was involved) the benefit of the doubt.
Many threatened me. Both with legal AND illegal threats to my health & freedom. Then they dismissed me.
Many a... cop threatened me that they'd tell their peers about me & I'd never see justice in my life by the police if they had a say in it. Some threatening me in great detail that they'd thwart any attempt by me to get legal help for anything from the... cops for the rest of my life. Based on my obvious perverse lifestyle & choice of friends.
"They told me they were you friends. They brought in a family album with you & them in all sorts of pictures. Like at Christmas, at barbecues, on a boat". A well-documented buttbuddy experience I'm told.
"I have a theory"
"We have a theory"
"You always fight". Said the smiling madman Duh Jerk, often while chuckling. "It's expected". - Duh Jerk many many many many many many many many times
In a way I almost (I said "almost") respect this one. Almost. Did I mention almost?
Soooooo... picture me coming into the... cOPSHOP, the fluids of a score of perverts, victim/members, & proud member/victims & animals still on me (evidence that need NOT be investigated they'd brag) & trying to file a Police Report.
The... cOPS listen in, chat among themselves about it, & then deliver me their conclusion based on their training & experience. Sometimes after having sent me away & asking me to return the next day (now clean with the majority of evidence now lost, especially to the 80's & 90's Police Crime Investigative Technology when I 1st began to hear this).
Hmmmm... fair enough sounding so far? Right?
They told me they were dismissing me. & most or all told me that they had no intention of filing an "official" Police Report on the subject.
When I asked them why they explained themselves, in great detail.
The way they explained it to me was was after they investigated my claims they figured I was telling the truth, sort of. "I believe all the bad parts & we believe that you killed all those people for the gang".
My heart soared! Finally! Enough reason for an investigation. I just had to listen to what they had to say & convince them to pursue the investigation further, even if it meant my arrest!
The uniformed on duty... cOP at his post explained himself & the conclusions of his investigative team. He explained. "I have a theory".
Then they went on to explain why they wouldn't help me. "I think that you like to do that sort of stuff & you're using the gang kidnapping you as an excuse so you can kill all those people & we wont be a part of you getting away with it".
"Either that or you are a coward & you kill all those people for the gang because you're a coward & I'm not helping a coward get away with killing all those people".
I could no longer contain myself. "But my whole story is that I've fought & resisted them the whole time"! I explained that I had to endure unimaginable horror & I wanted them... cops to stop it!
The conversation often meandered to directions like. "You say that they drugged you". The... cOPS explained to me that, in their opinions they could fight off the effects of the ongoing kidnappings, drugs, sleep deprivations, & endure the rapes & tortures & come out of it smelling like 100% ethical... cOP roses. Since I hadn't I didn't deserve to be helped by them or anyone else. "You're getting what you deserve"?
I asked them. "Shouldn't I be arrested then"? It sounded logical to me. I gave the odds of my success as being very low, but I had to start somewhere.
"No. That might help you". Being that they didn't like me.
I often asked. "So which of them reasons is the official reason you're dismissing me"? It sounded like a reasonable question to me & I posed it to groups of uniformed on duty... cops at their posts many times.
The... cops often looked at each other & quickly disagreed with each other as to an "official reason". They argued among themselves & ended my interrogation (begun as Filing a Police Report, an act I came into the... cOPSHOP unsolicited for & without any criminal investigation , or charges pending or any Police involvement whatsoever, you know, like usual) telling me "I'm not sure what the reason is. It could be any of the theories we floated out there".
Sadly, me saying things like if you're not certain about which theory it is then surely there's some doubt to your theories? Wouldn't that mean that maybe I'm not the things you're calling me & that it'd be worth investigating my story?
"No". Some said it bluntly, others danced around the subject using a thousand words. But all ejected me from their... cOPSHOPS.

"Not in my State".
"Not in my America".

Bay City fBI
(not the rest of the FBI who I respect & admire)
Hey Bay City fBI!
Not since John List huh? You know guys, for the record, you guys derfed THAT one too. Check your own records. Just saying.
For trivia's sake I used to play, with My Buddy on the same block as the Bay City Michigan List home. Coincidences huh? They say Duh Jerk made it happen for reasons sure to dazzle & amaze mid-Michigan law-enforcement.
"My Cousin" boasted he was a "personal friend" of Mr. List & had aided him in his escape from law enforcement AND his placement in a good Devil-Worshipping neighborhood that would protect him.
I offer you law enforcement professionals a chance to redeem your record of constant losses & win one. Please Sirs?
"They don't look like killers to me"
"You don't look like a killer to me"
"Looks are everything". While no... cOP ever said that in 10,000 words or so many a uniformed on duty... cop at their post has told me that THIS is the silver standard of modern law enforcement investigation. PERIOD! "You don't look like a killer to me". Or. "They seem like nice guys to me".
So you can leave the station right now Sir. What? You're still here? Leave or I'll charge you with criminal tresspass".

"His accusers are child-molesters"
+ it's brother answer:
" The level of crimes you are suggesting hurts my little... cop head"
I thought I'd repeat a few for emphasis, why not, the... cops did. Repeatedly. The 1st quote IS word for word from several... cops over decades.
My accusations couldn't possibly be true the... cops said. Why? Because my accusers were child-molesters & all... cops know that child-molesters are all infallibly kind & gentle but misguided souls who'd never hurt a child & certainly would never stalk one for revenge to cover-up a massive 5 digit attempted murder which is impossible in any event because ALL... cops everywhere (even on the women's rape frontier of America) are all waaaaaaay too good at their jobs for something like that to happen.
"You can leave now Sir or be arrested for criminal trespass".
"What about all my witnesses:?
"I don't know how you got so many people to lie for you, but I'll be dealing with them later".

"But my mommy & daddy loved me"
Not an exact quote, but you get the jist of the dismissal type. It wouldn't be here unless I was dismissed this way as the then, sole reason more than once. The... cops who dismissed me explained to me that their mommies & daddies loved them. They couldn't fathom a family where absolute love & dediccation didn't reign.
My comeback? It was always the same. I congratulated them... cops on how lucky they were & pointed out that in the historical family lottery when you considered families throughout the ages that they were lucky.
I recall a few asking me about the list of horrors I committed on my family as revenge for their atrocities?
I recall as a child saying none. That my religion required me to honour my parents. In so many words I explained a brother is born for adversity, not accusation & revenge so I really hadn't repaid any evil to any of them for the most part (I wasn't perfect here, but I tried my best & my excuse that my family made it "challenging" sickens me).
Nope the... cops told me. Families are all about love. Their parents were so wonderful they couldn't even imagine a family like the one I described.
I recall watching the movie Texas Chainsaw Massacre & thinking. "I wish my family was nice like that". Surely, less innocents would've died.
"You can stop lying, I've seen the films"
Imagine going to a... copshop & being told to come back the next day for the status of the Police investigation you inspired.
I calmly walk in, ask for the Investigating Officer on time, & then that... cop tells me. "You can stop lying, I've seen the films". Next, I'm treated to assorted insults. "They showed me films of you at Klan rallies". "They showed me films of you doing "things" to people of different races". "You must be the biggest racist on earth. I personally don't like racists & I'm not helping someone like you"
"I've seen the films of you with kids. They explained to me that you're one of them & you're onlly here because they're coming down hard on you as a form of punishment. I'm not helping a scumbag like you get out of being punished".
Me? I retorted. I explained that my complaint is that I'm being kidnapped, drugged, & made to star in films as revenge. I told them... cops at the start & n ow it's proof I'm lying?
Yes the... cops tell me. "For what you're saying to be true we'd have to be the easiest manipulated idiots on the planet".
I was always respectful here. "You said that. Not me".
"You must be the biggest racist around"
"They took me to Klan rallies, convinced drugged & dazed, certainly sleep-deprived me to participate. Cross-burnings, Nadzi meetings, N.A.M.B.L.A., even with meetings under the Moon where they stripped me nude & convinced doped & delirious me to prance around a bonfire.
I hear it's all business as usual to all of those groups. Not that a single mid-Michigan... cop anywhere would entertain any of those groups acting unethical in any way in my experience to date.
It's pretty much like the category above but might include books & pictures too. "You must be the biggest racist around & I personally hate racists. I'm not helping a scumbag like you".
It often ends like this. "Just how easily manipulated do you think we are"?
Even in my youth I always answered this carefully & respectfully as possible. "My personal opinion is irrelevant because the gang brag that they think you are very easy to manipulate. They research what they think you want to hear & then tell you that"
Impossible the... cops tell me. Their badge powers taught to them in community college & at a 2nd rate... copshop renders them immune to being manipulated. They often look to their peers standing near who usually nod in approval.

"Don't lie to me. I've seen the films". "You must be the biggest racist around & I personally hate racists. I'm not helping a scumbag like you". - Bay City... cop
"The gang will go after my mortgage."

I heard this from... cops & teachers alike. They'd help me, but the gang will go after their house. Most complained to me about an alleged ability (IF I understood them right) to alter their Morgage payments & destroy their lives & cost them their home. If the choice is to help me & lose their home or just look the other way then I was on my own. Note: I was a child when I 1st heard this & I heard it many times.
Some... cops complained that they knew the... gang would attack them (presumably with their stable of expendable victim/members), forcing them to use lethal force.. From there the gang were experts at keeping the... coward... I mean... cop in an investigative limbo that'd be mandatory. They could lose their house.
I once had a... cop take me to a secret spot with no nametag. He told me he had no intention of helping me openly, but might secretly. "One day when your case goes public I want you to warn people about how the gang uses mortgages to attack their victims". I said I would.
For the most part I teased every single one of those hypocrites. Hypocrites they complained? Yeah. I asked them if what was happening to me happened to them would they want my help? All, yes all said yes. I pointed out since that was true they were hypocrites by not helping me.

"You would've blocked me"

Threatening innocents in public? It must be force of habit or something?
Every word you say can & will be used against you in a court of law...
It works both ways Sirs.
Gaslighting gaslighting [ˈɡasˌlīdiNG] noun
the practice of psychologically manipulating someone into questioning their own sanity, memory, or powers of reasoning:
"he said he was the victim of gaslighting" · "gaslighting is an insidious technique of deception and psychological manipulation"
Imagine a uniformed & on duty... cop at his post & in front of a large group of his peers was to take a swing at me while saying. "HASHAWWW"!!!! Well, I don't have to imagine, all I personally have to do is remember it. There's a difference.
Sooooo.... since this is in this section this scenario happened several times & was the then sole reason for my dismissal. How do I know? I asked the... cops & they explained it in great detail. The hashaw thing only happened once, the felony assaults by men armed with guns & clubs was usually conducted with no shouts & silently swung at me & then remarked on.
1st, we'll discuss the described dismissal. The felonious... cop said something like. "AH HAH! I attacked you & you didn't block it! That's proof that you're a liar because if you were half as tough as you say you are you would've blocked that".
I asked the described... cop & other... cops who employed this sure fire lie detector method. "What would've happened if I had blocked you? What would you have done to me"?
Without fail, every single time, the... cops told me that had I raised a hand to the feloniously assaulting officer they'd have all cheerfully whipped out their nightsticks & subdued violent me. I'd failed a clever... cop's test & been found out for my lies. Case closed, I could leave now.
So I pointed out it was no test, it was a "no-win scenario" there was no possible way I could've won the test. I also pointed out the assault was on a self-professed traumatized victim of assault (me, the Author of this site) & that what he did was a felony.
His peers, standing surrounding us replied. "I didn't see anything".
I asked the felonious... cop if he'd admit to it & he said it'd never happened.
Me? I figured I was bested; I've dealt with dirty... cops a lot so decided to just move on in the conversation & try my luck at filing a Police Report & ignore the felony assault which was small potatoes when compared to what was on my mind that brought me to the... copshop to vainly try to file a... sigh... Police Report.
Imagine my surprise when the... cop insisted on his innocence. "I want you to know that I don't do things like that ever". He began insisting he was a Good... cop.
Me? I saw no profit in going down that path, still, my inner monologue wont let me not take a cheap shot back. I told him, yes, you are a dirty cop. You feloniously assaulted me without provocation & set me up to be beaten by a group of fellow police officers who have all entered into a silent agreement to lie about what happened here. You're a dirty cop. "Embrace your dirty copness". Then I moved on, vainly trying to file a police report & ignoring the assault.
"I'm not a dirty cop"! He insisted in a minute or so, interrupting the then, ongoing conversation that had already abandoned the dirty copness notion & was discussing the crimes I came in to describe.
"Are we still talking about that? I asked amazed. "You feloniously assaulted me & conspired to cover it up. You are the very definition of a dirty cop. Moving on...". I tried to move on to filing a police report, straight up abandoning the previous felonies and now, multiple felonious cover-ups that were technically going on at that moment in the room as the... cops renewed their criminal conspiracy over & over.
He wouldn't let it slide & stopped me again. "I'm not like that". Insisting he was a good cop. "I don't want you leaving here thinking I'm a dirty cop".
"Yes you are a dirty cop. See how effortlessly your buddies here just went into full-blown cover-up mode??? You're a dirty cop. See how effortlessly they (the... cops encircling me) they went into a felony cover-up? You're a dirty cop. Embrace it. Tell me. If you had beat me down with your nightsticks would any of you come visit me? Bring me money for my Commissary in jail? I have a medical condition that requires me to have much more food than normal, I could lose a lot of weight fast in jail (an otherwise perfectly legal way to thin down gang & dirty... cop victims the jail guards have boasted to me, who could care less if a victim of theirs's is skeletonized before prison by lack of food). Would you have testified against me in court & said I was a scumbag who deserved to get beat up? Would any of come to my Parole Hearing & testified to get me out early or would you show & testify I was a scumbag who needed to stay in prison so I didn't get out & expose you? You're a dirty cop. Embrace who & what you are. If you weren't dirty before you came in I invite you to notice how quickly the other cops in the room all went straight to the felony cover-up. These are the guys who you'll be trusting to ...
Well, you get the picture Reader. My point is several... cops on several occasions assaulted me in front of their peers, then how I reacted to felonious self-admitted no-win scenario was proof unto itself that I be dismissed. Case closed. The other times were shorter conversation as a rule. The... cops went into full-blown cover-up mode & I, eager to get an official investigation going on the gang simply moved on in the conversation.
Who won? The gang won, & score a whole bunch of points for the uniformed & on duty... cops at the Bay County Law Enforcement Center.
I recall telling quite a few... cops that I've always had a hard time in life blocking attacks that wont hit. It made shadow-boxing almost impossible as a training method for me.
The... cops weren't impressed by this comeback.
"Embrace your dirty copness" - David A. George talking to a felonious dirty... cop in front of a large group of his peers in the very midst of their felony cover-up of assaulting me during a Police Investigation while standing in the front room of The Bay County Law Enforcement Center

"Because no child-molester would do that"
I had thought to simply lump this into the dismissal type "because no one would do that" but it happened enough, as the sole reported reason for my dismissal by... cops that it merit's it's own category.
The way those uniformed & on duty... cops at their posts told it to me was that they had child-molesters & the entire child-molesting community all figured out (It must've been a 4-hour course at their community college of something?). The child-molesters were an otherwise harmless lot, ethical to a fault when compared to other criminals or, say someone with my story. They'd never hurt anyone & never a child in any event. Thus, by logical... cop deduction (powered by all of their community college... cop training) my story couldn't be true, especially since that story includes reports of violence. Cas closed. You can leave our copshop now Citizen or be arrested for criminal trespass.
"Besides Citizen, they tell me that you are the scumbag here, not them".
"Because guys you know are child-molesters who arte a single testimony away from life in prison can be trusted huh"?
"I wouldn't say it like that Citizen but... (speaks 1,000 words that translate into it's exactly like that, but worded differently)".
In short they've all met many child-molesters & know them & their community & their tactics well (queue the music to the Rapists Safety Dance here) & those harmless child-attracted souls would never do any evil, especially not like the level of evil I'm suggesting. It just hurts widdle coppie woppie's little heads. Some get violent & the only target they can see to vent on was me, the Author of this website.
You are dismissed...
Honorable (should I say "dishonorable?) mentions:
Below are a category of one time dismissals & some that have a few multiple reasons added in that were reasons sufficient for... cops all over the fine nation of The United States of America to dismiss me. Listed in no particular order.
Quite a few of them belong in the above category, but it's 5-3-24 & I just don't feel like reading & sorting them, so just imagine. Imagine what it was like being surrounded by armed men who rapid-fired questions at me, played word tricks, countered what I had to say with often ludicris & insane counter accusations while I endured the threats of legal & illegal vilence & imprisonment. Each dismissal type, above & below the blue line above represents hours of horror where my health, safety, & very freedom were in jeopardy & literally represent what I feel were weeks of imprisonment themselves surrounded by madmen with no break where I stood often a single misplaced word or failed memory from felony assault or life imprisonment many, many times.
I'll sum up my opinion of it all in a single sentence I've repeated to many a... cop. When they asked what part, of everything I've got to say traumatized me the most?
I answered. "What the gang did to me was nothing in comparison to how the cops treated me".
"You're just trying to sound brave"
Or it's cousin response
"You're just trying to sound heroic"
"Sure Officer I'll bite". I told the... cOP in front of his uniformed & on duty peers. "Could you point to one part of my story & say there, that one part is brave or heroic"? I submitted to the Officers, I wanted to know.
To date not one Officer has accepted the challenge. Though a few told me they couldn't point to any part as being brave or trying to sound heroic. But they were sticking to their story & dismissing me for just that reason.
Written in tiny letters & in Bay City... cOP Diarrhea Brown for reasons of symbolism.
Huh? What? I was in disbelief when I 1st heard this dismissal & It came in several flavors that need description. I was confused so I asked the... cops to explain themselves and they did, in great detail. My response to this dismissal will be addressed at the end.
The 1st flavor told me that I was probably, most likely mixing in a few true tails of combat to make myself more heroic. Such a case would likely fall apart, guilty or not for my attackers so they weren't going to help me. I was ejected under penalty of law.
The 2nd flavor told me they knew some, most, or all of my story was true (this happened several times) & they figured that the only reason I'm telling it now, as opposed to some arbitrary past date they each independently felt was a reasonable deadline in their minds, meant that the only reason I'm coming forward now (remember, this WAS spread out & happened several times over decades of time decades ago Reader) was because of a quest for fame & glory, some said money too as I could've sued the pants off, well I'm not sure who but they said I could've sued a lot of people. But they weren't telling me who. Lest they should help me to hurt people or to get away with "it". Some because they didn't like me. Others because they felt I might get away with "it". "It" being the list of crimes I had committed to have lived up & until that point.
What was "It"? I asked? What was I getting away with? So 2 of us knew?
"I'm not sure"? A few... cops told me. But it's probably a lot & they wanted no part of it. This would enable them to stay out of it & take down 2 sets of scumbags. The Gang & I. If they helped me then the more heroic aspects of my story might just buy me a reduced sentence or even get me off Scott free & it was better that I continue being a victim of the gang, rather than receive a reduced sentence or even be freed because of some heroic struggle or act.
My retort. I only said it because I couldn't think of a better comeback.
"Officer, could you look at any part of my story & say that, there, that part was heroic"?
To date not a single officer who's ever broached the subject (even when discussed without it being the reason for a dismissal), whether they knew nothing, part of it was true, or knew it was all true was ever able to accept the challenge & that saying of mine (talent on loan from God) kept it from being a reason for dismissal much more often than it was a reason for a dismissal.
Picture a room full of uniformed Officers at their posts who'd once again (independently, not a one there being a... cop who'd dismissed me before) all looked at each other. They'd all agreed to eject me based on my story sounded too heroic or whatever. The challenge was point to a single part of my strroy & call that heroic. Call that part brave. Never, not a single time could the room full of silenced... cops who all blew hard & looked at one another. "You wanna take this one"? "Uhhh, I know there's one part, but, I cant point to any one part". "Hey how about you? You were the most vocal in saying we should kick him out for sounding heroic. You want to take this"? Each Officer shaking their heads, wordless.
A small tale of the "Professionals" my community hired, trained, & who took a public oath to give their lives to serve & protect me.
For the record this dismissal type is in the wrong section, I just don't feel like cutting & pasting & switching it to where it belongs. Unfinished work? My, isn't THAT symbolic of the Bay City Michigan FBI's fine work? No need to thank me for the endorsement guys. You guys just being you is reward enough for me. GULP!
"You cheated"!!!!!
"That was one of the moments I was most proud of in my life". Duh Jerk told me later as they prepped another gang rape.
"That cop was onto us".
He boasted that based on my recent (then) accusation the... cop asked around & could prove my kidnapping. Duh Jerk has always bragged he has great skill in figuring out what offends people. What they hate & manipulating people based on their hatreds & prejudices was his life's work, his "special skill
'for the blackmail & extortion part of their recruiting biz.
"That guy hated cheating more than anything else".
So the fast-thinking Duh Jerk allegedly brought up my cheating, specifically the "ethically challenged" way I'd survived the pit fighting he'd kidnapped me for & depleted me beforehand to make it likely I'd lose.
All he allegedly had to say was. "Look at the way he cheated". Duh Jerk bragged it worked. The accusation was but a humble (and ethical?) kidnapper & I, the author of this website was a cheater who fought without honor. No contest when dealing with a mid-Michigan... cOP who took a public oath to protect only 1 of the 2 people in question.
I couldn't believe it when the... cOP said it to me. "Do you want to know why I wont help you"?
Yeah, I wondered why?
"Because you cheated". The uniformed on duty... cOP at his post told me he'd gone to the gang's Clubhouse & there been showed a film of me fighting as a kidnap victim, A LITERAL SLAVE last year where I'll admit, I "pressed the ethics envelope to survive". Circa 1989ish.
He admonished me. He'd have helped me if I'd fought everyone using Marcus of Queensbury Rules (or his approximation of them he inferred when I used the M.O.Q.R. reference) & fought them all fairly & honorably (according to HIS personal code of honor which he refused to declare BTW for the record).
I was surprised to hear it, especially since when I'd come into complain I'd never mentioned that arena's events to anyone ever. Not to friends, not family, not the... cops, no one except the obligatory sent "Snitch" whom I discussed it with hearkening back to my plan to deal with the gang when I was about 8 years old. That I would engage sent snitches in conversation to facilitate pleading the Fifth one day & have a conversation I could write down in an interrogative form to appease Skeptic police & Investigators.
He specifically mentioned when I broke the Last Year's Champion's Kneecap (listed elsewhere on my RECAP page & when I poked out that would-be assassin's eyes in the 1st second of the match. He felt I should've fought them toe to toe, gorilla style like the knights of old or warriors from some bad kung-fu film.
I told him. "You watch too much TV".
I also complained when he told me he'd seen the unedited film (I quizzed him & was satisfied he had after a short interview) that the "Official Judges Ruling" by the panel of judges at the event was that I did NOT cheat, everything I did was fair because there were no rules.
He would have none of it & kept saying. "You cheated". Now I would have to face life without police aid, he'd make sure of that, for the rest of my life he promised, because I'd cheated. "I saw you fight. You could've wupped all those guys if you fought fair".
I told him what he didn't see was how they treated me in the weeks leading up to the match. That in my opinion I couldn't have survived fighting all those trained fighters that day if I hadn't resorted to "creative ethics".
He just kept saying. "You cheated". Mixed with threats about how I'd never see another cop help me in my entire life because of how I survived that fateful day.
Go figure huh?
Quiz quiz1 verb past tense: quizzed; past participle: quizzed
ask (someone) questions.
"four men have been quizzed about the murder" or "David A. George quizzed the... cOP by asking several questions that showed all the good, bad, & ugly parts of the events of the arena the year before the... cop was complaining about "
Similar: question, interrogate, put questions to, probe, sound out, interview, examine,
cross-examine, catechize, grill, put the screws on, pump, give someone the third degree,
worm something out of someone
give (a student or class) an informal test or examination.
"They bribed me"
I didn't hear this one as much as you might think. "They bought me a boat". "They bought me a car". "They gave me a great rate on my mortgage". The mortgage guy actually attacked me later in the... copshop, blaming ME for HIM getting recruited because the gang used his mortgage to leverage themselves into his life, just like I'd warned him they would if he was fool enough to accept anything from the gang.
I'll always remember one Bay City... cop who told me. "I took the boat after I had already decided to not help you in my mind. So it was okay".
I pointed out that did that good will towards the gang apply only to this accusation? Or would the gang leverage it into further investigations too?
"We got together with them cops later & got them to change the dates on the gifts we gave them so it wouldn't show up on their paperwork as them having received the gifts at the same time".
I asked him. "Did you film it when you asked them"?
Duh Jerk looked irritated, then grew a C.M.S.S.O.S & agreed he had, and it was just the beginning for those... cops.
The gang brag that I am their Recruiter.
How do I know why the... cOPS dismissed me?
A fair question in my opinion. Here's the answer Sirs.
From my youth I had a habit I usually observed when dismissed by... cops. After my dismissal I usually turned around as I left & asked them point blank. "Could I ask what your official reason for dismissing me is"?
Just about every single... cop who ever dismissed me explained why they'd just dismissed me in great detail.
"You would know that"
Soooo... picture me standing there in the... copshops (note my use of the letter "s" in copshops) being interrogated by... cOPS when I dared tried, unsolicited & without warrants nor suspicion of any sort to try & file Police Reports (meaning I came in of my own free will with no other... cop business compelling me to be there, my free choice). The... cOPS demand answers, between threats to my freedom & health, what about this? What about that?
I answer as best I can their often violent interrogation (hey, I'll give the dEVIL his due, some... cOPS acted fairly professional in my opinion1, some, a few) but had to admit I didn't know it all. I couldn't answer every single question. Maybe it was the drugs, maybe the recent tortures aftereffects (an impossibility... cOPS tell me, as they'd be able to recall everything crystal clear despite any drugs or deprivation, or the passage of time so I should too, it's only logical), who knows why? It was different every time.
The... cOPS tell me to explain how I knew certain clues?
I tell them. Duh Jerk of the 4 Stars may have told me while bragging, a guard might've spoken to me, a more talkative gang member may have spoken to me a few things in passing, I usually explained Duh Jerk's saying. "I like to keep my victims well-informed. A surprised look is a great defense in court".
The... cOPS eventually drop a few L-bombs on me (a twisted version of logic in this case) & ask me more questions forcing me to tell the truth.
Idano? They told me the 1 bit, but they didn't tell me the 2nd part you want to know. Or, It didn't occur to me to ask them that question. It was also possible they told me the information but the drugs & the deprivation robbed me of the memory. They seemed like logical comebacks to me.
Not so those... cOPS told me. "If they told you the 1st part they'd tell you the 2nd part too". Or. "If you remembered the 1st part you'd remember the 2nd part too". A favorite question is. "What's the name of the drug they used on you"? To which I have to answer I don't know?
Then they ejected me from the... cOPSHOPS on the spot.
"You didn't bring up all those little things that make you look just as bad as the big things, that's proof you are lying"
By my estimation between my websites & the + 1,500-page FBI where someone gets hurt or dies every few pages, I'm 1/3rd or so into the body count, 1/2 way into the description.
A description limited entirely by my own measure of what I've called "hutzpah", a metaphoric gas tank that often runs on fumes that allows me the strength to write any part of my story.

Why didn't I bring up the minutia? Whay didn't I bring up the little assorted details? What about the points in the story where I screwed up? Leaving that out was convenient AND proof I'm a liar trying to save his own skin.
I'll sum it up like this, Sirs. Ever feel overwhelmed? Not sure where to start? Not sure what parts of the middle to tell next, not sure when to end & move onto the next part? Sitting awash in a sea of potential life sentences being verbally assaulted for hours on end by teams of professional attackers, oops, I mean kindly & well-armed (cough! cough!) investigating Officers who are likely hurling threats at me while I sit in pain due to their usual insistence that I must take off my sunglasses ("I want to see your eyes while I interview you" "Pain? You don't look like you're in pain to me, that's proof you are lying" "yeah, I saw you wincing. That's proof you're making this up" I've heard it alllllllllllllllllllllllll before, often) and yes, I alone of all... cop victims MUST legally endure all ... cop attacks while in pain, no sunglasses. While that is hardly the overall reason for my failure to get... cops to help me it sure didn't help. I'll hurl ALL... cops into a single group here (why not, they did it to me, lots, & I never returned the favor, choosing to be respectful instead) What do I bring up next? I'm already looking at 20 tears in prison & I'm 20 minutes into my police interrogation, I mean vain & pathetic attempt to inspire a police investigation. Do I try to clear myself in the vain hope I might legally walk out of the interrogation room a free man or do I move on, that perfect mix of on to the next point. Dirty... cop is sitting behind me, hand next to his gun or nightstick? Well, the... cops tell me honest people have nothing to fear from the... cops. You seem nervous. That's proof you're lying! Let us threaten you with life in prison some more, what? You didn't bring that part up. And now your story changed. I retort it didn't change, we've moved on from the story they are thinking about, this is a story that begins like the other story, but since it's different has a different ending.
I could go on & on. I just wasn't man enough to step up to the... cop Q&A Prison fer Life Challenge. It was all I could do to walk away having no prison time.
Why'd i write this, it has no focus, and neither did I at those times as I sat addled by my own inadequacies, my own self-doubt, my own fears, my own indecision, & saddled with my own limitations.
Of course I lost, I just wasn't man enough. Not as a baby, not as a toddler, not as a little boy, not as a teen, not as a young man, and not once I turned the age where trial as an adult was my only option in life.
My point is I have a lot to tell. I've researched the subject, there is no cases on record that are like mine to advise me how to approach this. No one to give me advice. I've talked to lots of lawyers and not a 1 said they'd help me, all agreeing I'll be saddled one day with what's likely a corrupt or incompetent public defender at best, AT BEST because what lawyer worth a plugged dime would take my case?
"You seem nervous. honest people are calm. It's proof you are lying. How do you explain that"?
"Yeah, I'm nervus. And to answer your question Officer I just haven't gotten to the little parts yet because I'm too busy trying to get out all the big stuff".
Even worse? WORSE THAN EVERYTHING I'VE CLAIMED THUS FAR? Imagine you are enduring another Police Interrogation? Then, you run out of hutzpah. That's it, the tank is empty. I sit there at a lack for words, I have tons of things to say, but couldn't make a valid point to earn a billion dollars. So, I get up & leave the... copshop. A story for later sure to be even more evidence against me. "You didn't bring that up last time. That's proof you are lying".
Worse than everything I've claimed thus far, it's right here Officers. Packed up with a pretty bow for use against me.
"You changed your story liar, you can leave now & don't let the Molestors hit you in the rear as you go"
Sooo... imagine being in a room surrounded by skeptic & dirty... cops being led by a professional Child-Molester Apologist (or any type of dirty... cop, pick 1)? The apologist shouts. "AH HAH! I GOT YOU! Proof you are lying".
Me? I stop mid story. "I didn't lie".
"Yes you did. You just changed your story"! The room gets quiet, you could hear a pin drop.
When you described the situation an hour ago you worded it different. Now the facts are changing. He notes the changes. The room agree, I've been caught.
Me? Without missing a beat I tell them... cops that the gang often uses the same M.O. over & over. Thus, even by logical deduction some of my stories should be identical or merely mostly parallel each other. Many parts being true, such as the sheer number of times the gang locked me drugged & sleep-deprived in a room with 10 guys. They may start the same & have an aquarium element but ultimately divert from each other at some point. The same for the massive number of fights in the Bomb Shelter Garages area where we had giant knock-down dragg'em out fights in front of the soundproof doors & the conversations & acts that led up to them being different or slightly different or identical to other times.
In short they do some of this stuff to me over & over & I haven't been caught changing my story, I'm discussing a similar story which inevitably has different elements.
Not so the self-congratulating... cops tell me. "Nice comeback, it's something a liar would say to cover their tracks". They eject me on the spot.
Worse? I'll admit this. Picture me digging deep into the horror-filled recesses of my mind, shoveling into the sleep-deprived & drug-addled memories. Then... I'm wrong.
Picture an army of... cops gasp here. "GASP"!
I'll admit it. A few times... I blew it. I was wrong. Me. Wrong.
Destroying rape survivors who are wrong? It's how the scam works & Dirty & Overly Skeptic... cops love to use it to destroy all comers. It's how the gang's scams work. "Let's not talk about the 50 times our target was right, nor discuss the 50 times he might be right if we'd investigate them, lets harp on the one time he was wrong. See how great a... cops we iz"?
"You just want to be famous"
Sooooo.,.. the... cops sent me away after having filed a Police Report & told me to come back tomorrow to follow up on the case, so I did. Walking inside the... copshop the... cops (multiple... cops, & spaced out over decades) told me they'd investigated my claims & knew I was either partially telling the truth or entirely telling the truth. Then they told me why they weren't helping me. "You just want to be famous"?
Me? When you consider my story my entire point is I've tried to NOT become famous nor infamous. Trying at ALL points when I could to exhaust ALL possible plans to NOT become famous as best I could. It's the entire thesis (for lack of a better word) of all this website & those attempted Police Investigations I moronically tried to inspire... cops to begin on my behalf.
I was appalled so of course after I protested fame was the least of my motivations they retorted.
The way them... cops explained it to me was if I could get the... cops to avenge me, to make my life safe, even if I didn't want it I'd inspire much fame. Maybe even write a book or inspire a movie of the week or a book or 2 at the least & they weren't going to let me become famous based on some tragedy happening to me. "It's not right that you should become famous just because a bunch of bad stuff happened to you & you somehow survived". So too bad for me, they were sending me away AND intended to thwart me getting legal help for the rest of my life, lest I should somehow get the fame I obviously craved... & deserved in THEIR opinions. Why else would I come there? It's only logical?
"You just want to get famous from this".
"Let me play Devil's Advocate here Officer, I told them. Let's say for the sake of argument that I intend to become the most famous person on earth from this. What's that got to do with anything? How about you do your job like you said you would in your public oath"?
"I just don't think that it's right that a person should become famous just because something like this happened to them ". So they wouldn't be helping me.
Tell me oh wise among my Readers, tell me... what do you say to that? Child-Molestors & their easily gulled stable of Child-Molestor Apologists? Or just plain old corruption? Idano, & I don't care... much.
"No one would threaten someone that much"
I heard this dismissal type a whole lot.
Sooo... There I am. It may be i brought up the subject, it may be the... cops asked 1st how many threats I've endured from the gang.
My answer being truthful I'm forced to admit, a whole bunch of times.
The... cops dismiss me on the spot. When I ask why? Being only a small portion into the list of threats & all, they explain themselves. "No one would threaten anyone as much as you say they've threatened you".
In so many words... cops literally explain I've hit their imaginary limit, a point at which basic human dignity & plain ole gooddiddlyoodness that all criminals observe means no one could possibly be threatened THAT much. "It's proof you are lying".
Every once in a while it leads don the absurd rabbit hole of Kinnie garden level crime logic. The... cops point out that the gang hasn't done every single thing they threatened me with, that too is proof I'm a liar.
Why? I asked. Is it because our area's child-molesters have such honor that if they threaten you that you can bank on it coming to pass?
Sometimes I explained that the gang said they changed their mind or that they plan to do it, but not soon, it's a future threat.
Impossible the... cops tell me. The very definition of threats is you'd carry through with them.
My retort? No, the very definition of threat is a promised evil act at a future date.
I explained that... you know what, I'm tired of the subject. You won't know it Reader but I'm signing off. It's 8-3-24 bye!
"This is a tourist community"
I didn't like it one bit when the uniformed on duty Bay City... cop told me this with a straight face. I didn't like it the 3rd or 4th time, & I didn't like it whaen the... cops in a small town north of there used the excuse either.
With serious looks on their faces they told me they would not help me, and that they felt pretty good about thwarting my seeking legal help in the future!
When I asked them... cops to explain themselves they did, in great detail!
They pointed out places like Bay City use taxes derived from tourism to generate a substantial amount of their funds, specifically Police revenue. If my case ever came to light there, exposing the goings on in those communities then tourism could slip, tax revenue might suffer, & the... cops might lose money, or even their jobs! Sooooo... they told me to buck up & take one for the team, their team. Sacrificing my life on the altar of their nice stuff & the respect of their peers that comes with ignoring helping me was a price they were willing to pay. A few said they felt bad about it, not bad enough to help me in any way, but kind'a sort'a bad.
"Will you at least wish me luck"? I sheepishly asked.
To date no... cop I ever asked to wish me luck or pray for me has ever agreed to even do that.
"You know too much"
Sooo... there I was, answering questions. They did this to me, they did that to me. They bragged this. They sent a "snitch" to tell me that.
"You seem to know a lot for someone who was kept awake for weeks & on drugs".
I explain that I really didn't have much else to do but pay attention to any clues possible during my rare lucid & semi-lucid moments. Other fill in the blanks knowledge was filled in by Duh Jerk & the 4 Stars or by a sent "Snitch" during what I call a "standard debriefing (a staged public encounter where they engage a victim in conversation to gauge what they know, feed them lies mixed with a few clues, & try to provide a friend some moron victims actually trust, allowing the gang to insert someone into the victim's life to better manipulate them, ofr just to provide a target for their victim's frustration (with a bus loaded with Jocks waiting around the corner & a dirty... cop there to arrest the filmed & beaten now provoked victim).
"How do you know all of this"? They keep demanding? Then it always goes to it's logical & damning conclusion. "You know too much for a dazed & confused victim on drugs". Or. "Who are these snitches? How did they know how to intercept you? Got any witnesses"?
I explain the word stalker in great detail in so many, and always respectful words.
They eject me. "You know too much. If you were telling the truth you wouldn't know half that stuff".
"You're not becoming the richest guy in Bay City because of this"
How do I know why the... cOPS dismissed me?
A fair question in my opinion. Here's the answer SIrs.
From my youth I had a habit I usually observed when dismissed by... cops. After my dismissal I usually turned around as I left & asked them point blank. "Could I ask what your official reason for dismissing me is"?
Just about every single... cop who ever dismissed me explained why they'd just dismissed me in great detail.
I was stunned when the Uniformed mid-Michigan... cOP used the sentence in front of his uniformed & on duty peers at the front dask of the cOPSHOP. So stunned I asked him to explain himself.
The uniformed... cops (it was a team explanation) explained themselves in great detail. I'd hear it more than once, but only recall one time at the time of this writing where it was the becoming the rr sole reason I was rejected by the... cOPS. They explained themselves, IN GREAT DETAIL!
The way they put it was they'd investigated my story when I'd come there the day before & they'd taken down my criminal report in a polite & professional manner (I should'a known then & there huh?). While investigating it they were confronted by the gang who realized they'd already gotten enough evidence to take the gang down en-mass. I was about to win. Accord to the "Team" of... cOPS sworn to defend me with a public oath Duh Jerk & the gang floated every possible defense they could imagine. Accusing me of everything under the sun, bribery, threats, the works & nothing worked. The... cops were resolute.
Then they pointed to the films, to what they insisted were flaws in my character. They noted that if I won I could obliterate all that was Bay City at that time. Sue the City into extinction, raze it's corrupt police force, tear down it's corrupt schools & wipe out the evil businesses that had been involved in The Gym & stalked me til that very day. In short I'd soon be "The Richest Man in Bay City" & have zero incentive to stay there with my money. Bay CIty could become a ghost town. Shattered. Destroyed by a sigle event that just got out of control. In their opinion (gang's AND the... cOPS) I should not become that man.
Soooooo... the... cOPS told me they bought it hook line & sinker (far from their exact words). "You're not richest man in Bay City over this".
When I protested they told me they felt my pain. But it just wasn't right that I should become wealthy over what the gang & their army of inspired vigilantes. So they were going to oppose me, & thwart any future investigations. Lest I become rich, the gang attack as they surely would, & then I take the money & run which would be my next logical move.
So I asked them... cops what about my defense? "You guys know I'm innocent. What about me"? What about my defense? What about the gang's attacks? What about my stalking? The films? The ongoing attacks? The innocent who died? The innocent who would likely die if they ignore helping me?
They said they'd stayed up all night with many fellow... cops in a round table discussion. The way they figured it was too bad for me. They kind'a felt for me, but helping me was off the table because it could destroy Bay City. They just couldn't take the chances that I'd sue everybody & run. So I would receive no help & they'd thwart me for life. Defense? Zero. I was on my own.
For the record I tried to reason with them but they claimed that a lot more... cOPS than were in that room were involved & they'd voted & made the call.
I asked them to wish me luck. "Will you at least wish me good luck as I leave"? They refused...
What does a young adult, shell-shocked by his latest gang-rape & torture session say to that?
"How long has this been going on"
Or it's brother
"This has been going on a long time? I'd like to refer you to the cop rule that we're all way too good at our jobs for what you're saying to go on as long as you've claimed"
I was just a few months old when I 1st heard this dismissal. Literally. If I'd known how to count I suspect I could've used 1 hand when asked how many months old I was then. The... cop heard my claims of violence & child-porn. He asked if I had any proof?
Me? I pointed to the bruises & cuts covering my body & I told him to look in the box next to me. WOW! Did the child-molesters who had me in their custody look worried! They went into full accuse mode. Accusing me of every vile crime they could imagine. They talked over me as I suggested the... cop look into the box. The cop said he knew what these people were like. But he figured they liked kids. & believed them when they said the wounds were vigilante in origin. Being I was such a slimebag & they had to beat me to stop my reign of evil. Far from their exact words but I digress.
How long has this evil been going on in my life? A long time now? That was proof unto itself I was obviously "One of them", a baby card-carrying member of the gang & just trying to get out of my jjust punishment, which was obvious by my bruising, & the cuts, that I richly deserved. And deserved it I did because, I was one of them & he hated getting involved in the gang's internal affairs. It never ends well for him.
Over the years I heard it a few times. If they've been stalking you this long it proves... well it proves the gang's accusations, my buttbuddy's accusations, & simultaneously proves I am a liar. If I am a liar via deduction then my entire case can be dismissed because it has no chance in court &... cops only pursue cases that have a chance.
They didn't even wish me good luck. Sigh...
"Buttbuddies? No one would be so dishonorable"
This kind'a blurs in with "We're all way too good at our jobs, so what you say couldn't possibly happen. Being... cops are all so ethical, loving, & their badge superpowers renders them immune to long-term manipulation by multi-generational gangs of seasoned kidnapping professionals who've read the... cop's training manuals 5 times more than the... cops have. Yeah, them perves are making a lot of cash doing what they do, but logically they'd have been caught by now. My super... cop mind cannot imagine any other possible scenario. "So there's no need to investigate. So leave the Police Station now or be arrested for criminal trespassing".
Besides, them... cops ALL tell me. No one would be so dishonorable. Buttbudies? "They showed me pictures of you in romantic situations with them. I don't know what kind of sick sh%$ you're into but...
I'm soon ejected & nearly always under penalty of law. Since I generally stay until I'm ejected.
I've also heard the saying. "I know those guys. They're nice guys". "I don't think they'd do that to someone as long as you say they have".
As a child... I 1st heard it as a child...
It blew my young mind when the 1st time a uniformed & on duty... cop told me that while standing at his post... when I was just a child. It's no less mind-shattering to hear as an adult.
It's mostly a Bay City... cOP kind'a thing. They would help me, but they checked with their contacts in the underworld, in organized crime & they know I'm either telling the whole truth or pretty close.
They explain it to me, it's a judgement call. They'd help me, like they swore a public oath to do, or, better yet, if they don't help me I'll keep killing child-molesters.
In so many words them... cops explained they saw no down side to leaving me to the tender mercies of organized crime, especially if only 1 more child-molester is killed by me.
I explained, after begging for help, that sure, we both knew I'd kill child-molesters, but that's not the point. "What about all the innocent people who died? What about all the innocent people that could die from such a plan"?
Picture... cops over the ages as I grew in height & age each saying things like. "Mumble mumble... wishy upon vigilante... cop washy... justice something something, child-molesters will die & all I have to do to make that happen is to not help you. It sounds like a bargain to me. You can leave the copshop now Sir, I'll make sure to thwart your every attempt at soliciting police help until you leave".
As a child... I 1st heard it as a child...
"You're only doing this because you hate pedophiles"
I'd a;ways suspected the gang would one day use that sentence against me. Assigning hatred of their noble quest to bring pleasure to children as the reason for my accusing them. I never saw it coming as THE SOLE REASON for several dismissals.
The dismissals came in several flavors. The most popular being that the... cOPS knew the gang, knew they were child-molesters at best, at best! And that the gang had told them this, basically. Yeah we're a bunch of recruiting pedos, prove it in court. He's ONLY accusing us to draw attention to us with outrageous accusations because he hates child-molesters. That and presumably I, the author of this website, hate their noble quest to bring sexual pleasure to children. Thus, I'm the bad guy here, not them because they are only kidnapping & raping me in self-defense because I'm such a scumbag. And other assorted bits.
Others said surely the gang attacked me, but my hatred of the pedophile gang is the reason I was in their... copshop (spitooey!). It's only logical, thus, because I'm the hateful bigot in the conversation, I deserve to be dismissed.
Once the... cops even brought up my recent child-molester body count as proof of my hatred of them as a social group to which I retorted. "If they wouldn't attack me none of them would be hurt". Plus, the logical conclusion I had on the subject. "If you would do your job like you took a public oath to do then no one would have been hurt".
"Not in my America"
Not the exact words they used but close enough. The... cops told me that what I said probably happens in faraway places that they could only imagine, not tell any of us present, being a room full of... cops & myself.
Actually, this should be in the above category because I heard versions of it tons of times, but I'm tired writing this & don't feel like shifting boxes & text windows around so it's here.
The most common quote would be. "If you said it happened in a major city like Detroit, I'd believe you. But not a small city like Bay City". Their peers all nodded in approval. No investigation required.
I told them. "Would it make a difference if I told you they tell me (the gang) that they work for bosses who are headquartered in Detroit"?
Oddly, the most common comeback was it was too far away for organized crime to bother with or to control.
"Is it because you think the long-distance phone bills would be too expensive"? I sometimes asked or even commented on when they brought up reasons why a Detroit gang wouldn't want to get involved in Bay CIty Michigan. Most said it was the long drive.
"2 hours on I-75 (the highway between Bay City & Detroit) is too much for organized crime? The gang brag to me some days they know the cops working speeding tickets on the highway & they speed & it only takes an hour or less".
I may as well have been talking to a stone wall. Organized crime? Criminals with the occasional power to fix tickets & to get dirty... cops to call ahead & say don't mess with the medical test carrying vehicle? Preposterous. No crook would do that. I also told them they brag they use a lot of light airplanes & even helicopters from time to time. Cheap because they pass the burden of flight expenses on to their many aircraft owning victim/members?
"Not in my America". Then in 10,000 words they often went on to describe it was impossible, mostly because they were all way too good at their jobs for that to even be possible.
"He's wearing a suit & you aren't"
Soooooo... I went into the Bay City... (SPITOOEY!) cOPSHOP. Why? Because I had them! I had the goods on Duh Jerk specifically & I'd be vindicated but only if the... cops would investigate my claims now.
The front desk area was crowded with on duty uniformed & presumably at their post... cops. I began my Police Report & the Officer received it in a professional manner... for about a minute or 2.
After I began my Police Report & Duh Jerk himself entered in his best suit came into the... cOPSHOP with the obligatory army, mostly outside. He insisted on interrupting the Interview.
Make a long story short? My evidence was his evidence. In a minute the... cops were threatening us both. We both looked guilty as sin & they were threatening us both with long periods of imprisonment based on events there & elsewhere.
Ultimately it came down to, we both looked guu7ilty. Clearly, one of us was guilty the roomful of... cops admitted. They should arrest one of us, but arrest the wrong one & the guilty one would go free & an innocent man might go to prison.
I pressed the issue. Arrest someone.
Ultimately a portly... cOP was in charge of the desk area & presumably now the Lead Investigator. He breathed heavily as he decided our fate.
The... cops seemed to look to their leader for leadership. Which guy do we investigate on the behalf of here? It's the leader's call.
The... cop struggled. Then he announced he'd side with Duh Jerk. Why? Because he was wearing a suit. Then he instructed his guys to investigate the case as if on the behalf of Duh Jerk & ignore my story.
I was taken back. "Are you saying you're siding with him because he's wearing a suit & I'm not"?
"I wouldn't have put it that way at 1st but I guess that's what I'm saying. Yes. I'm siding with him because he wore a suit & you didn't". He went on to add Duh Jerk cared more about impressing the... cops than I did, it implied his innocence.
Me? I pointed to ... cop there who'd recently taken my interview where I claimed the gang had stolen virtually all my possessions. I had virtually nothing but what I wore & a few worthless items. I was sorry that I couldn't presently wear a suit to impress that officer. For the record that... cop did confirm my report.
I asked that... cop several times just to be sure. "I'm siding with him because he's wearing a suit & you're not".
It goes without saying they tried to provoke me into a fight outside, tangling a bunch of little girls into the fray attempt that I defeated legally, but only by being non-violent & not letting them goad me into exchanging blows. Beaten & bloodied & threatened anew by uniformed Officers in the parking lot I left the... copshop.
Justice! Bay City... cOP style!
Actual... cOP quotes in condensed version...
"Next time just let them do whatever they want to you & lay down like a dog & die & hope that out of the goodness of their heart that the guys who just tortured you & promised you death deign to allow you to live out of the goodness of their hearts". - Actual... cOP quotes I've heard in 1,000 or so words condensed into a simple sentence".
"We are all that AND a bag of chips. We're never wrong, well, not as a whole because we're all waaaayyy too good at our jobs". - Actual... cOP quotes I've heard in 1,000 or so words condensed into a simple sentence".

"Because they humiliated you"
Sooooo... picture me taking to a uniformed on duty... cop at his post. I've come back day 2 to follow-up on the alleged investigation attempt. The uniformed on duty bAY cITy... cOp tells me he wont help me, but refuses to say why not? So I press him, verbally. He told me it was because I had no chance in court against the gang.
So I asked why?
He replied it was the films? But, unlike 100% of all other film-viewing... cops he wasn't sworn to secrecy or didn't respect the oath to keep it (Note, virtually no... cops ever told me the content of the "films" they saw, telling me, they swore to not tell me, & me alone the film's contents as a condition to view them).
So I asked him. You said you'd help me. At what point in the decision process to not help me did you decide to not help me?
Flustered at my continual pressing he blasted out it was during a humiliation film. "They had a film of them humiliating you over & over for hours"! "Jerk kept shouting at me during the film while I was till planning on helping you". "LOOK AT ALL THE HUMILIATING STUFF WE DID TO THIS GUY"! "THIS IS THE GUY YOU WANT TO HELP"? "YOU WANT TO STAND BESIDE THIS GUY IN COURT"? He said the gang would tear me to pieces in court based on the single film. let alone their library of films.
"I'm not stranding next to you in court & risk being humiliated"! He shouted at me in a "leave me alone I'm a victim here too" kind'a vibe.
I pointed out his doubts in the beginning were about ethics, he doubted anyone, especially the gang, could be so unethical as to humiliate or frame someone over & over for revenge... & profit!
He'd told his peers over & over that no one would humiliate someone so, certainly not the area's rape gang, being they are such ethical guys.
Will you tell your peers now? Warn them peers about my humiliations I'd endured?
"I don't want to get involved". "They've humiliated you too much & i have a career to think about". If he risked his rep by helping humiliated me, he could hurt the rest of his career as he'd never be able to convict anyone ever again as his rep would be tainted.
"You probably deserve it anyway"
Written in Bay City... cop Diarrhea Brown for reasons of symbolism.
"The bodycount around here doesn't correspond to the bodycount you're suggesting"
Disclaimer: I don't know who Mr. Israel is & don't intend to implicate him or accuse him of anything whatsoever. But use the Youtube link ONLY to introduce the mind-boggling concept of a serial killer, who travels & kills, nothing more.
A concept no mid-Michigan... cop can fathom or even comprehend, based on countless interviews of... cops by myself to this date.
Picture me being dismissed from the station. The "Copshop". "The... Pig Sty". "Maybe even... Corruption Central"? Picture a... cop pointing at the door & telling me to leave.
Then, now that I have a chance to retort I produce evidence. I point to witnesses. The accusations against me couldn't be true. My attackers, accusers have lied. It could be I'm already under arrest. I've just defended myself & won in the Court of Cop Opinion. The... cOPS insist no arrest happened & eject me.
The Officer grabs a hammer & pounds on the round peg of evidence into the square hole until it's absurd. We match wits.
Long story short. I won.
The... cops (note the letter "s" in cops) eject me. When I complain one says he knew I was innocent for a while now. "I kept accusing you because you're probably guilty of something else? Why else would they (my accusers) attack you"? Adding. "Everybody's guilty of something". Thus, they felt comfortable sending away innocent people to prison because everyone is guilty of something Right?
Business as usual in Bay City Michigan. Justice... Bay City... cOP style!
Sooooo... the... cops kicked me out of the... copshop explaining they had used simple deduction & readily apparent clues to prove my story couldn't be true. So I could be dismissed.
So I asked why? What gives?
Their answer was kind'a like 'where's all the bodies'? Only this version is different. "I personally know about who's been killed around here & how they died & there are no reported killings around here who died in ways that would support your claims". In short, since there are no piles of dead bodies who are reported to have died in ways like I suggested, then I am by deduction a liar & can be dismissed. It also allows for all clues & even other, very provable criminal accusations I'm making to be dismissed. Either because they are likely all lies or exaggerations based on the truth OR... because even though many of my accusations are true since I'm a discredited liar based on not being able to back up my other claims my accusations have zero chance of obtaining a conviction. Thus, the... cops, justified by having limited resources have no intention of avenging or even slightly defending me. Plus, even if I can prove a lot of what I have to say the glaring unprovable accusations I've leveled mean no case against my stalkers has any chance to obtain a criminal conviction, especially when placed before a typical American amateur jury (America's jury system of justice). That being the case... get out or I'll charge you with criminal trespass, and as for protecting you? No. You're on your own & I won't even slightly help you, so if you ever come across my desk with some self-defense type charge too bad for you because this conversation never happened, get out.
"Will you wish me good luck"? I asked many... cops.
"No". Not a single... cop I asked to pray for me (being many said they were Christians) or to wish me luck would. ALL refused. ALL. All being a quantity of 100% of those I asked. Not a lot of'em, not most, but, all...
I explained to many of those... cops that the gang brag they like to import victims from other states, kill them in the area, then ship the bodies back for operatives in their interstate blackmail/extortion ring to frame others. Bragging that an army of framed innocent men & women inhabit America's prisons right now based on the skits & escapes I've made. "Our victims wake up on drugs & our dirty cops explain to them that when they got high they killed so & so, but because of the drugs they willingly took (on film) they don't remember it, but are none the less culpable for said crime or crimes they are being framed for. Most plead guilty to avoid the death penalty or a life sentence." "If they go to trial our people (primarily actors who are literally agents of a criminal cartel engaged in blackmail/framing/extortion.) testify that they saw our victim do the killing (or crime that I, or my fellow victims who are often labeled "The Kids Anyone Can Hit" by the gang), the author of this website may have committed) & since they have no memory of what happened & drugs were involved the jury will never believe them".
Add in that they brag they own many, most, or all (depending on who's bragging) of the Saginaw Valley's Coroners who'll rubber stamp any cause of death the gang wants on a death certificate.
To which many... cop's jaws hit the floor when they imply. "A dirty Dr. AND a dirty Coroner? In the same area? Why the odds of that are the same as finding a pink bunny & a blue bunny in the same field, maybe even worse! You can leave the... copshop now sir & don't let the gang hit you in the rear as you leave the property".
"The... cops tell me things like.
"I've heard it all".
Fair enough & I'm not disputing that fact Sirs. But as you read this web page, You Are Dismissed, you may ponder the possibility that maybe, just maybe, I've heard a lot too.
Or are YOU afraid to ask this questions oh ye wise Skeptics? "How does this guy know all this stuff"?
Final thoughts:
Again... picture the scene of each dismissal type. Picture a fresh from the gang rape survivor of atrocities committed by a gang of armed madmen standing surrounded by a gang of armed madmen, though they are even more organized, they have badges. They surround, threaten, intimidate, launch an array of insane & often ludacris accusation, many targeted to take your freedom & future participation in polite society from you for decades, or even for life.. Your every statement is not a survivor telling a Police Report, no, it's all just evidence against you, more fodder for the next round of accusations & threats both legal AND illegal. The gang may have just pushed you to the edge of madness & beyond, now the 2nd group of armed madmen with badges do their very best to destroy you in what I can only imagine are well-practiced & rehearsed barrages meant to isolate & intimidate THEIR victims. At every moment you are a single misspoken word from decades or life in prison, literally.
Combine THAT with combo dismissals, & it amounts to literally weeks, months of being locked in... copshops surrounded by always armed madmen with badges who are working full time to convice their Skeptic brethren to attack who help the on duty dirty... cops launch endless attacks against sometimes addled (by drugs & deprivation) survivors.
I had... cops ask me my opinion, what hurt the worst of it all? I told them the truth. My opinion of the hurt. In my opinion what the gang did to me was nothing in comparison to how the cops treated me, when measuring the hurt in a factual & quantitative way.
RECAP: What the gang did to me was nothing in comparison to the hurt that I felt at the hands of American law enforcement. That IS my opinion.
As a true law enforcement professional who cares you might be asking yourself this?
"How does this guy David A. George know all this stuff"?
I suspect if you ask yourself that it just might bring up the next question.
"What if someone is messing with him? He sure does seem to know a lot of names & seems to have a lot of easily provable things with potentially a whole lot of witnesses. I wonder if investigating what he says has some merit? Especially since the best answer his local yokel opponent... cops can give is, we don't know who's doing all the serious crimes in our area, but don't listen to David A. George no matter how many witnesses & fellow organized crime survivors he claims to have or deductions he can field. Listen to us, the guys who'll swear over & over we have no idea who's doing all this stuff".
I'm tired of writing about this subject for now. 12-22-21
I'm fresh from the rape. Did anyone die? Who died? I cant say with any certainty, this time.
It's only trivia to add their "snitch" recently told me their tortures of me as of late are meant to drive me from Dover DE & that they already have a few things in anticipation of if (not if, "when" they brag) my leaving the area at the ready.
1) A cadaver on ice. Complete with all sorts of clues & physical evidence & all the proof needed to convict any 10 innocent men, let alone framed lil ole me. "If you whine to the cops we'll just go out & get a fresh one [a recently murdered person]".
2) Doctored X-rays of myself at the ready. Hey, I didn't make this list, I'm just reporting a self-professed professional liar said these things were true & I'm not now nor was I ever a mid-Michigan or Delaware... cop so I don't automatically believe every word that comes out of a rapists' mouth.

This plan sounded good at 1st, but proved to be very bad in the end". - David A. George

Don't believe me? Fine. Call the Bay City Police & FBI today & tell them you'd be proud to let them have unfettered access to YOUR children!
Put YOUR money where YOUR mouth is!
Bay City... cOPS: (989) 892-8571
Bay City Gang Chapter of the Michigan State Police: 989-684-2235
Bay Cty Michigan... fBI: 989-892-6525
I'll bet they can't wait to meet your children!


"Just lay back & enjoy it". Actual Bay City... cop quotes from several on duty cops at their posts. Just lean back & enjoy all the free drugs, sex, often with children, & take any drugs or money the gang wants to hurl at me.
For the record I turned them down at every single lucid & semi-lucid moment my entire life.
As a mid-Michigan... cop you neither believe nor endorse my response to the gang & it's drugs & whores.
That's okay, because IF I were a$king for your help I'd u$e $maller words & change all my letter S's into dollar $igns to keep your attention.
The above pic is just parody. But hey, seriously, invite the Bay city... cops to YOUR kid's school & tell'em that YOU want them to provide the same law enforcement excellence that they provided David A. George! Order now!
Cop Disclaimer: You just might be working alongside them soon & I''ll bet they'll say the same thing they said to many of my fellow victims.
"Don't listen to David A. George. Trust us"!
"You can bet your life on it".
"Yeah, we said that to David A. George, a man who admittedly never did anything to us. But we'd never say that to you, after all, you never did anything to us either. It'd be unethical"!
Actual legal advice I received from many mid-Michigan... cops in so many words who were in their uniforms, on duty, and at their posts!
"Maybe we will be able to treat you with the same level of professionalism that we doled out to David a. George one day. Trust us"!

"He's wearing a suit & you aren't". The... cops at his post said. Even noting I was poorly dressed. Truth was, he was right.
I shot back. "When I came in here yesterday part of my complaint was that they stole all of my clothes. This is the best I could do".
Appearances are everything the... uniformed on duty... cops told me. Too bad for me.
I'm always looking for new and exciting opportunities. Let's connect.